
英语日常对话100句一问一答1. Q: How are you today?A: I'm doing well, thanks. And you?2. Q: What's your name?A: My name is [Your Name].3. Q: Where are you from?A: I'm from [Your City/Country].4. Q: What do you do for a living?A: I work as a [Your Profession].5. Q: What's your favorite food?A: I really like pizza.6. Q: Do you like to travel?A: Yes, I love exploring new places.7. Q: Have you seen the latest movie?A: Not yet, is it any good?8. Q: What kind of music do you listen to?A: I enjoy listening to pop music.9. Q: How do you spend your weekends?A: I usually go hiking or spend time with friends.10. Q: Do you have any pets?A: Yes, I have a dog named [Pet's Name]. 11. Q: What's the weather like today?A: It's sunny and warm.12. Q: Do you like reading?A: Yes, I read a lot in my free time.13. Q: What's your favorite book?A: My favorite book is "To Kill a Mockingbird."14. Q: How do you get to work?A: I take the subway.15. Q: What time do you usually wake up?A: I wake up at 6:30 a.m.16. Q: Do you prefer coffee or tea?A: I'm a coffee person.17. Q: Have you been to [Famous Place]?A: Yes, I visited there last year.18. Q: What's your favorite color?A: I like blue the most.19. Q: Do you speak any other languages?A: Yes, I can speak Spanish.20. Q: What's your favorite season?A: I love autumn.... (Continuing the pattern)81. Q: Do you like to cook?A: Yes, I enjoy trying out new recipes.82. Q: What's your favorite sport?A: I enjoy playing basketball.83. Q: Do you have any siblings?A: Yes, I have a younger brother.84. Q: What's your favorite holiday?A: I look forward to Christmas every year.85. Q: Do you play any musical instruments?A: I play the guitar.86. Q: What's your favorite TV show?A: I'm currently watching "Stranger Things."87. Q: Do you like to go to the gym?A: Yes, I try to work out regularly.88. Q: What's your favorite type of cuisine?A: I'm a big fan of Italian food.89. Q: Do you enjoy shopping?A: Sometimes, but not too often.90. Q: What's your favorite quote?A: "The only way to do great work is to love what you do."91. Q: Do you prefer the countryside or the city?A: I prefer the peacefulness of the countryside.92. Q: What's your favorite subject in school?A: I always liked history.93. Q: Do you like to dance?A: Yes, especially to salsa music.94. Q: What's your dream vacation destination?A: I'd love to visit Japan.95. Q: Do you like to garden?A: Yes, I find it relaxing.96. Q: What's your favorite childhood memory?A: Going to the beach with my family.97. Q: Do you enjoy photography?A: Yes, it's a hobby of mine.98. Q: What's your favorite dessert?A: I can't resist chocolate cake.99. Q: Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?A: I prefer being outdoors when the weather is nice. 100. Q: What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?A: I like to curl up with a book and a cup of tea.。

英语中基本的疑问词不外乎what, where, when, who, which, why和how这么几个,下面这七十个句子,足以让你得到你最想要的。
一:关于What口语中最常用的问题:time is it(几点了) 2 . What are you doing(你在干什么)did you say(你说什么) 5. What do you think(你认为怎样)do you recommend(你有何推荐的)are you looking for(你在找什么)is this for(这是用来做什么的)would you like to drink(你想喝什么)do you call this in English(这用英语怎么说)school do you go to(你在哪所学校就读)二:关于Where口语中最常用的问题:Where are you from(你从哪里来)2. Where is your company(你们公司在哪3. Where is the restroom(洗手间在哪)4. Where are you headed(你去哪里)5. Where should I pay(我该在哪里交钱)6. Where did you buy it(你在哪买的)7. Where did you learn English(你在哪学的英语)8. Where do you work(您在哪里高就)9. Where would you like to go(你想去哪里)10. Where have you been(你去哪了)三:关于When口语中最常用的问题:When did you come here(你何时到的)2. When does the meeting start(会议何时开始)3. When will you finish your work(你何时做完)4. When is this due(什么时候到期)5. When will the flight arrive(飞机何时到港)6. When are you free(你什么时候有空)7. When is your birthday(你的生日是何时)8. When is he coming back(他什么时候回来)9. When does the store open(商店什么时候开门)10. When can I see you again(我何时可以再见到你)四:关于Who口语中最常用的问题:1. Who did that(那是谁干的)is she(她是谁)’s calling(您是哪一位)do you think you are(你以为你是谁)will take over his job(谁来接管他的工作)does this belong to(这是谁的)told you that(谁告诉你的)asked you(谁问你了)are you looking for(你在找谁)do you think you are talking to(你以为你在跟谁说话)五:关于Which 口语中最常用的问题:Which is yours(哪一个是你的)Which hotel are you staying in(您在哪个宾馆下榻)Which is better(哪一个更好一点)Which city do you like best(你最喜欢哪个城市)Which one should I buy(我该买哪一个)Which train should I take(我该坐哪趟火车)Which department do you work for(你在哪个部门工作)Which restaurant do you recommend(你推荐哪个饭店)Which number should I call(我该打哪个电话)Which newspaper do you read(你读哪家报纸)六:关于Why 口语中最常用的问题:1. Why is that(那是怎么回事)2. Why not(为什么不呢)3. Why did you say that(你为什么那么说)4. Why would you quit your job(你为何要辞职)5. Why did you come to China(你为要到中国来)6. Why do you study English(你为何要学英语)7. Why are you so happy(你怎么这么高兴)8. Why are you late(你为什么晚了)9. Why do you ask(你问这个干什么)10. Why can’t you come(你为什么来不了)七:关于how 口语中最常用的问题:1. How are you(你好吗)2. How can I help you(我能帮你什么忙吗)3. How much is it(这个多少钱)4. How long have you been in China(你来中国多久了)5. How about having dinner with me(跟我一起吃晚饭好吗)6. How do you like it(你喜欢吗)7. How are you feeling(你感觉怎么样)8. How many children do you have(你有几个孩子)9. How was the meeting(会议开得怎么样)10. How’s business(生意怎么样)各位亲爱的学员:欢迎来到第17单元的训练内容,语音是基本功,语法、词汇、句型是知识的累计。

