
The final revision was on November 23, 2020
阅读原文题目:An interview with Jackie Chan 高中英语阅读课公开课原文。

一,高中英语阅读课,在赛课中获得了一等奖,经过实战演练,课堂气氛非常活 跃,阅读教学方法得到评委一致称赞
A,用同学们喜欢的明星导入, B,细节制作创意,趣味十足, C,制作了有逻辑关系的表格来分解原文,让文章显得层次清晰,变得简单易懂
Question list:
1. _________________ 2. _________________ 3. _________________ 4. _________________ 5. _________________
Group work:
1. One group, six members, one question.
When I was a young boy in the China Drama Academy (Peking Opera School), I didn’t think much about fame and fortune. It was a struggle just to get through each day; to find enough to eat, to avoid being beaten by my masters, just to survive. That sounds dramatic, but it’s all true! As I got older and began working in films as a stunt man, my dreams began to focus on being famous and making lots of money. When I started to become famous, I was quite arrogant and thought only about myself and buying lots of watches and cars. I didn’t think much about charity. Later, after the accident in Yugoslavia, I changed my thinking and realized that I should be thinking of others, not just about me. It was a natural progression to become a humanitarian and I’m very proud of the work I’ve done for charity. I am happy that my fame allows me to bring attention to the problems in the world.

of the world C. in the time of Shakespeare D. in the 12th century 2. Which of the following statements is true?
的时间和旅行的距离, 尤指较长距离 的或定期的旅行; trip用作可数名词, 表示非定期的, 也许较短的往返旅行; voyage则常指海上旅行或太空旅行。 ① Air travel is becoming cheaper. ② He’s on his travels again. ③ Lily had a long and difficult journey
A second language in India, Pakistan, Nigeria the Philippines, and HK and so on.
A foreign language in China, and so on.
We can see that English is spoken all over the world.
You all have learnt English for at least 3 years. Do you know in which countries
people speak English?
New Zealand South Africa
Careful reading: Para 1--Development of English
the end of the 16th century
高中英语_Using language Reading (阅读课)教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

