人教版八年级上册unitSection B-2集体备课活动记录表

学校___xx初级中学_________________ 年级_____八年级______
八年级上册Unit2 Section B 2a-2d
Step1. Lead in:运用电影《天降美食》里的主角Flint and Sam,他们来到我们学校,要了解我们学生的业余活动和生活方式以及第五中学的有关信息。
Step2.Before reading
1.Rank these activitiesaccordingto how often you think your classmates do them(1=most often, 6=least often)
2.Practice thesentencepattern: How often do you ·······(ask students to practice)复习本单元重点句型。
Step5. Discussion
Task 1: Pie chart
Task 2:Read for details

Stepቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ3、学生完成课本1a
Step 4、呈现目标语言结构How much is it/ are they?(单数、复数区别)
Step 5、出示附有价钱标签的衣服图片。T: How much is the sweater?
S: It’s …(教师引导回答)
Step 6: listening practice. Finish 1b.
Step 7: pair work.(结对操练句型)
Step 8: Summary.
Step 9: Homework.
八年级Unit 7 how do you make a banana milk shake?集体备课


1. 教材版本。
2. 单元结构。
- 每个单元围绕一个主题展开,包含Section A、Section B和Self - check三个部分。
- Section A主要通过各种活动引入新的词汇和句型,以听说训练为主,让学生初步感知本单元的重点内容。
- Section B则在Section A的基础上,进一步拓展词汇、句型的运用,加强读写训练,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。
- Self - check部分主要用于学生自我检测,帮助学生巩固本单元所学知识。
1. 语言知识目标。
- 学生能够掌握本单元的重点单词、短语和句型,如[列举一些重点单词、短语和句型]。
- 能够正确运用一般现在时、现在进行时等语法知识进行简单的语言表达。
2. 语言技能目标。
- 听:学生能听懂有关[单元主题相关内容]的简单对话和短文,获取主要信息。
- 说:能够运用所学词汇和句型就[单元主题相关话题]进行简单的交流和讨论,语音、语调基本正确。
- 读:能够读懂与[单元主题相关]的文章,理解文章大意,掌握文章中的关键信息,并能根据上下文猜测词义。
- 写:能够根据所给提示或话题,写出简单的英语短文,内容完整,语法正确,书写规范。
3. 情感态度目标。
- 通过学习本单元内容,培养学生对[单元主题相关事物]的兴趣,激发学生学习英语的积极性。
- 引导学生关注[单元主题相关的积极情感内容,如文化、友谊等],增强学生的跨文化意识和积极的情感体验。

(Section A 1a-1b)
首先,组员讨论,确定本次备课主题为七年级英语的unit 7 how do you make a banana milk shake?第二课时,接着,便是各组员针对本次课题,提出自己的意见。
火高录:课的引入将播放一首优美动听的英文歌,让学生轻松愉快地进入课堂。本节课的重点是学说水果沙拉的过程,会说本课的句型first…,then…,next…finally…,并能在实际情景中运用。因此,本节课应围绕着此点展开教学。英语ຫໍສະໝຸດ 集体备课活动记录表项目名称
八年级Unit 7 how do you make a banana milk shake?集体备课
七年级下册英语备课组活动记录表 英语备课组活动记录表