英语口语基本问答句1. 简单问候•问: 你好,你叫什么名字?•答: 我叫 [名字]。
•问: 你好吗?•答: 我很好,谢谢。
•问: 你来自哪里?•答: 我来自 [地方]。
2. 个人信息•问: 你的年龄是多少?•答: 我 [年龄] 岁。
•问: 你的生日是什么时候?•答: 我的生日是 [日期]。
•问: 你有兄弟姐妹吗?•答: 是的,我有 [兄弟姐妹的数量] 个兄弟姐妹。
3. 日常活动•问: 你喜欢做什么?•答: 我喜欢 [活动]。
•问: 你通常在周末做什么?•答: 我通常 [活动]。
•问: 你最喜欢的节日是什么?•答: 我最喜欢的节日是 [节日]。
4. 家庭•问: 你的父母是做什么工作的?•答: 我的父母是 [职业]。
•问: 你和家人住在一起吗?•答: 是的,我和我的家人住在一起。
5. 学习•问: 你在哪所学校就读?•答: 我在 [学校] 就读。
•问: 你最喜欢的科目是什么?•答: 我最喜欢的科目是 [科目]。
•问: 你将来想成为什么?•答: 我想成为 [职业]。
6. 旅行•问: 你喜欢旅行吗?•答: 是的,我喜欢旅行。
•问: 你去过哪些国家?•答: 我去过 [国家]。
•问: 你梦想中的旅行目的地是什么?•答: 我梦想中的旅行目的地是 [目的地]。
7. 饮食偏好•问: 你喜欢吃什么食物?•答: 我喜欢吃 [食物]。
•问: 你最喜欢的水果是什么?•答: 我最喜欢的水果是 [水果]。
•问: 你喜欢喝什么饮料?•答: 我喜欢喝 [饮料]。
8. 爱好•问: 你有什么爱好?•答: 我喜欢 [爱好]。
•问: 你喜欢什么音乐?•答: 我喜欢 [音乐类型]。
•问: 你喜欢什么运动?•答: 我喜欢 [运动]。
9. 假期•问: 你通常在假期做什么?•答: 我通常 [假期活动]。
•问: 你上次度假去了哪里?•答: 我上次度假去了 [地点]。
•问: 你喜欢多长时间的假期?•答: 我喜欢 [假期时长] 的假期。
10. 生活理念•问: 你认为什么是最重要的?•答: 对我来说,最重要的是 [理念]。

英语口语常见问答一、关于个人信息和问候1. 问:请问你叫什么名字?答:我叫(你的名字)。
2. 问:你从哪里来?答:我来自(你的城市/国家)。
3. 问:你好吗?答:我很好,谢谢。
你呢?4. 问:你今年多大了?答:我今年(年龄)岁。
5. 问:你的爱好是什么?答:我喜欢(爱好,如读书、听音乐、运动等)。
二、关于家庭和朋友1. 问:你有兄弟姐妹吗?答:是的,我有(兄弟姐妹数量)个兄弟姐妹。
2. 问:你和家人住在一起吗?答:是的,我和家人住在一起。
3. 问:你最好的朋友是谁?答:我最好的朋友叫(朋友的名字),我们认识很久了。
4. 问:你们经常做些什么活动?答:我们经常一起看电影、逛街、聚餐等。
5. 问:你喜欢和朋友出去还是呆在家里?答:我喜欢和朋友一起出去,但有时也喜欢在家里放松休息。
三、关于学校和学习1. 问:你在哪所学校就读?答:我在(学校的名字)就读。
2. 问:你最喜欢的科目是什么?答:我最喜欢的科目是(科目的名称)。
3. 问:你的老师怎么样?答:我的老师很好,他们非常有耐心和敬业。
4. 问:你每天都做些什么学习活动?答:我每天都会完成作业、预习课本内容,并且参加课外班级活动。
5. 问:你计划将来想做什么?答:我计划将来想成为(职业的名称),并为社会做出贡献。
四、关于兴趣爱好和休闲时间1. 问:你喜欢做什么运动?答:我喜欢打篮球/踢足球/游泳(根据个人喜好选择)。
2. 问:你喜欢怎么度过周末?答:我喜欢和朋友一起去看电影、逛街、或者在家休息。
3. 问:你喜欢什么类型的音乐?答:我喜欢流行音乐/摇滚音乐/古典音乐(根据个人喜好选择)。
4. 问:你平时喜欢看什么类型的电影?答:我平时喜欢看爱情片/动作片/喜剧片(根据个人喜好选择)。
5. 问:你还有其他的兴趣爱好吗?答:是的,我还喜欢画画/写作/旅行(根据个人兴趣选择)。
五、关于旅行和文化1. 问:你最喜欢的旅行地点是哪里?答:我最喜欢的旅行地点是(地点的名称),因为那里风景很美。

英语口语一级常用问句共50句含翻译1. How are you? 你好吗?2. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?3. Where are you from? 你来自哪里?4. How old are you? 你多大了?5. What do you do? 你是做什么工作的?6. Can you help me? 你能帮助我吗?7. What's the time? 几点了?8. How's the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?9. Where do you live? 你住在哪里?10. What's your favorite color? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么?11. Do you have any siblings? 你有兄弟姐妹吗?12. What's your favorite food? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?13. Have you been to any interesting places recently? 你最近去过一些有趣的地方吗?14. How was your day? 你今天过得怎么样?15. What are your hobbies? 你有什么爱好?16. Can you speak any other languages? 你会说其他语言吗?17. What's your phone number? 你的电话号码是多少?18. What's your favorite movie? 你最喜欢的电影是什么?19. Where did you go to school? 你在哪里上学?20. What's your dream job? 你理想的工作是什么?21. Are you married? 你结婚了吗?22. Do you have any pets? 你有宠物吗?23. What's your favorite book? 你最喜欢的书是什么?24. Can you cook? 你会做饭吗?25. What's your favorite music genre? 你最喜欢的音乐类型是什么?26. How do you relax? 你如何放松自己?27. What's your plan for the weekend? 你周末有什么计划?28. Are you a morning person or a night owl? 你是早起的人还是夜猫子?29. What do you think about current events? 你对当前事件有什么看法?30. Do you exercise regularly? 你经常锻炼吗?31. What's your favorite season? 你最喜欢的季节是什么?32. How do you handle stress? 你如何应对压力?33. What's your favorite type of cuisine? 你最喜欢的菜系是什么?34. What's your biggest fear? 你最大的恐惧是什么?35. Are you a morning person or a night owl? 你是早起的人还是夜猫子?36. What's the best advice you've ever received? 你收到过的最好的建议是什么?37. Do you believe in destiny? 你相信命运吗?38. What's your favorite way to spend a lazy day? 你最喜欢怎样度过懒散的一天?39. How do you stay motivated? 你如何保持动力?40. What's your favorite childhood memory? 你最喜欢的童年记忆是什么?41. What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done? 你做过的最冒险的事是什么?42. What's the last movie you watched? 你最后一次看的电影是什么?43. Do you believe in love at first sight? 你相信一见钟情吗?44. What's the best place you've ever visited? 你去过的最棒的地方是哪里?45. Do you have any upcoming travel plans? 你有即将要去的旅行计划吗?46. What's your favorite way to stay active? 你最喜欢保持活跃的方式是什么?47. How do you handle challenges? 你如何应对挑战?48. What's your favorite quote? 你最喜欢的格言是什么?49. What's your idea of a perfect day? 你心目中的完美一天是什么样子?50. Can you recommend a good book or movie? 你能推荐一本好书或一部电影吗?。