新课标人教版选修六unit1 Art Using languagethe Best of Manhattan’s Art Galleries(曼哈顿艺术画廊荟萃)教学设计思路一、Teaching aims:1,Knowledge aim.It is about the words and phrases of this lesson, students can acquire some knowledge of English language and culture about western art.2,competence aim.I expect that it helps students develop their ability of expressing their ideasfreely ,besides, students can get detailed information from the text by skimming the lesson.3, Emotion ,attitude and value aim.This aim is designed to help students develop their interest in art ,they can adopt a positive way to enjoy their life.二、Leading-in:1,Q1:Have you ever been to any galleries before?Q2:Do you think visiting galleries is interesting?Key:Visiting galleries can not only bring people wonderful feelings but also teach them many things2, Preview new words:Preference avenue appeal fragile reputation civilization Egypt Egyptian Visual fragrant contemporary三、Teaching procedures:Step1. Fast-ReadingThis part can be divided into two parts, they are Fast reading and Careful reading. Fast reading, it aims to help you have a general understanding of the whole text. In this part, I design four questions for students.Q1: what’s the main idea of the passage?key:The passage mainly introduces five art galleries of ManhattanQ2: where are the five galleries?Q3: Where may you see this passage?Key: in a guidebook(旅游指南)Q4: Who maybe the passage is designed for?Key: touristsStudents can master the structure of the text by learning the whole text.Step 2.Careful -readingit aims to help students to get detailed information which can help you have a better understanding the text.1, About the Frick Collection. Here, one question is designed for studentsWhat can you do in the Frick Collection?(在弗里克收藏馆你能做些什么?) Key: pre-twentieth century western paintings, Henry Clay Frick’s house and garden This question can absorb students’ attention to the content of the Frick Collection, by the way, students can know a famous figure named Henry Clay Frick as well as his contributions to the Frick Collection2,About Guggenheim MuseumI design some steps for students to follow, namely, the exhibition(superb modern paintings, sculptures , drawing impressionist as well as the post-impressionist paintings) ,the museum building ( fragile, white seashell),the best way to enjoy the exhibition and an excellent restaurant(students can have their meals here during their visit in the museum) These steps will help students practice their logic ways of thought and their memory, some useful vocabularies can be presented to students.3,Metropolitan Museum of Art.This part is designed to enhance students’ recognition of the art’s historical status in the development of the human civilization, art as an important part of the human civilization acts as one way of spreading culture among the countries all over the world. Some typical countries are mentioned in this part, such as America, Europe, China, Egypt, other African countries and South America. Students can experience ancient ways of living by themselves in this museum if they have chance to visit this museum. Some concrete exhibitions are introduced in this part, such as Egyptian temple, a fragrant Ming garden, a typical room in an 18th century French house.4,About the museum of Modern art.As the modern art is mentioned as one style of the western painting in the first lesson A short history of western art, students must be familiar with the modern art as well as its characteristics, in this period, modern art can act as one bridge to narrow the gap between the theory of the style of the modern art and its typical paintings as examples. In this part, some famous artists are introduced such as, Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso and Matisse , they are all world-famous artists, their paintings are well accepted by people of all ages and from home and abroad.5, About Whitney Museum of American artThe Whitney Museum of American art is also very interesting, students can find the information that contemporary American painting and sculpture are exhibited here, If you are eager to learn more about contemporary American painting and sculpture in short time, you can visit this gallery, as the exhibition here changes all the time. As important form of entertainment, videos and films are also shown here.All of these galleries enable students t have a better understanding different styles of painting, this lesson will help students hold a right viewpoint of value and positive attitude towards life, besides students’ ability of appreciating art can be well developed.The initiative aim of the lesson may be achieved easily. In this part, I will introduce the five galleries one by one, in this process, students should make every chance to acquire needed knowledge to enhance their ability of using English flexibly, for example, students can achieve the knowledge aim by reading the text in details and the culture of western art can be plugged into their knowledge structure. For more information, students can read the text carefully as the information is involved in the introduction of the five galleries.This process is perhaps boring ,but it is well worth doing, since reading as an important approach to getting English knowledge for students of ESL( English as a second language) is unavoidable and necessary. In this process, teacher as an instructor and supervisor plays an important part in guiding the students’ learning, Besides, teacher’s status here cannot be replaced, the teacher’s value can be represented and shown here, meanwhile, teacher should praise students to perform their task individually and the error is permitted here, as the error is the initiative source of finding the right answer, student’s self-confidence can be established in this process. If necessary, students should find more approaches to putting English into practice, because as communicative tool, English language should be focused on theusage in daily life ,especially when we are having an English lesson, as the contextual situation should be laid for ESL learners.Step3.DiscussionIn this section, I design a discussion, students can practice their oral English and their way of thinking in English language by recalling what we learn, discussing with their partners ,only in this way, students can express their ideas freelyI will provide them with some necessary words and sentence patterns in case that students can use them. For example, gallery, collection, museum, exhibition, art, painting, sculpture, drawings, display etc. some useful sentence patterns, I’d prefer…I’d rather…I’d like… I have a preference for… Because … as… since… this process is designed to develop students’ oral ability as well as their awareness of cooperation.This process is followed by examples about the usage of the above words ,expressions and sentence patterns.Topic for Discussion:Which one do you like best among the five galleries? Give your reasonsIf I have a chance to visit these galleries, I’d prefer to visit…Because I like…,I think it is well worth a visit.In the last section, I design an assignment for students aiming to help students consolidate the knowledge. The assignment is mainly about the usage of English language. In the meantime ,some famous paintings drawn by world- famous artists are also presented to students, this is also the reflection of the third learning aim, namely, emotion, attitude and value aim, students’ awareness of pursuing after the cause of arts will be aroused, you never know.Homework:1. Write a short passage about the five galleries.2. Finish all the exercises on the book学情分析本人执教的班级是单县二中二层次班级,在课堂教学过程中学生的互动效果相对较差,学生的基础相对薄弱, 同时学生对教材的把握还不够好.在教学过程中我需要不断的引导和重复一些课堂用语,学生的语言输出能力较弱,在本节课的授课过程中有一部分同学能做到积极参与课堂的活动和交流,部分学生由于对教材内容把握的不好,教材的内容不够熟悉,他们没能很好的参与课堂的互动和交流,这是我下一步教学工作的重点和需要努力的方向.此外,学生没有意识到高中学段英语学习的重要意义以及对未来升学,就业等的重要影响,这就需要教师在日常的教学管理中对学生进行引导和帮助,使学生避免在英语学习上的被动局面和依赖心理.注重培养学生的积极的英语思维能力和积极主动的学习态度,让学生养成听说读写的良好学习习惯,避免英语学习的盲目性,教师在日程教学过程中要使学生认识到:英语不仅是学生升学的一个手段而且也是学生进行交流沟通的一门重要的语言,教师要鼓励学生在英语课堂上多说多练多交流,使英语课真正的活起来.课堂教学效果分析本节课的授课过程中我设计了以下几个方面的问题:1 , 新课导入: Have you ever been to any galleries before?Do you think visiting galleries is interesting?从课堂实际效果来看,学生的参与度和达成度都不够好,这主要表现在,一是学生对问题没有很好的了解和把握,此外,学生在关于艺术的文化知识方面尚有欠缺,教学建议: 在设计新课导入时,教师要做到既有利于课堂教学的顺利导入又要切合学生的实际知识水平.2, 在Fast reading 部分我设计的问题能紧扣课堂教学目标,如:(1)How many galleries mentioned in this text? What are they?这个问题从难易程度上来说属于简单问题,而且与课文整体结构结合紧密,这个问题的达成度较高,这类问题也适合学习程度不太好的学生做,这对于提高这类学困生的学习积极性和课堂参与度有很好的借鉴意义。

