2020年高中英语(人教版 选修7)教师用书:Unit 2 Section_Ⅲ Learning_a
高中英语 新课标人教版选修7unit 2篇章2阅读课课件 (共16张ppt)

1948 Got PhD in chemistry.
Became a biochemistry teacher, Boston University School of Medicine.
Published his first novel. Published “I, Robot” Developed three laws for robots.
Paragraph 3. His education and occupation Paragraph 4. How he started his writing career Paragraph 5. His major achievements and influence
Paragraph 6. His personal life
Example: I think he is a prolific writer because it is mentioned in the text that he wrote around 480 books, which is a lot!
Reading & Thinking
Some possible answers
1983 Had a blood transfusion. Became infected with HIV.
1992 Died in New York
Reading & Thinking
1. Does this biography follow time order? Why or why not? 2. Why is Asimov’s marriage mentioned last in the text?

Unit 2 RobotsPart 1 Teaching Design 第一部分教学设计Period 2 A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language(Revise the passive voice including the infinitive)IntroductionIn this period students will be first helped by the teacher to discover and learn to use some useful words and collocations, and then to discover and revise the passive voice including the infinitive. The following steps of teaching may be taken: warming up by having a dictation, discovering useful words and collocations, reading more about the 22nd century, learning about the passive voice, discovering useful structures and closing down by putting on stage a text play of Satisfaction Guaranteed.ObjectivesTo help students revise the passive voiceTo help students discover and learn to use some useful words and collocationsTo help students discover and learn to use some useful structuresProcedures1. Warming up by having a dictationTo begin with, let’s take a dictation to strengthen our memory of the text.Larry Belmont worked for a company that make robot. Recently a robot that could do housework would be tested out Larry's life, Clair, for three weeks. Clair felt alarmed by the robot's humanly appearance. Before long she began to trust him. She told him that she and her home were not elegant enough for her husband and she envied the rich and powerful woman .The robot decided to protect her from being harm. He gave her a new haircut and changed her makeup and asked her to buy something to decorate her home. Before the night he was to leave Clair, they held a party. The guests were impressed by Clair and her home, especially by the handsome robot, whom they thought was her husband. Claire knew this is almost a dream and she felt very sad. However, the company was very satisfied with Tony, the robot although he needed rebuilding because it is absurd to have women falling in love with a machine.2. Discovering useful words and collocationsA collocation is two or more words that often go together. These combinations just sound "right" to native English speakers, who use them all the time.While going over the text, try to recognize the collocations, treat them as single blocks of language and copy them out into your Collocation Book.Now go to page 13. Work in pairs to finish the three exercises in 10 minutes.3. Learning about the passive voiceACTIVE AND PASSIVE TENSES CHARTSIMPLE PRESENT and SIMPLE PASTThe active object becomes the passive subject.am/is/are +past participlewas/were + past participleActive: Simple PresentThe movie fascinates me.The movie bores Jack.The movie surprises them.Passive: Simple PresentI am fascinated by the movie.Jack is bored by the movie.They are surprised by the movie.Active: Simple PastThe movie bored me.The movie fascinated Jack.The movie surprised them.Passive: Simple PastI was bored by the movie.Jack was fascinated by the movie.They were surprised by the movie.PRESENT and PAST CONTINUOUS (PROGRESSIVE) Passive form:am/is/are + being + past participlewas/were + being + past participleActive: Present ContinuousI am helping Shannon.June is helping Su and Ling.Passive: Present ContinuousShannon is being helped by me.Su and Ling are being helped by June.Active: Past ContinuousI was cleaning the bathroom.They were cleaning the bedroom.Susan was cleaning the kitchen and patio.Passive: Past ContinuousThe bathroom was being cleaned by me.The bedroom was being cleaned by them.The kitchen and patio were being cleaned by Susan.PRESENT PERFECT, PAST PERFECT and FUTURE PERFECT Passive form:have/has been + past participlehad been + past participleActive: Present PerfectI have mailed the gift.Jack has mailed the gifts.Passive: Present PerfectThe gift has been mailed by me.The gifts have been mailed by Jack.Active: Past PerfectSteven Spielberg had directed the movie.Penny Marshall had directed those movies.Passive: Past PerfectThe movie had been directed by Steven Spielberg. The movies had been directed by Penny Marshall.Active: Future PerfectJohn will have finished the project next month.They will have finished the projects before then.Passive: Future PerfectThe project will have been finished by next month. The projects will have been finished before then.FUTURE TENSESPassive forms: will + be + past participleis/are going to be + past participleActive: Future with WILLI will mail the gift.Jack will mail the gifts.Passive: Future with WILLThe gift will be mailed by me.The gifts will be mailed by Jack.Active: Future with GOING TOI am going to make the cake.Sue is going to make two cakes.Passive: Future with GOING TOThe cake is going to be made by me.Two cakes are going to be made by Sue.PRESENT / FUTURE MODALSThe passive form follows this pattern:modal + be + past participleActive: WILL / WON'T (WILL NOT)Sharon will invite Tom to the party.Sharon won't invite Jeff to the party. (Sharon will not invite Jeff to the party.)Passive: WILL / WON'T (WILL NOT)Tom will be invited to the party by Sharon. Jeff won't be invited to the party by Sharon. (Jeff will not be invited to the party by Sharon.)Active: CAN / CAN'T (CAN NOT)Mai can foretell the future.Terry can't foretell the future.(Terry can not foretell the future.)Passive: CAN / CAN'T (CAN NOT)The future can be foretold by Mai.The future can't be foretold by Terry.(The future can not be foretold by Terry.)Active: MAY / MAY NOTHer company may give Katya a new office. The lazy students may not do the homework.MIGHT / MIGHT NOTHer company might give Katya a new office.The lazy students might not do the homework.Passive: MAY / MAY NOTKatya may be given a new office by her company.The homework may not be done by the lazy students. MIGHT / MIGHT NOTKatya might be given a new office by her company. The homework might not be done by the lazy students.Active: SHOULD / SHOULDN'TStudents should memorize English verbs.Children shouldn't smoke cigarettes.Passive: SHOULD / SHOULDN'TEnglish verbs should be memorized by students. Cigarettes shouldn't be smoked by children.Active: OUGHT TOStudents ought to learn English verbs.(negative ought to is rarely used)Passive: OUGHT TOEnglish verbs ought to be memorized by students.Active: HAD BETTER / HAD BETTER NOTStudents had better practice English every day. Children had better not drink whiskey.Passive: HAD BETTER / HAD BETTER NOTEnglish had better be practiced every day by students. Whiskey had better not be drunk by children.Active: MUST / MUST NOTTourists must apply for a passport to travel abroad. Customers must not use that door.Passive: MUST / MUST NOTA passport to travel abroad must be applied for.That door must not be used by customers.Active: HAS TO / HAVE TOShe has to practice English every day.Sara and Miho have to wash the dishes every day. DOESN'T HAVE TO/ DON'T HAVE TOMaria doesn't have to clean her bedroom every day.The children don't have to clean their bedrooms every day.Passive: HAS TO / HAVE TOEnglish has to be practiced every day.The dishes have to be washed by them every day. DOESN'T HAVE TO/ DON'T HAVE TOHer bedroom doesn't have to be cleaned every day. Their bedrooms don't have to be cleaned every day.Active: BE SUPPOSED TOI am supposed to type the composition.I am not supposed to copy the stories in the book.Janet is supposed to clean the living room.She isn't supposed to eat candy and gum.They are supposed to make dinner for the family.They aren't supposed to make dessert.Passive: BE SUPPOSED TOThe composition is supposed to be typed by me.The stories in the book are not supposed to be copied. The living room is supposed to be cleaned by Janet. Candy and gum aren't supposed to be eaten by her. Dinner for the family is supposed to be made by them. Dessert isn't supposed to be made by them.PAST MODALSThe past passive form follows this pattern:modal + have been + past participleActive: SHOULD HAVE / SHOULDN'T HAVEThe students should have learned the verbs.The children shouldn't have broken the window.Passive: SHOULD HAVE / SHOULDN'T HAVEThe verbs should have been learned by the students. The window shouldn't have been broken by the children.Active: OUGHT TOStudents ought to have learned the verbs. (negative ought to is rarely used)Passive: OUGHT TOThe verbs ought to have been learned by the students.Active: BE SUPPOSED TO (past time)I was supposed to type the composition.I wasn't supposed to copy the story in the book.Janet was supposed to clean the living room.She wasn't supposed to eat candy and gum.Frank and Jane were supposed to make dinner.They weren't supposed to make dessert.Passive: BE SUPPOSED TO (past time)The composition was supposed to be typed by me. The story in the book wasn't supposed to be copied. The living room was supposed to be cleaned by Janet. Candy and gum weren't supposed to be eaten by her. Dinner was supposed to be made by them.Dessert wasn't supposed to be made by them.Active: MAY / MAY NOTThat firm may have offered Katya a new job.The students may not have written the paper.MIGHT / MIGHT NOTThat firm might have offered Katya a new job.The students might not have written the paper.Passive: MAY / MAY NOTKatya may have been offered a new job by that firm. The paper may not have been written by the students. MIGHT / MIGHT NOTKatya might have been offered a new job by that firm.The paper might not have been written by the students.4. 被动语态小结●被动语态的特殊结构形式1)带情态动词的被动结构。
2020-2021学年人教版英语选修7教师用书:Unit 2 Section Ⅰ Warming

