



UNIDRIVE ES 电梯专用变频器用户手册E1-20030818-C-1.0 (BOM:31010957)E m e r s o n I n d u s t i a l A u t o m a t i o n一般信息因用户疏忽或不当安装或不当调节设备操作参数,或将变频器与不适配的电机搭配使用所导致的任何后果,厂家概不负责。













为此,我公司应用了“环境管理系统(EMS)”(Environmental Management System),该系统通过ISO14001认证。














TD3100 系列变频器是艾默生网络能源有限公司自主开发生产的多功能、高品质、低噪音电梯专用矢量控制型变频器,完全可满足您对各种电梯控制系统的需求。






AS218RX-A AS218TX-AAS218PX-A5014086002EN Instruction Sheet TR Bilgi DökümaniTW 安裝說明 CN安装说明ENThis is an OPEN TYPE module and therefore should be installed in an enclosure free of airborne dust, humidity, electric shock andvibration. The enclosure should prevent non-maintenance staff from operating the device (e.g. key or specific tools are required for operating the enclosure) in case danger and damage on the device may occur.FRCeci est un module ouvert et il doit donc être installé dans un coffret à l’abri des poussières, des vibrations et ne pas être exposé auxchocs électriques. Le boitier ou l’armoire doit éviter toute action d’un personnel autre que celui affecté à la maintenance de l’appareil (par exemple, clefs, outils spécifiques pour l’ouverture du coffret), ceci afin d’éviter tout accident corporel ou endommagement du produit).TRBu ürün AÇIK TİP bir modül olup toz, rutubet, elektrik şoku ve titreşimden uzak kapalı yerlerde muhafaza edilmelidir. Yanlış kullanımsonucu ürünün zarar görmesini önlemek için yetkili olmayan kişiler tarafından ürüne müdahale edilmesini önleyecek koruyucu önlemler alınmalıdır. (Ürünün bulunduğu panoya kilit konulması gibi).TW本機為開放型(OPEN TYPE )機種,因此使用者使用本機時,必須將之安裝於具防塵、防潮及免於電擊∕衝擊意外之外殼配線箱內。



艾默生全系列涡旋变频压缩机和电控解决方案全面的安全保护和可靠性谷轮涡旋TM 压缩机传承了CoreSense TM 保护技术,将产品可靠性提升到新的高度。


主要有以下保护特征:• 电机和涡旋温度保护• 电机堵转检测• 相序保护和更正• 最大运行电流检测• 排气温度保护• 频繁启停循环保护该系列变频压缩机产品建立在高度的可靠性和经过验证的高性能基础之上,融合了艾默生25年的涡旋压缩机技术及全世界超过1亿台的运行经验。

为了帮助客户应对变频化的市场趋势,艾默生开发了4~25HP 变频压缩机和变频器的整体解决方案,全系列产品搭载多项创新技术,以业界顶级能效水平助力系统进入能效升级新时代。


同时推出的艾默生EVD 系列变频器专门针对永磁电机设计,完美匹配变频压缩机,一站式解决方案帮助客户快速响应市场需求。

变频压缩机型谱图浮动密封圈变容积比涡旋喷气增焓技术(可选)导油管高效集中卷六极永磁电机3.4mm厚壳设计柔性液体刹车容积式油泵谷轮涡旋™变频压缩机优势:• 优异的性能和噪音表现• 卓越的可靠性• 搭载高效艾默生永磁电机有效提升节能效果• 中国研发中心为亚太市场应用量身打造,苏州生产• 广泛适用于变频多联机、柜式空调、地暖等应用• 900-7200rpm 宽广频率范围,让系统设计更加游刃有余• 可变容积比技术(VVR)显著改善涡旋低转速下的能效运行范围喷气增焓(EVI)技术特点:• 专利技术的喷气增焓结构设计• EVI 回路气体进入压缩机后,通过特殊设计的通道注入涡旋, 注入涡旋的气体经过压缩,和吸气口吸入的气体一起排出,进入制冷循环• 喷气增焓带来制热能力的上升和排气温度的降低• 喷气增焓可取代系统辅助电加热艾默生谷轮涡旋™变频压缩机给家用制冷和制热系统带来了变革。

艾默生 Commander SK 2~6型 交流变速驱动器 说明书

艾默生 Commander SK 2~6型 交流变速驱动器 说明书
ጙᒘቶဉී DŽ6 ቯDž ....................................6
1 ‫ڔ‬ཝቧᇦ ..................................................7
1.1 警告、小心及注意 .................................................7 1.2 电气安全 - 一般警告 ............................................7 1.3 系统设计及人身安全 ..............................................7 1.4 环境要求 ................................................................7 1.5 操作 .......................................................................7 1.6 防火保护 ................................................................7 1.7 遵守规定 ................................................................7 1.8 电机 .......................................................................7 1.9 调整参数 ................................................................7 1.10 电气安装 ................................................................7 1.11 机械安装 ................................................................8

艾默生管道工具(上海) 套丝机 中文说明书

艾默生管道工具(上海) 套丝机 中文说明书

套丝机中文操作手册艾默生管道工具(上海)有限公司目录机器型号和序列号记录表格 (3)安全须知 (4)工作场所安全注意事项 (4)用电安全 (4)个人安全注意事项 (5)工具的使用与保养 (5)服务 (5)其它安全注意事项脚踏开关的使用安全 (5)套丝机使用安全 (6)产品概述、技术参数与标准配置产品概述 (6)技术参数 (6)标准配置 (7)附件 (7)牙模头和板牙 (7)机器安装安装支架 (9)安装到通用支架 (9)安装到1406支架 (10)安装油盘盖 (10)安装到工作台上 (11)用1406搬运套丝机 (11)用提升设备、牵引设备搬运机器 (11)机器检查 (11)机器和工作区域设置 (13)套丝操作步骤安装管子 (14)用364割刀切割管子 (14)344铰刀铰孔 (15)动力套丝 (16)拆下管子 (12)安装板牙到快开牙模头 (17)安装板牙到自开牙模头 (17)安装板牙半自动牙模头 (18)检查螺纹 (19)819短管工具安装短管工具 (20)短管工具使用 (20)使用齿轮套丝器操作步骤套丝尺寸调整步骤 (21)安装141齿轮套丝器 (22)使用840万向驱动轴来安装141和161齿轮套丝器 (22)套丝 (23)821割刀和822适配器 (23)左旋套丝 (23)附件 (24)保养指导油路系统维护 (25)润滑 (25)卡爪更换 (25)套丝塑料管更换卡爪 (25)机器存放要求 (25)维修与服务 (26)线路图 (26)终身质保条款........................................................................................................................封底1822-I 型套丝机1822-I 型套丝机在下面空格内记下产品序列号,并妥善保存写有产品序列号的铭牌。


艾默生 Micro Motion G系列流量和密度仪表 说明书

艾默生 Micro Motion G系列流量和密度仪表 说明书

产品样本00813-0106-4630, Rev AA2023 年 10 月Micro Motion(高准)G 系列流量和密度仪表™出色的可靠性和安全性■无磨损或需要更换的移动部件,将维护工作降到最少,保证了长期的可靠性■激光蚀刻标签,即使在具有挑战性的环境中也非常耐用■可清洁、自排空设计连接■全系列的高准变送器选项和通信协议■通过创新的 Wi-Fi、Bluetooth®、2 线环路供电和以太网供电解决方案降低布线的复杂性■包括 Smart Meter Verification 在内的高级诊断易于使用■超紧凑式轻质传感器设计确保安装灵活性■具有值得信赖的高准电子元件,易于安装、集成和远程监测■简化的传感器选项和预选解决方案,便于订购G 系列科里奥利质量流量计和密度仪表2023 年 10 月测量原理作为科里奥利效应的实际应用,科里奥利质量流量计的工作原理是使得有介质流经的流量管发生振动。














请观看此视频,详细了解科里奥利流量计如何测量质量流量和密度(单击链接,选择View Videos(查看视频)):https:// /en-us/automation/measurement-instrumentation/flow-measurement/coriolis-flow-meters。

艾默生 VANESSA 三偏心阀门解决方案 使用说明书

艾默生 VANESSA 三偏心阀门解决方案 使用说明书



VANESSA 三偏心阀门解决方案适用于在富氧工况中安全可靠地进行隔断和工艺调节在空分装置 (ASU) 的内部及周围,液态氧 (LOX) 是低温蒸馏过程的直接产物,该过程在转化为气态氧 (GOX) 之前进行。



