Artich oke||朝鲜蓟B rocco li||西兰花Ca bbage||卷心菜Pump kin||南瓜Gi ngko||银杏C abbag e||卷心菜Cuc umber||黄瓜Celer y||芹菜Carr ot||胡萝卜Po tato||土豆C hives||小葱Aspar agus||芦笋S pinac h||菠菜Bean spro ut||豆芽Bea n cur d||豆腐Pick le||泡菜Gar lic||蒜Dri ed to mato||西红柿干Lotu s roo t||藕Ve getab leGi nger||姜Sa ffron||藏红花Zucc hini||西葫芦Hairc ut be an||姜豆Yam||山药Gingk o||银杏Turn ip||芜箐Woo d ear mush room||木耳W ild m ushro om||野生菌Ch eerytomat o||小西红柿W ild m ushro om||野生菌Su n-dri ed to mato||晒干的西红柿Da ikon||白萝卜Carro t||胡萝卜Rad ish||小胡萝卜Tomat o||蕃茄Pars nip||欧洲萝卜Bok-c hoy||小白菜l ong n apa s uey c hoy||大白菜S pinac h||菠菜Cabb age||卷心菜P otato||马铃薯russ et po tato||褐色土豆Swee t pot ato||红薯红苕Eggp lant||茄子C elery||芹菜Celer y sta lk||芹菜梗As parag us||芦笋Lot us ro ot||莲藕Cil antro||芫荽叶Caul iflow er||白花菜Br occol i||绿花菜Spr ing o nions scal lion||或gr een o nion||葱Zu cchin i||美洲南瓜西葫芦Mus hroom||洋菇Chive s Flo wer||韭菜花s hallo t||葱Red c abbag e||紫色包心菜S quash pump kin||南瓜ac orn s quash||小青南瓜Wat ercre ss||西洋菜豆瓣菜Baby corn||玉米尖Swee t cor n||玉米Bitt er me lon||苦瓜Be et||甜菜cha rd||甜菜Oni on||洋葱lim a bea n||青豆Brus selssprou t||球芽甘蓝小包菜Ga rlic||大蒜G inger root||姜L eeks||韭菜S calli on gr een o nion||葱Mu stard & cr ess||芥菜苗A rtich oke||洋蓟Es carol e||菊苣, 茅菜Chill y||辣椒Gree n Pep per||青椒Re d pep per||红椒Ye llowpeppe r||黄椒Cour gette||小胡瓜,绿皮番瓜不可生食Cori ander||香菜Cucum ber||黄瓜St ringbeangreen bean||四季豆Pea||豌豆l ima b ean||青豆Be an sp rout||绿豆芽Icebe rg||透明包菜L ettuc e||生菜roma ine||莴苣Sw ede o r Tur nip||芜菁Ok ra||秋葵Tar o||大芋头Edd o||小芋头yam||山药,洋芋k ale||羽衣甘蓝四水果类frui ts||:Frui ts||水果pi neapp le||凤梨wat ermel on||西瓜pap aya||木瓜be telnu t||槟榔ches tnut||栗子c oconu t||椰子ponk an||碰柑tan gerin e||橘子mand arinorang e||橘sugar-cane||甘蔗muskm elon||香瓜s haddo ck||文旦jui ce pe ach||水蜜桃p ear||梨子pe ach||桃子ca rambo la||杨桃che rry||樱桃pe rsimm on||柿子app le||苹果man go||芒果fig||无花果wate r cal trop||菱角a lmond||杏仁plum||李子h oney-dew m elon||哈密瓜loqua t||枇杷oliv e||橄榄ramb utan||红毛丹duria n||榴梿stra wberr y||草莓grap e||葡萄grap efrui t||葡萄柚lic hee||荔枝lo ngan||眼wa x-app le||莲雾gua va||番石榴ba nana||香蕉O range||桔子中国菜名的英文翻译大全中国菜谱的英文翻译大全中国菜单的英文翻译大全中国菜品的英文翻译大全西餐厅英文翻译,中餐厅英文翻译,西餐菜谱英文翻译,酒店菜谱英文翻译,中餐菜谱英文翻译,西餐菜单英文翻译,酒店菜单英文翻译,中餐菜单英文翻译,营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译,饮料翻译,酒店饭店饮食翻译,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译,精确经典翻译,行业翻译标杆!质优价低,有著作<< 汉英英汉营养学大辞典>>,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译Q Q:362847926.英文食谱英文英文食谱的英文英文菜单的英文英文菜谱及做法菜谱英文怎么说英文菜谱的英文中餐菜谱英文中餐西餐菜谱英文中国菜名翻译中文菜名翻译英文菜名英文翻译英文菜单英文英文菜单的英文英文菜单翻译菜单翻译菜单在线翻译菜名翻译菜谱翻译哪里好菜谱英文翻译菜谱中文翻译成英文餐厅菜单翻译翻译菜谱饭店翻译各种菜谱的英文翻译酒店翻译烹调翻译求翻译菜谱求助英文菜谱翻译食谱翻译食谱英文翻译英文菜单翻译英文菜名翻译英文菜品翻译英文菜谱翻译英文的菜谱英文翻译食谱英语菜单翻译英语菜品翻译英语菜谱翻译中国菜谱翻译中文菜单英文译法菜单翻译菜单在线翻译菜谱翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.菜谱英文翻译菜谱中文翻译成英文餐厅菜单翻译翻译菜谱饭店翻译各种菜谱的英文翻译酒店翻译烹调翻译食谱翻译食谱英文翻译英文菜单翻译英文菜名翻译英文菜品翻译英文菜谱翻译英文的菜谱英语菜品翻译英语菜名翻译英语菜单翻译英语菜谱翻译中国菜谱翻译中文菜单英文译法电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.Pin eappl e||菠箩Wate rmelo n||西瓜Papa ya||木瓜App le||苹果Can talou pe||香瓜Lic hee||荔枝Li me||青柠Pea ch||桃Hone ydewMelon||哈蜜瓜Kiwi||祢猴逃Grap efrui t||西柚Rais in||葡萄干Dr agonfruit||火龙果Hone y||蜂蜜Mang o||芒果Bana na||香蕉Fruit sMap le sy rup||枫叶糖桨Straw berry||草莓Blueb erry||兰莓C ranbe rry||蔓越梅C herry||樱桃Cocon ut||椰子Plu m||李子Grap e||葡萄Apri cot||杏Lon gan||眼Dat e||枣Rum r aisin||朗姆酒葡萄干appl e苹果pe ach桃子Lemon柠檬P ear 梨子avoc ado南美梨 can talou pe美国香瓜Ban ana 香蕉 Gra pe 葡萄raisi ns葡萄干 plum李子ap ricot杏子 ne ctari ne油桃honey dew m elon哈密瓜o range橙子ta ngeri ne 橘子 guav a番石榴Golde n app le 黄绿苹果、脆甜 Gran ny sm ith 绿苹果pap aya木瓜Bram ley绿苹果Mcln tosh麦金托什红苹果 coc onut椰子nut核果,坚果Straw berry草莓p runes干梅子b luebe rry 乌饭果 cr anber ry酸莓raspb erry山霉Man go 芒果fig 无花果 pi neapp le 菠萝Kiwi奇异果弥猴桃S tar f ruit杨桃Ch erry樱桃 wa terme lon西瓜 grap efrui t柚子l ime 酸橙Dat es 枣子 lych ee 荔枝Grape frui t 葡萄柚 Coco nut 椰子Fig无花果ap ple||苹果pe ach||桃子Le mon||柠檬Pe ar||梨子avo cado||南美梨canta loupe||美国香瓜Ban ana||香蕉Gr ape||葡萄ra isins||葡萄干plum||李子apric ot||杏子nec tarin e||油桃hone ydewmelon||哈密瓜oran ge||橙子tan gerin e||橘子guav a||番石榴Gol den a pple||黄绿苹果、脆甜G ranny smit h||绿苹果pap aya||木瓜Br amley||绿苹果Mcln tosh||麦金托什红苹果c oconu t||椰子nut||核果,坚果Str awber ry||草莓pru nes||干梅子b luebe rry||乌饭果c ranbe rry||酸莓ra spber ry||山霉Man go||芒果fig||无花果pine apple||菠萝Kiwi||奇异果弥猴桃S tar f ruit||杨桃C herry||樱桃water melon||西瓜grape fruit||柚子lime||酸橙D ates||枣子l ychee||荔枝Grape frui t||葡萄柚Coc onut||椰子F ig||无花果del i 熟食类sa usage s 香肠c orned beef腌咸牛肉bolog na大红肠 sala mi 意大利香肠ba con熏肉ham火腿肉 ste wingbeef炖牛肉Sm okedBacon熏肉r oast烤肉corn ed be ef咸牛肉Pork Burg ers 汉堡肉pot ato s alad凉拌马铃薯coreslaw凉拌卷心菜丝 maca ronisalad 凉拌空心面 seaf ood s alad凉拌海鲜Sm okedmacke rel w ith c rushe d pep per c orn 带有黑胡椒粒的熏鲭D riedfish鱼干 Ca nned罐装的Bla ck Pu dding黑香肠Smoke d Sal mon 熏三文鱼de li||熟食类sausa ges||香肠co rnedbeef||腌咸牛肉bolo gna||大红肠s alami||意大利香肠ba con||熏肉ha m||火腿肉ste wingbeef||炖牛肉Smoke d Bac on||熏肉roa st||烤肉cor ned b eef||咸牛肉P ork B urger s||汉堡肉pot ato s alad||凉拌马铃薯cor e sla w||凉拌卷心菜丝macar oni s alad||凉拌空心面sea foodsalad||凉拌海鲜Smo ked m acker el wi th cr ushed pepp er co rn||带有黑胡椒粒的熏鲭D riedfish||鱼干C anned||罐装的Blac k Pud ding||黑香肠Smoke d Sal mon||熏三文鱼谷类食品Cerea ls 米类Long rice长米,较硬 Pud dingriceor sh ort r ice 软短米Bro wn ri ce 糙米THAIFragr ant r ice 泰国香米G lutin ous r ice 糯米 Sag o 西贾米oat燕麦, 麦片粥面类Str ong f lour高筋面粉Plain flou r 中筋面粉 mac aroni意大利空心面spa ghett i意大利式细面条Se lf- r aisin g flo ur 低筋面粉 Wh ole m eal f lour小麦面粉I nstan t noo dle方便面Noo dles面条 Ri ce-no odle米粉Ver micel li ri ce st ick 细面条, 粉条Lo ng ri ce||长米,较硬Puddi ng ri ce or shor t ric e||软短米Bro wn ri ce||糙米THAI Frag rantrice||泰国香米Glut inous rice||糯米Sago||西贾米oat||燕麦, 麦片粥面类S trong flou r||高筋面粉Pl ain f lour||中筋面粉maca roni||意大利空心面sp aghet ti||意大利式细面条Sel f- ra ising flou r||低筋面粉Wh ole m eal f lour||小麦面粉Inst ant n oodle||方便面Nood les||面条。
所有食物菜单的英文翻译(严格校对,最新最全)主食类(staple food):三文治sandwich 米饭rice 粥congee (rice soup)汤soup 饺子dumpling 面条noodle 比萨饼pizza 方便面instant noodle 香肠sausage 面包bread 黄油(白塔油)butter 茶叶蛋Tea eggs 油菜rape 饼干cookies 咸菜(泡菜)pickle 馒头steamed bread 饼(蛋糕)cake 汉堡hamburger 火腿ham 奶酪cheese 馄饨皮wonton skin 高筋面粉Strong flour 小麦wheat 大麦barley 青稞highland barley 高粱broomcorn (kaoliang )春卷Spring rolls 芋头Taro 山药yam 鱼翅shark fin 黄花daylily 松花蛋皮蛋preserved eggs 春卷spring roll 肉馅饼minced pie 糙米Brown rice 玉米corn 馅儿stuffing 开胃菜appetizer 面粉flour 燕麦oat 白薯甘薯sweet potato牛排steak 里脊肉fillet 凉粉bean jelly 糯米江米sticky rice 燕窝bird's nest 粟Chinese corn 肉丸子meat balls 枳橙citrange 点心(中式)dim sum 淀粉starch 蛋挞egg tart肉、蔬菜类(livestock家畜):南瓜(倭瓜)pumpkin cushaw 甜玉米Sweet corn 牛肉beef 猪肉pork 羊肉mutton 羔羊肉lamb 鸡肉chicken 生菜莴苣lettuce 白菜Chinese cabbage (celery cabbage)(甘蓝)卷心菜cabbage 萝卜radish 胡萝卜carrot 韭菜leek 木耳agarics 豌豆pea 马铃薯(土豆)potato 黄瓜cucumber 苦瓜balsam pear 秋葵okra 洋葱onion 芹菜celery 芹菜杆celery sticks 地瓜sweet potato 蘑菇mushroom 橄榄olive 菠菜spinach 冬瓜(Chinese)wax gourd 莲藕lotus root 紫菜laver 油菜cole rape 茄子eggplant 香菜caraway 枇杷loquat 青椒green pepper 四季豆青刀豆garden bean 银耳silvery fungi 腱子肉tendon 肘子pork joint 茴香fennel(茴香油fennel oil 药用)鲤鱼carp 咸猪肉bacon 金针蘑needle mushroom 扁豆lentil 槟榔areca 牛蒡great burdock 水萝卜summer radish 竹笋bamboo shoot 艾蒿Chinese mugwort 绿豆mung bean 毛豆green soy bean 瘦肉lean meat 肥肉speck 黄花菜day lily (day lily bud)豆芽菜bean sprout 丝瓜towel gourd (注:在美国丝瓜或用来做丝瓜茎loofah洗澡的,不是食用的)水果类西红柿tomato 菠萝pineapple 西瓜watermelon 香蕉banana 柚子shaddock (pomelo)橙子orange 苹果apple 柠檬lemon 樱桃cherry 桃子peach 梨pear 枣Chinese date (去核枣pitted date )椰子coconut 草莓strawberry 树莓raspberry 蓝莓blueberry 黑莓blackberry 葡萄grape 甘蔗sugar cane 芒果mango 木瓜pawpaw或者papaya 杏子apricot 油桃nectarine 柿子persimmon 石榴pomegranate 榴莲jackfruit 槟榔果areca nut (西班牙产苦橙)bitter orange 猕猴桃kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry 金橘cumquat 蟠桃flat peach 荔枝litchi 青梅greengage 山楂果haw 水蜜桃honey peach 香瓜,甜瓜musk melon 李子plum 杨梅waxberry red bayberry 桂圆longan 沙果crab apple 杨桃starfruit 枇杷loquat 柑橘tangerine 莲雾wax-apple 番石榴guava调料类(seasonings):醋vinegar 酱油soy 盐salt 加碘盐iodized salt 糖sugar 白糖refined sugar 酱soy sauce 沙拉salad 辣椒hot(red)pepper 胡椒(black)pepper 花椒wild pepper Chinese prickly ash powder 色拉油salad oil 调料fixing sauce seasoning 砂糖granulated sugar红糖brown sugar 冰糖Rock Sugar 芝麻Sesame 芝麻酱Sesame paste 芝麻油Sesame oil 咖喱粉curry 番茄酱(汁)ketchup redeye 辣根horseradish 葱shallot (Spring onions)姜ginger 蒜garlic 料酒cooking wine 蚝油oyster sauce 枸杞(枇杷,欧查果)medlar 八角aniseed 酵母粉yeast barm Yellow pepper 黄椒肉桂cinnamon (在美国十分受欢迎,很多事物都有肉桂料) 黄油butter 香草精vanilla extract(甜点必备) 面粉flour 洋葱onion海鲜类(sea food):虾仁Peeled Prawns 龙虾lobster 小龙虾crayfish(退缩者)蟹crab 蟹足crab claws 小虾(虾米)shrimp 对虾、大虾prawn (烤)鱿鱼(toast)squid 海参sea cucumber 扇贝scallop 鲍鱼sea-ear abalone 小贝肉cockles 牡蛎oyster 鱼鳞scale 海蜇jellyfish鳖海龟turtle 蚬蛤clam 鲅鱼culter 鲳鱼butterfish 虾籽shrimp egg 鲢鱼银鲤鱼chub silver carp 黄花鱼yellow croaker(dry fruits)干果类:腰果Cashew nuts 花生peanut 无花果fig 榛子filbert hazel 栗子chestnut 核桃walnut 杏仁almond 果脯preserved fruit 芋头taro 葡萄干raisin cordial 开心果pistachion 巴西果brazil nut 菱角,荸荠water chestnut (和国内食用法不同,做坚果食用)零食类(snack):mint 薄荷糖cracker饼干, biscuit饼干, 棒棒糖bonbon 茶tea (沏茶make the tea)话梅prune candied plum 锅巴rice crust 瓜子melon seed 冰棒(冰果)ice(frozen)sucker 冰淇凌ice cream 防腐剂preservative 圣代冰淇淋sundae 巧克力豆marble chocolate barley 布丁pudding酒水类(beverage):红酒red wine 白酒white wine 白兰地brandy 葡萄酒sherry 汽水(软饮料) soda (盐)汽水sparkling water 果汁juice 冰棒Ice-lolly 啤酒beer 酸奶yoghurt 伏特加酒vodka 鸡尾酒cocktail 豆奶soy milk 豆浆soybean milk 七喜7 UP 麒麟(日本啤酒kirin)凉开水cold boiled water 汉斯啤酒Hans beer 浓缩果汁concentrated juice 冰镇啤酒iced(chilled ) beer 札幌(日本啤酒)Sapporo 爱尔啤酒(美国)ale A级牛奶grand A milk 班图酒bantu beer 半干雪利dry sark 参水牛奶blue milk 日本粗茶bancha 生啤酒draft beer 白啤酒white beer <苏格兰>大麦酒barley-bree 咖啡伴侣coffee mate与食品有关的词语(some words about food):炸fired 炝quick boiled 烩braise (烩牛舌braised ox tongue)烤roast 饱嗝burp 饱了饱的full stuffed 解渴quench thirst (形容食物变坏spoil spoilage)preservative 防腐剂expiration date 产品有效期(形容酒品好: a good strong brew 绝味酿)应各位要求补充的中式西式食物饭类:稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 油饭Glutinous oil rice糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg地瓜粥Sweet potato congee中式早點:烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns割包Steamed sandwich 饭团Rice and vegetable roll蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg豆浆Soybean milk面类:馄饨面Wonton & noodles 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鴨肉面Duck with noodles 鱔魚面Eel noodles乌龙面Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles牡蛎细面Oyster thin noodles 板条Flat noodles 米粉Rice noodles炒米粉Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle中餐:bear's paw 熊掌* of deer 鹿脯beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参sea sturgeon 海鳝salted jelly fish 海蜇皮kelp,seaweed 海带abalone鲍鱼shark fin鱼翅scallops干贝lobster龙虾bird's nest 燕窝roast suckling pig 考乳猪pig's knuckle 猪脚boiled salted duck 盐水鸭preserved meat腊肉barbecued pork 叉烧sausage 香肠fried pork flakes 肉松BAR-B-Q 烤肉meat diet 荤菜vegetables 素菜meat broth 肉羹local dish 地方菜Cantonese cuisine 广东菜set meal 客饭curry rice 咖喱饭fried rice 炒饭plain rice 白饭crispy rice 锅巴gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥—noodles with gravy 打卤面plain noodle 阳春面casserole 砂锅chafing dish,fire pot火锅meat bun肉包子shao-mai烧麦preserved bean curd 腐乳bean curd豆腐fermented blank bean 豆豉pickled cucumbers 酱瓜preserved egg 皮蛋salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋dried turnip 萝卜干汤类:鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 貢丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤Clams soup 牡蛎汤Oyster soup 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤Wonton soup 猪肠汤Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤Pork thick soup 鱿鱼汤Squid soup 花枝羹Squid thick soup西餐与日本料理:menu 菜单French cuisine法国菜today's special 今日特餐chef's special 主厨特餐buffet 自助餐fast food 快餐specialty 招牌菜continental cuisine 欧式西餐aperitif 饭前酒dim sum 点心French fires炸薯条baked potato烘马铃薯mashed potatoes马铃薯泥omelette 简蛋卷pudding 布丁pastries 甜点pickled vegetables 泡菜kimchi 韩国泡菜crab meat 蟹肉prawn 明虾conch 海螺escargots 田螺braised beef 炖牛肉bacon 熏肉poached egg 荷包蛋sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋over 煎两面荷包蛋fried egg 煎蛋over easy 煎半熟蛋over hard 煎全熟蛋scramble eggs 炒蛋boiled egg 煮蛋stone fire pot 石头火锅sashi 日本竹筷sake 日本米酒miso shiru 味噌汤roast meat 铁板烤肉sashimi 生鱼片butter 奶油。
标准礼盒 Standard Gift Set Items RMB 888
会稽山加饭酒十年 Hui Ji Shan Jia Fan Wine 10 Years
柚子茶 Honey Grapefruit Tea from Korea
绿茶芙蓉糕 Green Tea Cashew Nut "Furung Gao"
无糖Sugar free 南瓜月饼Pumpkin
绿茶月饼Green tea
RMB 258
福满金秋Autumn Blessing
广式Cantonese Style 红莲Red Lotus paste with egg yolk
白莲White lotus paste with egg yolk
洋参茶 Ginseng Tea
灌装鲍鱼 Tin of Abalone
诗蒂兰皇家巧克力 Steenland Chocolate Royal Collection
夏宫三百元礼卷 Summer Palace RMB 300 Dim Sum Voucher
典雅双喜莲蓉月饼Double Happiness
