大学英语b考试题及答案解析大学英语B考试题及答案解析一、听力理解(共20分)1. A) 根据对话内容,选择正确答案。
A) Yes, he is.B) No, he isn’t.C) I don’t know.[录音内容]- Person 1: Is Tom going to the party tonight?- Person 2: Yes, he is.[答案] A) Yes, he is.2. B) 根据对话内容,选择正确答案。
A) She will go shopping.B) She will go to the cinema.C) She will stay at home.[录音内容]- Person 1: What are you going to do tonight?- Person 2: I’m going to the cinema.[答案] B) She will go to the cinema.[解析] 听力理解部分要求考生根据听到的对话或短文内容,快速准确地选择正确答案。
二、阅读理解(共30分)1. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。
[短文内容]In recent years, the number of international students in the United States has been increasing steadily. This trend is attributed to the high quality of education and the diverse cultural environment.A) The number of international students is decreasing.B) The United States offers high-quality education.C) The cultural environment in the United States is not diverse.[答案] B) The United States offers high-quality education.2. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。
《保密法及其实施条例、保密制度》试题一、单项选择题1、《保密法实施条例》共有.. AA.六章四十五条B.六章四十条C.五章五十三条2、《保密法实施条例》自起实施.. BA.2010年10月1日B.2014年3月1日C.2014年1月17日3、国家秘密是关系国家的安全和利益;依照法定程序确定;在一定时间内只限知悉的事项.. CA.县处以上领导干部B.共产党员C.一定范围的人员4、国家秘密的密级分为.. AA.绝密、机密、秘密B.绝密、机密、一般C.秘密、机密、一般5、国家秘密的保密期限;除有规定外;绝密级不超过;机密级不超过;秘密级不超过.. BA.四十年;三十年;二十年B.三十年;二十年;十年C.二十年;十五年;十年6、国家秘密的知悉范围以外的人员;因工作需要知悉国家秘密的;应当经过批准.. BA.本机关、单位的涉密载体管理人B.机关、单位负责人C.本机关、单位的定密责任人7、机关、单位应当将涉及绝密级或者较多机密级、秘密级国家秘密的机构确定为;将集中制作、存放、保管国家秘密载体的专门场所确定为.. BA.保密要害部位;重要保密单位B.保密要害部门;保密要害部位C.保密监管单位;重要保密单位8、涉密计算机是指在工作中运用采集、加工、存储、传输、检索等功能;处理涉及的计算机.. BA.内部信息B.国家秘密信息C.政务信息9、涉密人员上岗应当经过保密教育培训;掌握保密知识技能;签订;严格遵守保密规章制度;不得以任何方式泄露国家秘密..BA.保密责任状B.保密承诺书C.保密协议书10、机关、单位应当定期对本机关、本单位工作人员进行等方面的教育培训.. CA.保密法律法规B.保密形势C.保密形势、保密法律法规、保密技术防范11、各级机关、单位对产生的国家秘密事项;应当按照及时确定密级.. CA.保密法实施办法B.保密规章制度C.国家秘密及其密级具体范围的规定12、收发涉密载体;应当履行手续.. AA.清点、登记、编号、签收等B.交接C.签字13、领导干部阅办秘密文件、资料和办理其他属于国家秘密的事项;应在进行.. AA.办公场所B.家中C.室外14、销毁涉密载体;应当履行手续;并由两名以上工作人员送到指定场所监销.. CA.清点;公安部门B.交接;上级机关C.审批、登记;保密行政管理部门15、国家秘密的标志方式为.. CA.密级B.密级+保密期限C.密级+“★”+保密期限16、制作秘密文件、资料;应送印制.. CA.一般印刷厂B.内部印刷厂C.国家秘密载体定点复制单位17、分发涉密文件、资料的各种等级清单;要保存;以备查询.. CA.1年B.3年至5年C.10年18、违反《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》的规定; 泄露国家秘密;情节严重的;依照刑法有关规定追究刑事责任.. B A.故意B.故意或过失C.过失19、某领导外出时提包被窃;找回后发现包内钱物丢失;涉密文件完整无缺..这一事件.. CA.属于泄密事件B.不应视为泄密事件C.在不能证明文件未被不应知悉者知悉时;按泄密事件处理20、召开涉密会议;应开启使用.. AA.手机信号干扰仪B.无线话筒C.连接互联网电脑21、涉密人员是指国家秘密的人员;其等级分为..BA.知悉;绝密、机密、秘密B.掌握、知悉和管理;核心、重要、一般C.管理;重要、一般、内部22、保密有害部门应对定期向本行保密部门报告保密工作情况;每年不少于次.. BA.4B.2C.123、本行密件一经签发或批准;期密级和保密期限即正式生效..DA.董事长B.行长C.部门负责人 D..有权领导人24、制作涉密载体;应当依照有关规定;注明发放范围及制作数量;涉密载体应当编排顺序号.. AA.标明密级和保密期限B.提出管理要求C.认真进行核对25、制作密件应当标明密件的知悉或者发放、传达范围、印制数;绝密、机密文件应当 .. AA.编号B.不得编号C.与其他文件混同编号涉密人员离岗、离职前;应当将所保管和使用的涉密载体 A..A.全部清退并办理移交手续B.部分清退并办理移交手续C.全部清退可以不办理移交手续27、变更密级或解密;应由.. BA.密件使用单位决定B.原定密机关、单位决定;也可以由其上级机关决定C.国家保密行政管理部门指定的单位决定28、携带绝密件和密码电报应当经本机关、单位主管领导人批准;并实行人护送制.. CA.3 B.5 C.229、制作国家秘密载体;应当由机关、单位或者经保密审查合格的单位承担;制作场所应当符合保密要求.. AA.保密行政管理部门B.工商行政管理部门C.新闻宣传部门30、机关、单位发现国家秘密已经泄露或者可能泄露的;应当立即采取补救措施;并在小时内向同级保密行政管理部门和上级主管部门报告.. CA.12 B.48 C.2431、《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施条例》是由通过的.. CA.全国人民代表大会B.全国人大委员长会议C.全国人民代表大会常务委员会32、涉密人员离职前;应当先行清退所保管的全部密件..密件的管理人员离职前;应当办清密件移交手续.. BA.与离职手续同步B.先行C.在离职手续办理后33、未经保密审查的单位从事涉密业务的;由保密行政管理部门责令.. BA.暂停违法行为B.停止违法行为C.查处违法行为34、使用电话、传真进行涉密通信;必须使用配有设备的电话机、传真机..A.加密处理 B.加密 C.非加密35、国家机关工作人员;未经批准;私自留存国家秘密文件;属于行为.. BA.违反保密规定B.非法持有国家秘密C.违反国家机关工作人员职业道德36、以下不属于国家秘密的有.. CA.国家事务重大决策中的秘密事项B.国防建设和武装力量活动中的秘密事项C.政府公开信息37、计算机信息系统打印输出的涉密文件;应当按相应文件进行管理.. CA.普通B.一般C.密级38、存储国家秘密信息的U盘只能在计算机上使用.. AA.本单位同一密级或更高密级的涉密B.办公用C.上网用39、机关、单位应当对工作人员进行;定期检查保密工作..CA.岗位培训B.警示教育C.保密教育40、机关、单位应当按照保密法的规定;严格限定国家秘密的知悉范围;对知悉 B 以上国家秘密的人员;应当作出书面记录..A 绝密级 B机密级 C 秘密级41、复制密件;应当建立审批登记制度;严格控制复制件数;并视同管理..A.原件B. 复制件C. 普通件42、设区的市、自治州一级的机关及其授权的机关、单位可以确定的密级是国家秘密.. CA. 绝密级和秘密级B. 绝密级和机密级C. 机密级和秘密级43、对外交往与合作中需要提供国家秘密事项的;应当按照提供.. BA.合同规定B.规定的程序事先经过批准后C.协议44、涉密人员出境;应当经过的批准.. BA.公安机关B.保密工作部门C.批准、任用涉密人员的主管部门45、根据《保密法》和《保密法实施办法》; 主管全国的保密工作.. BA、国家保密工作机构B、国家保密局C、国务院46、各机关、单位对所产生的国家秘密事项;应当依照保密范围的规定及时确定密级;最迟不得超过.. AA.10日B.20日C.30日47、复制属于国家秘密的文件、资料和其他物品;或者摘录、引用、汇编属于国家秘密的内容; .. AA.不得擅自改变原件的密级B.视情况需要可以改变密级C.既可以保留原件的密级;也可以改变原件的密级48、召开涉及国家秘密内容的会议时;主办单位应当采取相应的保密措施..下面哪一项措施是错误的.. BA.具备安全条件的会议场所B.使用无线话筒C.依照保密规定使用会议设备和管理会议文件、资料49、对单位存在重大泄密隐患或发生失泄密事件负有主要领导责任的党政领导干部;视其情节轻重;按照干部管理权限应当给予处分.. CA.警告、严重警告、撤销党内职务B.警告、严重警告、撤销党内职或者留党察看C.警告、严重警告、撤销党内职务、留党察看或者开除党籍50、机关、单位公开发布信息应当遵循.. BA.“谁公开;谁审查”原则B.事前审查原则和依法审查原则C.A和B51、行政机关应当建立健全政府信息发布;明确审查的程序和责任.. BA.定人定责机制B.保密审查机制C.领导审查机制52、在销毁国家秘密过程中;以下哪种做法不对..AA.将解密的国家秘密文件作为废品出售B.销毁秘密文件应当在销毁前登记造册并经领导批准C.销毁国家秘密应当二人以上监销并以不能恢复为标准53、涉及国家秘密的计算机信息系统;不得与互联网或其它公共信息网络相连接;必须实行.. CA.直接地;防火墙隔离B.间接地;逻辑隔离C.直接或间接地;物理隔离54、涉及的信息;不得在互联网计算机信息系统中存储、处理、传递.. AA.国家秘密B.绝密级国家秘密C.机密级国家秘密55、发现利用互联网及其他公共信息网络发布的信息涉及泄露国家秘密的;应当立即停止传输;保存有关记录;向公安机关、国家安全机关或者报告.. AA. 保密行政管理部门B. 宣传部门C. 电信部门56、复制属于国家秘密的文件、资料;应当由批准;并且保密期限.. CA.保密部门;需重新制定B.上报机关批准;需重新计算C.密级确立机关、单位或其上级机关;不得改变其原件的57..定密工作是保密工作的基础;为使国家秘密的确定、变更和解除工作更加科学、合理和准确;新《保密法》增加了 A ..A 定密责任人制度B 定密层级的规定C 定密权限的规定二、判断题1.机关、单位对不属于本机关、本单位产生的国家秘密;认为符合保密法有关解密或者延长保密期限规定的;应当及时解密或者延长保密期限.. 错2.新《保密法》的一个重大转变是将泄密的法律责任认定从“结果犯”到“行为犯”;其含义是只要违反有关规定;即使没有造成泄密后果也要追究责任.. 对3.《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施条例》是对1990年发布实施的《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施办法》的全面修订.. 对4.《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施条例》对《保密法》确立的一系列新制度、新措施进行了集中诠释;予以具体化;以便于贯彻实施.. 对5.岗位责任制是确保保密工作落到实处的重要保证..无论是在涉密岗位工作的人员还是在非涉密岗位工作的人员;都有义务保守工作中知悉的国家秘密.. 对6.保密事项范围不是一成不变的..实施条例第八条规定;保密事项范围应当根据情况变化及时调整.. 对7.实施条例要求;制定、修订保密事项范围应当充分论证;听取有关机关、单位和相关领域专家的意见.. 对8.根据工作需要;机关、单位负责人可以指定其他人员为定密责任人.. 对9.定密责任人具体负责审核批准本机关、本单位产生的国家秘密的密级、保密期限和知悉范围;对本机关、本单位产生的尚在保密期限内的国家秘密进行审核;作出是否变更或者解除的决定.. 对10.新保密法规定;定密不当;造成严重后果的;机关、单位直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员应当承担相应法律责任.. 错11.无法标注国家秘密标志的;确定该国家秘密的机关、单位应当口头通知知悉范围内的机关、单位和人员..对12.上级机关、单位发现下级机关、单位国家秘密的确定、变更和解除不当的;应当及时通知其纠正;也可以直接纠正.. 对13.机关、单位确因工作需要;自行销毁少量国家秘密载体的;应当使用符合国家保密标准的销毁设备和方法..对14.从事涉密业务的企业事业单位应当是在中华人民共和国境内依法成立1年以上的法人;无违法犯罪记录.. 错15.从事涉密业务的人员必须具有中华人民共和国国籍.. 对16.经保密审查合格的企业事业单位违反保密管理规定的;由保密行政管理部门责令限期整改;逾期不改或者整改后仍不符合要求的;暂停涉密业务;情节严重的;停止涉密业务.. 对17.机关、单位委托未经保密审查的单位从事涉密业务的;由有关机关、单位对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分.. 对18.违反《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》的有关规定;泄露国家秘密不够刑事处罚的;可以酌情给予行政处分..错19.《保密法实施条例》规定:不得将依法应当公开的事项确定为国家秘密.. 对20.机关、单位对所产生的国家秘密;不能确定保密期限的;应当确定解密条件.. 对。
2020b级英语考试题型及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听到的对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 去图书馆B. 去电影院C. 去公园正确答案:A2. 以下哪项是对话中提到的天气情况?A. 晴朗B. 下雨C. 多云正确答案:B3. 对话中提到的会议是几点开始?A. 9点B. 10点C. 11点正确答案:C二、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读下列短文,回答以下问题。
短文内容:[此处省略短文内容]问题:a. 文章的主旨是什么?b. 作者提到了哪些解决方案?c. 文章中提到的第一个例子是什么?正确答案:a. 文章的主旨是讨论环境保护的重要性。
b. 作者提到了减少污染和回收利用作为解决方案。
c. 文章中提到的第一个例子是减少塑料使用。
2. 根据短文内容,判断下列陈述是否正确。
A. 短文中提到了三种不同的能源。
B. 作者认为核能是未来能源的最佳选择。
C. 太阳能和风能是可再生能源。
正确答案:A. 错误B. 错误C. 正确三、词汇与语法(共20分)1. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。
a. She is the ________ (young) person in her class.b. The weather is getting ________ (hot) and ________ (hot) every day.正确答案:a. youngestb. hotter, hotter2. 选择正确的选项完成句子。
a. I don't know ________ he will come tomorrow.A. ifB. whetherb. She has ________ to the party.A. inviteB. been invited正确答案:a. B. whetherb. B. been invited四、写作(共30分)1. 写一篇不少于100字的短文,描述你最喜欢的季节及其原因。
2020b级英语考试题型及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. A) 正确答案:C解析:根据对话内容,男士询问女士是否喜欢古典音乐,女士回答说她更喜欢流行音乐。
2. B) 正确答案:A解析:对话中提到男士计划去图书馆,因为他需要借一些书。
3. C) 正确答案:B解析:对话中女士提到她正在学习法语,因为她计划明年去法国旅行。
4. D) 正确答案:D解析:对话中男士询问女士是否已经完成了她的报告,女士回答说她还需要一些时间来完成。
5. E) 正确答案:A解析:对话中男士提到他最近参加了一个烹饪课程,并且学会了如何制作意大利面。
二、阅读理解(共30分)6. 正确答案:B解析:文章中提到,随着科技的发展,人们越来越依赖于智能手机,这导致了人们在社交场合中的交流减少。
7. 正确答案:C解析:文章中提到,尽管智能手机为人们的生活带来了便利,但过度依赖智能手机可能会导致人们在紧急情况下无法及时获得帮助。
8. 正确答案:A解析:文章中提到,为了减少对智能手机的依赖,人们可以尝试在特定时间段内关闭手机,或者将手机放在视线之外的地方。
9. 正确答案:D解析:文章中提到,尽管智能手机为人们的生活带来了便利,但过度使用智能手机可能会导致健康问题,如颈椎病和视力下降。
2020大学英语b统考试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. What is the man going to do this evening?A. Go to the cinema.B. Go to a concert.C. Go to a restaurant.D. Go to a party.答案:C2. How much does the woman have to pay for the coat?A. $80.B. $100.C. $120.D. $150.答案:B3. What is the weather like today?A. Sunny.B. Cloudy.C. Rainy.D. Snowy.答案:A4. When does the train leave?A. At 8:00 a.m.B. At 9:00 a.m.C. At 10:00 a.m.D. At 11:00 a.m.答案:B5. What is the woman's opinion about the book?A. It's too difficult.B. It's very interesting.C. It's too long.D. It's too short.答案:B二、阅读理解(共30分)Passage 16. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The importance of sleep.B. The effects of sleep deprivation.C. The benefits of taking a nap.D. The relationship between sleep and health.答案:D7. According to the passage, which of the following is a sign of sleep deprivation?A. Feeling tired.B. Feeling hungry.C. Feeling thirsty.D. Feeling happy.答案:APassage 28. What is the purpose of the article?A. To introduce a new technology.B. To discuss the impact of technology on society.C. To persuade people to use technology responsibly.D. To describe the history of a technological innovation.答案:C9. What does the author suggest we should do?A. Avoid using technology.B. Use technology to improve our lives.C. Limit the use of technology.D. Replace technology with traditional methods.答案:B三、词汇与语法(共20分)10. The weather turned out to be very good, ________ was more than what we had expected.A. thatB. itC. whichD. he答案:C11. She is a very kind person, ________ everyone likes.A. whomB. whoC. thatD. which答案:A12. I don't think it's a good idea ________ so late in the evening.A. to go outB. going outC. for going outD. of going out答案:A13. ________ the problem, we need to analyze the data first.A. To solveB. SolvingC. SolvedD. Solve答案:A14. The book is worth ________.A. to readB. to be readC. readingD. being read答案:C四、翻译(共15分)15. 请将以下句子翻译成英文:这个项目的成功很大程度上取决于团队的合作。