可靠的氧气工况阀门必须选择合适的材料,还要满足严格的清洁度要求,才能在液态氧 (LOX) 的低温环境和气态氧 (GOX) 的高压环境中实现出色的隔断和调节性能。



球阀也在气态氧 (GOX) 中作为传统阀门广泛应用,但会产生较高的总体安装费用(由于占用空间大、重量重和所需的大扭矩驱动)及高昂的维护成本。

液体储罐空气压缩装置吸附装置热交换器蒸馏塔图 1空分装置产品信息三偏心设计Vanessa 30,000 系列阀门与截止阀具有相同的锥对锥原理,但其密封通过角行程旋转完成。





密封环Vanessa 30,000 系列密封环的弹性和径向压缩使接触压力均匀地分布在阀座表面 - 确保零泄漏*性能。



UNIDRIVE ES 电梯专用变频器用户手册E1-20030818-C-1.0 (BOM:31010957)E m e r s o n I n d u s t i a l A u t o m a t i o n一般信息因用户疏忽或不当安装或不当调节设备操作参数,或将变频器与不适配的电机搭配使用所导致的任何后果,厂家概不负责。













为此,我公司应用了“环境管理系统(EMS)”(Environmental Management System),该系统通过ISO14001认证。








PISTON COMPRESSOR MANUAL REV022621Contents Safety Information 2-3 Breathable Air 3Pressurized Components 3Personal Protective Equipment 3 Nomenclature 4 Features and Extras 5-7 Pump Riser 5Belt Tensioner 5Continuous Run 6Automatic Tank Drain 7 Installation 8-16 Area 8Lifting and Movement 9General Lifting 9Anchoring 10Electrical 11-14 Piping 15-16 Pre-use Inspection 17 Operation 18Pump Times 18 Maintenance 19-20 Maintenance Schedule 19-20 Oil Change/Selection 20Oil Disposal 20 FAQ and Troubleshooting 21 Warranty Information 22-24SAFTEY INFORMATIONThis manual contains very important information to know and understand. This is to provide for SAFTEY and to PREVENT EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS. To help understand this information, observe the following:DANGER:Danger indicates and imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.WARNING: Warning indicates a potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.CAUTION:Caution indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.NOTICE:Notice indicates important information, that if not followed, may cause damage to equipment.CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65WARNING:This product or its power cord may contain chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.1.Allow only trained, authorized persons who have read and understood these operating instructions to use thisequipment. Failure to follow the instructions, procedures and safety precautions in this manual can result inaccidents and injuries.2.NEVER start or operate the compressor under unsafe conditions. Tag the compressor, disconnect,and lock out all power to it to prevent accidental start-up until the condition is corrected.3.Install, use, and operate the compressor only in full compliance with all pertinent OSHAregulations and all applicable Federal, State & Local codes, standards, and regulations.4.NEVER modify the compressor and/or controls in any way.5.Keep a first aid kit in a convenient place. Seek medical assistance promptly in case of injury. Avoidinfection by caring for any small cuts and burns promptly.BREATHABLE AIR1.NEVER use air from this compressor for breathable air except in full compliance with OSHA Standards 29CFR 1910 and any other Federal, State or Local codes or regulations.2.DO NOT use airline anti-icer systems in air lines supplying respirators or other equipment used to producebreathable air. DO NOT discharge air from these systems in unventilated or other confined areas.Pressurized ComponentsThis equipment is supplied with an ASME designed and rated pressure vesselprotected by an ASME rated relief valve. Pull the ring before each use toensure the valve is functional. DO NOTattempt to open the valve while themachine is under pressure. See figure on the right.Personal Protective EquipmentBe sure all Be sure all operators and others around the compressor and its controls comply with all applicable OSHA, Federal, State and Local regulations, codes, and standards relating to personal protective equipment. This includes respiratory protective equipment, protection for the extremities, protective clothing, protective shields and barriers, electrical protective equipment, and personal hearing protective equipment.NomenclatureFeatures and ExtrasCompressors come in many shapes and sizes. Our units have several features that may or may not be present on your unit. These features may be purchased after the fact in kit form. This guide will explain the use and benefit of these features.Pump RiserBelt TensionerContinuous RunContinuous run allows the pump to turn continuously, hence the name. In this mode the unit pumps up to 140 PSI and then the valves are held close. This allows the pump to enter a free spin state where the unit is pulling in cold air and the simply cycling it back to atmosphere. This has several benefits:1.The pump is cooled during the free spin state since it has no pump load on it.2.Increased recovery time since the function cycles between 100 and 140 PSI; which is the optimal CFMwindow for the unit.3.Wear on your motor is decreased (especially single-phase units) as the unit is already in motion and will notneed the large amp draw to overcome zero movement and fight tank compression.4.Continuous run is best used in applications where CFM cannot be lost. Some examples of this are: mediablasting, painting, and prolonged grinding or resurfacing.Auto DrainAuto drains are preset timer valves that allow tank moisture to be vented as long as they are powered. The enemy of every compressor/air system is moisture. The auto drain removes some of the hassle of this by allowing the user to set a timer and walk away from the unit with the piece of mind that their system is protected.1. The drain works off a conventional 120V outlet.2. Timer has built in intervals that can be customized to the user need.3. Has a manual shut off for service and maintenance.4. The drain filter MUST be cleaned weekly to prevent drain blockage.5.Drain time knob, marked as ON:SEC , corresponds to how long the drain will run for when it comes on. This is listed in seconds.6. Drain interval knob, marked as OFF: MIN , corresponds to how long between cycles. Or how long the drainwill be OFF before it comes on again.7. The drain attaches to a ½” NPT female connection.8. The vent can blow to atmosphere; however, the drain is supplied with a drain silencer system which can beused to muffle the sound of the unit draining. This screws into the atmospheric vent location, however, it is not necessary for operation.9.A drain system can also be equipped by the user to allow moisture to drain to a separate location.10. The drain is also equipped with a test button to check function.InstallationArea1.Install compressor in a clean, dry, and well-lit area. Be sure installation area can maintain a temperaturerange between 35˚ - 110˚F.2.Allow sufficient space around the compressor for maintenance access and adequate airflow. Mount unit withthe belt guard (pulley and flywheel) side to the wall and leave a minimum of 15 inches of clearance.3.If acid is used in operating environment or air is dust laden, pipe intake to outside fresh air. Increase pipe sizeby 1/8”’ for every 20ft of run. Be sure to install a protective hood at the outside air intake location to prevent debris and foreign objects from blocking the intake pipe.4.In operating environments where excessive water, oil, dirt, acid, or alkaline fumes are present, a TEFC (totallyenclosed, fan cooled) motor is highly recommended. Check nameplates for motor type.5.Insulate cold water or tother low temperature pipes that pass overhead to avoid condensation dripping onthe compressor.6.In environments where fine dust is common such as granite, marble, or concrete plants the unit must beinstalled in a separate room with its own dedicated ventilation system.7.The unit can be stored outside under the following guidelines: It must be in a covered area out of extremeweather with no ability for moisture to get to the unit, it is also highly recommended that the unit is out of direct sunlight as it can fade and/or damage the coating on the unit. Direct sunlight may also interfere with safety decals on the unit.8.If the unit is in an enclosed space it requires proper ventilation as the ambient air temp where thecompressor is located CANNOT exceed 115 degrees F.e shims to level the compressor if installation area is not flat. This will help prevent excessive vibration andpremature pump wear.Lifting and Movement/Forklift1. Make sure lift operator stays aware while moving the compressor.2. Be sure to uncrate the compressor prior to movement. This will allow a visual reference for the balance ofthe unit.3. Be sure the load is secure and well balanced before moving the compressor.4. Make sure the forks are fully engaged and level prior to lifting or moving the unit.5. Keep the unit/load as low as possible while moving and refrain from quick changes in direction.6. For all other forklift safety standards/regulations please reference OSHA 1910.178- Powered industrialtrucks.General Lifting Information1. Carefully inspect all lifting equipment and ensure it is in good condition. Rated capacity of lifting equipmentmust exceed compressor weight. NEVER lift with under sized or damaged equipment.2. If using lifting equipment, ensure all lifting points are in good condition and tighten any loose nuts or boltsbefore lifting.3. A sling MUST be used when moving the compressor with a helicopter or other airborne equipment. Be sureto follow OSHA standards 1910 subpart N.4. Use guide ropes or equivalent to prevent twisting or swinging of the compressor while it is in the air andNEVER attempt to lift the unit in high winds. Keep compressor as low to the ground as possible.5. Keep all persons away from the compressor when it is lifted. DO NOT allow persons under the compressorwhile it is being lifted.6. DO NOT use bolts or other hooks on individual components to move the compressor.7. When moving and or placing the compressor ensure it is on/across a surface that can hold the combinedweight of the compressor and the loading equipment.AnchoringTo ensure proper and safe operation of the compressor the unit is required to be anchored to a flat, smooth,concrete floor. Compressors are also required to be on ¼ inch (6.35mm) MAXIMUM thick rubber anti-vibration pads.Recommended anchor Bolt specifications: wedge anchors; 3/8 in width by 3.5 in length.How to Anchor the Compressor1. Make sure the compressor is in the desired location and the anti-vibration pads are under the feet of thecompressor.2. Using the holes in the feet as guides, drill the holes for the anchor bolts through the vibration pads and intothe concrete.3. Thoroughly clean each hole.4. Put the Washer and Nut into place, make sure the top of the Nut is flush with the top of the anchor bolt, theninsert the anchor bolt into the hole.5. Hammer or mallet the anchor bolt down into the hole.6. Tighten each nut clockwise , DO NOTover tighten. DO NOTuse an impact to tighten the anchors.Electrical Safety1. Follow all NEC and local codes for electrical wiring. Allow only authorized service personnel or certifiedelectricians to install electrical components.2. Put unit on a dedicated circuit and make sure no other electrical equipment is wired into it. Failure to wireunit on an independent circuit can cause circuit overload and/or imbalance in motor phasing. Install proper No Fuse Breaker (NFB) according to the chart listed below. You may also reference NEC and local codes for additional support.3. Ensure incoming service has adequate ampere rating.4. Do not used mixed wire sizes when wiring the unit.5. The unit must be properly grounded. DO NOT connect ground to air or cooling lines.Wiring the Compressor1. Voltage should not vary more than 12% to ensure proper operation of the compressor.2. Wire size and breaker requirements for single phase units:**3. Wire size and breaker requirements for 3 phase units:**Wire size distances are from unit to the panel where the breaker is housed.