中国菜谱英语翻译:主食小吃(一)1、X.O.炒萝卜糕:Turnip Cake with XO Sauce2、八宝饭:Eight Treasure Rice3、白粥:Plain Rice Porridge ((翻译公司)翻译公司)4、XO酱海鲜蛋炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Assorted Seafood in XO Sauce5、鲍鱼丝金菇焖伊面:Stir-fried Noodles with Mushrooms and Shredded Abalone6、鲍汁海鲜烩饭:Boiled Seafood and Rice with Abalone Sauce7、鲍汁海鲜面:Seafood Noodles with Abalone Sauce8、(翻译公司)炒肝:Stir-fried Liver Beijing Style9、(翻译公司)鸡汤馄饨:Wonton in Chicken Soup10、(翻译公司)炸酱面:Noodles with Bean Paste (翻译公司)11、碧绿鲜虾肠粉:Fresh Shrimps in Rice Flour Noodles with Vegetables12、冰糖银耳炖雪梨:Stewed Sweet Pear with White Fungus13、菜脯叉烧肠粉:Steamed Rice Rolls with Preserved Vegetables14、菜盒子:Stir-fried Crispy Cake Stuffed with Vegetable15、菜肉大馄饨:Pork and Vegetable Wonton16、菜肉饺子:Dumplings Stuffed with Minced Pork and Vegetable17、参吧素菜卷:Sweet Dumplings Stuffed with Cream and Mixed Fruits18、草菇牛肉肠粉:Steamed Rice Noodle Rolls with Mushrooms and Minced Beef19、叉烧包:Barbecued Pork Bun20、叉烧焗餐包:Barbecued Pork Dumpling21、叉烧酥:Cake with Barbecued Pork22、炒河粉:Sautéed Rice Noodles23、炒面:Sautéed Noodles with Vegetables24、皮红豆沙:Minced Red Bean Paste with Orange Peel25、豉油蒸肠粉:Steamed Rice Rolls with Black Bean Sauce26、豉汁蒸凤爪:Steamed Chicken Feet with Black Bean Sauce27、豉汁蒸排骨:Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Bean Sauce28、春菇烧麦:Steamed Dumplings Stuffed with Mushroom30、葱油拌面:Mixed Noodles with Spring Scallion, Oil and Soy Sauce31、葱油饼:Fried Chive Cake32、葱油煎饼:Pancake with Scallions (翻译公司)33、脆皮春卷:Crispy Spring Roll34、脆炸芋头糕:Taro Cake with Preserved Pork35、担担面:Sichuan Flavor Noodle36、蛋煎韭菜盒:Deep-Fried Shrimps and Chive Dumplings37、冬菜牛肉肠粉:Steamed Rice Rolls with Minced Beef and Preserved Vegetables38、冻马蹄糕:Water Chestnut Jelly Cake39、豆浆:Soybean Milk40、豆沙包:Steamed Bun Stuffed with Red Bean Paste41、豆沙锅饼:Pan-fried Red Bean Paste Pancake42、豆沙粽子:Glutinous Rice Stuffed with Red Bean Paste Wrapped in Bamboo Leaves43、翡翠培根炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Bacon and Mixed Vegetables44、翡翠烧麦:Steamed Vegetable Dumplings ((翻译公司)翻译公司)45、翡翠水饺:Spinach and Meat Dumpling46、蜂巢炸芋头:Deep-Fried Taro Dumplings47、蜂蜜龟苓糕:Chilled Herbal Jelly Served with Honey48、凤城煎鱼脯:Fried Fish and Egg49、干炒牛河:Dry-fried Rice Noodle and Sliced Beef50、高汤鸡丝面:Noodles in Shredded Chicken Soup51、豉汁牛仔骨:Steamed Beef Ribs with Black Bean Sauce52、点心:Cantonese Dim Sum53、广式叉烧包:Cantonese Barbecued Pork Bun (翻译公司)54、桂花酒酿圆子:Glutinous Rice Dumpling in Sweet Rice Wine55、锅贴:Fried Meat Dumplings56、过桥肥牛汤米线:Vermicelli in Soup with Beef57、海皇炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Seafood58、鸡饭:Hainanese Chicken Rice59、海天虾饺皇:Steamed Shrimp Dumplings with Fungus60、海虾云吞面:Noodles with Fresh Shrimp Wonton61、海鲜炒饭:Fried Rice and Seafood62、海鲜春卷:Deep-Fried Seafood Spring Rolls63、海鲜锅饼:Pan-fried Seafood Dumpling64、海鲜乌冬汤面:Japanese Noodles Soup with Seafood65、海鲜虾仁/什锦汤面:Seafood/Mixed Meat With Vegetables Noodle Soup66、蚝皇鲜竹卷:Steamed Pork with Shrimp Bean Curd Roll67、蚝油叉烧包:SteamedBarbequed Pork Bunwith Oyster Sauce68、黑椒香蒜牛柳粒炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Diced Beef and Minced Garlic69、黑椒猪肉饭:Stir-fried Rice with Sliced Pork70、黑米小窝头:Steamed Black Rice Bun71、红肠炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Egg and Pork Sausage72、红豆糕:Red Bean Pudding (翻译公司)73、红豆沙元子:Boiled Dumplings Stuffed with Red Bean Paste74、红豆沙圆子羹:Sweet Red Bean Paste Filling Glutinous Rice Ball Soup75、红豆椰汁糕:Red Bean and Coconut Cake76、红烧牛腩饭:Braised Beef Rice77、红烧牛腩米粉:Boiled Vermicelli Noodles with Beef78、红烧牛腩面:Noodles with Goulash79、红烧牛腩汤面:Noodle Soup with Beef80、红烧牛肉饭:Stewed Beef Rice81、红烧排骨汤面:Noodle Soup with Spare Ribs82、红薯金饼:Deep-Fried Sweet Potato Cake83、红油抄手:Meat Dumpling in Spicy Sauce84、鸿运蒸凤爪:Steamed Chicken Feet85、花生糕:Peanut Cake86、黄金大排饭:Pork Ribs Rice ((翻译公司)翻译公司)87、黄金大排面:Pork Ribs Noodles88、黄油马拉糕:Steamed Bread with Sugar89、馄饨汤面:Wonton Noodle Soup90、火腿炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Ham91、火腿鸡丝乌冬面:Japanese Noodles with Chicken and Ham92、火鸭三宝扎:Steamed Three Treasures and Duck in Rolls93、鸡蛋炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Egg94、鸡蛋韭菜水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Leek and Egg95、鸡丝炒面:Stir-fried Noodles with Shredded Chicken96、鸡丝炒乌东:Stir-fried Japanese Noodles with Shredded Chicken97、鸡汤云吞:Wonton in Chicken Soup (翻译公司)98、极品粥:Porridge with Assorted Seafood99、家乡韭菜果:Leek and Pork Bun100、煎包:Fried Dumplings101、煎蛋卷:Omelet102、煎饺:Fried Pork Dumplings103、煎酿鲜茄子:Fried Eggplant Stuffed with Pork and Shrimps104、煎什菜粉果:Fried Vegetable Dumplings105、酱鸡腿拉面:Noodles with Chicken in Soy Sauce106、酱油肉丝炒饭:Stir-fried Rice and Sliced Pork in Soy Sauce107、椒盐花卷:Steamed Bun Roll with Salt and Pepper108、金银迷你馒头:Steamed and Deep-Fried Mini Bun109、金玉水饺:Dumpling Stuffed with Corn and Meat110、锦绣糯米鸡:Steamed Chicken with Rice111、靖江鸡包仔:Steamed Ginger and Chicken Bun112、京菜上素包:Steamed Vegetable Bun113、京都排骨饭:Rice with Pork Ribs114、晶莹虾饺皇:Dumpling Stuffed with Shrimp ((翻译公司)翻译公司)115、韭菜果:Pan-fried Leek Dumpling116、韭菜晶饼:Steamed Mashed Chive Pancake117、韭黄虾肠粉:Steamed Rice Rolls with Chives and Shrimp118、韭王鸡丝春卷:Deep-Fried Chicken Spring Rolls119、酒酿元子:Boiled Dumplings in Fermented Glutinous Rice120、咖喱蒸牛肚:Steamed Ox Tripe with Curry121、咖哩牛肉酥盒:Curry Beef Puff122、口蘑菜胆:Stir-fried Vegetable and Mushrooms123、口蘑煎蛋卷:Mushroom Omelet124、拉面:Hand-pulled Noodles (翻译公司)125、腊肉炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Preserved Ham126、腊肉西芹卤汁面:Noodles with Preserved Ham and Celery127、辣酱蒸鲜鱿:Steamed Squid with Chili Sauce128、醪糟汤圆:Glutinous Rice Balls in Rice Wine Soup129、醪糟鸡蛋:Poached Egg in Rice Wine Soup130、莲子红豆沙:Sweetened Red Bean Paste and Lotus Seeds Soup 131、榴莲酥:Crispy Durian Cake132、萝卜丝酥饼:Pan Fried Turnip Cake133、麻酱花卷:Steamed Bun Rolls with Sesame Paste134、麻团:Fried Glutinous Rice Balls with Sesame135、马蹄西米花生糊:Cream of Peanut with Water-chestnut136、马蹄鲜虾肠粉:Steamed Rice Rolls with Shrimps and Water Chestnut 137、梅干菜包:Steamed Bun Stuffed with Preserved Vegetable138、梅樱海鲜香炒面:Fried Noodle with Seafood139、美味排骨面:Noodles with Pork Ribs140、米饭:Steamed Rice141、蜜糖龟苓膏:Herbal Jelly Served with Honey142、蜜汁叉烧包:Steamed Barbecued Pork Bun143、蜜汁叉烧酥:Barbecued Pork Puff144、明火白粥:Rice Porridge (翻译公司)145、蘑菇鸡肉酥盒:Chicken Fricassee Vol-au-vent146、蘑菇面:Noodles with Mushroom147、蘑菇牛肉乳蛋派:Beef and Mushroom Quiche148、奶皇糯米糍:Glutinous Rice and Cream Dumplings149、奶皇炸蚕茧:Deep Fried Milk Custard Dumplings150、奶黄包:Steamed Bread with Milk and Egg151、奶香粟米片片饼:Golden Corn Pancake152、南瓜酥:Pumpkin Puff153、南瓜团子:Pumpkin Dumplings154、南瓜粥:Pumpkin Porridge155、牛肉/高汤榨菜肉丝面:Noodles in Soup with Beef and Vegetables 156、牛肉炒河粉:Stir-Fried Rice Noodles with Beef157、牛肉大葱水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Beef and Scallion158、牛肉盖饭:Rice with Beef159、牛肉锅贴:Fried Dumpling Stuffed with Beef160、牛肉拉面:Hand-pulled Noodles with Beef161、牛肉烧麦:Steamed Dumplings Stuffed with Beef162、糯米卷:Glutinous Rice Rolls (翻译公司)163、排骨拉面:Hand-pulled Noodles with Spare Ribs164、泡菜炒饭:Fried Rice and Pickled Vegetables165、蓬莱鲜虾饺:Utopia Prawn Dumplings166、皮蛋瘦肉粥:Preserved Egg with Minced Pork Congee167、蒲烧鳗鱼饭:Rice with Grilled Eel168、巧克力松饼:Chocolate Muffin169、茄丁肉酱手擀面:Noodles with Minced Pork and Diced Eggplant 170、茄汁泥肠饭:Fried Sausage with Tomato Sauce Rice171、茄子肉丁打卤面:Noodles with Eggplant and Diced Pork172、青椒牛肉蛋炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Egg, Beef and Green Pepper 173、清汤牛肉河粉:Stewed Rice Noodles with Beef in Broth174、清香黄金糕:Fried Sponge Cake175、清心斋肠粉:Steamed Rice Rolls with Vegetables176、肉末冬菜包:Steamed Bun with Pork and Preserved Vegetables 177、肉末烧饼:Minced Meat with Sesame Cake178、肉丝乌冬面:Japanese Noodles with Shredded Pork179、肉丝炸春卷:Spring Rolls with Shredded Pork180、肉松松饼:Shredded Pork Waffle((翻译公司)翻译公司)181、三丝春卷:Deep-Fried Spring Rolls182、三鲜焦炒面:Stir-Fried Noodles with Three Fresh Delicacies183、三鲜水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Three Fresh Delicacies184、三鲜小笼包:Steamed Bun Stuffed with Three Fresh Delicacies 185、砂锅富豪焖饭:Steamed Rice with Diced Abalone and Scallops 186、山笋香菇包:Steamed Shrimps and Black Mushrooms Bun187、山竹牛肉球:Steamed Beef Balls188、菜煨面:Stewed Noodles with Vegetable189、泡饭:Boiled Tender Rice with Shredded Vegetable in Soup190、上汤乌冬面:Japanese Noodle in Soup191、上汤云吞:Wonton in Soup (翻译公司)192、烧麦:Steamed Pork Dumplings193、生菜牛肉炒饭:Stir-fried Rice and Diced Beef and Shredded Lettuce194、生菜丝咸鱼鸡粒炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Diced Chicken and Salted Fish195、生滚海鲜粥:Congee with Seafood196、生煎包:Pan-fried Bun Stuffed with Pork197、生煎锅贴:Pan-fried Dumpling Stuffed with Pork198、生煎馒头:Pan-fried Steamed Bun199、狮子头饭:Meatball Rice200、狮子头面:Meatball Noodle201、什果杏仁豆腐:Bean Curd with Chilled Almond and Fresh Fruit 202、什锦扒牛肉:Mixed Grilled Beef Tenderloin203、什锦炒饭:Mixed Fried Rice204、什锦炒面:Stir-Fried Noodles with Vegetable and Meat205、什锦冬瓜粒泡饭:Rice with Winter Melon & Assorted Meat in Soup 206、什锦水果松饼:Mixed Fruit Waffle207、蔬菜炒饭:Stir-Fried Rice with Vegetable208、蔬菜春卷:Spring Rolls Stuffed with Vegetable209、蔬菜面:Noodle with Vegetables (翻译公司)210、双丸汤面:Noodle Soup with Assorted Dumplings211、水煎鲜肉锅贴:Pan-Fried Fresh Pork Dumplings212、水饺:Dumplings213、松子叉烧酥:Baked Barbecued Pork Pastry with Pine Nuts214、酥点:Crispy Dim Sum215、素菜包:Steamed Bun with Vegetables216、素菜汤面:Noodles in Vegetable Soup217、素馅饼:Pancake Stuffed with Vegetable218、酸菜龙抄手:Wonton Soup with Preserved Vegetable219、酸辣粉:Hot and Sour Rice Noodles220、酸甜炸春卷:Deep-Fried Spring Rolls with Sweet and Sour Sauce 221、蒜香炸虾卷:Shrimp Rolls with Garlic222、蒜汁煎灌肠:Pan-Fried Sausage with Garlic223、笋尖鲜虾饺:Steamed Dumplings with Shrimp and Bamboo Shoots 224、滷肉饭:Steamed Rice with Marinated Pork ((翻译公司)翻译公司)225、泰汁银雪鱼饭:Codfish with Tai Sauce and Rice226、汤圆:Sweet Glutinous Dumplings227、豌豆黄:Pea Flour Cake228、鲔鱼松饼:Tuna Muffin229、五香茶叶蛋:Flavored Eggs230、虾排乌冬面:Japanese Noodles with Prawns231、虾球清汤面:Noodle Soup with Shrimp232、虾仁炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Shrimp (翻译公司)233、虾仁汤面:Noodles in Chicken Soup with Shrimp234、虾圆玉子豆腐:Steamed Bean Curd and Shrimp235、鲜蘑猪柳配米饭:Steamed Rice with Pork Loin and Mushroom236、鲜肉云吞面:Noodles with Wonton Stuffed with Fresh Pork237、鲜虾饺:Steamed Fresh Shrimp Dumplings238、鲜虾烧麦仔:Steamed bun Stuffed with Shrimp239、鲜虾生肉包:Steamed bun Stuffed with Shrimp and Pork240、咸点:Salted Kinds of Chinese Pastry241、香肠卷:Sausage Rolls242、香菇鸡肉包:Steamed Bun Stuffed with Chicken and Mushroom 243、香菇鸡丝面:Noodles with Chicken and Mushrooms244、香菇油菜水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Mushroom and Cabbage 245、香滑芋茸包:Steamed Bun with Taro246、香煎菜肉锅贴:Pan-fried Dumplings with Vegetable and Pork247、香煎腐皮卷:Pan-fried Bean Curd Rolls with Shrimp248、香煎黄金糕:Pan-fried Golden Glutinous Cake249、香煎韭菜饺:Pan-fried Leek Dumplings250、香煎萝卜糕:Pan-fried Turnip Patties with Bacon251、香茜带子饺:Scallop and Prawn Dumplings with Coriander252、香酥韭菜盒:Crispy Shrimp Dumplings with Leek253、香酥麻饼:Sesame Pan Cake (翻译公司)254、香炸芝麻团:Deep-Fried Sesame Balls255、小茏葱油花卷:Steamed Bun Rolls with Chive256、小笼汤包:Steamed Bun Stuffed with Pork257、小米粥:Millet Porridge258、蟹籽小笼包:Steamed Pork Dumplings with Crab Roe259、新西兰土豆饼:Potato Cake260、星州炒米粉:Singapore Stir-fried Rice Noodles261、杏片炸鱼条:Deep-Fried Fish Fillet with Almonds262、雪菜包:Steamed Bun with Preserved Vegetable263、雪菜肉丝汤面:Noodles with Preserved Vegetable and Shredded Pork in Soup264、雪菜肉松拉面:Hand-Pulled Noodle with Preserved Vegetable and Minced Pork265、鸭丝火腿汤面:Noodles in Soup with Shredded Duck and Ham266、鸭丝上汤米粉:Boiled Rice Noodles with Roasted Duck267、羊肉泡馍:Mutton and Bread Pieces in Soup ((翻译公司)翻译公司)268、阳春面:Plain Noodles in Superior Soup269、瑶柱灌汤饺:Dumplings in Soup with Dried Scallops270、椰汁冰花炖碎燕:Double Boiled Superior Bird's Nest Soup with Coconut Juice271、一品什锦汤面:Noodles in Soup with Assorted Vegetables272、银丝卷:Steamed Vermicelli Rolls273、银芽干炒牛河:Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Sliced Beef and Bean Sprouts274、银芽肉丝面:Fried Noodles with Shredded Pork & Bean Sprouts275、油条:Deep-Fried Twisted Dough Sticks (翻译公司)276、果皇糕:Baked Fruit Cake277、芋丝炸春卷:Deep-Fried Taro Spring Rolls278、芋头蒸排骨:Steamed Pork Ribs with Taro279、原汁牛肉拉面:Braised Beef Noodle in Soup280、芸豆卷:French Bean Rolls281、炸馒头:Deep-Fried Steamed Bun282、炸羊肉串:Deep-Fried Mutton Skewer283、榨菜肉丝汤面:Noodles in Soup with Preserved Vegetable and Sliced Pork284、招牌羔蟹肉炒饭:Stir-Fried Rice with Crab Meat285、蒸肠粉:Steamed Rice Rolls286、蒸凤爪:Steamed Chicken Feet with Soy Sauce287、蒸饺:Steamed Dumplings288、芝麻叉烧酥:Roast Pork with Sesame Pastry289、芝麻大饼:Pan-fried Sesame Cake290、芝麻凉卷:Sesame Rolls291、芝士南瓜面:Noodles with Cheese Pumpkin292、中式牛肉汤面:Chinese Beef Noodles (翻译公司)293、周公三鲜浓汤面:Noodles in Soup with Fish Maw Abalone and Sea Cucumber294、猪肉白菜水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Pork and Chinese Cabbage295、猪肉大葱水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Pork and Scallion296、猪肉茴香水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Pork and Fennel297、猪肉芹菜水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Pork and Celery298、猪肉西葫芦水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Pork and Vegetable Marrow 299、疙瘩汤:Dough Drop Soup300、牛肉粥:Minced Beef Porridge301、素春卷:Vegetarian Spring Roll302、春卷:Shanghai Spring Roll303、素春卷:Vegetable Shanghai Spring Roll304、葱油饼:Scallion Pancake305、牛肉串:Deep-Fried Beef Skewer306、炸云吞:Fried Wonton307、炸蟹角:Crab Rangoon308、凉面:Cold Noodles with Sesame Sauce309、金手指:Fried Chicken Fingers310、虾吐司:Shrimp Toast311、炸大虾:Fried jumbo Shrimp ((翻译公司)翻译公司)312、水饺或锅贴:Steamed or Fried Meat Dumplings313、无骨排:B.B.Q. Spare Ribs314、宝宝盘:Pu Pu Platter315、鲜虾小馄饨:Shrimp Wonton Soup316、菜肉馄饨:Shanghai Pork & Vegetable Wonton Soup317、菜肉馄饨面:Pork and Vegetable Wonton with Noodles in Broth318、辣酱面:Shanghai Style Spicy Noodles in Broth319、牛腩面:Sirloin & Noodles in Broth (翻译公司)320、排骨面:Pork Chop & Noodles in Broth321、海鲜汤面:Seafood & Noodles (or Me Feng) in Broth322、各式炒年糕:Rice Cakes (Vegetable, Pork, Beef, Shrimp or Chicken)323、本楼炒年糕:House Special Rice Cakes324、各式两面黄:Pan-Fried Noodles (Vegetable, Pork, Beef, Shrimp or Chicken) 325、海鲜两面黄:Seafood Pan-fried Noodles326、地瓜粥:Traditional Congee with Sweet Potato327、担仔面:Hanker’s Noodle Soup, Taiwan Style328、海鲜噜面:Noodle Soup with Seafood329、素菜汤面:Noodle Soup with Vegetable330、猪脚面线:Fried Rice Noodles with Pork Trotters331、蚵仔大肠面线:Fried Rice Noodles with Savory Stripes and Mussels332、肉酱炒米粉:Fried Rice Vermicelli with Minced Meat333、金瓜鲔鱼炒米粉:Fried Rice Vermicelli with Minced Fish and Cushaw 334、青叶炒饭:Fried Rice with Diced Pork and Vegetable335、活虾炒饭:Fried Rice with Live Shrimps ((翻译公司)翻译公司)336、沙茶牛松饭:Fried Rice with Minced Beef and BBQ Sauce337、咸鱼茄粒炒饭:Fried Rice with Salty Fish and Diced Eggplant338、扁食汤:Dumpling in Soup339、鲜奶馒头:Steamed Milk Bun340、芋头饼:Deep Fried Taro Dumplings341、莲蓉酥:Lotus Seed Paste Cake342、水果酥:Fresh Fruit Pudding (翻译公司)343、咖喱角:Curry Cake344、鲜虾春卷:Spring Roll Stuffed with Shrimps 345、麻薯:Deep Fried Glutinous Rice Dumplings 346、杏仁豆腐:Almond Curd with Mixed Fruit 347、爱玉冰:Aiyu Jelly348、龟灵膏:Tortoise-Plastron Cream349、水果盘:Fresh Fruit Platter350、芝麻芋条:Deep Fried Taro Fillet with Sesame 351、甜烧饼:Sweet Sesame Seed Flatbread 352、咸烧饼:Spiced Sesame Seed Flatbread 353、萝包:Pan-fried Turnip Cakes354、萝酥饼:Turnip Puffs355、虾饺:Shrimp Dumplings356、韭菜水饼:Steamed Chives Pockets357、粢饭糕:Fried Rice Patties358、粢饭团:Stuffed Sticky Rice Ball。
Recipe (食谱)
![Recipe (食谱)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e3ad72dd76eeaeaad1f3305b.png)
中餐菜名通常由原料名称,烹制方法、 菜肴的色香味形、菜肴的创始人或发源 地等构成。
I. Cooking Methods
煎 pan-fried, fried, sauteed 煎咸鱼 Fried Salted Fish 炒 stir-fried , fried 杏仁炒虾仁 Fried Shrimp with Almonds
I. Cooking Methods II. Features of Chinese Dish Names III. Ways of Naming Chinese Dishes Iv. Strategies of Translating Chinese Dish Names V. Principles of Translation
to express best wishes and special expectation, like ―steamed eel rolls‖如意鳝卷 Full of Long history and colorful culture,
such as ―Taibai tender chicken‖太白童鸡“, “turtle and chicken‖霸王别姬
Features of Naming Chinese Dishes
Various raw materials are used in Chinese
dishes,including birds and beasts, fish, plants and so on. Some dishes – named by means of metaphors
英文食谱中英双语Ingredients:- 2 cups all-purpose flour- 1 teaspoon baking powder- 1/2 teaspoon salt- 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened- 3/4 cup granulated sugar- 2 large eggs- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract- 1/2 cup milk- 1 cup fresh blueberriesInstructions:1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease a 9-inch round cake pan.2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt.3. In a separate bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.4. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, then stir in the vanilla extract.5. Gradually mix in the flour mixture, alternating with the milk. Begin and end with the flour mixture.6. Gently fold in the blueberries.7. Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan, spreading it evenly.8. Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.9. Allow the cake to cool in the pan for 10 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.材料:- 2杯中筋面粉- 1茶匙发酵粉- 1/2茶匙盐- 1/2杯无盐黄油,软化- 3/4杯砂糖- 2个大鸡蛋- 1茶匙香草提取物- 1/2杯牛奶- 1杯新鲜蓝莓步骤:1. 预热烤箱至350°F (175°C)。
兄弟,我只有这些.参考一下吧!!中英文菜名对照中餐菜谱肉类Meat白切肉boiled pork sliced白扣羊肉boiled mutton爆牛肚fried trips扁豆肉丝shredded pork and french beans冰糖肘子pork jiont stewed with rock sugar菠萝香酥肉sweet-and-sour pork with pineapple叉烧肉bbq pork(cantonese tyle)/grilled pork炒腊肉stir-fried smoked pork炒木须肉fried shreds of pork,fungus and eggs ,meat with omelet and fungus炒里脊丝saute pork fillet shreds炒肉片fried pork sliced炒肉丁fried meat cubes炒肉丝fried shredded pork炒猪肝fried pork liver炒肚尖fried tip of pig’s tripes炒羊肚fried lamb tripes豉汁牛肉fried beef with soy bean sauce葱爆肉丁sliced pork with scallion葱爆肉粉丝pork slices with vermicelli葱爆羊肉fried mutton slice with green scallion葱头牛肉丝shredded beef with onion脆皮三丝卷crisp rolls of pork,sea-cucumber and bamboo shoots冬笋炒肉丝asute shredded pork with bamboo shoots冬菇猪蹄pig’s trotters with mushrooms冬菜扣肉steamed spicy cabbage abd pork豆瓣牛肉beef in chilli bean sauce炖猪蹄stewed pig’s trotters粉蒸排骨steamed spareribs with rice flower咖哩牛肉fried curry beef干煸牛肉丝sauteed beef shreds with chilli宫爆腰花stir-fried kidney with chilli and peanuts古老肉sweet-and-sour pork蚝油牛肉oyster sauce beef红烧肉stewed pork with brown sauce红烧狮子头stewed meatballs with brown sauce红烧排骨spareribs with brown sauce红烧肘子pork leg braised in brown sauce红烧蹄筋braised tendon with brown sauce红烧牛肉beef with brown sauce红烧羊肉mutton braised in brown sauce红油肚丝shredded tripe with chilli sauce滑肉片sliced prok with cream sauce滑溜里脊saute fillet with thick gravy花椒牛肉cayenne beef黄瓜肉丁diced pork with cucumber回锅肉stir-fried boiled pork slices in hot sauce .twice-cooked pork slices 回锅辣白肉white meat in hot sauce家乡熏蹄home-made p ig’s trotters酱肉braised pork weasoned with soy sauce酱牛肉spiced beef酱爆肉fried sliced pork with soy sauce酱爆肉丁fried diced pork in soy sauce酱爆肉丝shredded pork with soy sauce酱猪肘spiced pig’s leg酱猪肚spiced pig’s tripe椒酱肉mixed meat with chilli韭黄肉丝shredded pork with chives烤乳猪roasted sucking pig烤猪肉roast pork烤牛肉roast beef扣肉braised meat辣子肉丁diced prok with green pepper栗子红烧肉braised pork with chestnuts蚂蚁上树vermicelli with spicy minced pork梅干菜扣肉steamed pork with preserved vegetables焖牛肉pot roast beef米粉蒸肉steamed pork with fice flower蜜汁火腿steamed ham with honey sauce扒白条braised pork slices排肉片tewed pork strip肉片meat slice肉丝shredded meat肉末minced meat肉丁diced meat肉馅meat filling清炸猪里脊dry-fried pork fillet青椒肉丝shredded pork with green pepper青椒牛肉fried beef with green pepper清蒸猪脑white steamed pig’s brain清蒸羊肉steamed mutton清炖牛尾steamed oxtail in clear soup软炸里脊soft-fried fillet砂锅狮子头meatballs in earthen-pot砂锅丸子meat balls en casserole生氽牛肉片poached beef fillet时蔬炒牛肉sauteed sliced beef with seasonal greens涮羊肉instant-boiled mutton Mongolian hot pot手抓羊肉boiled mutton双冬牛肉beef with mushroom and bambo shoots水晶蹄膀shredded pork knuckle in jelly蒜泥白肉shredded pork with garlic sauce蒜蓉牛柳条fillet of beef with garlic sauce坛子肉diced pork in pot糖醋里脊pork fried with sugar and vinegar dressing , pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce糖醋排骨sweet-and-sour spareribs豌豆肉丁diced pork with green pies雪菜肉丝shredded pork with salted potherb mustard盐煎肉fried pork with salted pepper盐水羊肉salted mutton羊肉串lamb shashlik腰果肉丁diced pork with cashew nuts银芽炒牛肉sauteed beef and sprouts in satay sauce鱼香肉丝shredded pork with garlic sauce炸丸子deep-fried meatballs炸肉茄夹fried eggplant with meat stuffing糟白肉cold pork slices marianted in wine essence芝麻羊肉fried mutton with sesame seeds走油肉fried boiled pork蘑菇鸡片: mogu gaipan左公鸡: general Tso‘s chicken捞面、炒面: lou mein,杂碎: chop sue签语饼:fortune 小甜饼鸡鸭类chicken and duck白斩鸡boiled chicken棒棒鸡chicken cutlets in chilli sauce荸荠鸡片saute chicken slices with water chestnuts北京烤鸭roast beijing duck拆骨鸡boneless chicken炒鸡片stir-fried chicken slices陈皮鸡chicken with orange flavor葱油白鸡boiled chicken with scallion脆皮鸡deep fried chicken with crisp skin冬笋鸡片saute sliced chicken with bamboo shoots富贵鸡steamed chicken with stuffing芙蓉鸡片chicken slices with eggwhite puffs宫保鸡丁sauted chicken cubes with chilli and peanuts 贵妃鸡chicken wings and legs with brown sauce蚝油扒鸭grilled duck in oyster红扒鸡braised chicken in brown sauce红糟鸭片duck slices in wine sauce葫芦八宝鸡gourd-shaped chicken in stuffing烩鸭掌braised duck webs酱鸡chicken simmered in brown sauce酱爆鸡丁quick-fried diced chicken in bean sauce椒盐鸡chicken with spicy salt叫化鸡beggar’s chicken(baked chicken)口蘑鸡块chicken stew with mushrooms辣椒炒鸡块stir-fried diced chicken with green pepper 栗子鸡stewed chicken with chestnuts明炉烧鸭barbecued duck with sweet paste南京板鸭steamed nanjing duck汽锅鸡yunnan-style steamed chicken清蒸全鸡steamed whole chicken in clear soup砂锅鸡chicken en casserole烧鸡grilled chicken糖醋鸡条sweet and sour chicken cutlets油淋鸡boiling oil scalded chicken五香鸡spiced chicken香酥鸡savoury and crisp chicken熏鸡smoked chicken醉鸡wined chicken炸鸡卷fried chicken rolls樟茶鸭smoked duck纸包鸡chicken wrapped in cellophane云腿鸡片stir-fried chicken and ham饭类稀饭Rice porridge白饭Plain white rice糯米饭Glutinous rice蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg面类刀削面Sliced noodles麻辣面Spicy hot noodles乌龙面Seafood noodles板条Flat noodles榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 米粉Rice noodles汤类紫菜汤Seaweed soup牡蛎汤Oyster soup蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup鱼丸汤Fish ball soup点心臭豆腐Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)油豆腐Oily bean curd虾球Shrimp balls春卷Spring rolls蛋卷Chicken rolls肉丸Rice-meat dumplings火锅Hot pot割包Steamed sandwich蛋饼Egg cakes豆干Dried tofu韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings水晶饺Pyramid dumplings烧饼Clay oven rolls油条Fried bread stick水饺Boiled dumplings馒头Steamed buns饭团Rice and vegetable roll 皮蛋100-year egg咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg豆浆Soybean milk油饭Glutinous oil rice卤肉饭Braised pork rice地瓜粥Sweet potato congee冬粉Green bean noodle炒米粉Fried rice noodle馄饨面Wonton & noodles麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鸭肉面Duck with noodles鳝鱼面Ecl noodles牡蛎细面Oyster thin noodles贡丸汤Meat ball soup蛤蜊汤Clams soup酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup馄饨汤Wonton soup猪肠汤Pork intestine soup肉羹汤Pork thick soup鱿鱼汤Squid soup花枝羹Squid thick soup虾片Prawn cracker碗糕Salty rice pudding肉圆Taiwanese meatballs牡蛎煎Oyster omelet红豆糕Red bean cake绿豆糕Bean paste cake糯米糕Glutinous rice cakes萝卜糕Fried white radish patty 芋头糕Taro cake麻辣豆腐Spicy hot bean curd筒仔米糕Rice tube pudding爱玉Vegetarian gelatin麻花Hemp flowers糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks长寿桃Longevity Peaches芝麻球Glutinous rice sesame balls双胞胎Horse hooves中国菜谱的英文翻译家庭特色菜(鸡、鸭、乳鸽)香妃鸡(Steamed chicken with saltedsauce)糖醋鸡块(Chicken in sweet and sour sauce)三杯鸡翼(Chicken wings in three cups sauce)赛海蜇拌火鸭丝(Shredded roast deck with wnow fungus) 杂菜拌鸭脷(Duck tongues with assorted Vegetables)卤炸乳鸽(Deep-frie pigeon in spiced sauce)蜜糖子姜鸡(Honey chicken with ginger shoors)苹果咖喱鸡(Curry chicken with apple)百花凤翼(stuffed chicken wings with shrimp paste)香荽鸭翼(Duck wings with coriander)陈皮鸭脷(Fried duck tongues with tangerine peel)家庭特色菜(猪、牛)镬仔叉烧(Roast pork in wok)菜薳滑肉片(Sliced pork with vegetable shoots)茄汁炆排骨(Stewed spare ribs with tomato sauce)酒醉排骨(Spart ribs in wine sauce)香辣猪扒(Fried chilili pork chops)云腿芥菜胆(Mustard green with ham)荔枝炒牛肉(Stir-fried beef with lychee)卤牛腩(Brisket of beef in spiced sauce)菠萝牛仔骨(stir-fried ox ribs with pineapple)核桃肉煲牛0汤(Beef shin soup with walnut)家庭特色菜(鱼、虾、龙虾、蟹、膳)蒸鱼尾(Steamed fish tail)椒盐焗0鱼(Baked pomeret with chilli and salt)洋葱煮鱼(frie fish with onion)咸酸菜煮鱼(Flsh with salted mustard cabbage)酸菜鱼头煲(sour and chilli fish gead pot)干炸多春鱼(Deep-fried snapper)榄仁炒鱼环(Fried minced dace with olive seeds)黑豆煲鱼头汤(Fish head soup with black beans)苹果煲生鱼汤(Apple and San-yu soup)北芪生鱼汤(Pak-kei and san-yu soup)粟米鱼羹(Garoupa and sweet corns soup)蒜蓉蟠龙虾(Prawns in garlic sauce)辈翠玉如意(Stuffed yu-ear with shrimp paste)黑白分明(Fried shrimp balls With black and white sesame seeds)菜花虾羹(Shrimps and broccoli soup)京酱龙虾球(Lobster balls in sweet bean sauce)炸酿龙虾(Fried stuffed lobsters)辣椒炒蟹(Fried crabs in chilli sauce)酱油蟹(Crabs in soy sauce)醋溜蟹(Crabs in sour sauce)清汤蟹肉(Chicken broth with crab meat)黑椒善球(Eel balls with black