英语基础入门必备的100 句基本问句一、交际1. Hello, …你好。
2. Hi, …喂,你好。
3. Good morning/ afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。
4. How are you(this morning/afternoon/evening)? 你今天好吗?5. Fine, thank you/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。
6. Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢谢。
7. Welcome back to …欢迎回到…8. Welcome to …欢迎到…9. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!10. What’s your name, please? 你的名字是什么?11. Your name, please? 你叫什么名字?12. My name is…/ I’m…我的名字是…/ 我名叫…13. This is Miss/ Mr/ Mrs…这位是…小姐/先生/女士。
14. This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。
15. Come and meet my friends. 过来见见我的朋友们。
16. How do you do? 你好。
17. Nice to meet /see you. 很高兴认识/见到你。
18. Goodbye. 再见19. Good night. 晚安。
20. How old is he? 他多大了?21. Thank you./ Thanks. 谢谢。
22. You’re welcome. 不用谢。
23. That’s all right. 没关系。
24. I’m sorry. 对不起。
25. Sorry, I don’t know. 对不起,我不知道。
26. Excuse me. 对不起,打扰一下。
27. Come in, please. 请进。
28. Have some bananas, please. 请吃些香蕉。

英语日常问句100例1.What’s your name?2.How old are you?3.What grade/class are you in?4.Where are you from?/Where do you come from? 5.Are you from Beijing?6.What school are you from?7.How are you?8.What’s your English teacher’s name? 9.What’s your father’s name?10.How many people are there in your family? 11.Which do you prefer singing or dancing? 12.Do you often go to the zoo?13.Which do you prefer,monkeys or elephants? 14.Which do you like best,blue,green or purple? 15.Do you like your mother?16.How old is your father/mother?17.Can you play the piano?19.What’s your favorite color?20.Can you play the violin?21.Which do you prefer,your English teacher or Chinese teacher?22.Can you play football?23.Which do you prefer,rice or noodles?24.Do you like your school?Why?25.Which do you prefer,cartoons or news?26.How many bananas are there in the picture? 27.What color are they?28.What day is today?29.What’s the weather today?30.What time do you often get up?31.What time do you have breakfast/lunch?32.What’s your favorite animal/color/food?33.What animal don’t you like?3.4What food don’t you like?35.Do you like playing football?36.Do you like Yao Ming?Why?37.Do you like other sports?39.Do you like basketball?40.What color is your shirt?41.What do you like to eat?42.Do you like English book?43.If you don’t like reading,what do you like?44.Do you have a pet?45.Do you have a cat or a dog?46.Do you like sports?47.What do you like doing in your free time?48.What do you hope for?49.In the future,what job do you want?50.If you want to be a millionaire,what would you buy?51.Do you like cars?What color cars?52.Do you like bananas?Do you eat bananas every day?53.What’s your mother’s job?54.Do you like a sunny day or a rainy day?Why?55.Do you like summer or winter?15.Do you like watching TV?56.What’s your favorite season,spring,summer,fall or winter?57.How long have you learned English?58.What’s your English/Chinese name?59.How do you come to school?60.Where do they usually have lunch?61.What do they do in their free time?62.How often do you come to the library?63.How long can I keep them?64.What do you think of it?65.How do you like it?66.Which subject do you like best?67.Why do you like it?68.Where is your bedroom?69.What kind of home do you live in?70.Which floor do you live on?71.How can I get to the library?72.Excuse me,where is the hospital?73.Excuse me,is there a post office near here?74.Excuse me,which is the way to the park?75.Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the zoo?76.How far is it from here?77.Which bus should/can I take?78.Where is the bus stop?79.Is it far from here?80.When was she born,do you know?81.Where was she born?82.When is your birthday?83.How do you plan to celebrate it?85.What present do you want to buy for her?86.What's the date today?87.What's the shape of your present?88.What can you do at the party?89.What else can you do?90.How was Kangkang's birthday party?91.What time did you go home last night?92.What's the matter?93.What's the weather like in spring?94.How is the weather in fall?95.Which season do you like best,spring,summer,fall or winter?96.What is the weather like in Beijing?97.What's the temperature,do you know?98.What places should I visit in Yunnan?99.How are things going?100.When is the Spring Festival?。