**CAUTION: Under sizing wires and/or breakers can cause damage to the unit, possible injury to personnel, and void your warranty.4. Single phase unit, NO magnetic starter:5.Single phase unit WITH magnetic starter:6.Three phase unit wire diagram (Three phase will ALWAYS have magnetic starter):7.During initial start up of 3 phase unit, pay attention to flywheel rotation. When facing the front of thecompressor (Pressure switch/pressure gauge side) rotation should be clockwise. If rotation iscounterclockwise, switch incoming power leads at 3L2 and 5L3 (ensure power is off at the breaker before attempting any changes).Piping (Safety steps)1.Install appropriate flow-limiting valves as necessary according to pipe size(s) used and run lengths. This willreduce pressure in case of hose failure, per OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1926.302(b)(7).2.Flow-limiting valve are listed by pipe size and rated CFM. Select appropriate valves according tomanufacturer’s recommendations.e a flexible connector between compressor tank and dryer/piping system to minimize noise, vibration,pump wear, and to prevent damage to the unit or piping system.4.Install ASME code safety valves and ensure piping system is equipped with adequate condensate drains.5.Minimum pipe size for compressed air lines: (Pipe sizes are shown in inches)PISTON COMPRESSOR MANUAL REV0226216.Air systems should be checked daily for leaks. This helps to prevent unnecessary load on the compressor andhelps increase energy savings.7.Examples of air systems:Closed loop system. Install tee fitting in piping from air to minimize pressuredrop and to allow air flow in two directions.Air DropAir Drop: Install tee fitting withbranch to top to minimizecondensation.From CompressorElevation View8.Make sure any tube, pipe, fitting, or hose connected to the unit can withstand operating temperatures andretain pressure.9.Never use reducers in discharge piping. Keep all piping and fittings the same size in the piping system.WARNING: Never use plastic (PVC) pipe for compressed air. Serious injury ordeath could result. Piping MUST have a pressure rating of 200 PSI or greater.Pre-Use Inspection1. The unit is shipped with pump break-in oil and should be ready to operate. Be sure to check for proper oil levelbefore running the compressor. Break in oil should be change after 100 Hours of operation (active pumping time). See maintenance section for more information on oil changes and frequency.2. Check for proper belt tension. There should be ½ inch of belt slack/deflection. Refer to maintenance section ifadjustment is necessary.3. Inspect belts for frays or unit for an excess buildup of black rubber dust indicating belt wear.4. Check proper operation of all pop off safety valves on unit. Pull rings on valves to ensure they move and are freeof any obstructions. DO NOT pull the safety valve on the tank if there is air in the tank!5. Inspect all air lines/piping for proper for secure fit and corrosion or line degradation. DO NOT operate thecompressor with damaged lines. DO NOT use damaged or cracked air lines as a rupture could result in damage/injury to personnel or property.6. WITH UNIT LOCKED OUT (power off at source i,e. the electrical panel/disconnect) ensure all electrical wiring,including all terminals, are in good condition and are free of buildup, fraying, cracks or discoloration replace as needed. Check tightness of bolts securing wiring in place.7. Ensure unit is secured in place and has not shifted. Verify anchor bolts are in place and are in good condition. 8. Remove any loose items from around/on compressor to avoid damage to the unit. Examples would be looseclothing items, rags, papers, bottles, or any item that may have been placed on the unit. 9. Check unit for any oil leaks. If leaks are found contact manufacturer for further instructions. 10. Unit should NEVER be operated without the belt guard in place.11. Inspect Flywheel for cracks or missing fins. NEVER operate a unit with a damaged flywheel; serious injury ordeath could result. If you suspect your flywheel may have been damaged, contact technical assistance and DO NOT allow the machine to be operated.Ensure all personnel that work around or operate the compressor have read this manual and are well versed in the operation of this machinery. NEVER allow untrained personnel to operate this unit.1. Once the inspection is completed, open your discharge port (outlet ball valve). This should already be connectedto your shop airline system.2. Ensure all personnel are clear of the compressor and aware that it is being started.3. Turn the selector on your pressure switch to AUTO. This will start your compressor and allow it to fill. The tankwill fill to 175 PSI, and unless otherwise noted, will shut off. The unit will begin pumping again once the tank is drained down to approximately 135 PSI. ***This may vary based on features, if your unit is equipped withCONTINOUS RUN , the unit may perform differently then specified in this step. (Check the FEATURES section for more information)4. Oil pressure on start up will vary due to ambient temperatures but should not exceed 100 PSI. Once the unit isallowed to run a few cycles and come to optimal operating temperature, oil pressure should stabilize at 20-35 PSI. If the oil pressure remains high or drops too low, it can be adjusted as follows:Pump Up Time (General)Compressor maintenance must be performed as described in the maintenance schedule, failure to do may lead to compressor/component breakdown and void compressor warranty.Maintenance ScheduleThe table below is a generalized maintenance schedule based on the normal usage of a compressor. Your specific needs may vary based on operating environment and duty.Frequency of these changes are a generalization and may be subject to change based on compressor environment, hours, and application.Oil ChoiceIt is strongly advised to use only Airbase Industries piston compressor oil. Check with your warranty/extended warranty guidelines to verify oil selection and use. Oil used in the compressor must fall under the following criteria: synthetic, SAE grade 30, non-detergent, piston compressor oil.Oil DisposalCompressor oil is not trash and MUST NOT be disposed of in regular trash or discarded into the environment. You MUST dispose of waste oil from your unit per all applicable federal, state, and/or local codes. Failure to do so may damaged the environment and subject yourself and/or your business to fines and legal issues.TroubleshootingSome unit issues can be fixed simply by verifying the following guide. It is advised to go through the guide prior to calling technical support to help expedite the assistance process.Warranty Statement•Standard Warranty: That each compressor unit is free from defects in material, workmanship, and parts for1 year from the date of delivery. This Standard Warranty includes 1 year of warranty labor from anauthorized technician. Manufacturer is not responsible for downtime during warranty service. If downtime is necessary, it is at the owner’s discretion, obligation, and expense, to h ave a redundant compressor.• Parts shipped for warranty repairs shall only include ground freight charges for the first 90 days of the warranty period, thereafter owner is responsible for all freight charges of parts shipped for warranty. Any and all expre ss shipping charges of warranty parts would be at the owner’s expense. Standard technicalassistance is provided at no charge during and after the standard warranty period.*Standard warranty has no obligation to maintain warranty status, warranty will expire one year from date of delivery. Please see available options below to extend your warranty.•Extended Warranty: Manufacturer will extend your standard 1-year warranty to full 5 years when you opt to register for the extended warranty plan that includes using our SMART OIL™ and following all routinemaintenance set forth. Parts shipped for warranty repairs shall only include ground freight charges for the first90 days of the warranty period, thereafter owner is responsible for all freight charges of parts shipped forwarranty. Any and all express shipping charges of warranty parts would be at the owner’s expense. Standard technical assistance is provided at no charge during and after the standard warranty period.Required maintenance schedule to maintain warranty status.➢All units are shipped with break-in oil and must be changed no less than 70 hours to i nsure gasket seating.➢After the 100 hours of break-in, you must change the oil.➢Thereafter Oil Should be changed every 6 months or 1000 hours whichever occurs first.➢Always maintain proper oil level in unit. If the unit runs out of oil due to neglect the warranty w ill be void.➢Use only manufacturer approved oils in your compressor, or your warranty is void.➢All stock orders by vendor/purchaser are required to purchase two service kits at time of purchase per unit.➢All stocking orders will have a 6-month grace period for warranty registration. After that time the unit must be registered, or warranty may be void.**Extended Limited Lifetime Pump Warranty With participation in our SMART OIL™ extended auto shipprogram will extend your warranty plan to **Limited Lifetime Warranty on the pressure lubricated pump.All other non-wear and tear components to 10 years. SMART OIL™ not only extends the life of yourcompressor pump, it also can reduce operating noise levels and can create further energy savings.Warranty repair parts under the Limited Lifetime warranty will not include any shipping charges beyondthe Standard Warranty, therefore owner is responsible for all freight charges for warranty parts. This planincludes our advanced technical air support. Smart Tech Support provides you with the highest level oftechnical support. Smart Tech support is an interactive support team available to you at your fingertips byjust downloading a free app. The app provides free remote meetings, interactive touch display, real livepersonal to assist.Limited Lifetime Warranty is not prorated and has no hour limits.**Limited Lifetime Warranty, non-prorated, no hour limits. In the case the product has been discontinuedat any point the Limited lifetime Pump warranty will last five years past the discontinued date. Warrantorhas discretion to substitute parts with current model for the five-year duration.*In order to maintain Limited Lifetime Warranty status, the owner must adhere to and purchase the required maintenance items as scheduled below utilizing our Smart Whisper Blue Auto Ship program:Required maintenance schedule to maintain warranty status.➢All units are shipped with break-in oil and must be changed no less than 70 hours to i nsure gasket seating.➢After the 100 hours of break-in, you must change the oil.➢Thereafter Oil Should be changed every 6 months or 1000 hours whichever occurs first using only our Smart Whisper Blue Oil➢Always maintain proper oil level in unit. If the unit runs out of oil due to neglect the warranty w ill be void.➢Use only Smart Whisper Blue Oil and filters purchased from original manufacturer in y our compressor, or your warranty will be voided.➢Must be an active member of auto ship program.➢All stock orders by vendor/purchaser are required to purchase two service kits at time of purchase per unit.➢All stocking orders will have a 6-month grace period for warranty registration. After that time, the unit must be registered, or warranty may be void.•Warranty shall not apply, and manufacturer shall not be responsible nor liable for:➢Routine service such as oil changes, filter replacements, gasket tightening t o correct oil seepage or drive belt tightening and valve cleaning and are not covered under warranty.➢Consequential damages such as but not limited to cost of loss of business, product damage, or down time.➢Acts of nature, over abuse, malicious destruction, improper maintenance, undersized equipment➢In the case the product has been discontinued at any point the *Limited lifetime warranty w ill last five years past the discontinue date. Manufacturer has discretion to substitute parts with currentmodel for the five-year duration.➢Deviation from operating instructions or specifications➢Labor charges for repairs or maintenance made by person(s) other than an authorized, a pproved service technician or any labor after the 1-year Standard Warranty expires.➢Normal wear and tear parts included but not limited to valves (intake/suction, check, b lowdown, thermo, pop off, unloader), and ball valves. Belts, shaft seals, load/unloader solenoids, sensors(temperature or pressure), Electrical contractors and relays, and any parts with a routinemaintenance scheduleWarranty shall be voided under the following conditions: Exposing electrical components to rain or water or installing the unit in a hostile environment such as acid vapors or any caustic or abrasive matter that may be ingested into the pump or installing the unit in an enclosed area where lack of cooling ventilation is present, such as in boiler or equipment rooms where the ambient air exceeds 100F.Further exclusions include failure to fully and completely follow the guidelines set forth in the manual. Of specific note is environments where fine dust is common, such as granite, marble or concrete plants, the compressor MUST be installed in a separate area with its own dedicated ventilation. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS DUST FREE OPERATING AREA VOIDS THE WARRANTY.Parts used for warranty purposes must be supplied by original manufacturer. Warranty work should be performed only by an approved technician. If any maintenance (other than routine maintenance) is performed by a non-approved Technician, written pre-approval must be obtained from manufacturer, to prevent voiding this warranty. Failure to fully comply with this warranty and fully comply with the manual instructions will void this warranty.The oil purchase and maintenance program are effective as of Jan.2020。



