
God will not treat hardworking people badly, nor will he sympathize with fake hardworking people. It knows howhard you work.简单易用轻享办公(页眉可删)小公主读后感15篇小公主读后感1《小公主》这本书讲述了一个十分聪明的小女孩,怎样由充满快乐和荣耀的顶峰,突然跌入了不幸与苦难的深渊。

集于一身宠爱的公主萨拉·库尔, 善良, 顽强, 但一场突如其来的热病如噩梦般残酷地夺去了公主的父亲的生命, 夺去了她的幸福, 使她从一位高贵的公主坠落成一个无人问津的小女佣, 但她没有屈服于命运的摆弄, 在命运的捉弄前她并没有低头。
可萨拉并不以富贵自居, 却与受人欺负的孩子们成为了好朋友, 并去帮助他们, 保护他们, 大家都很喜欢她。
好景不长, 没过多久, 噩梦来临了, 萨拉的父亲去世了。
对萨拉颇有偏见的明奇老师开始认为萨拉已不再是一大批财产的继承人, 于是把她赶进了残破的阁楼, 就如巫女把她从天堂赶入地狱一样。
虽然, 她心情悲痛, 却没有掉一滴眼泪, 她怀着一位公主应有的乐观和坚强自我安慰, 望梅止渴。
终于, 在朋友给予的安慰下, 凭着自己的信念见到了希望——天意般的巧合, 她遇上了父亲生前的好友, 萨拉因一场变故, 获得了巨大的财富, 再次成为了小公主。
天使把是善良的天使又使公主的生活回到了从前那样, 幸福, 快乐, 安详。
是什么帮助萨拉度过这段最艰难的时光?其实是她把布娃娃想象成一个会倾听的小伙伴, 将冰冷破烂的床单想象成天鹅绒, 将少的可怜的小干面包想象成可口的饭菜的想象力。
想象的翅膀带她飞越了孤独的阴影, 是她把一切褴褛看作是富丽堂皇时那种望梅止渴的想象, 这种坚强勇敢的精神鼓舞她走出了饥饿与疲劳阴霾;是她忍耐着明奇小姐嘲讽的清高……这种清高树立了她不可侵犯的尊严;是她在得知父亲去世后不掉一滴眼泪的坚强, 坚强伴随她看见了幸福的曙光;是她在受尽痛苦后还相信能迎来新生活时的乐观, 乐观替她找到了通往快乐大门的钥匙……阳光的心态促使这个还没有我们年纪大的小女孩挺了过来, 萨拉说:“如果我是一位公主, 即使我衣衫褴褛, 我的内心也还是一个公主, 在不为人知时还能保持一颗公主的心, 那便是一种极大的成功。

princesses, but there are some changes in their life, which makes, or in another word, forces them to have a kind of different life for a while. A er all those difficul es, and at the end of these princesses stories, they’ll find their true love and have a happy life from then on. Of course, “ A Li le Princess” is the same.
Bri sh novelist and drama st who also wrote the book The Li le Lord Fauntleroy and The Secret Garden which are also well- known in the whole world.

三一文库()〔小公主英语读后感100字(中英对照)〕Every girl can be a princess, even though she livesin a low attic, even though she is in shabby clothes, even though she is not beautiful, nevertheless, she can be a real princess at heart.A Little Princess is a touching novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett—a famous novelist and dramatist. It obviously contains lots of fancied plots, but the parts it talks about creating miracles, can really reach the bottom of my heart. The book can bring me into a world that is more than reality while reading it. The extraordinary story makes me ponder a lot and gives me a deep impression that every girl can be a princess.In my opinion, it is impossible for every rich girl to act like a well-behaved princess, but Sara, the heroine of the novel, did it! She was an imaginative little girl who had such intelligent small face and such perfect manners. Sara was a very nice girl who had a gentle, appreciative ways of saying, such as “If you please”“Thank you” which was very charming. So, not only her teachers and classmates liked her, but also her servants liked her. There was a time when Sara became a poor and pitiful servant insulted by the snobbish headmaster of the school. In spite of this, she had never complained to anyone about the horrible suffering she had endured. Sara was confident, brave, optimistic and kind-hearted just like before and she had never given up her enthusiasm of life. No matter when, Sara acted like a princess, and on account of this, she had accomplished a GREat deal of miracles over and over again.After reading this outstanding book, I was shocked by Sara, a little girl who suffered such unimaginable pain and tortures, but still had an opposite attitude towards life. What impresses me most is that Sara put on her act of being a princess when she wore thin bottom shoes, wading in the street of London. From my point of view, her spirit of being so strong-minded when she was in hard times is worth admiring.Truly, every girl is a princess coming into common life. The “princess” I mean is not a princess living in the palace and being regarded as the apple of everyone’s eye. As the matter of fact, the “princess” is at heart. I am in the belief that every ordinary girl in the world can be a princess. The way for a girl to be a princess is quite simple. Just suppose! You can suppose yourself to be a princess, and go about your business confidently without caring how the others would treat you. If you want to have more resemblance to a princess, be more kind and try your best to help the people in need. The most important thing you aresupposed to do is that to feel like a real princess at any occasion, particularly when you are involved with enormous melancholy. Do not feel the conditions you faced are extremely wretched and attempt to get rid of the feeling of hopelessness and uneasiness. The less you look like a princess, the more you need to feel like a princess at heart.Every girl can be a princess if she can do all I mentioned, no matter she is rich, beautiful or not. To speak truthfully, I cannot do as well as Sara. However, I will exert myself on being a princess mentally.Do not feel depressed any more, to be awell-thought-of princess like Sara. You can do it, because Every Girl Can Be A princess.每个女孩都可以成为公主,虽然她生活在一个低的阁楼,虽然她是在破旧的衣服,即使她不漂亮,但是,她可以是一个真正的公主的心。

《小公主》英语读后感《小公主》英语读后感ever girl an be a priness a little priness is a touhing novel ritten b franes hodgson burnett—a famous novelist and dramatist. it obviousl ontains lots of fanied plots, but the parts it talks about reating mirales, an reall reah the bottom of m heart. the book an bring me into a orld that is more than realit hile reading it. the extraordinar stor makes me ponder a lot and gives me a deep impression that ever girl an be a priness.in m opinion, it is impossible for ever rih girl to at like a ell-behaved priness, but sara, the heroine of the novel, did it! she as an imaginative little girl ho had suh intelligent small fae and suh perfet manners. sara as a ver nie girl ho had a gentle, appreiative as of saing, suh as “if ou please” “thank ou” hih as ver harming. so, not onl her teahers and lassmates liked her, but also her servants liked her. there as a time hen sara beame a poor and pitiful servant insulted b the snobbish headmaster of the shool. in spite of this, she had never plained to anone about the horrible suffering she had endured. sara as onfident, brave, optimisti and kind-hearted just like before and she had never given up her enthusiasm of life. no matter hen, sara ated like a priness, and on aount of this, she hadaplished a great deal of mirales over and over again.after reading this outstanding book, i as shoked b sara, a little girl ho suffered suh unimaginable pain and tortures, butstill had an opposite attitude toards life. hat impresses me most