
常用船舶涂装英语词汇英文名称英文缩写中文名称1.Paint 涂装、涂料2.Thinner 稀料、稀释剂3.Coat 涂层4. Loss 损耗5.Shopprimer 车间底漆6.Primer 底漆7.Finish coating 面漆、完工漆8. Antifouling 防污的9.Sandblast, sweepblast 喷砂,扫砂10.Grind 打磨11.Clean 清洁12.Dry film thickness DFT 干膜厚度13.Wet film thickness WFT 湿膜厚度14.Second treatment 二次除锈15.Spray-paint 喷漆16.Roller 滚筒、辊子17.Brush 漆刷18. Epoxy 环氧19.Alkyd 醇酸树脂20.Bitumen 沥青21.Acrylic 丙烯酸的22.Stem 船首23.Stern 船尾24.Center line C.L. 中线25.Water line W.L. 水线26.Port P 左舷27.Starboard S 右舷28.Bow 船头29.Hull 船壳30.Deck 甲板31.Topside 干舷32.Hatch cover 舱口盖33Hatch coaming 舱口围34.Ballast water tank B. W. T. 压载水舱35. Fresh water tank F.W.T. 淡水舱36.Fore peak tank F.P.T. 首尖舱36. After peak tank A.F.T. 尾尖舱37. Dirty water tank 污水舱38. Chain locker C.L. 锚链舱39. Store 贮藏室40. Cargo hold 货舱41. Engine room E.R. 机舱42. Steer gear 舵机舱43. Fuel oil tank F.O.T. 燃油舱44. Diesel oil tank D.O.T. 柴油舱45. Lubricate oil tank L.O.T. 滑油舱46. Cofferdam 隔离空舱47. Tube cooling water tank 艉管冷却水舱48. Sewage tank 生活污水舱49. Bilge tank 舱底水舱50. Double tank 双层底51. Bulwark 舷墙52. Forecastle 艏楼53. Poop 艉楼54. Funnel 烟囱55. Floor 地板56. Platform 平台57. Ceiling 天花58. Wall 墙59. Design draught 设计吃水60. Scantling draught 结构吃水61. Length overall 总长62. Breadth 型宽63. Depth 型深64. Passageway 过道65. Superstructure 上层建筑66. Wheelhouse 驾驶室67. Paint store 油漆间68. Work shop 工作间69. Air condition room 空调机室70. Pipe tunnel 管弄71. Ventilation trunk 风管72. Ladder 梯子73. Railings ,handrails 栏杆、扶手74. Void 空舱75. Engine control room 机舱控制室76. Bilge well 污水井77. Inspection 检查78. Approve 认可、通过79. Welding 电焊80. Owner representative 船东代表81. Paint supervisor 油漆服务商82. Shipyard 船厂83. Inspector 检验员84. Modified Epoxy 改性环氧85. Tar Epoxy 焦油环氧86. Selfpolishing A/F SPC 自抛光防污漆87. Polyurethane 聚氨脂88. Pure Epoxy 纯环氧89. Zinc Silicate 无机硅酸锌90. Galvanized 镀锌的91. Colour, color 颜色92. Green 绿色93. Yellow 黄色94. Red 红色95. Brown 棕色96. Grey 灰色97. White 白色98. Cream 米黄99. Blue 蓝色100. Orange 桔黄101. Black 黑色101. fore peak 艏尖舱102. aft peak 艉尖舱103. chain locker 锚链舱104. bow thruster room 首侧推舱105. anti heeling pump room 抗横倾泵舱106. fresh water tank 淡水舱107. stern tube cooling water TK 尾管冷却水舱108. deep tank 深压载109. wheel house 驾驶室110. bosun store 水手长储藏室111. paint store 油漆间112. deck store 甲板储藏室113. CO2 room 二氧化碳室114. steering gear room 舵机舱115. log tank 计程仪舱116. bilge water sludge TK 舱底水泥渣舱117. cooling water drain TK 冷却水泄放舱118. waste oil TK 废油舱119. sludge TK 油渣舱120. sea chest 海水箱121. cylinder oil service TK 汽缸油日用舱122. D.O. storage TK 柴油贮存舱123. D.O. settling TK 柴油沉淀舱124. HFO overflow TK 燃油溢流舱125. M/E L.O. sump TK 主机滑油循环舱126. M/E dirty L.O. TK 主机污滑油舱127. engine control room 机舱集控室128. boiler water TK 锅炉水舱129. ENG TK 轮机储物间130. engine workshop 机修间131. electrician store 电工储藏室132. double water ballast tank(DB WBT) 双层底压载水舱133. side WBT 边压载舱134. void space 空舱135. stair way 梯道136. wave breaker 防浪罩137. gangway 舷梯138. super structure 上层建筑139. hatch cover 舱口盖140. hatch coming 舱口围141. container stanchion 箱柱142. cell guide 导轨143. grating 格栅144. shell plate 外板145. rudder blade 舵叶146. crane 吊机147. ladder 梯子148. step 踏步149. handrail 扶手150. cargo hold 货舱151. radar mast 雷达桅152. corridor 走廊153. vessel 船154. wharf 码头155. block 分段156. pipe tunnel 管弄157. funnel 烟囱158. vent duct 通风管159. transversal bulkhead 横舱壁160. bulwark 舷墙161. weather deck 露天甲板162. forecastle deck 首楼甲板163. poop deck 尾楼甲板164. compass deck 罗经甲板165. main deck 主甲板166. passage way 走道167. manhole 人孔168. pilot 引水员169.Purifrer 分油机170.Stripe coat 预涂171. staging 脚手架172. insulation 绝缘173. lining 衬板174. floating deck 浮动地板175. emergency 应急176. slipway 船台177. erection joint 合拢缝178. launching 下水179. drydock 干船坞180. delivery 交船181. guarantee 保证182. color scheme 色卡183. seamless pipe 无缝管184. drain hole 流水孔185. propeller 螺旋桨186. dew point 露点187. relative humidity 相对湿度188. recoating interval 复涂间隔189. cracking 开裂190. peeling 剥落191. holiday 露底192. sagging 流挂江苏扬子江船厂有限公司涂装车间整理2008年7 月26日。

怯捎谑 崮ぶ谢烊氲目掌 莺筒 钠渌 萜屏眩 以谄崮じ稍?SPAN lang=EN-US>[固化]前不能流平而造成,也由于底材处理或施涂不当(漆膜过厚等)而造成。
桔皮orange skin:漆膜呈现橘皮状外观的表面病态。
刷痕brush mark:刷涂后,在漆膜上留下的一条条脊状条纹现象。

颜色:Grey 灰色Plum 洋红Purple 紫色Red 红色Black 黑色Brown 棕色Green 绿色White 白色Silver 银色(metallic silver 金属银色)Cream 淡黄色Clear 透明Buff 浅黄色涂料种类:C: Conventional Paint 常规涂料B: Bituminous Paint 沥青系涂料C/R: Chlorinated Rubber Paint 氯化橡胶系涂料P/E: Pure Epoxy Paint 纯环氧涂料T/E: Coal Tar Epoxy Paint 环氧沥青系涂料V/T: Vinyl Tar Paint 乙烯沥青系涂料P/U: Polyurethane Paint 聚氨脂涂料I/Z: Inorganic Zinc Silicate 无机硅酸锌涂料SPC: Self Polishing Copolymer 自抛光涂料B/E: Bleached Type Tar Epoxy Paint 漂白型环氧沥青A.C: Anti-corrosive Paint 防腐漆R.P: Rust Preventive Paint 防锈漆A.F: Anti-fouling Paint 防污漆T.S: Topside Paint 干弦漆D.P: Deck Paint 甲板漆F.P:: Finish Paint 面漆U.C: Under Coat 底漆(中间漆)B.C: Binder Coat 过渡层漆H.P: Hold Paint 货舵漆H.R: Heat Resistance Paint 耐热漆O.R: Oil Resistance Paint 耐油漆A.R: Acid Resistance Paint 耐酸漆R.I: Rust Inhibitive Oil 防锈油A.P: Aluminium Paint 铝粉漆H.B: High-built Type 厚膜漆N.S: Non-slip Type 防滑型W.S: Water Soluble Type 水溶性涂料G.P: Paint For Galvanized Parts 镀锌件底漆N.B: Non-bleed Type 非渗色型S.P: Shop Primer 车间底漆Wash Primer: 磷化底漆Varnish: 清漆Luminescent Paint: 荧光漆Epoxy Paint: 环氧漆Alkyd Paint: 醇酸漆月份:一月Jan 二月Feb 三月Mar四月Apr 五月May 六月Jun七月July 八月Aug 九月Sept十月Oct 十一月Nov 十二月Dec星期:星期一Monday 星期二Tuesday 星期三Wednesday 星期四Thursday 星期五Friday 星期六Saturday 星期日Sunday相关术语:局部修补settling 修补touch-up刷涂brushing 漏涂holidays复涂overcoating 满涂full coat预涂stripe coat 空气喷涂air spray无气喷涂airless spray 光泽gloss失光loss of gloss 半光semi-gloss光滑glossy 开裂cracking/checking流挂sagging/running 起泡blistering出汗sweating/perspiration 结露condensation/dewing露点dew point 缩孔/露底crater发花floating 色差color difference色斑staining 渗色bleeding收缩/起皱shrinkage/ wrinkling 桔皮orange peel结皮skinning 遮盖力hiding power遮盖力弱lack of hiding 附着力adhesion咬底lifting 发白blushing剥落peeling 翘皮peeling off刷痕brush mark 烧损burn damage机械损伤mechanical damage 腻子putty飞溅spatter/spattering 打磨grinding/griting锈rusting 返锈rerusting除锈derusting 氧化皮mill scale绝缘insulation/illumination 抹布rag铲刀scraper 敲/铲chipping/scraping刷子brush 滚刷(筒)roller口罩mask/respirator 砂纸打磨sanding钢丝盘刷wire wheel 砂皮纸sandpaper盘型砂纸disc-sand 叉车fork lifter点蚀pitting 麻点/点蚀pocking/pitting/blister喷溅麻点spatting 手电筒flashlight/electric torch 针孔pinhole 气孔blowhole焊渣slag 熔渣burn slag焊条electrode 焊丝wire焊接weld 温度计thermometer湿度计hygrometer 测厚仪thickness gauge湿膜仪wet film thickness gauge 干膜厚度dry film thickness湿膜厚度wet film thickness 湿度humidity氧气oxygen 渗漏leakage轮机machinery 电气electricity车间workshop 平台platform/flat横梁beam 码头wharf/quay栏杆handrail/rail 梯子ladder吊杆boom 脚手架staging/scaffold脚手架踏板stage plant 跳板foot board天花板ceiling 三角板/接地支架bracketR孔scallop 流水孔scupper排水孔drain hole/scupper 小孔orifice角钢angle bar 槽钢channel bar扁钢steel flat 球边钢bulbangle球扁钢bulb plate/bar 工字钢H-beam高压淡水冲洗HPFW 酸洗picking酸洗池picking tub(bath) 化学清洗chemical cleaning外部external 内部internal脱脂degreasing 除油oil removing去油剂detergent 油脂/黄油grease砂sand/grit 锤子hammer砂斗container 斜面/有坡度sloping上斜坡upper hopper 下斜坡lower hopper搅拌agitation 搅拌器agitator/mixer喷漆泵spray pump 喷枪spray gun枪嘴spray nozzle 肋骨frame加强肋骨web frame 边肋骨side frame斜肋骨cant beam 斜梁cant beam加强衍stiffening girder 加强板stiffener/stiffening plate 加强筋stiffening rib 分段block水密的watertight 焊缝weld seam大接缝master butt 底座/基座foundation粗糙度roughness 除湿机dehumiditifier空调机air conditioner 压缩机compressor压缩空气compressed air 吸砂机vacuum recovery水分离器water-separator 集尘器dust collector灰尘dust 粉尘ash喷砂grit/sand blasting 扫喷砂sand sweeping点喷砂spot blasting 湿喷砂wet blasting棱角钢砂喷砂grit blasting 熔块/金属渣regulus表面处理surface preparation 表面处理surface treatment钢板表面steel surface 受热面heating surface挥发evaporate 粉化chalking雾化atomization 风化crosion风向wind direction 风力wind force自然干燥natural seasoning 复涂间隔recoating interval复涂间隔期recoating limits 间隔时间the time interval污染contamination 油漆配套paint scheme仓库wear house 施工application等级grade 配件attachment边(缘)edge 开口边缘eye edge切割边缘cutting edge 咬边/下陷under cut组装/装配assembly 条件condition咬口underout 毛刺lamination油迹oil residue 通风ventilation湿气moisture 建议recommendation相对湿度the relative humidity 保持maintain满意satisfactory 清洁clean标准standard 符合in accordance with 矿质磨料mineral abrasive 残留磨料spent abrasive锈层scale 电导率conductivity除湿de-humidification 直接directly自由边edges of cut outs 垂流curtaining软底鞋套soft footwear 检验inspection保护protection 验收accepted漆膜paint film 粘度viscosity流平性leveling 预热chalking熟化ripening 沉淀/麻点pocking mark调整/校对adjust 树脂resin多余的excess 油污oil and grease粘土slime 涂布率coverage胶带tape 补焊repair welding拒绝reject 承包人contractor工人workman 工头foreman活络扳adjustable spanner 螺丝刀screwdriver螺栓(螺丝) bolt 螺母(螺帽)nut漆雾paint dust/overspray 干喷漆雾dry spray/over spray 基料base 固化剂curing agent溶剂solvent 稀料thinner底漆undercoat/primer 面漆topcoat旧油漆previous paint 已涂油漆present paint将涂油漆succeeding paint 厚膜涂料high-build coating桥吊:前大梁boom后大梁girder海侧梯形架waterside pylon龙门架(陆侧梯形架) gantry frame海侧上横梁seaside portal beam海侧下横梁seaside sill beam陆侧上横梁landside portal beam陆侧下横梁landside sill beam左海侧立柱left seaside leg右海侧立柱right seaside leg左陆侧立柱left landside leg右陆侧立柱right landside leg左水平联系梁left horizontal beam右水平联系梁right horizontal beam前拉杆forestay后拉杆backstay后撑杆inner backstay门框斜撑frame diagonal行走机构gantry traveling机房底盘machinery house foundation 机房围棚machinery house wall小车架trolley拖架小车catenary trolley维修行车maintenance crane理货室checker’s cab司机室driver’s cab俯仰室boom operation吊具spreader吊具上架headblock梯子平台walkways, ladders and platforms栏杆handrailQuayside container crane 桥吊Rubber tyre gantry crane 轮胎吊Rail-mounted gantry crane 轨道吊船舶:船体hull 轮机machinery电气electricity 舾装outfitting外板shell outside 甲板exposed deck干舷topside 水线boottop直底vertical bottom 平底flat bottom左舷portside 右舷starboard舵叶rudder 水侧字draft上甲板upperdeck 上层建筑superstructure 船台/泊位berth/slipway 舷墙bulwark舱壁bulkhead 球鼻首bulbbow桅杆mast 前桅fore mast灯桅lamp mast 桅屋mast house雷达桅radar mast 桅柱derrick post天线架aerial mast 天蓬awing码头wharf/quay 舱底tank top横梁beam 舷梯gutter way/gangway 船头bow 船尾stern舷窗porthole 舷墙排水孔wash port舷墙方柱walk stay 舷边栏杆gunwale railing 旋梯winding stair 吊艇架davit吊艇臂davit arm 吊货杆cargo boom舵杆rudder stem frame 反顶under deck食品吊provision crane 克林吊crane foundation 汽车吊truck crane 门机gantry crane锚机windlass 锚链筒hawse pipe锚链孔hawse hole 人孔access hole角孔angle hole 甲板排水孔deck drain实肋板人孔manhole of solid floor 水泥cement锌板zinc plate 锌盐zinc salt/white dust 镀锌galvanizing/zincing 镀锌板galvanized steel plate 镀锌铁板galvanized iron 镀锌管galvanized pipe 舭(船底弯曲部)bilge 舭龙骨bilge keel防鼠挡板rat-guard 船首防浪板bow chock首封板forecastle break bulkhead 尾封板poop front bulkhead 波形舱壁corrugated bulkhead 舱壁板bulkhead横隔舱壁thwartship bulkhead 纵舱壁longitudinal bulkhead 中纵舱壁center line bulkhead 挡水板scupper board 花铁板floor plate 龙骨墩keelblock纵缝longitudinal seam 边翼/侧面wing浮船坞floating dock 坞门caisson坞底dock bottom 进坞docking出坞undocking 热风炉air oven导缆器fairlead 导缆孔chock带缆桩bollard 平方米square meter 通风筒ventilator 船体车间hull shop涂装车间coating shop 筛网sieve艏柱stempost 艏灯桅stem light mast 甲板室deck house 货舱cargo hold 螺旋桨propeller 海底阀箱sea chest海底塞bottom plug 舱口hatch way舱底水limber water 花钢板chequered plate 干隔舱cofferdam 空仓void space管弄pipe tunnel 油盘oil pan格栅grating 双层底double bottom 货舱盖hatch cover 箱型舱盖hatch pontoon 舱口围hatch coaming 橡皮槽rubber channel 水沟(槽)gutter water way 锅炉boiler托架pedestal 堵塞chock up起居甲板accommodation deck 驾驶甲板navigating deck 罗经甲板compass deck 桥楼甲板bridge deck船长甲板captain deck 遮阳甲板shade deck首楼甲板forecastle deck 尾楼甲板poop deck救生艇甲板boat deck 接地片lug突出部位profile 凹面recessed area 拆除dismantle 上部涂层upper area 海水试验salt water test 灌满fill up with 污泥mud 淤积物deposit海生物sea animal 海藻sea weed/grass 管虫tubeworm 水解层hydrolyze layer 口头地verbally 便条verbal note 指触干dry to touch 硬干hard dry冰冻freeze 海试sea-trial热井cascard/hot well 测爆gas free牺牲阳极sacrificial anode 阳极保护anode shield 阴极保护cathodic protection 慢挥发溶剂slow-evaporating 艏尖舱fore peak tank 尾尖舱after peak tank 淡水舱fresh water tank 饮水舱drink water tank/potable water tank 压载舱ballast water tank 燃油舱fuel oil tank柴油舱diesel oil tank 货油舱cargo oil tank滑油舱lubricating oil tank 污油舱dirty oil tank污水舱bilge water tank 污水柜sewage tank污水井bilge well 海水舱sea water tank 隔离舱cofferdams tank 溢流舱overflow tank 泄放舱drain tank 锅炉水舱feed water tank 蒸馏水舱distilled water tank 首燃油舱forward F.O.tank 尾燃油舱after F.O.tank 深燃油舱 F.O.deep tank 重柴油舱heavy diesel oil tank 顶边水舱topside tank 舱底水舱bilge water tank 冷却水舱cooling water tank 测深仪舱sounder room 计程仪舱log room含油水舱oily water tank 污油水舱bilge oil water tank 汽缸油柜cylinder oil tank 机舱油柜engine room tank 燃油日用柜 F.O.service tank 燃油沉淀柜 F.O.settling tank 燃油缓冲柜 F.O.buffer tank 燃油溢流舱 F.O.spill tank 滑油循环柜L.O.circulating tank 滑油沉淀柜L.O.settling tank 滑油储存柜L.O.storage tank 滑油储藏舱L.O.storage tank 柴油日用柜 D.O.service tank 污油油渣舱sludge oil tank 轻柴油储存柜light D.O.storage tank 柴油沉淀舱M.D.O settling tank 柴油储存舱M.D.O store tank 舵机舱steering gear room 格栅顶面grating top 深水舱deep tank通海阀箱sea inlet valve chest 边舱wing tank污油水舱slop tank 剩下的舱residual tank 泵舱pump room 居住区域accommodation space 应急消防泵舱emergency fire fight pump tank应急发电机室emergency generator room地板裸露部位floor bare steel甲板机械下部under deck machinery转机设备底座under machinery seat舵机底座下部区域under steering gear seat舵机舱地板裸露部分steering gear room floor bare steel双层底甲板main floor-top of double bottom急救室1st AID Room泡沫材料&防火控制站Foam &Fire Control Station轮机长办公室Engine Office甲板和机舱更衣室Deck &Engine Changing Room苏伊士房间/检疫处Suez Crew Room/Quarantine Room 医务室Hospital被服库Linen Locker洗衣间Ship’s Laundry主楼梯Main Stair Way健身房Gymnasium公共厕所Public Toilet机舱入口E/R Entrance救生设备储存室L/S(Life Save) Equipment Store空调室Air Condition Room油漆储藏间Paint Store水手储藏室Bosun Store干货储藏室Dry Provision Store蔬菜库Vegetable Chamber鱼库Fish Chamber肉库Meat Chamber奶库Dairy Chamber冷藏库Refrigerated Chamber粮食库Provision Chamber油漆库Paint Chamber氧气库Oxygen Room乙炔间Acetylene Room机舱棚Engine Room Casing储物舱Locker液压泵室Hydro Power Unit Room 货物泵舱Cargo Pump Room惰性气体洗气室I.G.S Scrubber Room隔舱Cofferdam官员起居室Officer Living Room货油控制站Cargo Control Room会议室Conference Room船员起居室Crew Living Room官员餐厅Off’s Mess Room电缆&管弄间Cable &P/D Room快餐间Snack Room船员餐厅Crew’s Mess Room船员配餐室Crew Pantry厨房Galley官员配餐室Office Pantry加油工Oiler泵管理员Pump Man甲板实习生Deck Cadet清洁员室Wiper备用船员室Available装配工Fitter轮机实习生Engine Cadet海员室Able Seaman水手长Boat Swain普通海员室Ordinary Seaman通道Passage厨师室Cook服务员室Steward大副休息室Chief Mate Day Room官员洗衣房Officer’s Laundry三副3rd Mate(3/officer)二副2nd Mate(2/officer)船长休息室Captain Day Room船东室Owner轮机长休息室C/Engine Day Room大管2nd Engineer二管3rd Engineer电气工程师室Electric Engine卧室Bed Room检察员室Inspector大副休息室C/Officer Day Room二副休息室2nd Engine Day Room海图桌Chart Table海图区域、无线电区域Chart Space引水员Pilot储存室Store电池间Battery LKR电气储存室Electric LKR英语会话:Hello! / Hi! 你好!Good morning! 早上好!Good afternoon! 下午好!Good evening! 晚上好!How are you? 你好吗?/ Fine, thank you, and you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?My name is …(I’m…) 我叫…Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你!How do you do! 你好!Thank you! 谢谢!Goodbye. 再见。