全国新高考英语续写等作文技巧与方 法教学P PT--PP T执教 课件【 推荐】
Paragraph 1 Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. Instinctively, I yelled out loud,pulling on the reins hard in order to stop the horse. But uselessly, the horse sped off the track into another direction. Dad followed closely behind, calling out to tell me how to soothe the terrified horse and I did as told. Finally, the horse calmed down,but we seemed to get lost, unable to go back to the mountain road. Paragraph 2 We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark.Tears of fear and regret filled my eyes. We got stuck in the forest. Much to our delight, the sound of water in the distance caught our attention and drove us to the riverbank. Dad proposed that we should walk along the river which may lead us to the farm house and nothing seemed better than that. Time appeared to be merrier and shorter when I stayed together with Dad and before long the farm house came into sight. Finally, we arrived home safely just in time for supper. What a thrilling but memorable experience it was!
高中英语课外阅读Journey to the west 1 原文及摘录(课件)

n.耸肩 She gave a careless shrug. 她漠然地耸了耸肩。
n.裂口、裂缝 There's a big split in the tent.
Inside was a monkey. (完全倒装句、仿写)
当方位副词(如本句中的“inside”)位于句首时,句子可以构成完全的倒 装。
The exercises are designed to stretch and strengthen your leg muscles.
The monkey stood up and stretched . Suddenly powerful light shot from his eyes. For a moment the light reached the Cloud Palace in Heaven.
The Jade Emperor, ruler of Heaven, sat up. He turned to one of his captains, who was standing nearby.
From the beginning of time, a rock had sat high on top of a mountain. The sun, the moon, Heaven, and Earth all worked their magic on the rock. One day the rock split open. Inside was a monkey.
外研版高中英语高中英语必修二《On the road》PartⅠ

《On the road》PartⅠ
• 本PPT适用于多媒体教学、课堂PPT 教学演示、课前备课。
导读:世界经典曲目《雪绒花》被称为奥地利的非正式国歌,在奥地利,雪绒花象 征着勇敢,因为野生的雪绒花生长在环境艰苦的高山上,常人难以得见其美丽容颜 ,所以见过雪绒花的人都是英雄。
Step Ⅰ General reading Match each paragraph with its main idea. Para.1 A.I enjoy photographing nature. Para.2 B.My visit to Western Australia. Para.3 C.I use my photography to help protect the environment. Para.4 D.From a chef to Australia’s first professional photo blogger. Para.5 E.In Broome in the Kimberley region ,you can experience the indigenous 答Au案stralPiaa.ra.1—D Para.2—B Para.3—E Para.4—A Para.5—C
高中英语 Book4 Unit4body language 说课课件 新人教必修4(通用)

