
二、主要性能指标1.变频泵控制方案:a >根据二次网供水压力进行控制;b >根据二次网回水压力进行控制;c >根据二次网供、回水压差进行控制;d >可手动控制变频泵的转速;e >可定时自动换泵,两台泵自动轮换工作;f >具有超压泄水自动控制功能;g >用作补水时,当一台补水泵不够用,可自动启动另一台补水泵投入工作;2.温度调节阀控制方案:a> 二次网供水温度控制b> 户外温度补偿控制c> 二次网回水温度控制d> 二次网供回水温差控制e> 手动控制3. 可同时接入机组运行的4路温度及4路压力信号;4. 压力传感器可接低成本远传压力表作为压力信号输入,也可接4-20mA或0-5V压力变送器,其它输入信号可按用户要求定做。
5. 具有两路模拟量输出;一路控制温度调节阀,另一路控制补水变频或循环变频;6. 可配RS485通讯接口,与电脑联网进行远程数据采集和集中监控;也可外接液晶触摸屏,通过触摸屏控制系统的运行;三、安装和配线说明1.控制柜开口尺寸:152mm×76mm2.安装方式: 面板卡入式安装;3.使用环境:无水滴、蒸汽、腐蚀、易燃、灰尘及金属微粒的场所;4.使用温度:-10℃~50℃相对湿度:20~90RH;5.使用电压:AC220V±10%;6.仪表功耗:<5W;7.外部接线端子定义图:四、控制器接线端子定义说明1-----AC220V零线2----AC220V火线3----1#泵变频运行触点 4 --2#泵变频运行触点5----2#泵工频运行触点6---泄压电磁阀触点7-----变频器正转运行8---信号输出公共端19----信号输出公共端2 10---变频器频率输出控制11---调节阀阀门开度控制12---二次网回水温度13---二次网出水温度14---温度传感器公共端15---一次网回水温度(或户外温度) 16----一次网入口温度五、操作面板指示及参数设定说明1.面板:"S"键为参数设定键,"▲"和"▼"为两个数字加减键,在正常工作状态时,"M"键和""键为显示方式转换键,用来显示不同的运行参数;在参数设定状态,"M"键和""键为参数翻页键。


二、循环水泵的操作规程1. 操作前的准备1.1 确保循环水泵周围环境安全、整洁,无杂物堆积和易燃易爆物品。
1.2 检查循环水泵的电源是否正常,电缆是否破损。
1.3 确保循环水泵的进、出口阀门处于全开状态,以确保正常的水流。
2. 操作过程2.1 操作人员应穿戴好个人防护装备,包括安全帽、防护鞋、防护服等。
2.2 操作人员应熟悉循环水泵的工作原理、操作步骤和紧急故障处理方法。
2.3 启动循环水泵前,必须先确认电源是否正常并检查电机的工作状态。
2.4 按照水泵的操作要求进行电机启动,并确保电机旋转方向与箭头指示一致。
2.5 通过泵体侧面的压力表和流量计观察水泵的工作状态,确保泵的吸、排压力和流量处于正常范围。
2.6 在工作过程中,严禁私自调整水泵的开关、阀门和压力表等参数,如需调整应由专业人员进行。
2.7 当发现水泵异常运转、噪声大或温度过高等异常现象时,应立即停机检修并报告上级。
2.8 操作结束后,应将电机停止运转,并关闭进、出口阀门,切断电源。
三、循环水泵的维护保养1. 定期检查水泵的轴承和密封装置,发现问题及时更换,确保密封性能良好。
2. 定期检查水泵的电机和电缆,确保电源正常并没有损坏。
3. 定期清洗水泵周围的杂物并保持通风良好。
4. 根据使用情况,定期更换水泵的润滑油和润滑脂,确保良好的润滑效果。
5. 定期检查泵体和叶轮的磨损情况,如有需要及时进行修复或更换。
四、循环水泵的安全注意事项1. 操作人员必须经过专业培训合格并持证上岗。
2. 使用循环水泵时应严格按照操作规程进行操作,不得擅自修改或操作。
3. 在操作过程中,严禁将手部或其他物品伸入运转中的水泵内部或周围。

公司注册于襄樊(国家级)高新技术产业开发区湖北省高新技术企业,ISO9001 质量体系认证企业,中国通用机械泵行业协会会员,中国磷肥、硫酸工业协会会员,中国化工装备总公司供货定点企业。
公司现有资产总额3000 万元,员工200 多名,专业技术人员50 余人。
三十多年来我公司坚持自主开发和引进技术相结合,引进了法国公司的列泵专有制造技LC 系术,并在引进技术的基础上,适应市场需求,自主开发了多种泵型。
公司生产的主要产品有:LC 系列卧式离心泵、LC 系列高效烟气脱硫循环泵、PLC系列立式离心泵、LC-T系列渣浆泵、PLC-T系列立式渣浆泵、LH系列重型渣浆泵、FYL 系列悬臂立式离心泵、IHE 系列化工流程泵、LB 系列化工流程泵、IHZ 系列化工自吸泵、HZ系列化工轴流泵、LHZ系列立式轴流泵、MECP系列混流泵、S 型系列双吸泵、LSD系列高温浓硫酸泵以及截止阀、球阀等近两百种规格。
生产的材料有1Cr18Ni9Ti 、304、304L、316、316L、Mo2Ti、904(UB-6)、C4、Cr30A 、2605N、CD4MCu、DF2、MM-4、K 合金、SS920、20#合金、哈氏合金、蒙乃尔合金等二十多种。
主要技术装备:采用美国亚什兰工艺PEP SET树脂自硬砂造型生产线、采用中频炉熔炼,最大铸件重量可达吨、采用光谱分析仪和红外碳硫分析仪对钢水进行快速分析、热处理炉采用电子程序控制、泵的转子采用动平衡测试技术、符合ISO2548 要求的B 级精度的泵性能测试系统、采用计算机辅助设计。



第二章循环泵的启停操作第三条循环泵的启动1. 操作人员在启动循环泵前,应先检查设备的各项工作参数是否正常,包括电气设备是否接好线路,水源是否充足,泵的润滑是否良好等。
2. 操作人员应按照设备的启动顺序进行操作,首先打开设备的总电源开关,待设备电源正常后,启动主电机。
3. 操作人员在启动主电机后,应注意观察设备运行情况,如发现异常情况应立即停止设备并进行检查。
4. 在启动主电机后,操作人员应逐步打开系统中的其他阀门,确保循环泵系统正常工作。
第四条循环泵的停止1. 操作人员应在停止循环泵前,先关闭系统中的各个阀门,然后再停止主电机。
2. 操作人员在停止主电机前,应先将泵内的水全部抽空,以免产生水锤现象。
3. 操作人员在停止主电机后,应关掉设备的总电源开关,确保设备彻底停止工作。
第三章设备监控和异常处理第五条设备监控1. 操作人员应随时观察设备的运行情况,如发现设备温度过高、噪音异常、压力异常等情况,应立即停止设备并进行检查。
2. 操作人员应定期检查设备的各项工作参数,如电流、电压、温度等,确保设备处于正常工作状态。
3. 如果发现设备运行不稳定或有明显的故障现象,应及时报告设备维护人员进行处理。
第六条异常处理1. 当设备发生故障时,操作人员应立即停止设备,采取相应的应急措施,如切断电源、排空系统中的水等。
2. 操作人员在处理故障时,应注意自身安全,不得随意触碰设备,必要时应呼叫维修人员进行处理。
3. 在故障处理完毕后,操作人员应及时报告设备维护人员,并做好故障记录,以便今后的排查和修复。
第四章设备维护和保养第七条设备日常保养1. 设备运行一段时间后,操作人员应按照设备的保养计划进行设备的日常保养,包括润滑、清洁、紧固等。

热水循环泵操作规程一、安全操作规程1. 操作人员必须穿着符合要求的劳动防护装备,如防滑鞋、安全帽等。
2. 在开展任何工作之前,必须先熟悉设备的操作说明书,了解其工作原理和安全要求。
3. 开始操作前,必须检查电气设备是否完好,电源是否接地良好,确保电气系统的安全。
4. 遇到设备故障或异常情况时,操作人员应及时停止操作,并寻求专业人员帮助。
二、操作步骤1. 开机准备1.1 将电源插头插入电源插座,并保证电源插座与设备电压一致。
1.2 观察设备周围是否有杂物,将其清除,确保工作环境整洁。
1.3 打开设备控制柜门,检查电路接线是否正常,电气元件是否完好。
2. 启动设备2.1 将操作开关调到启动位置,观察设备是否正常运转。
2.2 若设备未启动,需检查电源是否供电正常,电机是否损坏等,排除故障后重新启动设备。
3. 设备运行监控3.1 在设备运行过程中,要时刻注意设备的运行状态,观察指示灯、仪表等是否正常。
3.2 注意设备的噪音、振动情况,如出现异常情况应及时停机检修。
3.3 注意设备周围的温度变化,如温度异常高或低,应停机检查并寻找原因。
4. 停机操作4.1 停机前应先关闭设备的电源开关,断开设备与电源的连接。
4.2 待设备停止运行后,再进行其他相关操作,如清洁设备、检查设备等。
5. 紧急情况处理5.1 在突发紧急情况下,如设备故障、漏水等,操作人员应立即切断电源,并采取相应的紧急措施,如用灭火器扑灭火灾等。