常用船舶涂装英语词汇英文名称英文缩写中文名称1.Paint 涂装、涂料2.Thinner 稀料、稀释剂3.Coat 涂层4. Loss 损耗5.Shopprimer 车间底漆6.Primer 底漆7.Finish coating 面漆、完工漆8. Antifouling 防污的9.Sandblast, sweepblast 喷砂,扫砂10.Grind 打磨11.Clean 清洁12.Dry film thickness DFT 干膜厚度13.Wet film thickness WFT 湿膜厚度14.Second treatment 二次除锈15.Spray-paint 喷漆16.Roller 滚筒、辊子17.Brush 漆刷18. Epoxy 环氧19.Alkyd 醇酸树脂20.Bitumen 沥青21. Acrylic 丙烯酸的22.Stem 船首23.Stern 船尾24.Center line C.L. 中线25.Water line W.L. 水线26.Port P 左舷27.Starboard S 右舷28.Bow 船头29.Hull 船壳30.Deck 甲板31.Topside 干舷32.Hatch cover 舱口盖33.Hatch coaming 舱口围34. Ballast water tank B. W. T. 压载水舱35.Fresh water tank F.W.T. 淡水舱36.Fore peak tank F.P.T. 首尖舱36.After peak tank A.F.T. 尾尖舱37.Dirty water tank 污水舱38.Chain locker C.L. 锚链舱39.Store 贮藏室40.Cargo hold 货舱41.Engine room E.R. 机舱42.Steer gear 舵机舱43.Fuel oil tank F.O.T. 燃油舱44.Diesel oil tank D.O.T. 柴油舱45.Lubricate oil tank L.O.T. 滑油舱46.Cofferdam 隔离空舱47.Tube cooling water tank 艉管冷却水舱48.Sewage tank 生活污水舱49.Bilge tank 舱底水舱50.Double tank 双层底51.Bulwark 舷墙52.Forecastle 艏楼53.Poop 艉楼54.Funnel 烟囱55.Floor 地板56.Platform 平台57.Ceiling 天花58.Wall 墙59.Design draught 设计吃水60.Scantling draught 结构吃水61.Length overall 总长62.Breadth 型宽63.Depth 型深64.Passageway 过道65.Superstructure 上层建筑66.Wheelhouse 驾驶室67.Paint store 油漆间68.Work shop 工作间69.Air condition room 空调机室70.Pipe tunnel 管弄71.Ventilation trunk 风管dder 梯子73.Railings,handrails 栏杆、扶手74.Void 空舱75.Engine control room 机舱控制室76.Bilge well 污水井77.Inspection 检查78.Approve 认可、通过79.Welding 电焊80.Owner representative 船东代表81.Paint supervisor 油漆服务商82.Shipyard 船厂83.Inspector 检验员84.Modified Epoxy 改性环氧85.Tar Epoxy 焦油环氧86.Selfpolishing A/F SPC 自抛光防污漆87.Polyurethane 聚氨脂88.Pure Epoxy 纯环氧89.Zinc Silicate 无机硅酸锌90.Galvanized 镀锌的91.Colour, color 颜色92.Green 绿色93.Yellow 黄色94.Red 红色95.Brown 棕色96.Grey 灰色97.White 白色98.Cream 米黄99.Blue 蓝色100.Orange 桔黄101.Black 黑色101. fore peak 艏尖舱102. aft peak 艉尖舱103. chain locker 锚链舱104. bow thruster room 首侧推舱105. anti heeling pump room 抗横倾泵舱106. fresh water tank 淡水舱107. stern tube cooling water TK 尾管冷却水舱108. deep tank 深压载109. wheel house 驾驶室110. bosun store 水手长储藏室111. paint store 油漆间112. deck store 甲板储藏室113. CO2 room 二氧化碳室114. steering gear room 舵机舱115. log tank 计程仪舱116. bilge water sludge TK舱底水泥渣舱117. cooling water drain TK 冷却水泄放舱118. waste oil TK 废油舱119. sludge TK 油渣舱120. sea chest 海水箱121. cylinder oil service TK 汽缸油日用舱122. D.O. storage TK 柴油贮存舱123. D.O. settling TK 柴油沉淀舱124. HFO overflow TK 燃油溢流舱125. M/E L.O. sump TK 主机滑油循环舱126. M/E dirty L.O. TK 主机污滑油舱127. engine control room 机舱集控室128. boiler water TK 锅炉水舱129. ENG TK 轮机储物间130. engine workshop 机修间131. electrician store 电工储藏室132. double water ballast tank(DB WBT) 双层底压载水舱133. side WBT 边压载舱134. void space 空舱135. stair way 梯道136. wave breaker 防浪罩137. gangway 舷梯138. super structure 上层建筑139. hatch cover 舱口盖140. hatch coming 舱口围141. container stanchion 箱柱142. cell guide 导轨143. grating 格栅144. shell plate 外板145. rudder blade 舵叶146. crane 吊机147. ladder 梯子148. step 踏步149. handrail 扶手150. cargo hold 货舱151. radar mast 雷达桅152. corridor 走廊153. vessel 船154. wharf 码头155. block 分段156. pipe tunnel 管弄157. funnel 烟囱158. vent duct 通风管159. transversal bulkhead 横舱壁160. bulwark 舷墙161. weather deck 露天甲板162. forecastle deck 首楼甲板163. poop deck 尾楼甲板164. compass deck 罗经甲板165. main deck 主甲板166. passage way 走道167. manhole 人孔168. pilot 引水员169.Purifrer 分油机170.Stripe coat 预涂171. staging 脚手架172. insulation 绝缘173. lining 衬板174. floating deck 浮动地板175. emergency 应急176. slipway 船台177. erection joint 合拢缝178. launching 下水179. drydock 干船坞180. delivery 交船181. guarantee 保证182. color scheme 色卡183. seamless pipe 无缝管184. drain hole 流水孔185. propeller 螺旋桨186. dew point 露点187. relative humidity 相对湿度188. recoating interval 复涂间隔189. cracking 开裂190. peeling 剥落191. holiday 露底192. sagging 流挂江苏扬子江船厂有限公司涂装车间整理2008年7月26日。

前处理及前处理剂(1001-1053)1001碱液脱脂法 alkali degreasing1002碱性脱脂法 alkali cleaner1003离子交换 ion exchange1004槽液管理 solution control, booth control1005乳化脱脂法 emulsion edgreasing1006乳化脱脂剂 emulsion cleaner1007化学除锈剂 chemical descaling/ chemical derusting 1008化学脱脂法 chemical descaling1009化学成膜 chemical conversion coating1010黄锈(磷化处理中)rust caused on phosphat coating 1011鉻酸处理(钝化)chromate coating, chromating1012鉻酸盐处理 chromate coating, chromating1013硅酸钠 sodium silicate1014打锈 descaling1015除锈(同:酸洗,酸蚀)descaling, derusting1016酸洗(同:除锈)acid picking, picking1017酸性阻蚀剂 acid picking in hibitor1018喷砂 sankblasting, blast cleaning1019纯水(同:脱离子水)deionized water1020纯水洗 deionized water rinsing1021喷丸 shot blasting1022新鲜水洗 fresh water rinsing1023蒸气磷化处理 steam phosphating1024喷射式前处理 spray pretreatment system1025总酸度 total acid1026促进剂 accelerator1027脱脂 degresing1028脱脂剂 cleaner1029脱脂,除锈二合一处理剂 phosphoric acid cleaning 1030灰蓝色 blue color1031三氯乙烯脱脂(蒸气脱脂)vapor degreasing1032三氯乙烯 trichloroethylene1033四氯乙烯 parchlorlethylene , carbontetrachlcride 1034半浸式前处理 half dip pretreat ment system1035P比(同:P/P+H) P ratio1036磷化处理剂 phosphating chemicals1037皮膜处理 chemical conversion coating1038膜重量 coating weight1039表面预处理 surface treatment1040表面调整 surface conditioning1041表面调整剂 surface conditioner1042溢流喷射式前处理 flood spray pretreatment system 1043全浸式前处理 full dip pretreatment system1044前处理 pretreatment1045前处理剂 pretreatment chemicals1046烘干水分 drying off1047游离酸度 free acid1048溶剂脱脂 solvent degreasing1049预清洗 precleaning1050预热水洗 hot water prerising1051锌盐磷化处理 ziue phosphating phosphate treatment 1052锌盐磷化膜 ziue phosphating coating1053铁盐磷化膜 iron phosphating coating涂装方法(2001-2089)2001阳极电泳 anodic electro deposition2002阳极接地法 anodic earth method2003气喘,喷流间断 spitting spray, flurrering2004湿碰湿 wet on wet2005涂面漆 top coat2006空气喷涂 air spraying2007吹风 air blow2008无气喷涂 airless spraying2009过喷涂 over spray2010隔膜(电极)电泳涂装 membrance system electro depsoition 2011重叠涂装 over coating2012汽油打磨 wet sanding with gasoline2013阴极电泳涂装 cathodic electro deposition2014干打磨 dry sanding2015喷枪距离 gun distance2016喷枪移动速度 spray gun velocity2017机械打磨 mechanical sanding2018表面准备(同底材面调整) surface preparation2019空气雾化式静电喷涂法 electrostatic air atomizing spray merhod2020黑皮(黑色氧化皮) mill scale2021酸性涂料补给电泳涂装法2022修饰性打磨 finish sanding2023基底 substrate2024被涂面的表面准备 surface preparation 2025涂底漆 primer coating2026浸涂 dipping, dip coating2027喷涂 spraying, spray coating2028喷涂影 (atomizing) fan pattern2029局部修补 spot repair2030三层涂装 three coat2031涂三次,烘三次 three coat, three bake 2032涂三次,烘二次three coat, two bake2033拖式浸涂 slipper dipping2034静电涂装electrostatic coating2035静电粉末涂装 electrostatic powder coating2036静电式雾化式静电涂装法 electrostatic rotary atomizing spry methed2037统刮腻子 all pattying 2038试涂装 application trial 2039更新期 turn-over2040揩油 pad application, padding2041调制 (paint) mixing2042调色 color matching2043皱纹涂装2044二层涂装 two coat2045涂二层,烘二次 two coat, two bake2046涂二层,烘一次 two coat, one bake2047泳透力 throwing power2048尾形 tail2049电泳 electro phoresis2050电渗 electro osmosis2051电泳涂装(ED涂装) electrodeposition, electrocoating 2052打磨 sanding, grinding2053涂装 painting, coating, finishing2054涂装间隔 interval between coats, coating interval 2055涂装环境2056涂装体系 paint system, coating system2057涂装工艺 paint process2058涂装技术要求 painting sepctification2059涂着效率 transfer efficiency2060同色封底涂层 color sealer2061涂中涂层 surface coating, sealer coating2062重新涂装(同:补修涂装) repainting2063反复涂装 recoating2064涂布面积比(涂布率) spreading rate2065不需打磨2066刷涂 brush application, brushing, brush coating 2067被涂物 work2068雾化 atomizing2069局部打磨 detail sanding, defect sanding2070局部刮腻子 detail pattying2071淋涂 flow coating2072区域性修补 block repair2073粉末电泳涂装法(EPC) electrophoretic powder coating 207420粉末涂装 powder coating2075刮涂 knifing, knife application2076除晕色2077修补涂装 touch up2078热喷涂 hot spraying, hot spray coating 2079遮盖 masking2080抛光 polishing2081抛光修补 polishing2082湿打磨 wet sanding2083金属闪光色涂装 metallic coating2084超滤 utra filtration2085轻打磨 light sanding, scaffing2086流化床涂装 flridzed powder bed coating 2087辊涂 application by roller, roller coating 2088单层涂层 one coat2089涂一次,烘一次 one coat one bake涂料的干燥及干燥方法(2202-2217)2201(暗)红外干燥 (dark) infrared drying, infrarde drying, infrared baking2202湿涂膜 wet film2203表干 sand dry, surface dry 2204加热干燥 baking, thermosetting 2205干燥 drying2206强制干燥 forced drying2207完全干燥,完全固化 dry-hard, dry-through, hard dry, dry through, baking2208紫外线固化干燥(同:光聚合干燥) ultra violer curing 2209触指干燥 set to touch, dust free, dry to touch2210自然干燥(同:常温干燥) air drying cold curing 2211聚合干燥 curing by polymerization2212蒸发干燥(同:挥发干燥)drying by evaporation2213晾干 setting, flash off2214电子束固化(即辐射固化) electoro beem curing, radiation curing2215热风干燥,对流干燥 hot air drying couvection drying 2216半固化干燥(触指干燥) tack free, tack dry2217烘干(加热干燥) baking stoving涂料及其组成、性质(3001-3097)3001丙烯酸树脂涂料acrylic resin paint3002热塑性丙烯酸涂料 acryl lacquer3003施工固体部分 application solid3004胺浓度 amine content3005醇酸树脂涂料 alkyd resin paint3006拉丝现象cobwebbing3007面漆、面漆用涂料 top coat3008腐蚀底漆(同:磷化底漆、活性底漆) etching grimer 3009磁漆 enamel3010非水分散型涂料 non aqueous dispersion paint3011油性二道浆 oil surface3012油性腻子 oil putty3013油性底漆二道浆 oil primer surface3014灰分 ash conter3015阴极电泳涂料 cathodic electrod eposition primer 3016弹性(可弯曲性) flexibility3017加热残分(不挥发分) nonvolatile content, nonvolatile matter, solids content, heating residue3018钾中和型电涂料 KOH neutratized AED 3019结皮性 skinning3020干燥时间 bake schedule3021颜料体积比率(PVC或颜料容积浓度) pigment volume, pigment volume concentration3022颜料分(P.W.C) pigment content 30233底漆涂料primer3024底盘黑涂料 chassis black paint3025富锌底漆 zinc rich primer3026水性涂料,水系涂料 water borne paint3027水溶性树脂涂料 water soluble resin paint, water soluble resion coating3028抗石击涂料(SGC) stoneguard coating3029相溶性 compatibility, compatible3030第三石油类3031第二石油类3032抗漆雾污染性 spray mist compatibility3033局部修补底漆 touch up primer3034触变性 thixotropy, thixotropic3035抗崩裂涂料 antichipping paint, chip resistant paint3036抗崩裂二道浆(涂料) chip resistant surfacer, anti chipping surface3037抗崩裂底漆(涂料) chip resistant primer, anti chipping surfacer3038贮存稳定性 shelf life, storage stability, can stability 3039细度,粒度 grainning, bitty, seed3040无光涂料 flat paint, flat oil paint, mat paint3041电泳涂料 electrocoating, coating foe electrodeposion3042涂膜主要成分 film forming agent film forming ingredient, film former, film forming material3043同色涂料(中涂) color surface3044涂料 coating, paint3045中间层涂料(同: 二道浆) surfacer, guide coat3046原漆 virgin paint, UN-cut paint3047双组分涂料 two component paint3048硝基漆 nitrocellulose lacpuer, nitrocellulose coating 3049热塑性丙烯酸树脂涂料 thermoplastic acrylic paint3050热固性丙烯酸树脂涂料 thermosetting acrylic paint3051稠密 consistency3052粘度 viscosity3053高固体分硝基漆 high solid lacpuer3054高固体分型涂料 high solid paint3055基料 binder3056腻子 putty3057PH值3058颜基比P/B P by B3059光固化涂料 light curing coating3060漆料 vehicle3061酚醛树脂涂料 phenolic coating, phenolic resin paint 3062苯二甲酸树脂涂料 phthalic resin paint, alkyd resin paint3063不饱和聚脂涂料 unsaturated polyester paint3064底漆 primer3065底漆二道浆 primer surface3066粘连、结块 blocking3067粉末涂料 powder paint3068油漆色漆 paint3069防锈蜡 anti-corrosion wax, anti-rust wax3070活化期、活化寿命 pot life, pot stability3071聚酯腻子 polyester putty3072水分散性(树脂)涂料 water dispersible paint3073研磨色浆 millbase, milling base3074无溶剂型涂料 solventless coating, solvent free paint3075金属闪光色磁漆 metalic enamel, metalic paint, metalic pigmented paint3076三聚氰氨醇酸树脂涂料 melamine alkyd resin paint, melamine alkyd paint3077烘烤型涂料(俗:烤漆) thermosetting paint 3078油性涂料oil paint3079油度 oil length3080硝基清漆(俗:拉克) lacquer3081硝基磁漆 lacquer enamel3082硝基二道浆 lacquer surfacer3083硝基腻子 lacquer putty3084硝基底漆 lacquer primer3085沥青涂料 bituminous paint3086流平性 leveling3087清漆(俗:凡立水) varnish涂膜形成物及其性质(3201-3247)3201丙烯酸系树脂 acrylate resins3202 丙烯酸 acrylic acid3203丙烯酸改性的醇酸树脂 acryl modified alkyd resin 3204沥青 asphalt3205亚麻仁油 linseed oil3206氨基树脂 amino resin3207醇酸树脂(同:苯二甲酸树脂) alkyd resin3208酯化油 esterification oil3209环氧树脂 epoxy resin3210无油醇酸树脂 oil free alkyd resin3211外部增塑化 external plastici zation3212干油性 drying oil3213天然硬沥青 hilsonite3214甘油 glycerin3215胶化时间 gel time, time of gelation3216皂化 saponification3217皂化价 saponification valeu, saponification number 3218红花油 safflower oil3219脂肪酸 carboxyl acid3220硝化棉 nitrocellulouse3221有机硅树脂 sillicone resin3222水溶性树脂 water soluble resin3223苯乙烯改性醇酸树脂 styrenated alhyd, styrene alkyd, styrene alkyed resin3224豆油 soybean oil, soya been oil 3225多元酸 polybasic acid3226多元醇 polyhydric alcohol polyol 3227短油性醇酸树脂 short oil alkyd resin 3228天然树脂 natural resin3229天然油 natural oil3230塔油 toll oil3231内部塑化 internal plasticization3232热可塑性 thermoplastic, thermoplasticity, thremal plasticity3233热固化 thermosetting property 3234半干性油 semidrying oil3235沥青 bitumen3236蓖麻油 castor oil3237酚醛树脂 phenol resin3238不干性油 nondrying oil3239氧化沥青 blown asphalt3240聚酯 polyester3241聚丁二烯 polyester3242顺丁烯二酸酐改性油 maleinised oil 3243苯二甲酸酐 phthalic anhydride 3244甲基丙烯酸 methacrylic acid3245三聚氰氨树脂 melamine resin3246椰子油 coconut oil3247碘值 ioline value, iodine number 颜料及其性质(3401-3434)3401锌白 zinc ocide3402锌粉 zinc dust, zinc grey 3403石棉粉 asbestin3404惰性珍珠色云母 nollepecxl mica3405铝粉 aluminum flake powder, aluminum powder, aluminem pigment powder3406铝粉膏 aluminum flake paste, aluminum powder paste, aluminum pigment paste3407色光、色头 tint(ing) shade, reduced shade 3408碘式铬酸铝 basic lead chromate3409碘式碳酸铝 basic lead carbonate, basic carbonate white lead3410红丹 red lead3411土黄颜料、赫石 ochre3412碳黑 carbon black3413颜料 pigment3414吸油量 oil absorption value 3415白土、陶土、白垩 clay3416防锈颜料rust preventing pigment, rust inhibiting pigment, inhibitive pigment3417铬酸锌、锌黄 zinc chromate, zinv yellow pigment 3418锶铬黄、铬酸锶 strontium chromate3419填料、体质颜料 extender filler, extender pigment3420滑石粉 talc3421钛白 white titanium pigment3422着色颜料 color pigment3423着色力 tinting strength3424铅系颜料 lead pigment3425二氧化钛 titanium dioxide3426永固红 permanent red3427耐晒黄 fast yellow3428酞菁绿 copper phthalocyanine green3429酞菁蓝 copper phthalocyanine blue3430分散 dispersion3431铁红 red iron pigment3432无机颜料 inorganic pigment3433有机颜料 organic color pigment, rrganic pigment 3434漂浮 leafingv溶剂及其性质(3601-3633)3601醇醛溶剂 sellosolves (solvent)3602醇系溶剂 alcohols (solvent)3603异丙醇 isopropyl alcohol 3604醚系溶液 ethers (solvent) 3605酯系溶液 ethers (solvent) 3606乙醇 ethyl alcohol3607稀释剂 diluent (solvent) 3608二甲苯 xylene3609酮系溶液 ketones (solvent) 3610工业用酒精3611高沸点溶剂 high boiling point solvent, high boiler, slow solvent3612乙酸乙酯 ethyl acetate3613乙酸丁酯 n-butyl acetate3614二丙酮醇 diacetone alcohol3615脂肪族系碳氢化合物溶剂 aliphatic hydrocarbons (solvent) 3616助溶剂 cosolvent3617真溶剂 solvent3618溶纤剂(乙二醇一乙醚) cellosolve3619乙酸溶纤剂 cellosolce acetate3620煤焦油溶剂 solvent naphtha3621第一石油类3622低沸点溶剂 low boiling solvent, fast solvent3623松节油 oil of turpentine, spirit of turpentine, turpentine3624煤油 kerosene, kerosine3625甲苯 toluene3626卤化碳氢化合物溶剂 halogenated hydroeaxbon (solvent) 3627丁醇 butyl alcohol, butanol3628丁基溶纤剂 butyl cellosolve3629芳香族碳氢化合物系溶液 aromatic hydrocarbons solvent 3630白醇 mineral spirit, petroleum spirit3631甲基异丁基酮 methyl isobutyl keton3632甲乙酮 methyl ethyl ketone3633溶剂 solvent涂料用助剂及其性质(3801-3821)3801胺 amine3802防浮色剂 antiflooding agent, antifloating agent 3803表面活性剂 surface active agent surfactant3804增塑剂 plasticizer3805稀释性 reducidility3806金属皂 metallic soap, metal soap3807固化剂 hardner, curing abent3808防止氧化剂 antioxidant, oxidant inhibitor3809紫外线吸收剂 ultraviolet absorber (UV absorber) 3810苯甲酸丁二酯 dibutyl phthalate3811稀料 thinner3812静电防止剂 antistatic agent3813流挂防止剂 antisag agent3814沉淀物防止剂 antisettle agent3815消光剂 flatting agent3816三乙醇胺 triethyl amine3817涂料用稀料 paint thinner3818硝基漆用稀料 lacquer thinner3819防潮剂 retarder, retarder solvent3820防潮稀料 retarder thinner3821流变性控性 rheology control涂装用辅助材料及其性质(4001-4016)4001绿棒 conpaund stick4002粘性纸胶带 paper tack tape4003干打磨用砂纸 dry sandpaper4004纸质遮盖用胶带 crape masking4005打磨砂纸 abrasive paper sandpaper 4006打磨砂布 abrasive cloth, sanding cloth4007清洗用溶剂(稀料) washing solvent (falame retarding solvent)4008耐水性砂纸 water proof abrasion sandpaper4009耐热的(纸质)遮盖用胶带 heat stabe maskingtape 4010粘性纱布 tack rag4011粘灰清漆 tackrag varnish4012脱漆剂 paint remover4013抛光剂 polishing compound4014打磨网 poly (polyethene) net4015遮盖用胶带 masking (shield) tape4016绵纸(吉野纸)YOSHINO paper涂膜及其性质(5001-5040)5001遮盖力 hiding power, obiterating power, covering power, opacity5002面漆层 top coat, finish coat, finishing coat5003涂面漆的适应性 overcoatability5004重复涂装的适应性 recoatability5005玻璃化点 glass transition point5006镜面光泽度 specular glose, specular reflection 5007打磨性 grindability5008底涂(层) primer5009浸透性 pentrability5010鲜映性 distinctness of image5011耐碱性 alkaliproof, alkali resistance5012耐过烘干性 overbake resistance5013耐盐水性 salt water resistance5014耐挥发油(汽油)性 gasoline resistance5015耐久性 durability5016耐弯曲性(弹性) flexibility, elasticity5017耐侯性 weather resistance, weathering property, weatherproof5018耐酸性 acidproof, acid resistance 5019耐冲击性 impact resistance5020耐蚀性 corrosion resistance5021耐水性 water resistance, waterproof5022耐洗净性 washability5023耐崩裂性 chiping resistance5024耐热性 heat resistance5025耐沸水性 boiling water resistance 5026耐磨耗性 abrasion resistance 5027耐药品性 chemical resistance 5028耐油性 oil resistance, oilproof 5029耐溶剂性 solvent resistance5030光泽 gloss5031无光泽 flat5032涂膜 paint film5033涂膜污染性 stain resistance5034涂膜的外观 appearance of paint film, paint film appearance5035涂面 surface of paint film 5036半光泽 semigloss5037附着力 adhesion5038溶出(涂膜的) elusion, bleeding 5039裂解 degradation5040老化 aging, ageing涂膜的缺陷(5201-5299)5201油缩孔 oil dewetting, oil cratering 5202雨水痕迹 water slaining5203气泡 bubble, bubbling5204电泳气泡 bubble trace on ED film5205电泳湿漆膜剥落 peeling off wet ED film 5206电泳缩孔 ED cratering5207电泳针孔 pinhole on ED film5208丝状锈蚀 diliform corrosion5209异物起霜5210掉色 discoloration5211色差 off color5212色不均 mottling5213色分离 flooding5214湿污染 wet contamination5215水痕迹 water marke5216啄伤 pecking5217变黄 yellowing5218气体裂纹 gas checking, gas crazing5219白化 blushing5220干斑痕5221颜料沉降 pigment sedimentation5222气泡 bubble5223银粉不均 poor aluminum crientation, aluminum motting 5224发糊 dulling, bloom, clouding, cloudiness, hazing 5225陷穴点蚀 createring, pitting5226尘埃 dust, dirt5227锈 rust, corrosion5228打磨器纹 sanding scratch5229密封胶附着5230涂密封胶不良 sealing failure5231底层污染 bleeding5232底层流挂5233粘污 stain, spot, spotting5234起皱 crinkling, shrivelling, wrinkling, rivelling 5235吸收 suction, absorption5236水泡 water bubbling5237盖底不良 hiding failure5238划伤 scrack5239鲜映性质 low distinctness of image 5240间层剥离 intercoat adhesion failure 5241退色 fading5242流痕 dripping5243下沉 sagging run curtaining5244流挂 sag5245段痕5246皱纹起皱 wrinkle5247碎落 chipping5248粉化 chalking5249泳透性差 thin ED coating, no ED coating 5250失光 dulling, loss of gloss, matting 5251光泽不均匀 flashing5252胶带遮盖痕迹5253防声涂料附着5254防声涂料涂布不良5255打磨划痕 sand scratch5256打磨不足5257打磨坑5258涂膜过厚 too mach film thickness5259涂膜剥落 peeling5260干污染 dry contamination5261涂料缩孔,鱼眼 cratering, fish eye 5262涂料颗粒 dirt, seed5263流淌 sagging, running5264渗色 bleeding5265涂得太薄 thin paint5266漏涂 skips5267剥离 peeling5268缩孔鱼眼 crawling, fish eye, cratering 5269腻子残痕5270钣金凹凸 ding and dent5271焊药针孔soldering pinhole5272焊渣5273针孔pinhole5274膨泡 blistering5275颗粒hump, cluster5276笔划痕5277发白 blushing5278起泡 blistering5279触伤痕 mar5280击穿涂膜5281鬓状裂纹 hair cracking 5282砂纸纹 sanding scratch 5283凹坑 cratering5284变色 discoloration5285膨润 swelling5286模糊(阴影) shading5287星状不平 comet star pineple 5288保护不良 break line failure 5289落上漆雾5290水缩孔5291返铜光5292金属颗粒 metallic seeding 5293返粘 after tack5294未烘干透 under baking5295锉刀纹 grinding scratch5296桔皮,柚子皮 orange peel5297捻向不匀5298气泡孔 solvent popping, pin holes5299裂纹,开裂 cracking发状裂纹 hair craching浅裂纹 checking龟裂 craging裂开 cracking鳄鱼皮状裂纹 alligateying crocodiling涂膜的试验及试验机具(5601-5653)5601丝状腐蚀性试验 filiform corrosion test5602遮盖力试验纸 hiding chart5603湿漆膜厚度量规 wet film thickness gauge5604杯突试验机 Erichsen film distensibility meter 5605永久磁性测厚仪 Elcometer5606盐水喷雾试验 salt spray testing, salt spray test5607铅笔硬度试验 pencil hardness test5608碳弧灯 carbon arc5609外观检查 appearance inspection5610稀释稳定性试验 dilution stability test5611稀释试验 dilution test, reducibility test5612氙气灯 xenone lamp5613QUV5614库仑效率试验 coulomb eficiency test5615弯曲试验 bending test5616石击崩裂试验 gravelometer5617遮盖力测定仪 cryptometer5618斯端马粘度计 Krebs-Stomer viscometer, Stomer viscometer 5619交叉横割 cross cut5620恒温恒湿箱 constant temperature and humidity cabinet 5621光泽计 gloss meter5622色差计 color difference meter5623试验板 test panel5624试验样板 test piece, coupon, specimen5625自然曝晒试验 outdoor wethering test, outdoor exposure test5626冲击试验 impact test, impact testing, chip test 5627冲击试验仪 impact tester5628取样器 sampler5629斯惠特硬度计 Sward hardness rocker5630疤形腐蚀试验 scab corrosion test5631人工耐侯性试验 accelerated weathering test, accelerated weathering, artificaal weathering5632人工耐侯性试验机 accelerated weathering tester 5633耐过烘干性试验 over bake resistance test5634耐温水性试验 hot water resistance test5635耐侯性试验 weathering test, weathering5636耐湿试验 humidity resistance test5637耐湿试验箱 humidity box5638耐药品性试验 chemical resistance test5639金刚石冲击试验法 diamond shot test5640泳透性试验 throeing power5641细度刮板 grind gauge, fineness gauge5642杜邦式冲击试验仪 Dpont impact tester5643热循环试验 heat cycle test5644曝晒试验台 exposure rack5645B型粘度计 Broodfield viscometer5646鲜映性测试(PGD计) portable distinctness of image glossmeter5647比重杯 specified gravity cup5648标准光源 specified achromatic light5649漆膜涂布器 film applicator5650福特杯 Ford cup, Ford viscosity cup, ford cup5651复合腐蚀试验(略:CCT) compound corrosion test5652不粘性试验 tack free test, paint test5653漆膜厚度计 film thickness gauge涂装设备及机器(6001-6093)6001压送式喷枪 pressure feed type spray gun6002油漆增压箱 pressure tank, pressure feed paint container 6003橡胶模块 rubber patten6004木质模块 patten6005换色装置 colors changer6006水幕 water curtain6007空气帽 air cap6008空气净化器 air cleaner6009空气压缩机 air compressor6010空气打磨机 air sander6011空气除尘器 air duster6012空气压力调整器 air transformer6013无气喷枪 airless spray gun6014无气喷涂装置 airless spraying equipment 6015自动吸水器 auto absorber6016自动滚筒式过滤器 auto roll filter6017眼眶型打磨机 orbital sander6018加压杯 pressure cup6019转动型气动打磨机 rotary air sander 6020转动式清洁器 reverser clean6021搅拌装置 stirring equipment6022旋杯式静电喷涂装置 rotary atomizing electrostatic spraying equipment6023钢刮刀 steel spatrla6024加热油水分离装置 heating iol separater 6025干式喷漆室 dryspray booth6026木刮勺 wood spatula6027供风气管 supply duct6028供风气机 supplying fan6029吸尘(气)打磨机6030空调装置 air supply house6031高压发生器 high voltage regulator6032缓冲容器 surge chamber6033侧调漆间 sade room6034CP式机械手 robot by C.P. teaching method6035自动吹风装置 automatic air duster6036自动溶液管理装置 automatic solution machine6037自动湿打磨装置 automatic sanding machine6038自动水洗装置 automatic washing machine6039自动喷枪 sutomatic spray machine6040自动静电喷涂装置 automatic electrostatic spray machine 6041自动除尘装置 automatic dust off machine6042自动涂装装置 automatic spray (machine)6043重力式喷枪 bravity spray gun6044纯水装置 deionized water generator6045托盘(板) pad6046浸槽 dipping tank6047吸上式喷枪6048水洗式喷漆室 water washing spray booth6049刀 scraper6050歪脖刷6051喷枪 spray gun6052喷射式前处理装置 spray system pretreatment equipment 6053喷漆室 spray booth6054圆形漆刷6055静电涂装装置 electrostatic coating equipment6056粉末静电涂装装置 electrostatic powder coating equipment 6057半浮动涂密封胶 semifloe sealing6058侧喷机 side reciprocator6059风筒(管) duct6060修整追踪装置 touching tracer6061双动打磨机 double action sander6062涂装用刀6063直流电源 DC power equipment6064盘式打磨机 disc sander6065盘式静电涂装装置 disc atomizing electrostatic coating equipment6066手提式静电喷枪 hand electrostatic spray gun6067手提式静电涂装装置 hand electrostatic spray equipment 6068顶棚过滤器 ceilling filter6069电泳涂装装置 electrocoating equipment6070涂装机械手 painting robot6071涂料杯(罐) cup of spray gun6072涂料循环输漆装置 paint circulating system6073调漆室 mixing room6074涂料喷嘴 spray gun tip6075长头喷枪6076针阀 needle6077排气洗净装置 exhaust air washing system6078刷子 brush6079PTP式机械手 robot by P.T.P. teaching method6080扁平刷6081喷漆室排气洗净水过滤装置6082刷式自动湿打磨装置6083全浸式前处理装置 full dip pretreatment system equipment 6084平面涂装机 top reciprocator6085刮刀 knife, spatula6086工作台喷漆室6087前处理装置 pretreatment equipment6088圆形刷子6089超滤装置(UF) eltra filtration equipment6090光投影仪 light projector6091远距离示教式机械手 robot by remoto teaching method 6092连续沉淀装置 continuous settling equipment6093过滤槽烘干设备及机器(6401-6419)6401暗红外线烘干室 dark infrared oven6402风幕(或称气体密封) air seal6403远红外线加热器 far infrared heater6404炉干燥机 oven6405间接加热式热风烘干机 indrect hot air oven6406干燥室 drying oven6407红外线干燥室 infrared oven6408全热交换器(又称热轮)enthalpy heat exchanger6409对流炉 hot air convection oven6410直接加热式热风烘干室 direct hot airoven 6411热风炉(干燥室) hot air oven6412热风循环装置 hot air circulating equipment 6413燃烧室 burner house6414组合式红外线干燥室6415热泵 heat pump6416辐射板 radiation panel heater6417晾干室 setting room6418烘干室 baking oven6419强冷室 cooling unit色及其性质(7001-7034)7001年色 years color7002色(涂膜的) color of film, colour7003色的规格 color specification7004演色 colorrendition7005色卡 color chart7006冷色 cool color7007原色7008彩色度(鲜艳度、饱和度或纯度) saturation, chroma 7009亮度 brightness7010修色 shade7011色差 color difference7012色彩设计(彩色图解) color scheme7013色相 hue7014试制色样7015条件等色 metamerism7016正规色7017本色 solid color7018造行色板 master color7019暖色 warm color7020调色 tinting7021着色 tint7022色调分类 tone analysis7023光 light7024标准颜色板 color standard (panel)7025标准的光(同标准光源)7026闪光 flip-flop7027分光光度计 spectrophotometer7028分光反射率 spectral reflection faetor7029分光分布 relative spectral distribution7030芒塞尔表色系 munsel system, munsel system of color 7031无彩色 achromatic color7032明度 value of lightness7033金属闪光色 metallic color7034有彩色 chromatic color被涂物材料(8001-8023)8001离子树脂 ionomer resin8002丙烯酸树脂 acrylic resin8003丙烯腈,丁二烯苯乙烯树脂(简称ABS树脂) acrylonitrile butadiene styrene ferpolymer resin8004聚氨酯树脂 urethane resin8005玻璃纤维增强塑料(FRP) fiberglass reinforced plastic 8006聚氯乙烯树脂(PVC树脂) polyvinyl chloride resin8007硬质聚丙烯树脂(硬质PP树脂) vigid polypropylene resin 8008涂过富锌底漆铜板(略:ZC) zincrometal8009电镀锌钢板(略:EG) galvanized steel sheet8010电镀合金化锌钢板(略:EGA) zinc alloy galvanized steel sheet8011软质聚丙烯树脂(略:软质PP树脂) soft polypropylene resin 8012热轧钢板 hotrolled steel sheet8013聚氯化钾烯树脂 polyvinyl resin8014酚醛树脂(略:PF树脂) phenol resin8015聚酰胺树脂(略:PA树脂,尼龙)polyamide resin8016聚碳酸酯树脂(略:PC树脂) polycarbinate resin8017聚苯乙烯树脂(略:PS树脂) polystyrene resin8018聚苯醚树脂(略:PPO树脂) polyphenylene oxide resin8019聚丁二烯对苯二酸酯树脂(略:PBT树脂) polybutylene terephtalate resin8020热镀锌钢板 zinc fusing galvanized steel sheet8021热熔合金化镀锌钢板 zinc alloy fusing galvanized steel sheet8022冷轧高强度钢板(略:SAPH) high tensile coldrolled steel sheet8023冷轧普通碳素结构钢板(略:SPCCR) coldrolled steel sheet。