pepper sauce)家庭特色菜(海味、蛋及其它)鸭汁炆鱼唇STEWEN FISH SNOUT WITH DUCK SAUCE鱼唇羹THICKENED FISH SNOUT SOUP珧柱扒豆苗PEA SHOOTS WITH CONPOYS蚝豉炆冬菇STEWED BLACK MUSHROOMS WITH DRIED OYSTERS 发财好市汤DRIED OYSTERS AND BLACK MOSS SOUPXO辣椒酱XO CHILLI SAUCE马拉盏炒菜FRIED VEGETABLES WITH SHRIMP PASTE肉碎蒸滑蛋STEAMED EGG CUSTARD WITH MINCED PORK雪中送炭FRIED EGG WHITES WITH BLACK MUSHROOM AND HAM 白玉藏珍STUFFED BEANCURD WITH CONPOY AND HAM素香粉丝FRIED VERMICELLI IN HOT BEAN SAUCE素什锦MIXED VEGETABLES香芒烧茄子BRALSED EGGPLANTS WITH MANGO雪菜拌花生DEEP- FRIED RED-IN-SNOW AND PEANUT薯仔煲冬菇汤POTATO AND BLACK MUSHROOM SOUP中式午餐(Chinese Lunch)abalone鲍鱼hot pot火锅roast duck烤鸭sea cucumber海参cashew chicken腰果鸡丁shark fin soup鱼翅汤grouper石斑鱼rice wine米酒sautéed prawns炸明虾steamed rice饭celery芹菜crab蟹fish balls鱼丸lobster龙虾shrimp虾子roast suckling pig烤乳猪Chinese mushroom香菇hair vegetable发菜lotus root莲藕scallop干贝sweet and sour pork糖醋排骨carrot胡萝卜中式晚餐(Chinese Dinner)almond junket杏仁豆腐jellyfish海蜇barbecued pork buns叉烧包mustard芥末bean vermicelli粉丝chilli sauce辣酱oyster sauce蚝油won ton云吞/馄饨shrimp omelet虾仁炒蛋red bean dessert红豆汤Chinese ham中国火腿steamed open dumplings烧卖Chinese sausage腊肠1000 year old egg皮蛋custard tart蛋塔glutinous rice糯米spring rolls春卷sweet soup balls汤圆stuffed dumplings饺子spare ribs排骨西式午餐(Western Lunch)apple pie苹果馅饼chicken nugget炸鸡块double cheeseburger双层奶酪汉堡French fries炸薯条hot dog热狗ketchup蕃茄酱napkin纸巾pizza披萨(意大利薄饼)sandwich三明治straw吸管biscuits小面包,甜饼干cream奶油doughnut炸面团hamburger汉堡ice-cream sundae冰淇淋圣代mill shake奶昔pepper胡椒粉salt盐sausage香肠tray拖盘西式晚餐(Western Dinner)baked potato烤马铃薯cake蛋糕chocolate pudding巧克力布丁corn-on-the-cob玉米棒fish pie鱼馅饼meatballs肉丸roast beef烤牛肉salad色拉spaghetti意大利面条wine酒waiter服务生cheese奶酪coffee pot咖啡壶crackers咸饼干mashed potato马铃薯泥pork chop猪排roast chicken烤鸡soup汤steak牛排beer啤酒台湾小吃(Taiwan Snack)--早餐类台湾小吃(Taiwan Snack)--饭面类rice porridge稀饭glutinous oil rice油饭braised pork rice卤肉饭sweet potato congee地瓜粥wonton & noodles馄饨面spicy hot noodles麻辣面duck with noodles鸭肉面eel noodles鳝鱼面pork, pickled mustard green noodles榨菜肉丝面flat noodles板条fried rice noodles炒米粉clay oven rolls烧饼fried bread stick油条fried leek dumplings韭菜盒boiled dumplings水饺steamed dumplings蒸饺steamed buns馒头steamed sandwich割包egg cakes蛋饼100-year egg皮蛋salted duck egg咸鸭蛋soybean milk豆浆rice & peanut milk米浆rice and vegetable roll饭团plain white rice白饭glutinous rice糯米饭fried rice with egg蛋炒饭sliced noodles刀削面sesame pasta noodles麻酱面goose with noodles鹅肉面seafood noodles乌龙面oyster thin noodles蚵仔面线rice noodles米粉green bean noodle冬粉。
bibimbap topped with sliced
gamulchihoeraw mullet雷鱼の刺身 生黑鱼片 生乌鳢片
rice topped with fried egg and
1475、菠萝凉瓜炖鸡汤 Chicken Soup Simmered with Bitter Melon and Pineapple
1476、盐菜肚片汤 Pork Tripe Slices and Pickled Vegetable Soup
1477、咸冬瓜蛤蛎汤 Clam Soup with White Gourd
1507、鲫鱼黄花煲 Crucian Carp and Day Lily en Casserole
1508、锅仔潮菜银鳕鱼 Stewed Codfish with Salted Vegetables, Chao Zhou Style
1509、锅仔潮式凉瓜猪肚 Stewed Pork Tripe with Bitter Melon, Chaozhou Style
pork cutlet
gaoriraw ray fishエイ铧鱼 魟鱼
gajami-guigrilled soleカレイ焼き烤比目鱼烤鲽鱼
gajami-bossamwrapped soleカレイのキムチ白菜包み菜包比目鱼鲽鱼生菜包饭
(English) (日本语) (简体) (繁体)
1494、竹荪银耳汤 Bamboo Fungus and White Fungus Soup
一、直译法--1、以烹饪方法开头的翻译方法(1)烹调法+主料(形状)○1煎猪柳:Pan-Fried Pork Filet○2焗肉排:Baked Spare Ribs○3酿黄瓜条:Pickled Cucumber Strips○4怪味牛腱:Spiced Beef Shank○5拌苦菜:Mixed Bitter Vegetables○6干锅排骨鸡:Griddle Cooked Spare Ribs and Chicken○7炸花生米:Fried Peanuts○8拌双耳:Tossed Black and White Fungus○9卤水大肠:Marinated Pork Intestines○10手抓琵琶骨:Braised Spare Ribs○11蜜汁叉烧:Honey-Stewed BBQ Pork○12明炉烧鸭:Roast Duck○13熏马哈鱼:Smoked Salmon○14盐水虾肉:Poached Salted Shrimps Without Shell○15醉鸡:Liquor-Soaked Chicken○16琥珀核桃:Honeyed Walnuts○17地瓜烧肉:Stewed Diced Pork and Sweet Potatoes○18怪味猪手:Braised Spicy Pig Feet(2)烹调法+主料(形状)+(with)辅料○1什菌炒红烧肉:Sautéed Diced Pork with Assorted Mushrooms○2南瓜香芋蒸排骨:Steamed Spare Ribs with Pumpkin and Taro○3砂锅排骨土豆:Stewed Spare Ribs with Potatoes en Casserole○4蒜香椒盐肉排:Deep-Fried Spare Ribs with Minced Garlic and Spicy Salt ○5方竹笋炖肉:Braised Pork with Bamboo Shoots○6干煸小猪腰:Fried Pig Kidney with Onion○7烧椒皮蛋:Preserved Eggs with Chili○8泡椒鸭丝:Shredded Duck with Pickled Peppers○9拌茄泥:Mashed Eggplant with Garlic○10四宝烤麸:Marinated Bran Dough with Peanuts and Black Fungus○11黑椒焗猪手:Baked Pig Feet with Black Pepper○12萝卜干毛豆:Dried Radish with Green Soybean(3)烹调法+主料(形状)+(with, in)调料○1酱烧排骨:Braised Spare Ribs in Brown Sauce○2百叶结烧肉:Stewed Pork Cubes and Tofu Skin in Brown Sauce○3豉油皇咸肉:Steamed Preserved Pork in Black Sauce○4大拉皮:Tossed Mung Clear Noodles in Sauce○5鱼露白肉:Boiled Pork in Anchovy Sauce○6京酱肉丝:Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce○7铁板咖喱酱烧骨:Sizzling Spare Ribs with Curry Sauce○8姜汁皮蛋:Preserved Eggs in Ginger Sauce○9水晶萝卜:Sliced Turnip with Sauce○10卤牛腩:Marinated Beef Brisket in Spiced Sauce○11鱼香肉丝F ried S hredded P ork with Sweet and S our S auce2、以主料开头的翻译方法(1)主料(形状)+(with)辅料○1椒盐肉排:Spare Ribs with Spicy Salt○2椒盐炸排条:Deep-Fried Spare Ribs with Spicy Salt○3西红柿炒蛋Scrambled egg with tomato○4松仁香菇:Black Mushrooms with Pine Nuts○5红心鸭卷:Sliced Duck Rolls with Egg Yolk○6葱油鹅肝:Goose Liver with Scallion and Chili Oil○7三色中卷:Squid Rolls Stuffed with Bean, Ham and Egg Yolk ○8蛋衣河鳗:Egg Rolls Stuffed with Eel○9龙眼风味肠:Sausage Stuffed with Salty Egg○10韭菜鲜桃仁:Fresh Walnuts with Leek○11黄花素鸡:Vegetarian Chicken with Day Lily○12蕨根粉拌蛰头:Fern Root Noodles with Jellyfish(2)主料(形状)+(with, in)调料○1芥末鸭掌duck webs with mustard sauce○2葱油鸡chicken in Scallion oil○3香辣手撕茄子:Eggplant with Chili Oil○4米酒鱼卷fish rolls with rice wine○5姜汁蛰皮:Jellyfish in Ginger Sauce○6豆豉多春鱼:Shisamo in Black Bean Sauce○7干拌牛舌:Ox Tongue in Chili Sauce○8酱鸭翅:Duck Wings Seasoned with Soy Sauce○9老醋泡花生:Peanuts Pickled in Aged Vinegar○10蒜茸海带丝:Sliced Kelp in Garlic Sauce○11米醋海蜇:Jellyfish in Vinegar○12盐水鹅肉:Goose Slices in Salted Spicy Sauce○13芥末木耳:Black Fungus with Mustard Sauce○14拌爽口海苔:Sea Moss with Sauce○15凉拌黄瓜:Cucumber in Sauce○16香糟桂花山药:Chinese Yam with Osmanthus Sauce ○17豆豉鲫鱼:Crucian Carp with Black Bean Sauce○18酸辣瓜条:Cucumber with Hot and Sour Sauce○19小黄瓜蘸酱:Small Cucumber with Soybean Paste ○20鸭卷:Duck Rolls Marinated in Rice Wine3.以原料形状或口感开头的的翻译方法(1) 口感+烹法+主料○1香酥排骨crisp fried spareribs○2水煮嫩鱼tender stewed fish○3香煎鸡块fragrant fried chicken○4五香牛肉:Spicy Roast Beef○5五香熏干:Spicy Smoked Dried Tofu○6五香熏鱼:Spicy Smoked Fish○7卤鸭冷切:Spicy Marinated Duck○8酱板鸭:Spicy Salted Duck○9麻辣响螺片:Hot and Spicy Sliced Sea Whelks○10脆皮乳猪:Crispy BBQ Suckling Pig○11酥炸芋球:C risp D eep-fried T aro B alls(2) 形状(口感)+主料+(with)辅料○1韭黄螺片:Sliced Sea Whelks with Hotbed Chives○2蟹肉粟米羹:Sweet Corn Soup with Crab Meat○3酸辣海参乌鱼蛋汤:Hot and Sour Cuttlefish Roe Soup with Sea Cucumber ○4凤凰玉米羹:Sweet Corn Soup with Egg○5椒盐鱿鱼:Crispy Squid with Spicy Salt○6蛋黄凉瓜:Bitter Melon with Egg Yolk○7凉拌花螺:Cold Sea Whelks with Dressing○8芝麻酥鸡crisp chicken with sesame○9香辣芙蓉鱼:Spicy Fish Filets with Egg White○10陈皮兔丁diced rabbit with orange peel○11时蔬鸡片sliced chicken with seasonal vegetables(3) 形状(口感)+主料+(with) 调料○1椒麻鸡块cutlets chicken with hot pepper○2拌豆腐丝:Shredded Tofu with Sauce○3冰梅凉瓜:Bitter Melon in Plum Sauce○4川北凉粉:Clear Noodles in Chili Sauce○5酱肘花:Sliced Pork in Soy Sauce○6麻辣肚丝:Shredded Pig Tripe in Chili Sauce○7五味九孔:Fresh Abalone in Spicy Sauce○8香葱酥鱼:Crispy Crucian Carp in Scallion Oil○9姜汁鲜鱿:Fresh Squid in Ginger Sauce○10凉拌苦瓜:Bitter Melon in Sauce二、直译+音译法1、原料+地名+Style○1潮式凉瓜排骨:Spare Ribs with Bitter Melon,Chaozhou Style○2潮式椒酱肉:Fried Pork with Chili Soy Sauce,Chaozhou Style○3德州扒鸡:Braised Chicken, Dezhou Style○4毛家红烧肉:Braised Pork,Mao's Family Style○5杭州凤鹅:Pickled Goose, Hangzhou Style○6台式蛋黄肉:Steamed Pork with Salted Egg Yolk, Taiwan Style○7无锡排骨:Fried Spare Ribs, Wuxi Style○8川味小炒:Shredded Pork with Vegetables, Sichuan Style○9湖南鸡:Chicken,Hunan Style○10江南百花鸡:Chicken, South China Style○11四川辣子鸡:Sautéed Diced Chicken with Chili and Pepper, Sichuan Style○12四川樟茶鸭(配荷叶饼):Smoked Duck, Sichuan Style (with Lotus-Leaf-LikePancake)○13担担面:Noodles, Sichuan Style○14担仔面:Hanker's Noodle Soup, Taiwan Style2、音译地名/人名+直译原料○1澳洲龙虾:Australian Lobster○2西湖牛肉羹:West Lake Beef Soup○3蒙古烤肉:Mongolia Roasted○4上海酱鸭:Shanghai Duck with Soy Sauce○5四川水饺:Sichuan boiled dumpling○6北京烤鸭:Beijing roast duck○7东坡肉:Dongpo braised pork○8麻婆豆腐Ma Po B ean C urd○9麻婆龙虾仔:Mapo Baby Lobster○10左公鸡:Zuo Gong Chicken○11广东点心:Cantonese Dim Sum○12宋嫂鱼羹:Song s ao fish potage○13南翔小笼:Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings三、直译+注释法○1雪耳龙眼汤:white fungus a nd shelled longan soup (with the function of improving lungs and preventing anemia)○2银杏子鸡丁:braised diced young chicken with gingko(with the function of strengthening liver and spleen )○3天麻炖乌鸡:stewed pheasant with gastrodia elata(with the function of preventing dizziness and curing headache)○4糟溜三白:Sautéed Three White Slices (Chicken, Fish and Bamboo Shoots)with Rice Wine Sauce○5淋杏万寿果:Almond Nectar with Longevity Fruit(Sweet Papaya and Almond)○6澳洲龙虾(刺身,上汤焗,椒盐):Australian Lobster(Sashimi/ in Chicken Consommé/ Fried with Spicy Salt)○7凤凰八宝鼎:Phoenix Melonpod with Eight Treasures (Chicken Soup with Lotus Seeds, Abalone )○8月映仙兔:Fairy Hare in the Moon Light (Dim Sum, Cantonese Pastry )○9堂煎贵族牛肉(制作方法:黑椒汁、香草汁):Pan-Fried Superior Steak ( with black pepper sauce / vanilla sauce)○10宫保鸡丁:Gongbao Chicken Diced(Chicken Cube with Peanuts)○11深海鲽鱼头(剁椒、葱油):Braised Flatfish Head (with Hot Red Peppers/ Scallion)○12亚式浓香鸡汤:Rich Asian Chicken Broth(with Shitake and Enoki Mushrooms and Chinese Wolfberry)四、意译法○1蟹粉狮子头:crab meat and minced pork balls in casserole○2发菜煮蚝豉:black moss cooked with oysters○3蚂蚁上树:bean vermicelli with minced meat○4麻婆豆腐:Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce○5龙虎斗:stewed snake and cat○6咕噜肉:Sweet and Sour Pork with Fat○7老少平安:stewed bean curd with fish○8双龙戏珍珠:S autéLobsters with Ham, Greens and Mushroom○9四喜丸子:Meat Balls Braised with Brown Sauce○10叫化鸡:Baked Chicken○11老少平安:Stewed Bean Curd with Fish○12双龙戏珍珠:S autéLobsters with Ham, Greens and Mushroom五、直译+释意法○1金红化皮猪Golden Crisp Pig (Roast Suckling Pig)○2叫化鸡:Beggars Chicken (Baked Chicken)○3麻婆豆腐:Mapo Tofu (Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce)○4老少平安:peace to young and old(stewed bean curd with fish)○5佛跳墙:Fotiaoqiang (Steamed Abalone with Shark's Fin and Fish Maw in Broth)○6一帆风顺:A Plain Sailing (Assorted fruits in Hami Melon)○7乳燕入竹林:Swallows Flitting in a Bamboo Grove(Braised Swal low’s Nest with Bamboo shoot, Mushroom and Asparagus )○8双龙戏珍珠:Twin Dragons Playing with a Giant Pearl(S autéLobsters with Ham, Greens and Mushroom)○9宫保鸡丁:Gongbao Chicken Diced (Sauced Chicken with Peanuts in Chili Sauce)○10锦绣石斑鱼:Many-hued Grouper (Sauté Grouper with Tomato Sauce)○11四喜丸子:Four-Joy Meatballs (Meat Balls Braised with Brown Sauce)○12鲈鱼(清蒸,红烧,锅仔泡椒煮):Perch (Steamed/Braised/ Stewed with MarinatedChili)○13多宝鱼(清蒸,豉汁蒸,过桥):Turbot (Steamed/Steamed with Black Bean Sauce/Boiled)○14桂鱼(清蒸,油浸,松子炸):Mandarin Fish (Steamed/Fried / Deep-Fried with Pine Nuts)○15桂鱼(干烧,清蒸,酸汤,椒盐):Mandarin Fish(Dry-Braised with Chili Sauce/Steamed/Boiled in Sour-Soup/Fried with Spicy Salt)○16草鱼(干烧,清蒸,水煮,酸菜):Grass Carp(Dry-Braised with Chili Sauce/ Steamed/Poached / Boiled with Pickled Cabbage and Chili)○17左口鱼(豉汁蒸,清蒸,红烧):Halibut (Steamed with Black Bean Sauce/ Steamed/Braised in Brawn Sauce)○18羔蟹(花雕酒蒸,姜葱炒,椒盐):Green Crab(Steamed inYellow Wine/Fried withGinger and Scallion/Fried with Spicy Salt)○19红花蟹(潮式冻蟹,清蒸,姜葱炒):Spotted Sea Crab(Cold / Steamed /Stir-Fried withGinger and Scallion)○20肉蟹(姜葱炒,清蒸,椒盐):Hardshell Crab(Stir-Fried with Ginger and Scallion/Steamed/Fried with Spicy Salt)○21黄立仓(豉汁蒸,干煎,红烧):Pomfret(Steamed in Black Bean Sauce/Pan-Fried/Braisedin Chili Sauce)六、转译法○1松鼠桂鱼:Squirrel-shappped Mandarin Fish○2凤凰粟米羹:Sweet Corn Soup with Egg○3冬瓜云腿:sliced Yunnan ham with white gourd○4翡翠虾仁:Stir-fried Shelled Shrimps with Peas○5凤爪炖甲鱼:Water-boiled Turtle and C hicken’s Claws○6元宵:Glutinous Rice Balls for Lantern Festival○7乳燕入竹林:Braised Swallow’s Nest with Bamboo shoot, Mushroom and Asparagus ○8王府清汤官燕:Bird's Nest Soup○9九重鲜鲍:Sautéed Fresh Abalone with “Nine Layer Tower” (a Kind of Spearmint)○10九重茄子:Sautéed Eggplant with Nine-Layer Tower (a kind of Spearmint)○11双龙戏珍珠:S autéLobsters with Ham, Greens and Mushroom○12冻马蹄糕:Water Chestnut Jelly○13龙凤汤:Chicken and Crusian Carp Soup○14龙凤羹:Minced Chicken with Fish Soup。
叫花子鸡 “Beggar's Chicken”
左宗鸡 chicken cooked in Zuo Zongtang’s style
腐乳汁烧肉 braised pork with fermented bean curd sauce
香酥鸡 fragrant and crispy chicken
5. People of Shanghai like seafood and they always cook it exquisitely. The reputed dish “Squirrel Fish”, which is made of fish into a squirrel form, is so vivid and bewildering that you will be reluctant to eat it.
