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The new curriculum geography

The map teaching and the ability of reading related research

Zhejiang SongYang one Que fire Ming 323400 TEL: 323400

[to] picked ordinary high school new curriculum plan in the fall of 2006 in zhejiang province into the comprehensive implementation stage, the implementation of the high school geography new curriculum concept is a gradual process. Map of new geography curriculum teaching for students of geography subject ability, geographic methods, the cultivation of the geographical point of view is very important. New geography course standard, the examination standard and the college entrance examination examination outline in are clearly the ability of reading requirements. Through questionnaire survey, the student individual interview, methods of communication between the teacher found that did not really play in the geography teaching map teaching effectiveness, teaching map establishment not science, teachers use graph to guide teaching strategy worth exploring, the imperfection of the map teaching resources, autonomous learning ability is insufficient, students use map through the map teaching to cultivate students' ability to geography has huge potential. In the actual teaching with new ideas for teaching design, attention to reflect the teacher guided students' autonomous, inquiry and cooperative learning, so that the students have to all-round development of personality; To clear the status of geography image teaching on the map, try in the teaching according to different geographical image, the different students and different effective combination between teaching content; To strengthen exchanges and cooperation, teaching in the teaching achieve resource sharing, promoting successful map teaching mode, improve teaching effectiveness. Specific measures are in the teachers, students, curriculum resources to improve the level of influence map teaching effectiveness factors such as, through effective map teaching to ensure the concept of new geography curriculum implementation and achieve the teaching goal.

[key words] map of the new curriculum teaching ability of reading

Ordinary high school new curriculum plan has smooth implementation in the country. However, the implementation of the new concept, from the theory to the education practice, there are quite a long way to go. For geography teaching, how to implement new ideas in the usual teaching, especially in the map teaching in the best legacy of traditional teaching methods and teaching means on the basis of innovation, change the past some backward teaching ideas and teaching ideas, to the new curriculum concept map teaching, new teaching material view, the new view of teachers and students to teaching orientation, to improve the effectiveness of the geographical map teaching, is an important task to geography teachers.

A, high school geography new curriculum teaching and the requirements of evaluation on the ability of reading

1. The geography curriculum requirements for students' ability of reading

In the ordinary high school geography curriculum standard (experiment) "[1] objective knowledge and skills, this dimension has such a demand:" learn to independent or cooperation geographical observations, geographical experiments, the geographical investigation; mastering reading, analysis, using the geography diagram and geographic data skills ".

Teaching Suggestions in the implementation suggestion may require attaches great importance to the geography teaching the use of information resources and information technology: "in the
