
Lesson Five Twelve Angry Men (Part One) Answers ⅠOral Work Ⅱ.V ocabulary Work. 1. Translate the expressions 1)into Chinese (1) 犯严重错误 (2)处理案件 (3)出庭作证 (4)提供证据 (5)验明凶器 (6)抹去指印 (7)进行盘问 (8)付诸表决 (9)要求表决2) into English (1)to quote the Bible (2) to list all the reasons (3)to dial the phone number (4)to (4)to definite definite definite a a a word word (5) (5) to to to serve serve serve a a a jail jail jail term term (6) (6) to to to apologies apologies apologies sb sb sb for for for sth sth (7)to refute argument (8)to test the sharpness of a knife (9)to clear one’s throat 2. Choose the right words in their proper forms.●(1) sensitive (2) sensitive (3)sensitive (4)sensible ●(1) excited (2) excitable (3)exciting (4)excited ●(1)charged accused (2)accused (3)charge (4)accusation ●(1)admitted (2)acknowledge (3)acknowledge (4)admit (5) admitted Ⅲ.Grammar Work 1) Choose the right form of the verb in brackets —gerund or infinitive (1) watching (2) selling (3) to launch (4)secure (5) wondering (6)to save (7) feeling (8)being to be/being (9)to answer (10)having 2)Choose the right answer. (1)D (2) A (3)C (4) A (5)B Ⅳ.Translation. (1) Our Our company company company was was was heavily heavily heavily in in in debt debt debt when when when he he he took took took over .We over .We owed owed the the the bank bank about 10 million. (2) Lao Song, I owe you an apology . I really behaved like a fool that day . (3) People People know know know very very very well well well that that that they they they owe owe owe everything everything everything they they they have have have today today today to to to the the reform and policy . . (4) Why did their boat invade our territorial waters? They owe us an explanation at least. (5) He claimed to have two Ph.D. degrees from two universities. (6) Both sides claimed to have won the competition . (7) The The Taiping Taiping Taiping took took took the the the city city city finally finally finally. . . But But But the the the battle battle battle claimed claimed claimed one one one of of of their their their best best leaders. (8) These patients won the claim of 50 million dollars for their damaged health. (9) This otherwise wonderful manager is a womanizer. 。

Lesson 11. A white lie is better than a black lie.一个无关紧要的谎言总比一个恶意的谎言要好。
2. To upset this cultural homicide, the Negro must rise up with an affirmation of his ownOlympian manhood.为了挫败各种蓄意培植的低人一等的心态,黑人必须直起腰来宣布自己高贵的人格。
3. …with a spirit straining toward t rue self-esteem, the Negro must throw off the manacles ofself-abnegation…黑人必须一种竭尽全力自尊自重的精神,大胆抛弃自我克制的枷锁。
4. What is needed is a realization that power without love is reckless and abusive, and lovewithout power is sentimental and anemic.必须懂得没有爱的权利是毫无节制的、易被滥用的,而没有权利的爱则是多愁善感、脆弱无力的。
5. It is precisely this collision of immoral power with powerless morality which constitutes themajor crisis of our times.正是这种邪恶的权利和没有权势的道义的冲突构成了我们时代的主要危机。
6. Now early in this century this proposal would have been greeted with ridicule anddenunciation, as destructive of initiative and responsibility.在本世纪之初,这种建议会受到嘲笑和谴责,认为它对主动性和责任感其负面作用。
法律英语 第五课 宪法

美国人通过投票箱 表达他们的意愿。
The process of impeachment 弹劾程序
• removal of a public official from office
• 委任的官员应该让任命他们的人或机构满意。 如果他们的政绩令人不满意,他们就会被撤职。
Justices of the Supreme Court and other federal judges
Lifetim法e律英a语ppointment 16
Ballot box
• 以一票之差宣告约翰逊总统无罪; • 宣告陆军部长无罪。
• 在弹劾程序中,众议院是作为起诉人的角色,而参议院充当弹劾法庭的 角色,行使弹劾案的审判权。众议院的起诉程序是:众议院司法委员会 表决通过弹劾总统条款,全体会议进行辩论并表决,如超过1/2的议 员赞成弹劾,该议案即呈参议院。参议院的审理程序是:(1)参议院 司法委员会负责收集双方证据,为审理弹劾案做准备;(2)由联邦最 高法院首席法官主持审理过程,100名参议员为弹劾法庭的法官,听 取控辩双方的辩论和有关证人的证词;(3)众议院以其司法委员会主 席为代表扮演控方的角色,白宫则组成辩护团,审理开始后,双方先各 进行1小时的陈述,然后传唤有关证人作证;(4)在控辩双方盘问证 人和辩论结束后,联邦最高法院首席法官就弹劾指控按姓氏字母顺序一 一点名询问每个参议员,后者只能回答“有罪”或者“无罪”。如果有 2/3以上的参议员,就任何一项指控回答“有罪”,总统即被弹劾, 由副总统接任总统,被弹劾者将终身不得担任任何公职。如果犯有刑事 罪行,在其恢复普通平民身份后由普通法院进行审理。如果被认定为 “无罪”,总统可以继续完成其任期。

