外立面:facade跨度:Span坡道:ramp砍墙:Hom wall墙面:Metope铝合金:aluminium alloy透明中空玻璃:transparent insulating glass隔墙:partition檩条;purlin库板:panel, board加气砼砌块: aerated concrete block矿棉:mineral wool水泥砂浆:cement mortar抹灰/粉刷:plastering轻钢龙骨:lightgage steel joist石膏板:Plasterboard托盘架: pallet rack台阶坡道散水工程Steps ramp apron work零星工程:Piecemetal worksDrumming line 灌装站Isotainer yard 标准槽灌堆场Eurotint building 胶衣配色间防火分区:fire compartment石砌块墙体:masonry wall内外:interior exterior液压卸货平台:hydraulic dock leveler地勘报告:geology survey土层分布:soil layer distribution预应力砼管桩:pre-stressed concrete tubular pile 岩土:geotechnical/rock soil荷载:load电缆桥架:Cable tray沉降:sedimentation密度:density防爆荧光灯:anti-blast fluorescent lamp插座:outlet探测器:detector/sensor配电盘,开关板; switch board管架:pipe bridge开工:commencement开办费:Preliminary cost维护:maintenance建立:setup主体:main body乳胶漆:emulsion paint/latex paint露台:patio环氧树脂:epoxy resin给排水:water supply and drainage污水处理:sewage disposal门禁:access control矿棉板:mineral wool board/cotton panel 滚压成型:calendaring钢筋混凝土:reinforced concrete硬化的:hardened檩条:purlin沥青:bitumen/asphalt灰浆涂装:mortar coating瓷砖:tile水磨石:terrazzo卷帘门:rolling shutter地沟:trench化粪池:septic tank绿化带:green belt/field物业公司:property management company 石膏:gypsum大理石瓷砖:marble tile混凝土楼板:concrete floor slab丝杆:screw mandrel风管:vent pipe内胀:internal expansion过滤器:filter库板:panel密封:sealing风机底座:fan base铆钉:rivet软连接:flexible connection镀锌板条:galvanized strip喉箍:hose clamp钢化玻璃:tempered glass硅片:silicon chip晶片:wafer离子:ion去离子水:deionized water硼:boron暖通:HVAC轻钢龙骨:lightgage steel joist隔墙:partition走廊:aisle大厅:lounge, lobby通道,走廊:corridor承台,底座:plinth, platform女儿墙:parapet垫层:cushion layer碎石:detritus crushed stone/rubble/gravel 模板:formwork坐便器pedestal pan蹲便器squatting pan小便器: Urinal槽:sink踢脚:riser预制:precast弱电:light current主开关:main switch进线:inlet wire/incoming cable二级负荷:second class load电压互感器:Potential transformer避雷针:lightning rod冷藏:cold storage吸顶式:ceiling mounted type理货区:operation area货架:storage rack/goods shelf出货区:dispatching area防飞溅:anti-flash嵌入式:embedded type节能:energy saving热感应:thermal induction疏散:evacuate蒸发:evaporate单相:monophase, uniphase提升门:lift door/lift-up door光电感应:photoelectric光束感烟:light beam type声光报警:audible and visual alarm红外线:infrared壁挂式:wall-mounted冷媒:refrigerant冷凝:condensation屋顶机:rooftop轴流风机:axial fan旋流:whirlwind百叶窗:louver气态:gaseous汽化:vaporization截流阀:shut off valve盘管:coil pipe设定值:set point送风口:air inlet结露:dewing工况:operation mode吊顶:suspended ceiling防撞柱:collision post/fence post/static security guard post 隔膜:diaphragm总平面图:general layout plan/master planCaulk floor啮齿类动物: Rodent保险杠:Bumper租赁:leasehold配备:Fit-out通光量:luminous intensity光衰:luminance degradation半径:radius参数:parameter养殖户:farmer标高:elevation檐口:eave功能分区:sectorization发包人:employer承包人:contractor包干金额:lump sum投标函:bid letter损益表:profit and loss amount资产负债表:balance sheet设计说明:design specification窗台劈水板/窗台:window sill平面图:layout plan总平面图:general layout plan建筑规范:Building code白蚁:termite消防水池:fire fighting pondDG: dangerous goods靠得很近:in close proximity可行性研究:feasibility study环境影响评估:EIA安全生产评估:SPAApparatus: 装置,设备Amenity: 便利设施Ambient: 周围的,周边的工程放线:measurement and setting out雨水:stormwatersite formation works 地盘平整工程clearance侧面图:side elevationsectional axonometric drawing 立体剖面图sectional elevation 立剖面;截视立面图elevation drawing 立面图职业卫生: occupational health面层:finishes地脚螺栓:anchor bolt坐标:coordinate管廊:pipe rack公用工程:utility building门卫室:gatehouse事故水池:emergency pond可燃气体:combustible gas压力表:pressure gauge测温元件:temperature element转子流量计:variable area flowmeter用途:service防护等级:enclosure class规格:rating铠装材料:armoured material接液材质:wetted material表盘:dial规格:rating介质:fluid量程:range粘度:viscosity累积器:totalizer价值工程:VE: value engineering or VA 价值分析电镀:cladding地震的:seismic楼梯间/井:stairwell切割:slit外设施区/外网:OSBL:outside battery limit综合布线系统:PDS: premise distribution system 布袋风管:textile duct建筑朝向:Building orientation绿化:greening附属的:collateral净高:clear height切割:slitting金属辊压:rolling form透视图:perspective效果图:design sketch鸟瞰图:bird’s viewRFP: request for proposal打夯机:rammer行车路线:traffic route氟碳:fluorocarbon青灰色:caesious实腹板:solid web波纹板:corrugated web旗杆:mast惰性的:inert偶然性的:incidental乙二醇:glycol母线槽:bus duct碎石:detritus堵缝:caulking会审:joint hearing/joint checkup开工报告:commencement report设计交底会:design instruction meetingDesign disclosure/ clarification 进场,动工:mobilization到场:delivery to site基准点控制: Dimensional control Guideline: 方针,指南Originator and Approver 编制和批准人Activity:活动NDE: 无损检测探伤隐蔽工程:hidden work\护栏: Guardrail单项工程: Individual Project抽水:dewateringAdditive: 助剂进户线:service wire/service entrance承台:pile cap停工:shutdown搭接:overlapMezzanine:夹层,中间层Dust free:防尘多联式空调:VRV(vacuum reducer valve) LTI: lost time injury钢板桩:steel sheet pile交底:clarification新员工进场培训:orientation for new worker吊装作业:lifting operation进行:conductTrained personnel: 受训人员BarricadeDisplaying safety banner: 张贴安全标语Scaffolding dismantling: 脚手架拆除unconcerned personnel, keep offAssign watchmanPiling driving: 打桩加快:ExpediteAchieved: 完成道路破除/x修复:demolish/reinstate监护人:guardian踢脚板:washboard饮用水:potable water目测:visual inspection尺寸检查:dimensional inspection静电:electrostaticTumbler: 振荡机Resin filling pump: 树脂灌装泵Mobile air diaphragm pump: 移动气动隔膜泵Cartridge filter: 筒式过滤器Steam desuperheater: 蒸汽减温减压器Steam jet heater: 蒸汽喷射加热器Choiceness: 优良Cistern: 水箱毛石:rubble碎石:detritus双向钢筋:biaxial灰土:lime soilNear miss:临边Guniting: 喷浆Incinerator: 焚烧炉Light trap: 遮光罩Rear fan: 后风扇节点:nodeArchiving: 档案设计说明:design specification/general notes for design 沼气:methaneLessee: 承租人Lessor: 出租人:Take precedence: 优先Form of tender: 投标函政府联络:authority liaisonRibbon window: 带状窗Rapid running spiral door: 快速旋转/螺旋门Vapour barrier: 防潮层预应力高强混凝土管桩:prestressed high strength concrete pipe pile 进出场:mobilization/demobilization节点:key date工作分解:work breakdown管道安装:erection of pipeWalk down:巡查玻化砖:porcelain tileSingle loop:单回路Double loop: 双回路Switch box:开关盒,配电箱天窗:skylightFire lane:消防通道Damp proof: 防潮Glazing: 视窗Material take-off: 综合材料表Grease trap: 隔油池穿墙:traverseLoop net::环网Rigging: 吊装弱电相关:超五类非屏蔽线Category 5e unshielded cable配线架:patch panel桌面跳线:desktop patch cord线槽:6芯单模光纤:6 core SMF optical cable光纤尾纤:fiber pigtail政府规费:authority fee:总承包投标交易费: general contractor tendering registration fee文明施工费: construction civilization墙改基金: Wall revolutionary fund散装水泥保证金: loose cement deposit防雷检测费: lightning installation acceptance fee竣工图整理费: as-built file organization fee工程定额测定费: the measurement fees of project quantities沉降观测费: building settlement monitoring fee渣土运输保证金: deposit for construction waste proper transportation农民工工资预存: migrant salary reservation外市企业进津管理费: the service fee for enter into Tianjin外来务工人员保险: labor insurance外省市进津农民工工资保证金: deposit of labors salary for outside coming construction company in municipal construction committee规划测量放线: building setout by planning bureau规划竣工测量费: measurement fee of final planning acceptance勘察招标交易费: soil investigation tendering registration fee质监费:quality supervision fee by quality bureauVT(Visual test): 目视检查、MT(Magnetic particle test): 磁粉PT(penetration test): 渗透RT(radial test): 射线UT(ultrasonic): 超声波SUMIKAKYOCERASAKAERIKEN缩写:PMT: PermittingPAR: Project application reportPEP: Project execution planEPB: Environment protection bureauPET: performance evaluation test 性能评估测试效能评估测试PB: Power bureauTF: Temporary facilityRFP: Request for proposal 建议书请求,方案书邀请IBC: Intermediate Bulk Container,中型散装容器BTS: Build to stockDGM: Deputy general managerTBA: To be advisedSKU: Stock keeping unit 存货单元货格VAS: Value added serviceBoD: Base of designESR: Energy saving reportPPA: Project preliminary approvalPPP: Project planning permitOH: Operator handbookFIN: Field inspection noticeCSA: Civil,Structure, architectureMEP: mechanical, electrical, plumbingLEV: 局部排风,就地排风ARN: Advance revision notice 提前变更通知GFA: gross floor area 建筑面积,总楼面面积QS: quantity surveyor: 估算师,预算员,造价LEED: leadership in energy and environmental design 美国民间绿色建筑环保认证HazMat: hazardous materialVNA: very narrow aisleAccess Control System (ACS)Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)Perimeter Detection System (PDS).一级风:light air二级风:light breeze三级:gentle breeze四级:moderate breeze五级:fresh breeze六级:strong breeze七级:moderate gale八级:fresh gale九级:strong gale十级:whole gale十一级:stormLayer system:Breeder system: 育雏系统Rearing system: 饲育系统Bromaxx broiler cage:Hatchery packer:Free range system:自由放养Aviary system: 鸡舍Floor housing: 平养SMB: single manure belt消毒点:disinfection pit焚尸点:incinerator饲料厂:feed mill出货装运间:loading area水帘降温:pad cooling鸟防护系统:anti-bird systemBattery length: 外围长度工作联络单:work liaison sheet自动点火:auto ignition'.。
门类知识:Steel door 钢质门Crack paint series 裂纹油漆门Embossing door 浮雕板门Electrolysis board 电解板门Imitate copper door仿铜门Solid wood compound door 实木复合门High class craft door 工艺木门PVC free coating door PVC 免漆门High polymer free coating door 高分子免漆门Interior steel- wooden door室内钢木门HDF molded door 模压门Stainless door 不锈钢门Aluminum alloy door 铝合金门Plastic steel door 塑钢门Bolt 螺栓Reinforced side locking point 加固侧端锁点Door viewer 猫眼Thickened door leaf 加厚门扇Main lock 主锁Door leaf 门扇Magnetic seal 门吸Doorframe 门框new-style reinforced hinge 新款加固合页Luminous stealth doorbell 夜光隐藏门铃Gas-bag magnetic seal 磁性密封条Surface processing effect 表面处理效果Stainless steel doorsill 不锈钢门挡Bolt 螺栓super-thick door leaf triple anti- theft bolt 超厚门扇三重防盗螺栓Machine lock 机械锁Pull 拉手Door sill 门挡Single color 单色Width 宽height 高long 长thickness 厚度Door formula line 门套线Combined door formula big panel 门框Door ward bar 门档条Wooden screw 木质螺丝Sheet iron 铁板Batten 板条Natural stuffing 自然填充物Steel plate 铁板Powder coated 喷塑Phosphate 磷化Anti-ultraviolet 防紫外线Rock wool 石棉窗户:UPVC windows UPVC窗户Aluminum window 铝合金窗户Window blinds 百叶窗Steel window 铁窗Parapet wall 护栏Top hung fanlight 顶悬气窗Moulding 装饰线条Top rail 上横档Locking handle 把手Friction hinge 摩擦教练Jamb 侧柱Transom 横梁Cill 窗台Mullion 树框Stay 支撑杆Bottom rail 下横档Vertical sliding 垂直滑动Triple track 三轨道校具产品知识:School desk 学校桌子Fitting 配件Apartment bed 学校公寓床Dining table 餐桌Laboratory 实验室家具Blackboard 黑板Library furniture 图书馆家具Platoon chair 体育馆排椅Child school desk 儿童桌子Particle board/flake board/Chipboard 刨花板Plywood 多层板/胶合板MDF 密度板Melamine 三聚氰胺Fireproofing board, high pressure laminate board (HPL Board) 防火板Edge banding strip 封边Grain 纹理Formaldehyde Emission 甲醛释放量Moulded board 模压板Fiber glass/fiber reinforced plastics 玻璃钢Chemical-Resistant Laminate 理化板Round Steel/steel rod 钢筋Steel circle tube 钢管square tube 方管Rectangle tube 矩形管Flat steel bar 扁铁Angle iron 角钢Surface electrostatic powder spraying/powder coatings 喷塑办公家具:Boss table 班台Book counter 文件柜Computer table 电脑桌Sofa 沙发民用家具:Bedroom furniture 卧室家具Studio furniture 书房家具Child combination 儿童组合Closet 衣柜Television cabinet 电视柜Shoes cabinet 鞋柜Kitchen furniture 厨房家具Leisure furniture 户外家具Trash can 垃圾桶Healthy boby equipment 健身器材Goods frame 货架Ladder 梯子产品专业术语窗户专业术语:窗METAL WINDOWS & FRAMES金属窗metal windows钢窗steel windows铝窗aluminum windows不锈钢窗stainless steel windows木窗wood windows塑料窗vinyl windows特种窗special windows室外上卷式百叶窗exterior roll-up windows shutters天窗及屋顶采光SKYLIGHTS屋顶窗roof windows五金配件HARDW ARE窗五金window hardware & specialties门窗配件door and window accessories玻璃及相关制品GLAZING玻璃glass推拉窗:Sliding Window 节省空间,经济、适用:Save space, economic, and practical适合家庭、办公隔断、酒店等场所:Suitable for home, office partitions, hotels and other establishmentsSave space适合家庭、宾馆、酒店等场所:Suitable for families, hotels, places such as hotels圆弧窗:Arc Window弧形设计,满足了不同建筑的结构:Arc Design,To meet different building structures 适合住宅、公寓、别墅等:Suitable for residential, apartment, villa, etc平开上悬窗top-hung window压条:glazing bead窗框:all kinds of frames 推拉扇:push pull door leaf 铝合金窗:aluminum alloy window铝合金窗纱:aluminum alloy wire netting铝合金窗轨:al-alloy curtain rod铝合金窗扇:aluminum alloy sash铝门窗料:aluminum window door and sections铝门窗锁:lock for aluminum door and window辅助配件:Auxiliary accessories坚固、高档、美观:Rugged, high-grade and beautiful且具有隔热、保湿功能:And has heat insulation, heat preservation function适合家庭、单位、酒店等场所:Suitable for families, units, places such as hotels内倒内开,双重功能,节省空间:Within the open within the inverted, double feature,钢质门专业术语:钢质门: Steel door仿铜门: Imitate copper door冷轧钢板: Cold-rolled steel sheet:蜂窝纸: Honeycomb material :防火棉: Fireproof mountain cork防火石膏: Fireproof gypsum气窗:Transom门头:Door header门柱:Door pillar单门:Single door双开门:Ddouble door子母门:Son-mother door子门:Secondary door母门:Primary door门扇:Door leaf门框:Door frame螺栓: Bolt侧锁点:Side locking point猫眼:Door viewer主锁:Main lock密封条:Magnetic seal铰链/合页: Hinge门铃:Door bell门下档:Doorsill拉手:Handle磷化:Phosphate喷塑:Powder coating热转印:Heat transfer printing金属漆:Metallic paint:仿铜漆:Imitation copper paint校具专业术语:学校桌子School desk配件Fitting学校公寓床Apartment bed餐桌Dining table实验室家具Laboratory黑板Blackboard图书馆家具Library furniture体育馆排椅Platoon chair儿童桌Child school desk子刨花板Particle board/flake board/Chipboard 多层板/胶合板Plywood密度板MDF三聚氰胺Melamine防火板Fireproofing board, high pressure laminate board (HPL Board)封边Edge banding strip纹理Grain甲醛释放量Formaldehyde Emission模压板Moulded board玻璃钢Fiber glass/fiber reinforced plastics 理化板Chemical-Resistant Laminate 钢筋Round Steel/steel rod钢管Steel circle tube方管square tube矩形管Rectangle tube扁铁Flat steel bar角钢Angle iron喷塑Surface electrostatic powder spraying/powder coatings高质量不褪色 A high degree of light-fastness机械磨蚀Abrasion磨损硬度Abrasion hardness砂带Abrasive band网兜Basket shelf钢木室内门Interior steel-wood door强化木门(三聚氰胺木门)Melamine wood door实木复合油漆门/烤漆门Solid wood compound doorPVC免漆室内门PVC door模压门HDF molded door塑钢门UPVC door三聚氰胺层压:melamine lamination蜂窝纸:honeycomb material实木框架:solid wood frame门套板: Combined door formula big panel门套线: Door formula line门挡条: Door ward part墙体:Wall thicknessAAbram's rule阿勃拉姆规则Abrasion磨耗Accelerated strength testing快速强度试验Acid resistance耐酸性Adiabatic temperature rise绝热升温Admixture外加剂Aggregate集料(混凝土)Air entrainment引气(加气)Autoclave高压釜Accelerated curing快速养护Absorbed water吸附水Added water附加水Aggregate bulk density集料松散容重Auti-corrosion Admixture防锈剂Anisotropic materials各向异性材料Air-entrained concrete引气混凝土Air Entrain Admixture引气剂Aggregate porosity集料孔隙率Artificial marble人造大理石Alite阿利特Alkali-aggregate reaction碱-集料反应Alkalies in Portland cement波特兰水泥中的碱Alkali-silica reaction碱-二氧化硅反应Anhydrite无水石膏(硬石膏)Autoclave expansion test高压釜膨胀试验Air-entrained concrete加气混凝土Adhesion agent粘着剂Accelerating agent速凝剂All mesh ferrocement无筋钢丝网水泥Allyl-Butadiene-Styrene丙烯氰-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚树脂(ABS)Air pockets鼓泡Axial tensive property轴心受拉性能Axial compressive property轴心受压性能Air impermeability气密性Abnormal Polypropylene无规聚丙烯(APP)Asbestos fibres石棉纤维Asbestos insulation石棉绝热制品Autoclave expansion test压蒸法Artificial人造石Air entraining and water-reducing admixture 引气减水剂Active addition活性混合材Addition of cement水泥混合材Aluminoferic cement clinker铁铝酸盐水泥熟料Age龄期,时期Aluminum silicate wool硅酸铝棉Aluminum foil铝箔Air space insulation封闭空气间层Areal thermal resistance(specific thermal resistance)比热阻(热导率的倒数)Absorptivity吸收率Air permeability(Air penetration coefficient)空气渗透率BBrick 绝热砖Bleeding 泌水Bitumen-determination of penetration 沥青针入度测定法Battery-mold process 成组立模工艺Bar spacing 加筋间距Binder bonding agent 粘合剂Barytes 重晶石Batchhing 称量(配料)Biaxial behavior 双轴向性质Blaine fineness 勃来恩,细度Blast-furnace slag 高炉矿渣Blast-furnace slag cements 高炉矿渣水泥Blended portland cements 掺混合料的波特兰水泥Bogue equations 鲍格方程式Bond 粘结Brucite 氢氧镁石(水镁石)Bulking of sand 砂的湿胀Bull-float 刮尺Board(block)insulation 绝热板Bitumastic paint 沥青涂料Bituminous road materials 沥青筑路材料Blowing agent 发泡剂Bar between mesh 加筋Ball impact test (******强度)落球试验法Basic constituent 碱性组分基本成分Basicity 碱度,碱性Batch mixture 配合料Bend stress 弯曲应力Bituminous paint 沥青涂料Bituminous concrete 沥青混凝土Block brick 大型砌块Blunger 搅拌器,打浆机Brick setting 砖砌体(brickwork)Brittle point of asphalt 沥青冷脆点Broken stone 碎石Bubbing potential 发泡能力Building brick 建筑红砖Building system 建筑体系,建筑系统Brittle material 脆性材料CCalcium aluminate cement 铝酸钙水泥Calcium aluminates 铝酸钙Calcium chloride 氯化钙Calcium ferroaluminates 铁铅酸钙Calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙Calcium oxide 氧化钙Calcium silicate hydrate 水化硅酸钙Calcium silicate 硅酸钙Calcium sulfates 硫酸钙Calcium sulfoaluminate 硫铅酸钙Calcium sulfoaluminate hydrates 水化硫铝酸钙Capillary voids(pores)in cement 水泥中的毛细管Capillary water 毛细管水Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Cavitation 混凝土中的大孔洞,空蚀作用Cement fineness 水泥细度Cement paste 水泥浆Cement soundness 水泥安定性Cement specifications 水泥规范Cement strength 水泥强度Cement types 水泥品种Ceramsite 陶粒Chalcedony 玉髓Chemically combined water 化学结合水Chert 燧石(黑硅石)Chloride 氯化物Chloroprene Rubber 氯丁橡胶(CR)Chord modulus 弦弹性模量Clinker 熟料Coarse aggregate 粗集料Cold-weather concreting 冷天浇筑混凝土Compacting factor test 捣实系数试验Compaction(consolidation)捣实(捣固)Compressive strength 抗压强度Computer control system 计算机控制系统Concrete batching plant 混凝土搅拌站Concrete composition 混凝土配合比Concrete products 混凝土制品Concrete pump 混凝土输送泵Coefficient of permeability of concrete 混凝土渗透系数Carbonated lime sand brick 碳化灰砂砖Carbonating 碳化处理Cement resistance to chemical水泥抗化学侵蚀性Cube size 立方体试件尺寸Characteristic strength 特征强度Coarse aggregate ratio to fine粗集料玉细集料之比Carbonated shrinkage 碳化收缩Calcium silicate insulation 硅酸钙绝热制品Cellular(foamed)glass 泡沫玻璃(多孔玻璃)Composite insulation 复合绝热层Cold rolled steel 冷轧钢Cellular concrete 多孔混凝土Complex accelerator based on triethanolamine 三乙醇胺复合早强剂Component 组分,成分,构件Compliance 柔度Composite 复合,合成,复合材料Composite insulation 复合绝热层Composite portland cement 复合硅酸盐水泥Concrete 混凝土Condensed silica fume 浓缩(凝聚)的二氧化硅烟雾(硅粉)Consistency 绸度Core tests 钻芯试验Corrosion of steel in concrete 混凝土中钢筋的腐蚀Cost of concrete 混凝土成本Cracking 开裂Creep 徐变Critical aggregate size 临界集料尺寸C-S-H 水化硅酸钙Coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数Conductivity 导热性Coefficient of shrinkage 收缩系数Coefficient of permeability of concrete 混凝土收缩系数Cement mortar 水泥胶砂Crescent ribbed bars 月牙肋钢筋Concrete block 混凝土砌块Cold-drawn reinforcement bar 冷拉钢筋Cold rolled steel 冷轧钢Condensation polymerization 缩聚反应Critical degree of saturation 临界饱和度Critical stress 临界压力Cryogenic behavior 低温性质Crystallization pressure of salts盐的结晶压力Crystal structure and reactivity结晶结构和活性Curing 养护Civil Engineering 土木工程Cement 水泥Crack 裂缝Calcium silicate insulation 硅酸钙绝热制品Cement mortar 水泥砂浆Cork 软木Cork insulation 软木绝热制品Cellular(foamed)plastics泡沫塑料(多孔塑料)Cellular(foamed)polystyrene聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料Cellular(foamed)polyurethane聚氨脂泡沫塑料Calcium-resin insulating board 钙塑绝热板Cellular(foamed)rubber 泡沫橡胶DDarby 刮尺D-cracking D行裂缝Deicing salts action 除冰盐作用Diatomaceous earth 硅藻土质泥土Dicalcium silicate(C2S)硅酸二钙Dynamic modulus of elasticity 动弹性模量Dolomite 白云石Drying shrinkage 干燥收缩(干缩)Ductility 延性Durability 耐久性Durability factor 耐久性因素Decoration glass 装饰玻璃Decoration mortar 装饰砂浆Deformed bar 变形钢筋,螺纹钢Defoamer 消泡剂Dense concrete 密实混凝土Diatomaceous silicate 硅藻土(Kieselguhr,diatomite)Diatomite insulation 硅藻土绝热制品Density 密度Deformation 变形钢筋Degree of hardness 硬度Degree of humidity 湿度EEarly-age behavior早期性质Ecological benefit生态效应Effective absorption有效吸收Efflorescence白霜Elastic modulus弹性模量Electron micrographs电子显微图Energy requirement能量需要Entrained air引入的空气Extensibility可伸长性Emerging wire露丝Emerging mesh露网Expanded perlite膨胀珍珠岩Epoxy Resin环氧树脂Erosion冲刷风化、剥蚀Ettringite钙矾石Expanded clay and shale膨胀粘土和页岩Expanded slag aggregate膨胀矿渣集料Expansive cement concrete膨胀水泥混凝土Expansive cement膨胀水泥Expansive phenomena in concrete混凝土中的膨胀现象Expanded vermiculite膨胀蛭石Expanded rermiculite insulation膨胀蛭石制品Expanded plastics多孔塑料Engineering plastics工程塑料FFabriform土工模袋False set假凝Feldspar长石Fiber-reinforced concrete纤维增强混凝土Final set终凝Fine aggregate细集料Fineness modulus细度模量Flowing concrete流动混凝土Fly ash粉煤灰Foamed slag泡沫矿渣Formwork removal拆模Ferromanganese锰钢Flow of cement mortar水泥胶砂流动度Fiber reinforced plastics纤维增强塑料Fiber-glass reinforced plastics玻璃纤维增强塑料Facebrick饰面砖,面砖Facing tile外墙面砖Faience mosaic嵌花地砖,釉陶锦砖Fiber cement纤维水泥Figured glass压花玻璃Fine sand细砂Fineness of cement水泥细度Finishing抹面(修整)Flash set闪凝(瞬间凝结)Flexural strength弯曲强度Flint燧石Floating刮平Fracture toughness断裂韧性Free calcium oxide游离氧化钙Freeze-thaw resistance抗冻融性Fresh concrete新拌混凝土Facing面层Fiber insulation纤维绝热材料Flexible insulation柔性绝热制品Frost action on aggregate骨料受到冰冻作用Frost action on cement paste水泥浆受到冰冻作用Future of concrete混凝土的前景Fire resistance耐火性Ferrocement钢丝网水泥Ferrocement with skeletal bar加筋钢丝网水泥Flexural property受弯性能Fatigue resistance耐疲劳性Forst resistance抗冻性Fineness modulus细度模数(M)Flexural rigidity抗弯刚度(B)Foamed concrete泡沫混凝土Fiber board纤维板Frost action on concrete混凝土受到冰冻作用GGamma raysγ-射线Gel pores凝胶孔Gel/space ratio凝胶/空隙比(对强度的影响)(Effect on strength)Geonet土工网Geotextile土工格栅Geotextile木织物Glass geogrid土工复合排水材Geomat土工垫Gradation级配Gypsum石膏Granulated wood粒状棉Glass geogrid玻纤网Glassfiber Reinforced Plastics玻璃纤维增强塑料Glass wool玻璃棉Granular(powder)insulation颗粒绝热材料Gap-graded aggregate间断级配材料Gas concrete加气混凝土Glass玻璃体Giving a basic reaction发生碱性反应Giving an acid reaction发生酸性反应Grading颗粒级配Grain-size refinement级配曲线Gravel砾石、卵石Graywacke杂砂岩Grout薄浆(灌浆)Granite花岗岩Graph图表、图解Green concrete新拌混凝土Gritly粗砂状的Ground slag矿渣粉Gypsum wall board石膏墙板Gypsum concrete石膏混凝土HHardening 硬化Hcp 水化水泥浆的简写Heat of hydration 水化热Heavyweight aggregate 重集料Heavyweight concrete 重混凝土Hemihydrate 半水化物High-alumina cement 高铝水泥High-early strength cement 高早强水泥High-strength concrete 高强混凝土High-workability concrete 高工作性混凝土Hot-weather concreting 热天浇筑混凝土Hydrophilic and hydrophobic 亲水与憎水Hydrated(portland)cement paste 已水化的水泥浆Hydration of portland cement 波特兰水泥的水化Hydration reaction of aluminates 铝酸盐的水化Hydration reaction of silicates 硅酸盐的水化反应Hydraulic cement 水硬性水泥Hydraulic pressure 水压力Honeycomb 蜂窝Heat transfer rate 热流量Homogeneous materials 均质材料High-tensile reinforcing steel 高强度钢筋High-tensile wire 高强钢丝High carbon steel 高碳钢High strength concrete 高强混凝土High performance concrete 高性能混凝土IIgneous rocks for aggregate 作为集料的岩浆岩Impact strength 冲击强度Impregnation with polymers 用聚合物浸渍Initial set 初凝Initial tangent modulus 初始正切模量Interlayer space in C-S-H C-S-H中的层间空间Interlayer water in C-S-H C-S-H中的层间水Iron blast-furnace slag 化铁高炉渣Iron ores aggregate(heavyweight)铁矿石(重集料)Isotropic materials各向同性材料Iron wire低碳钢丝Impact ductility 冲击韧性Impact strength 抗******强度Impermeability 抗渗性,不渗透性Impermeability to water 抗渗水性,不透水性Impregnate 浸渍,渗透Index of quality 品质指标,质量控制标准Inhomogeneous 不均匀的,多相的Initial shrinkage 早期收缩Initial strength 早期强度Insulating layer 隔热层Intarsia 玻璃锦砖Impact resistance 抗******性JJet set cement 喷射水泥Jolting table 振动台Job mix 现场配合Jaw crusher 颚式破碎机"Jian-1" water reducer 减水剂KKilled steel 镇静钢Kiln dust 窑灰,飞灰Kiln building 窑房Kiln plant 窑设备Kilogram calorie 千卡,大卡Knot 木节Kominuter 球磨LLow PH value cement 低碱水泥Laitance 浆皮Leaching of cement paste 水泥浆渗漏Lime cement 石灰水泥Limestone 石灰石Lightweight aggregates 轻集料Lightweight concrete 轻混凝土Lignosulfonate 木质磺酸盐Low heat Portland cement 低热波特兰水泥Laboratory 实验室Lean concrete 贫混凝土Loss of slump of concrete 混凝土的坍落度损失Le chatelier soundness test 雷氏夹法Loss on ignition 烧失量Light weight ferrocement 轻质钢丝网水泥Longitudinal bar 纵筋Longitudinal bar spacing 纵筋间距Loose fill insulation 松散填充绝热层Low alloy steel 低合金钢Low caron colddrawn steel 冷拔低碳钢丝Longitudinal rib 纵肋Lumber grading 木材等级MMacrostructure 宏观结构Magnesium oxide 氧化镁Magnesiun salts solution effect on concrete 镁盐溶液对混凝土的影响Map cracking 地图形裂纹Marcasite 白铁矿Mass concrete 大体积混凝土Maturity concept 成熟度概念Maturity meters 成熟度测定仪Microcracking 微裂缝Microsilica 微细二氧化硅(硅粉)Minimum crack spacing 最小裂缝间距Microcrack 微裂Modulus of deformation 变形模量(EB)Mineral wool insulation 矿棉绝热制品Mineral fibres 矿棉纤维Masonry cement 砌筑水泥Mild steel 低碳钢Medium carbon steel 中碳钢Moisture content of wood 木材含水量Moisture 湿度水分Moisture condition 含水状态Mocromolecule high polymer 高分子Microstructure 微观结构Mixing of concrete 矿物外加剂Mixing water 拌合用水Mix proportioning(designing)配合比(设计)Mix proportions 配合比Modified portland cement 改性的波特兰水泥Modulus of elasticity 弹性模量Modulus of rupture 挠折模量(破裂模量)Monosulfate hydrate 单硫酸盐水化物Mortar 砂浆Multiaxial strength 多轴向强度Mumicipal-waste aggregate 城市废物集料Moisture absorption 吸湿率(water vapour absorption)Moisture content of aggregate 骨料含水量Matrix 基材Mesh-bar placement and tying 铺网扎筋Manual plastering 手工抹浆Maximum size of sand 砂的最大粒径Mortar consistency 砂浆绸度Mortar strength 砂浆强度Maximum crack width 最大裂缝宽度Mix proportion by absolute volume 绝对体积配合比(设计)Mix proportion by loose volume 现场松散体积配合比(设计)Mixed-in-place 现场拌和Mix proportion by weight 重量配合比Mixed process 混合过程Mixing time 拌和时间Mixing water 拌和水Modility 流动性Membreane curing 薄膜养护Map cracking 龟裂Mastic 玛脂Modulus of elasticity concrete 混凝土弹性模量Modulus of water-glass 水玻璃模数Masonry mortar 砌筑砂浆Maximum aggregate size 最大集料粒径Marber 大理岩Moderate heat portland cement 中热硅酸盐水泥Moderate heat of hydration 中热Moderate sulfate resistance 中抗硫酸盐Magnitude of self-stress 自应力NNDT 非破损试验的缩写Neutron radiation 中子辐射Neoprene 氯丁橡胶NNO water reducer NNO型减水剂Non-hydranlic cement 气硬性水泥Non-destructive tests 非破损试验Nuclear shielding concrete 核屏蔽混凝土Normal distribution 正太分布Non-evaporable water 非蒸发水Nominal diameter 公称直径Normal consistency of cement paste 水泥净浆标准绸度Neat cement paste 水泥净浆Needle crystal 针状晶体Needle penetrometer 维OOscillating screen 振动筛Oscillation generator 振动器Oscillator 振动器Oil-well platform concrete 油井平台混凝土Opal 蛋白石Overlays of concrete 混凝土覆盖层Oriented water 定向的水Osmotic pressure 渗透压力Oven-dry aggregate 炉干骨料Overall thermal conductance 总导热系数Organosilicon 有机硅Organosilicon resin 有机硅树脂Oscillate 振动,振荡Ordinary low-alloy steel 普通低合金钢Ordinary oil well cement 普通油井水泥Ordinary portland cement 普通硅酸盐水泥PParticle size 颗粒尺寸Penetration resistance 抗贯入性Periclase 方镁石Perlite 珍珠岩Permeability 渗透性Phosphate 磷酸盐Phenolic Formaldehyde 