初中英语集体备课记录Subject: EnglishGrade: Middle SchoolDate: [enter date]Objective:1. Students will be able to express their thoughts and opinions effectively in English.2. Students will develop their listening and interpersonal skills.3. Students will strengthen their vocabulary and grammar through oral practice.Materials:- Whiteboard/markers- PowerPoint presentation- Handouts with conversation topics and activitiesProcedure:1. Warm-up (10 minutes)- Greet the students and check their understanding of yesterday's lesson.- Play a short video clip of a conversation in English and ask students to identify any words or phrases they recognize.2. Vocabulary Introduction (15 minutes)- Present a list of new vocabulary words related to today's topic (e.g., hobbies and interests).- Give examples of how each word can be used in a sentence.- Encourage students to repeat each word and practice pronunciation.3. Pair Work (15 minutes)- Divide the class into pairs and distribute handouts with conversation topics.- Instruct students to take turns asking and answering questions related to the topic.- Circulate the class to provide assistance and encourage participation.4. Group Discussion (15 minutes)- Divide the class into groups of 4-6 students.- Give each group a different topic to discuss (e.g., favorite movies, future goals, dream vacations).- Instruct students to take turns sharing their thoughts while others actively listen.- Encourage students to ask follow-up questions and provide feedback.5. Role-play Activity (15 minutes)- Present a real-life scenario, such as ordering food in a restaurant or resolving a conflict between friends.- Assign roles to students and provide them with dialogue prompts.- Perform the role-plays in front of the class, and encourage students to use the vocabulary and grammar learned in class.6. Wrap-up (10 minutes)- Recap the main vocabulary and expressions covered in today's lesson.- Ask students to reflect on their progress and share one thing they learned or improved during the lesson.- Assign a short homework assignment for students to practice the vocabulary words and their conversation skills.7. Extension Activity (optional)- Discuss the lyrics or activity as a class and encourage students to express their opinions.Assessment:- Observation of students' participation and engagement during pair work, group discussions, and role-plays.。

八年级英语下册集体备课教研活动记录表范文Date: [Insert Date]Venue: [Insert Venue]Participants: Teachers of Grade Eight EnglishObjective: To conduct collective lesson preparation and teaching research for the second volume of the Grade Eight English textbook, aiming to improve teaching quality and student outcomes.Agenda:1. Review of Previous Lessons2. Discussion on Teaching Strategies and Materials3. Analysis of Student Learning Outcomes4. Assignment of Lesson Preparation Tasks5. Conclusion and Next Steps1. Review of Previous LessonsWe began the session by reviewing the previous lessons taught in the Grade Eight English textbook (Volume 2). Teachers shared their experiences, challenges, and successes encountered while teaching these lessons. Issuessuch as student comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and grammar mastery were discussed in detail. It was agreedthat more emphasis should be placed on interactive and engaging teaching methods to enhance student participation and understanding.2. Discussion on Teaching Strategies and MaterialsThe focus then shifted to discussing effective teaching strategies and materials for the upcoming lessons. Teachers brainstormed ideas on how to make the content more engaging and meaningful for students. Suggestions included usingreal-life examples, multimedia resources, and role-play activities to illustrate concepts and language points. It was also emphasized that teachers should make use of the available teaching materials and resources to enrich their lesson plans.3. Analysis of Student Learning OutcomesNext, we analyzed the student learning outcomes from the previous lessons. Teachers shared their observations on student progress, identifying both strengths and areas for improvement. It was noted that while most students were performing well in terms of vocabulary acquisition andreading comprehension, there were still challenges in grammar mastery and writing skills. Based on these findings, teachers brainstormed strategies to address these challenges, such as providing additional practice exercises and encouraging students to engage in more writing activities.4. Assignment of Lesson Preparation TasksFinally, we assigned lesson preparation tasks for the upcoming lessons. Each teacher was responsible forpreparing a detailed lesson plan, including teaching objectives, content outline, activities, and assessment methods. It was emphasized that teachers should collaborate and share their lesson plans to ensure consistency and coherence across the grade level.5. Conclusion and Next StepsThe session concluded with a summary of the key points discussed and an outline of the next steps. Teachers agreed to continue collaborating and sharing ideas to improve teaching quality and student outcomes. It was also decided that regular collective lesson preparation sessions wouldbe conducted to ensure effective teaching and learning in the Grade Eight English classroom.**八年级英语下册集体备课教研活动记录表范文** 日期:[填写日期]地点:[填写地点]参与者:八年级英语教师目标:开展八年级英语下册集体备课与教研活动,旨在提高教学质量和学生学习成果。

