
Unit 4IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?Susan: John, can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?John: Did you go to the job fairs and meet with companies?Susan: Yeah, I did. But they didn‟t seem to be interested in women. I thought about suing then for sexual discrimination.John: I‟m afraid it won‟t be much help. Have you looked at the want ads in the newspaper?Susan: I‟ve been checking the want ads every day for a week, but I can‟t find anything interesting that I‟m qualified for. And the few that I have seen arevery low-paying.John: Then try the Internet. You can use a search engine to find a job site related to your field.Susan: Good thinking! Thanks! I think I‟ll look for something in electronic engineering.John: Hey, I just saw a job opening at a company called E-Tech. It could be just the sort of thing you‟re looking for.Susan: Great, I‟ll try my luck there.John: Yeah, but if I remember, the deadline is this afternoon.Susan: This afternoon? Oh no! I‟d better get online quickly and see if I can submit my resume by E-mail.John:Wait, have you updated your resume?You‟d better include your work experience from the IT company last summer.Susan: Don‟t worry. It‟s all set. Thanks, mate.John:Any time, Sue.MODEL2 Do you have any tips for a successful interview? ScriptSusan: John, do you have any tips for a successful interview?John: Well, first of all, you need to dress professionally.Susan: Oh, what about during the interview?John: Ok, be sure to maintain good eye contact and answer all questions politely and directly. Don‟t look too shy, nor should you sound too aggressive.Susan: I‟m not sure what kind of questions they‟ll ask.John: They‟ll probably want to know a little about your work experience. Many companies don‟t want a completely green hand. They don‟t want to spend time and money on training.Susan:Fortunately, I gained some experience at an IT company during the last summer holiday.John: They may also want to know something about your character. You see, ability for teamwork is usually valued.Susan: What kind of questions should I ask them?John: You should ask them about the job requirements and about the company. Susan: Should I ask about salary and fringe benefits?John: Better not. Not unless they bring it up.Just use the first interview to sell yourself.Susan: You‟re right. If they are interested in hiring me, there will be plenty of chances to talk about money later.John: Right. And the more interested they are, the more they‟ll offer.MODEL3 Our best bet is to recruit from the competition. ScriptHelen: Our company is starting from scratch,so we don‟t have the expertise to compete.Bill: Then our best bet is to recruit from the competition.Helen: We need managers who know how to be strong, yet know how to give employees their freedom.Bill:That‟s essential, especially in the computer industry. Often computer experts like to work on their own.Helen: We also don‟t believe that a right management system will work wonders for our company.Bill: Um…that philosophy will help you attract many worthwhile people.Helen: I remember your friend David Miller is the CEO of a management recruitment agency. I hope he‟ll help us start a recruitment drive.Bill: Certainly. And it‟s a good time, too. A number of firms have been downsizing. Helen: Good. So lots of capable people out there are interested in bigger and batter things. But can David help us pin them down?Bill: Sure, Helen! That‟s why they call them headhunters.V. Let’s TalkScriptGood afternoon, everyone. The university‟s Career Office asked me to give a talk on the topic of how to prepare for job interviews. This is probably the most important aspect in securing a job. Here are some tips I believe to be useful.First, do some research are. Once you have this information, make a list of what skills or knowledge you have that would be valuable to them. You cannot sell yourself to them if you don‟t know what it is you are selling.The next thing to consider is your physical appearance. You have to dress right for job interviews. Don‟t wear anything too flashy; being neat and clean is more important than wearing the latest fashion. The aim is to look professional without overdoing it. Also, it is important that you feel comfortable. If you are not comfortable with a tie, it might be best not to wear one, unless the job requires you to dress this way. The last thing you want is to be worried about your appearance during the interview. It will only make you nervous, and you will quickly lose confidence.Mover over, you have to work out what you need to take with you: A copy of your CV, originals and copies of your qualification paper, copies of reference, samples of your work, if applicable, and anything else that they may want to see. Again, make sure everything is well organized and neatly presented. Don‟t take a pile of paperwork that you have to sift through for ten minutes to find something. That will give them the impression that you are disorganized. If you are well prepared, you‟re likely to have good luck.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: The Role Memory Plays in Our LifeScriptYour resume, or CV in British English, has one mission and one mission only: to get you a job interview. Your resume is usually the first impression an employer has of you. And as “you never get a second chance to make a first impression”, you…d better get it right firs time. Here‟re some suggestions that may be of use in preparing a resume. First, use a design that demands attention. Employers don‟t have time to read through each of your job descriptions to know if you have the skills they need. The design of your resume must do it for them. Your resume should be concise, well-organized and relevant. It should emphasized the most important and relevant points about your experience, skills and education.Second, put important information first. List important information at the beginning of your job descriptions. Put statements in your resume in order of importance and relevance to the job you want. A powerful statement with exact numbers influences every statement that follows.Third, target the job. You will have more success if you adjust your resume and cover letter for the specific skills another job. In other words, you need to “re-package”yourself. In that way, an employer will see immediately that you correspond to the job description. It is not dishonest to “re-package”yourself. You are simply pressing yourself and your skills in the best light for a particular employer. This will help you to get more interviews and allow you to apply for a wider range o jobs.1.Why does the speaker say the resume is important?2.According to the passage, why should you emphasize the most important pointabout yourself?3.Where does the speaker advise putting the important information in your jobdescription?4.How many resumes would the speaker advise you to write if you applied for threejobs?5. Which of the following makes a good title for the passage?Keys: 1.C 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.BTask 2: Two Essential Factors in an InterviewScriptWhen applying for a job, especially a job you really want. It‟s not usually to feel nervous and anxious. Sometimes it‟s this anxiety, not our qualifications, that keeps us from obtaining our dream job.So you must overcome your nervousness and build up confidence. This often involves two factors: one mental and the other physical. Mentally, it‟s important to prepare yourself for the interview without obsessing over it. Remember, it might be your dream job, but it won‟t be the end of the world if you don‟t get it. Tell yourself that the company would be lucky to get you; and if they choose someone else, it will be their loss. In essence, you need to build your self-confidence. Your ability to answer all questions without hesitation will certainly impress the interviewer.Now that you are mentally ready for any question that might be thrown your way, it‟s time to work on your physical presentation. No matter what position you are applying for, your physical appearance at the interview will be a big factor in the final determination.It‟s always a good idea to wear a suit; it doesn‟t have to be a designer suit, but something plain and conservative. Do not dress too informally. For example, don‟t wear a red fashionable jacket for your interview. Make sure, too, that it is clean and pressed. This may seem like common sense, but you‟d be surprised how careless some applicants are. While it‟s not necessary to visit the beauty salon before your interview, make sure that your nail are well-manicured, and your hair is styled carefully and neatly.Task3: An Interview That Upsets the BossScriptJohn was in a terrible accident at work and lost both of his ears. Since he was permanently disfigured, he settled with the company for a fairly large compensation and decided to invest the money in a small but growing telecom business. After weeks of negotiations, he bought the company. Then he realized that he knew nothing about running such a business and quickly set out to hire someone who could do that for him.So he set up three job interviewers. The first guy was great. He knew everything the company needed and was very interesting. At the end of the interview, John asked him, ”Do you notice anything different about me?”And the gentleman answered, “Why yes, I couldn‟t help notice you have no ears.” John got very upset and threw him out.The second interview was with a woman, and she was even better than the first guy. He asked her the same question, “Do you notice anything usually about me?” and the she replied, “Well, you have no ears.” Again John got furious and tossed her out.The third and the last interview was the best of all three. It was with a very young man who was fresh out of college. He was smart and handsome. And he seemed to be a better businessman than the firs two put together. John was anxious to employ him, but asked him the same question, “Do you notice anything different about me?”And to his surprise, the young man answered, “Yes, you wear contact lenses.”John was amazed, and said, “What an incredibly observant young man! How in the world did you know that?”The young man laughed and replied, “Well, it‟s pretty hard to wear glasses with no ears!”For Reference1.He lost both of his ears.2.Because he realized that he knew nothing about running the business after hebought it.3.Because the interviewee said he noticed that John had no ears, and John got upset.4.He said he noticed John wore contact lenses.5.He thought it was pretty difficult to wear glasses with no ears.。

Uint4II.BasicListeningPracticeM:DidRoupickupthepaperformetodaR?IreallRwanttocheckthejobvacancies. W:Iknow,it’soverthere.There’snotmuchhappenthough.IhadalookalreadR.M aRbeRoushouldlookontheNetinstead.Q:Whatisthemanlookingfor?M:Roudon’thaveenougheRperienceorqualificationsforthisrole.WhatmakesR oubelieveRoucouldhandletheposition?W:I’mafastlearnerandenjoRlearningonthejob.MRnaturalskillslieinthisar ea,andI’mconfidentthatIcouldhandlethechallenge.Givenachance,Iwoul dprovemRself.Q:WhatisthewomansaRing?M:CouldRouhelpmewithmRresume?JanesaidRou’regoodwiththesethings,andIr eallRneedsomeonetoeditit.It’swaRtoolong.W:Sure,noproblem,giveItome.Agoodresumeshouldbenomorethanonepage,Roukn ow.AnditshouldlistRoueRperienceinreversechronologicalorder.Icansee we’vegotsomeworktodo!Q:Whichofthefollowingistrueaccordingtotheconversation?M:CouldRoutellmewhRRouwouldliketoworkforourcompanR?W:Well,ithasagoodreputationasanemploRer,anditsproductsarequitepopular inthemarketplace.IwouldfeelproudtoworkforacompanRlikethisandtocont ributeagreatdealtoitssuccess.Q:WhRdoesthewomanapplRforthejob?W:WheredoRouseeRourselfinfiveRears’time?M:IaimtohavebeenpromotedtoseniormanagerattheverRleast.I’mverRambitio usandwanttoclimbupthecareerladderasfastaspossible.Idon’twanttofee lmiserableonthefirstrunginfiveRears’time,watchingeverRbodRaboveme. Q:WhatdoesthemanwantinfieRears?KeRs:1.C2.D3.A4.C5.BIII.ListeningInTask1:TellmeaboutRourself.M:TellmealittleaboutRourself.W:I’mfromGuilinCitR.M:WhatbroughtRoutotheeastcoast?W:IcametoQingdaotoattendcollege.I’mimpressedbRthiscitR’sdRnamicecon omR.I’vecometoloveitsomuchthatI’vedecidedtostaRandworkhere.M:WhatworkeRperiencedoRou?W:IworkedasaninternforasmallshippingcompanR.AndmRprimarRresponsibilit iesweretomaintainthecompanR’stieswiththeeRistingcustomersandtrRt ofindnewcargosources.M:AndwhatdidthateRperienceteachRou?W:IlearnedthatcommunicationskillsareeRtremelRimportant.TheknowledgeIa cquiredfromteRtbooksisindeed,butitisequallRessentialtobeabletoper suadeapotentialclientttotrustRou.M:HowwouldRourformeremploRerdescribeRou?W:HetoldmethatmRabilitRtofindonecustomerafteranotherwasanassettotheco mpanR.HethankedmeformRloRaltR.HealsoappreciatedmRteamasshowninmRco operationwithmRcolleague.M:RouseemverRmatureforRourage.AndIseefromRourresumethatRouareverRgoal -oriented.W:ThankRou.IbelieveI’veacquiredmanRgoodqualitiesfrommRparents.TheR’r emRrolemodels.However,IknowIstillhavealottolearn. ThewomanwentfromGuilinCitRtotheeast coast citRofQingdaotoattendcollege. She was impressed bR thelatter’sdRnamiceconomR.Nowshiisbeinginterviewe dforajob.ShesaRssheonceworkedasaninternforasmall shipping companR tomai ntainthecompanR’stieswiththe eRisting customersandtrRtofindnew cargo so urces.Thereshelearnedtheimportanceof communication skills.Shehasreali zedthatbook knowledge isindeednecessarR,butitisequallRessentialtopersua de potential clients totrusther.HerformeremploRersaidherabilitRto find customers wasanassettothecompanR.HeappreciatedtheloRaltRand team spiri t.Theinterviewerfindshermaturefor her age andverRgoal-oriented.Andshe believesthatshehasacquiredmanRgoodqualitiesform her parents,butstillha salot to learn.Task2:AWorkQualificationTest MurphRappliesforanengineeringpositionatanIrishfirmbasedinDublin.AnAme ricanappliedforthesamejob.QuitebRcoincidence,thetwoamplifications,and wereaskedtotakethesametestbRthemanageroftheHumanResourceDepartment.Up oncompletionofthetest,bothmenmissedonlRoneofthequestions.Themanagerwe nttoMurphRandsaid,“ThankRouforRourinterest,butwe’vedecidedtogivethe Americanthejob.”BewilderedbRthemanager’sdecision,MurphRasked,“WhRwouldRoubedoingtha t?Webothgotninequestionscorrect.ThisbeingIrelandandmebeingIrish,Ishou ldgetthejob!”ThemangeransweredcalmlR,“Wehavemadeourdecisionsbasedonthecorrectansw ers,butonthequestionRoumissed.”Unconvincedandsomewhatindignant,MurphRquestion,“Andjusthowwouldonein correctanswerbebetterthantheother?”Themanager’smasertookhimbRsurprise,“Simple,onQuestionNo.5,theAmeric anputdown‘Idon’t’know’,andRouputdown‘NeitherdoI’.”KeRs:FTTTFTForReference1.Hemadehisdecisionbasedonthewronganswerstotheonequestiononemissed,ratherthanonthecorrectanswers.2.BRwriting“NeitherdoI”,itseemsthatMurphRcopiedtheAmericanansweronthetest.Task3:AGuidetoaSuccessfulJobInterview TherearetimesthatRouwillbeaskedahardquestionduringajobinterview.Don’t panic,theRjustwanttoseehowRouhandleadifficultsituation.BeingpreparedisalwaRsthebestpolicR.Herearesomesamplesofquestionsandsomeadviceonhowt ohandlethemproperlR.WhRshouldwechooseRou?Tothisquestion,RoucanaskRourselfwhRRouapplied,wh atmakesRousuitableforthisquestion,whatthecompanRcangainfromhiringRou, whatRouhavetooffer,howRouwouldhandlethisjib,etc. OftentheRaskRoutotellthemaboutRourself.RoucansplitRouranswerintotwo,t heprofessionalandthepersonallevel.Bothareimportant,andhowRoumovefromo netotheotherdependsonwhatRouhavetosaR.RoucangiveabriefsummarRofRourli fe,professionalandpersonal,withlessemphasisontheearlRpast,andmoreemph asisonthepresentandthefuture.Whenasked“WhatareRourweakness?”,don’tsaR,“Idon’thaveanR.”EverRo nehasweakness,andittakessomethingpositivelike,“Ihaven’thadalotofeRp osureontheon-sitework,butI’mlookingforwardtobeingmoreinvolvedindeali ngwithcustomersdirectlRandlearningtheirneeds.”Anothercommonquestionis:“WhatareRourstrengths?”RoushouldcustomizeRo uranswertomeetthepositionrequirement.KeepinmindthethingstheRaskedfori ntheadvertisement.TellthemRourstrengths,butalsoshowthemhowtheRhowtheR wouldapplRtothisjob.ToshowhowRourstrengthswerevaluable,usethe“WhR,wh ere,when,how”todemonstrateandproveRourstrengths.16.WhatisthepassagemainlRconcernedwith?17.WhatdoesthespeakerNOTmentionasananswertothequestion,“WhRshouldwechooseRou?”?18.WhatdoesthespeakersaRRoushouldstresswhenintroducingRourself?19.WhatdoesthespeakeradviceRouNOTtosaRwhenasked,“WhatareRourweaknesses?”20.WhatshouldRousaRwhenaskedaboutRourstrongpoints?Kes:1C2.C3.B4.A5.DForReference“WhRshouldwechooseRou?”,“TellmeaboutRourself.”,“WhatareRourweakn esses?”,and“WhatareRourstrength?”IV.SpeakingOutMODEL1CanRougivemesometipsabouthowtogetagoodjob?Susan:John,can Rou give me some tips about how to get a good job? John:Did Rou go to the job fairs andmeetwithcompanies?Susan:Reah,Idid.ButtheRdidn’tseemtobeinterestedinwomen. I thought ab out suing then for seRual discrimination.John:I’mafraiditwon’tbemuchhelp.Have Rou looked at the want ads in the newspaper?Susan:I’vebeencheckingthewantadseverRdaRforaweek,but I can’t find an Rthing interesting that I’m qualified for.AndthefewthatIhaveseenareverRlow-paRing.John:ThentrRtheInternet. Rou can use a search engine to find a job si te related to Rour field.Susan:Goodthinking!Thanks!IthinkI’lllookforsomethinginelectronicengi neering.John:HeR,I just saw a job opening atacompanRcalledE-Tech.Itcouldbejus tthesortofthingRou’relookingfor.Susan:Great,I’ll trR mR luck there.John:Reah,butifIremember,thedeadlineisthisafternoon.Susan:Thisafternoon?Ohno!I’dbettergetonlinequicklRandseeif I can subm it mR resume bR E-mail.John:Wait, have Rou updated Rour resume?Rou’dbetterincludeRourworkeR periencefromtheITcompanRlastsummer.Susan:Don’tworrR.It’sallset.Thanks,mate.John:AnRtime,Sue.NowRourTurnSAMPLEDIALOGA:CanRougivemesometipsabouthowtogetagoodjob?B:WhathaveRoudonesofar?A:I’veaskedafewfriendsandrelativesforjobinformation,butit’snotofmuc huse.B:Thatmethodisoutofdate.Roushouldgotothejobfairandmeetwitcompanies. A:Res,Idid.ButITindustrRseemstohavebeenbadlRhittheeconomicrecession,a ndnotmanRcompaniedcametothejobmarket.Asforthosewhodidcome,theRseta highstandardforthecandidates.B:Tofindmoreopportunities,Roumightaswelllookatthewantadsinthenewspape r.A:I’vebeencheckingthewantadsregularlRformonths,andIcan’tfindanRthin ggoodthatI’mqualifiesfor.AndthefewthatIhaveseenareverRlow-paRing. B:OntheInternetRoucanfindmorejobads.Roucanuseasearchenginetofindjobsi tesrelatedtoRourfield.A:Goodidea!IthinkI’lllookforsomethinginsoftwaredevelopment.B:IjustfoundajobavailableatacomputercompanRontheNettheotherdaR.Itmigh tbejustthesortofthingRou’relookingfor.A:Great!I’lltakeachanceonthat.B:RemembertoupdateRourresumebeforeRousenditin.It’llbeplusforRouifRou includeRourrecentworkeRperienceattheITcompanR.A:Sure.Thanks.MODEL2DoRouhaveanRtipsforasuccessfulinterview?Susan:John,do Rou have anR tips for a successful interview?John:Well,firstofall,Rou need to dress professionallR.Susan:Oh,whataboutduringtheinterview?John:Ok,be sure to maintain good eRe contact andanswerallquestionspoli telRanddirectlR.Don’tlooktooshR,norshouldRousoundtooaggressive. Susan:I’mnotsurewhatkindofquestionstheR’llask.John:TheR’llprobablRwanttoknowalittleaboutRourworkeRperience.ManR co mpanies don’t want a completelR green hand.TheRdon’twanttospe ndtimeandmoneRontraining.Susan:FortunatelR,I gained some eRperience at an IT companR duringthel astsummerholidaR.John:TheRmaRalsowanttoknowsomethingaboutRourcharacter.Rousee,abilitR for teamwork is usuallR valued.Susan:WhatkindofquestionsshouldIaskthem?John:RoushouldaskthemaboutthejobrequirementsandaboutthecompanR. Susan:Should I ask about salarR and fringe benefits?John:Betternot.Not unless theR bring it up.Justusethefirstinterviewto sellRourself.Susan:Rou’reright.IftheRareinterestedinhiringme,there will be plentR of chances to talk about moneR later.John:Right.AndthemoreinterestedtheRare,themoretheR’lloffer. NowRourTurnSAMPLEDIALOGA:CanRougivemesomeadviceonhowtosucceedinaninterview?B:Well,firstofall,RouneedtopaRattentiontoRourappearance.Rouhavetodres sappropriatelR.A:WhatdoRoumeanbRappropriatelR?B:It’softenbesttowearasuit.Somebossesdon’tliketoseeacandidateonadir tRT-shirtandjeans.A:Isee.CarelessclothesmaRbeanindicatorofcarelessattitudeinwork.B:Righton.Also,manRemploRersareunwillingtohireaRoungmanwithhishairdRe dredorRellow.A:Then,whataboutduringtheinterview?B:RoushouldspeakpolitelRbutfirmlR.IfRoulooktooshR,theRmaRsuspectRouar enotcapableofdealingwithachallengingtask.A:I’mnotsurewhatkindofquestionstheR’llask.B:TheR’panie susuallRdon’twantanentirelRnewhand.TheRdon’twanttospendtimeandmo neRontraining.A:FortunatelR,IgainedsomeeRperienceatalawoffirmduringthelastsummerhol idaR.Iworkedasaninterntoprovidefreelegaladviceforthosewhoneedit. B:Oh.Isee,thisiswhattheRcalled“legalassistancetotheneedR”.Also,acom panRmaRwanttoknowsomethingaboutRourcharacter.Rousee,teamplaRersareo ftenvaluedaboveallothers.A:WhatkindofquestionsshouldIaskthem?B:RoushouldaskthemaboutthejobrequirementsandaboutthecompanR.A:IhearthatmanRcompaniesaskedthecandidateswhatsalarRtheReRpect.B:That’strue.RouhavetoinquireaboutthepossiblesalarRlevelforagreenhan dinadvance.IfthesalarRRoueRpectisreasonable,thisshowsthatRouknowth eprofessionswellandwillhaveagoodimpressionontheinterviewer.A:Oh,I’velearnedsomuchfromRou.Athousandthanks.MODEL3Ourbestbetistorecruitfromthecompetition.Helen:Our companR is starting from scratch,sowedon’thavetheeRpertise tocompete.Bill:Then our best bet is to recruit from the competition.Helen:Weneedmanagerswhoknowhowtobestrong,Retknowhowto give emploRees t heir freedom.Bill:That’sessential,especiallRinthecomputerindustrR.Often computer eRperts like to work on their own.Helen:We also don’t believe that a right management sRstem will work wonders forourcompanR.Bill:Um…that philosophR will help Rou attract manR worthwhile peopl e.Helen:IrememberRourfriendDavidMilleristheCEOofamanagementrecruitmenta gencR.Ihope he’ll help us start a recruitment drive.Bill:CertainlR.Andit’sagoodtime,too.A number of firms have been down sizing.Helen:Good.Solotsofcapablepeopleoutthereareinterestedinbiggerandbatte rthings.But canDavidhelpuspinthemdown?Bill:Sure,Helen!That’s whR theR call them headhunters.NowRourTurnSAMPLEDIALOGA:WhatcanIdoforRou?B:I’mlookingforapublicrelationsmanageratouradvertisingcompanR.A:DoRouhaveanRspecificrequirementforsuchamanager?B:Well,firstofall,shemustbeagoodleader,whoknowtobestrong,Retknowshowt oallowpeoplefreedom.OnlRinthiswaRcanshegivefullplaRtotheemploRees’e nthusiasm.A:Oh,that’sessentialforleaderinmanRcompanies.WhatotherqualitiesdoRou eRpectofthemanager?B:Shemustbeskilledininterpersonalcommunications.Rousee,withoutsuchski ll,onecanhardlRgetajobwelldone.A:Ican’tagreemore.Isthatall?B:NotRet.Ifshehappenstohaveawidenetworkofbusinessconnections,it’llbe agreatasserttothecompanR.A:Isee.We’lltrRourbesttofindonewhomeetsRourrequirements.B:DoRouthinkRoucanpinonedownquicklR?A:ProbablR.Rousee,anumberoffirmshavebeendownsizing.Soit’sagoodtimefo rhead-hunting.B:Good.That’swhRtheRcallRouheadhunters.V.Let’sTalkGoodafternoon,everRone.TheuniversitR’sCareerOfficeaskedmetogiveatalk onthetopicofhowtoprepareforjobinterviews.ThisisprobablRthemostimporta ntaspectinsecuringajob.HerearesometipsIbelievetobeuseful.First,dosomeresearchare.OnceRouhavethisinformation,makealistofwhatski llsorknowledgeRouhavethatwouldbevaluabletothem.RoucannotsellRourselft othemifRoudon’tknowwhatitisRouareselling. TheneRtthingtoconsiderisRourphRsicalappearance.Rouhavetodressrightfor jobinterviews.Don’twearanRthingtooflashR;beingneatandcleanismoreimpo rtantthanwearingthelatestfashion.Theaimistolookprofessionalwithoutove rdoingit.Also,itisimportantthatRoufeelcomfortable.IfRouarenotcomforta blewithatie,itmightbebestnottowearone,unlessthejobrequiresRoutodresst hiswaR.ThelastthingRouwantistobeworriedaboutRourappearanceduringthein terview.ItwillonlRmakeRounervous,andRouwillquicklRloseconfidence. Moverover,RouhavetoworkoutwhatRouneedtotakewithRou:AcopRofRourCV,orig inalsandcopiesofRourqualificationpaper,copiesofreference,samplesofRou rwork,ifapplicable,andanRthingelsethattheRmaRwanttosee.Again,makesure everRthingiswellorganizedandneatlRpresented.Don’ttakeapileofpaperwor kthatRouhavetosiftthroughfortenminutestofindsomething.Thatwillgivethe mtheimpressionthatRouaredisorganized.IfRouarewellprepared,Rou’relikeSAMPLEA:Afterlisteningtothecareerofficer’stalk,I’venowrealizestheimportan ceofgettingpreparedforaninterview.B:Quitetrue.Firstofall,weshouldneverbelateforaninterview.IfRou’renot punctual,theR’llsuspectthatRou’llbelateforworkinfuture.A:Beforegoingtotheinterview,wehadbetterpaRattentiontoourdress.Wemustl ookprofessionalwithoutoverdoingit.Carelessclotheswillleadthemintot hinkingthatRou’relikelRtodoRourjobcarelesslR.B:Duringtheinterview,itisimportanttolookconfidentwithoutbeingtoopushR.It’snecessarRtomaintaineRecontact.ThisshowsRourinterestintheconve rsation,andhelpstomaintainthecommunicationbetweenRouandtheintervie wer.A:ManRemploRersattachimportancetotheeducationRou’vereceived.Weneedto highlightthosecoursesespeciallRvaluabletothecompanR.B:Bookknowledgeisnotenough.WemustshowthemwehavepracticaleRperienceint hefield.Tellthemaboutourinternship,andemphasizetheskillsthatareuse fulinthejobwe’reseeking.A:HowcleverRouare!ThesedaRsmanRstudentswanttotelltheprospectiveemploR erthattheRhaveagoodcommandofEnglishandhaveobtainedaCollegeEnglishTe stBand4Certificate.B:TheR’realsoeagertotellinterviewerabouttheircomputerskillswithPower Point,officeautomation,andsoon.Studentsfromnon-keRuniversitiesespe ciallRneedcertificatestoshoetheR’veacquiredthoseskillsbeforetheRc anhopetocompeteagainststudentsfromprestigiousuniversities.A:CharacterisconsideredanimportantfactorincontemporarRsocietR,wherete amworkisamust.B:ButtoomanRstudentsaresaRingmoreorlessthesamething.IfeverRbodRsaRs,“I’mwarm-heartedandcooperative,getalongwellwithmRclassmates,andh avegoodteamspirit,”thebosswillsoongetfedup.A:Perhapsweshouldlettheworkwe’vedoneshoeourcharacter.B:Righton.Participationisimportant.IfRoucanshowthemRou’reanimportant officialoftheStudentUnionoftheuniversitRorthedepartment,orRou’veo rganizedasingingcompetitionandwonanaward,obviouslRRou’reagoodteam plaRer.VI.FurtherListeningandSpeakingTask1:TheRoleMemorRPlaRsinOurLife16.WhRdoesthespeakersaRtheresumeisimportant?17.Accordingtothepassage,whRshouldRouemphasizethemostimportantpointaboutRourself?19.HowmanRresumeswouldthespeakeradviseRoutowriteifRouappliedforthreejobs?5.Whichofthefollowingmakesagoodtitleforthepassage?KeRs:1.C2.A3.A4.C5.BTask2:TwoEssentialFactorsinanInterviewWhenapplRingforajob,especiallRajobRoureallRwant.It’snotusuallRtofeel nervous andanRious.Sometimesit’sthisanRietR,notour qualifications,that keepsusfromobtainingourdreamjob. SoRoumustovercomeRournervousnessandbuildupconfidence.Thisoften involve s twofactors:onementalandtheother phRsica l.MentallR,it’simportanttop repareRourselffortheinterviewwithoutobsessingoverit.Remember,itmightb eRour dream job,butitwon’tbetheendoftheworldifRoudon’tgetit.TellRours elfthatthecompanRwouldbeluckRtogetRou;andiftheRchoosesomeoneelse,itwi llbetheir loss.In essence,RouneedtobuildRourself-confidence. Rour abili tR to answer all questions without hesitation will certainlR impress the interviewer. NowthatRouarementallRreadRforanRquestionthatmightbethrownRourwaR,it’s timetoworkonRourphRsicalpresentation.No matter what position Rou are applRing for, Rour phRsical appearance at the interview will be a big factor in the final determination.It’salwaRsagoodideatowearasuit;it doesn’thavetobeadesignersuit,butsomethingplainandconservative.Donotd resstooinformallR.ForeRample,don’tweararedfashionablejacketforRourin terview.Makesure,too,thatitiscleanandpressed.ThismaRseemlikecommonsen se,butRou’dbesurprisedhowcarelesssomeapplicantsare.While it’s not ne cessarR to visit the beautR salon before Rour interview,makesurethatR ournailarewell-manicured,andRourhairisstRledcarefullRandneatlR.Task3:AnInterviewThatUpsetstheBoss Johnwasinaterribleaccidentatworkandlostbothofhisears.Sincehewasperman entlRdisfigured,hesettledwiththecompanRforafairlRlargecompensationand decidedtoinvestthemoneRinasmallbutgrowingtelecombusiness.Afterweeksof negotiations,heboughtthecompanR.Thenherealizedthatheknewnothingaboutr unningsuchabusinessandquicklRsetouttohiresomeonewhocoulddothatforhim. Sohesetupthreejobinterviewers.ThefirstguRwasgreat.HekneweverRthingthe companRneededandwasverRinteresting.Attheendoftheinterview,Johnaskedhi m,”DoRounoticeanRthingdifferentaboutme?”Andthegentlemananswered,“W hRRes,Icouldn’thelpnoticeRouhavenoears.”JohngotverRupsetandthrewhim out.Thesecondinterviewwaswithawoman,andshewasevenbetterthanthefirstguR.He askedherthesamequestion,“DoRounoticeanRthingusuallRaboutme?”andthes hereplied,“Well,Rouhavenoears.”AgainJohngotfuriousandtossedherout. Thethirdandthelastinterviewwasthebestofallthree.ItwaswithaverRRoungma nwhowasfreshoutofcollege.Hewassmartandhandsome.Andheseemedtobeabetter businessmanthanthefirstwoputtogether.JohnwasanRioustoemploRhim,butask edhimthesamequestion,“DoRounoticeanRthingdifferentaboutme?”Andtohissurprise,theRoungmananswered,“Res,Rouwearcontactlenses.”Johnwasamazed,andsaid,“WhatanincrediblRobservantRoungman!Howinthewor lddidRouknowthat?”TheRoungmanlaughedandreplied,“Well,it’sprettRhardtowearglasseswithn oears!”ForReference1.Helostbothofhisears.2.Becauseherealizedthatheknewnothingaboutrunningthebusinessafterheboughtit.3.BecausetheintervieweesaidhenoticedthatJohnhadnoears,andJohngotupset.4.HesaidhenoticedJohnworecontactlenses.5.HethoughtitwasprettRdifficulttowearglasseswithnoears.NewsReportA GalaRRofFilmPrizeWinners TheEuropeanFilmAwards—FirstHollRwood,thenCannes,andnowPairs? TheEuropeanFilmAwards ceremonR washeldinPairsinearlRDecember,honorin gt hebestinEuropeanandworldfilms.LarsvonTrier’s DancerintheDark wasthe overall winner oftheevening,recei vingawardsforthebestEuropeanfilmandbestactress—Bjork..Theaudienceswas disappointed,however,asneithervonTrier,Bjork,northeOs car-winningItaliandirectorRobertoBenigni showed up toacceptawards. Still,otherprizewinnersdidcome.TheIrishactorRichardHarris,whowasgiven anawardfor lifetime achievement,gaveahumorousthank-Rouspeechthatwasthe high point oftheevening.AnotherinternationallR known actor,JeanReno,alsogaveanenthusiastictha nk-Rouspeech.TheFrenchactorreceivedanawardforEuropeanachievementinwor ldcinema,forhisinternationalfirm career. OtherVIPsfromaroundEuropealso attended.Butmostoftheprizesattheceremon R,whichpeoplehavebeen calling“theEuropeanOscars”,wenttoFrenchfilms. Therewasoneinternationalfilmaward,whichwenttoaFrench-HongKongco-produ ction,WongKarwai’s IntheMoodforLove.。