颜色:Grey 灰色Plum 洋红Purple 紫色Red 红色Black 黑色Brown 棕色Green 绿色White 白色Silver 银色(metallic silver 金属银色)Cream 淡黄色Clear 透明Buff 浅黄色涂料种类:C: Conventional Paint 常规涂料B: Bituminous Paint 沥青系涂料C/R: Chlorinated Rubber Paint 氯化橡胶系涂料P/E: Pure Epoxy Paint 纯环氧涂料T/E: Coal Tar Epoxy Paint 环氧沥青系涂料V/T: Vinyl Tar Paint 乙烯沥青系涂料P/U: Polyurethane Paint 聚氨脂涂料I/Z: Inorganic Zinc Silicate 无机硅酸锌涂料SPC: Self Polishing Copolymer 自抛光涂料B/E: Bleached Type Tar Epoxy Paint 漂白型环氧沥青A.C: Anti-corrosive Paint 防腐漆R.P: Rust Preventive Paint 防锈漆A.F: Anti-fouling Paint 防污漆T.S: Topside Paint 干弦漆D.P: Deck Paint 甲板漆F.P:: Finish Paint 面漆U.C: Under Coat 底漆(中间漆)B.C: Binder Coat 过渡层漆H.P: Hold Paint 货舵漆H.R: Heat Resistance Paint 耐热漆O.R: Oil Resistance Paint 耐油漆A.R: Acid Resistance Paint 耐酸漆R.I: Rust Inhibitive Oil 防锈油A.P: Aluminium Paint 铝粉漆H.B: High-built Type 厚膜漆N.S: Non-slip Type 防滑型W.S: Water Soluble Type 水溶性涂料G.P: Paint For Galvanized Parts 镀锌件底漆N.B: Non-bleed Type 非渗色型S.P: Shop Primer 车间底漆Wash Primer: 磷化底漆Varnish: 清漆Luminescent Paint: 荧光漆Epoxy Paint: 环氧漆Alkyd Paint: 醇酸漆月份:一月Jan 二月Feb 三月Mar四月Apr 五月May 六月Jun七月July 八月Aug 九月Sept十月Oct 十一月Nov 十二月Dec星期:星期一Monday 星期二Tuesday 星期三Wednesday 星期四Thursday 星期五Friday 星期六Saturday 星期日Sunday相关术语:局部修补settling 修补touch-up刷涂brushing 漏涂holidays复涂overcoating 满涂full coat预涂stripe coat 空气喷涂air spray无气喷涂airless spray 光泽gloss失光loss of gloss 半光semi-gloss光滑glossy 开裂cracking/checking流挂sagging/running 起泡blistering出汗sweating/perspiration 结露condensation/dewing露点dew point 缩孔/露底crater发花floating 色差color difference色斑staining 渗色bleeding收缩/起皱shrinkage/ wrinkling 桔皮orange peel结皮skinning 遮盖力hiding power遮盖力弱lack of hiding 附着力adhesion咬底lifting 发白blushing剥落peeling 翘皮peeling off刷痕brush mark 烧损burn damage机械损伤mechanical damage 腻子putty飞溅spatter/spattering 打磨grinding/griting锈rusting 返锈rerusting除锈derusting 氧化皮mill scale绝缘insulation/illumination 抹布rag铲刀scraper 敲/铲chipping/scraping刷子brush 滚刷(筒)roller口罩mask/respirator 砂纸打磨sanding钢丝盘刷wire wheel 砂皮纸sandpaper盘型砂纸disc-sand 叉车fork lifter点蚀pitting 麻点/点蚀pocking/pitting/blister喷溅麻点spatting 手电筒flashlight/electric torch 针孔pinhole 气孔blowhole焊渣slag 熔渣burn slag焊条electrode 焊丝wire焊接weld 温度计thermometer湿度计hygrometer 测厚仪thickness gauge湿膜仪wet film thickness gauge 干膜厚度dry film thickness湿膜厚度wet film thickness 湿度humidity氧气oxygen 渗漏leakage轮机machinery 电气electricity车间workshop 平台platform/flat横梁beam 码头wharf/quay栏杆handrail/rail 梯子ladder吊杆boom 脚手架staging/scaffold脚手架踏板stage plant 跳板foot board天花板ceiling 三角板/接地支架bracketR孔scallop 流水孔scupper排水孔drain hole/scupper 小孔orifice角钢angle bar 槽钢channel bar扁钢steel flat 球边钢bulbangle球扁钢bulb plate/bar 工字钢H-beam高压淡水冲洗HPFW 酸洗picking酸洗池picking tub(bath) 化学清洗chemical cleaning外部external 内部internal脱脂degreasing 除油oil removing去油剂detergent 油脂/黄油grease砂sand/grit 锤子hammer砂斗container 斜面/有坡度sloping上斜坡upper hopper 下斜坡lower hopper搅拌agitation 搅拌器agitator/mixer喷漆泵spray pump 喷枪spray gun枪嘴spray nozzle 肋骨frame加强肋骨web frame 边肋骨side frame斜肋骨cant beam 斜梁cant beam加强衍stiffening girder 加强板stiffener/stiffening plate 加强筋stiffening rib 分段block水密的watertight 焊缝weld seam大接缝master butt 底座/基座foundation粗糙度roughness 除湿机dehumiditifier空调机air conditioner 压缩机compressor压缩空气compressed air 吸砂机vacuum recovery水分离器water-separator 集尘器dust collector灰尘dust 粉尘ash喷砂grit/sand blasting 扫喷砂sand sweeping点喷砂spot blasting 湿喷砂wet blasting棱角钢砂喷砂grit blasting 熔块/金属渣regulus表面处理surface preparation 表面处理surface treatment钢板表面steel surface 受热面heating surface挥发evaporate 粉化chalking雾化atomization 风化crosion风向wind direction 风力wind force自然干燥natural seasoning 复涂间隔recoating interval复涂间隔期recoating limits 间隔时间the time interval污染contamination 油漆配套paint scheme仓库wear house 施工application等级grade 配件attachment边(缘)edge 开口边缘eye edge切割边缘cutting edge 咬边/下陷under cut组装/装配assembly 条件condition咬口underout 毛刺lamination油迹oil residue 通风ventilation湿气moisture 建议recommendation相对湿度the relative humidity 保持maintain满意satisfactory 清洁clean标准standard 符合in accordance with 矿质磨料mineral abrasive 残留磨料spent abrasive锈层scale 电导率conductivity除湿de-humidification 直接directly自由边edges of cut outs 垂流curtaining软底鞋套soft footwear 检验inspection保护protection 验收accepted漆膜paint film 粘度viscosity流平性leveling 预热chalking熟化ripening 沉淀/麻点pocking mark调整/校对adjust 树脂resin多余的excess 油污oil and grease粘土slime 涂布率coverage胶带tape 补焊repair welding拒绝reject 承包人contractor工人workman 工头foreman活络扳adjustable spanner 螺丝刀screwdriver螺栓(螺丝) bolt 螺母(螺帽)nut漆雾paint dust/overspray 干喷漆雾dry spray/over spray 基料base 固化剂curing agent溶剂solvent 稀料thinner底漆undercoat/primer 面漆topcoat旧油漆previous paint 已涂油漆present paint将涂油漆succeeding paint 厚膜涂料high-build coating桥吊:前大梁boom后大梁girder海侧梯形架waterside pylon龙门架(陆侧梯形架) gantry frame海侧上横梁seaside portal beam海侧下横梁seaside sill beam陆侧上横梁landside portal beam陆侧下横梁landside sill beam左海侧立柱left seaside leg右海侧立柱right seaside leg左陆侧立柱left landside leg右陆侧立柱right landside leg左水平联系梁left horizontal beam右水平联系梁right horizontal beam前拉杆forestay后拉杆backstay后撑杆inner backstay门框斜撑frame diagonal行走机构gantry traveling机房底盘machinery house foundation 机房围棚machinery house wall小车架trolley拖架小车catenary trolley维修行车maintenance crane理货室checker’s cab司机室driver’s cab俯仰室boom operation吊具spreader吊具上架headblock梯子平台walkways, ladders and platforms栏杆handrailQuayside container crane 桥吊Rubber tyre gantry crane 轮胎吊Rail-mounted gantry crane 轨道吊船舶:船体hull 轮机machinery电气electricity 舾装outfitting外板shell outside 甲板exposed deck干舷topside 水线boottop直底vertical bottom 平底flat bottom左舷portside 右舷starboard舵叶rudder 水侧字draft上甲板upperdeck 上层建筑superstructure 船台/泊位berth/slipway 舷墙bulwark舱壁bulkhead 球鼻首bulbbow桅杆mast 前桅fore mast灯桅lamp mast 桅屋mast house雷达桅radar mast 桅柱derrick post天线架aerial mast 天蓬awing码头wharf/quay 舱底tank top横梁beam 舷梯gutter way/gangway 船头bow 船尾stern舷窗porthole 舷墙排水孔wash port舷墙方柱walk stay 舷边栏杆gunwale railing 旋梯winding stair 吊艇架davit吊艇臂davit arm 吊货杆cargo boom舵杆rudder stem frame 反顶under deck食品吊provision crane 克林吊crane foundation 汽车吊truck crane 门机gantry crane锚机windlass 锚链筒hawse pipe锚链孔hawse hole 人孔access hole角孔angle hole 甲板排水孔deck drain实肋板人孔manhole of solid floor 水泥cement锌板zinc plate 锌盐zinc salt/white dust 镀锌galvanizing/zincing 镀锌板galvanized steel plate 镀锌铁板galvanized iron 镀锌管galvanized pipe 舭(船底弯曲部)bilge 舭龙骨bilge keel防鼠挡板rat-guard 船首防浪板bow chock首封板forecastle break bulkhead 尾封板poop front bulkhead 波形舱壁corrugated bulkhead 舱壁板bulkhead横隔舱壁thwartship bulkhead 纵舱壁longitudinal bulkhead 中纵舱壁center line bulkhead 挡水板scupper board 花铁板floor plate 龙骨墩keelblock纵缝longitudinal seam 边翼/侧面wing浮船坞floating dock 坞门caisson坞底dock bottom 进坞docking出坞undocking 热风炉air oven导缆器fairlead 导缆孔chock带缆桩bollard 平方米square meter 通风筒ventilator 船体车间hull shop涂装车间coating shop 筛网sieve艏柱stempost 艏灯桅stem light mast 甲板室deck house 货舱cargo hold 螺旋桨propeller 海底阀箱sea chest海底塞bottom plug 舱口hatch way舱底水limber water 花钢板chequered plate 干隔舱cofferdam 空仓void space管弄pipe tunnel 油盘oil pan格栅grating 双层底double bottom 货舱盖hatch cover 箱型舱盖hatch pontoon 舱口围hatch coaming 橡皮槽rubber channel 水沟(槽)gutter water way 锅炉boiler托架pedestal 堵塞chock up起居甲板accommodation deck 驾驶甲板navigating deck 罗经甲板compass deck 桥楼甲板bridge deck船长甲板captain deck 遮阳甲板shade deck首楼甲板forecastle deck 尾楼甲板poop deck救生艇甲板boat deck 接地片lug突出部位profile 凹面recessed area 拆除dismantle 上部涂层upper area 海水试验salt water test 灌满fill up with 污泥mud 淤积物deposit海生物sea animal 海藻sea weed/grass 管虫tubeworm 水解层hydrolyze layer 口头地verbally 便条verbal note 指触干dry to touch 硬干hard dry冰冻freeze 海试sea-trial热井cascard/hot well 测爆gas free牺牲阳极sacrificial anode 阳极保护anode shield 阴极保护cathodic protection 慢挥发溶剂slow-evaporating 艏尖舱fore peak tank 尾尖舱after peak tank 淡水舱fresh water tank 饮水舱drink water tank/potable water tank 压载舱ballast water tank 燃油舱fuel oil tank柴油舱diesel oil tank 货油舱cargo oil tank滑油舱lubricating oil tank 污油舱dirty oil tank污水舱bilge water tank 污水柜sewage tank污水井bilge well 海水舱sea water tank 隔离舱cofferdams tank 溢流舱overflow tank 泄放舱drain tank 锅炉水舱feed water tank 蒸馏水舱distilled water tank 首燃油舱forward F.O.tank 尾燃油舱after F.O.tank 深燃油舱 F.O.deep tank 重柴油舱heavy diesel oil tank 顶边水舱topside tank 舱底水舱bilge water tank 冷却水舱cooling water tank 测深仪舱sounder room 计程仪舱log room含油水舱oily water tank 污油水舱bilge oil water tank 汽缸油柜cylinder oil tank 机舱油柜engine room tank 燃油日用柜 F.O.service tank 燃油沉淀柜 F.O.settling tank 燃油缓冲柜 F.O.buffer tank 燃油溢流舱 F.O.spill tank 滑油循环柜L.O.circulating tank 滑油沉淀柜L.O.settling tank 滑油储存柜L.O.storage tank 滑油储藏舱L.O.storage tank 柴油日用柜 D.O.service tank 污油油渣舱sludge oil tank 轻柴油储存柜light D.O.storage tank 柴油沉淀舱M.D.O settling tank 柴油储存舱M.D.O store tank 舵机舱steering gear room 格栅顶面grating top 深水舱deep tank通海阀箱sea inlet valve chest 边舱wing tank污油水舱slop tank 剩下的舱residual tank 泵舱pump room 居住区域accommodation space 应急消防泵舱emergency fire fight pump tank应急发电机室emergency generator room地板裸露部位floor bare steel甲板机械下部under deck machinery转机设备底座under machinery seat舵机底座下部区域under steering gear seat舵机舱地板裸露部分steering gear room floor bare steel双层底甲板main floor-top of double bottom急救室1st AID Room泡沫材料&防火控制站Foam &Fire Control Station轮机长办公室Engine Office甲板和机舱更衣室Deck &Engine Changing Room苏伊士房间/检疫处Suez Crew Room/Quarantine Room 医务室Hospital被服库Linen Locker洗衣间Ship’s Laundry主楼梯Main Stair Way健身房Gymnasium公共厕所Public Toilet机舱入口E/R Entrance救生设备储存室L/S(Life Save) Equipment Store空调室Air Condition Room油漆储藏间Paint Store水手储藏室Bosun Store干货储藏室Dry Provision Store蔬菜库Vegetable Chamber鱼库Fish Chamber肉库Meat Chamber奶库Dairy Chamber冷藏库Refrigerated Chamber粮食库Provision Chamber油漆库Paint Chamber氧气库Oxygen Room乙炔间Acetylene Room机舱棚Engine Room Casing储物舱Locker液压泵室Hydro Power Unit Room 货物泵舱Cargo Pump Room惰性气体洗气室I.G.S Scrubber Room隔舱Cofferdam官员起居室Officer Living Room货油控制站Cargo Control Room会议室Conference Room船员起居室Crew Living Room官员餐厅Off’s Mess Room电缆&管弄间Cable &P/D Room快餐间Snack Room船员餐厅Crew’s Mess Room船员配餐室Crew Pantry厨房Galley官员配餐室Office Pantry加油工Oiler泵管理员Pump Man甲板实习生Deck Cadet清洁员室Wiper备用船员室Available装配工Fitter轮机实习生Engine Cadet海员室Able Seaman水手长Boat Swain普通海员室Ordinary Seaman通道Passage厨师室Cook服务员室Steward大副休息室Chief Mate Day Room官员洗衣房Officer’s Laundry三副3rd Mate(3/officer)二副2nd Mate(2/officer)船长休息室Captain Day Room船东室Owner轮机长休息室C/Engine Day Room大管2nd Engineer二管3rd Engineer电气工程师室Electric Engine卧室Bed Room检察员室Inspector大副休息室C/Officer Day Room二副休息室2nd Engine Day Room海图桌Chart Table海图区域、无线电区域Chart Space引水员Pilot储存室Store电池间Battery LKR电气储存室Electric LKR英语会话:Hello! / Hi! 你好!Good morning! 早上好!Good afternoon! 下午好!Good evening! 晚上好!How are you? 你好吗?/ Fine, thank you, and you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?My name is …(I’m…) 我叫…Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你!How do you do! 你好!Thank you! 谢谢!Goodbye. 再见。