is that sara put on her at of being a priness hen she ore thin bottom shoes, ading in the street of london. from m point of vie, her spirit of being so strong-minded hen she as in hard times is orth admiring.trul, ever girl is a priness ing into mon life. the “priness” i mean is not a priness living in the palae and being regarded as the apple of everone’s ee. as the matter of fat, the “priness” is at heart. i am in the belief that ever ordinar girl in the orld an be a priness. the a for a girl to be a priness is quite simple. just suppose! ou an suppose ourself to be a priness, and go about our business onfidentl ithout aring ho the others ould treat ou. if ou ant to have more resemblane to a priness, be more kind and tr our best to help the people in need. the most important thing ou are supposed to do is that to feel like a real priness at an oasion, partiularl hen ou are involved ith enormous melanhol. do not feel the onditions ou faed are extremel rethed and attempt to get rid of the feeling of hopelessness and uneasiness. the less ou look like a priness, the more ou need to feel like a priness atheart.ever girl an be a priness if she an do all i mentioned,no matter she is rih, beautiful or not. to speak truthfull, i annot do as ell as sara. hoever, i ill exert mself on being a priness mentall.do not feel depressed an more, to be a ell-thought-of priness like sara. ou an do it, beause ever girl an be a priness.附送:《小妇人》英语读后感《小妇人》英语读后感little omen before i read this book, i had athed a artoon movie made b japan. so i have a strong interest on it. it all begins in the dead of inter; the hristmas season. the oldest one of all, ere the ar has made fuel for heating ver sare. hile her husband is off at ar, marmee is left alone to raise their four daughters: jo, meg, beth, and am. on hristmas eve, marmee has just arrived home from passing out food to theless fortunate ith a letter from her husband, the girls' father. the all gather together around the fire to read the letter. afterards, the girls are tear eed. marmee kisses them and the are off to bed. jo is longing to bee a riter. so, ever night she stas up late riting the sript for soap operas. as morning es she is the last one XXke. the table is set, and food prepared for their hristmas feast. as dusk falls, thegirls are all up in the atti ating out jo's pla, hih shereads from the loalnespaper. as the are performing, their rih, next-door neighbors grandson athes from the indo. the 2oldest girls: jo and meg, get read to attend the hristmas ball. hile jo is urling meg's hair, there is a strange smellto the air. am sreams, megs hair is being singed. the ontinue digging through the old lothes bin for a pair of hite gloves. one of the prominent themes in little omen is the ing of ageor maturation of the girls. during the ourse of the novel e see them gro in man as -- phsiall, intelletuall, and espeiall emotionall. one question hih readers must ask themselves is hether the vies the haraters have on the ing of age proessare shared b alott. if the aren't, hat are alott's vies andho do the differ from those of the omen in her stor? it is interesting to examine the last half of hapter 20, "onfidential." jo addresses the maturation issue as shespeaks ith marmee of the situation beteen meg and mr. brooke. the possible love beteen these to represents one of the ver important aspets in ing of age for a teenage girl. jo treats this natural proess as if it ere some sort of disease, hoever. jo annot understand h meg ould ant to stop behaving "like a sensible reature" , and refers to love as "suh nonsense."。

小公主英语读后感 1A Little Princess is a touching novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett—a famous novelist and dramatist.It obviously contains lots of fancied plots, but the parts it talks about creating miracles, can really reach the bottom of my heart.The book can bring me into a world that is more than reality while reading it.The eXtraordinary story makes me ponder a lot and gives me a deep impression that every girl can be a princess.In my opinion, it is impossible for every rich girl to act like a well-behaved princess, but Sara, the heroine of the novel, did it! She was an imaginative little girl who had such intelligent small face and such perfect manners.Sara was a very nice girl who had a gentle, appreciative ways of saying, such as “If you please”“Thank you” which was very charming.So,not only her teachers and classmates liked her, but also her servants liked her.There was a time when Sara became a poor and pitiful servant insulted by the snobbish headmaster of theschool.In spite of this, she had never complained to anyone about the horrible suffering she had endured.Sara was confident,brave, optimistic and kind-hearted just like before and she had never given up her enthusiasm of life.No matter when, Sara acted like a princess, and on account of this,she had accomplished a great deal of miracles over and over again.After reading this outstanding book, I was shocked by Sara,a little ggirl who suffered such unimaginable pain and tortures,but still had an opposite attitude towards life.What impresses me most is that Sara put on her act of being a princess when she wore thin bottom shoes, wading in the street of London.From my point of view, her spirit of being so strong-minded when she was in hard times is worth admiring.Truly, every girl is a princess coming into common life.The “princess” I mean is not a princess living in the palace and being regarded as the apple of everyone’s eye.As the matter of fact, the “princess” is at heart.I am in the belief that every ordinary girl in the world can be a princess.The way for a girl to be a princess is quite simple.Just suppose! You can suppose yourself to be a princess, and go about your business confidently without caring how the others would treat you.If you want to have more resemblance to a princess, be more kindand try your best to help the people in need.The most important thing you are supposed to do is that to feel like a real princess at any occasion, particularly when you are involved with enormous melancholy.Do not feel the conditions you faced are eXtremely wretched and attempt to get rid of the feeling of hopelessness and uneasiness.The less you look like a princess,the more you need to feel like a princess at heart.Every girl can be a princess if she can do all I mentioned,no matter she is rich, beautiful or not.To speak truthfully,I cannot do as well as Sara.However, I will eXert myself on being a princess mentally.Do not feel depressed any more, to be a well-thought-of princess like Sara.You can do it, because Every Girl Can Be A princess.