2020年b级英语考试真题及答案In 2020, the B-level English exam was a crucial test for many students looking to improve their English proficiency. The exam covered various aspects of the English language, including reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, writing, and listening skills. In this article, we will provide an overview of the exam format, as well as some sample questions and answers to help students prepare for the test.Exam Format:The B-level English exam typically consists ofmultiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank exercises, reading comprehension passages, and a writing section. The exam is designed to assess a student's ability to understand and communicate in English effectively. Students are required to demonstrate their knowledge of grammar rules, vocabulary, and reading comprehension skills.Sample Questions and Answers:1. Multiple Choice Question:Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:I usually ________ to work by car.A. goB. goesC. wentD. goingAnswer: A. go2. Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise:Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb:She ________ (study) English every day.Answer: studies3. Reading Comprehension Passage:Read the following passage and answer the questions:Passage: The benefits of reading are numerous. Reading helps improve vocabulary, enhances cognitive skills, and expands knowledge on various subjects.Question: What are some benefits of reading?Answer: Some benefits of reading include improving vocabulary, enhancing cognitive skills, and expanding knowledge.4. Writing Section:Write a short paragraph (about 100 words) about your favorite book and why you enjoy reading it.Answer: My favorite book is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. I enjoy reading this book because of its powerful storytelling, compelling characters, and thought-provoking themes. The book explores issues of racism, social injustice, and compassion, which have a lasting impact on readers. Overall, "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers of all ages.In conclusion, the B-level English exam is an important assessment for students looking to improve their English language skills. By familiarizing themselves with the exam format and practicing sample questions, students can prepare effectively and perform well on the test. With dedication and hard work, students can achieve success in the B-level English exam and enhance their English proficiency.。
一、交际用语(一)抱歉1. —________to have kept you waiting so long.抱歉及道歉C—Oh, never mind .After all, you are here.A. I am happyB. It’s a pleasureC. I am sorryD. I am welcome2. —Oh, dear! I’ve just broken a window. 抱歉及道歉B—________.A. GreatB. Don’t worryC. That’s fineD. Not at all3. —Sorry. I have taken your sports shoes by mistake. 抱歉及道歉C—________.A. That’s rightB. You’re welcomeC. It doesn’t matterD. All right4. —Good evening, Professor Hardy.—Good evening, John. Come in, please.—Thank you, I hope I am not interrupting you.—No, ________.抱歉及道歉BA. thank youB. not at allC. thanksD. let it alone5. —I’m afraid I can’t go to your party, I have an important exam tomorrow.抱歉及道歉A —________!A. What a pityB. With pleasureC. No problemD. Mind yourself6. —I can’t repair your recorder until tomorrow, I’m afraid. 抱歉及道歉A—That’s OK, there’s________.A. no problemB. no wonderC. no doubtD. no worry7. —I do apologize for not being able to attend your birthday party. 抱歉及道歉B—________.We’ll get together later.A. Go aheadB. Don’t worryC. That’s rightD.Don’t mention it8. —Sorry, I couldn’t come to the party. I was sick that day. 抱歉及道歉B—________.A I don’t know thatB That’s all rightC Yes, we’ll have another partyD No, the party wasn’t held(二)购物9.—We need some toothpaste. 购物B—________A. Let’s go to the bookstore.B. Let’s get some.C. Let’s buy them.D. Let’s go.10. —Excuse me, how much is the jacket? 购物D—It’s 499 Yuan. ________.A. Oh, no. That’s OK!B. How do you like it?C. Which do you prefer?D. Would you like to try it on?(三)邀请11. —How about going fishing? 邀请B—________. I have no patience for that.A. Excuse meB. SorryC. PardonD. Apologize12. —Would you like to go skating with me?邀请C—________.A. Yes, I think soB. No, thanksC. Yes, I’d love toD. I’m afraid not13. —Please help yourself to the fish. 邀请A—________A. Thanks, but I don’t like the fish.B. Sorry, I can’t help.C. Well, fish don’t suit me.D. No, I can’t.14. —Can you go to the concert with us this evening?邀请B— _______A. No, I already have plans.B. I’d love to, but I’m busy tonight.C. No, I really don’t like being with you.D. I’m ill, so I shouldn’t go out.15. —We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us? 邀请A— _______A. I’m afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.B. Of course not. I have no idea.C. No, I can’t.D. That’s all set.(四)请求16. —Excuese me, can I smoke here? 请求C—________.A. You mustn’tB. NoC. You’d better notD. I’m sorry, you can17. —Will you please give me the note to him? 请求A—________.A. Certainly, I’ll give it to himB. No, please notC. Sorry, I don’tD. Yes, please do18. —May I see your tickets, please? 请求C—________A. No, they are mine.B. No, you can’t.C. Sure.D. Yes, you can.19. —Hello, may I talk to the director now? 请求A—________A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment.B. No, you can’t.C. Sorry, you can’tD. I don’t know.20. —Do you mind changing seats with me? 请求C— _______A. Yes, you can.B. Of course, I like to.C. No, I don’t mind.D. Certainly, please do.21. —Do you mind my smoking here? 请求B— ______A. No, thanks.B. Yes, I do.C. Yes, I’d rather not.D. Good idea.22. — I wonder if I could use your computer tonight?请求A— _______ I’m not using it right now.A. Sure, go ahead.B. I don’t know.C. It doesn’t matter.D. Who cares?(五)建议23. —Don’t watch TV too much on Sundays.建议C—_________.A. Yes, I won’t.B. No, I will.C. No, I won’t.D. Yes, I do.24. —Waiter! 建议C—________?—I can’t eat this. It’s too sweet.A.OKB. All rightC. YesD. Pardon25. —Would you like some more rice? 建议A—________, but I’m quite full.A. That’s very kind of youB. Certainly notC. I need no moreD. I like some26. —Would you mind changing seats with me?建议C—________.A. Yes, you canB. Of course, I like toC. No, I don’t mindD. Certainly, please do27. —Jim, please don’t put your head out of the window on the bus. It’s dangerous 建议B—________A. Good idea.B. Sorry, I won’t do it again.C. It doesn’t matter.D. It’s good.28. —What about having a drink?建议A—________.A. Good ideaB. Help yourselfC. Go ahead, pleaseD. Me, too29. —Don’t take too long at the coffee shop. It’s 14:15. 建议B—________.A. I’ll think it overB. I see. We have 30 minutes leftC. That’s very kind of youD. I’m afraid so30. —Why not go and have dinner in the restaurant? 建议C—________. It’s too expensive.A. Why notB. I agr eeC. I’m afraid notD. I’m sure31. —Is it possible for you to work late tonight? 建议D— _______A. I like it.B. I’ll do that.C. I’d love to.D. I think so.32. —Would you like another slice of Christmas cake? 建议B—_______ I’m full.A. Yes, please.B. No more, thanks.C. Why not?D. Nothing more.(六)询问信息33.—Must I be home before seven? 询问信息A—________.A. No, you needn’tB. No, you mustn’tC. Yes, you willD. No, you won’t34.—Which sweater do you like better? 询问信息D— ________.A. Good ideaB. Yes, it’s niceC. Yes, pleaseD. I can’t decide35. —Medam,do all the buses go downtown? 询问信息D—________.A. Wow, you got the ideaB. No, never mindC. pretty well, I guessD. Sorry, I’m new here36. —I was born in Boston, but I studied in New York. ________? 询问信息B —I was born in New York, but studied in Boston.A. What do you doB. And youC. Where were youD. Do you37. —When are you going to the show? 询问信息D—_________.A. Last night.B.I amC. Yesterday.D. This evening.38. —Would you like some more coffee?询问信息C—________.A. Yes. I wouldB. No, I wouldn’tC. No, thank you.D. I’ve had enough.39. —What does Tom’s wife do for a living? 询问信息A—________.A. She is a doctor.B. Tom loves his wife.C. She has a happy life.D. She lives far from here.40. —So, ________this weekend, Kate?询问信息A—Oh, Diane and I went for a drive in the country.A. what did you doB. how well did you playC. how good were youD. when did you go41. —What is your eldest sister like? 询问信息C—________.A. She is happyB. She is illC. She is tallD. She is at home42. —How tall is your sister? 询问信息D—________A. She is not very well.B. She is 28 years old.C. She is very nice.D. She is as tall as I am.43. —How soon will your father fly to New York? 询问信息C—________A. At 7.00 amB. Last week.C. In three days.D. Twice a year.44. —What would you like to have, meat or fish?询问信息A—________.A. Either will doB. Yes, I like meatC. Yes, I like fishD. No, they are not my favorite45. —Do you prefer tea or coffee? 询问信息C—________A. Milk.B. Yes, I like tea.C. Coffee, please.D. None.46. —What do you think of my dress? 询问信息D—________.A. It’s on saleB. It’s a birthday present for youC. You really need oneD. It looks very good on you47. —Did you use to play the piano?询问信息B—________A. Yes, I do.B. No, I didn’t.C. Yes, I play it every day.D. No, I do.48. —What’s this in English?询问信息A—________A. It’s a map.B. This is a map.C. Yes, it’s a map.D. No, it isn’t.49. —________?询问信息A—I’m from Mexico.A. Where are you fromB. How do you come hereC. What’s your na meD. How far is it50. —What’s your father do?询问信息C—________.A. He is cleaning the streetB. He is fortyC. He is a farmerD. He is all right51. —Excuese me, is there any grocery store around here?询问信息B —Yes, ________on Pine street .It’s not far from here.A. you like itB. there is oneC. you’ll catch itD. it’s warm and foggy52. —Paul, ________? 询问信息B—Oh, that’s my father! And beside him, my mother.A. what is the person over thereB. who’s talking over thereC. what are they doingD. which is that53. —________C—He teaches physics in a school. 询问信息A. What does your father want to do?B. Who is your father?C. What is your father?D. Where is your father now?54. —________ 询问信息B—Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week.A. When did your parents arrive at Paris?B. How long have your parents been in Paris?C. Did your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday?D. When will your parents go to Paris?55. —How often do you go dancing?询问信息C—________A. I will go dancing tomorrow.B. Yesterday.C. Every other day.D. I’ve been dancing for a year.56. —Madam, do all the buses go downtown? 询问信息D—________A. Wow, you got the idea.B. No, never mind.C. Pretty well, I gue ss.D. Sorry, I’m new here.57. —How was your trip to London, Jane? 询问信息A— _______A. Oh, wonderful indeed.B. I went there alone.C. The guide showed me the way.D. By plane and by bus.58. —David injured his leg playing football yesterday. 询问信息C— Really? ______A. Who did that?B. What’s wrong with him?C. How did that happen?D. Why was he so careless?59. —Are you getting a new flat this year?询问信息B—_______ I can’t afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new flat.A. Without question.B. You must be joking.C. Good idea!D. Ar(七)求助与提供帮助60. —Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the post office? 求助及提供帮助D—________.A. You can’t miss itB. I don’t knowC. No, I can’tD. Sorry, but I am a stranger here myself61. —Could you help me put up the signs on the wall? 