1 、一般术语1.1 涂装 painting将涂料涂覆于基底表面形成具有防护、装饰或特定功能涂层的过程,又叫涂料施工。
1.2 基材材料 basis materials在其表面施涂或沉积的一种材料,又叫底材,若此材料为金属,则叫基体金属。
1.3 基底 substrate底材的表面,此表面或无覆盖层或有覆盖层。
1.4 电沉积electrodeposition将导电工件作为电泳涂料工作槽的电极之一,在外电场的作用下进行的一种过程。
1.5 自沉积 auto-deposition借化学作用使某种物质沉积在物件上的过程,又叫化学沉积。
1.6 电泳 electrophoreses悬浮于液体介质中的微粒在外电场作用下的定向运动。
2 、表面处理2.1 表面预处理 surface pretreatment在涂装前,除去基底表面附着物或生成的异物,以提高基底表面与涂层的附着力或赋予表面以一定的耐蚀性能的过程,又能叫前处理。
2.2 机械预处理 mechanical pretreatment在涂装前,使用手工工具,动力工具或喷、抛丸、粒等,以除去基底表面异物的过程。
2.3 化学预处理 chemical pretreatment在涂装前,使用化学方法除去基底表面异物或形成转化膜的过程。
2.4 电化学预处理electrochemical pretreatment在涂装前,使用电化学方法除去基底表面异物或形成转化膜的过程。
2.5 脱脂 degreasing除去基底表面油污的过程。
2.6 化学脱脂 chemical degreasing利用化学方法除去基底表面油污的过程。
2.7 电化学脱脂 electrochemical degreasing利用电化学方法除去基底表面油污的过程。
2.8 浸泡脱脂 soak degreasing将工件浸入清洗剂进行的,不加外电流的清洗。
2.9 喷淋脱脂 spray degreasing将脱脂剂喷淋于工件上除去油污的过程。

常用船舶涂装英语词汇英文名称英文缩写中文名称1.Paint 涂装、涂料2.Thinner 稀料、稀释剂3.Coat 涂层4. Loss 消耗5.Shopprimer 车间底漆6.Primer 底漆7.Finish coating 面漆、竣工漆8. Antifouling 防污的9.Sandblast, sweepblast 喷砂,扫砂10.Grind 打磨11.Clean 洁净12.Dry film thickness DFT 干膜厚度13.Wet film thickness WFT 湿膜厚度14.Second treatment 二次除锈15.Spray-paint 喷漆16.Roller 滚筒、辊子17.Brush 漆刷18. Epoxy 环氧19.Alkyd 醇酸树脂20.Bitumen 沥青21. Acrylic 丙烯酸的22.Stem 船首23.Stern 船尾24.Center line C.L. 中线25.Water line W.L. 水线26.Port P 左舷27.Starboard S 右舷28.Bow 船头29.Hull 船壳30.Deck 甲板31.Topside 干舷32.Hatch cover 舱口盖33.Hatch coaming 舱口围34. Ballast water tank B. W. T. 压载水舱35. Fresh water tank F.W.T. 淡水舱36. Fore peak tank F.P.T. 首尖舱36. After peak tank A.F.T. 尾尖舱37. Dirty water tank 污水舱38. Chain locker C.L. 锚链舱39. Store 储藏室40. Cargo hold 货舱41. Engine room E.R. 机舱42. Steer gear 舵机舱43. Fuel oil tank F.O.T. 燃油舱44. Diesel oil tank D.O.T. 柴油舱45. Lubricate oil tank L.O.T. 滑油舱46. Cofferdam 隔绝空舱47. Tube cooling water tank 艉管冷却水舱48. Sewage tank 生活污水舱49. Bilge tank 舱底水舱50. Double tank 双层底51. Bulwark 舷墙52. Forecastle 艏楼53. Poop 艉楼54. Funnel 烟囱55. Floor 地板56. Platform 平台57. Ceiling 天花58. Wall 墙59. Design draught 设计吃水60. Scantling draught 构造吃水61. Length overall 总长62. Breadth 型宽63. Depth 型深64. Passageway 过道65. Superstructure 上层建筑66. Wheelhouse 驾驶室67. Paint store 油漆间68. Work shop 工作间69.Air condition room70.Pipe tunnel71.Ventilation trunkdder73.Railings ,handrails74.Void75.Engine control room76.Bilge well77.Inspection78.Approve79.Welding80.Owner representative81.Paint supervisor82.Shipyard83.Inspector84.Modified Epoxy85.Tar Epoxy86. Selfpolishing A/F SPC87.Polyurethane88.Pure Epoxy89.Zinc Silicate90.Galvanized91.Colour, color92.Green93.Yellow94.Red95.Brown96.Grey97.White98.Cream99.Blue100.Orange101.Black101.fore peak102.aft peak103.chain locker 空调机室管弄风管梯子栏杆、扶手空舱机舱控制室污水井检查认同、经过电焊船东代表油漆服务商船厂查验员改性环氧焦油环氧自抛光防污漆聚氨脂纯环氧无机硅酸锌镀锌的颜色绿色黄色红色棕色灰色白色米黄蓝色桔黄黑色艏尖舱艉尖舱锚链舱104. bow thruster room105. anti heeling pump room106. fresh water tank107. stern tube cooling water TK108. deep tank109. wheel house110. bosun store111. paint store112. deck store113. CO2 room114. steering gear room115. log tank116. bilge water sludge TK117. cooling water drain TK118. waste oil TK119. sludge TK120. sea chest121. cylinder oil service TK122. D.O. storage TK123. D.O. settling TK124. HFO overflow TK125. M/E L.O. sump TK126. M/E dirty L.O. TK127. engine control room128. boiler water TK129. ENG TK130. engine workshop131. electrician store132. double water ballast tank(DB WBT) 133. side WBT134. void space135. stair way136. wave breaker137. gangway138. super structure139. hatch cover 首侧推舱抗横倾泵舱淡水舱尾管冷却水舱深压载驾驶室水手长储蓄室油漆间甲板储蓄室二氧化碳室舵机舱计程仪舱舱底水泥渣舱冷却水泄放舱废油舱油渣舱海水箱汽缸油日用舱柴油储存舱柴油积淀舱燃油溢流舱主机滑油循环舱主机污滑油舱机舱集控室锅炉水舱轮机储物间机修间电工储蓄室双层底压载水舱边压载舱空舱梯道防浪罩舷梯上层建筑舱口盖140. hatch coming 141. container stanchion 142. cell guide143. grating144. shell plate145. rudder blade146. crane147. ladder148. step149. handrail150. cargo hold151. radar mast152. corridor153. vessel154. wharf155. block156. pipe tunnel157. funnel158. vent duct159. transversal bulkhead 160. bulwark161. weather deck 162. forecastle deck 163. poop deck164. compass deck 165. main deck166. passage way 167. manhole168. pilot 169.Purifrer 170.Stripe coat171. staging172. insulation173. lining174. floating deck175. emergency 舱口围箱柱导轨格栅外板舵叶吊机梯子踏步扶手货舱雷达桅走廊船码头分段管弄烟囱通风管横舱壁舷墙露天甲板首楼甲板尾楼甲板罗经甲板主甲板走道人孔引水员分油机预涂脚手架绝缘衬板浮动地板应急176. slipway177. erection joint 178. launching179. drydock180. delivery181. guarantee 182. color scheme 183. seamless pipe 184. drain hole 185. propeller186. dew point187. relative humidity 188. recoating interval 189. cracking190. peeling191. holiday192. sagging船台合拢缝下水干船坞交船保证色卡无缝管流水孔螺旋桨露点相对湿度复涂间隔开裂剥落露底流挂江苏扬子江船厂有限企业涂装车间整理2008年7月26日。

1.表干时间surface drying time在规定的干燥条件下,一定厚度的湿漆膜,表面从液态变为固态但其下信为液态所需要的时间。
2.实干时间hard drying time在规定的干燥条件下,从施涂好的一定厚度的液态漆膜至形成固态漆膜所需要的时间。
6.固体含量non-volatile matter content: solids content涂料所含有的不挥发物质的量。
7.研磨细度fineness of grind涂料中颜料及体质颜料分散程度的一种量度。
8.贮存稳定性storage stability在规定的条件下,涂料产品抵抗其存放后可能产生的异味、稠度、结皮、返粗、沉底,结块等性能变化的程度。
10.遮盖力hiding power色漆消除底材上的颜色或颜色差异的能力。
11.施工性application property涂料施工的难易程度。
13.漆膜厚度film thickness漆膜厚薄的量度,一般以微米(μm)表示。

涂装专业英文术语 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】专业英文术语1、一般术语涂装painting将涂料涂覆于基底表面形成具有防护、装饰或特定功能涂层的过程,又叫涂料施工。

