unturned 代码
![unturned 代码](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/deedd3fe9b89680203d82588.png)
@GIVE CCSHUAIGE/@VEHICLE CCSHUAIGE/========物品类ID篇========指令@give 玩家名/物品ID/数量【注释】&&:代表来自其他游戏的彩蛋物品2 = 【工装牛仔裤】Work Jeans3 = 【橙色连帽衫】Orange Hoodie4 = 【鹰火军用突击步枪】Eaglefire5 = 【鹰火机械瞄具】Eaglefire Iron Sights6 = 【军用步枪弹匣】Military Magazine7 = 【军用消音器】Military Suppressor8 = 【直立枪械握把】Vertical Grip9 = 【红色小背包】Red Daypack10 = 【警用防弹背心】Police Vest11 = 【红色印花蒙面巾】Red Bandana12 = 【雷锋帽】Ushanka13 = 【罐装豆子】Canned Beans14 = 【瓶装水】Bottled Water15 = 【医药箱】Medkit16 = 【斧子】Axe17 = 【军用步枪弹鼓】Military Drum18 = 【森林狼军用狙击步枪】Timberwolf19 = 【森林狼机械瞄具】Timberwolf iron Sights20 = 【森林狼弹匣】Timberwolf Magazine21 = 【8倍瞄准镜】8x Scope22 = 【红点瞄准镜】Red Dot Scope27 = 【大礼帽】Top Hat28 = 【汽油桶】Gas29 = 【枫木窗挡板】Maple Fortification30 = 【枫木路障】Maple Barricade31 = 【枫木地基】Maple Floor32 = 【枫木门框】Maple Doorway33 = 【枫木墙】Maple Wall34 = 【枫木窗框】Maple Window35 = 【枫木屋顶】Maple Roof36 = 【枫木柱子】Maple Pillar37 = 【桦木原木】Birch Log38 = 【桦木棍】Birch Stick39 = 【枫木原木】Maple Log40 = 【枫木棍】Maple Stick41 = 【松木原木】Pine Log42 = 【松木棍】Pine Stick43 = 【军用弹盒】Military Ammunition Crate44 = 【民用弹盒】Civilian Ammunition Crate45 = 【枫木路障】Birch Barricade46 = 【松木路障】Pine Barricade47 = 【桦木窗挡板】Birch Fortification48 = 【松木窗挡板】Pine Fortification49 = 【桦木门框】Birch Doorway50 = 【松木门框】Pine Doorway51 = 【桦木地基】Birch Floor52 = 【松木地基】Pine Floor53 = 【桦木柱子】Birch Pillar54 = 【松木柱子】Pine Pillar55 = 【桦木屋顶】Birch Roof56 = 【松木屋顶】Pine Roof57 = 【桦木墙】Birch Wall58 = 【松木墙】Pine Wall59 = 【桦木窗框】Birch Window60 = 【松木窗框】Pine Window61 = 【枫木木板】Maple Plank62 = 【桦木木板】Birch Plank63 = 【松木木板】Pine Plank64 = 【绳子】Rope65 = 【金属线】Wire66 = 【布料】Cloth67 = 【废金属】Metal Scrap68 = 【金属片】Metal Sheet69 = 【胶带】Tape70 = 【胶水】Glue71 = 【钉子】Nails72 = 【罐子】Can73 = 【炸药原料】Explosives74 = 【砖块】Bricks75 = 【化学药剂】Chemicals76 = 【喷灯】Blowtorch77 = 【罐装西红柿汤】Canned Tomato Soup78 = 【罐装鸡汤】Canned Chicken Soup79 = 【金枪鱼罐头】Canned Tuna80 = 【罐装可乐】Canned Cola81 = 【军粮】MRE82 = 【薯片】Chips83 = 【巧克力棒】Chocolate Bar84 = 【糖棒】Candy Bar85 = 【燕麦棒】Granola Bar86 = 【能量棒】Energy Bar87 = 【意大利面罐头】Canned Pasta88 = 【培根罐头】Canned Bacon89 = 【牛肉罐头】Canned Beef90 = 【沙丁鱼罐头】Canned Sardines91 = 【苹果汁】Apple Juice92 = 【葡萄汁】Grape Juice93 = 【能量饮料】Bottled Energy94 = 【椰子汁】Bottled Coconut95 = 【绷带】Bandage96 = 【夹板】Splint97 = 【柯尔特民用手枪】Colt98 = 【柯尔特弹匣】Colt Magazine99 = 【眼镜蛇民用自动手枪】Cobra100 = 【眼镜蛇弹匣】Cobra Magazine101 = 【斯科菲尔德民用步枪】Schofield102 = 【斯科菲尔德机械瞄具】Schofield Iron Sights103 = 【斯科菲尔德步枪弹夹】Schofield Clip104 = 【消防斧】Fire Axe105 = 【棒球棒】Baseball Bat106 = 【曲棍】Hockey Stick107 = 【王牌左轮手枪】Ace108 = 【王牌左轮手枪弹夹】Ace Clip109 = 【猎鹰犬民用狙击步枪】Hawkhound110 = 【猎鹰犬机械瞄具】Hawkhound Iron Sights111 = 【猎鹰犬步枪弹匣】Hawkhound Magazine112 = 【钝器霰弹枪】Bluntforce113 = 【12号口径霰弹】12 Gauge Shells (注:12号口径=18.5mm=0.73’’(英寸))114 = 【钝器霰弹枪机械瞄具】Bluntforce Iron Sights115 = 【粉色浆果】Pink Berry116 = 【蜜獾军用消音步枪】——117 = 【空】118 = 【蜜獾机械瞄具】119 = 【俄制弹药盒】Ranger Ammuniton Box120 = 【菜刀】Kitchen Knife121 = 【军用匕首/军刀】Military Knife122 = 【AK俄制突击步枪】Zubeknakov123 = 【俄制步枪弹匣】Ranger Magazine124 = 【AK机械瞄具】Zubeknakov Iron Sights125 = 【俄制步枪弹鼓】Ranger Drum126 = 【尼克雷夫俄制轻机枪】Nykorev127 = 【尼克雷夫轻机枪弹箱】Nykorev Box128 = 【尼克瑞夫轻机枪机械瞄具】Nykorev Iron Sights129 = 【SVD狙击步枪】Snayperskya130 = 【SVD弹匣】Snayperskya Magazine131 = 【SVD机械瞄具】Snayperskya Iron Sights132 = 【龙牙军用轻机枪】Dragonfang133 = 【龙牙轻机枪弹箱】Dragonfang Box134 = 【龙牙机械瞄具】Drongonfang Iron Sights 135 = 【高尔夫球杆】Golf Club136 = 【大铁锤】Sledgehammer137 = 【切肉刀】Butcher Knife138 = 【小锤子】Hammer139 = 【瑞士军刀】Swiss Knife140 = 【蝴蝶刀】Butterfly Knife141 = 【手锯】Saw142 = 【钉耙】Rake143 = 【双脚架(枪械配件)】Bipod144 = 【俄制步枪消音器】Ranger Suppressor 145 = 【横向握把】Horizontal Grip146 = 【红点机械瞄具】Red Dot Sight147 = 【红圈机械瞄具】Red Halo Sight148 = 【红V字瞄准镜】Red Chevron Scope 149 = 【军用强化枪管】Military Barrel150 = 