5.2 在紧急情况处理完毕后,应及时向相关部门报告,并进行必要的检修和维护。
三、设备维护规程1. 设备日常清洁1.1 每天工作结束后,应对设备进行清洁。
1.2 清洁设备时,必须先切断电源,并使用干净的布或刷子清除设备外表面的灰尘和污垢。
2. 设备润滑2.1 设备每月应进行润滑处理。
2.2 根据设备的润滑要求,选择合适的润滑剂,并按照规定的润滑点进行润滑。
2.3 润滑前应先清洁润滑部位,确保润滑剂的有效润滑。

二、操作流程1. 开始操作前,操作人员应仔细阅读热水循环泵的操作说明书及相关安全操作规程,了解操作步骤、注意事项和紧急处理措施。
2. 确保操作人员具备相关操作资质并接受过相关培训。
3. 在操作前,检查热水循环泵及相关管路、电气设备是否正常运行。
4. 确保热水循环泵的进、出口阀门处于开启状态,并将阀门设置为所需的工作参数。
5. 启动电源,检查热水循环泵是否能够正常启动和运转。
6. 在启动热水循环泵后,仔细观察其运行状态,确保各指示灯、仪表及报警装置正常运行。
7. 定期检查热水循环泵的进口与出口温度、压力和流量等参数是否正常,并根据需要进行调整。
8. 定期检查热水循环泵的轴承、机封、电动机及其他重要部件是否存在异常现象,并采取相应措施进行处理。
9. 定期清洗热水循环泵的滤网、换热器及水箱等设备,并定期更换相关消耗材料。
10. 维护记录:对每次操作进行详细记录,包括操作时间、操作人员、设备状态、参数调整情况等,并及时报告相关负责人。
三、注意事项1. 在操作前,应检查电源线及电气设备的接地情况,确保设备的电气安全性。
2. 操作人员应穿戴好劳动防护用品,并遵守相关安全操作规程。
3. 在操作过程中,应时刻关注热水循环泵的运行状态,并及时处理异常情况。
4. 操作人员不得随意更改热水循环泵的参数设置,以免影响其正常运行。
5. 定期对热水循环泵进行维修保养,检查设备的电气连接、密封件、轴承等部件,防止出现安全隐患。
四、紧急处理措施1. 当热水循环泵出现异常声音、振动或过热现象时,应立即停止运行,并切断电源。
2. 不得擅自拆卸或修理热水循环泵,应立即联系专业人员进行维修处理。

二、操作准备1. 操作人员应熟悉循环泵的设备原理、结构和操作方法,并具备相关的操作证书。
2. 在操作前,应检查循环泵设备是否正常工作,如有异常应及时通知维修人员处理。
3. 准备好所需的工具和防护用具,并确保其符合安全要求。
三、操作步骤1. 首先,确保循环泵的供电线路已经接好,并根据设备使用电压进行正确设置。
2. 检查循环泵的液位,确保泵内液体达到工作要求范围,如不足应及时补充。
3. 打开泵的进水阀门,确保流量调节阀以及逆止阀处于正常工作状态。
4. 按照操作面板上的指示,启动循环泵,并逐步调整流量调节阀,将流量控制在合适的范围内。
5. 监测循环泵的运行状态,如发现异常噪音、过热等情况,应立即停机检查并排除故障。
6. 定期检查循环泵的润滑情况,确保润滑油的供给充足,并根据情况进行更换。
7. 定期清洗循环泵的进、出口过滤器,防止过滤器堵塞影响泵的正常运行。
8. 注意观察循环泵的压力表和温度计的读数,确保泵的运行参数处于安全范围内。
9. 在循环泵停机前,先关闭流量调节阀,再关闭进水阀门,确保泵内液体排空。
10. 关闭循环泵主电源,并将设备锁定,以防止误操作。
四、应急处置1. 如发生循环泵突然停机的情况,应立即停止电源供应,排除故障并进行维修。
2. 如发生循环泵泄漏的情况,应立即切断电源,采取措施进行堵漏和清理泄漏液体。
3. 如发生循环泵发热过高的情况,应立即停机检查,并根据情况采取散热措施或更换散热器。
五、操作安全注意事项1. 操作人员应穿戴好安全装备,包括安全帽、防护眼镜、防护手套等。
2. 在操作过程中,严禁趴在泵上或站在不稳定的物体上,以免造成跌倒或坠落事故。
3. 禁止擅自拆卸循环泵设备,如需维修应由专业人员进行,并按规定进行设备锁定和解锁操作。


LMR PLUS电火泵控制器与自动转换器功能说明书

The Automatic Transfer Switch Option may be added to any FD type Fire Pump Controller whenever automatic transfer from normal to alternate power is required.The automatic Transfer Switch and Fire Pump Controller are mounted in the same enclosure or in separate enclosures to form one unit and interwired - depending on the horsepower and voltage required.Product DescriptionProduct Features Engine Test Button Logic Controller BoardPower I/O BoardElectrically and Mechani-cally InterlockedATC-300 PlusAutomatic TransferVoltage and Frequency SensingAlarm RelayKeypad ProgrammingLED Status IndicationAn engine test button is provided on the ATC-300 controller that can be used to test the Source 2 (generator) engine. The operator can select the engine run test time (0-600 minutes). As well, a silence pushbutton is provided which de-energizes the alarm bell.The FT Series transfer switch operating mecha-nisms are mechanically interlocked to preventthe normal and alternate source from connect-ing at the same time.The switch operates upon signals received fromthe ATC-300 Plus controller.The panel mounted,multi-function, micropro-cessor based ATC-300Plus controller accuratelymonitors two powersources and provides thenecessary intelligenceto reliably operate thetransfer switch througha series of programmedsensing and timing func-tions.The ATC-300 Plus controller membrane isequipped with seven keypad input buttonswhich are used to program the controller as wellas set operating parameters.Five LED’s indicate the status of the powersources.Source 1 Available Source 1 ConnectedSource 2 Available Source 2 ConnectedUnit StatusThe FT Series Transfer Switcheswill perform an automatictransfer from Normal to Alter-nate source when the Voltagedrops to 85% of normal, orthere is a loss of any phaseand/or Phase Reversal.The ATC-300 Plus continuously monitors thenormal source for out