v Read the manual carefully before the device isinstalled.v Only qualified staff is allowed to perform theinstallation.v Connect the relay as per the wiring diagram inthe manual.v Before connecting the relay check the supplyvoltage.v Please check whether the CT is connected atthe Main Incomer.v Connect the CT when the relay is in OFFcondition. Use suitable size cable for the CT.v Do not disturb the connection when the relay isON.v Please ensure the discharge time interval ofcapacitor.v Disconnect the device if it does not work duringcommissioning.v Do not install the device if it is in damagedcondition.OPERATION & INSTRUCTIONMANUALØSuitable for Thyristor switched Capacitor panel.ØVarious possibilities for bank selection. Including user defined bank values in KVAR. ØInput sensing line-to-line voltage.ØSelectable current input range. 1Amp and 5Amp. (CT input)ØProtection against Over/Under voltage, Over/Under ØCompensation on fundamental waveform, KVAR calculation and also the effects of supply frequency and voltage.ØØStandard 144 X 144 mm panel flush mountingarrangement. Max depth 60mm. Recommended cutout for panel front door is 138x138 mm.Features:ØMeasurement Voltage (L-L): 415 Volt + 10 %.ØInput Measurement Current: 1A / 5 A.ØContact rating for output suitable for 1Amp, 440V ØMeasurement accuracy: Class-1ØOperating temperature: 0 to 55°C. ØStorage temperature: -10 to +75°C ØOutput commands models for 8,12 and 16 output.Specifications:POWER FACTOR CONTROLLERThe Display is LCD and the factory set (Default) condition shows the PF, which is power factor, sensed from the load sensing CT i.e. the Transformer/supply grid. The screen also shows “ IND” for Inductive Power Factor & “ CAP” forCapacitive Power Factor. The last digit on the upper line of display shows the operation mode i.e. 'A 'for auto mode and 'M' for Manual mode. The bottom line of the LCD display shows capacitor bank status.Display in other Parameters:To observing other system related parameters Scroll up/down keys. Following is the sequence of the parameters displayed on LCD screen.Display Overall Values : Displays the Overall values(average) like voltage, current, Active Power, Reactive Power, Apparent power, Frequency.Display Power : Displays the power related Parameters like P .F., kW, kVA, and kVAr.Display Step kVAr : Displays the values of kVAr output i.e. measured for every step.Display Auxiliary Functions .Display:Fault Finding Guidelines:Fault TypeProbable ReasonAction to TakeUnit Does not turn ON. LCD is blank with no Backlit.q Input supply not coming.q Input side fuses blownü Check the input supply to restore ü Check fuses in the unit for OK.Unit not turning ON any capacitor banks, immediately after Power on.This is perfectly OK if unit is powered up, there is a delay of correction timethat is provided in the unit only after which units can turn on outputs.As this is normal action, need not take any action. Unit will start performing normally after the stipulated time delay.With whatever capacitor banks ON,SPF does not indicate the PF asimproved.Check connection as per controlwiring diagram. Check that Load CT put is in correct phase Correct the wiring as per the scheme requirements and the CT positioning.Relay shows Capacitive PF whilethere is No Capacitive Load Phase Sequence of CTCheck the KW in the Relay if it is negative Interchange the CT polarity.Main Energy Meter PF reading &Relay PF reading is not matched q CT position & ratingq Excessive Distance betweenRelay & Energy Meterü Check the CT position & correct it as per given in Scheme 1 or 2.ü CT wiring should be up to 10mtr.Thyristor controlled by this unit is/are not turning ON/OFF even if front LCD indication shows correct.q Wiring to the command wiring isopen circuitq Card control circuit fuses areblown Relays in SPF module faultyü Check the continuity for any open ckt.ü Check the Common terminal of relay.ü Replace the fuses in control circuit.ü If above all is in OK condition replace the SPF relay new one.Lots of faults that are seen as faults are due to wrong parameter setting. It is recommend going through the details on Parameter setting explanation part of this manual and setting them correctly.SPF relay keyboard has 7 keys,ENT - key is at center and there are UP , DOWN - for scrolling the display windows, MODE and SAVE -keys are placed at right and left side of DOWN key.MODE -key is used to have access in different mode of relay operations and also used for . For editingany parameter in the relay, press mode switch the Password window will be displayed, if password is enabled. (By default it is disabled). Enter password by using arrow keys then press ENT. Using UP & DOWN key, select one of the following mode. Ø EDIT PARAMETERS Ø AUTO OPERATION Ø MANUAL OPERATIONThen press ENT switch to enter the specific mode . (During commissioning edit the required parameters by setting in the EDIT PARAMETER mode, then follow the AUTO or MANUAL mode selection).Method for Keyboard/Display Editing:Automatic Power Factor ControllerENTMODESAVEOutput of relay contacts available up to 08 steps.Load etcediting data in the memory :For enquiry contact : 09422031641SPF-08TRefer wiring diagram in the back side of controller test certificate. Displays the unit ID,utilization counter and internal temperature TX - Transformer modeGX - Generator modeDisplay Harmonics :Displays voltage and current harmonicsEXT -PT RATIO : 0001.0CUR CT PRIMARY MAINS :1000IS TO CHANGE CT PRIMARY ?CUR CT PRIMARY MAINS :1000ENT2 TIMESNOCUT CT PRIMARY MAINS:1 000 CUT CT PRIMARY MAINS:1 004 ENTPF UP Lim : Mains [IND : 1] : 0.990YESIS TO CHANGE UP LIMIT ?NOPF Up Lim : MaIns: 0.990IND : 1CAP : OPF Up Lim : MaIns: 0.990ENTENTENTENTSAVEPF Up Lim : Mains CAP : 0 : 0.990PF Up Lim : Mains CAP : 0 : 0.999PF LOW Lim : Mains [IND :1] : 0.970PF LOW Lim : Mains[IND :1] : 0.970DISPLAY SHOWS________________DISPLAY SHOWSMODESELECTEDIT PARAMETERENTSTEP CONNECTED : 08IS TO CHANGESTEPS ?NOYESENTSTEP CONNECTED : 07ENT8STEP CONNECTED : 0DEFAULT MODE AUTO : 0COMPENSATION KVAR MEAN :1CAP BANK VOLTAGE ( L-L) : 440VCORRECTION TIME SEC : 00020IS TOCHANGE TIME ?YESENTCORRECTED TIME SEC : 00020CORRECTED TIME SEC : 000 2CORRECTED TIME SEC: 000 01ENTDISCHARGE TIME SEC : 0007 ENTIS TOCHANGE TIME ?YESDISCHARGE TIME SEC : 00070DISCHARGE TIME SEC : 000 07 DISCHARGE TIME SEC : 000 06ENTENTCORRECTION TYPEUnequal :IS TO CHANGE TYPE ?10Unequal BANK [1] KVAR :10IS TOCHANGE BANK KVAR?YESENTUnequal bank (1) KVAR : 1Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 15YES5Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 15Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 0ENTUnequal bank (2) KVAR 0015:Unequal bank (2) KVAR 0025:DISPLAY SHOWSNow the initial settings of relay is completed12345109876Easy programming to start the relay SPF-04/08/12/16YES4 TIMESFIXED -BANK SETTINGEXT FIXED KWAR :25ENTSWITCH ON SUPPLY DISPLAY SHOW= 0.976 IND A OKMODESELECTEDIT PARAMETERSTARTCONNECT 415 V AC SUPPLYL2 - Y Phase Input L1 - R phase InputS1CONNECT THE CT TERMINALS2-S1 (1A) : B phase C.T. For 1A SecondaryS2-S1 (5A) : B Phase C.T. For 5 A SecondaryCONNECT THE OUT PUT TERMINALSTO FIRING CARD S1S2L1L25A 1A COM C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8COMEasy programming to start the relay SPF-08TSAVEP.F= 0.976 IND A OKP.F= 0.976 IND A OKP.F = 0.976 IND A OKP.F GEN SUPPLYPNNC : NO CONNECTIONv Read the manual carefully before the device isinstalled.v Only qualified staff is allowed to perform theinstallation.v Connect the relay as per the wiring diagram inthe manual.v Before connecting the relay check the supplyvoltage.v Please check whether the CT is connected atthe Main Incomer.v Connect the CT when the relay is in OFFcondition. Use suitable size cable for the CT.v Do not disturb the connection when the relay isON.v Please ensure the discharge time interval ofcapacitor.v Disconnect the device if it does not work duringcommissioning.v Do not install the device if it is in damagedcondition.OPERATION & INSTRUCTIONMANUALØØVarious possibilities for bank selection. Including user defined bank values in KVAR. ØInput sensing line-to-line voltage.