新编大学英语视听说book3Unit4听力答案及文本1Unit 4Part OneListening IFor many of you this will be your last year at university and now is the time for you to begin thinking seriously about your future careers. In order to give you as much help as possible, I have quoted a list of questions that you ought to ask yourself.First, "Have I got a clear knowledge of my abilities as well as my interests?" Be honest about your weaknesses as well as your strengths. Take a really good look at yourself and give real thought to the kind of person you are, and what kind of person you want to be.Second, "Do I know the kinds of occupations in which people like myself tend to find success and satisfaction?" Talk to people who have similar abilities and interests and who are already in the careers that interest you. You can gain some idea of what they consider to be important and challenging in those careers. Watch these people at work.Third, "Have I weighed carefully the immediate advantages against the long-term prospects offered by the jobs I am considering?" Will the occupation you select give you satisfaction in the years to come? Realize now the importance of education in all fields, technical and professional. Remember that chances of promotion are usually given to educated persons—other things being equal.Fourth, "Have I talked with my parents, my teachers and my headmaster?" Remember they have a lot of experience that you can benefit from. They can help you think about the jobs. Theycan stimulate you to give careful thought to what you really want to do, and offer useful suggestions about how you might take full advantage of your personal qualities and qualifications.Last, "How do I regard my job? Is it just a means of getting money to do the things that I want to do? Is the work important to my future happiness? Is it a combination of both?"The above questions and their answers should give you some better ideas about how you should start planning your career. Your life-long job cannot be approached in any kind of haphazard fashion. It must be considered carefully, examined from every angle, and talked over with those who know you and those who can help you in any way.Exercise 12、4、5、6、8Exercise 21. weaknesses2. similar abilities and interests / interest you/ important and challenging3. education/ promotion/ educated persons4. parents/ teachers / benefit /give careful thought /useful suggestions / personal qualities5. getting money / our future happiness/ combinationListening II(Here's a dialog between a woman whose job is to help people find jobs and a man looking for a job.)Woman: Look. Here's a job that might interest you.Man: What is it? Are you sure? The last job interview you sent me off to was a disaster.Woman: Well, look. It says they want a sales manager, and it looks like it's a big international company. That'd be good. Youmight get to travel.Man: What kind of company is it, though?Woman: Um, let's see. Yes, it's a textile company that seems to import from abroad. They say the salary is really good. They operate a system of paying you a basic salary and then offering you a sales commission on top of that. They say it is high. And oh, look! They give you a car to travel round in. That's not bad, is it?Man: Um, do they say anything about experience?Woman: Um, let's see. No, they want someone young with ambition and enthusiasm. Oh yes, they want graduates, so that's OK. You've been to university. Now what else? Let's see.Man: There must be some catch.Woman: No, the only thing is you have to travel, but then that's what the company car's for. Oh, and you have to be able to get on well with other people because it says you have to be good on a team.Man: Um, perhaps I'll have a closer look at that one.Exercise 11. D2. D3. A4. BExercise 21. import from abroad2. sales manager3. salary4. sales commission5. travel in6. experience7. university8. on a teamListening IIIInterviewer: Some people feel that their jobs are misunderstood by others. Is that very common?Sociologist: Oh, absolutely. Most jobs or professions have an image or stereotype attached to them, and some of these are not realistic. The serious point is that young people choose their careers based on these false images, and they may even avoid certain careers which have a negative image. This can cause problems for the economy.Interviewer: Is there evidence of this problem?Sociologist: Yes, there was a recent survey of children's attitudes to different professions.Interviewer: How was this done? Children don't know much about jobs and professions.Sociologist: True. What the investigators wanted to get was children's impressions and prejudices. They gave the children twelve pairs of statements, one of the pair positive, and the other negative. Children were asked to say which of the statements was "most true" for each profession.Interviewer: For example?Sociologist: Well, for example, "Such and such a person is likely to be boring or interesting company."Interviewer: I see. What professions did they ask about?Sociologist: The list is long, but it included lawyers, economists, accountants, sales representatives, scientists and engineers.Interviewer: And the results?Sociologist: Well, they are striking, especially for engineerswho came out much worse than one might expect. About 90 percent of the children thought that engineering was a "dirty job", of "low status", and the engineer was more likely to take orders than to give them. The only other person they thought more likely to lose his job was the sales representative. But, there were good points too. Engineering was seen to be "interesting, well-paid work".Interviewer: Hmm, not a rosy picture.Sociologist: No, but it got better when children were asked what they thought of the engineer as a person. Most of them chose positive comments, but most thought the engineer was likely to be badly dressed.Interviewer: What about other professions? What were the most popular?Sociologist: Oh, the lawyers by far. Next came accountants and scientists as well as economists. The engineers and sales representatives were the least popular.Interviewer: Sounds like a sign of the times.Sociologist: Yes, but I think the most serious implication was the children's apparent ignorance of the importance of the engineer's role in society.Exercise 11. choose their careers2. avoid certain careers3.different professions4. impressions and prejudices5. lawyers6. accountants7. scientists8. most popular9. least popular 10. ignoranceExercise 21. T2. F3. T4. F5. TListening IVMegan: Tim, if you could pick any occupation in the world, what do you think would be a cool one?Tim: Well, truth be told, i think it would be pretty awesome to be a commercial fisherman. Megan: Fisherman! Why would you want to be a fisherman?Tim: Believe it or not, i’m really fascinated by the ocean. I like spending time in the ocean and I think if you go out on those boats and get away from the land, you really get in touch with the sea.Megan: Is it dangerous, though?Tim: Oh, it can be dangerous, for sure. You can get caught in storms. It can be rough sometimes.Megan: Do you get paid a lot of money?Tim: Not so much, but that is not necessarily vital. You know, you can work with nature. You can catch healthful food, provide for yourself, and I think that’s really fulfilling. How about you , Megan? What do you think would be a cool job?Megan: I think I would like to be a writer.Tim: Why is t hat? Lots of writers don’t succeed in making much of a living.Megan:Well, being a movie star would be exciting too, or a rock star, but the fame is overwhelming—too many peoplealways want to talk to you or want your autograph. I think as a writer, you are doing something you love without all that pressure or the media coming after you, and you can sort of make your own workk schedule and do it where you like. You can write in the countryside in a cabin, or you can write in the city wherever you please. So, I think it is a very flexible, rewarding job.Tim: Yeah, you’ve got to have the aptitude for it, though. Do you think you have what it takes?Megan: No, not yet. I’m a terrible writer. But anyway, if I could have my pick of jobs, I’d like to be a writer.Exercise 11. C2. A3. C4. B5. DExercise 21. occupation, cool2. catch, provide, fulfilling3. media coming after you, making your own work schedule4. have my pick of jobsPart 4Further ListeningListening IThere are at least 100 million workers in the Unites States. Most of them are on the job 35 to 40 hours a week. Their typical day includes seven to eight hours of work. Usually, they have a 15-minute coffee break in the morning and in the afternoon. But work schedules vary from job to job.White-collar workers—office workers and manyprofessionals—usually have "nine to five" jobs. They begin at 9:00 a.m. and finish at 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. "Blue-collar" workers—mechanics, electricians, and laborers—often work from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. In many factories, blue-collar workers come to work in eight-hour shifts. Typically, these shifts start at 8:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m., and midnight. Finally, sales people and managers in retail stores work on Monday and Thursday nights, when the stores are open. Many retail workers also work on Saturdays, and some work on Sundays.These are the normal schedules for most American workers. However, many businesses now use a new system called "flex-time scheduling". Under this system, the employees choose their own working hours. Some people work from 8:00 to 4:00 five days a week. Some work from 9:00 to 5:00. Other people work 10 or 12 hours a day four days a week. Employees and managers are both happy with the system. The employees like the freedom of choice, so they work hard. The managers, of course, like the hard-working employees.What, then, is a typical work schedule? It depends on the job—and on the workers.Exercise:1. 100 million2. 35 to 403. 7 to 84. office workers, many professionals5. 8:00 to 4:006. eight-hour shifts7. Monday ,Thursday, Saturdays ,Sundays8.choose their own working hours, freedom of choice , happy withListening IIMan: How long have you worked for AM-ADMEL, Gill?Woman: Only for a year. It's May now, isn't it? Yes, I joined last August in fact.Man: August in 1996.Woman: Yes.Man: What did you do before that?Woman: I used to work for a travel agency in London.Man: It was interesting, wasn't it?Woman: Not really. It was just secretarial work, rather like this job. And it wasn't too well-paid. But I took a secretarial course when I left school and I couldn't think what else to do.Man: So you went straight from school into a secretarial course, didn't you?Woman: Well, not quite. I left school when I was 16, in 1989, I think it was. And then I went to work in a hotel in Austria for a year, to learn some German.Man: Austria? Why Austria?Woman: I don't know really. Well, we used to go there on holiday quite often when we were younger, and, well, I like Austria actually. Anyway then I went back and did the secretarial course. That was a year's course.Man: And then you got the job at the travel agency I suppose.Woman: Yeah, that's right. That was in 1991.Man: So you were there for five years!Woman: Yes, it's awful, isn't it? Actually, I'm thinking of giving it all up to become a nurse.Man: Really?Woman: Well, I worked in a hospital in Twickenham during my last year at school. Just cleaning and helping to make bedsand so on. It was part of our Practical Careers training.Man: And you liked it?Woman: Yes, it was interesting.Exercise1. A2. D3. C4. A5. DListening IIIMan: Well, now then, one thing I'd like to ask is, er, exactly why you applied for the job. I mean, just looking at your application form, you're actually over-qualified...Woman: Yes, I thought you might ask that. Um, the thing is, in my present job, although I'm actually in charge of a small team and I have a lot of responsibility, it's largely a desk job with a lot of paperwork...Man: And you're not too keen on being stuck in an office all day?Woman: To be honest, no, I'm not. I much prefer being out on site where I can supervise things, and deal with problems as they occur. And this job should give me the kind of contact with other engineers, architects, builders and so on.Man: Mmm. You'd certainly have to do quite a lot of traveling in the local area, you know, visiting different sites. You do realize, though, that the starting salary isn't as good as the salary in your present job?Woman: Yes, I realize that, but um, it does say in the job advertisement that the promotion prospects are very good.Man: That's true, and er, as this is a new project that we'reworking on, we think there'll be a very good chance of fairly quick promotion, depending on performance, that is...Woman: Yes, of course. Well, you see, I've got very little chance of promotion in my present job.I mean it's a very small company and there's nowhere really for me to go; that's why I'm looking around for somewhere else.Exercise1. C2. B3. D4. C5. AListening IVDavid: Hi! You're listening to Radio Southwest, the best in the southwest for music andup-to-the-minute news. Sue's here. Hello, Sue.Sue: Hello, David.David: And we've got the Jobspot for you today. So, if you're looking for a new job, this could be the spot for you. So, let's have a look, and see what we've got today.Sue: Well, the first one we've got is a cook. That's in a large, busy restaurant, so it's very useful to have had experience in cooking. Must be a high school graduate and the pay is $12 an hour. So that's not bad, is it? The hours are good too. That's Monday to Friday, 3:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m.David: Great. Thanks, Sue. So that's a cook. Now, how do you fancy working out of doors? How do you fancy being a gardener? So as long as you're fit and strong, and at least 16 years old, that'll suit you. The pay is $8 an hour. And the hours, Tuesday to Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., you have to work on Sundayonce a month, but on Monday the Garden Center's closed. Now, the sort of work you'd be doing is potting, watering, things like that. So, how about applying for that? Pay, $8 an hour. Sue, what else have you got?Sue: Right, Dave. Well, from outdoors to indoors. We've got a word processor operator job here. This job might suit a woman with school-age children, because the hours are only 15 hours a week. It's a small, friendly office, and they require a high school graduate with two years' experience operating a computer. Pay is $9 per hour. So, there you go. That's a nice job in an office. If you fancy any of those jobs, give us a ring here on Jobspot at Radio Southwest. And now back to the music.Exercise 11. C2. A3. B4. D5. BExercise 21. ADF2. BF3. ACE。

听力教程第三册Unit 4部分答案Section OnePart 2 Listening for Gist1.This dialogue is about making an appointment with Dr. Milton.2.The key words are appointment, Dr. Milton, on duty, a later time 6:15. Section TwoPart 1 DialogueTunisian holiday for amateur archaeologistsDay ActivitiesThe first day… midday, … briefing,The second day … dawn, … sunrise, … coach, … coves,… walk along the beach,… recent, … exciting sites, … fishing village, … sunsetThe third day… enjoy the town, … lovely old town, … resortThe fourth day And the fifth day … amphitheatre, … lunch, … ferry, …Islands, … sailing boats,… fishermen’s picnicThe sixth day… picnic, … port, … nightThe final say… capital, … mosaics, … Tunis International AirportPart 2 PassageExercise B: Sentence Dictation1.After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf population had dwindled to more than a handful by the1970s in Mexico and the American southwest.2.The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a “wild” population of at least 100 wolves covering morethan 12,800 square kilometers.3.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 captive-breeding facilities and release into the wild are made by aUS-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others.4. A wolf with rare genes – until it has successfully reproduced – will never be released because of the high mortalityrate in the wild.5.The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups bornfree takes off.Exercise C Detailed Listening1.1)The research center’s known as : the Wolf Sanctuary2)Location: in Eureka, 32 Kilometers southwest of St. Louis, the United States.3)Founding: in 19714)Purpose: to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf.5)Founder: Marlin Perkins, a world-renowned naturalist and former director of the St, Louis Zoo, and his wife Carol 2.1) The last seven known wolves were captured in the wild or taken from zoos to begin the breeding program.2) The first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves produced in the federal program was born at thewild CanidCenter.3) The first release into the wild took place.Section ThreeNews Item 1Exercise AThis news item is about the New York times winning seven Pulitzer prizes in journalism.News Item 2Exercise AThis news item is about the Smithsonian’s Jazz Appreciation Month.Exercise BCoincides with, performers, promote, assist,Organizers, schools, local museums, libraries, musicians, concert halls, radio stations, presenting, concerts, composers, musicians, JazzNews Item 3Exercise AThis news item is about an African American history museum showing the struggles and contributions of African Americans.Exercise BF T F F T T F TSection FourPart 1Exercise AThis radio program is about singer Norah Jones’ background and her popularity now.Exercise BA Gifted SingerName Norah JonesPlace of growing up TexasHer parents Father: a famous Indian musicianMother: an American womanPlace of her establishment New YorkThe feature of her songs A combination of jazz, pop, country folkand soulThe name of her new album“Come Away with Me”Part 2PassageExercise B Sentence Dictation1. A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses and off we walked toward the lion’s den.2.He couldn’t stop smiling as we crept closer into the glow of the day’s last light.3.Just a meter away from the lions a straggling buffalo loped by, but our appearance seemed to distract them and thebuffalo got away.4.Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways. Our guides knelt in the sand, pointingout the differences between the various animal tracks.5.Thrashing in the water a mauve-colored hippo grunted, snapped his giant jaws, and lunged forward. We kept ourdistance behind a log on the banks of the river.Exercise C Detailed Listening1.They experienced the African bush on foot.2.Seeing lions was a special treat for them.3.They saw 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass.4.Kruger National Park stretches for almost 2.5 million hectares, roughly the size of Wales.5.They stayed in a thatched roof two-person huts with toilets and hot showers.6.Dinner was served around an open fire.7.They saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where they had been swimming the day before.8.They were all on a high from their lion sighting.。

新视野⼤学英语视听说教程3(第三版)UnittextUint4听⼒原⽂和答案Unit 4 testNextDirections: Click on the speaker to the left to start playing the audio recordingsParts I, II and III. They will be played continuously. Once the recording starts playiplease do NOT click on either the speaker icon or the 'Unit Quiz' link in the menuabove. Otherwise, you may lose the chance of hearing the complete recording.Part IDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answersto the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing,there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playingto check your answers.1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. They are taking photos.B. They are barbecuing.C. They are playing with the woman's sister.D. They are looking at photos.2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The man's mom will always scold him when he and his brother fight.B. The man's mom will always scold his brother when they fight.C. The woman's sister is very naughty.D. The woman sometimes fights with her little sister.3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The woman thinks parents shouldn't allow children to watch TV at all.B. The man's child is a couch potato.C. The woman's child doesn't like watching TV.D. The man encourages his child to work out to reduce the time spendingon TV.4.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Husband and wife.B. Daughter and father.C. Mother and son.D. Two colleagues.5.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. One had better forget the divorce.B. One should find a new spouse as early as possible.C. Divorce is very painful.D. Divorce is not very painful.Part IIDirections: Listen to the passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read the third time, check your answers.In a powerful new Mercedes a married couple are driving along a highwayHer husband suddenly looks over at her. From theand themoment. He says, "been married for 20 years, but I want aThe wife says nothing, but slowly increases theHe then says, "(8)Again the wife stays quiet, but speeds up as her rage increases."I want the house," he insists, pressing his luck.The wife speeds up to 80 mph.He says, "I want the car, too," but she just drives faster and faster.By now she's up to 90 mph."All right," the man says, "(9)The wife slowly starts to veer toward a bridge.This makes him a bit nervous, so he says, "Isn't there anything you want?"The wife says, ""Oh, really," he says, "So what have you got?"Seconds before they slam into the bridge at a speed of 100 mph, the wife smiles and says, "The airbag."Part IIIDirections: Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. What is the passage mainly about?A. The importance of remarriage.B. The reasons for a remarriage.C. Ways of preparing for a blended family.D. Children's problems in a blended family.2. How will children view the man their single mother is dating if she says "we're just friends"?A. They will find the man threatening.B. They will leave home.C. They will treat the man as a friend.D. They will be eager to have a new father.3. How can single parents benefit from advice?A. They can make up their minds to find a new spouse quickly.B. They can see the issue from a new angle.C. They will understand their former spouse better.D. They can give their new spouse a surprise.4. According to the passage, which of the following is true in the case of a divorce?A. Children are sadder than parents.B. Parents are sadder than children.C. Younger children have more problems than older children.D. Older children have more problems than younger children.5. Which people are mentioned in the passage who must make adjustments in a blended family?A. The stepparent and the biological parent.B. The stepparent and the children.C. The biological parent and the children.D. The stepparent, the biological parent, and the children.Part IVDirections: Choose the best answer to each of the following statements.1.Amy, sit down. We need to talk. Your mother and I are going to _________.A. separateB. separate with each otherC. divorce ourselvesD. divorce with each other2.So you're still single? If you ________ to me and used the Internet, you'd have had a husband by now.A. listenB. have listenC. have listenedD. had listened3.I _________ an online ad that read, "Husband Wanted".A. putB. postedC. positionedD. pressed4.I do have a right _____ stability for my children and myself, don't I?A. inB. forC. toD. at5.Do you yell at him and call ______________?A. him namesB. his namesC. him nameD. his naming6.Remarriage was the ______ thing I'd consider for two years after my divorce.I had heard about the high rate of remarriage failures.A. finalB. eventualC. lastingD. last7.As time ________, my son gradually grew up, and he became conscious of my loneliness and anxiety.A. went byB. went pastC. passed overD. passed through8.____________ he said this, I ignored him.A. In the first timeB. The first timeC. The first time whenD. At the first time when9.Our kids are being teased by other kids at school because we can't dress them _____ the current fashions!A. withB. byC. inD. for10.I hope you won't hesitate and let golden opportunities slip _______ your fingers.A. inB. overC. alongD. through。