酚醛树脂(PF)Placing of concrete 混凝土的浇筑Plaster of paris 建筑石膏Polypropylene 聚丙烯(PP)Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯(PS)Polystyrene-plywood laminate 聚苯乙烯胶合木板Polyester plastics 聚酯塑料Plastic veneer 塑料贴面板Plastic-steel window 塑钢窗Polyester 聚酯Polyester Resin 聚酯树脂(PR)Plastic shrinkage 塑性收缩Poisson's ratio 泊松比Polymer concrete 聚合物混凝土(PC)Polymer-impregnated concrete 聚合物浸渍混凝土(PIC)Polymer-cement concrete 聚合物水泥混凝土(PCC)Polymethylmethacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)Pore-size distrbution 孔径分布Pore-size refinement 孔径尺寸修整Prestressded ferrocement 预应力钢丝网水泥Plain round bar 光圆钢筋Prestressed steel 预应力钢筋Pumped concrete 泵送混凝土Pumice concrete concrete block 浮石混凝土砌块Plastics 塑料Polythene 聚乙烯(PE)Polyvinyl Alcohol 聚乙烯醇(PV A)Polyvinyl Acetate 聚醋酸乙烯(PV AC)Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯(PVC)Polyvinyl Formal 聚乙烯醇缩甲醛(PVFO)Porosity 孔隙率Portland cement 波特兰水泥Portland blast-furnace slag cement 高炉矿渣波特兰水泥Portlandite 氢氧钙石Portland pozzolan cement 火山灰质波特兰水泥Potential compound composition 潜在化合物成分Pyrite pyrrhotite 硫化铁,黄铁矿Particle size distribution 粒度分布Pat test 试饼法PH-value PH值Pozzolan 火山灰Pozzolanic reaction 火山灰质反应Preplaced aggregate concrete 预填集料混凝土Proportioning 配合Pulverized fuel ash 磨细粉煤灰Pull-out test 拔出试验Pumice 浮石QQuality assurance 质量保证Quick set 快凝Quality 质量Quality control 质量控制Quartz glass 石英玻璃Quartz glass fiber 石英玻璃纤维Quartz sand 石英砂Quick lime 生石灰[CaO]Quartz 石英Quatzite 石英岩Quick-taking cement 快凝水泥Quick hardening 水硬性水泥Quench 水淬,骤冷RRadiation shielding concrete辐射屏蔽混凝土Rapid setting and hardening cement快凝与快硬水泥Revibration重新振捣Rice husk ash谷糠灰Ready-mixed concrete预拌混凝土Recycled-concrete aggregate再生混凝土集料Regulated-set cement调凝水泥Retarding admixtures缓凝外加剂Retempering重新调拌Roller-compacted concrete滚筒-压实混凝土Reinforced plastics加筋塑料Reinforcement mat钢筋网Resistance to chemical attack of mortar砂浆耐蚀性Rock wool岩石棉Rigid insulation刚性绝热制品Rib height肋高Rib spacing肋间距Ribbed bars带肋钢筋Rich concrete富混凝土Residue on sieve筋余Raw limestone石灰石Raw gypsum二水石膏SSalt crystallization pressure 盐的结晶压力Sand 砂Sandstone 砂岩Saturated surface dry condition 饱和面干条件Scaling 起皮,鳞片状剥落Schmidt rebound hammer 希密特回弹仪Screeding 抹平Seawater 海水Secant elastic modulus 正割弹性模量Sedimentary rocks for aggregate 作为集料的沉积岩Segregation 离析Self-stressing cement 自应力水泥Setting of cement paste 水泥浆的凝结Special hydraulic cement 特种水硬性水泥Specifications 规范Specific heat 比热Specific surface area 比表面积Sphericity 圆度Splitting ******* strength 劈裂抗拉强度Standard specifications 标准规范Standard test method 标准试验方法Stiffening of cement paste 水泥浆的变硬Strain 应变Strength 强度Setting of concrete 混凝土的凝结Shear-bond failure 剪切粘结破坏Shear strength 剪切强度Shotcreting 喷射混凝土浇筑Shrinkage 收缩Shrinkage-compensating concrete 收缩补偿混凝土Sieve analysis of aggregate 集料的筛分析Silica fume 硅粉Slag 矿渣Slip-formed concrete 滑模混凝土Slump cone test 坍落度锥体试验Slump loss in concrete 混凝土中坍落度损失Solid/space ratio 固体∕空隙比Solid-state hydration 固态水化Soundness 安定性Spacing-factors of entrained air 引入空气的间距因素Structural lightweight concrete 结构轻混凝土Structure(microstructure)of concrete 混凝土的(微观)结构Structures(concrete)in photographs 混凝土结构照片Sulfate attack 硫酸盐侵蚀Sulfate resisting cement 抗硫酸盐水泥Sulfates in portland cement 波特兰水泥中的硫酸盐Sulfides and sulfate aggregate 硫化物与硫酸盐集料Standard sand 标准砂Strength of cement mortar 水泥胶砂强度Strength grade of cement 水泥强度等级Spiral reinforcement 螺纹钢筋Stirrup 箍筋Struture lightweight concrete 结构用轻混凝土Specimen 试件Self-stressing concrete 自应力混凝土Sand grading 砂的级配Sand grading curve 砂的级配曲线Sand grading standard region 砂的级配标准区Self-stressing ferrocement 自应力钢丝网水泥Self-stressing cement mortar 自应力水泥砂浆Shear steel 剪切钢筋Saturation capacity 饱和含水量Saturation point 饱和点Stearic acid 硬脂酸Surface-active agents 表面活性剂Synthetic resin binder 树脂粘结剂Synthetic lightweight aggregate 人造轻集料Shotereting process 喷浆工艺Scaling 麻面Surface dusting 表面起砂Sandwich 夹层Shrinkage crack 收缩裂缝Stressed crack 受力裂缝Special steel 特种钢Sawdust concrete 锯屑混凝土Softening point test 软化点试验Solidification 凝固作用Stress 应力Stress intensity factor 应力强度因素Stress-strain curve 应力-应变曲线Surface moisture 表面水Splitting strength 劈裂强度Splitting failure 劈裂破坏Standard error 标准误差Stand sieve 标准筛Static modulus 静弹性模量Steam curing 蒸汽养护Strength grading 强度级别Strength of cube 立方体强度Strength at 28 days 28天强度Stress concentration 应力集中Styrene Butadiene Rubber 丁苯橡胶(SBR)Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene 苯-丁-苯乙烯Sulphoaluminate cement clinker硫铝酸盐熟料Surface energy 表面能Surface hardness 表面强度Surface ******* 表面张力Sand-lime brick 灰砂砖Saturated aggregate 饱和水集料Superplasticized admixture 超塑化外加剂Surface area 表面积Strength of aggregate 集料强度Strength of cylinders 圆柱体强度Supersulphated cement 石膏矿渣水泥Setting time of concrete 混凝土的凝结时间Standard of concrete 混凝土强度Standard deviation 标准差Structure high density concrete 结构高表观密度混凝土Steel-fibre concrete 钢纤维混凝土Set retarder admixture 缓凝剂Set retarding and water-reducing admixture 缓凝减水剂Superplasticizer admixture 高效减水剂Superplasticized concrete 超塑性混凝土Setting time 凝结时间Sulphonated formaldehyde melamine 磺化甲醛三聚氰胺Saturated and surface-dry aggregate 饱和面干集料T Tangent modulus of elasticity 正切弹性模量Temperature effects 温度效应Tensile strain 拉伸应变Tensile strain capacity 拉伸应变能力Tensile strength 拉伸强度(抗拉强度)Test methods 试验方法Thermal conductivity 导热性Thermal expansion coefficient 热膨胀系数Thermal shrinkage 热收缩Truckmixing 卡车搅拌Total water/cement ratio 总水灰比Trial mixes 试拌合物The particle grading 颗粒级配Tough aggregate 韧性集料Timber 木材Thermal insulation material 保温材料Test sieve 试验筛Through-solution hydration 通过溶液的水化Time of set 凝结时间Tobermorite gel 莫来石凝胶Topochemical hydration 局部水化Toughness 韧性Transition zone 过渡区Transporting concrete 混凝土输送Tricalcium aluminate 铝酸三钙Tricalcium silicate 硅酸三钙Triethanolamine 三乙醇胺Testing of material 材料试验Testing sieve shaker 试验用振动筛分机Test load 试验负荷Test method 试验仪表Test report 试验报告Test result 试验结果Tetracalcium aluminate hydrate 水化铝酸四钙Texture of wood 木材纹理Theories of cement setting and hardening 水泥凝结硬化理论Thermal contraction 热收缩Thermal diffusivity 热扩散性Thermosetting plastics 热固性塑料Technical manual 技术规范Test method of ferrocement panels in flexure 钢丝网水泥板受弯试验方法Transverse barspacing 横筋间距Thermo plastics 热塑性塑料Transverse rib 横肋Transverse bar 横筋Temperature shrinkage 温度收缩Thermal insulation material 绝热材料Thermal insulation properties 保温性能Thermal insulating concrete 绝热混凝土Thermal insulating plaster(Thermal insulating mortar)绝热砂浆UUltrasonic pulse velocity 超声脉冲速度Unixial compression behavior 单轴向受压状况Ultimate creep 极限徐变Ultimate strain 极限应变Unlimited swelling gel 无限膨胀凝胶Units of measurement 计量单位Unit weight 单位重量Ultimate gation 极限伸长值Ultimate principles 基本原理Ultrasonic inspection 超声波样份Uncombined CaO 游离CaOVVander Wale force 范德华力Vebe test 维勃试验Vermiculite 蛭石Very high early strength cement 超高早强水泥Vibration 振动,振捣Vicat apparatus 维卡仪V oid in hydrated cement paste 水化水泥浆中的孔隙V olcanic glass 火山玻璃Vinsol resin 松香皂树脂Vapor pressure 蒸汽压力Variegated glass 大理石纹Veneer 墙面砖、饰面砖Vesicular structure 多孔结构Vicat needle 维卡仪Viscometer 粘度仪Viscosity 粘度粘滞性Viscosity of asphalt 沥青粘滞性Voids ratio 孔隙率Vibro-moulding process 振动成型工艺Vibrating stamping process 震动模压工艺Vibrating vacuum-dewater process 振动-真空脱水工艺Vacuum insulation 真空绝热Vapour barrier,water vapour retarder 隔汽层Vibrating table 振动台V oids detection 空隙的测定V-B test(vebe test)维勃证WWater 水Water/cement ratio 水灰比Water-reducing admixture 减水剂Water tightness 水密性、不透水性Water content 用水量Water requirement 需水量Water-lightness 透水性Water-reducing retaders 缓凝减水剂White cement 白水泥Windsor probe 温莎探针Winter concreting 混凝土冬季浇筑Workability 工作性(工作度)Wetting agents 温润剂Water solubility 水溶性Water retentivity 保水性Water storage 在水中养护Water repellent 疏水的、不吸水的、憎水的Water resistance 抗水性Water vapor 水蒸汽Wearability 耐磨性Weather resistance 耐候性Workability 可加工性Wood-preserving process 木材防腐处理Work done by impact ******功Weighting error 称量误差Workability loss of with time 和易性随时间损失Workability of ready-mixed concrete 预拌混凝土和易性Workability of light-weight concrete 轻混凝土和易性Water-reducing admixture 普通减水剂Water-proofing 防水的Water-proofing admixture 防水剂Wire rope 钢绞线Workability measurement 和易性测量Wire mesh 钢丝网Welded mesh 焊接网Wood wool slab 木丝板Water content(moisture content)含水率(湿度)Water absorption 吸水率Wet screening 湿法筛分,湿筛析Wetting and drying 潮湿与干燥Workability control 和易性控制Workability definition 和易性定义Water pepellent admixture 防水剂Water requirement for normal consistency of cement paste 水泥净浆标准绸度用水量Water proofing compound 防水化合物XX-ray diffiraction analysis X射线衍射分析X-ray phase analysis X射线相分析X-rayogram X射线图式X-ray spectrometer X射线光谱仪YYield limit 屈服极限Yield point 屈服点Yield strength 屈服强度Yield stress 屈服应力Yield of steel 钢材的屈服ZZeolite 沸石Zones for sand grading 砂级配区Zeta-potential ζ-电位Zone of heating 预热带。
建筑材料Building materials(全文)
建筑材料Building mterilsXX:TU5XX:建筑工程中使用的所有材料统称为建筑材料。
建筑英文专业词汇a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据b. DESIGN STAGE 设计阶段c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称e. ROOFING & CEILING 屋面及天棚f. WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯Escalator 自动扶手电梯j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语【 Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦】【Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石】【Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土】【Facing And Plastering Material s 饰面及粉刷材料】【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉】【Timber 木材】【Metallic Materials 金属材料】【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】【Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料】【Building Hardware 建筑五金】【Paint 油漆】k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语【Discipline 专业】【Conventional Terms 一般通用名词】【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】【Name Of Professional role 职务名称】【Drafting 制图】a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据计划建议书 planning proposals设计任务书 design order标准规范standards and codes条件图 information drawing设计基础资料 basic data for design工艺流程图 process flowchart工程地质资料 engineering geological data原始资料 original data设计进度 schedule of designb. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段方案 scheme, draft草图 sketch会谈纪要summary of discussion谈判 negotiation可行性研究 feasibility study初步设计 preliminary design基础设计 basic design详细设计 detail design询价图 enquiry drawing施工图 working drawing, construction drawing 竣工图 as built drawing sc. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件日照 sunshine风玫瑰 wind rose主导风向 prevailing wind direction最大(平均)风速 maximum (mean) wind velocity 风荷载 wind load最大(平均)降雨量 maximum (mean) rainfall雷击及闪电 thunder and lightning飓风 hurricane台风 typhoon旋风 cyclone降雨强度rainfall intensity年降雨量 annual rainfall湿球温度 wet bulb temperature干球温度 dry bulb temperature冰冻期 frost period冰冻线 frost line冰冻区 frost zone室外计算温度 calculating outdoor temperature 采暖地区 region with heating provision不采暖地区 region without heating provision 绝对大气压 absolute atmospheric pressure相对湿度 relative humidityd. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称办公室 office会议厅 conference room服务用房 service room换班室 shift room休息室 rest room (break room)起居室 living room浴室 bathroom淋浴间 shower更衣室 locker room厕纸 lavatory paper厕所 lavatory门厅 lobby诊室 clinic工作间 workshop电气开关室 switch room防火走廊 protected corridor走廊 corridor档案室 archive电梯机房 lift motor room车库 garage清洁间 cleaning room会议室(正式) conference room会议室 meeting room衣柜间 ward robe暖风间 H.V.A.C room饭店 restaurant餐厅 canteen, dining room厨房 kitchen入口 entrance接待处 reception area会计室 accountant room秘书室 secretary room电气室 electrical room控制室 control room工长室 foreman office开关柜室 switch gear前室 antecabinet (Ante.)生产区 production area马达控制中心 Mcc多功能用房 utility room(杂用房)化验室 laboratory room经理室 manager room披 屋(阁楼) penthouse警卫室 guard housee. ROOFING AND CEILING 屋面及天棚女儿墙 parapet雨蓬 canopy屋脊 roof ridge坡度 slope坡跨比 pitch分水线 water-shed二毡三油 2 layers of felt & 3 coats of bitumastic 附加油毡一层 extra ply of felt檐口 eave挑檐 overhanging eave檐沟 eave gutter平屋面 flat roof坡屋面 pitched roof雨水管 downspout, rain water pipe)(R.W.P)汇水面积 catchment area泛水 flashing内排水 interior drainage外排水 exterior drainage滴水 drip屋面排水 roof drainage找平层 leveling course卷材屋面 built-up roofing天棚 ceiling檩条 purlin屋面板 roofing board天花板 ceiling board防水层 water-proof course检查孔 inspection hole人孔 manhole吊顶 suspended ceiling, false ceiling檐板(窗帘盒) cornicef. WALL (CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)砖墙 brick wall (承重强,强度高)砌块墙 block wall(填充墙,强度低)清水砖墙 brick wall without plastering抹灰墙 rendered wall石膏板墙 gypsum board, plaster board空心砖墙 hollow brick wall承重墙 bearing wall非承重墙 non-bearing wall纵墙 longitudinal wall横墙 transverse wall外墙 external (exterior) wall内墙 internal (interior) wall填充墙 filler wall防火墙 fire wall窗间墙 wall between window空心墙 cavity wall压顶 coping圈梁 gird, girt, girth玻璃隔断 glazed wall防潮层 damp-proof course (D.P.C)遮阳板 sunshade阳台 balcony伸缩缝 expansion joint沉降缝 settlement joint抗震缝 seismic joint复合夹心板 sandwich board压型单板 corrugated single steel plate外墙板 cladding panel复合板 composite panel轻质隔断 light-weight partition牛腿 bracket砖烟囱 brick chimney勒脚(基座) plinthg. FLOOR AND TRENCH 地面及地沟地坪 grade地面和楼面 ground and floor素土夯实 rammed earth炉渣夯实 tamped cinder填土 filled earth回填土夯实 tamped backfill垫层 bedding course, blinding面层 covering, finish结合层 bonding (binding) course找平层 leveling course素水泥浆结合层 neat cement binding course混凝土地面 concrete floor水泥地面 cement floor机器磨平混凝土地面 machine trowelled concrete floor 水磨石地面 terrazzo flooring马赛克地面 mosaic flooring瓷砖地面 ceramic tile flooring油地毡地面 linoleum flooring预制水磨 石地面 precast terrazzo flooring硬木花地面 hard-wood parquet flooring搁栅 joist硬木毛地面 hard-wood rough flooring企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring防酸地面 acid-resistant floor钢筋混凝土楼板 reinforce d concrete slab (R.C Slab)乙烯基地面 vinyl flooring水磨石嵌条 divider strip for terrazzo地面做2%坡 floor with 2% slope(1:20-5%);(1:15-6.7%);(1:12)集水沟 gully集水口 gulley排水沟 drainage trench沟盖板 trench cover活动盖板 removable cover plate集水坑 sump pit孔翻边 hole up stand电缆沟 cable trenchh. DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件木 (钢)门 wooden (steel) door镶板门 panelled door夹板门 plywood door铝合金门 aluminum alloy door卷帘门 roller shutter door弹簧门 swing door推拉门 sliding door平开门 side-hung door折叠门 folding door旋转门 revolving door玻璃门 glazed door密闭门 air-Tight door保温门 thermal insulating door镀锌铁丝网门 galvanized steel wire mesh door防火门 fire door(大门上的)小门 wicket门框 door frame门扇 door leaf门洞 door opening结构开洞 structural opening单扇门 single door双扇门 double door疏散门 emergency door纱门 screen door门槛 door sill门过梁 door lintel上冒头 top rail下冒头 bottom rail门边木 stile门樘侧料 side jumb槽口 notch木窗 wooden window钢窗 steel window铝合金窗 aluminum alloy window百叶窗 (通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind)塑钢窗 plastic steel window空腹钢窗 hollow steel window固定窗 fixed window平开窗 side-hung window推拉窗 sliding window气窗 transom上悬窗 top-hung window中悬窗 center-pivoted window下悬窗 hopper window活动百叶窗 adjustable louver天窗 skylight老虎窗 dormer window密封双层玻璃 sealed double glazing钢筋混凝土过梁 reinforced concrete lintel钢筋砖过梁 reinforced brick lintel窗扇 casement sash窗台 window sill窗台板 window board窗中梃 mullion窗横木 mutin窗边木 stile压缝条 cover mould窗帘盒 curtain box合页(铰链) hinge (butts)转轴 pivot长脚铰链 parliament hinge闭门器 door closer地弹簧 floor closer插销 bolt门锁 door lock拉手 pull链条 chain门钩 door hanger碰球 ball latch窗钩 window catch暗插销 insert bolt电动开关器 electric opener平板玻璃 plate glass夹丝玻璃 wire glass透明玻璃 clear glass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass)防弹玻璃 bullet-proof glass石英玻璃 quartz glass吸热玻璃 heat absorbing glass磨光玻璃 polished glass着色玻璃 pigmented glass玻璃瓦 glass tile玻璃砖 glass block有机玻璃 organic glassI. STAIRCASE, LANDING & LIFT (ELEVATOR) 楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯 stair楼梯间 staircase疏散梯 emergency stair旋转梯 spiral stair (circular stair)吊车梯 crane ladder直爬梯 vertical ladder踏步 step扇形踏步 winder (wheel step)踏步板 tread档步板 riser踏步宽度 tread width防滑条 non-slip insert (strips)栏杆 railing (balustrade)平台栏杆 platform railing吊装孔栏杆 railing around mounting hole扶手 handrail梯段高度 height of flight防护梯笼 protecting cage (safety cage)平台 landing (platform)操作平台 operating platform装卸平台 platform for loading & unloading楼梯平台 stair landing客梯 passenger lift货梯 goods lift客/货两用梯 goods/passenger lift液压电梯 hydraulic lift自动扶梯 escalator观光电梯 observation elevator电梯机房 lift mortar room电梯坑 lift pit电梯井道 lift shaftj. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦红砖 red brick粘土砖 clay brick瓷砖 glazed brick (ceramic tile)防火砖 fire brick空心砖 hollow brick面砖 facing brick地板砖 flooring tile缸砖 clinkery brick马赛克 mosaic陶粒混凝土 ceramsite concrete琉璃瓦 glazed tile脊瓦 ridge tile石棉瓦 asbestos tile (shingle)波形石棉水泥瓦 corrugated asbestos cement sheetLime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石石膏 gypsum大理石 marble汉白玉 white marble花岗岩 granite碎石 crushed stone毛石 rubble蛭石 vermiculite珍珠岩 pearlite水磨石 terrazzo卵石 cobble砾石 gravel粗砂 course sand中砂 medium sand细砂 fine sandCement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥) Portland cement硅酸盐水泥 silicate cement火山灰水泥 pozzolana cement白水泥 white cement水泥砂浆 cement mortar石灰砂浆 lime mortar水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar保温砂浆 thermal mortar防水砂浆 water-proof mortar耐酸砂浆 acid-resistant mortar耐碱砂浆 alkaline-resistant mortar沥青砂浆 bituminous mortar纸筋灰 paper strip mixed lime mortar麻刀灰 hemp cut lime mortar灰缝 mortar joint素混凝土 plain concrete钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete轻质混凝土 lightweight concrete细石混凝土 fine aggregate concrete沥青混凝土 asphalt concrete泡沫混凝土 foamed concrete炉渣混凝土 cinder concreteFacing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料水刷石 granitic plaster斩假石 artificial stone刷浆 lime wash可赛银 casein大白浆 white wash麻刀灰打底 hemp cuts and lime as base喷大白浆两道 sprayed twice with white wash分格抹水泥砂浆 cement mortar plaster sectioned 板条抹灰 lath and plasterAsphalt(Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉沥青卷材 asphalt felt沥青填料 asphalt filler沥青胶泥 asphalt grout冷底子油 adhesive bitumen primer沥青玛啼脂 asphaltic mastic沥青麻丝 bitumastic oakum石棉板 asbestos sheet石棉纤维 asbestos fiberTimber 木材裂缝 crack透裂 split环裂 shake干缩 shrinkage翘曲 warping原木 log圆木 round timber方木 square timber板材 plank木条 batten板条 lath木板 board红松 red pine白松 white pine落叶松 deciduous pine云杉 spruce柏木 cypress白杨 white poplar桦木 birch冷杉 fir栎木 oak榴木 willow榆木 elm杉木 cedar柚木 teak樟木 camphor wood防腐处理的木材 preservative-treated lumber胶合板 plywood三(五)合板 3(5)-plywood企口板 tongued and grooved board层夹板 laminated plank胶合层夹木材 glue-laminated lumber纤维板 fiber-board竹子 bamboosteel 钢铁Metallic Materials 金属材料黑色金属 ferrous metal圆钢 steelbBar方钢 square steel扁钢 steel strap,flat steel型钢 steel section (shape)槽钢 channel角钢 angle steel等边角钢 equal-leg angle不等边角钢 unequal-leg angle工字钢 I-beam宽翼缘工字钢 wide flange I-beam丁( 之)字钢 T-bar (Z-bar)冷弯薄壁型钢 light gauge cold-formed steel shape 热轧 hot-rolled冷轧 cold-rolled冷拉 cold-drawn冷压 cold-pressed合金钢 alloy steel钛合金 titanium alloysteel bar 钢筋;型钢门扇窗 bar不锈钢 stainless steel竹节钢筋 corrugated steel bar变形钢筋 deformed bar光圆钢筋 plain round bar钢板 steel plate薄钢板 thin steel plate低碳钢 low carbon steel冷弯 cold bending钢管 steel pipe (tube)无缝钢管 seamless steel pipe焊接钢管 welded steel pipe黑铁管 iron pipe镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe铸铁 cast iron生铁 pig iron熟铁 wrought iron镀锌铁皮 galvanized steel sheet镀锌铁丝 galvanized steel wire钢丝网 steel wire mesh多孔金属网 expanded metal锰钢 managanese steel高强度合金钢 high strength alloy steel PLATINUM金 gold白金 platinum铜 copper黄铜 brass青铜 bronze银 silver铝 aluminum铅 lead腐蚀 corrosionAnti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料聚乙烯 polythene, polyethylene尼龙 nylon聚氯乙烯 PVC (polyvinyl chloride)聚碳酸酯 polycarbonate聚苯乙烯 polystyrene丙烯酸树酯 acrylic resin乙烯基酯 vinyl ester橡胶内衬 rubber lining氯丁橡胶 neoprene沥青漆 bitumen paint环氧树脂漆 epoxy resin paint氧化锌底漆 zinc oxide primer防锈漆 anti-rust paint耐酸漆 acid-resistant paint耐碱漆 alkali-resistant paint水玻璃 sodium silicate树脂砂浆 resin-bonded mortar环氧树脂 epoxy resinBuilding Hardware 建筑五金钉子 nails螺纹屋面钉spiral-threaded roofing nail环纹石膏板钉 annular-ring gypsum board nail螺丝 screwssteel bar 钢筋;型钢螺栓 bolt商业的,商业广告 commercial普通螺栓 commercial bolt高强螺栓 high strength bolt预埋螺栓 insert bolt胀锚螺栓 cinch bolt垫片 washerPaint 油漆底漆(底层涂料) primer防锈底漆 rust-inhibitive primer防腐漆 anti-corrosion paint调和漆 mixed paint无光漆 flat paint透明漆(清漆) varnish银粉漆 aluminum paint磁漆 enamel paint干性油 drying oil稀释剂 thinner焦油 tar沥青漆 asphalt paint桐油 tung oil, Chinese wood oil红丹 red lead铅油 lead oil腻子 puttyk. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语Discipline 专业建筑 architecture土木 civil给排水 water supply and drainage总图 plot plan采暖通风 H.V.A.C (heating、ventilation and air conditioning)电力供应(电源) electric power supply电气照明 electric lighting电讯 telecommunication仪表 instrument热力供应 heat power supply机械动力(机械功率) mechanical power工艺 process technology管道 pipingConventional Terms 一般通用名词建筑原理 architectonics建筑形式 architectural style民用建筑 civil architecture城市建筑 urban architecture农村建筑 rural architecture农业建筑 farm building工业建筑 industrial building重工业的 heavy industrial轻工业的 light industrial古代建筑 ancient architecture现代建筑 modern architecture标准化建筑 standardized buildings 附属建筑 auxiliary buildings城市规划 city planning厂区内 within site厂区外 offsite封闭式 closed type开敞式 open type半开敞式 semi-open type模数制 modular system单位造价 unit cost概算 preliminary estimate建造师 constructor承包商 contractor现场 site扩建 extension改建 reconstruction防火 fire-prevention防震 aseismatic, quake-proof防腐蚀 anti-corrosion垃圾场,倒垃圾 dump防潮 dump-proof防水 water-proof防尘 dust-proof防锈 rust-proof车流量 traffic volume货流量 freight volume人流量 pedestrian volume透视图 perspective drawing建筑模型 building model Architectural Physics 建筑物理照明 illumination照度 degree of illumination亮度 brightness日照 sunshine天然采光 natural lighting光强 light intensity侧光 side light顶光 top light眩光 glaze方位角 azimuth辐射 radiation对流 convection传导 conduction遮阳 sun-shade保温 thermal insulation恒温 constant temperature恒湿 constant humidity噪音 noise隔音 sound-proof吸音 sound absorption露点 dew point隔汽 vapor-proofName Of Professional role 职务名称项目经理 project manager (PM)设计经理 design manager首席建筑师 principal architect总工程师 chief engineer土木工程师 civil engineer工艺工程师 process engineer电气工程师 electrical engineer机械工程师 mechanical engineer计划工程师 planning engineer助理工程师 assistant engineer实习生 probationer专家 specialist, expert制图员(绘图员) draftsman技术员 technicianDrafting 制图总说明 general specification工程说明 project specification采用标准规范目录 list of standards and specification adopted 图纸目录 list of drawings平面图 plan局部放大图 detail with enlarged scale......平面示意图 schematic plan of.........平剖面图 sectional plan of...留孔平面图 plan of provision of holes剖面 section纵剖面 longitudinal section横剖面 cross (transverse) section立面 elevation正立面 front elevation透视图 perspective drawing侧立面 side elevation背立面 back elevation详图 detail drawings典型节点 typical detail节点号 detail No.首页 front page图纸目录及说明 list of contents and description图例 legend示意图 diagram草图 sketch荷载简图 load diagram流程示意图 flow diagram标准图 standard drawing...布置图 layout of ...地形图 topographical map土方工程图 earth-work drawing展开图 developed drawing模板图 formwork drawing配筋 arrangement of reinforcement表格 tables工程进度表 working schedule技术经济指标 technical and economical index建、构筑物一览表 list of buildings and structures编号 coding序列号 serial No.行和栏 rows and columns备注 remarks等级 grade直线 straight Line曲线 curves曲折线 zigzag line虚线 dotted line实线 solid line影线 hatching line点划线 dot and dash line轴线 axis等高线 contour Line中心线 center Line双曲线 hyperbola抛物线 parabola切线 tangent Line尺寸线 dimension Line园形 round环形 annular方形 square矩形 rectangle平行四边形 parallelogram三角形 triangle五角形 pentagon六角形 hexagon八角形 octagon梯形 trapezoid圆圈 circle弓形 sagment扇形 sector球形的 spherical抛物面 paraboloid圆锥形 cone椭圆形 ellipse, oblong面积 area体积 volume容量 capacity重量 weight质量 mass力 force米 meter厘米 centimeter毫米 millimeter公顷 hectare牛顿/平方米 Newton/square meter 千克/立方米 kilogram/cubic meter 英尺 foot英寸 inch磅 pound吨 ton加仑 gallon千磅 kip平均尺寸 average dimension变尺寸 variable dimension外形尺寸 overall dimension展开尺寸 developed dimension内径 inside diameter外径 outside diameter净重 net weight毛重 gross weight数量 quantity百分比 percentage净空 clearance净高 headroom净距 clear distance净跨 clear span截面尺寸 sectional dimension开间 bay进深 depth单跨 single span双跨 double span多跨 multi-span标高 elevation, level绝对标高 absolute elevation设计标高 designed elevation室外地面标高 ground elevation室内地面标高 floor elevation柱网 column grid坐标 coordinate厂区占地 site area使用面积 usable area辅助面积 service area通道面积 passage area管架 pipe rack管廊 pipeline gallery架空管线 overhead pipeline排水沟 drain ditch集水坑 sump pit喷泉 fountain地漏 floor drain消火栓 fire hydrant灭火器 fire extinguisher二氧化碳灭火器 carbon dioxide extinguisher卤代烷灭火器 halon extinguisher支座,是指支承工程结构和传力的装置,按受力性能一般可分为 (1)固定铰支座,能适应结构支承端转动而不能移动,可承受任意方向力,但不能承受弯矩;(2)活动铰支座,简称活动支座,既能承受支承端转动,也能作水平移动,能保证结构物在温度或混凝土收缩、徐变作用下自由变形,仅承受铅垂力而不受水平力或弯矩;(3)固定支坐,支承端不能转动或移动,可承受弯矩或各方向力。