ØSelectable current input range. 1Amp and 5Amp. (CT input)ØProtection against Over/Under voltage, Over/Under ØCompensation on fundamental waveform, KVAR calculation and also the effects of supply frequency and voltage.ØØStandard 144 X 144 mm panel flush mountingarrangement. Max depth 60mm. Recommended cutout for panel front door is 138x138 mm.Features:ØMeasurement Voltage (L-L): 415 Volt + 10 %.ØInput Measurement Current: 1A / 5 A.ØContact rating for output suitable for 1Amp, 440V ØMeasurement accuracy: Class-1ØOperating temperature: 0 to 55°C. ØStorage temperature: -10 to +75°C ØOutput commands models for 8,12 and 16 output.Specifications:POWER FACTOR CONTROLLERControl Wiring Diagram :The Display is LCD and the factory set (Default) condition shows the PF, which is power factor, sensed from the load sensing CT i.e. the Transformer/supply grid. The screen also shows “ IND” for Inductive Power Factor & “ CAP” forCapacitive Power Factor. The last digit on the upper line of display shows the operation mode i.e. 'A 'for auto mode and 'M' for Manual mode. The bottom line of the LCD display shows capacitor bank status.Display in other Parameters:To observing other system related parameters Scroll up/down keys. Following is the sequence of the parameters displayed on LCD screen.Display Overall Values : Displays the Overall values(average) like voltage, current, Active Power, Reactive Power, Apparent power, Frequency.Display Power : Displays the power related Parameters like P .F., kW, kVA, and kVAr.Display Step kVAr : Displays the values of kVAr output i.e. measured for every step.Display Auxiliary Functions .Display:Fault Finding Guidelines:Fault TypeProbable ReasonAction to TakeUnit Does not turn ON. LCD is blank with no Backlit.q Input supply not coming.q Input side fuses blownü Check the input supply to restore ü Check fuses in the unit for OK.Unit not turning ON any capacitor banks, immediately after Power on.This is perfectly OK if unit is powered up, there is a delay of correction timethat is provided in the unit only after which units can turn on outputs.As this is normal action, need not take any action. Unit will start performing normally after the stipulated time delay.With whatever capacitor banks ON,SPF does not indicate the PF asimproved.Check connection as per controlwiring diagram. Check that Load CT put is in correct phase Correct the wiring as per the scheme requirements and the CT positioning.Relay shows Capacitive PF whilethere is No Capacitive Load Phase Sequence of CTCheck the KW in the Relay if it is negative Interchange the CT polarity.Main Energy Meter PF reading &Relay PF reading is not matched q CT position & ratingq Excessive Distance betweenRelay & Energy Meterü Check the CT position & correct it as per given in Scheme 1 or 2.ü CT wiring should be up to 10mtr.Thyristor controlled by this unit is/are not turning ON/OFF even if front LCD indication shows correct.q Wiring to the command wiring isopen circuitq Card control circuit fuses areblown Relays in SPF module faultyü Check the continuity for any open ckt.ü Check the Common terminal of relay.ü Replace the fuses in control circuit.ü If above all is in OK condition replace the SPF relay new one.Lots of faults that are seen as faults are due to wrong parameter setting. It is recommend going through the details on Parameter setting explanation part of this manual and setting them correctly.SPF relay keyboard has 7 keys,ENT - key is at center and there are UP , DOWN - for scrolling the display windows, MODE and SAVE -keys are placed at right and left side of DOWN key.MODE -key is used to have access in different mode of relay operations and also used for . For editing anyparameter in the relay, press mode switch the Password window will be displayed, if password is enabled. (By default it is disabled). Enter password by using arrow keys then press ENT. Using UP & DOWN key, select one of the following mode. Ø EDIT PARAMETERS Ø AUTO OPERATION Ø MANUAL OPERATIONThen press ENT switch to enter the specific mode . (During commissioning edit the required parameters by setting in the EDIT PARAMETER mode, then follow the AUTO or MANUAL mode selection).Method for Keyboard/Display Editing:Automatic Power Factor ControllerENTMODESAVEOutput of relay contacts available up to 04 steps.Load etcediting data in the memory :.Suitable for Thyristor switched Capacitor panel.SPF-16TRefer wiring diagram in the back side of controller test certificate. TX - Transformer modeGX - Generator modeDisplays the unit ID,utilization counter and internal temperature Display Harmonics :Displays voltage and current harmonics For enquiry contact : 09422031641STARTCONNECT 415 V AC SUPPLYL2 - Y Phase Input L1 - R phase InputS1CONNECT THE CT TERMINALS2-S1 (1A) : B phase C.T. For 1A SecondaryS2-S1 (5A) : B Phase C.T. For 5 A SecondaryS1S2L1L2CUT CT PRIMARY MAINS:1 000 CUT CT PRIMARY MAINS:1 004 ENTPF UP Lim : Mains [IND : 1] : 0.990YESIS TOCHANGE UP LIMIT ?NOPF Up Lim : MaIns: 0.990IND : 1CAP : OPF Up Lim : MaIns: 0.990ENTENTENTENTSAVEPF Up Lim : Mains CAP : 0 : 0.990PF Up Lim : Mains CAP : 0 : 0.999PF LOW Lim : Mains [IND :1] : 0.970PF LOW Lim : Mains[IND :1] : 0.970DISPLAY SHOWS________________DISPLAY SHOWSMODESELECTEDIT PARAMETERENTSTEP CONNECTED : 04STEP CONNECTED : 07ENT8STEP CONNECTED : 0DEFAULT MODE AUTO : 0COMPENSATION KVAR MEAN :1CAP BANK VOLTAGE ( L-L) : 440VCORRECTION TIME SEC : 00020IS TOCHANGE TIME ?YESENTCORRECTED TIME SEC : 00020CORRECTED TIME SEC : 000 2CORRECTED TIME SEC: 000 01ENTDISCHARGE TIME SEC : 0007 ENTIS TOCHANGE TIME ?YESDISCHARGE TIME SEC : 00070DISCHARGE TIME SEC : 000 07 DISCHARGE TIME SEC : 000 06ENTENTCORRECTION TYPEUnequal :IS TO CHANGE TYPE ?10Unequal BANK [1] KVAR :10IS TO CHANGE BANK KVAR?YESENTUnequal bank (1) KVAR : 1Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 15YES5Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 15Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 0ENTUnequal bank (2) KVAR 0015:Unequal bank (2) KVAR 0025:DISPLAY SHOWSNow the initial settings of relay is completed12345109876Easy programming to start the relay SPF-04/08/12/164 TIMESFIXED -BANK SETTINGEXT FIXED KWAR :25ENT5A 1A COM EXT -PT RATIO : 0001.0CUR CT PRIMARY MAINS :1000IS TO CHANGE CT PRIMARY ?CUR CT PRIMARY MAINS :1000ENT2 TIMESNOYESSWITCH ON SUPPLY DISPLAY SHOWMODESELECTEDIT PARAMETERNC : NO CONNECTIONGEN SUPPLYPNEasy programming to start the relay SPF-16TSAVEIS TO CHANGESTEPS ?NOYESENT= 0.976 IND A OKP.F = 0.976 IND A OKP.F = 0.976 IND A OKP.F = 0.976 IND A OKP.F 43C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8COMC151C16CONNECT THE OUT PUT TERMINALSTO FIRING CARDv Read the manual carefully before the device isinstalled.v Only qualified staff is allowed to perform theinstallation.v Connect the relay as per the wiring diagram inthe manual.v Before connecting the relay check the supplyvoltage.v Please check whether the CT is connected atthe Main Incomer.v Connect the CT when the relay is in OFFcondition. Use suitable size cable for the CT.v Do not disturb the connection when the relay isON.v Please ensure the discharge time interval ofcapacitor.v Disconnect the device if it does not work duringcommissioning.v Do not install the device if it is in damagedcondition.OPERATION & INSTRUCTIONMANUALØSuitable for Thyristor switched Capacitor panel.