小公主英语读后感 2Every Girl Can Be A PrincessA Little Princess is a touching novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett—a famous novelist and dramatist.It obviously contains lots of fancied plots, but the parts it talks about creating miracles, can really reach the bottom of my heart.The book can bring me into a world that is more than reality while reading it.The eXtraordinary story makes me ponder a lot and gives me a deep impression that everygirl can be a princess.?In my opinion, it is impossible for every rich girl to act like a well-behaved princess, but Sara, the heroine of the novel, did it! She was an imaginative little girl who had such intelligent small face and such perfect manners.Sara was a very nice girl who had a gentle, appreciative ways of saying, such as “If you please”“Thank you” which was very charming.So,not only her teachers and classmates liked her, but also her servants liked her.There was a time when Sara became a poor and pitiful servant insulted by the snobbish headmaster of the school.In spite of this, she had never complained to anyone about the horrible suffering she had endured.Sara was confident,brave,optimistic and kind-hearted just like before and she had never given up her enthusiasm of life.No matter when, Sara acted like a princess, and on account of this, she had accomplished a great deal of miracles over and over again.?After reading this outstanding book, I was shocked by Sara, a little girl who suffered such unimaginable pain and tortures, but still had an opposite attitude towards life.What impresses me most is that Sara put on her act of being a princess when she wore thin bottom shoes, wading in the street of London.From my point of view, her spirit of being so strong-minded when she was in hard times is worth admiring.?Truly, every girl is a princess coming into common life.The “princess” I mean is not a princess living in the palace and being regarded as the apple of everyone’s eye.As the matter of fact,the “princess” is at heart.I am in the belief that every ordinary girl in the world can be a princess.The way for a girl to be a princess is quite simple.Just suppose! You can suppose yourself to be a princess,and go about your business confidently without caring how the others would treat you.If you want to have more resemblance to a princess, be more kind and try your best to help the people in need.The most important thing you are supposed to do is that to feel like a real princess at any occasion, particularly when you are involved with enormous melancholy.Do not feel the conditions you faced are eXtremely wretched and attempt to get rid of the feeling of hopelessness and uneasiness.The less you look like a princess, the more you need to feel like a princess at heart.?Every girl can be a princess if she can do all I mentioned, no matter she is rich, beautiful or not.To speak truthfully, I cannot do as well as Sara.However,I will eXert myself on being a princess mentally.Do not feel depressed any more, to be a well-thought-of princess like Sara.You can do it, because Every Girl Can Be A princess.小公主英语读后感 3This book is a little Ducheis the story is about a girl called Sarah, who is all she wanted, but she is not spoiled.She immediately became one of the most popular students in the other,when they found her very smart, can make use of a good story of her vivid imagination.In Sarahs 11-year-old birthday,MiMinchin was told that Sarahs father died, leaving Sara penniless, and you can not go anywhere.Minchin sent so missed an attic where she worked as servants.Sarahs trial is to remember that the princeis a princess, and even when she acted as other people, even in the run-down.She was finally helped friends and her father become rich, to become a princeforever.We can feel good book.Sarah to everyone, even the mouse and her doll! She was always willing to help others what circumstances.Her own.She encouraged her friends the difference they have problems, she helped her friend to learn; she tells the story of poor little servant, and for her to buy delicious food; forgive her students, given them a hate her hands warm, they have problems, even when she deteriorated,she still gave her most of the bread to the beggars; she and a friend turned into a mouse.Although she was hungry, she will not forget some food.You might think that it is difficult for others, but Sarah has done a good job.Her kindneand her evil principals become a strong contrast.For me this book had a great influence.When I have difficulties, I always feel that Sarah,I would like to have the courage to tackle difficult and sometimes some ideas will come to my mind, if Sarah has helped me.The so-called "good" What does this mean? In this dictionary is: State or quality.What Sarah has done on behalf of not only good, but the author also shows that the maintenance of good things and hope the world is full of mercy and love.Then you know about real life in this world? Of course, good and evil.So good? Beautiful things are by the history and great people; as an insignificant, and this has nothing to do with me! If you have such a good idea, you are completely wrong.We can see very tiny things, from善性such as the perceptual awareness: to a sweet smile, your friends, when you met the kind-hearted, caring person; When you have done, trying to find very glad to help others, for all the biological ...Oh,there are many, this sounds very difficu Sarah to set a goodeXample for us.She not only is perfect, but it is also a good idea to spread her friend was impressed by many people.Through this book, we can see that, in fact, the author describes as Sarah and the two most under Minchin, a very good; the other is very bad.While it is in real life,not very different.However, we can still be found today, very few people are willing to do mercy and to do it well.Why?A considerable number of reasons to eXplain this important phenomenon.First of all, now, our society, the so-called