【军用消焰器】Military Muzzle151 = 【战术激光辅瞄器】Tactical Laser152 = 【战术灯光辅瞄器】Tactical Light153 = 【7倍瞄准镜】7x Scope154 = 【橘色衬衫】Orange Shirt155 = 【橘色T恤】Orange Tee156 = 【橘色派克外套】Orange Parka157 = 【紫色连帽衫】Purple Hoodie158 = 【紫色衬衫】Purple Shirt159 = 【紫色T恤】Purple Tee160 = 【紫色派克外套】Purple Parka161 = 【绿色连帽衫】Green Hoodie162 = 【绿色派克外套】Green Parka163 = 【绿色衬衫】Green Shirt164 = 【绿色T恤】Green Tee165 = 【红色连帽衫】Red Hoodie166 = 【红色派克外套】Red Parka167 = 【红色衬衫】Red Shirt168 = 【红色T恤】Red Tee169 = 【黄色连帽衫】Yellow Hoodie170 = 【黄色派克外套】Yellow Parka171 = 【黄色衬衫】Yellow Shirt172 = 【黄色T恤】Yellow Tee173 = 【蓝色连帽衫】Blue Hoodie174 = 【蓝色派克外套】Blue Parka175 = 【蓝色衬衫】Blue Shirt176 = 【蓝色T恤】Blue Tee177 = 【白色连帽衫】White Hoodie178 = 【白色派克外套】White Parka179 = 【白色衬衫】White Shirt180 = 【白色T恤】White Tee181 = 【黑色连帽衫】Black Hoodie182 = 【黑色派克外套】Black Parka183 = 【黑色衬衫】Black Shirt184 = 【黑色T恤】Black Tee185 = 【黑色印花蒙面巾】Black Bandana186 = 【蓝色印花蒙面巾】Blue Bandana187 = 【绿色印花蒙面巾】Green Bandana188 = 【橘色印花蒙面巾】Orange Bandana189 = 【紫色印花蒙面巾】Purple Bandana190 = 【白色印花蒙面巾】White Bandana191 = 【黄色印花蒙面巾】Yellow Bandana192 = 【黑色丝绒帽】Black Toque193 = 【蓝色丝绒帽】Blue Toque194 = 【绿色丝绒帽】Green Toque195 = 【黄色丝绒帽】Orange Toque196 = 【紫色丝绒帽】Purple Toque197 = 【红色丝绒帽】Red Toque198 = 【白色丝绒帽】White Toque199 = 【黄色丝绒帽】Yellow Toque200 = 【黑色小背包】Black Daypack201 = 【蓝色小背包】Blue Daypack202 = 【绿色小背包】Green Daypack203 = 【橘色小背包】Orange Daypack204 = 【紫色小背包】Purple Daypack205 = 【白色小背包】White Daypack206 = 【黄色小背包】Yellow Daypack207 = 【时尚牛仔裤】Designer Jeans208 = 【牛仔裤】Cowboy Jeans209 = 【负重裤】Cargo Pants210 = 【入耳式耳机(饰品)】Buds&& (注:彩蛋来源:《军团要塞2》)211 = 【格子衬衫】Plaid Shirt212 = 【卡其裤】Khaki Pants213 = 【灯芯绒裤】Corduroy Pants214 = 【休闲裤】Trouser Pants215 = 【黑色毛背心】Black Sweatervest216 = 【蓝色毛背心】Blue Sweatervest217 = 【绿色毛背心】Green Sweatervest218 = 【橘色毛背心】Orange Sweatervest219 = 【紫色毛背心】Purple Sweatervest220 = 【红色毛背心】Red Sweatervest221 = 【白色毛背心】White Sweatervest 222 = 【黄色毛背心】Yellow Sweatervest 223 = 【警服】Police Top224 = 【警裤】Police Bottom225 = 【警帽】Police Cap226 = 【卡其短裤】Khaki Shorts227 = 【负重短裤】Cargo Shorts228 = 【灯芯绒短裤】Corduroy Shorts 229 = 【休闲短裤】Trouser Shorts230 = 【厨师服】Chef Top231 = 【厨师裤】Chef Bottom232 = 【建筑工上衣】Construction Top 233 = 【消防员服】Firefighter Top234 = 【消防员裤】Firefighter Bottom 235 = 【吉利服】Ghillie Top236 = 【吉利裤】Ghillie Bottom237 = 【吉利风帽】Ghillie Hood238 = 【吉利背心】Ghillie Vest239 = 【厨师帽】Chef Hat240 = 【安全帽】Construction Helmet 241 = 【消防员头盔】Firefighter Helmet 242 = 【农夫上衣】Farmer Top243 = 【农夫裤子】Farmer Bottom244 = 【农夫帽/草帽】Farmer Hat245 = 【黑色旅行包】Black Travelpack 246 = 【蓝色旅行包】Blue Travelpack 247 = 【绿色旅行包】Green Travelpack 248 = 【橘色旅行包】Orange Travelpack 249 = 【紫色旅行包】Purple Travelpack 250 = 【红色旅行包】Red Travelpack 251 = 【白色旅行包】White Travelpack 252 = 【黄色旅行包】Yellow Travelpack 253 = 【爱丽丝军用小背包】Alicepack 254 = 【手雷】Grenade255 = 【蓝色荧光棒】Blue Flare256 = 【绿色荧光棒】Green Flare257 = 【橘色荧光棒】Orange Flare258 = 【紫色荧光棒】Purple Flare259 = 【红色荧光棒】Red Flare260 = 【黄色荧光棒】Yellow Flare261 = 【黑色烟雾弹】Black Smoke262 = 【蓝色烟雾弹】Blue Smoke263 = 【绿色烟雾弹】Green Smoke264 = 【橘色烟雾弹】Orange Smoke265 = 【紫色烟雾弹】Purple Smoke266 = 【红色烟雾弹】Red Smoke267 = 【白色烟雾弹】White Smoke268 = 【黄色烟雾弹】Yellow Smoke269 = 【疫苗】Vaccine270 = 【琥珀色浆果】Amber Berry271 = 【靛蓝色浆果】Indigo Berry272 = 【翡翠色浆果】Jade Berry273 = 【赤褐色浆果】Russet Berry274 = 【水鸭色浆果】Teal Berry275 = 【朱红色浆果】Vermillion Berry276 = 【手电筒】Flashlight277 = 【千斤顶】Carjack278 = 【圣诞帽】Santa hat&&279 = 【圣诞服】Santa Top&&280 = 【圣诞裤子】Santa bottom&&281 = 【枫木门】Maple Door282 = 【桦木门】Birch Door283 = 【松木门】Pine Door284 = 【铁牢门】Jail Door285 = 【金属棒】Metal Bar286 = 【保险库门】Vault Door287 = 【金属窗护栏】Bars Fortification288 = 【黑色铺盖卷/床铺】Black bedroll289 = 【蓝色铺盖卷/床铺】Blue bedroll290 = 【绿色铺盖卷/床铺】Green bedroll291 = 【橘色铺盖卷/床铺】Orange bedroll292 = 【紫色铺盖卷/床铺】Purple bedroll293 = 【红色铺盖卷/床铺】Red bedroll294 = 【白色铺盖卷/床铺】White