香酥五仁鸭 crisp duck with five kinds of nuts
羊肉扒 braised mutton with brown sauce
烤乳猪 roast piglet; roast suckling pig
猪八戒踢足球 “The Pig Kicking the Ball”
2. The staple food of Chinese is rice and flour. Southerners prefer rice and ground rice products, such as cooked rice, New Year rice cake, eight-treasure rice pudding, and rice dumpling while northerners prefer cooked wheaten food. With wheat flour, they make steamed bread, stuffed bun, various kinds of noodles, and meat dumpling, etc.
preparing|| 准备
cutting off||剁掉
Culinary Term
Sunny set up||一面煎
Over easy||两面煎
砧板 # Cutting board/chopping board
砧板 # chopping board
蒸锅 # steamer
蒸锅 # steamer
蒸架 # Rack
蒸笼 # Bamboo Steamer
蒸笼 # steaபைடு நூலகம்er
直饮 # Straight up
植物 # Plant
steamlns wheaten food||蒸面食
bakins wheaten food||烤面食
putting the pan on||坐锅
Chinese food||中餐
cold dish||冷菜
在《北京市餐饮业菜单英文译法》(讨论稿)中,豆腐被译为“bean curd”,饺子译为“dumpling”。
许多市民认为,既然“jiaozi”“tofu”已被世界广泛接受,为什么不采用?此外,对于“宫保鸡丁”这一常见菜式,不少市民认为“KungPao Chicken”已被老外们所熟知,可谓家喻户晓,为什么译文舍近求远?(在讨论稿中被译为“Sautéed Diced Chicken with Peanuts and Chili”)记者在采访中了解到,近来许多星级酒店、餐馆均推出了英语菜单,有的按照字面意思直译,有的采取音译,有的则根据典故进行解释性翻译。
加拿大小伙子Brain表示,一次他在一家东北餐馆看到“tiger dish”(老虎菜)的菜名时,吓了一跳,心想“中国人为什么要食用受保护动物——老虎呢?”类似让外国人摸不着头脑,甚至引起误会的菜名还有很多。
英文翻译食谱英语1880、蚝皇鲜竹卷Steamed Tofu Skin Rolls with Oyster Sauce1881、麻团Fried Glutinous Rice Balls with Sesame1882、蘑菇牛肉乳蛋派Beef and Mushroom Pie1883、南瓜团子Pumpkin Dumplings1884、糯米卷Glutinous Rice Rolls1885、什果杏仁豆腐Tofu with Chilled Almond and Fresh Fruit1886、豌豆黄Pea Cake1887、炸麻球Deep-Fried Glutinous Rice Balls with Sesame1888、银丝卷Steamed Rolls1889、烤银丝卷Baked Steamed Rolls1890、油条Youtiao(Deep-Fried Dough Sticks)1891、芸豆卷French Bean Rolls1892、芝麻凉卷Sesame Rolls1893、疙瘩汤Dough Drop and Assorted Vegetable Soup1894、扁食汤Dumpling Soup1895、咖喱角Curry Puff1896、麻薯Deep-Fried Glutinous Rice Cake Stuffed with Bean Paste1897、芝麻芋条Deep-Fried Taro Sticks with Sesame1898、枣泥方圃Steamed Small Square Dumplings Stuffed with Jujube Paste 1899、寿桃Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling1900、精品点心六种Refined Assorted Dim Sum (Six Kinds)1901、水果醪糟Fermented Glutinous Rice Soup with Fresh Fruits1902、南瓜酪Pumpkin Pastry1903、枇杷果Loquat-Shaped Cake1904、双皮樱桃盏Cheese and Egg Cake1905、火烧Baked Wheat Cake1906、艾窝窝Aiwowo (Steamed Rice Cakes with Sweet Stuffing)1907、驴打滚Lǘdagunr (Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour) 1908、香芋枣排Taro and Chinese Date Cake1909、油炸臭豆腐Deep-Fried Fermented Tofu1910、虾片Prawn Crackers1911、卷果Chinese Yam and Date Rolls, Beijing Style1912、豆汁儿Douzhir (Fermented Bean Drink)1913、豆浆Soybean Milk1914、豆腐脑儿Jellied Tofu1915、奶香粟米片片饼Golden Corn Pancake1916、巧克力松饼Chocolate Muffins1917、什锦水果松饼Mixed Fruit Muffin1918、桂花酒酿圆子Glutinous Rice Dumplings in Fermented Rice Wine1919、红豆沙圆子Glutinous Rice Balls Stuffed with Red Bean Paste 1920、红豆沙圆子羹Soup of Glutinous Rice Balls Stuffed with Red Bean Paste 1921、酒酿圆子Boiled Glutinous Rice Balls in Fermented Glutinous Rice 1922、雪圆子Snow Balls1923、马蹄西米花生糊Cream Soup of Peanut with Water Chestnuts 1924、蜜糖龟苓膏Guiling Jelly (Chinese Herbal Jelly) Served with Honey 1925、爱玉冰Aiyu Jelly (Vegetarian Gelatin)1926、莲子红豆沙Sweetened Red Bean Paste and Lotus Seeds1927、陈皮红豆沙Orange Flavored Red Bean Paste1928、莲子百合红豆沙Sweetened Red Bean Paste with Lotus Seeds and Lily Bulbs1929、杏仁豆腐Almond Jelly1930、水果盘Fresh Fruit Platter1931、杏汁芦荟木瓜Papaya with Aloe and Almond Juice1932、京味什锦甜食Traditional Assorted Sweets, Beijing Style1933、果茶山药Chinese Yam and Nectar1934、红果山药Chinese Yam and Hawthorn1935、杨枝甘露Chilled Mango Sago Cream with Pomelo1936、椰丝糯米糍Glutinous Rice Balls Stuffed with Coconut and Sugar1937、奶皇糯米糍Glutinous Rice Balls Suffed with Cream Custard1938、拔丝苹果Apple in Hot Toffee1939、拔丝山药Chinese Yam in Hot Toffee1940、雪梨炖百合Snow Pear and Lily Bulbs Soup1941、冰糖莲子银耳羹Lotus Seeds and White Fungus Soup1942、冰糖银耳炖雪梨Stewed Pear with White Fungus and Rock Candy 1943、椰汁西米露Sweet Sago Cream with Coconut Milk1944、冰镇南瓜茸Iced Pumpkin Mash1945、冰镇三果Iced Fruits1946、冰镇银耳Iced White Fungus1947、冰糖葫芦Bingtanghulu /Crispy Sugar-Coated Fruit (haws, yam, etc.) on a StickSweetened whole milk powderWhole sugar powder蓝蟹Blue crab鳙鱼stir-fried diced chicken with redpeppers鶏肉と唐辛子の炒め物辣子鸡丁辣椒炒鸡dakgogi-wa lemonsaucechicken with lemon sauce鶏肉とレモンソース柠檬鸡香柠鸡dakgogi-wa maneul-saucefried chicken with garlic sauce鶏肉ガーリックソース蒜香炸鸡片蒜泥鸡片(English) (日本语) (简体) (繁体)dakgogi-wa juksun-bokkeumstir-fried chicken with bambooshoots鶏肉と竹の子の炒め物竹笋炒鸡丁竹笋炒鸡肉dakgogi-wa hodu-bokkeumstir-fried chicken with walnuts鶏とクルミの炒め物核桃炒鸡丁核桃炒鸡肉dak-kkochi-gui grilled chicken kebob辛味焼き鸟烤鸡肉串烤鸡肉串dak-dari-twigimfried chicken legs鶏モモのフライドチキン炸鸡腿炸鸡腿dak-doritangchicken hot pot鶏肉の辛味煮込み辣味炖鸡香辣鸡汤dak-baeksukwhole chicken soup鶏の水煮炖鸡炖鸡dak-sutbul-galbi charcoal barbecued chicken鶏の炭火焼き炭烤鸡排炭烤鸡排骨dakjuk chicken and rice porridge鶏粥鸡肉粥鸡丝粥dak-kalguksuhand-rolled noodle soup inchicken broth鶏肉スープの手打ち麺鸡肉刀切面鸡丝刀削面(1 / )dak-twigim(1 mari / ban mari)deep-fried chicken, whole/half鶏のから扬げ(一羽/半羽)炸鸡(一只/半只)炸鸡(一只/半只)danggeunjeon pan-fried carrotsニンジンのチヂミ胡萝卜饼胡萝卜煎饼daege-silpajeonpan-fried green onion and king crabカニと浅葱のお好み焼き雪蟹肉葱饼雪蟹肉香葱煎餠daegejjim steamed king crabカニの蒸し物清蒸雪蟹清蒸雪蟹(English) (日本语) (简体) (繁体)daegejjim full-course steamed king crab with side dishes大蟹蒸フルコース蒸雪蟹正餐蒸雪蟹套餐daegehoe raw king crab 大蟹の刺身生雪蟹片生雪蟹切片daegu-maeuntang spicy codfish soupタラ辛味スープ辣味鳕鱼汤鳕鱼辣汤daegu-jiricodfish soupタラのスープ清炖鳕鱼汤清炖鳕鱼汤daegujjim steamed codfishタラの蒸し物清蒸鳕鱼清蒸鳕鱼daegutangcod soupタラ辛味スープ鳕鱼汤鳕鱼汤daenamutongbap rice steamed in bamboo竹筒入り饭竹筒饭竹筒饭daechucha jujubeteaナツメ茶大枣茶红枣茶daehajjim steamed prawn大正海老の蒸し物清蒸大虾清蒸大虾daehatangprawn soup大正エビの锅大虾汤大虾汤daehap-gui grilled clams焼きハマグリ烤文蛤烤文蛤daehaptang clam stewハマグリのスープ文蛤汤文蛤汤deodeok-gui grilled deodeok rootツル人参の辛味焼き烤沙参烧烤党参(English) (日本语) (简体) (繁体)doganitangox-knee soup牛の膝盖骨スープ牛膝骨汤牛筋汤dodarihoeraw flounderメイタガレイの刺身生木叶蝶鱼片生木叶鲽片dorajijeonpan-fried bellflower roots桔梗の根のチヂミ桔梗饼桔梗煎饼domi-guigrilled sea breamタイの塩焼き烤鲷鱼烤鲷鱼domi-maeuntangspicy sea bream stewタイ辛味スープ辣味鲷鱼汤鲷鱼辣汤domi-jorimbraised sea breamタイの煮物红烧鲷鱼红烧鲷鱼domi-jirisea bream soupタイ锅清炖鲷鱼汤清炖鲷鱼汤BigheadAristichthys nobilis鱼排Fish fillet鱼奇油!Odd fish oil Strange fish oil花蛤蜊!Spend clam杂色蛤蜊Variegated clams鲮鱼罐头Dace can秋刀鱼saury咸鱼Salted fish掐不! Device is not乳黄瓜Milk cucumber 酱萝卜Sauce radish 红萝卜空心菜Water spinach 葡萄叶Grape leaf南瓜子Pumpkin seeds 番石榴guava松子Pine nutsMAO walnut南瓜子Pumpkin seeds 花朵类Flowers class泥肠Sausage羊肉mutton猪肘pig elbow猪舌pig tongue酱肘子! Sauce elbow Pork chops里脊肉! Tenderloin Pork meat猪大排pig loin猪胫骨!Pig tibiaeThe pig shin羊颈肉sheep Neck meat羊腰窝肉!Sheep flankFlank of mutton肥牛片!fat Beef slices Piece of 前腱牛肉Anterior tendon of beef 牛臀肉Rump meat牛腿肉! SilversideBeef ham禾花雀! SparrowsWo spend finches草公鸡Grass cock板鸭Dried salted duckcontrol公麻鸭鸭肝!Male hemp duck duck liver咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg甜面酱Sweet bean sauce--------------------------=================================扁豆# lentils,菜瓜# Snake melon,赤小豆# Adzuki Beans,带皮蚕豆# Fava beans with the skin,倒笃菜# Inverted Benedict dish,豆腐渣Bean curd residue # Jerry,豆皮# Bean curd skin,豆薯# jicama # Yam bean,飞碟瓜# The flying saucer melon # Cucurbita,粉丝# fans,腐# Rot # Rotten腐竹# Bean curd stick干黄花# Dry flower黑豆苗# Black bean sprouts,葫子# Gourd child,老干妈豆豉# tempeh,垅船豆# Long boat bean # Ridge ship beans,芦条# Article reed,罗汉果# Siraitia grosvenorii # Momordica grosvenori # Mangosteen ,麻豆腐# Hemp tofu毛豆# edamame,木豆# dal # Pigeonpea,千张# thousand # Thousand # One thousand,芡粉# thickening # Rhizomes #茄瓜# pepino # Eggplant,去皮蚕豆# Peeled fava beans # Peeled broad beans,四川贡菜# Sichuan gong food素# Vegetarian,素大肠#,素肚# Su belly素鸡# Vegetarian chicken,素肉# Mock meat # Vegetarian meat素肉丝# Vegetarian shredded meat,素什锦# Mixed vegetables # Sauteed Assorted Vegetables ,笋瓜# Winter squash # Squash # Cucurbita maxima小豆# Adzuki bean小豆粥# Adzuki bean porridge,小红尖辣椒# Red capsicum # Red jalapeno雪里蕻# Potherb mustard,羊角椒# Horn pepper # Hot pepper # Croissants pepper 鹰嘴豆# Chickpea豆豉# tempeh,油豆角# Oil beans # Snap bean,玉兰# yulan # Magnolia,榨菜# pickle # Mustard根茎类# root-stock # Tubers ,贡菜# Tribute dish观音菜#,瓠瓜# Bottle gourd,槐树芽# Locust tree bud黄花菜# Day lily,黄心菜# Yellow heart cabbage ,灰条菜# Chenopodium album,茭白# Water bamboo,韭苔# Leek moss,空心菜# Water spinach,苦菜# sowthistle # Bitter herbs苦瓜# Bitter melon # Balsam pear #辣白菜# Hot cabbage # Spicy cabbage # Kimchi蒌蒿# Artemisia selengensis # Trichosanthis Artemisia,落葵# Malabar spinach # Basella,马兰# malan,马蹄# horseshoe # Horse's hoof,毛豆# edamame # Soybean泥胡菜# Hemistepta #,荞菜# Buckwheat # Buckwheat dishes芹黄# Qin huang,酸菜类# Sauerkraut class,蒜白# garlic White,蒜黄# garlic leaves #甜菜叶# Sugar beet leaf #,茼蒿# Garden chrysanthemum # Chrysanthemum coronarium #营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译,饮料翻译,酒店饭店饮食翻译,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译,精确经典翻译,行业翻译标杆!质优价低,有著作<< 汉英英汉营养学大辞典>>,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.菜单翻译菜单在线翻译菜谱翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 菜谱英文翻译菜谱中文翻译成英文餐厅菜单翻译翻译菜谱饭店翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 各种菜谱的英文翻译酒店翻译烹调翻译食谱翻译食谱英文翻译英文菜单翻译英文菜名翻译英文菜品翻译英文菜谱翻译英文的菜谱电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 英语菜品翻译英语菜名翻译英语菜单翻译英语菜谱翻译中国菜谱翻译中文菜单英文译法电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.,薇菜# osmund,乌菜# Ukrainian cuisine,乌塌菜# Wu collapsed food #,药材类# Herbs class # Medicinal material,油菜薹# Rape Stalk # Rapeseed sprouts,油麦菜# Leaf lettuce # Lettuce,榆钱# Atriplex,玉兰片# Soaked bamboo slices # Bamboo shoots ,紫背# The purple back紫菜薹# Seaweed sprouts,紫苏# Perilla # Perilla frutescens crispa # Basil ,巴梨# pear # Bartlett,白兰瓜# Honey melon # Honeydew melon,菠萝蜜# jackfruit刺梨# Thorn pear,黑枣# black # Diospyros lotus,胡麻籽# Til seed # Linseed花生# peanut花生粉# Peanut powder,蜜柑# mandarin # Satsuma,蛇果# Snake fruit,乌梅# plum # Dark plum # Ebony,西番莲# Passion fruit # Passionflower,夏威夷果# Macadamia nuts # Hawaiian fruit香榧# # Chinese Torreya (Torreya grandis) #,杨桃# carambola # Carambole,白参菌# Schizophyllum commune,鲍鱼菇# abalone mushrooms菜# Dish # Vegetables,茶树菇# Tea tree mushroom # Agrocybe chaxingu #,大红菇# Red mushroom # Russula,发菜# Long thread moss # Nostoc flagelliforme # Seaweed,凤尾菇# Ombre mushroom # Pleurotus sajor caju # Pleurotus,葛仙米# Nostoc sphaeroides # Sphaeroides,罐装金针菇# Canned needle mushroom,黑牛肝菌# Black porcini # Black Boletus,猴头# hedgehog # Hericium,猴头菇# hericium # Hericium erinaceus,滑子菇# The slider mushroom # Pholiota nameko # Nameko黄耳# Yellow ear黄蘑# Yellow mushroom灰树花# maitake # ash tree flower,鸡枞菌# Chicken fir bacteria # Termitomyces albuminosus # Termitomyces ,鸡腿菇# chicken leg mushroom # Coprinus comatus # Coprinus,鸡油菌# Chicken oil bacteria # Cantharellus,姬菇# Pleurotus cornucopiae # Marmoreus,姬松茸# Agaricus blazei # Agaricus,牛肝菌# porcini # Boletus,片口蘑#Mushroom slices,青头菌# QingTou bacteria # Russula virescens,石耳# Stone ear # Umbilicaria,杏鲍菇# Mushroom#,羊栖# Sheep habitat银耳# Tremella fuciformis,榆黄蘑# Pleurotus citrinopileatus #竹荪# Dictyophora穿心莲# Andrographis paniculata # Andrographis,刺儿菜# Cephalanoplos segetum # Cephalanoplos,刺老芽# Stab old bud # Aralia elata # Thorn old buds,大蓟叶# Thistle leaf # Cirsium japonicum leaf #,冬菜# Spiced cabbage # Preserved cabbage # Preserved vegetables 豆腐果# Tofu fruit,独行菜# cress # Lepidium,蒿子杆# Caraway rod # Wormwood bar # Sargassum rod,红菜苔# Red bolt # Red cabbage moss胡枝子# lespedeza槐花# Sophora japonica黄麻叶# Jute leaf,碱蓬菜# The alkaline food # Suaeda salsa #,菊花菜# Chrysanthemum food # Chrysanthemum nankingense # Chrysanthemum dish 苦苣菜# Bitter radicchio dishes # Sonchus,苦细叶生菜# Bitter fine leaf lettuce # Egeria bitter lettuce马兰头# Malan head牛至# Oregano-----------------------------------------------------------,掐不# Device is not # Clutch