Vocabulary Activities1.The bank has discovered that on any given day, transactions in cash seldom exceed one million.2.One could tell at a glance that she was not the kind of person who would give up easily.3.Applicants for this positon need fluency in at least one foreign language.4.Given patience,the artificial breeding of this species can be achieved.5.So far we have had perfect weather.The yield of the crop, hopefully,will hit a new record this year.6.An employment contract should define the rights and duties of both the employee and the employer in no uncertain terms.7.“How did you get the information about this author?”“I looked him up in Who’s Who.”8.It’s no good talking to him because he never listens.9.The author of the article quoted my words out of context in order to mislead the readers.10.The council provides practical guidance and support for students wishing to pursue an international study program.11.The immediate needs of the refugees are warm clothing and clean drinking water.12.She held the glass away from her in disgust. “What’s this awful stuff you have given me to drink?”13.It’s not a good habit to look up every new word you come across in you reading.14.The quick recognition of disease is vital for effective treatment.15.He is interested in everything that falls within the scope of his research.1.The notion that thought inhabited the heart was once accepted as a truth.2.To say that human rights are not protected in the country is a denial of the obvious truth.3.An independent opinion poll of foreign businesses in China published today shows growing confidence in the sustained development of the country’s economy.4.The book gives us a realistic picture of contemporary life in rural China.5.I can’t imagine how this place passed for a five-star hotel! The service is dreadful.6.The warming of the Earth and the consequent climate change will affect us all.7.The little girl scooped up a handful of sand and let it trickle through her fingers.8.This is a book about business practice as opposed to theory.9.He urged his influential friends to help get him a loan.10.Many people now think there is no such thing as eternal truth, because truth is subject to change as man’s understanding of universe improves.11.Most of them are descendants of the original English and Scottish settlers.12.Rosa and her groom promised to cherish each other through sickness and health, poverty and richness.13.The two questions are closely related, but will need to be considered separately.14.The minister of finance made a quick denial of the accusation that he was opposed to tax reforms.15.The house is thought by many to be haunted, for the families that lived in it all ended up in tragedy.16.The guest discerned a trace of fatigue in the face of the host. So he quickly took leave.1.Mine sweeping is a difficult and dangerous job and the engineers who perform the job should be paid accordingly.2.She took too few courses in her first two years at college and now she does not have enough credits to get her degree.3.She’s spent her whole life in pursuit of an unattainable ideal, and so she’s been totally disappointed.4.I believe he was an honorable man, dedicated to the people and his country.5.He could never conceive of such a thing happening to himself.ck of confidence in his own abilities is the chief defect in Mike’s character.7.He has absolutely no conception of how difficult life can be if one is unemployed.8.The program started from the premise that men and women must be treated on equal terms in this society.9.We can not make a decision until we have made an objective assessment of our business prospects.10.Indeed, a good deal of importance of the book lies in its later influence.11.Recent studies have borne out claims that certain perfumes can bring about profound psychological changes.12.As the competition becomes increasingly intense, the shops are trying all kinds of ways to prevail upon induce people to buy.13.People who are overweight usually don’t like physical exercise and lack of exercise makes them put on more weight—it is a vicious cycle.14.He is planning to risk everything to get his next venture started.15.I’ll be at work until five, in the gym till nine, and at home after that—so contact me later at one of those places as the case may be.16.The driver’s account of the accident was verified by three men who had seen it happen.1.The executives will have to demonstrate the kind of managerial abilities needed to keep their corporation ahead of the pack.2.Buying a new car is first on Bob’s list of priorities.3.Sociologists have found through their research that single parents are more likely to be permissive.4.In my opinion, arrangements could be tailored to meet individual requirements.5.This so-called proof is mere assumption based on circumstantial evidence.6.In her eyes,this young man, knowledgeable and well-mannered, is the most eligible bachelor in the world.7.This afternoon I stopped by the hospital to see Nancy before going home.8.Much research has shown a clear correlation between smoking and lung cancer.9.This politician is neither radical nor conservative; he is somewhere in between.10.The Ivy League is a group of eight prestigious universities in the north eastern part of the US.11.Traveling different countries can enrich one’s life in many ways.12.Excessive drinking can lead to stomach disorders.13.Decades ago, strikes were the norm for the factory workers.14.This big house is neglected and its woodwork has started to rot.15.A flu epidemic is sweeping through the area this winter.16.I presume that only an extremely narrow-minded person would make such nasty remarks.17.Does the term “super kids” mean “children with exceptional abilities”?18.A few years ago it was Bacry1 who took charge of the institute.s important to distinguish between compound interest and simple interest.2.At the meeting there was a lot of opposition to the proposed changes.3.For a long time this substance was thought to be harmless, but recently there has been proof to the contrary and so you are warned off it.4.You must follow the regular procedures in applying for a visa.5.They agreed to the plan in principle, but there were several details they did not like.6.The degree of punishment is meant to be proportional to the seriousness of crime.7.The rebels refused to surrender their arms and insisted on their right to use violent means in pursuit of their goals.8.Our company must constantly strive for greater efficiency if we are to survive in the intense competition.9.Predictions that the recession will be shout are small comfort to those already affected.10.In the end, three votes determined the outcome of the election.11.Success in making money is not always a good criterion of success in life.12.It was Aristotle who proved the world is round. Plato adopted the concept.13.There is widespread speculation that the company is about to collapse.14.Fireworks are banned within the inner city, because they are considered hazardous in the densely populated downtown area.15.For me the advantages of living in a big city far outweigh the disadvantages.16.These provisions are formulated to ensure that the minority nationalities are adequately represented in the National People’s Congress.17.The ingredients of a cake usually include eggs, sugar, flour and flavoring.18.This pornographic novel should be banned before it is widely circulated among teenagers.19.No substance can retain moisture indefinitely when exposed to great heat.20.When dark clouds appeared in the sky, we pointed out that they are only temporary, that the darkness would soon pass and the sun break through.21.The destruction of rainforests has been condemned as a disaster for the environment.Average students who work hard usually do better than clever students who are idle.Mrs.Parker had her car windows smashed by a gang wielding baseball bats.The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to change.It seems that more and more people are willing to donate their organs for use after death.Ralph got scratched all over when he was running through the bushed.The idle young man lit a cigarette and sat on the end of the table, one leg swinging.If you would move sideways to the left, I can get everyone on the picture.We have plotted our projected costs for the coming year, and they show a big increase.Jane knelt down to pull a weed from the flowerbed.Companies are now trying to recycle their waste or find other ways of disposing of their by-products. Where is the price tag on this dress?Amy is now a senior executive having worked her way up through the company.The water could not get away from the tank because the outlet was blocked.Something must have happened;office workers were seen clustered at every open door, talking excitedly. The injured old lady had a hard time getting to the hospital.She had spilt some coffee and was cleaning it up just as John walked in.By the time they got to the camp they’d run out of water.The probability that there will be huge profits in the projects has attracted many an investor.This exquisite porcelain vase was made with superb workmanship.When I asked her advice, she pondered the matter and then told me not to go.To celebrate National Day, there was a spectacular fireworks display in Century Park.Would you read my letter and correct the mistakes, if any?Professor Guehenno has written the most fascination and the most intimate account to date of Rousseau’s life.I have to admit that I had been a little too premature in forming my opinion of the new professor.“We will give your proposal careful consideration,”Mr.Lewis said to me.His criticisms imply a lack of confidence in what Ann has done so far.The two patients who were suspected of being affected with SARS were immediately isolated from the other patients.Along with poetess, authoress was once the usual term for a female writer.Though there were 20 candidate for the job, the board was in unison in deciding to hire Bob Galloway. Smoking is no longer considered socially acceptable by many people.With his background in law and his years of public service, he is undoubtedly in a position to run for political office.Adolescent friendships seem very important at the time, but they often do not last into adulthood.A new furniture store opened nearby, The furniture it sells is inexpensive but well-made.The Marlows were always suspicious about their neighbours, often fussing about nothing.After such a confrontation between the two parties, any reconciliation would be out of the question.He got the money dishonesty, by forging his brother’s signature on a check.The older generation often frowns on the ideas of the young.The price of the brand is ten times that of other brands and this is totally beyond the reach of ordinary people. Anger surged up within him when he heard of the injustice.Despite her sincere apologies for her mistakes, Jenny’s colleagues would not forgive her and treated her with scorn and disdain.The architect knew that his clients were very particular about the new house he had designed for them, and he was careful in supervising the building all along the way.As a strong leader, John is bold enough to make tough decisions whenever there is a need.I longed to understand her struggles, but in her broken English she was only able to paint a crude picture of her life.This week is too terrible a time for me to be in the mood to play, what with semester exams coming up next week.On the train Stan, thumbing through the magazine, caught a glimpse of a photo of Jenny the top fashion model.Her first commercial venture was opening a beauty parlor in the central business district of the city.The ten-year-old girl was often sent out on errands by her mother.Thanks to the lesson of the Titanic, ship captains travelling in icy waters took extra care to stay clear of icebergs.He had hoped for a fair trial in the small town where he grew up, but what he got was nothing less than an old-fashioned mob lynching.It is neither socially nor economically desirable that every city dweller owns a car.The seventeen miners who have been trapped underground for three days are said to be unlikely to survive. Joe does not seem interested in any academic liberal arts subjects, but when it comes to sports, he is the pride of the class.Although I am so successful I am really rather a failure. That is a paradox, is not it?Schools should fulfill the hopes and needs of poorer children, giving them a chance in society.This new book will be of interest to policemen and prison officers, and for that matter to anyone who has to deal with criminals.The work is not very profitable in terms of money, but I am getting valuable experience out of it.She is still working on it despite all the adversities. I can not help but admire her indomitable spirit.Each sales team targets its efforts at a particular segment of the general population.The authors point out that their study was done in a rural area and results may differ with urban clients.This factory only produces TV consoles; the inside electronic component are made elsewhere and shipped to the factory.Concerned about overcrowding, the Texas prison wardens sent a petition to the governor asking for prison reform.Never feel that exercising is a waste of time,because a healthy body can help you resist disease.The death of the king received widespread coverage in the medium.The unusual arrangement of the bookshelves in the city library makes it easy find the book you want.Dick remains calm and seemingly undisturbed by the recent crisis.Rich as he is, Mr.Phyllis, unlike many other wealthy people, never lives a life of luxury.Lewis admitted that some of his actions may have been unscrupulous, but he denied doing anything illegal. Harley was summon to appear in court on a charge of reckless driving.The one who did the damage is under obligation to pay for it.The objections raised by one of the members of the committee were considered trivial and brushed aside by the chairman.I declined to have dinner at the expense of my friends and insisted on treating them instead.He said he could not compromise with conscience and would never betray his country and his people. Susan has run up a large bill for all her new clothes.If we try to persuade Robert to contribute more, he will be good for another thousand dollars.As much as she hated visits to the dentist, the agony of her toothache made it impossible for her not to go. Humor is wonderful for releasing tension.Jack went into the bar hoping to find a relaxing way to pass a Friday night, but the loud music offended his ears and he left after less than an hour.Handel’s masterpiece Messiah is most popular musical works of all time.Iris finds it very tiresome making copies of the documents all day long.The old peasant’s skin was dark and coarse, which reminded us of the severe hardship of farming in that mountain region.1.Mr.White used to be famous and wealthy but has come down in the world since his business failed in 20042.The blow knocked him unconscious and it was several minutes before he came to .3.This magazine comes out twice a month.4.We can always depend on Mr.Smith to come up with some practicable suggestions for improving our work.5.Watermelons don’t come in before June, do they?6.I came across this first edition of Paradise Lost in a secondhand bookstore in New York7.Many a quarrel has come about through a misunderstanding.8.If this method does not come off, we’ll have to think of another way.9.I did n’t expect those few books to come to so much.1.Don’t give up so soon; try again and maybe you’ll succeed this time.2.The wallet was given back to the American tourist when he proved that it was his.3.Though cruelly tortured by the German fascists, the underground leader did n’t give away any of his comrades.4.A younger man standing at the door gave out leaflets to all those who entered the hall.5.The argument went on for hours as neither side would give in .6.The gas gives off a strong smell.1.They needed quite a sum of money to set up a special school for gifted children.2.He tried to set aside at least half an hour every day for jogging.3.The bad weather will set back our building plans by three weeks.4.Bob set out to cut the grass bu ended up talking to the neighbor over garden wall.5.As soon as they got home ,Mary set about preparing supper.6.The slightest spark can set off the explosives stored here.1.the old lady opened the window to see what was going on outside in the lane.2.The light suddenly went on and they were left in the dark.3.I can’t make any decision on this matter;I have nothing to go by.4.The patient has gone without eating anything for five days.5.Once Tom had decided what he wanted, he would go after it single mindedly.6.Chichester went though with his plan of sailing round the world single-handed although his friends and doctors had advised him to give it up.7.After you finish the test, please go over it again to see if there are any obvious mistakes.8.There were several reasons why Hitler could come into power in Germany, but I will not go into them now.9.The boy was badly injured when a firework went off in his face .10.More and more youngsters in China are going in for sports.1.She found herself looking forward more and more eagerly to seeing him again.2.The teacher conducted the experiment while the students looked on.3.The Americans look up to George Washington as the leader of their country .5.Do you think it’s a good reading habit to look up every new word in dictionary?6.The mayor has promised to look into the matter at once.7.Professor Goldsmith is look upon as an authority on English literature.8.Peter tends to look down on those who consider themselves always in the right.9.We have spent another year in college. It may be worthwhile at this moment to look back and see what progress we have made in the past twelve months.10.Look through a magazine in the dentist’s waiting room, Mr. Cook found a picture of his uncle on the Great Wall.11.Mrs.Wood looked over the food in the refrigerator and found that they eaten up all the eggs and meat.12.Don’t waste time looking back on things which have caused us distress.1.The plane took off so smoothly that the passengers could hardly feel it.2.I don’t think I could ever take to called “modern” poetry.3.After the children put up Christmas decorations, the classroom took on a holiday appearance.4.In the past two weeks Albert has been working overtime every evening. He has taken on more than he can do .5.Even some experts took the painting for a genuine Picasso.6.George takes after his father in everything but his mouth.7.The secretary took down every word her boss said in shorthand.8.If you paid 400 yuan for that walkman you were taken in .9.A group of young officers take over the government of that country in a military coup.10.I have to go now. I have already taken up too much of your valuable time.11.At first he could hardly take in what the American professor was saying.12.The President called on the people to take up arms to defend their freedom and independence.I objected to being pick at for much an unpleasant job.The young man turned over to the police the wallet he had pick up in the street.He was not very hungry, and just pick at the food on his plate.There is no need to pick at him all day long; he’s a child after all.She has such a distinctive appearance that I could pick her out anywhere.He pick up the knowledge of radio just by staying around the radio station.The director finds it difficult to pick out the best actors for this play, they are all so good.It is not safe to stand at the roadside hoping to be pick up by passing motorists.It is usually easier to pick out the meaning of a sentence in a given context.Miss Green returned to work after she get over her illness.Here is a telephone message I get down for you.The news soon get around/round that the firm was closing down.The overseas teacher got his points across to his Chinese colleagues with the help of gestures.How is Mr.Holmes getting along in his new job?How can I get by while you stand in the way?I have been thinking of giving my room a thorough cleaning, but with so many things to do, I haven’t get round to it yet.It is difficult for the elderly lady to get around/round without a cane.Getting down to facts, I can’t see anything to support what he says.I will be with you as soon as I get through this work.Mike is ill-tempered. He does not get along with anybody in the office.The old lady never seemed to have much money, but somehow she managed to get by though I don’t know how.I tried to telephone you but I could not get through. The wires were down in the snowstorm.The committee will have to find means to get over the financial difficulties.After destroying the village the enemy carried off all the cattle.The sound of seagulls carried me back to my childhood holidays at the seaside.If you make a promise, it should be carried out.Though very tired, the students carried on the discussion late into the night.To the surprise of the bank manager, the man who carried on a successful business turned out to be illiterate.Marsha got so carried away when arguing with her husband that she nearly killed him.She was carried off by the flood when only 29 but what she had done for the people in this county will not be forgotten.In spite of a long struggle we succeeded in carrying most of our plans through.This custom is said to have been carried down from the 18 century..When the tire blew out, the rules Jim had learned in driving classes carried him through safely.Chinese youth should carry froward the revolutionary spirit of the May 4th Movement.Can you work out how much it costs today to feed an average family of 4?You may have to work the needle in, the cloth is very tough.There is no reason for you to get so worked up over such a trifle.You have been working away since the early hours of this morning, and I think you should stop for the good of your health. It was not too long before we work out a plan acceptable to all.Sally is trained as a carpenter but seldom works at it.That nail in my shoe is working up and hurting my foot; I must hammer it down.The scientists are still working on new methods to reach outer space.We were pleased to see that things had worked up all right.A chemical was added to solution to work off the impurities.While telling the story he worked in a few jokes to make his listener laugh.They decided to call in a doctor, because the old man had had a stroke and his life was in danger.I tried to call you up last night, but no one answered the phone.The government call on the people to be economical of oil consumption.Heath phoned me to say that because of some emergency he had to call off our appointment.Our representative, Mr.Brown, call on an important customer on the West Coast last week and renewed a contract.The emergency call forth reserves of energy which she did not know she possessed.These new problems in our economy call for entirely new measures.John must lie up for a few days until his leg mends.We already have our hands full. Let the matter lie over till next week.What lie behind the recent Cabinet changes is the need to get rid of certain unpopular minsters.He thought of the prospect of continuing hardship the might lie ahead of him.We have no intention of lie down under these accusations.The child need to be talk to, and you are the person to do it.She always complains that there’s nobody living near that she can talk to .He’s rather impulsive, but he can sometimes be talked out of making over-hasty moves.I would suggest a line that you may care to consider and talk over at our next appointment.He is not the easiest man to win over; he’ll meed some talking round.Talking of A. Toffler, have you read his Future Shock?Of course, for years they talking of moving to the country, getting away from the stress of city life, but nothing ever came out of that talk.Whatever their technical knowledge may be, adult students have a good deal of practical experience: they greatly resent be talked to.I know you have got a smooth tongue, so don’t even start to talk me into buying.For weeks ,the BBC’s correspondents in the United States could talk about little else except the Watergate hearing.Have you heard about Gatsby jumping into the pool with all his clothes on?Don’t judge before I have finished what I have to say. Hear me out.Mother has not heard from you for quite some time. She is beginning to think you must be ill.They started out to cross the Sahara in a saloon car, and have not being heard about since.I first heard of the firm, and had dealings with them, three years ago.Having repeatedly broken the rules of the game, Williams was cast out from the football club.Grandfather would cast back and recall the years before radio and television existed.When I came into her room I found her eyes were cast over with sorrow.When you grow too big for your clothes, cast them off and I’ll give them away.Will you please cast up this column of figures for me?Being without funds, Owen cast about some means of obtaining financial help.When he rose to a position of responsibility he cast off a number of his former associates.He put his whole heart into thinking up ways to improve the quality of their products.Sorry, no, I was not talking to you, I was think aloud.But this desert must not be thought of as merely “a sea of sand”.Sitting by the table I thought back to certain happenings at Cambridge.Olivia was going to sell the piano but then she thought better of it when her cousin said that its value could increase if she waited.It’s difficult to think ahead a whole year and make plans according to future needs.We must think about Mother’s health when choosing a home.I often thought about what you said last time I saw you.Sam wanted to quit his job, but when he thought about the matter he decided not to.Unit 1The fact that you are beginning to study this book shows that you are no longer what is called an intermediate student of english but can be considered Advanced---that is to say, it can be assumed that you can express yourself quite well in English, both in speaking and in writing. This book is intended to help you to improve stil l further so that you can reach the point where people will say that your English is fluent---a level measured by the Cambridge Proficiency Examination, for example.You will see my personal opinion of the difficulties ahead of you and how you can best solve them in Lesson 4 of this book. But it may be helpful for me to make the main points of my argument here, before you start. In the first place, there is still quite a long way to go before you can feel sure that your English is fluent. You have probably noticed yourself that while you can express your ideas in English clearly enough, you only know one way of saying or writing them.You would like to be able to vary this a little, depending on the company around your or the situation you find yourself in, just as you would in your own language. In the same way, while you understand your teacher perfectly, you may sometimes not find it so easy to follow ordinary English or American people who do not choose their words so carefully. One object of this book is to “expose”you to as many variations of modern English as possible and help you to use them yourself in the appropriate circumstances.The second main point I want to make here is that becoming fluent in English does not really depend on learning a lot of more complicated structures than you have studied already. Good modern English is not made up of long, complicated sentences. It largely depends on the correct use of structures and the connecting words and phrases that link sentences together. You will find some of these in the paragraphs above --- “that is to say,”“for example,”“in the first place,”“in the same way,”and so on. This book tries to demonstrate by examples the use of such phrases so that you will be encouraged to try them out for yourself in your own speech and writing.Unit 2To most people, education means schools. But education has many other sources as well—the home, the farm, museums, television, advertisements, newspapers and magazines, sports events and practical experience. When one thinks of education, it is important to consider all these sources.Since ancient times certain questions have been asked about education. Different societies have answered these questions in very different ways. The following are among the questions:Who shall be educated? Most of the countries of the world offer beginning education to everyone. But opinions differ as to who should receive advanced education. Some countries select for advanced education only those students who have proved themselves to be ready for it. In the United States, the door to advanced education is kept open for everyone for as long as possible. Does this “water down” education by making advanced education “too easy”? Some people think so, but others do not.How should schools be organized? Some countries have a single system of schools for everyone with specialization possible within the single system. Others maintain specialized schools, some for students as young as 13. In the United States, theres are both public and private schools. The private schools tend to emphasize academic subjects more exclusively than the public schools, which generally offer a broader curriculum. Is it better to have different kinds of schools for different kinds of students? Should all children take the same amount of time to go through schools, or should the time be different for different children?The way those in charge of schools answer these questions depends on their beliefs about what schools are for.Unit 3In this book psycho-cybernetics, Dr. Maxwell Maltz explains the amazing results one educator had in improving grades of school-children by changing their self-images. He had observed that when they saw themselves as stupid in a certain subject (or stupid in general), they unconsciously acted to confirm their self-image. They believed they were stupid, so they acted that way. Reasoning that it was their defeatist attitude rather than any lack of ability that was defeating them, the educator set out to change their self-images. And he found that when he accomplished that, they no longer behaved stupidly!Maltz records how this same negative self-image kept a salesman from ever reaching more than a certain level of sales.。