多么棒的发明!British scientists have invented a set of robotic arms。
They can cook meals for you.The price of the device is about £ 10,000. It includes an oven,a hob,a dishwasher and a sink.Scientists spent almost 18 years developing the hands. Each hand is governed by 24 motors, 26 micro.controllers and 129 sensors。
The arms can chop and stir to recreate almost anything you would like to eat. The food may be a simple home。
cooked supper, or a wonderful dinner designed by a world class chef。
The hands move a little slowly. Whenever they aren't busy, they may hang strangely above the work surface. They can imitate human movements such as wiping a spoon on the edge of a pan to prevent drips。
The arms will tuck up when not in use,making space for their owners.People can train the robotic arms to cook their favorite family recipes by showing them a few times while wearing high。

⼈教版⾼中英语选修7Unit2教案1 Unit 2 RobotsPart 1 Teaching Design第⼀部分教学设计Period 1 A sample lesson plan for reading(Satisfaction Guaranteed) IntroductionIn this period, after the warming up, students will first be guided to read for forms, copy collocations and write articles. Then they shall question and answer, read the text again to discover the leading sentence of each paragraph, and read the text for its type of writing and summary of Satisfaction Guaranteed. The class is to end by students reading a robot poem.ObjectivesTo help students understand the text’s forms and contents and learn about robotsTo help students communicate on the topic in focus with the words, collocations and structures learned in this unitFocusAidsMultimedia facilities, tape-recorder, photos, diagrams Procedures1. Warming up by getting to know w hat a robot isHello, class. When you hear the word "robot", you probably get a picture in your mind of a clever mechanical man, perhaps R2D2 or C3PO from the movie Star Wars. That is how most people think of robots, but the robots that really exist today are quite different from the robots of comic books, cartoons, and science fiction films and books.Robots come in many shape and sizes and have many different abilities. Basically, a robot is simply a computer with some sort of mechanical body designed to do a particular job. Usually, it is able to move and has one or more electronic senses. These senses are not nearly as powerful as our own senses of sight and hearing. However, scientists and engineers are working hard to improve robots. They are constantly coming up with ways to make them see, hear and respond to the environment around them.Robots have a lot to do with our lives. Now let’s go to page 11 to read an article about robot s and our lives.2. Pre-reading by talking about the three Laws of RoboticsRobots are coming into our lives. Then we are worried about being controlled by robots some day in the future. Don’t worry. We have rules for robots.3. Reading for formsRead the text Satisfaction Guaranteed again to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicates, darken the connectives and underline all the useful collocations.4. Copying collocations and writing articlesA collocation is two or more words that often go together. These combinations just sound "right" to native English speakers, who use them all the time.While going over the text, try to recognize the collocations, treat them as single blocks of language and copy them out into your Collocation Book.5. Questioning and answeringNow let’s go over the text again by questioning and answering. Satisfaction GuaranteedA: What did Larry Belmont work for?B: Larry Belmont worked for a company that made robots.A: What was the company experimenting with recently?B: Recently it was experimenting with a robot that could be used todo the housework.A: By whom was it going to be tested out?B:It was going to be tested out by Larry’s wife, Claire.A:Why didn’t Claire want the robot in her house?B:Claire didn’t want the robot in her house, especially as her husbandwould be absent for three weeksA: How did Claire feel when she first saw the robot?B: When she first saw the robot, she felt alarmed.A: What was the robot like?B:The robot, called Tony, didn’t look like a machine at all. He was tall and handsome although his facial expressions never changed. His hair was smooth and black and his voice was deep.A: What did the robot do the second morning?B: On the second morning Tony brought her breakfast and then asked her whether she needed help dressing.A: How did Claire react?B:She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go. It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human.A: What did Claire mention one day?B:One day, Claire mentioned that she didn’t think she was clever.A: And what did Tony, the robot, say to her?B: Tony said that she must feel very unhappy to say that.A:How did Claire feel about a robot’s sympathy?B: Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.…6. Reading the text again to discover the topic sentence of each paragraphA well-organized paragraph supports or develops a single controlling idea, which is expressed in a sentence called the topic sentence. A topic sentence has several important functions: it substantiates or supports an essay’s thesis statement; it unifies the content of a paragraph and directs the order of the sentences; and it advises the reader of the subject to be discussed and how the paragraph will discuss it. Now read the text again to discover the leading sentence of each paragraph.7. Reading the text for its type of writing and summary of Satisfaction GuaranteedThere are words that signal a text's organizational structure. If you are struggling with how to make sense of what you're reading, you must increase your sensitivity to the particular word s.Determining the type of writing will help you determine the author’s topic (subject), purpose (why he is writing), style (how he should write) and tone (his attitude toward his subject - supportive, condeming, objective, etc.)It is important to find main ideas when reading. Main ideas help you remember important information. The main idea of a paragraph tells the topic of the paragraph. The topic tells what all or most of the sentences are about. The other sentences in the paragraph are called details. Details describe or explain the main idea. Read the text to find the main idea.Now go over the text for its type of writing and summary of Satisfaction Guaranteed.Type of writing A narrationMain idea of 1st paragraph A robot that could be used to do the housework was going to betested out by Larry’s wife, Claire.Main idea of 2nd paragraph The robot, called Tony, was tall and handsome, his hair beingsmooth and black and his voice being deep.Main idea of 3rd paragraph Tony was disturbing and frightening to Claire that he looked sohuman.Main idea of 4th paragraph Claire began to trust Tony.Main idea of 5th paragraph Claire was amazed by Tonny’s fingernails and the softness andwarmth of his skin.Main idea of 6th paragraph Claire thanked Tony, telling him that he was a ―dear’.Main idea of 7th paragraph Tony suggested that Claire invite Gladys and her friends to the house.Main idea of 8th paragraph Tony held Claire firmly in his arms and she felt the warmth of his body.Main idea of 9th paragraph Tony folded his arms around Claire, bending his face close to hers.Main idea of 10th paragraph Claire heard Cladys whispering to another woman that she had never seen anyone so handsome as Tony.Main idea of 11th paragraph The next morning a car drove up and took Tony away.Main idea of 12th paragraph Even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt—you cannot have women falling in love with machines.8. Closing down by reading a robot poemMy Robot Does My HomeworkMy robot does my homework.He helps me every night.The trouble is he doesn't gettoo many answers right.He'd probably do betterat homework but, you see,I built him, so he only knowsthe things he learned from me.--Kenn Nesbitt。

⼈教版⾼中英语选修7教师⽤书:U...Section_ⅢLearning_about_Language_&_Using_LanguageⅠ.Read the text and then choose the best answers.1.What is the most expensive gift in the list?A.A well and water pump.B.20 tree seedlings.C.A truck library.D.School books.2.When you want to give child vaccinations against 6 killer diseases, you must send ________. A.$50 B.$20C.$8 D.$853.The purpose of the Internet Page is to ________.A.let people give an unusual gift to the poorB.let people get an unusual cardC.let people learn something usefulD.let people make money4.You can use the card for the following occasions except ________.A.anniversaries B.birthdaysC.burials D.weddings5.Where can you probably read the article?A.In the newspaper. B.In the magazine.C.On TV. D.On the Internet.答案:1~5 ABACDⅡ.Read the text carefully and fill in the form.The use of the gift ?For some of the world's1.poorestTo bring hope for a better future to a community 2.in_ needWhat you get if you An attractive 3.card for you to send to your special personpurchase an itemItems of some gifts20 tree 4.seedlings,_school books, water fora family, oxen forploughing, a(n)5.trunk library(⼀)根据英⽂释义及⾸字母提⽰写出单词1.astronaut:_a person who travels in a spacecraft2.anniversary:_yearly return of the date of an event, celebration of this 3.seed:_part of a plant from which a new plant of the same kind can grow 4.click:_to make a slight short sound5.clinic:_private or specialized hospital(⼆)根据词性和汉语意思写出单词6.donate vt.捐赠→donation n.捐献;捐赠→donator n.捐赠者7.voluntary adj.⾃愿的;志愿的;⽆偿的→volunteer n.志愿者8.ox n.公⽜→oxen (pl.)9.political adj.政治的;政党的→politics n.政治10.distribute vt.分配;分发→distribution n.分配;分发;分布状态11.operate vi.⼯作;运转vt.操作→operation n.操作;⼿术12.purchase vt.& n.买;购买→purchaser n.买⽅;购买者13.security n.安全;保护;保障→secure adj.安全的;可靠的1.donate vt.捐赠[教材原句] Would you like to donate an unusual gift?你是否想要捐献⼀份特殊的礼物?(1)donate ... to ... 把……捐赠给……donate blood/organs 献⾎/捐器官(2)donation n.[C] 捐赠物[U] 捐赠;赠送make a donation/donations to ...向……捐赠(3)donator n. 捐赠者这位⽼⼈把他拥有的⼤部分财产捐给了慈善机构。
高中英语(人教版选修7)教师用书:Unit 2 Section_Ⅲ Learning_about_Language_-_Using_Language(含答案)