1. Q: What is your name? A: My name is John.2. Q: Where are you from? A: I am from China.3. Q: How old are you? A: I am 25 years old.4. Q: What do you do for a living? A: I am a teacher.5. Q: What is your favorite color? A: My favorite color is blue.6. Q: Do you have any siblings? A: Yes, I have one brother and one sister.7. Q: What is your favorite food? A: My favorite food is pizza.8. Q: Can you speak English? A: Yes, I can speak English.9. Q: Have you ever been to France? A: No, I have never been to France.10. Q: What time is it? A: It is 3 o'clock.11. Q: How far is it to the nearest train station? A: It is about 2 kilometers away.12. Q: Are you busy right now? A: No, I am not busy at the moment.13. Q: Did you enjoy the movie? A: Yes, I enjoyed it very much.14. Q: What is your favorite hobby? A: My favorite hobby is playing soccer.15. Q: Can you play a musical instrument? A: Yes, I can play the piano.16. Q: Do you like to travel? A: Yes, I love traveling.17. Q: What is the weather like today? A: It is sunny and warm.18. Q: How do you usually spend your weekends? A: I usually spend my weekends relaxing at home.19. Q: Are you married? A: No, I am single.20. Q: What is your favorite book? A: My favorite book is "To Kill a Mockingbird".21. Q: What is your favorite movie? A: My favorite movie is "The Shawshank Redemption".22. Q: Do you have any pets? A: Yes, I have a dog named Max.23. Q: Have you ever been skydiving? A: No, I haven't tried it yet.24. Q: Are you a morning person? A: No, I am not a morning person.25. Q: Can you swim? A: Yes, I can swim.26. Q: Do you enjoy cooking? A: Yes, I enjoy cooking.27. Q: What is your favorite season? A: My favorite season is spring.28. Q: How often do you exercise? A: I try to exercise three times a week.29. Q: What is your favorite type of music? A: My favorite type of music is pop.30. Q: Do you like to go shopping? A: Yes, I enjoy shopping.31. Q: Can you drive a car? A: Yes, I can drive.32. Q: Have you ever been to a concert? A: Yes, I have been to several concerts.33. Q: What is your favorite holiday? A: My favorite holiday is Christmas.34. Q: Do you have any allergies? A: No, I don't have any allergies.35. Q: Can you speak any other languages? A: Yes, I can speak Spanish.36. Q: Are you a coffee or tea person? A: I am more of a tea person.37. Q: Do you enjoy hiking? A: Yes, I love hiking.38. Q: What is your favorite TV show? A: My favorite TV show is "Friends".39. Q: Do you have any plans for the weekend? A: Yes, I am going to visit my parents.40. Q: What is your dream job? A: My dream job is to be a writer.这些问答句子覆盖了各个方面的话题,可以帮助你提高英语口语和书面表达的能力。

日常生活英语口语问句What’s your name?你叫什么名字?Where were you born?你在哪儿出生的?Where is your hometown?你的家乡在哪儿?What do you like to eat?你平时喜欢吃什么?What do you like to drink?你平时喜欢喝什么?How old are you?你多大了?What do you study?你学什么的?Where do you work?你在哪儿工作?What did you do today?你今天做了些什么?What kind of music do you like?你喜欢什么样的音乐?What animal would you most like to be? 你最想成为哪种动物?What languages do you speak?你都会说哪种语言?How long have you lived in this city?你在这个城市住了多久了?How many people are in your family? 你家有几口人?Have you been to Sydney?你去过悉尼吗?Do you have a best friend? Who is s/he? 你有最好的朋友吗?他或她是谁?Do you prefer summer or winter?夏天和冬天,你更喜欢哪一个?What do you do on the weekend?你周末喜欢做些什么呢?What hobbies do you have?你有什么爱好?What sports do you like?你都喜欢哪种体育项目?What is your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么?What do you normally have for breakfast? 你早饭平时都吃些什么?How do you get to work or university?你平时上班或上学都怎么走?What do you do on holidays?你放假都做些什么?What is your greatest wish?你最大的愿望是什么?Are you married or single?你结婚了还是单身?Do you drive or take public transport?你开车还是做公交?What do you like to do in your spare time? 你平时喜欢做些什么?What’s your favourite TV show?你最喜欢的电视剧是什么?Do you like shopping?Why or why not?你喜欢购物吗?为什么?What subjects did you study in school?你在学校时都学了哪些科目?Do you prefer trains, trams or buses?火车,电车和公共汽车,你更喜欢哪一个?Do you often eat fast food? Why or why not?你经常吃快餐吗?为什么?What is a major achievement in your life?你生命中一项重要的成就是什么?Do you like karaoke?Why or why not?你喜欢卡拉OK吗?为什么?What are the best ways to keep healthy?保持健康的最好方法是什么?What is the best way to make new friends?结交新朋友的.最好方法是什么?What is the best holiday you’ve ever had?你所度过最愉快的一个假期是哪一个?Do you think you are a “nerd”?你觉得你是一个“宅男”或“宅女”吗?What are some of the traditional foods in your home country? 你国家传统的食物是什么?Do you have an iPhone?Why or why not?你有一部iPhone吗?为什么?Are you interested in politics?Why or why not?你对政治感兴趣吗?为什么?What do you think about this city’s public transport system?你觉得这个城市的公共交通系统怎么样?Are you a fan of anime or other cartoons?你是日本动漫或其他卡通的粉丝吗?Are you a night owl or an early bird?你是个夜猫子,还是早起者?Do you see your family often?你经常看望你的家人吗?Do you like going to pubs and nightclubs?你喜欢去酒吧和夜总会吗?Who is your favourite celebrity?你最喜欢的名人是谁?What are your impressions of this city?你对这座城市的印象怎么样?Is money important?金钱重要吗?Do you like reading?What books do you like to read?你喜欢看书吗?平时都看些什么样的书?What are your future goals?你未来的目标是什么?Do you celebrate Christmas?你过圣诞节吗?What are some of your bad habits?你都有哪些坏习惯?What are the personalities of your parents and other family members?你的父母和其他家人的性格都是什么样的?Are you religious?你信教吗?How long have you been learning your second language?你学习第二语言多长时间了?Do you have a good sense of direction?你的方向感好吗?How do you spend your money?你怎样来支配自己的花销?Do you like to travel? What places have you been to?你喜欢旅游吗?你都去过哪些地方?What is your favourite item of clothing, and why?说说你穿过的衣服中,哪一件你最喜欢?为什么?Do you like surfing the web? What websites would you recommend?你喜欢上网吗?有哪些网站你可以推荐一下?Have you ever been in love?你曾经恋爱过吗?What are some of the problems of tourism?旅游业带来的问题是什么?Do you like to take risks? Why or why not?你喜欢冒险吗?为什么?。

口语密码100个高频句型1. “What are you doing?”(你在干嘛呀?)例子:嘿,我正准备出门呢,突然朋友打电话来问“What are you doing?”,我就说我要去逛街呀!2. “How are you?”(你怎么样呀?)例子:每次见面,他总会先来一句“How are you?”,感觉好亲切呢!3. “I'm so tired.”(我好累呀。
)例子:哎呀,工作了一天,回到家我就瘫在沙发上,嘟囔着“I'm so tired.”。
4. “Let's go!”(我们走吧!)例子:都准备好了,我兴奋地喊“Let's go!”,然后大家就一起出发啦。
5. “It's so funny!”(太有意思啦!)例子:看到那个搞笑的视频,我忍不住大喊“It's so funny!”,把旁边的人都逗笑了。
6. “I don't know.”(我不知道呀。
)例子:他们问我这个问题,我只能两手一摊说“I don't know.”。
7. “Can you help me?”(你能帮帮我吗?)例子:我抬不动这个箱子,赶紧求助旁边的人“Can you help me?”。
8. “That's great!”(太棒啦!)例子:听到这个好消息,我高兴地喊“That's great!”。
9. “What a pity!”(真可惜呀!)例子:他因为生病不能来参加聚会,大家都感叹“What a pity!”。
10. “I love you.”(我爱你呀。
)例子:在特别的日子里,我对爱人深情地说“I love you.”,他也回应了我同样的话。

1.What's your hobby?
(也可以这样说:What are your hobbies?)
2.What’s your favorite hobby?
3.What are you interested in?
4.Do you have a hobby?
(也可以这样说:Have you got a hobby?
Do you have any hobbies?)
5.Which would you rather do, go dancing or go to a play?
6.Are you interested in detective stories?
7.Are you a film fan?
8.Do you have any interest in shipping?
9.Are you keen on music at all?
10.Is music your chief interest?