Unit 1 Mastering a large number of words is essential to achieving fluency in a foreign language. An unofficial, but often quoted, figure for the Cambridge First Certificate examination suggests that students with a vocabulary of less than 3,500 words are unlikely to be successful in the exam. Current research also suggests that native English speakers who have been educated up to 18 years old or beyond know at least 16,000 English words. And unless you already speak a language like Spanish or German, there are no shortcuts to a large vocabulary in English: you just have to rely on diligence and dedication. Of course you can figure out from the context the meanings of some new words you come across in your reading, but more often than not you have to look them up in a dictionary in order to be clear about their accurate meanings. A practicable way to pick up new words is, perhaps, to read a lot, preferably stories that you find interesting or exciting. It often pays to read the same book over and over again: each time you read it you will learn different new words, and the familiar context helps to fix them in your mind.Unit 2 1. I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help. As a matter of fact, he himself is in need of help.2. More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating air pollution.3. There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and values are no longer cherished by the young people.4. Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe hard to grasp.5. There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonder that a handful of speculators got rich overnight.6. An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small border town, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.7. In the light of this information, that country already has the capabilities to make nuclear weapons.8. Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends, he staked all his money on high-risk ventures.Unit 3If you st arted on some venture and failed, do not despair/lose heart. There is a world of difference between “ I have failed three times” and “I am a failure”. So long as you do not hold a negative concept of self or identify with failures but try t o learn from them, you stand a good chance to succeed in the future. Does it ever occur to you that those who fail repeatedly are often victims of a poor self-image? Often their failures are due to internal causes rather than external causes. Numerous cases have borne it out that if they can be induced to change their viewpoint and construct a positive self-image, miraculous changes may take place in their performance. Success can come anytime --- at thirty, forty or even after a lifetime of apparent failure. Early triumphs may be sweet, but success in later life often tastes even better.Unit 5Scientists are a small group of people who strive to gain insights into nature, seeking order in seeming disorder. They are credited with a special ability to think and analyze, and with infinite patience in making observations and collecting data. But ability and patience do not account for all scientific discoveries, which often have much to do with creative imagination. Indeed a leap of imagination is often the first step towards discovery. Scientists are also noted for their honesty. They place a high premium on honesty largely because it is essential to their career. Every theory they formulate is subjected to further testing. Every mistake or lie is bound to be found out. Therefore if any evidence is found contradicting their ideas, scientists do not suppress the evidence but modify or even abandon their ideas. In this way they have built up an immense body of knowledge, which helps us to understand better ourselves and the world around us. Unit 6One day, we received an invitation to my father’s birthday party. Jenny thought my father was reaching out to me for a reconciliation and we should accept the invitation. I was in the midst of abstracting an important case and in the virtual shadow of exams, so I just told her in the simplest terms that there would never be a reconciliation. My refusal obviously made Jenny very upset, but being a rational woman she didn’t quarrel with me. She just tried hard to persuade me. But this only filled me with fury, thinking that Jenny was just upsetting me deliberately. I must have gone out of my mind for I did something for which I would never forgive myself --- I yelled at Jenny and hurled the phone at her. But the instant I did it I regretted. And when I turned to look at her, she was already gone.I went out and searched everywhere but Jenny was nowhere to be found. I was scared to death, not knowing what to do next. Just as I was about to give up, I caught sight of her sitting in front of our house. I went up to her and said, “Jenny, I’m sorry…” but she cut off my apology and said, “Love means not ever having to say you’re sorry.。

Case introduction
Provide a brief overview of the case, including the parties involved, the main issues, and the background information. Ensure that the introduction is clear and engaging.
Expert knowledge
Lawyers must have a comprehensive understanding of the law and legal principles, as well as the ability to apply this knowledge to practical legal problems. They must keep up-todate with legal developments and changes in the law.
Summative assessments include written assignments, presentations, and exams at the end of eachledge of legal English
Legal English Vocabulary
course arrangement
Teaching methods
Lectures, discussions, case studies, and simulations are
used to illustrate legal concepts and practical applications.