求助及帮助A—________.A. No problemB. I hope soC. that’s all rightD. That’s a good idea62. —Could I borrow your car for a few day? 求助及提供帮助C—________.A. Yes, you may borrowB. Yes, go onC. Sure, here you are. Enjoy your journeyD. It doesn’t matter63. —Could you help me with my physics, please? 求助及提供帮助D—________A. No, no way.B. No, I couldn’tC. No, I can’t.D. Sorry I can’t. I have to go to a meeting right now.64. —Could I borrow your car for a few days? 求助及提供帮助C—________A. Yes, you may borrow.B. Yes, go on.C. Sure, here you are. Enjoy your journey.D. It doesn’t matter.65. —What can I do for you? 求助及提供帮助A—________A. I want a kilo of pears.B. You can do in your own way.C. Thanks.D. Excuse me. I’m busy.66. —Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the post office? 求助及提供帮助B—________A. Don’t ask that.B. Sorry, I’m a stranger here.C. No, I can’t say that.D. No, you’re driving too fast.67. —Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office? 求助及提供帮助D—_______ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can’t miss it.A. I beg your pardon?B. What do you mean?C. You’re welcome.D. Mm, let me think.(八)问候68. —Nice day, ________?问候B—Yes, it is.A. is itB. isn’t itC. what’s itD. isn’t that69. —Happy New Year to you and your parents!问候D—________.A. Thank youB. You are happy, tooC. Yes, we are happyD. The same to you70. —Good morning, John. How are you doing? 问候C—________A. I’m pleased.B. Good nightC. Not so bad. And you?D. How do you do?71. —How are you today?问候A—________, thank you.A. FineB. GoodC. NiceD. Great72. —How do you do? 问候B—________A. Fine, thank you.B. How do you do?C. Not too bad.D. Very well.73. —Hi,Tom, how’s everything with you?问候B—________, and how are you?A. Don’t men tion itB. Hm, not too badC. ThanksD. Pretty fast74. —How is everything? 问候D—________A. Not at all.B. It was nothing.C. It doesn’t matter.D. Just so—so.75. —How are you? You look nice! 问候B—________.A. Thanks, so are youB. Thanks, so do youC. Yes, I doD. Yes, you are too 76.—Happy Teacher’s Day to you, Mr. Wang!问候A—________.A. Thank youB. All the sameC. Me, tooD. The same to you(九)感谢77. —Well done, Jim, You did very well in the high jump. 感谢C—_________.A. I’m glad to hear thatB. That’s right.C. Thank youD. The same to you78. —Thank you for helping me.感谢C—________.A. Don’t thank meB. You are welcome to meC. Not at allD. I’m glad to do it79. —Your dress is very beautiful. 感谢D—________I bought it yesterday.A. Oh, no.B. Oh, really?C. Just so—so, I think.D. Thank you.80. —Thank you for your great dinner. I really enjoyed it.感谢 A—________you enjoyed it.A. I’m so gladB. I’m sorryC. What a pityD. Surprisingly81. —Thank you so much for the coat you bought me. 感谢B—________.A. No thanksB. I’m glad you like itC. Please don’t say soD. No, it’s not so good82. —Thank you for your nice gifts.感谢A—________A. I’d glad you like it.B. No thanks.C. It’s very kind of you.D. I’m sorry to hear that.83. —Wow! This is a marvelous room! I’ve never known you’re so artistic. 感谢C— _______A. Great, I am very art—conscious.B. Don’t mention it.C. Thanks for your compliments.D. It’s fine.(十)祝愿与祝贺84. —Congratulations!You won the first prize in today’s speech contest.祝愿祝贺C —________.A. Yes, I beat the othersB. No, no, I didn’t do it wellC. Thank youD. It’s pleasure85. —Thank God. It’s Friday again. A nice weekend!祝愿及祝贺D—________.A. Me tooB. Yes, I’ll be free thenC. That’s all rightD. The same to you86. —Mike,I am going to skate in the mountains tomorrow. 祝愿祝贺C—Oh, really? ________A. Good luck.B. Great.C. Have a good time.D. Congratulations!87. —I’m going to take my entrance test tomorrow.祝愿祝贺A—________!A. Good luckB. CheersC. Come onD. Congratulations88. —I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A. 祝愿祝贺B—________A. Don’t worry about it.B. Congratulations!That’s a difficult course.C. Mr. Brown is very good.D. Good luck to you!89. —Congratulations! You won the first prize in today’s speech contest. 祝愿祝贺C— _______.A. Yes, I beat the others.B. No, no I didn’t do it well.C. Than k you.D. It’s a pleasure.90. —Tomorrow is my birthday. 祝愿祝贺C— _______A. Oh, I have no idea.B. I’m glad you like it.C. Many happy returns of the day!D. You must be very happy.91. —Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!祝愿祝贺B— _______ This is not the end of the world.A. Good luck.B. Cheer up.C. Go ahead.D. No problem.(十一)打电话92. —________?打电话B—This is Mr. Smith speaking now.A. Who are youB. Who is thatC. Who are you callingD. What do you want to say93. —Hello, I’m Harry Potter.打电话C—Hello, my name is Charles Green, but ________.A. call my CharlesB. call me at CharlesC. call me CharlesD. call Charles me94. —Who’s that speaking? 打电话C—This is Tom ________A. speaksB. spokenC. speakingD. saying95. —Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? 打电话C—________A. I’m listeningB. Oh, how are you?C. Speaking, please.D. I’m Don.96. —Hi, is Mary there, please? 打电话A— _______A. Hol d on. I’ll get her.B. No, she isn’t here.C. Yes, she lives here.D. Yes, what do you want?交际用语练习:1、-- Please help yourself to the seafood.-- ________A:No, I can't.B:Sorry, I can't help.C:Well, seafood don't suit.D:Thanks, but I don't like seafood.答案:D2、-- Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening?-- ________A:No, I already have plans.B:I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight.C:No, I really don't like being with you.D:I'm ill, so I shouldn't go out.答案:B3、-- Congratulations! You won the first prize in today's speech contest.-- ________A:Yes, I beat the others.B:No, no, I didn't do it well.C:Thank you.D:It's a pleasure.答案:C4、-- Must I take a taxi?-- No, you ________ . You can take my car.A:had better toB:don'tC:must notD:don't have to答案:D5、-- We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us? -- ________A:I'm afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.B:Of course not. I have no idea.C:No, I can't.D:That's all set.答案:A6、- How was your trip to London, Jane?- ___________A:Oh, wonderful indeed.B:I went there alone.C:The guide showed me the way.D:By plane and by bus.答案:A7、- Hey, Tom, what's up?- __________A:Yes, definitely!B:Oh, not much.C:What is happening in your life?D:You are lucky.答案:B8、- Do you mind my smoking here?- _______A:No, thanks.B:Yes, I do.C:Yes. I'd rather not.D:Good idea.答案:B9、- David injured his leg playing football yesterday.- Really? _______A:Who did that?B:What's wrong with him?C:How did that happen?D:Why was he so careless?答案:C10、- This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.- _______A:You may ask for help.B:I'll give you a hand.C:Please do me a favor.D:I'd come to help.答案:B11、- I wonder if I could use your computer tonight?- ___________ I'm not using it right now.A:Sure, go ahead.B:I don't know.C:It doesn't matter.D:Who cares?答案:A12、- Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?- __________ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can't miss it. A:I beg your pardon?B:What do you mean?C:You're welcome.D:Mm, let me think.答案:D13、- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic. - ______A:Great, I am very art-conscious.B:Don't mention it.C:Thanks for your compliments.D:It's fine.答案:C14、- Is it possible for you to work late tonight?- _______A:I like it.B:I'll do that.C:I'd love to.D:I think so.答案:D15、- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!- _______ This is not the end of the world.A:Good luck.B:Cheer up.C:Go ahead.D:No problem.答案:B16、- That's a beautiful dress you have on!- __________A:Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday.B:Sorry, it's too cheap.C:Hey you can have it.D:See you later.答案:A17、- Why didn't you come to my birthday party yesterday?- ________A:Excuse me, my friend sent me a flower.B:Fine, I never go to birthday parties.C:Ha…ha, I like swimming.D:Sorry, but my wife had a car accident.答案:D18、- Hi, welcome back! Have a nice trip?- ____________.A:Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, and sunshine every dayB:Come on, I've got lots of funC:By the way, I don't like SaturdaysD:Well, I'll look forward to your phone call答案:A19、- Haven't seen you for ages! What are you busy with now? - _____________A:I hate the weather here.B:My hair is getting a bit longer.C:Yeah, thanks for coming.D:I am working part time in a bookshop, you know.答案:D20、- Marilyn, I'm afraid I have to be leaving now.- ____________A:That sounds wonderful.B:Oh, so early?C:Not at all.D:Good luck!答案:B21、-- May I use your bike for a moment?-- ________A:It's well.B:It doesn't matter.C:By all means.D:I have no idea.答案:C22、-- How do you do? Glad to meet you.-- _________A:Fine. How are you?B:How do you do? Glad to meet you, too.C:How are you? Thank you!D:Nice. How are you?答案:B23、-- Hi, is Mary there, please?-- _____A:Hold on. I'll get her.B:No, she isn't here.C:Yes, she lives here.D:Yes, what do you want?答案:A24、-- Would you mind changing seats with me?-- ________A:Yes, you can.B:Of course, I like to.C:No, I don't mind.D:Certainly, please do.答案:C25、-- Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? -- ________A:I'd rather stay here if you don't mind.B:Sorry, I don't like neither.C:Certainly, why not?D:Yes, we like these two places.答案:A26、-- Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week.A:When did your parents arrive in Paris?B:How long have your parents been in Paris?C:Did your parents arrive in Paris last Wednesday?D:When will your parents go to Paris?答案:B27、- How often do you go dancing?-A:I will go dancing tomorrow.B:Yesterday.C:Every other day.D:I've been dancing for a year.答案:C28、- Hello, may I talk to the director now?- _________A:Sorry, he is busy at the moment.B:No, you can't.C:Sorry, you can't.D:I don't know.答案:A29、- How about going to dinner at the Mexican restaurant tonight?-A:Forget it.B:Sorry, I like Mexican food.C:That's great!D:Glad you like it.答案:C30、- Madam, do all the buses go downtown?-A:Wow, you got the idea.B:No, never mind.C:Pretty well, I guess.D:Sorry, I'm new here.答案:D31、I'm going to Beijing next week, you know it's one of the most beautiful cities in China. - _____________________.A:Enjoy yourselfB:It's a pleasureC:Good luckD:very good答案:A32、Our class won the girls' relay race in our school's sports meeting.- _____________________A:That's right.B:Thanks a lot.C:Congratulations!D:It's a pleasure.答案:C33、Jim, please don't put your head out of the window on the bus. It's dangerous!- _____________________A:Good idea.B:Sorry, I won't do it again.C:It doesn't matter.D:It's good.答案:B34、When did you move to America?- _____________________A:Three years ago.B:About three years.C:Next year.D:This year.