九年级英语集体备课活动记录表项目名称九年级英语集体备课负责人唐理欢活动时间 2016-3-15 活动地址九年级办公室九年级 Unit 5 How do you活动主题 make a banana milk shake? 主讲人郑金燕集体备课参加对象英语组全体成员为响应学校的呼吁,睁开校本培训,本教研组于13 月 15 日进行了本学期集体备课活动。
第一,组员议论,确立本次备课主题为七年级英语的 unit 5 How do you make a banana milk shake?第二课时,接着,即是各组员针对本次课题,提出自己的建议。
本节课的要点是学说水果沙拉的过程,会说本课的句型first ,then ,next finally , 并能在实质情形中运用。
部署作业设计 : 学生简单又不陌生—怎样煎荷包蛋,利用多媒体课件把步骤展现出来。
( 这个建议好 )朱殷梅:板书的设计也相当重要,应当要点突出,而且简短、了然。
部署作业设计 : 学生简单又不陌生—怎样煎荷包蛋,利用多媒体课件把步骤展现出来。
与建议英语组集体备课活动记录表项目名称英语集体备课活动时间 2012-5-12 负责人活动地址火高录英语办公室Unit8 Why don ’ t you get活动主题her a scarf八年级集体备课参加对象英语组全体成员?主讲人苏雪箐本教研组于 5 月 12 日进行了本学期集体备课活动。


1. 教材内容梳理。
- 首先大家一起把九年级英语教材([教材版本])翻了个遍,就像探险家探索宝藏地图一样。
- 按照正常的教学周数,我们大概算了算,每单元得花[X]周的时间。
2. 重要考试时间节点考虑。
- [教师名字1]提醒大家,别忘了这学期有几次重要的考试,像期中、期末还有模拟考。
1. 语法重难点。
- 定语从句。
- [教师名字2]皱着眉头说:“这个定语从句啊,就像一团乱麻,学生们总是搞不清楚先行词和关系词的关系。
- 经过一番热烈讨论,我们决定采用“故事法”来讲解。
比如说,“I have a book which is very interesting.”就可以把“book”当成主角,“which is very interesting”当成是描述这个主角的一个小跟班(定语从句),这样形象的比喻或许能让学生更好理解。
- 被动语态。
- [教师名字3]表示:“被动语态也是个老大难,学生们经常忘记be动词的变化。
”- 我们商量出一个“口诀法”:“被动语态be字变,过去分词后面添。
”并且打算多找一些有趣的例句,像“Many trees are planted by students every year.”让学生通过大量的实例来加深记忆。

初中英语集体备课记录表内容In the realm of collective preparation for junior high school English lessons, a meticulous and comprehensive recording system serves as the backbone of effective planning and execution. This entails the creation and maintenance of a detailed record sheet, tailored to the specific needs and objectives of the teaching team.At its core, the record sheet functions as a dynamic repository of vital information, facilitating seamless coordination among educators and ensuring alignment with curriculum standards. It encapsulates diverse facets of lesson planning, ranging from instructional objectives and materials utilized to assessment strategies and student progress tracking.Central to the record sheet is the delineation of overarching learning goals and corresponding lesson objectives. These objectives delineate the skills and competencies targeted in each session, encompassing language proficiency, communicative competence, andcritical thinking skills. By articulating clear and measurable objectives, educators pave the path for focused and purposeful instruction, fostering student engagement and attainment of learning outcomes.Integral to the preparatory process is the meticulous selection and organization of instructional materials. The record sheet serves as a repository for cataloging a myriad of resources, including textbooks, supplementary materials, multimedia resources, and authentic texts. Each resource is meticulously evaluated for its relevance, authenticity, and appropriateness to the learning objectives, ensuring a diversified and engaging instructional experience for students.In tandem with material selection, the record sheet delineates instructional methodologies and pedagogical approaches employed in each lesson. Whether adopting a communicative, task-based, or content-based approach, educators articulate their instructional strategies, fostering an interactive and student-centered learning environment. Moreover, the record sheet encapsulatesdifferentiation strategies catering to diverse learning needs, ensuring inclusivity and equity in the classroom.Assessment and evaluation constitute pivotal components of the teaching-learning cycle, seamlessly integrated into the record sheet. Educators outline formative and summative assessment strategies, encompassing diagnostic assessments, quizzes, presentations, and project-based assessments. Additionally, the record sheet features mechanisms for monitoring student progress and providing timely feedback, fostering metacognitive awareness and self-regulated learning among students.Collaborative reflection and continuous improvement lie at the heart of effective lesson planning, underscoring the iterative nature of the process. The record sheet serves as a conduit for ongoing reflection and dialogue among educators, enabling them to evaluate the efficacy of instructional strategies, address challenges encountered, and refine future lesson plans. Through collaborative inquiry and shared expertise, educators cultivate a culture of professional growth and excellence, maximizing studentlearning outcomes.In essence, the collective lesson planning record sheet epitomizes the synergy of pedagogical expertise, instructional innovation, and reflective practice. It transcends the confines of administrative documentation, evolving into a dynamic tool for instructional coherence, professional collaboration, and student success. As educators embark on the journey of collective lesson planning, they harness the transformative power of collaboration, propelling their teaching practice to new heights of efficacy and impact.。

