
Assault Rifle(AR)
Snipe Rifle(SR)
first aid kit 急救包 bandage 绷带 medic kit 医疗箱 energy drink 能量饮料 painkiller 止疼药 backpack背包 vest 防弹衣 helmet头盔
painkiller • 止痛药
Enemp 航站楼 terminal 机场 airport 瞭望塔 watchtower 宿舍 dormitory 加油站 gas station 灯塔 light house 集装箱区 container yard 超市 supermarket 车库 garage 仓库 warehouse
There will be 100 players in each round, they will be dropped on the jedi island ,everyone has nothing when the game starts. These unarmed players will be distributed in every corner of the island, using a variety of weapons and props on the island.As the time goes by, the safe land on the island will be less and less and some specific areas will be exploded, finally only one person/team will win in the end. Each game will change the safe zone of the game at random, and weapons and props of each region where players can get are also random.
dread hunger英文用语

dread hunger英文用语以下是一些在游戏《Dread Hunger》中常用的英文用语:1. pull - 拉(玩家控制的角色名)2. push - 推(玩家控制的角色名)3. jump - 跳4. attack - 攻击5. block - 格挡6. run - 奔跑7. reload - 重新装填(武器)8. use item - 使用物品9. pick up - 拾取10. drop - 丢弃11. inventory - 物品栏12. map - 地图13. compass - 指南针14. chat - 聊天15. team chat - 队伍聊天16. mute - 静音(玩家或队伍)17. report - 举报18. mute slot - 静音选项卡(在设置界面)19. ping - 标记(地图上)20. emote - 表情动作(在游戏内或聊天中)21. respawn - 重生22. level up - 升级23. shop - 商店24. crafting - 制作(界面)25. recipes - 配方(制作界面)26. recipes book - 配方手册(制作界面)27. crafting station - 制作台(制作界面)28. weapon - 武器(装备界面)29. clothing - 服装(装备界面)30. headwear - 头饰(装备界面)31. gloves - 手饰(装备界面)32. shoes - 鞋(装备界面)33. backpack - 后背背包(装备界面)34. inventory slots - 物品栏格子(装备界面)35. stove - 火炉(烹饪界面)36. potions - 药水(烹饪界面)37. ingredients list - 材料列表(烹饪界面)38. crafting station inventory - 制作台物品列表(制作界面)。

以下是PUBG英语交流常用术语:1. Loot - 搜刮在PUBG游戏中,“Loot”指的是玩家在地图上搜刮物品的行为。
当你和你的队友在搜刮时,你可以说:“Let's loot this building”(让我们搜刮这个建筑物)。
2. Drop - 空投在PUBG游戏中,“Drop”是指从天空中降落的物品箱。
如果你看到一个箱子掉落在你的附近,你可以对你的队友说:“There's a drop over there”(那边有一个空投)。
3. Zone - 区域在PUBG游戏中,“Zone”指的是地图上的安全区域。
如果你的队友还没有到达安全区域,你可以对他们说:“We need to move to the zone”(我们需要移动到安全区域)。
4. Knocked - 倒地在PUBG游戏中,“Knocked”指的是玩家被敌人击倒在地但还没有死亡。
如果你的队友被击倒在地,你可以对其他队友说:“He's knocked, let's go revive him”(他被击倒了,让我们去救他)。
5. Revive - 复活在PUBG游戏中,“Revive”指的是将倒地的队友复活的行为。
如果你的队友需要复活,你可以对其他队友说:“I need help, come revive me”(我需要帮助,来救我)。