答案:A35、Don't forget to come to my party this evening!- _____________________A:I can't.B:I won't.C:I don't.D:I will.答案:B36、Did you use to play the piano?- _____________________A:Yes, I do.B:No, I didn't.C:Yes, I play it every day.D:No, I do.答案:B37、What would you like to drink?- _____________________A:Thanks a lot.B:Be quick.C:A glass of milk, please.D:I'm sorry.答案:C38、How much is that meat, please?- _____________________A:Ten o'clock.B:Ten yuan a kilo.C:I like it very much.D:I don't like.答案:B39、Where is Kate?- _____________________A:She's in England.B:She's from London.C:She's a nurse in England.D:She is English.答案:A40、-Could I borrow your car, please? -______________________A:Good idea.B:No hurry.C:With pleasure.D:No surprise.答案:C41、I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. - _____________________A:It doesn't matter.B:Forget it.C:My pleasure.D:It's nice of you.答案:A42、I missed yesterday's football final. - _____________________A:It's a good idea.B:What a pity!C:Remember to bring it next time. D:I'm glad to hear that.答案:B43、Do you prefer tea or coffee?- _____________________A:Milk.B:Yes, I like tea.C:Coffee, please.D:None.答案:C44、Let's have a picnic by the West Lake.- _____________________A:Never mind.B:That's all right.C:Good idea.D:You're lucky.答案:C45、-How soon will your father fly to New York?-_____________________A:At 7.00 am.B:Last week.C:In three days.D:Twice a year.答案:C二、阅读理解阅读理解一Passage 1Very few people were coming to eat at the White Rose Restaurant, and its owner didn't know what to do. The food in his restaurant was cheap and good, but nobody seemed to want to eat there.Then he did something that changed all that, and in a few weeks his restaurant was always full of men and their lady friends. Whenever a gentleman came with a lady, a smiling waiter gave each of them a beautiful menu. The menus looked exactly the same on the outside, but there was an important difference inside. The menu that the waiter handed to the man gave the correct price for each dish and each bottle of wine; while the menu that he handed to the lady gave a much higher price! So when the man calmly ordered dish after dish and wine after wine, the lady thought he was much more generous than he really was!1. The waiter gave a beautiful menu to the guests when a gentleman and his lady friend came into the restaurant.A.TB. F2. The menus for the guests were the same on the outside but different inside.A.TB. F3. The male guest could remain calm when he ordered dish after dish because he was rich.A.TB. F4. The lady thought of her friend very generous after a meal at this restaurant.A.TB. F5. The story mainly suggests that people like to go to expensive restaurants.A.TB. F答案:B A B A BPassage 2Mr. White lived in a small village. His parents hadn't enough money to send him to school. He had to help them to do something in the fields. But he didn't like to live in the poor place. When he was sixteen, he got to the town and found work in a factory. Three years later he became tall and strong. So he was sent to Africa as a soldier. He stayed there for five years and got some money. Then he came back to England and bought a shop in a small town. No people in the town went to Africa except him. And he hoped they thought he was a famous man and that they could respect him. The children often asked him to tell them some stories and his life in Africa.One day a few children asked him to tell them something about the animals in Africa. He told them how he fought with the tigers and elephants. His stories surprised them all and some policemen and workers went to listen to him. It made him happier. Just a man who taught geography in a middle school passed there. He stopped to listen to him for a while and then said, "Could you please tell us a rare animal, sir?""Certainly," said Mr. Turner. "One day I met a rhinoceros(犀牛)by a river…""Please wait a minute, sir," said the man. "There aren't any rhinoceros in Africa at all!""It's rare just because there aren't any!"6. Mr. White was born in a farmer's family.A.TB. F7. Mr. White hoped to be respected because he was the richest man in their town.A.TB. F8. The children often asked him to tell them something interesting because he knew more than any other person in the town.A.TB. F9. All people believed Mr. White except the children.A.TB. F10. Mr. White wouldn't like to admit that he was wrong.A.TB. F答案:A B A B APassage 3We are busy talking about and using the Internet,but how many of us know the history of the Internet?Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time,computers were large and expensive. Computer network didn't work well. If one computer in the network broke down,then the whole network stopped. So a new network system had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working,information could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system would keep on working on the time.At first the Internet was only used by the government,but in the early 1970s,universities,hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too. However,computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s,computers became cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software that made "surfing"in the Internet more convenient.Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students.The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people's life.。
大学英语b试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is NOT a fruit?A. AppleB. CarrotC. OrangeD. Banana答案:B2. The verb "to be" in the present tense is used as:A. An action verbB. A linking verbC. A modal verbD. A helping verb答案:B3. The phrase "break a leg" is commonly used to:A. Wish someone good luckB. Say someone has injured their legC. Ask someone to sit downD. Tell someone to stop dancing答案:A4. In English grammar, what is the term for a group of words that functions as a single unit?A. ClauseB. PhraseC. SentenceD. Conjunction答案:B5. Which of the following is an example of a compound sentence?A. She is smart and beautiful.B. She is smart.C. She is smart, but she is not beautiful.D. She is smart; she is beautiful.答案:C6. The word "peruse" means:A. To glance over quicklyB. To read thoroughlyC. To ignoreD. To skim答案:B7. What tense is used in the sentence, "I have been working here for three years"?A. Present perfectB. Past perfectC. Future perfectD. Present continuous8. The preposition "at" is used to indicate:A. TimeB. PlaceC. DirectionD. Condition答案:A9. Which of the following is a countable noun?A. WaterB. FurnitureC. AdviceD. Bread答案:D10. The word "facetious" means:A. SeriousB. HumorousC. AngryD. Sad答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The opposite of "happy" is ________.答案:sad2. The past tense of "run" is ________.3. The comparative form of "big" is ________.答案:bigger4. The phrase "a piece of cake" means something is ________. 答案:easy5. The word "meticulous" means being very ________.答案:careful6. The word "disregard" means to ________.答案:ignore7. The word "innovate" means to ________.答案:introduce new ideas or methods8. The word "antidote" is used to describe a ________.答案:remedy for poison9. The word "candid" means being ________.答案:frank10. The word "meticulous" means being very ________.答案:careful三、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)阅读以下短文,并回答后面的问题。
以下是一个文档的基本框架:大学英语B科目2020年9月全国网络统考复资料一、考试概述1.1 考试科目大学英语B科目1.2 考试时间2020年9月1.3 考试形式全国网络统考二、考试内容2.1 听力部分- 短对话- 长对话- 短文理解- 填空题2.2 阅读理解部分- 人物传记- 社会、文化、科技等方面的文章- 篇章结构分析- 词汇理解2.3 写作部分- 短文写作- 作文题目涉及日常生活、一般常识等方面- 要求观点明确、条理清楚、语法正确、表达流畅2.4 翻译部分- 中译英- 英译中三、复策略3.1 听力复- 熟悉各类听力题型- 多听、多练,提高听力水平3.2 阅读复- 扩大词汇量- 提高阅读速度和理解能力- 研究篇章结构分析方法3.3 写作复- 练各类作文题目- 研究写作技巧,提高写作水平3.4 翻译复- 研究英汉两种语言的表达惯- 提高翻译准确性和表达能力四、模拟试题与答案解析4.1 听力部分{听力题目}{听力答案解析}4.2 阅读理解部分{阅读题目}{阅读答案解析}4.3 写作部分{作文题目}{作文答案解析}4.4 翻译部分{翻译题目}{翻译答案解析}您可以根据这个框架进行修改和补充,希望对您的复有所帮助。
大学英语B仿真模拟题二十第一部分:交际用语(共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分)此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出正确选项。
1. —Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?—_____________ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can’t miss it.A. I beg your pardon?B. What do you mean?C. You’ re welcome.D. Mm, let me think.2. —Is it possible for you to work late tonight?—_____________A. I like it.B. I’ll do that.C. I’d love to.D. I think so.3. —Doctor, I don’t feel well.—_____________A. You are fine.B. It doesn’t matter.C. What’s the matter?D. Don’t take it seriously.4. — This is Bill speaking. May I speak to Mr. Smith?— __________. Here he comes.A. Yes, speaking.B. Don’t go away.C. Go ahead.D. Hold on.5. —Paul, this is my friend, Ann.—______________.A. Very well, thank youB. How do you like the party?C. Glad to meet you, Jack.D. Glad to meet you, Ann.第二部分:阅读理解(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分)此部分共有2篇短文,在第一篇短文后有5个正误判断题,从每题后的两个选项中选出正确答案;在第二篇短文后有5个问题。
2020大学英语b统考试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. What is the man going to do?A) Buy a new carB) Sell his old carC) Fix his old carD) Trade his old car for a new one答案:C2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A) In a restaurantB) In a libraryC) In a classroomD) In a museum答案:A3. What does the woman mean?A) She is satisfied with the new job.B) She is not sure about the new job.C) She is worried about the new job.D) She is looking forward to the new job.答案:B二、阅读理解(共30分)Passage 1The rise of the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and learn. It has also transformed the way we shop, with online shopping becoming increasingly popular. According to a recent survey, more than 70% of consumers prefer to shop online due to the convenience and variety it offers.4. What is the main topic of the passage?A) The history of the internetB) The impact of the internet on shoppingC) The advantages of online shoppingD) The disadvantages of online shopping答案:B5. What percentage of consumers prefer online shopping?A) 50%B) 60%C) 70%D) 80%答案:CPassage 2In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the effects of climate change on global ecosystems. Many scientists argue that human activities, such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels, are contributing to the problem. However, some people believe that climate change is a natural process and not solely caused by human actions.6. What is the passage mainly about?A) The causes of climate changeB) The effects of climate change on ecosystemsC) The debate over the causes of climate changeD) The solutions to climate change答案:C7. What do some people think about climate change?A) It is a natural processB) It is caused by human activitiesC) It is a result of deforestationD) It is a result of burning fossil fuels答案:A三、完形填空(共20分)In the past, people used to think that the Earth was flat. However, today we know that the Earth is round. This changein understanding was due to the discoveries made by explorers and scientists. They provided evidence that the Earth is a sphere.8. What did people used to think about the shape of the Earth?A) It was roundB) It was flatC) It was squareD) It was triangular答案:B9. What caused the change in understanding about the Earth's shape?A) The discoveries made by explorers and scientistsB) The invention of the telescopeC) The development of space travelD) The creation of maps答案:A10. What do we know about the Earth today?A) It is flatB) It is roundC) It is squareD) It is triangular答案:B四、翻译(共15分)11. 请将以下句子翻译成英文:“随着科技的发展,人们的生活变得越来越方便。