bedroll295 = 【黄色铺盖卷/床铺】Yellow bedroll296 = 【16倍瞄准镜】16x Scope297 = 【灰熊军用狙击步枪/反器材步枪】Grizzly 298 = 【灰熊弹匣】Grizzly Magazine299 = 【灰熊机械瞄具】Grizzly Iron Sights300 = 【潜影者电磁炮/轨道炮】Shadowstalker 301 = 【电磁炮弹】Rail302 = 【潜影者瞄准镜】Shadowstalker Scope 303 = 【囚犯服】Prisoner Top304 = 【囚犯裤】Prisoner Bottom305 = 【加拿大皇家骑警裤】RCMP Bottom 306 = 【加拿大皇家骑警服】RCMP Top307 = 【迷彩军服】Military Top308 = 【迷彩军裤】Military Bottom309 = 【迷彩军用头盔】Military Helmet 310 = 【迷彩军用防弹背心】Military Vest 311 = 【医生上衣】Medic Top312 = 【医生裤】Medic Bottom313 = 【加拿大皇家骑警帽】RCMP Hat 314 = 【食品店员上衣】Grocer Top315 = 【食品店员裤子】Grocer Bottom 316 = 【枫木楼梯】Maple Stairs317 = 【松木楼梯】Pine Stairs318 = 【桦木楼梯】Birch Stairs319 = 【枫木阁楼口】Maple Hole320 = 【松木阁楼口】Pine Hole321 = 【桦木阁楼口】Birch Hole322 = 【枫木斜坡】Maple Ramp323 = 【桦木斜坡】Birch Ramp324 = 【松木斜坡】Pine Ramp325 = 【枫木爬梯】Maple Ladder326 = 【桦木爬梯】Birch Ladder327 = 【松木爬梯】Pine Ladder328 = 【保险柜】Locker329 = 【胡萝卜】Carrot330 = 【胡萝卜种子】Carrot Seed331 = 【种植槽】Planter332 = 【肥料】Fertilizer333 = 【望远镜】Binoculars334 = 【军用夜视仪】Military Nightvision 335 = 【玉米】Corn336 = 【玉米种子】Corn Seed337 = 【水壶】Canteen338 = 【生菜】Lettuce339 = 【生菜种子】Lettuce seed340 = 【西红柿】Tomato341 = 【西红柿种子】Tomato seed342 = 【马铃薯】Potato343 = 【马铃薯种子】Potato seed344 = 【小麦】Wheat345 = 【小麦种子】Wheat seed346 = 【十字弩】Crossbow347 = 【铁箭】Arrow348 = 【枫木箭】Maple arrow349 = 【十字弩瞄具】Crossbow Sight ——350 = 【空】351 = 【桦木箭】Birch arrow352 = 【松木箭】Pine arrow353 = 【枫木弓】Maple bow——354 = 【空】355 = 【桦木弓】Birch bow356 = 【松木弓】Pine bow357 = 【复合弓】Compound bow358 = 【复合弓机械瞄具】Compound Iron Sights359 = 【枫木火把】Maple torch360 = 【桦木火把】Birch torch361 = 【松木火把】Pine torch362 = 【篝火】Campfire363 = 【MS军用突击步枪】Maplestrike364 = 【MS机械瞄具】Maplestrike Iron Sights365 = 【沙袋】Sandbag366 = 【枫木板条箱】Maple Crate367 = 【桦木板条箱】Birch Crate368 = 【松木板条箱】Pine Crate369 = 【金属地基】Metal Floor370 = 【金属门框】Metal Doorway371 = 【金属墙】Metal Wall372 = 【金属窗框】Metal Window373 = 【金属屋顶】Metal Roof374 = 【金属柱子】Metal Pillar375 = 【金属楼梯】Metal Stairs376 = 【金属阁楼口】Metal Hole377 = 【金属斜坡】Metal Ramp378 = 【金属门】Metal Door379 = 【金属爬梯】Metal Ladder380 = 【马斯特奇双管霰弹枪】Masterkey381 = 【20号口径弹药】20 Gauge Shells (注:20号口径=15.6mm=0.62’’(英寸))382 = 【铁蒺藜】Caltrop383 = 【枫木木刺】Maple Spikes384 = 【桦木木刺】Birch Spikes385 = 【松木木刺】Pine Spikes386 = 【带刺铁线圈/刺线圈】Barbed Wire387 = 【肾上腺素】Adrenaline388 = 【吗啡】Morphine389 = 【抗生素】Antibiotics390 = 【止痛药】Painkillers391 = 【维他命】Vitamins392 = 【净化药片】Tablets393 = 【小绷带】Rag394 = 【药用绷带】Dressing395 = 【血袋】Bloodbag396 = 【碾碎的淡紫色浆果】Mauve Crushed397 = 【碾碎的琥珀色浆果】Amber Crushed398 = 【碾碎的靛蓝色浆果】Indigo Crushed399 = 【碾碎的翡翠绿浆果】Jade Crushed400 = 【碾碎的黄褐色浆果】Russet Crushed401 = 【碾碎的水鸭色浆果】Teal Crushed402 = 【碾碎的朱红色浆果】Vermillion Crushed403 = 【缝合包】Suturekit404 = 【止咳糖浆】Cough Syrup405 = 【维修工上衣】Mechanic Top406 = 【维修工裤】Mechanic Bottom407 = 【火车司机上衣】Engineer Top408 = 【火车司机裤】Engineer409 = 【飞行员护目镜/蛤蟆镜】Aviators410 = 【黑色披风】Black Poncho411 = 【蓝色披风】Blue Poncho412 = 【绿色披风】Green Poncho413 = 【橘色披风】Orange Poncho414 = 【紫色披风】Purple Poncho415 = 【红色披风】Red Poncho416 = 【白色披风】White Poncho417 = 【黄色披风】Yellow Poncho418 = 【头戴式耳机】Headphones&& (注:彩蛋来源《军团要塞2》)419 = 【飞行夹克】Flight Jacket420 = 【骑行夹克】Biker Jacket421 = 【西装上衣】Suit Top422 = 【西装裤子】Suit Bottom423 = 【火车司机帽】Engineer Hat424 = 【软呢帽】Fedora425 = 【黑色带舌帽】Black Cap426 = 【蓝色带舌帽】Blue Cap427 = 【绿色带舌帽】Green Cap428 = 【橘色带舌帽】Orange Cap429 = 【紫色带舌帽】Purple Cap430 = 【红色带舌帽】Red Cap431 = 【白色带舌帽】White Cap432 = 【黄色带舌帽】Yellow Cap433 = 【迷彩贝雷帽】Beret&& (注:彩蛋来源:《求生之路2》)434 = 【黑色巴拉克拉瓦风帽(忍者头套)】Black Balaclava435 = 【蓝色忍者头套】Blue Balaclava436 = 【绿色忍者头套】Green Balaclava437 = 【橘色忍者头套】Orange Balaclava438 = 【紫色忍者头套】Purple Balaclava439 = 【红色忍者头套】Red Balaclava440 = 【白色忍者头套】White Balaclava441 = 【黄色忍者头套】Yellow Balaclava442 = 【枫木壁垒】Maple Rampart443 = 【枫木筒桩】Maple Post444 = 【松木壁垒】Birch Rampart445 = 【松木壁垒】Pine