每个单元的汉翻英和英翻汉在文档最后5Unit1Study&PracticeⅡ. Paragraph Analysis1. a2. c3. b4. c 5 .b 6 .cⅢ.Vocabulary Activities1.1) given 2) at a glance 3)fluency 4)Given 5) hopefully 6) define7)looked(him)up 8) no good 9)context 10)guidance11) immediate 12) disgust 13) come across 14)recognition15)scope2.1) washed his hands of 2) given 3) was confronted with 4) countering5) were reduced to eating 6) at a glance 7) took refuge in8) less practicable 9) countered 10) dedication 11) in disgust12) relied on 13) shorts-cuts to3,1) Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and takerefuge in drinking and taking drugs.2) The school washed its hands of the students’ behavior during the spring recess.3) His cruel remarks reduced the innocent girl to tears.4) Many difficult words are out of the scope of this learner’s dictionary.5) The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted with the evidence.6) The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil ofthat time.4.1) has come down 2) came to 3) comes out 4)come up to5) come in 6) came across 7) has come about 8) come off9) come to 10) give up 11) was given back 12) give away13) gave out 14)give in 15) gives off/outⅣ.Cloze1. express2. both3. intended4. still5. where6. personal7. of 8.them 9. make 10. before 11. still 12. before13. fluent 14. while 15. enough 16. on 17. in 18. In19. find 20. who 21. carefully 22. to 23. possible 24. make25. depend 26. than 27. made 28. use 29. phrases 30. above31. on 32. demonstrate 33. out 34. writingⅤ. Passage Translation(省略)Reading ActivityExercise A1.d2.d3.b4.c5.c6.c7.d8.c9.dExercise B1. d2. h3. g4. c5. f6. a7. j8. I9. b 10. e 1. flexible 2. haphazard 3. established 4. land 5. mediocrity6. identical7. assurance8. device9. a host of 10. quadrupledUnit 2Study &PracticeII. Comprehension Questions5. b6. c7. c 10. aIII. Paragraph Analysis: The Outline(Paras.3-6) We are losing this fifth freedom through three misunderstanding(Paras.4)A. The first misunderstanding is that of the meaning of democracy.We think that democracy in education means gearing all courses to the middlelevel.We reject special programs and schools for superior students as undemocratic.(Paras.5)B. The second misunderstanding is that of the meaning of happiness.This misunderstanding results from our stress on comfort rather than onaccomplishment.The stress on material well-being has been reflected in the schools by too littlediscipline and too easy subjects.(Paras.6)C. The third misunderstanding is that of ultimate values.These values have been denied in recent teacher education.The inevitable result in mass selfishness is already evident.(Paras.7-9)IV.To assure our children the freedom to develop, we must challenge their abilities.(Paras.7)A.We can give them a demanding curriculum.Michelangelo did not learn to paint by doodling.Mozart did not become a pianist by watching television.They, like Eve Curie and Helen Keller, were challenged by disciplined training.(Paras.8)B.We can give them the right to failure.We must not give high school diplomas without regard to merit.We must be realistic about failure to meet standards and must teach our childrenrealism.(Paras.9) C.We can give them the best values we know.We can show them what history has taught us to be true.These truths may inspire us to make a “ringing message”that could mean true freedomfor them.IV. Vocabulary Activities1) notion, inhabited 2)denial 3) independent 4) realistic5)passed for 6) consequent 7) a handful of 8) as opposed to9) urged, influential 10) eternal 11) descendants 12) cherish13) related 14) denial, was opposed to 15) haunted 16) discerned2.1) combat 2) capabilities 3) eternal 4) opposed to 5) outstanding6) stake… on 7) no wonder 8) In the light of 9) discern10) paralyzed 11) crying for 12) awaken to 13) consequent14) sensitive to3.1) No wonder that the children are excited, this is the first time they’ve beenabroad.2) Now that she’s got a part-time job, she is financially independent of her family.3) As a charity, we provide food and shelter for people in need, regardless ofthe reasons for their food.4) The depression that started in mid-1929 was a catastrophe of unprecedenteddimensions for the United States.5) Even to this day, the memory of hunger in his childhood still haunts him.6) Robert overcame his shyness which had formerly paralyzed him in Mary’s presence.7) The fall in the cost of living is directly related to the drop in the oil price.4.1) I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help. As a matter of fact,he himself is in need of help.2) More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating airpollution.3) There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and valuesare no longer cherished by the young people.4) Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe hard to grasp.5) There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonderthat a handful of speculators got rich overnight.6) An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small bordertown, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.7) In the light of this information, that country already has the capabilitiesto make nuclear weapons.8) Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends, he staked all his money onhighrisk ventures.5.1) Early rising makes for good health.2) I don’t know, I couldn’t make out the expression on his face.3) I’m sorry I can’t quite make out what you mean.4) No, she made the whole thing up.5) Well, I have to make up the hour we lost in Chicago.6) I learned from his wife that he had passed away before my letter reached him.7) I think it can pass for silk.8) It says the storm will pass off before dark.9) Well, I passed it on the manager.10) Perhaps we can pass on the next one.11) I think he will pass it over for this once.Ⅴ. Cloze1. other2. magazines3. consider4. times5. answered6. ways7. questions8. offer9. differ 10. for11. themselves 12. to 13 .open 14. making 15. so 16. single17. with 18. Others 19. young 20. private 21. than22. curriculum 23. kinds 24. Should 25. amount 26. or27. charge 28. whatⅥ. Error Correction1. must-----can2. start---starting3. to(which you go)4. (learn)from5. that---what6. are---were7. (as)if8. imaginative---unimaginative9. Inspite---Despite 10. (way)outReading ActivityExercise A1.a2.d3.c4.b5.d6.c7. c8.dExercise B1.e2.f3.g4.h5.j6.b7.c8.a9.d 10.i1. go against the grain2. bent on3. elite4. preoccupied with5. echo6. set in my ways7.on his mind8. get through9. were lingering 10.wary ofUnit3Study&PracticeⅡ.Comprehension Questions3. c 6. b 9. d 11. bⅢ. Outlining Activity1. The most important psychological discovery of this century is the discovery ofthe “self-image”.A.Self-image is our opinion of ourselves.B.All of us have it and we do not question its validity, but proceed to actupon it just as if it were true.2.This self-image becomes a golden key to living a better life because of twoimportant discoveries.3.The first important discovery is that all our actions, feelings, behavior andabilities are always consistent with this self-images.A.People tend to act like the sort of person they think themselves to be.B.Self-image is a base upon which their entire personality and behavior arebuilt.C.They are unaware of the true causes of their troubles.4.The second important discovery is that one’s self-image can be changed at anytime in his life.A.Up to now our efforts at change have been directed to the circumference ofthe self instead of the center.B.“Positive thinking” about a particular thing will not help as long as wehold a negative self-image.5.Prescott Lecky is often mentioned because he was a pioneer in self-imagepsychology.A.He was a school teacher and made experiment on thousands of students to helpthemChange their self-images.B.He believed that if a student could change his self-image, his learningability would change too.C.The real trouble with those students was an inadequate or negativeself-image.IV. Vocabulary Activities1.1) accordingly 2) credits 3) ideal 4) honorable 5) conceive of6) defect 7) conception 8) premise 9) objective 10) lies in11) have borne out 12) induce 13) vicious 14) venture15) as the case may be2.1) ideal 2) objective 3) negative about 4) honorable 5) external6) as the case may be 7) premise 8) prevailed upon 9) defects10) accordingly 11) is not consistent/inconsistent with12) a miraculous 13) conceive of 14) verified 15)induce 16)vicious 3.1) This medicine is for external use ,not to be taken orally.2) It never occurred to him that people could deliberately do harm to others purelyout of malice.3) An atmosphere of warm friendship prevailed at the reception.4) Many women can identify with the movie’s heroine, who struggles to gain respectand fulfill her ambitions.5) He claimed credit for the success of this project even though he had contributedvery little.6) Women are often the first to victim to rising unemployment at a time of recession.7) What he does is not consistent with what he says.8) I will start working or pursue graduate studies, as the case may be.4.1) set up 2) set side 3) set back 4) set out 5) set about 6) set off 7) was going on 8) went on 9) go by 10) has gone without11) go after 12) went through with 13)go over 14) go into15) went off 16) are going in forV. Cloze.1) as 2) in 3) confirm 4) stupid 5) way 6) rather 7) that8) out 9) longer 10) how 11) from 12) sales 13) to14) continued 15) more 16) still 17) not 18) self-image19) certain 20) from 21) from 22) comeReading ActivityExerciseA1. c2. c3. d 4 a 5. c 6. d 7. d 8. c 9. d10. a 11. d 12. b 13. a 14. cExerciseBI.1. h2. i3. c4. f5. b6. d7. j8. a9. e 10. g II.1. transition2. unique3. spontaneous4. status quo5. appropriate6. potentials7. facilitate8. enhance9. rigid 10. break away from11. equivalents 12. orthodoxUnit4Study & PracticeIII. Vocabulary Activities1.1) ahead of the pack 2) priorities 3) permissive 4) be tailored to5)assumption 6) eligible 7) stopped by 8) correlation 9) in between 10) prestigious 11) enrich 12) Excessive 13) the norm 14) rot15) epidemic 16) presume/presumed 17) exceptional 18) took charge of2.1) looked upon as 2) sprouted up 3) more likely than not 4) presumed5) eligible 6) correlation 7) take the initiative to 8) competence 9) tremendous 10) staying ahead of the pack 11) exceptional12) self-esteem 13) carve out 14) involved in3.1) Harvard, Yale, and Stanford are all exceptional in academic excellence.2) Statistics show that violent crime has been an epidemic in all big U.S. citied.3) Don’t you think high school students are being pushed too hard for good grades.4) Rational persons are most unlikely to go to extremes, for they tend to stick tothe middle ground they’ve occupied.5) For a team, the most important thing is to have close teamwork ; the rest willtake care of itself6) We should be as concerned with the development of variety as with the improvementon quality.4.1) Far from being permissive, many parents are putting tremendous pressure on theirchildren to be exceptional in everything.2) Owing to her academic excellence, this Changsha girl has been accepted by severalprestigious, American universities, including Harvard, Yale and MIT.3) Many parents start their children in piano or violin lessons at ever-earlier agesin hopes that they will become exceptional pianists or violinists.4) In modern society, clothing styles change yearly. Some are in this year but willbe out the next.5) More likely than not, what this“new” parenting idea brings about will be“superproblems” rather than “super kids”.6) Young people should be given the opportunity to take the initiative, to takeresponsibility for their mistakes and credit for their achievement.7) In my view, he is so weak-willed that he could hardly give up smoking. To mysurprise, he has easily cured himself of this bad habit.8) Demands on students have to be tailored to their interests and abilities.5.1) looking forward …to 2) looked on 3) look up to /look on 4) Look out5) look up 6)look into 7) looked upon as 8) look down on9) look back 10) Look through 11) looked over 12) looking back on 13) took off 14) take to 15) took on 16) taken on17) took…for 18) takes after/took after 19) took down 20) taken in21)took over 22) taken up 23) take in 24) take upIV. Cloze1.just2. around3. directions4. why5. major6. in7. with8. language9. pairs 10. makes 11. to 12. groups 13. low-status 14. hold 15. skill 16. purpose 17. in 18. out 19. case 20. men 21. where 22. which 23. by 24. from 25. costV. Error Correction1. tried-managed2. (in)the(mid-1970s)3. handwriting-handwritten4. eighth-eight5. for-/6.illterate-literate7.to-for8. parenting-parental 9. between-of 10. for-toReading ActivityExercise A1.N2.N3.Y4.NG5. in the college dining hall/went through all sorts of interviews6. A full-time job supervising student labor in the dining hall7. settle for a job as a bookstore clerk8. mild irony9. a classicist working in the capacity as a bookstore clerk10. It’s about time college graduates from the class of’86 started their lucky orunlucky life journey! Or: It’s about time for college graduates from the class of 1986 to start their lucky or unlucky life journey!Exercise B1. thrive on2. minimal3. persisted in4. ultimate5. aptitude6.plight7. enthusiastic 8. otherwise 9. is/was supervising 10. inquiries11. entails 12. simultaneous 13. desperate for 14.be taken into account 15.pursue 16.prospective 17. at the mercy of 18. recession19. contagious 20. unconcernedUnit5Study&PracticeⅠ. Comprehension Questions3.c4.d5.b 7.d 8.d 11.bⅡ. Outlining Activity3. The Church banned Copernicus’ book, burned Bruno at the stake and imprisoned Galileo for popularizing Copernicus’ and his own scientific ideas.4. Every age has one or more groups of intellectual rebels who are persecuted, condemned or suppressed; but to a later age, they seem harmless and often essential to the improvement of human conditions.5. Most people have believed that the enormous success of science is due to the use of a scientific method by scientists and Galileo is known as the “Father of the Scientific Method”.6. Rather than the scientific method, the scientific attitude is the key to the successof science.7. Scientists must accept facts whether they like them or not and they must be good at changing their minds because the purpose of science is not to defend their beliefs but to improve them.8. Honesty is the most valuable quality of scientists because it is not only essential to the progress of science but also a matter of self-interest to the scientists themselves.Ⅲ. Vocabulary Activities1.1) distinguish between 2) opposition 3) to the contrary 4) procedures 5) in principle 6)proportional 7) rebels 8) strive for9) Predictions 10) outcome 11) criterion 12) adopted13) speculation 14) banned 15) outweigh 16) formulated, represented 17) ingredients 18) circulated 19) retain 20) pointed out21) condemned2. 1) took his word for it 2) formulated 3) adequate 4) met with5) representing 6)strive 7) immense 8) infinite 9) adopt10) persecuted 11) circulates 12) retaining 13) are subjected to14) its outcome 15) modified 16) condemned 17) suppressing18) largely 19) ingredient 20)criteria3. 1) You’ll buy nothing but trouble if you buy that house, take my word for it.2) Dr. Li has always been credited with being able to understand and sympathize with his patients.3) If I don’t hear anything to the contrary, I’ll come and meet you on July 8th.4) It’s very important to follow the safety procedures laid down in the service manual.5) The new Medicare program puts a high premium on prevention and primary care.6) Children’s comics were banned back then at home because my parents thought they weren’t a good influence.7) It’s essential that children be taught to distinguish right from wrong.8) The number of representatives each state is entitled to is proportional to the size of its population.9) A novelist cannot be a great one unless he has a well-developed insight into human nature.10) More and more people have come to realize that cancer of the lung has more to do with smoking than with anything else.11) Late frosts account for the poor fruit-crop of this year.12) What’s the matter with you today! Everything I say you contradict.Ⅳ. Cloze1.questions2. solving3. out4. between5. establishing6. these7. with8. science9. do 10. in 11. so 12. universe 13. highest 14. dislikes 15. did 16. unpleasant 17. believe18. hear 19. flying 20. breathe 21. age 22. terms23. reverse 24. serve 25. those 26. themselves 27. toReading ActivityExercise A1. c2. c3. a4. d5. d6. Behavioral: b, c, e, g, h, i Medical: a, d, fExerciseB1. c2. e3. a4. f5. g6. b7. d8. j9. h 10. i1. serves you right2. precede3. data4. evaluate5. backs/backed up6. dramatically7. radical8. undergraduates9. plainly 10. deliveredUnit6Ⅲ. Vocabulary1.1. virtual2. reconciliation3. deliberately4. precedent5. essence6. rational7. get to the point8. go out of my mind 9. immersed in 10. cut (you) off11. scared to death 12. lost his nerve 13. Supreme14. apology 15. invasion 16. muttering2.1. awaiting2. lost my never3. immersed in4. alleged5. deliberately6. involving her in7. in celebration of8. ironic 9. get to the point 10. yelled 11. is in need of12. rational 13. fierce 14. squeeze3.1. Because of the bank’s refusal to give him another loan, Morris had to abandon the project.2. Although both of them were ready for a reconciliation, neither was prepared to make the first move.3. The old lady nearly died of fright when a gunman suddenly appeared in front of her.4. Bob seems to have an instinct for knowing which products will sell.5. The organizers of the appeal are reaching out to the public in order to get their help.6. I have an apology to make to you-I’m afraid I opened your letter by mistake.4.1. cut off2. cut back/cut down3. cut in4. cut across5. cut down6. cuts in7. cut (Oliver) off8. cut off9. hangs back 10.hang up 11. hanging about12. hang together 13. hang on 14. hang on toⅣ. Cloze1. other2. with3. increased4. for5. last/past6. who7. adult/grown-up8. summed9. in 10. who11. better 12. teach 13. without 14. as 15. view16. generation 17. granted 18. only 19. decision 20. importantReading ActivityExercise A1. d2. T, T, X, T, F, F, T, F3. b, c, e4. c5. d6. 2, 3; 4, 5; 6, 17 Exercise B1. j2. f3. e4. h5. c6. g7. l8. b9. d 10. k11. a 12. i1. fragrance2. knocked off3. cozy4. gasped5. discharged6. furnished7. smashed8. for dear life9. clinhing10. tipped 11. shove 12. scrubbedUnit7Study & PracticeⅡ. Comprehension Questions1. d2. b3. c4. d5. b6. c7. d8. d9. d 10. bⅢ.Vocabulary Activities1.1. dense2. accompanied3. theses4. disorderly5. evoked6. voluntary7. intellect8. in sequence9. deterioration10. distinguished himself 11. deviated from 12.lit up13. over the hill 14. talking shop 15. put…back together16. uncertain2.1. was confined to2. distinguished himself3. irresistible4. accompany5. accurately6. (a year) to the day7. reigned from8. overwhelmed 12. clumsy 3. come to anything 14. over the hill15. broke down3.1. To my great surprise, they agreed to all our demands.2. They had to overcome formidable obstacles if they want to finish the taskon time.3. She managed to maneuver her car into the parking space.4. The manager’s explanation evoked even greater anger from the employees.5. When the doctor told him he had lung cancer, Jim was overwhelmed.6.The new method deviated sharply from the traditional approach and the results were far more satisfactory.4.1. When I was a kid, I was so fascinated with the idea of travelling round the world that I would spend hours in my grandfather’s spinning the globe and dreaming of the places I would like to visit.2. A time bomb exploded this afternoon in one of London’s biggest supermarkets, evoking a great panic among the population.3. Accompanied by his father, Bill went to the police station ago confessed to the police officer that he had robbed an old man of his gold watch two weeks before.4. After getting engaged to Jane, Stephen started working hard for the first time in his life. And before long he distinguished himself as a young theoretical physicist.5. Prof. Stone is distinguished for his sternness. But, to everyone’s surprise, the speech he made at his daughter’s wedding last Saturday was full of wit and humor.6. It’s amazing that so many people are willing to do voluntary work for the benefit of the community.5.1. broke up2. broke out3. have broken through4. break down5. broke in6. broke down7. had been broken into8. broke away from 9. broke in 10. breaks up 11. turn into12. turned in 13. turn up 14. was turned down 15. turning out16. have turned over 17. turn down 18. had turned over19. turned out 20. turned over 21. turn in 22. turned upⅣ. Cloze1. first2. wheelchair3. height4. weigh5. suffered6. worsening7. harmed8. things9. is 10. difficult11. those 12. down 13. hold 14. take 15. if 16. details17. at 18. to 19. books 20. progress 21. conferences22. disease 23. stay 24. law 25. difficult 26. simplestⅤ. Error-Correction1. had-was/had been2. progress-progressive3. (carry) on4. satisfy-satisfying5. apparent-apparently6. the-/7. belief-disbelief 8. annoyed-annoying 9. have-having10. nurse-nursesReading ActivityExercise A1. a2. b3. a4. b5. d6. c7. d8. dExercise B1. e2. g3. c4. h5. i6. b7. j8. a9. f 10. d1. petty2. Compassion3. dormant4. subtleties5. chronic6. impending7. accustomed8. quiver9. compulsory 10. phasePassage Translation(汉翻英)Unit 1Mastering a large number of words is essential to achieving fluency in a foreign language. An unofficial, but often quoted, figure for the Cambridge First Certificate examination suggests that students with a vocabulary of less than 3,500 words are unlikely to be successful in the exam. Current research also suggests that native English speakers who have been educated up to 18 years old or beyond know at least 16,000 English words. And unless you already speak a language like Spanish or German, there are no shortcuts to a large vocabulary in English: you just have to rely on diligence and dedication. Of course you can figure out from the context the meanings of some new words you come across in your reading, but more often than not you have to look them up in a dictionary in order to be clear about their accurate meanings.A practicable way to pick up new words is, perhaps, to read a lot, preferably stories that you find interesting or exciting. It often pays to read the same book over and over again: each time you read it you will learn different new words, and the familiar context helps to fix them in your mind.Unit 21. I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help. As a matter of fact, he himself is in need of help.2. More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating air pollution.3. There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and valuesare no longer cherished by the young people.4. Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe hard to grasp.5. There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonder that a handful of speculators got rich overnight.6. An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small border town, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.7. In the light of this information, that country already has the capabilities to make nuclear weapons.8. Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends, he staked all his money on high-risk ventures.Unit 3If you started on some venture and failed, do not despair/lose heart. There is a world of difference between “ I have failed three times” and “I am a failure”. So long as you do not hold a negative concept of self or identify with failures but try to learn from them, you stand a good chance to succeed in the future. Does it ever occur to you that those who fail repeatedly are often victims of a poor self-image? Often their failures are due to internal causes rather than external causes. Numerous cases have borne it out that if they can be induced to change their viewpoint and construct a positive self-image, miraculous changes may take place in their performance. Success can come anytime --- at thirty, forty or even after a lifetime of apparent failure. Early triumphs may be sweet, but success in later life often tastes even better.Unit 41. Far from being permissive, many parents are putting tremendous pressure on their children to be exceptional in everything.2. Owing to her academic excellence, this Changsha girl has been accepted by several prestigious American universities, including Harvard, Yale and MIT.3. Many parents start their children in piano or violin lessons at ever-earlier ages in hopes that they will become exceptional pianists or violinists.4. In modern society, clothing styles change yearly. Some are in this year but will be out the next.5. More likely than not, what this “new” parenting idea brings about will be “super problems” rather than “super kids”.6. Young people should be given the opportunity to take the initiative, to take responsibility for their mistakes and credit for their achievements.7. In my view, he is so weak-willed that he could hardly give up smoking. To my surprise, he has easily cured himself of this bad habit.8. Demands on students have to be tailored to their interests and abilities.Unit 5Scientists are a small group of people who strive to gain insights into nature, seeking order in seeming disorder. They are credited with a special ability to think and analyze, and with infinite patience in making observations and collecting data. But ability and patience do not account for all scientific discoveries, which often have。