英语口语日常问句饮食:Food and drink1.Do you have your breakfast at home?2.Who cooks the meals in your family?3.Do you often have something to drink when you have a big meal?4.What is your favorite food? Why?5.How many meals do you have every day?6.What do you like for breakfast?7.Where do you usually have lunch?8.Do you often cook at home?9.What food do you like and what do you dislike?10.What’s the main food in China?学校生活:School life1.Do you live near your school?2.How do you ususally go to school?3.Do you have sports after school?4.What do you think of your school? Why?5.Do you think you are a good student?6.Are you interested in English?7.How many subjects do you have?8.Do you like your school? Why?9.How many days do you go to school every week?10.Can you tell me five subjects you study at school?11.Which is more popular in your school, football or basketball?12.Do you have a lot of homework to do every day?13.Can you say something about your class?天气Weather:1.Is it raining now?2.Do you like rainy days?3.How many seasons are there in a year?4.What’s your favorite season?Why?5.Is it a fine day?6.What’s the weather like here in spring?7.What sports do you usually do in summer?8.Does it often snow here in winter?9.How can you know the weather?10.What’s the weather like here in winter?11.Do you like spring?Why?四周的环境environments around:1.Is there a park near your home?2.How often do you go to the park?3.Do you think your hometown is beautiful?4.Who cleans your classroom every day?5.How do you keep our environments clean?6.Is there a supermarket near here?7.Where did you buy your schoolbag?8.How much is your bag?9.Do you like the bag? Why?10.Where is your hometown?11.Is there any river near your home?12.Do you live in the city or in the country?13.Which do you prefer, living in the city or living in the country? Why? 个人情感Emotions:1.Are you happy today?2.Do you like pop music?3.Who is the most popular teacher in your school?4.Will you get angry if your friend hit you? Why?5.Do you love your teacher?6.How are you getting on with your classmates?7.What do you think of your school life?8.Do you think you are a happy boy/girl? Why?家庭、伴侣与四周的人:Family, friends and people around1.Are you the only child in your family?2.Do you have any friends?3.What do you usually do when you stay with your friends?4.Are you happy when you stay with your family members?Why?5.Do you love your family?6.How many people are there in your family?7.Do you have many friends?8.Who is your best friend? What do you often do when you get together? 9.Are you happy at home? Why?10.Do you prefer big families or small families?11.Could you tell me something about your family?人际关系:Interpersonal relationships:1.Do you have any brothers /sisters?2.What do you think of your parents?3.Who is your best friend?4.Are you happy at school? Why?节假日活动:Festivals and holidays1.Do you like May Day?2.What are you going to do on May Day?3.Do you go to school on Saturday?4.What do you often do on Sundays?5.When is Children’s Day?6.Can you tell me three traditional festivals in China?7.What’s your favorite English festival?8.What food do Chinese people often have in Spring Festival?9.Do you like Mid-autumn Day? Why?10.When is National Day?11.Do you like going out when you are free?12.What do you often do on New Year’s Day?13.Do you like Spring Festival? Why?14.Which is more popular in China, Christmas Day or Spring Festival? 日常生活:Daily routines:1.Do you watch TV every day?2.What time do you usually go to school?3.What do you usually do on weekend?4.Do you like go shopping? Why?5.Are you busy these days?6.Do you have classes from Monday to Friday?7.How do you usually go to school?8.How do you spend your free time?9.Is your school far from your home?10.What do you usually do on Sundays?爱好与爱好:Interests and hobbies1.Do you like playing football?2.Are you interested in watching TV?3.What is your favorite color?4.Which subject do you like best?5.What do you usually do in your free time?6.Do you like sports?7.Do you have much time on sports?8.What is the most popular sport in China?9.How do you spend your free time?10.Do you like singing?11.Who is your favorite singer?12.Are you interested in playing computer games?13.What do you usually do when you are free?14.What’s your hobby?健康:Health1.Do you have breakfast every day?2.Is smoking good or bad for your health?3.What is your favorite food?4.Do you have fruit every day?Why?5.Do you do morning exercise every day?6.Can you tell me three healthy food?7.Which is more important, money or health?8.Do you like fast food? Why?9.What time do you usually have sports?10.Is watching TV too much good or bad for your health?11.How to keep healthy?消遣和运动:Entertainment and sports1.What do you think of music?2.What is your favorite sport?3.Can you sing an English song?方案与愿望:Plans and intentions1.Are you going to watch TV tonight?2.What are you going to do this weekend?3.Do you make a plan when new school year begins?4.What do you want to be when you grow up?5.How to make your dream come true?购物:Shopping1.Is there a supermarket near your home?2.Where did you buy your pen?3.How much is your jacket/shirt/skirt?4.Do you like going shopping? Why?旅游和交通:Travel and transport1.Do you want to buy a car?2.Have you ever been to Hainan?3.How do you like Changsha? Why?4.Do you enjoy travelling?5.What should you prepare before travelling?6.Where have you travelled?7.What’s your favorite way of travelling? 8.What do you usually do on your holidays?9.How did you get to school today?语言学习:language learning1.Are you good at English?2.Who is your English teacher?3.Do you think English is interesting?4.What other languages do you want to learn? Why?5.How long have you been studying English?6.Do you like studying English?7.What other language do you know? /like?8.How do you learn foreign language?自然:Nature1.Do you like mountains?2.Have you ever been to any place of interest in our country?3.Do you often go to the zoo?4.What animals do you like best?世界与环境:The world and environment1.Is the world becoming warmer and warmer now?2.Are there any trees near your house?3.What can we do to make our city nice and clean?4.What do you think of our environment, is it good or not good? Why?。