rampart446 = 【金属壁垒】Metal rampart447 = 【桦木筒桩】Birch post448 = 【松木筒桩】Pine post449 = 【金属筒桩】Metal post450 = 【枫木车库门框】Maple garage451 = 【枫木车库门】Maple gate452 = 【桦木车库门框】Birch garage453 = 【松木车库门框】Pine garage454 = 【金属车库门框】Metal garage455 = 【桦木车库门】Birch gate456 = 【松木车库门】Pine gate457 = 【金属车库门】Metal Gate458 = 【】Generator459 = 【探照灯】Spotlight460 = 【面包】Bread461 = 【金枪鱼三明治】Tuna Sandwich462 = 【盒装牛奶】Milk Box463 = 【橘汁】Orange Juice464 = 【奶酪】Cheese465 = 【罐装苏打水】Soda466 = 【奶酪夹心三明治】Grilled Cheese Sandwich 467 = 【BLT三明治】BLT Sandwich468 = 【火腿三明治】Ham Sandwich469 = 【火腿罐头】Canned Ham470 = 【鸡蛋】Eggs471 = 【蛋糕】Cake472 = 【瓶装可乐】Bottled Cola473 = 【瓶装苏打水】Bottled Soda474 = 【枫木自制步枪】Maple rifle475 = 【自制步枪机械瞄具】Rifle iron sights476 = 【自制6X瞄准镜】Makeshift scope477 = 【自制消音器】Makeshift muffler478 = 【自制步枪弹夹】Rifle clip479 = 【桦木自制步枪】Birch rifle480 = 【松木自制步枪】Pine rifle481 = 【枫木水瓶】Maple bottle482 = 【桦木水瓶】Birch bottle483 = 【松木水瓶】Pine bottle484 = 【民用运动步枪】Sportshot485 = 【运动步枪弹匣】Sportshot magazine486 = 【运动步枪机械瞄具】Sportshot iron sights487 = 【狼牙棒】Makeshift bat488 = 【沙漠之鹰民用手枪】Desert Eagle489 = 【沙漠之鹰弹匣】Desert Eagle magazine490 = 【电锯】Chainsaw491 = 【金飞行员眼镜】Gold Aviators492 = 【3D眼镜】3D Glasses493 = 【钥匙】Key494 = 【神秘盒】Mystery Box495 = 【土耳其毡帽】Fez496 = 【王冠】Crown497 = 【宽腰带】Obi(注:和服用)498 = 【鹿角】Antlers499 = 【纸】Paper500 = 【梳头巾】Headdress501 = 【维京头盔】Viking Helmet502 = 【眼罩】Eye Patch503 = 【钓鱼竿】Fishing Rod504 = 【生鳟鱼】Raw Trout505 = 【生鲑鱼】Raw Salmon506 = 【桦木鱼竿】Birch Rod507 = 【枫木鱼竿】Maple Rod508 = 【松木鱼竿】Pine Rod509 = 【钓鱼帽】Fishing Hat510 = 【钓鱼上衣】Fishing Top511 = 【钓鱼裤】Fishing Bottom512 = 【熟鳟鱼】Cooked Trout513 = 【熟鲑鱼】Cooked Salmon514 = 【生鹿肉】raw venison515 = 【熟鹿肉】cooked venison516 = 【皮革】leather517 = 【皮衣】leather top518 = 【皮裤】leather bottom519 = 【火箭筒、RPG】rocket launcher520 = 【火箭筒子弹】rocket——521-999 = 【空】1000 = 【VSS俄制消音步枪】Matamorez1001 = 【VSS机械瞄具】Matamorez Iron Sights——1002 = 【空】1003 = 【VSS弹匣】Matamorez Magazine1004 = 【红色科布拉瞄准镜】red kobra sight1005 = 【VSS俄制消音步枪扩展弹夹】extended matamorez magazine1006 = 【眼镜蛇手枪扩展弹夹】extended cobra magazine 1007 = 【口径适应器】adaptive chambering attachment 1008 = 【测距仪】rangefinder attachment1009 = 【沙漠贝雷帽】desert beret1010 = 【沙漠军用头盔】desert military helmet1011 = 【沙漠军用上衣】desert military top1012 = 【沙漠军用裤子】desert military bottom1013 = 【沙漠军用防弹衣】desert military vest1014 = 【皮革包】leather pack1015-1017 = 【防化服】biohazard suit1018 = 【MI4EBR步枪】sabertooth1020 = 【MI4EBR步枪弹夹】sabertooth magazine1021 = 【M9手枪】avenger1022 = 【M9手枪弹夹】avenger magazine1023 = 【警棍】police baton1024 = 【P90突击步枪】peacemaker1026 = 【P90突击步枪弹夹】peacemaker magazine 1027 = 【MP5突击步枪】viper1029 = 【MP5突击步枪弹夹】viper magazine1030 = 【平底锅】frying pan1031 = 【兵工铲】shovel1032 = 【撬棍】crowbar1033 = 【炒菜勺】paddle1034 = 【干草叉】pitchfork1035 = 【弯刀】machete1036 = 【武士刀】katana1037 = 【ACR突击步枪】heartbreaker1039 = 【PMM民用手枪】kryzkarek1040 = 【PMM民用手枪弹夹】kryzkarek magazine1041 = 【尤里冲锋枪】yuri1042 = 【尤里冲锋枪弹夹】yuri magazine1044 = 【民用夜视仪】civilian night vision goggles1045 = 【南瓜种子】pumpkin seed1046 = 【南瓜】pumpkin1047 = 【南瓜派】pumpkin pie1048 = 【曲棍球面具】hockey mask1049 = 【南瓜灯炬】jack-o-lantern torch1050 = 【安全区生成器】safezone radiator1051-1057 = 【钞票类物品】bill items1058 = 【大号枫木平板】Large Maple Plate1059 = 【小号枫木平板】Small Maple Plate1060 = 【大号枫木田字框】Large Maple Frame1061 = 【小号枫木田字框】Small Maple Frame1062 = 【枫木墙板】Maple Siding1063 = 【枫木管子】Maple Pipe1064 = 【大号桦木平板】Large Birch Plate1065 = 【小号桦木平板】Small Birch Plate1066 = 【大号桦木田字框】Large Birch Frame1067 = 【小号桦木田字框】Small Birch Frame1068 = 【桦木墙板】Birch Siding1069 = 【桦木管子】Birch Pipe1070 = 【大号松木平板】Large Pine Plate1071 = 【小号松木平板】Small Pine Plate1072 = 【大号松木田字框】Large Pine Frame1073 = 【小号松木田字框】Small Pine Frame1074 = 【松木墙板】Pine Siding1075 = 【松木管子】Pine Pipe1076 = 【琥珀色浆果派】Amber Pie1077 = 【靛蓝色浆果派】Indigo Pie1078 = 【翡翠色浆果派】Jade Pie1079 = 