英语精读5参考答案英语精读5参考答案第一篇:The Power of Positive Thinking1. A positive mindset is essential for success in all aspects of life. It not only affects our mental well-being but also impacts our physical health and relationships. In this article, we will explore the power of positive thinking and how it can transform our lives.2. Positive thinking is the practice of focusing on the good things in life and maintaining an optimistic outlook. It involves reframing negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones. By doing so, we can overcome challenges, reduce stress, and attract positive experiences.3. One of the key benefits of positive thinking is improved mental health. When we adopt a positive mindset, we become more resilient in the face of adversity. We are better equipped to handle stress and overcome obstacles. This leads to a decrease in anxiety and depression, promoting overall well-being.4. Positive thinking also has a profound impact on our physical health. Studies have shown that a positive attitude can boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. By maintaining a positive mindset, we can enhance our overall health and longevity.5. Furthermore, positive thinking enhances our relationships with others. When we approach interactions with a positive attitude, we are more likely to build strong connections and resolve conflicts effectively. Positive thinking fostersempathy, compassion, and understanding, which are essential for healthy relationships.6. Cultivating positive thinking requires practice and self-awareness. It involves being mindful of our thoughts and consciously choosing to focus on the positive. We can develop this habit by practicing gratitude, surrounding ourselves with positive influences, and reframing negative experiences.7. In conclusion, positive thinking is a powerful tool that can transform our lives. By adopting a positive mindset, we can improve our mental and physical health, enhance our relationships, and attract positive experiences. Let us embrace the power of positive thinking and unlock our full potential.第二篇:The Importance of Critical Thinking1. Critical thinking is a crucial skill that enables us to analyze and evaluate information objectively. In today's complex and fast-paced world, it is more important than ever to develop this skill. In this article, we will explore the importance of critical thinking and how it can benefit us in various aspects of life.2. Critical thinking allows us to make informed decisions and solve problems effectively. It involves questioning assumptions, evaluating evidence, and considering alternative perspectives. By applying critical thinking, we can avoid making impulsive decisions and develop well-reasoned solutions.3. In the workplace, critical thinking is highly valued. Employers seek individuals who can think critically and make sound judgments. Critical thinkers are more likely to identify opportunities, solve complex problems, and adapt to changingcircumstances. They are also better equipped to analyze data and make informed business decisions.4. Critical thinking is not only beneficial in professional settings but also in personal life. It helps us navigate through the vast amount of information available to us, distinguishing between reliable sources and misinformation. By critically evaluating information, we can make informed choices about our health, finances, and relationships.5. Furthermore, critical thinking enhances our communication skills. When we think critically, we are able to articulate our thoughts clearly and concisely. We can express our opinions and ideas in a logical and persuasive manner. Critical thinking also enables us to listen actively and consider different viewpoints, fostering effective communication and collaboration.6. Developing critical thinking skills requires practice and a willingness to challenge our own beliefs. We can improve our critical thinking abilities by engaging in activities that require analysis and evaluation, such as reading thought-provoking books, participating in debates, and solving puzzles.7. In conclusion, critical thinking is a valuable skill that empowers us to make informed decisions, solve problems, and communicate effectively. It is essentialin both professional and personal life. Let us embrace critical thinking and cultivate this skill to navigate through the complexities of the modern world.。