2020b级英语考试真题及答案2020b level English exam questions and answersPart 1: Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions.The Industrial Revolution was a period of major industrialization that took place during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It brought about significant changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology. This period marked a major turning point in human history, as people transitioned from agrarian societies to industrial ones.Question 1: What was the Industrial Revolution?Answer: The Industrial Revolution was a period of major industrialization that took place during the late 18th and early 19th centuries.Question 2: What areas were affected by the Industrial Revolution?Answer: The Industrial Revolution brought about significant changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology.Question 3: Why was the Industrial Revolution considered a major turning point in human history?Answer: The Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in human history as people transitioned from agrarian societies to industrial ones.Part 2: VocabularyChoose the correct word to complete the sentence.1. The __________ of the new technology had a significant impact on the industry.a) implementationb) innovationc) integrationd) inauguration2. The company is known for its commitment to __________ practices.a) sustainableb) substantialc) detrimentald) detrimentalPart 3: WritingWrite a short essay (100-150 words) on the following topic:"The impact of technology on modern society."The advancement of technology has had a profound impact on modern society. From communication to transportation, technology has revolutionized the way we live and work. With the rise of smartphones and the internet, people can now connect with others from around the world instantly. Additionally, technological advancements have made transportation faster and more efficient, allowing people to travel long distances in a short amount of time. Overall, technology has greatly improved our quality of life and continues to shape the way we interact with the world around us.Part 4: Listening ComprehensionListen to the following audio clip and answer the questions.Question 1: What is the main topic of the audio clip?Answer: The main topic of the audio clip is the impact of climate change on the environment.Question 2: According to the speaker, what are some of the consequences of climate change?Answer: According to the speaker, some of the consequences of climate change include rising sea levels and extreme weather events.Overall, the 2020b level English exam covered a range of topics including reading comprehension, vocabulary, writing, and listening comprehension. Students were required to demonstrate their understanding of various aspects of the English language and its application in real-world situations. With adequate preparation and practice, students were able to successfully navigate through the exam and showcase their English proficiency.。
2020年7月大学英语B统考题库 网考大学英语B真题
一、交际英语1.- How is your headache?- _________A.Not at all.B.Better now.C.Thank you.D.Nothing special.答案:B2.- We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?- ________A.I'm afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.B.Of course not. I have no idea.C.No, I can't.D.That's all set.答案:A3.- Do you mind my smoking here?- _______A.No, thanks.B.Yes, I do.C.Yes. I'd rather not.D.Good idea.答案:B4.- How are you, Bob?-________A.How are you?B.I'm fine. Thank you.C.How do you do?D.Nice to meet you.答案:B5.- Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?- ______Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can't miss it.A.I beg your pardon?B.What do you mean?C.You're welcome.D.Mm, let me think.答案:D远程教育、网络教育大学英语B、计算机应用基础统考辅导整套题库,精心整理归类,全中文翻译,视频教程讲解,零基础一次通过,索取请加QQ:153499368二、阅读理解This story is about a young man. (这个故事是关于一个年轻人。
选择题(每题四个选项,选出一个最佳答案)The teacher asked the students to ______ their homework before class.A. hand inB. hand outC. hand overD. hand onIt is important for us to ______ a healthy lifestyle.A. liveB. leadC. haveD. carryHe ______ me his address and asked me to visit him someday.A. gaveB. sentC. showedD. tookThe film is ______ boring. I can't watch it anymore.A. very muchB. so muchC. a little bitD. a lot of______ is known to all, the earth revolves around the sun.A. AsB. ItC. ThatD. What填空题(根据句意填写合适的单词或短语)I __________ (喜欢) listening to music in my free time.She __________ (决定) to go abroad for further study.The __________ (天气) was fine yesterday, so we went for a picnic.He __________ (忘记) to bring his umbrella and got wet in the rain. She __________ (建议) that we should have a meeting next week.简答题(根据问题回答)Describe your daily routine.What is the importance of learning a foreign language?How do you usually spend your weekends?What are the main challenges you face in learning English?Discuss the benefits of reading books.。
2020年全国大学生英语竞赛真题2020 National College English Competition QuestionsIntroduction:The 2020 National College English Competition was a highly anticipated event among university students across the country. As an annual competition that tests participants' English language skills, this competition aimed to enhance students' proficiency in English and promote cultural exchange. In this article, we will take a closer look at the questions from the competition and discuss the significance of such contests for students.Question 1: Listening ComprehensionThe first section of the competition tested students' listening comprehension skills. Participants were required to listen to a series of recorded conversations and answer questions based on what they heard. This section aimed to assess students' ability to grasp spoken English, understand various accents, and extract important information from the conversations. Listening comprehension is a fundamental skill in language learning, as it helps improve overall language proficiency and communication abilities.Question 2: Reading ComprehensionThe second section of the competition focused on reading comprehension. Students were given a set of passages to read, followed by multiple-choice questions that assessed their understanding of the texts. This section aimed to evaluate students' reading skills, including their ability to comprehend the main ideas, infer meaning from context, and analyze theprovided information. Reading comprehension is crucial for both academic and everyday purposes, as it enables individuals to absorb information, expand their knowledge, and enhance critical thinking skills.Question 3: Vocabulary and GrammarThe third section of the competition delved into vocabulary and grammar. Participants were tested on their knowledge of English vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, collocations, and grammar rules. This section aimed to evaluate students' language accuracy and proficiency in using vocabulary and grammar structures effectively. A strong foundation in vocabulary and grammar is essential for language learners as it allows them to communicate more accurately and fluently.Question 4: WritingThe final section of the competition required students to write an essay on a given topic. This section aimed to assess participants' writing skills, coherence, and ability to express ideas clearly in English. It provided students with an opportunity to showcase their creativity, critical thinking, and knowledge of the English language. Writing is an essential skill in academic and professional settings, and competitions like this encourage students to refine their writing abilities.Conclusion:The 2020 National College English Competition provided students with a platform to showcase their English language proficiency and compete with their peers across the nation. By testing various language skills such as listening, reading, vocabulary, grammar, and writing, the competition aimedto encourage students' continual improvement and foster a love for the English language among participants. Competitions like these play a crucial role in motivating students to enhance their English language skills, promoting cultural exchange, and preparing them for future academic and professional endeavors.参考译文:导言:2020年全国大学生英语竞赛是全国各大学生翘首以待的盛事。
Part III—Task 2
This is a time of science technology change, the disappearance of class difference and eaual educatioanl opportunities for everyone. Many old fashioned ideas about what children should do in life are no longer highly regarded. Apart from the traditional academic careers in science, medicine, law , and the arts, we also need skilled technians, technologists, and businessmen.
29. He has been to the United States for five years and is used to ____ (live) there.
30.Every one knows the _____(important) of learning a foreign language.
35. Jack found it difficult _____ (complete) the task within an hour.
to complete
Part III—Reading Comprehension Task 1
题库考题:一.询问(问路问询事务,时间,天气等)1、What is she?她是做什么的?-_______A She is a typist. 她是一个打字员。
2.-Excuse me. But I’m a bit lost. Can I go from here to the Fox’s?打扰一下,我有点迷路了。
请问佛科斯怎么走?-___________B Yes, go down 2 blocks and turn right直走再走两个街区然后右转就到了。
3.-how was your final exam?你期末考试怎么样?C I am not sure我没把握。
4.-Is that seat taken?那个位子有人坐吗?-________B I don’t think so我想没有。
5.-_________你怎么啦?-I’m suffering from a stomachache.我胃有点不舒服。
D What’s the matter with you?6.-May I borrow those magazines?我能借那些报刊吗?-_____You may keep them for two weeks.你能借用两个星期。
B By all means.当然可以。
7.-What’s the matter with you?你怎么啦?-________C I don’t feel well.我有点不舒服。