1. 复上一课时内容
- 复了上一课时的主要内容,包括单词、词组和句子的研究和
- 复了上一课时的语法知识和语言点。
2. 确定本课时目标
- 确定了本课时的研究目标,包括听、说、读、写四个方面的
- 确定了本课时的重点和难点内容,以便更好地指导学生研究。
3. 设计教学活动和资源
- 针对本课时的研究目标,设计了一系列的教学活动,包括听
- 确定了使用的教材和教学资源,包括课本、题册和多媒体资料等。
4. 制定教学计划和时间安排
- 按照本课时的研究内容和教学活动,制定了详细的教学计划和时间安排。
- 分配了合理的时间给每个教学环节,确保学生在不同的能力培养上都能得到充分的训练和指导。
5. 分工合作和评估反馈
- 分工合作,明确了每位教师在备课过程中的任务和责任。
- 讨论了教学评估和学生反馈的方式和方法,以便及时调整教学策略。
6. 其他事项
- 讨论了其他与本课时相关的事项,包括课堂管理、学生行为规范等。

七年级下册英语集体备课活动记录表全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Record of Seventh Grade Second Semester English Group Lesson Planning ActivityHi everyone! Today, let me tell you all about our super fun and exciting group lesson planning activity for the English class in seventh grade. It was so much fun!First of all, our teacher divided us into different groups and gave each group a topic to plan a lesson on. My group got the topic of "Describing People and Places". We were so excited to work on it together!We sat together and brainstormed ideas on how to make the lesson engaging and interactive for our classmates. We came up with games, role plays, and even a mini quiz to test everyone's understanding.Then, we worked on creating a lesson plan with all the details such as the objectives, materials needed, and the sequence of activities. It was a bit challenging at first, but wehelped each other out and managed to come up with a solid plan.The next step was to actually practice teaching the lesson to each other. We took turns being the teacher and the students, and it was so much fun pretending to be in a real classroom setting.Finally, on the day of the presentation, we were all a little nervous but mostly excited to show what we had prepared. Our classmates really enjoyed our lesson and participated actively in all the activities. It was such a great feeling to see everyone engaged and learning together.Overall, the group lesson planning activity was a huge success and we all learned a lot from working together. I can't wait to do it again next semester!篇2Our Latest English Lesson PlanHey everyone! So today our English teacher gave us a really fun assignment - to plan a lesson together as a class! It was so cool because we got to brainstorm ideas and work as a team. Here's how it all went down:First, our teacher divided us into groups of 5. Each group had to come up with a topic for the lesson. My group chose to do a lesson on food and restaurants. We thought it would be fun to learn some new vocabulary and practice ordering food in English.Next, each group had to come up with activities for their lesson. We decided to start with a vocabulary game where we would match words to pictures of different foods. Then we would practice ordering food by role-playing as customers and waiters in a restaurant setting.After that, we all came back together as a class and shared our ideas. It was so cool to see what everyone had come up with! Some groups did lessons on sports, travel, and even animals. We all voted on which lesson we wanted to do first, and the food and restaurants lesson won.Finally, we put together a schedule for the lesson. We decided to start with the vocabulary game, then move on to the role-playing activity, and finish with a group discussion on our favorite foods. We also assigned roles to each person in the class - some of us would be waiters, some customers, and others would be in charge of leading the discussion.Overall, it was such a fun and creative way to learn English! I can't wait to see what we come up with next time. Bye for now!篇3Our English class had a super fun and cool activity last week - we had a collective lesson planning session for the second semester of our seventh grade English course! It was so awesome to work together as a team and come up with new ideas for our lessons.At the beginning of the session, our teacher divided us into small groups of three or four students. Each group was assigned a different unit from the textbook, and we were responsible for brainstorming creative ways to teach the material to the rest of the class.My group was in charge of Unit 5, which is all about describing people's appearances and personalities. We had so much fun coming up with games and activities to help our classmates learn the vocabulary and grammar points. For example, we created a matching game where students had to match pictures of different people to descriptions of their appearances and personalities. It was a blast!After working on our individual units, we all came together as a class to share our ideas and give each other feedback. It was really cool to see how creative everyone was and to learn new teaching techniques from each other.Overall, the collective lesson planning session was a huge success! Not only did we come up with some awesome lesson plans for the next semester, but we also grew closer as a class and learned how to work together as a team. I can't wait to see how our lessons turn out when we teach them to the rest of the class. It's going to be so much fun!