每个单元的汉翻英和英翻汉在文档最后5Unit1Study&PracticeⅡ. Paragraph Analysis1. a2. c3. b4. c 5 .b 6 .cⅢ.Vocabulary Activities1.1) given 2) at a glance 3)fluency 4)Given 5) hopefully 6) define7)looked(him)up 8) no good 9)context 10)guidance11) immediate 12) disgust 13) come across 14)recognition15)scope2.1) washed his hands of 2) given 3) was confronted with 4) countering5) were reduced to eating 6) at a glance 7) took refuge in8) less practicable 9) countered 10) dedication 11) in disgust12) relied on 13) shorts-cuts to3,1) Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and takerefuge in drinking and taking drugs.2) The school washed its hands of the students’ behavior during the spring recess.3) His cruel remarks reduced the innocent girl to tears.4) Many difficult words are out of the scope of this learner’s dictionary.5) The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted with the evidence.6) The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil ofthat time.4.1) has come down 2) came to 3) comes out 4)come up to5) come in 6) came across 7) has come about 8) come off9) come to 10) give up 11) was given back 12) give away13) gave out 14)give in 15) gives off/outⅣ.Cloze1. express2. both3. intended4. still5. where6. personal7. of 8.them 9. make 10. before 11. still 12. before13. fluent 14. while 15. enough 16. on 17. in 18. In19. find 20. who 21. carefully 22. to 23. possible 24. make25. depend 26. than 27. made 28. use 29. phrases 30. above31. on 32. demonstrate 33. out 34. writingⅤ. Passage Translation(省略)Reading ActivityExercise A1.d2.d3.b4.c5.c6.c7.d8.c9.dExercise B1. d2. h3. g4. c5. f6. a7. j8. I9. b 10. e 1. flexible 2. haphazard 3. established 4. land 5. mediocrity6. identical7. assurance8. device9. a host of 10. quadrupledUnit 2Study &PracticeII. Comprehension Questions5. b6. c7. c 10. aIII. Paragraph Analysis: The Outline(Paras.3-6) We are losing this fifth freedom through three misunderstanding(Paras.4)A. The first misunderstanding is that of the meaning of democracy.We think that democracy in education means gearing all courses to the middlelevel.We reject special programs and schools for superior students as undemocratic.(Paras.5)B. The second misunderstanding is that of the meaning of happiness.This misunderstanding results from our stress on comfort rather than onaccomplishment.The stress on material well-being has been reflected in the schools by too littlediscipline and too easy subjects.(Paras.6)C. The third misunderstanding is that of ultimate values.These values have been denied in recent teacher education.The inevitable result in mass selfishness is already evident.(Paras.7-9)IV.To assure our children the freedom to develop, we must challenge their abilities.(Paras.7)A.We can give them a demanding curriculum.Michelangelo did not learn to paint by doodling.Mozart did not become a pianist by watching television.They, like Eve Curie and Helen Keller, were challenged by disciplined training.(Paras.8)B.We can give them the right to failure.We must not give high school diplomas without regard to merit.We must be realistic about failure to meet standards and must teach our childrenrealism.(Paras.9) C.We can give them the best values we know.We can show them what history has taught us to be true.These truths may inspire us to make a “ringing message”that could mean true freedomfor them.IV. Vocabulary Activities1) notion, inhabited 2)denial 3) independent 4) realistic5)passed for 6) consequent 7) a handful of 8) as opposed to9) urged, influential 10) eternal 11) descendants 12) cherish13) related 14) denial, was opposed to 15) haunted 16) discerned2.1) combat 2) capabilities 3) eternal 4) opposed to 5) outstanding6) stake… on 7) no wonder 8) In the light of 9) discern10) paralyzed 11) crying for 12) awaken to 13) consequent14) sensitive to3.1) No wonder that the children are excited, this is the first time they’ve beenabroad.2) Now that she’s got a part-time job, she is financially independent of her family.3) As a charity, we provide food and shelter for people in need, regardless ofthe reasons for their food.4) The depression that started in mid-1929 was a catastrophe of unprecedenteddimensions for the United States.5) Even to this day, the memory of hunger in his childhood still haunts him.6) Robert overcame his shyness which had formerly paralyzed him in Mary’s presence.7) The fall in the cost of living is directly related to the drop in the oil price.4.1) I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help. As a matter of fact,he himself is in need of help.2) More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating airpollution.3) There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and valuesare no longer cherished by the young people.4) Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe hard to grasp.5) There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonderthat a handful of speculators got rich overnight.6) An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small bordertown, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.7) In the light of this information, that country already has the capabilitiesto make nuclear weapons.8) Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends, he staked all his money onhighrisk ventures.5.1) Early rising makes for good health.2) I don’t know, I couldn’t make out the expression on his face.3) I’m sorry I can’t quite make out what you mean.4) No, she made the whole thing up.5) Well, I have to make up the hour we lost in Chicago.6) I learned from his wife that he had passed away before my letter reached him.7) I think it can pass for silk.8) It says the storm will pass off before dark.9) Well, I passed it on the manager.10) Perhaps we can pass on the next one.11) I think he will pass it over for this once.Ⅴ. Cloze1. other2. magazines3. consider4. times5. answered6. ways7. questions8. offer9. differ 10. for11. themselves 12. to 13 .open 14. making 15. so 16. single17. with 18. Others 19. young 20. private 21. than22. curriculum 23. kinds 24. Should 25. amount 26. or27. charge 28. whatⅥ. Error Correction1. must-----can2. start---starting3. to(which you go)4. (learn)from5. that---what6. are---were7. (as)if8. imaginative---unimaginative9. Inspite---Despite 10. (way)outReading ActivityExercise A1.a2.d3.c4.b5.d6.c7. c8.dExercise B1.e2.f3.g4.h5.j6.b7.c8.a9.d 10.i1. go against the grain2. bent on3. elite4. preoccupied with5. echo6. set in my ways7.on his mind8. get through9. were lingering 10.wary ofUnit3Study&PracticeⅡ.Comprehension Questions3. c 6. b 9. d 11. bⅢ. Outlining Activity1. The most important psychological discovery of this century is the discovery ofthe “self-image”.A.Self-image is our opinion of ourselves.B.All of us have it and we do not question its validity, but proceed to actupon it just as if it were true.2.This self-image becomes a golden key to living a better life because of twoimportant discoveries.3.The first important discovery is that all our actions, feelings, behavior andabilities are always consistent with this self-images.A.People tend to act like the sort of person they think themselves to be.B.Self-image is a base upon which their entire personality and behavior arebuilt.C.They are unaware of the true causes of their troubles.4.The second important discovery is that one’s self-image can be changed at anytime in his life.A.Up to now our efforts at change have been directed to the circumference ofthe self instead of the center.B.“Positive thinking” about a particular thing will not help as long as wehold a negative self-image.5.Prescott Lecky is often mentioned because he was a pioneer in self-imagepsychology.A.He was a school teacher and made experiment on thousands of students to helpthemChange their self-images.B.He believed that if a student could change his self-image, his learningability would change too.C.The real trouble with those students was an inadequate or negativeself-image.IV. Vocabulary Activities1.1) accordingly 2) credits 3) ideal 4) honorable 5) conceive of6) defect 7) conception 8) premise 9) objective 10) lies in11) have borne out 12) induce 13) vicious 14) venture15) as the case may be2.1) ideal 2) objective 3) negative about 4) honorable 5) external6) as the case may be 7) premise 8) prevailed upon 9) defects10) accordingly 11) is not consistent/inconsistent with12) a miraculous 13) conceive of 14) verified 15)induce 16)vicious 3.1) This medicine is for external use ,not to be taken orally.2) It never occurred to him that people could deliberately do harm to others purelyout of malice.3) An atmosphere of warm friendship prevailed at the reception.4) Many women can identify with the movie’s heroine, who struggles to gain respectand fulfill her ambitions.5) He claimed credit for the success of this project even though he had contributedvery little.6) Women are often the first to victim to rising unemployment at a time of recession.7) What he does is not consistent with what he says.8) I will start working or pursue graduate studies, as the case may be.4.1) set up 2) set side 3) set back 4) set out 5) set about 6) set off 7) was going on 8) went on 9) go by 10) has gone without11) go after 12) went through with 13)go over 14) go into15) went off 16) are going in forV. Cloze.1) as 2) in 3) confirm 4) stupid 5) way 6) rather 7) that8) out 9) longer 10) how 11) from 12) sales 13) to14) continued 15) more 16) still 17) not 18) self-image19) certain 20) from 21) from 22) comeReading ActivityExerciseA1. c2. c3. d 4 a 5. c 6. d 7. d 8. c 9. d10. a 11. d 12. b 13. a 14. cExerciseBI.1. h2. i3. c4. f5. b6. d7. j8. a9. e 10. g II.1. transition2. unique3. spontaneous4. status quo5. appropriate6. potentials7. facilitate8. enhance9. rigid 10. break away from11. equivalents 12. orthodoxUnit4Study & PracticeIII. Vocabulary Activities1.1) ahead of the pack 2) priorities 3) permissive 4) be tailored to5)assumption 6) eligible 7) stopped by 8) correlation 9) in between 10) prestigious 11) enrich 12) Excessive 13) the norm 14) rot15) epidemic 16) presume/presumed 17) exceptional 18) took charge of2.1) looked upon as 2) sprouted up 3) more likely than not 4) presumed5) eligible 6) correlation 7) take the initiative to 8) competence 9) tremendous 10) staying ahead of the pack 11) exceptional12) self-esteem 13) carve out 14) involved in3.1) Harvard, Yale, and Stanford are all exceptional in academic excellence.2) Statistics show that violent crime has been an epidemic in all big U.S. citied.3) Don’t you think high school students are being pushed too hard for good grades.4) Rational persons are most unlikely to go to extremes, for they tend to stick tothe middle ground they’ve occupied.5) For a team, the most important thing is to have close teamwork ; the rest willtake care of itself6) We should be as concerned with the development of variety as with the improvementon quality.4.1) Far from being permissive, many parents are putting tremendous pressure on theirchildren to be exceptional in everything.2) Owing to her academic excellence, this Changsha girl has been accepted by severalprestigious, American universities, including Harvard, Yale and MIT.3) Many parents start their children in piano or violin lessons at ever-earlier agesin hopes that they will become exceptional pianists or violinists.4) In modern society, clothing styles change yearly. Some are in this year but willbe out the next.5) More likely than not, what this“new” parenting idea brings about will be“superproblems” rather than “super kids”.6) Young people should be given the opportunity to take the initiative, to takeresponsibility for their mistakes and credit for their achievement.7) In my view, he is so weak-willed that he could hardly give up smoking. To mysurprise, he has easily cured himself of this bad habit.8) Demands on students have to be tailored to their interests and abilities.5.1) looking forward …to 2) looked on 3) look up to /look on 4) Look out5) look up 6)look into 7) looked upon as 8) look down on9) look back 10) Look through 11) looked over 12) looking back on 13) took off 14) take to 15) took on 16) taken on17) took…for 18) takes after/took after 19) took down 20) taken in21)took over 22) taken up 23) take in 24) take upIV. Cloze1.just2. around3. directions4. why5. major6. in7. with8. language9. pairs 10. makes 11. to 12. groups 13. low-status 14. hold 15. skill 16. purpose 17. in 18. out 19. case 20. men 21. where 22. which 23. by 24. from 25. costV. Error Correction1. tried-managed2. (in)the(mid-1970s)3. handwriting-handwritten4. eighth-eight5. for-/6.illterate-literate7.to-for8. parenting-parental 9. between-of 10. for-toReading ActivityExercise A1.N2.N3.Y4.NG5. in the college dining hall/went through all sorts of interviews6. A full-time job supervising student labor in the dining hall7. settle for a job as a bookstore clerk8. mild irony9. a classicist working in the capacity as a bookstore clerk10. It’s about time college graduates from the class of’86 started their lucky orunlucky life journey! Or: It’s about time for college graduates from the class of 1986 to start their lucky or unlucky life journey!Exercise B1. thrive on2. minimal3. persisted in4. ultimate5. aptitude6.plight7. enthusiastic 8. otherwise 9. is/was supervising 10. inquiries11. entails 12. simultaneous 13. desperate for 14.be taken into account 15.pursue 16.prospective 17. at the mercy of 18. recession19. contagious 20. unconcernedUnit5Study&PracticeⅠ. Comprehension Questions3.c4.d5.b 7.d 8.d 11.bⅡ. Outlining Activity3. The Church banned Copernicus’ book, burned Bruno at the stake and imprisoned Galileo for popularizing Copernicus’ and his own scientific ideas.4. Every age has one or more groups of intellectual rebels who are persecuted, condemned or suppressed; but to a later age, they seem harmless and often essential to the improvement of human conditions.5. Most people have believed that the enormous success of science is due to the use of a scientific method by scientists and Galileo is known as the “Father of the Scientific Method”.6. Rather than the scientific method, the scientific attitude is the key to the successof science.7. Scientists must accept facts whether they like them or not and they must be good at changing their minds because the purpose of science is not to defend their beliefs but to improve them.8. Honesty is the most valuable quality of scientists because it is not only essential to the progress of science but also a matter of self-interest to the scientists themselves.