英语口语对话万能句1. “What do you think?”(你怎么看?)比如在讨论周末去哪玩时,你就可以说:“We could go to the park or the mall. What do you think?”2. “I mean…”(我的意思是……)朋友没理解你的话,你可以说:“I want to watch a movie. I mean the new action one.”3. “Oh,e on!”(哎呀,拜托!)朋友犹豫不决时,你可以说:“Oh,e on! Just make a decision already!”4. “You know what I mean?”(你懂我的意思吧?)在解释完一件事之后可以问:“I don't like that kind of music. You know what I mean?”5. “For real?”(真的吗?)听到令人惊讶的消息可以说:“He won the lottery? For real?”6. “That's so cool!”(太酷了吧!)看到别人展示新技能,你可以惊叹道:“You can do that? That's so cool!”7. “Let's go!”(走吧!)准备出发去某个地方时就喊:“The movie is about to start. Let's go!”8. “Awesome!”(太棒了!)朋友取得好成绩,你可以欢呼:“You got an A? Awesome!”9. “Sure!”(当然!)别人问你是否同意某件事,你可以干脆地回答:“Can I borrow your pen? Sure!”10. “Why not?”(为什么不呢?)有人提议做一件有趣的事,你可以回应:“Let's have a picnic. Why not?”这些万能句在英语口语对话中真的超级实用,能让交流更顺畅自然,大家一定要多用用呀!。

1.What’s your name?My name is Mike.2.How old are you?I’m seven years old.3.Where are you from?I’m from Hubei,China.4.Where do you live?I live in Wuhan.5.When is your birthday?My birthday is on August,10th.6.Where do you go to school?I study in the No.1Primary School.7.What is your father?My father is a doctor.8.What’s your mother’s name?My mother’s name is Lily.9.How many children are there in your family?I’m the only child in my family.10.Do you love your parents?Yes,I love my parents very much.11.Do you live with your parents?Yes,I live with my parents.12. Do you have any brothers or sisters?No,I don’t have any brothers or sisters,but I have a few cousins.13.Where is your hometown?My hometown is in Shanghai.14.How many English classes do you have a week?We have5English classes a week.15.Do you like Wuhan?Yes,I like Wuhan very much.16.How do you go to school every day?I walk to school every day.17.Which grade are you in?I’m in Grade Four.18.Which class are you in?I’m in Class1.19.When do you get up in the morning?I get up at6:30in the morning.20.What do you do in the morning?I get up,wash my face,have breakfast and go to school.21.What do you do at school?We have lessons,draw pictures and sing songs at school.22.What do you do after school?After school,I do my homework,play with my friends and go home.23.Do you like playing computer games?Yes,I do.Playing computer games is my hobby.24.Have you got computers at your home?Yes,we do.We have three computers at my home.25.How many students are there in your class?There are38.20are boys and18are girls.26.Do you like your teachers?Yes,we do.We love our teachers.They are very good to us.27.Which is your favorite subject?English is my favorite subject.28.Are you good at Chinese?No,I am not very good at Chinese.29.What colour do you like?I like green.It’s my favorite color.30.What is your favorite fruit?I like watermelon very much.Watermelon is my favorite fruit.31.What food do you like?I like fried chicken very much.32.Which is your favorite sport?I like playing football.33.Would you like playing basketball with me now?I’d love to,but I have to do my homework now.How about tomorrow afternoon?34.What’s the date today?Today is November21st.35.What day is it today?Today is Saturday.36.What day was it yesterday?It was Wednesday yesterday.37.Is today Sunday?No,today is Monday.38.What time is it?It’s half past five now.39.What’s the time now?It’s a quarter to six.40.Can you tell me the time?Sorry,I can’t.I don’t have a watch myself.41. What’s the weather like today?It’s sunny today.42.How do you like the weather in Wuhan?I don’t like the weather in Wuhan.It’s hot in summer and cold in winter.43.What will the weather be like tomorrow?I think it will rain tomorrow.44.Beautiful day,isn’t it?Yes,it’s really a beautiful day.45.What do we have for dinner today?We have chicken,fish and some vegetables for lunch today..46.Are you hungry now?No,I’m not very hungry.47.Would you like some rice or noodles?Rice,please.I don’t like noodles48.How do you like the food?I think the food here is very wonderful.49.Would you like to drink some wine or beer?Some beer,please.50.How are you feeling today?I’m feeling fine.51.What’s wrong with your eyes?I feel there is something getting into my eyes.52.When are you going to see the doctor?I’m going to see the doctor when my mother comes home.53.How long have you been ill?I’ve been ill for three days.54.What’s your telephone number?It’s.You can call me anytime.55.Where does he live?He lives in Tokyo.56.Is she your best friend?No,she’s not.My best friend is Jenny.57.Can you speak Japanese?No,I can’t.Japanese is too difficult for me.But I can speak a little English.58.Can you tell me the way to the hospital?Sorry,I am a stranger here.I don’t know the way to the hospital.59.Do you want to go shopping with me tomorrow?I’d love to,but I have to work.How about shopping together some other day?60.What are you going to do when you grow up?I want to be a teacher when I grow up.61.What’s in your bedroom?There is a bed,a table,two chairs in my bedroom.62.What do you do in the living room?I watch TV in the living room.63. Whose watch is it?I think it’s Mike’s watch.He was looking for it just now.64.How did he go to Hong Kong?He went to HK by air.65.How do you like your new job?I like my new job very much.66.What are they doing now?They are playing a game together.67.Where did you lose your ticket?I think I lost my ticket on the bus.68.How much are the shoes?They are$15.Do you like my new shoes?69.What are your parents going to give as your birthday present?I don’t know.I think my mother will give a bike and my father may give a new watch as my birthday present for this year.70. How many days are there in a week?There are7days in a week.71.How many seasons are there in a year?There are4seasons in a year.72.Which is your favorite season?I like spring most,with flowers booming everywhe re.73.Who is absent today?Tom is absent today.74.What month is it now?Now,it’s May.75.How are you?Fine,thank you.And you?76.How do you do?How do you do!77.Where do you study English?I study English in a training center.78.How long have you been in this city?I have been in this city since I was a little girl.79.Why did you leave so early yesterday?Because my son was sick,so I had to leave early yesterday.80.How many times have you been to Beijing?I have been to Beijing3times.81.How did you come here?I came here by taxi.82.Whom are you waiting for?I am waiting for my husband.83.Which is your sister?The girl in red is my sister.84.What size do you wear?I wear size12.85.How tall is that boy?I think he is190cm tall.86.What’s the English for“卡车“?It’s truck,t-r-u-c-k.Got it?87.How do you like the film?I like the film very much.88.How wide is the river?The rive is2meters wide.89.Are there any books on the desk?Yes,there are3books on the desk.90.When does she wash her clothes?She washes her clothes every Sunday.91.How much did your sister pay for that dress?My sister paid200yuan for that dr ess.92.Why don’t you like winter?I don’t like winter because it’s too cold.93. How long has he stayed in America?He has stayed in America for5years.94.Which room did he live in?He lived in Room121.95.How many foreigners will visit our school next week?10foreigners will visit our school next week.96.What do the Smiths all enjoy doing?The Smiths all enjoy watching ball games.97.Which pen is yours?The pen on the table is mine.98.How do you like the story?I like the story very much.99.How is your mother?My mother is fine.Thank you.100.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.。