1). Analysis of the teaching material 教材分析
The type of this class is an extensive reading class, which plays an important part in developing students’ reading ability. So,during the teaching process, the teacher should focus on developing the students’s reading ability by extensive reading, and get them to learn some reading skills such as skimming, scanning and so on. Moreover, the students should receive some moral education, let them know more about body language in cultures in different countries.
课前探索(Pre-class Exploration):
Let students search for more information about body language which shows different meanings in different cultures and countries.
3.Let students read and understand the passage “Showing our feelings”.
Teaching difficult points (教学难点)
高中英语名著阅读教学课件The Gift of the Magi(精编课件)

山东省高中英语名著阅读教学行动研究会—— The Gift Of The Magi 经典短篇小说阅读
Description( action/ lines...)
belonging to them?
45C..HHooowwmmdpiducrDheemlhlaoengeenytsaddiidodiDtnieolnlqaalhumaveoensaettyiftoiorsntbu?y her
husband a gift? What did she buy? 6.How did Jim get additional money to buy Della a
山东省高中英语名著阅读教学行动研究会—— The Gift Of The Magi 经典短篇小说阅读
山东省高中英语名著阅读教学行动研究会—— The Gift Of The Magi 经典短篇小说阅读
山东省高中英语名著阅读教学行动研究会—— The Gift Of The Magi 经典短篇小说阅读
山东省高中英语名著阅读教学行动研究会—— The Gift Of The Magi 经典短篇小说阅读
What happend to her? Are their gifts valuable?
山东省高中英语名著阅读教学行动研究会—— The Gift Of The Magi 经典短篇小说阅读
山东省高中英语名著阅读教学行动研究会—— The Gift Of The Magi 经典阅读

1、能阅读一班的英文报刊或杂志,从中获取主要信息; 2、能阅读一班的英文原著,抓住主要情节,了解主要人 物; 3、能读懂各种商品的说明书等非专业技术性的资料;
英语教育改革发展方向 • 信息社会发展对人才的需求 • 综合语言应用能力----用语言获取信息、处 理信息、整合加工信息的能力,英语思维 的能力,与世界交往的能力 • 人格塑造和人的可持续性全面发展
高中 1 重新认识英语教学的功能和目的:工具 性与人文性的统一; 2 高中英语教学的重点:如何在全面发展 的基础上,促进学生阅读能力的提高和 深化;如何培养学生英语思维能力; 3 拓展教学资源,提高学习效率,培养学 生可持续发展能力。
Learning English means more than knowing the rules and words,
it means to learn to use the language TO GET INFORMATION AND FOR COMMUNICATION To think creatively,develop your mind and intelligence
Learning words by context instead of using lists
As for how language should be presented to learners, the common method is to begin with a vocabulary list, only to sacrifice the chance to motivate and get students’ involved in using their minds to work out the meaning according to the context.
Unit1 Reading and Thinking阅读(教学课件)-高中英语

➢ To learn about the type and usage of a robot. ➢ To find out the characters mentioned in the story and
then tell who they are by scanning the passage. ➢ To grasp what Tony did to help Claire and how Claire’s
emotion developed during Tony’s stay at her house.
Work in groups. Discuss the following questions.
➢ Where would you find each type of robot above? ➢ What does each type of robot do?
Can you think of any other type of robot? Watch the videos.
➢ What can robots do? List three of them. ➢ Would you feel happy if a robot became a member of
your family? Why or why not? ➢ Do you think it is possible for a robot to fall in love
with a human being? Why?
There are many types of robots. What types of robots are the following robots?