Ⅲ. Vocabulary Activities1.1) distinguish between 2) opposition 3) to the contrary 4) procedures 5) in principle 6)proportional 7) rebels 8) strive for9) Predictions 10) outcome 11) criterion 12) adopted13) speculation 14) banned 15) outweigh 16) formulated, represented 17) ingredients 18) circulated 19) retain 20) pointed out21) condemned2. 1) took his word for it 2) formulated 3) adequate 4) met with5) representing 6)strive 7) immense 8) infinite 9) adopt10) persecuted 11) circulates 12) retaining 13) are subjected to14) its outcome 15) modified 16) condemned 17) suppressing18) largely 19) ingredient 20)criteria3. 1) You’ll buy nothing but trouble if you buy that house, take my word for it.2) Dr. Li has always been credited with being able to understand and sympathize with his patients.3) If I don’t hear anything to the contrary, I’ll come and meet you on July 8th.4) It’s very important to follow the safety procedures laid down in the service manual.5) The new Medicare program puts a high premium on prevention and primary care.6) Children’s comics were banned back then at home because my parents thought they weren’t a good influence.7) It’s essential that children be taught to distinguish right from wrong.8) The number of representatives each state is entitled to is proportional to the size of its population.9) A novelist cannot be a great one unless he has a well-developed insight into human nature.10) More and more people have come to realize that cancer of the lung has more to do with smoking than with anything else.11) Late frosts account for the poor fruit-crop of this year.12) What’s the matter with you today! Everything I say you contradict.Ⅳ. Cloze1.questions2. solving3. out4. between5. establishing6. these7. with8. science9. do 10. in 11. so 12. universe 13. highest 14. dislikes 15. did 16. unpleasant 17. believe18. hear 19. flying 20. breathe 21. age 22. terms23. reverse 24. serve 25. those 26. themselves 27. toReading ActivityExercise A1. c2. c3. a4. d5. d6. Behavioral: b, c, e, g, h, i Medical: a, d, fExerciseB1. c2. e3. a4. f5. g6. b7. d8. j9. h 10. i1. serves you right2. precede3. data4. evaluate5. backs/backed up6. dramatically7. radical8. undergraduates9. plainly 10. deliveredUnit6Ⅲ. Vocabulary1.1. virtual2. reconciliation3. deliberately4. precedent5. essence6. rational7. get to the point8. go out of my mind 9. immersed in 10. cut (you) off11. scared to death 12. lost his nerve 13. Supreme14. apology 15. invasion 16. muttering2.1. awaiting2. lost my never3. immersed in4. alleged5. deliberately6. involving her in7. in celebration of8. ironic 9. get to the point 10. yelled 11. is in need of12. rational 13. fierce 14. squeeze3.1. Because of the bank’s refusal to give him another loan, Morris had to abandon the project.2. Although both of them were ready for a reconciliation, neither was prepared to make the first move.3. The old lady nearly died of fright when a gunman suddenly appeared in front of her.4. Bob seems to have an instinct for knowing which products will sell.5. The organizers of the appeal are reaching out to the public in order to get their help.6. I have an apology to make to you-I’m afraid I opened your letter by mistake.4.1. cut off2. cut back/cut down3. cut in4. cut across5. cut down6. cuts in7. cut (Oliver) off8. cut off9. hangs back 10.hang up 11. hanging about12. hang together 13. hang on 14. hang on toⅣ. Cloze1. other2. with3. increased4. for5. last/past6. who7. adult/grown-up8. summed9. in 10. who11. better 12. teach 13. without 14. as 15. view16. generation 17. granted 18. only 19. decision 20. importantReading ActivityExercise A1. d2. T, T, X, T, F, F, T, F3. b, c, e4. c5. d6. 2, 3; 4, 5; 6, 17 Exercise B1. j2. f3. e4. h5. c6. g7. l8. b9. d 10. k11. a 12. i1. fragrance2. knocked off3. cozy4. gasped5. discharged6. furnished7. smashed8. for dear life9. clinhing10. tipped 11. shove 12. scrubbedUnit7Study & PracticeⅡ. Comprehension Questions1. d2. b3. c4. d5. b6. c7. d8. d9. d 10. bⅢ.Vocabulary Activities1.1. dense2. accompanied3. theses4. disorderly5. evoked6. voluntary7. intellect8. in sequence9. deterioration10. distinguished himself 11. deviated from 12.lit up13. over the hill 14. talking shop 15. put…back together16. uncertain2.1. was confined to2. distinguished himself3. irresistible4. accompany5. accurately6. (a year) to the day7. reigned from8. overwhelmed 12. clumsy 3. come to anything 14. over the hill15. broke down3.1. To my great surprise, they agreed to all our demands.2. They had to overcome formidable obstacles if they want to finish the taskon time.3. She managed to maneuver her car into the parking space.4. The manager’s explanation evoked even greater anger from the employees.5. When the doctor told him he had lung cancer, Jim was overwhelmed.6.The new method deviated sharply from the traditional approach and the results were far more satisfactory.4.1. When I was a kid, I was so fascinated with the idea of travelling round the world that I would spend hours in my grandfather’s spinning the globe and dreaming of the places I would like to visit.2. A time bomb exploded this afternoon in one of London’s biggest supermarkets, evoking a great panic among the population.3. Accompanied by his father, Bill went to the police station ago confessed to the police officer that he had robbed an old man of his gold watch two weeks before.4. After getting engaged to Jane, Stephen started working hard for the first time in his life. And before long he distinguished himself as a young theoretical physicist.5. Prof. Stone is distinguished for his sternness. But, to everyone’s surprise, the speech he made at his daughter’s wedding last Saturday was full of wit and humor.6. It’s amazing that so many people are willing to do voluntary work for the benefit of the community.5.1. broke up2. broke out3. have broken through4. break down5. broke in6. broke down7. had been broken into8. broke away from 9. broke in 10. breaks up 11. turn into12. turned in 13. turn up 14. was turned down 15. turning out16. have turned over 17. turn down 18. had turned over19. turned out 20. turned over 21. turn in 22. turned upⅣ. Cloze1. first2. wheelchair3. height4. weigh5. suffered6. worsening7. harmed8. things9. is 10. difficult11. those 12. down 13. hold 14. take 15. if 16. details17. at 18. to 19. books 20. progress 21. conferences22. disease 23. stay 24. law 25. difficult 26. simplestⅤ. Error-Correction1. had-was/had been2. progress-progressive3. (carry) on4. satisfy-satisfying5. apparent-apparently6. the-/7. belief-disbelief 8. annoyed-annoying 9. have-having10. nurse-nursesReading ActivityExercise A1. a2. b3. a4. b5. d6. c7. d8. dExercise B1. e2. g3. c4. h5. i6. b7. j8. a9. f 10. d1. petty2. Compassion3. dormant4. subtleties5. chronic6. impending7. accustomed8. quiver9. compulsory 10. phasePassage Translation(汉翻英)Unit 1Mastering a large number of words is essential to achieving fluency in a foreign language. An unofficial, but often quoted, figure for the Cambridge First Certificate examination suggests that students with a vocabulary of less than 3,500 words are unlikely to be successful in the exam. Current research also suggests that native English speakers who have been educated up to 18 years old or beyond know at least 16,000 English words. And unless you already speak a language like Spanish or German, there are no shortcuts to a large vocabulary in English: you just have to rely on diligence and dedication. Of course you can figure out from the context the meanings of some new words you come across in your reading, but more often than not you have to look them up in a dictionary in order to be clear about their accurate meanings.A practicable way to pick up new words is, perhaps, to read a lot, preferably stories that you find interesting or exciting. It often pays to read the same book over and over again: each time you read it you will learn different new words, and the familiar context helps to fix them in your mind.Unit 21. I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help. As a matter of fact, he himself is in need of help.2. More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating air pollution.3. There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and valuesare no longer cherished by the young people.4. Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe hard to grasp.5. There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonder that a handful of speculators got rich overnight.6. An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small border town, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.7. In the light of this information, that country already has the capabilities to make nuclear weapons.8. Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends, he staked all his money on high-risk ventures.Unit 3If you started on some venture and failed, do not despair/lose heart. There is a world of difference between “ I have failed three times” and “I am a failure”. So long as you do not hold a negative concept of self or identify with failures but try to learn from them, you stand a good chance to succeed in the future. Does it ever occur to you that those who fail repeatedly are often victims of a poor self-image? Often their failures are due to internal causes rather than external causes. Numerous cases have borne it out that if they can be induced to change their viewpoint and construct a positive self-image, miraculous changes may take place in their performance. Success can come anytime --- at thirty, forty or even after a lifetime of apparent failure. Early triumphs may be sweet, but success in later life often tastes even better.Unit 41. Far from being permissive, many parents are putting tremendous pressure on their children to be exceptional in everything.2. Owing to her academic excellence, this Changsha girl has been accepted by several prestigious American universities, including Harvard, Yale and MIT.3. Many parents start their children in piano or violin lessons at ever-earlier ages in hopes that they will become exceptional pianists or violinists.4. In modern society, clothing styles change yearly. Some are in this year but will be out the next.5. More likely than not, what this “new” parenting idea brings about will be “super problems” rather than “super kids”.6. Young people should be given the opportunity to take the initiative, to take responsibility for their mistakes and credit for their achievements.7. In my view, he is so weak-willed that he could hardly give up smoking. To my surprise, he has easily cured himself of this bad habit.8. Demands on students have to be tailored to their interests and abilities.Unit 5Scientists are a small group of people who strive to gain insights into nature, seeking order in seeming disorder. They are credited with a special ability to think and analyze, and with infinite patience in making observations and collecting data. But ability and patience do not account for all scientific discoveries, which often have。

