



目录Ⅰ、配电变压器技术参数及外形尺寸SCB10系列10kV级315~3150kVA配电变压器参数列表 (2)SCB11系列10kV级315~2500kVA配电变压器参数列表 (3)SCB12系列10kV级315~2500kVA配电变压器参数列表 (3)SCB13系列10kV级315~2500kVA配电变压器参数列表 (4)配电变压器带外壳外形尺寸图. . . ............................................ . (5)10kV级配电变压器外壳尺寸及低压端子图......................... ... . . (6)配电变压器地脚安装图.................... ....................... (7)10kV级有载调压配电变压器............................................................................... . ......... . 8 10kV级配电变压器低压标准封闭母线 .................................................................. .. (10)10kV级配电变压器低压标准横排侧出线 (12)SC(B)10系列20kV级50~2500kVA配电变压器 (14)SC(B)10系列35kV级50~2500kVA配电变压器 (15)SC10系列35kV级800~20000kVA电力变压器...................... ............................. (16)Ⅱ、变压器安装说明............................................................. . (17)Ⅲ、自然冷却与强迫风冷系统........................................... . (18)Ⅳ、温度控制系统....................................................... . (19)Ⅴ、过载能力.......................................................... . (20)Ⅵ、订货须知....................................................... .................................................. (21)创新… …是我们永恒的目标本手册所提供的外形尺寸仅供设计选型用,最终尺寸以产品外形图为准■ 为适应市场对性能可靠、安全、节能环保型变压器的需求,我公司设计开发并生产节能、环保型干式变压器。




为方便用户选择合适产品型号,特说明如下:SG SBK系列三相干式隔离变压器SG SBK系列三相干式隔离变压器是本厂在参照国际同类产品,结合我国国情的基础上研制生产的新一代节能型电力变压器,从300VA到1600KVA之间,符合IEC439、GB5226等国际、国家标准,绕组采用脱胎整列绕制方法;变压器进行真空浸漆,使变压器的绝缘等级达到F级或H级,产品性能达到国内外先进水平。



+ 产品特点在隔离变压器建立新的中线-接地就可解除电网中共模干扰和其它中线的困扰,隔离变压器将三线△接线转换为四线Yo系统,加屏蔽就进一步免除了由变压器内部耦合的高频脉冲干扰和噪音,虽然有屏蔽的隔离变压器对各种N-G来的干扰(脉冲和高频噪声)能有效防止,但变压器必须正确妥善接地,十分严格,否则抗共模干扰将无效果。


+ 特性优点:Ø 高度隔离Ø N-G性能良好Ø 高度共模干扰抑制Ø 将△转换为Y或Y至△Ø 电压抽头容易转换Ø 按用户的特殊性能要求设计+隔离变压器加装在稳压电源的应用一、在电源输入端接入隔离变压器(三角/星形)1、若电网三次谐波和干扰信号比较严重,采用△/Yo隔离变压器,可以去掉三次谐波和减少干扰信号。


施耐德低压电器选型手册-2012-01 变压器与母线槽、断路器配合推荐表

施耐德低压电器选型手册-2012-01 变压器与母线槽、断路器配合推荐表

第一部分变压器与母线槽、 断路器配合推荐表变压器与母线槽、低压断路器(2 进线 + 1 母联) 选型配合表变电站容量 (kVA) 变压器型号母线槽型号进线、母联断路器+控制单元型号2 x 315 SCB10-315 CFC2508G MT08H1+MIC6.0P2 x 400 SCB10-400 CFC2508G MT08H1+MIC6.0P2 x 500 SCB10-500 CFC2510G MT10H1+MIC6.0P2 x 630 SCB10-630 CFC2510G MT10H1+MIC6.0P2 x 800 SCB10-800 CFC2512G MT12H1+MIC6.0P2 x 1000 SCB10-1000 CFC2516G MT16H1+MIC6.0P2 x 1250 SCB10-1250 CFC2520G MT20H1+MIC6.0P2 x 1600 SCB10-1600 CFC2525G MT25H1+MIC6.0P2 x 2000 SCB10-2000 CFC2532G MT32H1+MIC6.0P2 x 2500 SCB10-2500 CFC2540G MT40H1+MIC6.0P2 x 3150 SCB10-3150 CFC2550G MT50H1+MIC6.0P说明:1. 上表假设变压器高压侧短路容量无穷大计算短路电流,当短路电流的计算结果发生改变时,MT 断路器要从 N1、N2 (50kA), H1 (65kA),H2 (100kA), H3 (150kA), L1 (150kA) 中选取正确的分断能力指标。