is not # Not pinch,酸模# sorrel # Rumex,土三七# Soil notoginseng,梧桐子# Firmianae,香茅# Citronella # Lemongrass,小旋花# Small Convolvulus # Small bindweed,野菊# Chrysanthemum indicum #,茵陈蒿# Artemisia capillaris # Tarragon鱼腥草# Houttuynia cordata,紫草# Radix arnebiae seu lithospermi # Shikonin # Comfrey ,鲑鱼籽酱# Salmon roe sauce # Salmon caviar,海带菜# Kelp # Seaweed海冻菜# Sea frozen vegetables,斑节对虾# Spot section prawns # Penaeus monodon,北极贝# arctic # Arctic Bay,参鱼# Pompano #,柴鱼# Firewood fish,鲳鱼# pomfret # Butterfish,长毛对虾# Long-haired prawns # Penaeus penicillatus,赤贝# Ark shell,赤眼鳟# Red eyes trout # Squaliobarbus curriculus,刺蛄# Mantis sting # Spiny crayfish # Thorn mantis,带鱼# hairtail # Ribbonfish,堤鱼# Dike fish # Embankment fish,鲷鱼# snapper # Bream,鲽# sole #比目鱼# Flounder,凤尾虾# Phoenix Tail prawns # Pteris shrimp 干海带# Dried seaweed # Dry kelp,干苔菜# Stem green moss # Dried seaweed ,干紫菜# Dry laver # Dried seaweed,鳡鱼# Hanyuhe # Bambusa海河鲜# sea river food,海虹# Rainbow,海鳗# Conger eel # Moray,海兔# Aplysia,蚝豉# Dried oyster meat蚝干# Dried oyster # Dry oyster,红螺#,红娘鱼# Matchmaker fish,红衫鱼# Cardinal fish,花蟹# Spend crab,黄姑鱼# Spotted maigre # Nibea,黄颡鱼# Pelteobagrus fulvidraco # Catfish 黄鳝丝# Eel slices黄蚬# Yellow clam,黄钻鱼# Canary fish # Gold Fish,湟鱼# Huangshui fish # Huang fish鮰鱼# Channel catfish,活蜢虾#live Grasshoppers shrimp,基围虾# shrimps,甲鱼# turtle # Soft shelled turtle #,甲鱼蛋# Turtle egg,尖嘴白# Long nose white,鲒花# Oyster flower金鳇鱼# Gold sturgeon fish,金线鱼# Gold fish # Nemipterus,浸海带# Soak seaweed # Dip kelp浸鱿鱼# Soak squid # Dip squid,锯缘青蟹# Scylla serrata,孔鳐# Hole rays # Hole skate,濑尿虾# Seto urine shrimp # Mantis shrimp ,鳓鱼# herring # Shad,利鱼,俐鱼,鲢鱼# Silver carp # Chub,鲢鱼头# Silver carp head,庐山石鸡# Lushan mountain partridge # Lushan chukar 螺,梅童鱼# Baby croaker,鮸鱼# Miichthys miiuy,鳘鱼# SLATE cod croaker fish # Cod fish,明太鱼# Walleye pollack,墨鱼# cuttlefish,墨鱼圈# Squid ring,墨鱼丸# Cuttlefish ball,木鱼花# Wooden fish flower,泥蚶# Mud cockle,鸟贝# Bird shellfish皮皮虾# Pipi shrimp琵琶虾# Pipa shrimp # Lute shrimp,平鱼# Flat fish # Butterfish,鲆# gram-negative # Flounder # Maximus青虾# Freshwater shrimp,青蟹# Green crab # Scylla serrata #,琼脂# AGAR,秋刀鱼# In the fall of the knife,裙带菜# wakame # Undaria pinnatifida,日月贝# The sun moon bay,沙尖鱼# Sardine,沙钻鱼# Sand drill fish # Shazuanyu # Sand drilling fish ,舌鳎# Tongue sole # Sole # Cynoglossidae,蛇鲻# snake mullet # Saurida,石螺# Stone screw # Stone spiral,梭鱼# Barracuda # Pike,梭子蟹# Swimming crab # Blue crab鲐鱼# Chub mackerel # Mackerel,塘鳢鱼# Eleotridae fish # Snakehead fish pond,乌# Dark,武昌鱼# Wuchang fish #,虾仁# Shrimp meat # shelled Shrimp,虾仁肉丸# Shrimp meatballs,夏威夷贝# Hawaii,蟹黄# Crab roe # Crab ovary #蟹柳# crab fillet雪蛤# Forest frog # Snow clam # Hashima,鳐鱼# rays # Skate,鳙# it # Bighead carp # Bighead,鳙鱼# Aristichthys nobilis # Bighead,油抒# Oil express,鱼筋# Fish muscle # Fish Bar,鱼奇# Fish, # Fish odd # Odd Fish,鱼子酱# caviar # Roe sauce,鸳鸯贝# The mandarin duck Bay # Tony duck,月鳢# Month Li # Channa,中国鲎# Chinese horseshoe crabs # China Limulus, 八宝菜# Eight treasure pickles,八角# octagon # Star anise,白扣# White button # White buckle,百香果果酱# Passion fruit jam # Passion fruit sauce,陈皮# Dried tangerine or orange peel # Citrus peel臭豆腐# Stinky tofu,粗盐# Coarse salt # Crude salt,醋精# Vinegar concentrate,冬菜# Spiced cabbage # Preserved cabbage # Preserved vegetables,豆瓣# Bean # Watercress豆瓣辣酱# Watercress sauce # Bean sauce #,剁椒# bell pepper Chopped,俄力冈# The force, # Oregano # Russian forces Gang,发酵粉# Baking powder,蜂乳# Royal jelly干花椒叶# Dried prickly ash leaf # Dried pepper leaves # Dry pepper leaf ,柑橘橘皮果酱# Orange peel jam #citrus Peel marmalade,贡菜# Tribute dish,桂花酱# Osmanthus sauce # Sweet scented osmanthus sauce,黑醋# Black vinegar # Balsamic,红曲# Red kojic rice # Monascus # Red Yeast,胡葱# Hu Onions,胡椒粉# pepper湖盐# Lake salt花椒# Chinese pricklyash花椒粉# Chinese prickly ash # Pepper powder,花椒油# Zanthoxylum oil # Pepper oil,黄酱# Mayo # Miso,黄皮酱# Yellow skin sauce # Yellow butter # Yellow sauce================================================================ 基础白少司# Basic white sauce,吉士# custard,酱姜# Sauce, ginger,,决明子# Cassia seed #苦豆子# Bitter beans,老抽# Soy sauce蜜糖# Honey,南乳汁# South milk,嫩肉粉# Tender meat powder # Meat tenderizer,酿水榄# Stuffed olives,芡粉# thickening # Rhizomes #,青芥辣# Green mustard # Wasabi,乳黄,沙姜# Sand ginger,生抽# Light soy sauce # Soy sauce,生石灰# Quicklime十三香# Thirteen incense #,食用色素# Edible pigment # Food coloring,熟石膏粉#cooked Gypsum powder #cooked Plaster powder ,酸豆# Acid beans # Tamarind # Capers,蒜蓉辣酱# Garlic sauce,糖色# Caramel # Sugar, color甜醋# Sweet vinegar,甜面#,甜面酱# Sweet bean sauce # Fermented flour paste #,五柳料# Five willow material,细叶芹# chervil虾油# Shrimp oil鲜味王# king of freshness,香醋# Balsamic vinegar # Aromatic vinegar,香蜂草# Vanilla grass # Lemon Balm,香精# Essence,香茅# citronella # Lemongrass,香叶# geranyl # Geranium # Pelargonium,香糟# Incense worse # Marinated # Hong bad ,小米辣# Capsicum frutescens # Millet spicy。
white gourd||冬瓜
beancurd sheets||百叶
King prawn||大虾
Black cod||银雪鱼
Shark's fin||鱼翅
Red Mullet||红鲣
Herring roes||鲱鱼子
Boiled Cod roes||鳕鱼子
Shellfish || 贝类
Mussels||蚌类、黑色、椭圆形、没壳的是淡菜 Crab||蟹 Prawn||虾
scallops||扇贝 小
Baby corn||玉米尖
Sweet corn||玉米
Scallion Spring onions||大葱,冬葱
Green onion||青葱
Shallot||小红葱 做葱油用的
Bird's nest||燕窝
Sea cucumber||海参
Jelly fish||海蛰
Seasoning ,condiments,relish ||调味品
cooking oil||食油
Seasonings 调料
Five Spices 五香料 Cinnamon 桂皮 Cooking wine 料酒
Whipped cream||奶油
Clotted cream||奶油
Ketch up||藩茄酱
seasoning 调味品
Curry 咖哩
Ketch up 藩茄酱
Pickle 泡菜
Marmalade 桔皮酱
Preserve 果酱
MSG 味精
Saffron 藏红花
Peppercorn sauce||胡椒汁
Mint sauce||薄荷汁
Sesame Seeds||芝麻
Sesame oil||麻油
cooking oil||菜油
olive oil||橄榄油 植物油
Creamed Coconut||椰油
Oyster sauce||蚝油
Canola oil||加拿大芥花油 菜油
拔丝莲子 Lotus Seeds in hot toffee拔丝苹果 Apple in hot toffee拔丝山药 Chinese yam in hot toffee拔丝香蕉 Banana in hot toffee2.番茄炒蛋 Scrambled eggs with tomatoes3.鱼香茄子 Fish-flavored eggplant4.川味回锅 Szechuan double cooked pork slices5.鱼香肉丝 Shredded pork with garlic sauce6.香酥大排 Sweet-and-sour loins7.咖喱鸡块 Creamy curried chicken8.蚝油牛肉 Sliced beef sauteed in oyster sauce9.宫爆鸡丁 Sauted diced chicken with peanuts and chili10.红烧带鱼 Braised Ribbonfish11.青椒肉丝 Shredded pork with green pepper12.百叶结烧肉 Beancurd leaf rolls with minced pork13.泡菜鸡肫 Pickled vegetables chicken liver and gizzard14.香炸鸡翅 Savoury and crisp chicken15.泡椒鸡爪 Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers16.糖醋小排 Sweet-and-sour spareribs17.香辣小龙虾 Braised Baby Lobster with Hot Spicy Sauce18.红烧大肠 Braised Large Intestine19.蒜苔腊肉 Fried salty & dried meat with scallion20.秘制叉烧 Special broiled pork21.香嫩牛腩 Beef tenderloin chunks22.秘制鸭腿 Special duck leg23.美国火鸡 America turkey24.孜然兔肉 Cumin rabbit25.周记招牌 House ZhouJi26.香辣猪蹄 Fried chilili Pig's Knuckle27.馋嘴鲶鱼 Slobbering catfish28.泡椒牛蛙 Fried Bullfrog with Pickled Pepper苦菊皮蛋花生: Sauced Chrysanthemum, Preserved Eggs with Peanuts黄瓜猪耳朵: sliced cold cucumber with Stewed Pig’s Ear金针蘑伴黄瓜: sliced cold cucumber with needle mushroom孜然羊肉 fried lamb with cumin葱爆羊肉fried mutton slice with green scallion红烧肘子pork leg braised in brown sauce红烧排骨spareribs with brown sauce糖醋里脊pork fried with sugar and vinegar dressing , pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce尖椒肥肠Fried Pork Intestines with Hot Pepper炸里脊:Fried Pork Filet溜肚条: Quick-Fried Pork Tripe Slices.溜肉段: crisp fried pork尖椒驴心肉 donkey meat with hot pepper菠菜古老肉: spinach and sweet and sour pork菠菜花生: cold with spinach and peanut花生米: Peanut香菇油菜: Sautéed Cabbage with Mushrooms油菜虾仁: Fried shrimp and cabbage松仁玉米 stir-fried corn with pine nuts红烧日本豆腐 braised japanese tofu with vegetables木须肉: Sautéed Sliced Pork煎蛋: omelette孜然鱿鱼: Fried Cumin and Squid腰果虾仁 baby shrimp with cashew nuts炒蚬子: Fried clamps溜大虾: fried Prawn盐水虾: Poached Salted Shrimps Without Shell可乐鸡翅: chicken with coke-cola香辣鸡丁 Spicy chicken家闷黄花鱼: stuffy yellow croaker干烧鲤鱼carp in chilli sauce.水煮鱼: Spicy Fish hot fish韭菜猪肉 Leek and pork Dumpling白菜肉 Chinese cabbage with pork Dumpling青岛啤酒: tsingtao beer可乐 coke kola 雪碧 sprite果粒橙 Fruit orange绿茶Green Tea 红茶 Black tea 露露Lulu Almond Juice 矿泉水Spring Water 中英文菜谱肉类 meat1)猪肉 pork炸酱肉丁 fried pork dices with soya bean paste酱爆肉丁 stir-fried diced pork with bean sauce; quick-fried diced pork with soybean paste宫爆肉丁 stir-fried diced pork with chilli/chili sauce and peanuts板酱肉丁stir-fried iced pork with chilli/chili sauce 辣子肉丁stir-fried diced pork with green pepper,青椒肉丁 stir-fried diced pork with green pepper ,青豆肉丁 stir-fried diced pork with green peas炒肉片 stir-fried pork slices ,脆皮锅酥肉 deep fried pork slices焦熘肉片 crisp fried pork slices with sauce回锅辣白肉 stir-fried boiled pork slices with hot sauce; twice-cooked pork slices with hot sauce回锅肉 stir-fried boiled pork slices with hot sauce; twice-cooked pork slices with hot sauce炒木须肉 stir-fried pork slices with eggs and fungi; stir-fried pork slices with scrambled eggs木须肉 stir-fried pork slices with eggs and fungi; stir-fried pork slices with scrambled eggs糖醋古老肉 fried pork slices with sweet and sour sauce古老肉 fried pork slices with sweet and sour sauce青椒肉片 fried pork slices with green pepper ,葱烹白肉 fried pork slices with leeks葱爆肉粉条 fried pork slices and bean starch vermicelli with leeks 清炸里脊 fried pork fillet slices with leeks ,葱爆里脊 fried pork fillet slices with leeks葱爆里脊丁fried diced tenderloin with scallion,酱爆里脊肉 fried diced tenderloin with soybean paste酱炸里脊丁fried diced tenderloin with soy sauce,糖醋里脊fried pork fillet slices with sweet and sour sauce软炸里脊 soft-fried pork fillet slices ,铁扒里脊 grilled pork fillet slices豆腐烧肉片 stewed sliced pork with bean curd ,腐乳汁烧肉 stewed pork with preserved bean curd 糟肉 steamed preserved pork with distilled grains liquor dregs米粉蒸肉 steamed pork slices with glutinous rice flour; steamed pork slices with ground glutinous rice粉蒸肉 steamed pork slices with glutinous rice flour; steamed pork slices with ground glutinous rice米粉肉 steamed pork slices with glutinous rice flour; steamed pork slices with ground glutinous rice荷叶米粉蒸肉 steamed pork slices with glutinous rice flour wrapped in lotus leaves; steamed rice-flour-coated pork wrapped in lotus leaves 冬菜扣肉steamed pork slices with spicy cabbage,青椒塞肉steamed green pepper stuffed with minced pork扒白条 braised pork slices ,红烧猪肉 braised pork with soy sauce; braised pork with soy sauce红烧肉 braised pork with soy sauce; braised pork with soy sauce栗子红烧肉 braised pork with chestnuts ,烩里脊丝 braised tenderloin shreds酱爆白肉 stir-fried po,炒肉丝 stir-fried shredded pork芙蓉肉丝 stir-fried shredded pork with egg-white sauce; stir-fried shredded pork with egg-white鱼香肉丝 stir-fried pork shreds with chilli/chili sauce冬笋炒肉丝 stir-fried pork shreds with bamboo shoots; stir-fried shredded pork with bamboo shoots冬笋肉丝 stir-fried pork shreds with bamboo shoots; stir-fried shredded pork with bamboo shoots肉丝炒青椒stir-fried pork shreds with green pepper,蔬菜肉丝 stir-fried shredded pork with vegetables 榨菜肉丝 stir-fried shredded pork with hot pickled tuber mustard炒腊肉 stir-fried cured pork ,炸猪肉串 pork shashlik煎猪肉串 pork shashlik ,炸丸子 fried pork balls红烧狮子头 stewed large pork ball with brown sauce冬瓜火腿 stewed sliced ham with white gourd ,火腿酿冬瓜 stewedham-stuffed white gourd冰糖蜜灸火腿 stewed ham with crystal sugar ,炒猪肝 stir-fried pig's liver炒肝尖 stir-fried pig's liver ,熘肝尖 quick-fried liver with distilled grains sauce软炸猪肝 soft-fried pig's liver ,清炸猪肝 fried pig's liver炸腰花 fried pig's kidney ,炒双脆 fried kidney with pork tripe炒腰花 stir-fried pig's kidney; fried sliced pig's kidney ,炒腰肝stir-fried pig's kidney and liver椒麻腰片 steamed sliced kidney with hot sauce ,鸡熘爆肚 fried pork tripe with chicken双片锅巴 sliced pork and liver with fried