绝地求生(吃鸡)英文常用语改良版PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG): Enhanced VersionIntroduction:PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, commonly known as PUBG, is a popular online multiplayer battle royale game developed and published by PUBG Corporation. Since its release in 2017, it has gained a massive following and has become one of the most-played video games worldwide. In this article, we will explore an enhanced version of the game's English common phrases and expressions frequently used by players.1. Greetings and Team Communication:Within the game, effective communication is essential for coordinating with teammates and developing strategies. Here are some improved English phrases for greetings and team communication:1.1 Greetings:- "Hello everyone, let's have a great game!"- "Good luck to all of you!"- "May the odds be in our favor!"1.2 Team Communication:- "I found some useful supplies over here."- "Enemies spotted northeast, near the houses."- "I need backup at my location; I'm under heavy fire."- "Let's regroup at the designated location."- "We should move towards the safezone before the blue zone approaches."2. Weapon and Equipment Descriptions:In PUBG, players constantly search for weapons and equipment to increase their chances of survival. Here are descriptive phrases for some common weapons and equipment in the game:2.1 Weapons:- Assault Rifle: "An accurate and versatile weapon suitable for medium to long-range engagements."- Sniper Rifle: "A high-powered rifle with excellent precision, perfect for long-range elimination."- Shotgun: "Ideal for close-quarters combat, delivering devastating damage in a short range."- Submachine Gun: "A rapid-fire weapon, best used for close-range encounters."2.2 Equipment:- Helmet: "A protective headgear that reduces headshot damage and provides extra defense."- Backpack: "Increases your carrying capacity, allowing you to carry more supplies."- First Aid Kit: "Restores a significant portion of health when used."- Energy Drink: "Boosts your movement speed and restores a small amount of health over time."3. Survival Strategies:To achieve victory in PUBG, players must adopt various survival strategies. Here are some helpful phrases to communicate and discuss strategies with your team:3.1 Offensive Strategies:- "Let's approach the enemy from different directions to catch them off guard."- "We should use smoke grenades for cover during our assault."- "Suppressive fire can distract enemies, allowing us to flank them."3.2 Defensive Strategies:- "We should find a suitable location with natural cover and keep an eye on nearby enemy movements."- "Deploying traps and mines can provide us with an early warning system."- "We could consider setting up an ambush near the airdrop location."4. In-Game Situations and Calls:During intense gameplay, players often encounter challenging situations that require effective decision-making and clear communication. Here are some phrases for in-game situations and calls:4.1 Reviving Teammates:- "I'll revive you; cover me!"- "Stay still; I'll heal you as soon as possible."- "We need to prioritize reviving our teammate before engaging the enemies."4.2 Vehicle Usage:- "Let's use the vehicle to quickly reach the safezone."- "I'll drive; everyone get in!"- "Be careful while driving; enemies might hear us."Conclusion:In this enhanced version of PUBG's English common phrases and expressions, we have provided you with a comprehensive guide to improve your in-game communication. Effective communication and coordination with teammates play a crucial role in achieving victory in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. By utilizing these phrases and embracing teamwork, you can enhance your gaming experience and increase your chances of becoming the ultimate victor. Good luck and enjoy the game!。

绝地求生英文翻译The English translation of "绝地求生" (PUBG) - 700 words"绝地求生" (PUBG) is a popular battle royale video game developed and published by PUBG Corporation. It was first released in 2017 and has gained a massive following since then. The game is set in an open world where players compete against each other in a last-man-standing battle.Players start the game by parachuting onto an island that is filled with various weapons and resources. The objective is to survive and eliminate others, all while avoiding being killed. The game is played from a third-person perspective, allowing players to have a wide view of their surroundings. However, there is also a first-person mode available for those who prefer a more immersive experience."绝地求生" offers several gameplay modes, including solo, duo, and squad. In solo mode, players compete individually against other players. Duo mode allows players to team up with a friend and compete against other duos, while in squad mode, players can form a team of four and battle against other squads. The game also features a variety of maps, each with its own unique terrain and challenges.To enhance their chances of survival, players must scavenge for weapons, armor, and supplies scattered throughout the map. These items can be found in buildings, crates, and even in the possession of other players. As the game progresses, players must also bemindful of the shrinking play area, which forces them to move closer together and encounter each other more frequently.One of the key aspects of "绝地求生" is its realistic and immersive gameplay. Players must navigate the terrain, make tactical decisions, and engage in intense firefights. The game also incorporates a realistic physics system, making bullet drop, gravity, and other factors important considerations when aiming and shooting.The success of "绝地求生" has led to the creation of a competitive esports scene. Many professional players and teams compete in tournaments and championships, showcasing their skills and strategies. The game has also inspired a dedicated community of content creators, who produce gameplay videos, tutorials, and livestreams for others to enjoy.In addition to the original "绝地求生" game, there have been several spin-offs and adaptations released. These include mobile versions of the game, as well as collaborations with other popular franchises such as "Resident Evil" and "Aliens." These adaptations have allowed the game to reach an even wider audience and further solidify its popularity.Overall, "绝地求生" is a highly immersive and engaging video game that has captivated players around the world. Its intense battles, realistic mechanics, and constant updates have contributed to its longevity and appeal. Whether playing alone or with friends, "绝地求生" offers an adrenaline-filled experience that keeps players coming back for more.。