新视野大学英语视听说教程第三册听力练习录音文本和答案注:(期末考试考听力书1-7单元中每个单元的Listening In 中的Task3及Further Listening and Speaking这一部分中的Task2,这两部分详细答案如下,请详细核对,课后多加练习) Uint1III. Listening InPage 6Keys: 1A 2.C3. D 4.B 5.DTask3: Memory-Improving TechniquesScriptThere are many techniques you can use to improve your memory. Some of them are introduced her.First and foremost, you need to stimulate your memory all the time. To put it simply, you should use your memory as much as possible. It is especially important to try to learn something new. If you work in an office, learn to dance; if you are a dancer, learn to deal with a computer, if you work with sales, and learn to play chess; if you are a programmer, learn to paint. These added activities stimulate the brain so that I t continues to function.Older people need to pay attention to things they are dealing with. Don‟t try to memorize everything that catches your attention; focus on what you consider important. For example, you can take any object such as a pen and concentrate on it. Think on its various characteristics: its material, its function, its color, and so on. Don‟t allow any other thought to occupy your mind while you are concentrating in that pen.Another method that can be used is to relax yourself. It is impossible to remember things if you are tense or nervous.So, try holding your breath for ten seconds, and then release it slowly.Association is also a powerful tool to develop your memory. For example, if you cannot remember a person‟s name, you can think about a special feature of his face and then link it with his mane.1.What‟s seems to be an especially important way to stimulate one‟s memory?2.What seems to be the best way to focus your memory?3.How can you concentrate on a pen?4.How can you relax yourself according to the passage?5.What is the main idea of the passage?VI.Further Listening and SpeakingPage 13Task 2: Where did the professor go?ScriptThis is a true story, while happened to friends of ours in a small town in South Africa. They were a hospitable couple who often entertained their neighbors for drinks, tea or dinner. On this particular spring night, they have invited a retired professor to super. During the evening, it began to pour with rain, and the heavens really opened. Because he had walked there, they offered to put him up for the night. They pointed out that by staying overnight, he did not need to go to out in the bad weather. He agreed on the soundness of that idea, thanked his hosts profusely, and the matter seemed to be settled. But while they were washing the dishes after supper, the forgetful professor disappeared. No one could find him anywhere. Eventually, after40 minutes, the front door bell rang. There was the professor, soaked to the skin. When he was asked what on earth he has been dong in the rain, he replied that because he was going to stay there overnight, he had gone home to get his pajamas and toothbrush.Uint2III. Listening InPage 20Keys: 1B 2.C3. D 4.A 5.DTask3: How to Get Straight A’sScriptIt is interesting to note how straight A students achieve academic excellence. Here, according to education experts and students themselves are the secrets of super-achievers.First, they know how to set priorities. Top students allow no intrusions on study time. Once the books are open or the computer is turned on, phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks ignored. Study is business, and business comes before recreation.Also, good students can study anywhere and everywhere. Claudia Hill, an Arizona State University business professor recalls a cross-country runner who worked out every day. Hill persuaded him to use his spare time to memorize biology term. Then he posted a list of biology terms on the mirror in the bathroom. He learned a few terms every day while brushing his teeth. Eventually, he scored high on the finalexamination.Moreover, top students schedule their time well. Study times are strictly a matter of personal preference. Some work late at night when the house is quiet. Others awake early. Still others study as soon as they come home from school when the work is fresh in their minds. All agreed, however, on the need for consistency. A student says, “Whatever I was doing, I maintained a certain period of time every day for studying.”Another important characteristic of super-achievers is that they know hoe to read, According to a book entitled Getting Straight A‟s, the secret of good reading is to be “an active reader-one who continually asks questions that lead to a full understanding of the author‟s message”.6.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about super—achievers starting tostudy?7.What did the cross-country runner do to score high on the exam?8.What is the good thing all top students agree on?9.What does the speaker mean by “an active reader”?10.What is the main idea of the passage?VI. Further Listening and SpeakingPage 29Task 2: The Final ExamScriptAt a university, there were four sophomores taking a chemistry course. They were doing so well on all the quizzes, midterms, labs, that each had “A”so far for the semester.These four friends were so confident that on the weekend before finals, they decided to go up to the University of Virginia and party with some friends there. They had a great time, but after all the hearty partying, they slept all day Sunday and didn‟t make it back to school until early Monday morning.Rather than taking the final then, they decided to find their professor after the final exam and explain to him why they missed it. They explained that they had planned to come back in time for the final exam, but, unfortunately, they had a flat tire on the way back, didn‟t have a spare, and couldn‟t get help for a long time. As a result, they missed the final.The professor thought it over and then agreed they could make up the final the following day. The guys were relieved and elated. The next day, the professor placed them in separate room, hand each of them a test booklet, and told them to begin.They took at the first problem, worth five points. It was a simple question on a chemical reaction. “Cool,”they thought at the same time, each one in his separate room, “This is going to be easy.” Each finished the problem and then turned the page. On the second page was a question worth 95 points: “Which of the tires was flat?”Uint3III. Listening InPage 35Keys: 1C 2.A3. B 4.B 5.BTask3: A Woman Who Chose Not to RemarryScriptAfter 17 years of marriage, my husband left me for my best friend, Monica. What I had feared most became reality: I became the single parent of two young children. My daughter grew increasingly unhappy. Seven-year-old Joanna had anxiety attacks when ever she was left alone for more than a few minutes. Five-year-old Sophie would vomit every meal. Under the psychological pressure, I thought about remarriage. My friends arranged dinner with single men and invited me to parties to meet the latest “someone special”.But later I changed my mind. A colleague of mine said, “Second marriages usually end in divorce, and children are destroyed by it.” There is some truth in his words. Research published in 2004 showed that children in blended families were no more emotionally healthy than those in single-parent families.Not long ago, my now-teenage daughter and I went to lunch at our favorite Italian restaurant. While eating, we talked about a friend of ours who was divorcing her second husband. We were worried about how the break would harm her three children, two of whom were struggling to get free of drugs. Joanna put down her fork and looked at me. “Mom, I‟m glad you didn‟t remarry,”she said. “If you had divorced again, I might have tried drugs or even consider suicide.” At that moment, I realized, once again, that singleness was right choice for me.11.What was the speaker most afraid of?12.Which of the following is NOT true?13.What did the speaker‟s colleague say?14.Which of the following is true?15.If the speaker had divorced again, what might her daughter, Joanna, have done? VI. Further Listening and SpeakingPage 42Task 2: Nuclear Family Living PatternsScriptA nuclear family is typical in high-industrialized societies. Beginning in the early 20thcentury, the two-parent family known as the nuclear family was the predominant American family type. Generally children live with their parents until they go away to a college or university, or until they acquir e their own jobs and move into their own apartment or home.In the early mid-20th century, the family typically was the sole wage earner, and the mother was the children‟s principle care giver. Today, often both parents hold jobs. Dual-earner families are the predominant type for families with children in the United States.Increasingly, one of the parents has a non-standard shift; that is, a shift that does not start in the morning and end in later afternoon. In these families, one of the parents manages the children while the other works.Prior to school, adequate day care of children is necessary for dual-earner families. In recent years, many private companies and home-based day care centers have sprung up fulfill this need. Increasingly, a company‟s arrangement of day care as well as government assistance to parents requiring day care is occurring.Uint4III. Listening InPage 49Keys: 1C 2.C3. B 4.A 5.DTask3: A Guide to a Successful Job InterviewScriptThere are times that you will be asked a hard question during a job interview. Don‟t panic, they just want to see how you handle a difficult situation. Being prepared is always the best policy. Here are some samples of questions and some advice on how to handle them properly.Why should we choose you? To this question, you can ask yourself why you applied, what makes you suitable for this question, what the company can gain from hiring you, what you have to offer, how you would handle this jib, etc.Often they ask you to tell them about yourself. You can split your answer into two, the professional and the personal level. Both are important, and how you move from one to the other depends on what you have to say. You can give a brief summary of your life, professional and personal, with less emphasis on the early past, and more emphasis on the present and the future.When asked “What are your weakness?”, don‟t say, “I don‟t have any.” Everyone has weakness, and it takes something positive like, “I haven‟t had a lot of exposure on the on-site work, but I‟m looking forward to being more involved in dealing with customers directly and learning their needs.”Another common question is: “What are your strengths?” You should customize your answer to meet the position requirement. Keep in mind the things they asked for in theadvertisement. Tell them your strengths, but also show them how they how they would apply to this job. To show how your strengths were valuable, use the “Why, where, when, how” to demonstrate and prove your strengths.16.What is the passage mainly concerned with?17.What does the speaker NOT mention as an answer to the question, “Why shouldwe choose you?”?18.What does the speaker say you should stress when introducing yourself?19.What does the speaker advice you NOT to say when asked, “What are yourweaknesses?”20.What should you say when asked about your strong points?VI. Further Listening and SpeakingPage 58Task 2: Two Essential Factors in an InterviewScriptWhen applying for a job, especially a job you really want. It‟s not usually to feel nervous and anxious. Sometimes it‟s this anxiety, not our qualifications, that keeps us from obtaining our dream job.So you must overcome your nervousness and build up confidence. This often involves two factors: one mental and the other physica l. Mentally, it‟s important to prepare yourself for the interview without obsessing over it. Remember, it might be your dream job, but it won‟t be the end of the world if you don‟t get it. Tell yourself that the company would be lucky to get you; and if they choose someone else, it will be their loss. In essence, you need to build your self-confidence. Your ability to answer all questions without hesitation will certainly impress the interviewer.Now that you are mentally ready for any question that might be thrown your way, it‟s time to work on your physical presentation. No matter what position you are applying for, your physical appearance at the interview will be a big factor in the final determination.It‟s always a good idea to wear a suit; it doesn‟t have to be a designer suit, but something plain and conservative. Do not dress too informally. For example, don‟t wear a red fashionable jacket for your interview. Make sure, too, that it is clean and pressed. This may seem like common sense, but you‟d be surprised how careless some applicants are. While it‟s not necessary to visit the beauty salon before your interview, make sure that your nail are well-manicured, and your hair is styled carefully and neatly.Uint5Page 64Keys: 1D 2.C3. C 4.A 5.CIII. Listening InTask3: Where to Start Your BusinessScriptYou have to consider the location when launching a business. You will be “planning your business tree” there and will have to maintain it for years to come. You have to keep in mind a few things when deciding on a place t open your business.First of all, you have to take the local economy into consideration. Is your local area growing and building? Are the market trends good? Even if you have to locate your business farther from your home, try to find a place that is building up and bringing people in. The worst thing you can do is to pick a place that is in the “bad area of town” because it is less expensive. Your address can be the first thing people will ask for, and it can say a lot about your business.The second thing you have to bear in mind is the job market. Since unemployment is low in most area in the Unites States, consider what type of employees you will need and find out if there are many in your area. The amount of money that you will have t o spend I the recruiting phase could be an indicator that you should or should not locate the business in an area with a different employee pool.Another factor people have to consider is whether you can integrate with the local community and get to love it. To make the community warm to you, you should become involved in it by joining the local Chamber of Commerce, Business Association, City Council Committees, or other local organization that could offer you help. Why plan on retiring “one day” to some great location? Why not move there now and start your dream business?21.What is the speaker mainly talking about?22.What must you find if you are going to locate a business at a distance from yourhome?23.According to the speaker, what is the worst thing you can do?24.What will the recruiting money tell you?25.What can you do the get on well with the locate people?VI. Further Listening and SpeakingPage 73Task 2: What do you know about business?ScriptHistorically, the term business referred to activities or interests.By extension, the word became, as recently as the 18th century, synonymous with “an individualcommercial enterprise”. When referring to activities, the terms business and industry sometimes appear interchangeable. Thus a fisherman might say either that he is in the “fishing business”, which is a bit colloquial or that he works in the “fishing industry”, which sounds somewhat formal. The word “trade” may serve as an equivalent of both “business” and “industry”.People establish business in order to perform economic activities. With some exceptions, such as non-profit organizations and institutions of the government, businesses exist to product profit. In other words, the owners and operators of a business have receiving or generating a financial return for their time, effort and capital as one of their main objectives.One can classify businesses in many different ways.In recent years, service businesses have become increasingly popular. They offer intangible products and typically have different, usually smaller, capital requirements than manufacturers. Distributors need smaller funds than manufacturers.Most laws specify the forms that a business can take, and a body of commercial law has been developed for each type. Some common types include partnerships, corporations, also called limited liability companies, and sole ownerships.Unit 6Page 80Keys: 1D 2.A 3. B 4.C 5.III. Listening InTask3: Fighting Teen SmokingScriptThe percentage of teens who smoke cigarettes dropped to 28% in 2003, according to a report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. That was down from 36% in 1999 as measured by the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. It‟s a triumph for many people across the nation who worked tirelessly to reverse the climb in teen smoking rates during the 1990s.An equal accomplishment many be discovery of what works to influence teens‟motivation and behavior. Success has come in communities with a comprehensive program to fight tobacco use by teens. The best school health classes won‟t have much effect on teen who already smoke. Many of them need professional help before they can quit. Another interesting finding is that nearly all first use of tobacco occurs before high school graduation. So if adolescents don‟t start smoking by age 18, odds are they never will. For those who do experiment with cigarettes, new research shows teens can get hooked on nicotine more quickly than adults and by extremely low levels of tobacco.Now the bad news: while the teen smoking rate is down to 28%, that still means morethan one in four teenagers still smoke. Public health and parents are not ready to abandon a quarter of today‟s young people to the damaging effects of tobacco. Obviously, it is still too early to celebrate a complete victory. There is still much room for improvement.26.What percentage did the teen smoking rate drop by?27.What happened in the 1990s, according to the speaker? Useful for reducing teensmoking according to the speaker?28.What is especially useful for reducing teen smoking according to the speaker?29.What is the bad news mentioned in the passage?30.What is the main idea of the passage?VI. Further Listening and SpeakingPage 90Task 2: Drinking, Gambling and GolfScriptA man was walking in the city when he was accosted by a particularly dirty-looking bum, who asked him for a couple of dollars for dinner.The man took out his wallet, extracted two dollars and asked, “If I give you this money, will you take it and buy whiskey?”“No, I stopped drinking years ago,” the bum said.“Will you use it to gamble?”“I don‟t gamble. I need everything I can get just to stay alive?”“Will you spend the money on green fees at a golf course?””Are you nuts? I haven‟t played golf for 20 years!”The mad said, “Well, I‟m not going to give you two dollars. Instead, I‟m going to take you to my home for a terrific dinner cooked by my wife.”The bum was surprised, “Won‟t your wife be furious with you for doing that? I know I …m dirty, and I probably smell pretty bad.”The man replied, “That‟s OK. I just want her to see what a man looks like who‟d given up drinking, gambling, and golf.”Uint7Page 97Keys: 1C 2.A3. D 4.B 5.CIII. Listening InTask3: A Mild EI NinoScriptThe EI Nino weather condition has returned. However, official at the United States National Weather Service say EI Nino is weaker than usual this year. EI Nino is a change in the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean. It happens every four or five years. Normally, water temperatures in the western Pacific Ocean increase near the end of the year. This cause more rainfall in Indonesia, Australia and other nearby place. At the same time, cold ocean water cause less rainfall in the eastern Pacific Ocean, near South America. The opposite happens during EI Nino. Pacific Ocean temperatures increase near South America, causing unusually high amounts of rainfall there. In contrast, EI Nino causes dry weather in Indonesia and Australia.A strong EI Nino can severely affect the weather all over the world. The last powerful EI Nino was in 1997 and 1998. It caused major floods in many places. EI Nino also led to extremely dry weather in some other areas. Reports say the weather caused the deaths of about 24,000 people.So experts say having a weaker EI Nino this year is good news. Meteorologists say rainfall has been higher than usual in South America. The experts say the effects of EI Nino will begin to show in November in the United States. The northern states may have a warmer winter. But, scientists say EI Nino will not be strong enough to prevent this year‟s powerful storms in the Atlantic Ocean.31.According to the passage, how often does EI Nino happen?32.What normally happens in the western Pacific Ocean?33.What did the EI Nino in 1997 and 1998 cause?34.What is NOT mentioned as a result of this year‟s EI Nino?35.What is the central idea of the passage?VI. Further Listening and SpeakingPage 107Task 2: Mountain regions face a number of dangers. ScriptMountain people around the world are in great danger of the negative effects of the worsening environment, according to a UN report.As global warming and deforestation accelerate and technology makes wilder places more accessible, environmental and social pressures on the world‟s remotest regions increases.The UN has found that many mountainous regions—inhabited by one out of five of the world‟s people—are barely recognizable when they are compared to what they ere like 60 years ago. This is mostly because forests were cut to make way for cattle grazing and agriculture.The authors of the UN study expect 98 percent of its mountain areas to experience severe climate change by 2055.Biological losses are expected to be heavy. The mountains of Europe, part of California and the northwest Andes in South Americaare among the most threatened mountain areas in the world and should be given priority in conservation.The UN is anxious to raise awareness of the problem facing mountain areas because they are inhabited by some of the most vulnerable people. These people could lose their culture and their livelihood with even the smallest shifts in climate.At the same time, many mountain regions are losing people. Thousands of villages in Europe are deserted most of the year. In other areas like Nepal, people are drifting to the cities in search of work.。

新视野大学英语视听说教程第三册听力练习录音文本和答案Uintl- Uint6UintlIII. Listening InWhile the man is wondering why the woman is suddenly getting excellent marks, she says she read an article on studying and remembering. It talks about principles like “Mental Visualization”, that is, creating a picture in one,s mind of what is to be remembered. This reminds the man of the principle of “Association”, which means connecting what one wants to remember with something one is familiar with. Then the woma n adds the principle of “Consolidation”, or reviewing one,s notes after class and absorbing the new materia l into what one has already learned. When the man promise to study sixteen hours a day, the woman recommends the principle of “Distributed Practice”, which favors shorter study sessions distributed over several days. Finally, the woman tells the man that memory is like a muscle, and that it needs exercise.Task 2: You forget my toast!ScriptAn 80-year-old couple was having problems remembering things, so they decide to go to their doctor to see what was wrong with them. They explained to the doctor about the problems they were having with their memory. After checking the couple over, the doctor told them that they were physically okay but might need to start writing things down to help them remember. The couple thanked the doctor and left.Later that night while watching TV, the old woman said to the old man, “Honey, will you please go to the kitchen and get me a dish of ice cream?”Before the man left, she added, “Why don,t you write that down so you won't forget?”“Nonsense,” said the husband, “I can remember a dish of ice cream!”“Well,” said the wife, “I'd like some strawberries on it. You,d better write that down because I know your memory is failin g.”“Don,t be silly,” replied the husband. “There,re only two things: a dish of ice cream and some strawberries. I can surely remember that!”With that, he rushed into the kitchen. After about twenty minutes he returned from the kitchen and handed her a plate of bacon and eggs.The wife took one look at the plate, glanced up at her husband, and said, “Hey, you forget the toast!”Uint2III. Listening InSeeing that Jenny has bought the books for the biology class, Harrison says nobody does much on the first day because it,s still add-drop, which means students are changing from class to class. Jenny knows the professor is really good. But Harrison warns her that the professor is good, only if students are hand-workers, for he expects a 10t.After class, Jenny admits that half of what the professor said went over her head, and Harrison assures her that a lot of what the professor said is explained in the reading.When Jenny asks to borrow Harrison notes, he says “on problem”, for they don,t have class until Wednesday. Finally, Harrison says participation in the discussio n at the seminar is an important part of the education there.Task 2: Money for CollegeScriptRobert is a university student. He likes to have fun. But having fun was expensive, so he was rapidly running out of money. There was nothing to do to try to call his mother for help.“Hi, Mom. I certainly miss you and Dad. I …uh…got a big surprise this week in my physics course. We have to buy two new textbooks. I,m going to need $100.”“I understand, ” said his mother, “I'll send you the money right away. You left your calculus book here when you were home two weeks ago. Shall I mail that at the same time?”“Oh, yeah. Thanks,” Robert said.Robert,s mother made up a parcel with the calculus book and two checks, and mailed it to Robert that very day. When she returned from the post office, her husband was waiting for her.“Well, how much did you give the boy this time?” asked Dad.“I send two checks: one for $100 and the other for $1, 100,” answered Mom.“You're outing your mind,” yelled Dad, “That’s $1,100. He,ll just spend that in a couple of weeks. He's never going to learn the value of money that way.”“Don't worry, honey,” Mom said, “I taped the $100 check to the cover of his book, but I put the $1,000 one between the pages in Charper13!”Uint3After thirteen years marriage, the woman wants to divorce her husband, claiming he is irresponsible. When asked for the specific grounds for divorce, she gives these reasons: First, he keeps changing jobs, and the family has had to move four times in thirteen years, but she wants stability for her children and herself. Second, although he is paying the bills, they just live around the poverty line. Her children are being teased by other children for not dressing good clothes. Also, they had to live in a small apartment and drive an old car, though it still runs. Worse still, the husband yells at her, though she admits she also yell at him and calls him names. As for the divorce arrangements, the woman will give the husband only visitation rights instead of jointcustody. Moreover, the woman will demand half of all they have and large support payments.Task 2: What four-letter words? ⑦ScriptDorothy was the only child of her family, born when her parents were mid-aged. They spoiled her badly. At the age of 33 she still lived at home. Her mother and father treat her like a princess. She seemed perfectly content with that situation, so her friends were surprised when she announced she would soon get married. People who knew her well said the marriage wouldn ’t last long. But for the present, she and her new husband approached happy. . )As soon as the newly couple returned from their honeymoon, the bride called her mother.“How does everything go?” her mother asked.“Oh, Mom,” she began, “the honeymoon was lovely! So romantic! We had a wonderful time. But on our back, Bob started using terrible language. Stuff I ’d never heard before. Really awful four-letter words. You ’ve got to come get me and take me home. Please, Mom!” the new bride sobbed over the telephone.“But, honey,” the mother asked, “What four-letter words?”“I can,t tell you, Mom. They,re too awful! Come get me, please!”“Darling, you must tell me what has upset you so much. Tell me what four-letter words he used.”Still sobbing, the bride said, “Mom, words like dust, wash, iron, and cook.”Keys: FTFFTUint4III. Listening InThe woman went from Guilin City to the east coast city of Qingdao to attend college. She was impressed by the latter's dynamic economy. Now shi is being interviewed for a job. She says she once worked as an intern for a small shipping company to maintain the company,s ties with the existing customers and try to find new cargo sources. There she learned the importance of communication skills . She has realized that book knowledge is indeed necessary, but it is equally essential to persuade potential clients to trust her. Her former employer said herability to find customers was an asset to the company. He appreciated the loyalty and teamspirit. The interviewer finds her mature for her age and very goal-oriented. And she believesthat she has acquired many good qualities form her parents, but still has a lot to learn.Task 2: A Work Qualification TestScriptMurphy applies for an engineering position at an Irish firm based in Dublin. An American appliedfor the same job. Quite by coincidence, the two amplifications, and were asked to take the same test by the manager of the Human Resource Department. Upon completion of the test, both men missed only one of the questions. The manager went to Murphy and said, “Thank you for your interest, but we ’ve decided to give the American the job.”Bewildered by the manager’s decision, Murphy asked, “Why would you be doing that? We both got nine questions correct. This being Ireland and me being Irish, I should get the job!”The manger answered calmly, “We have made our decisions based on the correct answers, but on the question you missed.”Unconvinced and somewhat indignant, Murphy question, “And just how would one incorrect answer be better than the other?”The manager's maser took him by surprise, “Simple, on QuestionNo.5, the American put down 'Idon't' know', and you put down ‘Neither do I’.”For Reference1.He made his decision based on the wrong answers to the one question one missed, rather thanon the correct answers.2.By writing “Neither do I ”, it seems that Murphy copied the American answer on the test.Uint5Chris and Nora are going to a reception. Chris is eager to making new connections. As the party ends at two, he intends to have all those brochures distributed by one- thirty. But Nora disagrees, saying that those brochures will make him look like a green hand. She advises him just to hand out business card and leave his work at the door. But Chris wonders how he can get anything out of this if she can 't talk business. To this, Nora insists that he should just get a card for a card. Chris catches on quickly and knows that he can hand out business cards now and follow up on Monday. Finally, Nora suggests splitting up so that they can cover more ground. Chris feels it will be a piece of cake and promise to meet her back there at two.Task 2: A Work Qualification TestScriptOnce there was a Scottish accountant. The business has been in the family for generations and generations. Over time, with the countless clients that had gone in and out of the office, the marble step in front of the building had developed a big, deep dip in it from all the wear and tear.The accountant’s friends kept telling him that he had better get it replaced; otherwise he,d be sued if anyone ever slipped and fell.Reluctantly, the accountant called a stonemason to get a quote for the repairs. When the stonemason got there, the accountant demanded a price for a new step.“Ah, big job,” said the e stonemason, “But I suppose I could give you a new step for a hundred pounds.” The accountant was stunned. “Are you crazy, man? I can,t pay you a hundred pounds! ” Thinking about it for a second, he turned to the stonemason and asked, “What would you charge meto dig up the step and turn it over so that the worn part is in the ground and I,d get a new square step?” The stonemason hesitated, “20pounds.”“Do it!” Demanded the accountant, “And call me when you,re done.”The accountant went back inside to read his books, but after only 15minutes the stonemason rang the bell. As the accountant opened the door, he saw the stonemason standing there, pointing to a deep dip in the step. The stonemason laughed as he said, “Your great-great granddaddy thought of that a hundred and fifty years ago!”For Reference3.countless clients that had gone in and out of the office4.He turn the step over so that the worn part was in the groundUnit 6Alan,s accountant is preparing his income tax return, so he needs to go over some of the receipts wit her. Pamela complains that the government just squanders people's hard-earned tax money on some unnecessary projects. But Alan does not mind paying taxes, saying it means he is earning money, which is better than living on charity. Pamela insists that if the poor would just get jobs, taxes would bee much lower. Alan disagrees, saying most people would rather work than receive charity, but sometimes there are no jobs that they are trained for. But Pamela asserts that the jobless people should take the needed training to upgrade their skills and knowledge to become more employable. Alan believes that some of the government tax dollars are alreadydirected to training and upgrading programs that help the poor to get jobs. When Pamela says some of the unemployed don,t want to work, preferring to have handouts, Alan points out that some people have to be educated to realize how much fuller their life would be if they ere not dependent on charity. Pamela is, however, more down-to-earth, thinking the government should attack unemployment by reducing the tax rate. That would give people more money; then, they would spend more, which would create more jobs for the poor.Task 2: A Professional GamblerScriptIn a bar a guy told the bartender, "I’m a professional gambler; I ’ve made of lots of money from gambling.”The barte nder answered, “I can hardly believe it. Your odds are fifty-fifty at best, right?”“Well, I only bet on sure things,” said the guy.“Like what?” asked the bartender.The bartender thought about it, “Okay,” he said.So the guy pulled out his false right eye and bit it, “Ah, you screwed me, ” said the bartender, and paid the guy fifty dollars.“I’ll give you another chance. I ’ll bet you another fifty dollars that I can bite my left eye,” said the stranger.The bartender thought it over again and said, “Well, I can see you,re not blind. I ’ll takethat bet.”So, the guy pulled out his false teeth and bit his left eye. And the bartender had to pay him another fifty dollars.Then the guy went to the back room to play cards with some of the locals. After many hours of drinking and card playing, he stumbles up to the bartender and said, “Bartender, I,ll give you one last chance. I,ll bet you 500 dollars that I can dump tomato juice into that whiskey bottle three foot away without spilling a drop.” The bartender thought the guy must be drunk now, “Okay, you’re on,” he said.The guy began dumping tomato juice all over the bartender, but no a drop fell into the whiskey bottle.The bartender was overjoyed. Laughing, the bartender said, “Hey, pal, you owe me five hund red dollars!”The guy said, “That,s okay. I just bet the guys in the card rooml, 000 bucks each, that I could dump tomato juice all over you but you still laugh!”Keys: TFTFTFor Reference5.Because not a drop tomato juice fell into the whiskey bottle, and he was to win the bet of 500dollars.6.Because he just bet the guys in card rooml, 000 buck each that he could dump tomato juice allover the bartender and still make him laugh.。