fabric 构造fabric air filter 纤维空气过滤器fabric form 织物模板fabric reinforcement 钢筋网fabric wrapping 织物封套fabricated building 装配式房屋fabricating cost 制造费用fabricating yard 施工现场fabrication 制造fabridam 尼龙坝facade 正面facade wall 正面墙face 正面face and bypass damper 双道气邻器face arch 前拱face ashlar 表面琢石face brick 饰面砖face hammer 平锤face mix 饰面混合材料face mixture 饰面混合材料face of ashlar 琢石块的前面face of brick 砖面face of building 建筑物正面face of wall 墙的外表面face opening of exhaust hood 排气罩的酌面开度face saver 护脸面具face shovel 正铲挖土机face velocity 表面速度face work 镶面工作faced block 盖面的砌块faced plywood 贴面胶合板faced wall 饰面墙facing 镶面工作facing block 面砌块factor 因素factor of proportionality 比例系数factor of safety 安全系数factory 工厂factory area 工厂区域factory building 厂房factory cost 工厂价格factory greenery 工厂绿化区factory made elements 工厂的预制构件factory noise 工厂噪声factory precast unit 工厂预制装配单元factory region 工厂区域factory technics 工厂工艺fading 褪色fading of settlements 沉陷衰减fagoting 柴捆覆面faience tile 釉陶面砖faience ware 彩陶failing moment 破坏力矩failing stress 破坏应力failure 事故failure criteria 损坏标准failure hypotheses 破坏假说failure limit 破坏极限failure limit state 破坏极限状态failure load 破坏载荷failure mechanism 破坏机理failure moment 破坏力矩failure stage 破坏阶段failure strain 破坏应变failure stress 破坏应力failure surface 破坏面failure zone 破坏区fair faced concrete 琢面混凝土fairway 航路fall 落差fall of a lock 水闸落差false beam 不承压梁false ceiling 假平顶false floor 假楼板false joint 假接缝false set 瞬时凝固false tongue 榫舌false window 盲窗falsework 脚手架family 家庭fan 鼓风机fan assisted warm air heating unit 热风供热送风装置fan coil unit 通风盘管装置fan convector 扇式对劣热器fan delivery 风机风量fan heater 风扇式空气加热器fan inlet volume 通风机吸入容积fan instability 风机不稳定性fan performance curve 风机特性曲线fan type anchorage 扇型锚头fan type cooling tower 扇状冷却塔fan vault 扇形拱顶fancy plywood 装饰胶合板fang bolt 地脚螺栓fanlight 楣窗far infrared radiation 远红外线辐射far infrared rays 远红外线far seeing plan 远景计划far ultraviolet rays 远紫外线farm building 农村建筑物farmhouse 农舍fascine 柴捆fascine dike 柴捆护堤fascine groyne 柴捆丁坝fascine mattress 柴排fascine revetment 柴束护岸fascine work 堆垛柴捆fast hardening concrete 速凝混凝土fast joint butt 固杆铰链fast pin hinge 固杆铰链fast setting cement 快凝水泥fast setting hardener 快凝硬化剂fast setting patching compound 快凝修补混合料fast to light paint 耐光油漆fasteners 扣件fastening 固定fastening angle 连系角铁fastening devices 固定装置fastening tool 扣紧工具fat concrete 富混凝土fat lime 优质石灰fat mortar 富灰浆fatigue 疲劳fatigue failure 疲劳破坏fatigue life 疲劳寿命fatigue limit 疲劳极限fatigue ratio 疲劳系数fatigue strength 疲劳限度fatigue test 疲劳试验fattening 变浓faucet 水龙头faulting 垂直错faulty concrete 劣质混凝土faulty workmanship 不完全善技巧feasibility study 技术可能性研究feather edge brick 线砖feather tongue 导销feathered board 边沿刨薄的木板feed screw 螺旋送料机feed tank 给水箱feed water 给水feeder 给料机feeder box 送电箱feeder canal 给水渠feeder drain 第排水管fellow town 卫星城市felt 毡felt base 毛毡基层felt nails 毛毡钉felt paper 油毡纸felted fabric backing 毛毡基层fence 栅栏fenestration 门窗布局ferrocement 钢丝网水泥ferroconcrete 钢筋混凝土ferrocrete 快硬水泥ferroglass 钢丝玻璃ferrometer 铁磁针ferry boat 渡船fiat oval duct 扁椭圆形输送管fiber 纤维丝fiber balling 纤维成团fiber cement 纤维水泥fiber glass 玻璃纤维fiber glass batt insulation 玻璃纤维绝缘垫fiber glass reinforced plastic form 玻璃纤维增强塑料模壳fiber reinforced concrete 纤维性混凝土fiber stress 纤维应力fiberboard 木丝板fibre 纤维丝fibrous concrete 纤维性混凝土fibrous insulant 纤维绝热材料fibrous insulation 纤维绝缘fibrous shotcrete 纤维喷射混凝土fictitious force 虚拟力fictitious load 虚荷载field 场field assembly 现场装配field bending 场地钢筋弯曲加工field book 工地记录簿field concrete 现拌混凝土field connection 现场连接field control 现场管理field cube test 现场立方块试验field cured cylinders 现场圆柱型试件field erection 现场安装field joint 安装接头field laboratory 工地试验室field note 野外记录簿field of load 载荷场field of vision 视野field supervision 工地管理field tile 排水瓦管fiexural formula 挠曲公式figure 图形figured glass 压花玻璃filings 屑锉fill 填土fill dam 堆积坝fill in brickwork 装填砌砖工作fill insulation 填塞绝缘filled bitumen 填充沥青filled soil 填实土壤filler 填充物filler block 填块filler joist floor 加固搁栅楼板filler joists 加固搁栅filler wall 填充墙fillerbinder mortar 充填粘合灰浆fillet 嵌条filling 填满filling element 填塞料filling knife 填塞刮刀filling material 填料fillister 凹槽film 软片film forming ability 皮膜形成能力film type cooling tower 水膜式冷却塔filter 滤器filter cloth 滤布filter drain 滤层排水filter gallery 滤水渠filter material 滤料filter paper 滤纸filter pipe 过滤管filter run 过滤行程filter well 过滤井filtrate 滤液filtration 过滤filtration beds 过滤层filtration chamber 过滤室filtration pressure 过滤压filtrative consolidation 过滤固结final acceptance 最终验收final bending moment diagram 最终弯矩图final finishing 最后加工final payment 结算final position 终点位置final set 终凝final settling basin 最终沉淀池final strength 最终强度final tank 最终沉淀池fine aggregate 细骨料fine concrete 细骨料混凝土fine dust 细粉尘fine grading 细级配fine grained asphalt concrete 细粒地沥青混凝土fine grained chippings 小碎块fine grained soils 细粒土fine gravel 细砾fine gravel aggregate 细砾骨料fine grinding 细磨fine ground cement 细磨水泥fine mesh wire fabric reinforced concrete 细孔钢丝网增强混凝土fine pumice aggregate 细浮石骨料fine screen 细筛fine structure 精细结构fineness 细度fineness modulus 细度系数fineness of aggregate 骨料细度fineness of grinding 磨粉细度fines 细骨料finewood 细纹木finger joint 指形接合finish 终饰finish coat 罩面层finish hardware 装修小五金finished cement 水泥成品finished concrete 完成混凝土finished floor level 竣工地板标高finished flooring 竣工的地板finisher 整面机finishing 终饰finishing belt 精修带finishing department 完成车间finishing machine 整面机finishing paint 精饰涂料finishing screed 终饰刮板finite difference method 有限差分法finite element method 有限单元法finned strip heater 带散热片的管加热器finsterwalder prestressing method 以自重桥梁结构预应力法fire alarm 火警fire alarm system 火警信号系统fire area 防火面积fire barrier 防火墙fire brick 耐火砖fire cement 耐火水泥fire clay 耐火粘土fire cock 消火栓fire damage 火灾损失fire damper 防火档板fire division wall 隔火墙fire door 防火门fire duration test 耐火性检验fire endurance 耐火性fire escape 火灾安全出口fire extinction basin 灭火水池fire extinguisher 灭火器fire extinguishing equipment 消防设备fire fighting equipment 消防设备fire flow 消防水耗fire grading of buildings 按耐火度的房屋分类fire grate 火床fire house 消防车库fire hydrant 消防栓fire line 消防管线fire load 火灾荷载fire lobby 防火隔间fire mortar 耐火灰浆fire plug 消防栓fire proofpaint 防火漆fire protection 消防措施fire protection construction 防火构造fire protection equipment 防火设备fire resistance 耐火性fire resistance classification 耐火性分类fire resistance rating 耐火等级fire resistance test 耐火性试验fire resistant concrete 耐火混凝土fire resistant construction 耐火构造fire resisting paint 防火漆fire resistive flooring 耐火地板材料fire retarding component 耐火构件fire separation 防火隔墙fire stop 防火隔墙fire ventilation 灭火通风fire ventilator 灭火排风机fire warning device 火灾警报装置fire water supply 消防给水fireproof concrete 耐火混凝土fireproof construction 耐火构造fireproof door 耐火门fireproof material 耐火材料fireproof performance 防火性能fireproof plywood 防火胶合板fireproofing 防火设施fireproofing agent 防火剂fireproofing plaster 耐火粉饰firing of refractories 耐火剂焙烧firm 商会firm discharge 保证使用量firm ground 硬地firm price contract 固定价格合同firm soils 坚固土壤firring 抹灰板条first aid room 急救室first coat 底涂层first floor 第一层first stage pumping station 第一段泵站fish chute 鱼滑槽fish lock 鱼闸fish pass 鱼道fish pond 鱼池fishplate 夹板fishtail bolt 鱼尾螺栓fishway 鱼道fissure 裂fit 安装fit up 初组装fitment 装配家具fitter 装配工fitter's tool 装配工具fitting 组装fitting out basin 舣装泊位fitting out quay 舣装码头fitting up 初组装fitting up bolt 临时接合螺栓fittings 配件fixation 固定fixed barrack 固定工棚fixed beam 固端梁fixed bridge 固定桥fixed bridge bearings 非开合桥承座fixed edge slab 固接平板fixed end 固定端fixed end arch 无铰拱fixed end moment 定端矩fixed fund 固定资金fixed hinge 固定铰链fixed joint 固定连接fixed ladder 固定梯子fixed load 固定载荷fixed point 固定点fixed retaining wall 顶端锚固土墙fixed support 固定支点fixed transom 固定摇头窗fixed weir 固定堰fixed wheel gate 定轮闸门fixing 固定fixing moment 定端矩fixture 加固物flag 扁石flag paving 石板路面flagstone 扁石flake board 木屑片板flaky aggregate 片石骨料flame 火焰flame cleaning 火焰清沽flame resistant glass 耐火玻璃flame retardant partition 阻燃间壁flameproof lighting fitting 防爆炸照描备flameproofing agent 耐火剂flange 法兰盘;翼缘flange angle 翼角钢flange socket 法兰接头flange splice 翼缘镶板flanged beam 工字梁flanged bend 法兰弯头flank front 侧面图flank wall 边墙flanking transmission of sound 声音迂回传播flap gate 舌瓣闸门flap valve 止回阀flared column head 漏斗式柱头flared support 上喇叭形支承flash 闪光flash coat 喷浆混凝土薄层flash set 瞬时凝固flash setting agent 急凝剂flat 平面flat arch 平拱flat building 多户住宅flat chord truss 平弦杆桁架flat course 顺砌列flat drainage 平面排水flat floor 平肋板flat ground 平地flat hinge 平铰链flat jack 扁千斤顶flat joint 平缝flat paint 无光泽涂料flat paint brush 扁漆刷flat plate construction 平板结构flat pointing 勾填平缝flat roof 平屋顶flat rope 扁钢绳flat seam 平接缝flat shell 平薄壳flat skylight 平天窗flat slab 平板flat slab beamless construction 无梁楼板结构flat slab buttress dam 平板扶壁式坝flat slab capital construction 无梁柱结构flat slab ceiling 无梁式天花板flat slab column construction 无梁板柱结构flat slab construction 无梁楼板结构flat slab drop construction 托板支承无梁楼板结构flat slab filler construction 填充无梁楼板结构flat slab panel construction 无梁镶板结构flat slide valve 平滑阀flat surface 平面flatwork 平坦混凝土构造物flaw 缺陷fleming's cement 佛兰芒水泥flexibility 可挠性flexible carpet 柔性路面flexible connector 弹性接头flexible connetion 挠性连接flexible dolphin 柔性靠船墩flexible dropchute 弹性跌落急水槽flexible filling blade 柔性填塞刮刀flexible foam 弹性泡沫塑料flexible foamed plastic 弹性泡沫塑料flexible foundation 弹性基础flexible hose 软管flexible insulation 柔性绝缘flexible joint 挠性连接flexible metal roofing 柔性金属屋面材料flexible mounting 柔性衬托纸flexible pavement 柔性路面flexible retaining wall 柔性挡土墙flexion 弯曲flexural bending 塑性弯曲flexural bond 弯曲粘结力flexural capacity 受弯承载能力flexural cracking 弯曲裂纹flexural member 挠性构件flexural rigidity 抗挠刚度flexural stiffness 抗挠刚度flexural strength 抗弯强度flexural stress 弯曲应力flexure 挠曲flexure curve 挠曲曲线flight 阶梯步级flight conveyor 链板传送带flight of stairs 阶梯步级flight of steps 楼梯阶段flight sewer 跌落式排水管道flight slab 楼梯阶段板flitch 粗加工大木料flitch beam 组合板梁flitch girder 组合板梁float 抹灰子;浮标float and set 三层涂抹float finish 抹光float gage 浮标float glass 磨光平板玻璃float scaffold 悬浮脚手架float steam trap 浮式隔汽具float valve 浮球阀floated coat 抹灰层floating breakwater 浮式防波堤floating caisson 浮式沉箱floating construction 浮动结构floating control 无定位第floating crane 浮动起重机floating dock 浮船坞floating earth 浮土floating floor 浮式地板floating foundation 浮基floating fund 怜资金floating method 浮运施工法floating pile driver 打桩船floating pile foundation 悬浮桩基floating pumping station 浮船式泵站floating rule 刮杆floating slab 浮飘板floating strainer 浮游滤网floatstone 磨石flocculant 凝聚剂flocculation 絮凝酌flocculation tank 絮凝柜flood 洪水flood and ebb 潮汐flood control dam 防洪堤flood control works 洪水控制结构物flood hygrograph 洪水过程线flood light 泛光照明flood mark 涨潮标志flood peak 洪峰flood proofing 防洪flood protecting 防洪flood spillway 溢洪道flood wall 防洪堤flood zone 浸水区域flooded dike 淹没堤flooded roof 装水屋面floodplain 涝原floodwater retarding dam 滞洪坝floor 地板floor area 建筑搞面积floor batten 地板撑条floor beam 楼板梁floor board 地板板材floor boarding 铺地板floor box 地板插座floor brick 铺地砖floor clamp 紧板铁floor clearance 地板与门之间间隙floor component 地板部件floor construction 楼面构造floor cover 楼面覆面层floor covering 楼面覆面层floor covering work 揉面覆面椎floor diffuser 地板扩散器floor dog 紧板铁floor dresser 地板装修器floor duct 地板下管道floor fill 楼板填塞层floor framing 楼板骨架floor guide 地板导槽floor gully 地板集水沟floor hardener 水泥地面硬化剂floor heating 楼板暖气floor height 层高floor hole 楼板孔floor joist 楼板梁floor live load 楼面活载floor opening 楼板孔floor operated crane 地面控制起重机floor paint 地板涂料floor panel 地板镶板floor plan 楼面平面图floor plate 楼面板floor plug 地板电门插座floor receptacle 地板电门插座floor slab 楼板floor sleeve 楼板的套筒floor space 建筑搞面积floor system 楼面系统floor tile 铺地瓷砖floor to ceiling window 地板至顶棚的窗floor type unit heater 地板供热器floor unit 地板部件floor warming 楼板暖气floorcloth 铺地面织物flooring 铺地板flooring nail 铺板钉flotation 浮选flour 粉flour limestone 粉末石灰石flow 流flow area 哩截面flow coefficient 量系数flow cone 寥锥flow controller 量第器flow factor 量系数flow mass 径量flow mass curve 量累积曲线flow meter 量计flow net 柳flow of heat 热流flow of light 光线流flow rate 潦flow table 怜试验台flow test 怜性试验flow through system 顺恋统flow trough 鳞flow type calorifier 气两加热器flow variator 量第器flower pot 花盆flowerbed 花坛flowing concrete 连混凝土flowing well 自廉fluctuating load 交变载荷fluctuating stresses 脉动应力flue 烟道flue damper 烟道第挡板flue gases 烟气flue liner 烟道衬块fluid concrete 浇注混凝土fluid filled column 灌满水的空腹钢柱fluid mechanics 铃力学fluidifier 稀释剂fluidity 怜性fluidity of concrete 混凝土的怜性flume 水槽fluorescence 荧光fluorescent lamp 荧光灯fluorescent lighting 荧光照明fluorescent paint 荧光涂料fluorescent screen 荧光板flush door 平面门flush joint 平缝flushing 填缝flushing asphalt 沥青路面泛油flushing cistern 冲洗水箱flushing gallery 冲洗集水道flushing manhole 冲洗井flushing tank 冲水箱flute 凹槽flux 怜flux oil 稀释剂fluxed bitumen 软质沥青fly ash 飞灰fly ash cement concrete 粉煤灰水泥混凝土fly ash concrete 粉煤灰混凝土fly rafter 飞椽flying buttress 拱式扶垛flying fox 缆道flying scaffold 悬空脚手架flyover 架空桥foam 泡沫foam concrete 泡沫混凝土foam filled block 泡沫填充块foam forming admixture 生泡掺合料foam glass 泡沫玻璃foam silicate 泡沫硅酸盐foam silicate concrete 泡沫硅酸盐混凝土foamed blast furnace slag 泡沫高炉熔渣foamed in place insulation 现场发泡绝缘foamed in situ plastics 现场发泡绝缘foamed plastics 泡沫塑料foamed slag 泡沫熔渣foamed slag aggregate 泡沫熔渣骨料foamed slag concrete 泡沫熔渣混凝土foaming 泡沫形成foaming agent 起泡剂focus 焦点fog 雾fog curing 喷雾养护fog room 雾室fog seal 沥青雾层fog spraying 喷雾fogging 起雾foil 箔fold 皱襞folded plate concrete roof 褶皱混凝土板屋顶folded plate construction 折叠板结构folded plate theory 折板理论folded plates 折板folding concrete form 折叠式混凝土模板folding door 折叠门folding furniture 折叠式家具folding partition 折叠式板壁folding pivoting door 折叠式旋转门foliage forest 阔叶手folk custom museum 民俗博物馆follower ring valve 随动圈阀门fondu 高铝水泥foot block 线脚托座foot screws 底脚蝶螺钉foot valve 底阀foot walk 人行道football playground 足球比赛场footbridge 人行桥footing 基础footing beam 地基梁footing course 底层footing excavation 基础挖掘footing of a pillar 支柱基础footing stop 混凝土接缝临时木垫板footpath 人行道footstep 枢轴footway 人行道force 力force application 施力force main 压力干管force of reaction 反力force polygon pole 力的多角形极点force resolution 力的分解force system 力系force triangle 力三角形forced circulation 强制循环forced convection 强制对流forced draft 强制通风forced draft cooling tower 强制通风冷郐塔forced ventilation 强制通风forecourt 前院foregallery 先行导抗foreland 堤的前岸foreman 工长forest 森林forest park 森林公园forested area 植舒积forge 锻工场forge shop 锻工车间fork grip 叉架夹具fork lift truck 铲运车form 模板form anchor 锚定板form assembly 模板组合form coatig 模板涂油form hanger 模板支撑form insulation 模壳外绝热form plywood 模板胶合板form pressure 酌模板面的压力form release agent 脱模剂form removal 拆模板form scabbing 模损坏form spacer 支模板装置form spreader 撒布机form tie 模板拉杆formation 形成formation level 施工基面formed steel construction 型钢结构formwork 模板formwork contractor 模板工仔包者formwork drawings 模板工祝引formwork oil 脱模剂formwork plywood 膜板用胶合板formwork safety 模板安全性formwork specifications 模板工祖范formwork tie 模板拉杆foul sewer 污水下水道foul water drain 污水下水道foundation 基础foundation balk 基础梁foundation base 基底foundation beam 基础梁foundation bed 基础底面foundation block 基础块体foundation bolt 基础螺栓foundation damp proofing course 基础防水基层foundation depth 基础深度foundation ditch 基础沟foundation engineering 基础工程学foundation framework 基础框架foundation girder 基础梁foundation grill 基础格床foundation ground 基础底基foundation pad 基础垫层foundation plan 基础平面图foundation plate 基础板foundation slab 基础板foundation soil 地基foundation wall 基墙fountain 喷水four leg sling 四钩吊绳four pipe system 四管式系统four way reinforcement 十字配筋foyer 门廊fraction 馏分fractional size analyses 粒度分析fracture initiation 破裂初始特怔fracture load 破坏荷载fracture mechanics 断裂力学fracture mechanism 断裂机理fracture propagation 断裂传播fracture strength 破坏强度fracture test 断裂试验fragility 脆性frame 框架frame construction 框架结构frame girder 构架梁frame of roof 屋架frame panel building 骨架板材式房屋frame structures 构架结构frame type bridge 框架式桥frame type house 框架式房屋frame weir 框架坝framed building 构架房屋framed dam 框架坝framed door 框架式门framed partition 构架面板隔墙frameless construction 无框架结构framework partition 网络间壁frameworking 构架工程framing 构架;椽木;脚手架;构筑框架frangibility 脆性franki pile 弗兰基式现场灌筑桩frazzi block 空心陶土块free beam 简支梁free flow gallery 无压坑道free flow tunnel 无压坑道free groundwater 无压地下水free hand drawing 徒手画free hand sketch 徒手画free roller gate 辊闸门free stone masonry 毛石砌筑free support 自由支承free surface tunnel 无压坑道free water level 自由水面标高freeboard 超高freely movable bearing 活动支座freely supported structure 简支结构freestanding tower structure 独立塔结构freeway 高速公路freeze thaw durability tests 冻融耐久性试验freezer 冷冻机freezing 冰冻freezing and thawing cycle 冻融周期freezing stresses 冻结应力freight elevator 运货升降机freight terminal 货运站french arch 法国式拱frequency curve 频率曲线frequency diagram 频率图fresh concrete 新拌混凝土fresh mixed concrete 新拌混凝土freshly mixed concrete 新拌合混凝土freshly placed concrete 新拌灌注混凝土freshly set mortar 新凝泥浆fretting 路面损坏friction 摩擦friction factor 摩擦系数friction pile 摩擦桩friction slope 摩擦坡度frictional prestress loss 摩擦引起的预应力损失frictional resistance 摩擦阻力frictional soil 内摩擦阻力大的土壤fringe conditions 边界条件fringe water 毛细管水frog rammer 爆炸夯front 正面front door 前门front elevation drawing 前视图front end loader 前悬式装载机front entrance door 正门front entrance intate 正面取水口front garden 前面庭园front room 前室front surface 正面front view 正面图frontage line 临街建筑线fronton 人形墙frost action 冰冻酌frost blanket 防冻层frost damage 冻坏frost depth 冰冻深度frost effects 冰冻酌frost heave 冰冻隆胀frost heaving 冰冻隆胀frost lens 冰透视镜frost line 冻结线frost protetion layer 防冻层frost resistance 抗冻性frost resisting admixture 抗冻掺合料frost thermostat 防冻恒温器frost thrust 冻结推力frost valve 防冻阀frost zone 冰冻区frost's cement 弗罗斯特水泥frosted glass 毛玻璃frostproof course 防冻层froth breaker 消泡器froth breaking 消泡froth formation 泡沫形成frother 起泡剂frozen ground 冻结地frustum of a cone 截头圆锥体frustum of a pyramid 截棱锥fuel 燃料full cell process 全吸收防腐处理工程full face tunneling 全面开挖full load 满载full restraint 完全约束full scale load test 满刻度载荷试验full size design 足尺设计图full size drawing 足尺图full slewing crane 完全回转式吊机full splice 全截面接合fuller's curve 富勒式曲线fully adjustable air diffuser 完全可嫡气扩散器fully fixed member 完全固定构件fully penetrating well 完全贯入井fume cupboard 排烟柜fume hood 排烟柜function 功能fund 资金fund of capital investment 基建投资额fundamental technics 基本技术funicular polygon 舜多边形funicular railway 缆塌道funnel 烟道furan resin cement 呋喃尸水泥furnace 炉furnace bar 炉栅furnace clinker 炉渣结块furnace clinker concrete 炉渣结块混凝土furniture design 家具设计furniture part 家具配件furr 水垢furring 抹灰板条furring brick 贴面砖furring tile 贴面磁砖furrow 沟furrowed bed joint mortar 沟槽床接缝灰浆fuse 保险丝;导火线fusibility 可熔性fusion 熔融。
【 Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦】【Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石】【Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土】【Facing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料】【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉】【Timber 木材】【Metallic Materials 金属材料】【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】【Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料】【Building Hardware 建筑五金】【Paint 油漆】k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语【Discipline 专业】【Conventional Terms 一般通用名词】【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】【Name Of Professional role 职务名称】【Drafting 制图】a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据计划建议书 planning proposals设计任务书 design order标准规范standards and codes条件图 information drawing设计基础资料 basic data for design工艺流程图 process flowchart工程地质资料 engineering geological data原始资料 original data设计进度 schedule of designb. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段方案 scheme, draft草图 sketch会谈纪要summary of discussion谈判 negotiation可行性研究 feasibility study初步设计 preliminary design基础设计 basic design详细设计 detail design询价图 enquiry drawing施工图 working drawing, construction drawing竣工图 as built drawingc. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件日照 sunshine风玫瑰 wind rose主导风向 prevailing wind direction 最大(平均)风速 maximum (mean) wind velocity风荷载 wind load最大(平均)降雨量 maximum (mean) rainfall雷击及闪电 thunder and lightning 飓风 hurricane台风 typhoon旋风 cyclone降雨强度rainfall intensity年降雨量 annual rainfall湿球温度 wet bulb temperature干球温度 dry bulb temperature冰冻期 frost period冰冻线 frost line冰冻区 frost zone室外计算温度 calculating outdoor temperature采暖地区 region with heating provision 不采暖地区 region without heating provision绝对大气压 absolute atmospheric pressure相对湿度 relative humidityd. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称办公室 office服务用房 service room换班室 shift room休息室 rest room (break room)起居室 living room浴室 bathroom淋浴间 shower更衣室 locker room厕所 lavatory门厅 lobby诊室 clinic工作间 workshop电气开关室 switchroom走廊 corridor档案室 archive电梯机房 lift motor room车库 garage清洁间 cleaning room会议室(正式) conference room 会议室 meeting room衣柜间 ward robe暖风间 H.V.A.C room饭店 restaurant餐厅 canteen, dining room厨房 kitchen入口 entrance接待处 reception area会计室 accountant room秘书室 secretary room电气室 electrical room控制室 control room工长室 foreman office开关柜室 switch gear前室 antecabinet (Ante.)生产区 production area马达控制中心 Mcc多功能用房 utility room化验室 laboratory room经理室 manager room披屋(阁楼) penthouse警卫室 guard housee. ROOFING AND CEILING 屋面及天棚女儿墙 parapet雨蓬 canopy屋脊 roof ridge坡度 slope坡跨比 pitch分水线 water-shed二毡三油 2 layers of felt & 3 coats of bitumastic附加油毡一层 extra ply of felt檐口 eave挑檐 overhanging eave檐沟 eave gutter平屋面 flat roof坡屋面 pitched roof雨水管 downspout, rain waterpipe)(R.W.P)汇水面积 catchment area泛水 flashing内排水 interior drainage外排水 exterior drainage滴水 drip屋面排水 roof drainage找平层 leveling course卷材屋面 built-up roofing天棚 ceiling檩条 purlin屋面板 roofing board天花板 ceiling board防水层 water-proof course检查孔 inspection hole人孔 manhole吊顶 suspended ceiling, false ceiling 檐板(窗帘盒) cornicef. WALL (CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)砖墙 brick wall砌块墙 block wall清水砖墙 brick wall without plastering 抹灰墙 rendered wall石膏板墙 gypsum board, plaster board 空心砖墙 hollow brick wall承重墙 bearing wall非承重墙 non-bearing wall纵墙 longitudinal wall横墙 transverse wall外墙 external (exterior) wall内墙 internal (interior) wall填充墙 filler wall防火墙 fire wall窗间墙 wall between window空心墙 cavity wall压顶 coping圈梁 gird, girt, girth玻璃隔断 glazed wall防潮层 damp-proof course (D.P.C)遮阳板 sunshade阳台 balcony伸缩缝 expansion joint沉降缝 settlement joint抗震缝 seismic joint复合夹心板 sandwich board压型单板 corrugated single steel plate 外墙板 cladding panel复合板 composite panel轻质隔断 light-weight partition牛腿 bracket砖烟囱 brick chimney勒脚(基座) plinthg. FLOOR AND TRENCH 地面及地沟地坪 grade地面和楼面 ground and floor素土夯实 rammed earth炉渣夯实 tamped cinder填土 filled earth回填土夯实 tamped backfill垫层 bedding course, blinding面层 covering, finish结合层 bonding (binding) course找平层 leveling course素水泥浆结合层 neat cement binding course混凝土地面 concrete floor水泥地面 cement floor机器磨平混凝土地面 machine trowelled concrete floor水磨石地面 terrazzo flooring马赛克地面 mosaic flooring瓷砖地面 ceramic tile flooring油地毡地面 linoleum flooring预制水磨石地面 precast terrazzo flooring硬木花地面 hard-wood parquet flooring 搁栅 joist硬木毛地面 hard-wood rough flooring企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring 防酸地面 acid-resistant floor钢筋混凝土楼板 reinforced concrete slab (R.C Slab)乙烯基地面 vinyl flooring水磨石嵌条 divider strip for terrazzo 地面做2%坡 floor with 2% slope集水沟 gully集水口 gulley排水沟 drainage trench沟盖板 trench cover活动盖板 removable cover plate集水坑 sump pit孔翻边 hole up stand电缆沟 cable trenchh. DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件木 (钢)门 wooden (steel) door镶板门 panelled door夹板门 plywood door铝合金门 aluminum alloy door卷帘门 roller shutter door弹簧门 swing door推拉门 sliding door平开门 side-hung door折叠门 folding door旋转门 revolving door玻璃门 glazed door密闭门 air-Tight door保温门 thermal insulating door镀锌铁丝网门 galvanized steel wire mesh door防火门 fire door(大门上的)小门 wicket门框 door frame门扇 door leaf门洞 door opening结构开洞 structural opening单扇门 single door双扇门 double door疏散门 emergency door纱门 screen door门槛 door sill门过梁 door lintel上冒头 top rail下冒头 bottom rail门边木 stile门樘侧料 side jumb槽口 notch木窗 wooden window钢窗 steel window铝合金窗 aluminum alloy window百叶窗 (通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind)塑钢窗 plastic steel window空腹钢窗 hollow steel window固定窗 fixed window平开窗 side-hung window推拉窗 sliding window气窗 transom上悬窗 top-hung window中悬窗 center-pivoted window下悬窗 hopper window活动百叶窗 adjustable louver天窗 skylight老虎窗 dormer window密封双层玻璃 sealed double glazing 钢筋混凝土过梁 reinforced concrete lintel钢筋砖过梁 reinforced brick lintel 窗扇 casement sash窗台 window sill窗台板 window board窗中梃 mullion窗横木 mutin窗边木 stile压缝条 cover mould窗帘盒 curtain box合页(铰链) hinge (butts)转轴 pivot长脚铰链 parliament hinge闭门器 door closer地弹簧 floor closer插销 bolt门锁 door lock拉手 pull链条 chain门钩 door hanger碰球 ball latch窗钩 window catch暗插销 insert bolt电动开关器 electric opener平板玻璃 plate glass夹丝玻璃 wire glass透明玻璃 clear glass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass)防弹玻璃 bullet-proof glass石英玻璃 quartz glass吸热玻璃 heat absorbing glass磨光玻璃 polished glass着色玻璃 pigmented glass玻璃瓦 glass tile玻璃砖 glass block有机玻璃 organic glassI. STAIRCASE, LANDING & LIFT (ELEVATOR) 楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯 stair楼梯间 staircase疏散梯 emergency stair旋转梯 spiral stair (circular stair) 吊车梯 crane ladder直爬梯 vertical ladder踏步 step扇形踏步 winder (wheel step)踏步板 tread档步板 riser踏步宽度 tread width防滑条 non-slip insert (strips)栏杆 railing (balustrade)平台栏杆 platform railing吊装孔栏杆 railing around mounting hole 扶手 handrail梯段高度 height of flight防护梯笼 protecting cage (safety cage) 平台 landing (platform)操作平台 operating platform装卸平台 platform for loading & unloading楼梯平台 stair landing客梯 passenger lift货梯 goods lift客/货两用梯 goods/passenger lift液压电梯 hydraulic lift自动扶梯 escalator观光电梯 observation elevator电梯机房 lift mortar room电梯坑 lift pit电梯井道 lift shaftj. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦红砖 red brick粘土砖 clay brick瓷砖 glazed brick (ceramic tile)防火砖 fire brick空心砖 hollow brick面砖 facing brick地板砖 flooring tile缸砖 clinkery brick马赛克 mosaic陶粒混凝土 ceramsite concrete琉璃瓦 glazed tile脊瓦 ridge tile石棉瓦 asbestos tile (shingle)波形石棉水泥瓦 corrugated asbestos cement sheetLime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石石膏 gypsum大理石 marble汉白玉 white marble花岗岩 granite碎石 crushed stone毛石 rubble蛭石 vermiculite珍珠岩 pearlite水磨石 terrazzo卵石 cobble砾石 gravel粗砂 course sand中砂 medium sand细砂 fine sandCement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥) Portland cement硅酸盐水泥 silicate cement火山灰水泥 pozzolana cement白水泥 white cement水泥砂浆 cement mortar石灰砂浆 lime mortar水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar保温砂浆 thermal mortar防水砂浆 water-proof mortar耐酸砂浆 acid-resistant mortar耐碱砂浆 alkaline-resistant mortar沥青砂浆 bituminous mortar纸筋灰 paper strip mixed lime mortar 麻刀灰 hemp cut lime mortar灰缝 mortar joint素混凝土 plain concrete钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete轻质混凝土 lightweight concrete细石混凝土 fine aggregate concrete沥青混凝土 asphalt concrete泡沫混凝土 foamed concrete炉渣混凝土 cinder concreteFacing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料水刷石 granitic plaster斩假石 artificial stone刷浆 lime wash可赛银 casein大白浆 white wash麻刀灰打底 hemp cuts and lime as base 喷大白浆两道 sprayed twice with white wash分格抹水泥砂浆 cement mortar plaster sectioned板条抹灰 lath and plasterAsphalt(Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉沥青卷材 asphalt felt沥青填料 asphalt filler沥青胶泥 asphalt grout冷底子油 adhesive bitumen primer沥青玛啼脂 asphaltic mastic沥青麻丝 bitumastic oakum石棉板 asbestos sheet石棉纤维 asbestos fiber Timber 木材裂缝 crack透裂 split环裂 shake干缩 shrinkage翘曲 warping原木 log圆木 round timber方木 square timber板材 plank木条 batten板条 lath木板 board红松 red pine白松 white pine落叶松 deciduous pine 云杉 spruce柏木 cypress白杨 white poplar桦木 birch冷杉 fir栎木 oak榴木 willow榆木 elm杉木 cedar柚木 teak樟木 camphor wood防腐处理的木材 preservative-treated lumber胶合板 plywood三(五)合板 3(5)-plywood企口板 tongued and grooved board层夹板 laminated plank胶合层夹木材 glue-laminated lumber 纤维板 fiber-board竹子 bambooMetallic Materials 金属材料黑色金属 ferrous metal圆钢 steelbBar方钢 square steel扁钢 steel strap,flat steel型钢 steel section (shape)槽钢 channel角钢 angle steel等边角钢 equal-leg angle不等边角钢 unequal-leg angle工字钢 I-beam宽翼缘工字钢 wide flange I-beam丁( 之)字钢 T-bar (Z-bar)冷弯薄壁型钢 light gauge cold-formed steel shape热轧 hot-rolled冷轧 cold-rolled冷拉 cold-drawn冷压 cold-pressed合金钢 alloy steel钛合金 titanium alloy不锈钢 stainless steel竹节钢筋 corrugated steel bar 变形钢筋 deformed bar光圆钢筋 plain round bar钢板 steel plate薄钢板 thin steel plate低碳钢 low carbon steel冷弯 cold bending钢管 steel pipe (tube)无缝钢管 seamless steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe黑铁管 iron pipe镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 铸铁 cast iron生铁 pig iron熟铁 wrought iron镀锌铁皮 galvanized steel sheet镀锌铁丝 galvanized steel wire钢丝网 steel wire mesh多孔金属网 expanded metal锰钢 managanese steel高强度合金钢 high strength alloy steel Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属金 gold白金 platinum铜 copper黄铜 brass青铜 bronze银 silver铝 aluminum铅 leadAnti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料聚乙烯 polythene, polyethylene尼龙 nylon聚氯乙烯 PVC (polyvinyl chloride) 聚碳酸酯 polycarbonate聚苯乙烯 polystyrene丙烯酸树酯 acrylic resin乙烯基酯 vinyl ester橡胶内衬 rubber lining氯丁橡胶 neoprene沥青漆 bitumen paint环氧树脂漆 epoxy resin paint氧化锌底漆 zinc oxide primer防锈漆 anti-rust paint耐酸漆 acid-resistant paint耐碱漆 alkali-resistant paint水玻璃 sodium silicate树脂砂浆 resin-bonded mortar环氧树脂 epoxy resinBuilding Hardware 建筑五金钉子 nails螺纹屋面钉spiral-threaded roofing nail 环纹石膏板钉 annular-ring gypsum board nail螺丝 screws平头螺丝 flat-head screw螺栓 bolt普通螺栓 commercial bolt高强螺栓 high strength bolt预埋螺栓 insert bolt胀锚螺栓 cinch bolt垫片 washerPaint 油漆底漆 primer防锈底漆 rust-inhibitive primer防腐漆 anti-corrosion paint调和漆 mixed paint无光漆 flat paint透明漆 varnish银粉漆 aluminum paint磁漆 enamel paint干性油 drying oil稀释剂 thinner焦油 tar沥青漆 asphalt paint桐油 tung oil, Chinese wood oil红丹 red lead铅油 lead oil腻子 puttyk. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语Discipline 专业建筑 architecture土木 civil给排水 water supply and drainage总图 plot plan采暖通风 H.V.A.C (heating、ventilation and air conditioning)电力供应 electric power supply电气照明 electric lighting电讯 telecommunication仪表 instrument热力供应 heat power supply动力 mechanical power工艺 process technology管道 pipingConventional Terms 一般通用名词建筑原理 architectonics建筑形式 architectural style民用建筑 civil architecture城市建筑 urban architecture农村建筑 rural architecture农业建筑 farm building工业建筑 industrial building重工业的 heavy industrial轻工业的 light industrial古代建筑 ancient architecture现代建筑 modern architecture标准化建筑 standardized buildings 附属建筑 auxiliary buildings城市规划 city planning厂区内 within site厂区外 offsite封闭式 closed type开敞式 open type半开敞式 semi-open type模数制 modular system单位造价 unit cost概算 preliminary estimate承包商 constructor, contractor 现场 site扩建 extension改建 reconstruction防火 fire-prevention防震 aseismatic, quake-proof 防腐 anti-corrosion防潮 dump-proof防水 water-proof防尘 dust-proof防锈 rust-proof车流量 traffic volume货流量 freight traffic volume 人流量 pedestrian volume透视图 perspective drawing建筑模型 building model Architectural Physics 建筑物理照明 illumination照度 degree of illumination 亮度 brightness日照 sunshine天然采光 natural lighting 光强 light intensity侧光 side light顶光 top light眩光 glaze方位角 azimuth辐射 radiation对流 convection传导 conduction遮阳 sun-shade保温 thermal insulation恒温 constant temperature 恒湿 constant humidity噪音 noise隔音 sound-proof吸音 sound absorption露点 dew point隔汽 vapor-proofName Of Professional role 职务名称项目经理 project manager (PM)设计经理 design manager首席建筑师 principal architect总工程师 chief engineer土木工程师 civil engineer工艺工程师 process engineer电气工程师 electrical engineer机械工程师 mechanical engineer计划工程师 planning engineer助理工程师 assistant engineer实习生 probationer专家 specialist, expert制图员 draftsman技术员 technicianDrafting 制图总说明 general specification工程说明 project specification采用标准规范目录 list of standards and specification adopted图纸目录 list of drawings平面图 plan局部放大图 detail with enlarged scale ...平面示意图 schematic plan of... ...平剖面图 sectional plan of... 留孔平面图 plan of provision of holes 剖面 section纵剖面 longitudinal section横剖面 cross (transverse) section立面 elevation正立面 front elevation透视图 perspective drawing侧立面 side elevation背立面 back elevation详图 detail drawings典型节点 typical detail节点号 detail No.首页 front page图纸目录及说明 list of contents and description图例 legend示意图 diagram草图 sketch荷载简图 load diagram流程示意图 flow diagram标准图 standard drawing...布置图 layout of ...地形图 topographical map土方工程图 earth-work drawing展开图 developed drawing模板图 formwork drawing配筋 arrangement of reinforcement表格 tables工程进度表 working schedule技术经济指标 technical and economical index建、构筑物一览表 list of buildings and structures编号 coding序列号 serial No.行和栏 rows and columns备注 remarks等级 grade直线 straight Line曲线 curves曲折线 zigzag line虚线 dotted line实线 solid line影线 hatching line点划线 dot and dash line 轴线 axis等高线 contour Line中心线 center Line双曲线 hyperbola抛物线 parabola切线 tangent Line尺寸线 dimension Line园形 round环形 annular方形 square矩形 rectangle平行四边形 parallelogram 三角形 triangle五角形 pentagon六角形 hexagon八角形 octagon梯形 trapezoid圆圈 circle弓形 sagment扇形 sector球形的 spherical抛物面 paraboloid圆锥形 cone椭圆形 ellipse, oblong面积 area体积 volume容量 capacity重量 weight质量 mass力 force米 meter厘米 centimeter毫米 millimeter公顷 hectate牛顿/平方米 Newton/square meter千克/立方米 kilogram/cubic meter 英尺 foot英寸 inch磅 pound吨 ton加仑 gallon千磅 kip平均尺寸 average dimension变尺寸 variable dimension外形尺寸 overall dimension展开尺寸 developed dimension内径 inside diameter外径 outside diameter净重 net weight毛重 gross weight数量 quantity百分比 percentage净空 clearance净高 headroom净距 clear distance净跨 clear span截面尺寸 sectional dimension 开间 bay进深 depth单跨 single span双跨 double span多跨 multi-span标高 elevation, level绝对标高 absolute elevation 设计标高 designed elevation 室外地面标高 ground elevation 室内地面标高 floor elevation 柱网 column grid坐标 coordinate厂区占地 site area使用面积 usable area辅助面积 service area通道面积 passage area管架 pipe rack管廊 pipeline gallery架空管线 overhead pipeline排水沟 drain ditch集水坑 sump pit喷泉 fountain地漏 floor drain消火栓 fire hydrant灭火器 fire extinguisher二氧化碳灭火器 carbon dioxide extinguisher卤代烷灭火器 halon extinguisher。
建筑词汇中英对照a. DESIGN BASIS设计依据b. DESIGN STAGE设计阶段c. CLIMATE CONDITION气象条件d. GENERAL ROOM NAME常用房间名称e. ROOFING & CEILING屋面及天棚f. WALL(CLADDING)墙体(外墙板)g. FLOOR & TRENCH地面及地沟h. DOORS、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE) 门、玻璃、窗及五金件I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语【Bricks and Tiles砖和瓦】【Lime, Sand and Stone灰、砂和石】【Cement, Mortar and Concrete水泥、砂浆和混凝土】【Facing And Plastering Materials饰面及粉刷材料】【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos沥青和石棉】【Timber木材】【Metallic Materials金属材料】【Non-Ferrous Metal有色金属】【Anti-Corrosion Materials防腐蚀材料】【Building Hardware建筑五金】【Paint油漆】k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语【Discipline专业】【Conventional Terms一般通用名词】【Architectural Physics建筑物理】【Name Of Professional role 职务名称】【Drafting制图】a. DESIGN BASIS设计依据计划建议书planning proposals设计任务书design order标准规范standards and codes条件图information drawing设计基础资料basic data for design工艺流程图process flowchart工程地质资料engineering geological data原始资料original data设计进度schedule of designb. STAGE OF DESIGN设计阶段方案 scheme, draft 草图 sketch会谈纪要summary of discussion 谈判 negotiation可行性研究 feasibility study 初步设计 preliminary design 基础设计 basic design 详细设计 detail design 询价图 enquiry drawing施工图 working drawing, construction drawing 竣工图 as built drawingc. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件日照 sunshine 风玫瑰 wind rose主导风向 prevailing wind direction最大(平均)风速 maximum (mean) wind velocity 风荷载 wind load最大(平均)降雨量 maximum (mean) rainfall 雷击及闪电 thunder and lightning 飓风 hurricane 台风 typhoon 旋风 cyclone降雨强度rainfall intensity 年降雨量 annual rainfall湿球温度 wet bulb temperature 干球温度 dry bulb temperature 冰冻期 frost period 冰冻线 frost line 冰冻区 frost zone室外计算温度 calculating outdoor temperature 采暖地区 region with heating provision不采暖地区 region without heating provision 绝对大气压 absolute atmospheric pressure 相对湿度 relative humidityd. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称办公室 office服务用房 service room 换班室 shift room休息室 rest room (break room) 起居室 living room3浴室 bathroom 淋浴间 shower更衣室 locker room 厕所 lavatory 门厅 lobby 诊室 clinic工作间 workshop电气开关室 switchroom 走廊 corridor 档案室 archive电梯机房 lift motor room 车库 garage清洁间 cleaning room会议室(正式) conference room 会议室 meeting room 衣柜间 ward robe 暖风间 H.V.A.C room 饭店 restaurant餐厅 canteen, dining room 厨房 kitchen 入口 entrance接待处 reception area 会计室 accountant room 秘书室 secretary room 电气室 electrical room 控制室 control room 工长室 foreman office 开关柜室 switch gear 前室 antecabinet (Ante.) 生产区 production area 马达控制中心 Mcc 多功能用房 utility room 化验室 laboratory room 经理室 manager room 披屋(阁楼) penthouse 警卫室 guard housee. ROOFING AND CEILING 屋面及天棚女儿墙 parapet 雨蓬 canopy 屋脊 roof ridge 坡度 slope 坡跨比 pitch分水线 water-shed二毡三油 2 layers of felt & 3 coats of bitumastic 附加油毡一层 extra ply of felt 檐口 eave挑檐 overhanging eave 檐沟 eave gutter 平屋面 flat roof 坡屋面 pitched roof雨水管 downspout, rain water pipe)(R.W.P) 汇水面积 catchment area 泛水 flashing 内排水 interior drainage 外排水 exterior drainage 滴水 drip屋面排水 roof drainage 找平层 leveling course 卷材屋面 built-up roofing 天棚 ceiling 檩条 purlin屋面板 roofing board 天花板 ceiling board防水层 water-proof course 检查孔 inspection hole 人孔 manhole吊顶 suspended ceiling, false ceiling 檐板(窗帘盒) cornicef. WALL (CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)砖墙 brick wall 砌块墙 block wall清水砖墙 brick wall without plastering 抹灰墙 rendered wall石膏板墙 gypsum board, plaster board 空心砖墙 hollow brick wall 承重墙 bearing wall非承重墙 non-bearing wall 纵墙 longitudinal wall 横墙 transverse wall外墙 external (exterior) wall 内墙 internal (interior) wall 填充墙 filler wall 防火墙 fire wall窗间墙 wall between window空心墙 cavity wall 压顶 coping圈梁 gird, girt, girth 玻璃隔断 glazed wall防潮层 damp-proof course (D.P.C) 遮阳板 sunshade 阳台 balcony伸缩缝 expansion joint 沉降缝 settlement joint 抗震缝 seismic joint复合夹心板 sandwich board压型单板 corrugated single steel plate 外墙板 cladding panel 复合板 composite panel轻质隔断 light-weight partition 牛腿 bracket砖烟囱 brick chimney 勒脚(基座) plinthg. FLOOR AND TRENCH 地面及地沟地坪 grade地面和楼面 ground and floor 素土夯实 rammed earth 炉渣夯实 tamped cinder 填土 filled earth回填土夯实 tamped backfill 垫层 bedding course, blinding 面层 covering, finish结合层 bonding (binding) course 找平层 leveling course素水泥浆结合层 neat cement binding course 混凝土地面 concrete floor 水泥地面 cement floor机器磨平混凝土地面 machine trowelled concrete floor 水磨石地面 terrazzo flooring 马赛克地面 mosaic flooring 瓷砖地面 ceramic tile flooring 油地毡地面 linoleum flooring预制水磨石地面 precast terrazzo flooring 硬木花地面 hard-wood parquet flooring 搁栅 joist硬木毛地面 hard-wood rough flooring 企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring 防酸地面 acid-resistant floor钢筋混凝土楼板 reinforced concrete slab (R.C Slab) 乙烯基地面 vinyl flooring水磨石嵌条 divider strip for terrazzo 地面做2%坡 floor with 2% slope 集水沟 gully 集水口 gulley排水沟 drainage trench 沟盖板 trench cover活动盖板 removable cover plate 集水坑 sump pit孔翻边 hole up stand 电缆沟 cable trenchh. DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件木 (钢)门 wooden (steel) door 镶板门 panelled door 夹板门 plywood door铝合金门 aluminum alloy door 卷帘门 roller shutter door 弹簧门 swing door 推拉门 sliding door 平开门 side-hung door 折叠门 folding door 旋转门 revolving door 玻璃门 glazed door 密闭门 air-Tight door保温门 thermal insulating door镀锌铁丝网门 galvanized steel wire mesh door 防火门 fire door(大门上的)小门 wicket 门框 door frame 门扇 door leaf 门洞 door opening结构开洞 structural opening 单扇门 single door 双扇门 double door 疏散门 emergency door 纱门 screen door 门槛 door sill 门过梁 door lintel 上冒头 top rail 下冒头 bottom rail门边木 stile门樘侧料 side jumb 槽口 notch木窗 wooden window 钢窗 steel window铝合金窗 aluminum alloy window百叶窗 (通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind) 塑钢窗 plastic steel window 空腹钢窗 hollow steel window 固定窗 fixed window 平开窗 side-hung window 推拉窗 sliding window 气窗 transom上悬窗 top-hung window中悬窗 center-pivoted window 下悬窗 hopper window活动百叶窗 adjustable louver 天窗 skylight老虎窗 dormer window密封双层玻璃 sealed double glazing钢筋混凝土过梁 reinforced concrete lintel 钢筋砖过梁 reinforced brick lintel 窗扇 casement sash 窗台 window sill窗台板 window board 窗中梃 mullion 窗横木 mutin 窗边木 stile压缝条 cover mould 窗帘盒 curtain box合页(铰链) hinge (butts) 转轴 pivot长脚铰链 parliament hinge 闭门器 door closer 地弹簧 floor closer 插销 bolt门锁 door lock 拉手 pull 链条 chain门钩 door hanger 碰球 ball latch窗钩 window catch 暗插销 insert bolt电动开关器 electric opener平板玻璃 plate glass 夹丝玻璃 wire glass 透明玻璃 clear glass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass) 防弹玻璃 bullet-proof glass 石英玻璃 quartz glass吸热玻璃 heat absorbing glass 磨光玻璃 polished glass 着色玻璃 pigmented glass 玻璃瓦 glass tile 玻璃砖 glass block 有机玻璃 organic glass I. STAIRCASE, LANDING & LIFT (ELEVATOR) 楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯 stair楼梯间 staircase疏散梯 emergency stair旋转梯 spiral stair (circular stair) 吊车梯 crane ladder 直爬梯 vertical ladder 踏步 step扇形踏步 winder (wheel step) 踏步板 tread 档步板 riser踏步宽度 tread width防滑条 non-slip insert (strips) 栏杆 railing (balustrade) 平台栏杆 platform railing 吊装孔栏杆 railing around mounting hole 扶手 handrail梯段高度 height of flight防护梯笼 protecting cage (safety cage) 平台 landing (platform)操作平台 operating platform装卸平台 platform for loading & unloading 楼梯平台 stair landing 客梯 passenger lift 货梯 goods lift客/货两用梯 goods/passenger lift 液压电梯 hydraulic lift 自动扶梯 escalator观光电梯 observation elevator 电梯机房 lift mortar room电梯坑 lift pit电梯井道 lift shaftj. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦红砖 red brick 粘土砖 clay brick瓷砖 glazed brick (ceramic tile) 防火砖 fire brick 空心砖 hollow brick 面砖 facing brick 地板砖 flooring tile 缸砖 clinkery brick 马赛克 mosaic陶粒混凝土 ceramsite concrete 琉璃瓦 glazed tile 脊瓦 ridge tile石棉瓦 asbestos tile (shingle)波形石棉水泥瓦 corrugated asbestos cement sheet Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石石膏 gypsum 大理石 marble汉白玉 white marble 花岗岩 granite碎石 crushed stone 毛石 rubble蛭石 vermiculite 珍珠岩 pearlite 水磨石 terrazzo 卵石 cobble 砾石 gravel粗砂 course sand 中砂 medium sand 细砂 fine sandCement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥) Portland cement 硅酸盐水泥 silicate cement 火山灰水泥 pozzolana cement 白水泥 white cement 水泥砂浆 cement mortar 石灰砂浆 lime mortar水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar 保温砂浆 thermal mortar10防水砂浆 water-proof mortar 耐酸砂浆 acid-resistant mortar 耐碱砂浆 alkaline-resistant mortar 沥青砂浆 bituminous mortar纸筋灰 paper strip mixed lime mortar 麻刀灰 hemp cut lime mortar 灰缝 mortar joint素混凝土 plain concrete钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete 轻质混凝土 lightweight concrete 细石混凝土 fine aggregate concrete 沥青混凝土 asphalt concrete 泡沫混凝土 foamed concrete 炉渣混凝土 cinder concreteFacing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料水刷石 granitic plaster 斩假石 artificial stone 刷浆 lime wash 可赛银 casein大白浆 white wash麻刀灰打底 hemp cuts and lime as base喷大白浆两道 sprayed twice with white wash 分格抹水泥砂浆 cement mortar plaster sectioned 板条抹灰 lath and plasterAsphalt(Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉沥青卷材 asphalt felt 沥青填料 asphalt filler 沥青胶泥 asphalt grout冷底子油 adhesive bitumen primer 沥青玛啼脂 asphaltic mastic 沥青麻丝 bitumastic oakum 石棉板 asbestos sheet 石棉纤维 asbestos fiber Timber 木材裂缝 crack 透裂 split 环裂 shake 干缩 shrinkage 翘曲 warping 原木 log圆木 round timber 方木 square timber 板材 plank 木条 batten板条 lath 木板 board 红松 red pine 白松 white pine落叶松 deciduous pine 云杉 spruce 柏木 cypress白杨 white poplar 桦木 birch 冷杉 fir 栎木 oak 榴木 willow 榆木 elm 杉木 cedar 柚木 teak樟木 camphor wood防腐处理的木材 preservative-treated lumber 胶合板 plywood三(五)合板 3(5)-plywood企口板 tongued and grooved board 层夹板 laminated plank胶合层夹木材 glue-laminated lumber 纤维板 fiber-board 竹子 bambooMetallic Materials 金属材料黑色金属 ferrous metal 圆钢 steelbBar 方钢 square steel扁钢 steel strap,flat steel 型钢 steel section (shape) 槽钢 channel 角钢 angle steel 等边角钢 equal-leg angle不等边角钢 unequal-leg angle 工字钢 I-beam宽翼缘工字钢 wide flange I-beam 丁( 之)字钢 T-bar (Z-bar)冷弯薄壁型钢 light gauge cold-formed steel shape 热轧 hot-rolled 冷轧 cold-rolled 冷拉 cold-drawn 冷压 cold-pressed 合金钢 alloy steel 钛合金 titanium alloy 不锈钢 stainless steel竹节钢筋 corrugated steel bar 变形钢筋 deformed bar 光圆钢筋 plain round bar 钢板 steel plate薄钢板 thin steel plate 低碳钢 low carbon steel 冷弯 cold bending 钢管 steel pipe (tube)无缝钢管 seamless steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe 黑铁管 iron pipe镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 铸铁 cast iron 生铁 pig iron熟铁 wrought iron镀锌铁皮 galvanized steel sheet 镀锌铁丝 galvanized steel wire 钢丝网 steel wire mesh多孔金属网 expanded metal 锰钢 managanese steel高强度合金钢 high strength alloy steel Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属金 gold白金 platinum 铜 copper 黄铜 brass 青铜 bronze 银 silver铝 aluminum 铅 leadAnti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料聚乙烯 polythene, polyethylene 尼龙 nylon 聚氯乙烯 PVC (polyvinyl chloride) 聚碳酸酯 polycarbonate 聚苯乙烯 polystyrene 丙烯酸树酯 acrylic resin 乙烯基酯 vinyl ester 橡胶内衬 rubber lining 氯丁橡胶 neoprene 沥青漆 bitumen paint环氧树脂漆 epoxy resin paint 氧化锌底漆 zinc oxide primer防锈漆 anti-rust paint耐酸漆 acid-resistant paint 耐碱漆 alkali-resistant paint 水玻璃 sodium silicate树脂砂浆 resin-bonded mortar 环氧树脂 epoxy resinBuilding Hardware 建筑五金钉子 nails螺纹屋面钉spiral-threaded roofing nail环纹石膏板钉 annular-ring gypsum board nail 螺丝 screws平头螺丝 flat-head screw 螺栓 bolt普通螺栓 commercial bolt 高强螺栓 high strength bolt 预埋螺栓 insert bolt 胀锚螺栓 cinch bolt 垫片 washer Paint 油漆底漆 primer防锈底漆 rust-inhibitive primer 防腐漆 anti-corrosion paint 调和漆 mixed paint 无光漆 flat paint 透明漆 varnish银粉漆 aluminum paint 磁漆 enamel paint 干性油 drying oil 稀释剂 thinner 焦油 tar沥青漆 asphalt paint桐油 tung oil, Chinese wood oil 红丹 red lead 铅油 lead oil 腻子 puttyk. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语Discipline 专业建筑 architecture 土木 civil给排水 water supply and drainage 总图 plot plan采暖通风 H.V.A.C (heating、ventilation and air conditioning)电力供应电力供应 electric power supply 电气照明 electric lighting 电讯 telecommunication 仪表 instrument热力供应 heat power supply 动力 mechanical power 工艺 process technology 管道 pipingConventional Terms 一般通用名词建筑原理 architectonics 建筑形式 architectural style 民用建筑 civil architecture 城市建筑 urban architecture 农村建筑 rural architecture 农业建筑 farm building 工业建筑 industrial building 重工业的 heavy industrial 轻工业的 light industrial古代建筑 ancient architecture 现代建筑 modern architecture 标准化建筑 standardized buildings 附属建筑 auxiliary buildings 城市规划 city planning 厂区内 within site 厂区外 offsite封闭式 closed type 开敞式 open type半开敞式 semi-open type 模数制 modular system 单位造价 unit cost概算 preliminary estimate承包商 constructor, contractor 现场 site扩建 extension改建 reconstruction 防火 fire-prevention防震 aseismatic, quake-proof 防腐 anti-corrosion 防潮 dump-proof 防水 water-proof 防尘 dust-proof 防锈 rust-proof车流量 traffic volume货流量 freight traffic volume人流量 pedestrian volume 透视图 perspective drawing 建筑模型 building model Architectural Physics 建筑物理照明 illumination照度 degree of illumination 亮度 brightness 日照 sunshine天然采光 natural lighting 光强 light intensity 侧光 side light 顶光 top light 眩光 glaze方位角 azimuth 辐射 radiation 对流 convection 传导 conduction 遮阳 sun-shade 保温 thermal insulation 恒温 constant temperature 恒湿 constant humidity 噪音 noise隔音 sound-proof吸音 sound absorption 露点 dew point 隔汽 vapor-proofName Of Professional role 职务名称项目经理 project manager (PM) 设计经理 design manager 首席建筑师 principal architect 总工程师 chief engineer 土木工程师 civil engineer 工艺工程师 process engineer 电气工程师 electrical engineer 机械工程师 mechanical engineer 计划工程师 planning engineer 助理工程师 assistant engineer 实习生 probationer 专家 specialist, expert 制图员 draftsman 技术员 technician Drafting 制图总说明 general specification 工程说明 project specification采用标准规范目录 list of standards and specification adopted 图纸目录 list of drawings 平面图 plan 局部放大图 detail with enlarged scale ...平面示意图 schematic plan of... ...平剖面图 sectional plan of... 留孔平面图 plan of provision of holes 剖面 section纵剖面 longitudinal section横剖面 cross (transverse) section 立面 elevation正立面 front elevation透视图 perspective drawing 侧立面 side elevation 背立面 back elevation 详图 detail drawings 典型节点 typical detail 节点号 detail No. 首页 front page 图纸目录及说明 list of contents and description 图例 legend 示意图 diagram 草图 sketch荷载简图 load diagram 流程示意图 flow diagram 标准图 standard drawing ...布置图 layout of ... 地形图 topographical map土方工程图 earth-work drawing 展开图 developed drawing 模板图 formwork drawing配筋 arrangement of reinforcement 表格 tables工程进度表 working schedule技术经济指标 technical and economical index 建、构筑物一览表 list of buildings and structures 编号 coding序列号 serial No.行和栏 rows and columns 备注 remarks 等级 grade直线 straight Line 曲线 curves曲折线 zigzag line虚线 dotted line 实线 solid line 影线 hatching line点划线 dot and dash line 轴线 axis等高线 contour Line 中心线 center Line 双曲线 hyperbola 抛物线 parabola 切线 tangent Line尺寸线 dimension Line 园形 round 环形 annular 方形 square 矩形 rectangle平行四边形 parallelogram 三角形 triangle 五角形 pentagon 六角形 hexagon 八角形 octagon 梯形 trapezoid 圆圈 circle 弓形 sagment 扇形 sector球形的 spherical 抛物面 paraboloid 圆锥形 cone椭圆形 ellipse, oblong 面积 area 体积 volume 容量 capacity 重量 weight 质量 mass 力 force 米 meter厘米 centimeter 毫米 millimeter 公顷 hectate牛顿/平方米 Newton/square meter 千克/立方米 kilogram/cubic meter 英尺 foot 英寸 inch 磅 pound 吨 ton18加仑 gallon 千磅 kip平均尺寸 average dimension 变尺寸 variable dimension 外形尺寸 overall dimension 展开尺寸 developed dimension 内径 inside diameter 外径 outside diameter 净重 net weight 毛重 gross weight 数量 quantity百分比 percentage 净空 clearance 净高 headroom 净距 clear distance 净跨 clear span截面尺寸 sectional dimension 开间 bay 进深 depth单跨 single span 双跨 double span 多跨 multi-span 标高 elevation, level绝对标高 absolute elevation 设计标高 designed elevation 室外地面标高 ground elevation 室内地面标高 floor elevation 柱网 column grid 坐标 coordinate 厂区占地 site area 使用面积 usable area 辅助面积 service area 通道面积 passage area 管架 pipe rack管廊 pipeline gallery架空管线 overhead pipeline 排水沟 drain ditch 集水坑 sump pit 喷泉 fountain 地漏 floor drain 消火栓 fire hydrant 灭火器 fire extinguisher二氧化碳灭火器 carbon dioxide extinguisher 卤代烷灭火器 halon extinguishe。