Section_ⅢLearning_about_Language_&_Using_LanguageⅠ.Read the text and then choose the best answers.1.Who was Isaac Asimov?A.An American scientist and writer who got his PhD in physics in 1948.B.A Russian scientist and writer who married twice.C.A Ru ssianAmerican writer and scientist who became a fulltime writer in 1958.D.An AmericanRussian writer and scientist who had two children.2.What was Asimov best known for?A.His mystery stories.B.His science fiction stories.C.His science and history books.D.His books about the Holy Bible and Shakespeare.3.Which of the following statements is WRONG?A.Asimov's talent for writing became obvious at the age of 12.B.He began having his stories published in science fiction magazines in 1939.C.He published his first novel in 1950.D.He published his first science book in 1953.4.In which book did Asimov develop a set of three “laws” for robots?A.The Foundation trilogy.B.I, Robot.C.In his first novel.D.In his first science book.5.What might happen in the world where there were robots if Asimov's three laws didn't exist?A.Maybe robots will harm or injure human beings.B.Maybe robots will disobey human beings.C.Maybe robots will control the world.D.All of the above.答案:1~5 CBABDⅡ.Read the text carefull y and fill in the form.A BIOGRAPHY OF ISAAC ASIMOVBirth and death•born on 2 January, 1920 in Russia•died on 6 April, 1992 in 1.New_YorkWorkBeforeworkingas a writer•worked in his parents' 2.candy store•worked as a(n) 3.junior chemist at the PhiladelphiaNavy Yard•4.taught biochemistry at Boston University School ofMedicineAs a writer•wrote many mystery stories, 5.science_and_historybooks, and books about the Holy Bible and Shakespeare•works of 6.science_fiction:_the Foundation trilogy &I, Robot(一)词义匹配1.digital A.using a system in which information is recorded or sent out electronically in the form of number, usually ones and zeros2.talent B.a feeling of liking and caring about someone or something3.affection C.the story of a person's life written by sb. else4.staff D.the people who work for an organization, especially a school or business 5.biography E.to end your marriage to sb. legally6.divorce F.a natural ability to do sth. well7.bound G.certain or likely to happen, to do or be sth.答案:1~5 AFBDC 6~7 EG(二)根据词性和汉语意思写出单词8.receiver n.收件人;接收机;电话听筒→receive vt.收到9.obey vt.& vi.服从;顺从→disobey vt.& vi.(反义词)不服从;违抗10.imagination n.想象(力);创造力→imagine vt.想象;料想;猜想11.theoretical adj.理论(上)的;假设的→theory n.理论12.assessment n.评价;评定→assess v.评价;评定13.junior adj.较年幼的;资历较浅的;地位较低的n.年少者;晚辈;等级较低者→senior (反义词) adj.资格较老的;地位较高的n.较年长者1.bound[教材原句] Who said that making a robot so much like a man was bound to cause trouble?谁说把机器人造得这么像人一定会引起麻烦?(1)adj.一定的;密切相关的;有义务的;受约束的be/feel bound to do sth.一定会做某事;有义务做某事be bound by sth. 受某事约束be bound up with/in sth.与某事密切相关/忙于某事如果你和同学们相处不好,这肯定会影响你的学习。
2020人教版英语选修7 unit 2 robots period 3 language points

Book7Unit2Robots Period Three Language points(II)编者:孔庆华导学目标掌握并能运用下列单词和短语:sympathy,favor,declare,have sb doing,reach for自主合作探究1.sympathyClaire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.(译文)____________________________________________________1)When he was scolded by our teacher,I expressed sympathy for him.2)Many people are in sympathy with your views.sympathy n同情,同情心;支持,赞成express/show sympathy for sb对某人表示同情feel/have sympathy for sb同情某人out of sympathy出于同情with sympathy同情地2)have sympathy for/with赞同/支持……in sympathy with赞同/支持……1)We all_______great_____________(深表同情)the victims of the earthquake.2)______________(出于同情)for the homeless children,he gave them shelter for the night.2.favorAs a favor Tony promised to help Claire make herself smarter and her home more elegant.托尼为让克莱尔高兴,答应帮助她,使她变得更漂亮,使她的家变得更高雅大方。
高二英语选修7unit 2 section 2

out 开出,列出
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人教版英语 · 选修7
desire(P10) (1)n.[C,U]渴望;欲望;渴求 ①He has a strong desire to succeed.
=He has a strong desire for success.
have a desire to do sth.渴望做某事
satisfy/meet one’s desire满足某人的愿望
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人教版英语 · 选修7
③He desired a college education. 他渴望受到大学教育。 ④She desires you to come at once. =She desires that you(should)come at once.
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③His success is a great satisfaction to his parents.
他的成功让他的父母很满足。 ④The new dress satisfied her. 那件新衣服令她满意。 ⑤The boss wasn’t satisfied with my work.
答案:1.D 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.C
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2020人教版英语选修7 unit 2 robots period 2 language points

Book7Unit2Robots Period Two Language points(I)导学目标掌握并能运用下列单词和短语:desire,or rather,accompany,turn round,leave…alone.自主合作探究1.desireDo you think it is possible for a robot to have its own needs and desires?你认为机器人有可能有自己的需求和愿望吗?1)We always desire to live in peace with our neighbors.T2)he president desires that you(should)visit him next week.=The president desires you to visit him next week.1)desire vt.(强烈)希望,渴望,要求n.愿望,心愿,要求,后面可接for短语或不定式.2)desire n/to do sth渴望(做)某事desire sb to do sth想要某人做某事desire that…(should)do sth渴望……3)have a strong desire to do sth/for sth迫切想要做某事/急于想得到某物1).He desires to succeed.=He has_______________________________________.2)._____________________(你建议谁)be sent to work there?3).They desired that they____________________(have)the right to attend the meeting.2.or ratherSo Claire borrowed a pile of books from the library for him to read,or rather,scan.于是克莱尔从图书馆借来一叠书给托尼阅读,更确切地说,让他浏览一下。
高中英语人教版选修7:Unit 2 Section Ⅱ

Section_ⅡWarming Up & Reading — Language Points二、这样记短语三、这样记句式- you cannot have women falling in love with machines. ……他还得作一番改造——总不能让女人与机器相爱吧。
homework. You should finish it by yourself.我不允许你抄我的作业,你应该独立完成。
1.(教材P10)Do you think it is possible for a robot to have its own needs anddesires? 你认为机器人有可能有自己的需求和愿望吗? desire(1)n.渴望;欲望;渴求have a strong desire ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧to do sth. 迫切想要做某事for sth. 急于想得到某物①It 's our desire that you should provide some money to fund our program, as well as offer us some practical suggestions.(2013·重庆高考满分作文)我们渴望你能为我们的项目提供一些资金,还能提供一些实用的建议。
②He has a strong desire for success though he has failed many times. 尽管他失败了多次,但是他仍然渴望成功。
(2)vt.希望得到;想要desire to do sth. 渴望做某事 desire sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 desire that ...(should) do sth.渴望……We always desire to_live (live) in peace with our neighbors. 我们一向希望邻里之间和睦相处。
高中英语(人教版选修7)教师用书:Unit 2 阶段质量检测 A卷 学业水平达标(含答案)