颜色(yánsè):Grey 灰色(huīsè) Plum 洋红(yánghóng) Purple 紫色 Red 红色(hóngsè)Black 黑色 Brown 棕色Green 绿色 White 白色Silver 银色(metallic silver 金属银色) Cream 淡黄色Clear 透明 Buff 浅黄色涂料种类:C: Conventional Paint 常规涂料B: Bituminous Paint 沥青系涂料C/R: Chlorinated Rubber Paint 氯化橡胶系涂料P/E: Pure Epoxy Paint 纯环氧涂料T/E: Coal Tar Epoxy Paint 环氧沥青系涂料V/T: Vinyl Tar Paint 乙烯沥青系涂料P/U: Polyurethane Paint 聚氨脂涂料I/Z: Inorganic Zinc Silicate 无机硅酸锌涂料SPC: Self Polishing Copolymer 自抛光涂料B/E: Bleached Type Tar Epoxy Paint 漂白型环氧沥青A.C: Anti-corrosive Paint 防腐漆R.P: Rust Preventive Paint 防锈漆A.F: Anti-fouling Paint 防污漆T.S: Topside Paint 干弦漆D.P: Deck Paint 甲板漆F.P:: Finish Paint 面漆U.C: Under Coat 底漆(中间漆)B.C: Binder Coat 过渡层漆H.P: Hold Paint 货舵漆H.R: Heat Resistance Paint 耐热(nai rè)漆O.R: Oil Resistance Paint 耐油漆(yóuqī)A.R: Acid Resistance Paint 耐酸(nai suān)漆R.I: Rust Inhibitive Oil 防锈油A.P: Aluminium Paint 铝粉漆H.B: High-built Type 厚膜漆N.S: Non-slip Type 防滑型W.S: Water Soluble Type 水溶性涂料(túliào)G.P: Paint For Galvanized Parts 镀锌件底漆N.B: Non-bleed Type 非渗色型S.P: Shop Primer 车间底漆Wash Primer: 磷化底漆Varnish: 清漆Luminescent Paint: 荧光漆Epoxy Paint: 环氧漆Alkyd Paint: 醇酸漆月份:一月 Jan 二月 Feb 三月 Mar四月 Apr 五月 May 六月 Jun七月 July 八月 Aug 九月 Sept十月 Oct 十一月 Nov 十二月 Dec星期:星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 星期三 Wednesday 星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 星期六 Saturday星期日 Sunday相关(xiāngguān)术语:局部(júbù)修补 settling 修补(xiūbǔ) touch-up刷涂 brushing 漏涂 holidays复涂 overcoating 满涂 full coat预涂 stripe coat 空气(kōngqì)喷涂 air spray无气喷涂 airless spray 光泽 gloss失光 loss of gloss 半光 semi-gloss光滑 glossy 开裂 cracking/checking流挂 sagging/running 起泡 blistering出汗 sweating/perspiration 结露 condensation/dewing 露点 dew point 缩孔/露底 crater发花 floating 色差 color difference色斑 staining 渗色 bleeding收缩/起皱 shrinkage/ wrinkling 桔皮 orange peel结皮 skinning 遮盖力 hiding power遮盖力弱 lack of hiding 附着力 adhesion咬底 lifting 发白 blushing剥落 peeling 翘皮 peeling off刷痕 brush mark 烧损 burn damage机械损伤 mechanical damage 腻子 putty飞溅 spatter/spattering 打磨 grinding/griting锈 rusting 返锈 rerusting除锈 derusting 氧化皮 mill scale绝缘 insulation/illumination 抹布 rag铲刀 scraper 敲/铲 chipping/scraping刷子 brush 滚刷(筒) roller口罩 mask/respirator 砂纸打磨 sanding钢丝盘刷 wire wheel 砂皮纸 sandpaper盘型砂纸 disc-sand 叉车 fork lifter点蚀 pitting 麻点(má diǎn)/点蚀 pocking/pitting/blister 喷溅(pēn jiàn)麻点 spatting 手电筒 flashlight/electric torch 针孔(zhēn kǒnɡ) pinhole 气孔 blowhole焊渣 slag 熔渣(rónɡ zhā) burn slag焊条 electrode 焊丝 wire焊接 weld 温度计 thermometer湿度计 hygrometer 测厚仪 thickness gauge湿膜仪 wet film thickness gauge 干膜厚度 dry film thickness湿膜厚度 wet film thickness 湿度 humidity氧气 oxygen 渗漏 leakage轮机 machinery 电气 electricity车间 workshop 平台 platform/flat横梁 beam 码头 wharf/quay栏杆 handrail/rail 梯子 ladder吊杆 boom 脚手架 staging/scaffold脚手架踏板 stage plant 跳板 foot board天花板 ceiling 三角板/接地支架 bracketR孔 scallop 流水孔 scupper排水孔 drain hole/scupper 小孔 orifice角钢 angle bar 槽钢 channel bar扁钢 steel flat 球边钢 bulbangle球扁钢 bulb plate/bar 工字钢 H-beam高压淡水冲洗 HPFW 酸洗 picking酸洗池 picking tub(bath) 化学清洗 chemical cleaning外部 external 内部 internal脱脂 degreasing 除油 oil removing去油剂 detergent 油脂/黄油 grease砂 sand/grit 锤子 hammer砂斗 container 斜面/有坡度 sloping上斜坡(xiépō) upper hopper 下斜坡 lower hopper搅拌(jiǎobàn) agitation 搅拌器 agitator/mixer喷漆(pēn qī)泵 spray pump 喷枪 spray gun枪嘴 spray nozzle 肋骨(lèigǔ) frame加强肋骨 web frame 边肋骨 side frame斜肋骨 cant beam 斜梁 cant beam加强衍 stiffening girder 加强板 stiffener/stiffening plate 加强筋 stiffening rib 分段 block水密的 watertight 焊缝 weld seam大接缝 master butt 底座/基座 foundation粗糙度 roughness 除湿机 dehumiditifier空调机 air conditioner 压缩机 compressor压缩空气 compressed air 吸砂机 vacuum recovery水分离器 water-separator 集尘器 dust collector灰尘 dust 粉尘 ash喷砂 grit/sand blasting 扫喷砂 sand sweeping点喷砂 spot blasting 湿喷砂 wet blasting棱角钢砂喷砂 grit blasting 熔块/金属渣 regulus表面处理 surface preparation 表面处理 surface treatment 钢板表面 steel surface 受热面 heating surface挥发 evaporate 粉化 chalking雾化 atomization 风化 crosion风向 wind direction 风力 wind force自然干燥 natural seasoning 复涂间隔 recoating interval 复涂间隔期 recoating limits 间隔时间 the time interval污染 contamination 油漆配套 paint scheme仓库 wear house 施工 application等级 grade 配件 attachment边(缘) edge 开口边缘 eye edge切割(qiēgē)边缘 cutting edge 咬边/下陷 under cut组装/装配(zhuāngpèi) assembly 条件 condition咬口 underout 毛刺(máocì) lamination油迹 oil residue 通风(tōng fēng) ventilation湿气 moisture 建议 recommendation相对湿度 the relative humidity 保持 maintain满意 satisfactory 清洁 clean标准 standard 符合 in accordance with矿质磨料 mineral abrasive 残留磨料 spent abrasive锈层 scale 电导率 conductivity除湿 de-humidification 直接 directly自由边 edges of cut outs 垂流 curtaining软底鞋套 soft footwear 检验 inspection保护 protection 验收 accepted漆膜 paint film 粘度 viscosity流平性 leveling 预热 chalking熟化 ripening 沉淀/麻点 pocking mark调整/校对 adjust 树脂 resin多余的 excess 油污 oil and grease粘土 slime 涂布率 coverage胶带 tape 补焊 repair welding拒绝 reject 承包人 contractor工人 workman 工头 foreman活络扳 adjustable spanner 螺丝刀 screwdriver螺栓(螺丝) bolt 螺母(螺帽) nut漆雾 paint dust/overspray 干喷漆雾 dry spray/over spray 基料 base 固化剂 curing agent溶剂 solvent 稀料 thinner底漆 undercoat/primer 面漆 topcoat旧油漆(yóuqī) previous paint 已涂油漆 present paint将涂油漆(yóuqī) succeeding paint 厚膜涂料 high-build coating桥吊:前大梁(dàliáng) boom后大梁(dàliáng) girder海侧梯形架 waterside pylon龙门架(陆侧梯形架) gantry frame海侧上横梁 seaside portal beam海侧下横梁 seaside sill beam陆侧上横梁 landside portal beam陆侧下横梁 landside sill beam左海侧立柱 left seaside leg右海侧立柱 right seaside leg左陆侧立柱 left landside leg右陆侧立柱 right landside leg左水平联系梁 left horizontal beam右水平联系梁 right horizontal beam前拉杆 forestay后拉杆 backstay后撑杆 inner backstay门框斜撑 frame diagonal行走机构 gantry traveling机房底盘 machinery house foundation机房围棚 machinery house wall小车架 trolley拖架小车 catenary trolley维修行车 maintenance crane理货室checker’s cab司机(sījī)室driver’s c ab俯仰(fǔyǎng)室 boom operation吊具 spreader吊具上架 headblock梯子(tī zi)平台 walkways, ladders and platforms 栏杆(lángān) handrailQuayside container crane 桥吊Rubber tyre gantry crane 轮胎吊Rail-mounted gantry crane 轨道吊船舶:船体 hull 轮机 machinery电气 electricity 舾装 outfitting外板 shell outside 甲板 exposed deck干舷 topside 水线 boottop直底 vertical bottom 平底 flat bottom左舷 portside 右舷 starboard舵叶 rudder 水侧字 draft上甲板 upperdeck 上层建筑 superstructure 船台/泊位 berth/slipway 舷墙 bulwark舱壁 bulkhead 球鼻首 bulbbow桅杆 mast 前桅 fore mast灯桅 lamp mast 桅屋 mast house雷达桅 radar mast 桅柱 derrick post天线架 aerial mast 天蓬 awing码头 wharf/quay 舱底 tank top横梁 beam 舷梯 gutter way/gangway船头 bow 船尾 stern舷窗(xiánchuāng) porthole 舷墙排水孔 wash port舷墙(xián qiánɡ)方柱 walk stay 舷边栏杆(lángān) gunwale railing 旋梯 winding stair 吊艇架 davit吊艇臂 davit arm 吊货杆 cargo boom舵杆(duòɡǎn) rudder stem frame 反顶 under deck食品吊 provision crane 克林吊 crane foundation汽车吊 truck crane 门机 gantry crane锚机 windlass 锚链筒 hawse pipe锚链孔 hawse hole 人孔 access hole角孔 angle hole 甲板排水孔 deck drain实肋板人孔 manhole of solid floor 水泥 cement锌板 zinc plate 锌盐 zinc salt/white dust镀锌 galvanizing/zincing 镀锌板 galvanized steel plate镀锌铁板 galvanized iron 镀锌管 galvanized pipe舭(船底弯曲部) bilge 舭龙骨 bilge keel防鼠挡板 rat-guard 船首防浪板 bow chock首封板 forecastle break bulkhead 尾封板 poop front bulkhead波形舱壁 corrugated bulkhead 舱壁板 bulkhead横隔舱壁 thwartship bulkhead 纵舱壁 longitudinal bulkhead中纵舱壁 center line bulkhead 挡水板 scupper board花铁板 floor plate 龙骨墩 keelblock纵缝 longitudinal seam 边翼/侧面 wing浮船坞 floating dock 坞门 caisson坞底 dock bottom 进坞 docking出坞 undocking 热风炉 air oven导缆器 fairlead 导缆孔 chock带缆桩 bollard 平方米 square meter通风筒 ventilator 船体车间 hull shop涂装车间 coating shop 筛网 sieve艏柱 stempost 艏灯桅 stem light mast甲板(jiǎbǎn)室 deck house 货舱 cargo hold螺旋桨 propeller 海底(hǎi dǐ)阀箱 sea chest海底(hǎi dǐ)塞 bottom plug 舱口(cānɡ kǒu) hatch way 舱底水 limber water 花钢板 chequered plate干隔舱 cofferdam 空仓 void space管弄 pipe tunnel 油盘 oil pan格栅 grating 双层底 double bottom货舱盖 hatch cover 箱型舱盖 hatch pontoon舱口围 hatch coaming 橡皮槽 rubber channel水沟(槽) gutter water way 锅炉 boiler托架 pedestal 堵塞 chock up起居甲板 accommodation deck 驾驶甲板 navigating deck罗经甲板 compass deck 桥楼甲板 bridge deck船长甲板 captain deck 遮阳甲板 shade deck首楼甲板 forecastle deck 尾楼甲板 poop deck救生艇甲板 boat deck 接地片 lug突出部位 profile 凹面 recessed area拆除 dismantle 上部涂层 upper area海水试验 salt water test 灌满 fill up with污泥 mud 淤积物 deposit海生物 sea animal 海藻 sea weed/grass管虫 tubeworm 水解层 hydrolyze layer口头地 verbally 便条 verbal note指触干 dry to touch 硬干 hard dry冰冻 freeze 海试 sea-trial热井 cascard/hot well 测爆 gas free牺牲阳极 sacrificial anode 阳极保护 anode shield阴极保护 cathodic protection 慢挥发溶剂 slow-evaporating艏尖舱 fore peak tank 尾尖舱 after peak tank淡水(dànshuǐ)舱 fresh water tank 饮水舱 drink water tank/potable water tank 压载舱 ballast water tank 燃油舱 fuel oil tank柴油(cháiyóu)舱 diesel oil tank 货油舱 cargo oil tank滑油舱 lubricating oil tank 污油舱 dirty oil tank污水(wū shuǐ)舱 bilge water tank 污水(wū shuǐ)柜 sewage tank污水井 bilge well 海水舱 sea water tank隔离舱 cofferdams tank 溢流舱 overflow tank泄放舱 drain tank 锅炉水舱 feed water tank蒸馏水舱 distilled water tank 首燃油舱 forward F.O.tank尾燃油舱 after F.O.tank 深燃油舱 F.O.deep tank重柴油舱 heavy diesel oil tank 顶边水舱 topside tank舱底水舱 bilge water tank 冷却水舱 cooling water tank测深仪舱 sounder room 计程仪舱 log room含油水舱 oily water tank 污油水舱 bilge oil water tank汽缸油柜 cylinder oil tank 机舱油柜 engine room tank燃油日用柜 F.O.service tank 燃油沉淀柜 F.O.settling tank燃油缓冲柜 F.O.buffer tank 燃油溢流舱 F.O.spill tank滑油循环柜 L.O.circulating tank 滑油沉淀柜 L.O.settling tank滑油储存柜 L.O.storage tank 滑油储藏舱 L.O.storage tank柴油日用柜 D.O.service tank 污油油渣舱 sludge oil tank轻柴油储存柜 light D.O.storage tank 柴油沉淀舱 M.D.O settling tank柴油储存舱 M.D.O store tank 舵机舱 steering gear room格栅顶面 grating top 深水舱 deep tank通海阀箱 sea inlet valve chest 边舱 wing tank污油水舱 slop tank 剩下的舱 residual tank泵舱 pump room 居住区域 accommodation space应急消防泵舱 emergency fire fight pump tank应急发电机室 emergency generator room地板(dìbǎn)裸露部位 floor bare steel甲板机械(jīxiè)下部 under deck machinery转机设备(shèbèi)底座 under machinery seat舵机底座(dǐzuò)下部区域 under steering gear seat舵机舱地板裸露部分 steering gear room floor bare steel 双层底甲板 main floor-top of double bottom急救室1st AID Room泡沫材料&防火控制站 Foam &Fire Control Station轮机长办公室 Engine Office甲板和机舱更衣室 Deck &Engine Changing Room苏伊士房间/检疫处 Suez Crew Room/Quarantine Room 医务室Hospital被服库 Linen Locker洗衣间 Ship’s Laundry主楼梯 Main Stair Way健身房 Gymnasium公共厕所 Public Toilet机舱入口 E/R Entrance救生设备储存室 L/S(Life Save) Equipment Store空调室 Air Condition Room油漆储藏间 Paint Store水手储藏室Bosun Store干货储藏室Dry Provision Store蔬菜库Vegetable Chamber鱼库Fish Chamber肉库Meat Chamber奶库Dairy Chamber冷藏库Refrigerated Chamber粮食库Provision Chamber油漆(yóuqī)库Paint Chamber氧气(yǎngqì)库Oxygen Room乙炔(yǐ quē)间Acetylene Room机舱(jīcāng)棚Engine Room Casing 储物舱Locker液压泵室Hydro Power Unit Room货物泵舱Cargo Pump Room惰性气体洗气室I.G.S Scrubber Room隔舱Cofferdam官员起居室 Officer Living Room货油控制站 Cargo Control Room会议室 Conference Room船员起居室 Crew Living Room官员餐厅 Off’s Mess Room电缆&管弄间 Cable &P/D Room快餐间 Snack Room船员餐厅 Crew’s Mess Room船员配餐室 Crew Pantry厨房 Galley官员配餐室 Office Pantry加油工 Oiler泵管理员 Pump Man甲板实习生 Deck Cadet清洁员室 Wiper备用船员室 Available装配工 Fitter轮机实习生 Engine Cadet海员室Able Seaman水手长 Boat Swain普通(pǔtōng)海员室 Ordinary Seaman通道(tōngdào) Passage厨师(chúshī)室 Cook服务员室 Steward大副休息室 Chief Mate Day Room官员(guānyuán)洗衣房 Officer’s Laundry 三副 3rd Mate(3/officer)二副 2nd Mate(2/officer)船长休息室 Captain Day Room船东室 Owner轮机长休息室 C/Engine Day Room大管 2nd Engineer二管 3rd Engineer电气工程师室 Electric Engine卧室 Bed Room检察员室 Inspector大副休息室 C/Officer Day Room二副休息室 2nd Engine Day Room海图桌 Chart Table海图区域、无线电区域 Chart Space引水员 Pilot储存室 Store电池间 Battery LKR电气储存室 Electric LKR英语会话:Hello! / Hi! 你好!Good morning! 早上好!Good afternoon! 下午(xiàwǔ)好!Good evening! 晚上(wǎn shang)好!How are you? 你好(nǐ hǎo)吗?/ Fine, thank you, and you? 很好,谢谢(xiè xie),你呢?My name is …(I’m… ) 我叫…Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你!How do you do! 你好!Thank you! 谢谢!Goodbye. 再见。

涂装术语—涂膜缺陷99条油缩孔oil dewetting/cratering雨水痕迹water slaining气泡bubble/bubbling电泳气泡bubble trace on ED film电泳湿漆膜剥落peeling off wet ED film电泳缩孔ED cratering电泳针孔pinhole on ED film丝状锈蚀filiform corrosion掉色discoloration色差off color色不均mottling色分离flooding湿污染wet contamination水痕迹water mark啄伤pecking变黄yellowing气体裂纹gas checking/crazing白化blushing颜料沉降pigment sedimentation气泡bubble陷穴点蚀createring/pitting银粉不匀poor aluminum crientation/m ottling 发糊dulling/bloom/clouding/cloudiness/hazing 尘埃dust/dirt锈rust/corrosion打磨器纹sanding scratch涂密封胶不良sealing failure底层染污bleeding沾污stain/spot/spotting起皱crinkling/shrivelling/wrinkling/rivelling吸收suction/absorption水泡water bubbling盖底不良hiding failure划伤scrack鲜映性低low distinctness of im age层间剥离intercoat adhesion failure退色fading流痕dripping下沉sagging run curtaining流挂sag皱纹起皱wrinkle碎落chipping粉化chalking泳透性差thin/no ED coating失光dulling/loss of gloss/matting光泽不匀flashing打磨划伤sand scratch涂膜过厚too m ach film thickness涂膜剥落peeling干污染dry contam ination涂料缩孔、鱼眼cratering/fish eye涂料颗粒dirt/seed流淌sagging/running渗色bleeding涂得太薄thin paint漏涂skips剥离peeling缩孔鱼眼crawing/fish eye/cratering钣金凹凸ding and dent焊药针孔soldering pinhole针孔pinhole膨泡blistering颗粒hunp/cluster发白blushing起泡blistering触伤痕mar鬓状裂纹hair cracking砂纸纹sanding scratch凹坑cratering变色discoloration膨润swelling模糊(阴影)shading星状不平com et star pineple保护不良break line failure金属颗粒metallic seeding返粘after tack未烘干透under baking锉刀纹grinding scratch桔皮orange peel气泡孔solvent popping/pin holes裂纹/开裂cracking、发状裂纹hair cracking、浅裂纹checking、龟裂craging裂开cracking鳄鱼皮状裂纹alligatering crocodilingPhysically Drying:: 物理干燥Chemically Curing: 化学固化Emulsion: 乳胶漆Zinc Silicate: 硅酸锌Chlorinated: 氯化橡胶Silicone: 硅铜Acrylic: 丙烯酸Epoxy: 环氧Vinyl: 乙烯基Polyurethane: 聚氨脂Dispersions:水溶型Drying Oils: 干燥油脂Tar and Bitumens: 焦油和沥青Alkyd: 醇酸Modified Alkyd: 改良性醇酸Binder molecule: 粘合剂颗粒Evaporation of solvent: 溶剂挥发Wet film: 湿膜Dry film: 干膜。