绝地求生(吃鸡)英文常用语改良版武器突击步枪Assault Rifle(AR)M16A4说M sixteen就行,下同M4 AK SCAR GrozaS12(连喷,它是打12口径霰弹的步枪)冲锋枪Sub Machine Gun(SMG):UZI(乌兹)UMP Vector Tommy霰弹枪Shotgun (SG):S1897 S686=double-barraled狙击步枪Snipe Rifle(SR):SKS Kar98 M24 AWM VSS MK14 Mini-14机枪目前只有一把M249,因此直接说Machine Gun就行投掷武器手雷Frag/Grenade震撼弹Stun Grenade/烟雾弹Smoke Grenade/燃烧瓶Molotov其他冷门兵器十字弩Crossbow/平底锅Pan{潘}然后是造句时间:Throwing frag我这有把(多余的)SCAR(你们要不要捡)I got a (spare) SCAR here, u guys need a rifle(步枪){ruai,fo}?弹夹(magzine):快速/扩容/双弹夹quickdraw/extended/Dual mag;枪口(muzzle):消焰/消音/补偿flash hider/suppressor/compensator + forAR/snipe/SMG/Pistol。
然后First Aid Kit急救包/MedCase/Bandage 绷带[ˈbændɪdʒ]/pills止疼药/drinks应该能看懂吧装备背包backpack、防弹衣vest、头盔helmet、等级level 1 2 3、吉利服Ghillie suit空投airdrop车辆通称vehicle。
motobike / 3 wheel / buggy / car / jeep / UAZ / boat快递express / Fedex / UPS、快递员courier、收费站toll station地名大地图上可见的英文地名,直接说就可以了。

武器突击步枪 Assault Rifle(AR)M16A4 说 M sixteen就行,下同M4 AK SCAR GrozaS12(连喷,它是打 12 口径霰弹的步枪 )冲锋枪 Sub Machine Gun(SMG):UZI(乌兹)UMP Vector Tommy霰弹枪 Shotgun (SG) :S1897 S686=double-barraled狙击步枪 Snipe Rifle(SR) : SKS Kar98 M24 AWM VSS MK14 Mini-14机枪目前只有一把M249 ,因此直接说Machine Gun就行投掷武器手雷Frag/Grenade震撼弹Stun Grenade/烟雾弹Smoke Grenade/燃烧瓶Molotov其他冷门兵器十字弩Crossbow/ 平底锅 Pan{潘 }然后是造句时间:Throwing frag我这有把(多余的)SCAR(你们要不要捡) I got a (spare) SCAR here, u guys need a rifle(步枪){ruai,fo}?我有 98K 了你有 8 倍镜吗?我 ID 叫 Kit 。
I got a Kar98, anyone got a 8 times? This is Kit.谢谢你我的朋友Thank u my friend!弹药弹药通称 ammo [ ??m ?? ] ,5.56mm 子弹可以说five five six ammo ,30 发子弹是 thirty rounds[ra ? nds] , 7.62mm 相同。
9mm=nine millimeter ;.45 英寸 =dot forty five / ACP ; 12 口径 =twelve gauge ;.300 马格南 = magnum 。

noob,菜鸟,彩笔的意思,如果你的某位队友在犯傻,可以亲切问候“top noob,sup noob”这样的。
top/mid/jug/ad/sup gap:上路/中单/打野/ad/辅助差距,打得菜还不让说?farm:打钱发育no farm:别打钱的了,来干架!zzz:类似“呵呵呵”“2333”的意思,有时候会有一点嘲讽的味道。
Baron:大龙,打大龙了!Gank:抓人Plz:请,拜托Buff plz:就是让你把buff给他或者帮他拿个buffShut up:闭嘴ok / k : 了解、好。
fuel : 汽油。
behind : 在后方。
base : 基地。
enemy : 敌人。
Defend : 保护。
像是Defend HQ at all cost ,就是不惜代价保护总部。
HQ : 总部。
logistic : 后勤(打资源,司机,兵工搬衣服,除了建造工)。
nvm : 别在意(Never mind)。
ty / thx : 谢谢。
NP : 没关系、没问题(No problem)。
rdy : 准备(Ready)W8 : 等一下(Wait)ASAP : 尽快(As soon as possible)。
gtg / g2g : 我要走了(Get to go),要离开游戏也可以说一下。
idk / dunno : 我不知道(Don’t know)frontline? : 主要前线在哪里。
hold & push : 撑住与推进。
ATM : 现在(At the moment)。
HE : 是指 HE Grenade ,破坏力极高的手榴弹,专门针对载具使用。
绝地求生(吃鸡)英文常用语 改良版