2. 母联可以根据要求,相应选择 NA, HA, HF 型的 MT 负荷开关。

根据保护配置和测量功能要求不同,MIC 控制单元型号也将随之改变。

推荐表变压器容量每台变压器变压器流过每台变压总出线断路器总出线断路器分出线处分出线断路器型号并联数量额定电流阻抗电压器的短路电流最小分断能力型号短路电流N x kVA I n (A) U cc (%) (kA) (kA) (kA) ≤100A 160A 250A 400A 630A1 x 50 70 42 2 NSX100F 2 NSX100F2 x 50 70 4 2 2 NSX100F 4 NSX100F NSX160F3 x 50 704 2 4 NSX100F 6 NSX100F NSX160F NSX250F1 x 100 141 4 4 4 NSX160F 4 NSX100F NSX160F2 x 100 141 4 4 4 NSX160F 8 NSX100F NSX160F NSX250F3 x 100 1414 4 8 NSX160F 12 NSX100F NSX160F NSX250F NSX400N1 x 160 225 4 6 6 NSX250F 6 NSX100F NSX160F NSX250F2 x 160 225 4 6 6 NSX250F 12 NSX100F NSX160F NSX250F NSX400N3 x 160 2254 6 12 NSX250F 18 NSX100F NSX160F NSX250F NSX400N NSX630N1 x 250 352 4 9 9 NSX400N 9 NSX100F NSX160F NSX250F NSX400N2 x 250 352 4 9 9 NSX400N 18 NSX100F NSX160F NSX250F NSX400N NSX630N3 x 250 3524 9 18 NSX400N 27 NSX100F NSX160F NSX250F NSX400N NSX630N1 x 400 563 4 14 14 NSX630N 14 NSX100F NSX160F NSX250F NSX400N NSX630N2 x 400 5634 14 14 NSX630N 28 NSX100F NSX160F NSX250F NSX400N NSX630N3 x 400 5634 14 28 NSX630N 42 NSX100N NSX160N NSX250N NSX400N NSX630N推荐表 (续)变压器容量每台变压器变压器流过每台变压总出线断路器总出线断路器分出线处分出线断路器型号并联数量额定电流阻抗电压器的短路电流最小分断能力型号短路电流N x kVA In (A) Ucc (%) (kA) (kA) (kA) ≤100A 160A 250A 400A 630A 1 x 630 887 4 22 22 MT10N1 / MW10 22 NSX100F NSX160F NSX250F NSX400N NSX630N/ NSX1000N2 x 630 887 4 22 22 MT10N1 / MW10 44 NSX100N NSX160N NSX250N NSX400N NSX630N/ NSX1000N3 x 630 8874 22 44 MT10N1 66 NSX100H NSX160H NSX250H NSX400H NSX630H/ NSX1000N1 x 800 1127 6 19 19 MT12N1 / MW12 19 NSX100F NSX160F NSX250F NSX400N NSX630N/ NSX1250N2 x 800 1127 6 19 19 MT12N1 / MW12 38 NSX100N NSX160N NSX250N NSX400N NSX630N/ NSX1250N3 x 800 1127 6 19 38 MT12N1 57 NSX100H NSX160H NSX250H NSX400H NSX630H1 x 1000 1408 6 23 23 MT16N1 / MW16 23 NSX100F NSX160F NSX250F NSX400N NSX630N2 x 1000 1408 6 23 23 MT16N1 / MW16 46 NSX100N NSX160N NSX250N NSX400N NSX630N3 x 1000 1408 6 23 46 MT16N1 69 NSX100H NSX160H NSX250H NSX400H NSX630H1 x 1250 1760 6 29 29 MT20H1 / MW20 29 NSX100F NSX160F NSX250F NSX400N NSX630N2 x 1250 1760 6 29 29 MT20H1 / MW20 58 NSX100H NSX160H NSX250H NSX400H NSX630H3 x 1250 1760 6 29 58 MT20H1 87 NSX100L NSX160L NSX250L NSX400L NSX630L1 x 1600 2253 6 38 38 MT25H1 / MW25 38 NSX100N NSX160N NSX250N NSX400N NSX630N2 x 1600 2253 6 38 38 MT25H1 / MW25 76 NSX100L NSX160L NSX250L NSX400L NSX630L3 x 1600 2253 6 38 76 MT25H1 114 NSX100L NSX160L NSX250L NSX400L NSX630L 1 x 2000 2816 6 47 47 MT32H1 / MW32 47 NSX100N NSX160N NSX250N NSX400N NSX630N/402 x 2000 2816 6 47 47 MT32H1 / MW32 94 NSX100L NSX160L NSX250L NSx400L NSX630L/403 x 2000 2816 6 47 94 MT32H2 141 NSX100L NSX160L NSX250L NSX400L NSX630L1 x 2500 3521 6 59 59 MT40H1 59 NSX100H NSX160H NSX250H NSX400H NSX630H2 x 2500 3521 6 59 59 118 NSX100L NSX160L NSX250L NSX400L NSX630L1 x 3150 4436 6 74 74 MT50H1 74 NSX100L NSX160L NSX250L NSX400L NSX630L2 x 3150 4436 6 74 74 148 NSX100L NSX160L NSX250L NSX400L NSX630L说明:上表计算的依据:1. 上级电网的短路容量是 500MVA2. 变压器为 10kV/400V 变压器3. 表中用 NS630 的地方也可选用 MT06 产品。




1. 额定容量:根据用户需求和负载情况选择合适的箱变容量,通常以千伏安(kVA)为单位表示。

2. 输入电压和输出电压:箱变应能够适应输入电压和输出电压,并提供所需的输出功率。

3. 绝缘等级:根据使用环境和应对的电气压力选择合适的绝缘等级,以确保箱变安全运行。

4. 效率:考虑箱变的工作效率,合理利用能源,减少能源浪费。

5. 安全性:选择具有过载保护、短路保护和漏电保护等安全装置的箱变,以确保运行安全。

6. 外形尺寸:根据安装环境和可用空间选择合适的箱变尺寸,确保安装和维护的便利性。

7. 品牌和质量:选择具有良好声誉和高质量标准的箱变品牌,以确保产品性能和使用寿命。






300W │
正激 推挽 半桥
电路结构可根据用户电路 进行选择;绕组结构多为 铜箔结构;可进行全灌封
600W │
800W │
1500W │
EE43 EE58 EE64
50k~300k 50k~300k 50k~300k
正激 推挽 半桥 全桥
地址:唐山市滦南县建设路 Tel: 0315-4166301/2 Fax:0315-4166301/2
博客 : TONGDA_ (最新技术资料下载)
我公司依托技术研发创新优势,主要研制生产三大类产品: 滤波(EMI)节能产品,包括电源滤波器产品、电网主动滤波器、功率因数校正模块。电源滤波器产品 系列齐全,可根据具体应用环境进行定做。电网有源功率因数补偿技术在国内处于领先水平,该技术满足国 家倡导的节能降耗的需要,产品可应用到工业电力系统和军工船载、舰载、车载系统中消除电网谐波;我公
电路结构可根据用户电路 进行选择;绕组结构多为 铜箔结构;可进行全灌封
推挽 半桥 全桥
电路结构可根据用户电路进 行选择;绕组结构多为铜箔 结构;引出线多用绕组本线 引出;可进行全灌封
推挽 半桥 全桥
电路结构可根据用户电路进 行选择;绕组结构多为铜箔 结构;引出线多用绕组本线



油浸式变压器选型手册概述说明以及解释1. 引言1.1 概述在电力系统中,变压器是一种重要的设备,用于将高电压转换为低电压或将低电压转换为高电压。




1.2 文章结构本手册共分为五个部分:引言、正文、主要要点一、主要要点二以及结论。


1.3 目的本手册的目标是帮助读者全面了解油浸式变压器选型,并提供实用且可操作的建议。



2. 正文:2.1 油浸式变压器介绍油浸式变压器是一种常用的电力设备,其主要功能是将高电压变换为低电压或者低电压变换为高电压。



2.2 变压器选型的重要性正确选择适合工程需求的油浸式变压器非常重要。



2.3 变压器选型的考虑因素在进行油浸式变压器选型时,需要考虑以下几个关键因素:首先是功率容量。

















一、变压器选型基本原则1. 满足电流负载需求:为了保证变压器在实际使用中能够正常工作,必须满足设备的电流负载需求,即选型时应根据设备的负载功率和工作电压来确定变压器的额定容量和额定电压等参数。