of range setpoint values.When the source is outside the dropout set-points, the source will become unavailable.This prompts a transfer to the alternate source.Retransfer occurs when the normal source’sfrequency and/or voltage return within pickupsetpoints.The alarm relay is de-energized to indicate anabsence of an alarm state and energized toindicate the presence of an alarm condition.Alarm conditions include:Improper Circuit Breaker OperationMotor Operator FailureLockoutFailsafe ConditionAborted Engine TestAborted Plant ExerciserUnsuccessful in-phase TransitionThe FT60 Transfer Switch Controller utilizes an autotransformer that is inserted in the power supply to the motor to reduce the voltage at the motor terminals and to provide a smooth acceleration. The main contactor by-passes the autotransformer after a short acceleration time and applies full voltage to the motor terminals. Starting line current is 28% of the across-the-line starting inrush for controllers 60HP and up; 45% of across-the-line starting inrush of controllers 50HP and smaller. The FT60 can beprogrammed for either fully automatic or semi-automatic operation.CommunicationThe controller can be ordered with the option to display and output current values and status, on command, from various software protocols through the appropriate port(s).Embedded Web PageThe web page is a multifunction tool that allows the user to view the controller’s current status, data values, programmed set points and history. It is accessed using the optional ethernet port.USB Port / USB DriveThe logic controller board is equipped with a USB port that can be used to transfer data to and from a portable USB Drive device (memory stick).Ethernet PortAn optional ethernet port is used for direct con-nection to a computer for data transfer.RS485 Serial PortAn optional RS485 serial port can be providedfor communication to various external softwareprograms.BuzzerA buzzer is mounted on the logic board whichwill operate if Fail to Start, Hardware Malfunc-tion or any Common Alarm condition exists.TransformersIncoming line voltage is run directly to the I/Oboard from the incoming lines. The three trans-formers mounted on the I/O board will acceptvoltage inputs between 100 and 600V.Customer Connection TerminalsConnection terminals for external customerconnections, are located on the top of thePower I/O board.Output RelaysSeven socket mount,8 Amp, 2 Form - C(DPDT) output relaysare provided standardon each power I/O board.They are designated for:Common Alarm,Phase Failure,Phase Reversal,Pump Run,Startup,Accelerationand Future # 1.Each socket has an LED mounted on the I/Oboard which indicates each relay’s coil status.Optional Output Relay BoardsT here is provision to add up to eight additionalrelay outputs, via optional relay output boards.Each board contains a maximum of 2 addi-tional relays. The Power I/O Board will accept amaximum of 4 optional boards which mount in asnap-on confi guration.Each board provides an area for the user tolabel the terminal number and relay name.Door MountThe membrane keypad is accessible from the front door of the controller .NEMA Rating The standard membrane keypad is rated for NEMA 2, 3R, 4, 4X and 12.LCD DisplayThe Logic Control Board contains a 4 Line by 40Characters wide, backlit, LCD display which is capable of generating multiple languages.Alarm & Status LED’sA total of 20, ( 10 Status - 10 Alarm ) LED’sprovide indication on the membrane keypad.Power OnPump Running Local Start Remote Start Deluge Valve Emergency Start Interlock On Low PressureAuto Shutdown Enabled Programmable