rice crust红烧蹄筋 braised pork tendons with soy sauce; braised pork tendons with brown sauce椒盐排骨 fried pork ribs with pepper sauce ,豉汁排骨 fried spareribs with black bean sauce糖醋排骨 fried spareribs with sweet and sour sauce ,炒什件 fried mixed meat烤乳猪 roast piglet; roast suckling pig猪杂碎 chopsuey; cooked chopped entrails of pigs; cooked chopped entrails 杂碎 chopsuey; cooked chopped entrails of pigs; cooked chopped entrails 杂烩 chopsuey; cooked chopped entrails of pigs; cooked chopped entrails 2)牛肉 beef腌牛肉 salted beef; corn beef ,米粉蒸牛肉 steamed beef with glutinous rice flour粉蒸牛肉 steamed beef with glutinous rice flour ,蒸牛肉丸 steamed beef balls咖喱牛肉 fried beef with curry ,葱爆牛肉 fried beef with leeks芝麻牛肉 fried beef with sesame ,茄汁牛肉 fried beef with tomato sauce 滑蛋牛肉 fried beef with scrambled eggs ,干煸牛肉 dry fried shredded beef with pepper sauce炒牛肉片 stir-fried sliced beef ,青椒牛肉片 fried sliced beef with green chilli/chili pepper茄汁牛肉片 fried sliced beef with tomato sauce ,炒牛肉丝 stir-fried shredded beef洋葱牛肉丝 fried shredded beef with onions ,冬笋牛肉丝 fried beef shreds with bamboo shoots菜尖牛肉丝 stir-fried shredded beef with mung bean sprouts ,烤牛肉broiled beef slices煨牛肉 simmered beef ,焖牛肉 braised beef ,炖牛肉 braised beef红焖牛肉 braised beef with soy sauce ,蚝油牛肉 braised beef with oyster sauce红烧牛腩 braised beef tenderloin chunks with soy sauce ,红煨牛肉 stewed beef with soy sauce红烧牛尾 stewed ox tail with brown sauce ,红烧牛舌 stewed ox tongue with brown sauce白汁牛筋 stewed ox tendon with white sauce ,红烧牛尾 braised ox tail with soy sauce红烧牛杂 braised beef offal with soy sauce ,牛杂碎 cooked chopped beef offal; cooked chopped entrails of oxen牛杂烩 cooked chopped beef offal; cooked chopped entrails of oxen3)羊肉 mutton炮羊肉 quick-fried mutton,红烧羊肉 braised mutton with soy sauce; stewed mutton with brown sauce烧羊肉 braised mutton with soy sauce; stewed mutton with brown sauce 红煨羊肉 braised mutton with soy sauce; stewed mutton with brown sauce 罐焖羊肉 braised mutton in pot; pot-braised mutton,白扣羊肉 plain boiled mutton涮羊肉 instant boiled sliced mutton; Mongol's hot pot; sliced mutton rinsed in chafing dish烤羊肉 roast mutton ,烤羊排 roast mutton chops ,烤羊肉串 roasted mutton cubes on spit芝麻羊肉 fried mutton with sesame ,炒羊肚 fried lamb tripe,炸羊肉串fried lamb shashlik羊杂碎 cooked chopped entrails of sheep ,羊杂烩 cooked chopped entrails of sheep4)野味 game五香兔肉 spicy sliced hare ,冬笋炒兔片 stir-fried rabbit slices with bamboo shoots红煤鹿肉 braised venison of the spotted deer with brown sauce ,清炖鹿肉 braised venison in clear soup ,红烧熊掌 braised bear's paw with soy sauce炸田鸡腿 fried frog legs ,豆豉田鸡腿 fried frog legs with fermented soya beans英美菜谱常用分类词汇表1 烹调方式2 调味品3 汤类4 主食5 主菜6 甜点7 酒水1 烹调方式 Cooking Methodfried... 煎... deep fried... 炸(干炸)... quick-fried/stir-fried...(爆)炒... braised... 炖(烧)... stewed... 闷(炖、煨)... steamed...蒸... smoked... 熏... roast... 烤... grilled... 烤... crisp... 香酥... spicy... 麻辣... caramelized... 拔丝... toffee...拔丝... dices... ...丁 mashed... ...馅、泥 ...in brown sauce 红烧... ...in soy sauce 酱汁... ...in hot sauce 干烧... ...in tomato sauce 茄汁... ...in black bean sauce 豆瓣... ...in rice wine 糟溜... ...with fish flavor 鱼香... ...with sweet and sour flavor 糖醋... ...in soup 汆... ...shreds ...丝 ...slices ...片 ...cubes ...块2 调味品 Condiments table salt 食盐 sugar 白糖 cheese 奶酪/干酪vinegar 醋 butter 黄油 pepper 胡椒 soy sauce 酱油 cream 奶油 curry 咖哩 mustard 芥茉 tomato sauce 蕃茄酱 honey 蜂蜜 gravy 肉汁 jam 果酱cube sugar 方糖 ginger 姜 garlic 大蒜 shallot 大葱 mayonnaise 蛋黄酱sweet soybean paste 甜面酱3 汤类 Soup clear soup/thin soup/consomme清汤 pottage/thick soup 浓汤 broth 肉汤 beef soup 牛肉汤 tomato soup 西红柿汤 cabbage soup 洋白菜汤 vegetable soup 菜汤 chicken soup 鸡汤creamed chicken soup 奶油鸡汤 fish and tomato soup 红鱼汤 creamed ham soup 奶油火腿汤 beef balls soup 牛肉丸子汤 creamed prawn soup 奶油虾汤beef and vegetable soup 牛肉蔬菜汤 creamed spinach soup 奶油菠菜汤 hot and sour soup 酸辣汤 minced chicken and corn pottage 鸡茸粟米汤 curry chicken soup 咖哩鸡汤4 主食 Staple food 中餐主食Chinese Food rice gruel/porridge大米粥 millet gruel 小米粥 steamed bun/steamed bread 馒头 steamed twisted roll 花卷 meat pie 馅饼 pancake 煎饼 meatbun/steamed bread with stuffings 包子 dumpling 饺子 wonton/dumpling soup 馄饨 noodles 面条sichuan style noodles with peppery sauce 担担面 fried noodles 炒面stretched noodles 拉面 noodles with soup 汤面 noodles with soybean paste 炸酱面 beef noodles 牛肉面 spring roll/egg roll 春卷 rice noodles 米线sweet dumpling 元宵 egg fried rice 蛋炒饭 deep-fried dough sticks 油条soybean milk 豆浆 muffin 松糕/饼 cruller 油饼西餐主食Western Food bread面包 toast 烤面包/土司 rye bread 黑麦面包 bun 小圆面包 hamburger 汉堡包 bacon heeseburger 腊肉奶酪汉堡包 sandwich 三明治 tuna sandwich 金枪鱼三明治 hotdog 热狗 biscuits/crackers/cookies 饼干 pancake 烤饼/薄饼pizza 比萨饼 meat-pie 肉馅饼barley gruel 大麦粥 oatmeal 燕麦粥 French fries 炸薯条 pudding 布丁macaroni 通心面 spaghetti 意大利面条5 主菜 Entrees 西餐主菜Western Entrees beef steak牛排 (rare) 半熟的(牛排) roast beef 烤牛排 (medium-rare) 适中偏生的(牛排) curry beef 咖哩牛排 (medium) 适中的(牛排) real cutlet/veal chop 小牛排 (medium-well done) 适中偏熟的(牛排) roast veal 烤小牛排(well done) 熟透的(牛排) spiced beef 五香牛排 braised beef 焖牛排roast mutton 烤羊肉 lamb chop 羊排 porp chop 猪排 sliced ham 火腿片roast turkey 烤火鸡 roast chicken 烤油鸡 curried chicken 咖哩鸡 roast duck 烤鸭 smoked carp 熏鲤鱼 sardine 沙丁鱼 fried fish 炸鱼 fried eggs 煎鸡蛋 boiled eggs 煮鸡蛋 poached eggs 荷包蛋 omelet/omelette 摊鸡蛋/蛋卷 pickled cucumber 酸黄瓜 salad 色拉 salad dressing 色拉酱 chicken salad 鸡色拉 French法式(色拉酱) vegebable salad 素菜色拉 Italian 意大利式(色拉酱) ham salad 火腿色拉 Blue cheese 蓝乳酪式(色拉酱) Russian 俄式(色拉酱)backed potato 烤土豆 mashed potato 土豆泥中餐主菜Chinese Dishes bean curb豆腐 beansprouts 豆芽 steamed chicken 清蒸鸡 braised chicken 焖鸡Beijing roast duck 北京烤鸭 preserved eggs 松花蛋 braised pork 红烧扣肉 red-cooked pork 红烧肉 sweet-sour pork 糖醋肉 broiled beef slices 烤牛肉片 chop suey 炒杂碎 stir-fried liver 炒猪肝 sweet-and-sour fish 糖醋鱼 meat balls 肉丸子 fried prawns 炸大虾 steamed turtle 炖甲鱼6 甜点 Dessert cake蛋糕 cream cake 奶油蛋糕 ice-cream 冰淇淋 pie 馅饼 vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋 shortcake 松饼 chocolate ice-cream 巧克力冰淇淋 tart 果馅饼 strawberry ice-cream 草霉冰淇淋 apple pie 苹果馅饼 ice sucker 冰棍jello 冰糕 pastry 点心 yam 甜薯 sweet potato 番薯 raisin 葡萄干7 酒水DRINKS 软饮料非酒精饮料 soft drinks/beverages coffee 咖啡 black coffee 不加牛奶的咖啡/清咖啡 decaffeinated coffee 无咖啡因的咖啡 white coffee 牛奶咖啡 coffee with cream and sugar 加奶加糖的咖啡 instant coffee 速溶咖啡 plain coffee 纯咖啡 milk 牛奶 tea 茶 green tea 绿茶 black tea 红茶 jasmine tea 茉莉花茶 tea bags 袋泡茶 yogurt 酸奶cocacola/coke/cocoa 可口可乐 7-up 七喜 Pepsi Cola 百事可乐 Diet Pepsi 无糖百事可乐 Sprite 雪碧 fruit juice 水果汁 lemonade 柠檬汁 orangeade 桔子汁 mineral water 矿泉水 soda water 汽水 fresh orange juice 鲜桔子汁 Fruit Punch 水果混合饮料 beer 啤酒 light beer 淡啤酒 draught beer 扎啤开胃酒aperitive/apertif wine 低度酒/葡萄酒 white wine 白葡萄酒 red wine/port 红葡萄酒/红酒 sherry 雪利酒 champagne 香槟酒 cocktail 鸡尾酒non-alcoholic cocktail 无酒精鸡尾酒 martini 马丁尼鸡尾酒 punch 潘趣酒vermouth 味美思酒/苦艾酒 rose liquor 玫瑰酒 cider 苹果酒烈性酒liquor/spirit whisky 威士忌 brandy 白兰地 scotch 苏格兰威士忌 vodka伏特加1) 鱼 fish糖醋鱼片 fried fish slices with sweet and sour sauce糖醋鱼块 fried fish slices with sweet and sour sauce糖醋石斑鱼 fried garoupa with sweet and sour sauce糖醋松子桂鱼 fried mandarin fish and pinenuts with sweet and sour sauce 熘鱼片 quick-fry fish slices with distilled grains sauce焦熘鱼片 crisp fried fish slices with distilled grains sauce焦熘黄鱼片 crisp fried yellow croaker slices with distilled grains sauce 椒盐黄鱼 fried yellow croaker with pepper sauce糟熘鱼片 fried fish slices with distilled grains sauce滑熘鱼片 fried fish slices with distilled grains sauce炒鱼片 stir-fried fish slices ,菜炒鱼片 stir-fried fish slices with vegetables焦炒鱼片 stir-fried fish slices with bamboo shoots ,焦熘鱼片 fried fishslices with sauce茄汁鱼片 fried fish slices with tomato sauce ,炸鱼条 fried fish slices 炸扒鱼片 deep fried garoupa slices ,软炸鱼片 soft-fried sliced fish 酥炸鱼条 crisp fried sliced garoupa ,炸鱼 deep-fried fish炸桂鱼 deep-fried mandarin fish ,炸板鱼 deep-fried sole炸凤尾鱼 deep-fried anchovies ,煎铜盆鱼 fried sea-bream酱汁活鱼 fried fish with soy sauce and wine ,芙蓉桂鱼 fried mandarin fish with egg white茄汁鱼球 fried fish balls with tomato sauce ,茄汁石斑块 deep fried garoupa slices with tomato sauce 烤酥鱼 baked crisp crucian carp ,清蒸鱼 steamed fish蒸鲜鱼 steamed fresh fish ,清蒸全鱼 steamed whole fish清蒸黄河鲤 steamed Yellow River carp ,清蒸鲥鱼 steamed shad清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish ,清蒸鲈鱼腩 steamed perch-flank清蒸糟青鱼 steamed black carp with distilled grains ,豉汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with black bean sauce豉油蒸生鱼 steamed rock-fish with soy sauce ,豉油蒸鲩鱼 steamed tench with soy sauce红烧鱼 braised fish with soy sauce; stewed fish with soy sauce红烧鲴鱼 braised catfish with soy sauce; stewed catfish with brown sauce 红烧鳗鱼 braised eel with soy sauce; stewed ell with brown sauce红烧河鳗 braised ell with soy sauce; stewed ell with brown sauce红烧鲤鱼 braised carp with soy sauce; stewed carp with brown sauce红烧鲤鱼头 braised carp head with soy sauce; stewed carp head with brown sauce红烧青鱼 braised black carp with soy sauce; stewed black carp with brown sauce蒜头烧黄鳝 braised finless ell with garlic; stewed finless eel with garlic烧青衣鱼头 braised green wrasse head; stewed green wrasse head红烧桂鱼 braised mandarin fish with soy sauce; stewed mandarin fish with brown sauce白汁鳜鱼 braised mandarin fish with white sauce; stewed mandarin fish with white sauce菜炒鲈鱼 stir-fried perch with vegetables ,炒鳝丝 stir-fried shredded finless eel炒鳝片 stir-fried eel slices ,松鼠黄鱼 fried yellow croaker in squirrel shape熏黄鱼 smoked yellow croaker ,白汁熏鲳鱼 smoked pomfret with white sauce 清炖甲鱼 braised turtle in clear soup ,凤足炖甲鱼 steamed turtle with chicken's feet in soup甲鱼裙边煨肥猪肉 stewed calipash and calipee with fat pork火腿甲鱼汤 turtle soup with ham ,炒鱿鱼 stir-fried squid炒鱿鱼丝 stir-fried shredded squid ,冬笋炒鱿鱼 stir-fried squid withfresh bamboo shoots咖喱鱿鱼 fried squid with curry ,蛋皮鱼卷 fried fish roll ,炒木须银鱼 fried white bait with eggsa.鱼翅 shark's fins蟹肉鱼翅braised shark's fins with minced crab meat,鸡茸鱼翅 braised shark's fins with minced chicken鸡丝鱼翅 braised shark's fins with shredded chicken; braised shark's fin with chicken shreds鸡兰鱼翅 braised shark's fin with chicken shreds and bamboo shoots鸡包鱼翅 braised chicken stuffed with shark's fin,鸡汁鱼翅 braised shark's fin with chicken gravy红烧鱼翅 braised shark's fins with brown sauce; braised shark's fins with soy sauce红扒鱼翅 braised shark's fins with brown sauce; braised shark's fins with soy sauce白扒鱼翅 braised shark's fins with white sauce,海味扒鱼翅 braised shark's fins with sea food清汤鱼翅 shark's fins in clear soupb.鱼唇 fish lips蚝油鱼唇 braised fish lips with oyster oil ,蟹肉鱼唇 stewed fish lips with crab meat白汁鱼唇 stewed shark's lips with white saucec.