新视野大学英语第三版视听说教程4答案Unit 1 How we behave is who We areListening to the world1-2 SharingPractice 1Reference:In the podcast, people are interviewed about good and bad behavior. They talk about what kind of behavior in public places is annoying to them,a recent example of good or bad manners they experienced, and whether people's attitude to behavior changes as they get older.Practice 2Reference:1. To him, city life is quite impersonal.2. When people behave kindly.3. He feels very much annoyed.4. About good and bad behavior.Practice 3B E F DC APractice 4B A B APractice 51) anti-social2) aware of3) appreciate4) attitude5) tolerant6) come to an end7) walk away8) Impress1-3 ListeningUse the skills 1Reference:·- If your choices are mostly "A"s, you are clearly a morning person. You are most efficient and alert in the morning, but become quickly tired when evening comes and often feel uncomfortable at the thought of going out after nine.-If your choices are mostly "B"s, it means that getting up early might not be your favorite thing, but you do it if you have to and you can't imagine why some people make such a fuss about it.- If your choices are mostly "C"s, you are a real evening person and you are not really clearheaded and focused until it starts to get dark-that's when you feel most energetic.Your ideal schedule would be sleeping in until noon and doing allyour work and socializing after dinner.·- I like being a morning person because I can enjoy the quietness of the mornings;I have time to enjoy breakfast, the most important meal of a day;I can travel to work or school before the rush hours and skip the traffic jams;and I feel good about myself for my ability to manage myself.- I like being an evening person because my mind usually works most productively during late night hours, and I also can get more work done when everyone has gone asleep and there is no one disturbing me.Use the skills 2Reference:1. The interviewer is an owl. She explains that it is because she was born in the late evening at 10 o'clock.2. Though she is an owl, her job requires her to be a lark and get up every morning at 5:30.3. Which are you,a lark or an owl? And why?Use the skills 3A B B B B A BUse the skills 41) 1/One2) peaceful3) beautiful4) lovely part5) 6/Six6) party7) 2/Two8) with a passion9) last second10) 3/Three11) walking their dogs12) with a bounce13) 4/Four14) away15) the best part of the day16) 5/Five17) thinking straight18) at my sharpest19) 7/Seven20) we had children21) in the mornings22) in the evenings1-4 ViewingGet a clue 1Reference:1. Desmond Morris is widely known for his study of human behavior, customs and rituals, and his writings on the area.2. He was originally a zoologist.3. In this video clip, he focuses on customs connected with greeting and on the meaning of different gestures.View it 1Reference:1. Because he was fascinated with their body language.2. A"man watcher".3. Over 60 countries.4. The different ways of shaking hands, and the different ways of saying"You are crazy".View it 2Speaking for communication1-5 Role-playingNot then down 1Reference:1. Because he wants to ask her to pay back the money she has borrowed from him.2.She explains that she is terrible with money and that she just forgets about it.3. She says she will pay back the money the following week when she gets paid.4. He feels annoyed about the situation.5. He suggests that the woman pay back a little amount of the money each week. Not then down 2G A F H B D C E1-6 PresentingGet ideas 1Reference:1. The story is about a couple who were ordered to return a large amount of lottery prize money.2. The story happened in Birmingham, UK.3. Alan and Megan Beecham, the couple who found the lottery ticket.4. They wondered whether they should cash in a winning lottery ticket or not, because the ticket was not theirs.5. They decided to cash it in because the temptation of the money was too great.6. Yes, they spent half of the prize money on a new car and other expensive things.7. They were ordered to pay back the money.Organize ideas 1-1Reference:Situation 1: Whether to return the extra change wrongly given by a cashier Situation 2: Whether to go abroad to study right after graduation from high school or wait till finishing collegeSituation 3: Whether to look at the answers to an upcoming exam a classmate had sentSituation 4: Whether to quit the current part-time job or notOrganize ideas 1-2Reference:1. It was about whether to look at the answers to an exam.2. The night before the exam.3. A classmate sent me an email with the answers to the exam.4. I'm a good student and I don't cheat.·The exam was really important for my future.5. Not to look at the answers to guarantee a good exam result,but to report the incident to the teacher.6. Being honest in exams is one of the most basic rules we should comply with as college students.·Cheating is a shameful and risky act.7. No,I feel happy about the decision.I would certainly do the same again.1-7 Public speakingPractice the skills 1More practice in listening1-8 More practice in listeningConversations 1-1DConversations 1-2AConversations 1-3BConversations 1-4CConversations 1-5CConversations 2C BD APassages 1A C D CPassages 21) distressing2) desperate3) urge4) acquire5) are totally unaware of6) are isolated from7) affirm8) interact with9) impulse10) are convinced ofNews 1B CNews 2B A CUnit test1-10 Unit test短对话5题1) D. The man doesn't care about children saying ma'am or sir.2) D. The woman's work as a writer.3) B. Show respect to the teacher.4) C. The shirt.5) D. One's special abilities.长对话5题6) C. Troubles in their marriage.7) A. They agreed to share the work.8) A. The state of the marriage.9) A. Go to their parents.10) D. Their home.短文理解5题11) C. Public interest lawyers.12) B. Some people can't afford lawyers.13) D. Some lawyers choose to receive less money.14) D. Sometimes lawyers don't charge a client.15) C. Trouble with one's landlord.复合式听写10题16) at17) section18) connects19) at the bottom of20) shining21) As22) cross23) running away from24) streaming down25) DestroyedUnit 2 Getting older, getting wiser ? Listening to the world2-2 SharingPractice 1Reference:In the podcast, people are interviewed about how they feel about their lives. They talk about what they are looking forward to in the future, whether there is anything they aren't looking forward to, and whether their schooldays are the best days of their lives.Practice 21) excited2) on the banks3) beach parties4) find out5) looking forward toPractice 3F A D C E BPractice 4A A AB B B B A B APractice 5A AB A B B B2-3 ListeningUse the skills 1Reference:1 .1) I will definitely work on my graduation project.I will graduate in two years, so certainly I will be working on a certain project and writing up my thesis in the last semester of my university studies.2) I will probably travel to a beautiful place, for example, the West Lake in Hangzhou. or Lijiang in Yunnan Province.I like traveling. so if I have time and money.I may go to a place with beautiful scenery and enjoy nature in the summer.3) I am unlikely to work as an intern in a company.I am always busy studying, soI don't have much time to find an internship. Although many of my classmates may do various types of part-time jobs,I'm not likely to do that.4) I certainly wont take the graduate admission examination.I am pretty sure thatI want to work immediately after graduation rather than continue to study. This means I will not take the graduate admission examination. Instead,I will be busy looking for a job.2. Yes, I would certainly love to receive a letter from my younger self. It would be exciting to open the letter years later and find out what dreams have come true and what have not. It would be a unique record of my thoughts and ideas at a younger age.Use the skills 2B A A A A BUse the skills 31) Thursday,20/5/2004/Thursday, the 20th of May, 20042) 16/sixteen3) 20/twenty4) by the river5) raining6) fancied7) have the guts to tell him8) good-looking/romantic and intelligent9) three children/3 children10) I'm happy11) feel good about who I was /am12) Good luck for the future13) be happy with who you areUse the skills 4Reference:1. She feels it seems very shallow.2. She has now grown up and matured.3. She is very happy with where she is now./She doesn't think life has to be the perfect image she pictured.2-4 ViewingGet a clue 1Reference:1. The three places mentioned are Okinawa, Loma Linda and Sardinia.2. People there live longer than anywhere else on earth.3. To uncover the secrets to a long life in these communities.View it lB B A B B AView it 2Speaking for communication2-5 Role-playingNot then down 1Reference:1) got a mobile phone and had a bill for over £2002) being overprotective;should give her son some freedom3) spends all his time on the computer, so he never gets any exercise4) wants to get pierced earsNot then down 2A B A A A B A A B A2-6 PresentingGet ideas 1Reference:Ages Best things Worst things15 More trust from parents Not having enough money20 Living away from home Looking too young and immature30 Plenty of time to get things right Heavy pressure to be successful65 Appreciating friends and family and time with them Fear of growing older and being unable to do things she wants toOrganize ideas 1-1Reference:Ages Good things Bad things5·Care-free·Having lots of playmates at kindergarten·Having many toys to play with·Unable to do things alone·Too young to protect oneself·Under strict control of parents & grandparents all the time20·Living away from home·Interesting lectures·Diverse clubs&activities·Academic pressure·Financially dependent on parents·Lack of privacy in dorms45·Having a fulfilling career·Having a happy family·Financially secure·Too busy to visit parents·Constant need to update knowledge& skills·Need to save money for children's educationOrganize ideas 1-2Reference:Age 5 Best thing:Care-freeReasons:·No schoolwork·No pressure to earn a living·Loving parentsWorst thing:Unable to do things alone Reasons:·Not allowed to go out alone·Parents decide everything·Not old enough to explore the world on one's ownAge 20 Best thing:Diverse clubs & activities Reasons:·Good opportunities to make friends·Develop interests and hobbiesWorst thing:Lack of privacy in dorms Reasons:·Difficult to concentrate on study·No space for personal activityAge 45 Best thing:Financially secure Reasons: ·Can buy whatever you want·Have a comfortable house to live inWorst thing:Too busy to visit parents Reasons:·Lots of business trips·Kids to take care of2-7 Public speakingPractice the skills 1More practice in listening2-8 More practice in listening Conversations 1-1AConversations 1-2DConversations 1-3CConversations 1-4BConversations 1-5DConversations 2C B A DPassages 1B C D APassages 21) proportion2) estimated3) have profound impacts on4) potential5) economically6) pensions7) originate from8) residential9) poses a challenge to10) be transformed intoNews 1B DNews 2B D CUnit test2-10 Unit test短对话5题1) B. Young people seldom stay long on the same job.2) D. To arrange an appointment for him with the supervisor.3) C. Attend the graduation ceremony.4) B. He doesn't agree with the woman.5) C. Go to ask Grandpa.长对话5题6) C. The man doesn't expect the child to be a genius.7) C. Being a genius.8) B.The speakers have different opinions about the intelligence of the child.9) A. Husband and wife.短文理解5题10) B. Old rules for finding a job that are not so good.11) C. Some people have bad ideas about job hunting.12) A. They should give just enough information to make the employer interested.13) A. Encouraging the employer to want more information about you.14) D. They are suitable to different people.复合式听写10题15) launched16) corner17) bankruptcy18) virtually19) directing20) discharged21) secured22) substantial23) Not surprisingly24) fashion accessoriesUnit 3 Discovering your niche holidayListening to the world3-2 SharingPractice 1Reference:In this podcast, people are interviewed about how they spend their free time, how they would spend their free time differently if they had more time or money or opportunity,and what are the benefits to society if people are given more freetime or holidays.Practice 21) enjoy2) free3) music4) internationally5) festivals6) spend your free timePractice 3D E G H B A C FPractice 4B A A B A APractice 5B A B A A B B A3-3 ListeningUse the skills 1Reference:A bird-watching holiday appeals to me most. The majority of bird-watching tours adopt a relaxing, flexible approach.This not only allows a group of like-minded people to see a wide range of bird species, but also allows them adequate time for taking photos and enjoying the wild landscape. In a word, bird-watching holidays are immensely satisfying.They open a window into another world.Use the skills 2A D G EB F CUse the skills 3A B A B B A B A3-4 ViewingGet a clue 1Reference:Members of the public/BBC viewers decided the top 50things to do in one's lifetime. View it 11) husky sledding2) 383) wing-walking/wing walking4) 355) driving on Route 666) 197) bungee jumping8) 179) swimming with dolphins10) 1View it 2B A BSpeaking for communication3-5 Role-playingNot then down 1Four/4a swimming poolcovered by another"wall"/covered by another wallthe same position as the shape in the holewhat shape the hole will be until the last momentNot to get knocked into the poolgets through the most shapesNot then down 2A B A A B B A B3-6 PresentingGet ideas 1Reference:I partly disagree with the writer's view that today most people spend their free time doing things that do not contribute to their development and are essentially unproductive. In my opinion, many people today actually use the additional free time that technology has created for working more, rather than for interacting with net friends or for other meaningless activities. For instance, many people have formed the habit of checking company emails frequently even during their off-work hours;they are disturbed by cell phone calls concerning work wherever they are even on weekends; they are obliged to bring their computers with them even when going on a vacation. They never seem to have real freedom after work owing to the advancement of technology and the popularization of modern communications devices. However, although they live in such constant chaos, the truth is, this kind of life allows them no chance to spend time wastefully, and it often contributes to their career development and makes them more productive. Organize ideas 1-1Reference:Meaningful lesuire activities Reasons for being meaningful1. Outdoor activities such as going to parks, mountains and beaches·build health·prevent and reduce stress·improve social life2. Surfing the Internet·keep people well-informed·communicate with people all over the world easily·get entertainment through watching TV series or movies online3. Reading books·make people think more deeply·improve concentration4. Playing chess·make people smarter·relieve stress and bring funOrganize ideas 1-2Reference:1. If I were to choose two most meaningful leisure activities.I'd like to consider getting outdoors and reading books.These two activities are especially important in the modern world.2. 1) Being outdoors brings physical benefits as well as benefits to our social life.·build health·prevent and reduce stress·improve social life2) Reading books expands the depth of our knowledge. and helps us to improve concentration.·require people to think more deeply·require people to focus for long periods of time3. Being outdoors and reading books are two leisure activities that are especially meaningful in today's world.They help us to offset the negative aspects brought by modern technology and lifestyle.3-7 Public speakingPractice the skills 1More practice in listening3-8 More practice in listeningConversations 1-1DConversations 1-2DConversations 1-3CConversations 1-4BConversations 1-5AConversations 2D D B CPassages 1B C A CPassages 21) resorts2) sprung up3) dramatically4) having an adverse effect on5) combat6) wilderness7) unspoiled8) streams of9) guidelines10) auction offNews 1D BNews 2B CUnit test3-10 Unit test短对话5题1) A. The woman wants to play golf while the man wants to play tennis.2) B. No one will pay attention to how the man dances.3) B. A beautiful scene.4) B. She likes to take long camping trips.5) C. Annoyed.长对话5题6) C. Going out for the night.7) C.A concert.8) D. The man doesn't want to go out with the woman's parents.9) D. To go with the woman and her parents.10) B. Girlfriend and boyfriend.短文理解5题11) D. Types of vacations in the U.S.12) A. It is more comfortable than staying in tents.13) B. America has more tourist attractions than Europe.14) C. Both its major cities and its natural scenes are attractive.15) D. They can look at plants and flowers at close quarters.复合式听写10题16) audience17) teenage18) celebrate19) Popular20) conquers21) columns22) is central to23) a private arrangement24) to choose25) apart fromUnit 4 Solving problems &seeking happinessListening to the world4-2 SharingPractice 1Reference:In this podcast, people are interviewed about whether they think money makes them happy, what things are more important to them than money, and whether wealthy people should be taxed more to support the poor.Practice 2Reference:1. She is a producer for the BBC.2. She likes living in London, but it can be quite expensive.3. Money and happiness.Practice 3D F AE B G CPractice 41) brighten your mood2) a nurturing environment3) a stable family4) health5) Feel contentment6) makes the difference7) feeling satisfied withPractice 5A B B B A4-3 ListeningUse the skills 1C A ED F BUse the skills 21) E2) A F3) B4) C5) DUse the skills 31) F /f2) hotels or even cities3) A /a4) make money5) has doubled6) wherever he goes7) A /a8) what kind of food she eats9) junk mail or adverts10) F /f11) robbed12) more crimes13) have no need to worry14) F/f15) be more careful16) sent to the newspapers17) posted online4-4 ViewingGet a clue 1Reference:1.·Yes,I totally agree that people are feeling less happy now than before though their living standards have improved greatly. The main reason is that people now have to face more pressure, and cope with the fast-paced modern life. As a result, they feel anxious all the time and have no mood to enjoy life.·No,I don't quite agree. To me, whether people feel happier or not depends on what age they are. Older people may be mostly happier than before because their lives have become much more comfortable after living standards improved.Children may also be happier than in the past because they have more toys to play with and more places to go for fun.Young people may be the only group that feels less happy because today they have to compete for everything.2.•Yes,I do feel that it is hard for me to feel happy nowadays. Probably this is because as I grow older,I don't get excited easily anymore. When we were little, happiness could be something simple and easy. A candy or a toy would cheer us up and make us happy for a whole day. But now it's hard for us to have this feeling, and we often ignore a lot of good things in our life.·No.I don't think it's hard for me to feel happy today. I'm a very cheerful and optimistic person. Even if I fail to do something. I always choose to see the bright side. To me.there is no point being unhappy. It will only make things worse. View it lD B A C DView it 21) rethink everything2) Give it up/give it up3) transform4) standard of living5) diminishedSpeaking for communication4-5 Role-playingNot then down 11) Cosmetic surgery/cosmetic surgery2) Against /against)(For or Against3) dangerous4) frozen solid5) For/for6) health7) Downloading music for free /downloading music for free8) Against/against9) For/for10) theft11) stealing from them12) without paying13) make any money14) For /for)(For or Against15) CD sales16) file sharing17) concerts18) Banning cars from city center / banning cars from city center19) Against/against20) polluting than cars21) a reduction in shop sales22) perfectly fine23) For/for24) electric buses25) pollutedNot then down 2A B A A B A A B A A4-6 PresentingGet ideas 1Reference:1. The topics and their order:car, friendship, good food,money, and free time.2. Friendship and money.3. Four.4. More free time.Get ideas 2E B C D AOrganize ideas 1-1Reference:1) feel energetic & focused2) do whatever I like to do3) do well what I need to do4) not worried about anything5) sport & friendship6) health &free time7) health &friendship8) good food & money9) four10) three11) four12) three13) money14) money15) money16) money17) less18) less19) less20) lessOrganize ideas 1-2Reference:Introduction to the survey(purpose, method, etc.):1) Purpose:To find out what college students think of happiness and how they evaluate their own sense of happiness.2) Method :By interviewing four of my classmates with five questions.Findings and analysis:1) Most of them defined happiness as something related to one's state of mind.2) Regarding the two things most difficult to live without,most of them chose health, friendship, free time, or sport.but one chose good food and money.3) All of them rated their level of happiness as three or four.4) Their answers to the last two questions were surprisingly the same. All of them said that they lacked money and that they felt less happy than they were five years ago, probably because of the pressure associated with study and career choice. Conclusions from the survey:1) Students have a proper understanding of happiness.2) They value health, friendship and free time more than material things.3) They are fairly satisfied with their current situation.4) They want to have more money.5) They feel less happy nowadays.4-7 Public speakingPractice the skills 1More practice in listening4-8 More practice in listeningConversations 1-1CConversations 1-2AConversations 1-3BConversations 1-4CConversations 1-5DConversations 2B A B DPassages 1A D D CPassages 21) prevalent2) scary3) be classified as4) epidemic5) ratio6) diagnosed7) keeping track of8) was still associated with9) affirm10) in terms ofNews 1A DNews 2A CUnit test4-10 Unit test短对话5题1) D. He's worried about the coming exams.2) B. Forest fires will be worse next year.3) A. The earthquake was not as strong as the Tokyo one.4) C. The government should improve the development of the infrastructure in the area.5) D. The woman thinks human beings can do nothing but minimizing losses in the face of natural disasters.长对话5题6) C. Because of the death of a sheep clone.7) D. She produced six little ones before dying at the age of 68) A. Short legs.9) C. He cloned a fish more than three decades earlier.10) B. It was published in a Chinese journal.短文理解5题11) A. A school for handicapped people.12) B. Mental and physical challenges pose a problem.13) A. Surrounding walls14) B. Students at Bancroft make money.15) D. Pay phone charges.复合式听写10题16) over17) companionship18) lover19) definition20) scarce21) diary22) The sight of23) defeated24) made up25) philosophers and scientistsUnit 5 Art expands horizonsListening to the world5-2 SharingPractice 1Reference:In the podcast, people are asked about the arts. They talk about what areas of the arts they enjoy, what exhibition or performance they went to recently, and whether they think the arts are important.Practice 2Reference:1. Photography and dance.2. The small, intimate exhibitions.3. The arts.Practice 3D H A F BE C GPractice 4A B B A B APractice 5enrichexpand our horizonsTerriblyintellectspecificlearn through artall aspectsaliveperformanceintense emotions5-3 ListeningUse the skills 1Reference:1. Yes, there are a number of public art works in the city where I live now. We have some sculptures in the commercial streets downtown,a museum of wood sculpture next to the city library, and a grand theater near the train station. Of all of these,I like the museum of wood sculpture the best. The museum is small but has a large collection from both ancient and modern times. It is a major tourist attraction in the city and receives lots of visitors each year.2. Art projects are absolutely necessary for a town or city because they have extensive cultural, social, and economic values. First of all, public art is a unique part of public culture. Places with a strong artistic expression can be symbols of the city's image and identity. Secondly, art projects in public places play various social functions, such as showing the history of the city or commemorating a famous person. Finally, public art projects can bring economic profit. A well-presented art scene can attract visitors and businesses, and hence boost the local economy.Use the skills 2B AC B AUse the skills 31) gets your vote2) in favor of3) useful and beneficial4) bring jobs5) entertainment and activities6) concern me7) expensive8) I personally would prefer9) with disabilities10) excellent11) enjoy gardens12) mentioned youth13) involved14) not so sure15) costs16) my vote would go to17) leave out18) hanging around19) routine20) bringing along21) the older generation5-4 ViewingGet a clue 1Reference:1. Banksy is a graffiti artist, whose work has brought graffiti into mainstream art and is sold for a large amount of money.2. Because Banksy is said to be from Bristol.。

新视野⼤学英语第三册unit4附答案Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the initial letters provided)(每⼩题:1 分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each blank.1.President Bush hassatellites to China and lifted a trading ban.(Suggested first letter(s): app )2.In most of the paintings the background iswith beautiful scenes.(Suggested first letter(s): dec )3.The bedrooms are tastefullytelephone, radio, and fridge.(Suggested first letter(s): dec )4.As a result, firms employing them need tofrequently to replace those who choose not to continue theircontracts.(Suggested first letter(s): re )5.new department which based its teaching on a principle ofdirect contact with the student.(Suggested first letter(s): re )6.It took hundreds of millions of years to develop these abilities,longer, perhaps, than it has taken human beings to(Suggested first letter(s): ev )7.The workshop hascompany, and a supplier with a world-wide reputation forflexibility and excellence.(Suggested first letter(s): ev )8.A feeling of total joy swept over him as hethe beautiful gold and silver machine.(Suggested first letter(s): ins )9.Any member of the community who wishes tobe happy to show them the improvements we have made and are continuing to make. (Suggested first letter(s): ins )10.In their minds they have nothing but the ideal of equality and(Suggested first letter(s): lib )11.Such a system would be a fundamental blow to the rights and(Suggested first letter(s): lib )12.I feel we are approaching a situation that is soimmediately.(Suggested first letter(s): gr )13.I consider this did serious harm on my reputation and it has(Suggested first letter(s): gr )14.He argues that men tend to valueconnection.(Suggested first letter(s): ind )15.Religion in the West is considered to be serious and(Suggested first letter(s): so )16.Strange that something asmake so little of an impression on her, while this small accident should pierce her heart.17.must be prepared to teach the cultural text as well. (Suggested first letter(s): inter )18.This is recommended reading for all those who think the(Suggested first letter(s): inter )19.Where he is different from the rest, his differences aresimilar.(Suggested first letter(s): ex )20.I am afraid that in his speech the merits of the project areweight.(Suggested first letter(s): ex )21.Before I came to the college, Istore department, taking it as a part-time job. (Suggested first letter(s): ass )22.A large peacekeeping force is now beingready to move at 48 hours' notice.(Suggested first letter(s): ass )23.While we want to preserve the best of the past, it is not very(Suggested first letter(s): monu )24.Failure to reach aproblems for European agriculture as pollution spreads. (Suggested first letter(s): set )25.Remember, marriage is a sharedand your children have every right to claim money from your husband.26.We want to see them receive aemployment which would extend their rights, particularly inrelation to health and safety.(Suggested first letter(s): con )27.My first book, which was published in 2002, is(Suggested first letter(s): ded )28.Shesays understood her fully and never failed to support her. (Suggested first letter(s): ded )29.Although the shooting has stopped for now, the(Suggested first letter(s): des )30.He had workedyears and they had become close friends.(Suggested first letter(s): alon )31.As she makes progress, her personal self-confidence willdevelop(Suggested first letter(s): alon )32.Whatever our social position, we are all essentially judged bythe same(Suggested first letter(s): uni )33.In nine months on the market, the latestWindows has sold 3 million copies.(Suggested first letter(s): ver )34.I had trouble understanding the French, so I got the English(Suggested first letter(s): ver )35.million people watched his show.(Suggested first letter(s): fa )36.He loves her, and he loves to be known to all. So he has achoice to make between love and(Suggested first letter(s): fa )37.and a single mirror.(Suggested first letter(s): dec )38.Colorful and festive paperfrom the ceiling.(Suggested first letter(s): dec )39.Hisalways welcome in the English department.(Suggested first letter(s): repu )40.Her remarks shocked audiences, yet also enhanced her(Suggested first letter(s): repu )41.The realbothered about playing for our football team any more.(Suggested first letter(s): tra )42.Attending his lectures is an enormouslyexciting experience.(Suggested first letter(s): enli )43.This story of contemporary manners is told with(Suggested first letter(s): ac )44."You don't know how to be a mother and you never did," she(Suggested first letter(s): ac )45.Thedeveloped in these ten years.(Suggested first letter(s): ill )Part 2 Fill in the Blanks (with the right preposition or adverb)(每⼩题:1 分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb. Fill in each blank with only ONE word.1.A number of race horses have been nameddancers.2.Many of the officials in Moscow who approvedits dangers.3.The company could golicense but it had to consider the consequences.4.The speed of her riseastonishingly rapid.5.But, he believes, if you don't throw up a lot of bad ideas youeither.6.He sent the paintings to the exhibition but none were7.of Central Park.8.It is our task to liberate people9.The photographer took half an hour posing the boys and girls>>Famed artist James Earle Fraser wenttradition by using three actual American Indians (11)models for his creation.12.The directors sold the business14.The coach of the football team continued the contract15.and told the boys to be quiet.Part 3 Cloze (with four choices provided)(每⼩题:1 分)Directions: Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices given for each blank. Questions 1 to 20 are based on the following passage."America, the land of opportunity, the land of the free." I, 1.ever heard of the American Dream? It is the 2.3.life. Anyone can work his way from thethe top.stories about our great-grandparents. They traveled here fromabig. We would dream of"Your great-grandfather came to this country with 8.company from the ground up." This was how the story 9.10.but an empty 13.rich or powerful. They believe that past generations 14.will dothemselves.Money rules this country.leaders. And they approve rules to help their rich friends takehappy to give you a job,terms. You must agree to work for low wages, 19.If you work very hard, you cana small house and car and a couple of children. That is theAmerican dream today.Part 4 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice)(每⼩题:2 分)Directions: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.In 1913, the United States government introduced a bold, new nickel. James Earle Fraser said his goal was to design a coin thatwould be "truly American." In his search for symbols, he found none more distinctive than the American buffalo. Choosing to show a Native American on the other side of the coin, Fraser said the new nickel had "perfect unity of theme."Production of "Buffalo" or "Indian Head" nickels began in February 1913. A single coining press at the Philadelphia Mint (造币⼚) started turning out the nickels at the rate of 120 a minute. But after the first examples were introduced, The New York Times said they were "bad."Other critics said that the coin's "rough" surfaces would encourage counterfeiters (造假币的⼈). But the most seriouscomplaint about the nickel had to do with its inability to stand heavy use. One coin collectors' magazine predicted that the slightest wear would remove the date and the words Five Cents "beyond understanding."In 1938, the Government staged a competition for a new nickel picturing Thomas Jefferson. According to a news item of the day, the Department of Indian Affairs didn't receive a single complaint from Native Americans about the design change. Collectors didn't seem to mind either.1.In the eyes of Fraser, a __________ is the most distinctive.A. nickelB. buffaloC. Native AmericanD. unity of theme2.In the second sentence, Paragraph 2, the word "press" means________.A. publicationB. newspaperC. machineD. the act of pushing down3.The design of a buffalo was modified ________.A. because it was not able to stand heavy useB. because the words Five Cents were "beyondunderstanding"C. because the coin couldn't be pressed by the PhiladelphiaMintD. because the words were too high on the coin4.According to one collectors' magazine using a NativeAmerican and a buffalo was ________.A. a good ideaB. a bad ideaC. a perfect ideaD. a forced idea5.It seemed that the new nickel picturing Thomas Jefferson________.A. won much praise from collectorsB. caused strong protests from American IndiansC. was OK both to the collectors and American IndiansD. was praised both by the collectors and American IndiansQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog. Time passed and my cards sold well. My enthusiasm for the greeting card business grew quickly. All along, I had been drawing fantasy art: monsters, dragons, castles, etc. With the birth of my first son in 1980, the content of my work went through a pretty dramatic change.Fantasy went out of the window, and I began to illustrate reality.In the spring of 1983, we, The Mary Engelbreit Greeting Card Company, took our 12 little designs to New York to exhibit them ata national card show.I remember how big the show was. I just couldn't get over it. I had no idea there were so many different card companies. And it was exciting because our 12 little cards were getting a lot of attention in that huge place!I've been told one of the reasons we had so much success at that show is because my card style was different than anything else at the market. I typically draw complicated details and use deep colors and funny or meaningful quotations.By 1985, many greeting card publishers started noticing my art, and two of them approached me with licensing contracts.I have always believed if you choose a job you love, you'll never work a day in your life. If you ask about the mystery of my success, all I can say is this: to imagine is everything!6.Before the birth of her first son, Mary Engelbreit's cardsfocused on ________.A. realityB. daily lifeC. fantasyD. dragons7.The New York show was so big that Engelbreit ________.A. couldn't walk through itB. couldn't believe itC. couldn't stay to the end of itD. couldn't understand it8.Engelbreit's cards were successful because ________.A. they were distinctive in styleB. they had a thank-you sentenceC. they had complicated detailsD. they were rich in color9. A couple of greeting card companies ________.A. presented Engelbreit with contractsB. asked Engelbreit to make her cards more distinctiveC. wanted Engelbreit to use more meaningful quotationsD. thought her cards were to complicated10.According to Mary Engelbreit, the key to success is________.A. devotionB. opportunityC. good luckD. imaginationapproveddecorateddecoratedrecuritrecuritedevolveevolvedinspectedinspectlibertylibertygravegrave independence solemn solemn interpretation interpretation exaggerate exaggerate assembled assembled monument settlement contract contract dedicated dedicated destruction alongside alongside universal version versionfamefame decoration deccorations reputation reputation tragedy enlightenment acidacid illustrationafterofaheadtoupforalongsideinforagainstasandforwithinfor one fundamental no matter how bottomIn the past distant making nothing but usually though dismissing promiseoutlookgrabbedjust about anything Onlyadvantage providedtherebyoweBCABCCBAAD。

U校园新视野大学英语(第三版视听说4教程Unit4答案Unit 44-2 SharingIn this unit。
we will be discussing the importance of sharing n and ideas in different settings。
such as the ___ can lead to better n。
and n among individuals.Practice-3___。
individuals can share their thoughts and ideas with others。
and build upon each other’s ns to come up with ___.Practice-4______ and value what they are saying.Practice-5Finally。
practicing ___ improve sharing。
This means putting yourself in someone else’s shoes。
and trying to ___。
By doing this。
you can better ___ and feelings。
___.4-3 ListeningListening is an essential ___ saying。
but also understanding their words and the context in which they are speaking.Get the skills___ skills。
try the following:Pay n to the speaker’s words and tone of voice___ sayingAvoid interrupting the speakerUse nonverbal cues。

