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1.shop n.商店

sho p v.购物

2.other adj.其他的

others pron.其他的人或物3.friend n.朋友

friendly adj.友好的

4.help v.帮助

helpful adj.有帮助的

5.pollute v.污染

pollution n.污染

6.discuss v.讨论

discussion n.讨论

e v使用

reuse v.再利用

8.promise v.承诺;保证

promise n.诺言

9.lie n.谎言

lie v.躺

10.write v.写

writer n.作者

11.visit v.拜访;参观

visit n.拜访;参观

12.luck n.运气

lucky adj.幸运的luckily adv.

13.plan v.计划

plan n.计划;平面图14.cost v.花费

cost n.花费

15.swim v.游泳

swimmer n.游泳者ual adj.通常的

usually adv.通常

17.teach v.教

teacher n.教师

18.drive v.驾车

driver n.司机

19.fire n.火

fireman n.消防队员20.post v.邮寄

po s t man n.邮递员

21.cook v.烹饪

cook n.厨师

cooker n.炊具

22.work v.工作

work n.工作

worker n.工人

23.enter v.进入

entrance n.入口处

24.final adj.最后的

finally adv.最后

25.invite v.邀请

invitation n.请柬

26.meet v.遇见

meeting n.会议

27.loud adj.大声的

loudly adv.大声地

28.mean v.表示……的意思

meaning n.意义

29.cross v.横穿

across prep.穿过;在对面

30.steam v.蒸

st e ame d adj.

31.fry v.炒,煎,炸

fried adj.

32.boil v.煮

boiled adj.

33.bake v.烤

b ak ed adj.

34.freeze v.结冰;冷冻frozen adj.冰冻的

35.favourite n.最喜欢的人或物favourite adj.最喜欢的36.fun n.有趣的事

funny adj.有趣的;滑稽的37.spice n.香料

spicy adj.辛辣的

38.salt n.盐

salty adj.咸的

39.taste v.品尝

tasty adj.美味的

40.drink v.喝

drink n.饮料

41.sweet adj.甜的

sweets n.糖果

42.health n.健康

healthy adj.健康的unhealthy adj.不健康的43.eat v.吃

eating n.饮食

44.suggest v.建议suggestion n.建议45.score n.分数score v.计分46.shop--shopping swim--swimming put—putting plan—planning

ge t—getting travel—travelling





comp are—comparing 47.one—first two—second three—third four—fourth five—fifth six—sixth seven—seventh eight—eighth nine—ninth

ten-tenth eleven—eleventh twelve—twelfth fourteen—fourteenth nineteen—nineteenth twenty—twentieth thirty—thirtieth forty—fortieth fifty—fiftieth



hundr ed—hundr edth


I we you he she it they 宾格(做宾语或放于介词后):

me us you him her it them 形容词性物主代词(放于名词前):my our your his her its their 名词性物主代词:

mine ours yours his hers its theirs

49.形容词原级,比较级,最高级small smaller the smallest

tall taller the tallest

big bigger the biggest

thin thinner the thinnest

fat fatter the fattest

heavy heavier the heaviest healthy healthier the healthiest long longer the longest

wide wider the widest

good better the best

bad worse the worst


child children

foot feet

t oot h teeth

mouse mice 名词单数复数fireman firemen po s t man po stme n person people

sheep sheep fish fish deer deer Chinese Chinese Japanese Japanese

tomato t omat oe s po t at o potat oes photo phot o s piano pianos

family families activity activities factory factories secretary secretaries library libraries

bus buses box boxes chilli chillies sandwich sandwiches quiz quizzes

man men

w oman w o me n policewoman policewomen *注:n.名词adj.形容词