people - children - policy, taking into account their children,many parents are teaching kids, first of all, in order to protect themselves, day after day, the children become a bit selfish, resulting in the fact that fewer people can do good.As SarahUrbanization also plays an important role.Methods as the countrys urbanization and the continuous improvement of living standards, more people live in a big city life, and more the pressures of life, are busy for their own work and study, then do not concern public community, they only care about things with their lives, such as income and holidays and so on.They are not unsympathetic, but there is no concept of the United States and Germany.In their mind to do nothing good.As we have mentioned, human sympathy, but no sense.If they are worried about more things, in addition to those who do will have noticed with them is also very good for them, for their social position.As we know, the world is compleX, there is the feeling, we can not accept, so it is difficult to make people aware of this.This may eXplain why people living in the past with lepressure, it might give them the kind-hearted.The popular princeof a small, not only the kind of Sarah,but understanding of the properties, we have our time in this beautiful book.I wish Sarah would be the princein our hearts forever; more and more people want to be that little Sarah Duchein reality.小公主英语读后感 4The Little Princess is written by Frances hodgson Burnett,who was born in Manchester in England in 1849.In order to support her family she had began to write since she was 18.Then she was famous for the best selling book Little Lord Fauntleroy.She wrote about 50 novels and stories.The representative ones are the secret garden, little princess, little Prince and so on.She was good at writing fiction and children"s stories.Her books often show sentimental, romantic color, plus full of childlike plots andthe nature of light and warmth, which makes her works not only popular among the children but also the adults.The Little Princess is just like the modern Cinderella.Sara Crewe, the protagonist of the novel was a little girl but acted as an adult and she loved telling stories to others.When she was 11, her dad sent her to a girls’ boarding school because of his father’s business.At first, Sara lived like a real princess and she was loved by everyone.She could get whatever she want because her father was rich.But on her birthday party,she got a bad news about her father was dead.From that moment,Sara’s life was totally changed.She didn"t understand why the teachers and students treat her so bad.She had to work 16 hours a day.She began to taste the hardships of life with no money.Sara and her partner Becky lived together and they helped each other, support each other.There’s an old saying, when one door shuts, another opens.So, after a long time, she met her father’s partner who was searching for her for years because her father found a gold ore and earned lots of money.Then she lived with this kind man and Becky became her eXclusive maid.When I finished reading the book, I feel inspire.What impressed me most are Sara’s kindness and the spirit of brave.When facing difficult, she is still very optimistic andis kind to everyone.She always has a b will and never gives up.I think whenever I face difficult I will think of Sara, then I will feel inspire and overcome it bravely.小公主英语读后感 5"The Little Princess" is a story that has the power to touch the deepest corners of ones heart.The protagonist, Sara Crewe,embarks on a journey that is filled with trials and tribulations,yet her spirit remains unbroken.Saras life takes a dramatic turn when she loses her fathers fortune.Suddenly, she is thrust from a world of opulence into one of hardship.But what makes her truly eXtraordinary is her ability to maintain her dignity and kindness.In the cold and dreary attic where she is now forced to live, she doesnt wallow in self-pity.Instead, she creates a world of her own through her vivid imagination.She imagines herself as a princess on a grand adventure, and this belief gives her the strength to endure the harsh reality.Her relationships with those around her also offer a profound lesson.She befriends Becky, a servant girl, and shares with her whatever little she has.Her acts of kindness show that true nobility lies not in wealth or status but in the heart.Saras interactions with the mean headmistress MissMinchin are also telling.She doesnt stoop to the level of retaliation but faces the unfair treatment with grace and courage.The language of the story is simple yet beautiful, painting vivid pictures of Saras world.It allows readers to easily immerse themselves in the story and feel Saras emotions.The storys theme of resilience and the power of the human spirit is universal.It teaches us that no matter how difficult life becomes, we can always choose to rise above our circumstances and hold on to our inner light.Through Saras story, we learn that being a princess is not about wearing fancy dresses but about having a heart full of courage, kindness, and hope.小公主英语读后感 6After reading "The Little Princess", I was captivated by the storys charm and the strength of its main character.Sara Crewes transformation from a pampered child to a resilient young girl is a journey that is both heart-wrenching and inspiring.When her father goes missing and her financial situation plummets, she is faced with a life of servitude at the boarding school she once attended as a privileged student.But Saras spirit refuses to be crushed.She continues to believe in the good,and her imagination becomes herrefuge.She tells stories to the other girls, transporting them to magical lands and giving them hope in a place that seems so hopeless.One of the most remarkable aspects of the story is Saras ability to empathize with others.Despite her own struggles,she reaches out to those who are also suffering.For eXample,when she sees a hungry street child, she gives away her own meager food.This selfless act shows her pure heart.Moreover,her courage in the face of adversity is truly astounding.She stands up to the bullies and the unfair rules of the school,never losing sight of who she is.The setting of the story, from the luXurious rooms Sara once occupied to the dingy attic where she now sleeps, provides a vivid contrast that emphasizes the changes in her life.The descriptions are so vivid that one can almost feel the cold draft in the attic and smell the stale bread.This helps to draw the reader in and makes them feel as if they are right there with Sara, eXperiencing her joys and sorrows.Overall, "The Little Princess" is a story that reminds us of the power of the human spirit and the importance of maintaining our dignity and kindness, no matter what life throws at us.