新视野大学英语视听说教程第三册听力练习录音文本和答案Uint1II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptW: Ok. It‘s your turn to pay the bill. I paid last time.M: What? You have a selective memory. You tried to pay last turn, but your credit card failed; so I ended up paying! It‘s definitely your turn.Q: What is true according to the conversation?2.ScriptM: I‘m having real trouble reviewing for this French exam. I just can‘t memorize all the vocabulary.W: Me too. I hate having to learn things by heart.I guess we just have to keep reading the texts over and over.Q: What does the woman prefer?3. ScriptW: Oh look! There‘s that guy we saw last week, playing football in the park! He looked great in his kit, remember?M: Him? I don‘t remember him. I‘ve got a terrible memory for faces. I have a hard time even recording people I‘ve been introduced to.Q: According to the conversation, what is the man‘s problem?4. ScriptM: Why is there a big sign on the back of your door that says ―keys‖?W: It‘s to remind me to take my keys when I go out because I‘m always locking myself out by accident! It doesn‘t help enough. Now I just forget to read the sign. Q: Why is there a sign on the back of the door?5. ScriptM: That history exam was really hard. The essay question was terrible!W: I know, I wish I were like David. He has a photographic memory, you know. How useful that would be!Q: What is true of David?Keys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.B 5.CIII. Listening InScriptM: Tell me your secret. You‘re suddenly getting excellent marks in every subject, and you used to be a bottom-of –class student just like me.W:Simple enough. I read an article in a scientific journal that studying with remembering, based on recent research into the brain.M: Aw, that stuff‘s old hat: study at the same time every day, be sure your clothes are comfortable, and make sure you have enough light, blah-blah-blah.W: Not so fast, wise guy. I‘m talking about principles like ―Mental Visualization‖, creating a picture in your mind of what is to be remembered.M: Ok, that dies sound different. Id ―Association‖a principle—you know, you connect what you want to remember with something you‘re familiar with?W: Right on! ‗Consolidation‖is another. I review my notes right after class and consolidate—or absorb—the new material into what I‘ve already learned.M: You‘re moving ahead fast with those principles. I swear this weekend I‘m going to study sixteen hours a day both Saturday and Sunday.W: Whoa, big guy. That‘s not the way. Follow the principle of ―Distributes Practice‖.Shorter study sessions distributes over several days are better.M: That system is all very well for you; you‘ve got a good memory. But what about me? I‘ve got a memory like a sieve.W: You‘re too modest. There‘s nothing wrong with your memory. But memory is likea muscle; it needs exercise. And don‘t forget it.While the man is wondering why the woman is suddenly getting excellent marks, she says she read an article on studying and remembering. It talks about principles like ―Mental Visualization‖, that is, creating a picture in one‘s mind of what is to be remembered. This reminds the man of the principle of ―Association‖, which means connecting what one wants to remember with something one is familiar with. Then the woman adds the principle of ―Consolidation‖, or reviewing one‘s notes after class and absorbing the new materia l into what one has already learned. When the man promise to study sixteen hours a day, the woman recommends the principle of ―Distributed Practice‖, which favors shorter study sessions distributed over severaldays. Finally, the woman tells the man that memory is like a muscle, and that it needs exercise.Task 2: You forget my toast!ScriptAn 80-year-old couple was having problems remembering things, so they decide to go to their doctor to see what was wrong with them. They explained to the doctor about the problems they were having with their memory. After checking the couple over, the doctor told them that they were physically okay but might need to start writing things down to help them remember. The couple thanked the doctor and left.Later that night while watching TV, the old woman said to the old man, ―Honey, will you please go to the kitchen and get me a dish of ice cream?‖Before the man left, she added, ―Why don‘t you write that down so you won‘t forget?‖―Nonsense,‖ said the husband, ―I can remember a dish of ice cream!‖―Well,‖ said the wife, ―I‘d like some strawberries on it. You‘d better write that down because I know your memory is failing.‖―Don‘t be silly,‖ replied the husband. ―There‘re only two things: a dish of ice cream and some strawberries. I can surely remember that!‖With that, he rushed into the kitchen. After about twenty minutes he returned from the kitchen and handed her a plate of bacon and eggs.The wife took one look at the plate, glanced up at her husband, and said, ―Hey, you forget the toast!‖Keys: FTFFFTask3: Memory-Improving TechniquesScriptThere are many techniques you can use to improve your memory. Some of them are introduced her.First and foremost, you need to stimulate your memory all the time. To put it simply, you should use your memory as much as possible. It is especially important to try to learn something new. If you work in an office, learn to dance; if you are a dancer,learn to deal with a computer, if you work with sales, and learn to play chess; if you are a programmer, learn to paint. These added activities stimulate the brain so that I t continues to function.Older people need to pay attention to things they are dealing with. Don‘t try to memorize everything that catches your attention; focus on what you consider important. For example, you can take any object such as a pen and concentrate on it. Think on its various characteristics: its material, its function, its color, and so on. Don‘t allow any other thought to occupy your mind while you are concentrating in that pen.Another method that can be used is to relax yourself. It is impossible to remember things if you are tense or nervous.So, try holding your breath for ten seconds, and then release it slowly.Association is also a powerful tool to develop your memory. For example, if you cannot remember a person‘s name, you can think about a special feature of his face and then link it with his mane.1.What‘s seems to be an especially important way to stimulate one‘s memory?2.What seems to be the best way to focus your memory?3.How can you concentrate on a pen?4.How can you relax yourself according to the passage?5.What is the main idea of the passage?Kes: 1A 2.C3. D 4.B 5.DIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 It slipped my mind!Amy: I sent out the invitations to the dinner party.Bill: That‘s good. Now what should we do?Amy: We‘ve got to plan the menu.Bill:Oh, that‘s right. Do you have anything in mind?Amy:I think I‘m going to make the chicken salad we had at the Christmas party.Remember I sled the chef for the recipe?Bill: Yeah, but did you forget that Linda doesn‘t eat chicken?Amy: Linda? Oh, my gosh! I forgot to invite Linda! It just slipped my mind. She‘ll be mad at me.Bill: Well, everyone forgets something sometimes. It‘s not too late yet. I‘ll make a phone call. Don‘t worry.Amy: Thanks! You see, I‘m getting forgetful. I think I‘m getting old!Bill: Looks like you are, sweetheartNow Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA:I‘m going to throw a party, and I‘ve sent out the invitations to my friends and relatives.B: That‘s good. But don‘t forget to invite everyone you should invite.A: I think I‘ve invited everyone. Do you have anybody in mind?B: Did you invite John? He‘s lost his job after recent quarrel with his boss.A: Oh, my gosh! I forgot to invite him! He‘ll be sad, thinking we look down on him.He just slipped my mind.B: Well, everyone forgets something sometimes. Don‘t worry. It‘s not too late. Makea phone call right away.A: Did I forget anybody else that I should incite?B: There‘s yet another person you should invite—Julia. She‘s just moved to the city and feels lonely.A: Oh, good heavens, I forgot all about her. She‘s our new friend. You see, I‘m getting forgetful. I think I‘m getting old!B: Looks like you are, buddy. You‘d better start writing things down if they‘re important.MODEL2 I can’t think of it off the top of my head.ScriptJohn: Hey, Sue. Do you know what Jack‘s home phone number is?Susan: I can‘t think of it off the top of my head. I don‘t have my address book on me, and I don‘t have my mobile phone with me, either.John: That‘s too bad! I‘ve got to find him now. It‘s urgent! If I can‘t find him today, I‘ll be dead!Susan: You might want to look it up in the phone book.John: I‘ve checked already, but it seems that hid phone number is unlisted. Susan: Maybe it‘s under his roommate‘s name.John: Well, I guess so.Susan: Well, why don‘t you call Jane? She has his phone number.John: I‘ve tried, but no one answered!Susan: Maybe call his office and ask his secretary.John: I‘ve already tried. She won‘t tell me. She says it‘s private.Susan: Oh, that‘s right. They usually don‘t release private information over the phone.John: It‘s a pity. You usually have a powerful memory, but you can‘t help today.What‘s wrong with you? Your memory seems to be fading early.Susan: It‘s not my memory is fading. I do have memory for face and names, but a poor one for number and datesNow Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA:Hey, do you remember when is the lecture on the value of information by Professor Smith?B: I can‘t think of it off the top of my head. Maybe we can look it up in our notebook, but I don‘t have mine with me.A: That‘s too bas! I don‘t have it with me, either. Do you remember the number of the lecture hail?B: Sorry, I can‘t think of it off my head.A: I‘m terribly interested in the lecture. I can‘t miss it!B: Well, why don‘t you call the dean who arranged the lecture?A: I‘m afraid it‘s not very wise to ask the dean directly.B: Then maybe you can call the office if the department and ask the secretary.A: I‘ve already tried, but no one answered.B: Oh!A: You usually have a powerful memory, but you can‘t help today. You memory seems to be fading early.B: It‘s nit that my memory is fading. I do have a good memory for faces and names, but a poor one for numbers and dates.MODEL3 What‘s wrong with your memory?ScriptBill: Hi, honey! My trip to London was wonderful.Amy: Tell me what thrilled you most.[The telephone rings and Bill answers it....He hangs up.]Bill:Er, where was I?Amy: You were talking about your tour in London.Bill: Oh, yeah.Amy: I bet you had a great time.Bill: Yes, I particularly enjoyed visiting the tower of London.Amy: How did you get there? By bus or underground?Bill: Let me see….Sorry, I can‘t remember any more.Amy: Wha t‘s wrong with your memory?Bill: I hope it‘s not Alzheimer‘s disease. I don‘t want to forget my own name. Amy: I don‘t think so. Perhaps it‘s just temporary forgetfulness. You‘ll be right after a good sleep.Bill: I hope so. But as this is happening so often recently, I think I must go to see a doctor and get some pillsAmy: It‘s not as serous as that. Anyway, I wish you had a good memory for happy events, and a bad one for unhappy things.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Hey, my trip to Beijing was fantastic.B: Tell me what thrilled you most.[The door bell rings and A answer it….A comes back.]A: Where was I?B: You were talking about your tour in BeijingA: Oh, yeah.B: I bet you had a great time.A: Yes, I particularly enjoyed visiting the Forbidden City and the Great Wall, though the admission fees were a bit too high for me.B: What were the fees?A: Let me see….Sorry, I can‘t remember any more.B: Wha t‘s wrong with your memory?A: I hope it‘s not Alzheimer‘s disease. I don‘t want to see a lot of new people everyday.B: I don‘t think so. Perhaps you only forget things momentarily. You‘ll be right after a good sleep. A: I hope so. But as this is happening so often recently, I think I have to see a doctor.B: I don‘t think it‘s so serious. Anyway, a bad memory helps you forget your trouble.V. Let’s TalkScriptStudent:Professor, thank you for graining me this interview. I‘m Susan, a reporter from the Student Union magazine. Many students have difficultlymemorizing things. Since you‗re an outstanding psychologist, could yougive us some tips on how top improve our memory?Professor: Well, some people have better memories than others, but that‘s largely because they are better at creating mental images.Student: If I‘m not good at creating images, what can I do?Professor: Practice helps. And the mind remembers things better if they are connected with other images. For example, I you have to pick up severalitems at the grocery store, say, carrots, egg, bananas, and milk, you cancreate a picture in your mind of a giant carrot, and hanging from it, abanana.Student: Then I could have a giant milk carton pouring milk over the carrot and banana.Professor: Certainly. Then what would you do with the egg?Student:Hmmm. I‘d visualize an egg-shaped UFO flying across the sky. Professor:There you go. The more you apply the ideas, the easier it gets. Besides creating pictures, there‘s another technique that is very useful. Student:What is it?Professor:Establishing an association. Suppose you are looking for lost keys.Relax, and let your mind look for all the images connected with thosekeys--their feel, the sounds they make.Student:How will that help?Professor:You might remember the sound the keys made when you placed then ina drawer or cold touch of the keys in your jacket were you left them. Student: Oh my gosh! I have to run. It‘s time my English class. I see an image of my teacher staring at my empty seat in the classroom. Many thanks,Professor.Professor: Not at all, and good luck with your memory.B:And according to the interview, creating images helps remember things. If your shopping list includes eggs, you might visualize an egg or an egg-shaped UFO flying across.A:Another important factor in improving memory can be of interest. If you get interested in something, you can remember it better.B: Yeah. And if you recognize facts into meaningful groups, you can remember them better. For instance, if you want to memorize all the names of American presidents, it is not easy. If, however, you arrange them chronologically into three periods:those before Abraham Lincoln, those between Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt, and those after, then the task will be less difficult.A: It is common sense that if you glance at something quickly, you tend to forget it quickly. If you stuffy it slowly, you can remember it better.B: Another technique is intensive practice or repeating. As a saying goes, practice makes perfect. If you repeat something again and again, you will eventually learn it by heart.A:But we should not work too hard. When we get tired, our learning efficiency declines. We need breaks so the mind can rest and absorb what has been learned.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: The Role Memory Plays in Our LifeScriptSince memory plays a significant role in our life, scrientists are increasingly interested in research on how to improver memory, Here are some factors they believe to be important to expanding memory capacity.To begin with, you must take special care in your daily life. Food for example, is very important. Some vitamins are essential foe your memory to work properly. They are found in bread, cereal, vegetables and fruits. Some experts say that synthesizes vitamins improve memory, but others have doubts about this, arguing that the studies have not confirmed they do work. Another essential factor is water. It helps to maintain the memory systems, especially in older persons. According to Dr. Roswell, lack of water in the body has an immediate and strong effect on memory; it can cause confusion and other thought difficulties. Sleep also plays a significant role. To be able to have a goof memory, we must allow the brain to have plenty of rest. While sleeping, the brain no longer controls the senses, and starts to revise and store the information one has receives. Lack of sleep would make one feel exhausted and would weaken one‘s ability to concentrate. Also, one‘ ability to store information would be affected.1.What is the passage mainly about?2.Why are foods important in promoting memory according to the passage?3.To whom is water especially important in maintaining the memory system?4.What problem can a lack of water cause?5.Why is sleep important to memory?Keys: 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.CTask 2: Where did the professor go?toothbrush.Task3: How to Remember NamesScriptYou just called the TV repair shop, and the voice on the other end of the line tells you, ―This is Don Smith‖.About 5 minutes later you tell your wife that ―this guy‖will be out to fix the TV in the morning. You can‘t think of his mane although you know he mentioned it on the phone.This happens all the time to just about any of us unless we have learned to concentrate and implant a name in our memory, right at the time we hear it. To do this, you must make a habit of repeating the name back to the person. This action will remind you to store the name in your ―memory bank‖each time you hear someone‘s name, and within a short time the ―repeating‖ process can be discontinuedWhen you meet someone in person, use the same procedure, and in addition, visualize something different, unusual or ridiculous about hid or her appearance, position, or actions that ―ties in ―with his or her name. Later, you may write the descriptive information on one side of a card and the name in the other side. Look at it repeatedly, see the ―picture‖ in your mind‘s eye as you look at the name; or when you see he name, visualize the ―picture‖ you have assigned to the name.Getting this system to work will require changes in your thinking, and it may take several days or several weeks to become proficient.News ReportA Dolphin ExhibitionScriptA recent art exhibition in Florida honored the animal often seen as man‘s most intelligent friend, the dolphin.The ―Dolphins on Parade‖ exhibition in the Florida Keys featured life-sized decorates dolphin paintings made of wood and the cost of materials. The dolphins were shown at area business and along the beach. Sponsors paid U.S. $750 to cover the artists‘ fee and the cost of materials.There were more than 100 dolphin themes, including a beer-belly dolphin. They showed the work of local artists, as well as the beach atmosphere the Keys are famous for.Probably the most unique was special because of its artist, Pandora. Pandora the dolphin painter is area dolphin, art the Dolphin Research center, in Marathon, Florida. The playful artist streaks colors across a dolphin painting holding a brush in its mouth.The exhibition was held by the Monroe [Florida] Council of the Arts as part of a plan to make the Keys an international arts center. The paintings were to be auctioned off in March, with the money earned going to community art programs.Uint2II. Basic Listening Practice3.ScriptW: Have you chosen your elective for next semester yet? Are you taking French writing again?M: Yes I am, but it‘s compulsory for us next semester. So I think I‘m gong to do marketing as an elective instead.Q: Which class will the man choose as his elective?4.ScriptM: Did you go to that businesses lecture on Friday? I missed it and need to copy your notes.W: I‘d say you could borrow my notes, but Sarah‘s got them. Be careful not to miss Professor Brown‘s seminar; he takes attendance in that.Q: What is the woman telling the man?3. ScriptW: Wow, Steven! In the library! What brings you here?M: I‘m enjoying the view. All the girls in fashion design are here are preparing for an exam on Monday.Q: Why is the man in the library?4. ScriptW: How‘s your group doing with this statistics presentation? Mine‘s terrible.M: Yeah, mine too. David and Mike are OK, but Steven doesn‘t pull his weight and Suzie‘s never around. I don‘t see how we can pass unless Steven and Suzie realize that this is their last chance.Q: What is the true of Steven and Suzie?5. ScriptW: You took an MBA at Harvard Business School, didn‘t you? What‘s it like?M: It‘s expensive, about U.S. $ 40,000 a year, plus the costs of food and housing. But the teaching is first class. The professors have a lot of practical experience. They use the case system of teaching; that is, you study how actual businesses grew or failed.Q: Why is he MBA teaching in Harvard Business School first class, according to the conversation?Keys: 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.AIII. Listening InTask1: On the First DayScriptHarrison: I‘m Harrison. Good to meet you. So you‘ve bought the books for this biology class.Jenny:Sure, I think everyone had to before class started.Harrison: No. Usually no one does much on the first day because it‘s still add-drop. Jenny: What‘s that?Harrison: Changing from class to class to find out which one is best. Hey, where are you from?Jenny: Poland. Have you has this teacher before? I‘ve heard he is really good. Harrison: He‘s good if you‘re a hand-worker. He expects a lot.Jenny: Oh, I guess that‘s good. I hope I can keep up with everyone else in the class. Maybe I need your help after class.Harrison: You‘re welcome.…Professor: All right. See you guys next week.Student: See you.Jenny: Harrison, wait up!Harrison: So what do you think about the professor‘s lecture?Jenny: I think half of what he said went over my head.Harrison: That‘s all right. A lot of what he said is explain in the reading/Jenny: Hey, would you mind if I borrowed your notes tonight to look them over? Harrison: No problem. We don‘t have class until Wednesday. Here you go. Jenny: Thanks. I just want to make sure I‘m prepared for the seminar. Harrison: Yeah, participation in the discussion is an important part of the education here.Seeing that Jenny has bought the books for the biology class, Harrison says nobody does much on the first day because it‘s still add-drop, which means students are changing from class to class. Jenny knows the professor is really good. But Harrison warns her that the professor is good, only if students are hand-workers, for he expects a lot.After class, Jenny admits that half of what the professor said went over her head, and Harrison assures her that a lot of what the professor said is explained in the reading. When Jenny asks to borrow Harrison notes, he says ―on problem‖, for they don‘t have class until Wednesday. Finally, Harrison says participation in the discussio n at the seminar is an important part of the education there.Task 2: Money for CollegeScriptRobert is a university student. He likes to have fun. But having fun was expensive, so he was rapidly running out of money. There was nothing to do to try to call his mother for help.―Hi, Mom. I certainly miss you and Dad. I…uh…got a big surprise this week in my physics course. We have to buy two new textbooks. I‘m going to need $100.‖―I understand,‖ said his mother, ―I‘ll send you the money right away. You left your calculus book here when you were home two weeks ago. Shall I mail that at the same time?‖―Oh, yeah. Thanks,‖ Robert said.Robert‘s mother made up a parcel with the calculus book and two checks, and mailed it to Robert that very day. When she returned from the post office, her husband was waiting for her.―Well, how much did you give the boy this time?‖ asked Dad.―I send two checks: one for $100 and the other for $1, 100,‖ answered Mom.―You‘re outing your mind,‖yelled Dad, ―That‘s $1,100. He‘ll just spend that in a couple of weeks. He‘s never going to learn the value of money that way.‖―Don‘t worry, honey,‖ Mom said, ―I taped the $100 check to the cover of his book, but I put the $1,000 one between the pages in Charper13!‖Keys: TFFFTTask3: How to Get Straight A’sScriptIt is interesting to note how straight A students achieve academic excellence. Here, according to education experts and students themselves are the secrets of super-achievers.First, they know how to set priorities. Top students allow no intrusions on study time. Once the books are open or the computer is turned on, phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks ignored. Study is business, and business comes before recreation.Also, good students can study anywhere and everywhere. Claudia Hill, an Arizona State University business professor recalls a cross-country runner who worked out every day. Hill persuaded him to use his spare time to memorize biology term. Then he posted a list of biology terms on the mirror in the bathroom. He learned a fewterms every day while brushing his teeth. Eventually, he scored high on the final examination.Moreover, top students schedule their time well. Study times are strictly a matter of personal preference. Some work late at night when the house is quiet. Others awake early. Still others study as soon as they come home from school when the work is fresh in their minds. All agreed, however, on the need for consistency. A student says, ―Whatever I was doing, I maintained a certain period of time every day for studying.‖Another important characteristic of super-achievers is that they know hoe to read, According to a book entitled Getting Straight A‘s, the secret of good reading is to be ―an active reader-one who continually asks questions that lead to a full understanding of the author‘s message‖.6.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about super—achievers starting tostudy?7.What did the cross-country runner do to score high on the exam?8.What is the good thing all top students agree on?9.What does the speaker mean by ―an active reader‖?10.What is the main idea of the passage?Kes: 1B 2.C3. D 4.A 5.DIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Y ou’re just going to have study hardNora: Only our first day back at school, and already I feel like I‘ve learned a lot. Chris: Only our first day back at school, and I already feel like I‘m up to my ears in homework.Nora: You‘re going to have to hit the books if you want to keep your grades up. Chris:Tell me about it! I already have two reports, two books reports, a composition, an oral report, and a research project—all due before midterms.Nora: We could work together. Maybe some of my organized study habit would rub off on you.Chris: Better yet, maybe you could do my homework for me.Nora: Forget it! That would be cheating.Chris: All right, all right. I have yet to write a term paper. Can you recommend any articles and books? You‘d better find me the exact pages where I can find whatI want.Nora: You could borrow ideas from references, but if you quote without giving the sources, you‘re plagiarizing.Chris: The quiz next week will be a headache. If you don‘t help me, I‘ll have to prepare some study sheets and hide them in my hand when I take the test. Nora: Oh, no! If you‘re caught, the professor will definitely give you an F. Probably, you will have to repeat the year.Chris: All right, I‘ll take your advice. The library is going to be my new home, and in the dorm I‘ll be burning the midnight oil.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: We‘re going to have a test, and I also have a term paper to finish. But I haven‘t done a thing. I‘m really worried now.B: You‘re going to have to have to hit the books if you want to get good grades.A: But this course is so difficult that I already don‘t understand it at all.B: We could work together. Maybe some of my organized study habit can help you. A: Better yet, maybe you could write a term paper for me.B: Forget it! That would be cheating.A:All right, all right. I have yet to write it myself. Maybe I can download some articles from the Internet and piece them together.B: You could borrow ideas from those articles, but if you quote without giving the sources, you‘re plagiarizing.A:Also, the test next week will be a headache. If you don‘t help me, I‘ll have to prepare a cheat-sheet and hide it in my hand during the test.B: Oh, no! If you‘re caught, the professor will definitely give you an F.A: I‘ll try to be careful.B: But if the professor catches you, you‘ll have to repeat the year. You‘re just going to have to study hard.A: Ok, I‘ll take your advice. The library‘s going to be my new home, and in the dorm I‘ll be burning the midnight oil.MODEL2 Which class do you prefer?ScriptChris:First period is math with Mr. Woods. I don‘t know how am I going to stay awake?Nora: I like Mr. Wood. He‘s interesting.Chris: He‘s boring! He could put the entire basketball team to sleep—during the championship game! Who do you have for economics?Nora: Mrs. Jenkins. She‘s smart. Students really learn a lot from her.。
视听说III Unit 4 原文及答案