LED # 1Phase Reversal Phase Failure Fail To Start Undervoltage OvervoltageLow Room Temperature Locked Rotor TripLow Suction Pressure Source 2 Disconnected Programmable LED # 2Status LED’sAlarm LED’sSilence Button A silence pushbutton on the membrane can be used to silence the buzzer . When an alarm condition exists, the alarm buzzer will sound. If the Silence Alarm button is pressed, the alarm buzzer will turn off. If a subsequent alarm con-dition occurs after the silence button is pressed, the buzzer will re-sound. Pressing the Silence Alarm button again, will silence the buzzer .Motor Test ButtonThe motor test button on the membrane can be used to simulate an automatic start.Automatic Shutdown EnabledWhen the Automatic Shutdown function is en-abled, a Green LED will indicate on the control-ler membrane.MAIN DISPLAY GeneralThe main display will show the current system pressure, time and date, voltage and amps reading for all three phases, the system fre-quency and any custom messages, alarms or timers.Programmed Set-PointThe set-point display will show programmed pressure start point, pressure stop point and weekly test timer setting.StatisticsThe statistics display will allow the user to scroll through all of the measured statistics stored in memory. Refer to LMR Plus operation manual IM05805020K for speci fi c details.DiagnosticsThe diagnostics display will allow the user toscroll thorough eleven diagnostic points to assist with troubleshooting the system.Message HistoryThe user will be able to scroll through all of the messages stored in the memory of the controller with the most recent message being displayed fi rst.PRINT MenuDescriptionAll fault and alarm information is sent to the USB and Printer ports on demand, as well as the status of each output. The LMR Plus will store up to 10K events which are time and date stamped. All information can also be retrieved and displayed on the LCD display.Saving to USB DriveThe controller will save four separate text fi les, one CSV fi le and the embedded webpage to the USB external drive. The fi les, at maximum size, can be saved multiple times on one 128MB USB drive.Files to be saved are: Status Report, Diagnostics Report, Statistics Report, Con fi guration File and Last 10K Messages.Print MenuThe printer menu is accessed in order to select the desired print function.Functions include: Print Messages, Last XX Mes-sages, Date & Time, Status Report, Diagnostics Report and Statistics Report.Custom MessagesWhen this item is selected, custom messages can be cleared from memory or downloaded from the USB external drive.Firmware UpdateFirmware revisions are updated from an ex-ternal USB drive. All previously programmed settings will remain intact when updating is completed. Should there be an update failure, the controller will automatically revert back to the previous version of fi rmware.Embedded WebpageGeneralThe embedded webpage is a multifunction tool that will allow the user to view the current sta-tus of the controller as well as display all current readings, set points, and history. An external computer can be connected via the optional Eth-ernet port to access the page. When connected, the controller set points can be programmed via the webpage.Multiple PagesThere are 5 viewable pages that show the Main Display, Statistics, Diagnostics, History and Programmed Set Points.Pressure PointsThe pressure reports recorded in memory can be graphed and/or sorted based on date and time.Programmed Set PointsAll of the programmed set points and their cur-rent status can be viewed via the webpage.Custom