【淡紫色浆果派】Mauve Pie1080 = 【赤褐色浆果派】Russet Pie1081 = 【水鸭色(蓝绿色)浆果派】Teal Pie1082 = 【朱砂色浆果派】Vermillion Pie1083 = 【枫木门框】Maple doorframe1084 = 【枫木车库门框】Maple garageframe1085 = 【桦木门框】Birch doorframe1086 = 【桦木车库门框】Birch garageframe1087 = 【松木门框】Pine doorframe1088 = 【松木车库门框】Pine garageframe1089 = 【金属门框】Metal doorframe1090 = 【金属车库门框】Metal garageframe1091 = 【大号金属平板】Large Metal Plate1092 = 【小号金属平板】Small Metal Plate1093 = 【金属墙板】Metal Siding1094 = 【金属管子】Metal Pipe1095 = 【枫木告示牌】Maple Sign1096 = 【桦木告示牌】Birch Sign1097 = 【松木告示牌】Pine Sign1098 = 【可锁定的金属标示牌】locked metal sign 1099 = 【自制底盘汽车】makeshift vehicle1100 = 【定时型C4黏性炸药=黏着手雷】sticky grenade 1101 = 【直爆式地雷】landmine1102 = 【阔剑地雷/指向性地雷】claymore1103 = 【黑色雨伞】Black umbrella1104 = 【琥珀浆果种子】Amber berry seed1105 = 【靛蓝浆果种子】Indigo berry seed1106 = 【翡翠浆果种子】Jade berry seed1107 = 【淡紫浆果种子】Mauve berry seed1108 = 【赤褐浆果种子】Russet berry seed1109 = 【蓝绿浆果种子】Teal berry seed1110 = 【朱红浆果种子】Vermillion berry seed1111 = 【6座自制汽车】6 seater makeshift vehicle 1112 = 【单座自制汽车】1 seater makeshift vehicle 1113 = 【捕兽夹】snare1114 = 【枫木自制汽油桶】Maple Jerrycan1115 = 【桦木自制汽油桶】Birch Jerrycan1116 = 【松木自制汽油桶】Pine Jerrycan1117 = 【猪肉】Pork1118 = 【培根】Bacon1119 = 【铁刺网围栏】barbedwire fence1120 = 【牛肉】Beef1121 = 【熟牛肉】Cooked Beef1122 = 【蓝色雨伞】Blue Umbrella1123 = 【绿色雨伞】Green Umbrella1124 = 【橘黄色雨伞】Orange Umbrella1125 = 【紫色雨伞】Purple Umbrella1126 = 【红色雨伞】Red Umbrella1127 = 【白色雨伞】White Umbrella1128 = 【黄色雨伞】Yellow Umbrella1129 = 【暖暖贴】heatstim1130 = 【装饰刺线圈】Ornamental Barbed Wire 1131 = 【装饰铁丝网】Ornamental Barbed Wire Fence 1132 = 【雪球】Snowball1133 = 【黑色围巾】Black Scarf1134 = 【蓝色围巾】Blue Scarf1135 = 【绿色围巾】Green Scarf1136 = 【橙色围巾】Orange Scarf1137 = 【紫色围巾】Purple Scarf1138 = 【红色围巾】Red Scarf1139 = 【白色围巾】White Scarf1144 = 【大型桦木等边三角形板】Large Birth Plate 1145 = 【大型桦木直角三角形板】Large Birth Plate 1146 = 【大型枫木等边三角形板】Large Maple Plate 1147 = 【大型枫木直角三角形板】Large Maple Plate 1148 = 【大型松木等边三角形板】Large Pine Plate 1149 = 【大型松木直角三角形板】Large Pine Plate 1150 = 【小型桦木等边三角形板】Small Birth Plate 1151 = 【小型桦木直角三角形板】Small Birth Plate 1152 = 【小型枫木等边三角形板】Small Maple Plate 1153 = 【小型枫木直角三角形板】Small Maple Plate 1154 = 【小型松木等边三角形板】Small Pine Plate1155 = 【小型松木直角三角形板】Small Pine Plate1156 = 【小偷上衣】Thief Top1157 = 【小偷裤子】Thief Bottom1158 = 【旗帜】Claim Flag1159 = 【糖枫汁】Maple Syrup1160 = 【生面团】Dough1161 = 【薄煎饼】Pancakes1162 = 【华夫饼】Waffles1163 = 【甜甜圈】Doughnuts1164 = 【披萨】Pizza1165 = 【射钉枪】Nailgun1166 = 【射钉枪弹夹】Nailgun Magazine1168 = 【民用防弹背心】Civilian Armor Vest1169 = 【特种兵防弹背心】Spec Ops Vest1170 = 【特种兵背包】Spec Ops Rucksack1171 = 【特种兵上衣】Spec Ops Top1172 = 【特种兵裤子】Spec Ops Bottom1173 = 【自制装甲】Makeshift Armor1174 = 【长柄镰刀】Scythe1175 = 【手绘地图】Chart1176 = 【全球定位系统】GPS1177 = 【军用曳光弹弹匣】Military Tracer1178 = 【潜水氧气罐】Diving Tank1179 = 【潜水服上衣】Wetsuit Top1180 = 【潜水服裤子】Wetsuit Bottom1182 = 【黑色行李袋】Black Dufflebag1183 = 【蓝色行李袋】Blue Dufflebag1184 = 【绿色行李袋】Green Dufflebag1185 = 【橙色行李袋】Orange Dufflebag1186 = 【紫色行李袋】Purple Dufflebag1187 = 【红色行李袋】Red Dufflebag1188 = 【白色行李袋】White Dufflebag1190 = 【骑警枪管】Ranger Muzzle1191 = 【骑警消音器】Ranger Barrel1192 = 【大口径军用弹药箱】High Caliber Military Ammunition Crate 1193 = 【大口径骑警用弹药箱】High Caliber Ranger Ammunition Crate 1194 = 【尸潮生成器】Horde Beacon1195 = 【手铐】Handcuffs1196 = 【手铐钥匙】Handcuffs Key1197 = 【扎带】Cable Tie1198 = 【矿稿】Pickaxe1199 = 【头灯】Headlamp1200 = 【军用爆裂弹弹夹(HE弹)】Military Fragmentation Magazine 1201 = 【军用夜视瞄准镜】Military Nightvision Scope1202 = 【枫木枪架】Maple Rifle Rack1203 = 【桦木枪架】Birch Rifle Rack1204 = 【松木枪架】Pine Rifle Rack1205 = 【枫木展示框】Maple Trophy Case1206 = 【桦木展示框】Birch Trophy Case1207 = 【松木展示框】Pine Trophy Case1208 = 【蓄水桶】Rain Barrels1209 = 【爆炸箭矢】Explosive Arrow1210 = 【石制门口】Brick Doorway1211 = 【石制车库门框】Brick Garage1212 = 【石制柱子】Brick Pillar1213 = 【石制筒桩】Brick Post1214 = 