前处理及前处理剂(1001-1053)1001碱液脱脂法 alkali degreasing1002碱性脱脂法 alkali cleaner1003离子交换 ion exchange1004槽液管理 solution control, booth control1005乳化脱脂法 emulsion edgreasing1006乳化脱脂剂 emulsion cleaner1007化学除锈剂 chemical descaling/ chemical derusting 1008化学脱脂法 chemical descaling1009化学成膜 chemical conversion coating1010黄锈(磷化处理中)rust caused on phosphat coating 1011鉻酸处理(钝化)chromate coating, chromating1012鉻酸盐处理 chromate coating, chromating1013硅酸钠 sodium silicate1014打锈 descaling1015除锈(同:酸洗,酸蚀)descaling, derusting1016酸洗(同:除锈)acid picking, picking1017酸性阻蚀剂 acid picking in hibitor1018喷砂 sankblasting, blast cleaning1019纯水(同:脱离子水)deionized water1020纯水洗 deionized water rinsing1021喷丸 shot blasting1022新鲜水洗 fresh water rinsing1023蒸气磷化处理 steam phosphating1024喷射式前处理 spray pretreatment system1025总酸度 total acid1026促进剂 accelerator1027脱脂 degresing1028脱脂剂 cleaner1029脱脂,除锈二合一处理剂 phosphoric acid cleaning 1030灰蓝色 blue color1031三氯乙烯脱脂(蒸气脱脂)vapor degreasing1032三氯乙烯 trichloroethylene1033四氯乙烯 parchlorlethylene , carbontetrachlcride 1034半浸式前处理 half dip pretreat ment system1035P比(同:P/P+H) P ratio1036磷化处理剂 phosphating chemicals1037皮膜处理 chemical conversion coating1038膜重量 coating weight1039表面预处理 surface treatment1040表面调整 surface conditioning1041表面调整剂 surface conditioner1042溢流喷射式前处理 flood spray pretreatment system 1043全浸式前处理 full dip pretreatment system1044前处理 pretreatment1045前处理剂 pretreatment chemicals1046烘干水分 drying off1047游离酸度 free acid1048溶剂脱脂 solvent degreasing1049预清洗 precleaning1050预热水洗 hot water prerising1051锌盐磷化处理 ziue phosphating phosphate treatment 1052锌盐磷化膜 ziue phosphating coating1053铁盐磷化膜 iron phosphating coating涂装方法(2001-2089)2001阳极电泳 anodic electro deposition2002阳极接地法 anodic earth method2003气喘,喷流间断 spitting spray, flurrering2004湿碰湿 wet on wet2005涂面漆 top coat2006空气喷涂 air spraying2007吹风 air blow2008无气喷涂 airless spraying2009过喷涂 over spray2010隔膜(电极)电泳涂装 membrance system electro depsoition 2011重叠涂装 over coating2012汽油打磨 wet sanding with gasoline2013阴极电泳涂装 cathodic electro deposition2014干打磨 dry sanding2015喷枪距离 gun distance2016喷枪移动速度 spray gun velocity2017机械打磨 mechanical sanding2018表面准备(同底材面调整) surface preparation2019空气雾化式静电喷涂法 electrostatic air atomizing spray merhod2020黑皮(黑色氧化皮) mill scale2021酸性涂料补给电泳涂装法2022修饰性打磨 finish sanding2023基底 substrate2024被涂面的表面准备 surface preparation 2025涂底漆 primer coating2026浸涂 dipping, dip coating2027喷涂 spraying, spray coating2028喷涂影 (atomizing) fan pattern2029局部修补 spot repair2030三层涂装 three coat2031涂三次,烘三次 three coat, three bake 2032涂三次,烘二次three coat, two bake2033拖式浸涂 slipper dipping2034静电涂装electrostatic coating2035静电粉末涂装 electrostatic powder coating2036静电式雾化式静电涂装法 electrostatic rotary atomizing spry methed2037统刮腻子 all pattying 2038试涂装 application trial 2039更新期 turn-over2040揩油 pad application, padding2041调制 (paint) mixing2042调色 color matching2043皱纹涂装2044二层涂装 two coat2045涂二层,烘二次 two coat, two bake2046涂二层,烘一次 two coat, one bake2047泳透力 throwing power2048尾形 tail2049电泳 electro phoresis2050电渗 electro osmosis2051电泳涂装(ED涂装) electrodeposition, electrocoating 2052打磨 sanding, grinding2053涂装 painting, coating, finishing2054涂装间隔 interval between coats, coating interval 2055涂装环境2056涂装体系 paint system, coating system2057涂装工艺 paint process2058涂装技术要求 painting sepctification2059涂着效率 transfer efficiency2060同色封底涂层 color sealer2061涂中涂层 surface coating, sealer coating2062重新涂装(同:补修涂装) repainting2063反复涂装 recoating2064涂布面积比(涂布率) spreading rate2065不需打磨2066刷涂 brush application, brushing, brush coating 2067被涂物 work2068雾化 atomizing2069局部打磨 detail sanding, defect sanding2070局部刮腻子 detail pattying2071淋涂 flow coating2072区域性修补 block repair2073粉末电泳涂装法(EPC) electrophoretic powder coating 207420粉末涂装 powder coating2075刮涂 knifing, knife application2076除晕色2077修补涂装 touch up2078热喷涂 hot spraying, hot spray coating 2079遮盖 masking2080抛光 polishing2081抛光修补 polishing2082湿打磨 wet sanding2083金属闪光色涂装 metallic coating2084超滤 utra filtration2085轻打磨 light sanding, scaffing2086流化床涂装 flridzed powder bed coating 2087辊涂 application by roller, roller coating 2088单层涂层 one coat2089涂一次,烘一次 one coat one bake涂料的干燥及干燥方法(2202-2217)2201(暗)红外干燥 (dark) infrared drying, infrarde drying, infrared baking2202湿涂膜 wet film2203表干 sand dry, surface dry 2204加热干燥 baking, thermosetting 2205干燥 drying2206强制干燥 forced drying2207完全干燥,完全固化 dry-hard, dry-through, hard dry, dry through, baking2208紫外线固化干燥(同:光聚合干燥) ultra violer curing 2209触指干燥 set to touch, dust free, dry to touch2210自然干燥(同:常温干燥) air drying cold curing 2211聚合干燥 curing by polymerization2212蒸发干燥(同:挥发干燥)drying by evaporation2213晾干 setting, flash off2214电子束固化(即辐射固化) electoro beem curing, radiation curing2215热风干燥,对流干燥 hot air drying couvection drying 2216半固化干燥(触指干燥) tack free, tack dry2217烘干(加热干燥) baking stoving涂料及其组成、性质(3001-3097)3001丙烯酸树脂涂料acrylic resin paint3002热塑性丙烯酸涂料 acryl lacquer3003施工固体部分 application solid3004胺浓度 amine content3005醇酸树脂涂料 alkyd resin paint3006拉丝现象cobwebbing3007面漆、面漆用涂料 top coat3008腐蚀底漆(同:磷化底漆、活性底漆) etching grimer 3009磁漆 enamel3010非水分散型涂料 non aqueous dispersion paint3011油性二道浆 oil surface3012油性腻子 oil putty3013油性底漆二道浆 oil primer surface3014灰分 ash conter3015阴极电泳涂料 cathodic electrod eposition primer 3016弹性(可弯曲性) flexibility3017加热残分(不挥发分) nonvolatile content, nonvolatile matter, solids content, heating residue3018钾中和型电涂料 KOH neutratized AED 3019结皮性 skinning3020干燥时间 bake schedule3021颜料体积比率(PVC或颜料容积浓度) pigment volume, pigment volume concentration3022颜料分(P.W.C) pigment content 30233底漆涂料primer3024底盘黑涂料 chassis black paint3025富锌底漆 zinc rich primer3026水性涂料,水系涂料 water borne paint3027水溶性树脂涂料 water soluble resin paint, water soluble resion coating3028抗石击涂料(SGC) stoneguard coating3029相溶性 compatibility, compatible3030第三石油类3031第二石油类3032抗漆雾污染性 spray mist compatibility3033局部修补底漆 touch up primer3034触变性 thixotropy, thixotropic3035抗崩裂涂料 antichipping paint, chip resistant paint3036抗崩裂二道浆(涂料) chip resistant surfacer, anti chipping surface3037抗崩裂底漆(涂料) chip resistant primer, anti chipping surfacer3038贮存稳定性 shelf life, storage stability, can stability 3039细度,粒度 grainning, bitty, seed3040无光涂料 flat paint, flat oil paint, mat paint3041电泳涂料 electrocoating, coating foe electrodeposion3042涂膜主要成分 film forming agent film forming ingredient, film former, film forming material3043同色涂料(中涂) color surface3044涂料 coating, paint3045中间层涂料(同: 二道浆) surfacer, guide coat3046原漆 virgin paint, UN-cut paint3047双组分涂料 two component paint3048硝基漆 nitrocellulose lacpuer, nitrocellulose coating 3049热塑性丙烯酸树脂涂料 thermoplastic acrylic paint3050热固性丙烯酸树脂涂料 thermosetting acrylic paint3051稠密 consistency3052粘度 viscosity3053高固体分硝基漆 high solid lacpuer3054高固体分型涂料 high solid paint3055基料 binder3056腻子 putty3057PH值3058颜基比P/B P by B3059光固化涂料 light curing coating3060漆料 vehicle3061酚醛树脂涂料 phenolic coating, phenolic resin paint 3062苯二甲酸树脂涂料 phthalic resin paint, alkyd resin paint3063不饱和聚脂涂料 unsaturated polyester paint3064底漆 primer3065底漆二道浆 primer surface3066粘连、结块 blocking3067粉末涂料 powder paint3068油漆色漆 paint3069防锈蜡 anti-corrosion wax, anti-rust wax3070活化期、活化寿命 pot life, pot stability3071聚酯腻子 polyester putty3072水分散性(树脂)涂料 water dispersible paint3073研磨色浆 millbase, milling base3074无溶剂型涂料 solventless coating, solvent free paint3075金属闪光色磁漆 metalic enamel, metalic paint, metalic pigmented paint3076三聚氰氨醇酸树脂涂料 melamine alkyd resin paint, melamine alkyd paint3077烘烤型涂料(俗:烤漆) thermosetting paint 3078油性涂料oil paint3079油度 oil length3080硝基清漆(俗:拉克) lacquer3081硝基磁漆 lacquer enamel3082硝基二道浆 lacquer surfacer3083硝基腻子 lacquer putty3084硝基底漆 lacquer primer3085沥青涂料 bituminous paint3086流平性 leveling3087清漆(俗:凡立水) varnish涂膜形成物及其性质(3201-3247)3201丙烯酸系树脂 acrylate resins3202 丙烯酸 acrylic acid3203丙烯酸改性的醇酸树脂 acryl modified alkyd resin 3204沥青 asphalt3205亚麻仁油 linseed oil3206氨基树脂 amino resin3207醇酸树脂(同:苯二甲酸树脂) alkyd resin3208酯化油 esterification oil3209环氧树脂 epoxy resin3210无油醇酸树脂 oil free alkyd resin3211外部增塑化 external plastici zation3212干油性 drying oil3213天然硬沥青 hilsonite3214甘油 glycerin3215胶化时间 gel time, time of gelation3216皂化 saponification3217皂化价 saponification valeu, saponification number 3218红花油 safflower oil3219脂肪酸 carboxyl acid3220硝化棉 nitrocellulouse3221有机硅树脂 sillicone resin3222水溶性树脂 water soluble resin3223苯乙烯改性醇酸树脂 styrenated alhyd, styrene alkyd, styrene alkyed resin3224豆油 soybean oil, soya been oil 3225多元酸 polybasic acid3226多元醇 polyhydric alcohol polyol 3227短油性醇酸树脂 short oil alkyd resin 3228天然树脂 natural resin3229天然油 natural oil3230塔油 toll oil3231内部塑化 internal plasticization3232热可塑性 thermoplastic, thermoplasticity, thremal plasticity3233热固化 thermosetting property 3234半干性油 semidrying oil3235沥青 bitumen3236蓖麻油 castor oil3237酚醛树脂 phenol resin3238不干性油 nondrying oil3239氧化沥青 blown asphalt3240聚酯 polyester3241聚丁二烯 polyester3242顺丁烯二酸酐改性油 maleinised oil 3243苯二甲酸酐 phthalic anhydride 3244甲基丙烯酸 methacrylic acid3245三聚氰氨树脂 melamine resin3246椰子油 coconut oil3247碘值 ioline value, iodine number 颜料及其性质(3401-3434)3401锌白 zinc ocide3402锌粉 zinc dust, zinc grey 3403石棉粉 asbestin3404惰性珍珠色云母 nollepecxl mica3405铝粉 aluminum flake powder, aluminum powder, aluminem pigment powder3406铝粉膏 aluminum flake paste, aluminum powder paste, aluminum pigment paste3407色光、色头 tint(ing) shade, reduced shade 3408碘式铬酸铝 basic lead chromate3409碘式碳酸铝 basic lead carbonate, basic carbonate white lead3410红丹 red lead3411土黄颜料、赫石 ochre3412碳黑 carbon black3413颜料 pigment3414吸油量 oil absorption value 3415白土、陶土、白垩 clay3416防锈颜料rust preventing pigment, rust inhibiting pigment, inhibitive pigment3417铬酸锌、锌黄 zinc chromate, zinv yellow pigment 3418锶铬黄、铬酸锶 strontium chromate3419填料、体质颜料 extender filler, extender pigment3420滑石粉 talc3421钛白 white titanium pigment3422着色颜料 color pigment3423着色力 tinting strength3424铅系颜料 lead pigment3425二氧化钛 titanium dioxide3426永固红 permanent red3427耐晒黄 fast yellow3428酞菁绿 copper phthalocyanine green3429酞菁蓝 copper phthalocyanine blue3430分散 dispersion3431铁红 red iron pigment3432无机颜料 inorganic pigment3433有机颜料 organic color pigment, rrganic pigment 3434漂浮 leafingv溶剂及其性质(3601-3633)3601醇醛溶剂 sellosolves (solvent)3602醇系溶剂 alcohols (solvent)3603异丙醇 isopropyl alcohol 3604醚系溶液 ethers (solvent) 3605酯系溶液 ethers (solvent) 3606乙醇 ethyl alcohol3607稀释剂 diluent (solvent) 3608二甲苯 xylene3609酮系溶液 ketones (solvent) 3610工业用酒精3611高沸点溶剂 high boiling point solvent, high boiler, slow solvent3612乙酸乙酯 ethyl acetate3613乙酸丁酯 n-butyl acetate3614二丙酮醇 diacetone alcohol3615脂肪族系碳氢化合物溶剂 aliphatic hydrocarbons (solvent) 3616助溶剂 cosolvent3617真溶剂 solvent3618溶纤剂(乙二醇一乙醚) cellosolve3619乙酸溶纤剂 cellosolce acetate3620煤焦油溶剂 solvent naphtha3621第一石油类3622低沸点溶剂 low boiling solvent, fast solvent3623松节油 oil of turpentine, spirit of turpentine, turpentine3624煤油 kerosene, kerosine3625甲苯 toluene3626卤化碳氢化合物溶剂 halogenated hydroeaxbon (solvent) 3627丁醇 butyl alcohol, butanol3628丁基溶纤剂 butyl cellosolve3629芳香族碳氢化合物系溶液 aromatic hydrocarbons solvent 3630白醇 mineral spirit, petroleum spirit3631甲基异丁基酮 methyl isobutyl keton3632甲乙酮 methyl ethyl ketone3633溶剂 solvent涂料用助剂及其性质(3801-3821)3801胺 amine3802防浮色剂 antiflooding agent, antifloating agent 3803表面活性剂 surface active agent surfactant3804增塑剂 plasticizer3805稀释性 reducidility3806金属皂 metallic soap, metal soap3807固化剂 hardner, curing abent3808防止氧化剂 antioxidant, oxidant inhibitor3809紫外线吸收剂 ultraviolet absorber (UV absorber) 3810苯甲酸丁二酯 dibutyl phthalate3811稀料 thinner3812静电防止剂 antistatic agent3813流挂防止剂 antisag agent3814沉淀物防止剂 antisettle agent3815消光剂 flatting agent3816三乙醇胺 triethyl amine3817涂料用稀料 paint thinner3818硝基漆用稀料 lacquer thinner3819防潮剂 retarder, retarder solvent3820防潮稀料 retarder thinner3821流变性控性 rheology control涂装用辅助材料及其性质(4001-4016)4001绿棒 conpaund stick4002粘性纸胶带 paper tack tape4003干打磨用砂纸 dry sandpaper4004纸质遮盖用胶带 crape masking4005打磨砂纸 abrasive paper sandpaper 4006打磨砂布 abrasive cloth, sanding cloth4007清洗用溶剂(稀料) washing solvent (falame retarding solvent)4008耐水性砂纸 water proof abrasion sandpaper4009耐热的(纸质)遮盖用胶带 heat stabe maskingtape 4010粘性纱布 tack rag4011粘灰清漆 tackrag varnish4012脱漆剂 paint remover4013抛光剂 polishing compound4014打磨网 poly (polyethene) net4015遮盖用胶带 masking (shield) tape4016绵纸(吉野纸)YOSHINO paper涂膜及其性质(5001-5040)5001遮盖力 hiding power, obiterating power, covering power, opacity5002面漆层 top coat, finish coat, finishing coat5003涂面漆的适应性 overcoatability5004重复涂装的适应性 recoatability5005玻璃化点 glass transition point5006镜面光泽度 specular glose, specular reflection 5007打磨性 grindability5008底涂(层) primer5009浸透性 pentrability5010鲜映性 distinctness of image5011耐碱性 alkaliproof, alkali resistance5012耐过烘干性 overbake resistance5013耐盐水性 salt water resistance5014耐挥发油(汽油)性 gasoline resistance5015耐久性 durability5016耐弯曲性(弹性) flexibility, elasticity5017耐侯性 weather resistance, weathering property, weatherproof5018耐酸性 acidproof, acid resistance 5019耐冲击性 impact resistance5020耐蚀性 corrosion resistance5021耐水性 water resistance, waterproof5022耐洗净性 washability5023耐崩裂性 chiping resistance5024耐热性 heat resistance5025耐沸水性 boiling water resistance 5026耐磨耗性 abrasion resistance 5027耐药品性 chemical resistance 5028耐油性 oil resistance, oilproof 5029耐溶剂性 solvent resistance5030光泽 gloss5031无光泽 flat5032涂膜 paint film5033涂膜污染性 stain resistance5034涂膜的外观 appearance of paint film, paint film appearance5035涂面 surface of paint film 5036半光泽 semigloss5037附着力 adhesion5038溶出(涂膜的) elusion, bleeding 5039裂解 degradation5040老化 aging, ageing涂膜的缺陷(5201-5299)5201油缩孔 oil dewetting, oil cratering 5202雨水痕迹 water slaining5203气泡 bubble, bubbling5204电泳气泡 bubble trace on ED film5205电泳湿漆膜剥落 peeling off wet ED film 5206电泳缩孔 ED cratering5207电泳针孔 pinhole on ED film5208丝状锈蚀 diliform corrosion5209异物起霜5210掉色 discoloration5211色差 off color5212色不均 mottling5213色分离 flooding5214湿污染 wet contamination5215水痕迹 water marke5216啄伤 pecking5217变黄 yellowing5218气体裂纹 gas checking, gas crazing5219白化 blushing5220干斑痕5221颜料沉降 pigment sedimentation5222气泡 bubble5223银粉不均 poor aluminum crientation, aluminum motting 5224发糊 dulling, bloom, clouding, cloudiness, hazing 5225陷穴点蚀 createring, pitting5226尘埃 dust, dirt5227锈 rust, corrosion5228打磨器纹 sanding scratch5229密封胶附着5230涂密封胶不良 sealing failure5231底层污染 bleeding5232底层流挂5233粘污 stain, spot, spotting5234起皱 crinkling, shrivelling, wrinkling, rivelling 5235吸收 suction, absorption5236水泡 water bubbling5237盖底不良 hiding failure5238划伤 scrack5239鲜映性质 low distinctness of image 5240间层剥离 intercoat adhesion failure 5241退色 fading5242流痕 dripping5243下沉 sagging run curtaining5244流挂 sag5245段痕5246皱纹起皱 wrinkle5247碎落 chipping5248粉化 chalking5249泳透性差 thin ED coating, no ED coating 5250失光 dulling, loss of gloss, matting 5251光泽不均匀 flashing5252胶带遮盖痕迹5253防声涂料附着5254防声涂料涂布不良5255打磨划痕 sand scratch5256打磨不足5257打磨坑5258涂膜过厚 too mach film thickness5259涂膜剥落 peeling5260干污染 dry contamination5261涂料缩孔,鱼眼 cratering, fish eye 5262涂料颗粒 dirt, seed5263流淌 sagging, running5264渗色 bleeding5265涂得太薄 thin paint5266漏涂 skips5267剥离 peeling5268缩孔鱼眼 crawling, fish eye, cratering 5269腻子残痕5270钣金凹凸 ding and dent5271焊药针孔soldering pinhole5272焊渣5273针孔pinhole5274膨泡 blistering5275颗粒hump, cluster5276笔划痕5277发白 blushing5278起泡 blistering5279触伤痕 mar5280击穿涂膜5281鬓状裂纹 hair cracking 5282砂纸纹 sanding scratch 5283凹坑 cratering5284变色 discoloration5285膨润 swelling5286模糊(阴影) shading5287星状不平 comet star pineple 5288保护不良 break line failure 5289落上漆雾5290水缩孔5291返铜光5292金属颗粒 metallic seeding 5293返粘 after tack5294未烘干透 under baking5295锉刀纹 grinding scratch5296桔皮,柚子皮 orange peel5297捻向不匀5298气泡孔 solvent popping, pin holes5299裂纹,开裂 cracking发状裂纹 hair craching浅裂纹 checking龟裂 craging裂开 cracking鳄鱼皮状裂纹 alligateying crocodiling涂膜的试验及试验机具(5601-5653)5601丝状腐蚀性试验 filiform corrosion test5602遮盖力试验纸 hiding chart5603湿漆膜厚度量规 wet film thickness gauge5604杯突试验机 Erichsen film distensibility meter 5605永久磁性测厚仪 Elcometer5606盐水喷雾试验 salt spray testing, salt spray test5607铅笔硬度试验 pencil hardness test5608碳弧灯 carbon arc5609外观检查 appearance inspection5610稀释稳定性试验 dilution stability test5611稀释试验 dilution test, reducibility test5612氙气灯 xenone lamp5613QUV5614库仑效率试验 coulomb eficiency test5615弯曲试验 bending test5616石击崩裂试验 gravelometer5617遮盖力测定仪 cryptometer5618斯端马粘度计 Krebs-Stomer viscometer, Stomer viscometer 5619交叉横割 cross cut5620恒温恒湿箱 constant temperature and humidity cabinet 5621光泽计 gloss meter5622色差计 color difference meter5623试验板 test panel5624试验样板 test piece, coupon, specimen5625自然曝晒试验 outdoor wethering test, outdoor exposure test5626冲击试验 impact test, impact testing, chip test 5627冲击试验仪 impact tester5628取样器 sampler5629斯惠特硬度计 Sward hardness rocker5630疤形腐蚀试验 scab corrosion test5631人工耐侯性试验 accelerated weathering test, accelerated weathering, artificaal weathering5632人工耐侯性试验机 accelerated weathering tester 5633耐过烘干性试验 over bake resistance test5634耐温水性试验 hot water resistance test5635耐侯性试验 weathering test, weathering5636耐湿试验 humidity resistance test5637耐湿试验箱 humidity box5638耐药品性试验 chemical resistance test5639金刚石冲击试验法 diamond shot test5640泳透性试验 throeing power5641细度刮板 grind gauge, fineness gauge5642杜邦式冲击试验仪 Dpont impact tester5643热循环试验 heat cycle test5644曝晒试验台 exposure rack5645B型粘度计 Broodfield viscometer5646鲜映性测试(PGD计) portable distinctness of image glossmeter5647比重杯 specified gravity cup5648标准光源 specified achromatic light5649漆膜涂布器 film applicator5650福特杯 Ford cup, Ford viscosity cup, ford cup5651复合腐蚀试验(略:CCT) compound corrosion test5652不粘性试验 tack free test, paint test5653漆膜厚度计 film thickness gauge涂装设备及机器(6001-6093)6001压送式喷枪 pressure feed type spray gun6002油漆增压箱 pressure tank, pressure feed paint container 6003橡胶模块 rubber patten6004木质模块 patten6005换色装置 colors changer6006水幕 water curtain6007空气帽 air cap6008空气净化器 air cleaner6009空气压缩机 air compressor6010空气打磨机 air sander6011空气除尘器 air duster6012空气压力调整器 air transformer6013无气喷枪 airless spray gun6014无气喷涂装置 airless spraying equipment 6015自动吸水器 auto absorber6016自动滚筒式过滤器 auto roll filter6017眼眶型打磨机 orbital sander6018加压杯 pressure cup6019转动型气动打磨机 rotary air sander 6020转动式清洁器 reverser clean6021搅拌装置 stirring equipment6022旋杯式静电喷涂装置 rotary atomizing electrostatic spraying equipment6023钢刮刀 steel spatrla6024加热油水分离装置 heating iol separater 6025干式喷漆室 dryspray booth6026木刮勺 wood spatula6027供风气管 supply duct6028供风气机 supplying fan6029吸尘(气)打磨机6030空调装置 air supply house6031高压发生器 high voltage regulator6032缓冲容器 surge chamber6033侧调漆间 sade room6034CP式机械手 robot by C.P. teaching method6035自动吹风装置 automatic air duster6036自动溶液管理装置 automatic solution machine6037自动湿打磨装置 automatic sanding machine6038自动水洗装置 automatic washing machine6039自动喷枪 sutomatic spray machine6040自动静电喷涂装置 automatic electrostatic spray machine 6041自动除尘装置 automatic dust off machine6042自动涂装装置 automatic spray (machine)6043重力式喷枪 bravity spray gun6044纯水装置 deionized water generator6045托盘(板) pad6046浸槽 dipping tank6047吸上式喷枪6048水洗式喷漆室 water washing spray booth6049刀 scraper6050歪脖刷6051喷枪 spray gun6052喷射式前处理装置 spray system pretreatment equipment 6053喷漆室 spray booth6054圆形漆刷6055静电涂装装置 electrostatic coating equipment6056粉末静电涂装装置 electrostatic powder coating equipment 6057半浮动涂密封胶 semifloe sealing6058侧喷机 side reciprocator6059风筒(管) duct6060修整追踪装置 touching tracer6061双动打磨机 double action sander6062涂装用刀6063直流电源 DC power equipment6064盘式打磨机 disc sander6065盘式静电涂装装置 disc atomizing electrostatic coating equipment6066手提式静电喷枪 hand electrostatic spray gun6067手提式静电涂装装置 hand electrostatic spray equipment 6068顶棚过滤器 ceilling filter6069电泳涂装装置 electrocoating equipment6070涂装机械手 painting robot6071涂料杯(罐) cup of spray gun6072涂料循环输漆装置 paint circulating system6073调漆室 mixing room6074涂料喷嘴 spray gun tip6075长头喷枪6076针阀 needle6077排气洗净装置 exhaust air washing system6078刷子 brush6079PTP式机械手 robot by P.T.P. teaching method6080扁平刷6081喷漆室排气洗净水过滤装置6082刷式自动湿打磨装置6083全浸式前处理装置 full dip pretreatment system equipment 6084平面涂装机 top reciprocator6085刮刀 knife, spatula6086工作台喷漆室6087前处理装置 pretreatment equipment6088圆形刷子6089超滤装置(UF) eltra filtration equipment6090光投影仪 light projector6091远距离示教式机械手 robot by remoto teaching method 6092连续沉淀装置 continuous settling equipment6093过滤槽烘干设备及机器(6401-6419)6401暗红外线烘干室 dark infrared oven6402风幕(或称气体密封) air seal6403远红外线加热器 far infrared heater6404炉干燥机 oven6405间接加热式热风烘干机 indrect hot air oven6406干燥室 drying oven6407红外线干燥室 infrared oven6408全热交换器(又称热轮)enthalpy heat exchanger6409对流炉 hot air convection oven6410直接加热式热风烘干室 direct hot airoven 6411热风炉(干燥室) hot air oven6412热风循环装置 hot air circulating equipment 6413燃烧室 burner house6414组合式红外线干燥室6415热泵 heat pump6416辐射板 radiation panel heater6417晾干室 setting room6418烘干室 baking oven6419强冷室 cooling unit色及其性质(7001-7034)7001年色 years color7002色(涂膜的) color of film, colour7003色的规格 color specification7004演色 colorrendition7005色卡 color chart7006冷色 cool color7007原色7008彩色度(鲜艳度、饱和度或纯度) saturation, chroma 7009亮度 brightness7010修色 shade7011色差 color difference7012色彩设计(彩色图解) color scheme7013色相 hue7014试制色样7015条件等色 metamerism7016正规色7017本色 solid color7018造行色板 master color7019暖色 warm color7020调色 tinting7021着色 tint7022色调分类 tone analysis7023光 light7024标准颜色板 color standard (panel)7025标准的光(同标准光源)7026闪光 flip-flop7027分光光度计 spectrophotometer7028分光反射率 spectral reflection faetor7029分光分布 relative spectral distribution7030芒塞尔表色系 munsel system, munsel system of color 7031无彩色 achromatic color7032明度 value of lightness7033金属闪光色 metallic color7034有彩色 chromatic color被涂物材料(8001-8023)8001离子树脂 ionomer resin8002丙烯酸树脂 acrylic resin8003丙烯腈,丁二烯苯乙烯树脂(简称ABS树脂) acrylonitrile butadiene styrene ferpolymer resin8004聚氨酯树脂 urethane resin8005玻璃纤维增强塑料(FRP) fiberglass reinforced plastic 8006聚氯乙烯树脂(PVC树脂) polyvinyl chloride resin8007硬质聚丙烯树脂(硬质PP树脂) vigid polypropylene resin 8008涂过富锌底漆铜板(略:ZC) zincrometal8009电镀锌钢板(略:EG) galvanized steel sheet8010电镀合金化锌钢板(略:EGA) zinc alloy galvanized steel sheet8011软质聚丙烯树脂(略:软质PP树脂) soft polypropylene resin 8012热轧钢板 hotrolled steel sheet8013聚氯化钾烯树脂 polyvinyl resin8014酚醛树脂(略:PF树脂) phenol resin8015聚酰胺树脂(略:PA树脂,尼龙)polyamide resin8016聚碳酸酯树脂(略:PC树脂) polycarbinate resin8017聚苯乙烯树脂(略:PS树脂) polystyrene resin8018聚苯醚树脂(略:PPO树脂) polyphenylene oxide resin8019聚丁二烯对苯二酸酯树脂(略:PBT树脂) polybutylene terephtalate resin8020热镀锌钢板 zinc fusing galvanized steel sheet8021热熔合金化镀锌钢板 zinc alloy fusing galvanized steel sheet8022冷轧高强度钢板(略:SAPH) high tensile coldrolled steel sheet8023冷轧普通碳素结构钢板(略:SPCCR) coldrolled steel sheet。