2. 适应环境条件:变压器的使用环境对其性能有很大影响,如海拔高度、环境温度、湿度等因素都会影响变压器的运行性能,在选型时需要考虑这些因素。

3. 经济性考虑:在选型时,要考虑变压器的造价、运行成本等因素,确保在满足负载需求的前提下,选择性价比高的变压器。

二、变压器选型步骤1. 确定负载需求:首先要明确设备的负载需求,包括负载功率、工作电压等参数。

2. 确定环境条件:确定变压器所处的环境条件,包括海拔高度、环境温度、湿度等因素。

3. 选型计算:根据负载需求和环境条件,进行选型计算,确定变压器的额定容量、额定电压等参数。

4. 选择型号:根据选型计算的结果,选择合适的变压器型号。

5. 进行现场评估:在确定了变压器型号后,要进行现场评估,确定变压器的安装位置、接线方式等。

三、常见油浸式变压器故障及处理方法1. 变压器温升过高:可能是因为负载过大、绕组接触不良等原因引起,应及时排除故障。

2. 油泄漏:可能是因为油箱密封不良、管路连接不严等原因引起,应及时修复漏漏。

3. 绝缘损坏:可能是因为绝缘材料老化、受潮等原因引起,应及时更换绝缘材料。

4. 过载保护动作:可能是因为负载过大、短路等原因引起,应及时维修,并调整负载。

四、油浸式变压器选型手册范例1. 设备名称:油浸式变压器2. 额定容量:1000KVA3. 额定电压:10KV/0.4KV4. 变比:10KV/0.4KV5. 阻燃等级:F16. 焚烧特性:固体防火7. 绝缘等级:H级8. 使用环境:海拔高度不超过1000米,环境温度不高于40摄氏度,相对湿度不超过90%。































如何利用其过载能力呢?笔者提出两点供设计人员参考:(1)选择计算变压器容量时可适当减小:充分考虑某些轧钢、焊接等设备短时冲击过负荷的可能性- 尽量利用干式变压器的较强过载能力而减小变压器容量;对某些不均匀负荷的场所,如供夜间照明等为主的居民区、文化娱乐设施、以供空调和白天照明为主的商场等,可充分利用其过载能力,使其主运行时间处于满载或短时过载,这样就可以在计算、选配容量时,适当减小变压器容量。



ABB适用于高静压测量的266MSH 系列变送器选型手册

ABB适用于高静压测量的266MSH 系列变送器选型手册
数据表 DS/266MSH-EN_0
适用于高静压测量的 266MSH 型差压变送器
适用于各领域的 2600结合最新数字技术的可靠感测系统 量程比大,达100:1 全方位的传感器功能 优化的实际总体性能及稳定性 10年稳定性 URL的0.15%
灵活的配置设备 通过本地LCD键盘进行本地配置 新型TTG透窗技术能够快速简便地进行本地配置, 即使在防爆环境中也无需打开盖体。 IEC 61508认证 适用于SIL2(1oo1)及SIL3(1oo2)应用环境 完全符合PED III类的要求
适用于高静压测量的 266MSH 型差压变送器
范围及量程限值 传感器 代码 C 范围上限 (URL) 6 kPa 60 mbar 24 in. H2O 40 kPa 400 mbar 160 in. H2O 范围下限 (LRL) -6 kPa -60 mbar -24 in. H2O 最小量程 0.2 kPa 2 mbar 0.8 in. H2O 量程限值 最大量程= URL(可以进一步上调成± URL(TD = 0.5),以适用于各差压变送器,在范围限值内) 建议选用量程比值尽可能低的传感器、从而可以优 化变送器性能。 零点抑制及提升 零点及量程可以调节成表中限值范围内的任意值, 但前提是: 校准量程≥最小量程 阻尼 可选时间常数:0-60s之间 这个时间常数独立于传感器响应时间。 开启时间 在最长10s时间内以最小的阻尼运行 绝缘阻值 500 V DC时> 100 MΩ(端对地)
用于 266MSH 型高静压差压变送器绝对压力测量 的第二个传感器 测量范围:41 MPa,410 bar,5945 psi
2 DS/266MSH-EN_0 | 2600T 系列压力变送器 266MSH