sack rubbing 用麻袋布研磨sack scrubbing 用麻袋布研磨sacked cement 袋装水泥sacked concrete 袋装混凝土saddle back board 门槛saddle pipe support 鞍形管支架sadgrove maturity figure 塞氏混凝土成熟指标safe clearance 安全间隙safe leg load 支架安全载荷safe working condition 安全芳条件safe working pressure 安全工坠力safety 安全性safety against cracking 抗裂安全性safety against rupture 抗破坏安全性safety barrier 安全栅safety belt 安全带safety curtain 防火幕safety device 安全设施safety engineering 安全工程safety factor 安全系数safety fence 安全栏safety first engineering 安全工程safety goggles 防护眼镜safety precautions 安全保护措施safety technics 安全技术safety valve 安全阀sag 下垂sag pipe 倒虹吸管sagging 下垂salesroom 售货处salinity 盐度salle 客厅salloon 客厅salon 客厅salt 盐salt content 盐度sample 试料sampling 采样sampling disturbance 取样扰动sampling spoon 取样勺sampling tube 取样筒sanatorium 疗养院sand 砂sand and gravel filter 砂砾石过滤器sand and gravel washer 砂及砾石洗涤器sand asphalt 沥青砂sand blast finish 喷砂磨光sand box 砂箱sand cement 砂水泥sand cinder concrete 砂炉渣混凝土sand coarse aggregate ratio 砂石比sand concrete 细骨料混凝土sand cushion 砂垫层sand dryer 烘砂器sand factor 含砂率sand filling 填砂sand filter 砂滤器sand filter bed 砂滤床sand finish 砂饰面sand fraction 砂粒粒组sand gradation 砂子粒度级配sand gravel 砂砾石sand grout 砂薄浆sand layer 砂层sand lime brick 灰砂砖sand lines 砂条纹sand silo 砂筒仓sand streaks 砂条纹sand washer 洗砂机sandblaster 喷砂器sandblasting 喷砂磨蚀sanding apparatus 喷砂装置sandstone 砂岩sandwich concrete 夹层混凝土sandwich construction 夹层构造sandwich panel 夹层板sandwich plate 多层垫板sandwich slab 夹层板sandwich wall 夹层墙sandy gravel 砂质砾石sanitary 卫生的sanitary appliance 卫生用具sanitary condition 卫生条件sanitary engineering 卫生工程sanitary faience 卫生彩色瓷器sanitary fitments 卫生七sanitary fittings 卫生七sanitary fixtures 卫生七sanitary installation 卫生设备sanitary protection zone 卫生防护区sanitary sewage 生活污水sanitary works 卫生工程sanitation of environment 环境卫生sash 窗框窗扇sash window 框格窗satellite town 卫星城镇saturated felt 浸油毡saturated soil 饱和土saturated vapour 饱和蒸汽saturation 饱和saturation curve 饱和线saturation deficit 饱和不足量saturation pressure 饱和压力saturation ratio 饱和度saw 锯sawdust 锯屑sawdust concrete 锯末混凝土sawdust mortar 锯末灰浆sawtooth roof 锯齿形屋顶scab 拼接板scaffold 脚手架scaffold bridge 栈桥scaffold floor 脚手板scaffold trestle 栈桥scaffolding bearer 脚手板承木scaffolding platform 脚手架平台scagliola 仿云石scale 刻度scale board 胶合板scale depositing 积垢scale model 缩尺模型scale of hardness 硬度标scale resistant concrete 耐剥落混凝土scaling 剥片落scalper 大块筛scalping 筛出粗块scarifier 松土机scattered light 散射光scattering 散射scheduled erection time 预定架设时间scheme 设计schoolroom 教室science 科学scientist 科学家scotch tee butt 苏格兰式形铰链scott's cement 斯科特水泥scraper 刮土机scraper knife 铲刀scraping straightedge 刮尺scratch coat 底涂层screed 抹灰准条screed board 匀泥板screed of coarse stuff 饰面准条screeding 抹平screeding beam 匀泥板screen 幕screen analysis 筛析screen wall 屏帷墙screened well 滤网式井screening and washing plant 筛洗设备screenings 筛屑screw 螺钉screw anchor 螺旋型地锚screw pile 螺旋桩sculptor 雕刻家sculpture 雕刻sea 海sea breeze 海风sea sand 海砂seal 密封seam 接缝seamless floor 无缝地面seashore park 海岸公园seaside park 海岸公园seaside region 海滨地区season 季节seat angle 支座角钢seawater concrete 耐海水混凝土second moment of area 截面惯性矩secondary buckling 局部压屈secondary crusher 二次轧碎机secondary filter 二次过滤器secondary member 副构件secondary moment 二阶矩secondary refrigerant 二次冷冻剂secondary reinforcement 辅助配筋secondary stairs 辅助楼梯secondary stresses 二次应力secondary unit 辅助热交换器secret door 密门section 截面section construction 组合式建筑section modulus 截面模量section paper 方格纸sectional area 截面积sectional construction 组合式建筑sectional detail drawing 剖面详图sectional drawing 剖面图sectional elevation 立剖面sectional house 分断式房屋sectional properties 剖面几何特性sectional view 断面图;剖视图sector 扇形securing attachments 紧固锚security glass 保险玻璃sediment 沉渣sedimentation basin 沉淀池segger clay 耐火粘土segment 弓形segment of a circle 弓形segmental bridge 分段拼装式桥segmental member 合成构件segmental precast pile 分节预制块桩segmental shell 薄壳装配件segmentation 分割segregating concrete 离析混凝土seism 地震seismic 地震的seismic analysis 耐震计算seismic building code 地震带建筑规范seismic center 地震中心seismic damage 地震破坏seismic design 抗震设计seismic forces 地震力seismic load 地震荷载seismic prospecting 地震法勘探seismic region 地震区域seismic resistance 耐震性seismology 地震学selection 选择selective heating 选择性加热selector 选择器selenite cement 石膏水泥self closing device 自动关闭装置self closing fire door 自动关闭防火门self compensation 自动补偿self contained air conditioner 自动空气第器self erecting crane 自行装配起重机self ignition 自发火self inflammation 自发火self leveling level 自动测水准仪self lifting forms 自动提升模板self luminous paint 自身发光涂料self restraint 自动抑制self stressing concrete 自应力混凝土self supporting wall 自承重的墙self weight 自重semi arch 半拱semi automatic weight batcher 半自动称料机semi beam 悬臂梁semi detached house 半独立房屋semi fireproof construction 半防火建筑semi girder 悬臂梁semiautomation 半自动化semicircle 半圆semicircular arch 半圆拱semicolumn 半柱状semidiameter 半径semifixed beam 半固定梁semiportal crane 单脚起重机semiproduct 半成品semisphere 半球sensation 感觉sensible heat 显热sensible heat load 显热负荷sensitive paper 感光纸sensitivity 感受性separate flat 成套住房separation 分离separation wall 隔墙separator 分离机septic tank 澄粪地sequence of prestressing 预应力工序sequence stressing loss 不同时拉紧钢丝束应力损失series 群列serpentine cooler 蛇形管冷却器service behavior 运转情况service conditions 营运条件service load 使用荷载service room 服务用室service stairs 旁门楼梯service water storage tank 热水贮藏桶service weight 工棕量serviceability criteria 使用可靠性准则serviceability limit state 正常使用极限状态serviceability of structures 结构的使用可靠性serviceable condition 营运条件services 屋内设施网services below street level 城市地下公共设施set 凝结set back building 由红线后退进去的房屋set cement 凝固的水泥set control 凝结控制set of tools 成套工具set per blow 一次敲划沉下深度set retarding admixture 外加缓剂set up 装置setting 沉降setting accelerator 促凝剂setting apparatus 凝结时间测定仪器setting coat 上涂setting drawing 装置图setting out 定界setting pond 沉淀池setting rate 凝固速度setting retarder 凝固减速剂setting shrinkage 凝结收缩setting strength 凝结强度setting time 凝结时间settlement 沉降settlement joint 沉降缝settlement stresses 沉降应力settling 沉淀settling rate 沉降速度sewage 下水sewage analysis 污水分析sewage clarification 污水净化sewage treatment works 污水处理厂sewage utilization act 污水利用条例sewer 污水管sewer pipe 下水管sewerage 下水sewerage filter 污水滤池sewerage network 污水网shade 荫shade factor 阴影系数shadow 影shaft 轴shake 裂缝shaker conveyor 振动输送机shaking concrete 振动混凝土shaking screen 振荡筛shaking table 振动台shale 页岩shallow 浅滩shallow foundation 浅基shallow lift 薄层shape 轮廓shape factor 形态系数shape of cross section 横截面形状shaping 成形sharp sand 多角砂shear 剪切shear angle 剪切角shear center 剪切中心shear diagram 剪力图shear failure 剪切破坏shear force 剪切力shear force diagram 剪力图shear modulus 剪变模量shear reinforcement 抗剪钢筋shear strain 剪切变形shear strength 剪切强度shear stress 剪应力shear test 剪切试验shear wall structure 剪力墙结构shearhead 无梁楼板柱头shearing area 剪切面积shearing force 剪切力shearing modulus 抗剪模量shearwall 抗剪力墙sheath 外皮shed cover 库棚顶sheet 张sheet asbestos 石棉板sheet backing coat 薄板背衬面层sheet glass 平板玻璃sheet iron plate 薄铁板sheet pile bulkhead 板桩岸墙sheeting 护板sheeting rail 板栅横挡shelf retaining wall 支搁板挡土墙shell 外壳shell constructions 薄壳结构shell of revolution 旋转面壳shell roof 薄壳屋顶shell structure 薄壳结构shell type construction 薄壳结构shelter 避难场所shelter belt 防护林带shhed roof 锯齿形屋顶shield 遮蔽板shield concrete 盾构混凝土shim 衬垫shingle 砂砾;木瓦ship canal 海轮运河ship pass construction 船通道构造ship scaffold 浮脚手架shiplap 搭叠shock 冲击shock load 冲回荷shoot 斜沟shop 车间shop detail drawing 施工详图shop drawing 装配图shore 岸shore protection 护岸short column 短柱short duration load 短期载荷short term elastic modulus 短时弹性模量short term load 短期载荷short term strength 短时强度short term tests 短期试验shot hole 爆破孔shotcrete 喷射混凝土shotcrete lining 喷射混凝土衬砌shoulder 路肩shovel 铲;挖掘机show case 陈列窗shower bath 淋浴shrink mixed concrete 缩拌混凝土shrinkage 收缩shrinkage coefficient 收缩系数shrinkage compensating concrete 不收缩混凝土shrinkage crack 收缩裂缝shrinkage cracking 缩裂shrinkage factor 收缩系数shrinkage joint 收缩缝shrinkage limit 缩性界限shrinkage loss 收缩损失shrinkage of concrete 混凝土的收缩shrinkage reinforcement 防缩筋shrinkage strain 收缩变形shrinkage stress 收缩应力shrubbery 灌木林shutter 护窗板shutter door 百叶窗shuttering 模板shuttering work 模板工作side 侧面side contraction 侧面压缩side elevation 侧面图side face 侧面side lighting 侧向照明side street 路旁街道side view 侧面图sidesway 侧移sidewalk 人行道sieve 筛sieve analysis 筛析sieve size 筛眼孔径sight glass 窥视镜sighting 视线sign 符号signal 信号silencer 消声器silica 硅石silica brick 硅砖silica sand 硅砂silicate 硅酸盐silicate concrete 硅酸盐混凝土silicate cotton 矿棉silicate of soda 硅酸钠silicate paint 硅酸盐漆silicatization 硅化silicification 硅化silo 筒仓silting 泥泞similarity criterion 相似准则simple beam 简支梁simple bending 纯弯simple boarded floor 木地板simple frame 简单刚架simple structure 静定结构simple torsion 简单扭转simple twist 简单扭转simplified calculation 简化计算simply supported beam 简支梁simply supported girder bridge 简支梁桥simply supported span 简支跨度simultaneous loading 同时加载single acting pile hammer 单动打桩锤single arch beam 单跨拱梁single beam 简支粱single bedroom 单人卧室single family house 独户住房single footing 独立基础single glazing 装配单层玻璃single hinged arch 单铰拱single leaf door 单扉门single pipe heating system 单管供热系统single pitch roof 单坡顶single sized aggregate 单一粒度骨料single story building 平房single story heating system 层别供热系统sinking into walls 隐藏敷设sintered expanded slag 膨胀熔渣siphon 虹吸管site 现场工地site area 总平面面积site assembly 现场装配site casting yard 工地制造块体场地site equipment 工地施工机械site investigation 工地勘测site mixed concrete 现场搅拌的混凝土site operation 现场施工site plan 工地总平面图site planning 总平面规划site plant 现场设备site precasting 现场预制site prefabrication 现场预制site preparation 预备场地site procedure 现场工滋序site work 现场工作site workshop 建筑工地维修间siting of houses 房屋现地布置sitting room 起居室size 大小size distribution 粒径分布sizing 分选sizing characteristic 粒度分级特性skeleton 骨架skeleton construction 骨架构造skeleton drawing 骨架图skeleton frame 骨架skeleton of building 房屋骨架skeleton structure 骨架构造sketch 略图sketch plan 草图skew bridge 斜交桥skewback 斜块拱座skimming 撇沫skin coat 罩面层skip 吊斗skip hoist 箕斗提升机skip joist system floor 搁栅式楼板skirting heating 踢脚板采暖sky 天空skylight 天窗skyline of town 城市轮廓线skyscraper 摩天楼slab 板slab band 板带slab bridge 板桥slab column system 板柱结构slab floor 平板楼板slab foundation 板式基础slab insulant 板状绝缘材料slab insulation 板牛温slab vibrator 板振捣器slabbed construction 平板结构slag 熔渣slag cement 炉渣水泥slag concrete 矿渣混凝土slag foam concrete 熔渣泡沫混凝土slag lime cement 矿渣石灰胶结料slag wool 矿棉slaked lime 消石灰slate 石板瓦slate cement 板岩水泥slate roof 板岩顶板sleeper 轨枕sleeping chair 卧椅sleeping room 卧室sleeve 套袖sleeving of bars 钢筋套管连接slender beam 细长梁slender column 细长柱slenderness 细长度slide plane 滑动面slide window 框格窗sliding 滑动sliding agent 润滑剂sliding form 滑动模壳sliding form concrete 滑模式混凝土sliding formwork 滑动模壳sliding roof 滑动顶棚sliding sash 推拉窗sliding shuttering 滑动模板sliding shuttering construction 滑动模板施工slip form paver 滑模铺料机slip resistance 滑动阻力slipform 滑动模壳slipforming machine 滑模铺料机slope 斜坡slope concrete paver 斜面混凝土铺料机slope construction 斜面构造物slope deflection method 角变位法sloping section 斜截面sloping top chord 斜面上弦slot 槽slow burning construction 缓燃构造slow burning heavy timber construction 缓燃大木建筑slow cement 慢凝水泥sludge 沉淀物slump 坍落slump cone 坍落度试验锥slump meter 塌落度测定仪slump test 稠度试验slurry 泥浆稀slurry wall 槽壁small bore heating system 小直径管供热系统small garden 小庭院small tools 小工具smelting 溶解smoke control system 排烟控制系统smoke stack 烟囱smoke tube 烟筒smoking room 吸烟室snap tie 模板系材snow damage 雪害snow fence 雪栅snow load 雪载snowslide 雪崩snubber 缓冲器socket 插口socket and spigot joint 承插接头socle 柱脚sod 草皮sofa 沙发soft clay 软质粘土soft concrete 松软混凝土soft ground 软土地面soft soils 软土soft water 软水softboard 软质纤维板softwood 软木soil 土soil analysis 土分析soil bulging 土壤膨突soil cement 水泥及土混合料soil cementation 土的水泥稳定法soil compacting machine 土壤夯实机soil compaction 土壤夯实soil grouting 土的水泥稳定法soil investigation 土质甸soil mechanics 土壤力学soil mortar 泥灰浆soil pattern 土壤试样soil pipe 污水管soil pressure 土压力soil profile 土剖面soil resistance 土壤阻力soil stabilization 土壤稳定soil stack installation 排水管设备soil support value 土壤支承能力sol air temperature 当量气温solar absorption coefficient 太阳辐射能吸收系数solar azimuth 太阳方位角solar building 太阳能采暖房屋solar cell roofing material 太阳电池铺屋面材solar collector 太阳能收集器solar collector roof panels 太阳能收集戚顶板solar electric roof 太阳电池的屋顶solar exposure 日光曝晒solar heat 太阳热solar heat gain 太阳辐射热获得solar heating system 太阳能加热系统solar panel 太阳电池板solar plant 太阳热装置solar protection devices 遮阳装置solar radiation 太阳辐射solar reflective curing membrane 混凝土养护日光反射膜solar water heater 太阳能水加热器solarium 日光浴室soler 屋顶室solid 固体solid body 固体solid floor 实体式楼板solid foundation 实体基础solid fuel heating system 固体燃料加热系统solid masonry 实心砌体solid panel floor 实体板状楼板solid pile 实心桩solid slab 实心板solid wall 实体墙solid walling brick 密实筑墙砖solid web girder 实腹梁sollar 梯子平台soller 梯子平台soluble glass 水玻璃solum 建筑面积solution 溶液solvent 溶媒soot 烟灰sorbent 吸着剂sorel cement 损尔水泥sorption 吸着sound 音sound absorber 消声器sound absorbing paint 吸声涂料sound absorption 吸声sound absorption coefficient 吸声率sound attenuation 消音sound baffle 声音反射板sound barrier 隔声板sound boarding 隔音板sound control 音响控制sound deadening coating 吸音涂料sound energy 声能sound energy density 声能密度sound insulating panel 隔音板sound insulation 隔声sound insulation materials 隔音材料sound isolation 隔声sound power 声功率sound pressure 声压sound rays 声线sound reflection coefficient 声反射系数sound sensation 声觉sound spectrum 声谱sound strength 声强sound transmission coefficient 声透射系数sound trap 聚声器soundproof construction 隔声构造soundproof door 隔声门soundproofing enclosure 隔音围墙soundproofing varnish 隔声清漆source 源space 空间space air 房间空气space enclosing structure 围护结构space frame 立体框架space frame structure 立体框架结构space framework 立体框架space heater 局部供热装置space heating 对两供热space microclimate 房间微气侯space structures 空间结构space truss structure 网架结构spacer bars 定位钢筋spacing of building 建筑物间距spacing of reinforcement 钢筋间隔spading 锹拌spall 碎片spalling 剥落span 跨度span length 跨间距离spandrel 上下层窗空间spandrel beam 外墙托梁spark arrester 火花熄灭器spearleg derrick 双柱式转臂吊机special cement 特种水泥special concrete construction 特种混凝土结构special engineering structure 特种工程结构special form 特殊模壳special fund 特种经费special paint 特殊油漆special room 专用房间specialist 专家specific deformation 单位变形specific density 比重specific gravity 比重specific heat 比热specific heat ratio 绝热指数specific humidity 比湿specific surface 比表面specific volume 比容specifications 工序说瞄specifications writing 说瞄拟制specified concrete strength 规定的混凝土强度specified method of erection 指定的给定方法specified requirements 指定条件specified works cube strength 指定的立方体试件抗压强度spectrometer 分光计spectrum 谱speculative building 投机建筑物speed 速度speedway 高速公路speedy drying 快速干燥speedy erection system 快速装配方法sphere 球;范围spherical shell 球壳spillway structure 溢晾结构spine wall 纵向承重间壁spiral 螺旋spiral reinforcement 螺旋钢筋spiral stair 盘梯spirally reinforced column 配螺旋钢箍筋柱splay ceiling 斜面顶棚splicing sleeve 连接套管split cotter 开尾销split face block 扯裂面砌块split frame 分段式构架split level house 错层式房屋splitter wall 分水墙splitting tensile strength 张裂拉力强度sponge 海绵sponge rubber 多孔橡皮sports building 体育设施sports ground 运动场sports palace 体育馆sports park 体育公园spot 斑点spot air cooling 局部空气冷却spot cooling installation 空气淋浴spot heating 局部加热spot welding 点焊接spouting plant 喷浆设备spray 射喷spray booth 喷柜spray curing 犬养护spray gun 水泥喷枪spray humidifier 喷雾式加湿器spray outfit 喷雾设备spray painting 喷雾涂漆spray type heat exchanger 喷淋性热交换器spray washer 喷洗器sprayed coil 洗涤式热交换器sprayed insulation 喷淋绝缘sprayed mortar 喷射混凝土sprayed on membrane 喷雾涂膜sprayed on method of curing 喷敷层混凝土养护方法sprayed on plaster 喷雾粉饰sprayed roof 喷淋屋顶sprayer 喷雾器spraying 喷雾spraying rate 喷涂料消费定额spread anchorage 扩展锚定spread concrete 摊铺混凝土spread footing 扩底基础spread foundation 扩底基础spread of concrete 混凝土混合料的散布spreader 撒料器档spreader beam 分布梁spreading parameter 扩展参数spring 春季spring beam 弹性梁springing 起拱点springing line 起拱线sprinkler 喷水设备spud 草铲spud vibrator 插入式震动器spun concrete 旋制混凝土square 正方形square bar 方形钢square key 方键square plate 方形板square sawn timber 方锯材stability 稳定性stabilization 稳定化stabilized soil 坚固土壤stabilizer 稳定剂stabilizing 稳定化stabilizing agent 稳定剂stable design 通用设计stable framework 坚固框架结构stack effect 烟囱效应stack room 书库stadium 比赛场stage construction 分期建造stage of construction 建造步骤staggered joints 错缝staging 脚手架stair 阶梯stair carriage 楼梯基stair exit 楼梯间出口stair hall 楼梯间stair head 楼梯顶口stair landing 楼梯休息平台stair plaform 楼梯休息平台stair railing 楼梯栏杆stair well 楼梯井staircase 楼梯间stairwall 楼梯段墙stairway 阶梯stall urinal 壁上小便器stamped concrete 模压混凝土stamping tool 冲压工具stanchion 支柱stanchion base 支柱基础stanchion cap 支柱堵头stanchion casing 柱子的外壳stand 台stand by pump 备用泵standard 标准standard building 标准房屋standard cement 标准水泥standard cube of concrete 混凝土标准立方体standard curing 标准养护standard curing procedure 标准养护程序standard design 标准设计standard drawing 标准图standard grading 标准级配standard metropolitan area 标准大城市地区standard of construction 建造水平standard plan 标准设计standard railing 标准规格栏杆standard sand 标准砂standard section 标准截面standard size 标准尺寸standard specifications 标准技术规范standard work norm 标准工卓定额standardization 标准化standardized building 标准房屋standardized structural element 标准构件standards of acceptance 验收规范standing gutter 立式水槽standing pier 跨间桥墩standpipe 管体式水塔star 星start 开动starter bar 粗短杆条starting 开始starting torque 起动力矩state 状态state of strain 应变状态state of stress 应力状态static analysis 静力分析static compaction 静态压实static load 静载荷static load test 静载荷试验static pressure 静压力static suction head 静吸引压头statical moment of area 截面一次矩statically determinate rigid frame 静定刚架statically determinate structrue 静定结构statically indeterminable construction 超静定结构statically indeterminate rigid frame 超静定刚架statically indeterminate structure 超静定结构statics 静力学station 场所station building 车站建筑物station ground 站前广场statistics 统计学staunching piece 防渗透密封staunching plate 防渗透幕stave 板条stay 拉绳stay in place form 结构模板stay in place formwork 结构模板stay pile 拉霜桩steam 蒸汽steam boiler 蒸汽锅炉steam converter 蒸汽转换器steam curing 蒸气养护steam curing at high pressure 高压蒸汽养护steam curing cycle 蒸气养护循环steam curing room 蒸汽养护室steam heating 蒸汽供热steam heating boiler 蒸汽锅炉steam heating coil 蒸汽加热盘管steam heating system 蒸汽供热系统steam humidification 蒸汽加湿steam humidifier 蒸汽加湿器steam injector 蒸汽喷射器steam jacket 汽套steam pipeline 蒸汽管道steam pressure 蒸汽压力steam water heater 汽水加热器steamed concrete 蒸汽养护的混凝土steel 钢steel and concrete structures 钢铁混凝土合成结构steel area 钢筋截面积steel bender 弯钢筋机steel bridge 钢桥steel bridge construction 钢桥结构steel casing 铁壳steel concrete 钢筋混凝土steel concrete shuttering 钢筋混凝土模板steel construction 钢结构steel corrosion damage of concrete 混凝土的钢筋腐蚀损坏steel door 钢门steel dowel pin 钢榫钉steel fiber reinforced concrete 钢纤维混凝土steel fibrous concrete 钢纤维混凝土steel fibrous shotcrete 钢纤维喷射混凝土steel form 钢模steel formwork 钢模steel frame 钢骨架steel frame construction 钢框架结构steel frame mill building 钢框架厂房steel framed structure 钢框架结构steel grid 钢格steel grid decking 钢格式地板steel grid floor 钢格式地板steel mesh reinforcement 钢筋网steel pan forms 钢制拼合模板steel pipe pile 钢管桩steel plate 钢板steel rigid frame 刚性钢构架steel sheet 薄钢板steel sheet panel 钢镶合板steel shoe 钢制桩靴steel skeleton construction 钢骨架结构steel structure 钢结构steel wire 钢丝steel wire rope 钢丝绳steel work 钢结构steelfixer's pliers 钢筋钳子steelwork erection 钢制构件装配steep arch 陡坡拱stem 杆step 阶段;行程stepladder 段梯子stepness of slope 边坡陡度stepped diffuser 梯形扩散器stepped drop 阶梯形落差stepped footing 阶式基础stepped foundation 阶式基础stepped roof 阶形屋顶stereoscope 立体镜sterilization 杀菌sterilizer 消毒器杀菌器sterilizing room 消毒室stickiness 粘着性sticky cement 胶粘的水泥sticky material 粘着材料stiff clay 硬粘土stiff concrete 硬稠混凝土stiff consistency concrete 稠硬混凝土stiff consistency mortar 稠硬灰浆stiff frame 刚性构架stiff mix 干硬性混合物stiffener 刚性构件stiffener angle 加劲角钢stiffening girder 加强梁stiffening member 刚性构件stiffening rib 加劲肋stiffness 刚度stiffness factor 刚劲因数stiffness of structure 结构的劲度stiffness ratio 刚劲因数stirrup 箍筋stirrup spacing 箍筋间距stockae area 存储区stoker 自动加煤机stone 石头stone bolt 地脚螺栓stone breaker 碎石机stone bridge 石桥stone building 石砌建筑物stone chippings 石屑stone chips 石屑stone concrete 碎石混凝土stone construction 石构造stone drain 石砌排水沟stone facing 石料镶面stone paving 砌石护坡stone riprap 抛石体stone sand 石屑stone slab revetment 石板铺面stone stair 石楼梯stone structure 石构造stone waste 石屑stonemesh mattress 装石网状褥垫stop cock 活栓stop end 封端stop valve 截止阀stoplog groove 迭梁闸门槽stopper 塞stopping knife 嵌刀storage 仓库storage area 存储区storage calorifier 蓄热式加器storage heating 蓄热式采暖storage racks 货架storage reservoir 蓄水库store 仓库store building 仓库store room 仓库storehouse 仓库storey 层storm drain 暴雨下水道storm overflow sewer 暴雨排出口storm runoff 雨水径流storm window 风雨窗story 层story height 楼层高story height standpipe 楼层间竖管story height wall panel 楼层高墙板stove 火炉stove heating 火炉供暖straight cement 纯水泥straight cement concrete 纯水泥混凝土straight line 直线straight reinforcement bars 直钢筋条straight step 直阶梯straight web 板桩strain 应变strain capacity 应变能力strain energy equation 应变能方程strand 扭绞线束strand grip 股线夹具strand laid rope 股绞绳stranded caisson 出水沉箱strap 带strap saw 带锯strategic planning 公共建筑物的长远规划stratification 成层straw 稻草stray radiation 杂散辐射streaks of mortar 灰浆条纹stream 流stream cross section 河段面stream crossing 跨河桥stream hydraulics 河川水力学streamflow 河流streamflow measuring station 水文观测站streamline form 吝形street 街street construction 街道建筑street crossing 街道交叉street front 街面street greenery 街道缘化区street lighting 街道照明street refuge 街道安全带street traffic 街道交通strength 强度strength analysis 强度分析strength criterium 强度标准strength developing 强度发展strength grade 强度等级strength limit 强度极限strength maturity factor 成熟度strength of concrete at twenty eight days 混凝土的二十八天龄期强度strength of materials 材料强度strength of mix 混合料的浓度strength test 强度试验strength under sustained load 长期载荷下的强度stress 应力stress alternation 应力变换stress analysis 应力解析stress calculation 应力计算stress circle 应力图stress components 应力分量stress concentration 应力集中stress condition 应力状态stress corrosion 应力腐蚀stress diagram 应力图stress distribution 应力分布stress due to prestress 因预应力引起的应力stress function 应力函数stress jump 应力跳跃stress loss 应力损失stress raiser 应力集合装置stress range 应力范围stress reduction factor 应力折减系数stress relaxation 应力松弛stress relieving 应力消除stress state 应力状态stress strain curve 应力应变关系曲线stressed member 受力部件stressed skin construction 蒙皮受力式结构stressed skin wall construction 应力板墙结构stresses beyond the elastic limit 超过弹性极限的应力stresses in the elastic range 弹性范围内应力stresses in the plastic range 塑性范围内应力stressing abutments 施加预应力支座stressing device 施加预应力装置stressing equipment 预应力设备stressing jack 加预应力套stressing operations 预应力操作stretcher 顺砌砖stretcher bond 顺砖砌合stretching 拉伸strike board 样板strike off screed 匀泥板striking 拆除模板striking period 折除模板时期string 线string polygon 带stringer 纵梁stringer wall 梯墙strip 带strip city 带状城市strip footing 条形基础strip foundation 条形基础strip heater 带状加热器strip heating 带状放热譬热strip iron 带铁stripping 拆除模板stripping kaife 铲刀stroke 行程strong concrete 高强度混凝土strsses within the elastic limit 弹性范围内应力structural adequacy 结构的充分程度structural analysis 结构分析structural bearings 结构支座structural behavior 结构状态structural calculation 结构计算structural component 结构零件structural concept 结构方案structural concrete 结构混凝土structural connections 结构连接structural cost 建筑费structural design 结构设计structural drawings 结构图纸structural dynamics 结构动力学structural element 结构元件structural engineering 结构工程structural failure 结构破损structural fire protection 构造的防火structural floor panel 结构顶棚嵌板structural floor unit 结构楼板装配件structural glass 结构用玻璃structural integrity 结构完整性structural iron 结构钢structural lightweight concrete 构造用轻混凝土structural mechanics 结构力学structural member 结构元件structural meterials 结构材料structural paint 结构涂料structural performance 结构性能structural performance of pavement 路面铺装的构造特性structural plywood 结构用胶合板structural requirements 造构需要structural safety 结构安全度structural slab 结构板structural sound insulation 构造隔声structural spatial concept 构造空间方案structural steel 结构用钢材structural steel design 钢结构设计structural steel erection 结构用钢材装配structural steel framework 钢构架structural strength 结构强度structural system 构造系统structural theory 结构理论structural timber 结构木材structure 建筑物structure beyond repair 不能修理的构造structure heat gain 结构传导进热量structure plan 结构图案structure types 结构类型structure under construction 施工中的建筑物strut framed beam 撑托梁strutted sheet piling 支撑的板桩strutting 支撑stub bar 粗短杆条stub tenon 短粗榫stucco 灰墁stucco work 灰泥工作stud gun 螺栓枪stud partition 壁骨式隔墙studio 摄影室studio apartment 一间一套公寓studio couch 床椅两用沙发study 研究study house 试验住宅study room 教室stuffing box 密封箱stuffing box packing 衬垫材料style 式样style of architecture 建筑式样style of roof 屋顶格式sub atmospheric heating system 真空供热系统sub basement 下层地下室sub contractor 分包者sub pavement tunnel 铺面下隧道sub size 过筛subaqueous concrete 水底混凝土subaqueous concreting 水下灌注混凝土subaqueous construction 水下施工subaqueous tunnel 水底隧道subaqueous tunneling 水底隧道工程subbase 底基层subdiagonal 副斜杆subdrain 暗沟subfloor 毛地板subgrade 路基subgrade construction 路基工程submerged breakwater 水下防波堤submerged coil evaporator 沉浸盘管式蒸发器submerged float 水深测量杆submerged hydraulic jump 潜水的水力学跳跃submerged roof 充水屋顶submersible bridge 潜桥subsidence 沉下subsidiary stress 附加应力subsoil 下层土subsoil drain 地下排水沟subsoil water 地下水substance 物质substitution of members 替换构件substructure 下部结构subsurface structures 地下建筑物subsurface water 地下水。
一、建筑结构1. 柱(Column):建筑物中垂直承受力的结构元素,通常由混凝土或钢材制成。
2. 梁(Beam):建筑物中水平承受力的结构元素,通常由混凝土或钢材制成。
3. 地基(Foundation):建筑物的基础结构,承受建筑物的重量并将其传输到地下。
4. 屋顶(Roof):建筑物顶部的覆盖物,保护建筑物免受风雨侵蚀。
5. 框架(Frame):建筑物的基本骨架,由柱、梁等组成。
6. 墙体(Wall):建筑物的垂直外围结构,用于分隔空间并承担建筑物的荷载。
二、建筑材料1. 砖(Brick):由黏土制成的建筑材料,具有较好的抗压和保温性能。
2. 混凝土(Concrete):由水泥、砂石、水和掺合物混合搅拌而成的建筑材料,广泛用于建筑结构中。
3. 钢(Steel):具有高强度和耐腐蚀性的金属材料,常用于制造梁、柱等建筑结构。
4. 玻璃(Glass):透明且具有良好光线透过性的建筑材料,用于建筑物的窗户和幕墙。
5. 石材(Stone):具有较高硬度和抗压性的建筑材料,如大理石、花岗岩等。
三、建筑构造1. 基础(Foundation):建筑物的底部结构,用于分散和传递建筑物的重量到地基上。
2. 结构(Structure):建筑物的骨架,用于承受和传递建筑物的力和荷载。
3. 幕墙(Curtain Wall):建筑物外部的非承重墙体,透明或半透明,具有保温、防水和装饰功能。
4. 隔墙(Partition Wall):用于分隔室内空间的墙体,通常不承担结构荷载。
5. 屋面(Roofing):建筑物的顶部覆盖物,具有保护建筑物和调节室内温湿度的功能。
6. 立面(Facade):建筑物的正面或外墙,体现建筑美学和空间布局。
四、建筑工程1. 施工(Construction):根据设计图纸和规范进行建筑物的实际施工和组装。