ØVarious possibilities for bank selection. Including user defined bank values in KVAR. ØInput sensing line-to-line voltage.ØSelectable current input range. 1Amp and 5Amp. (CT input)ØProtection against Over/Under voltage, Over/Under ØCompensation on fundamental waveform, KVAR calculation and also the effects of supply frequency and voltage.ØØStandard 144 X 144 mm panel flush mountingarrangement. Max depth 60mm. Recommended cutout for panel front door is 138x138 mm.Features:ØMeasurement Voltage (L-L): 415 Volt + 10 %.ØInput Measurement Current: 1A / 5 A.ØContact rating for output suitable for 1Amp, 440V ØMeasurement accuracy: Class-1ØOperating temperature: 0 to 55°C. ØStorage temperature: -10 to +75°C ØOutput commands models for 8,12 and 16 output.Specifications:POWER FACTOR CONTROLLERThe Display is LCD and the factory set (Default) condition shows the PF, which is power factor, sensed from the load sensing CT i.e. the Transformer/supply grid. The screen also shows “ IND” for Inductive Power Factor & “ CAP” forCapacitive Power Factor. The last digit on the upper line of display shows the operation mode i.e. 'A 'for auto mode and 'M' for Manual mode. The bottom line of the LCD display shows capacitor bank status.Display in other Parameters:To observing other system related parameters Scroll up/down keys. Following is the sequence of the parameters displayed on LCD screen.Display Overall Values : Displays the Overall values(average) like voltage, current, Active Power, Reactive Power, Apparent power, Frequency.Display Power : Displays the power related Parameters like P .F., kW, kVA, and kVAr.Display Step kVAr : Displays the values of kVAr output i.e. measured for every step.Display Auxiliary Functions Display:Fault Finding Guidelines:Fault TypeProbable ReasonAction to TakeUnit Does not turn ON. LCD is blank with no Backlit.q Input supply not coming.q Input side fuses blownü Check the input supply to restore ü Check fuses in the unit for OK.Unit not turning ON any capacitor banks, immediately after Power on.This is perfectly OK if unit is powered up, there is a delay of correction timethat is provided in the unit only after which units can turn on outputs.As this is normal action, need not take any action. Unit will start performing normally after the stipulated time delay.With whatever capacitor banks ON,SPF does not indicate the PF asimproved.Check connection as per controlwiring diagram. Check that Load CT put is in correct phase Correct the wiring as per the scheme requirements and the CT positioning.Relay shows Capacitive PF whilethere is No Capacitive Load Phase Sequence of CTCheck the KW in the Relay if it is negative Interchange the CT polarity.Main Energy Meter PF reading &Relay PF reading is not matched q CT position & ratingq Excessive Distance betweenRelay & Energy Meterü Check the CT position & correct it as per given in Scheme 1 or 2.ü CT wiring should be up to 10mtr.Thyristor controlled by this unit is/are not turning ON/OFF even if front LCD indication shows correct.q Wiring to the command wiring isopen circuitq Card control circuit fuses areblown Relays in SPF module faultyü Check the continuity for any open ckt.ü Check the Common terminal of relay.ü Replace the fuses in control circuit.ü If above all is in OK condition replace the SPF relay new one.Lots of faults that are seen as faults are due to wrong parameter setting. It is recommend going through the details on Parameter setting explanation part of this manual and setting them correctly.SPF relay keyboard has 7 keys,ENT - key is at center and there are UP , DOWN - for scrolling the display windows, MODE and SAVE -keys are placed at right and left side of DOWN key.MODE -key is used to have access in different mode of relay operations and also used for . Forediting any parameter in the relay, press mode switch the Password window will be displayed, if password is enabled. (By default it is disabled). Enter password by using arrow keys then press ENT. Using UP & DOWN key, select one of the following mode. Ø EDIT PARAMETERS Ø AUTO OPERATION Ø MANUAL OPERATIONThen press ENT switch to enter the specific mode . (During commissioning edit the required parameters by setting in the EDIT PARAMETER mode, then follow the AUTO or MANUAL mode selection).Method for Keyboard/Display Editing:Automatic Power Factor ControllerENTMODESAVEOutput of relay contacts available up to 12 steps.Load etcediting data in the memory ...:SPF-12TRefer wiring diagram in the back side of controller test certificate. Display Harmonics : Displays voltage and current harmonicsTX - Transformer modeGX - Generator modeDisplays the unit ID,utilization counter and internal temperature For enquiry contact : 09422031641STARTCONNECT 415 V AC SUPPLYL2 - Y Phase Input L1 - R phase InputS1CONNECT THE CT TERMINALS2-S1 (1A) : B phase C.T. For 1A SecondaryS2-S1 (5A) : B Phase C.T. For 5 A SecondaryS1S2L1L2CUT CT PRIMARY MAINS:1 000 CUT CT PRIMARY MAINS:1 004 ENTPF UP Lim : Mains [IND : 1] : 0.990YESIS TO CHANGE UP LIMIT ?NOPF Up Lim : MaIns: 0.990IND : 1CAP : OPF Up Lim : MaIns: 0.990ENTENTENTENTSAVEPF Up Lim : Mains CAP : 0 : 0.990PF Up Lim : Mains CAP : 0 : 0.999PF LOW Lim : Mains [IND :1] : 0.970PF LOW Lim : Mains[IND :1] : 0.970DISPLAY SHOWS________________DISPLAY SHOWSMODESELECTEDIT PARAMETERENTSTEP CONNECTED : 08IS TO CHANGESTEPS ?NOYESENTSTEP CONNECTED : 07ENT8STEP CONNECTED : 0DEFAULT MODE AUTO : 0COMPENSATION KVAR MEAN :1CAP BANK VOLTAGE ( L-L) : 440VCORRECTION TIME SEC : 00020IS TOCHANGE TIME ?YESENTCORRECTED TIME SEC : 00020CORRECTED TIME SEC : 000 2CORRECTED TIME SEC: 000 01ENTDISCHARGE TIME SEC : 0007 ENTIS TOCHANGE TIME ?YESDISCHARGE TIME SEC : 00070DISCHARGE TIME SEC : 000 07 DISCHARGE TIME SEC : 000 06ENTENTCORRECTION TYPEUnequal :IS TO CHANGE TYPE ?10Unequal BANK [1] KVAR :10IS TO CHANGE BANK KVAR?YESENTUnequal bank (1) KVAR : 1Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 15YES5Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 15Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 0ENTUnequal bank (2) KVAR 0015:Unequal bank (2) KVAR 0025:DISPLAY SHOWSNow the initial settings of relay is completed123451098764 TIMESFIXED -BANK SETTINGEXT FIXED KWAR :25ENT5A 1A COM C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8COMC9C10C11C12EXT -PT RATIO : 0001.0CUR CT PRIMARY MAINS :1000IS TO CHANGE CT PRIMARY ?CUR CT PRIMARY MAINS :1000ENT2 TIMESNOYESSWITCH ON SUPPLY DISPLAY SHOWMODESELECTEDIT PARAMETEREasy programming to start the relay SPF-12TSAVE= 0.976 IND A OKP.F = 0.976 IND A OKP.F = 0.976 IND A OKP.F = 0.976 IND A OKP.F CONNECT THE OUT PUT TERMINALSTO FIRING CARDGEN SUPPLYPNNC : NO CONNECTION。