篇4Our class had a super fun and exciting collective lesson preparation activity for the seventh-grade English course! We were all so pumped up to work together and come up with awesome ideas for our lessons.First off, we split into groups and each group brainstormed ideas for different topics. My group chose to prepare a lesson on animals, while the others picked topics like sports, hobbies, and food. We all had such cool ideas and it was hard to choose just one!After brainstorming, we got down to work on our lesson plans. We had to think about what activities we wanted to do in class, what vocabulary words to focus on, and how to make the lesson engaging for everyone. It was a lot of work, but we had so much fun coming up with creative ideas.During the preparation, we also practiced speaking in English and helped each other with pronunciation and grammar. It was a great way to practice our language skills while working on our lesson plans.Finally, we presented our lesson plans to the class and got feedback from our classmates and teacher. Everyone had such great ideas and it was awesome to see how creative we all could be. We made some final tweaks to our plans and got them ready for our actual lessons.Overall, the collective lesson preparation activity was a huge success! We all had a blast working together and learning from each other. I can't wait to see how our lessons turn out in class.篇5Our Class 7B English Lesson Planning Activity RecordHey guys! Last week we had a super fun and awesome English lesson planning activity as a class. It was so cool to work together and come up with different ideas for our lessons. Here’s a recap of what we did:Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pmDate: 15th November 2021Venue: Classroom 7B1. Icebreaking activity:We started off with an icebreaking activity where we shared our favorite English words. It was really cool to hear everyone’s choices and learn new words too. Some of the words we shared were “awesome”, “fantastic” and “delicious”.2. Brainstorming session:After the icebreaker, we had a brainstorming session where we discussed different topics we could include in our English lessons. We came up with ideas like “sports”, “travel” and “music”. It was great to see everyone sharing their thoughts and getting creative.3. Lesson planning:Next, we split into groups and started planning our lessons. Each group had to come up with a topic, objectives, activities, and homework for the lesson. It was so much fun working together and bouncing ideas off each other. We even created some cool worksheets and games for our lessons.4. Presentation:Finally, we all presented our lesson plans to the class. It was amazing to see how creative everyone was and how much effort they put into their lessons. We had lessons on writing stories, describing places, and even acting out a play in English. Everyone did an awesome job!Overall, our English lesson planning activity was a huge success. We learned a lot, had a ton of fun, and bonded as a class. It was a great experience and we can’t wait to do it again. Go Class 7B!Signed,Your Classmates from 7B篇6Title: Record of the 7th Grade English Collective Lesson Plan ActivityToday, our class had a super fun and exciting English collective lesson planning activity! All the teachers gathered together to work on making English lessons even more interesting and interactive for us students. Here's a little recap of what happened during the activity.First off, Mrs. Smith started the session by sharing some new teaching methods she learned at a recent workshop. She talked about using more games and visual aids in the classroom to help us learn better. We all agreed that learning through games would be so much more fun than just reading from a textbook!Next, Mr. Johnson shared some great ideas for incorporating technology into our English lessons. He suggested using online quizzes and interactive videos to make learning more engaging. We were all so excited about the idea of using our laptops and tablets in class!Then, Mrs. Brown talked about the importance of including real-life scenarios in our lessons to help us understand how English is used in everyday situations. She gave us examples of conversations we could act out in class, like ordering food at a restaurant or asking for directions.After that, we all brainstormed different themes for our upcoming lessons, like travel, food, and hobbies. We came upwith so many cool ideas for activities and projects related to each theme, like making travel brochures or cooking videos.Overall, the collective lesson planning activity was a huge success! We all had so much fun sharing ideas and working together to make our English lessons even better. We can't wait to see all the new and exciting things our teachers have planned for us in the future!