1 教学概述
阅读教学概述,介绍基本的教学目标、软件 方式。
2 教学方法
3 教学精髓
了解如何培养学生更有效的理解和解析英文 文章的能力。
4 学生作品
展示学生可以做到的阅读作品并总结教学所 得。
阅读是提高英语水平的重要方法, 在语言学习中具有至关重要的作 用。
2 改善朗读效果
3 加强故事分析
最佳的故事分析策略包括问题源分类,核心 转化,细节分析和转化等。
4 增加阅读信心
为学生提供正确的反馈和建议,提高其阅读 重点、速度和效率。
探索使用展示工具帮助学生更好地理解 英语阅读。
评估工具 个性化评价 反馈和建议
通过观察、评估和评价学生的阅读表现选择合适 的评估工具。
使用个性化评价方式,重点关注学生的长处,在 经典文学和其他文体环境中进行个性化评价。
通过对学生表现的反馈和建议,提高他们在阅读 方面的技能。
在课堂上引入英语绕口令和其他英语学习小游戏, 提高英语教学的趣味性。
Hale Waihona Puke 语言实用性指导学生应该如何用学到的语法和词汇更加自然 地和流畅地与他人交流。
使用学生主导学习的技术可以让我们从 “课堂”转向“学习空间”。
English reading is a core part of high school English curriculum. In this presentation, we will explore effective strategies for teaching English reading and fostering a lifelong love for reading in high school students.

02 教学重点
学生应该学会使用不同的阅读方式 来把握和概括文章各个段落大意和 整个语篇的主旨大意。引导学生采 用不同的阅读策略来深入理解文本,
04 教学方法
任务型教学法、交际教 学法。
PWP 教学模式
01 导入
教师播放一段英国的园艺纪录片,让学生了解 英国园艺的历史发展,从而激发学生对园艺和 阅读本文的兴趣。在播放视频前,要求学生思 考两个问题,1.这个视频是关于什么的?2.英国 园艺的发展大致历经了那几个阶段?
1.老师让学生谈论第 67 页第 7 项活动中的 5 张图片,并告诉他们它是哪个气候区? 2.学生们读“Did you know?”在第 67 页, 以获得一些关于“北极”的信息。
4.学生们试图预测听力内容是关于什么的。了 解,并添加更多的相关信息。
老师邀请学生讨论以下问题: 1.How many climate zones are there on the earth? 2.What are they?
教学分析 教学重点和难点
1. 引导学生思考 如何与自然和谐
1. 引导学生初步了解 自然环境对人类生活的 影响,并基于自身经历, 简单描述家乡的自然环 境,讲述环境对自己生 活的影响;
2. 引导学生读懂语篇, 理解作者的写作意图, 并了解龙脊梯田的相 关知识;
3. 学会使用 prevent,harmony,pass down 和复习“介词+whom” 引导的定语从句。
01 教学目标
1.学生通过阅读文章,淮确把握各段主题句, 概括段落大意,理清文章结构。 2.学生能够了解说明文文体特点和内容要素。 3.学生通过采访和评价活动,进行一场关于 关于英国花园的采访,进一步理解人类生 活和自然环境的关系。

一、指导思想与设 计理念 二、文本解读
三、学情分析 四、教学目标及重 难点 五、教学过程
01✓ 【文体体裁】:记叙文,属于新闻报道类文本。 ✓ 【文本结构】:
• 时间顺序 • 地震前的迹象 • 地震发生时对人、建筑物、
01 (1)主题语境: 本篇阅读材料是人与自然,涉及自然灾害、灾后重建,以及防震救灾等相关知 识。 (2)语篇类型:
本篇阅读材料是一篇新闻报道,文章讲述了1976年7月28日凌晨发生在河北省 唐山市的大地震。
全文共分为四段:第一段讲地震前夕,唐山地区的一系列反常现象,这些“怪 事”其实都是地震前的预兆,却没有引起人们的注意和警觉。第二段描述唐山大地 震发生时的情景。短短15秒钟的地震就几乎将整个城市夷为平地,伤亡人数达到40 多万。第三段讲地震后城市一片凄惨,幸存者感到悲哀的同时又产生了惊恐与不安。 第四段讲在人民解放军的救援和全国各地的帮助下,被地震摧毁的城市得以重建。
Unit 4 Natural Disasters Lesson1 the Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep
01 指导思想与设计理念 02 文本解读 03 学情分析
04 教学目标及重难点 0045 教学过程 06 板书设计 07 教学设计特点
一、指导思想与设 计理念 二、文本解读
三、学情分析 四、教学目标及重 难点 五、教学过程
01 【Why】