(Text 1)M: Excuse me, what’s the price of this computer?W: We give a discount of 20% until this Sunday, so you can take it for $4,000. Next week there will be only a 10% discount.(Text 2)M: How about going to the cinema tonight?W: Why not? It’s much better than watching a boring TV show or playing cards.(Text 3)M: The computer game is wonderful. It makes me relaxed.W: But you can just go to sleep for a rest instead. It is a total waste of time.M: But the game is entertaining at the same time.(Text 4)M: Hey, Jane. You look tired. What’s wrong?W: I’ve been busy practicing driving all day. I will have a driving test tomorrow.M: You didn’t attend any driving classes, did you? They are very helpful.W: I’ll attend one if I fail to pass the test.(Text 5)W: I want to buy a new mobile phone this weekend. Would you like to go with me?M: I am free this weekend. But actually I don’t know much about the brands of the phones and their features.W: It doesn’t matter. I just don’t want to go shopping alone. I’ll treat you to dinner.M: That’s great.1.How much will the computer cost next week?A.$4,000. B.$4,500. C.$5,000.2.What will the two speakers do tonight?A.See a film.B.Watch a TV show.C.Play cards.3.What does the woman think of the computer game?A.It makes people relaxed.B.It is of no use.C.It is entertaining.4.What will the woman do tomorrow?A.Attend a driving class.B.Drive all day.C.Have a driving test.5.What does the woman want to do this weekend?A.Go shopping.B.Learn about the brands of new mobile phones.C.Prepare dinner for the man.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
高中英语人教版选修七教师用书Unit 2 Robots

Unit 2Robots【美文阅读】Robotic age draws closer随着科技的发展,机器人时代的到来已经指日可待了。
These days,robots are more common than you might think.Consider the Roomba,a robotic vacuum(吸尘器)which cleans floors on its own.“We wanted to make something simple that people could use every day,”says Greiner,cofounder of IRobot,the company that makes the smart vacuum.“And that's what inspired us to build the Roomba.”Some robots like the Roomba are already very common in many US households.IRobot makes everything from the Roomba to robots that someday might become a part of us.“You can have robotics equipped into your body,to get back that arm or leg that you've lost,either in some accident or disease,”says Greiner.Although robots have been developed mainly for military(军用的)applications,civilian uses for the technology are growing,according to Michael Toscano,president of the Association for Unmanned(自控的)Vehicles International.“Unmanned systems allow human beings to do their task with an extension of their hands,their eyes and their ears.”“We can put them in the ocean and they'll swim for eight or nine months,collecting data and monitoring ocean pollution,”says Hudson of IRobot.Recently the US Government's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA)displayed a“robotic man”.Instead of depending on remotecontrol,DARPA's“robotic man”can actually look at some blocks,find one with a special pattern,and move it to a new location.Mandelbaum,DARPA's project manager,says more challenging tasks lie ahead.Some day,a DARPA robot might find a hidden bomb or help a disabled person select a shirt and button it.To advance the technology,DARPA plans to let members of the public write software for the“robotic man”,then sign onto the Internet and watch a model of“robotic man”perform the task.It's one of the ways that robots will help humankind to extend its reach.【诱思导学】1.What does the company IRobot do according to the passage?________________________________________________________________________ 2.What can you imagine the robot will do for us in the future?________________________________________________________________________【答案】 1.It makes the smart vacuum. 2.略Period ⅠPreviewing(教师用书独具)●教学目标初步掌握本课文中的词汇,浅层次理解课文,了解相关的背景知识。
人教版高中英语选修7教师用书:Unit 2 Section_Ⅳ Grammar_-_Writing(含答案)

Section_ⅣGrammar_&_Writing被动语态(Ⅰ) 动词不定式的被动式不定式修饰的名词或代词和不定式构成逻辑上的动宾关系,即当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示动作的承受者时,不定式一般使用被动式。
一、动词不定式被动式的构成和意义构成意义表示发生在谓语动词之后或同时发生一般式to be done的被动动作完成式to have been done 表示发生在谓语动词之前的被动动作The next thing to be done is to carry away the earth.下一步要做的事是把土运走。
No harm seems to have been done to them.对他们似乎并没有造成损害。
[考题印证]1①(山东高考改编)George returned after the war, only to_be_told (tell) that his wife had left him.②(湖南高考改编)We've had a good start, but next, more work needs to_be_done/doing (do) to achieve the final success.二、动词不定式被动式的用法(1)作主语It is an honour to be chosen as a volunteer.能被选上做志愿者,真是一件荣幸的事情。
(2)作表语The task is to be finished by next month.这项工作要在下个月才能完成。
(3)作宾语The boy asked to be given an opportunity to try again.那男孩要求给他再试一次的机会。
(4)作宾语补足语He ordered the baggage to be brought to his room.他吩咐把行李搬进他的房间。
高中英语(人教版选修7)教师用书:Unit 2 Section_Ⅰ Warming Up - Reading — Pre-reading(含答案)