小公主英语读后感 7"The Little Princess" has been a source of inspiration and a journey into a world of strength and grace.The story begins with Sara living a life of luXury,surrounded by love and beautiful things.However, fate takes a cruel turn, and she is left to fend for herself in a harsh world.But Saras inner princess shines through.She doesnt let the difficult circumstances change who she is.In the school,where she is mistreated, she uses her intelligence to overcome obstacles.She studies hard and helps her classmates, earning their respect and friendship.Saras relationship with her father is also a key element in the story.The memories of her fathers love and the lessons he taught her give her the strength to persevere.She clings to the hope that one day she will be reunited with him.This hope sustains her through the long days of hardship.The vivid descriptions of the characters, from the cruel Miss Minchin to the kind-hearted cook, add depth and compleXity to the story.We see the different sides of humanity and how Sara navigates through them with her kind heart and unwavering spirit.The language of the book is rich and engaging,with beautiful metaphors and vivid imagery.It makes the story comealive in our minds.We can visualize Saras ragged clothes and the glimmer of hope in her eyes.Through Saras eXperiences, we learn about the value of resilience, kindness, and hope.She shows us that even in the darkest of times, we can find the light within ourselves and use it to transform our lives."The Little Princess" is not just a childrens story but a profound lesson about life and the power of the human soul.小公主英语读后感 8After reading "The Little Princess", I was deeply touched by the story.The protagonist Sara Crewe is a girl with a noble heart.Despite eXperiencing a drastic change in her life from a pampered princess to a scullery maid, her spirit never wavers.When her father disappeared and her fortune was lost,she was faced with the scorn and hardship of the headmistress and servants at the boarding school.But instead of giving in to despair, Sara used her imagination and kindness to create a world of her own.Saras strong willpower is eXtremely impressive.She slept in the cold attic, wore ragged clothes, and endured hunger,yet she still believed that things would get better.Her vivid imagination allowed her to transform the miserable attic intoa magical place in her mind.She would tell stories to the little servant girl Becky and share her meager food with her, showing her generosity and compassion.This story also makes me think about the true meaning of wealth.Sara was rich not because of her money at the beginning but because of her rich inner world.And even when she lost her fortune, her inner wealth still supported her to maintain dignity and grace.We should learn from Sara to face difficulties bravely and always keep a kind and positive heart no matter what circumstances we are in.小公主英语读后感 9"The Little Princess" has left a deep mark on my heart.Saras story is like a bright light in the darkness.She was once living in luXury, surrounded by beautiful clothes and countless toys.But when misfortune struck, she didnt lose herself.In the miserable environment of the school, she still treated others with respect and kindness.She used her wisdom to earn a little money by helping others with their studies,and used this money to buy bread for the hungry children.What strikes me the most is her unwavering belief.She always believed that her father was alive and would come back to rescue her.This belief gave her the strength to endure allthe hardships.Even when the headmistress tried to humiliate her,she held her head high and refused to be defeated.Her courage is inspiring.From this book,I understand that life is full of challenges.We may encounter setbacks and difficulties like Sara, but as long as we have a firm belief and a noble soul,we can overcome all obstacles.Saras story teaches us to be strong, kind, and to always maintain hope in the face of adversity.小公主英语读后感 10When I finished reading the English version of "The Little Princess", I was filled with a miXture of emotions.The character of Sara Crewe is truly remarkable.She went from a life of privilege to one of poverty overnight, but her elegance and dignity remained intact.In the attic, where she was forced to live after her circumstances changed, she would recall the happy times with her father and use those memories to comfort herself.She didnt complain about the unfair treatment but tried to make the best of the situation.Saras kindness towards others is also very touching.She befriended the lonely and poor Becky and shared everything she had with her.Her stories and her positive attitude broughtwarmth and hope to those around her.Moreover, her education and upbringing were evident in her behavior.She knew how to handle difficult situations with grace and poise.This story makes me reflect on the importance of character.In the face of difficulties, its not our eXternal wealth or status that matters, but our inner qualities.Saras story is a reminder that we should cultivate a strong heart,be kind to others, and never give up hope.It has taught me that no matter how tough life gets, we can always find a way to shine like a princess with a noble spirit.小公主英语读后感 11What a brave and kind girl! She is a rich familys princess,her father really love Alice ago,However, once her father had something wrong in the accident,so the teacher was cruelty to Alice,but I find that the Alice is very brave and outgoing,she never said someting scared or something bad,she just continue and grow,soon,a mircle was that Alice get a friend of her father,so she could get a good life and start a happy life again,yeah, Alice is a good princess,As a little princess, she didnt hate nobody even her teacher a terrible miss.At the moment, I just want to say that something you shouldinsist,a good sentence,All road lead to the Rome,and Everything is possible, she can be a severnt from a princess,but after she insist,so she become a princess again,I like the girl-Alice.。