Ss’Assessment and Reflection
结合了教学内容及学生基础,采取评价表的方式对学 生进行过程性评价,并对老师自己的教学也作出了相 应的评价与反思。
明确学生的预习任务和单元学习目标;了解并熟悉课 文的重点、难点
While-class Stage
Step 1 Warming-up
Q: How is your High School Life? Do you like it or not? Why?
以贴近学生生活情景的“校园生活”为话题导入, 容易让学生接受,也容易引发学生兴趣。
Step 7 Assignments
1. 通读课文,欣赏并背诵5—8句优美句子。巩固课堂学习效果。
2.根据浙江省高考自选模块1B 06题的要求设计,使学生在运用文本 知识的基础上,又与高考接轨。 3. 根据提供的表格在同学中做关于What makes a good
teacher?的调查,发挥了学生的主体性、能动性、与合作探 பைடு நூலகம்的学习方式。
教材分析 Analysis of the material
标题非常突出、独到,以小见大 主线: 一个穿绿色靴子的女孩Linda在学校里所遇到的两个“老师” 对待她的不同态度以及Linda所作出的不同反映及自身产生的
解读: 1. 由两位教师对待学生的不同态度,引出校园生活中“如何 建立和谐的师生关系”这一热点话题;并引发了 “怎样的教师才是 优秀的受欢迎的教师”这一备受关注的社会话题。