武器突击步枪Assault Rifle(AR)M16A4说M sixteen就行,下同M4 AK SCAR GrozaS12(连喷,它是打12口径霰弹的步枪)冲锋枪Sub Machine Gun(SMG):UZI(乌兹)UMP Vector Tommy 霰弹枪Shotgun (SG):S1897 S686=double-barraled狙击步枪Snipe Rifle(SR):SKS Kar98 M24 AWM VSS MK14 Mini-14机枪目前只有一把M249,因此直接说Machine Gun就行投掷武器手雷Frag/Grenade震撼弹Stun Grenade/烟雾弹Smoke Grenade/燃烧瓶Molotov其他冷门兵器十字弩Crossbow/平底锅Pan{潘}然后是造句时间:Throwing frag我这有把(多余的)SCAR(你们要不要捡) I got a (spare) SCAR here, u guys need a rifle(步枪){ruai,fo}?我有98K了你有8倍镜吗?我ID叫Kit。
I got a Kar98, anyone got a 8 times? This is Kit.谢谢你我的朋友Thank u my friend!弹药弹药通称ammo [ˈæməʊ] ,5.56mm子弹可以说five five six ammo,30发子弹是thirty rounds[raʊnds],7.62mm相同。
9mm=nine millimeter;.45英寸=dot forty five / ACP;12口径=twelve gauge;.300马格南= magnum。
给点子弹好吗I need some (AK/AR/SMG) ammo. Alisa, can you give me some ammo?配件通称attachments机瞄:iron sight单倍镜(sight):全息/红点 Holo/red dot sight多倍镜(scope):2/4/8/15倍 two/four/eight/fifteen times scope 弹夹(magzine):快速/扩容/双弹夹 quick draw/extended/Dual mag;枪口(muzzle):消焰/消音/补偿 flashhider/suppressor/compensator + for AR/snipe/SMG/Pistol。

武器突击步枪Assault Rifle(AR)M16A4说M sixteen就行,下同M4 AK SCAR GrozaS12(连喷,它是打12口径霰弹的步枪)冲锋枪Sub Machine Gun(SMG):UZI(乌兹)UMP V ector Tommy霰弹枪Shotgun(SG):S1897S686=dou ble—barraled狙击步枪SnipeRifle(SR):SKS Kar98M24AWM VSS MK14 Mini-14机枪目前只有一把M249,因此直接说Machine Gun 就行投掷武器手雷Frag/Grenade震撼弹StunGrenade/烟雾弹Smoke Grenade/燃烧瓶Molotov其他冷门兵器十字弩Crossbow/平底锅Pan{潘}然后是造句时间:Throwingfrag我这有把(多余的)SCAR(你们要不要捡)I got a (spare)SCAR here, u guys needa rifle(步枪){ruai,fo}?我有98K了你有8倍镜吗?我ID叫Kit.I got aKar98,anyone got a 8 times? Thisis Kit。
谢谢你我的朋友Thank u my friend!弹药弹药通称ammo [ˈæməʊ] ,5。
56mm子弹可以说five fiv esix ammo,30发子弹是thirty rounds[raʊnds],7。
9mm=nine millimeter;.45英寸=dot forty five/ ACP;12口径=twelve gauge;.300马格南= magnum.短短几个数字,用英语说真是麻烦至极啊。
给点子弹好吗I need some (AK/AR/SMG) ammo. Alisa, can you give me some ammo?配件通称attachments机瞄:ironsight单倍镜(sight):全息/红点Holo/reddotsight多倍镜(scope):2/4/8/15倍two/four/eight/fifteentimes scope弹夹(magzine):快速/扩容/双弹夹quick draw/extended/Dualmag;枪口(muzzle):消焰/消音/补偿flash hider/suppressor/compensator+ forAR/snipe/SMG/Pistol。