【 Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦】【Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石】【Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土】【Facing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料】【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉】【Timber 木材】【Metallic Materials 金属材料】【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】【Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料】【Building Hardware 建筑五金】【Paint 油漆】k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语【Discipline 专业】【Conventional Terms 一般通用名词】【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】【Name Of Professional role 职务名称】【Drafting 制图】a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据计划建议书 planning proposals设计任务书 design order标准规范standards and codes条件图 information drawing设计基础资料 basic data for design工艺流程图 process flowchart工程地质资料 engineering geological data原始资料 original data设计进度 schedule of designb. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段方案 scheme, draft草图 sketch会谈纪要summary of discussion谈判 negotiation可行性研究 feasibility study初步设计 preliminary design基础设计 basic design详细设计 detail design询价图 enquiry drawing施工图 working drawing, construction drawing竣工图 as built drawingc. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件日照 sunshine风玫瑰 wind rose主导风向 prevailing wind direction 最大(平均)风速 maximum (mean) wind velocity风荷载 wind load最大(平均)降雨量 maximum (mean) rainfall雷击及闪电 thunder and lightning 飓风 hurricane台风 typhoon旋风 cyclone降雨强度rainfall intensity年降雨量 annual rainfall湿球温度 wet bulb temperature干球温度 dry bulb temperature冰冻期 frost period冰冻线 frost line冰冻区 frost zone室外计算温度 calculating outdoor temperature采暖地区 region with heating provision 不采暖地区 region without heating provision绝对大气压 absolute atmospheric pressure相对湿度 relative humidityd. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称办公室 office服务用房 service room换班室 shift room休息室 rest room (break room)起居室 living room浴室 bathroom淋浴间 shower更衣室 locker room厕所 lavatory门厅 lobby诊室 clinic工作间 workshop电气开关室 switchroom走廊 corridor档案室 archive电梯机房 lift motor room车库 garage清洁间 cleaning room会议室(正式) conference room 会议室 meeting room衣柜间 ward robe暖风间 H.V.A.C room饭店 restaurant餐厅 canteen, dining room厨房 kitchen入口 entrance接待处 reception area会计室 accountant room秘书室 secretary room电气室 electrical room控制室 control room工长室 foreman office开关柜室 switch gear前室 antecabinet (Ante.)生产区 production area马达控制中心 Mcc多功能用房 utility room化验室 laboratory room经理室 manager room披屋(阁楼) penthouse警卫室 guard housee. ROOFING AND CEILING 屋面及天棚女儿墙 parapet雨蓬 canopy屋脊 roof ridge坡度 slope坡跨比 pitch分水线 water-shed二毡三油 2 layers of felt & 3 coats of bitumastic附加油毡一层 extra ply of felt檐口 eave挑檐 overhanging eave檐沟 eave gutter平屋面 flat roof坡屋面 pitched roof雨水管 downspout, rain waterpipe)(R.W.P)汇水面积 catchment area泛水 flashing内排水 interior drainage外排水 exterior drainage滴水 drip屋面排水 roof drainage找平层 leveling course卷材屋面 built-up roofing天棚 ceiling檩条 purlin屋面板 roofing board天花板 ceiling board防水层 water-proof course检查孔 inspection hole人孔 manhole吊顶 suspended ceiling, false ceiling 檐板(窗帘盒) cornicef. WALL (CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)砖墙 brick wall砌块墙 block wall清水砖墙 brick wall without plastering 抹灰墙 rendered wall石膏板墙 gypsum board, plaster board 空心砖墙 hollow brick wall承重墙 bearing wall非承重墙 non-bearing wall纵墙 longitudinal wall横墙 transverse wall外墙 external (exterior) wall内墙 internal (interior) wall填充墙 filler wall防火墙 fire wall窗间墙 wall between window空心墙 cavity wall压顶 coping圈梁 gird, girt, girth玻璃隔断 glazed wall防潮层 damp-proof course (D.P.C)遮阳板 sunshade阳台 balcony伸缩缝 expansion joint沉降缝 settlement joint抗震缝 seismic joint复合夹心板 sandwich board压型单板 corrugated single steel plate 外墙板 cladding panel复合板 composite panel轻质隔断 light-weight partition牛腿 bracket砖烟囱 brick chimney勒脚(基座) plinthg. FLOOR AND TRENCH 地面及地沟地坪 grade地面和楼面 ground and floor素土夯实 rammed earth炉渣夯实 tamped cinder填土 filled earth回填土夯实 tamped backfill垫层 bedding course, blinding面层 covering, finish结合层 bonding (binding) course找平层 leveling course素水泥浆结合层 neat cement binding course混凝土地面 concrete floor水泥地面 cement floor机器磨平混凝土地面 machine trowelled concrete floor水磨石地面 terrazzo flooring马赛克地面 mosaic flooring瓷砖地面 ceramic tile flooring油地毡地面 linoleum flooring预制水磨石地面 precast terrazzo flooring硬木花地面 hard-wood parquet flooring 搁栅 joist硬木毛地面 hard-wood rough flooring企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring 防酸地面 acid-resistant floor钢筋混凝土楼板 reinforced concrete slab (R.C Slab)乙烯基地面 vinyl flooring水磨石嵌条 divider strip for terrazzo 地面做2%坡 floor with 2% slope集水沟 gully集水口 gulley排水沟 drainage trench沟盖板 trench cover活动盖板 removable cover plate集水坑 sump pit孔翻边 hole up stand电缆沟 cable trenchh. DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件木 (钢)门 wooden (steel) door镶板门 panelled door夹板门 plywood door铝合金门 aluminum alloy door卷帘门 roller shutter door弹簧门 swing door推拉门 sliding door平开门 side-hung door折叠门 folding door旋转门 revolving door玻璃门 glazed door密闭门 air-Tight door保温门 thermal insulating door镀锌铁丝网门 galvanized steel wire mesh door防火门 fire door(大门上的)小门 wicket门框 door frame门扇 door leaf门洞 door opening结构开洞 structural opening单扇门 single door双扇门 double door疏散门 emergency door纱门 screen door门槛 door sill门过梁 door lintel上冒头 top rail下冒头 bottom rail门边木 stile门樘侧料 side jumb槽口 notch木窗 wooden window钢窗 steel window铝合金窗 aluminum alloy window百叶窗 (通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind)塑钢窗 plastic steel window空腹钢窗 hollow steel window固定窗 fixed window平开窗 side-hung window推拉窗 sliding window气窗 transom上悬窗 top-hung window中悬窗 center-pivoted window下悬窗 hopper window活动百叶窗 adjustable louver天窗 skylight老虎窗 dormer window密封双层玻璃 sealed double glazing 钢筋混凝土过梁 reinforced concrete lintel钢筋砖过梁 reinforced brick lintel 窗扇 casement sash窗台 window sill窗台板 window board窗中梃 mullion窗横木 mutin窗边木 stile压缝条 cover mould窗帘盒 curtain box合页(铰链) hinge (butts)转轴 pivot长脚铰链 parliament hinge闭门器 door closer地弹簧 floor closer插销 bolt门锁 door lock拉手 pull链条 chain门钩 door hanger碰球 ball latch窗钩 window catch暗插销 insert bolt电动开关器 electric opener平板玻璃 plate glass夹丝玻璃 wire glass透明玻璃 clear glass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass)防弹玻璃 bullet-proof glass石英玻璃 quartz glass吸热玻璃 heat absorbing glass磨光玻璃 polished glass着色玻璃 pigmented glass玻璃瓦 glass tile玻璃砖 glass block有机玻璃 organic glassI. STAIRCASE, LANDING & LIFT (ELEVATOR) 楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯 stair楼梯间 staircase疏散梯 emergency stair旋转梯 spiral stair (circular stair) 吊车梯 crane ladder直爬梯 vertical ladder踏步 step扇形踏步 winder (wheel step)踏步板 tread档步板 riser踏步宽度 tread width防滑条 non-slip insert (strips)栏杆 railing (balustrade)平台栏杆 platform railing吊装孔栏杆 railing around mounting hole 扶手 handrail梯段高度 height of flight防护梯笼 protecting cage (safety cage) 平台 landing (platform)操作平台 operating platform装卸平台 platform for loading & unloading楼梯平台 stair landing客梯 passenger lift货梯 goods lift客/货两用梯 goods/passenger lift液压电梯 hydraulic lift自动扶梯 escalator观光电梯 observation elevator电梯机房 lift mortar room电梯坑 lift pit电梯井道 lift shaftj. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦红砖 red brick粘土砖 clay brick瓷砖 glazed brick (ceramic tile)防火砖 fire brick空心砖 hollow brick面砖 facing brick地板砖 flooring tile缸砖 clinkery brick马赛克 mosaic陶粒混凝土 ceramsite concrete琉璃瓦 glazed tile脊瓦 ridge tile石棉瓦 asbestos tile (shingle)波形石棉水泥瓦 corrugated asbestos cement sheetLime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石石膏 gypsum大理石 marble汉白玉 white marble花岗岩 granite碎石 crushed stone毛石 rubble蛭石 vermiculite珍珠岩 pearlite水磨石 terrazzo卵石 cobble砾石 gravel粗砂 course sand中砂 medium sand细砂 fine sandCement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥) Portland cement硅酸盐水泥 silicate cement火山灰水泥 pozzolana cement白水泥 white cement水泥砂浆 cement mortar石灰砂浆 lime mortar水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar保温砂浆 thermal mortar防水砂浆 water-proof mortar耐酸砂浆 acid-resistant mortar耐碱砂浆 alkaline-resistant mortar沥青砂浆 bituminous mortar纸筋灰 paper strip mixed lime mortar 麻刀灰 hemp cut lime mortar灰缝 mortar joint素混凝土 plain concrete钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete轻质混凝土 lightweight concrete细石混凝土 fine aggregate concrete沥青混凝土 asphalt concrete泡沫混凝土 foamed concrete炉渣混凝土 cinder concreteFacing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料水刷石 granitic plaster斩假石 artificial stone刷浆 lime wash可赛银 casein大白浆 white wash麻刀灰打底 hemp cuts and lime as base 喷大白浆两道 sprayed twice with white wash分格抹水泥砂浆 cement mortar plaster sectioned板条抹灰 lath and plasterAsphalt(Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉沥青卷材 asphalt felt沥青填料 asphalt filler沥青胶泥 asphalt grout冷底子油 adhesive bitumen primer沥青玛啼脂 asphaltic mastic沥青麻丝 bitumastic oakum石棉板 asbestos sheet石棉纤维 asbestos fiber Timber 木材裂缝 crack透裂 split环裂 shake干缩 shrinkage翘曲 warping原木 log圆木 round timber方木 square timber板材 plank木条 batten板条 lath木板 board红松 red pine白松 white pine落叶松 deciduous pine 云杉 spruce柏木 cypress白杨 white poplar桦木 birch冷杉 fir栎木 oak榴木 willow榆木 elm杉木 cedar柚木 teak樟木 camphor wood防腐处理的木材 preservative-treated lumber胶合板 plywood三(五)合板 3(5)-plywood企口板 tongued and grooved board层夹板 laminated plank胶合层夹木材 glue-laminated lumber 纤维板 fiber-board竹子 bambooMetallic Materials 金属材料黑色金属 ferrous metal圆钢 steelbBar方钢 square steel扁钢 steel strap,flat steel型钢 steel section (shape)槽钢 channel角钢 angle steel等边角钢 equal-leg angle不等边角钢 unequal-leg angle工字钢 I-beam宽翼缘工字钢 wide flange I-beam丁( 之)字钢 T-bar (Z-bar)冷弯薄壁型钢 light gauge cold-formed steel shape热轧 hot-rolled冷轧 cold-rolled冷拉 cold-drawn冷压 cold-pressed合金钢 alloy steel钛合金 titanium alloy不锈钢 stainless steel竹节钢筋 corrugated steel bar 变形钢筋 deformed bar光圆钢筋 plain round bar钢板 steel plate薄钢板 thin steel plate低碳钢 low carbon steel冷弯 cold bending钢管 steel pipe (tube)无缝钢管 seamless steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe黑铁管 iron pipe镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 铸铁 cast iron生铁 pig iron熟铁 wrought iron镀锌铁皮 galvanized steel sheet镀锌铁丝 galvanized steel wire钢丝网 steel wire mesh多孔金属网 expanded metal锰钢 managanese steel高强度合金钢 high strength alloy steel Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属金 gold白金 platinum铜 copper黄铜 brass青铜 bronze银 silver铝 aluminum铅 leadAnti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料聚乙烯 polythene, polyethylene尼龙 nylon聚氯乙烯 PVC (polyvinyl chloride) 聚碳酸酯 polycarbonate聚苯乙烯 polystyrene丙烯酸树酯 acrylic resin乙烯基酯 vinyl ester橡胶内衬 rubber lining氯丁橡胶 neoprene沥青漆 bitumen paint环氧树脂漆 epoxy resin paint氧化锌底漆 zinc oxide primer防锈漆 anti-rust paint耐酸漆 acid-resistant paint耐碱漆 alkali-resistant paint水玻璃 sodium silicate树脂砂浆 resin-bonded mortar环氧树脂 epoxy resinBuilding Hardware 建筑五金钉子 nails螺纹屋面钉spiral-threaded roofing nail 环纹石膏板钉 annular-ring gypsum board nail螺丝 screws平头螺丝 flat-head screw螺栓 bolt普通螺栓 commercial bolt高强螺栓 high strength bolt预埋螺栓 insert bolt胀锚螺栓 cinch bolt垫片 washerPaint 油漆底漆 primer防锈底漆 rust-inhibitive primer防腐漆 anti-corrosion paint调和漆 mixed paint无光漆 flat paint透明漆 varnish银粉漆 aluminum paint磁漆 enamel paint干性油 drying oil稀释剂 thinner焦油 tar沥青漆 asphalt paint桐油 tung oil, Chinese wood oil红丹 red lead铅油 lead oil腻子 puttyk. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语Discipline 专业建筑 architecture土木 civil给排水 water supply and drainage总图 plot plan采暖通风 H.V.A.C (heating、ventilation and air conditioning)电力供应 electric power supply电气照明 electric lighting电讯 telecommunication仪表 instrument热力供应 heat power supply动力 mechanical power工艺 process technology管道 pipingConventional Terms 一般通用名词建筑原理 architectonics建筑形式 architectural style民用建筑 civil architecture城市建筑 urban architecture农村建筑 rural architecture农业建筑 farm building工业建筑 industrial building重工业的 heavy industrial轻工业的 light industrial古代建筑 ancient architecture现代建筑 modern architecture标准化建筑 standardized buildings 附属建筑 auxiliary buildings城市规划 city planning厂区内 within site厂区外 offsite封闭式 closed type开敞式 open type半开敞式 semi-open type模数制 modular system单位造价 unit cost概算 preliminary estimate承包商 constructor, contractor 现场 site扩建 extension改建 reconstruction防火 fire-prevention防震 aseismatic, quake-proof 防腐 anti-corrosion防潮 dump-proof防水 water-proof防尘 dust-proof防锈 rust-proof车流量 traffic volume货流量 freight traffic volume 人流量 pedestrian volume透视图 perspective drawing建筑模型 building model Architectural Physics 建筑物理照明 illumination照度 degree of illumination 亮度 brightness日照 sunshine天然采光 natural lighting 光强 light intensity侧光 side light顶光 top light眩光 glaze方位角 azimuth辐射 radiation对流 convection传导 conduction遮阳 sun-shade保温 thermal insulation恒温 constant temperature 恒湿 constant humidity噪音 noise隔音 sound-proof吸音 sound absorption露点 dew point隔汽 vapor-proofName Of Professional role 职务名称项目经理 project manager (PM)设计经理 design manager首席建筑师 principal architect总工程师 chief engineer土木工程师 civil engineer工艺工程师 process engineer电气工程师 electrical engineer机械工程师 mechanical engineer计划工程师 planning engineer助理工程师 assistant engineer实习生 probationer专家 specialist, expert制图员 draftsman技术员 technicianDrafting 制图总说明 general specification工程说明 project specification采用标准规范目录 list of standards and specification adopted图纸目录 list of drawings平面图 plan局部放大图 detail with enlarged scale ...平面示意图 schematic plan of... ...平剖面图 sectional plan of... 留孔平面图 plan of provision of holes 剖面 section纵剖面 longitudinal section横剖面 cross (transverse) section立面 elevation正立面 front elevation透视图 perspective drawing侧立面 side elevation背立面 back elevation详图 detail drawings典型节点 typical detail节点号 detail No.首页 front page图纸目录及说明 list of contents and description图例 legend示意图 diagram草图 sketch荷载简图 load diagram流程示意图 flow diagram标准图 standard drawing...布置图 layout of ...地形图 topographical map土方工程图 earth-work drawing展开图 developed drawing模板图 formwork drawing配筋 arrangement of reinforcement表格 tables工程进度表 working schedule技术经济指标 technical and economical index建、构筑物一览表 list of buildings and structures编号 coding序列号 serial No.行和栏 rows and columns备注 remarks等级 grade直线 straight Line曲线 curves曲折线 zigzag line虚线 dotted line实线 solid line影线 hatching line点划线 dot and dash line 轴线 axis等高线 contour Line中心线 center Line双曲线 hyperbola抛物线 parabola切线 tangent Line尺寸线 dimension Line园形 round环形 annular方形 square矩形 rectangle平行四边形 parallelogram 三角形 triangle五角形 pentagon六角形 hexagon八角形 octagon梯形 trapezoid圆圈 circle弓形 sagment扇形 sector球形的 spherical抛物面 paraboloid圆锥形 cone椭圆形 ellipse, oblong面积 area体积 volume容量 capacity重量 weight质量 mass力 force米 meter厘米 centimeter毫米 millimeter公顷 hectate牛顿/平方米 Newton/square meter千克/立方米 kilogram/cubic meter 英尺 foot英寸 inch磅 pound吨 ton加仑 gallon千磅 kip平均尺寸 average dimension变尺寸 variable dimension外形尺寸 overall dimension展开尺寸 developed dimension内径 inside diameter外径 outside diameter净重 net weight毛重 gross weight数量 quantity百分比 percentage净空 clearance净高 headroom净距 clear distance净跨 clear span截面尺寸 sectional dimension 开间 bay进深 depth单跨 single span双跨 double span多跨 multi-span标高 elevation, level绝对标高 absolute elevation 设计标高 designed elevation 室外地面标高 ground elevation 室内地面标高 floor elevation 柱网 column grid坐标 coordinate厂区占地 site area使用面积 usable area辅助面积 service area通道面积 passage area管架 pipe rack管廊 pipeline gallery架空管线 overhead pipeline排水沟 drain ditch集水坑 sump pit喷泉 fountain地漏 floor drain消火栓 fire hydrant灭火器 fire extinguisher二氧化碳灭火器 carbon dioxide extinguisher卤代烷灭火器 halon extinguisher。
Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料Drafting 制图方案scheme, draft 草图sketch 服务用房service room 更衣室locker room 厕所lavatory 衣柜间ward robe 暖风间H.V.A.C room 多功能用房utility room 披屋(阁楼)penthouse e. ROOFING AND CEILING 屋面及天棚女儿墙 parapet雨蓬 canopy屋脊 roof ridge坡度 slope坡跨比 pitch檐口 eave挑檐 overhanging eave檐沟 eave gutter平屋面 flat roof坡屋面 pitched roof檩条 purlin屋面板 roofing board天花板 ceiling board防水层 water-proof course吊顶 suspended ceiling, false ceiling檐板(窗帘盒) cornice f. WALL (CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板) 砌块墙 block wall清水砖墙 brick wall without plastering抹灰墙 rendered wall石膏板墙 gypsum board, plaster board玻璃隔断 glazed wall遮阳板 sunshade伸缩缝 expansion joint复合夹心板 sandwich board压型单板 corrugated single steel plate外墙板 cladding panel复合板 composite panel g. FLOOR AND TRENCH地面及地沟门樘侧料 side jumb槽口 notch铝合金窗 aluminum alloy window百叶窗 (通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind) 塑钢窗 plastic steel window空腹钢窗 hollow steel window固定窗 fixed window地坪 grade平开窗 side-hung window地面和楼面 ground and floor推拉窗 sliding window垫层 bedding course, blinding气窗 transom面层 covering, finish上悬窗 top-hung window结合层 bonding (binding) course中悬窗 center-pivoted window水磨石地面 terrazzo flooring下悬窗 hopper window马赛克地面 mosaic flooring活动百叶窗 adjustable louver瓷砖地面 ceramic tile flooring天窗 skylight预制水磨石地面 precast terrazzo flooring排水沟 drainage trench沟盖板 trench cover活动盖板 removable cover plate镶板门 panelled door窗扇 casement sash夹板门 plywood door窗台 window sill铝合金门 aluminum alloy door窗台板 window board卷帘门 roller shutter door窗中梃 mullion弹簧门 swing door窗横木 mutin推拉门 sliding door窗边木 stile平开门 side-hung door压缝条 cover mould折叠门 folding door窗帘盒 curtain box旋转门 revolving door合页(铰链) hinge (butts)玻璃门 glazed door转轴 pivot密闭门 air-Tight door长脚铰链 parliament hinge保温门 thermal insulating door闭门器 door closer镀锌铁丝网门 galvanized steel wire mesh door 防火门 fire door(大门上的)小门 wicket地弹簧 floor closer插销 bolt门锁 door lock拉手 pull链条 chain门钩 door hanger碰球 ball latch窗钩 window catch暗插销 insert bolt电动开关器 electric opener老虎窗 dormer window密封双层玻璃 sealed double glazing钢筋混凝土过梁 reinforced concrete lintel钢筋砖过梁 reinforced brick lintel纵墙 longitudinal wall门框 door frame横墙 transverse wall门扇 door leaf填充墙 filler wall门洞 door opening防火墙 fire wall疏散门 emergency door窗间墙 wall between window纱门 screen door空心墙 cavity wall门槛 door sill圈梁 gird, girt, girth门边木 stile平板玻璃 plate glass夹丝玻璃 wire glass透明玻璃 clear glass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass)防弹玻璃 bullet-proof glass石英玻璃 quartz glass磨光玻璃 polished glass着色玻璃 pigmented glass玻璃瓦 glass tile玻璃砖 glass block有机玻璃 organic glass I. STAIRCASE, LANDING & LIFT (ELEVATOR) 楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯间 staircase疏散梯 emergency stair旋转梯 spiral stair (circular stair)吊车梯 crane ladder直爬梯 vertical ladder踏步 step扇形踏步 winder (wheel step)踏步板 tread档步板 riser踏步宽度 tread width防滑条 non-slip insert (strips)栏杆 railing (balustrade)平台栏杆 platform railing吊装孔栏杆 railing around mounting hole扶手 handrail空心砖 hollow brick面砖 facing brick地板砖 flooring tile马赛克 mosaic陶粒混凝土 ceramsite concrete琉璃瓦 glazed tile脊瓦 ridge tile石棉瓦 asbestos tile (shingle)波形石棉水泥瓦 corrugated asbestos cement sheet Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石石膏 gypsum汉白玉 white marble碎石 crushed stone毛石 rubble蛭石 vermiculite珍珠岩 pearlite水磨石 terrazzo卵石 cobble砾石 gravel粗砂 course sand中砂 medium sand细砂 fine sand Cement, Mortar and Concrete水泥、砂浆和混凝土硅酸盐水泥 silicate cement火山灰水泥 pozzolana cement白水泥 white cement水泥砂浆 cement mortar石灰砂浆 lime mortar Facing And Plastering Materials饰面及粉刷材料水刷石 granitic plaster斩假石 artificial stone刷浆 lime wash可赛银 casein大白浆 white wash麻刀灰打底 hemp cuts and lime as base喷大白浆两道 sprayed twice with white wash分格抹水泥砂浆 cement mortar plaster sectioned板条抹灰 lath and plaster Asphalt(Bitumen) and Asbestos沥青和石棉沥青卷材 asphalt felt沥青填料 asphalt filler沥青胶泥 asphalt grout冷底子油 adhesive bitumen primer沥青玛啼脂 asphaltic mastic沥青麻丝 bitumastic oakum石棉板 asbestos sheet石棉纤维 asbestos fiber Timber木材裂缝 crack透裂 split环裂 shake干缩 shrinkage翘曲 warping原木 log圆木 round timber方木 square timber板材 plank木条 batten板条 lath木板 board红松 red pine白松 white pine落叶松 deciduous pine云杉 spruce柏木 cypress白杨 white poplar桦木 birch冷杉 fir栎木 oak梯段高度 height of flight防护梯笼 protecting cage (safety cage)平台 landing (platform)楼梯平台 stair landing自动扶梯 escalator观光电梯 observation elevator电梯坑 lift pit电梯井道 lift shaft水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar 保温砂浆 thermal mortar防水砂浆 water-proof mortar耐酸砂浆 acid-resistant mortar耐碱砂浆 alkaline-resistant mortar沥青砂浆 bituminous mortar灰缝 mortar joint钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES建筑材料词汇及短语Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦粘土砖 clay brick瓷砖 glazed brick (ceramic tile)防火砖 fire brick轻质混凝土 lightweight concrete细石混凝土 fine aggregate concrete沥青混凝土 asphalt concrete泡沫混凝土 foamed concrete炉渣混凝土 cinder concrete榴木 willow榆木 elm杉木 cedar柚木 teak樟木 wood防腐处理的木材 preservative-treated lumber胶合板 plywood三(五)合板 3(5)-plywood企口板 tongued and grooved board层夹板 laminated plank胶合层夹木材 glue-laminated lumber纤维板 fiber-board竹子 bambooMetallic Materials 金属材料黑色金属 ferrous metal圆钢 steelbBar方钢 square steel扁钢 steel strap,flat steel型钢 steel section (shape)槽钢 channel角钢 angle steel等边角钢 equal-leg angle不等边角钢 unequal-leg angle工字钢 I-beam宽翼缘工字钢 wide flange I-beam丁( 之)字钢 T-bar (Z-bar)冷弯薄壁型钢 light gauge cold-formed steel shape 热轧 hot-rolled冷轧 cold-rolled冷拉 cold-drawn冷压 cold-pressed合金钢 alloy steel钛合金 titanium alloy不锈钢 stainless steel竹节钢筋 corrugated steel bar变形钢筋 deformed bar光圆钢筋 plain round bar钢板 steel plate薄钢板 thin steel plate低碳钢 low carbon steel冷弯 cold bending钢管 steel pipe (tube)无缝钢管 seamless steel pipe焊接钢管 welded steel pipe黑铁管 iron pipe镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe铸铁 cast iron生铁 pig iron熟铁 wrought iron镀锌铁皮 galvanized steel sheet镀锌铁丝 galvanized steel wire钢丝网 steel wire mesh多孔金属网 expanded metal锰钢 managanese steel高强度合金钢 high strength alloy steelNon-Ferrous Metal 有色金属金 gold白金 platinum铜 copper黄铜 brass青铜 bronze银 silver铝 aluminum铅 leadAnti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料聚乙烯 polythene, polyethylene尼龙 nylon聚氯乙烯 PVC (polyvinyl chloride)聚碳酸酯 polycarbonate聚苯乙烯 polystyrene丙烯酸树酯 acrylic resin乙烯基酯 vinyl ester橡胶内衬 rubber lining氯丁橡胶 neoprene沥青漆 bitumen paint环氧树脂漆 epoxy resin paint氧化锌底漆 zinc oxide primer防锈漆 anti-rust paint耐酸漆 acid-resistant paint耐碱漆 alkali-resistant paint水玻璃 sodium silicate树脂砂浆 resin-bonded mortar环氧树脂 epoxy resin Building Hardware建筑五金钉子 nails螺纹屋面钉 spiral-threaded roofing nail环纹石膏板钉 annular-ring gypsum board nail 螺丝 screws平头螺丝 flat-head screw螺栓 bolt普通螺栓 commercial bolt高强螺栓 high strength bolt预埋螺栓 insert bolt胀锚螺栓 cinch bolt垫片 washer Paint油漆底漆 primer防锈底漆 rust-inhibitive primer防腐漆 anti-corrosion paint调和漆 mixed paint无光漆 flat paint透明漆 varnish银粉漆 aluminum paint磁漆 enamel paint干性油 drying oil稀释剂 thinner焦油 tar沥青漆 asphalt paint桐油 tung oil, Chinese wood oil红丹 red lead铅油 lead oil腻子 putty k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS其它建筑术语Discipline专业建筑architecture土木 civil给排水 water supply and drainage总图 plot plan采暖通风 H.V.A.C (heating、ventilation and air conditioning) 电力供应 electric power supply电气照明 electric lighting电讯 telecommunication仪表 instrument热力供应 heat power supply动力 mechanical power工艺 process technology管道 piping Conventional Terms一般通用名词建筑原理 architectonics建筑形式 architectural style民用建筑 civil architecture城市建筑 urban architecture农村建筑 rural architecture农业建筑 farm building工业建筑 industrial building重工业的 heavy industrial轻工业的 light industrial古代建筑 ancient architecture现代建筑 modern architecture标准化建筑 standardized buildings 附属建筑 auxiliary buildings城市规划 city planning厂区内 within site厂区外 offsite封闭式 closed type开敞式 open type半开敞式 semi-open type模数制 modular system单位造价 unit cost概算 preliminary estimate承包商 constructor, contractor现场 site扩建 extension改建 reconstruction防火 fire-prevention防震 aseismatic, quake-proof防腐 anti-corrosion防潮 dump-proof防水 water-proof防尘 dust-proof防锈 rust-proof车流量 traffic volume货流量 freight traffic volume人流量 pedestrian volume透视图 perspective drawing建筑模型 building model Architectural Physics 建筑物理照明 illumination照度 degree of illumination亮度 brightness日照 sunshine天然采光 natural lighting光强 light intensity侧光 side light顶光 top light眩光 glaze遮阳 sun-shade Name Of Professional role职务名称项目经理 project manager (PM)设计经理 design manager首席建筑师 principal architect总工程师 chief engineer土木工程师 civil engineer工艺工程师 process engineer电气工程师 electrical engineer机械工程师 mechanical engineer计划工程师 planning engineer助理工程师 assistant engineer背立面 back elevation详图 detail drawings典型节点 typical detail节点号 detail No.首页 front page图纸目录及说明 list of contents and description 图例 legend示意图 diagram草图 sketch荷载简图 load diagram流程示意图 flow diagram标准图 standard drawing ...布置图 layout of ...地形图 topographical map土方工程图 earth-work drawing展开图 developed drawing模板图 formwork drawing行和栏 rows and columns备注 remarks曲线 curves曲折线 zigzag line实习生 probationer虚线 dotted line专家 specialist, expert实线 solid line制图员 draftsman影线 hatching line技术员 technician等高线 contour Line Drafting制图环形 annular总说明 general specification方形 square工程说明 project specification矩形 rectangle采用标准规范目录 list of standards and specification adopted 图纸目录 list of drawings平面图 plan局部放大图 detail with enlarged scale ...平面示意图 schematic plan of... ...平剖面图 sectional plan of...留孔平面图 plan of provision of holes剖面 section纵剖面 longitudinal section横剖面 cross (transverse) section立面 elevation正立面 front elevation透视图 perspective drawing侧立面 side elevation平行四边形 parallelogram五角形 pentagon六角形 hexagon八角形 octagon梯形 trapezoid弓形 sagment扇形 sector圆锥形 cone椭圆形 ellipse, oblong净高 headroom截面尺寸 sectional dimension 进深 depth单跨 single span双跨 double span多跨 multi-span标高 elevation, level室外地面标高 ground elevation 室内地面标高 floor elevation 柱网 column grid辅助面积 service area通道面积 passage area排水沟 drain ditch地漏 floor drain消火栓 fire hydrant。