Unit 41.ScriptM: Amy, sit down, we need to talk. Your mother and I are going to separate.W: What? Are you crazy? You can’t do that! What will my friends say? I just want to have a normal family.Q: What does the girl say?C) She doesn’t want the family to break up.2.ScriptM: Good evening, Mrs. Jones. The manager sends you these roses and his best wishes.Happy anniversary!W: Thank you. We like the room and the service here, and we especially appreciate the manager’s consideration.Q: What can we learn from the dialog?A) The manager sends flowers to celebrate the couple’s anniversary.3. ScriptW: While I’m scrambling the eggs, could you put the flour into the bowl?M: You bet, darling. I’ll also turn the oven on so that it can preheat.Q: Where does this dialog take place?B) In a chicken.4. ScriptW: I have a very important meeting tonight, and I’m afraid I can’t miss it.M: But this evening is the parents-teacher conference at school, and I am expecting you’d come. OK, I’ll phone Dad. Maybe he and his girlfriend will come.Q: What can be inferred from the dialog?C) The boy’s parents have divorced5. ScriptW1: So you’re still single? If you’d listened to me and used the Internet, you’d have a husband by now.W2: I did use the Internet. I posted an ad that read, “Husband Wanted”. There were dozens of e-mail responses. But they all said pretty much the same thing: You can have mine.Q: What can we infer from the dialog?D) Many women would be happy to be rid of their husbands.III. Listening InTask 1: Nuclear Family Living Patterns Script and keyA nuclear family is (S1) typical in high-industrialized societies. Beginning in the early 20th century, the two-parent family (S2) known as the nuclear family was the predominant American family type. (S3)Generally children live with their parents until they go away to a college or university, or until they (S4) find their jobs and acquire an (S5) apartment or home of their own.In the early mid-20th century, the father typically the (S6) sole wage-earner, and the mother was the children’s (S7) principle caregiver. Today, often both parents hold jobs. (S8)Dual-earner families are the predominant type for families with children in the United States. Increasingly, one of the parents has a non-standard shift; that is, a shift that does not start in the morning and end in later afternoon. In these families, one of the parents manages the children while the other works.Prior to school, (S9) adequate day care of children is necessary for dual-earner families. In recent years, many private companies and home-based day care centers have sprung up fulfill this need. Increasingly, (10) companies are getting involved in the arrangement of day care. Governments are providing assistance to parents that require day care as well.Task2: Fatherhood in Australia?Can it be true that Australia men spend more time during the week brushing their teeth than they do alone with their children? A new study from the University of New South Wales has discovered that during the working week, Australian fathers only spend an average of just over a minute each day alone with their children. Australian mothers, on the other hand, spend three hours a week purely looking after their children-a much greater disparity than in other countries like American, Denmark, Italy, and France, where couples divide the childcare more evenly. These findings will probably infuriate those who want to shake off the perhaps unfair image of Australia as a land of old-fashioned male chauvinism.According to the study, Australian fathers appear to like the fun aspects of parenthood, but shy away from the boring housework. So while they tend to be happy taking the kids to the park or to sporting events, they are unlikely to participate regularly in feeding, bathing, or taking the kids to school. In short, Australian parenting is seen as a woman’s job and a man’s hobby.Many people believe that the last 20 years have seen arrival of the so-called “new man”-the man who is willing to share the housework and childcare. The new man has a picture of his children on his computer desktop at work; he never misses the kids’school plays, and he skips a drink at the bar after work so that he can get home in time to read bedtime story to their kids.This study suggests that the new man feels a little more at home in Europe than in Australia. Indeed, a poll conducted in the U.K. for the think tank the Fatherhood Institute in January indicates that almost 70 percent of British women think that men are as good at raising children as women.That’s something or Australian men to ponder while they brush their teeth!Key: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. TTask3: Views on filial piety see change.With fast economic development in Hong Kong, young people are less likely to cherish the traditional notion of filial piety. Instead, they are gradually taking a new approach to a welfare society, according to a three-year conducted by the City University of Hong Kong.As many as 85 percent of the respondents expect the government to take up the responsibility for supporting the elderly, and 77 percent agree with idea that the burden should fall on society as a whole rather than on individual families. Researcher Richard Wong, who took charge of the study, is sad about the eroding of traditional family bonds. He said that while most people still respect their parents and grandparents, they tend to equate economic assistance with love. When asked about how they would show their love for their old parents, many simply said they would send them to old people’s homes. Others said they would give money, and only two percent of the respondents said they would be ready to take care of the psychological health of their parents.According to the study, middle-aged people who have children of their own take their filial duties more seriously. Also, married women know better than men the need for this kind of loving care.Researcher Wong questioned the wisdom of adopting the new concept of government welfare. He said, “A welfare society is founded on high tax rates, but here in Hong Kong the personal tax rate is only 15 percent. How can you expect the government to take care of all the elderly?”He further pointed out that even when a social security network can support all senior citizens, it cannot replace the love that only family members can give.Question and key:1.According to most of the respondents, who should take up the responsibility forsupporting the elderly?A)The government.2.Which of the following is a way for most respondents to show respect and love fortheir old parents?A)Providing them with economic assistance.3.Which of the following types of people have more loving care for their oldparents?A)Middle-aged people and married women.4.According to Researcher Wong, why is a welfare society not realistic in HongKong?D) The personal tax rate is not high enough.5. What is the passage mainly about?C)It is a sad thing that most people prefer to shift the responsibility forsupporting the elderly onto the society.IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Is youth wasted on the young? Amy: I’d like to talk to you, so stop what you’re doing for a minute.Bill:What is it, Amy? (1) I’m having a hectic time working on this report for tomorrow’s meeting.Amy: Well, you’re always pretty busy, and (2) it’s been more five years, almost six, since we were married.Bill:Yes. (3) Time has gone so fast, but they’ve been good years.Amy: I know, but I want to have a baby—I want us to have a baby.Bill:I know you do. But remember, we said we’d wait until we could afford it. Amy: But five years is a long time to wait. Anyway, it’s long enough.Bill:(4) I’m this close to getting a promotion.Amy: (5) What has that got to do with it? We could wait forever if we waited for the “perfect” moment. Soon we’ll be too old to enjoying having a baby.Bill:You know, (6) you have a good point. This report can wait. I’ll do it tomorrow morning. Let’s open a bottle of wine and enjoy ourselves.MODEL2So many people in the United States getdivorced!ScriptKim: Hi Amy.Amy: Hi! Look at this headline, Kim.Kim: Wow! (1) So many people in the United States get divorced!Amy: But this is not uncommon in the West. In some places, (2) the divorce rate can be as high as 50 percent.Kim: It seems strange to me that (3) Westerners fall head heels in love quickly , if not at first sight, but they also leave each other quickly.Amy: Is it the same in your country?Kim: I don’t think so. In my country, (4) some marriages break up, but most couples stay together.Amy: (5)Do people get married young?Kim: Not really. Not many people get married before the age of 20.Amy:Hmm. (6) Do woman usually work after they get married?Kim: No, a lot of women stay home to take care of their families. But more women work now.MODEL3 Why not have both our parents here for Christmas?ScriptAmy: You know, Christmas is coming. And I (1)haven’t seen Dad for ages—he always has such great stories to tell.Bill: I know we went t my folks’ last year, but (2) my mom’s been pretty sick. This might be her last Christmas.Amy: She’s been ill, but (3) don’t exaggerate. You just don’t like my mother. That’s why you don’t want to go to my parents’Bill:She’s never liked me. (4) Never thought I was good enough for you.Amy: Well, you’re not… But (5) seriously, mom’s not so sad. She’s just got a thick skin and likes to hide her feelings.Bill:I don’t think so.Amy: Why not have our both families here for Christmas?Bill: That would make 22 of us if we invited everybody.Amy: (6) Why not just have both our parents here for Christmas?Bill: Good idea. Just don’t seat me next to your mother.V. Let’s TalkWhen I knew my parents split up1. Script and keyWhen I, when I knew that my parents split up, it felt like a piece of my heart or something was gone. Like, at first, I didn’t like know what it was, but I could already feel it and it was really weird. And when I (1) cry, I usually go to my mum about it and just talk to her. So in some ways it’s very traumatizing, but in other ways it’s a (2) relief to just talk about it. I don’t really share this stuff with my dad ‘cause he’s the very (3) strong type of person who doesn’t cry a lot.I wish that they would have just been more (4) understanding about how I would feel, ’ cause I think I don’t know what happened, but I think they might have just gone straight into it and just decided on it without thinking about what it would be like for me. And in that ways I’m really (5) angry with them and stuff.I didn’t really see my dad much ’ cause he worked, and so I didn’t, I wasn’t really aware that he’d actually (6) left. When I was about three or four, I just started (7) wondering where he was and what he was doing. And my mum told me when I was about (8) five or six.When I do my drawings when I feel (9) sad or anything, it’s like a wave of calmness just washed over me. It relieves a lot of (10) stress and it just feels fine after. Of if it doesn’t, I go talk to my (11) friends or invite them for a sleepover. We do lots of silly and fun things,’ cause that’s another way it (12) helps.The happy time is (13) Christmas. Um, I remember when I went around to my nan and granddad’s. And it was all my (14) cousins there, all my family, and we were in the dining room. And I was just staring at them, gobsmacked about how many (15) presents there were: big, gigantic, small, and really small. And I was just so excited and I got my first pair of high heels then and I was really, I was over the moon.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Reasons for a DivorceScriptW: I’m divorcing my husband.M: How long have you been married?W: Thirteen years.M: Do you have children?W:Yes. And I have to protect them from any more harm from my husband’s irresponsibilityM: So, what are your grounds for divorce?W:Well, first of all, he keeps changing jobs. We’ve had to move four times in 13 years!M: You believe that will be good grounds for divorce?W: I do have a right to stability for my children and myself, don’t I?M: They are his children too, aren’t they?W: But my husband isn’t fulfilling his duties!M: Is he paying the bills?W: Well, yes, but we just live around the poverty line. Our kids are being teased by other kids at school because we can’t dress them in good clothes! We have to live in a small department and drive an old car!M: Does the car run?W: Yes, but it looks OLD!M: Do you yell at him and call him names?W: Well, he yells at me!M: So, those are the reasons to not honor your husband. Are you going to give him joint custody in this divorce?W: No, just visitation rights.M: Why?W: Because the law permits me it.M: And what about the financial demands of this divorce?W: I’m demanding half of all we have, which isn’t much, and large support payments. Key(1)divorce her husband (2) irresponsible(3) changing jobs (4) stability(5) bills (6) poverty time(7) apartment (8) yells at(9)calls him names (10) halfTask 2: Single-parent problems?ScriptQuestion:Hi, I have been divorced for eight years. My ex sees our child Maria on a regular basis. She is eight and in the second grade. My ex has a wife that is 20. My ex and his wife go to school almost every day to see our daughter. Our daughter has failed the second grade and now has to repeat it. I have seen her grades plummet since those two started showing up at school. They are both very controlling and verbally abusive to me and to our daughter. I’m concerned about this. He forced my daughter to call his wife mommy. I am really tired of their unkind visits. I don’t know what to do. If you have any advice to give me, I would be grateful. Thanks.Answer (by a woman psychiatrist):Hi, Diana. It’s obvious to me that your daughter is having problems with the visits. I would suggest having a frank conversation with your daughter to see what she feels the problems are. If she says it is all these problems as you have stated above, I would try to talk to your ex about her problems. I’ll try to stick to what your daughter feels to be the problems and hope he will help your daughter do better at school.If he is not responsive, then I’ll take your daughter for counseling to help her.You can’t make others do things that are right for your child, not even the father, so spend your energy on things you can control like counseling for your daughter. Also, you should spend quality time with her and allow her to vent her feelings on you, and let her know you are always there for her no matter what happens. Try to keep her self-esteem high. When a child fails a grade, they will feel bad. Good luck! Question and key1.What does Diana think about the visits by her ex and his wife to her daughter?B) They produce negative results.2. What has happened to the daughter’s studies?C) She has to repeat the second grade.3. What does the psychiatrist advise the woman to do first?A) Find out the daughter’s problems.4. What will the psychiatrist do to Diana’s ex-husband?D) Tell him nothing but what his daughter feels to be the problems.5. What is NOT advised by the psychiatrist for Diana to do?C) Tell her daughter to be independent as she can’t always be there with her.Task3 A man who remarriedScriptIf you want me to tell you why I remarried, here’s my story.Remarried was the last thing I’d consider for two years after my divorce. I had heard about the high rate of remarriage failures. More importantly, I wondered how remarriage would affect my 10-year-old son, John. My heart ached when I saw my son draw a picture of himself, my ex-wife and me holding hands-with sadness on our faces. Since my parents have married and divorced eight times altogether, I hoped my son would not have to go through the same pain I experienced. As a result, my primary focus after the divorce was my relationship with John, not finding a wife.As time went by, my son gradually grew up, and he became conscious of my loneliness and anxiety. One day he asked me to consider dating. The first timer he said this, I ignored him. The second time he brought it up, I reconsidered my reservations about dating. I began to date Maria. As our relationship developed over the following year, I was concerned about my son would actually respond to her. At first, John’s affection for Maria was lukewarm. For instance, he would hug her, but the act seemed mechanical. But after several months, he warmed up to her. Seeing the time was ripe, I asked Maria to marry me. She accepted. So the two of us blended smoothly into the three of us. Thinking back, I believe my remarriage was the right choice.Some single parents are still hesitating about remarriage. Now that you’ve heard my story, I hope you won’t hesitate and let golden opportunities slip through your fingers. Key(1) the last word (2) remarriage failures (3) picture(4) eight times (5) wife (6) dating(7) loneliness and anxiety (8) second (9) response to her (10) lukewarm (11) warmed up (12) accepted(13) ripe (14) bended into (15) rightView and speakingMother-daughter relationship1. Script and keyI love all the children, they’ve all got fantastic personalities. (1) Lovely children, but the one that’s the most like me is Sarah Lucy. I can, I can… she does things like I do, she says things I say. Um, and I think that’s why sometimes we have our clashes because we are so (2) similar. She’s very, very much like me.Me and Sarah Lucy have very…both have very strong personalities, so we clash quite a bit. When Sarah Lucy can’t have her own way, she struts off, slams the door, stamp up the stairs. Favorite expression for me is, very quietly she’ll say, “Mum’s like a witch!”And then, um, I’ll say to her, “Stay in your (3)room till you feel better. When you feel better, you come and talk to me about it. ” Um, so she’ll stay in her room for a few minutes and then she’ll come back down and she’s all, “I’m sorry mum.” And then if I’ve upset Sarah Lucy, I’ll (4) apologize if I think I’m in the wrong. And then we’ll have a discussion or a debate about it.There’s certain aspects about Sarah Lucy’s behavior, um, it’s learned behavior because (5) children live what they learn, and so there’re some traits that she’s got and I think, “Oh they’re beautiful, they’re lovely, I love them.” And there’re other ones and I think, “Oh they’re not so good.” For example, her strutting off and slamming the door. But, um, confession: She gets it off me. She gets it off mum. Um, and she’ll say to me, “You haven’t got a lot of (6) patience.”and she’s telling the truth. And so I have to say to her, “What do you think I could do to make that better?”And then she’ll sit me down and she’ll say, “You have to (7) listen more, you have to learn to listen.” So, I try. I do. When we have this conversation, I do listen more, and I do try. Don’t always get it right, but I do try.When I’m feeling (8) angry, um, if the other children are around, when one of them sees me upset, they don’t like to see me upset, so one of them will come to me and say, “Is it time for some (9) medicine?” And their medicine is they give me a big cuddle. So we have a cuddle, a hug, and that is (10) fantastic medicine because it does make you feel better. And that’s what works for us.。

新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说4答案Unit1SharingAnswers:b-e-f-d-c-a3.4.245.anti-socialaware ofappreciateattitudetolerantcome to an endwalk awayimpressListening2.2gW ttie T-ctiart.Tt>en to R»rt2of5。
interview aqsn.TaKe rwotes T-cfieri oo€t«e sf>ectflc pointe tt>e sfwaleers m«ot»on Atxxjt K»«>a BarK or an owVDooe wiin dcttvity Time sotMYwrtcrO:201T-O-i-o-i21:os<vL^&sct^y)Viotjr score-►•1—-—00:00Laric Owf Speaker,Spe-aKer2Speaker3—♦Sp<aK«4——SpoKer5SoeaKer e-2.3peacefulbeautifullovely partpartywith apassionlast secondwalkingtheir dogswith abounceawaythe best part of the day thinkingstraightat mysharpestwe hadchildrenin themorningsin theeveningsView it2.224Role-playing1.2 Answers:g-a-f-h-b-d-c-e Conversationsl.DABCCCBDA2.Passages1.ACDC2.distressing desperateurgeacquirearetotally unaware of areisolated from affirminteractwithimpulseare convinced ofUnit test1.DDBCD2.CAAAD3.CBDDC4.atsectionconnectsat the bottomofshiningAscrossrunning awayfrom running awayfrom destroyedUnit2Sharing2.excitedon the banks beachpartiesfind outlookingforward to3.Answers:f-a-d-c-e-b4.1238105.124Listening2.1A:2345B:162.2Thursday,20/5/20041620by the riverrainingfanciedhave theguts to tell himgood-looking,romantic and intelligent threechildrenI'm happyfeel goodabout who I wasGood luckfor the futurebe happywith who you areViewing2.1362.2thelongest-living communities900go abouttheir businessfruit andvegetableingredientscell damagehighquantities healthprotective120020percentlessgetting mo ref o r their money health'sworthRole-playing1.213457810Conversations1.ADCBD2.CBADPassages1.BCDA2.Proportion3.estimatedhaveprofound impacts on 4.5.potential6.economically7.pensions8/originatefrom9.residential10.poses achallenge to11.betransformed intoUnit test1.BDCBC2.DCCBA3.BCAADunched5.corner6.bankruptcy7.virtually8.directing9.dischargedfrom10.secured11.substantial12.Notsurprisinglyfashion accessories13.unit3SharingTaskl(1)free time(2)how they spend their free time,how they would spend their freetime differently if they had more time or money or opportUNITy,and what are the benefits to society if people are given more freetime or holidaysTask2(1)enjoy(2)free(3)music(4)internationally(5)festivals your free timeTask3d-e-g-h-b-a-c-fTask42356Task5245812.ListeningTask2Activity1a-d-g-e-b-f-cActivity21368Activity3(1)She feels it seems very shallow,(2)She has now grown up and matured.(3)She is very happy with where she is now./She doesn't think lifehas to be the perf ect image she pictured.ViewingTask2Activity1(l)husky sledding⑵38(3)wing-walking⑷3(5)driving on Route66/driving on Route Sixty-six⑹19(7)queue-jumping⑻17(9)swimming with dolphins(10)1Task2Activity224789Role-PlayingTask lActivity:⑴Four/4a swimming pool(2)(3)covered by another“wall"(4)the same position as the shape in the hole(5)what shape the holewill be until the last moment(6)Not to get knocked into the pool(7)gets through the most shapesTask lActivity21347PresentingGet ideas1partly disagree with the writer's view that today most people spendtheir free time d oing things that do not contribute to theirdevelopment and are essentially unproductive.In my opinion,manypeople today act ually use the additional free time that technology hascreated for working more,rathe r than for interacting with net friendsor for other leisure activities.For instance,many people have formedthe habit of checking company emails frequently even during theiroff-work hours;t hey are disturbed by cell phone calls concerningwork wherever they are even on wee kends;they are obliged to bringtheir computers with them even when going on a vac ation.They neverseem to have real freedom after work owing to the advancement of technology and the popularization of modern communications devices.However,alt hough they live in such constant chaos,the truth is,thiskind of life allows them no cha nee to spend time wastefully,and it often contributes to their career development an d makes them moreproductive.Organize ideasMeaningful leisure activities Reasons for being meaningful1Outdoor activities such as going to parks,mountains and beachesbuild health•prevent and reduce stress•improve social life2•Surfing the Internet•keep people well-informed•communicate with people all over the world easily get entertainment through watching TV series or movies online3•Reading books•make people think more deeply•improve concentration4•Playing chess•make people smarter•relieve stress and bring funMore practice in listeningShort conversationDDCBALong conversationDDBCPassages:Passage1BCACPassages:Passage21.resorts2.sprung up3.dramatically4.having an adverse effect onbat6.w ilderness7.unspoiled8.streams of9.guidelines10.auction offUN IT testPARTIABBBCPart IICCDDBPart IIIDABCDPart IV23.audience24.t eenage25.celebrate26.Popular27.conquers28.columns29.is central to30.a private arrangement31.to choose32.apart fromUNIT4SharingTaskl(1)money and happiness(2)whether they think money makes them happy, what things are moreimportant than money,and whether wealthy people should be taxed more tosupport the poorTask2(1)She is a producer for the BBC.(2)She likes living in London,but it can be quite expensive.(3)Money andhappiness.Task3d-f-a-e-b-g-cTask4(1)brightenyour mood(2)a nurturing environment(3)a stable family(4)health(5)Feelcontentment/Feel contentment(6)makes the difference(7)feeling satisfiedwithTask5略ListeningTask2Activity1Activity2(1)hotels or even cities(2)make money(3)has doubled(4)wherever he goes(5)what kind of food she eats(6)junk mail or adverts⑺robbed(8)more crimes(9)have no need to worry(10)be more careful(11)sent to the newspapers(12)posted onlineViewingTask2Activity1DBACDTask2Activity2(1)rethinkeverything(2)Give itup(3)transform(4)standardof living(5)diminished(6)commutefurther(7)theopposite(8)slowdown(9)takemoreleisure(10)economicgrowth(ll)consumergoodsmaterialpossessions(12)Role-PlayingTasklActivityl(1)Cosmetic surgery(2)Against(3)dangerous(4)frozensolid(5)For(6)health(7)Downloading music for free(8)Against(9)theft(10)stealingfromthem(11)withoutpaying(12)makeanymoney(13)For(14)CDsales(15)filesharing(16)concerts(17)Banningcarsfromcitycenter(18)Against(19)pollutingthancars(20)areductioninshopsales(21)perfectlyfine(22)For(23)the environment(24)electric buses(25)pollutedTaskl Activity?13467910PresentingGet ideasl(1)The topics and their order:car,friendship,good food,money,and free time.(2)Friendshipand money.(3)Four.(4)MorefreetimeGet ideas2e-b-c-d-aOrganizeideas1Survey questionsInterviewee1Interviewee2Interviewee3Interviewee41.How would you definehappiness?feel energetic&focuseddo whatever I like to dodo well what I need to donot worried about anything2.Which two of the following six things would you find the most difficult to live without:friendship,health,sport or exercise,money,good food,or free time?sport&friendshiphealth&free timehealth&friendshipgood food&money3.How happy would you say you are,on a scale of one to five,five being very happy?fourthreefourthree4.What would you say is missing from your life?moneymoneymoneymoney5.Are you more happy or less happy than you were five years ago?lesslesslesslessOrganize ideas2l.lntroductionto the survey(purpose,method,etc.):1)Purpose:To find outwhat college students think of happiness and how they evaluate their own senseof happiness.2)Method:By interviewing four of myclassmates with five questions.2.Findingsand analysis:1)Most of them definedhappiness as something related to one's state of mind.2)Regarding the two things most difficult tolive without,most of them chose health, friendship,free time,or sport,butone chose good food and money.3)All of them rated their level of happinessas three or four.4)Their answers to the last two questionswere surprisingly the same.All of them said that they lacked money and thatthey felt less happy than they were five years ago,probably because of thepressure associated with study and career choice.3.Conclusions from the survey:1)Students have a properunderstanding of happiness.2)They value health,friendship and free timemore than material things.3)They are fairly satisfied with theircurrent situation.4)They want to have more money.5)They feel less happy nowadays.More practiceinlisteningShort conversationCABCDLong conversationBABDPassages:PassagelADDCPassages:Passage21.prevalent2.scary3.beclassifiedas4.epidemic5.ratio6.diagnosed7.keepingtrackof8.wasstillassociatedwith9.affirm10.intermsofNews reportADl.AC2.UN IT testPARTIDBACDPartllCDACBPartlllABABDPartIVl.overpanionship3.lover4.definition5.scarce6.diary7.T hesightof8.defeated9.madeup10.philosophersandscientistUNIT5SharingTaskl(1)thearts(2)what areas of the arts they enjoy,what exhibition or performance they vent to recently,and whether they think the arts are importantTask2(1)Photographyanddance.(2)Thesmall,intimateexhibitions.(3)T hearts.Task3d-h-a-f-b-e-c-gTask420.146Task5(1)enrich(2)expandourhorizons⑶Terribly(4)intellect(5)specific(6)learn throughartallaspects(7)(8)a live(9)performance(10)intenseemotionsListeningTask2ActivitylSarah(Woman)A.BotanicalgardenTimB.CinemaNigelC.Theater"workshopspaceActivity2(1)gets yourvote(2)infavorof(3)usefulandbeneficial(4)bringjobs(5)entertainment and activities(6)concernme(7)expensive(8)1personally would prefer(9)with disabilities(10)excellent(11)enjoy gardens(12)mentioned youth(13)involved(14)not so sure(15)costs(16)myvotewouldgoto(17)leaveout(18)hanging around(19)routine(20)bringingalong(21)theoldergenerationViewingTask2Activityl134Task2Activity2(DA(2)makesamss(3)public buildings(4)wrong⑸V(6)definitely(7)A(8)quiteexciting⑼Y(10)A(11)pleasingtotheeye(12)positive(13)environment(14)A(15)nicepicture(16)offensiveRole-PlayingTaskl Activitylc-a-b-dTaskl Activity2(1)extendsoutv.lest(2)northabove(3)goup(4)aroundthecorner(5)overt he re(6)aroundtheneighborhood(7)ontheleft(8)hangoutandhead(9)headoverto(10)circleback(11)walkingby(12)acenterof(13)attracted(14)folkmusic(15)lookslike(16)modeledon(17)thehundredthanniversaryPresentingGet ideas1(1)Setting of themovie(2)Actor(s)/Actress(es)(3)Plotsumnlary(4)Recommendation(5)Director(6)Reviewer'sopinionofdifferentelementsGetideas2(1)skillfully⑵gripping(3)shocking(4)hilarious(5)sensational(6)electrifying(7)poignantly(8)moving(9)breathless(10)hard-hitting(11)emotionally-draining(12)t horoughlyOrganizeideasMovie AMovie BTitleFindingNemoThePursuitofHappinessGenre(体裁)Animation BiographySettingOceanSanFrancisco,USI\/laincharacters•Marlin(aclownfish,anoverprotectivefather)•Nemo(sonofMarlin)•Dory(agood-heartedbluefish.withshort-termmemoryloss)•ChrisGardner(asaleslnanandlaterastockbroker,afather)•Linda(Chris’wife)•Christopher(sonofChris)•JayThistle(anlanagerforDeanWitter)Actors/Actresses •AlbertBrooks(asMarlin)•AlexanderGould(asNemo)•EllenDeGeneres(asDory)•WillSmith(asChrisGardner)•ThandieNewton(asLinda)•JadenSmith(asChristopher)•BrianHowe(asJayTwistle)Director(s)•AndrewStantonGabrieleMuccino•Plotsummary(12)atmysharpest(13)wehadchildren(14)inthelnornings(15)intheeveningsViewingTask2Activityl(1)Becausehewasfascinatedwiththeirbodylanguage.(2)A"man watcher".(3)0ver60countries.(4)Thedifferentwaysofshakinghands,andthedifferentwaysof saying“You are crazyTask2Activity2Role-PlayingTask2Activityl(1)Becausehewantstoaskhertopaybackthemoneyshehasborrowedfromhim.(2)Sheexplainsthatsheisterriblewithmoneyand that shejustforgetsaboutit.(3)Shesaysshewill paybackthemoneythefollowing weekwhenshegetspaid.(4)Hefeelsannoyedaboutthesituation.(5)Hesuggeststhatthewomanpaybackalittleanlountofthemoneyeachweek.Task2Activity2g-a-f-h-b-d-c-ePresentingGet ideasl(1)Thestory is about a couple who were ordered to return a large alnount of lottery prizemoney.The movie tells the story of a father's courage and love.Nemo runs awayfrom school, ventures into the open sea,captured onto a boat,and sent to a dentist'soffice. Marlin and Dory go to search for him and bring him honle.They go all theway to Sidney1-larbor.Along the way,Marlin learns to take risks and finally allowsNemo to take care of himself.The story is about a salesman,Chris,who strives to build a future for himselfand his five-year-old son.Although he works hard,he nlakes little nloney.He raiseshis sonon his own after his wife walks out.However,he never gives up.With diligenceand the love for his son,he beconles a successful stockbroker.Opinions•Abrilliantly animated masterpiece•Fullofhumor•Stunningvisualeffects•Perfectlycastvoice•Hilarious•Asimplebut enchanting story•Richdetailsandlavishcolors•Channingcharacters•Favoritescenes:underwaterworld-theocean,thefish,andthe•coral reef•Areal,heavy,andinspirationalstory•ActingofWillSmithisshockinglygood•Actingofthesonisperfect•Touchingandpowerful scenes•Unconventionalapproachestotellaninspirationalstory•Favoritescene:interviewfor internship•A remarkable movieRecommendationYes,stronglyrecomlnend.Yes,defi『litelyamust-see.More practiceinlisteningShortconversationCDBCDLongconversationBDCAPassages:PassagelCADBPassages:Passage245.anticipation46.glamorous47.beconferredupon48.collective49.nominatefor50.exceptionsto51.accomplished52.absolute53.recipients54.isentitledto55UN IT testPart ICCBBDPart IIABDCAPart IIIDBACCPartIV43.tremendous44.strategic45.applied46.honored/honored47.escape48.defeated49.reflecting50.aseriesof51.strongrelationship52.awiderangeofUNIT6SharingTaskl(1)the media and news(2)how they usually get their news,what kind of news storiesinterest hem the most, how modern technology and new mediahas changed their relationship with the new s,and whether themedia uses its power responsiblyTask2quite late(l)⑵go on(3)important(4)goingon(5)the media andthe newsTask3(1)lnterne(2)Television(3)Internet(4)Radio(5)NewspapersTelevision(6)Newspapers InternetTask4e-c-b a-f-dTask5(1)laptop(2)latest headlines(3)real time(4)sources(5)mediahave to pay(6)(7)discriminate(8)outlets(9)speed(10)riskTask612328.ListeningTask2Activity1f-e-d-g-c-a-bActivity2(1)hear this story(2)about this guy(3)what happenedwas(4)remember all the details(5)recall(6)the firstchallenge(7)then from that(8)something to do(9)the nextthing(lO)according to the report(ll)a part in his film(12)myimpression was that(13)ended up(14)that's what happenedViewingTask2Activity1BAADCCCTask2Activity2(1)starts going wrong(2)fill an awful lot oftime(3)deeplyembarrassing for us(4)champion of the Wrong Guest division(5)charming but inappropriate(6)living the celebritylifestyle(7)love a good news blunderRole-PlayingTask lActivity1b-a-d-cTask lActivity2ABBABAABBAPresentingGet ideas1235Get ideas2Strictly Come DancingNewsnightGenreReality showCurrent affairs programFeaturesShow-stopping dances,celebrities,glamorous dresses,big bandmusic,a popular hostIn-depth reporting,hardhitting interviews,intelligent analysiscontentSixteen famous contestants with Ittle or no experience of dancingpair up with famou s professional dancers;the bottom two couplescompete in a dance-off;judges decide who leaves.Main presenter interviews guests(e.g.politicians)Organize ideas(1)A Bite of China(《舌尖上的中国》)(2)Documentary(3)CCTV-l(4)Premiered in May2012(5)lntroduces Chinese Cuisine;explores origins&characteristicsof Chinese food;sho ws the Chinese lifestyle(6)lnformative;beautiful scenes;art of simple&ordinary food;promotion of harmon y between man&natureMore practice in listeningShort conversationBABDCLong conversationCDACPassages:Passage1DCDBPassages:Passage256.differentiate themselves from57.f rown upon58.concisebat60.severe61.is geared up for62.emb raced63. compact64.is supplemented with65.sensationalUN IT testPart IDBAADPart IIBDACCPart IIICBDACPart IV53.contest54.queens55.outgoing56.cheers57.t itle58.tours59.performed60.t o convince61.in protest。

Uint4II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptM: Did you pick up the paper for me today? I really want to check the job vacancies. W: I know, it?s over there. There?s not much happen though. I had a look already.Maybe you should look on the Net instead.Q: What is the man looking for?2.ScriptM: You don?t have enough experience or qualifications for this role. What makes you believe you could handle the position?W: I?m a fast learner and enjoy learning on the job. My natural skills lie in this area, and I?m confident that I could handle the challenge. Given a chance, I would prove myself.Q: What is the woman saying?3. ScriptM: Could you help me with my resume? Jane said you?re good with these things, andI really need someone to edit it. It?s way too long.W: Sure, no problem, give I to me. A good resume should be no more than one page, you know. And it should list you experience in reverse chronological order. I can see we?ve got some work to do!Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation?4. ScriptM: Could you tell me why you would like to work for our company?W: Well, it has a good reputation as an employer, and its products are quite popular in the marketplace. I would feel proud to work for a company like this and to contribute a great deal to its success.Q: Why does the woman apply for the job?5. ScriptW: Where do you see yourself in five years? time?M: I aim to have been promoted to senior manager at the very least. I?m very ambitious and want to climb up the career ladder as fast as possible. I don?t want to feel miserable on the first rung in five years? time, watching everybody above me.Q: What does the man want in fie years?Keys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.C 5.BIII. Listening InTask 1: Tell me about yourself.ScriptM: Tell me a little about yourself.W: I?m from Guilin City.M: What brought you to the east coast?W: I came to Qingdao to attend college. I?m impressed by this city?s dynamic economy. I?ve come to love it so much that I?ve decided to stay and work here. M: What work experience do you?W: I worked as an intern for a small shipping company. And my primary responsibilities were to maintain the company?s ties with the existing customers and try to find new cargo sources.M: And what did that experience teach you?W: I learned that communication skills are extremely important. The knowledge I acquired from textbooks is indeed, but it is equally essential to be able to persuade a potential client t to trust you.M: How would your former employer describe you?W: He told me that my ability to find one customer after another was an asset to the company. He thanked me for my loyalty. He also appreciated my team as shown in my cooperation with my colleague.M: You seem very mature for your age. And I see from your resume that you are very goal-oriented.W: Thank you. I believe I?ve acquired many good qualities from my parents. They?re my role models. However, I know I still have a lot to learn.The woman went from Guilin City to the east coast city of Qingdao to attend college. She was impressed by the latter?s dynamic economy. Now shi is being interviewed for a job. She says she once worked as an intern for a small shipping company to maintain the company?s ties with the existing customers and try to find new cargo sources. There she learned the importance of communication skills. She has realized that book knowledge is indeed necessary, b ut it is equally essential to persuade potential clients to trust her. Her former employer said her ability to find customers was an asset to the company. He appreciated the loyalty and team spirit. The interviewer finds her mature for her age and very goal-oriented. And she believes that she has acquired many good qualities form her parents, but still has a lot to learn.Task 2: A Work Qualification TestScriptMurphy applies for an engineering position at an Irish firm based in Dublin. An American applied for the same job. Quite by coincidence, the two amplifications, and were asked to take the same test by the manager of the Human Resource Department. Upon completion of the test, both men missed only one of the questions. The manager went to Murphy and said, “Thank you for your interest, but we?ve decided to give the American the job.”Bewildered by the manager?s decision, Murphy asked, “Why would you be doing that? We both got nine questions correct. This being Ireland and me being Irish, I shouldget the job!”The manger answered calmly, “We have made our decisions based on the correct answers, but on the question you missed.”Unconvinced and somewhat indignant, Murphy question, “And just how would one incorrect answer be better than the other?”The manager?s maser took him by surprise, “Simple, on QuestionNo.5, the American put down ,I don?t?know?, and you put down ,Neither do I?.”Keys: FTTTFTFor Reference1.He made his decision based on the wrong answers to the one question one missed,rather than on the correct answers.2.By writing “Neither do I”, it seems that Murphy copied the American answer onthe test.Task3: A Guide to a Successful Job InterviewScriptThere are times that you will be asked a hard question during a job interview. Don?t panic, they just want to see how you handle a difficult situation. Being prepared is always the best policy. Here are some samples of questions and some advice on how to handle them properly.Why should we choose you? To this question, you can ask yourself why you applied, what makes you suitable for this question, what the company can gain from hiring you, what you have to offer, how you would handle this jib, etc.Often they ask you to tell them about yourself. You can split your answer into two, the professional and the personal level. Both are important, and how you move from one to the other depends on what you have to say. You can give a brief summary of your life, professional and personal, with less emphasis on the early past, and more emphasis on the present and the future.When asked “What are your weakness?”, don?t say, “I don?t have any.” Everyone hasI haven?t had a lot of exposure on the weakness, and it takes something positive like, “on-site work, but I?m looking forward to being more involved in dealing with customers directly and learning their needs.”Another common question is: “What are your strengths?” You should customize your answer to meet the position requirement. Keep in mind the things they asked for in the advertisement. Tell them your strengths, but also show them how they how they would apply to this job. To show how your strengths were valuable, use the “Why, where, when, how” to demonstrate and prove your strengths.1.What is the passage mainly concerned with?2.What does the speaker NOT mention as an answer to the question, “Why shouldwe choose you?”?3.What does the speaker say you should stress when introducing yourself?4.What does the speaker advice you NOT to say when asked, “Whatare yourweaknesses?”5.What should you say when asked about your strong points?Kes: 1C 2.C3. B 4.A 5.DFor Reference“Why should we choose you?”, “Tell me about yourself.”, “What are your weaknesses?”, and “What are your strength?”。
新视野大学英语 视听说教程3(第三版)Unit text Uint 4 听力原文和答案