Section_ⅠWarming Up & Reading —Prereading With the development of science and technology, there are different kinds of robots for children to play with. But do you know who invent the robots and how they invent them?Please read the following passage to get the answers.Dogs, cats, action figures, dinosaurs, and dolls! These are just some of the new wave of toys that walk, talk, do tricks, and remember things. Some even know your voice, learn new words, or remind you it's your friend's birthday. What makes the animal walk? Where did it learn to roll over? How does it know enough not to run into the wall or walk off the table? And, how can it possibly go from a sad mood to a happy one?It all starts in the inventor's imagination. Thinking of what would be fun and how it would look means that the inventor has to be creative — like an artist. And, maybe a little like a kid, too! She does some drawings, looks at how other toys work, and decides what parts she needs. Then, she starts building a model called a prototype (原型). The prototype is the starting point for testing and improving the design. Robotic toys are complicated, though.Knowing how things work, putting it all together, and getting the toy to act like the real thing mean being a bit of an engineer. Even the best inventor needsa lot of help. Her team probably includes a designer to work on how the toy will look; some programmers to put in memory, moods, and personality; and somebody else to figure out what it will cost. She might even need to work with a puppeteer (拉线木偶表演者) to make the movements look natural.What does it take to be a robotic toy inventor? There's no specific requirement, but you should like solving problems. You should be good at math and comfortable with computer. Many toy inventors have college degrees in some type of engineering, such as product design, mechanical engineering, or electronics. Others have studied fine arts or psychology.What can you do now to be a robotic toy inventor? To get started and to see if you would like inventing, let your mind run free — dream something up, draw it, and think of how it would work. In school, courses like biology, physics, art, and math can put you on the road to invention. Work on your computer skills, especially graphics. And remember that inventing takes teamwork. So, get involved in science projects or other activities in which you work with others.Warming UpLook at the pictures and answer the following questions.(1)What's a robot?A_robot_is_a_machine_designed_to_do_jobs_that_are_usually_performed_by_hum ans.(2)What does a robot look like?They_may_take_various_shapes_and_serve_different_functions.(3)Do you know how a robot works?Robots_are_programmed_and_controlled_by_a_computer.Fast Reading1.Read the text quickly and complete the main idea of it.The text tells us the story that a robot called Tony not only helped Claire do her housework,_but also helped her create a new image,_which made Claire fall in love with Tony.2.Read the text and then match the main idea with each paragraph.Paragraph 1 A.Tony made Claire feel embarrassed.Paragraph 2 B.Tony helped Claire in improving herself and her house.Paragraph 3 C.Claire was going to test out a household robot.Paragraph 4 D.Claire began to trust Tony.Paragraph 5 E.Tony promised and prepared to help Claire.Paragraph 6 F.Claire first saw the robot Tony.Paragraph 7 G.Claire was envied by those women she admired.Paragraph 8 H.Tony made a plan to help Claire to attract Gladys and her friends.Paragraph 9 I.The company was satisfied with Tony's report.Paragraph 10 J.Tony caught Claire when she fell off a ladder.Paragraph 11 K.Claire's friends saw Claire and Tony were together.Paragraph 12 L.Claire felt disappointed and sad that Tony was just a machine.答案:Paragraph 1~6 CFADEBParagraph 7~12 HJKGLICareful Reading1.Read the text and then choose the best answers.(1)Larry brought a robot home to ________.A.make his wife happyB.test out the robotC.send his wife a giftD.free his wife from work(2)Why did Claire feel alarmed when she saw the robot?A.Because the robot was in fact not a machine.B.Because she didn't like him.C.Because she had seen the robot before.D.Because the robot was more like a human being than a machine.(3)Who did Claire turn to for help when the clerk at the counter was rude to her?A.Her husband.B.Gladys Claffern.C.Tony, the robot.D.The manager of the shop.(4)At the party, Claire was envied by all the women present because ________. A.she had a very handsome loverB.she was more beautiful than beforeC.she had become very richD.she had such a clever robot(5)Which of the following is NOT Tony's characteristic?A.Clumsy. B.Handsome.C.Helpful. D.Smart.答案:(1)~(5) BDCAA2.Read the text carefully and fill in the form.Characteristicsof Tony •tall and handsome•his (1)facial_expression never changed•(2)smooth hair•a deep (3)voice•soft and warm (4)skinThings Tony did •gave Claire a new (5)haircut and changed her makeup•wrote out a(n) (6)list of items for Claire to buy•spoke to the clerk in a(n)(7)jewellery_shop to make him change his (8)attitude•(9)advised Claire to invite her friends to the house•worked steadily on the improvements of the house•succeeded in catching Claire whe n she fell off a ladder •opened the curtains, (10)hugged Claire and expressed his feelings to herSummaryA robot used for housework 1.was_tested (test) out in a family. He looked like a tall 2.and handsome man with smooth black hair, 3.speaking(speak) in a deep voice. Larry was going to be away from home so he hired such a robot to accompany 4.hiswife Claire. Claire didn't like the idea at the beginning, but she agreed to it at last. At her first sight of Tony, Claire was alarmed.When Tony offered to help her dressing,Claire felt embarrassed.5.Gradually (gradual), Tony began to win Claire's trust.He helped Claire realize her dreams 6.by making her home elegant, giving her a new haircut, changing the makeup she wore and giving her advice on her dresses.7.Therefore,_at the party all the guests 8.who were invited were filled with admiration 9.when they saw her house was completely changed.After the test, the company was satisfied with Tony's report 10.because he had successfully made a woman regain her confidence.DiscussionDo you think Tony was also in love with Claire?I_think_Tony_didn't_fall_in_love_with_Claire._After_all,_he_is_just_a_mach ine.。
【精品】高中英语(人教版 选修7)教师用书:Unit 2 Section_Ⅱ Warming Up

人教版英语精品资料Section_ⅡWarming Up & Reading — Language Points(一)根据英文释义及首字母提示写出单词1.desire:to want or hope for sth.very much2.sympathy:the feeling of being sorry for someone who is in a bad situation and understanding how they feel3.accompany:to go somewhere with someone, especially in order to look after him/her4.envy:to wish you had someone else's possessions, abilities, etc.5.cushion:a cloth bag filled with soft material that you put on a chair to make it more comfortable6.scan:to examine an area carefully but quickly7.bonus:extra money that you are paid in addition to your usual salary8.overweight:heavier than you should be(二)根据词性和汉语意思写出单词9.satisfaction n.满意;满足;令人满意的事物→satisfy vt.满足;使满意→satisfying/satisfactory adj.令人满意的→satisfied adj.满足的;(感到)满意的10.alarm vt.使警觉;使惊恐;惊动n.警报;惊恐→alarmed adj.担心的;害怕的11.elegant adj.优雅的;高雅的;讲究的→elegance n.优雅;高雅12.favour n. 喜爱;恩惠vt.喜爱;偏袒→favourite adj.最喜欢的n.最喜爱的东西13.declare vt.宣布;声明;表明;宣称→declaration n.宣言;声明;公告14.counter n.柜台;计数器→count vi.& vt.点数;计数15.absurd adj.荒谬的;可笑的→ridiculous (同义词)1.desire[教材原句] Do you think it is possible for a robot to have its own needs anddesires?你认为机器人有可能有自己的需求和愿望吗?(1)n.渴望;欲望;渴求①The boy has a strong desire for knowledge.这个男孩有强烈的求知欲。
【人教版】高中英语选修七:Unit 2 Period 3 Learning about Language课件