MessagesUsers can create custom messages on acomputer and upload to the controller using a USB Drive (memory stick). Up to 10 custom messages of up to 100 characters each, will continuously scroll across the fourth line of the LCD display once uploaded.Trigger PointsThe message can be programmed to appear at speci fi c trigger points such as speci fi c date and time, speci fi c number of operations, speci fi c number of hours run or at any individual alarm point.All of the trigger points can be selected as And/Or values.The LMR Plus Electric Fire Pump Controllers meet or exceed the requirements of Under-writers Laboratories, Underwriters Laboratories Canada, Factory Mutual, the Canadian Standards Association, New York City building code, CE mark and U.B.C / C.B.C. Seis-mic requirements, and are built to NFPA 20 standards.Standards & Certi fi cationProduct FeaturesProgramming Menu GeneralThe LMR Plus programming menu isdivided into 8 different sub-menus. Each sub-menu contains information relative to it’s particular function. A brief description of each sub-menu is listed below.LanguageThe language sub-menu allows the user to select English, French or Spanish or Other languages to be viewed on the LCD Display. Several other languages can be uploaded into the controller . Contact the factory for details.RegionalRegional settings include the ability to program the date by adjusting the Month, Day, Year and Day of Week. As well, the Current Time can be adjusted on the 24 hour clock.PressureA variety of pressure settings can be programmed in the pressure sub-menu. These settings include disabling thepressure transducer; setting of the start point, stop point, low pressure alarm, high pressure alarm, stop mode, proof pres-sure switch (for foam units), low suction shutdown (low foam shutdown), pressure deviation and hourly pressure recording. Refer to the LMR Plus operation manual IM05805020K for details.TimersTimers in the LMR Plus that can beprogrammed include: Run Period Timer (RPT), RPT Start Mode, Acceleration Timer (AT), Weekly Test Timer , Fail to Start Timer (FST) and Sequential Start Timer (SST). Refer to the LMR Plus operation manual IM05805020K for details.Alarm Set Points There are fi ve settable alarm points that can be programmed by the user . They in-clude: Phase Rotation, Over Voltage (OV), Under Voltage (UV), Over Frequency (OF) and Under Frequency (UF). Refer to the LMR Plus operation manual IM05805020K for details.Custom Inputs / OutputsThere is provision on the Power I/O Board to accept up to 9 additional inputs and 9 additional outputs. The inputs can be labeled using one of 11 pre-set inputdescriptions or assigned a custom descrip-tion that is programmed by the user . The optional outputs can be programmed to indicate up to 25 output conditions. As well, two optional alarm LED’s can be pro-grammed for up to 12 alarm conditions.All optional inputs, outputs and LED’s can be linked, as required.Inputs can be programmed to energize the common alarm output, link to relays and optional LED’s and latch until reset by the user . Outputs can be programmed for fail safe and latch until reset by the user . Optional inputs and outputs can be programmed with time delay B External Drive GeneralWhen using an external USB Drive, the drive should conform to the following minimum speci fi cations: Min: 128mb Max: 2 Gig FAT16 protocol USB 1.0 or 2.0Drain Valve SolenoidAll LMR Plus electric controllers areequipped with a drain valve solenoid used for weekly test purposes.NEMA 2 EnclosuresAll LMR Plus controllers come standard with NEMA 2 enclosures unless otherwise ordered. Available options include: NEMA 3R, 4, 4X, 12.Emergency Start OperatorA mechanically operated emergency start handle activates the motor contactor inde-pendent of any electrical control circuits orpressure switch input.。