以下是分享给大家的关于h1z1英语日常交流用语,一起来看看吧!1. It really takes time.这样太耽误时间了。
2. It's against the law.这是违法的。
3. My mouth is watering.我要流口水了。
向老外讨食物4. Don't trust to chance!不要碰运气5. Here's a gift for you.这里有个礼物送给你。
这句就用来骗弯弯吧!然后一枪解决6. I'll have to try that.我得试试这么做7. None of your business!与你无关!把别人赶走。
8. 调侃用语,That's always the case.习以为常了。
9. I will never forget it.我会记着的。
10. It is Just what I need.这正是我所需要的。
11. Just around the comer.就在附近。
常用语!12. First come first served.先到先得!13. I'm not sure I can do it.恐怕这事我干不了。
14. Let's not waste our time.咱们别浪费时间了。
15. They're in red and white.他们穿着红白相间的衣服。
用来形容那个人的穿着,常用!16. Don't let chances pass by.不要让机遇从我们身边溜走。
17. I can do nothing but that.我只会做那件事。
PUBG MOMILE 刺激战场 国际服 英文常用口语大全

Winner winer chicke dinner实战口语:Play together in the next game。
下把一起玩I add your number.我加你Hello u guys got a mic?Hey what's up man how r u doing?what's u r problem man f♂ck u 之类的就行进场的寒暄很重要,老美如果发现某位队友上飞机了都不说话,那他们会大概率跳机场,直接deathmatch (死亡竞赛)一波结束。
All right man where r we going =v=? /Man we r going here.(地图上直接打点就好)我旁边两队人I got two squads around me.沿着公路飞,然后找个车Let's fly along the road and find a vehicle.学校我承包了I'm gonna loot the school ;P地图上红绿黄蓝点red/green/yellow/blue marker on the map/mini map我们是要肛枪还是猥琐发育?Are we going risky or safety?咱桥头埋伏一波Let's ambush[ˈæmbʊʃ] the bridge.我们守这儿打劫收过路费怎么样?How about we just camp here, and wait for the passers?毒来了咱们进圈吧Electric[ɪˈlektrɪk]'s coming, let's get in the circle [ˈsɜ:kl] .赶紧的!-A- Double time!我看着N方向吧I take care of north side.注意身后Watch your back.盯着点那些树/石头Keep an eye on those trees/rocks.那些房子被人撸过了Those houses are looted.趴着prostrate/蹲着crouching战术交流要注重效率。

