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Emoji(表情符号)and Workplace Communication

In Asia, messaging platforms are growing rapidly, with users in the hundreds of millions, both at work and play. 36 . It’s been reported that 76 percent of employees in some western countries are using emojis at work.

Written communications can often read as cold and dull. Using emojis can add humor and feeling, keeping intention clear. 37 , encouraging better and more frequent communication.

In any given office, employees can range from age 22 to 70 and beyond, and finding common ground in communication style can be a challenge. 38 . While the younger generations prefer to communicate visually, for those used to working with traditional tools like email, it may feel like a learning curve(曲线). The good news is that it’s simple to learn and can be worth the effort.

There is also the matter of tone(语气). Who h asn’t received an email so annoying that it ruined an entire day? 39 . Emoji can help communication feel friendlier, and even a serious note can be softened with an encouraging smile.

40 , and emoji can contribute directly to that positive outcome. And when your employees begin adding smiling emojis to their business communication, you’ll know you have succeeded in improving your work culture.

A. Message with emojis feel more conversational

B. Even a formal email can seem cold and unfriendly

C. Sending smiling faces to colleagues may seem strange

D. The popularity of these platforms is spreading globally

E. Giving employees the tools enables them to communicate honestly

F. Studies show that friendlier communication leads to a happier workplace

G. An easy way to bring all work generations together is with a chat platform



36.D 承接句

空前的“In Asia, messaging platforms are growing rapidly, with users in the hundreds of millions, both at work and play. 在亚洲,短信平台发展迅速,无论是工作还是娱乐,都有数亿用户”以及空后的“It’s been reported that 76 percent of employees in so me western countries are using emojis at work.据报道,在一些西方国家,76%的员工在工作中使用表情符号。”,空白处前一句讲的是表情符号在亚洲的使用情况,后一句讲的是表情符号在一些西方国家的使用情况,由此可知,D项“The popularity of these platforms is spreading globally. 这些平台的普及正在全球蔓延。”符合语境。


空前的“Using emojis can add humor and feeling, keeping intention clear使用表情符号可以增加幽默感,使意图清晰。”, 以及空后的“encouraging better and more frequent communication.促进更好、更频繁的交流。”由此可知, A项“Message with emojis feel more conversational带有表情符号的信息会让人感觉更口语化”符合语境。

38.G 过渡句

空前的“In any given office, employees can range from age 22 to 70 and beyond, and finding common ground in communication style can be a challenge.在任何一个特定的办公室里,员工年龄从22岁到70岁甚至更高,在沟通方式上找到共同点是一个挑战。”所以要寻找交流的途径,由此可知, G项“An easy way to bring all work generations together is with a chat platform一个把不同年龄的员工聚集在一起的简单的方法是使用一个聊天平台。”符合语境。

39.B 过渡句

空前的“Who hasn’t received an email so annoying that it rui ned an entire day? 谁没有收到一封如此烦人的邮件,以至于毁了一整天?”以及空后的“Emoji can help communication feel friendlier, and even a serious note can be softened with an encouraging smile.表情符号可以帮助交流变得更友好,甚至一个严肃的话题也可以通过一个鼓励的微笑变得轻松。”

通过正反两方面的对比讲沟通过程中的语气问题。空白处前一句提到了电子邮件带来的负面情绪,后一句从正面讲表情符号的积极作用。空格处是进一步讲电子邮件的负面作用,由此可知,B项“Even a formal email can seem cold and unfriendly甚至一封正式的电子邮件也会让人觉得冷冰冰、不友好”符合语境。


空后的“and emoji can contribute directly to that positive outcome.表情符号可以直接促进积极的结果。由此可知, F项“Studies show that friendlier communication leads to a happier workplace研究表明,更友好的交流会带来更快乐的工作环境”符合语境。


Emoji(表情符号)and Workplace Communication表情符号与职场沟通