8.-How do l go to the cinema ?我怎么才能到电影院?-________ D. Go down this street and left.从这条街走下去然后左转。
大学英语B(中英文翻译参考试卷)一、交际英语1.-How do you go to work?你怎么去上班?-_________.A.I go to work every dayB.I don't go to work every dayC.By train乘火车D.By air答案:C2.-We'd like two Cokes, please.请给我们来两杯可乐。
- _________A.Small, medium or large?小杯、中杯还是大杯?B.You must pay first.C.Thank you.D.You are welcome.答案:A3.- Could you buy some salt on your way home?你能在回家的路上买些盐吗?- _______A.All right. 好的。
B.Is that all?C.Just a few.D.Let me see.答案:A4.- I've got your invitation. 我收到你的请柬了。
- Oh, good. ______太好了,你能来吗?A.Can you come?B.Thanks a lot.C.I'll take it.D.May I help you?答案:A5.- Would you be able to go to the party? 你能去参加晚会吗?-______.A.I don't expectB.I'm afraid not恐怕不行。
C.I don't think soD.I believe not答案:B二、阅读理解Do you know something about tree rings(年轮)? Do you know they can tell us what the weather was like, sometimes even hundreds of years ago?A tree will grow well in a climate with lots of sunshine and rainfall(雨量). And little sunshine or rainfall will limit(限制)the growth of a tree. We can see the change of climate by studying the tree rings. For example, to find out the weather of ten years ago, count the rings of a tree from the outside to the inside. If the tenth ring is far from the eleventh ring, then we're sure that it was sunny and rainy most of that year. If it is near to the eleventh ring, then the climate that year was bad.Tree rings are important not only for studying the history of weather but also for studying the history of man. Many centuries ago there live a lot of people at a place in New Mexico. But now you can find only sand there -no trees and no people. What happened?A scientist studied the rings of dead trees there. He found that the people had to leave because they had cut down all the trees to make fires and buildings. As all the trees had gone, the people there had to move.你知道树的年轮吗?你知道他们能告诉我们几百年前的天气吗?树在多阳光多雨的气候中会长得很好。
年全国大学生英语竞赛样题(级)(Total:150marks Time:120minutes)Part I Listening Comprehension(30marks)Section A(5marks)In this section,you will hear five short conversations.Each conversation will be read only once.At the end of each conversation,one question will be asked,and you have fifteen seconds to read the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.1.A.Teacher and student. B.Employer and Employee.C.Doctor and patient.D.Travel agent and customer.2.A.A church. B.A shop. C.A museum. D.A park.3.A.At7a.m. B.At7p.m. C.At3a.m. D.At3p.m.4.A.40. B.160. C.80. D.20.5.A.He shouldn’t try to finish everything tonight.B.He should have enough sleep every day.C.He shouldn’t leave in the morning.D.He should finish the problems before midnight.Section B(10marks)In this section,you will hear two long conversations.Each conversation will be read only once.At the end of each conversation,there will be a one-minute pause.During the pause,read the questions and make your answers on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.Conversation OneListen to the conversation,mark each statement as either True(T)or False(F)according to what you hear.6.Both of them are tired after work.7.Television and videos are replacing trips to the cinema.8.The man wanted to veg out in front of the TV.9.The first film will be on at7o’clock p.m.10.It was the third time that the man pulled out with an injury.Conversation TwoListen to the conversation,mark each question as A,B,C or D according to what you hear.11.In which country was the woman born?A.The People’s Republic of China.B.The Federative Republic of Brazil.C.The United States of America.D.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.12.What did she do when she was eighteen?A.She left hometown.B.She left for work.C.She began to learn English.D.She began to learn Welsh.13.In what way do some people misread the location of Wales?A.England in Wales.B.Wales in England.C.Childhood home.D.Childhood experience.14.How often does the woman speak Welsh now?A.Every day.B.Once a month.C.Twice a week.D.Once a week.15.What language is used in the weekly papers?A.English.B.Cornish.C.Welsh.D.Gaulish.Section C(5marks)In this section,you will hear five short news items.Each item will be read only once.After each item, there will be a fifteen-second pause.During the pause,read the question and the four choices marked A, B,C and D,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.16.How long has the Nov11shopping spree continued?A.Less than10years.B.More than10years.C.Less than10months.D.More than10months.17.What activity ranks first in terms of the amount of time?A.Surfing the internet.B.Creating the magic.C.Sleeping.D.Embracing.18.What does the three-year saga indicate?A.A sigh of relief.B.An agreement in business.C.A long and complicated series of events.D.A delay to avoid the risk.19.What length will the high-speed rail be extended in six years?A.38,000km.B.29,000km.C.131,000km.D.175,000km.20.What method does the robot use to learn new things?A.Rubik’s Cube puzzles.B.Industry milestones.C.Physical games.D.Virtual simulations.Section D(10marks)In this section,you will hear two short passages.The passages will be read only once.After each passage, there will be a one-minute pause.During the pause,write the answers on the answer sheet. DictationListen to the passage.For question21-25,fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear. In balloon-like intercourse,the relationship is like a balloon,easy to blow larger but at the same time easy to(21).It breaks at a prick,and its beauty never lasts long.This is the(22)of present social intercourse of young people.It is easy for people to get to know each in social gatherings.They usually go there by themselves,but it is somewhat awkward without a companion,so they might add each other as good friends(23)and would chat cheerfully.But afterwards they may simply have no contact with each other.More and more young people have got used to“balloon-like social intercourse.”(24)follows quick chumming up.One needn’t be mindful in such communication,nor try to think ways to(25)such relations as they do not care when it breaks.You will lose if you are too serious about it.SummaryListen to the passage.For questions26-30,complete the notes using no more than three words for each blank.Soft power is the ability of a country to shape other countries’views,attitudes,perceptions and actions without force or(26).Exercising soft power,a state can attract supporters and partners towards its policies,views and actions.Its importance has been known(27),but the term was coined by Joseph Nye in the late1980s.The soft power of a country is dependent on many factors,including its economic performance,(28)and international reputation.It is often erroneously believed that China is a relative latecomer to soft power.But China has exercised soft power in different ways to the West,ways that have often been missed by Western experts,despite China(29)having influenced large parts of Asia with its culture,knowledge and trade.China has accumulated considerable soft power through its long history,culture and philosophy.These have been complemented by its(30)over the past four decades.Part II Vocabulary&Grammar(15marks)There are15incomplete sentences in this section.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.31.James Joyce was as the greatest writer of the20th century.A.salutedB.estimatedC.scaledD.measured32.Police have planned a reconstruction of the crime tomorrow in the hope that this will the memory of the passers-by.A.keepB.easeC.jogD.enhance33.Diamonds have little value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity.A.intricateB.intrinsicC.intriguingD.introspective34.At the moment she is the volleyball match between the Japanese team and the Chinese team over at the playing field.A.arbitratingB.interveningC.decidingD.refereeing35.Any time,any period of waiting is because you haven’t come and received the message.A.errorgckD.cut36.Prince Charles,the longest-waiting to the throne in British history,has spoken of his“impatience”to get things done.A.heirB.heirshipC.heritageD.heiress37.The number of stay-at-home fathers reached a record high last year,new figures show,as families saw an in female breadwinners.A.raiseB.riseC.ariseD.increase38.It has been revealed that nearly one in five degree courses has been since the tripling of tuition to£9,000a year.A.scratchedB.scrapedC.scrappedD.scrabbled39.Microsoft founder Bill Gates has about being a parent,stating that13is an appropriate age fora child’s first cell phone.A.taken upB.opened upC.put upD.held up40.Packed like sardines into sweaty,claustrophobic subway carriages,passengers can barely breathe, move about freely.A.but forB.as well asC.let aloneD.not mentioning41.It’s amazing that two researchers working independently made the same discovery.A.spontaneouslyB.simultaneouslyC.collaborativelyD.conscientiously42.These melodious folk songs are generally to Smith,a very important musician of the century.A.devotedB.contributedposedD.ascribed43.—You say different animals need different amounts of territory.Could you give us some specificexamples,Lisa?—Yes,I’ve got information about four animals;that’s the polar bear,lion,grizzly bear and snow leopard. The scientists looked at the average territory these animals had in the wild.And the results were pretty amazing.For example,it that a polar bear has an average territory of around79,000 square kilometres!—Did you say79,000?—Yes.That’s what the report says.A.turned aroundB.turned outC.turned inD.turned off44.—Hi,John,I’ve just heard that there’s a staff meeting at four o’clock.—I wasn’t told about the meeting.?—Yes,you do.Apparently it’s for the whole department.A.Do I have to go as wellB.Do you have a momentC.Can you explain that againD.Can you tell me where to go45.—I think we’re all here now.Sara,you’re doing a presentation on a medical topic.You said you’d liketo start by mentioning a few important medical treatments which have been developed in the last hundred or so.What’s the first?—The first is penicillin,which was discovered in1928.At first nobody realized.Then a few years later,scientists decided to try using penicillin on laboratory mice.That’s how they that penicillin can successfully kill many serious infections.A.how a lethal dose of radiation could be exceededB.how it caused my toothacheC.how it could be usedD.how it could be infectedPart III Cloze(10marks)Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word.Choose the correct word in one of the following three ways:according to the context,by using the correct form of the given word,or by using the given letter(s)of the word.Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.“Nothing more than ash and bones.”That grimdescription of how some victims were found underscoresthe horror of the wildfires that(46)swe throughand devastated Northern California.At least38peoplewere killed,including a14-year-old boy found dead inthe driveway of the home he was trying to flee,a28-year-woman confined to a wheelchair and a couple who recently had(47)(celebrate)their75th anniversary.In addition to the lives lost,approximately 5,700homes and businesses were destroyed,including entire neighborhoods turned into smoldering ruins. Some220,000acres,(48)(include)prized vineyards,have been scorched,and the danger is not over,as some fires are still burning and officials fear the return of winds could spread more catastrophes. Fire season is part of life in California,something that residents know and prepare(49)after the hot,dry summer months.But the events that began last Sunday have been unprecedented,and so the question that must be confronted is what caused the deadliest week of wildfires in the state’s history. Gov.Jerry Brown(D)pointed the finger at climate change.“With a warming climate,dry weather and reducing(50)moi,these kinds of catastrophes have happened and will continue to happen and we have to be ready to mitigate,and it’s going to cost a lot of money,”he said last week.No single fire can be specifically linked to climate change,and certainly other factors,such as increased development or logging and(51)(graze)activities,are involved.But scientists say there is a clear(52)con between global warming and the increase in recent years in the severity and frequency of wildfires in the West.“Climate(53)is kind of turning up the dial on everything,”expert LeRoy Westerling told CBS News.“Dry periods become more extreme.Wet periods become more extreme.”While California prepares for what promises to be an arduous rebuilding,Texas,Florida,Puerto Rico and other places hit by this year’s unprecedented back-to-back-to-back hurricanes are still mopping up and,in Puerto Rico’s case,just beginning to rebuild.So it would seem to be a natural time to talk about the possible role climate change(54)pl in these disasters and about measures the nation should be taking to slow global warming.Instead,we have an administration that refuses even to consider the(55) (possible)of a connection,much less talk about solutions.Worse,it is taking steps in the wrong direction:pulling out of the Paris climate accord,reversing rules on power plant emissions,staffing key agencies with climate-change deniers.Sadly,that will increase the likelihood and frequency of tragedies such as the fires in California’s wine country.Part IV Reading Comprehension(30marks)There are three passages in this part.Each passage is followed by several questions.Respond to the questions using information from the passage.Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet. Section A(10marks)Questions56to60are based on the following passage.During his lifetime,Johann Strauss Jr.(1825-1899)was one of the most popular composers in his nativecity of Vienna.Although it has been over a centurysince his death,his renown continues unabated.Eventhe most uninterested tourist in Vienna would find itdifficult to avoid Strauss Jr.altogether.The officialwebsite of the city includes a twenty-four-hourwebcam that features the statue of the composer.Asyou board an Austrian Airlines flight,the waltzes of Strauss Jr.play.In Vienna’s first district,where many of the city’s historical buildings are located,dozens of sales people dressed in replica eighteenth-century costumes sell tickets to go hear concerts prominently featuring Strauss Jr.waltzes along with Mozart andother Austrian favorites.Even a walk around the main thorough-fare,the Ringstrasse,includes the gleaming gold statue of Strauss Jr.in the Stadtpark–the same statue featured on the city’s webcam. But the Strauss Jr.phenomenon is no mere show for visitors.Key Viennese events also incorporate his compositions,such as the annual New Year’s Concert held at Vienna’s Musikverein and the many balls that take place around the city before Lent.Because it has become so common place,it is easy to think of the Strauss waltz as a kitschy memento from a by gone era,one that offers little commentary on social or political events.However,a more careful look beneath this ephemeral surface reveals a complex history intertwining this repertoire and Vienna.To claim that the Strauss family wrote the most Austrian of Austrian music might appear to be an exaggeration.After all,Austriahas been called“the land of music”because of the contributions fromits many illustrious composers.Yet at the same time,Austria is by no means the only nation to make such a claim.Germans also have great pride in their musical heritage,a tradition that can be dated back to the early years of the eighteenth century.Music is just one of many cultural traits that the two nations have in common,and such ambiguities caused considerable difficulties as Austrians attempted to create a cohesive national identity.The concept of modern-day Austria itself is a twentieth-century one.Prior to the Habsburg collapse in1918there was no desire to create a separate nation of the German-speaking regions. Indeed,this idea would be contrary to the central tenet of nationalism:ethnic groups,delineated throughshared culture,should occupy their own nguage was often considered the best indicator of where boundaries should be since it was viewed as a fundamental expression of culture.In this model, the only logical solution was to merge Germany and Austria together,an idea that failed to gain much interest during the nineteenth century.Questions56to60Fill in the blanks below with information from the passage,using no more than three words for each blank.Biography of Johann Strauss Jr.On the official(56)people can notice the statue of Strauss.In Vienna’s first district many of the city’s(57)are located.One of the main events at Vienna’s Musikverein is the annual(58). Austrians and Germans share the same inherited character,which is(59).(60)was regarded as the most significant sign of border lines.Section B(10marks)Questions61to65are based on the following passage.People have been painting pictures for atleast30,000years.The earliest pictureswere painted by people who hunted animals.They used to paint pictures of the animalsthey wanted to catch and kill.Pictures ofthis kind have been found on the walls ofcaves in France and Spain.No one knowswhy they were painted there.Perhaps thepainters thought that their pictures would help them to catch these animals.Or perhaps human beings have always wanted to tell stories in pictures.About5,000years ago the Egyptians and other people in the Near East began to use pictures as a kind of writing.They drew simple pictures or signs to represent things and ideas,and also to represent the sounds of their language.The signs these people used became a kind of alphabet.The Egyptians used to record information and to tell stories by putting picture-writing and pictures together.When an important person died,scenes and stories from his life were painted and carved on the walls of the place where he was buried.Some of these pictures are like modern comic-strip stories.It has been said that Egypt is the home of the comic strip.But,for the Egyptians,pictures still had magic power. So they did not try to make their way of writing simple.The ordinary people could not understand it. By the year1,000BC,people who lived in the area around the Mediterranean Sea had developed a simpler system of writing.The signs they used were very easy to write,and there were fewer of them than in the Egyptian system.This was because each sign,or letter,represented only one sound in their language. The Greeks developed this system and formed the letters of the Greek alphabet.The Romans copied the idea,and the Roman alphabet is now used all over the world.These days,we can write down a story,or record information,without using pictures.But we still need pictures of all kinds:drawings,photographs,signs and diagrams.We find them everywhere:in books and newspapers,in the street,and on the walls of the places where we live and work.Pictures help us to understand and remember things more easily,and they can make a story much more interesting.Questions61to65Answer the following questions with the information given in the passage.61.Where did people find the earliest pictures?62.When did the Egyptians start to use pictures as a kind of writing?63.What do the stories painted about an important person look like?64.Which sentence denotes the Romans’imitation?65.In what way can the pictures help us nowadays?Section C(10marks)Questions66to70are based on the following passage.Information technology that helps doctors andpatients make decisions has been around for along time.Crude online tools like WebMD getmillions of visitors a day.But Watson is a differentbeast.According to IBM,it can digest informationand make recommendations much more quickly,and more intelligently,than perhaps any machinebefore it–processing up to60million pages of text per second,even when that text is in the form of plain old prose,or what scientists call“natural language.”That’s no small thing,because something like80percent of all information is“unstructured.”In medicine,it consists of physician notes dictated into medical records,long-winded sentences published in academic journals,and raw numbers stored online by public-health departments.At least in theory,Watson can make sense of it all.It can sit in on patient examinations,silently listening.And over time,it can learn and get better at figuring out medical problems and ways of treating them the more it interacts with real cases.Watson even has the ability to convey doubt.When it makes diagnoses and recommends treatments, it usually issues a series of possibilities,each with its own level of confidence attached. Medicine has never before had a tool quite like this.And at an unofficial coming-out party in Las Vegas last year,during the annual meeting of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, more than1,000professionals packed a large hotel conference hall,and an overflow room nearby,to hear a presentation by Marty Kohn,and emergency-room physician and a clinical leader of the IBM team training Watson for health care.Standing before a video screen that dwarfed his large frame,Kohn described in hishusky voice how Watson could be a game changer–not just in highly specialized fields like oncology but also in primary care,given that all doctors can make mistakes that lead to costly,sometimes dangerous, treatment errors.Drawing on his own clinical experience and on academic studies,Kohn explained that about one-third of these errors appear to be products of misdiagnosis,one cause of which is“anchoring bias”:human beings’tendency to rely too heavily on a single piece of information.This happens all the time in doctors’offices,clinics,and emergency rooms.A physician hears about two or three symptoms,seizes on a diagnosis consistent with those,and subconsciously discounts evidence that points to something else.Or a physician hits upon the right diagnosis,but fails to realize that it’s incomplete,and ends up treating just one condition when the patient is,in fact,suffering from several.Tools like Watson are less prone to those failings.As such,Kohn believes,they may eventually become as ubiquitous in doctors’offices as the stethoscope.