船用涂装术语救助打捞船salvage vessel船东owner潜水器submersible机务superintendent破冰船ice-breaker主管supervisor渔业船fishery vessel船长captain拖网鱼船trawler大副chief mate/first officer 围网鱼船seine netter二副second officer港务船harbour boat三副third officer供应船supply ship水手长boson游艇pleasure yacht木匠carpenter水翼船hydrofoil craft大管轮chief engineer气垫船air-cashion vehicle电机员electrical engineer全垫升气垫船hovercraft铜匠fitter双体船catamaran修理工repairer水泥船concrete ship厨师cooker玻璃钢船fiberglass reinfored boat船员crew特种船special-purpose ship工人worker渡船ferry boat工头foreman液体散货船liguid bulk/cargo carrier承包商subcontractor混装散货船combination bulk carrier原始资料initial date远洋矿砂船ocean-going ore carrier冲击/碰撞impact油船oil tanker 港籍home port客货船passenger-cargo ship载重标志draft marks运输船transport ship引水标志pilot marks杂货船general cargo ship 泊位berth冷藏船refrigerated ship港务局port authority工程船working ship 船台slipway海洋开发船ocean development ship舾装outfitting挖泥船dredger海试sea-trial起重船floating crane/derrick ship测爆gas checking集装箱船container ship焊接welding滚装船roll-on / roll-off ship气焊gas welding拖车运输船trailer ship焊缝weld seam火车渡轮sea train ferry大接缝master butt军用车辆运输船military vehicle carrier组装/装配assembly载驳船barge-carrying ship 小合拢装配prefabrication(港)驳船lighter船台building berth/slipway 驳船barge-carrying ship 船台装配erection散装货船bulk carrier船台开工/铺龙骨keel laid驱逐舰destroyer对讲机walkie-talkie钻井船drilling ship图表diagram件杂货船dreak-bulk cargo ship船长length over all/LOA堵塞chock up船宽breadth molded测深仪echo sounder型深depth molded计程仪speed log重载水线 D.L.L.(design limit load)防鼠挡扳rat-guardbilge轻载水线L.L.L.(light load line)舭(船底弯曲部)吃水draft舭龙骨bilge keel船体hull舷墙bulwark船壳outside shell plate舷墙排水孔wash port干舷topside舷梯gangway水线区boottop舷边栏杆gunwale rail直底vertical bottom舷墙立柱walk stay平底flat bottom舷窗porthole主甲板main deck船首防浪板wave break遮阳甲板shade deck上层建筑superstructure罗径甲板compass deck生活区accommodation驾驶甲板navigation deck栏杆rail/railing桥楼甲板bridge deck天蓬awing(boom)登艇甲板embarkation deck烟囱funnal/stack居住甲板mess deck扶梯ladder/laddre trumk(梯道)游步甲板promenade deck旋梯winding stait艏楼甲板forecastle deck桅杆mast艉楼甲板poop deck桅房(桅屋)mast house左舷portside 储物间store room右舷starboart-side雷达桅rader mast船艏bow灯桅lamp mast船艉stern吊艇臂davit arm系泊设备mooring arrangement 桅柱derrick post系缆拄bit克令吊crane导缆钳chock吊杆crane's jib绞车winch吊货杆cargo boom锚机windlass天线架aerial mast锚anchor艏柱stem post锚链anchor cabie/anchor chain艏灯桅stem light mast锚链筒hawse pipe(船)艏柱straight stem锚链舱chain locker甲板室deck house锚链孔cat hold货舱cargo hold艏侧推bow thruster上斜坡upper hopper球鼻型船艏bulbbow下斜坡lower hopper螺旋桨propeller反顶under deck舵rudder货舱盖hatch cover舵杆rudder stem frame箱型舱盖hatch pontoon海底阀箱sea chest橡皮槽rubber channel海底塞bottom plug舱口围hatch coaming舱口hatch 艏封板forecastle break bulkhead 机舱enging room艉封板poop front bulkhead舵机舱steering gear room舱壁板bulkhead油舱(柜)oil tank波形舱壁corrugated bulkhead基座foundation横隔舱壁thwarship bulkhead燃油舱fuel oil tank纵舱壁longitudinal bulkhead滑油舱lube oil tank中纵舱壁center line bulkhead污油水舱slop tank 肋骨frame污水井bilge well加强肋骨web frame舱底水limber water边肋骨side feame花(网)钢板check plate横肋骨transverse frame干隔舱(空仓)cofferdam纵肋骨longitudinal frame空仓/梯子口狗洞void space斜肋骨cant frame格栅grating梁,横梁beam管子pipe斜梁cant beam管弄pipe tunnel加强绗stiffening girder油盘oil pan/oil trough加强板stiffener/stiffening plate 边舱wing tank 加强筋stiffening rib压载水舱ballast water tank水沟(槽)gutter water wey顶边水舱top ballast /wing tank甲板排水孔deck drain淡水舱fresh water tank实肋板人孔manhole of soild floor饮用水舱potable water tank人孔access hole艉尖舱after peak tank排水孔drain hole/scupper艏尖舱fore peak tank挡水板scupper boart深水舱deep tank 角孔angle hole双层底double bottom小孔orifice游泳池swimming pool R孔scalloper舾装fitting花铁板floor plate底座foundation球扁钢bulb plate平台platform扁钢steel flat通道passage槽钢channel bar通风筒ventilator角钢angle bar边翼/侧面wing 工字钢H-beam浮船坞floating dock新钢板new steel plate坞门caisson镀锌galvanizing/zincing坞底dock bottom镀锌板galvanized steel plate进坞docking镀锌铁板galvanized iron出坞undocking配件attachment跳板foot boart 纵(接)缝longitudinal分段/墩木block边(缘)edge龙骨墩keel block开口边缘eye edge托架pedestal下陷/咬边under cut水密watertight切割边(缘)cuttinh edge船体车间hull shop等级grade涂装车间coating shop除湿机dehumiditifier仓库wear house空调机aie conditioner 施工application压缩空气compressed air 脚手架staging/scaffoling压缩机compressor脚手架踏板stage plant热风炉air oven表面处理surface preparation红外线炉infrared oven表面处理surface treatment水分离器water-seperator 钢板表面steel surface吸砂机vaccum recovery 外部external 集尘器dust collector内部internal 绝缘illumination高压淡水冲洗HPFW油/黄油grease酸洗picking抹布rag酸洗池picking tub(both)砂sand /grit脱脂degreasing锤子hammer除油oil removing铲刀scaper化学清洗chemical cleaning水泥cement去油剂detergent平方米square meter锈rusting 冰冻freeze返锈rerusting搅拌agitation点蚀pitting搅拌器agitator/mixer麻点/点蚀pocking喷漆泵spray pump锌盐zinc salt/white dust喷枪spray gun喷溅麻点spatting抢嘴spray nozzle熔块/金属渣regulus刷子brush飞溅spattering滚刷roller灰尘dust高架车cherry picker粉尘ash砂斗container喷砂sand blasting门机gantry crane扫喷砂sand sweeping汽车吊truck crane点喷砂spot blasting叉车fork lifter湿喷砂wet blasting口罩mask棱角钢砂喷砂grit blasting手套gloveanti-heeling tank 打磨grinding深仓(集装箱舱)敲/铲chipping/scraping尾甲板反顶deck head氧化皮mill scale砂纸打磨sanding钢丝盘刷wire brush钢丝盘wire wheel砂皮纸sand paper盘型砂纸disc-sand斜面,有坡度sloping粗糙度roughness空气喷涂air spray底漆primer无气喷涂aieless spray面漆topcoat满涂full coat荧光漆luminescent paint预涂stripe coat车间底漆shop priming修补touch up磷化底漆wash primer局部修补settling防锈漆anti-corrosive paint 刷涂brushing防污漆anti-fouling paint漏涂holidays厚膜涂料high-build coating 复涂overcoating环氧漆epoxy-paint光泽gloss焦油环氧caol tar epoxy开裂cracking氯化橡胶chlorination rudder 开裂checking醇酸漆alkyd paint失光loss of gloss沥青bitumen流挂sagging/running基料base出汗sweating/perspiration固化剂curing agent起泡blisting旧油漆previous paint缩孔/露底crater已涂油漆present paint色差color differnce将涂油漆subsequent paint收缩/起皱shrinking树脂resin发花(漆病)floating有机的organic遮盖力hiding power多余的excess咬底lifting挥发evaporate桔皮orange peel雾化atomization附着力adhesion粉化chalking针孔pinhole风化winding发白blushing腻子filler色斑staining漆雾spray dust剥落peeling干喷漆雾dry spray/over spray 翘皮peeling off污染contamination结皮skinning海生物遮盖力弱lack of hiding盐渗色bleeding污泥结露condensation/dewing油污流平性flowing粘土粘度viscosity海藻刷痕blush mark藤壶烧损burn damage管虫机械损伤mechanical damage水解层预热preaction淤积物熟化ripening口头地沉淀pocking mark便条半光semi-gloss光滑glossy温度计湿度计测厚仪湿膜仪调整/校对干膜厚度湿膜厚度受热面风向风力自然干燥绝缘筛网牺牲阳极阳极保护阴极保护慢挥发溶剂稀料溶剂油漆配套指触干硬干涂布率复涂间隔露点湿度氧气渗漏。

Alkali degreasing 碱液脱脂法alkali cleaner 碱液脱脂剂ion exchange 离子交换法solution control, both control 槽液管理emulsion edgreasing(cleaner) 乳化脱脂法(剂) chemical decaling ;chemical derusting 化学除锈剂chemical degreasing 化学脱脂法chemical conversion coating 化学成膜rust cause on phosphate coating 黄锈(磷化处理中)chromate coaring, chronating 铬酸处理(钝化)chromate coating chromating 铬酸盐处理sodium silicate 硅酸钠descaling 打锈descaling,derusting 除锈(同酸洗、酸蚀)acid pickling,pickling 酸洗(同除锈)acid pickling in hibitor 酸性阻蚀剂sankblasting ,blast cleaning 喷砂deionized water (rinsing) 纯水(洗)shot blasting 喷丸fresh water rinsing 新鲜水洗steam phosphating 蒸气磷化处理spray pretreatment system 喷射式前处理total acid 总酸度accelerator 促进剂degreasing 脱脂cleaner 脱脂剂phosphoric acid cleaning 脱脂,除锈二个合一处理剂blue color 灰蓝色vapor degreasing 三氯乙烯脱脂(蒸气)trichloroethylene 三氯乙烯parchlorlerhylene,carbontetrachlchlcride 四氯乙烯half dip pretreatment system 半浸式前处理P ratio P比phosphating chemicals 磷化处理剂chemical conversion coating 皮膜处理coating weight 膜重surface treatment 表面预处理surface conditioning 表面调整surface conditioner 表面调整剂flood spray pretreatment system 溢流喷射式前处理full dip pretreatment system 全浸式前处理pretreatment 前处理pretreament chemicals 前处理剂drying off 烘干水份free acid 游离酸度solvent degreasing 溶剂脱脂precleaning 预洗净hot water prerinsing 预热水洗ziue phosphating phosphatetreatment 锌盐磷化处理zinc phosphating coating 锌盐磷化膜iron phosphating coating 铁盐磷化膜anodic electro deposition 阳极电泳anode earth method 阳极接地法spitting spray ,fluttering 气喘、喷流间断wet on wet 湿碰湿top coat 涂面漆air spraying 空气喷涂air blow 吹风airless spraying 无空气喷涂over spray 过喷涂membrane system electro deposition 隔膜(电极)电泳涂装over coating 重叠涂装wet sanding with gasoline 汽油打磨cathodic electro deposition 阴极电泳涂装dry sanding 干打磨gun distance 喷枪距离spray gun velocity 喷枪移动速度mechanical sanding 机械打磨surface preparation 表面准备(同底材面调整)electrostatic air atomixing spray metode 空气雾化式静电涂装mill scale 黑皮(黑色氧化皮)finish sanding 修饰性打磨substrate 底材(基底)primer coating 涂底漆dipping,dip coating 浸涂spraying ,spray coating 喷涂(atomizing) fan pattern 喷涂影spot repair 局部修补three coat three bake 涂三次烘三次slipper dipping 拖式浸涂electrostatic coating 静电涂装electrostatic powder coating 静电粉末涂装electrostatic rotary atomizing spray method 静电雾化式静电涂装法all pattying 统刮腻子application trial 试涂装turn-over 更新期pad application,padding 揩涂(paint) mixing 调制color matching 调色throwing power 泳透力electro phoresis 电泳electro osmosis 电渗electrodeposition,electrocoating (ED) 电泳涂装sanding,grinding 打磨painting,coating ,finishing 涂装interval between coats,coat interval 涂装间隔paint system ,coating system 涂装体系paint process 涂装工艺painting sepctification 涂装技术要求transfer efficiency 涂着效率color sealer 同色封底涂层surface coating ,sealer coating 涂中涂层repainting 重新涂装spreading rate 涂布面积比brush application ,brushing,brush coating 刷涂work 被涂物atomizing 雾化detail sanding ,defect sanding 局部打磨flow coating 淋涂electrophorectic powder coating 粉末电泳涂装法knifing ,knife application 刮涂touch up 修补涂装hot spraying ,hot spray coating 热喷涂masking 遮盖polishing 抛光mettalic coating 金属闪光漆涂装utra filtration(UF) 超滤flridized powder bed coating 流化床涂装application by roller,roller coating 辊涂(dark)infrared drying ,infrarde drying,infrarde baking (暗)红外干燥wet film 湿涂膜sand dry ,surface dry 表干baking,thermosetting 加热干燥drying 干燥forced drying 强制干燥dry-hard,dry-through,hard dry,dry through,baking 完全干燥,完全固化ultra violer curing 紫外线固化干燥set to touch ,dust free,dry to touch 触指干燥air drying cold curing 自然干燥(常温干燥)curing by polymerization 聚合干燥drying by evaporation 蒸发干燥(同挥发干燥)setting ,flash off 晾干electoro beem curing ,radiation curing 电子束固化(辐射干燥)hot air drying couvection drying 热风干燥,对流干燥tack free ,tack dry 半固化干燥(指触干燥)baking stoving 烘干acrylic resin paint 丙烯酸树脂涂料acryl lacquer 热塑性丙烯酸涂料application solid 施工固体份amine content 胺浓度alkyd resin paint 醇酸树脂涂料cobwebbing 拉丝现象etching grimer 腐蚀底漆(同磷化底漆,活性底漆)enamel 磁漆non aqueous dispersion paint 非水分散型涂料oil surfacer 油性二道浆ash content 灰分cathodic electrod eoposition 阴极电泳涂料flexibility 弹性,可弯曲性nonvolatile content(matter),solids content,heating residue 不挥发分skinning 结皮性bake schedule 干燥时间pigment volume,pigment volume concentration 颜料体积比率pigment content 颜料分(P、W、C)dilution stability 稀释稳定性redueed paint 稀释好的涂料caking 凝结性coulomb efficiency 库仑效率clear 清漆clear lacquer 硝基清漆synthetic resin paint 合成树脂涂料guide coat 二道浆anticorrosive coating ,rust inhibiting paint ,corrosion resistant coating,antirust paint防锈涂料primer 底漆涂料chassis black paint 底盘黑涂料zinc rich primer 富锌底漆water borne paint 水性粉笔料(水系涂料)water soluble resin paint ,water soluble resin coating 水溶性树脂涂料stomeguard coating 抗石击性涂料compatiblity ,compotible 相溶性spray mist compatibiliity 抗漆雾污染性touch up primer 局部修补底漆thixotropic ,thixotropy 触变性antichippimg paint,chip resistant paint 抗崩裂性shelf life ,storage stability,canstability 贮藏稳定性grainning,bitty,seed 细度、粒度flat paint ,flat oikl paint ,mat paint 无光涂料electrocoating ,coating for electrodeposition 电泳涂料film forming agent ,film forming ingredient ,film former,film forming material 涂膜主要成分color surfacer 同色涂料coating ,paint 涂料virgin paint ,UN-cut paint 原漆two component paint 双组份涂料nitrocellulose lacquer,nitrocellulose coating 硝基漆thermosetting(themoplastic)acrylic paint 热固(塑)性丙烯酸树脂涂料consistency 稠度viscosity 粘度high solid lacquer 高固体份硝基漆high solid paint 高固体分型涂料binder 基料putty 腻子light curing coating 光固化涂料vehicle 漆料phenolic coating ,phenolic resin paint 酚醛树脂涂料unsaturated polyester paint 不饱和聚脂涂料primer surfacer 底漆二道浆blocking 粘结、结块powder paint 粉末涂料anti-corrosion wax ,anti-rust wax 防锈蜡pot life ,pot stability 活化期、活化寿命polyester putty 聚酯腻子water dispersible paint 水分散型涂料millbase ,milling base 研磨色浆solventless coating ,solvent free paint 无溶剂型涂料metallic enamel,metallic paint ,metallic pigmented paint 金属闪光色磁漆thermosetting paint 烘烤型涂料oil paint 油性涂料oil length 油度lacquer 硝基清漆lacquer enamel 硝基磁漆bituminous paint 沥青涂料leveling 流平性varnish 清漆acrylate resins 丙烯酸系树脂acrylic acid 丙烯酸acryl modified slkyd resin 丙烯酸改性的醇酸树脂asphalt (bitumen) 沥青amino resin 氨基树脂alkyd resin 醇酸树脂epoxy resin 环氧树脂oil free alkyd resin 无油醇酸树脂external plastici zation 外部增塑化drying oil 干性油hilsonite 天然硬沥青glycerin 甘油gel time ,time for gelation 胶化时间saponification value ,saponification number 皂化价safflower oil 红花油carbooxyl acid 脂肪酸nitrocellulose 硝化棉silicone resin 有机硅树脂polybasic acid 多元酸polyhydric alcohol polyol 多元醇natural resin (oil)天然树脂(油) internal plasticization 内部塑化thermisettig property 热固性thermoplastic ,thermoplasticity,thermal plasticity 热泪盈眶可塑性castor oil 蓖麻油phenol resin 酚醛树脂nondrying oil 不干性油blown asphalt 氧化沥青ployester 聚醋polybutadience 聚丁二烯methacrylic acid 甲基丙烯酸iodine value ,iodine number 碘值asbestin 石棉粉aluminium flake powder,aluminium pigment powder 铝粉aluminium flake paste,aluminium pigment paste 铝粉膏tint(ing) shade,reduce shade 色光、色头red lead 红丹carbon black 碳黑pigment 颜料oil absorption value 吸油量clay 白土、陶土rust preventing pigment, rust inhibiting pigment 防锈颜料extender filler ,extender pigment 填料、体质颜料talc 滑石粉white tiianium pigment 钛白color pigment (strength) 着色颜料(力)lead pigment 铅系颜料titanum dioxide 二氧化钛permanent red 永固红fast yellow 耐晒黄dispersion 分散red iron oxide 铁红inorganic pigment 无机颜料organic (color) pigment 有同颜料leafing 漂浮sellosolves (solvent) 醇醚溶剂alcohols(solvent) 醇系溶剂isopropyl alcohol 异丙醇ethers(solvent ) 醚系熔剂esters (solvent) 酯系溶剂ethyl alochol 乙醇diluent 稀释剂xylene 二甲苯ketones (solvent) 酮系溶剂high boiling point solvent, high boiler ,slow solvent 高沸点溶剂ethyl acetate 乙酸乙酯aliphatic hydrocarbons (solvent) 脂肪族系碳氢化合物溶剂cosolvent 助溶剂cellosolve 溶纤剂cellosolve acetate 乙酸溶纤剂solvent naphtha 煤焦油溶剂kerosene ,kerosine 煤油toluene 甲苯butyl alcohol ,butanol 丁醇mineral spirit,petroleum spirit 白醇methyl ethyl ketone 甲乙酮amine 胺surface active agent surfactant 表面活性剂plasticizer 增塑剂reducidility 稀释剂metallic soap ,metal soap 金属皂harder ,curing abent 固化剂antioxdant ,oxidant inhibitor 防止氧化剂ultrviolet absorber 紫外线吸收剂dibutyl phthalate 苯甲酸二丁酯thinner 稀料antistatic agent 静电防止剂antisag agent 流挂防止剂antisetlle agent 沉淀防止剂flatting agent 消光剂paint thinner 涂料用稀料lacquer thinner 硝基漆用稀料retarder ,retarder solvent 防潮剂rheology control 流变性控性paper tack stick 粘性纸胶带dry sandpaper 干打磨用砂纸crape masking 纸质遮盖用胶带abrasive paper sandpaper 打磨砂纸abrasive colth ,sanding cloth 打磨砂布washing solvent (flame retarding solvent ) 清洗用溶剂water proof abrasion sandpaper 耐水性砂纸heat stabe maskingtape 耐热遮盖用胶带tack rag 粘性纱布tackrag varnish 粘灰清漆paint remover 脱漆剂polishing compound 抛光剂poly net 打磨网masking tape 遮盖用胶带hiding power,obiterating power ,covering power ,opacity 遮盖力top coat,finish coat ,finishing coat 面漆层overcoatability 涂面漆的适应性recoatability 重复涂装的适应性glass transition point 玻璃化点specular gloss,specular reflection 镜面光泽度grindability 打磨性pentrability 浸透性distinctness of image 鲜映性alkaliproof ,alkali resistance 耐碱性overbake resistance 耐过烘性salt water resistance 耐盐水性gasoline resistance 耐挥发油性durability 耐久性flexibility ,elasticity 耐弯曲性weather resistance, weathering property,weatherproof 耐候性acidproof ,acid resistance 耐酸性impact resisrance 耐冲击性corrosion resistance 耐蚀性water resistance,waterproof 耐水性washability 耐洗净性chiping resistance 耐崩裂性heat resistance 耐热性boiling water resistance 耐沸水性abrasion resistance 耐摩耗性chemical resistance 耐药品性oil resistance ,oilproof 耐油性solvent resistance 耐溶剂性gloss 光泽flat 无光泽stain resistance 涂膜污染性appearance of paint film,paint film appearance 涂膜的外观surface of paint film 涂面semigloss 半光泽abhesion 附着力elusion ,bleeding 溶出degradation 裂解ageing 老化oildeaetting,oil cratering 油缩孔water slaining (marke) 雨水痕迹bubble ,bubbling (bubble trace on ED film) 气泡(电泳气泡)peeling off wet Ed film 电泳湿漆膜脱落ED cratering 电泳缩孔pinpole on ED film 电泳针孔discollration 掉色off color 色差mottling 色不均flooding 色分离wet contamination 湿污染pecking 啄伤gas checking,gas crazing 气体裂纹blushing 白化pigment sedimentation 颜料沉降sanding scratch 打磨器纹sealing failure 涂密封胶不良bleeding 底层污染stain,spot,spotting 粘污crinkling,shrivelling,wrinkling,rivelling 起皱suction ,absorption 吸收water bubbling 水泡hiding failure 遮盖不良scrack 划伤low distinctness of image 鲜映性低intercoat adhesion failure 层间剥落fading 退色dripping 流痕sagging run curtaining 下沉sag 流挂wrinkle 皱纹起皱chipping 碎落chalking 粉化thin Edcoating ,no ED coating 泳透性差dulling,loss of gloss,matting 失光flashing 光泽不匀sand scratch 打磨划伤too much film thickness 涂膜过厚peeling 涂膜剥落dry contamination 干污染dirt ,seed 涂料颗粒cratering,fish eye 涂料缩孔,鱼眼sagging,runing 流淌bleeding 渗色thin paint 涂得太薄skips 漏涂peeling 剥离crawling,fish eye,cratering 缩孔鱼眼ding and dent 钣金凹凸soldering pinhole 焊药针孔pinhole 针孔blistering 膨泡bunp,cluster 颗粒blushing 发白blistering 起泡mar 触伤痕hair cracking 鬓状裂纹sanding scratch 砂纸纹cratering 凹坑discorloration 变色swelling 膨润shading 模糊(阴影)comet star pineple 星状不平break line failure 保护不良metallic seeding 金属颗粒after tack 返粘under baking 未烘干透grinding scratch 锉刀纹orange peel 桔皮solvent popping ,pin holes 气泡孔cracking,hair craching,checking ,craging,alligateying crocodiling裂纹鬓状裂纹浅裂纹龟裂鳄鱼皮裂纹filiform corrosion test 丝状腐蚀性试验hiding chart 遮盖力试验纸wet film thickness gauge 湿漆膜厚度量远规Erichsen film distensibility meter 杯突试验机Elcometer 永久磁性测厚仪salt spray testing ,salt spray test 盐水喷雾试验pencil hardness test 铅硬度试验carbon arc 碳弧灯appearance inspection 外观检查dilution stability test 稀释稳定性试验dilytion test,reducibility test 稀释试验xenone lamp 氙气灯coulomb efficiency test 库仑效率试验bending test 弯曲试验gravelometer 石击崩裂试验法cryptoneter 遮盖力测验法Krebs -Stomer viscometer,Stomer viscometer 斯端马粘度计cross cut 交叉横割constant temperature and humidity cabinet 恒温恒湿箱gloss meter 光泽计color difference meter 色差计test panel 试验板test piece,coupon,specimen 试验样板outdoor wethering test ,outdoor exposure test 自然曝晒试验imact test,impact testing ,chip test 冲击试验impact tester 冲击试验仪sampler 取样器Sward hardness rocker 斯惠特硬度计scab corrosion test 疤形腐蚀试验accelerated weathering test,accelerated weathering ,artificial weathering 人工耐候性试验accelerated weathering tester 人工耐候性试验机over bake resistance test 耐过烘性试验hot water resistance test 耐温水试验weathering test ,weathering 耐候性试验humidity resistance test 耐湿试验humidity box 耐湿试验盒chemical resistance test 耐药品性试验diamond shot test 金刚石冲击试验法throwing power 泳透性试验grind gauge ,fineness gauge 细度刮板Du-pot impact tester 杜邦式冲击试验heat cycle test 热循环试验exposure rack 曝晒试验Broodfield viscometer B型粘度计portable distinctness of image glossmeter 鲜映测计(PGD)specific gravity cup 比重杯specified achromatic light 标准光源film applicator 涂膜涂布器Ford cup ,Ford viscosity cup 福特杯compound corrosion test 复合腐蚀试验(CCT)tack free test ,print test 不粘性试验film thickness gauge 漆膜厚度计pressure feed type spray gun 压送式喷枪pressurw tank ,pressure feed paint container 油漆增压箱rubber patten 子橡胶磨块patten 木质磨块colors changer 换色装置water curtain 水幕air cap 空气帽air cleaner 空气静化器air compressor 空气压缩机air sander 气动打磨机air duster 气动除尘器air transformer 空气压力调整器airless spray gun 无气喷枪airless apraying equipment 无气喷涂装置auto roll filter 自动滚筒式过滤器auto absorber 自动吸水器orbital sander 眼眶形打磨机pressure cup 加压杯rotary air sander 转动型气动打磨机reverser clean 转动式清洁器stirring equipment 搅拌装置rotary atomizing electrostatic spraying equipment 旋杯式静电喷涂装置steel spatrla 钢刮刀heating oil separater 加热油水分离装置dryspray booth 干式喷漆室wood spatula 木刮勺supply duct 供气风管supplying fan 供气风机air supply house 空调装置high voltage regulator 高压发生器surge chamber 缓冲容器side room 侧调漆间robot by C.Pteaching method CP式机械手automatic air duster 自动吹风装置automatic solution machine 自动溶液管理装置automatic sanding machine 自动湿打磨装置automatic washing machine 自动水洗装置automatic apray machine 自动喷涂机automatic electrostatic spray machine 自动静电涂装装置automatic dust off machine 自动除尘装置automatic spray 自动涂装装置bravity spray gun 重力式喷枪deionized water generator 纯水装置pad 托盘(板)dipping tank 浸槽water washing spray booth 水洗式喷漆室scraper 刀spray gun 喷枪spray system pretreatment equipment 喷射式前处理装置spray booth 喷漆室electrostatic coating equipment 静电涂装装置electrostatic powder coating equipment 静电粉末涂装装置semifolw sealing 半浮动涂密封胶side reciprocator 侧喷机duct 风筒(管)touching tracer 修整追踪装置double action sander 双动打磨机DC power equipment 直流电源disc sander 盘式打磨机hand electrostatic spray gun 手提式静电喷枪hand electrostatic spray equipment 手提式静电喷涂装置ceiling filter 顶棚过滤器electrocoating equipment 电泳涂装装置painting robot 涂装机械手cup of spray gun 涂料杯paint circulating system 涂料循环输漆系统mixing room 调漆室spray gum tip 涂料喷嘴needle 针阀exhaust air washing system 排气洗净装置brush 刷子robot by P.T.P.teaching method PTP式机械手full dip pretreatment system equipment 全浸式前处理装置top reciprocator 平面涂装机knife,spatula 刮刀ultra filtration equipment 超滤装置(UF)light projector 光投影器robot by remoto teaching method 远距离式教式机械手continuous settling equipment 连续沉淀装置dark(far) infrared oven 暗(远)红外线烘干室air seal 风幕oven 炉干燥机indirect hot air oven 间接加热式热风烘干室drying oven 干燥室infrared oven 红外线干燥室enthalpy heat exchanger 全热泪盈眶交换器hot air converction oven 对流炉direct hot airoven ] 直接加热式热风烘干炉hot air oven 热风炉hot air circulating equipment 热风循环装置burner house 燃烧室heat pump 热泵radiation panel heater 辐射板setting room 晾干室baking oven 烘干室cooling unit 强冷室color specification 色的规格colorrendition 演色color chart 色卡cool color 冷色saturation ,chroma 彩色度(鲜艳度、饱和度或纯度)brightness 亮度shade 修色color difference 色差color scheme 色彩设计hue 色相metamerism 条件等色solid color 本色master color 造型色板warm color 暖色tinting 调色tint 着色tone analysis 色调分类color standard (panel) 标准颜色板flip-flop 闪光spectrophotometer 分光光度计spectral reflection faetor 分光反射率relative spectral distribution 分光分布achromatic color 无彩色value of lightness 明度metallic color 金属闪光色chromatic color 有彩色ionomer resin 离子树脂acrylic resin 丙烯酸树脂acrylonitrile butadiene styrene frepolymer resin 丙烯腈,丁二烯苯乙烯树脂(ABS)urethane resin 聚氨酯树脂fiberglass reinforced plastics 玻璃纤维增强树脂(FRP)polyvinyl chloride resin 聚氯乙烯树脂(PVC)vigid polypropylene resin 硬质聚丙烯树脂(硬PP)hotrolled steel sheet 热轧钢板polyamide resin 聚酰氨树脂(PA)polystyrene resin 聚苯乙烯树脂(PS)zinc fusing glavanized steel sheet 热镀锌钢板zinc alloy fusing galvanized steel sheet 热熔合金化镀锌钢板high tensile coldrolled steel sheet 冷轧高强度钢板(SAPH)coldrolled steel sheet 冷轧普通碳素结构钢板(SPCCR)。