The Gorman-Rupp公司水泵产品说明书

Do not use in explosive atmosphere or for pump ing volatile flammable liquids.
Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice
Printed in U.S.A.
E Copyright by The Gorman‐Rupp Company 2012
Specification Data
200 400 820 960 1040 1100 1140 1200
200 400 1000 1380 1500 1510 1505 1550
200 400 1000 1420 1770 1815 1820 1820
200 400 1000 1420 1770 2050 2120 2150
200 400 1000 1420 1760 2040 2240 2360
Model: John Deere 4045T. Type: Four Cylinder, Four Cycle, Turbocharged,
Liquid Cooled Diesel Engine. Displacement: 275 Cu. In. (4,5 liters). Governor: Electronic Isochronous. Lubrication: Forced Circulation. Air Cleaner: Dry Type. Oil Reservoir: 17.5 U.S. Qts. (16,6 liters) Dry;

热水循环泵操作规程热水循环泵操作规程一、操作人员的基本要求1. 必须经过岗前培训,了解热水循环泵的基本工作原理、使用方法、维护保养知识以及安全注意事项等。
2. 基本具备电气知识,了解电器部分电路的原理,掌握电气线路的接线方法,注意线路连接可靠性。
3. 熟练掌握热水循环泵的启动、停车和调节方法,能够迅速发现和排除故障。
4. 熟悉相关安全操作规程,严格遵守操作规程和操作要求,确保工作安全稳定。
二、操作前的准备工作1. 检查热水循环泵的运行环境,确保泵房内通风良好,环境清洁整洁。
2. 检查供电电压,确保电源电压为380V,频率为50Hz,电压变化不得超过正负10%。
3. 检查泵房内的各种仪器、设备、配件是否安装齐全,是否处于良好状态,是否需要更换或维护。
4. 安全检查:检查各种仪器、设备、管道是否完好、密封。
5. 根据需要,检查水箱的水位和水质,确保水质清洁。
三、操作技巧和注意事项1. 开启动力:按下开机按钮,观察仪表显示,检查各仪表、顶部滤器罩关闭状态。
2. 设定参数:根据实际温度需要,调整泵的启动温度和停止温度。
3. 停车操作:按下停机按钮,切断电源后,将泵房内各设备开关门关闭,检查系统水管状态。
4. 维护保养:要进行定期的检查和维护,包括清洗过滤器,清理阀门及管道,消除泄漏、磨损、损坏等故障。
五、故障排除1. 电气故障:应检查电源线和电器电路连接情况是否正常,电源电压是否稳定,线路是否短路或断路,电气元器件是否损坏。
2. 机械故障:应检查泵的轴向间隙和径向游隙是否符合要求,轴承是否正常,轴承润滑情况是否完好,机械密封是否良好等。
3. 水力故障:应检查管路是否堵塞,阀门开度是否正常,水位是否达到要求,水质是否合格。
4. 若经过检查后未能发现故障原因,则应查看维修手册进行有关维修、故障排除方法。
MAGIO MS-450F 冷热循环器产品数据册说明书

Product data sheetMAGIO MS-450F Refrigerated / heating circulatorAs with all circulators from the MAGIO range, the refrigerated circulators stand out thanks to their premium quality, high performance and intuitive operation. The devices offer extra strong pressure and suction pumps, thus fulfilling the highest demands for temperature control of external applications. Whether in basic research, material testing or technical systems – the MAGIO refrigerated circulators offer high-tech solutions for high customer requirements.Alternatively with natural refrigerantThe MAGIO MS-450F is alternatively available withnatural refrigerant. Order No. 9 032 714.N1Product featuresIdeal for demanding external applicationsSimple control of complex applicationsContinuously adjustable, extremely powerful pressure / suction pump Flow rate 16 ... 31 l / min, pressure 0.24 ... 0.92 bar, suction 0.03 ... 0.4 barLarge, high-resolution TFT touch display with multilingual user interface Parts being in contact with the medium made of stainless steel Integrated programmerIntegrated external Pt100 connectionUSB connectionRS232 interface for online communicationEthernetanalog interfaces (accessory)Class III (FL) according to DIN 12876-1ModbusProfibus DP (Accessory)RS232/RS485 interface for online communicationConnections for solenoid valvePerformance values115V/60Hz (Nema N5-15 Plug)Heating capacity kW1Viscosity max. cST70Pump capacity flow rate l/min16 (31)Pump capacity flow pressure psi 3.5 ... 