完成句子 ①显而易见的事实就不必陈述了。 There is no need to .
②证人宣称她以前从未见过史密斯先生。 The witness before.
【答案】 ①state the obvious ②stated that
she had never seen Mr.Smith
(2)set aside 将„„放在一边; 为„„节省或保留(钱或时间) This problem is a little difficult so we should set it aside. 这个问题有点难,因此,我们应把它放在一边。 Now most of middleaged couples have to set aside some money for the future. 现在大多数中年夫妇不得不为将来存一些钱。
sth. 阐述/宣布某事 ①state that 从句
②in the state of 处于„„状态 in state 正式地,隆重地 ③statement n.声明;陈述;说法 make a statement 发表声明
Soon wards he made his first public statement about the affair. 不久以后,他第一次就这一事件发表了公开声明。 The facts are clearly stated in the report. 报道对事实真相做了清楚的说明。
①after all ②at all ③above all ④in all
观察下列从 P11-12Reading 中选取的句子,体会不定式的被 动语态的用法。 1....but Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldn't harm her or allow her to be harmed. 2.Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.
高中英语人教版选修7:Unit 2 Section Ⅱ Language Points Ⅰ

3.It was going to be tested out by Larry's wife,
Claire.(P11) 它将由拉里的妻子克莱尔来试验。
★test out 试验;考验
(1)test sb. on sth.
test sth. on sb./sth.
促使她成功的原因,与其说是她的聪明,倒不如说 是她的努力工作。
2.[教材原句]It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human.
机器人看起来如此像人,这使她觉得心烦和害怕。 [句型点拨]it 作形式主语,that 引导的从句是句子的 真正主语。 [佳句赏析] It was strange that he should have been absent from such an important meeting. 很奇怪,他竟然缺席这样一个重要的会议。
(2)与 more than 相关than+形容词 非常
more than+名词 不只是;不仅是
no more than
not more than 不超过;至多
①I don't want to alarm you, but there's a strange man. 我并不想吓着你,不过有个陌生人。 ②We were alarmed at the alarming alarm as the alarm did alarm us. (alarm) 我们被那令人惊恐的警报声吓了一跳,因为那警报 的确使我们感到惊恐。
7.It would be awful (糟透的) if he found out the truth that he was refused.
高二英语人教版选修7习题Unit 2 section 1 课时 Word版含答案