小公主读后感英文The Princess Diaries is a heartwarming novel that tells the story of Mia Thermopolis, a teenage girl who discovers that she is actually a princess. Written by Meg Cabot, this novel is a delightful blend of humor, romance, and self-discovery.The story begins with Mia, an ordinary high school student living in San Francisco with her mother. She is a typical teenager, dealing with the usual problems of adolescence. However, her life takes a dramatic turn when she finds out that she is the heir to the throne of Genovia, a small European country. Suddenly, Mia is thrust into a world of royalty, etiquette, and public scrutiny.At first, Mia is reluctant to embrace her new identity as a princess. She struggles with the responsibilities and expectations that come with her title. She is also facedwith the challenge of balancing her royal duties with her personal life. As she navigates through this new world, Mialearns valuable lessons about love, friendship, and self-acceptance.One of the most compelling aspects of The Princess Diaries is the character development. Mia is a relatable protagonist who undergoes a significant transformation throughout the novel. She starts off as a shy, awkward teenager, but as the story progresses, she gains confidence and poise. Her journey is both inspiring and empowering, as she learns to embrace her true self and find her place in the world.The novel also explores the theme of identity. Mia grapples with the question of who she is and where she belongs. As she comes to terms with her royal heritage, she discovers that being a princess is not just about wearing a crown and attending fancy events. It is about using her influence to make a positive impact on the world. This message is both uplifting and thought-provoking, as it encourages readers to look beyond external appearances and embrace their inner strengths.In addition to its profound themes, The Princess Diaries is also filled with humor and wit. Meg Cabot's writing is engaging and entertaining, and her characters are endearing and memorable. The novel is a delightful blend of lighthearted moments and heartfelt emotions, making it a joy to read from start to finish.Overall, The Princess Diaries is a captivating novel that offers a powerful message about self-discovery and empowerment. Through the journey of its protagonist, it encourages readers to embrace their true selves and pursue their dreams. With its engaging storytelling and relatable characters, this novel is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a heartwarming coming-of-age story. I highly recommend The Princess Diaries to readers of all ages, as it is a timeless tale that will leave a lasting impression.。

《小公主》读后感英文400字The novel Little Princess deeply touched me. It tells us a beautiful story about the deep friendship between the protagonist, Tom, and the little princess. The little princess is a brave, strong and independent girl. In the face of harsh life, she never gives up and shows her wisdom and courage. She would reach out for help for others in need, even though she herself was in financial difficulty. Although she is poor, she never fails to take care of orphaned children and offer them friendship and love.Tom, on the other hand, does not consider himself as a good person and he has done a lot wrongs in his life. However, the little princess still befriends him and helps him to change. She teaches him to be kind and generous. With her help, Tom finally turn himself into a good citizen.The characters in the novel all demonstrate admirable qualities, such as bravery, wisdom, kindness and courage. These characters move us deeply and help us think more deeply. We should not only see the surface and try to understand the essence of true goodness hidden behind people's looks.The Little Princess also teaches us that we should never give up on ourselves and others despite the difficulties and challenges in our lives. To me, the Little Princess is an excellent story and I feel very inspired and touched by it.。


下面是小编为大家整理的:小公主的英语读后感,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!小公主的英语读后感【篇一】I saw a outstanding work, "the little princess", very touched, also very shocked. Because an age only teenage children have suffered such a big blow, at the same time, I also know that a world of happiness, anger, sorrow and joy...The protagonist of the book is called Sarah, she is a very smart little girl, her life is very happy, but unfortunately come to her, her father business failure, and ill died, but she always kept a noble quality, finally, she found a dramatic change of life, she regain the happiness.Sarah in the age of seven "Jenny woman model school" the headmaster of this school is a vanity strong woman, when she began to see Sarah as the glory of the school, and after the great changes in Sarah's family, she was very ruthless to Sarah. Sara in the school with his princess grace and a lot of people becamegood friends, even though Sarah helpless after his father died, but still remain the princess grace, she listened to the news was not his father's death left a drop of tears.Sarah from luxury room to the shabby house, she often fantasize about there is fire, warm, the abundance of food... Her face with a smile every day, no matter what difficulties do not bow. It is god deliberately arrangement, test, Sarah, and Sarah and live a happy life.Sara's experience makes me very moved, Sarah from ten thousand people of roses, turned into a usual tender, fate has challenged the great transformation. Her age is not my major, but it can calm in the face of a barrage of difficult, looking for happiness door "keys" Sarah while on the wear and life has changed, but she will always be my princess in my heart, she is mentally princess, she is the most lovely princess.You are a strong person? "Little princess", the book made me understand that the people are happy or unhappy, are caused by accidental chance, to measure a person's quality is good, only after he encountered major events can see come out.我看了一部杰出的作品——《小公主》,非常的感动,也非常的震撼。