篇7Our 7th grade English class had a super fun and exciting group lesson planning activity! We all gathered together in the classroom and our teacher split us into groups. Each group had to plan a different lesson based on a topic from our textbook.My group worked on a lesson about animals and their habitats. We brainstormed different activities like a matching game with animal names and pictures, a story time about an endangered species, and a mini research project on animal adaptations. It was so cool to see everyone's ideas come together to create a fun and engaging lesson.After we finished planning our lessons, each group presented their ideas to the class. We had so much fun acting out skits, playing games, and even singing songs to help teachour classmates about different topics like food and health, jobs and careers, and hobbies and interests.Overall, the group lesson planning activity was a great way for us to work together, be creative, and learn from each other. I can't wait to see how our actual lessons turn out when we teach them to the rest of the class next week!篇8Our English class had a super fun group lesson preparation activity last week, and it was so cool! We had to write a record of what we did, so here it is:First, our teacher Mrs. Smith told us that we were going to work together to plan an awesome lesson for the next class. We were all so excited because we got to choose what we wanted to teach and how we wanted to do it.We split into small groups and each group decided on a different topic to teach. My group chose to teach about animals and their habitats. We brainstormed ideas and made a plan on what we were going to do.Next, we had to make posters and visual aids to help with our lesson. We had so much fun drawing pictures and writinginformation about the animals we wanted to talk about. It was like being in an art class!After that, each group presented their lesson to the whole class. It was so cool to see what everyone came up with. Some groups did skits, some groups did games, and some groups even did a quiz at the end.Overall, it was a really fun activity and we all learned so much from each other. We can't wait to do it again next time! Thanks Mrs. Smith for the awesome idea!篇9Title: Our Fun and Exciting English Lesson Planning Session in Grade 7Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about our super cool English lesson planning session in Grade 7. It was so much fun and we learned a lot too!First, we all gathered together in the classroom. Our English teacher, Mr. Smith, showed us a big checklist for the topics we needed to cover in the coming weeks. We were so excited to see all the interesting things we would be learning about – like animals, sports, and even famous historical figures.Then, we split into small groups and started brainstorming ideas for our lesson plans. My group decided to do a presentation on endangered animals and how we can help protect them. We had so much fun researching facts and making colorful posters to present to the class.Next, we shared our ideas with the whole class and got feedback from our classmates. It was so cool to see how everyone had different ideas and perspectives on how to teach each topic. We all learned so much from each other!Finally, we put all our ideas together to create a detailed lesson plan for each topic. We included games, quizzes, and even a mini skit to make our lessons fun and interactive. Our English teacher was so impressed with our creativity and teamwork.In the end, we all felt proud of our hard work and couldn't wait to start teaching our classmates. We learned that planning lessons together can be super fun and rewarding. I can't wait to see what other exciting topics we'll be learning about in English class!That's all for now, see you in the next lesson! Bye-bye!篇10The English lesson of Grade 7 has just finished, and our teachers had a really cool activity today! It was a group lesson planning session where all the English teachers gathered together to share ideas and plan lessons for the upcoming semester. It was so much fun and we learned a lot!First, we started by brainstorming different topics and themes for our lessons. We talked about things like sports, music, food, and travel. We also discussed the grammar and vocabulary that we wanted to focus on. It was great to hear everyone's ideas and share our own thoughts.Next, we divided into groups and each group was assigned a different lesson to plan. My group got the lesson on “Describing People” and we had so much fun coming up with activities and games to teach the students how to describe someone's appearance and personality.After we finished planning our lessons, we presented them to the rest of the teachers. It was amazing to see all the creative ideas that everyone came up with! Some groups had skits, some had songs, and some had interactive games. It was so cool to see how we could make learning English fun and engaging for our students.Overall, the group lesson planning session was a huge success! We all learned a lot from each other and we can't wait to bring our new ideas into the classroom. It was a great way to work together as a team and make our English lessons even better. I can't wait for the next group lesson planning session!。