【石制堡垒】Brick Rampart1215 = 【石制墙壁】Brick Wall1216 = 【石制窗框】Brick Window1217 = 【石制门框】Brick Doorframe1218 = 【石制车库框架】Brick Garageframe1219 = 【石油钻井】Oil Derrick1220 = 【金属架】Metal Rifle Rack1221 = 【金属展示框】Metal Trophy Case1222 = 【微型照明灯】Cagelight1223 = 【枫木百叶窗】Maple Shutter1224 = 【桦木百叶窗】Birch Shutter1225 = 【松木百叶窗】Pine Shutter1226 = 【金属百叶窗】Metal Shutter1227 = 【坦克陷阱】Tanktrap1228 = 【水槽】Water Tank1229 = 【燃料箱】Fuel Tank1230 = 【工业发电机】Industrial Generator1231 = 【枫木旗】Maple Flag1232 = 【桦木旗】Birch Flag1233 = 【松木旗】Pine Flag1234 = 【铁杆旗】Metal Flag1235 = 【枫木双扇门】Maple Doubledoor1236 = 【桦木双扇门】Birch Doubledoor1237 = 【松木双扇门】Pine Doubledoor1238 = 【金属双扇门】Metal Doubledoor1240 = 【引爆器】Remote Detonator1241 = 【遥控C4】Breaching Charge(应该需要上面的引爆器) 1242 = 【土质手雷】Makeshift Grenade1243 = 【床】Cot1244 = 【自动炮台】Sentry1245 = 【枫木橱柜】Maple Counter1246 = 【桦木橱柜】Birch Counter1247 = 【松木橱柜】Pine Counter1248 = 【金属橱柜】Metal Counter1249 = 【冰箱】Fridge1250 = 【烤箱】Oven1251 = 【枫木洗手台】Maple Counter Sinks 1252 = 【桦木洗手台】Birch Counter Sinks1253 = 【松木洗手台】Pine Counter Sinks1254 = 【金属洗手台】Metal Counter Sinks1255 = 【台灯】Lamp1256 = 【沙发】Couch1257 = 【枫木书柜】Maple Library1258 = 【桦木书柜】Birch Library1259 = 【松木书柜】Pine Library1260 = 【金属书柜】Metal Library1261 = 【制氧机】Oxygenator1262 = 【枫木三角形地基】Maple Triangular Floor 1263 = 【桦木三角形地基】Birch Triangular Floor 1264 = 【松木三角形地基】Pine Triangular Floor 1265 = 【金属三角形地基】Metal Triangular Floor 1266 = 【枫木三角形屋顶】Maple Triangular Roof 1267 = 【桦木三角形屋顶】Birch Triangular Roof 1268= 【松木三角形屋顶】Pine Triangular Roof 1269 = 【金属三角形屋顶】Metal Triangular Roof 1270 = 【防毒面具】Gasmask1271 = 【辐射滤波器】Radiation Filter1272= 【蓝色照明柱】Blue Flare1273 = 【绿色照明柱】Green Flare1274 = 【橘色照明柱】Orange Flare1275 = 【紫色照明柱】Purple Flare1276 = 【红色照明柱】Red Flare1277= 【黄色照明柱】Yellow Flare1278 = 【枫木衣柜】Maple Wardrobes1279 = 【桦木衣柜】Birch Wardrobes1280 = 【松木衣柜】Pine Wardrobes1281= 【金属衣柜】Metal Wardrobes1282 = 【支地伞】Umbrella1283 = 【小冰柜】Cooler1284 = 【枫木矩形桌】Maple Rectangular Table 1285 = 【桦木矩形桌】Birch Rectangular Table 1286 = 【松木矩形桌】Pine Rectangular Table 1287 = 【金属矩形桌】Metal Rectangular Table 1288 = 【枫木圆桌】Maple Circular Table1289 = 【桦木圆桌】Birch Circular Table1290 = 【松木圆桌】Pine Circular Table1291 = 【金属圆桌】Metal Circular Table 1292 = 【枫木方桌】Maple Square Table 1293 = 【桦木方桌】Birch Square Table 1294 = 【松木方桌】Pine Square Table 1295 = 【金属方桌】Metal Square Table 1296 = 【沙滩椅】Beach Chair1297 = 【脆弱的玻璃】Weak Glass1298 = 【防弹玻璃】Bulletproof Glass 1299 = 【单向玻璃】Oneway Glass1302 = 【导弹】Missile1303 = 【蓝色沙发】Blue Couch1304 = 【绿色沙发】Green Couch1305 = 【橘色沙发】Orange Couch1306 = 【紫色沙发】Purple Couch1307 = 【红色沙发】Red Couch1308 = 【黄色沙发】Yellow Couch1309 = 【蓝色床】Blue Cot1310 = 【绿色床】Green Cot1311 = 【橘色床】Orange Cot1312 = 【紫色床】Purple Cot1313 = 【红色床】Red Cot1314 = 【黄色床】Yellow Cot1315 = 【蓝色沙滩椅】Blue Beach Chair 1316 = 【绿色沙滩椅】Green Beach Chair 1317 = 【橘色沙滩椅】Orange Beach Chair 1318 = 【紫色沙滩椅】Purple Beach Chair 1319 = 【红色沙滩椅】Red Beach Chair 1320 = 【黄色沙滩椅】Yellow Beach Chair 1321 = 【蓝色支地伞】Blue Umbrella 1322 = 【绿色支地伞】Green Umbrella 1323 = 【橘色支地伞】Orange Umbrella 1324 = 【紫色支地伞】Purple Umbrella 1325 = 【红色支地伞】Red Umbrella 1326 = 【黄色支地伞】Yellow Umbrella 1327 = 【书】Book1328 = 【笔记】Note1329 = 【枫木活板门】Maple Hatch 1330 = 【桦木活板门】Birch Hatch1331 = 【松木活板门】Pine Hatch1332 = 【金属活板门】Metal Hatchrrf ——Tank 【坦克】120 = 迷彩色坦克121 = 沙漠色坦克3.15.7.0更新物品ID1337 = 【彩弹枪】Paintball Gun1339 = 【蓝色彩弹弹夹】Blue Paintball Hopper1340 = 【绿色彩弹弹夹】Green Paintball Hopper1341 = 【橘色彩弹弹夹】Orange Paintball Hopper1342 = 【紫色彩弹弹夹】Purple Paintball Hopper1343 = 【红色彩弹弹夹】Red Paintball Hopper1344 = 【黄色彩弹弹夹】Yellow Paintball Hopper1345 = 【农用土地】Farm Plot1346 = 【闪光弹】Flashbang1347 = 【生鲦鱼】Raw Minnow1348 = 【熟鲦鱼】Cooked Minnow1349 = 【生金鱼】Raw Goldfish1350 = 【熟金鱼】Cooked Goldfish1351 = 【生鲈鱼】Raw Bass1352 = 【熟鲈鱼】Cooked Bass1353 = 【便携式撬车器】Stealy Wheely Automobiley3.15.9.0更新物品ID1358 = 【飞行员上衣】Pilot Top1359 = 【飞行员裤子】Pilot Bottom3.15.10.0更新物品ID1372 = 【守卫型哨戒炮塔】Friendly Sentry1373 = 【攻击型哨戒炮塔】Hostile Sentry1360 = 【Teklowva手枪(KG-9手枪)】Teklowvka1361 = 【Teklowva手枪弹夹】Teklowvka Magazine1366 = 【Vonya霰弹枪(Saiga-12霰弹枪)】Vonya1368 = 【Vonya霰弹枪弹夹】Vonya Magazine1369 = 【Bulldog冲锋枪(乌兹冲锋枪)】Bulldog1371 = 【Bulldog冲锋枪弹夹】Bulldog Magazine1379 = 【Calling Card冲锋枪(PPSh41冲锋枪)】Calling Card 1381 = 【Calling Card冲锋枪弹鼓】Calling Card Drum3.15.12.0更新物品ID1362 = 【Augewehr突击步枪(AUG突击步枪)】Augewehr 1364 = 【加特林机枪】Hell's Fury1365 = 【加特林机枪弹鼓】Hell's Fury Drum1375 = 【Fusilaut步枪(FAMAS步枪)】Fusilaut1377 = 【夜袭者突击步枪(G36突击步枪)】Nightraider 1382 = 【Ekho狙击步枪(JS05狙击步枪)】Ekho1384 = 【Ekho狙击步枪弹夹】Ekho Magazine3.15.13.0更新物品ID1385 = 【黑手党浅顶软呢帽】Mafia Fedora1386 = 【黑手党礼服】Mafia Tuxedo Top1387 = 【黑手党燕尾服】Mafia Tuxedo Bottom1391 = 【运动外套】Tracksuit Top1392 = 【运动服裤子】Tracksuit Bottom1390 = 【撞球球杆】Pool Cue1389 = 【特种部队贝雷帽】Spec Ops Beret3.16.0.0更新物品ID1333 = 【俄罗斯军用上衣】Russian Military Top1334 = 【俄罗斯军用裤子】Russian Military Bottom1335 = 【俄罗斯军用头盔】Russian Military Helmet1336 = 【俄罗斯军用防弹衣】Russian Military Vest1354 = 【俄罗斯吉利上衣】Russian Ghillie Top1355 = 【俄罗斯吉利裤子】Russian Ghillie Bottom1356 = 【俄罗斯吉利头套】Russian Ghillie Hood1357 = 【俄罗斯吉利背心】Russian Ghillie Vest1393 = 【精准爆破雷】Precision Charge1394 = 【HMG重机枪(HMG)】Heavy Machine Gun(还未作出贴图模型,但可以刷出,可以使用)1395 = 【HMG重机枪弹箱】Heavy Machine Gun Box (HMG Box)1396 = 【吉利网】Ghillie Netting1397 = 【俄罗斯吉利网】Russia Ghillie Netting(掩护用的,然并卵)更新物品ID1398 = 【鳟鱼三明治】Trout Sandwich1399 = 【鲑鱼三明治】Salmon Sandwich1400 = 【鲦鱼三明治】Minnow Sandwich1401 = 【金鱼三明治】Goldfish Sandwich1402 = 【鹿肉三明治】Venison Sandwich1403 = 【鲈鱼三明治】Bass Sandwich1404 = 【牛肉三明治】Beef Sandwich1405 = 【奶酪牛排三明治】Cheese Steak Sandwich1406 = 【培根、生菜、番茄三明治】BLT Sandwich1407 = 【牛肉三明治】Beef Sandwich(尼尔森真666,两个一样的东西ID不同)1408 = 【布制人体模型】Cloth Mannequin1409 = 【铁质人体模型】Metal Mannequin1410 = 【枫木饰板】Maple Plaque1411 = 【桦木饰板】Birch Plaque1412 = 【松木饰板】Pine Plaque1413 = 【金属饰板】Metal Plaque3.16.4.0更新物品ID1414 = 【枫木斜坡】Maple Ramp Wall1415 = 【桦木斜坡】Birch Ramp Wall1416 = 【松木斜坡】Pine Ramp Wall1417 = 【金属斜坡】Metal Ramp Wall1418 = 【砖制斜坡】Brick Ramp Wall3.17.0.0更新物品ID1419 = 【联盟裤子】Coalition Bottom1420 = 【联盟少尉上衣】Ensign Coalition Top1421 = 【联盟中尉上衣】Lieutenant Coalition Top1422 = 【联盟少校上衣】Major Coalition Top1423 = 【联盟指挥官上衣】Commander Coalition Top1424 = 【联盟首领上衣】Captain Coalition Top1425 = 【联盟防弹背心】Coalition Vest1426 = 【联盟帽子】Coalition Cap1427 = 【联盟头盔】Coalition Helmet1428 = 【联盟贝雷帽】Coalition Beret1429 = 【联盟首领帽子】Coalition Captain Hat1430 = 【蛋糕升级蓝图】Upgraded Cake Blueprint1431 = 【升级版蛋糕】Upgraded Cake1432 = 【升级版鱼竿】Upgraded Fishing Rod1433 = 【鱼竿升级蓝图】Upgraded Fishing Rod Blueprint 1434 = 【生鱿鱼】Raw Squid1435 = 【熟鱿鱼】Cooked Squid1436 = 【四管霰弹枪】Quadbarrel1437 = 【四管霰弹枪制作蓝图】Quadbarrel Blueprint1438 = 【战壕刺刀】Bayonet1439 = 【战壕刺刀制作蓝图】Bayonet Blueprint3.17.2.0更新物品ID1440 = 【工业用油桶】Industrial Gas Can3.17.3.0更新物品ID(彩蛋物品)1441 = 【MK.II型暗影轨道炮】Shadowstalker MK.II1442 = 【MK.II型暗影轨道炮瞄具】Shadowstalker MK.II Scope 1443 = 【MK.II型暗影轨道炮弹鼓】Shadowstalker MK.II Drum更新物品ID1450 =【载具电池】Vehicle Battery1451 =【汽车轮胎】Car Tire3.17.7.0更新物品ID1445 = 【步谈机】Walkie Talkie(另外还有1444叫做Bluntforce Muffler,但尼尔森还没做出来)更新物品ID1446 = 【作战耳机】Earpiece3.17.12.0更新物品ID1447 =【Scalar冲锋枪】Scalar1448 =【Scalar冲锋枪机械瞄具】Scalar Iron Sights1449 =【Scalar冲锋枪弹夹】Scalar Magazine3.18.0.0更新物品ID1452 =【完整的椰子】Whole Coconut1453 =【半个椰子】Split Coconut1454 =【黑色游泳裤】Black Trunks1455 =【蓝色游泳裤】Blue Trunks1456 =【绿色游泳裤】Green Trunks1457 =【橘色游泳裤】Orange Trunks1458 =【紫色游泳裤】Purple Trunks1459 =【红色游泳裤】Red Trunks。
阿特拉斯·科普柯 喷涂机组件 手册 - Xtreme 套件说明书
![阿特拉斯·科普柯 喷涂机组件 手册 - Xtreme 套件说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/576de957876fb84ae45c3b3567ec102de2bddf09.png)