[1]property:[ ‘pr opəti ]n.性能、性质、特性[2]hardened concrete:硬化混凝土[3]fresh concrete:新拌混凝土[4]deformation:[ ,di:fo:'mei∫ən ]n.变形,形变;畸变,失真[5]load:[ 'ləud ] n.荷载,装载,荷重,载重,负荷[6]durability:[ ,djuərə'biliti ] n.耐久性[7]permeability:[ ,pə:miə'biliti ]n.渗透性,透气性,道磁性,渗透性,透水性,渗透率[8]shrinkage:[ '∫rinkidЗ ]n.收缩,下沉[9]water-retaining structures:挡水结构[10]objective:[ əb'dЗektiv ] n.物镜,目标,目的[11]concrete in situ:现浇混凝土;in situ:在现场,就地[12]nondestructive [ ,nondis'trΛktiv ] test:非破坏性试验,无损检验[13]stress:[ stres ] n.应力[14]compression:[ kəm'pre∫(ə)n ] n.加压,压力,压缩,压缩,背震中,压型化石[15]specification:[ ,spesifi'kei∫ən ]n.详述, 规格, 说明书, 规范[16]brittle[ 'britl ]adj.脆的,易碎的[17]tension:[ 'ten∫ən ] n.张力,拉力[18]mix proportions:配合比[19]compaction:[ kəm'pæk∫ən ]n. 压实,致密,紧束之状态[20]curing:[ 'kjuəriŋ ]n.养护;固化[21]pavement:[ 'peivmənt ]n. 铺砌层, 路面, 铺地材料;人行道, 公路[22]steel reinforcement:钢筋[23]BS:abbr. 英国标准(British Standard)[24]specimen:[ 'spesimin, -mən ] n.试件,样品,样本[25]curing tank:养护池,腌缸, 腌制槽[26]flexural ['flek∫ərəl] strength:抗折强度,抗弯曲强度,挠曲强度[27]modulus of rupture:挠曲(极限)强度,折断系数,断裂(弯折,挠折)模量,断裂模数;modulus:[ 'modjuləs ]n.系数, 模数,模量,率值[28]split cylinder test:劈裂圆柱试验;split:[ split ]v.劈开, (使)裂开, 分裂, 分离;cylinder:[ 'silində ]n.圆筒, 圆柱体, 辊,滚柱;量筒;钢瓶[29]plane:[ plein ]n.平面, 飞机, 水平, 程度, 刨[30]diameter:[ dai'æmitə ]n.直径[31]simply supported plain concrete beam:简支素混凝土梁;plain concrete:素混凝土,无筋混凝土[32]its third points:它的每个三分之一处[33]as a guide:原则上[34]constituent:[ kən'stitjuənt]n.成分,组分,构成[35]fineness:[ 'fainnis ]n. 细度, 纯度;fine:[ fain ]adj. 细的, 美好的, 杰出的, 稀薄的[36]chemical composition:化学成分[组成][37]tricalcium silicate:n.硅酸三钙(C3S);tricalcium:[ trai'kælsiəm ]n.三钙;silicate:[ 'silikit ]n.[化]硅酸盐[38]dicalcium silicate:n.硅酸二钙(C2S);dicalcium:[ dai'kælsiəm ]n.二钙[39]eventually:[i'ventjuəli]adv.最后, 终于[40]gel:[ dЗel ]n.凝胶体,凝胶[41]water-cement ratio:水灰比(w/c);ratio:[ 'rei∫iəu ]n.比, 比率;the ratio of sth. to sth.:…与…之比[42]void:[ void ]n. 空隙,孔隙;adj. 空白的,空的[43]facilitate:[ fə’siliteit ]vt.(不以人作主语的)使容易, 使便利, 推动, 帮助, 促进[44]placing:n.浇筑,安装[45]in excess of:超过(多于),较...为多[46]porous:[ 'po:rəs ]adj.多孔的,多孔状,疏松的[47]with a view to:着眼于, 以...为目的, 考虑到[48]illustrate:[ 'iləstreit ]vt.举例说明, 图解, 说明[49]matrix:[ 'meitriks ] n.胶结材料,填充料,基质[50]interface:[ 'intə(:),feis ] n.界面,分界面,接触面[51]bond:[ bond ] n.结合,连接,粘结[52]surface texture:表面状态, 表面特性, 表面质量, 表面结构;texture:[ 'tekst∫ə ]n.结构,组织,饰纹,纹理,网纹[53]cleanliness:[ 'klenlinis ] n.清洁度,净度[54]rounded:[ 'raundid ]adj.全面的, 圆形的[55]angular:[ 'æŋgjulə ] adj.角的,有棱角的,带角的,棱角状的[56]irregular:[ i'regjulə ]adj.不规则的, 无规律的[57]rough:[ rΛf ] adj.粗糙的,不平的,粗制的[58]workability:[ ,wə:kə'biliti ]n.和易性,工作性,可加工性,可成形性[与可塑性有关],可操作性[59]coating:[ 'kəutiŋ ]n.涂料;涂层,粘胶;(回转窑)窑皮[60]silt:[ silt ]n.粉砂,淤泥[61]clay:[ klei ] n.粘土,泥土[62]weathered:[ 'weðəd] adj.风化的[63]decomposed:[ ,di:kəm'pəuzd ] adj.已分解的,已风化的[64]sound:[ saund ] adj.健全的,强壮的; n.声音,音响[65]beneath:[ bi'ni:θ ] prep.劣于,在...之下,不配; adv.在下面[66]be opposed [ ə'pəuzd ] by:被……抵消[67]available:[ ə'veiləbl ]adj.可用到的, 有效的, 可利用的, 有空的[68]optimum:[ 'optiməm ]adj.最佳,最适宜的[69]richness:[ 'rit∫nis ]n. 丰富,富饶,富度,丰满度[70]grading:[ 'g reidiŋ ]n.颗粒级配,分等,分级[71]provided:[ prə:'vaidid ]conj.只要,倘若;预备好的[72]due:[ dju: ] adj.应得的, 应付的, 正当的, 预期的, (车、船预定)应到的[73]segregation:[ ,segri'g ei∫ən ]n.分层,离析[74]suitability:[ ,sju:tə'biliti ]n.合适, 适当, 相配, 适宜性,适应性,适用性[75]to some extent:在某种程度上,有点儿[76]alkaline:[ 'ælkəlain ]adj.[化]碱的, 碱性的[77]usage:[ 'ju:zidЗ ] n.使用,习惯,用法[78]accelerator [ æk'seləreitə ]:n.早强剂;促凝剂;促进剂[79]air-entraining [ in'treiniŋ ] agent:air entrainer [ in'treinə ],加气剂[80]concrete:[ 'konkri:t ]adj.具体的,有形的;n.混凝土;v.用混凝土修筑,浇混凝土,凝结[81]dosage:[ 'dəusidЗ ]n. 配料量;剂量,用量[82]effectiveness:[ i'fektivnis ] n.效率,有效性,能行性[83]constant:[ 'konstənt ]n.[数、物]常数, 恒量;adj.不变的, 持续的, 坚决的[84]air content:含气量[85]preparation:[ ,prepə'rei∫ən ] n.预加工,配制,准备工作[86]consistent:[ kən'sistənt ] adj.一致的(相容的,坚实的)[87]homogeneous:[ ,homəu'dЗi:njəs ] adj.均匀的,均质的,均一的[88]probability:[ ,probə'biliti ]n.可能性, 或然性, 概率[89]bleeding:[ 'bli:diŋ ]n.泌水性;析水;色料渗开;印流[涂料][90]honeycombing:[ 'hΛnikəumiŋ ]n.蜂窝结构,蜂窝麻面[91]operative:[ 'opərətiv, 'opəreitiv ] n.职工,技工[92]prerequisite:[ 'pri:'rekwizit ] n.先决条件[93]moisture:[ 'mo ist∫ə ]n. 湿度,水分,潮湿,湿气[94]evaporation:[ i,væpə'rei∫ən ]n.蒸发(作用)[95]relative humidity:相对湿度;humidity:[ hju:'miditi ]n. 湿度,湿气,潮湿[96]velocity:[ vi'lositi ] n.速度, 速率,周转率[97]initial:[ i'ni∫əl ] adj.初始的,最初的,开始的[98]moist curing:湿养护,雾室养护;water curing:水处理,水养护[99]apparent [ ə'pærənt ] strength:表观强度[100]resumption:[ ri'zΛmp∫ən ] n.收回,恢复,重新开始[101]the product of age and curing temperature:时度积;product:n.产品,产物,乘积[102]maturity:[ mə'tjuəriti ] n.成熟度,熟成度,老化[103]applicability:[ ,æplikə'biləti ] n.适用性,适应性[104]interpret:[ in'tə:prit ] v.解释, 说明, 口译, 通译[105]square prism:正四棱柱体;prism:[ 'prizəm ]n.[物]棱镜, [数]棱柱[106]height-diameter ratio:高度-直径比[107]platen:[ 'plætən ] n.压板,台板,压机压板[108]slenderness:[ 'slendənis ] n.细长度[109]moisture content:含水量[110]correction factor:修正系数,修正因数,校正系数;correction:[ kə'rek∫ən ]n.改正, 修正[111]air-dry:[ 'εədrai ] adj.完全风干状态的[112]saturated:[ 'sæt∫əreitid ]adj.饱和的,渗透的,深颜色的[113]wet concrete:塑性混凝土,水灰比高的混凝土[114]differential shrinkage:不均匀收缩,差示收缩量,差异收缩量;differential:[ ,difə'ren∫əl ]n.有差别的,差动的,微分的[115]lateral confining pressure:侧限压力;lateral:[ 'lætərəl ] adj.横(向)的, 侧面的;confining:[ kən'fainiŋ ] adj.限制的;拘束的;狭窄的;偏狭的[116]static loading:静载荷, 静负荷;static:[ 'stætik ]adj.静态的, 静力的[117]nominal strength:标称强度;nominal:[ 'nominl ] adj.额定的,标称的,名义上的[118]extent:[ iks'tent ]n.广度, 宽度, 长度, 范围, 程度, 区域[119]predominantly:[ pri'dominəntli ] adv.主要地;最显著地;占优势地[120]fatigue:[ fə'ti:g ] n.疲劳,疲乏[121]static strength:静力强度,静强度[122]frequency:[ 'fri:kwənsi ] n.频率,同率,次数[123]sustained load:持续载荷,持久加载,持续荷载;sustained:[ səs'teind ]adj.持续的,持久的[124]duration:[ djuə'rei∫ən ] n.持续,持续时间[125]consolidation:[ kən,soli'dei∫ən ] n.强化,固结[126]elastic deformation:弹性变形,弹性挠度;elastic:[ i'læstik]adj.弹性的[127]time-dependent deformation:时间相关的变形[128]creep:[ kri:p ] n.徐变,蠕变[129]nonlinear:[ 'non'liniə ] adj.非线性的,非直线的[130]quasi [ 'kwa:zi(:), 'kweisai ] -elastic:adj.准弹性的,似弹性的[131]modulus of elasticity:弹性模量,弹性系数,杨氏模量;elasticity:[ ilæs'tisiti ]n.弹性,弹力[132]Poisson’s ratio:泊松比,横向变形系数[133]strain:[ strein ] n.应变,变形,形变,过滤[134]deflection:[ di'flek∫ən ] n.挠度,变位,偏转[135]initial tangent modulus:初始切线模量,原切模数;tangent modulus:切线模量,切线模数,切向模量;tangent:[ 'tændЗənt ] n.切线, [数]正切[136]the secant modulus:割线模量,割线[正割]模数;secant:[ 'si:kənt ] n.割线, 正割[137]take into account:考虑(注意),顾及[138]stress-strain curve:应力—应变曲线[139]axial:[ 'æksiəl, -sjəl ] adj.轴的,轴向的[140]laterally:[ 'lætərəli ] adv.在侧面,横向地[141]multiphase:[ 'mΛl tifeiz ] n.多相; adj.多相的[142]stiffness:[ 'stifnis ] n.劲度,刚度,硬度[143]uniaxial:[ 'ju:ni'æksiəl ] adj.单轴的,同轴的[144]instantaneous:[ ,instən'teinjəs ] adj.瞬间的, 即刻的, 即时的[145]gradual:[ 'grædjuəl ] adj.逐渐的,逐步的,渐进的[146]creep recovery[ ri'kΛvəri ]:徐变(蠕变)回复[147]reversible:[ ri'və:səbl ] adj.可逆的[148]permanent:[ 'pə:mənənt ] adj.永久的,持久的[149]underestimate:[ '5Λndər'estimeit ] n.估计不足,低估[150]stability:[ stə'biliti ]n.稳定性,稳定度[151]prestressed [ 'pri:'stresd ] concrete:预应力混凝土[152]allowance:[ ə'lauəns ] n.允许,考虑,容限,间隙,修正量,补助,容许[153]prestressing tendons:预应力钢筋,预应力钢丝束;tendon:[ 'tendən ] n.[解]腱;钢丝束,锚索[154]with respect to:prep.关于,就...而论,相对于[155]be directly proportional to:正比于,与...成正比[156]equation:[ i'kwei∫ən ]n.相等, 平衡, 综合体, 因素, 方程式, 等式[157]assumption:[ ə'sΛmp∫ən ]n.假定, 设想, 假设[158]deterioration:[ di,tiəriə'rei∫ən ]n.变坏, 退化, 堕落[159]weathering:[ 'weðəriŋ ]n.侵蚀,风化,老化,风蚀,[玻璃]失去光泽[160]wear:[ wiə ]n.磨损,磨蚀,损耗[161]alkali-aggregate reaction:碱-集料反应, 碱-骨料反应;alkali:[ 'ælkəlai ]n.[化]碱,碱金属;adj.碱性的[162]absorption:[ əb'so:p∫ən ]n.吸收(作用)[163]permeability:[ ,pə:miə'biliti ]n.渗透性,透气性[164]freezing and thawing:冻融;thawing:[ 'θo:iŋ ]n.熔化;融化[165]pore water:孔隙水,间隙水;pore:[ po: ] n.细孔,孔隙,气孔,微孔[166]hydraulic pressure:水压,液压;hydraulic:[ hai'dro:lik ]adj.水力的, 液压的[167]kerb:[ kə:b ] (=curb) n.路边石,路缘,路缘石[168]slab:[ slæb ] n.平板,铺石板,厚片[169]dam:[ dæm ] n.水坝,堤,水闸,坝,水闸[170]reservoir:[ 'rezəvwa: ] n.水库, 蓄水池[171]susceptible:[ sə'septəbl ]adj.易受影响的, 易感动的, 容许...的[172]frost:[ frost, fro:st ]n.霜, 霜冻, 严寒[173]impermeability:[im,pə:mjə'biliti]n.抗渗性,不渗透性[174]de-icing:n.除冰,防冻[175]drainage:[ 'dreinidЗ ] n.排水, 排泄, 排水装置, 排水区域, 排出物, 消耗[176]joint:[ dЗoint ]n.接头,接缝,结点,结合,节理[177]leaching:[ 'li:t∫iŋ ] n.浸出,浸析,溶析[178]sulphate attack:硫酸盐侵蚀;sulphate:[ 'sΛlfeit ]n.[化]硫酸盐[179]dissolve:[ di'zolv ]n.溶解,解散,熔化[180]hydraulic structure:水工建筑物,水工结构[181]construction joint:施工缝,工作缝, 结构缝,伸缩缝;construction:[ kən'strΛk∫ən ]n.建筑, 建筑物, 解释, 造句[182]dense:[ dens ] adj.致密的,稠密的[183]cracking:[ 'krækiŋ ] n.裂缝,裂纹[184]sulphoaluminate:[ ,sΛlfə,ə'lju:mineit ] n.硫代铝酸盐[185]intensity:[ in'tensiti ]n.强度,烈度,亮度[186]magnesium sulphate:硫酸镁;magnesium:[ mæg'ni:zjəm ]n.[化]镁[187]vigorous:[ 'vigərəs ]adj.精力旺盛的, 有力的, 健壮的[188]supersulphated[ sju:pə'sΛlfeit id ] cement:高硫酸盐(石膏矿渣)水泥[189]high-alumina cement:高铝水泥;alumina:[ ə'lju:minə ]n.[化]氧化铝(亦称矾土) [190]impermeable:[ im'pə:mjəbl ]adj.不能渗透的, 不渗透性的[191]CP:(the Code [ kəud ] of Practice)实施法规[192]house:[ haus ] vt.收容(收藏)[193]bitumen:[ 'bitjumin ]n.沥青[194]tar:[ ta: ]n.焦油,柏油[195]epoxide[ e'poksaid ] resin[ 'rezin ]:环氧树脂[196]cavitation:[ ,kævi'tei∫ən ] n.空洞现象,空洞,成穴,空蚀,气穴[197]cavitation erosion:气蚀, 空隙腐蚀;erosion:[ i'rəuЗən ]n.腐蚀,风化[198]be lined with:排有,排满[199]abrasion:[ ə'breiЗən ]n.磨损,磨蚀[200]tough:[ tΛf ] n.坚韧的,不易磨损的[201]silica gel:硅胶;silica:[ 'silikə ]n.硅石,二氧化硅[202]disintegration:[ dis,inti'g rei∫ən ]n.瓦解[203]chert:[ t∫ə:t ]n.燧石, 黑硅石[204]siliceous limestones:硅质灰岩;siliceous:[ si'li∫əs ]adj.硅质的,含硅的,硅酸的;limestone:[ 'laimstəun ]n.石灰石,石灰岩[205]volcanic rocks:火山岩;volcanic:[ vol'kænik ]adj.火山的, 象火山的[206]soda:[ 'səudə ] n.苏打,纯碱,碳酸钠[207]equivalent:[ i'kwivələnt ]n.相等物,当量[208]pozzolanic:[ ,potsə'la:nik ]adj. 火山灰质的,凝硬性的,火山灰的[209]plastic state:塑(性状)态[210]watertightness:[ 'wo:tətaitnis ] n.不透水性,防水性,水密性[211]porosity:[ po:'rositi ]n.孔隙率,多孔性, 有孔性[212]settlement:[ 'setlmənt ]n.沉降,沉积,下沉[213]plastic shrinkage:塑性收缩[214]autogenous [ o:'to dЗinəs ] shrinkage:自生收缩,自然收缩[215]drying shrinkage:干燥收缩,干缩[216]movement joint:活动缝,施工缝[217]hessian:[ 'hesiən ] n.粗麻布[218]polythene:[ 'poli,θi:n ] n.聚乙烯[219]membrane curing:薄膜养护;membrane:[ 'membrein ]n.膜, 隔膜[220]net:[ net ] adj.净余的, 纯粹的[221]as the name implies:顾名思义[222]draw out:拔出, 抽出,拉长[223]capillary pore:毛细管,毛细孔;capillary:[ kə'piləri ]n.毛细管;adj.毛状的, 毛细管的[224]immersion:[ i'mə:∫ən ] n.沉浸[225]distribution:[ ,distri'bju:∫ən ] n.分布,分配,分类[226]be inversely proportional to:反比于,与...成反比[227]aggregate-cement ratio:集灰比,骨料水泥比[228]be compatible [ kəm'pætəbl ] with:和...相适合,不矛盾[229]swelling:[ 'sweliŋ ]n.膨胀,肿胀[230]deflection:[ di'flek∫ən ] n.挠度,变位,偏转[231]specific surface area:比表面积;specific:[ spi'sifik ]adj.比…,单位…;特殊的,对比的;特定的,特效的[232]overshadow:[ ,əuvə'∫ædəu ] v.遮蔽, 使...失色[233]ignition loss:灼烧损失,烧失量;ignition:[ ig'ni∫ən ] n.点火,着火,灼烧[234]reinforced [ ,ri:in'fo:sd ] concrete:钢筋混凝土[235]vibrational [ vai'brei∫ənəl ] methods:振动法[236]uniformity:[ ,ju:ni'fo:miti ]n. 均匀性, 一致性, 统一性[237]flaw:[ flo: ]n.裂缝,缺陷,瑕疵[238]hardness methods:硬度法;hardness:[ 'ha:dnis ]n.硬度[239]resonance method:共振法,谐振法;resonance:[ 'rezənəns ]n.共鸣, 回声, 反响, 中介, 谐振, 共振[240]dynamic modulus of elasticity:动弹性模量;dynamic:[ dai'næmik ]adj.动力的, 动力学的, 动态的[241]well-defined:adj.意义明确的,轮廓分明的[242]longitudinal:[ lo ndЗi'tju:dinl ]adj.经度的, 纵向的[243]torsional:[ 'to:∫ənəl ] adj.扭转的; 扭力的[244]exciter:[ ik'saitə ]激振器,励磁机,激励器[245]pick-up units:检测装置[246]bring into contact with:使接触,使与...联系[247]variable-frequency oscillator:变频振荡器;oscillator:[ 'osileitə ]n.振荡器[248]amplification:[ ,æmplifi'kei∫ən ] n.放大,扩大,推广[249]amplitude:[ 'æmplitju:d ] n.振幅,幅度[250]meter:[ 'mi:tə ]n.米,仪器,仪表[251]natural frequency:固有频率[252]density:[ 'densiti ]n.密度,浓度,稠度[253]static modulus of elasticity:静弹性模量;static:[ 'stætik ]adj.静态的, 静力的[254]ultrasonic pulse method:超声脉冲法;ultrasonic:[ 'Λltrə'sonik ]adj.超音速的, 超声的;n.超声波;pulse:[ pΛls ]n.脉搏, 脉冲[255]apparatus:[ ,æpə'reitəs ] n.器械,设备,仪器[256]electro-acoustical transducer:电声换能器;electro-acoustical:[ i,lektrəuə'ku:stik(ə)l ] adj.电声学的,电声的;transducer:[ trænz'dju:sə ]n. 转换器,换能器,传感器[257]electrical[ i'lektrik(ə)l ] timing unit:电动计时装置[258]accuracy:[ 'ækjurəsi ] n.精确性, 正确度[259]sharpness:[ '∫a:pnis ] n.锐度,清晰度[260]comparative:[ kəm'pærətiv ] adj.比较的, 相当的[261]inferior:[ in'fiəriə ] n.劣等的,下级的,初等的[262]media:[ 'mi:djə ] n.媒体,介质[263]continuous assessment:连续评估[264]Schmidt rebound hammer:施密特回弹仪;rebound hammer:回弹仪;rebound:[ ri'baund ]n.&v.回弹[265]instrument:[ 'instrumənt ] n.仪器,仪表;器械,器具;工具;装置[266]kinetic energy:动能;kinetic:[ kai'netik ]adj.(运)动的, 动力(学)的[267]plunger:[ 'plΛndЗə ]n.柱塞,冲杆[268]impinge:[ im'pindЗ ] v.碰撞,冲击[269]rider:[ 'raidə ] n.游码[270]empirical:[ em'pirikəl ]adj.完全根据经验的, 经验主义的, [化]实验式[271]rebound number:回弹数[272]secondhand:[ 'sekənd'hænd ] adj.第二手的,间接的[273]calibration:[ ,kæli'brei∫ən ] n.标度,刻度,校准[274]mineralogy:[ ,minə'rælədЗi ]n.矿物学[275]bear in mind:记住[276]locate:[ ləu'keit ] vt.定位(探测,设置)[277]gamma ray:伽玛射线,γ射线;gamma:[ 'gæmə ]n.100万分之1克, 微克,伽玛[278]electrical method:电法[279]electromagnetic method:电磁法;electromagnetic:[ ilektrəu'mægnitik ]adj.电磁的。
(建筑工程管理)建筑字典zdjARCHITECTURAL&STRUCTURAL EVERYDAYVOCABULARYSCHEDULE 建筑及结构常用词汇表中国天辰化学工程公司TABLEOFCONTENTS目录1.ARCHITECTURE建筑专业a.DESIGNBASIS设计依据b.DESIGNSTAGE设计阶段c.CLIMATECONDITION气象条件d.GENERALROOMNAME常用房间名称e.ROOFING&CEILING屋面及天棚f.WALL(CLADDING)墙体(外墙板)g.FLOOR&TRENCH地面及地沟h.DOORS、GLASS、WINDOWS&IRONMONGERY(HAR DWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件I.STAIRCASE、LANDING&LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯j.BUILDINGMATERIALWORDSAND PHRASES建筑材料词汇及短语【BricksandTiles砖和瓦】【Lime,SandandStone灰、砂和石】【Cement,MortarandConcrete水泥、砂浆和混凝土】【FacingAndPlasteringMaterials 饰面及粉刷材料】【Asphalt(Bitumen)andAsbestos 沥青和石棉】【Timber木材】【MetallicMaterials金属材料】【Non-FerrousMetal有色金属】【Anti-CorrosionMaterials防腐蚀材料】【BuildingHardware建筑五金】【Paint油漆】k.OTHERARCHITECTURALTERMS 其它建筑术语【Discipline专业】【ConventionalTerms一般通用名词】【ArchitecturalPhysics建筑物理】【NameOfProfessionalrole职务名称】【Drafting制图】2.STRUCTURE结构专业a.LOAD荷载b.GROUNDBASEANDFOUNDATIO N地基及基础c.REINFORCEMENTCONCRETESTR UCTURE钢筋混凝土结构d.STEELSTRUCTURE钢结构e.DESIGNFORANTISEISMIC抗震设计f.GENERALWORDSFORDESIGN 设计常用词汇g.GENERALWORDSFORCONSTRU CTION施工常用词汇1.ARCHITECTURE建筑专业a.DESIGNBASIS设计依据计划建议书planningproposals设计任务书designorder标准规范standardsandcodes条件图informationdrawing 设计基础资料basicdatafordesign 工艺流程图processflowchart工程地质资料engineeringgeologicaldata原始资料originaldata设计进度scheduleofdesignb.STAGEOFDESIGN设计阶段方案scheme,draft草图sketch会谈纪要summaryofdiscussion 谈判negotiation可行性研究feasibilitystudy初步设计preliminarydesign 基础设计basicdesign 详细设计detaildesign 询价图enquirydrawing 施工图workingdrawing, constructiondrawing 竣工图asbuiltdrawingc.CLIMATECONDITION气象条件日照sunshine风玫瑰windrose主导风向prevailingwinddirection 最大(平均)风速maximum(mean)windvelocity 风荷载windload最大(平均)降雨量maximum(mean)rainfall雷击及闪电thunderandlightning 飓风hurricane台风typhoon旋风cyclone降雨强度rainfallintensity年降雨量annualrainfall 湿球温度wetbulbtemperature 干球温度drybulbtemperature 冰冻期frostperiod冰冻线frostline冰冻区frostzone 室外计算温度calculatingoutdoortemperature 采暖地区regionwithheatingprovision不采暖地区regionwithoutheatingprovision 绝对大气压absoluteatmosphericpressure 相对湿度relativehumidityd.GENERALROOMNAME 常用房间名称办公室office服务用房serviceroom换班室shiftroom休息室restroom(breakroom) 起居室livingroom浴室bathroom 淋浴间shower更衣室lockerroom 厕所lavatory门厅lobby诊室clinic工作间workshop电气开关室switchroom走廊corridor档案室archive电梯机房liftmotorroom车库garage清洁间cleaningroom会议室(正式)conferenceroom 会议室meetingroom衣柜间wardrobe暖风间H.V.A.Croom饭店restaurant餐厅canteen,diningroom厨房kitchen入口entrance接待处receptionarea 会计室accountantroom 秘书室secretaryroom 电气室electricalroom 控制室controlroom工长室foremanoffice 开关柜室switchgear前室antecabinet(Ante.) 生产区productionarea 马达控制中心Mcc多功能用房utilityroom 化验室laboratoryroom 经理室managerroom 披屋(阁楼)penthouse 警卫室guardhousee.ROOFINGANDCEILING 屋面及天棚女儿墙parapet雨蓬canopy屋脊roofridge坡度slope坡跨比pitch分水线water-shed二毡三油2layersoffelt&3coatsofbitumastic 附加油毡一层extraplyoffelt檐口eave挑檐overhangingeave檐沟eavegutter平屋面flatroof坡屋面pitchedroof雨水管downspout,rainwaterpipe)(R.W.P) 汇水面积catchmentarea 泛水flashing内排水interiordrainage外排水exteriordrainage滴水drip屋面排水roofdrainage找平层levelingcourse卷材屋面built-uproofing天棚ceiling檩条purlin屋面板roofingboard天花板ceilingboard防水层water-proofcourse检查孔inspectionhole人孔manhole吊顶suspendedceiling,falseceiling 檐板(窗帘盒)cornicef.WALL(CLADDING)墙体(外墙板)砖墙brickwall砌块墙blockwall清水砖墙brickwallwithoutplastering 抹灰墙renderedwall石膏板墙gypsumboard,plasterboard 空心砖墙hollowbrickwall承重墙bearingwall非承重墙non-bearingwall纵墙longitudinalwall横墙transversewall外墙external(exterior)wall内墙internal(interior)wall填充墙fillerwall防火墙firewall窗间墙wallbetweenwindow空心墙cavitywall压顶coping圈梁gird,girt,girth玻璃隔断glazedwall防潮层damp-proofcourse(D.P.C) 遮阳板sunshade阳台balcony伸缩缝expansionjoint沉降缝settlementjoint抗震缝seismicjoint复合夹心板sandwichboard压型单板corrugatedsinglesteelplate 外墙板claddingpanel复合板compositepanel轻质隔断light-weightpartition牛腿bracket砖烟囱brickchimney勒脚(基座)plinthg.FLOORANDTRENCH地面及地沟地坪grade地面和楼面groundandfloor素土夯实rammedearth炉渣夯实tampedcinder填土filledearth回填土夯实tampedbackfill垫层beddingcourse,blinding面层covering,finish结合层bonding(binding)course 找平层levelingcourse素水泥浆结合层neatcementbindingcourse混凝土地面concretefloor水泥地面cementfloor机器磨平混凝土地面machinetrowelledconcretefloor 水磨石地面terrazzoflooring马赛克地面mosaicflooring瓷砖地面ceramictileflooring油地毡地面linoleumflooring 预制水磨石地面precastterrazzoflooring 硬木花地面hard-woodparquetflooring 搁栅joist硬木毛地面hard-woodroughflooring企口板地面tonguedandgroovedflooring 防酸地面acid-resistantfloor钢筋混凝土楼板reinforcedconcreteslab(R.CSlab)乙烯基地面vinylflooring水磨石嵌条dividerstripforterrazzo地面做2%坡floorwith2%slope集水沟gully集水口gulley排水沟drainagetrench沟盖板trenchcover活动盖板removablecoverplate集水坑sumppit孔翻边holeupstand电缆沟cabletrenchh.DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS&IR ONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件木(钢)门wooden(steel)door镶板门panelleddoor夹板门plywooddoor铝合金门aluminumalloydoor卷帘门rollershutterdoor弹簧门swingdoor推拉门slidingdoor平开门side-hungdoor折叠门foldingdoor旋转门revolvingdoor玻璃门glazeddoor密闭门air-Tightdoor保温门thermalinsulatingdoor镀锌铁丝网门galvanizedsteelwiremeshdoor防火门firedoor(大门上的)小门wicket门框doorframe门扇doorleaf门洞dooropening结构开洞structuralopening单扇门singledoor双扇门doubledoor疏散门emergencydoor纱门screendoor门槛doorsill门过梁doorlintel上冒头toprail下冒头bottomrail门边木stile门樘侧料sidejumb槽口notch木窗woodenwindow钢窗steelwindow铝合金窗aluminumalloywindow百叶窗(通风为主)sun-bind,louver(louver,shutter,blind) 塑钢窗plasticsteelwindow空腹钢窗hollowsteelwindow固定窗fixedwindow平开窗side-hungwindow推拉窗slidingwindow气窗transom上悬窗top-hungwindow中悬窗center-pivotedwindow下悬窗hopperwindow活动百叶窗adjustablelouver天窗skylight老虎窗dormerwindow密封双层玻璃sealeddoubleglazing 钢筋混凝土过梁reinforcedconcretelintel钢筋砖过梁reinforcedbricklintel 窗扇casementsash窗台windowsill窗台板windowboard窗中梃mullion窗横木mutin窗边木stile压缝条covermould窗帘盒curtainbox合页(铰链)hinge(butts)转轴pivot长脚铰链parliamenthinge闭门器doorcloser地弹簧floorcloser插销bolt门锁doorlock拉手pull链条chain门钩doorhanger碰球balllatch窗钩windowcatch暗插销insertbolt电动开关器electricopener 平板玻璃plateglass夹丝玻璃wireglass透明玻璃clearglass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) groundglass(frostedglass) 防弹玻璃bullet-proofglass 石英玻璃quartzglass吸热玻璃heatabsorbingglass 磨光玻璃polishedglass着色玻璃pigmentedglass玻璃瓦glasstile玻璃砖glassblock有机玻璃organicglassI.STAIRCASE,LANDING&LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯stair楼梯间staircase疏散梯emergencystair旋转梯spiralstair(circularstair)吊车梯craneladder直爬梯verticalladder踏步step扇形踏步winder(wheelstep)踏步板tread档步板riser踏步宽度treadwidth防滑条non-slipinsert(strips)栏杆railing(balustrade)平台栏杆platformrailing吊装孔栏杆railingaroundmountinghole 扶手handrail 梯段高度heightofflight防护梯笼protectingcage(safetycage) 平台landing(platform)操作平台operatingplatform装卸平台platformforloading&unloading楼梯平台stairlanding客梯passengerlift货梯goodslift客/货两用梯goods/passengerlift液压电梯hydrauliclift自动扶梯escalator观光电梯observationelevator电梯机房liftmortarroom电梯坑liftpit电梯井道liftshaftj.BUILDINGMATERIALWORDSAN DPHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语•BricksandTiles砖和瓦红砖redbrick粘土砖claybrick瓷砖glazedbrick(ceramictile) 防火砖firebrick空心砖hollowbrick面砖facingbrick地板砖flooringtile缸砖clinkerybrick 马赛克mosaic陶粒混凝土ceramsiteconcrete琉璃瓦glazedtile脊瓦ridgetile石棉瓦asbestostile(shingle)波形石棉水泥瓦corrugatedasbestoscementsheet•Lime,SandandStone灰、砂和石石膏gypsum大理石marble汉白玉whitemarble 花岗岩granite碎石crushedstone 毛石rubble蛭石vermiculite 珍珠岩pearlite水磨石terrazzo 卵石cobble砾石gravel粗砂coursesand 中砂mediumsand 细砂finesand•Cement,MortarandConcrete水泥、砂浆和混凝土波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥) Portlandcement硅酸盐水泥silicatecement火山灰水泥pozzolanacement 白水泥whitecement水泥砂浆cementmortar石灰砂浆limemortar水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-limemortar保温砂浆thermalmortar防水砂浆water-proofmortar 耐酸砂浆acid-resistantmortar 耐碱砂浆alkaline-resistantmortar 沥青砂浆bituminousmortar纸筋灰paperstripmixedlimemortar 麻刀灰hempcutlimemortar灰缝mortarjoint素混凝土plainconcrete钢筋混凝土reinforcedconcrete轻质混凝土lightweightconcrete细石混凝土fineaggregateconcrete 沥青混凝土asphaltconcrete泡沫混凝土foamedconcrete炉渣混凝土cinderconcrete•FacingAndPlasteringMaterials饰面及粉刷材料水刷石graniticplaster斩假石artificialstone刷浆limewash可赛银casein大白浆whitewash麻刀灰打底hempcutsandlimeasbase 喷大白浆两道sprayedtwicewithwhitewash 分格抹水泥砂浆cementmortarplastersectioned 板条抹灰lathandplaster•Asphalt(Bitumen)andAsbestos沥青和石棉沥青卷材asphaltfelt沥青填料asphaltfiller沥青胶泥asphaltgrout冷底子油adhesivebitumenprimer 沥青玛啼脂asphalticmastic 沥青麻丝bitumasticoakum 石棉板asbestossheet石棉纤维asbestosfiber •Timber木材裂缝crack透裂split环裂shake干缩shrinkage翘曲warping原木log圆木roundtimber方木squaretimber板材plank木条batten板条lath木板board红松redpine白松whitepine落叶松deciduouspine 云杉spruce柏木cypress白杨whitepoplar桦木birch 冷杉fir栎木oak榴木willow榆木elm杉木cedar柚木teak樟木camphorwood防腐处理的木材preservative-treatedlumber胶合板plywood三(五)合板3(5)-plywood企口板tonguedandgroovedboard 层夹板laminatedplank胶合层夹木材glue-laminatedlumber 纤维板fiber-board竹子bamboo •MetallicMaterials金属材料黑色金属ferrousmetal圆钢steelbBar方钢squaresteel扁钢steelatrap型钢steelsection(shape)槽钢channel角钢anglesteel等边角钢equal-legangle不等边角钢unequal-legangle工字钢I-beam宽翼缘工字钢wideflangeI-beam丁(之)字钢T-bar(Z-bar)冷弯薄壁型钢lightgaugecold-formedsteelshape 热轧hot-rolled冷轧cold-rolled冷拉cold-drawn冷压cold-pressed合金钢alloysteel 钛合金titaniumalloy不锈钢stainlesssteel竹节钢筋corrugatedsteelbar 变形钢筋deformedbar光圆钢筋plainroundbar钢板steelplate薄钢板thinsteelplate低碳钢lowcarbonsteel冷弯coldbending钢管steelpipe(tube)无缝钢管seamlesssteelpipe 焊接钢管weldedsteelpipe黑铁管ironpipe镀锌钢管galvanizedsteelpipe 铸铁castiron生铁pigiron熟铁wroughtiron镀锌铁皮galvanizedsteelsheet 镀锌铁丝galvanizedsteelwire钢丝网steelwiremesh多孔金属网expandedmetal 锰钢managanesesteel高强度合金钢highstrengthalloysteel •Non-FerrousMetal有色金属金gold白金platinum 铜copper黄铜brass 青铜bronze 银silver铝aluminum 铅lead•Anti-CorrosionMaterials防腐蚀材料聚乙烯polythene,polyethylene 尼龙nylon聚氯乙烯PVC(polyvinylchloride) 聚碳酸酯polycarbonate聚苯乙烯polystyrene丙烯酸树酯acrylicresin乙烯基酯vinylester橡胶内衬rubberlining氯丁橡胶neoprene 沥青漆bitumenpaint环氧树脂漆epoxyresinpaint氧化锌底漆zincoxideprimer防锈漆anti-rustpaint耐酸漆acid-resistantpaint耐碱漆alkali-resistantpaint水玻璃sodiumsilicate树脂砂浆resin-bondedmortar环氧树脂epoxyresin •BuildingHardware建筑五金钉子nails螺纹屋面钉spiral-threadedroofingnail 环纹石膏板钉annular-ringgypsumboardnail螺丝screws平头螺丝flat-headscrew 螺栓bolt普通螺栓commercialbolt 高强螺栓highstrengthbolt 预埋螺栓insertbolt胀锚螺栓cinchbolt垫片washer•Paint油漆底漆primer防锈底漆rust-inhibitiveprimer 防腐漆anti-corrosionpaint调和漆mixedpaint无光漆flatpaint透明漆varnish银粉漆aluminumpaint磁漆enamelpaint 干性油dryingoil稀释剂thinner焦油tar沥青漆asphaltpaint桐油tungoil,Chinesewoodoil 红丹redlead铅油leadoil腻子puttyk.OTHERARCHITECTURALTERMS其它建筑术语•Discipline专业建筑architecture土木civil给排水watersupplyanddrainage 总图plotplan采暖通风H.V.A.C(heating、ventilationandairconditioning) 电力供应electricpowersupply 电气照明electriclighting电讯telecommunication仪表instrument热力供应heatpowersupply动力mechanicalpower工艺processtechnology管道piping •ConventionalTerms一般通用名词建筑原理architectonics建筑形式architecturalstyle民用建筑civilarchitecture城市建筑urbanarchitecture农村建筑ruralarchitecture农业建筑farmbuilding工业建筑industrialbuilding重工业的heavyindustrial轻工业的lightindustrial古代建筑ancientarchitecture现代建筑modernarchitecture标准化建筑standardizedbuildings 附属建筑auxiliarybuildings城市规划cityplanning厂区内withinsite厂区外offsite封闭式closedtype开敞式opentype半开敞式semi-opentype 模数制modularsystem单位造价unitcost概算preliminaryestimate承包商constructor,contractor 现场site扩建extension改建reconstruction防火fire-prevention防震aseismatic,quake-proof 防腐anti-corrosion防潮dump-proof防水water-proof防尘dust-proof防锈rust-proof车流量trafficvolume货流量freighttrafficvolume 人流量pedestrianvolume透视图perspectivedrawing 建筑模型buildingmodel•ArchitecturalPhysics建筑物理照明illumination照度degreeofillumination 亮度brightness日照sunshine天然采光naturallighting 光强lightintensity侧光sidelight顶光toplight眩光glaze方位角azimuth 辐射radiation对流convection传导conduction遮阳sun-shade保温thermalinsulation恒温constanttemperature 恒湿constanthumidity噪音noise隔音sound-proof吸音soundabsorption露点dewpoint 隔汽vapor-proof •NameOfProfessionalrole职务名称项目经理projectmanager(PM) 设计经理designmanager首席建筑师principalarchitect 总工程师chiefengineer土木工程师civilengineer工艺工程师processengineer 电气工程师electricalengineer 机械工程师mechanicalengineer 计划工程师planningengineer 助理工程师assistantengineer 实习生probationer专家specialist,expert制图员draftsman技术员technician •Drafting制图总说明generalspecification工程说明projectspecification采用标准规范目录listofstandardsandspecificationadopted 图纸目录listofdrawings平面图plan局部放大图detailwithenlargedscale ...平面示意图schematicplanof... ...平剖面图sectionalplanof...留孔平面图planofprovisionofholes剖面section纵剖面longitudinalsection横剖面cross(transverse)section立面elevation正立面frontelevation透视图perspectivedrawing侧立面sideelevation背立面backelevation详图detaildrawings典型节点typicaldetail节点号detailNo.首页frontpage图纸目录及说明listofcontentsanddescription图例legend示意图diagram草图sketch 荷载简图loaddiagram流程示意图flowdiagram标准图standarddrawing ...布置图layoutof...地形图topographicalmap土方工程图earth-workdrawing展开图developeddrawing模板图formworkdrawing配筋arrangementofreinforcement 表格tables工程进度表workingschedule技术经济指标technicalandeconomicalindex 建、构筑物一览表listofbuildingsandstructures编号coding序列号serialNo.