13.3Maximum suction psi-0.4 ... -5.8Power A12Technical dataAvailable voltage versions Order No.9 032 714BathBath tank Stainless steelAvailable voltage versions:9032714.N1.01100V/50-60Hz (Nema N5-15 Plug)(R290)9032714.S1.01100V/50-60Hz (Nema N5-15 Plug)(R449A)9032714.N1.02115V/60Hz (Nema N5-15 Plug) (R290)9032714.S1.02115V/60Hz (Nema N5-15 Plug)(R449A)9032714.N1.33200-230V/50-60Hz (Schuko Plug - CEE7/4 Plug Type F) (R290)9032714.S1.33200-230V/50-60Hz (Schuko Plug - CEE7/4 Plug Type F) (R449A)9032714.N1.33.chn200-230V/50-60Hz (CN Plug) (R290)9032714.S1.33.chn200-230V/50-60Hz (CN Plug) (R449A)9032714.N1.04200-230V/50-60Hz (UK Plug TypeBS1363A) (R290)9032714.S1.04200-230V/50-60Hz (UK Plug TypeBS1363A) (R449A)9032714.N1.05200-230V/50-60Hz (CH Plug Type SEV1011) (R290)9032714.S1.05200-230V/50-60Hz (CH Plug Type SEV1011) (R449A)Usable bath opening in. (W x L / D) 5.1 x 5.9 / 5.9CoolingCooling of compressor1-stage Air OtherClassification Classification III (FL) IP Code IP 21Hint to the technical data table Cooling capacity 1 =capacity at minimumpump level, coolingcapacity 2 = capacity atmaximum pump level Pump function Pressure Suction Pump Pump type Immersion Pump User Interface Language Chinese, Czech, Dutch,English, French,German, Italian,Japanese, Korean,Polish, Portuguese,Russian, Spanish,TurkishElectronicsDigital interface Ethernet, Modbus,RS232, RS485, USB External pt100 sensor connection integrated Integrated programmer8x60 steps Temperature control ICCAbsolute temperature calibration10 Point Calibration Temperature displayTemperature display7" TFT Touchscreen Temperature settingTemperature setting Touchscreen Electronic Timer hr:min00:00 ... 99:59Dimensions and volumesWeight lbs63.9 Dimensions in. (W × L × H)9.1 x 15.7 x 25.6 Filling volume l 3 (4)Pump connections M16x1 maleTemperature valuesSetting the resolution of the temperature display °C 0.01Included in delivery2 Barbed fittings for tubing 8 and 12 mm ID. (Pump connectionsM16x1 male)Working temperature range °C -30 ... +200Temperature stability °C ±0.01Ambient temperature °C+10 ... +40Temperature display resolution °C0.01All BenefitsTouch display. Perfect operation.With the touch display, the user always has an overview of all values and functions. The intuitive and multilingual menu structure enables perfectcontrol.Intelligent temperature control.Intelligent cascade control - automatic and self-optimizing adaptation of the PID controlparameters with external stability of +/- 0.05 °C.Many interfaces.Straight-forward remote control, datamanagement, and integration into process structures. USB, Ethernet, RS232, SD card, and alarm off are permanently integrated. Furtherinterfaces available as accessories.Maximum safety.Classification III according to DIN12876-1 enables safe operation, even with flammable fluids.Automatic switch-off in the event of hightemperature or low liquid level.Space saving. Free up space.Place your JULABO Circulator right next to anapplication, another unit, or wall. That saves space.This is made possible by eliminating vents andconnections on the sides.Multi-lingual.Operation in multiple languages.Programmer. Integrated.The integrated internal programmer makes it possible to automatically run temperature timeprofiles.Temperature. Under control.External Pt100 sensor connection for precise measurement and control directly in the externalapplication.Fill level. Monitored.Fill level indicator on the display for heat-transferliquid.Process stability.Early warning - visual and acoustic - of criticalstates increases process stability.Process. Under control.Full control of the dynamic, access to all important control parameters for individual processoptimization.Stable. Mobile.Energy-saving.The high-quality insulation of all relevantcomponents saves energy.Everything made of stainless steel.Quality and material compatibility at the highest level. All parts in contact with the medium areentirely made of stainless steel.Wide