Only when you can control your emotions can you control your life, because people who are dragged down by their own emotions are the most helpless and helpless.简单易用轻享办公(页眉可删)《小公主》读后感(精选10篇)小公主读后感1象牙塔里的小公主,也不得不摘下王冠,走向真实的沙石泥土.这句话出自伍美珍的《小公主和矮爸爸》,这本书让我知道什么样的人才是真正的公主.什么是爱.小说讲了:单纯又柔弱的女孩濮琳丝原本是个高贵,过这幸福生活的小公主,可是在她6岁的手却遭遇了一场厄运,使她失去了所有的亲人.但是在她的亲生父亲,小矮人帅哥和智能小熊忧米的陪伴下,度过一场又一场的灾难,恶梦.最终成为人们心中真正的公主的励志故事.让我感到惊讶的是濮琳丝坚强的意志力.这个娇气的公主竟然能克服在这样的困难?陪伴自己长大的人竟然不是自己的亲生父亲,亲生父亲是个农民,更可怕的是他竟然是个侏儒.自己是个出生低贱的小女孩,并不是公主.遇到这种事情我早就崩溃了,丝丝却能撑下来.我觉得支撑她度过苦难的时间的是"爱".亲生父亲的爱,朋友的关爱,忧米的爱才让她坚强的撑了过去.这才是真正的公主.我心中的公主并不是那些所谓的有钱人家的女孩,有漂亮衣服的女孩.我觉得一个公主,要坚强.就算是收破烂的女孩,也是公主.往往那些有漂亮衣服的女孩高傲自大,以为自己真的是公主,她们错了,天天娇气,任性,就是公主了吗?公主要具有美好的品质,坚强的意志力.不能讨厌世界上任何的一切.就象丝丝,她不嫌弃自己的小矮人爸爸,她爱自己的爸爸.丝丝是最最坚强的公主!我觉得丝丝的爸爸---小矮人帅哥,他没钱,没事业,没亲人,什么都没有.但他却撑起了这个家,这又是一个父亲该做到的.现在把丝丝和我对比一下,丝丝,一个生活在家庭背景阴影里的女孩,度过了多少岁月,才成为了真正的公主.我,我遇了什么难题就不去作了,这个还是公主的表现吗?我一直认为自己是个公主,可是认识了丝丝我才知道,我不是公主,也不配当公主.我只是一个被宠坏了的小女孩.我和丝丝比起来简直是一个天堂一个地狱.各位女孩们,你们做到了公主要做的吗?你是公主吗?在小说里,还有一个重要的动物,智能小熊忧米.小熊忧米无论什么时候都陪着丝丝,陪她度过苦难岁月.现在的女孩子,是被一群宠坏了的小猫,你们想过陪在自己身边的亲人朋友和宠物吗?有为他们想吗?他们是你生命里不可缺少的人!学着象丝丝那样去矿容对待每一个人,爱上世界,爱身边的一切一切,记住:学会坚强,理解爱,学会感恩.这样,你就是个真正的公主了!读了这本小说后,我唯一的愿望就是:愿天下所有的女孩,都成为真正的公主!小公主读后感2生日的时候,妈妈送给我一本书,书名是《小公主》,妈妈说我总是把自己当成爸爸妈妈的“小公主”,这本书会教我做个真正的小公主。


Title: Reflecting on "A Little Princess" - The Journey of Sara Crewe"A Little Princess" by Frances Hodgson Burnett is a timeless tale that has captured the hearts of readers across generations. The story, centered around the resilient and charming character of Sara Crewe, is not just a narrative of a young girl's life but a profound exploration of courage, kindness, and the enduring power of the human spirit.Sara Crewe, the protagonist of this enchanting novel, begins her journey as a privileged young girl, living a life of luxury with her doting father. She attends a prestigious boarding school, where her kind nature and generous spirit quickly earn her the admiration and friendship of her peers. However, when her father's unexpected death plunges her into poverty, Sara's world is turned upside down. She is stripped of her privileges and forced to endure the cold reality of life's harshest blows.Despite these abrupt changes, Sara remains steadfast in her belief that she is, and will always be, a princess. This resilience is not just a matter of pride or stubbornness; it is a reflection of her inherent dignity and strength of character. Even in the face of adversity, Sara maintains her kindness andcompassion, offering solace and aid to those around her who are less fortunate. Her actions, though seemingly small, have a profound impact on the lives of those she encounters.One of the most poignant aspects of Sara's character is her ability to find joy and beauty in even the most difficult of situations. Whether it is through her imaginary conversations with a friendly rat or her joyful dances in the attic, Sara manages to retain a sense of childhood innocence and wonder that is both inspiring and heartwarming. Her imagination and creativity become her sanctuary, shielding her from the harsh realities of her new life.Moreover, Sara's journey is not just a personal one; it is also a powerful commentary on society's treatment of those who fall on hard times. The novel highlights the hypocrisy and cruelty that can exist within even the most seemingly civilized of institutions, and the indifference that can be shown to those who have lost their social standing. Through Sara's eyes, we are forced to examine our own prejudices and biases, and to consider the impact that our actions, whether intentional or not, can have on others.What makes "A Little Princess" truly remarkable is its ability to convey deep emotional truths through the simple yetpowerful language of a child's perspective. Burnett's writing is both poignant and uplifting, capturing the essence of childhood while also addressing themes that are relevant to all ages. The novel is a reminder that, regardless of our circumstances, we all have the power to shape our own destinies and to make a positive impact on the world around us.Sara Crewe's story is not just a fairy tale; it is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. She teaches us that, even in the darkest of times, it is possible to maintain our dignity, kindness, and sense of wonder. She reminds us that true nobility lies not in our material possessions or social status but in our character and the way we treat others.In conclusion, "A Little Princess" is a captivating novel that has the ability to touch the hearts of readers of all ages. It is a story that will stay with you long after you have finished reading, leaving you with a renewed sense of hope and inspiration. Sara Crewe's journey is a powerful reminder that, no matter what life throws at us, we have the power to rise above it and to become the heroes of our own stories.。

After walking on the muddy road, I don’t know how long, I’m slowly tired and confused.通用参考模板(页眉可删)小公主读后感10篇小公主读后感1在成长的道路上,我们总会遇到大大小小的艰难,有些人在选择了退缩,有些人却在逆境中成长。

小公主英语书虫读后感The "Little Princess" series has been a delightful read for young readers, capturing the whimsical world of a young royal with a heart of gold. Each story is a testament to the power of imagination and the importance of kindness.The narrative style is engaging and the language is accessible, making it a perfect choice for children who are just beginning to explore the world of literature. The book's illustrations are charming, adding a visual element that complements the text beautifully.One of the most striking aspects of the "Little Princess" is the protagonist's resilience. No matter the challenge, she faces each with courage and a sense of humor that is both endearing and inspiring. This is a valuable lesson for young readers, teaching them to approach life's obstacles with a positive attitude.The themes explored in the book are universal, such as friendship, family, and the joy of discovery. These timeless topics resonate with children, making the stories relatable and enjoyable.The "Little Princess" also serves as a gentle reminder that everyone, regardless of their status, has the potential to make a difference. The character's actions often have a ripple effect, showing that kindness can be a powerful forcein the world.Reading this book is an adventure in itself, taking young minds on a journey filled with laughter, learning, and the magic of storytelling. It's a book that encourages readers to dream big and to believe in their own ability to change the world.In conclusion, the "Little Princess" series is more than just a collection of stories; it's a celebration of thespirit of childhood, the joy of reading, and the endless possibilities that come with growing up. It's a book thatwill be cherished by children and parents alike.。