(完整)初二英语组集体备课活动记录初二英语组集体备课活动记录日期:[填入日期]参与人员:[填入姓名]记录人:[填入姓名]1. 活动目的本次集体备课活动的目的是为了学思路和教学内容,提高教师教学质量,保证学生研究效果。
2. 教材分析教师首先对初二英语教材进行了全面分析,包括课文内容、语法点、词汇等方面。
3. 教学目标和要求根据教材分析的结果,教师们确定了本次教学的目标和要求。
4. 教学策略教师们在讨论中共同制定了一系列教学策略,包括多媒体教学、课堂讨论、小组合作研究等。
5. 教学内容和安排根据教学目标和教学策略,教师们确定了具体的教学内容和安排。
6. 教学评估方式教师们一致认为,对学生的研究情况进行及时的评估是非常重要的。
7. 其他事项在集体备课活动中,教师们还就教学管理、学生惯养成等方面进行了讨论和交流,取得了很好的效果。

(Ss work in groups. Ask and answer about the questions according to the picture in 1a.)
S1: Do you like bananas?
S2: Yes, I do.
S3: Does he like bananas?
Liu Li: Yes, I do.
You: What about rice?
Liu Li: No, I don’t.
You: Do you like ice-cream, Zhao Jun?
Zhao Jun: No, I don’t.
Zhao Jun: What about rice?
Zhao Jun: Yes. I like rice.
and revision
1. Greeting the Ss. Check the homework.
2. Review the new words about food, fruit and vegetables. (Ss may look at the picture in 1a).
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
三Байду номын сангаас办公室
Unit3 Could you please clean your room?
Step2Lead- in
.Show aflash:“The broom”,Do you often helpyour parents do chore.
Step3 Do you do these chores at home.?引出本课时短语:do the dishesMake the bed /clean the living roo m……..(操练短语方式:小组、大组、男女生分读)
Step4 Game:根据转盘箭头指向的汉语说出英语短语。
Step5引出句子:Different ways of saying下面哪句话你觉得最有礼貌?
Step12 Chain drills(问答接龙)
Step13 Homework
1.copy the new words
2.Make sentences
Step8 Could you please do sth……Could you please not do sth…….
Step9 Pairwork
Step10 Compitition: Who is t he winner?(本课时内容当场检测方式:抢答)
Step11 Listening
Step6 Look and say
Could you please………/. Could you please not………..
Step7 Conclusion :(小结方式:让学生回答)
Could you please do sth………请你做。。。。好吗?
Could you please not do sth…….请你不要做。。。好吗?