变压器类 选型手册

变压器类 选型手册

PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 Taikai Electric Group Co., Ltd is a large-scale ent erpri se of researc hi ng & devel opi ng, m anu fac t u ri ng an d s el l i ng of c om p l et e eq ui p m en t s of p ow er t ran sm i s si on and di st r i bu t i on, up t o 55 0kV as w el l as a professional EPC contractor of transmission and transformation projects. Taikai Group with 1. 55 billion yuan of registered capital and 4.60 billion yuan of total capital, occupies 450,000 square meters of building area, and has more than 6700 employees. The group subordinated wit h 12 c om panies is ranked top 3 in the switchgear line of the whole country, with its comprehensive economic targets and the No. 1 position in Shandong province. The sales revenue has reached 1.05 billion USD last year. The day after the establishment, Taikai has been actively prom oting cultrue-advancingenterprise strategy, to im prove the company core com petence, and construct “animate enterprise, well-known products, and employee with great morale” development environment. The en t erpri se s pi ri t “Honest , Credi t , Prac tic al, and Innovative” and business , object ives “Pursuing Perfect and Repay Society.” Have been to the common corporate values and philosophy. Taikai uses the advanced MIS i nform ation system, and the design and m anufacture of products adopts CAD and CAM technology. All the subordi nated fi liales have passed t he ISO9001-2008 quality managem ent system,OHSAS18001-1999 occupational health and safety managem ent system, and ISO140012004 environmental management system, and “China Compulsory Certification”certification of l ow -vol t el ec t ri c appl i anc e and P CCC c erti fic at ion of nat ional energy produc ts. According to GB/T19001:2000 international quality standard, group has established strict quality management system. Our corporation perseveres in “intensive products and sincere desire service” quality service philosophy, pursues the im provem ent of product and service quality, and devotes our attention to supplying zero-defec t product s and zerodistance highly-efficient service. Taikai insists on independent innovation and technology strengthening enterprise, and the products consist of 5 catagories: switches, switch cubicles, transformers, automatic control, and wires and cables. It covers 6 voltage levels with 550kV and below, more than 180 kinds and over 2000 models. Adheres to the sustainable development informatization, innovative and hi gh t ec hnol ogy, professi onal izat ion, and economization, the group puresues the business pol i cy of Quali t y Devel opi ng Market and Integrity Casting Brand, and devotes itself to band m anagement strategy to build “TK” band. There are more than 30 kinds of products which fill in gaps of country and province, over 20 kinds of products listed in “Chinese National Key New Products Plan and Torch Plan” and ,more than 10 kinds of products have the honour to get national pantent. In rec ent years, Taikai has been chievi ng hypernom al and striding developm ent, and awarded as nationalwide “Key High and New Tech Enterprises” “Nationalwide Torch Plan , Key Enterprise of Tai’an Transm ission and Transformation Products Manufacture Base” , “Nationalwide Enterprise Adhering to Heavy Credi t of Cont ract s” , “Nat ional Model Harmonious Enterprise in Labor Relation” one , of the fifty powerful enterprises in paying taxes by mechanical industry of Shandong province, one of the ten prop enterprises in economy of Tai’an city, the “civilized unit” by Shandong prov i nc e for c ont i nu ous fou r years, t he advanced unit i n m aki ng peopl e ric h and vitalizing Shandong province. According to the category of transmission and t rans for m at i on eq ui p m ent s , Tai k ai has establ ished 12 w holly-owned subsidiaries, which are all enterprises above designated size. Standing one the area of over 1,333, 333m 2 , with the professional and dedicated at t i t u d e, Tai k ai p eo p l e s p eed u p t h e development step of these 12 companies. W e are trying our best to promote“Taikai” from equipment m anufacture to overall design and installation of substations, and the dom estic l eadi ng and i nt ernat i onal advanc ed transmission and transformation manufacture base.Enterprise Spirit: Honest, Credit, Practical, and Innovative Enterprise Tenet: Pursuing perfect to repay society Operation Principle: Maintaining the domestic leading position, and Achieve world top-ranking Quality Policy: For all the positions, prevention should come first, and improve the quality management system continuously. To provide the electric system excellent product with better performance, quality and price to make more contributes to the society.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 Shandong Taikai Power Engineering Co., Ltd (hereinafter briefed as TKPE), subordinated to Taikai Electric Group, is an economic entity of independent corporation, and enjoys right in foreign trade & power engineering business. TKPE is the leading company in supplying complete equipments for high-volt power transmission and transformation substation, including: Transformer, GIS, Circuit Breaker, Disconnector, Current Transformer, Voltage Transformer, Switch Cubicle, Prefabricated Substation, and Integrated Protection Devices. TKPE is an EPC c ontractor of power transmission and transformation substation projects and the incorporated facilities for thermal station, hydropower station and combined cycle power station and the supplying of professional international trade service, which is approved by China Ministry of Construction. TKPE possesses credential of import and export enterpris, economic cooperation concerning foreign interests, and construction permit of contracting installation, maintenance, and commission. TKPE adopts firs t-c las s engineer management technology, internal computer network, internet, CAD drawing software and comprehensive management software. “TK” brand complete products, reputable all over the world, have been exported to Poland, Russia, Sudan, Vietnam, Myanmar, Turkey, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Nigeria, Algeria, Nepal, India and etc. TKPE would establish and perfect the quality control and internal management system for a project under the condition of guarantying the quality and reliability of the equipment to meet customer’s requirements in safety, sanitary, environment protection, risk control and etc. TKPE sincerely wishes to cooperate with y ou f or m u t ual b en ef it an d f u r th er development, we promise to provide you qualified product and considerate service.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 TRANSFORMER10~35kV Oil-immersed Power Transformer SC(B) Serial Epoxy Casting Dry Transformer SCBZ9-315~2500/10 Serial Epoxy Casting Dry Transformer with OLTCINSTRUMENT TRANSFORMER1 7LVQB-35~500 Series SF6 Current Transformer Oil-immersed Vertical Current Transformer LVB(T)-35~220 Oil-immersed Inverted Current Transformer51 54 57 60 63 65 67 68 6912 13JDQXF-35~220 Voltage Transformer TYD-35~220 Capacitor Voltage Transformer JLSQ-10(35) Combined Transformer Metallic Oxide Lightning Arrester Compound-Bushing Zero-Clearance LA Porcelain Bushing LASG10 Type-H Insulating Dry TransformerSCBH10 Series Amorphous Alloy Dry Type Transformer15 35~500kV Oil-immersed Power Transformer Commutator Transformer17 28 29Furnace TransformerREACTORBKGKL Shunt Reactor30 32 41 46 48 50CKGKL Dry-type Air-lore Reactor XKGKL Current Limiting Reactor Dry-type core Reactor LKGKL Filter Reactor 330kV,550kV Oil-Immersed ReactorPDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 10~35kVOil-immersed Power Transformer1 OverviewThis product applies to 3-phases, 50Hz, 35kV and below power system, and is the main transformation equipment of small and medium enterprise. The product has widely used in agricultural and industrial power distribution, power and lighting. The company draw on advanced technology, using new materials and optimized design to make the products more reasonable, the electric strength, mechanical strength, and heat dissipation capacity of the product to be significantly improved. The product meets GB1094.1~2-1996, GB1094.3~4-2003, GB/T6451-1999.2 Model and DefinitionsS(F)Z □-M- □/ □ Rated voltage (kV) Rated power (kVA) Full seal Design series no. On-load switch Cooling method (air cooling) Number of phase (three phases)3 Service and Installation ConditionsAltitude:≤1000m Environment temperature:The maximum temperature:+40℃,the maximum monthly average temperature:+30℃,the maximum yearly average temperature:+20℃,The lowest temperature:-45℃ (3) Power demand:approximate sine wave, three-phase symmetrical (4) Installation site:outside or inside, the environment has no significant contamination Note: it should be explained if the transformer is used in special conditions in order.4 Main ParametersS9 serial 35kV oil-immersed power transformer with OCTCVoltage group and tap Type S9-50 S9-80 S9-100 S9-125 S9-160 S9-200 S9-250 S9-315 S9-400 S9-500 S9-630 S9-800 S9-1000 S9-1250 S9-1600 S9-2000 S9-2500 35 38.5 ± 5% or 0.4 Yyn0 or Dyn11 HV HV tap LV Vector No load group loss 0.21 0.28 0.29 0.34 0.36 0.43 0.51 0.61 0.73 0.86 1.04 1.23 1.44 1.76 2.12 2.65 2.96 Load loss 1.27/1.21 1.81/1.72 2.12/2.02 2.5/2.38 2.97/2.83 3.5/3.33 4.16/3.96 5.01/4.77 6.05/5.76 7.28/6.93 8.28 9.90 12.15 14.67 17.55 20.7 24.5 No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.30 1.20 1.10 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 6.5 900 1020 1100 1220 1320 1580 1780 1795 2230 2460 2970 3595 4010 4795 5760 6000 6830 Dimension (mm) L 1220 1220 1220 1220 1810 1990 2010 2020 2020 2040 2320 2365 2390 2470 2660 2670 2500 W 950 1070 1070 1250 1020 1020 1120 1120 1200 1220 1190 1510 1520 1530 1600 1650 3000 H 1710 1770 1800 1900 1930 2080 2130 2200 2290 2400 2410 2365 2425 2610 2650 2730 2700 1070 × 1070 820 × 820 660 × 660 Gauge(mm)± 2 × 2.5% 0.69Note: (1) For the transformer capacity of 500kVA and below, the load loss values of table slash top apply to Dyn11 vector group, the load loss values of table bottom apply to Yyn0 vector group. (2) Dimensions only for reference. (3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand.P 1.