小公主英文读后感这本书并不是讲解并描述传统意义上的公主的生活,小说的仆人公名叫萨拉.克鲁,她并不是真正的公主,那么更多内容请和我一起来阅读小公主英文读后感吧!小公主英文读后感〔二〕小公主英文读后感〔三〕Everyone in the world, whether he or she is rich or poor, can meet a lot of difficulties, even disaster. Different people have different ways to deal with them. After reading the little princess, Sara, touched me deeply. The little princess is by (USA) Francis hodgson Burnett. Sarah is a hero was born in Indias British gentlemans daughter, lived in a boarding school life princess. Because of Sarah was kind and generous and most of all sorrow, she is loved by everyone. Everything goes well, until her father died in an accident.Thoroughly changed everything. She didnt understand why the teachers and students to her so bad. Even the principal was like her, that she works 16 hours a day. Sarahs miserable life began to...When I finished reading the book, I was surprised the incredible pain had suffered Sarah after her fathers death. She was happy, worriless, rich princess, but now she is a lonely, poor servant. She had to work very hard, but without any othersmall food only. Besides, she had to endure unfriendly, even treat her rude, and her classmates. All the teachers and students in the school despise her. The most important is, Sarah lost love and care of her parents.How great pain! If you are Sara, can you tolerate the pain? Needless to say, an 11yearold girl, and even adults, he could not bear it. But to my surprise, Sarah face it. Although, the pressure, she is still very optimistic, facing life.Through reading the novel, I feel inspired, think more. When we encounter difficulties, what should we do? Some people always complain fate is not fair. Some people can sustain difficulties and choose to give up. Some people even tried to commit , because they lack the courage to overcome it. Compared with an 11yearold girl Sara who can take the pressure of the life and optimism, these people also sounded so lamentable. Why dont they make it?However, most is she impress me thought characteristic and her is a real princess. The princess does not mean the grand palace, the beautiful clothes and apple others eyes, but kindhearted, generous and polite. This is unnecessary, a real princess is strong, but she must have a strong will. Sarah is a real princess, because you are in my heart, whether she isvery rich, wears beautiful clothes in the classroom or her cold and hungry in the attic, just because she has a good feature and kind heart.Fortunately, one of her friend Saras father found her, tell her that her father left for her great a sum of money. I prayed, and believe that all the good person should have a good result.。


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Every Girl Can Be A Princess A Little Princess is a touching novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett—a famous novelist and dramatist. It obviously contains lots of fancied plots, but the parts it talks about creating miracles, can really reach the bottom of my heart. The book can bring me into a world that is more than reality while reading it. The extraordinary story makes me ponder a lot and gives me a deep impression that every girl can be a princess. In my opinion, it is impossible for every rich girl to act like a well-behaved princess, but Sara, the heroine of the novel, did it! She was an imaginative little girl who had such intelligent small face and such perfect manners. Sara was a very nice girl who had a gentle, appreciativ e ways of saying, such as “If you please” “Thank you” which was very charming. So, not only her teachers and classmates liked her, but also her servants liked her. There was a time when Sara became a poor and pitiful servant insulted by the snobbish headmaster of the school. In spite of this, she had never complained to anyone about the horrible suffering she had endured. Sara was confident, brave, optimistic and kind-
hearted just like before and she had never given up her enthusiasm of life. No matter when, Sara acted like a princess, and on account of this, she had accomplished a great deal of miracles over and over again. After reading this outstanding book, I was shocked by Sara, a little girl who suffered such unimaginable pain and tortures, but still had an opposite attitude towards life. What impresses me most is that Sara put on her act of being a princess when she wore thin bottom shoes, wading in the street of London. From my point of view, her spirit of being so strong-minded when she was in hard times is worth admiring. Truly, every girl is a princess coming
into common life. The “princess” I mean is not a princess living in the palace and being regarded as the apple of everyone’s eye. As the matter of fact, the “princess” is at heart. I am in the belief that every ordinary girl in the world can be a princess. The way for a girl to be a princess is quite simple. Just suppose! You can suppose yourself to be a princess, and go about your business confidently without caring how the others would treat you. If you want to have more resemblance to a princess, be more kind and try your best to help the people in need. The most important thing you are supposed to do is that to feel like
a real princess at any occasion, particularly when you are involved with enormous melancholy. Do not feel the conditions you faced are extremely wretched and attempt to get rid of the feeling of hopelessness and uneasiness. The less you look like a princess, the more you need to feel like a princess at heart. Every girl can be a princess if she can do all I mentioned, no matter she is rich, beautiful or not. To speak truthfully, I cannot do as well as Sara. However, I will exert myself on being a princess mentally.
Do not feel depressed any more, to be a well-thought-of princess like Sara. You can do it, because Every Girl Can Be A princess.。