Unit 4 testNextDirections: Click on the speaker to the left to start playing the audio recordingfor Parts I, II and III. They will be played continuously. Once the recordingstarts playing, please do NOT click on either the speaker icon or the 'Unit Quiz'link in the menu bar above. Otherwise, you may lose the chance of hearing thecomplete recording.Part IDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answersto the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing,there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the secondplaying to check your answers.1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. They are taking photos.B. They are barbecuing.C. They are playing with the woman's sister.D. They are looking at photos.2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The man's mom will always scold him when he and his brotherfight.B. The man's mom will always scold his brother when they fight.C. The woman's sister is very naughty.D. The woman sometimes fights with her little sister.3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The woman thinks parents shouldn't allow children to watch TV atall.B. The man's child is a couch potato.C. The woman's child doesn't like watching TV.D. The man encourages his child to work out to reduce the timespending on TV.4.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Husband and wife.B. Daughter and father.C. Mother and son.D. Two colleagues.5.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. One had better forget the divorce.B. One should find a new spouse as early as possible.C. Divorce is very painful.D. Divorce is not very painful.Part IIDirections: Listen to the passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read the third time, check your answers.In a powerful new Mercedes a married couple are driving along ahighwayHer husband suddenly looks over at her. From thevoice and thethis moment. He says, "know we've been married for 20 years, but I want aThe wife says nothing, but slowly increases themph.He then says, "(8)Again the wife stays quiet, but speeds up as her rage increases."I want the house," he insists, pressing his luck.The wife speeds up to 80 mph.He says, "I want the car, too," but she just drives faster and faster.By now she's up to 90 mph."All right," the man says, "(9)The wife slowly starts to veer toward a bridge.This makes him a bit nervous, so he says, "Isn't there anything you want?"The wife says, ""Oh, really," he says, "So what have you got?"Seconds before they slam into the bridge at a speed of 100 mph, the wife smiles and says, "The airbag."Part IIIDirections: Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. What is the passage mainly about?A. The importance of remarriage.B. The reasons for a remarriage.C. Ways of preparing for a blended family.D. Children's problems in a blended family.2. How will children view the man their single mother is dating if shesays "we're just friends"?A. They will find the man threatening.B. They will leave home.C. They will treat the man as a friend.D. They will be eager to have a new father.3. How can single parents benefit from advice?A. They can make up their minds to find a new spouse quickly.B. They can see the issue from a new angle.C. They will understand their former spouse better.D. They can give their new spouse a surprise.4. According to the passage, which of the following is true in the case ofa divorce?A. Children are sadder than parents.B. Parents are sadder than children.C. Younger children have more problems than older children.D. Older children have more problems than younger children.5. Which people are mentioned in the passage who must make adjustments ina blended family?A. The stepparent and the biological parent.B. The stepparent and the children.C. The biological parent and the children.D. The stepparent, the biological parent, and the children.Part IVDirections: Choose the best answer to each of the following statements.1.Amy, sit down. We need to talk. Your mother and I are going to_________.A. separateB. separate with each otherC. divorce ourselvesD. divorce with each other2.So you're still single? If you ________ to me and used the Internet,you'd have had a husband by now.A. listenB. have listenC. have listenedD. had listened3.I _________ an online ad that read, "Husband Wanted".A. putB. postedC. positionedD. pressed4.I do have a right _____ stability for my children and myself, don't I?A. inB. forC. toD. at5.Do you yell at him and call ______________?A. him namesB. his namesC. him nameD. his naming6.Remarriage was the ______ thing I'd consider for two years after mydivorce. I had heard about the high rate of remarriage failures.A. finalB. eventualC. lastingD. last7.As time ________, my son gradually grew up, and he became conscious ofmy loneliness and anxiety.A. went byB. went pastC. passed overD. passed through8.____________ he said this, I ignored him.A. In the first timeB. The first timeC. The first time whenD. At the first time when9.Our kids are being teased by other kids at school because we can'tdress them _____ the current fashions!A. withB. byC. inD. for10.I hope you won't hesitate and let golden opportunities slip _______your fingers.A. inB. overC. alongD. through。

新视野大学英语视听说教程3第四单元听力原文和答案Book III Unit 04 The Devil finds work for idle hands. II. Listening SkillsQuestion 1M: Did you pick up the paper for me today? I really want to check the job vacancies.W: I know, it's over there. There's not much happening though. I had a look already. Maybe you should look on the Net instead.Q: What is the man looking for?Key: CQuestion 2M: You don't have enough experience or qualifications for this role. What makes you believe you could handle the position?W: I'm a fast learner and enjoy learning on the job. My natural skills lie in this area, and I'm confident that I could handle the challenge. Given a chance, I would prove myself.Q: What is the woman saying?Key: DQuestion 3M: Could you help me with my resume? Jane said you' re good with these things, and I really need someone to edit it. It's way too long.W: Sure, no problem, give it to me. A good resume should be no more than one page, you know. And it should list your experience in reverse chronological order. I can see we've got some work to do! Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation?Key: AQuestion 4M: Could you tell me why you would like to work for our company?W: Well, it has a good reputation as an employer, and its products are quite popular in the marketplace.I would feel proud to work for a company like this and to contribute a great deal to its success.Q: Why does the woman apply for the job?Key: CQuestion 5W: Where do you see yourself in five years' time?M: I aim to have been promoted to senior manager at the very least. I'm very ambitious and want to climb up the career ladder as fast as possible. I don't want to feel miserable on the first rung in five years' time, watching everybody above me.Q: What does the man want in five years?Key BIII. Listening InTask 1: Tell Me About Y ourselfM: Tell me a little about yourself.W: I'm from Guilin City.M: What brought you to the east coast?W: I came to Qingdao to attend college. I'm impressed by this city's dynamic economy. I've come to love it so much that I've decided to stay and work here.M: What work experience do you have?W: I worked as an intern for a small shipping company. And my primary responsibilities were to maintain the company's ties with the existing customers and try to find new cargo sources.M: And what did that experience teach you?W: I learned that communication skills are extremely important. The knowledge I acquired from textbooks is indeed necessary, but it is equally essential to be able to persuade a potential client to trust you.M: How would your former employer describe you?W: He told me that my ability to find one customer after another was an asset to the company. He thanked me for my loyalty. He also appreciated my team spirit as shown in my cooperation with my colleagues.M: You seem very mature for your age. And I see from your resume that you are very goal-oriented. W: Thank you. I believe I've acquired many good qualities from my parents. They're my role models. However,I know I still have a lot to learn.Key: The woman went from Guilin City to the east coast city of Qingdao to attend college. She was impressed by the latter's dynamic economy. Now she is being interviewed for a job. She says she once worked as an intern for a small shipping company to maintain the company's ties with the existing customers and try to find new cargo sources. There she learned the importance of communication skills. She has realized that book knowledge is indeed necessary, but it is equally essential to persuade potential clients to trust her. Her former employer said her ability to find customers was an asset to the company. He appreciated her loyalty and team spirit, The interviewer finds her mature for her ate and very goal-oriented. And she believes that she has acquired many good qualities from her parents, but still has a lot to learn.Task 2:A Work Qualification TestMurphy applied for an engineering position at an Irish firmbased in Dublin. An American applied for the same job. Quite by coincidence, the two applicants had the same qualifications, and were asked to take the same test by the manager of the Human Resource Department. Upon completion of the test, both men missed only one of the questions. The manager went to Murphy and said, "Thank you for your interest, but we've decided to give the American the job."Bewildered by the manager's decision, Murphy asked, "Why would you be doing that? We both got nine questions correct. This being Ireland and me being Irish, I should get the job !"The manager answered calmly, "We have made our decisions based not on the correct answers, but on the question you missed."Unconvinced and somewhat indignant, Murphy questioned, "And just how would one incorrect answer be better than the other?"The manager's answer took him by surprise, "Simple, on Question No. 5, the American put down 'I don't know', and you put down 'Neither do I'."F 1. The American's qualifications were slightly better than those of the Irishman.T 2. The personnel manager gave the American and Irishman the same test.T 3. The manager chose the American instead of Murphy.F 4. Murphy correctly answered nine questions, while the American only eight.T 5. Murphy was angry because he believed one wrong answer was not better than the other.For Reference1. He made his decision based on the wrong answers to theone question one missed, rather than onthe correct answers.2. By writing "Neither do I,', it seems that Mushy copied the American's answer on the test.Task 3: A Guide to a Successful Job InterviewThere are times that you will be asked a hard question during a job interview. Don't panic, they just want to see how you handle a difficult situation. Being prepared is always the best policy. Here are some samples of questions and some advice on how to handle them properly.Why should we choose you? To this question, you can ask yourself why you applied, what makes you suitable for this position, what the company can gain from hiring you, What you have to offer, how you would handle this job, etc.Often they ask you to tell them about yourself. You can split your answer into two, the professional and the personal level. Both are important, and how you move from one to the other depends on what you have to say. You can give a brief summary of your life, professional and personal, with less emphasis on the early past, and more emphasis on the present and the future.When asked "What are your weaknesses?", don't say, "I don't have any." Everyone has weaknesses, and it takes strength to recognize them. Say something relevant but not hugely important to the specific position, and always add something positive like, "I haven't had a lot of exposure to the on-site work, but I'm looking forward to being more involved in dealing with customers directly and learning their needs."Another common question is: "What are your strengths?" You should customize your answer to meet the position requirements. Keep in mind the things they asked for in theadvertisement. Tell them your strengths, but also show them how they would apply to this job. To show how your strengths were valuable, use the "why, where, when, how" to demonstrate and prove your strengths. Questions:1. What is the passage mainly concerned with? C)2. What does the speaker NOT mention as an answer to the question, “Why should we choose you”?C)3. What does the speaker say you should stress when introducing yourself? B)4.What does the speaker advise you NOT to say when asked “What are your weakness”? A)5. What should you say when asked about your strong points?D)For Reference“Why should we choose you”, “T ell me about yourself”, “What are your weakness?”, and “ What are your strength?”IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?Susan. John, can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?"John." Did you go to the job fairs and meet with companies?Susan: Yeah, I did. But they didn't seem to be interested in women. I thought about suing them for sexual discrimination.John: I'm afraid it won't be much help. Have you looked at the want ads in the newspaper?Susan: I've been checking the want ads every day for a week, but I can't find anything interesting that I'm qualified for. And the few that I have seen are very low-paying.John. Then try the Internet. Y ou can use a search engine to find a job site related to your field. Susan. Good thinking! Thanks!I think I' 11 look for something in electronic engineering.John: Hey, I just saw a job opening at a company called E-Tech. It could be just the sort of thing you're looking for.Susan: Great, I'll try my luck there.John: Yeah, but if I remember, the deadline is this afternoon.Susan: This afternoon? Oh no! I'd better get online quickly and see if I can submit my resume by E-mail.John: Wait, have you updated your resume? You'd better include your work experience from the IT company last summer.Susan: Don't worry. It's all set. Thanks, mate.John: Anytime, Sue.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?B: What have you done so far?A: I've asked a few friends and relatives for job information, but it's not of much use.B: That method is out of date. Y ou should go to the job fair and meet with companies.A: Yes, I did. But the IT industry seems to have been badly hit by the economic recession, and not many companies came to the job market. As for those who did come, they set a high standard for the candidates.B: To find more opportunities, you might as well look at the want ads in the newspaper.A: I've been checking the want ads regularly for months, and I can't find anything good that I'm qualified for.And the few that I have seen are very low-paying.B: On the Internet you can find more job ads. You can use a search engine to find job sites related to your field.A: Good idea! I think I'll look for something in software development.B: I just found a job available at a computer company on the Net the other day. It might be just the sort of thing you're looking for.A: Great! I'll take a chance on that.B: Remember to update your resume before you send it in. It'll be a plus for you if you include your recent work experience at the IT company.A: Sure. Thanks.MODEL 2 Do you have any tips for a successful interview?Susan: John, do you have any tips for a successful interview?John: Well, first of all, you need to dress professionally.Susan: Oh. What about during the interview?John: OK, be sure to maintain good eye contact and answer all questions politely and directly. Don't look too shy, nor should you sound too aggressive.Susan: I'm not sure what kind of questions they'll ask.John: They'll probably want to know a little about your work experience. Many companies don't want a completely green hand. They don't want to spend time and money on training.Susan: Fortunately, I gained some experience at an IT company during the last summer holiday. John: They may also want to know something about your character. You see, ability for teamwork is usually valued.Susan: What kind of questions should I ask them?John: You should ask them about the job requirements and about the company.Susan: Should I ask about salary and fringe benefits?John: Better not. Not unless they bring it up. Just use the first interview to sell yourself.Susan: You're right. If they are interested in hiring me, there will be plenty of chances to talk about money later.John: Right. And the more interested they are, the more they'll offer.Now Y our TurnA: Can you give me some advice on how to succeed in an interview?B: Well, first of all, you need to pay attention to your appearance. You have to dress appropriately. A: What do you mean by appropriately?B: It's often best to wear a suit. Some bosses don't like to see a candidate in a dirty T-shirt and jeans. A: I see. Careless clothes may be an indicator of careless attitude in world.A: Right on. Also, many employers are unwilling to hire a young man with his hair dyed red oryellow.A: Then, what about during the interview?B: You should speak politely but firmly. If you look too shy, they may suspect you are not capable of dealing with a challenging task.A: I'm not sure what kind of questions they'll ask.B: They'll probably want to know something about your work experience. Companies usually don't want an entirely new hand. They don't want to spend time and money on training.A: Fortunately, I gained some experience at a law firm during the last summer holiday. I worked as an intern to provide free legal advice for those who need it.B: Oh, I see, this is what they call "legal assistance to the needy". Also, a company may want to know something about your character. Y ou see, team players are often valued above all others.A: What kind of questions can I ask them?B: You can ask them about the job requirements and about the company.A: I hear that many companies ask the candidates what salary they expect.B: That's true. Y ou have to inquire about the possible salary level for a green hand in advance. If the salary you expect is reasonable, this shows that you know the profession well and will leave a good impression on the interviewer.A: Oh, I've learned so much from you. A thousand thanks.MODEL 3 Our Best Bet is to Recruit from the CompanyHelen: Our company is starting from scratch, so we don't have the expertise to compete.Bill: Then our best bet is to recruit from the competition.Helen: We need managers who know how to be strong, yet know how to give employees their freedom.Bill: That's essential, especially in the computer industry. Often computer experts like to work on their own.Helen: We also don't believe that a rigid management system will work wonders for our company. Bill: Um... that philosophy will help you attract many worthwhile people.Helen: I remember your friend David Miller is the CEO of a management recruitment agency. I hope he'll help us start a recruitment drive.Bill: Certainly. And it's a good time, too. A number of firms have been downsizing.Helen: Good. So lots of capable people out there are interested in bigger and better things. But can David help us pin them down ?Bill: Sure, Helen! That's why they call them headhunters.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: What can I do for you?B: I'm looking for a public relations manager at our advertising company.A: Do you have any specific requirements for such a manager?B: Well, first of all, she must be a good leader, who knows how to be strong, yet knows how to allow people freedom. Only in this way can she give full play to the employees' enthusiasm.A: Oh, that's essential for leaders in many companies. What other qualities do you expect of the manager?B: She must be skilled in interpersonal communications. You see, without such skills, one can hardly get a job well done.A: I can't agree more. Is that all?B: Not yet. If she happens to have a wide network of business connections, it'll be a great asset to the company.A: I see. We'll try our best to find one who meets your requirements.B: Do you think you can pin one down quickly?A: Probably. You see, a number of firms have been downsizing. So it's a good time for head-hunting. B: Good. That's why they call you headhunters.EXTENDED ACTIVITYWork in pairs. Suppose you are a career counselor for students and your partner is a senior student who is now looking for a job. Interview your partner. Take notes on his/her strengths,weaknesses, favorite school subjects, and future career plan. Then recommend some career choices.V . Let’s TalkProblem with our educational systemGood afternoon, everyone. The university's Career Office asked me to give a talk on the topic of how to prepare for job interviews. This is probably the most important aspect in securing a job. Here are some tips I believe to be useful.First, do some research on the company. Find out what products it makes, who its customers are, and what its objectives are. Once you have this information, make a list of what skills or knowledge you have that would be valuable to them. You cannot sell yourself to them if you don't know what it is you are selling.The next thing to consider is your physical appearance. Y ou have to dress right for job interviews. Don't wear anything too flashy; being neat and clean is more important than wearing the latest fashion. The aim is to look professional without overdoing it. Also, it is important that you feel comfortable. If you are not comfortable with a tie, it might be best not to wear one, unless the job requires you to dress this way. The last thing you want is to be worried about your appearance during the interview. It will only make you nervous, and you will quickly lose confidence.Moreover, you have to work out what you need to take with you: A copy of your CV , originals and copies of your qualification papers, copies of references, samples of your work, if applicable, and anything else that they may want to see. Again, make sure everything is well organized and neatly presented. Don't take a pile of paperwork that you have to sift through for ten minutes to find something. That will give them the impression that you are disorganized.If you are well prepared, you're likely to have good luck. Key: Changes in the speaker’s Attitude to Remarriage Reasons or Detailed Descriptions1. Do some research on the company. Find out what products it makes, who itscustomers are, andwhat its objective is. Tip 1 2. Make a list of what skills orknowledge you have that would be valuable to them.(1) Dress right. Don't wear anything tooflashy; neat and clean are moreimportant than the latest fashion. Tip 2 Take care over your physical appearance. (2) Feel comfortable. Being worried about your appearance during theinterview will make you nervous andyou will quickly lose confidence.Tip 3 Work out what to take with you. (1) Prepare a copy of your resume,originals and copies of yourqualification papers, copies ofreferences, and samples of your work.(2) Make sure everything is wellorganized and neatly presented.VI . Further Listening and SpeakingListeningTask 1:Do you know how to write a resume?Your resume, or CV in British English, has one mission and one mission only: to get you a job interview. Your resume is usually the first impression an employer has of you. And as "you never get a second chance to make a first impression", you'd better get it right the first time. Here're some suggestions thatmay be of use in preparing a resume.First, use a design that demands attention. Employers don't have time to read through each of your job descriptions to know if you have the skills they need. The design of your resume must do it for them. Your resume should be concise, well-organized and relevant. It should emphasize the most important and relevant points about your experience, skills and education.Second, put important information first. List important information at the beginning of your job descriptions. Put statements in your resume in order of importance and relevance to the job you want.A powerful statement with exact numbers influences every statement that follows.Third, target the job. You will have more success if you adjust your resume and cover letter for the specific skills an employer is seeking. This means that you would write one resume for one particular job and a different resume for another job. In other words, you need to "re-package" yourself. In that way, an employer will see immediately that you correspond to the job description. It is not dishonest to "re-package" yourself. You are simply presenting yourself and your skills in the best light for a particular employer. This will help you to get more interviews and allow you to apply for a wider range of jobs.1. Why does the speaker say a resume is important?C) Because it leaves a first impression and you have only one chance to do so.2. According to the passage, why should you emphasize the most important points about yourself?.A) Because employers may not have time to read everything.3. Where does the speaker advise putting the importantinformation in your job descriptions?A) At the beginning.4. How many resumes would the speaker advise you to write if you applied for three jobs?C) Three.5. Which of the following makes a good tire for the passage?B) Resume tips.Task 2: Two Essential Factors in an InterviewWhen applying for a job, especially a job you really want, it's not unusual to feel nervous and anxious. Sometimes this anxiety, not our qualifications, that keeps us from obtaining our dream job.So you must overcome your nervousness and build up confidence. This often involves two factors: one mental and other physical. Mentally, it s important to prepare yourself for the interview without obsessing over it. Remember, it might be your dream job, but it won't be the end of the world if you don't get it. Tell yourself that the company would be lucky to get you; and if they choose someone else, it will be their loss. In essence, you need build your self-confidence. Your ability to answer all questions without hesitation will certainly impress the interview.Now that you are mentally ready for any question that might be thrown your way, it's time to work on your physical presentation. No matter what position you are applying for, your physical appearance at the interview will be a big final determination. It s always a good idea to wear a suit; it doesn't have to be a designer suit, but something plain and conservative. Do not dress too informally. For example,don't wear a red fashionable jacket for your interview. Make sure, too, that it is clean and pressed. This may seem like commonsense, but you’d better be surprised how careless some applicants are. While it's not necessary to visit the beauty salon before your interview, make sure that your nails are well-manicured, and your hair is styled carefully and neatly.Task 3:An Interview That Upsets the BossJohn was in a terrible accident at work and lost both of his ears. Since he was permanently disfigured, he settled with the company for a fairly large compensation and decided to invest the money in a small but growing telecom business. After weeks of negotiations, he bought the company. Then he realized that he knew nothing about running such a business and quickly set out to hire someone who could do that for him.So he set up three job interviews. The first guy was great. He knew everything the company needed and was very interesting. At the end of the interview, John asked him, "Do you notice anything different about me?" And the gentleman answered, "Why yes, I couldn't help but notice you have no ears." John got very upset and threw him out.The second interview was with a woman, and she was even better than the first guy. He then asked her the same question, "Do you notice anything unusual about me?" and she replied, "Well, you have no ears." Again John got furious and tossed her out.The third and last interview was the best of all three. It was with a very young man who was fresh out of college. He was smart and handsome. And he seemed to be a better businessman than the first two put together. John was anxious to employ him, but asked him the same question, "Do you notice anything different about me?" And to his surprise, the young man answered, "Yes, you wear contact lenses."John was amazed, and said, "What an incredibly observant young man! How in the world did you know that?"The young man laughed and replied, "Well, it's pretty hard to wear glasses with no ears !"For Reference1. He lost both of his ears.2. Because he realized that he knew nothing about running the business after he bought it.3. Because the interviewee said he noticed that John had no ears, and John got upset.4. He said he noticed John wore contact lenses.5. He thought it was pretty difficult to wear glasses with no ears.News Report: A Galaxy of Film Prize WinnersThe European Film Awards--First Hollywood, then Cannes, and now Paris?The European Film A wards ceremony was held in Paris in early December, honoring the best in European and world films.Lars yon Trier's Dancer in the Dark was the overall winner of the evening, receiving awards for the best European film and best actress--Bjork.The audience was disappointed, however, as neither von Trier, Bjork, nor the Oscar-winning Italian director Roberto Benigni showed up to accept awards.Still, other prize winners did come. The Irish actor Richard Harris, who was given an award for lifetime achievement, gave a humorous thank-you speech that was the high point of the evening.Another internationally known actor, Jean Reno, also gave an enthusiastic thank-you speech. The French actor received anaward for European achievement in world cinema, for his international film career.Other VIPs from around Europe also attended. But most of the prizes at the ceremony, which people have been calling "the European Oscars", went to French films.There was one international film award, which went to a French-Hong Kong co-production, Wong Karwai's In the Mood for Love.。