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 S11 type 35kV oil-immersed power transformer with OCTCVoltage group and tapTypeHVHV tapLVVector No load group loss 0.17 0.22 0.24 0.27 0.29 0.34 0.41 0.49 0.58 0.69 0.83 0.98 1.15 1.41 1.7 1.98 2.35Load loss 1.21/1.15 1.72/1.63 2.01/1.92 2.38/2.26 2.82/2.69 3.33/3.16 3.95/3.76 4.76/4.53 5.75/5.47 6.92/6.58 7.87 9.41 11.54 13.94 16.68 19800 23000No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance 1.6 1.44 1.44 1.36 1.28 1.2 1.12 1.04 1.04 0.96 0.88 0.80 0.80 0.72 0.64 0.56 0.48 6.5 785 920 1100 1245 1470 1510 1615 2010 2170 2565 2980 3680 4490 4860 5580 6090 6900Dimension (mm)L W HGauge(mm)S11-50 S11-80 S11-100 S11-125 S11-160 S11-200 S11-250 S11-315 S11-400 S11-500 S11-630 S11-800 S11-1000 S11-1250 S11-1600 S11-2000 S11-2500 35 ± 5% or 0.4 38.5 ± 2 × 2.5% 0.69 Yyn0 or Dyn111070 1090 1165 1265 1310 1350 1400 1640 1720 2030 2070 2220 2370 2390 2430 2550 2630830 850 900 1080 1080 1100 1120 1130 1140 1160 1220 1260 1290 1340 1420 1700 18001770 1790 1870 1950 1970 1980 2040 2080 2120 2160 2240 2340 2440 2580 2620 2700 3050 1070 × 1070 820 × 820 660 × 660(1) For the transformer capacity of 500kVA and below, the load loss values of table slash top apply to Dyn11 vector group, the load loss values of table bottom apply to Yyn0 vector group. (2) Dimensions only for reference. (3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand. S9 type 10kV oil-immersed power transformer with OCTCVoltage group and tapTypeHVHV tapLVVector No load group loss 0.13 0.17 0.20 0.25 0.29 0.34 0.40Load loss 0.63/0.60 0.91/0.87 1.09/1.04 1.31/1.25 1.58/1.50 1.89/1.80 2.31/2.20 2.73/2.60 3.20/3.05 3.83/3.65 4.52/4.30 5.41/5.15 6.20 7.50 10.3 12.0 14.5 19.8 23.0No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance 2.3 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 4.0 320 400 440 490 560 670 770 920 1110 1260 1550 1780 2240 2495 2930 3380 4090 5280 6370Dimension (mm)L W HGauge(mm)S9-30 S9-50 S9-63 S9-80 S9-100 S9-125 S9-160 S9-200 S9-250 S9-315 S9-400 S9-500 S9-630 S9-800 S9-1000 S9-1250 S9-1600 S9-2000 S9-2500 6 6.3 10 11 Yyn0 ± 5% or 0.4 or Dyn111050 1100 1110 1110 1110 1190 1250 1250 1540 1560 1600 1630 1760 2135 2140 2200 2380 2420 2460610 770 770 780 790 800 830 840 990 1010 1040 1200 1230 1250 1370 1370 1385 1450 27001080 1120 1150 1210 1220 1370 1400 1440 1500 1530 1590 1650 1760 1835 1945 1990 2080 2405 2600 1070 × 1070 820 × 820 660 × 660 550 × 550 400 × 4000.48 0.56 0.67 0.80 0.96 1.20 1.40 1.70 1.95 2.40 2.60 3.000.69 10.5 ± 2 × 2.5%Note: (1) For the transformer capacity of 500kVA and below, the load loss values of table slash top apply to Dyn11 vector group, the load loss values of table bottom apply to Yyn0 vector group. (2) Dimensions only for reference. (3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand.P 2.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 SZ9 type 10kV oil-immersed power transformer with OLTCVoltage group and tap Type SZ9-100 SZ9-125 SZ9-160 SZ9-200 SZ9-250 SZ9-315 SZ9-400 SZ9-500 SZ9-630 SZ9-800 SZ9-1000 SZ9-1250 SZ9-1600 6 6.3 10 10.5 11 ± 4 × 2.5%0.4 0.69HVHV tapLVVector No load group loss 0.29 0.34 0.40 0.48 0.56 Yyn0 or Dyn11 0.67 0.80 0.96 1.20 1.40 1.70 1.95 2.40Load loss 1.58 1.89 2.31 3.06 3.6 4.32 5.22 6.21 7.65 9.36 10.98 13.05 15.57No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 4.5 4.0 880 960 1080 1200 1400 1600 1870 2190 2620 3100 3660 4160 4880Dimension (mm)L W HGauge(mm)1630 1660 1710 1740 1940 1980 2050 2060 2590 2620 2650 2720 2880800 850 870 870 880 900 1000 1070 1130 1290 1380 1410 14901370 1380 1410 1450 1560 1610 1680 1760 1970 2070 2120 2190 2210 820 × 820 660 × 660Note: (1) Above parameter applies to 400V of LV. (2) Dimensions only for reference. (3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand.S9-M type 10kV oil-immersed power transformer with OCTCVoltage group and tapTypeHVHV tapLVVector No load group loss 0.13 0.17 0.20 0.25 0.29 0.34 0.40Load loss 0.63/0.60 0.91/0.87 1.09/1.04 1.31/1.25 1.58/1.50 1.89/1.80 2.31/2.20 2.73/2.60 3.20/3.05 3.83/3.65 4.52/4.30 5.41/5.15 6.20 7.50 10.3 12.0 14.5 19.8 23.0No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance 2.3 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 4.5 4.0 360 440 480 530 600 680 790 900 1080 1250 1500 1700 2180 2395 2850 3370 4060 5160 6390Dimension (mm)L W HGauge(mm)S9-M-30 S9-M-50 S9-M-63 S9-M-80 S9-M-100 S9-M-125 S9-M-160 S9-M-200 S9-M-250 S9-M-315 S9-M-400 S9-M-500 S9-M-630 S9-M-800 S9-M-1000 S9-M-1250 S9-M-1600 S9-M-2000 S9-M-25006 6.3 10 10.5 11820 870 880 900 910 950 990 1250 1280 1370 1440 1440 1600 1715 1910 1980 1980 2100 2180670 670 670 680 690 700 720 730 750 780 810 820 860 960 1250 1280 1280 1450 1490990 1030 1060 1120 1170 1190 1210 1320 1380 1400 1470 1530 1570 1585 1700 1740 1830 2020 2230 1070 × 1070 820 × 820 660 × 660 550 × 550 400 × 400Yyn0± 5% or ± 2× 2.5% 0.4 0.690.48 0.56 0.67 0.80 0.96 1.20 1.40 1.70 1.95 2.40 2.60 3.00or Dyn11Note: (1) For the transformer capacity of 500kVA and below, the load loss values of table slash top apply to Dyn11 vector group, the load loss values of table bottom apply to Yyn0 vector group. (2) Dimensions only for reference. (3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand.P 3.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 S11 type 10kV oil-immersed power transformer with OCTCVoltage group and tapType S11-30 S11-50 S11-63 S11-80 S11-100 S11-125 S11-160 S11-200 S11-250 S11-315 S11-400 S11-500 S11-630 S11-800 S11-1000 S11-1250 S11-1600 S11-2000 S11-2500 6 6.3 10 10.5 11HVHV tapLVVector No load group loss0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.20 0.24 0.28Load loss0.63/0.60 0.91/0.87 1.09/1.04 1.31/1.25 1.58/1.50 1.89/1.80 2.31/2.20 2.73/2.60 3.20/3.05 3.83/3.65 4.52/4.30 5.41/5.15 6.20 7.50 10.3 12.0 14.5 19.8 23.0No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance1.84 1.6 1.52 1.52 1.44 1.36 1.28 1.20 1.12 1.12 1.04 0.96 0.88 0.8 0.8 0.72 0.64 0.56 0.48 4.5 4.0 320 410 470 510 570 700 800 950 1080 1290 1530 1800 2330 2680 3130 3650 4430 4730 6100Dimension (mm)L 1050 1100 1110 1110 1110 1190 1250 1250 1540 1560 1460 1520 1740 2120 2170 2340 2470 2130 2270 W 610 770 770 780 790 800 830 830 990 1010 1030 1190 1230 1240 1420 1450 1510 1710 2100 H 1080 1150 1180 1230 1240 1410 1430 1490 1510 1580 1600 1670 1840 1940 2010 2040 2290 2550 2600Gauge(mm)400 × 400Yyn0 ± 5%or ± 2× 2.5%0.4 0.690.34 0.40 0.48 0.57 0.68 0.81 0.98 1.15 1.36 1.64 1.98 2.35550 × 550or Dyn11660 × 660820 × 820Note: (1) For the transformer capacity of 500kVA and below, the load loss values of table slash top apply to Dyn11 vector group, the load loss values of table bottom apply to Yyn0 vector group. (2) Dimensions only for reference. (3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand. S11-M type 10kV oil-immersed power transformer with OCTCVoltage group and tapTypeHVHV tapLVVector No load group loss 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.20 0.24Load loss 0.63/0.60 0.91/0.87 1.09/1.04 1.31/1.25 1.58/1.50 1.89/1.80 2.31/2.20 2.73/2.60 3.20/3.05 3.83/3.65 4.52/4.30 5.41/5.15 6.20 7.50 10.3 12.0 14.5No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance 1.84 1.6 1.52 1.52 1.44 1.36 1.28 1.20 1.12 1.12 1.04 0.96 0.88 0.8 0.8 0.72 0.64 4.5 4.0 360 485 500 540 610 710 810 960 1050 1280 1430 1690 2270 2580 3060 3560 4470Dimension (mm)L W HGauge(mm)S11-M-30 S11-M-50 S11-M-63 S11-M-80 S11-M-100 S11-M-125 S11-M-160 S11-M-200 S11-M-250 S11-M-315 S11-M-400 S11-M-500 S11-M-630 S11-M-800 S11-M-1000 S11-M-1250 S11-M-1600 6 6.3 10 10.5 11 ± 5%or ±2× 2.5% 0.4 0.69 Yyn0 or Dyn11820 870 880 900 910 950 990 1030 1320 1370 1410 1440 1580 1700 1840 1980 2000670 670 670 680 690 700 720 730 750 780 790 800 870 960 1220 1330 1340990 1060 1090 1140 1180 1220 1240 1310 1330 1400 1420 1490 1650 1690 1760 1790 1910 820 × 820 660 × 660 550 × 550 400 × 4000.28 0.34 0.40 0.48 0.57 0.68 0.81 0.98 1.15 1.36 1.64Note: (1) For the transformer capacity of 500kVA and below, the load loss values of table slash top apply to Dyn11 vector group, the load loss values of table bottom apply to Yyn0 vector group.(2) Dimensions only for reference.(3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand.P 4.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 S11-M.R serial 10kV oil-immersed power transformer with OCTCVoltage group and tapTypeHVHV tapLVVector No load group loss 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18Load loss 0.60 0.87 1.04 1.25 1.50 1.80 2.20 2.60 3.05 3.65 4.30 5.10 6.20No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.60 0.55 0.55 0.50 0.50 0.45 0.45 0.40 4.5 4.0 350 440 510 550 650 730 810 960 1110 1310 1630 1880 2280Dimension (mm)L W HGauge(mm)S11-M.R-30 S11-M.R-50 S11-M.R-63 S11-M.R-80 S11-M.R-100 S11-M.R-125 S11-M.R-160 S11-M.R-250 S11-M.R-315 S11-M.R-400 S11-M.R-500 S11-M.R-630 6 6.3 10 11 ± 5%or ± 2 × 2. 