Unit 2Section ⅠⅠ.单词拼写导学号965541121.Everyone __desires__(渴望)toliveinaworldfreeofworriesandpains.2.__Alarmed__(害怕)bythenoise,thebirdsflewaway.3.Hehasgreat __sympathy__(同情)forthepoorandtheunfortunate.4.SinceJane'scolleagueresigned,therehavealwaysbeen__piles__(堆)ofworkwaitingforhereachday.5.Itis __absurd/ridiculous__(荒谬的)toexpecttogetapprovalfromourparents.6.Thecourt __declared__(宣布)thatstrikeactionwasillegal.7.Toour __satisfaction__(满意),thedisabledhaveeasyaccesstoanypartsofthenewtheatre.8.Shebeggedmetoa__ccompany__ hertoattendherdaughter'sgraduationceremony.9.Shehasgotawell-paidjob.Ireallye__nvy__ her.10.Weareallinf__avour__ ofhisviewthatweshouldcommunicatemorewithourchildren.Ⅱ.用括号内所给词的正确形式填空导学号965541131.“We must take __firm__ measures to solve the problem.”themanagersaid __firmly__.(firm) 2.What __embarrassed__ thewomenmostwasthatwhentheyweretalkingaboutthe __embarrassing__ newsaboutthegirl, shebecame __embarrassed__ sothatsheranawayassoonassheheardthis.(embarrass)3.He __explained__ tohisfriendswhyhewaslatebutnoneofthemthoughthis __explanation__ believable.(explain)4.Cocoisa __talented__ singer.Sheisasingerofgreat __talents__ formusicanddancing.(talent)5.Annewassleepingwhenthephone __alarmed__ herawake.Shewaseven __alarmed__ tohearthe __alarming__ newsthatanotherbombinghadhitBirmingham.(alarm)6.Everythingwenton __smoothly__ afterthey __smoothed__ awayallthesedifficulties.(smooth) 7.Hedidn'tget __married__ toheruntilhewas36yearsoldbuttheir __marriage__ onlylasted5years.Aftertheirdivorcehedecidedto__remarry__.Thistimehechoseawomanwhowaskind-heartedthoughnotbeautiful.(marry) Ⅲ.句型转换导学号965541141.Larrypromisedtocomebackassoonaspossible.⇒Larry __madeapromisethat__ hewouldcomebackassoonaspossible.2.Helookedsohuman,whichwasdisturbingandfrightening.⇒__It__ wasdisturbingandfrightening __that__ helookedsohuman.3.Heopenedtheboxandfoundaratlivinginit.⇒Heopenedtheboxand __therelived__ aratinit.4.Onthesecondmorning,Tonybroughtherbreakfast.⇒__Itwas__ onthesecondmorning __that__ Tonybroughtherbreakfast.Ⅳ.阅读理解A导学号96554115Googleistostartbuildingitsownself-drivingcars, ratherthanmodifyingvehiclesbuiltbyotherproducers.Thecarwillhaveastop-gobuttonbutnocontrols, steeringwheelorpedals.PicturesoftheGooglevehicleshowitloo kslikeacitycarwitha“friendly”face, designedtomakeitseemnon-threateningandhelppeopleacceptself-drivingtechnology.Co-founderSergeyBr inrevealedtheplansataconferenceinCalifornia.“We'rereallyexcitedaboutthisvehicle—it'ssomethingthatwillallowustoreallypushthecapabilitiesofs elf-drivingtechnology, andunderstandthelimitations,”saidChrisUrmson, directorofthecompany'sself-drivingproject.Headdedthatthecarshadtheabilityto“improve people's lives by transforming mobility”.Butsomeresearchersworkinginthisfieldareinvestigatingpotentialdownsidestodriverlesscartechnolog y.Theybelievetheycouldmaketrafficandurbanextensionworse,aspeopleacceptlongercommutes(往返路程)astheydonothavetodrivethemselves.Itlooksalmostcartoon-like,ithasnotraditionalbonnetatthefront,andthewheelsarepushedtothecorn ers.Itwillseattwopeople,drivingforcewillbeelectric,andatthestartitwillbelimitedto25mph (40km/h) tohelpensuresafety.Themostsignificantthingaboutthedesignisthatitdoesnot,haveanycontrols,apartfromastop/gobutton.Forearlytesting,extracontrolswillbefittedsooneofGoogle'stestdriverscantakeoverifthereisaproblem.Thecontrolswillbesimplypluggedin, andMr.Urmsonbelievesthatovertime, asconfidenceinthetechnologygrows,theywillberemovedentirely.Thefrontendofthevehicleisdesignedtob esaferforpedestrians, withasoftfoam-likematerialwhereatraditionalbumperwouldbe, andamoreflexiblewindscreen,whichmayhelpreduceinjuries.Thevehiclewilluseacombinationoflaserandradarsensorsalongwithcameradatatodriveautonomously.ItwilldependonGoogle'sroadmaps, builtspecificalfortheprogramme, andtestedonthecompany'scurrentfleetofvehicles.文章大意:本文描述了谷歌无人驾驶汽车的研发。