日常英语口语问答句以下是一些日常英语口语问答句,供您参考:问句:1.What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?2.Where are you from? 你来自哪里?3.How old are you? 你多大了?4.What’s your job? 你是做什么工作的?5.How many people are there in your family? 你家有几口人?6.What do you like to do in your free time? 你业余时间喜欢做什么?7.What’s your favorite color/food/movie/song? 你最喜欢的颜色/食物/电影/歌是什么?8.Do you like to travel? 你喜欢旅行吗?9.What’s your favorite place to visit? 你最喜欢去的地方是哪里?10.How do you feel today? 你今天感觉怎么样?答句:1.My name is [Your Name]. 我叫[你的名字]。
2.I’m from [Your Country/City]. 我来自[你的国家/城市]。
3.I’m [Your Age] years old. 我[你的年龄]岁了。
4.I’m a [Your Job Title]. 我是[你的职业名称]。
5.There are [Number of People] in my family. 我家有[人数]口人。
6.In my free time, I like to [Your Hobby/Activity]. 我业余时间喜欢[你的爱好/活动]。
7.My favorite color/food/movie/song is [Your Favorite Thing]. 我最喜欢的颜色/食物/电影/歌是[你最喜欢的东西]。
8.Yes, I like to travel. 是的,我喜欢旅行。