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武器突击步枪Assault Rifle(AR)M16A4说M sixteen就行,下同M4 AK SCAR GrozaS12(连喷,它是打12口径霰弹的步枪)冲锋枪Sub Machine Gun(SMG):UZI(乌兹)UMP Vector Tommy霰弹枪Shotgun (SG):S1897 S686=double-barraled狙击步枪Snipe Rifle(SR):SKS Kar98 M24 AWM VSS MK14 Mini-14机枪目前只有一把M249,因此直接说Machine Gun就行投掷武器手雷Frag/Grenade震撼弹Stun Grenade/烟雾弹Smoke Grenade/燃烧瓶Molotov其他冷门兵器十字弩Crossbow/平底锅Pan{潘}然后是造句时间:Throwing frag我这有把(多余的)SCAR(你们要不要捡)I got a (spare) SCAR here, u guys need a rifle(步枪){ruai,fo}?我有98K了你有8倍镜吗?我ID叫Kit。
I got a Kar98, anyone got a 8 times? This is Kit.谢谢你我的朋友Thank u my friend!弹药弹药通称ammo [ˈæməʊ] ,5.56mm子弹可以说five five six ammo,30发子弹是thirty rounds[raʊnds],7.62mm相同。
9mm=nine millimeter;.45英寸=dot forty five / ACP;12口径=twelve gauge;.300马格南= magnum。
给点子弹好吗I need some (AK/AR/SMG) ammo. Alisa, can you give me some ammo?配件通称attachments机瞄:iron sight单倍镜(sight):全息/红点Holo/red dot sight多倍镜(scope):2/4/8/15倍two/four/eight/fifteen times scope弹夹(magzine):快速/扩容/双弹夹quickdraw/extended/Dual mag;枪口(muzzle):消焰/消音/补偿flash hider/suppressor/compensator + forAR/snipe/SMG/Pistol。
然后First Aid Kit急救包/MedCase/Bandage 绷带[ˈbændɪdʒ]/pills止疼药/drinks应该能看懂吧装备背包backpack、防弹衣vest、头盔helmet、等级level 1 2 3、吉利服Ghillie suit空投airdrop车辆通称vehicle。
motobike / 3 wheel / buggy / car / jeep / UAZ / boat快递express / Fedex / UPS、快递员courier、收费站toll station地名大地图上可见的英文地名,直接说就可以了。
下面提一些地图上没有的:伐木场logging camp 航站楼terminal 瞭望塔watchtower 宿舍dormitory 加油站gas station 灯塔light house 集装箱区container yard 超市supermarket 地形建筑物:一二三楼first second third floor 屋顶roof top 车库garage 仓库warehouse 围墙wall 铁丝网net 桶barrel 电缆塔pylon 木屋cabin 谷仓barn 厕所shed 野外:幻影坦克 (he's in the) bush 大山/小山mountain/hill 半山腰mountainside 大坡slope 小斜坡ramp 坑crater 悬崖cliff轰炸区:red zone『日常用语和战术沟通』按照游戏流程来走一遍吧Play together in the next game。
下把一起玩I add your number.我加你打招呼良好的游戏体验从友善的打招呼开始。
Hello u guys got a mic? / Hey what's up man how r u doing? / what's ur problem man f♂ck u 之类的就行了。
进场的寒暄很重要,老美如果发现某位队友上飞机了都不说话,那他们会大概率跳机场,直接deathmatch 刚一波结束。
All right man where r we going =v=? / Man we r going here.(地图上直接打点就好)我旁边两队人I got two squads around me.沿着公路飞,然后找个车Let's fly along the road and find a vehicle.学校我承包了I'm gonna loot the school ;P决策地图上红绿黄蓝点red/green/yellow/blue marker on the map/mini map我们是要肛枪还是猥琐发育?Are we going risky or safety?咱桥头埋伏一波Let's ambush[ˈæmbʊʃ] the bridge.我们守这儿打劫收过路费怎么样?How about we just camp here, and wait for the passers?毒来了咱们进圈吧Electric[ɪˈlektrɪk]'s coming, let's get in the circle [ˈsɜ:kl] .赶紧的!-A- Double time!侦查四排时候告诉队友你正在观察哪个方向,避免视野重复。
我看着N方向吧I take care of north side.注意身后Watch your back.盯着点那些树/石头Keep an eye on those trees/rocks.那些房子被人撸过了Those houses are looted.趴着prostrate/蹲着crouching报点战术交流要注重效率。
距离:too far away (8x~15x) / far away (4x) / dead ahead (2x) / close range (1x) / on my face (melee)方向:游戏内报方向尽量用HUD标尺。
观战模式推荐用时钟法,常用的也就有eleven、one、twelve、six o'clock这些。
I hear a car.他想碾死我!He's gonna run over me!我旁边这栋楼里有脚步声,我ID叫Kit I got movement in this building, this is Kit.我看到平原上两个人在跑,NW方向往N方向I see two men on the plain, running, northwest to north.我看到红房子二楼有个人,175方向和S之间,大概200米远I see one in the red house, derection one seventy five, south, second floor, about two hundred meters away.大概是这样的报点顺序。
(看见人以后……)我没有暴露,随时可以开火I'm not compromised, ready to engage.我能秒了他I can nuke.别开枪Hold ur fire, we r not shooting.有人打他们呢Someone's shooting them.注意友军在你身后Hey Alisa, Friendly behind u, take care.他好像是个独狼He's alone, I think.我拉个角度Move up/around for a better view.我从左边包抄过去了啊I'm gonna flank him on the left.(本人超级喜欢绕别人屁股打)我需要火力掩护Need some covering fire.注意房间角落Watch those corners.跟近点老哥们Stay close budies.我扔雷了啊Frag out./ Stun out. / Popping smoke.淘汰了/打死他了Knocked out. / He's down.把车干炸!!!Light'em up!现在自由开火,看见人了直接打Weapon's free now. If you see anyone, just shoot.干得漂亮老哥Nice shot dude.我舔包去了啊。
掩护我I'm gonna loot him, cover me :) 这真他么是一个肥盒啊Opp what a f♂cking mystery box.被打一脸懵逼的被干了Taking fire o_0...我被狙击手干了I'm hit. Sniper.撤退get back/找掩体take cover他们冲过来了They r closing in!有个逼要冲我楼快来支援There's one rushing upstairs, need assistant!你稳住我马上过去Hold on there, I'm moving up.艹尼吗的自己人停火Friendly fire!!扶他起来Get him up.我快死了,别救我了I'm dying, don't save me.进入观察模式死了以后给队友当第三只眼吧,可以适当提供策略,也需要给队友安慰和鼓励。