Unit 1掌握大量的词汇对于达到一门外语的流利程度是至关重要的。
一个非官方的但却是经常被引用的有关剑桥处级证书英语考试Cambridge First Certificate examination的数字表明,词汇量少于三千五百词的学生不大可能在这项考试中成功。
Mastering a large number of words is essential to achieving fluency in a foreign language. An unofficial, but often quoted, figure for the Cambridge First Certificate examination suggests that students with a vocabulary of less than 3,500 words are unlikely to be successful in the exam. Current research also suggests that native English speakers who have been educated up to 18 years old or beyond know at least 16,000 English words. And unless you already speak a language like Spanish or German, there are no shortcuts to a large vocabulary in English: you just have to rely on diligence and dedication. Of course you can figure out from the context the meanings of some new words you come across in your reading, but more often than not you have to look them up in a dictionary in order to be clear about their accurate meanings. A practicable way to pick up new words is, perhaps, to read a lot, preferably stories that you find interesting or exciting. It often pays to read the same book over and over again: each time you read it you will learn different new words, and the familiar context helps to fix them in your mind.Unit 2我认为向他求助是不现实的。

Lesson 1Key to explanation1. It is no easy job to educate a people who have been told over centuries that they were inferior and of no importance to see that they are humans, the same as any other people.2. If you break the mental shackles imposed on you by white supremacists, if you really respect yourself, thinking that you are a Man, equal to anyone else, you will be able to take part in the struggle against racial discrimination.3. The liberation of mind can only be achieved by the Negro himself/herself. Only when he/she is fully convinced that he/she is a Man/Woman and is not inferior to anyone else, can he/she throw off the manacles of self-abnegation and become free.4. Power in the best form of function is the carrying out of the demands of justice with love and justice in the best form of function is the overcoming of everything standing in the way of love with power.5. At that time, the way to evaluate how capable and resourcefula person was was to see how much money he had made (or how wealthy he was.)6. A person was poor because he was lazy and not hard-workingand lacked a sense of right and wrong.7. This kind of work cannot be done by slaves who work because the work has to be done, because they are forced to work by slave-drivers or because they need to work in order to be fed and clothed.8. …when the unfair practice of judging human value by the amount of money a person has is done away with.9. Those who harbor hate in their hearts cannot grasp the teachings of God. Only those who have love can enjoy the ultimate happiness in Heaven.10. Let us be dissatisfied until America no longer only talk about racial equality but is unwilling or reluctant to take action to end such evil practice as racial discrimination. Key to Translation1. 一个无关紧要的谎言总比一个恶意的谎言要好。

Unit 1Mastering a large number of words is essential to achieving fluency in a foreign language. An unofficial, but often quoted, figure for the Cambridge First Certificate examination suggests that students with a vocabulary of less than 3,500 words are unlikely to be successful in the exam. Current research also suggests that native English speakers who have been educated up to 18 years old or beyond know at least 16,000 English words. And unless you already speak a language like Spanish or German, there are no shortcuts to a large vocabulary in English: you just have to rely on diligence and dedication. Of course you can figure out from the context the meanings of some new words you come across in your reading, but more often than not you have to look them up in a dictionary in order to be clear about their accurate meanings. A practicable way to pick up new words is, perhaps, to read a lot, preferably stories that you find interesting or exciting. It often pays to read the same book over and over again: each time you read it you will learn different new words, and the familiar context helps to fix them in your mind.要想流利的说一门外语,掌握大量词汇是必须的。

现代大学英语精读5课后答案Lesson 1Vocabulary1. Manhood:the state of being human2. White lie:harmless or trivial lie,esp.one told in order to avoid hurting sb.3. black sheep:person regarded as a disgrace or a failure by other members of his family or group4. To upset: to defeat5. Affirmation:stating sth.as truth firmly and forcefully6. To strain: to make the greatest possible effort7. Off base: mistaken8. (a) want (of) : lack of9. Ringing cry: rallying callParagraph1. The job of arousing manhood within a people that have been taught for so many centuries that they are nobody is not easy.It is no easy job to educate a people who have been told over centuries that they were inferior and of no importance to see that they are humans, the same as any other people.2. Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery.If you break the mental shackles imposed on you by white supremacists, if you really respect yourself, thinking that you are a Man, equal to anyone else, you will be able to take part in the struggle against racial discrimination.3. The Negro will only be free when he reaches down to the inner depths of his own being and signs with the pen and ink ofassertive manhood his own emancipation proclamation.The liberation of mind can only be achieved by the Negro himself/herself. Only when a negro is fully convinced that he/she is a Man/Woman and is not inferior to anyone else, can he/she throw off the manacles of self-abnegation and become free.4. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.Power in its best form of function is the carrying out of the demands of justice with love and justice in the best form of function is the overcoming of everything standing in the way of love with power.5. At that time economic status was considered the measure of the individual’s ability and talents.At that time, the way to evaluate how capable and resourceful a person was to see how much money he had made (or how wealthy he was).6. …the absence of worldly goods indicated a want of industrious habits and moral fiber.A person was poor because he was lazy and not hard-working and lacked a sense of right and wrong.7. It is not the work of slaves driven to their tasks either by the task, by the taskmaster, or by animal necessity.This kind of work cannot be done by slaves who work because the work has to be done, becausethey are forced to work by slave-drivers or because they need to work in order to be fed and clothed.8. …when the unjust measurement of human worth on the scale of dollars is eliminated.…when the unfair practice of judhing human value by the amount of money a person has irs done awaywith.9. He who hates does not know God, but he who has love has the key that unlocks the door to the meaning of ultimate reality.Those who harbor hate in their hearts cannot grasp the teachings of God. Only those who have love can enjoy the ultimate happiness in Heaven.10. Let us be dissatisfied until America will no longer have a high blood pressure of creeds and an anemia of deeds.Let us be dissatisfied until America no longer only talk about racial equality but is unwilling or reluctant to take action to end such evil practice as racial discrimination.Translation1. A white lie is better than a black lie.一个无关紧要的谎言总比一个恶意的谎言要好。

Notes 2
5. …express their will through the ballot box. ballot box n. 投票箱,投票选举 投票箱, 6. malfeasance: 违法行为,渎职行为(罪) 违法行为,渎职行为( malfeasant n.\a.渎职者,违法乱纪者 渎职的,犯罪的 渎职者, 渎职的, 渎职者 违法乱纪者\渎职的 malfeasant administrative act 行政渎职行为 7. Process of impeachment =impeachment proceeding : 弹劾程序 8. Article Ⅱ,section 4 :The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. convict v. 证明 有罪,be convicted of sth 证明…有罪 有罪, conviction n. 法庭认定有罪的判决,定罪 法庭认定有罪的判决, misdemeanor 不是很严重的恶劣行为,轻罪 不是很严重的恶劣行为,
Constitution of the United States
Article VI All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be ; made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, ; anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no ; religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

Lesson Six Civil Procedures LawKeys:II. Choose the most appropriate words to complete the following sentences.1. C2. D3. B4. C5. D6. B7. A8. C9. A 10. BIII. Choose the most appropriate word from the listed words below to finish the following passage. Change the form if necessary.1. burden of proof2. produce3. affirmative4. consideration5. legally6. summary7. convince8. withdraw9. defendant 10. voluntary IV. Translate the following sentences into English.1. The jury returned a verdict of guilty, and the judge will pass sentence next week2. Upon pronouncement of a judgment, the parties concerned must be informed of their right tofile an appeal, the time limit for appeal and the court to which they may appeal.3. The panel is selected at random, and any party to the proceedings can inspect the panel fromwhich the jurors will be chosen.4. The judicial process deals not with abstract questions or hypothetical situations but with actualcontroversies between real parties.5. At the very outset of a trial the lawyers are permitted to make opening statements to the jurythat they have just selected. These are not arguments; argumentation must await the end of the trial.V. Translate the following passage into Chinese.在民事审判中,决定评审团审判的权限可能从三种途径之一分离出来。
现代大学英语精读5 课后答案

Lesson 1Vocabulary1. Manhood:the state of being human2. White lie:harmless or trivial lie,esp.one told in order to avoid hurting sb.3. black sheep:person regarded as a disgrace or a failure by other members of his family or group4. To upset: to defeat5. Affirmation:stating sth.as truth firmly and forcefully6. To strain: to make the greatest possible effort7. Off base: mistaken8. (a) want (of) : lack of9. Ringing cry: rallying callParagraph1. The job of arousing manhood within a people that have been taught for so many centuries that they are nobody is not easy.It is no easy job to educate a people who have been told over centuries that they were inferior and of no importance to see that they are humans, the same as any other people.2. Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery.If you break the mental shackles imposed on you by white supremacists, if you really respect yourself, thinking that you are a Man, equal to anyone else, you will be able to take part in the struggle against racial discrimination.3. The Negro will only be free when he reaches down to the inner depths of his own being and signs with the pen and ink of assertive manhood his own emancipation proclamation.The liberation of mind can only be achieved by the Negro himself/herself. Only when a negro is fully convinced that he/she is a Man/Woman and is not inferior to anyone else, can he/she throw off the manacles of self-abnegation and become free.4. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.Power in its best form of function is the carrying out of the demands of justice with love and justice in the best form of function is the overcoming of everything standing in the way of love with power.5. At that time economic status was considered the measure of the individual’s ability and talents.At that time, the way to evaluate how capable and resourceful a person was to see how much money he had made (or how wealthy he was).6. …the absence of worldly goods indicated a want of industrious habits and moral fiber.A person was poor because he was lazy and not hard-working and lacked a sense of right and wrong.7. It is not the work of slaves driven to their tasks either by the task, by the taskmaster, or by animal necessity.This kind of work cannot be done by slaves who work because the work has to be done, becausethey are forced to work by slave-drivers or because they need to work in order to be fed and clothed.8. …when the unjust measurement of human worth on the scale of dollars is eliminated.…when the unfair practice of judhing human value by the amount of money a person has irs done away with.9. He who hates does not know God, but he who has love has the key that unlocks the door to the meaning of ultimate reality.Those who harbor hate in their hearts cannot grasp the teachings of God. Only those who have love can enjoy the ultimate happiness in Heaven.10. Let us be dissatisfied until America will no longer have a high blood pressure of creeds and an anemia of deeds.Let us be dissatisfied until America no longer only talk about racial equality but is unwilling or reluctant to take action to end such evil practice as racial discrimination.Translation1. A white lie is better than a black lie.一个无关紧要的谎言总比一个恶意的谎言要好。
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1. A person cannot usually be found guilty of a criminal offence unless two elements are
present: an actus reus; and mens rea.
2.If the accused is to be found guilty of a crime, his or her behavior in committing the actus
reus must have been voluntary.
3. A person who is aware or ought to have been aware that he or she has created a dangerous
situation and does nothing to prevent the relevant harm occurring, may be criminally liable. 4.Where the offence is capable in law of being committed by an omission, it can only be
committed by a person who was under a duty to act.
5.The term ‘recklessness’ plays a crucial role in determining criminal liability yet its meaning
still appears uncertain.
V. Translate the following passage into Chinese.