emerson Adapt 系列1-3KV 说明书

emerson Adapt 系列1-3KV 说明书

79 Fem[h Ioij[ci\eh 7jh^cZhh÷8g^i^XVa 8dci^cj^in Adapt 系列1-3KVA适用对象小机房,网络间,办公终端,服务器,工作站,通信节点设备,实验室设备,监测仪器设备,自动控制设备等。

适用场合办公场所,重要终端,3G室内覆盖系统, ATM网点,营业厅,仪器室等。

产品突出特点输出功率因数高达0.9,提供更多可用功率KW机架式/塔式兼容,面板可旋转,匹配不同安装方式可通过级联电池模块扩充后备时间标机内置电池,可在线更换维护超宽输入电压/频率范围,适应恶劣电网环境超强充电能力,电池回充时间短可平滑接入艾默生易睿TM监控系统Adapt系列UPS如何确保供电的高可靠性?■双变换在线式设计,市电掉电无中断■超强输出过载及短路能力,确保系统稳定性■DSP全数字控制,输出稳压精度高■采用最新IGBT器件,实现输入超宽抗电网波动范围■输入标配防浪涌电路,实现卓越的抗电网浪涌能力Adapt系列UPS如何带来绿色环保?■输入功率因数高达0.99,电能利用率高■满足欧盟RoHS指令,物料/工艺无有毒物质■可调速智能风扇,风扇转速自适应调节,有效节能降噪■电磁兼容和安规符合国际标准Adapt系列UPS如何为您省钱?■高达0.9的输出功率因数,较一般UPS可多挂接20%以上的负载■系统效率高,智能风扇设计,省电、运行成本低Adapt系列UPS如何方便的维护?■显示面板可随安装方式的不同自由调整角度■含多种交流输出方式,国标/IEC标准/端子排方式,方便不同型号的设备插头的直接使用■标机内置电池可在线更换维护Adapt系列UPS如何提高方案的可用性?■输出兼容220/230/240Vac 50/60Hz,极佳的灵活性■可通过级联电池模块方便地延长后备时间Adapt系列UPS如何满足各种监控需求?■提供最新USB监控端口■提供可采集环境量的SIC网络支配卡,支持服务器自动安全关机功能■后台软件兼容多种操作系统(Windows/Linux/HP-UX/Sun Solaris/IBM AIX等)■兼容艾默生机房监控平台SiteMonitor,支持Web监控■提供Mib库,方便接入各类NMS网管系统Adapt系列UPS如何保护和延长电池组寿命?■超宽输入电压/频率范围,有效减少电池放电几率,延长寿命■超强充电能力,有效缩短电池回充时间■支持定期电池自检出色的节能环保特性■输入高功率因数高达0.99,实现高电能利用率■满足欧盟RoHS环保指令■可调速智能风扇,节能降噪艾默生网络能源关键业务全保障 的全球领导者79 Fem[h Ioij[ci\eh 7jh^cZhh÷8g^i^XVa 8dci^cj^in艾默生网络能源和艾默生网络能源标识 均为艾默生电气公司的注册商标和服务标识。



艾默生开关电源维护手册目录第一章基本原理 3一、系统的工作原理 3二、产品型号说明 3三、负载下电和电池保护 4 第二章基本面板图形 5一、全省使用的艾默生开关电源型号清单 6二、几种常见的监控模块面板图形及说明 6三、几种常见的整流模块面板图形及说明7 第三章参数设置部份9一、开关电源常用参数设置9二、几种常用开关电源监控模块参数设置101、PS481000-2/100开关电源(PSM-A监控模块)102、PS48300-1A/30开关电源(PSM-A10监控模块)3136 3、Ps24600-75、PS48400-2C/50开关电源(PSM-A11监控模块)的菜单结构4、PS48600-3/2900开关电源(MF500监控模块)375、PSM-7监控模块(PS24480-40开关电源) 43 第四章维护制度格式流程56第一章 基本原理1、系统的工作原理开关电源的系统工作原理如图1-1所示,所示市电380V/220V 经交流配电(或交流配电柜)分路进入整流模块,经各整流模块整流得到的-48V/24V 直流电通过汇接进入直流配电,分多路提供给通信设备使用;正常情况下,系统运行在并联浮充状态,即整流模块、负载、蓄电池并联工作,整流模块除了给通信设备供电外,还为蓄电池提供浮充电流;当市电断电时,整流模块停止工作,由蓄电池给通信设备供电,维持通信设备的正常工作;市电恢复后,整流模块重新给通信设备供电,并对蓄电池进行充电,补充消耗的电量。

图1-1二、 产品型号说明(这里列举PS48600-3/2900-X1,PS481000-5/100、EPC4875/25户外电源柜三种型号) 系统型号说明:3 / 2900400A,600A 两种)PS 48 XXXPS 48 XXX - 3 / 2900-XX 整流模块额定功率(2900W )电源系统版本号输出额定电流(有400A,600输出额定电压(-48V )电源系统扩展版本号(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5)PS 48 1000 -5 / 100整流模块额定电流(100A )版本号输出额定电流(1000A )输出额定电压(-48V )EPC 48 75 / 25 AA:南方型 B:北方型25A整流模块额定电流75A额定电压48V户外电源柜(Emerson Power Cabinet)整流模块型号说明:版本号输出额定电流(100A)输出额定电压(-48V)监控模块型号说明:3*2U)三、负载下电和电池保护负载下电和电池过放电保护的工作过程如图1-3所示。