涂装行业术语表喷涂工艺: painting process flow 透明漆: primer一涂:one coat涂装线paint shop, painting line 涂装设备painting plant UV喷涂线UV coating line底漆base coat 面漆top coat 喷PP Primer Coat手动除尘manual dedusting自动除尘de ionization 自动除尘柜deionization booth上件loading 下件unloading 流平flashoff 烘干/固化curing 喷柜painting booth遮蔽masking 单色single tone 套色double tone 电镀metalizing 湿碰湿wet-on-wet光油clear coat水性漆water-based paint 溶剂性漆solvent-based paint加热heating 红外线加热IR Heating UV炉UV Oven 预热prehating下通风down draught 酸洗pickling班制shift 工件article 喷油工operator 工位stand 产量/产能production/capacity场地area 有效高度clear height 湿度humidity洁净度clean class 彩钢板thermal coat panel吊顶false ceiling 隔墙partition 丝印screen printing 组装assembly 安装commissioning除尘柜dedusting booth 输送conveyor 喷柜spray booth 送风天井positive pressure box风闸damper烤炉oven 吊空线overhead conveyor 皮带输送belt conveyor 风淋室air shower补漆柜touchup booth/TU booth 送风室air handling unit 吊篮hanger 空压机compressor空压机管路compressor piping 送风管道air ducting烤箱oven 水帘water curtain 格栅水踏台water platform 洁净室/无尘车间clean room电柜control panel 治具spindle通风ventilation 风管air duct 风机blower 马达motor减速机gear box 变频器inverter皮带轮pulley 喷枪spray gun 隔膜泵diaphragm pump水泵water pump 防爆灯flameproof lamp台车trolley 燃烧机burner 气管air hose油管paint hose 发热管heater tube 环氧地面epoxy floor搅拌桶agitator 搅拌器stirrer静电发生器ion producer 变压器transformer 电容capacitor 活塞piston污泥泵mud pump 传递窗pass box 供粉桶hopper 滤芯cartridge 水洗rinsing喷嘴nozzle 水洗装置rinser 小旋风mini-cyclone 多合一处理integral treatment设备plant 履带Caterpillar band 前处理pretreatment 喷淋式spray type浸液式dip type 地链floor conveyor 恒温器thermostat 机械手robot往复机reciprocator 单轴single axis 硬度hardness 光泽gloss 弹簧spring正压positive pressure 天那水thinner 管道泵in-line pump 集尘器dust collector供漆室paint kitchen 废气排放标准emission norms 废水处理设备waste water treatment plant 观察窗Inspection window 维修/保养maintenance保修期guarantee 传动系统drive system 风幕机air curtain 防尘罩dust cap 光电开关photo sensor 自动闭锁装置automatic block system 同步器synchronizer 热交换器heat exchanger 散热片heat sink 保温材料heat insulator 伺服电机servo motor 排水系统drainage system 镀锌板马口铁GI sheet 铁板MS sheet 不锈钢板SS sheet 扁通rectangular pipe 方通square tube槽钢C channel 工字钢I channel 扁铁MS strip 角铁angle 保温层insulation 螺钉screw 螺母nut螺杆/丝杆bolt 法兰flange 岩棉rock wool 花纹板checker plate 空气开关MCCB 外丝hex nipple变头reducer 弯头elbow 三通Tee拉钉rivet 高温线heating wire 垫片washer 闸阀gate valve扳手spanner 打牙机threading machine 卷尺inch tape 拉钉枪riveting gun 磨机grinding machine活动扳手adjustable spanner 电焊机welding machine 焊条welding rod 电钻drilling machine蝶阀butterfly 活节union 钳子pincers 螺丝刀screw driver 千斤顶jack 内六角扳手LN key注塑机injection moulding plant 开模moulding 模具mould。

涂装术语1.发混 clouding 清漆或稀释剂由于不溶物析出而呈现云雾状不透明现象。
2.增稠 thickening涂料在贮存过程中通常由于稀释剂的损失而引起的稠度增高现象。
3.絮凝 flocculation在色漆或分散体中形成附聚体的现象。
4.胶化 gelling涂料从液态变为不能使用的固态或半固态的现象。
5.结皮 skinning涂料在容器中,由于氧化聚合作用,其液面上形成皮膜的现象。
6.沉淀 settling涂料在容器中,其固体组分下沉至容器底部的现象。
7.结块 caking涂漆中颜料、体质颜料等颗粒沉淀成用搅拌不易再分散的致密块状物。
8.有粗粒 seedy涂料在贮存过程中展现出的粗颗粒(即少许结皮、凝胶、凝聚体或外来粗粒)。
9.返粗 pig shin色漆在贮存过程中,由于颜料的絮凝而使研磨细度变差的现象。
10.发花 floating含有多种不同颜料混合物的色漆在贮存或干燥过程中,一种或几种产料离析或浮出并在色漆或漆膜表面集中呈现颜色不匀的条纹和斑点等再象。
11.浮色 flooding发花的极端状况。
12.起气泡 bubbling涂料在施涂过程中形成的空气或溶剂蒸气等气体或两者兼有的泡,这种泡在漆膜干燥过程中可以消失,出可以永久存在。
13.针孔 pin-hloes一种在漆膜中存在着类似于用针刺世的细孔的病态。
14.起皱 wrinkling漆膜呈现多少有规律的小波幅波纹形式的皱纹,它可深及部分或全部膜厚。
15.桔皮 orange skin漆膜呈现桔皮状外观的表面病态。
16.发白 blushing有光涂料干燥过程中,漆膜上有时呈现出乳白色的现象。
17.流挂 runs ; sags; curtains涂料施于垂直面上时,由于其抗流挂性差或或施涂不当、漆膜过厚等原因而使用权湿漆膜向下移动,开成各种形状下边缘厚的不均匀涂层。
18.刷痕 brush mark刷涂后,在干漆膜上留下的一条条脊状条纹现象。
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1.2基材材料basis materials在其表面施涂或沉积的一种材料,又叫底材,若此材料为金属,则叫基体金属。
2、表面处理2.1表面预处理surface pretreatment在涂装前,除去基底表面附着物或生成的异物,以提高基底表面与涂层的附着力或赋予表面以一定的耐蚀性能的过程,又能叫前处理。
2.2机械预处理mechanical pretreatment在涂装前,使用手工工具,动力工具或喷、抛丸、粒等,以除去基底表面异物的过程。
2.3化学预处理chemical pretreatment在涂装前,使用化学方法除去基底表面异物或形成转化膜的过程。
2.4电化学预处理electrochemical pretreatment在涂装前,使用电化学方法除去基底表面异物或形成转化膜的过程。
2.6化学脱脂chemical degreasing利用化学方法除去基底表面油污的过程。
2.7电化学脱脂electrochemical degreasing利用电化学方法除去基底表面油污的过程。
2.8浸泡脱脂soak degreasing将工件浸入清洗剂进行的,不加外电流的清洗。
2.9喷淋脱脂spray degreasing将脱脂剂喷淋于工件上除去油污的过程。
2.10超声波脱脂ultrasonic degreasing借助于超场振动加速除去工件表面油污的过程。
2.14火焰清理fiamo cleaning短暂地用还原性火焰烧钢结构,接着用动力钢丝刷进行清理的过程。
2.15手工工具清理hand tool cleaning利用手工工具除去基底表面异物的过程。
2.16动力工具清理power tool cleaning利用动力工具除去基底表面异物的过程。
2.18干喷射处理dry blasting利用高速干磨料流的冲击作用清理和粗化基底表面的过程。
2.19湿喷射处理wet blasting利用磨料与水的混合物的高速流的冲击作用清理和粗化表面的过程。
2.20喷砂sand blasting利用高速砂流的冲击作用清理和粗化基底表面的过程。
2.21喷丸shot blasing利用高速丸流的冲击作用清理和强化基底表面的过程。
2.22锈蚀等级rusting grade钢铁表面锈蚀程度的分级。
2.23除锈等级derusting grade钢铁表面锈蚀物除去程度的分级。
2.28表面调整surface conditioning把表面转化为能在以后的工序中得到成功处理的适当状态的过程。
2.29转处理conversion treatment产生一种由基底表面金属的化合物组成的膜的化学或电化学过程。
2.33多合一处理integral treatment除油、除锈或除油、除锈和磷化一道进行的过程。
2.34暂时保护temporary protection经过表面预处理的基底表面,在未涂规定的涂层之前,在其清洁度未变化时进行的临时性保护。
3、涂装方法3.1手工刷涂manuai brushing利用漆刷蘸涂料进行涂装的方法。
3.2空气喷涂air spraying利用压缩空气将涂料雾化并射向基底表面进行涂装的方法。
3.3高压无气喷涂airless spraying利用动力使涂料增压,迅速膨胀而达到雾化和涂装的方法。
3.4加热喷涂hot spraying利用加热使涂料的粘度降低,以达到喷涂所需要的粘度而进行涂装的方法。
3.5静电喷涂electrostatic spraying利用电晕放电原理使雾化涂料在高压直流电场作用下荷负电,并吸附于荷正电基底表面放电的涂装方法。
3.6粉末静电喷涂electrostatic powder spraying利用电晕放电原理使雾化的粉末涂料在高压电场的作用下荷负电并吸附于荷正电基底表面放电的涂装方法。
3.7火焰喷涂flame spraying将涂料粉末通过火焰喷嘴的高温区熔融或半熔融喷射到预热基底表面进行涂装的方法。
3.10阳极电泳涂装anode electro-coating利用外加电场使悬浮于电泳液中的颜料和树脂等微粒定向迁移并沉积于阳极基底表面的涂装方法。
3.11阴极电泳涂装cathode electro-coating利用外加电场使悬浮于电泳液中的颜料和树脂等微粒定向迁移并沉积于阴极基底表面的涂装方法。
3.12自泳涂装autophoresis coating利用化学反应使涂料自动沉积在基底表面的涂装方法。
3.14流涂flow painting将涂料喷淋或流淌过工件表面的涂装方法。
3.16幕帘涂装curtain painting使工件连续通过不断下流的涂料液幕的涂装方法。
3.17辊涂roller painting利用蘸涂料的辊子在工件表面上辊动的涂装方法。
3.18滚筒涂装barrel enamelling将工件涂装于盛有烘漆的锥形滚筒中,使滚筒转动有所有涂件都涂上后,让滚筒在受热中继续转动到涂膜干燥的涂装方法。
3.19离心涂装centifugal enamelling将工件装于锥形筛网状套中,浸于涂料槽,提起滴干后,高速转动筛套甩去工件上过量的涂料的涂装方法。
3.20流化床涂装fluidized bedpainting将粉末涂料置于装有多孔隔板的圆筒或长方形容器中,压缩空气从底部通过隔板,将隔板上的涂料粒子悬浮翻腾成液体沸腾状的涂装方法,又叫沸腾床涂装。
3.21静电流化床涂装fluidized bed electrostaticpainting利用静电作用的流休床涂装法。
3.22粉末电泳涂装powder electro-deposition将一定粒度的粉末涂料分散于含有电泳树脂的水溶液中,在直流电场的作用下,通过电泳树脂的载体作用将粉末涂料一起沉积于基底表面的电泳涂装法。
3.23热熔敷涂装hot melt painting先将工件预热到超过粉末涂料熔点,再喷涂的涂装方法。
3.24卷材涂装coil painting工件成卷状进入涂装过程,开卷后完成前处理涂装和固化,最后又成卷材的涂装方法。
3.25机器人涂装robot painting利用机器人或机械手取代人工进行的自动涂装。
3.26换色colour changing喷涂过程中从喷涂一种颜色的涂料变换为喷涂另一种颜色涂料的过程。
3.32调漆paint mixing涂装前将涂料原液调配到符合施工要求的粘度或颜色的过程。
3.34湿碰湿wet on wet在前一道未干燥固化的涂层上涂覆后一道涂层并最后一起干燥固化的涂装方法。
3.36晾干flash off使湿涂层大部分易挥发溶液挥发,以便再涂或进行烘烤的过程。
3.37晾干时间flash off time湿碰湿的时间间隔,或烘烤前挥去大部分溶剂的时间。
3.41泳透力throwing power在一定条件下,电泳涂料在工件背离电极的部位(内面,凹面,缝隙等)沉积涂层的能力。
3.42涂覆间隔interval between coating在前一道涂层上再涂覆的时间间隔。
3.43施工粘度applicable viscosity适合于某一施工方法的涂料粘度。
3.44稀释比thinner ratio将涂料原液调配到某一施工粘度所需的涂料原液与稀释剂的比例。
3.45阴阳极比cathode/anode ratio电泳涂装中的阴极与阳极的面积之比。
3.46喷涂量quantity for spray单位时间内喷涂的涂料的体积。
3.47电泳条件deposition conditions电泳涂装中沉积符合规定要求的涂层所用的电压、电流和时间等工艺条件的总称。
3.48涂装环境painting enviroment涂装温度、湿度、采光、空气清洁度,防火防爆等环境条件的总称。