5% 0.4 0.69 Yyn0 or Dyn111040 1080 1110 1130 1150 1180 1200 1250 1310 1390 1460 1490 1580640 640 650 660 660 670 680 700 720 770 800 810 840990 1050 1100 1150 1210 1250 1280 1390 1420 1480 1550 1620 1700 660 × 660 550 × 550 400 × 4000.20 0.24 0.27 0.33 0.40 0.48 0.57 0.68 0.81S11-M.R-200 10.5Note: (1) Above parameter applies to 400V of LV. (2) Dimensions only for reference. (3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand.SH11-M serial 10kV oil-immersed power transformer with OCTCVoltage group and tapTypeHVHV tapLVVector No load group loss 0.033 0.043 0.060 0.075 0.085 0.100Load loss 0.60 0.87 1.25 1.50 1.80 2.20 2.60 3.05 3.65 4.30 5.10 6.20 7.50 10.3 12.0 14.5 17.4No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance 1.50 1.40 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.80 0.80 0.70 0.70 0.60 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.40 5.5 4.5 4.0 480 620 800 880 955 1095 1240 1450 1680 2070 2330 2800 3340 3555 4270 4860 6160Dimension (mm)L W HGauge(mm)SH11-M-30 SH11-M-50 SH11-M-80 SH11-M-100 SH11-M-125 SH11-M-160 SH11-M-200 6 ± 5%or ±2× 2.5% 0.4 0.69 Dyn11 SH11-M-250 6.3 SH11-M-315 10 SH11-M-400 10.5 SH11-M-500 11 SH11-M-630 SH11-M-800 SH11-M-1000 SH11-M-1250 SH11-M-1600 SH11-M-2000885 1215 1310 1320 1360 1410 1465 1540 1580 1705 1655 1840 1950 2110 2290 2040 2330780 830 840 885 920 910 910 910 910 945 1000 1140 1170 1250 1370 1410 16501005 1035 1125 1060 1095 1140 1200 1240 1300 1360 1400 1415 1485 1420 1530 1560 1680 1070 × 1070 820 × 900 660 × 660 550 × 6600.120 0.140 0.170 0.200 0.240 0.320 0.380 0.450 0.530 0.630 0.750Note: (1) Above parameter applies to 400V of LV. (2) Dimensions only for reference. (3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand.P 5.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 5 Structure and FeaturesCore:the core lamination made from high permeability sheet is cutted on GEORG-line imported from Germany, using step-by-step lapped joint and colligating structure, and meets the demand of low no load loss and low noise level. Winding:using low resistivity oxygen-free copper, and linking the reasonable transposition of the parallel wire, load loss of transformer is greatly reduced. Tank:using barrel structure and large corrugated. The company adopts the technology of carbon dioxide protection, selects sealing material perfectly, machines the seal surface and carries on a strict leak detection procedure. All these assure that the transformer are leakage-free. The new style radiators and coolers improve external appearance quality of transformer greatly. Surface treatment and coating: fine processing to the oil tank surface and using special anti-fouling paint, all these assure that the surface coating does not fall off, and the steel structure does not rust away.6 Outline and Installation Size1.Oil level indicator 2.High voltage bushing 3.LV bushing 4.OCTC 5.LV neutral bushing 6.Pressure relief valve 10kV Oil-immersed Power TransformerP 6.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 SC(B) Serial Epoxy Casting Dry Transformer1 OverviewThis serial epoxy casting dry transformer uses high-quality materials, scientific formula and advanced technology. The product has high reliability and long life characteristics. It can be configured with different levels of protection, or does not configure the shell casing depending on the use of the environment. It applies to high-rise buildings, commercial centers, airports, tunnels, chemical plants, nuclear power plants, ships and other important or special place. Using dry-type transformers proprietary technology and casting stress control technology, controlling casting dry-type transformers internal insulation in the best condition, ensures key performance of dry-type transformers. The product calculated field strength during the design process. Make the various components field strength to 75% or less of insulating materials by adjusting the relevant parameters and ensure the product's advanced technical performance. Leading rated performance to relevant links in advance during the product design, so that the product design inputed has included relevant requirements and made the output meet the need.2 Model and DefinitionsS C(B)□ - □ / □Voltage class (kV) Rated capacity (kVA) Design series no. Opal winding circles Castresin type transformer Three-phase transformer3 Service and Installation ConditionsAltitude:1000m Environment temperature The maximum temperature:+40 The maximum monthly average temperature:+30 The maximum yearly average temperature:+20 The lowest yearly temperature:-5 Power voltage waveform: power voltage waveform approximate sine. The symmetry of multi-phase power voltage: connected power voltage of multi-phase transformershould be approximately symmetrical. Protection class:IP00, IP20, IP23. Cooling style:air cold and forced air-cooled Note: it should be explained if the transformer is used in special conditions in order.4 Main ParametersThe core using high-quality cold-rolled silicon steel sheet, 45 degrees inclined ladder joint structure, and cutting processes, the core for curing and surface with the insulating resin sealing process. HV coil using high-quality F insulating copper wire and internationally advanced insulation materials, and the large capacity coil equipped with cooling along the axial airway. LV coil using foil structure, the coil end sealed curing resin after winding, avoiding variety of foreign matter and moisture to enter. Safety, anti-fire, no pollution, it can be directly run the load center.P 7.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 Using Germany HTT technical, high mechanical strength, and high anti-short-circuit capability. Partial discharge is small. High thermal stability, high reliability and long service life. Low loss, low noise, energy-saving effect obviously, and maintenance-free. Good moisture-proof performance, and adapt to high humidity and other harsh environments running. Equipped with improved temperature detection and protection systems. Small size, light weight, occupies less space, and lower installation costs. SC10-5~100/10 serial epoxy casting dry transformer SC(B)9-125~2500/10 serial epoxy casting dry transformer SC(B)10-125~2500/10 serial epoxy casting dry transformer SC(B)9-30~2500/35 serial epoxy casting dry transformer.5 Outline DimensionsSC10-5~100/10 epoxy casting dry transformerOutline Dimensions Type SC10-5/10 SC10-10/10 SC10-15/10 SC10-20/10 SC10-25/10 SC10-30/10 SC10-50/10 SC10-63/10 SC10-80/10 SC10-100/10 a 515 515 575 575 585 585 585 785 785 855 b 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 c 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 550 d 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 j 175 175 195 195 200 205 210 265 265 290 h 540 550 550 550 580 580 655 800 800 860 k 100 100 110 110 110 110 110 100 100 150a:ontic length b:ontic width c:ontic landscape interface dimension d:ontic Longitudinal installation dimensions j:mo k The LV outgoing line spacing distance h: this data is outer dimension for normal product,which will alter if ording data changes,Parties through consultation. Reference SpecificationsRated Power (kVA) 30 50 63 80 100 H.V(kV) 6 6.3 6.6 10 10.5 11 Voltage Combination Tapping Range L.V(kV) Connection Symbol Short circuit No-Load impedance Loss (%) (W) 220 ± 5% ± 2 × 2.5% 0.4 Y yn0 D yn11 310 4 380 410 450 Load Losses 75℃(W) 650 920 1050 1270 1450 Load Losses 120℃(W) 750 1060 1202 1460 1670 No-Load Current (%) 2 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.1 LPA Noise Level (dB) 45 45 46 46 46 Weight (kg) 225 300 470 500 620P 8.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 SC(B)9-125~2500/10 Epoxy Casting Dry TransformerType SC(B)9-125/10 SC(B)9-160/10 SC(B)9-200/10 SC(B)9-250/10 SC(B)9-315/10 SC(B)9-400/10 SC(B)9-500/10 SC(B)9-630/10 SC(B)9-630/10 SC(B)9-800/10 SC(B)9-1000/10 SC(B)9-1250/10 SC(B)9-1600/10 SC(B)9-2000/10 SC(B)9-2500/10 Outline Dimensions c d 550 550 550 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 820 820 820 820 820 550 550 550 550 720 720 720 720 720 720 820 820 1070 1070 1070 Shield cap m 550 550 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 820 820 820 820 820 820a 990 1050 1100 1140 1180 1220 1240 1270 1400 1400 1460 1570 1720 1800 1950b 650 650 650 650 820 820 820 820 820 820 920 920h 1050 1080 1130 1150 1250 1300 1350 1410 1400 1460 1580 1620 1860 2050 2200A 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1700 1700 1700 1700 1800 1950 2000 2100 2400B 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1300 1300 1300 1300 1400 1400 1500 1500 1500n 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1250 1250 1250 1250 1350 1350 1450 1450 1450H 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 2000 2200 2400 26001200 1270 1270a:ontic length b:ontic width c:ontic landscape interface dimension d:ontic Longitudinal installation dimensions h:ontic height, A:outskin’s length, B: outskin’s width, m:outskin’s landscape interface dimension, n:outskin’s Longitudinal interface dimension, H:outskin’s heightReference SpecificationsRated Power (kVA) 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 6 6.3 6.6 10 10.5 11 6 ± 5% ± 2 × 2.5% 0.4 Y yn0 D yn11 4 Voltage Combination Short circuit Load No-Load Connection Losses impedance Tapping Loss (W) H.V.(kV) L.V(kV) Symbol 75℃(W ) (%) Range 530 170 610 700 810 990 1100 1300 1500 1460 1700 1990 2350 2750 3400 4000 1960 2330 2540 3200 3680 4500 5420 5500 6427 7510 8960 10829 13360 15870 Load No-Load LPA Noise Weight Current Losses Level (dB) (Kg) (%) 120℃(W ) 1960 2250 2680 2920 3670 4220 5170 6220 6310 7360 8610 10260 12400 15300 18180 1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 46 46 47 48 48 49 49 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 650 850 870 1100 1400 1550 1700 2200 2300 2500 2900 3550 4600 5500 6200P 9.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 。