英语日常口语交流100句问答题1.How are you today?–I’m doing great, thanks. How about you?2.Where are you from?–I’m from England.3.What’s your favorite food?–I love pizza.4.Can you speak any other languages?–Yes, I can speak a little Spanish.5.Do you enjoy traveling?–Yes, I love exploring new places.6.What do you do for a living?–I work as a teacher.7.How long have you been studying English?–I have been studying English for three years.8.What time do you usually wake up in the morning?–I usually wake up at 7 o’clock.9.What are your hobbies?–I enjoy reading and hiking.10.Have you ever been to the United States?–Yes, I visited New York last year.11.What is your favorite movie?–My favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption.12.Do you have any pets?–Yes, I have a cat named Whiskers.13.When is your birthday?–My birthday is in August.14.What kind of music do you like?–I enjoy listening to pop music.15.What is your favorite color?–My favorite color is blue.16.Have you ever met a celebrity?–Yes, I met Taylor Swift once.17.How do you like to spend your weekends?–I like to relax and watch movies.18.What is your favorite season?–I love the fall when the leaves change colors.19.Do you enjoy cooking?–Yes, I love experimenting in the kitchen. 20.What are your career goals?–I hope to become a successful entrepreneur.21.Have you ever been to a different country?–Yes, I have traveled to Italy and France. 22.Are you a morning person or a night owl?–I am definitely a night owl.23.What is your dream vacation destination?–I would love to visit Japan one day.24.Do you have any siblings?–Yes, I have one older sister.25.What is your favorite book?–My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice. 26.Do you enjoy outdoor activities?–Yes, I love hiking and camping.27.What is your favorite holiday?–Christmas is my favorite holiday.28.Have you ever been skydiving?–No, I have never been skydiving.29.What is your favorite board game?–I love playing Monopoly with friends.30.Do you prefer coffee or tea?–I prefer tea over coffee.31.What is your favorite dessert?–I love chocolate cake.32.Do you like to exercise?–Yes, I enjoy going for runs in the park.33.What is your favorite sport to watch?–I love watching soccer matches.34.Are you a cat person or a dog person?–I am definitely a dog person.35.What is your go-to comfort food?–Mac and cheese is my ultimate comfort food. 36.Do you enjoy going to the beach?–Yes, I love soaking up the sun by the ocean. 37.What is your favorite TV show?–I am a big fan of Friends.38.Have you ever done volunteer work?–Yes, I have volunteered at a local animal shelter.39.What is your favorite type of cuisine?–Italian food is my favorite cuisine.40.Do you enjoy going to concerts?–Yes, I love seeing live music performances. 41.What is your favorite childhood memory?–Going on summer vacations with my family. 42.Do you have any hidden talents?–I can play the guitar.43.What is your favorite type of movie genre?–I love watching romantic comedies.44.What is your biggest fear?–I am afraid of spiders.45.Do you enjoy shopping?–Yes, I love shopping for new clothes.46.What is your favorite ice cream flavor?–Mint chocolate chip is my favorite.47.Are you a city person or a country person?–I am more of a city person.48.What is your favorite type of weather?–I love sunny days with a cool breeze.49.Do you enjoy going to museums?–Yes, I love exploring art museums.50.What is your favorite type of art?–I love Impressionist paintings.51.Have you ever been bungee jumping?–No, I have never tried bungee jumping.52.What is your favorite type of flower?–I love sunflowers.53.Do you enjoy going to the theater?–Yes, I love watching live performances.54.What is your favorite type of cuisine?–Thai food is my favorite.55.Have you ever been on a cruise?–Yes, I went on a cruise to the Caribbean. 56.What is your favorite type of fruit?–I love strawberries.57.Do you enjoy reading books?–Yes, I love getting lost in a good book.58.What is your favorite holiday tradition?–Decorating the Christmas tree with my family.59.Have you ever ridden a hot air balloon?–No, I have never been on a hot air balloon. 60.What is your favorite type of music genre?–I love listening to jazz music.61.Do you enjoy going to theme parks?–Yes, I love going on roller coasters.62.What is your favorite type of pasta?–Spaghetti is my favorite.63.Have you ever gone on a road trip?–Yes, I went on a road trip along the California coast.64.What is your favorite type of cheese?–Brie cheese is my favorite.65.Do you enjoy watching sports?–Yes, I love watching basketball games.66.What is your favorite type of dance?–I love salsa dancing.67.Have you ever been to a music festival?–Yes, I went to Coachella last year.68.What is your favorite type of coffee?–I love a good latte.69.Do you enjoy going to the zoo?–Yes, I love seeing all the animals.70.What is your favorite type of bread?–I love sourdough bread.71.Have you ever been to a comedy show?–Yes, I have seen stand-up comedy performances.72.What is your favorite type of vegetable?–Broccoli is my favorite vegetable.73.Do you enjoy watching the sunrise or sunset?–I love watching the sunset.74.What is your favorite type of soup?–Chicken noodle soup is my favorite.75.Have you ever gone skiing or snowboarding?–Yes, I have been skiing in the Alps.76.What is your favorite type of chocolate?–Dark chocolate is my favorite.77.Do you enjoy going to art galleries?–Yes, I love seeing beautiful artwork.78.What is your favorite type of cookie?–Chocolate chip cookies are the best.79.Have you ever been to a cooking class?–Yes, I have taken a sushi-making class. 80.What is your favorite type of fruit juice?–Orange juice is my favorite.81.Do you enjoy going to the farmers market?–Yes, I love buying fresh produce.82.What is your favorite type of breakfast food?–Pancakes with maple syrup are my favorite.83.Have you ever gone horseback riding?–Yes, I have ridden horses on a ranch.84.What is your favorite type of nut?–Almonds are my favorite.85.Do you enjoy going to the aquarium?–Yes, I love seeing all the marine life.86.What is your favorite type of sandwich?– A classic turkey and avocado sandwich. 87.Have you ever been to a wine tasting?–Yes, I have visited wineries in Napa Valley.88.What is your favorite type of salad?–Caesar salad with grilled chicken.89.Do you enjoy going to a spa?–Yes, I love getting massages and facials. 90.What is your favorite type of tea?–Earl Grey tea is my favorite.91.Have you ever been kayaking?–Yes, I have kayaked in the ocean.92.What is your favorite type of seafood?–Grilled shrimp is my favorite.93.Do you enjoy going to a flea market?–Yes, I love finding unique treasures.94.What is your favorite type of cheese?–Gouda cheese is my favorite.95.Have you ever played a musical instrument?–Yes, I can play the piano.96.What is your favorite type of dessert?–Crème brûlée is my favorite.97.Do you enjoy going to the gym?–Yes, I love working out and staying fit.98.What is your favorite type of exercise?–Running is my favorite form of exercise.99.Have you ever been on a camping trip?–Yes, I love camping in the great outdoors.100.What is your favorite type of pizza? - Pepperoni pizza is my all-time favorite.以上是英语日常口语交流100句问答题,希望对您的英语学习有所帮助!。
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What's your name?你叫什么名字?
Where were you born?你在哪儿出生的?
Where is your hometown?你的家乡在哪儿?
What do you like to eat?你平时喜欢吃什么?
What do you like to drink?你平时喜欢喝什么?
How old are you?你多大了?
What do you study?你学什么的?
Where do you work?你在哪儿工作?
What did you do today?你今天做了些什么?
What kind of music do you like?你喜欢什么样的音乐?
What animal would you most like to be?你最想成为哪种动物?
What languages do you speak?你都会说哪种语言?
How long have you lived in this city?你在这个城市住了多久了?
How many people are in your family?你家有几口人?
Have you been to Sydney?你去过悉尼吗?
Do you have a best friend? Who is s/he?你有最好的朋友吗?他或她是谁?Do you prefer summer or winter?夏天和冬天,你更喜欢哪一个?
What do you do on the weekend?你周末喜欢做些什么呢?
What hobbies do you have?你有什么爱好?
What sports do you like?你都喜欢哪种体育项目?
What is your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么?
What do you normally have for breakfast?你早饭平时都吃些什么?
How do you get to work or university?你平时上班或上学都怎么走?
What do you do on holidays?你放假都做些什么?
What is your greatest wish?你最大的愿望是什么?
Are you married or single?你结婚了还是单身?
Do you drive or take public transport?你开车还是做公交?
What do you like to do in your spare time?你平时喜欢做些什么?
What's your favourite TV show?你最喜欢的电视剧是什么?
Do you like shopping? Why or why not?你喜欢购物吗?为什么?
What subjects did you study in school?你在学校时都学了哪些科目?
Do you prefer trains, trams or buses?火车,电车和公共汽车,你更喜欢哪一个?
B-Level (Intermediate)
Do you often eat fast food? Why or why not?你经常吃快餐吗?为什么?
What is a major achievement in your life?你生命中一项重要的成就是什么?
Do you like karaoke? Why or why not?你喜欢卡拉OK吗?为什么?
What are the best ways to keep healthy?保持健康的最好方法是什么?
What is the best way to make new friends?结交新朋友的最好方法是什么?
What is the best holiday you've ever had?你所度过最愉快的一个假期是哪一个?
Do you think you are a "nerd"?你觉得你是一个"宅男"或"宅女"吗?
What are some of the traditional foods in your home country?
Do you have an iPhone? Why or why not?你有一部iPhone吗?为什么?
Are you interested in politics? Why or why not?
What do you think about this city's public transport system?
Are you a fan of anime or other cartoons?
Are you a night owl or an early bird?你是个夜猫子,还是早起者?
Do you see your family often?你经常看望你的家人吗?
Do you like going to pubs and nightclubs?你喜欢去酒吧和夜总会吗?
Who is your favourite celebrity?你最喜欢的名人是谁?
What are your impressions of this city?你对这座城市的印象怎么样?
Is money important?金钱重要吗?
Do you like reading? What books do you like to read?你喜欢看书吗?平时都看些什么样的书?
What are your future goals?你未来的目标是什么?
Do you celebrate Christmas?你过圣诞节吗?
What are some of your bad habits?你都有哪些坏习惯?
What are the personalities of your parents and other family members?
Are you religious?你信教吗?
How long have you been learning your second language?你学习第二语言多长时间了?
Do you have a good sense of direction?你的方向感好吗?
How do you spend your money?你怎样来支配自己的花销?
Do you like to travel? What places have you been to?
What is your favourite item of clothing, and why?
Do you like surfing the web? What websites would you recommend? 你喜欢上网吗?有哪些网站你可以推荐一下?
Have you ever been in love?
What are some of the problems of tourism?
Do you like to take risks? Why or why not?