《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语科考试说明(高考 综合改革试验省份试用)(第一版)》[4]中概要写作样题
People of different epoch have different attitudes. In the early 16th century, the dirt covering the skin was thought to be defended against the illness. However, it changed since the 18century. Keeping away from dirt is of vital importance in keeping healthy. Nowadays, young parents are absorbed in distancing bacteria but more people agree it can develop immune system from disease which said by expert.(学生习作)
《牛津高阶英语词典》 ( 第 8 版)
提供一篇350个单词左右的文章 (体裁一般为说 明文或议论文),要求考生基于该短文写一篇60 词左右的内容概要。
评分时主要从以下4个方面考虑: 1. 对原文要点的理解和呈现情况 2. 应用语法结构和词汇的准确性 3. 上下文的连贯性 4. 对各要点表达的独立性情况
presented in.
A healthy work ethic and workaholism are two
different things. Being a hard worker can bring one a
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(3)在英语理解中,掌握语篇的要意和重要信息,明 确语篇的发展脉络,识别语篇的文体;推断语篇 所表达的意图、情感态度和价值观,明确主要观 点与其支撑事实之间的逻辑关系,提炼主题意义 等;理解语篇中的信息是如何衔接与合成的,赏 析语篇中精彩语段在意义建构上所采用的手段。
4.能根据阅读目的使用不同的阅读策略; 5.能通过不同信息渠道查找所需信息; 6.除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到18万词以上。
5.能根据需要从网络等资源中获取信息; 6. 能阅读适合高中生的英语报刊或杂志; 7.除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到23万词以上。
内 涵:
语言能力即语言运用能力,是指在社会情境中借助 是在社会情境中借助语言以听、说、读、看、写等方式 理解和表达意义的能力。理解和表达意义泛指获取和传 递信息,解析与建构观点、意图和情感态度,体悟和表 述真实或想象中的经验与世界。
培养和发展学生英语语言运用能力,就是要引导学 生通过各种方式主动接触、观察和体验英语,进一步发 展语言意识、认识英语特征和增强英语语感;在学习和 使用英语的过程中,不断积累并逐渐内化所学英语语言 知识,将其经过整合运用于交流情境中;理解口头和书 面语篇的基本意义,领会其表达的深层内涵,识别和赏 析语篇恰如其分表达意义所借助的语言手段;在具体语 境中有效地使用口语和书面语传递意义,在人际交往中 建构恰当的交际角色和人机关系。
八级(提高) 准确、流畅地理解英语口语和书面语篇传递的要义和 具体信息,根据上下文推断意义,分析和概括文本所 表达的观点、意图、情感、态度和价值观,批判性地 审视文本的内容、观点、态度、结构和连贯性特征, 赏析语篇中精彩语段的意义建构所采用的手段
(2)学生的学习停留在语言形式上,而深入不到思想内 容,所以难以建立用英语的观念和习惯,也谈不上 文化和语感;
(4)在英语表达中,切合话题/主题,清楚、流畅的表 述意思;在具体语境中有效地运用已有语言知识 建构语篇意义;充分、连贯、 脉络清楚的展开和 发展话题/主题;在人际交往中建构恰当的交际角 色和人际关系。(交流与创建)
六级(毕业) 理解英语口语和书面语篇传递的要义和主要信息,根 据上下文推断意义,识别文体,分析语篇整体结构
七级(高考) 理解英语口语和书面语篇传递的要义和具体信息,根 据上下文推断意义,分析和概括语篇所表达的观点、 意图、情感态度和价值观,解析文体特征和语篇连贯 性特点,初步了解语篇中精彩语段的意义建构所采用 的手段
2016. 7. 21
一、高中英语教学目标 二、对培养高中学生阅读能力的认识 三、中学英语阅读教学的现状 四、中学英语阅读教学方法 五、培养学生创新思维能力的途径
一、高中英语教学目标 《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》
● 进一步发展学生基本语言运用能力的同时, 根据高中学生认知特点和学习发展需要, 着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、 分析和解决问题的能力; ● 逐步培养学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力; ● 为学生进一步学习和发展创造必要的条件。
(1)教学理念、教学方法陈旧:重知识, 轻能力; 怎么考,怎么教,应付考试;
(2)学生的阅读量不足。阅读教学仅仅止步于课本, 未补充课外阅读材料,学生阅读范围不够开阔, 课外阅读量达不到《课标》阅读目标的要求。
2.课堂内的阅读教学方法 (1)课堂阅读教学模式单一:语法讲解、句式练习、
词汇解析、逐句翻译等活动充斥课堂,不重视 篇章、内容;忽视 对学生阅读技能、阅读策略 的培养和阅读能力的提高;
高中教学培养学生三个能力 1)用英语得体地进行交流的能力; 2)用英语获取和处理信息的能力,分析问题
和解决问题的能力; 3)用英语进行思维的能力。
● 贯彻党和国家关于全面发展的教育方针,落实 立德树人根本任务,践行社会主义核心价值观 教育,体现英语学习的基本规律和英语教育的 国际发展趋势,在义务教育的基础上,进一 步促进学生英语学科核心素养的形成和发展, 培养具有中国情怀、国际视野和跨文化沟通能 力的社会主义建设者和接班人。
1.能从一般文字资料中获取主要信息; 2.能利用上下文和句子结构猜测词义; 3.能根据上下文线索预测故事情节的发展;
1.能从一般性文章中获取和处理信息; 2.能理解文章主旨和作者意图; 3.能通过上下文克服生词困难,理解语篇意义; 4.能通过文章中的线索进行推理;
阅读理解题的命题既注意从语言学角度考查学生 的语言知识和语言技能,又侧重从心理学的角度考查 学生的学习策略、情感、态度等相关因素,主要包括 阅读技巧、语篇能力和思维能力,更多地检测学生对 文章的隐含意义、逻辑结构等的理解和对主旨大意的 概括。
涉及阅读技巧和语篇能力方面的考点主要有: 理解主旨大意与细节、根据上下文线索猜测生词词义、 识别具体事实和抽象概念、把握全篇结构与逻辑关系、 理解文章字面意思与深层含义、理解图表信息等。
4.能根据学习任务的需要从多种媒体中获取信息 并进行加工处理;
5.能在教师的帮助下欣赏浅显的英语文学作品; 6.除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到30万词以上。
2.阅读 考生应能:
(1)理解语篇主旨要义; (2)理解文中具体信息; (3)根据上下文提供的线索推测生词的词义; (4)根据文中事实和线索作出简单的判断和推理; (5)理解文章的宏观结构和文脉逻辑关系; (6)理解作者的观点、意图和态度; (7)提炼文章提纲、概况主要内容、理解关键信息。