10kV 级 SC10-30~1000kVA 配电变压器外形尺寸图
SC10-30~1000kVA 10kV Distribution Transformer Outline Drawing
LV Terminal Dimensions
10kV 级 SCB10-630~3150kVA 配电变压器
SC10-250/10 720 2410 0.7
48 1010 1070 750 1058 660 1104 1006 268 369 360 200 62 18 b
SC10-315/10 880 3030 0.6
48 1220 1130 750 1078 660 1139 1026 279 378 380 200 62 18 c
防护等级的变压器,都可配置风冷系统(AF),以提高短时过载能力,确保安全运行。 Thin resin in both inner and outer of coil can ensure good heat dissipation. Normally the transformer is air cooling type (AN). Force air cooling type (AF) can be used on any transformer, in order to improve short-term overload capacity, to ensure safety operation. 6. 损耗低,节能效果好,运行经济,可免维护。 Lower loss level and save energy can reduce the running cost, and all transformers are maintenance-free. 7. 体积小,重量轻,占地空间小,安装费用低,不须考虑排油地、防火消防设施和备用电 源等。 Small size, light weight, small floor space, low cost of installation, no need to consider the discharge of oil, fire and other fire control facilities and standby power. 8. 因无火灾、爆炸之虞,可分散装在负荷中心,充分靠近用电点,从而可以降低线路造价、 节省昂贵的低压设施费用。 Because there is no fire and explosion possibility, it can be easily installed in any place of load center and fully close to the power consumption equipment, thus reducing the loss on the transmission line.