艾默生 Plantweb Insight 非侵入式腐蚀监测应用程序 产品说明书

艾默生 Plantweb  Insight 非侵入式腐蚀监测应用程序 产品说明书

产品说明书MS-00813-0406-4541, Rev AA2023 年 3 月艾默生 Plantweb™ Insight非侵入式腐蚀监测应用程序■可视化和分析软件平台对工厂资产进行战略性解读与监控■了解关于异常情况、资产状态、资产健康状况、能源成本、排放损失等方面的时间相关可执行信息与洞见■不靠主机系统或历史数据库实现无缝系统集成、简化安装以及极少组态或设置■预装的分析功能建立在数十年的过程经验和行业经验的基础之上■人性化的设计和经过用户测试的界面可实现一致而直观的导航功能和优点实时了解异常情况■资产监测应用程序套装,可利用数据分析和模型识别异常情况和故障。




■随时从多种 Web 浏览器访问界面。



■不依靠 DCS、主机系统或历史数据库。



内容功能和优点 (2)用户界面 (4)Plantweb Insight 非侵入式腐蚀监测 (5)通讯规格 (8)订购信息 (9)技术规格 (11)艾默生 Plantweb Insight2023 年 3 月/Rosemount2023 年 3 月艾默生 Plantweb Insight■与其他商业系统(例如数据历史数据库)集成。


艾默生 Plantweb Insight3用户界面PlantwebInsight 套件中的所有应用程序都采用相似的外观和风格,使用户获得一致的体验。
















艾默生 EV1000 系列通用变频器 说明书

艾默生 EV1000 系列通用变频器 说明书

EV1000系列通用变频器用户手册资料版本V2.1归档时间2006-10-09BOM 编号 31011124艾默生网络能源有限公司为客户提供全方位的技术支持,用户可与就近的艾默生网络能源有限公司办事处或客户服务中心联系,也可直接与公司总部联系。



艾默生网络能源有限公司地址:深圳市南山区科技工业园科发路一号邮编:518057公司网址:客户服务热线:800-820-6510手机及未开通800地区请拨打:021-********客户服务投诉热线:0755-********E-mail:info@目录序言 (1)第一章安全信息 (2)1.1 安全定义 (2)1.2 安装注意事项 (2)1.3 使用注意事项 (3)1.3.1 关于电动机及机械负载 (3)1.3.2 关于变频器 (3)1.4 报废注意事项 (4)第二章产品规格及选配件 (5)2.1 产品技术规格 (5)2.2 产品系列介绍 (6)2.2.1 EV1000系列变频器型号 (6)2.2.2 EV1000系列变频器型号与铭牌说明 (7)2.2.3 EV1000系列变频器外形尺寸 (7)2.2.4 LED键盘显示单元TDP-LED02尺寸 (8)2.3 选配件 (8)2.3.1 制动电阻 (8)2.3.2 LED状态显示单元TDP-LED03 (9)2.3.3 TDP-LED02的安装座和连接线 (10)2.3.4 通信组件 (10)第三章安装及配线 (12)3.1 变频器安装 (12)3.1.1 符合EMC要求的安装方法 (13)3.1.2 噪声抑制 (14)3.1.3 使用浪涌抑制器 (15)3.1.4 漏电流及其对策 (15)3.1.5 使用电源滤波器的场合 (16)3.1.6 使用交流电抗器的场合 (16)3.2 变频器的配线 (16)3.2.1 概述 (17)3.2.2 主回路输入输出端子 (18)3.2.3 控制回路配置及配线 (19)3.2.4 现场配线要求 (29)3.2.5 接地要求 (30)第四章变频器运行和操作说明 (31)4.1 术语说明 (31)4.1.1 变频器运行命令通道 (31)4.1.2 变频器频率给定通道 (31)4.1.3 变频器工作状态 (31)4.1.4 变频器运行方式 (32)4.2 详细操作指南 (32)4.2.1 LED键盘显示单元的使用 (32)4.2.2 按键功能说明 (33)4.2.3 指示灯说明 (33)4.2.4 功能码参数的设置方法 (33)4.2.5 速度调节 (35)4.2.6 如何锁定/解锁键盘显示单元 (35)第五章详细功能介绍 (36)5.1 基本运行参数(F0组) (36)5.2 频率给定参数(F1组) (40)5.3 起动制动参数(F2组) (42)5.4 辅助运行参数(F3组) (46)5.5 程序运行参数(F4组) (50)5.6 过程闭环控制参数(F5组) (55)5.7 纺织摆频参数(F6组) (60)5.8 端子功能参数(F7组) (63)5.9 显示控制参数(F8组) (76)5.10 增强功能参数(F9组) (79)5.11 保留(FA组) (88)5.12 通讯参数(FF组) (88)5.13 电机参数(FH组) (89)5.14 保护相关参数(FL组) (92)5.15 变频器自身参数(Fn组) (96)5.16 参数保护(FP组) (97)第六章故障对策及异常处理 (98)第七章保养和维护 (102)7.1 日常保养及维护 (102)7.2 定期维护 (102)7.3 变频器易损件更换 (103)7.4 变频器的存贮 (103)7.5 变频器的保修 (103)附录一功能参数简表 (105)附录二通讯协议 (125)附录三推荐的配件参数 (137)序言 1序言感谢您购买艾默生电气生产的EV1000系列变频器。

【2018最新】艾默生变频器说明书-精选word文档 (10页)

【2018最新】艾默生变频器说明书-精选word文档 (10页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==艾默生变频器说明书篇一:艾默生变频门机系统调试手册篇二:艾默生变频器维修艾默生变频器维修(一)教程来源:上海华节电气有限公司作者:未知点击:80次时间:201X-2-26 14:31:20在维修艾默生系列变频器前,一定要对故障代码有所了解,不然就无从下手。


故障代码故障类型故障代码故障类型POFF 输入欠压 E008 输入缺相E001 加速过流 E009 输出缺相E002 减速过流 E010 模块保护E003 恒速过流 E011 逆变过热E004 加速过压 E012 整流过热E005 减速过压 E016 读写故障E006 恒速过压 E018 接触器未吸合E007 控制电源过压 E019 电流检测电路故障1、电流检测故障(如报E019,E001):(1)控制板Q1(15050026)坏。


(3)小板坏:在变频器通电时,用直流档,黑接7840的5脚,红分别接小板的脚从左到右应为2.5,2.5,2.5,3.4 1.5 ,0,1.6。

如值不对,小板坏:此时可更换小板坏中的三个小IC(39030024 LMV393),如还不好,更换小板。







不会直接施加于可编程控制器的电源输入端或信号输入、控制输出端等端口,避免损坏设备。 注 1:按照 IEC61131-2 标准,8.3.1 节分类说明。 安装时的注意事项 z 请勿在下列场所使用可编程控制器:有灰尘、油烟、导电性尘埃、腐蚀性气体、可燃性气体的场所;暴露于
位置上限、下限的互锁开关; z 为使设备能安全运行,对重大事故相关的输出信号,请设计外部保护电路和安全机构; z 可编程控制器 CPU 检测到系统异常后可能会导致所有输出关闭;当控制器部分电路故障时,可能导致其输出
不受控制,为保证设备能正常运转,需设计合适的外部控制电路; z 可编程控制器的继电器、晶体管等输出单元损坏时,会使其输出无法控制为 ON 或 OFF 状态; z 可编程控制器设计应用于室内区域 B 和 C 注 1 的电气环境,其电源系统级应有防雷保护装置,确保雷击过电压
第二章 产品概述 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.5.1 主模块内置电源特性....................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.5.2 主模块可提供给扩展模块的电源规格 ........................................................................................................................... 7 3.5.3 扩展模块的电源消耗....................................................................................................................................................... 7 第四章 输入/输出特性 ............................................................................................................................................................... 9

【优质文档】艾默生变频器说明书-推荐word版 (10页)

【优质文档】艾默生变频器说明书-推荐word版 (10页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==艾默生变频器说明书篇一:艾默生变频门机系统调试手册篇二:艾默生变频器维修艾默生变频器维修(一)教程来源:上海华节电气有限公司作者:未知点击:80次时间:201X-2-26 14:31:20在维修艾默生系列变频器前,一定要对故障代码有所了解,不然就无从下手。


故障代码故障类型故障代码故障类型POFF 输入欠压 E008 输入缺相E001 加速过流 E009 输出缺相E002 减速过流 E010 模块保护E003 恒速过流 E011 逆变过热E004 加速过压 E012 整流过热E005 减速过压 E016 读写故障E006 恒速过压 E018 接触器未吸合E007 控制电源过压 E019 电流检测电路故障1、电流检测故障(如报E019,E001):(1)控制板Q1(15050026)坏。


(3)小板坏:在变频器通电时,用直流档,黑接7840的5脚,红分别接小板的脚从左到右应为2.5,2.5,2.5,3.4 1.5 ,0,1.6。

如值不对,小板坏:此时可更换小板坏中的三个小IC(39030024 LMV393),如还不好,更换小板。






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