鱼肚 fish maw鱼扒鱼肚 braised fish maw with white sauce红烧鱼肚 braised fish maw with soy sauce; stewed fish maw with soy sauce 鸡丝烩鱼肚 stewed fish maw with shredded chicken蟹肉鱼肚 stewed fish maw with crab meat ,奶油鱼肚 fried fish maw with cream sauce虾仁鱼肚 fried fish maw with shelled shrimps三鲜鱼肚 fish maw with balls of shelled shrimps, fish and minced pork 清汤鱼肚 fish maw in clear soup ,鱼肚鸡片汤 codfish maw soup with sliced chicken2)虾 shrimp盐水虾 boiled shrimps with shell in salt water ,面拖虾 shrimp fritters 清炒虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps ,炒虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps 芙蓉虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with egg-white sauce面包虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps on croutons,青豆虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with green gravy茄汁虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with tomato sauce,蟹黄虾仁stir-fried shelled shrimps with crab roe 锅巴虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with crispy fried rice crust凤肝虾仁stir-fried shelled shrimps with chicken liver,菜炒虾脯stir-fried minced shrimps with vegetables 油炸虾丸 fried shrimp balls ,虾仁扒豆腐 stewed shelled shrimps with bean curd烩虾仁 braised shrimp meat ,油焖大虾 braised prawns黄焖大虾 braised prawns with brown sauce ,红烧对虾 braised prawns with soy sauce红烧明虾 braised prawns with soy sauce ,罐焖大虾 braised prawns in pot; pot-braised prawns荷包金鲤虾 braised prawns stuffed with glutinous rice in the shape of golden carp炸大虾 fried prawns; deep-fried prawns; fried jumbo shrimps炸金钱大虾fried prawns in the shape of golden coin,炸烹大虾fried giant prawns; grilled prawns with sauce椒盐大虾 fried prawns with pepper sauce炸虾串 fried prawn shashlik ,炸虾托 fried prawn canape软炸虾 soft-fried prawn slices ,炒虾片 stir-fried prawn slices炒大虾片 stir-fried prawn slices ,炒鸡肝虾片 fried prawn slices with chicken liver炸虾饼 fried prawn cutlets; fried shrimp cutlets ,煎虾饼 fried prawn cutlets; fried shrimp cutlets茄汁虾片 fried prawns with tomato sauce ,煎明虾 fried prawns with shell in gravy煎明虾段 fried prawn sections ,干烧明虾 fried prawns with pepper sauce 煎酿大明虾 fried giant prawns with soy and ginger sauce ,炸竹笋脆虾 fried prawns with bamboo shoots ,炸凤尾明虾 fried prawns in the shape of phoeni炸虾球 fried prawn balls; deepfried prawn meat balls ,煎虾丸 fried shrimp balls with sauce鲜菇炒大虾 stir-fried prawns with fresh mushrooms,鲜菇炒虾球 stir-fried shelled shrimp balls with mushrooms菜花炒虾丸 stir-fried jumbo shrimp balls with cauliflower红煤虾球 braised jumbo shrimp balls with cauliflower辣味烩虾 braised prawns with chilli/chili sauce ,辣昧烩虾球 braised prawn balls with chilli/chili sauce 3)蟹 crab蒸螃蟹 steamed crab ,蒸梭子蟹 steamed sea crabs ,醉蟹 liquor preserved crab姜汁大肉蟹 fried fresh crab with ginger sauce ,酱油蟹 fried crabs with bean sauce炒蟹肉 stir-fried crab meat ,炒海蟹肉 stir-fried minced crab meat蟹肉豆腐 stir-fried minced crab meat with bean curd,奶汁蟹肉 stir-fried minced crab meat with cream sauce香菇蟹肉 stir-fried crab meat with mushrooms ,芙蓉蟹肉 stir-fried crab meat with egg-white菜炖蟹肉 stewed crab meat with vegetables ,蟹肉狮子头 stewed crab meat with minced pork balls4)海参 sea cucumber海参烩鸡丝 stewed sea cucumbers with shredded chicken海参扒鸡条 braised sea cucumbers with sliced chicken,海参肉片 braised sea cucumbers with pork slices红烧海参 braised sea cucumbers with brown sauce;braised sea cucumbers with soy sauce葱烧海参 braised sea cucumbers with spring onions,麻辣海参片 braised sea cucumbers with chilli/chili sauce胡辣海参片 braised sea cucumbers with chilli/chili sauce,鱼丸烧海参 stewed sea cucumbers with fish balls鸡茸海参 fried sea cucumbers with mashed chicken; fried sea cucumbers with minced chicken火腿肉丸烧海参 stewed sea cucumbers with pork balls and ham slices 虾仁海参 stewed sea cucumbers with shrimps ,鲍鱼海参 fricassee sea cucumbers with abalone芙蓉海参 fricassee sea cucumbers with egg white5)鲍鱼 abalone蚝汁鲍鱼片 fried abalone slices with oyster sauce,蚝油焖鲍鱼stewed abalone slices with oyster sauce红烧鲍鱼 braised abalone with soy sauce ,红烧酥鲍 braised abalone with soy sauce红烧鲜鲍 braised fresh abalone with soy sauce ,黄焖干鲍 braised abalone with brown sauce红炖紫鲍 braised abalone garnished with green vegetables白扒鲍鱼 braised abalone with white sauce ,鸡茸金钱鲍 fricassee abalone with minced chicken鸡茸炒鲍丝 fried abalone shreds with minced chicken ,鸡片鲍鱼 fried abalone with sliced chicken鸡翅鲍鱼片 braised abalone slices with chicken wings ,鸡球鲍脯 braised abalone with chicken balls冬菇鲍鱼 braised abalone with black mushrooms ,蘑菇鲍脯 braised abalone with fresh mushrooms鸡油鲍鱼磨菇 fried abalone and mushrooms with chicken fat鸡汁鲍鱼鱼翅steamed abalone with shark's fins in chicken soup,蚝油小鲍鱼fried awabi with oyster sauce6)贝类 shellfish面拖牡蛎 oyster fritters ,白灼螺片 fried sliced whelk鸡肉螺片 fried sliced whelk with chicken ,凤肝螺片 fried sliced whelk with chicken liver蚝油干贝 fried dried scallops with oyster sauce,油爆干贝 fried dried scallops with choice vegetables白汁干贝 stewed dried scallops with white sauce ,鸡冻干贝 fricassee scallop in chicken mousse欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求。
中国传统菜谱的英文翻译第1部分、素菜类Vegetarian1.豪油冬菇 Oyster Sauce Mushroom2.什笙上素 Bamboo Vegetable3.红烧豆腐Fried Tofu4•炒素丁 Vegetable Roll5•罗汉腐皮卷 Vegetable Egg Roll6.素咕噜肉 Vegetarian Sweet and Sour7.蒸山水豆腐Steam Tofu8•鲜菇扒菜胆 Mushroom Tender Green9•炒杂菜 Mixed Green Tender10.清炒芥兰 Chinese Green Tender11.盐水菜心 Salt Green Tender12.干扁四季豆 St ring Bean West ern St yle13.上汤芥菜胆 Mustard Green Tender第2部分、炒粉、面、饭Rice Plate1.龙虾干烧伊面 Lobs ter Teriyaki Noodle2.上汤龙虾捞面Lobs ter Noodle3•杨州炒饭 Yang Chow Fried Rice4.虾仁炒饭 Shrimp Fried Rice5.咸鱼鸡粒炒饭 Sal ted Egg Chicken Fried Rice6.蕃茄牛肉炒饭 Toma to w/ Beef Fried Rice 7•厨师炒饭House Fried Rice8.生菜丝炒牛肉饭 Beef Fried Rice w/ Lettuce9.招牌炒面 House Chow Mein10.鸡球炒/煎面 Chicken Chow Mein11.蕃茄牛肉炒面 Toma to Beef Chow Mein12.海鲜炒/煎面 Seafood Chow Mein13.虾子姜葱捞面 Ginger Green Onion Noodle14.干烧伊面 Teriyaki Noodle15.鸡丝上汤窝面 Chicken Noodle Soup16•菜远炒牛河 Vegetable Beef Chow Fun17.豉椒排骨炒河 Sparerib w/ Black Bean Chow Fun18.星洲炒米粉 Singapore Noodle (Hot Spice)19.鸳鸯馒头 Shanghai Buns20.上汤水饺 Dumpling Soup21.上汤云吞 Won Ton soup22.丝苗白饭Steam Rice第3部分、甜品Dessert1.雪哈红莲 Bird Nest Red Bean Soup2•椰汁炖雪哈 Coconut Bird Nest3.玫瑰红豆沙Red Bean Soup4.椰汁西米露 Coconut Tapioca5.百年好合 Red Bean Fresh Lily Bulb第4部分、厨师精选Luncheon Special1.酸甜咕噜肉 Sweet & Sour Pork2.京都骨 Peking Spareribs3.豉椒排骨 Sparerbis w/ Black Bean Sauce4.凉瓜排骨 Bitter Melon Spareribs5.菜远炒排骨 Spareribs w/ Tender Green6.菜远炒牛肉 Beef w/ Tender Green7.豉椒炒牛肉 Green Pepper Beef w/ Black Bean Sauce8.柠檬牛肉Lemon Beef9.四川牛肉 Szechuan Beef10.辣汁炸鸡腿 Fried Chicken Leg w/ Hot Sauce11.柠檬鸡球 Lemon Chicken12.杂菜鸡球 Chicken w/ Mixed Vegetable13.豉椒炒鸡球 Chicken w/ Black Sauce14.四川炒鸡球 Szechuan Chicken15.咖喱鸡球 Curry Chicken16.菜远炒鸡球 Chicken w/ Tender Green17.宫保鸡球 Kung Pao Chicken18.腰果鸡球 Cashew Chicken19.酸甜咕噜鱼 Sweet & Sour Fish20.酸甜咕噜虾 Sweet & Sour Shrimp21.柠檬炒虾球Lemon Shrimp22.菜远炒虾球 Shrimp w/ Vegetable23.四川炒虾球 Szechuan Shrimp25.豉椒炒鱿 Squid w/ Black Bean Sauce26.红烧豆腐 Fried Tofu w/ Tender Green27.炒杂菜 Mixed Vegetable第5部分、小菜1.豆腐虾 Tofu & Shrimps2.白灼虾 Boiled Prawns3.椒盐虾 Spicy Slat Prawns4.豉椒虾 Black Bean Sauce Prawns5.滑蛋虾 Prawns with Eggs6.油泡虾 Crystal Prawns7.时菜虾 Vegetable Prawns8.四川虾 Szechuan Prawns9.茄汁虾 Prawns with Ketchup10.豉汁炒蚬 Clams Black Bean Sauce11.时菜斑球 Vegetable Rock Cod12.豉汁斑球 Black Bean Sauce Rock Cod13.椒盐龙利球 Pepper Salt Fried Flounder14.香煎鲫鱼 Pan Fried Fish15.时菜鲜鱿 Vegetable & Squid16.椒盐鲜鱿 Salt and Pepper Squid17.豉椒鲜鱿 Black Bean Sauce Squid18.酥炸鲜鱿 Deep Fried Squid20.宫保鸡 Kung Pao Chicken21.当红炸子鸡 Crispy Fried Chicken22.柠檬鸡 Lemon Chicken23.腰果鸡 Cashew Nuts Chicken24.甜酸鸡 Sweet & Sour Chicken25.时菜鸡 Vegetable & Chicken26.咖喱鸡 Curry Chicken27.豉椒鸡 Black Bean Sauce Chicken28.京都上肉排 Peking Spareribs29.椒盐肉排 Pepper Salt Fried Spareribs 30•梅菜扣肉 Preserved Vegetable & Pork31.豉汁排骨 Black Bean Sauce Spareribs32.时菜排骨 Vegetable & Spareribs 33•蜜汁叉烧 B.B.Q. Pork34.炸菜牛肉 Pickled with Beef35.蒙古牛肉 Mongolian Beef36.姜葱牛肉 Ginger & Green Onion Beef37.豪油牛肉 Oyster Sauce Beef38.时菜牛肉 Vegetable & Beef39.豆腐牛肉 Tofu and Beef40.四川牛肉 Szechuan Beef41.柠檬牛肉Lemon Beef42.椒盐牛仔骨 Pepper Sal ted Fried Beef Ribs43.火腩塘虱煲 Roas ted Pork & Ca tfish Clay Pot44.东江豆腐煲 Tofu in Clay Pot45.海鲜煲 Seafood in Clay Pot46.八珍煲 Assorted Meat in Clay Pot47.柱侯牛腩煲 Stew Beef Basket48.鱼香茄子煲 Eggplant in Clay Pot49.虾米粉丝煲 Dried Shrimp & Noodle in Clay Pot50.咸鱼鸡豆腐煲 Sal ted Fish & Chicken Tofu in Clay Pot51.蒸山水豆腐Steamed Tofu52.红烧豆腐 Braised Tofu53.麻婆豆腐 Bean Sauce Tofu54.干烧四季豆 Braised Green Bean55.鱼香茄子 Braised Egg plant56.蒜茸豆苗 Garlic Pea Greens57.豉汁凉瓜 black Bean Sauce & Bitter Melon58.上汤芥菜胆Mustard Green59.北菇扒菜胆 Mushroom & Vegetable60.清炒时菜 Saut?ed Vegetable61.蒜茸芥兰 Garlic & Broccoli62.豪油芥兰 Oyster Sauce Broccoli63.豪油北菇 Oyster Sauce Mushrooms64.炒什菜 Saut?ed Assorted Vegetable。
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domi-maeuntangspicy sea bream stewタイ辛味スープ辣味鲷鱼汤鲷鱼辣汤
domi-jorimbraised sea breamタイの煮物红烧鲷鱼红烧鲷鱼
domi-jirisea bream soupタイ锅清炖鲷鱼汤 清炖鲷鱼汤
1906、艾窝窝 Aiwowo (Steamed Rice Cakes with Sweet Stuffing)
1907、驴打滚 Lǘdagunr (Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour)
1908、香芋枣排 Taro and Chinese Date Cake
Aristichthys nobilis
Fish fillet
Odd fish oil
Strange fish oil
daege-silpajeonpan-fried green onion and king crabカニと浅葱のお好み焼き雪蟹肉葱饼雪蟹肉香葱煎餠
daegejjim steamed king crabカニの蒸し物清蒸雪蟹清蒸雪蟹
(English) (日本语) (简体) (繁体)
daegejjim full-course steamed king crab with side dishes大蟹蒸フルコース 蒸雪蟹正餐 蒸雪蟹套餐
1898、枣泥方圃 Steamed Small Square Dumplings Stuffed with Jujube Paste
1899、寿桃 Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling
1900、精品点心六种 Refined Assorted Dim Sum (Six Kinds)
1922、雪圆子 Snow Balls
1923、马蹄西米花生糊 Cream Soup of Peanut with Water Chestnuts
1924、蜜糖龟苓膏 Guiling Jelly (Chinese Herbal Jelly) Served with Honey
1925、爱玉冰 Aiyu Jelly (Vegetarian Gelatin)
daegehoe raw king crab 大蟹の刺身 生雪蟹片 生雪蟹切片
daegu-maeuntang spicy codfish soupタラ辛味スープ辣味鳕鱼汤 鳕鱼辣汤
daegu-jiricodfish soupタラのスープ清炖鳕鱼汤 清炖鳕鱼汤
daegujjim steamed codfishタラの蒸し物清蒸鳕鱼 清蒸鳕鱼
1888、银丝卷 Steamed Rolls
1889、烤银丝卷 Baked Steamed Rolls
1890、油条 Youtiao(Deep-Fried Dough Sticks)
1891、芸豆卷 French Bean Rolls
1892、芝麻凉卷 Sesame Rolls
1893、疙瘩汤 Dough Drop and Assorted Vegetable Soup
1933、果茶山药 Chinese Yam and Nectar
1934、红果山药 Chinese Yam and Hawthorn
1935、杨枝甘露 Chilled Mango Sago Cream with Pomelo
1936、椰丝糯米糍 Glutinous Rice Balls Stuffed with Coconut and Sugar
1909、油炸臭豆腐 Deep-Fried Fermented Tofu
1910、虾片 Prawn Crackers
1911、卷果 Chinese Yam and Date Rolls, Beijing Style
1912、豆汁儿 Douzhir (Fermented Bean Drink)
1913、豆浆 Soybean Milk
1914、豆腐脑儿 Jellied Tofu
1915、奶香粟米片片饼 Golden Corn Pancake
1916、巧克力松饼 Chocolate Muffins
1917、什锦水果松饼 Mixed Fruit Muffin
1918、桂花酒酿圆子 Glutinous Rice Dumplings in Fermented Rice Wine
Sweetened whole milk powder
Whole sugar powder
Blue crab
鳙鱼stir-fried diced chicken with red
鶏肉と唐辛子の炒め物 辣子鸡丁 辣椒炒鸡
dakgogi-wa lemon
1894、扁食汤 Dumpling Soup
1895、咖喱角 Curry Puff
1896、麻薯 Deep-Fried Glutinous Rice Cake Stuffed with Bean Paste
1897、芝麻芋条 Deep-Fried Taro Sticks with Sesame
dakgogi-wa juksun
stir-fried chicken with bamboo
鶏肉と竹の子の炒め物 竹笋炒鸡丁 竹笋炒鸡肉
dakgogi-wa hodu
stir-fried chicken with walnuts鶏とクルミの炒め物 核桃炒鸡丁 核桃炒鸡肉
1880、蚝皇鲜竹卷 Steamed Tofu Skin Rolls with Oyster Sauce
1881、麻团 Fried Glutinous Rice Balls with Sesame
1882、蘑菇牛肉乳蛋派 Beef and Mushroom Pie
1883、南瓜团子 Pumpkin Dumplings
daegutangcod soupタラ辛味スープ鳕鱼汤 鳕鱼汤
daenamutongbap rice steamed in bamboo竹筒入り饭 竹筒饭竹筒饭
daechucha jujube teaナツメ茶 大枣茶红枣茶
daehajjim steamed prawn大正海老の蒸し物清蒸大虾清蒸大虾
(English) (日本语) (简体) (繁体)
doganitangox-knee soup牛の膝盖骨スープ牛膝骨汤牛筋汤
dodarihoeraw flounderメイタガレイの刺身 生木叶蝶鱼片 生木叶鲽片
dorajijeonpan-fried bellflower roots桔梗の根のチヂミ 桔梗饼桔梗煎饼
1901、水果醪糟 Fermented Glutinous Rice Soup with Fresh Fruits
1902、南瓜酪 Pumpkin Pastry
1903、枇杷果 Loquat-Shaped Cak
1905、火烧 Baked Wheat Cake
1937、奶皇糯米糍 Glutinous Rice Balls Suffed with Cream Custard
1938、拔丝苹果 Apple in Hot Toffee
1939、拔丝山药 Chinese Yam in Hot Toffee
1940、雪梨炖百合 Snow Pear and Lily Bulbs Soup
1944、冰镇南瓜茸 Iced Pumpkin Mash
1945、冰镇三果 Iced Fruits
1946、冰镇银耳 Iced White Fungus
1947、冰糖葫芦 Bingtanghulu /Crispy Sugar-Coated Fruit (haws, yam, etc.) on a Stick
1941、冰糖莲子银耳羹 Lotus Seeds and White Fungus Soup
1942、冰糖银耳炖雪梨 Stewed Pear with White Fungus and Rock Candy
1943、椰汁西米露 Sweet Sago Cream with Coconut Milk
daehatangprawn soup大正エビの锅 大虾汤大虾汤
daehap-gui grilled clams焼きハマグリ烤文蛤烤文蛤
daehaptang clam stewハマグリのスープ文蛤汤文蛤汤
deodeok-gui grilled deodeok rootツル人参の辛味焼き烤沙参烧烤党参
1926、莲子红豆沙 Sweetened Red Bean Paste and Lotus Seeds
1927、陈皮红豆沙 Orange Flavored Red Bean Paste
1928、莲子百合红豆沙 Sweetened Red Bean Paste with Lotus Seeds and Lily Bulbs
chicken with lemon sauce鶏肉とレモンソース柠檬鸡香柠鸡
dakgogi-wa maneul
fried chicken with garlic sauce鶏肉ガーリックソース蒜香炸鸡片 蒜泥鸡片
(English) (日本语) (简体) (繁体)
dak-kkochi-gui grilled chicken kebob辛味焼き鸟 烤鸡肉串烤鸡肉串
dak-dari-twigimfried chicken legs鶏モモのフライドチキン 炸鸡腿炸鸡腿