一、设计依据GB1094.11-2007电力变压器第11部分干式变压器GB/T 17468-2019电力变压器选用导则GB/T 10228-2015干式电力变压器技术参数和要求GB/T 22072-2018干式非晶合金铁心配电变压器技术参数和要求GB/T 6451-2015油浸式电力变压器技术参数和要求JBT 3837-2016 变压器类产品型号编制方法DB 37/T 5061-2016住宅小区供配电设施建设标准工业与民用供配电设计手册(第四版)山东鲁能泰山电力设备有限公司变压器选型手册二、设计原则1、变压器容量应根据计算负荷选择,变压器的长期负荷率不宜大于85%。















注:1250kVA 及以上的变压器采用散热片带油枕结构。
注:1250kVA 及以上的变压器采用散热片带油枕结构。 样本数据仅供参考,公司保留数据变动的权力,并接受特殊订货。
20kV(10kV)双电压油浸式变压器 20kV(10kV)双电压干式变压器
20kV 级 S11 型无励磁调压配电变压器技术数据表
Technical Data for S11 Type Off-circuit Distribution Transformers with 20kV
Rated Capacity (KVA)
高压 H.V.









二、断路器的选型保护:过载,短路,欠电压一般选型:1、断路器额定电压≥线路额定电压;2、断路器额定电流≥线路计算负荷电流;3、断路器脱扣器额定电流≥线路计算负荷电流;4、断路器极限通断能力≥线路中最大短路电流;5、线路末端单相对地短路电流不小于1.25 倍的自动开关瞬时(或短延时)脱扣整定电流;6、断路器欠电压脱扣器额定电压等于线路额定电压。

1、配电用断路器的选型:1、长延时动作电流整定为导线允许载流量的0.8~1 倍;2、3 倍长延时动作电流整定值的可返回时间不小于线路中最大起动电流的电动机的起动时间;3、短延时动作电流整定值不小于1.1(Ijx+1.35kIedm)。

Ijx 为线路计算负荷电流;k 为电动机起动电流倍数,Iedm 为最大一台电动机额定电流;4、短延时时间按被保护对象的热稳定校验;5、无短延时时,瞬时电流整定值不小于1.1(Ijx+1.35k1kIedm)。

k1 为电动机起动电流的冲击系数,取1.7~2。

如有短延时,则瞬时电流整定值不小于1.1 的下级开关进线端计算短路电流值。

2、电动机保护用自动开关的选型:1、长延时电流整定值=电动机额定电流;2、6 倍长延时电流整定值的可返回时间≥电动机起动时间;3、鼠笼形瞬时整定电流为8~15 倍脱扣器额定电流;绕线形瞬时整定电流为 3~6 倍脱扣器额定电流。



变压器选型计算(主变、厂变、集电变、启动/备用变等)风电场电气主接线(方案B)电气设备选型计算(2班4组)目录1.前言 (2)2.变压器选择原则 (3)3.变压器选型计算 (3)(1)主变压器 (3)(2)集电变压器 (5)(3)场用变压器 (5)(4)启/备变压器 (6)4.心得体会 (8)5.参考资料 (9)一.前言本学期在石阳春老师的带领下我们学习了《风电场电气系统》课程,主要讲述风电场电气部分的系统构成和主要设备,包括与风电场电气相关的各主要内容。










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1. 电压等级


2. 额定容量

3. 绕组形式

4. 冷却方式


1. 选型时需要考虑变压器的额定容量是否能够满足实际负载需求。

2. 选型时需要注意变压器的电压等级是否与电网的电压等级相

3. 选型时需要考虑变压器的绕组类型,以及是否符合实际应用

4. 选型时需要考虑变压器的冷却方式,以及是否能够满足实际

5. 选型时需要考虑变压器的安装位置,以及是否需要采取一些

1. 确定电压等级:根据实际需求,确定变压器的电压等级,以

2. 确定额定容量:根据实际负载需求,确定变压器的额定容量,以便对变压器的其他参数进行确定。

3. 确定绕组形式:根据具体的应用需求,确定变压器的绕组形式。

4. 确定冷却方式:根据实际使用条件,确定变压器的冷却方式。

5. 确定其他参数:根据实际需求,确定变压器的其他参数,如