range.Refrigerated and heating circulator in various combinations, circulator in various sizes.Maximum flexibility through a large selection ofaccessories.Connection. Easy.Inclined pump connections (M16×1) facilitate the connection of applications. Each unit includes 2barbed fittings of 8/12 mm diameter each.Analog I/O.Analog interfaces for integration into processcontrol systems (optional).Most powerful pump.The integrated pressure/suction pump with performance values of 0.9 bar and -0.4 bar is the most powerful in its class and continuouslyadjustable.Condensation protection.Superb design solution. Integrated ventilationdirects air over the bath lid and minimizescondensation.Highest measuring accuracy‘Absolute Temperature Calibration’ for manualcompensation of a temperature difference, 10-point calibration。
Munro MPI RP SERIES 水泵产品说明书

FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT OTHER INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS BYMUNRO,CALL FOR THE DISTRIBUTOR NEAREST YOUPH:800.942.4270•FAX:970.263.2277E-MAIL:**********************•WEBSITE:MPI /RP SERIES /REV0808P U M P S P E C I F I C A T I O N Sultimate water feature pump -high volume,low headself cooling design for long lifeBased on our policy of improving and developing products,we reserve the right to alter specifications of our product at any time without giving prior notice.RP0302S2221.531CAP40C301329.0950.319.37”24.25”RP0403S223 2.241CAP 40C 3321213.41030.439.37”24.25”RP0405T225 3.743DIRECT 40C 3626412.8/6.41030.439.37”22.09”RP0875T227.5 5.583DIRECT 40C 13105818.3/9.22680.8713.39”36.34”RP1010T22107.5103DIRECT 40C 13145524.3/12.13610.8714.96”39.96”RP1215T221511123DIRECT 40C 15185235.7/17.94600.9016.93”42.40”RP1220T442015123DIRECT40C20211622.64850.9016.93”42.52”POWER DISCHARGE START LIQUID HEAD CAPACITYWGT SOLID DIMENSIONPART #HP KW INCH PHASE METHOD MAX FT GPM AMPS LBS PASS DIA HGTFEATURES •Standard design provides automatic thermal cut-out protection to prevent motors from overheating.•Abrasion resistant double mechanical shaft seal and additional oil reserve seal.•Superior design of water-cooled motor ensures long operation life with high effiency and energy savings.•Adaptable for above and underground surface water-the strainer can be easily removed and replaced with a check valve for under ground applications.APPLICATIONS•Water supply for agricultural irrigation systems and underground water pumping.•Landscape,water feature and horticulture irrigation.•Extraction of water from rivers,lakes and reservoirs.FEATURES•Standard design provides large flow capacities achieved with almost no vibration or noise•Quality parts are used to increase efficiency-double mechanical shaft seal to protect motor and impeller flow guide vane for increased efficiency.•Simple to operate and maintain.APPLICATIONS •Aquaculture water pumping and drainage for large volume water applications.•Water supply for landscape and water features.•Water extracting from rivers,lakes and reservoirs.•Flood control.1FLANGE2CABLE VCT VCT3CABLE BASE4UPPER BEARING5MAIN SHAFT SUS403SUS304(15HP:SUS420J2) 6CAPACITOR7CENTRIFUGAL SWITCH8OUTTER COVER SUS3049LOWER BEARING10INTERNAL UPPER COVER FC-200BRONZE 11BEARING BRACKET12LUBRICANT13MOTOR FRAME SUS304SUS304 14STATOR15ROTOR16MECHANICAL SEAL SIC/SIC CA/CE17OIL SEAL18IMPELLER BRONZE BRONZE 19CASING FC-200FC-20020CASING COVER21MECHANICAL SHAFT BRACKET22MECHANICAL SHAFT CHAMBER23BASE STAND24OUTTER UPPER COVERRP0875T22RP0302S22RP1010T22 REFERENCE PART RP0403S22RP1215T22 NUMBER DESCRIPTION RP0405T22RP1220T44。
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