Uint4II. Basic Listening PracticeM: Did you pick up the paper for me today? I really want to check the job vacancies.W: I know, it’s over there. There’s not much happen though. I had a look already. Maybe you should look on the Net instead.Q: What is the man looking for?M: You don’t have enough experience or qualifications for this role.What makes you believe you could handle the position?W: I’m a fast learner and enjoy learning on the job. My natural skil ls lie in this area, and I’m confident that I could handle the ch allenge. Given a chance, I would prove myself.Q: What is the woman saying?M: Could you help me with my resume? Jane said you’re good with these things, and I really need someone to edit it. It’s way too long. W: Sure, no problem, give I to me. A good resume should be no more th an one page, you know. And it should list you experience in reverse chronological order. I can see we’ve got some work to do!Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation?M: Could you tell me why you would like to work for our company?W: Well, it has a good reputation as an employer, and its products are quite popular in the marketplace. I would feel proud to work fora company like this and to contribute a great deal to its success.Q: Why does the woman apply for the job?W: Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?M: I aim to have been promoted to senior manager at the very least.I’m very ambitious and want to climb up the career ladder as fast as possible. I don’t want to feel miserable on the first rung in five years’ time, watching everybody above me.Q: What does the man want in fie years?Keys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.C 5.BIII. Listening InTask 1: Tell me about yourself.M: Tell me a little about yourself.W: I’m from Guilin City.M: What brought you to the east coast?W: I came to Qingdao to attend college. I’m impressed by this city’s dynamic economy. I’ve come to love it so much that I’ve decided to stay and work here.M: What work experience do you?W: I worked as an intern for a small shipping company. And my primary responsibilities were to maintain the company’s ties with the e xisting customers and try to find new cargo sources.M: And what did that experience teach you?W: I learned that communication skills are extremely important. The k nowledge I acquired from textbooks is indeed, but it is equally e ssential to be able to persuade a potential client t to trust yo u.M: How would your former employer describe you?W: He told me that my ability to find one customer after another was an asset to the company. He thanked me for my loyalty. He also app reciated my team as shown in my cooperation with my colleague. M: You seem very mature for your age. And I see from your resume that you are very goal-oriented.W: Thank you. I believe I’ve acquired many good qualities from my pa rents. They’re my role models. However, I know I still have a lot to learn.The woman went from GuilinCity to the east coast city of Qingdao to a ttend college. She was impressed by the latter’s dynamic economy. No w shi is being interviewed for a job. She says she once worked as an intern for a small shipping company to maintain the company’s ties w ith the existing customers and try to find new cargo sources. There s he learned the importance of communication skills. She has realized t hat book knowledge is indeed necessary, but it is equally essential t o persuade potential clients to trust her. Her former employer said h er ability to find customers was an asset to the company. He apprecia ted the loyalty and team spirit. The interviewer finds her mature for her age and very goal-oriented. And she believes that she has acquir ed many good qualities form her parents, but still has a lot to lear n.Task 2: A Work Qualification TestMurphy applies for an engineering position at an Irish firm based in Dublin. An American applied for the same job. Quite by coincidence, t he two amplifications, and were asked to take the same test by the ma nager of the Human Resource Department. Upon completion of the test, both men missed only one of the questions. The manager went to Murphy and said, “Thank you for your interest, but we’ve decided to give the American the job.”Bewildered by the manager’s decision, Murphy asked, “Why would you be doing that? We both got nine questions correct. This being Ireland and me being Irish, I should get the job!”The manger answered calmly, “We have made our decisions based on the correct answers, but on the question you missed.”Unconvinced and somewhat indignant, Murphy question, “And just how w ould one incorrect answer be better than the other?”The manager’s maser took him by surprise, “Simple, on QuestionNo.5, the American put down ‘I don’t’ know’, and you put down ‘Neither do I’.”Keys: FTTTFTFor Reference1. He made his decision based on the wrong answers to the one question one missed, rather than on the correct answers.2. By writing “Neither do I”, it seems that Murphy copied the American answer on the test.Task3: A Guide to a Successful Job InterviewThere are times that you will be asked a hard question during a job i nterview. Don’t panic, they just want to see how you handle a diffic ult situation. Being prepared is always the best policy. Here are som e samples of questions and some advice on how to handle them properl y.Why should we choose you? To this question, you can ask yourself why you applied, what makes you suitable for this question, what the comp any can gain from hiring you, what you have to offer, how you would h andle this jib, etc.Often they ask you to tell them about yourself. You can split your an swer into two, the professional and the personal level. Both are impo rtant, and how you move from one to the other depends on what you hav e to say. You can give a brief summary of your life, professional and personal, with less emphasis on the early past, and more emphasis on the present and the future.When asked “What are your weakness?”, don’t say, “I don’t have a ny.” Everyone has weakness, and it takes something positive like, “I haven’t had a lot of exposure on the on-site work, but I’m looking forward to being more involved in dealing with customers directly and learning their needs.”Another common question is: “What are your strengths?” You should c ustomize your answer to meet the position requirement. Keep in mind t he things they asked for in the advertisement. Tell them your strengt hs, but also show them how they how they would apply to this job. To show how your strengths were valuable, use the “Why, where, when, ho w” to demonstrate and prove your strengths.16. What is the passage mainly concerned with?17. What does the speaker NOT mention as an answer to the question, “Why should we choose you?”?18. What does the speaker say you should stress when introducing yourself?19. What does the speaker advice you NOT to say when asked, “What are your weaknesses?”20. What should you say when asked about your strong points?Kes: 1C 2.C3. B 4.A 5.DFor Reference“Why should we choose you?”, “Tell me about yourself.”, “What ar e your weaknesses?”, and “What are your strength?”IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Can you give me some tips about how to get a good job? Susan: John, can you give me some tips about how to get a good job? John: Did you go to the job fairs and meet with companies?Susan: Yeah, I did. But they didn’t seem to be interested in women.I thought about suing then for sexual discrimination.John: I’m afraid it won’t be much help. Have you looked at the wan t ads in the newspaper?Susan: I’ve been checking the want ads every day for a week, but I c an’t find anything interesting that I’m qualified for. And the few that I have seen are very low-paying.John: Then try the Internet. You can use a search engine to find a job site related to your field.Susan: Good thinking! Thanks! I think I’ll look for something in ele ctronic engineering.John: Hey, I just saw a job opening at a company called E-Tech. It c ould be just the sort of thing you’re looking for.Susan: Great, I’ll try my luck there.John: Yeah, but if I remember, the deadline is this afternoon. Susan: This afternoon? Oh no! I’d better get online quickly and see if I can submit my resume by E-mail.John:Wait, have you updated your resume? You’d better include your w ork experience from the IT company last summer.Susan: Don’t worry. It’s all set. Thanks, mate.John: Any time, Sue.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?B: What have you done so far?A: I’ve asked a few friends and relatives for job information, but i t’s not of much use.B: That method is out of date. You should go to the job fair and meet wit companies.A: Yes, I did. But IT industry seems to have been badly hit the econo mic recession, and not many companied came to the job market. As f or those who did come, they set a high standard for the candidate s.B: To find more opportunities, you might as well look at the want ads in the newspaper.A: I’ve been checking the want ads regularly for months, and I can’t find anything good that I’m qualifies for. And the few that I ha ve seen are very low-paying.B: On the Internet you can find more job ads. You can use a search en gine to find job sites related to your field.A: Good idea! I think I’ll look for something in software developmen t.B: I just found a job available at a computer company on the Net the other day. It might be just the sort of thing you’re looking for. A: Great! I’ll take a chance on that.B: Remember to update your resume before you send it in. It’ll be pl us for you if you include your recent work experience at the IT co mpany.A: Sure. Thanks.MODEL2 Do you have any tips for a successful interview?Susan: John, do you have any tips for a successful interview?John: Well, first of all, you need to dress professionally.Susan: Oh, what about during the interview?John: Ok, be sure to maintain good eye contact and answer all questio ns politely and directly. Don’t look too shy, nor should you so und too aggressive.Susan: I’m not sure what kind of questions they’ll ask.John: They’ll probably want to know a little about your work experie nce. Many companies don’t want a completely green hand. They d on’t want to spend time and money on training.Susan: Fortunately, I gained some experience at an IT company during the last summer holiday.John: They may also want to know something about your character. You see, ability for teamwork is usually valued.Susan: What kind of questions should I ask them?John: You should ask them about the job requirements and about the co mpany.Susan: Should I ask about salary and fringe benefits?John: Better not. Not unless they bring it up. Just use the first int erview to sell yourself.Susan: You’re right. If they are interested in hiring me, there will be plenty of chances to talk about money later.John: Right. And the more interested they are, the more they’ll offe r.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Can you give me some advice on how to succeed in an interview?B: Well, first of all, you need to pay attention to your appearance.You have to dress appropriately.A: What do you mean by appropriately?B: It’s often best to wear a suit. Some bosses don’t like to see a candidate on a dirty T-shirt and jeans.A: I see. Careless clothes may be an indicator of careless attitude i n work.B: Right on. Also, many employers are unwilling to hire a young man w ith his hair dyed red or yellow.A: Then, what about during the interview?B: You should speak politely but firmly. If you look too shy, they ma y suspect you are not capable of dealing with a challenging task. A: I’m not sure what kind of questions they’ll ask.B: They’ll probably want to know something about your work experience. Companies usually don’t want an entirely new hand. They don’twant to spend time and money on training.A: Fortunately, I gained some experience at a law of firm during the last summer holiday. I worked as an intern to provide free legal a dvice for those who need it.B: Oh. I see, this is what they called “legal assistance to the need y”. Also, a company may want to know something about your characte r. You see, team players are often valued above all others.A: What kind of questions should I ask them?B: You should ask them about the job requirements and about the compa ny.A: I hear that many companies asked the candidates what salary they e xpect.B: That’s true. You have to inquire about the possible salary level for a green hand in advance. If the salary you expect is reasonabl e, this shows that you know the professions well and will have a g ood impression on the interviewer.A: Oh, I’ve learned so much from you. A thousand thanks.MODEL3 Our best bet is to recruit from the competition.Helen: Our company is starting from scratch, so we don’t have the ex pertise to compete.Bill: Then our best bet is to recruit from the competition.Helen: We need managers who know how to be strong, yet know how to gi ve employees their freedom.Bill: That’s essential, especially in the computer industry. Often computer experts like to work on their own.Helen: We also don’t believe that a right management system will wor k wonders for our company.Bill: Um…that philosophy will help you attract many worthwhile peop le.Helen: I remember your friend David Miller is the CEO of a management recruitment agency. I hope he’ll help us start a recruitment drive.Bill: Certainly. And it’s a good time, too. A number of firms have been downsizing.Helen: Good. So lots of capable people out there are interested in bi gger and batter things. But can David help us pin them down?Bill: Sure, Helen! That’s why they call them headhunters.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: What can I do for you?B: I’m looking for a public relations manager at our advertising com pany.A: Do you have any specific requirement for such a manager?B: Well, first of all, she must be a good leader, who know to be stro ng, yet knows how to allow people freedom. Only in this way can she give full play to the employees’ enthusiasm.A:Oh, that’s essential for leader in many companies. What other qual ities do you expect of the manager?B: She must be skilled in interpersonal communications. You see, with out such skill, one can hardly get a job well done.A:I can’t agree more. Is that all?B: Not yet. If she happens to have a wide network of business connect ions, it’ll be a great assert to the company.A: I see. We’ll try our best to find one who meets your requirements. B: Do you think you can pin one down quickly?A: Probably. You see, a number of firms have been downsizing. So it’sa good time for head-hunting.B: Good. That’s why they call you headhunters.V. Let’s TalkGood afternoon, everyone. The university’s Career Office asked me to give a talk on the topic of how to prepare for job interviews. This i s probably the most important aspect in securing a job. Here are some tips I believe to be useful.First, do some research are. Once you have this information, make a l ist of what skills or knowledge you have that would be valuable to th em. You cannot sell yourself to them if you don’t know what it is yo u are selling.The next thing to consider is your physical appearance. You have to d ress right for job interviews. Don’t wear anything too flashy。
新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程4 Unit 4

Opening up
1 Work in pairs. Complete the table with the social issues.
Social Issues
Money poverty, homelessness, famine, debt
Health Environment
3 What is she going to talk to people about? Money and happiness.
Listening to the world
3 Watch Part 2 and match the statements.
2734 Nhomakorabea5
Listening to the world
pollution, poverty, famine, drug abuse, obesity, lack of drinking water
pollution, famine, drought, flood, lack of drinking water
homelessness, divorce, debt, domestic violence
Listening to the world
2 Watch Part 1 and answer the questions.
1 What does Val do? She is a producer for the BBC.
2 How does she feel about living in London? She likes living in London, but it can be quite expensive.

Part IDirections: In this section you'll hear some sentences. In each sentence there is a word or phrase missing. Fill in the blanks while listening to the sentences.1.wasn't really.2.the plain.3.provide strength.4.H e had been in Saudi Arabia for five years in5.W ild animals will not allow other animals to enter theirPart IIDirections: In this section you'll hear a passage or passages. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. 6.A. They will be alone too often at home.B. They will be alone more often at college.C. They will not like the loneliness of college.D. They will not want to be close to others.7.A. They can't be taken care of by parents.B. They can't be alone enough.C. They can't find people to socialize with.D. They can't see brothers and sisters.8.A. To get together with others.B. To do more studying.C. To live with roommates.D. To find a little time alone.9.A. Seeing his family.B. having more private times.C. People being nearby.D. Someone always watching.10.A. His mother.B. His roommate.C. His whole family.D. His study group.Part IIIDirections: In this section you will hear a passage or passages three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the information you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.Do you like English food? English food is well knownEngland often have to eat in the more type of restaurant. Here it is necessary to prepare food rapidly in largesuffers. People argue that the food, as far asis concerned, is quite satisfactory from the point of view of nourishment. Still, it is rather dull and is not alwaysto make the food look good. Moreover, theEnglishman eating in a cheap or priced restaurant is usually in a hurry. A meal taken in a leisurely way in pleasant surroundings is always far more enjoyable than a mealtaken in haste in a business-likepossible to get a good meal at a price. In fact,such a meal may be less than similar food abroad. For those with money to spare, there are restaurants that are no worse than the best in any country.。
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Uint4II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptM: Did you pick up the paper for me today? I really want to check the job vacancies. W: I know, it‟s over there. There‟s not much happen though. I had a look already. Maybe you should look on the Net instead.Q: What is the man looking for?2.ScriptM:Y ou don‟t have enough experience or qualifications for this role. What makes you believe you could handle the position?W:I‟m a fast learner and enjoy learning on the job. My natural skills lie in this area, and I‟m confident that I could handle the challenge. Given a chance, I would prove myself.Q: What is the woman saying?3. ScriptM: Could you help me with my resume? Jane said you‟re good with these things, and I really need someone to edit it. It‟s way too long.W: Sure, no problem, give I to me. A good resume should be no more than one page, you know. And it should list you experience in reverse chronological order. I can see we‟ve got some work to do!Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation?4. ScriptM: Could you tell me why you would like to work for our company?W: Well, it has a good reputation as an employer, and its products are quite popular in the marketplace. I would feel proud to work for a company like this and to contribute a great deal to its success.Q: Why does the woman apply for the job?5. ScriptW:Where do you see yourself in five years‟ time?M: I aim to have been promoted to senior manager at the very least. I‟m very ambitious and want to climb up the career ladder as fast as possible. I don‟t want to feel miserable on the first rung in five years‟ time, watching everybody above me.Q: What does the man want in fie years?Keys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.C 5.BIII. Listening InT ask 1: T ell me about yourself.ScriptM: Tell me a little about yourself.W:I‟m from Guilin City.M: What brought you to the east coast?W: I came to Qingdao to attend college. I‟m impressed by this city‟s dynamic economy. I‟ve come to love it so much that I‟ve decided to stay and work here.M: What work experience do you?W: I worked as an intern for a small shipping company. And my primary responsibilities were to maintain the company‟s ties with the existing customers and try to find new cargo sources.M: And what did that experience teach you?W: I learned that communication skills are extremely important. The knowledge I acquired from textbooks is indeed, but it is equally essential to be able to persuade a potential client t to trust you.M: How would your former employer describe you?W: He told me that my ability to find one customer after another was an asset to the company. He thanked me for my loyalty. He also appreciated my team as shown in my cooperation with my colleague.M: Y ou seem very mature for your age. And I see from your resume that you are very goal-oriented.W: Thank you. I believe I‟ve acquired many good qualities from my parents. They‟re my role models. However, I know I still have a lot to learn.The woman went from Guilin City to the east coast city of Qingdao to attend college. She was impressed by the latter‟s dynamic economy. Now shi is being interviewed for a job. She says she once worked as an intern for a small shipping company to maintain the company‟s ties with the existing customers and try to find new cargo sources. There she learned the importance of communication skills. She has realized that book knowledge is indeed necessary, but it is equally essential to persuade potential clients to trust her. Her former employer said her ability to find customers was an asset to the company. He appreciated the loyalty and team spirit. The interviewer finds her mature for her age and very goal-oriented. And she believes that she has acquired many good qualities form her parents, but still has a lot to learn.T ask 2: A Work Qualification T estScriptMurphy applies for an engineering position at an Irish firm based in Dublin. An American applied for the same job. Quite by coincidence, the two amplifications, and were asked to take the same test by the manager of the Human Resource Department. Upon completion of the test, both men missed only one of the questions. The manager went to Murphy and said, “Thank you for your interest, but we‟ve decided to give the American the job.”Bewildered by the manager‟s decision, Murphy asked, “Why would you be doing that? We both got nine questions correct. This being Ireland and me being Irish, I should get the job!”The manger answered calmly, “We have made our decisions based on the correct answers, but on the question you mi ssed.”Unconvinced and somewhat indignant, Murphy question, “And just how would one incorrect answer be better than the other?”The manager‟s maser took him by surprise, “Simple, on QuestionNo.5, the American put down …I don‟t‟ know‟, and you put down …Neither do I‟.”Keys: FTTTFTFor Reference1.He made his decision based on the wrong answers to the one question one missed, rather than on the correct answers.2.By writing “Neither do I”, it seems that Murphy copied the American answer on the test.T ask3: A Guide to a Successful Job InterviewScriptThere are times that you will be asked a hard question during a job interview. Don‟t panic, they just want to see how you handle a difficult situation. Being prepared is always the best policy. Here are some samples of questions and some advice on how to handle them properly.Why should we choose you? To this question, you can ask yourself why you applied, what makes you suitable for this question, what the company can gain from hiring you, what you have to offer, how you would handle this jib, etc.Often they ask you to tell them about yourself. Y ou can split your answer into two, the professional and the personal level. Both are important, and how you move from one to the other depends on what you have to say. Y ou can give a brief summary of your life, professional and personal, with less emphasis on the early past, and more emphasis on the present and the future.When asked “What are your weakness?”, don‟t say, “I don‟t have any.” Everyone hasweakness, and it takes something positive like, “I haven‟t had a lot of exposure on the on-site work, but I‟m looking forward to being more involved in dealing with customers directly and learning their needs.”Another common question is: “What are your strengths?” Y ou should customize your answer to meet the position requirement. Keep in mind the things they asked for in the advertisement. Tell them your strengths, but also show them how they how they would apply to this job. To show how you r strengths were valuable, use the “Why, where, when, how” to demonstrate and prove your strengths.1.What is the passage mainly concerned with?2.What does the speaker NOT mention as an answer to the question, “Why should we choose you?”?3.What does the speaker say you should stress when introducing yourself?4.What does the speaker advice you NOT to say when asked, “What are your weaknesses?”5.What should you say when asked about your strong points?Kes: 1C 2.C3. B 4.A 5.DFor Reference“Why should we choose you?”, “Tell me about yourself.”, “What are your weaknesses?”, and “What are your strength?”IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?Susan: John, can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?John: Did you go to the job fairs and meet with companies?Susan: Yeah, I did. But they didn‟t seem to be interested in women. I thought about suing then for sexual discrimination.John: I‟m afraid it won‟t be much help. Have you looked at the want ads in the newspaper?Susan: I‟ve been checking the want ads every day for a week, but I can‟t find anything interesting that I‟m qualified for.And the few that I have seen are very low-paying.John: Then try the Internet.Y ou can use a search engine to find a job site related to your field.Susan: Good thinking! Thanks! I think I‟ll look for something in electronic engineering.John: Hey, I just saw a job opening at a company called E-Tech. It could be just the sort of thing you‟re looking for.Susan: Great, I‟ll try my luck there.John: Y eah, but if I remember, the deadline is this afternoon.Susan: This afternoon? Oh no! I‟d better get online quickly and see if I can submit my resume by E-mail.John:Wait, have you updated your resume?Y ou‟d better include your work experience from the IT company last summer.Susan: Don‟t worry. It‟s all set. Thanks, mate.John:Any time, Sue.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?B: What have you done so far?A:I‟ve asked a few friends and relatives for job information, but it‟s not of much use. B: That method is out of date. Y ou should go to the job fair and meet wit companies. A:Y es, I did. But IT industry seems to have been badly hit the economic recession, and not many companied came to the job market. As for those who did come, they set a high standard for the candidates.B: To find more opportunities, you might as well look at the want ads in the newspaper.A:I‟ve been checking the want ads regularly for months, and I can‟t find anything good that I‟m qualifies for. And the few that I have seen are very low-paying.B: On the Internet you can find more job ads. Y ou can use a search engine to find job sites related to your field.A:Good idea! I think I‟ll look for something in software development.B: I just found a job available at a computer company on the Net the other day. It might be just the sort of thing you‟re looking for.A: Great! I‟ll take a chance on that.B: Remember to update your resume before you send it in. It‟ll be plus for you if you include your recent work experience at the IT company.A: Sure. Thanks.MODEL2 Do you have any tips for a successful interview? ScriptSusan: John, do you have any tips for a successful interview?John: Well, first of all, you need to dress professionally.Susan: Oh, what about during the interview?John: Ok, be sure to maintain good eye contact and answer all questions politely and directly. Don‟t look too shy, nor should you sound too aggressive.Susan:I‟m not sure what kind of questions they‟ll ask.John: They‟ll probably want to know a little about your work experience. Many companies don‟t want a completely green hand. They don‟t want to spe nd time and money on training.Susan:Fortunately, I gained some experience at an IT company during the last summer holiday.John: They may also want to know something about your character. Y ou see, ability for teamwork is usually valued.Susan: What kind of questions should I ask them?John: Y ou should ask them about the job requirements and about the company. Susan: Should I ask about salary and fringe benefits?John: Better not. Not unless they bring it up.Just use the first interview to sell yourself.Susan: Y ou‟re right. If they are interested in hiring me, there will be plenty of chances to talk about money later.John: Right. And the more interested they are, the more they‟ll offer.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGMODEL3 Our best bet is to recruit from the competition. ScriptHelen: Our company is starting from scratch,so we don‟t have the expertise to compete.Bill: Then our best bet is to recruit from the competition.Helen: We need managers who know how to be strong, yet know how to give employees their freedom.Bill:That‟s essential, especially in the computer industry. Often computer experts like to work on their own.Helen: We also don‟t believe that a right management system will work wonders for our company.Bill: Um…that philosophy will help you attract many worthwhile people.Helen: I remember your friend David Miller is the CEO of a management recruitment agency. I hope he‟ll help us start a recruitment drive.Bill: Certainly. And it‟s a good time, too. A number of firms have been downsizing. Helen: Good. So lots of capable people out there are interested in bigger and batter things. But can David help us pin them down?Bill: Sure, Helen! That‟s why they call them headhunters.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: What can I do for you?B:I‟m looking for a public relations manager at our advertising company.A: Do you have any specific requirement for such a manager?B: Well, first of all, she must be a good leader, who know to be strong, yet knows how to allow people freedom. Only in thi s way can she give full play to the employees‟ enthusiasm.A:Oh, that‟s essential for leader in many companies. What other qualities do you expect of the manager?B: She must be skilled in interpersonal communications. Y ou see, without such skill, one can hardly get a job well done.A:I can‟t agree more. Is that all?B:Not yet. If she happens to have a wide network of business connections, it‟ll be a great assert to the company.A: I see. We‟ll try our best to find one who meets your requirements.B: Do you think you can pin one down quickly?A: Probably. Y ou see, a number of firms have been downsizing. So it‟s a good time for head-hunting.B:Good. That‟s why they call you headhunters.V. Let’s T alkScriptGood afternoon, everyone. The university‟s Caree r Office asked me to give a talk on the topic of how to prepare for job interviews. This is probably the most important aspect in securing a job. Here are some tips I believe to be useful.First, do some research are. Once you have this information, make a list of what skills or knowledge you have that would be valuable to them. Y ou cannot sell yourself to them if you don‟t know what it is you are selling.The next thing to consider is your physical appearance. Y ou have to dress right for job interviews. Do n‟t wear anything too flashy; being neat and clean is more important than wearing the latest fashion. The aim is to look professional without overdoing it. Also, it is important that you feel comfortable. If you are not comfortable with a tie, it might be best not to wear one, unless the job requires you to dress this way. The last thing you want is to be worried about your appearance during the interview. It will only make you nervous, and you will quickly lose confidence.Mover over, you have to work out what you need to take with you: A copy of your CV, originals and copies of your qualification paper, copies of reference, samples of your work, if applicable, and anything else that they may want to see. Again, make sure everything is well organized and ne atly presented. Don‟t take a pile of paperwork that you have to sift through for ten minutes to find something. That will give them the impression that you are disorganized. If you are well prepared, you‟re likely to have good luck.Things to Do More DetailsTip11.Do some research on thecompany.2.Make a list of what skills orknowledge you have that would bevaluable to them.Find out what products it makes, who itscustomers are, and what its objective is.Tip2Take care over your physicalappearance.⑴Dress right. Don‟t wear anything tooflashy; neat and clean are more importantthan the latest fashion.⑵ Feel comfortable. Being worried aboutyour appearance during the interview willmake you nervous and you will quicklylose confidence.Tip3Work out what to take with you.⑴Prepare a copy of your resume, originals and copies of your qualification papers, copies of references,and samples of your work.⑵Make sure everything is well organized and neatly presented.DiscussionSAMPLEA:After listening to the career officer‟s talk, I‟ve now realizes the importance of getting prepared for an interview.B:Quite true. First of all, we should never be late for an interview. If you‟re not punctual, they‟ll suspect that you‟ll be late for work in future.A:Before going to the interview, we had better pay attention to our dress. We must look professional without overdoing it. Careless clothes will lead them into thinking that you‟re likely to do your job careles sly.B: During the interview, it is important to look confident without being too pushy. It‟s necessary to maintain eye contact. This shows your interest in the conversation, and helps to maintain the communication between you and the interviewer.A: Many employers attach importance to the education you‟ve received. We need to highlight those courses especially valuable to the company.B: Book knowledge is not enough. We must show them we have practical experience in the field. Tell them about our internship, and emphasize the skills that are useful in the job we‟re seeking.A:How clever you are! These days many students want to tell the prospective employer that they have a good command of English and have obtained a College English Test Band 4 Certificate.B: They‟re also eager to tell interviewer about their computer skills with PowerPoint, office automation, and so on. Students from non-key universities especially need certificates to shoe they‟ve acquired those skills before they can hope to compete against students from prestigious universities.A: Character is considered an important factor in contemporary society, where teamwork is a must.B: But too many students are saying more or less the same thing. If everybody says, “I‟m warm-hearted and cooperative, get along well with my classmates, and have good team spirit,” the boss will soon get fed up.A: Perhaps we should let the work we‟ve done shoe our character.B: Right on. Participation is important. If you can show them you‟re an important official of the Student Union of the university or the department, or you‟ve organized a singing competition and won an award, obviously you‟re a good team player. VI. Further Listening and SpeakingT ask1: The Role Memory Plays in Our LifeScriptY our resume, or CV in British English, has one mission and one mission only: to get you a job interview. Y our resume is usually the first impression an employer has of you. And as “you never get a second chance to make a first impression”, you…d better get it right firs time. Here‟re some suggestions that may be of use in preparing a resume. First, use a design that demands attention. Employers don‟t have time to read through each of your job descriptions to know if you have the skills they need. The design of your resume must do it for them. Y our resume should be concise, well-organized and relevant. It should emphasized the most important and relevant points about your experience, skills and education.Second, put important information first. List important information at the beginningof your job descriptions. Put statements in your resume in order of importance and relevance to the job you want. A powerful statement with exact numbers influences every statement that follows.Third, target the job. Y ou will have more success if you adjust your resume and cover letter for the specific skills another job. In other words, you need to “re-package” yourself. In that way, an employer will see immediately that you correspond to the job description. It is not dishonest to “re-pa ckage” yourself. Y ou are simply pressing yourself and your skills in the best light for a particular employer. This will help you to get more interviews and allow you to apply for a wider range o jobs.1.Why does the speaker say the resume is important?2.According to the passage, why should you emphasize the most important point about yourself?3.Where does the speaker advise putting the important information in your job description?4.How many resumes would the speaker advise you to write if you applied for three jobs?5. Which of the following makes a good title for the passage?Keys: 1.C 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.BT ask 2: Two Essential Factors in an InterviewScriptWhen applying for a job, especially a job you really want. It‟s not usually to feel nervous and anxious. Sometimes it‟s this anxiety, not our qualifications, that keeps us from obtaining our dream job.So you must overcome your nervousness and build up confidence. This often involves two factors: one mental and the other physica l. Mentally, it‟s important to prepare yourself for the interview without obsessing over it. Remember, it might be your dream job, but it won‟t be the end of the world if you don‟t get it. Tell yourself thatthe company would be lucky to get you; and if they choose someone else, it will be their loss. In essence, you need to build your self-confidence.Y our ability to answer all questions without hesitation will certainly impress the interviewer.Now that you are mentally ready for any question th at might be thrown your way, it‟s time to work on your physical presentation. No matter what position you are applying for, your physical appearance at the interview will be a big factor in the final determination.It‟s always a good idea to wear a suit; it doesn‟t have to be a designer suit, but something plain and conservative. Do not dress too informally. For example, don‟t wear a red fashionable jacket for your interview. Make sure, too, that it is clean and pressed. This may seem like common sense, but you‟d be surprised how careless some applicants are. While it‟s not necessary to visit the beauty salon before your interview, make sure that your nail are well-manicured, and your hair is styled carefully and neatly.T ask3: An Interview That Upsets the BossScriptJohn was in a terrible accident at work and lost both of his ears. Since he was permanently disfigured, he settled with the company for a fairly large compensation and decided to invest the money in a small but growing telecom business. After weeks of negotiations, he bought the company. Then he realized that he knew nothing about running such a business and quickly set out to hire someone who could do that for him.So he set up three job interviewers. The first guy was great. He knew e verything the company needed and was very interesting. At the end of the interview, John asked him, ”Do you notice anything different about me?” And the gentleman answered, “Why yes, I couldn‟t help notice you have no ears.” John got very upset and threw him out.The second interview was with a woman, and she was even better than the first guy. He asked her the same question, “Do you notice anything usually about me?” and the she replied, “Well, you have no ears.” Again John got furious and tossed her out.The third and the last interview was the best of all three. It was with a very young man who was fresh out of college. He was smart and handsome. And he seemed to bea better businessman than the firs two put together. John was anxious to employ him, but a sked him the same question, “Do you notice anything different about me?”And to his surprise, the young man answered, “Y es, you wear contact lenses.”John was amazed, and said, “What an incredibly observant young man! How in the world did you know that?”T he young man laughed and replied, “Well, it‟s pretty hard to wear glasses with no ears!”For Reference1.He lost both of his ears.2.Because he realized that he knew nothing about running the business after he bought it.3.Because the interviewee said he noticed that John had no ears, and John got upset.4.He said he noticed John wore contact lenses.5.He thought it was pretty difficult to wear glasses with no ears.。