“Watson fills in for some human limitations,”Kohn told me in an interview.“Studies show that humans are good at taking a relatively limited list of possibilities and using that list,but are far less adept at using huge volumes of information.That’s where Watson shines;taking a huge list of information and winnowing it down.”Questions66to70Complete the summary below with information from the passage,using no more than three words for each blank.Watson is an intelligent computer that helps doctors(66).But to talk with the patient is beyond Watson’s ability.It can sit in on patient examinations,silently(67).Marty Kohn,an(68) physician,expressed optimism for Watson.“Anchoring bias”is(69)to be committed by Watson.A physician hits upon the right diagnosis,but fails to realize that it’s incomplete,and ends up treating just one condition when the patient is,in fact,(70)several.Tools like Watson as a shining star are less prone to those failings.Part V Translation(15marks)Section A(5marks)Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.71.China has become an indispensable global player.Yet in the West,the dominant narrative has failed to understand that this does not mean that China has become Westernised.China is creating an alternative to the West.The West has not made a serious effort to understand a Chinese perspective,and to a great extent has not appreciated that an alternative understanding exists.Confucius said:“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.”The West,with its Western-centric approach,through its ignorance and failure to understand China,has placed itself in peril of being left behind in a newly emerging world order.We see this ignorance in headlines in Western newspapers,in which the Western perspective is dominant.Section B(10marks)Translate the following sentences into English by using the hints given in brackets.Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.尽管因为这篇文章,英国文学被看作只是由讲英语者或者英伦三岛的居民所写的作品,但是,72.在一定程度上,文学是没有国界(frontiers)的,用英语撰写的作品尤其如此。
1. A) How are you? C) Mind your step .
B) Yes, I'm looking for a gift. D) No hurry at all.
2. A) A good job C) I know
B) Just call me D) 20 dollars
Conversation 1 15. A) Visit a friend.
C) See a movie.
16. A) A car. C) A camera.
B) Take a holiday. D) Attend a concert.
B) A bike. D) A printer.
Conversation 2 17. A) Send an entail.
Part I Listening Comprehension
Section. A 1. Can I help you, madam? 女士,需要我帮助吗? 【选项翻译】 A.你好吗?B.注意脚下C.是的,我想买一份礼物D.不急 【答案详解】 C.此题考察效劳应酬语的答复.肯定答复一般为Yes,并说明事由;否认答复一般为“No,
Now the passage will begin.
Ladies and gentlemen, our plane is flying smoothly now. The dutyfree sales will soon begin. Please 20 your list of purchases. In your seat pocket, you can find the Shopping on Board magazine. All prices are listed both in the local currency(货币) and in US dollars. And you can pay 21 or by using a credit card. We accept 22 major credit cards. Frequent passengers win points 23 on board. There are some excellent bargains and there are several items specially designed for our 24 . Thank you.
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大学英语B10一、交际英语1.-- How good the news is for you!-- ______________.A.You are kind to tell meB.I'm glad to see thatC.It's kind of you to say soD.It's nice to hear from you答案:C2.-What's the problem with your bike?- _________A.Not at all.B.Good, thank you.C.Nothing serious.D.Sure答案:C3.-How can I get to the cinema?-_________A.It's very far.B.Yes, there is a cinema near here.C.It's well known.D.Go down this street and turn left.答案:D4.- Who's speaking?- This is Tom ________.A.speaksB.spokenC.speakingD.saying答案:C5.- Could you help me with my physics, please?- ________A.No, no way.B.No, I couldn't.C.No, I can't.D.Sorry I can't. I have to go to a meeting right now.答案:D二、阅读理解Mr. Young ran his own business and worked very hard. His wife was afraid that he would get sick if he continued like that, so she often tried to get him to take a vacation. At last she managed to persuade him to do so, and she hoped that he would be able to enjoy his vacation without any disturbance, so before they left, Mrs. Young went to see her husband's secretary. She said to her, "My husband needs a vacation very much, so whatever happens, please don't bother him with telegrams and letters about business problems while we are away. Just wait till we get back."After Mr. and Mrs. Young had been away about a week, Mr. Young received a letter from his secretary which said, "Something terrible happened to your business, but I'm not going to bother you with it while you are enjoying your vacation."6.Mr. Young was the owner of a private business.A.TB.F答案:A7.Mrs. Young worried about her husband's business.A.TB.F答案:B8.Mrs. Young was afraid that her husband's vacation might be spoilt.A.TB.F答案:A9.The secretary didn't explain in her letter what had happened to Mr.Young's business, because she didn't want to spoil Mr. Young's vacation.A.TB.F答案:A10.You can learn from the story that Mr. Young had a stupid secretary.A.TB.F答案:AA characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition is to respect the self-made man - the man who has risen to the top through his own efforts, usually beginning by working with his hands. While the leader in business or industry or the college professor occupies a higher social position and commands greater respect in the community than the common laborer or even the skilled factory worker, he may take pains to point out that his father started life in America as a farmer or laborer of some sort.This attitude toward manual (体力的) labor is now still seen in many aspects of American life. One is invited to dinner at a home that is not only comfortably but even luxuriously (豪华地) furnished and in which there is every evidence of the fact that the family has been able to afford foreign travel, expensive hobbies, and college education for the children; yet the hostess probably will cook the dinner herself, will serve it herself and will wash dishes afterward; furthermore, the dinner will not consist merely of something quickly and easily assembled from contents of various cans and a cake or a pie bought at the nearby bakery. On the contrary, the hostess usually takes pride in careful preparation of special dishes. A professional may talk about washing the car, digging in his flowerbeds, painting the house. His wife may even help with these things, just as he often helps her with the dishwashing. The son who is away at college may wait on table and wash dishes for his living, or during the summer he may work with a construction gang on a highway in order to pay for his education.11.From Para. 1, we know that in America _________.A.people tend to have a high opinion of the self-made manB.people can always rise to the top through their won effortsC.college professors win great respect from common workersD.people feel painful to mention their fathers as labors答案:A12.According to the passage, the hostess cooks dinner herself mainly because _________.A.servants in America are hard to get.B.she takes pride in what she can do herselfC.she can hardly afford servantsD.it is easy to prepare a meal with canned food答案:B13.The underlined expression “wait on table” in Para. 2 means “_________”.A.work in a furniture shopB.keep accounts for a barC.wait to lay the tableD.serve customers in a restaurant答案:D14.The author’s attitude towards manual labor is _______.A.positiveB.negativeC.humorousD.critical答案:A15.Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?A.A Respectable Self-made FamilyB.American Attitude toward Manual LaborC.Characteristics of American CultureD.The Development of Manual Labor答案:B三、词汇与语法16.I saw that she was in difficulty with all those parcels, so I offered my_____.A.serviceB.moneyeD.chance答案:A17.I prefer classic music_____pop music.A.thanB.onC.withD.to答案:D18.- _______ is your girl friend like?- She is very kind and good-looking.A.HowB.WhatC.WhichD.Who答案:B19.There ________ a book and some magazines on the desk.A.isB.beC.haveD.has答案:A20.Measles(麻疹) ________ a long time to get over.A.spendB.spendsC.takeD.takes答案:D四、完型填空Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a __21__ shop, no assistant will come near to you and say, "Can I help you?" You needn't buy anything you don't want. You may try to find out __22__ the book you want is. But if you fail, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away. It seems that he is not interested in selling any book at all.There is a story which tells us about a good shop. A medical student __23__ a very useful book in the shop, but it was too expensive for him to buy. He couldn't get it from the library, either. So every afternoon, he went there to read __24__ at a time. One day, however, he couldn't find the book from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing to him. To his surprise, the assistant pointed to the book __25__, "I put it there so as not to be sold out," said the assistant. Then he left the student to go on with his reading.21.A.foundB.in a cornerC.whereD.goodE.a little答案:D22.A.foundB.in a cornerC.whereD.goodE.a little答案:C23.A.foundB.in a cornerC.whereD.goodE.a little答案:A24.A.foundB.in a cornerC.whereD.goodE.a little答案:E25.A.foundB.in a cornerC.whereD.goodE.a little答案:B五、英译汉26.He is always making excuses for being late.答案:他总是为他的迟到找借口。