行和栏rowsandcolumns备注remarks等级grade直线straightLine曲线curves曲折线zigzagline虚线dottedline实线solidline影线hatchingline点划线dotanddashline轴线axis等高线contourLine中心线centerLine双曲线hyperbola抛物线parabola切线tangentLine尺寸线dimensionLine园形round环形annular方形square矩形rectangle平行四边形parallelogram三角形triangle五角形pentagon六角形hexagon八角形octagon梯形trapezoid圆圈circle弓形sagment扇形sector球形的spherical抛物面paraboloid圆锥形cone椭圆形ellipse,oblong面积area体积volume容量capacity重量weight质量mass力force米meter厘米centimeter毫米millimeter公顷hectate牛顿/平方米Newton/squaremeter 千克/立方米kilogram/cubicmeter 英尺foot英寸inch 磅pound吨ton加仑gallon千磅kip平均尺寸averagedimension 变尺寸variabledimension外形尺寸overalldimension展开尺寸developeddimension 内径insidediameter外径outsidediameter净重netweight毛重grossweight数量quantity百分比percentage净空clearance净高headroom净距cleardistance净跨clearspan截面尺寸sectionaldimension 开间bay进深depth单跨singlespan双跨doublespan多跨multi-span标高elevation,level绝对标高absoluteelevation设计标高designedelevation 室外地面标高groundelevation 室内地面标高floorelevation 柱网columngrid坐标coordinate厂区占地sitearea使用面积usablearea辅助面积servicearea通道面积passagearea管架piperack管廊pipelinegallery架空管线overheadpipeline排水沟drainditch 集水坑sumppit 喷泉fountain地漏floordrain消火栓firehydrant 灭火器fireextinguisher二氧化碳灭火器carbondioxideextinguisher卤代烷灭火器halonextinguisher2.STRUCTURE结构专业 a.Load荷载拔力pullingforce标准值standardvalue残余应力residualstress冲击荷载impactload,punchload残余变形residualdeflection承压bearing承载能力bearingcapacity承重bearing,loadbearing承重结构bearingstructure脆性材料brittlematerial脆性破坏brittlefailure抵抗力resistingpower,resistance吊车荷载craneload分布荷载distributedload风荷载windload风速windvelocity,windspeed风压windpressure风振windvibration浮力buoyance,floatage符号symbol,mark负弯矩negativemoment,hoggingmoment 附加荷载additionalload附加应力additionalstress副作用sideeffect,by-effect刚度rigidity刚度比ratioofrigidity刚度系数rigidityfactor刚接rigidconnection刚性节点rigidjoint恒载deadload荷载传递transmissionofload固端弯矩fixed-endmoment活荷载liveload积灰荷载dustload集中荷载concentratedload加载,加荷loading 剪力shear,shearingforce剪切破坏shearfailure剪应变shearstrain剪应力shearstress简支simplesupport静定结构staticallydeterminatestructure 截面模量modulusofsection, sectionmodulus静力staticforce静力分析staticanalysis局部压力localpressure,partialpressure 局部压屈localbulkling绝对值absolutevalue均布荷载uniformlydistributedload抗拔力pullingresistance抗剪刚度shearrigidity抗剪强度shearstrength,shearingstrength抗拉强度tensilestrength抗扭torsionresistance抗扭刚度torsionalrigidity抗弯bendingresistance抗弯刚度bendingrigidity抗压强度compressivestrength, compressionstrength可靠性reliability可靠性设计reliabilitydesign拉力tensileforce拉应力tensilestress,tensionstress拉应变tensilestrain,tensionstrain临界点criticalpoint临界荷载criticalload临界应力criticalstress密度density离心力centrifugalforce摩擦力frictionforce摩擦系数frictionalfactor挠度deflection内力internalforce,innerforce扭矩momentoftorsion,torsionalmoment 疲劳强度fatiguestrength偏心荷载eccentricload,non-centralload 偏心距eccentricdistance,eccentricity偏心受拉eccentrictension偏心受压eccentriccompression屈服强度yieldstrength使用荷载workingload水平力horizontalforce水平推力horizontalthrust弹塑性变形elastoplasticdeformation弹性elasticity,resilience,spring塑限plasticlimit弹性变形elasticdeformation塑性变形plasticdeformation弹性模量modulusofelastic, elasticmodulus 体积volume,bulk,cubature,cubage 土压力earthpressure,soilpressure 弯矩bendingmoment,moment弯曲半径radiusatbent,radiusofcurve 位移displacement温度应力temperaturestress温度作用temperatureaction系数coefficient,factor雪荷载snowload压应变compressionstrain压应力compressionstress应力集中concentrationofstress预应力prestressingforce,prestress 振动荷载vibratingload,rackingload 支座反力supportreaction自重ownweight作用action,effect作用点pointofapplication, applicationjointb.GroundBaseandFoundation地基及基础板桩sheetpile,sheetingpile板桩基础sheetpilefoundation饱和粘土saturationclay冰冻线frostline,freezinglevel不均匀沉降unequalsettlement,differentialsettleme nt残积土residualsoil沉积物deposit,sediment沉降settlement沉降差differenceinsettlement沉降缝settlementjoint沉井sinkingwell,sunkwell沉箱caisson持力层bearingstratum冲积alluviation锤夯hammertamping 档土墙retainingwall,breastwall底板baseslab,baseplate,bedplate地板floorboard地基groundbase,ground地基承载力groundbearingcapacity地基处理groundtreatment,soiltreatment 地基稳定basestabilization地梁groundbeam,groundsill地漏floordrain地下工程substructurework, understructurework地下室basement,cellar地下水groundwater地下水位groundwaterlevel,watertable 地下水压力groundwaterpressure地质报告geologicreport垫层bedding,blinding独立基础isolatedfoundation,individualfoundatio n端承桩end-bearingpile筏式基础raftfoundation粉砂silt,rockflour粉质粘土siltyclay粉质土siltysoil扶壁式档土墙buttressedretainingwall 腐蚀corrosion覆土earthcovering刚性基础rigidfoundation沟盖板trenchcover固结consolidation灌注桩cast-in-placepile,castinsitepile 护坡slopeprotection,revetment护桩guardpile环墙ringwall灰土limeearth回填backfill,backfilling回填土backfill,backfillsoil混凝土找平层concretescreed火山灰水泥trasscement基槽foundationtrench基础foundation,base基础底板foundationslab基础埋深embeddeddepthoffoundation 基础平面图foundationplan地基勘探siteexploration,siteinvestigation基坑foundationpit集水坑collectingsump阶形基础steppedfoundation结合层bindingcourse,bondingcourse 井点wellpoint井点排水wellpointunwatering开挖excavation,cutting勘测explorationandsurvey 勘测资料explorationdata沥青bitumen,asphalt,pitch联合基础combinedfoundation卵石cobble,pebble埋置embedment毛石基础rubblefoundation锚筋anchorbar锚桩anchorpile密实度compactness,density,denseness 摩擦桩frictionpile,floatingpile粘土clay粘质粉土claysilt碾压rollercompaction,rolling排水drainage,dewatering排水沟drainageditch排水孔weephole,drainhole排水设备dewateringequipment普通硅酸盐水泥ordinaryPortlandcement 群桩groupedpiles容许沉降permissiblesettlement容许承载力allowablebearing软土softsoil砂垫层sandbeddingcourse,sandcushion 砂土sandysoil,sands砂质粉土sandysilt设备基础equipmentfoundation水泥搅拌桩cementinjection素土夯实rammedearth,packedsoil碎石桩stonecolumns弹性地基elasticfoundation弹性地基梁beamonelasticfoundation 填方fill,filling填土earth-fill,earthfilling,filling条形基础stripfoundation土方工程earthwork挖方excavationwork,excavation箱形基础boxfoundation压实compaction,compacting压实系数compactingfactor验槽checkoffoundationsubsoil 预制混凝土桩precastconcretepile 中砂mediumsand重力式档土墙gravityretainingwall 桩承台pilecap钻孔桩boredpile钻探explorationdrilling,drilling,最终沉降finalsettlementc.ReinforcementConcreteStructu re钢筋混凝土结构板缝slabjoint板厚thicknessofslab板式楼梯crankedslabstairs板跨度spanofslab薄壁结构thin-walledstructure薄腹梁thinweddedgirder保护层protectivecoating臂式吊车boomcrane,boomhoist边梁edgebeam,boundarybeam变截面variablecross-section变形缝movementjoint变形钢筋deformedbar初凝initialsetting,pre-setting次梁secondarybeam大型屋面板precastribbedroofslab单层厂房one-storiedfactory单筋梁beamwithsinglereinforcement 单跨singlespan单向板one-wayslab垫块cushionblock垫梁templatebeam吊车梁cranebeam,cranegirder顶棚抹灰ceilingplastering端跨endspan,tailbay多跨连续梁multi-spanbeam翻边upstand反梁upstandbeam分布钢筋distribution-bar封闭式箍筋closedstirrup附加钢筋additionalbar刚架rigidframe,stiffframe 钢筋reinforcement,steelbar,bar钢筋表BarSchedules钢筋笼steelreinforcementcage钢筋间距spacingofbars,barspacing钢筋网bar-matreinforcement, meshreinforcement钢筋砖reinforcedbrick勾缝jointpointing构架frame,gallows构件member,structuralmember构造construction构造钢筋constructionalreinforcement 构造柱onstructionalcolumn,tiecolumn 构筑物structure箍筋hoopreinforcement,hooping箍筋间距stirrupspacing固定端fixedend,retainedend固端梁fixed-endbeam,fixedbeam过梁lintel,breastsummer混凝土强度等级gradeofconcrete机制砖machine-madebrick剪力墙shearwall简支梁simplysupportedbeam经济跨度economicspan经济配筋率economicratioofreinforcement劲性钢筋stiffreinforcement劲性钢筋混凝土结构steelcompositeconstruction径向钢筋radialreinforcement抗剪钢筋shearreinforcement抗拉钢筋tensionreinforcement受压钢筋compressionreinforcement可见裂缝visiblecrack刻痕钢丝indentedsteelwire坑pit,hollow,delve空斗墙rowlockcavitywall,rolockwall空心板hollowslab空心砖隔墙hollowtilepartition跨度span框架frame框架剪力墙结构frame-shearwallstructure拉接钢筋tiebar栏杆railing,banister栏杆立柱railingpost老化aging累积误差accumulatederror肋形楼板ribbedfloorslab冷拔低碳钢丝cold-drawnlow-carbonwire 冷脆性coldshortness,coolingbrittleness 冷弯coldbending冷轧coldrolling离析segregation梁垫beampad,template,pad梁挠度beamdeflection楼梯斜梁string,stringer螺旋楼梯spiralstair,windingstaircase马鞍形壳saddleshell锚固anchoring门框,门樘doorframe门式刚架portalframe面砖,墙面砖facingtile,walltile耐火混凝土fire-resistingconcrete排架bent,bentframe 女儿墙parapetwall,parapet配筋率reinforcementratio配箍率stirrupratio砌块block圈梁ringbeam,tiebeam,bondbeam 山墙gable深梁deepbeam伸缩缝expansionjoint实腹梁solidwebgirder实腹柱solidwebcolumn竖向钢筋verticalreinforcement双向配筋two-wayreinforcement素混凝土plainconcrete筒中筒结构tube-in-tubestructure网状钢筋steelmeshreinforcement围堰cofferdam,coffer无梁楼盖flatslab,flatplate系梁tiebeam 预应力钢筋混凝土prestressedreinforcedconcrete预应力构件prestressedcomponent预制prefabrication预制板precastslab预制构件prefabricationcomponent 预制装配式结构prefabricatedconstruction折板foldedplate,foldedslab折板结构folded-platestructure主筋mainreinforcement,mainbar主梁mainbeam,girder柱距columnspacing,postspacing装配式结构fabricatedstructure纵梁longitudinalbeam纵剖面longitudinalsection纵向钢筋longitudinalbard.SteelStructure钢结构薄壁型钢light-gaugesteelsection, hollowsteelsection不等肢角钢unequalanglesteel 槽钢channel,channelsteel背对背角钢组合anglesbacktoback 不锈钢stainlesssteel除锈rust-removal粗制螺栓roughbolt,blackbolt带钢stripsteel,bandiron单面焊singleweld,one-sidewelding 地脚螺栓foundationbolt,anchorbolt, holdingdownbolt点焊spotwelding,pointwelding电动葫芦electrichoist等边角钢equalangle,equallegangle 对接焊,对焊buttwelding腹板webplate,web腹杆webmember腹板加劲件webstiffener杆rod,bar钢板steelplate钢管steeltube,steelpipe钢桁架steeltruss钢框架steelframe钢梯,爬梯steelladder高强度螺栓highstrengthbolt格构柱latticecolumn工字梁I-girder,I-beam工字钢I-steel工字形截面I-shapedcross-section 焊缝weldingseam焊接welding焊接长度weldlength焊条weldingrod桁架truss红丹底漆redleadprimer红丹漆redleadpaint加劲肋stiffeningrib,ribstiffener加劲板stiffeningplate角钢anglesteel节点joint,node节点板gussetplate,gusset节点位移jointdisplacement节间长度panellength 紧固螺栓clampbolt,fasteningbolt精制螺栓turnedbolt可焊性weldability空腹桁架open-webtruss空间桁架spacetruss肋板ribbedpanel,ribbedslab连接板connectingplate,jointplate檩条purline螺母screwnut,nut螺栓bolt螺栓孔bolthole螺纹screwthread,thread螺纹长度lengthofthread螺纹钢screw-threadedsteel,twistedsteel 拉杆tierod,tensionrod满焊fullweld铆钉rivet锰钢manganesesteel喷砂sandblasting轻钢结构lightweightsteelconstruction 三角架tripod上弦topchord,upperchord上弦横向水平支撑upperlateralbracing 上弦纵向水平支撑upperlongitudinalbracing平面桁架planetruss实腹刚架solidwebrigidframe塔架pylonbent特种钢specialsteel调和漆mixedpaint贴角焊filletweld,filletwelding托架bracket网架结构gridstructure屋架rooftruss,principal无缝钢管seamlesssteelpipe系杆tierod,tiebar,tie下弦bottomchord,lowerchord下弦横向水平支撑bottomlateralbracing斜撑diagonalbrace,diagonalbracing 型钢sectionsteel,shapedsteel悬索suspendedcable,suspensioncable 压力焊pressurewelding仰焊overheadwelding,invertedwelding 翼缘flange翼缘板flangeplate,coverplate 轧制型钢rolledsteelsection支撑bracing,strutting铸铁管castironpipe组合槽钢built-upchannel组合截面built-upsection,compoundsection自动焊接automaticweldinge.DesignforAntiseismic抗震设计鞭梢效应whippingeffect场地类别siteclassification场地土sitesoil单自由度体系single-degreeoffreedomsystem底部剪力法equivalentbaseshearmethod 地震earthquake,seism地震烈度earthquakeintensity, seismicintensity地震烈度区划图mapofseismicintensityzoning地震影响系数seismicinfluencecoefficient 地震作用earthquakeaction多自由度体系multi-degreeoffreedomsystem反应谱responsespectrum抗震earthquakeresistance抗震缝seismicjoint,aseismicjoint 抗震构造aseismicconstruction抗震设防earthquakefortification 抗震设计seismicdesign共振resonance基本周期foundamentalperiod里氏震级Richtermagnitude烈度intensity设计近震designnearearthquake 设计远震designfarearthquake时程分析法timehistorymethod 液化liquefaction振型vibrationmode振型分解法modalanalysismethod 震源earthquakefocus震中earthquakeepicenter自由度degreeoffreedom自振周期naturalperiodofvibrationf.GeneralWordsforDesign 设计常用词汇安装installation,erection报价offer,quotedprice报价单quotation壁柱pilaster,muralcolumn变更alteration,variation,modification 变形deformation标高elevation,level标准standard,criterion标准大样standarddetail标准图standarddrawing补充规定additionalregulations补充说明additionalremarks补充条件supplementaryconditions不对称asymmetry布置arrangement,layout布置图layoutplan,layout材料material材料表billofmaterials材料强度strengthofmaterials参见详图referringtodetaildrawing参考点referencepoint参数parameter操作平台operatingplatform草图sketch,draft,roughdrawing侧向刚度lateralrigidity侧向稳定lateralstability侧向约束lateralrestraint侧向支撑lateralbracing,sidebracing拆除demolition,removal长细比slendernessratio厂房factorybuilding,millbuilding超静定staticalindetermination承包contract承包商contractor等效截面equivalentsection底标高bottomelevation电梯lift,elevator,electriclift电梯井elevatorhoistway,liftwell,liftshaft 电梯机房elevatormachineroom方案scheme,plan,programme方案设计schematicplan方案图schematicdrawing防爆explosionprotection,explosion-proofing防潮层damp-proofcourse防冻freezingprevention,frostprotection 防冻剂antifreezecompound防腐preservation防腐剂preservative,preservativeagent 防滑slip-resistance防滑处理deslickingtreatment防滑条non-slipinsert防火fireprevention,fireproofing防火材料fireproofmaterial防火分区firecompartment防水waterproofing防水材料waterproofmaterial防水砂浆waterproofmortar防酸acidproofing方形square防锈rustprevention防锈剂anti-rustagent防振vibrationprotection分配系数distributioncoefficient风化weathering,efflorescence风向winddirection附图attacheddrawing附注note,annotation高层建筑high-risebuilding高差differenceinelevation高跨比ratioofrisetospan高宽比depth-widthratio高耸结构high-risestructure隔断partition,divider工程project,engineering工程量quantities。
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【 Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦】【Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石】【Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土】【Facing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料】【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉】【Timber 木材】【Metallic Materials 金属材料】【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】【Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料】【Building Hardware 建筑五金】【Paint 油漆】k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语【Discipline 专业】【Conventional Terms 一般通用名词】【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】【Name Of Professional role 职务名称】【Drafting 制图】a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据计划建议书 planning proposals设计任务书 design order标准规范standards and codes条件图 information drawing设计基础资料 basic data for design工艺流程图 process flowchart工程地质资料 engineering geological data原始资料 original data设计进度 schedule of designb. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段方案 scheme, draft草图 sketch会谈纪要summary of discussion谈判 negotiation可行性研究 feasibility study初步设计 preliminary design基础设计 basic design详细设计 detail design询价图 enquiry drawing施工图 working drawing, construction drawing竣工图 as built drawingc. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件日照 sunshine风玫瑰 wind rose主导风向 prevailing wind direction 最大(平均)风速 maximum (mean) wind velocity风荷载 wind load最大(平均)降雨量 maximum (mean) rainfall雷击及闪电 thunder and lightning 飓风 hurricane台风 typhoon旋风 cyclone降雨强度rainfall intensity年降雨量 annual rainfall湿球温度 wet bulb temperature干球温度 dry bulb temperature冰冻期 frost period冰冻线 frost line冰冻区 frost zone室外计算温度 calculating outdoor temperature采暖地区 region with heating provision 不采暖地区 region without heating provision绝对大气压 absolute atmospheric pressure相对湿度 relative humidityd. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称办公室 office服务用房 service room换班室 shift room休息室 rest room (break room)起居室 living room浴室 bathroom淋浴间 shower更衣室 locker room厕所 lavatory门厅 lobby诊室 clinic工作间 workshop电气开关室 switchroom走廊 corridor档案室 archive电梯机房 lift motor room车库 garage清洁间 cleaning room会议室(正式) conference room 会议室 meeting room衣柜间 ward robe暖风间 H.V.A.C room饭店 restaurant餐厅 canteen, dining room厨房 kitchen入口 entrance接待处 reception area会计室 accountant room秘书室 secretary room电气室 electrical room控制室 control room工长室 foreman office开关柜室 switch gear前室 antecabinet (Ante.)生产区 production area马达控制中心 Mcc多功能用房 utility room化验室 laboratory room经理室 manager room披屋(阁楼) penthouse警卫室 guard housee. ROOFING AND CEILING 屋面及天棚女儿墙 parapet雨蓬 canopy屋脊 roof ridge坡度 slope坡跨比 pitch分水线 water-shed二毡三油 2 layers of felt & 3 coats of bitumastic附加油毡一层 extra ply of felt檐口 eave挑檐 overhanging eave檐沟 eave gutter平屋面 flat roof坡屋面 pitched roof雨水管 downspout, rain waterpipe)(R.W.P)汇水面积 catchment area泛水 flashing内排水 interior drainage外排水 exterior drainage滴水 drip屋面排水 roof drainage找平层 leveling course卷材屋面 built-up roofing天棚 ceiling檩条 purlin屋面板 roofing board天花板 ceiling board防水层 water-proof course检查孔 inspection hole人孔 manhole吊顶 suspended ceiling, false ceiling 檐板(窗帘盒) cornicef. WALL (CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)砖墙 brick wall砌块墙 block wall清水砖墙 brick wall without plastering 抹灰墙 rendered wall石膏板墙 gypsum board, plaster board 空心砖墙 hollow brick wall承重墙 bearing wall非承重墙 non-bearing wall纵墙 longitudinal wall横墙 transverse wall外墙 external (exterior) wall内墙 internal (interior) wall填充墙 filler wall防火墙 fire wall窗间墙 wall between window空心墙 cavity wall压顶 coping圈梁 gird, girt, girth玻璃隔断 glazed wall防潮层 damp-proof course (D.P.C)遮阳板 sunshade阳台 balcony伸缩缝 expansion joint沉降缝 settlement joint抗震缝 seismic joint复合夹心板 sandwich board压型单板 corrugated single steel plate 外墙板 cladding panel复合板 composite panel轻质隔断 light-weight partition牛腿 bracket砖烟囱 brick chimney勒脚(基座) plinthg. FLOOR AND TRENCH 地面及地沟地坪 grade地面和楼面 ground and floor素土夯实 rammed earth炉渣夯实 tamped cinder填土 filled earth回填土夯实 tamped backfill垫层 bedding course, blinding面层 covering, finish结合层 bonding (binding) course找平层 leveling course素水泥浆结合层 neat cement binding course混凝土地面 concrete floor水泥地面 cement floor机器磨平混凝土地面 machine trowelled concrete floor水磨石地面 terrazzo flooring马赛克地面 mosaic flooring瓷砖地面 ceramic tile flooring油地毡地面 linoleum flooring预制水磨石地面 precast terrazzo flooring硬木花地面 hard-wood parquet flooring 搁栅 joist硬木毛地面 hard-wood rough flooring企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring 防酸地面 acid-resistant floor钢筋混凝土楼板 reinforced concrete slab (R.C Slab)乙烯基地面 vinyl flooring水磨石嵌条 divider strip for terrazzo 地面做2%坡 floor with 2% slope集水沟 gully集水口 gulley排水沟 drainage trench沟盖板 trench cover活动盖板 removable cover plate集水坑 sump pit孔翻边 hole up stand电缆沟 cable trenchh. DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件木 (钢)门 wooden (steel) door镶板门 panelled door夹板门 plywood door铝合金门 aluminum alloy door卷帘门 roller shutter door弹簧门 swing door推拉门 sliding door平开门 side-hung door折叠门 folding door旋转门 revolving door玻璃门 glazed door密闭门 air-Tight door保温门 thermal insulating door镀锌铁丝网门 galvanized steel wire mesh door防火门 fire door(大门上的)小门 wicket门框 door frame门扇 door leaf门洞 door opening结构开洞 structural opening单扇门 single door双扇门 double door疏散门 emergency door纱门 screen door门槛 door sill门过梁 door lintel上冒头 top rail下冒头 bottom rail门边木 stile门樘侧料 side jumb槽口 notch木窗 wooden window钢窗 steel window铝合金窗 aluminum alloy window百叶窗 (通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind)塑钢窗 plastic steel window空腹钢窗 hollow steel window固定窗 fixed window平开窗 side-hung window推拉窗 sliding window气窗 transom上悬窗 top-hung window中悬窗 center-pivoted window下悬窗 hopper window活动百叶窗 adjustable louver天窗 skylight老虎窗 dormer window密封双层玻璃 sealed double glazing 钢筋混凝土过梁 reinforced concrete lintel钢筋砖过梁 reinforced brick lintel 窗扇 casement sash窗台 window sill窗台板 window board窗中梃 mullion窗横木 mutin窗边木 stile压缝条 cover mould窗帘盒 curtain box合页(铰链) hinge (butts)转轴 pivot长脚铰链 parliament hinge闭门器 door closer地弹簧 floor closer插销 bolt门锁 door lock拉手 pull链条 chain门钩 door hanger碰球 ball latch窗钩 window catch暗插销 insert bolt电动开关器 electric opener平板玻璃 plate glass夹丝玻璃 wire glass透明玻璃 clear glass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass)防弹玻璃 bullet-proof glass石英玻璃 quartz glass吸热玻璃 heat absorbing glass磨光玻璃 polished glass着色玻璃 pigmented glass玻璃瓦 glass tile玻璃砖 glass block有机玻璃 organic glassI. STAIRCASE, LANDING & LIFT (ELEVATOR) 楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯 stair楼梯间 staircase疏散梯 emergency stair旋转梯 spiral stair (circular stair) 吊车梯 crane ladder直爬梯 vertical ladder踏步 step扇形踏步 winder (wheel step)踏步板 tread档步板 riser踏步宽度 tread width防滑条 non-slip insert (strips)栏杆 railing (balustrade)平台栏杆 platform railing吊装孔栏杆 railing around mounting hole 扶手 handrail梯段高度 height of flight防护梯笼 protecting cage (safety cage) 平台 landing (platform)操作平台 operating platform装卸平台 platform for loading & unloading楼梯平台 stair landing客梯 passenger lift货梯 goods lift客/货两用梯 goods/passenger lift液压电梯 hydraulic lift自动扶梯 escalator观光电梯 observation elevator电梯机房 lift mortar room电梯坑 lift pit电梯井道 lift shaftj. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦红砖 red brick粘土砖 clay brick瓷砖 glazed brick (ceramic tile)防火砖 fire brick空心砖 hollow brick面砖 facing brick地板砖 flooring tile缸砖 clinkery brick马赛克 mosaic陶粒混凝土 ceramsite concrete琉璃瓦 glazed tile脊瓦 ridge tile石棉瓦 asbestos tile (shingle)波形石棉水泥瓦 corrugated asbestos cement sheetLime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石石膏 gypsum大理石 marble汉白玉 white marble花岗岩 granite碎石 crushed stone毛石 rubble蛭石 vermiculite珍珠岩 pearlite水磨石 terrazzo卵石 cobble砾石 gravel粗砂 course sand中砂 medium sand细砂 fine sandCement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥) Portland cement硅酸盐水泥 silicate cement火山灰水泥 pozzolana cement白水泥 white cement水泥砂浆 cement mortar石灰砂浆 lime mortar水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar保温砂浆 thermal mortar防水砂浆 water-proof mortar耐酸砂浆 acid-resistant mortar耐碱砂浆 alkaline-resistant mortar沥青砂浆 bituminous mortar纸筋灰 paper strip mixed lime mortar 麻刀灰 hemp cut lime mortar灰缝 mortar joint素混凝土 plain concrete钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete轻质混凝土 lightweight concrete细石混凝土 fine aggregate concrete沥青混凝土 asphalt concrete泡沫混凝土 foamed concrete炉渣混凝土 cinder concreteFacing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料水刷石 granitic plaster斩假石 artificial stone刷浆 lime wash可赛银 casein大白浆 white wash麻刀灰打底 hemp cuts and lime as base 喷大白浆两道 sprayed twice with white wash分格抹水泥砂浆 cement mortar plaster sectioned板条抹灰 lath and plasterAsphalt(Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉沥青卷材 asphalt felt沥青填料 asphalt filler沥青胶泥 asphalt grout冷底子油 adhesive bitumen primer沥青玛啼脂 asphaltic mastic沥青麻丝 bitumastic oakum石棉板 asbestos sheet石棉纤维 asbestos fiber Timber 木材裂缝 crack透裂 split环裂 shake干缩 shrinkage翘曲 warping原木 log圆木 round timber方木 square timber板材 plank木条 batten板条 lath木板 board红松 red pine白松 white pine落叶松 deciduous pine 云杉 spruce柏木 cypress白杨 white poplar桦木 birch冷杉 fir栎木 oak榴木 willow榆木 elm杉木 cedar柚木 teak樟木 camphor wood防腐处理的木材 preservative-treated lumber胶合板 plywood三(五)合板 3(5)-plywood企口板 tongued and grooved board层夹板 laminated plank胶合层夹木材 glue-laminated lumber 纤维板 fiber-board竹子 bambooMetallic Materials 金属材料黑色金属 ferrous metal圆钢 steelbBar方钢 square steel扁钢 steel strap,flat steel型钢 steel section (shape)槽钢 channel角钢 angle steel等边角钢 equal-leg angle不等边角钢 unequal-leg angle工字钢 I-beam宽翼缘工字钢 wide flange I-beam丁( 之)字钢 T-bar (Z-bar)冷弯薄壁型钢 light gauge cold-formed steel shape热轧 hot-rolled冷轧 cold-rolled冷拉 cold-drawn冷压 cold-pressed合金钢 alloy steel钛合金 titanium alloy不锈钢 stainless steel竹节钢筋 corrugated steel bar 变形钢筋 deformed bar光圆钢筋 plain round bar钢板 steel plate薄钢板 thin steel plate低碳钢 low carbon steel冷弯 cold bending钢管 steel pipe (tube)无缝钢管 seamless steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe黑铁管 iron pipe镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 铸铁 cast iron生铁 pig iron熟铁 wrought iron镀锌铁皮 galvanized steel sheet镀锌铁丝 galvanized steel wire钢丝网 steel wire mesh多孔金属网 expanded metal锰钢 managanese steel高强度合金钢 high strength alloy steel Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属金 gold白金 platinum铜 copper黄铜 brass青铜 bronze银 silver铝 aluminum铅 leadAnti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料聚乙烯 polythene, polyethylene尼龙 nylon聚氯乙烯 PVC (polyvinyl chloride) 聚碳酸酯 polycarbonate聚苯乙烯 polystyrene丙烯酸树酯 acrylic resin乙烯基酯 vinyl ester橡胶内衬 rubber lining氯丁橡胶 neoprene沥青漆 bitumen paint环氧树脂漆 epoxy resin paint氧化锌底漆 zinc oxide primer防锈漆 anti-rust paint耐酸漆 acid-resistant paint耐碱漆 alkali-resistant paint水玻璃 sodium silicate树脂砂浆 resin-bonded mortar环氧树脂 epoxy resinBuilding Hardware 建筑五金钉子 nails螺纹屋面钉spiral-threaded roofing nail 环纹石膏板钉 annular-ring gypsum board nail螺丝 screws平头螺丝 flat-head screw螺栓 bolt普通螺栓 commercial bolt高强螺栓 high strength bolt预埋螺栓 insert bolt胀锚螺栓 cinch bolt垫片 washerPaint 油漆底漆 primer防锈底漆 rust-inhibitive primer防腐漆 anti-corrosion paint调和漆 mixed paint无光漆 flat paint透明漆 varnish银粉漆 aluminum paint磁漆 enamel paint干性油 drying oil稀释剂 thinner焦油 tar沥青漆 asphalt paint桐油 tung oil, Chinese wood oil红丹 red lead铅油 lead oil腻子 puttyk. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语Discipline 专业建筑 architecture土木 civil给排水 water supply and drainage总图 plot plan采暖通风 H.V.A.C (heating、ventilation and air conditioning)电力供应 electric power supply电气照明 electric lighting电讯 telecommunication仪表 instrument热力供应 heat power supply动力 mechanical power工艺 process technology管道 pipingConventional Terms 一般通用名词建筑原理 architectonics建筑形式 architectural style民用建筑 civil architecture城市建筑 urban architecture农村建筑 rural architecture农业建筑 farm building工业建筑 industrial building重工业的 heavy industrial轻工业的 light industrial古代建筑 ancient architecture现代建筑 modern architecture标准化建筑 standardized buildings 附属建筑 auxiliary buildings城市规划 city planning厂区内 within site厂区外 offsite封闭式 closed type开敞式 open type半开敞式 semi-open type模数制 modular system单位造价 unit cost概算 preliminary estimate承包商 constructor, contractor 现场 site扩建 extension改建 reconstruction防火 fire-prevention防震 aseismatic, quake-proof 防腐 anti-corrosion防潮 dump-proof防水 water-proof防尘 dust-proof防锈 rust-proof车流量 traffic volume货流量 freight traffic volume 人流量 pedestrian volume透视图 perspective drawing建筑模型 building model Architectural Physics 建筑物理照明 illumination照度 degree of illumination 亮度 brightness日照 sunshine天然采光 natural lighting 光强 light intensity侧光 side light顶光 top light眩光 glaze方位角 azimuth辐射 radiation对流 convection传导 conduction遮阳 sun-shade保温 thermal insulation恒温 constant temperature 恒湿 constant humidity噪音 noise隔音 sound-proof吸音 sound absorption露点 dew point隔汽 vapor-proofName Of Professional role 职务名称项目经理 project manager (PM)设计经理 design manager首席建筑师 principal architect总工程师 chief engineer土木工程师 civil engineer工艺工程师 process engineer电气工程师 electrical engineer机械工程师 mechanical engineer计划工程师 planning engineer助理工程师 assistant engineer实习生 probationer专家 specialist, expert制图员 draftsman技术员 technicianDrafting 制图总说明 general specification工程说明 project specification采用标准规范目录 list of standards and specification adopted图纸目录 list of drawings平面图 plan局部放大图 detail with enlarged scale ...平面示意图 schematic plan of... ...平剖面图 sectional plan of... 留孔平面图 plan of provision of holes 剖面 section纵剖面 longitudinal section横剖面 cross (transverse) section立面 elevation正立面 front elevation透视图 perspective drawing侧立面 side elevation背立面 back elevation详图 detail drawings典型节点 typical detail节点号 detail No.首页 front page图纸目录及说明 list of contents and description图例 legend示意图 diagram草图 sketch荷载简图 load diagram流程示意图 flow diagram标准图 standard drawing...布置图 layout of ...地形图 topographical map土方工程图 earth-work drawing展开图 developed drawing模板图 formwork drawing配筋 arrangement of reinforcement表格 tables工程进度表 working schedule技术经济指标 technical and economical index建、构筑物一览表 list of buildings and structures编号 coding序列号 serial No.行和栏 rows and columns备注 remarks等级 grade直线 straight Line曲线 curves曲折线 zigzag line虚线 dotted line实线 solid line影线 hatching line点划线 dot and dash line 轴线 axis等高线 contour Line中心线 center Line双曲线 hyperbola抛物线 parabola切线 tangent Line尺寸线 dimension Line园形 round环形 annular方形 square矩形 rectangle平行四边形 parallelogram 三角形 triangle五角形 pentagon六角形 hexagon八角形 octagon梯形 trapezoid圆圈 circle弓形 sagment扇形 sector球形的 spherical抛物面 paraboloid圆锥形 cone椭圆形 ellipse, oblong面积 area体积 volume容量 capacity重量 weight质量 mass力 force米 meter厘米 centimeter毫米 millimeter公顷 hectate牛顿/平方米 Newton/square meter千克/立方米 kilogram/cubic meter 英尺 foot英寸 inch磅 pound吨 ton加仑 gallon千磅 kip平均尺寸 average dimension变尺寸 variable dimension外形尺寸 overall dimension展开尺寸 developed dimension内径 inside diameter外径 outside diameter净重 net weight毛重 gross weight数量 quantity百分比 percentage净空 clearance净高 headroom净距 clear distance净跨 clear span截面尺寸 sectional dimension 开间 bay进深 depth单跨 single span双跨 double span多跨 multi-span标高 elevation, level绝对标高 absolute elevation 设计标高 designed elevation 室外地面标高 ground elevation 室内地面标高 floor elevation 柱网 column grid坐标 coordinate厂区占地 site area使用面积 usable area辅助面积 service area通道面积 passage area管架 pipe rack管廊 pipeline gallery架空管线 overhead pipeline排水沟 drain ditch集水坑 sump pit喷泉 fountain地漏 floor drain消火栓 fire hydrant灭火器 fire extinguisher二氧化碳灭火器 carbon dioxide extinguisher卤代烷灭火器 halon extinguisher。