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2020年精编人教版英语资料Section_ⅢLearning_about_Language_&_Using_LanguageⅠ.Read the text and then choose the best answers.1.Who was Isaac Asimov?A.An American scientist and writer who got his PhD in physics in 1948.B.A Russian scientist and writer who married twice.C.A RussianAmerican writer and scientist who became a fulltime writer in 1958.D.An AmericanRussian writer and scientist who had two children.2.What was Asimov best known for?A.His mystery stories.B.His science fiction stories.C.His science and history books.D.His books about the Holy Bible and Shakespeare.3.Which of the following statements is WRONG?A.Asimov's talent for writing became obvious at the age of 12.B.He began having his stories published in science fiction magazines in 1939.C.He published his first novel in 1950.D.He published his first science book in 1953.4.In which book did Asimov develop a set of three “laws” for robots?A.The Foundation trilogy.B.I, Robot.C.In his first novel.D.In his first science book.5.What might happen in the world where there were robots if Asimov's three laws didn't exist?A.Maybe robots will harm or injure human beings.B.Maybe robots will disobey human beings.C.Maybe robots will control the world.D.All of the above.答案:1~5 CBABDⅡ.Read th e text carefully and fill in the form.A BIOGRAPHY OF ISAAC ASIMOVBirth and death •born on 2 January, 1920 in Russia •died on 6 April, 1992 in1.New_YorkWorkBeforeworkingas a writer•worked in his parents' 2.candy store•worked as a(n) 3.junior chemist at the PhiladelphiaNavy Yard•4.taught biochemistry at Boston University School ofMedicineAs a writer•wrote many mystery stories, 5.science_and_historybooks, and books about the Holy Bible and Shakespeare•works of 6.science_fiction:_the Foundation trilogy &I, Robot(一)词义匹配1.digital A.using a system in which information is recorded or sent out electronically in the form of number, usually ones and zeros2.talent B.a feeling of liking and caring about someone or something3.affection C.the story of a person's life written by sb. else4.staff D.the people who work for an organization, especially a school or business 5.biography E.to end your marriage to sb. legally6.divorce F.a natural ability to do sth. well7.bound G.certain or likely to happen, to do or be sth.答案:1~5 AFBDC 6~7 EG(二)根据词性和汉语意思写出单词8.receiver n.收件人;接收机;电话听筒→receive vt.收到9.obey vt.& vi.服从;顺从→disobey vt.& vi.(反义词)不服从;违抗10.imagination n.想象(力);创造力→imagine vt.想象;料想;猜想11.theoretical adj.理论(上)的;假设的→theory n.理论12.assessment n.评价;评定→assess v.评价;评定13.junior adj.较年幼的;资历较浅的;地位较低的n.年少者;晚辈;等级较低者→senior (反义词) adj.资格较老的;地位较高的n.较年长者1.bound[教材原句] Who said that making a robot so much like a man was bound to cause trouble?谁说把机器人造得这么像人一定会引起麻烦?(1)adj.一定的;密切相关的;有义务的;受约束的be/feel bound to do sth.一定会做某事;有义务做某事be bound by sth. 受某事约束be bound up with/in sth.与某事密切相关/忙于某事①If you can't get on well with your classmates, it's bound to affect your study.如果你和同学们相处不好,这肯定会影响你的学习。
②We are_bound_to_do what we can to help the disabled.我们有义务尽力帮助残疾人。
③Henry's pr oblems are_bound_up_with his mother's death when he was ten.亨利的问题与他10岁时母亲就去世了有关系。
(2)adj.正旅行去……的;准备到……的be bound for some place到某地去④He missed the express train (that/which was) bound for Shanghai.他错过了那辆开往上海的快车。
2.junior[教材原句] In 1942 he joined the staff of the Philadelphia Navy Yard as a junior chemist and worked there for three years.1942年他成为费城海军造船厂的一名初级化学师,并在那里工作了三年。
(1)adj.较年幼的;地位较低的①He held a junior position in the company.他在这家公司担任低级职务。
junior to sb.比某人小;比某人的地位(级别或职位)低②He is three ye ars junior to me.= He is_junior_to me by three years.他比我小三岁。
(2)n.年少者;晚辈;等级、地位较低者③Of the two officers, James is the junior.在两位官员中,詹姆斯是年龄较小的那位。
be ... years one's junior=be one's junior by ... years= be junior to sb. by ... years比某人小……岁④She is four y ears my junior.= She is my junior by four years.= She is junior to me by_four_years.她比我小四岁。
形象记忆[点津] junior, senior, superior等本身含有比较的意味,故没有比较级和最高级;表示比较时,不与than而与to搭配。
⑤Though Jack looks younger than Ann, he's senior to her.虽然杰克看上去比安年轻,但他比她年长。
3.talent n.天才;特殊能力;才干[教材原句] It was when Asimov was eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious.早在阿西莫夫11岁的时候,他的写作才华就已经显露出来了。
①Writing poems is one of his many talents.写诗是他很多才华中的一个。
(1)have a talent for 对……有天赋;拥有……天赋show a talent for 表现出……才能(2)talented adj. 有才能的;聪颖的My brother showed_a_talent_for music when he was very young.我弟弟在很小的时候就表现出音乐才能。