说明书 — 零配件Xtreme 套件适用于保护涂层的高性能、高压喷涂套件。
有关型号资料及最大工作压力,请参见第 4 页。
II 2 G312437SZH目录相关手册 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3型号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4喷涂机套件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4专用喷涂机套件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5泵设备 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6警告 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7部件识别 - 轻型小车安装 . . . . . . . . . . . 9部件识别 - 重型小车安装 . . . . . . . . . . .10组件识别 - 壁式安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . .11安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13接地 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13准备工作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13泄压步骤 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14扳机锁 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14填料/冲洗 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15喷涂 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17循环锌流体 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17停止工作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18维护 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19预防性维护计划 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19每日维护 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19防腐 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19小车维护 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 DataTrak 控制器和指示灯 . . . . . . . . . . .20 DataTrak 操作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21设置模式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21运行模式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21故障排除 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Xtreme 下缸体拆卸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25下缸体的断开和重新连接 . . . . . . . . . .25壁式安装组件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26无气 Xtreme 喷涂机零配件 . . . . . . . . . .27带料斗套件的无气 Xtreme 喷涂机零配件 . . . .28壁式安装 Xtreme 套件零配件 . . . . . . . . .29零配件 - 无气 Xtreme 喷涂机套件 . . . . . . .30零配件 - 全部无气喷涂机套件 . . . . . . .30通用零配件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35气助 Xtreme 喷涂机零配件 . . . . . . . . . .37 Xtreme 喷锌机零配件 . . . . . . . . . . . . .38零配件 - 气助和喷锌机套件 . . . . . . . . . .39 Dura-Flo 喷涂机零配件 . . . . . . . . . . . .40零配件 - Dura-Flo 喷涂机套件 . . . . . . . .41小车零配件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 24Y078 - 重型小车 . . . . . . . . . . . .42 24Y349 - 轻型小车 . . . . . . . . . . . .42泵套件零配件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43带 L085C# 下缸体的泵套件(比率为 80:1) . . 44带 L115C# 下缸体的泵套件(比率为 35:1 和 55:1)45带 L145C# 和 L14AC1 下缸体的泵套件(比率为 31:1,46:1 和 90:1) . . . . . . 46带 L180C# 和 L18AC1 下缸体的泵套件(比率为 24:1,40:1 和 70:1) . . . . . . 47带 L220C# 下缸体的泵套件(比率为 21:1、30:1 和 60:1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48带 L250C# 下缸体的泵套件(比率为 50:1) . . 49带 L290C# 下缸体的泵套件(比率为 16:1、25:1 和 45:1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51重量 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53安装孔图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54壁式安装支架 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55技术数据 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56泵套件性能表 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Graco 标准担保 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Graco 信息 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602312437S相关手册相关手册各部件手册(美国英语)手册说明311762Xtreme 下缸体零配件说明书311238NXT 气动马达零配件说明书311239适用于 NXT 气动马达的集成气流控制器模块零配件说明书311486DataTrak™ 转换器配件包3A0293适用于重型推车和轻型推车的气流控制器零配件说明书333507流体料斗配件包Xtreme 套件手册有下列语言版本。
atlas螺丝枪pf4000工作原理概述说明以及解释1. 引言1.1 概述本文将介绍和解释atlas螺丝枪pf4000的工作原理。
1.2 文章结构本文分为五个部分,除引言外还包括正文、案例分析、结论以及结束语。
1.3 目的本文旨在深入探讨atlas螺丝枪pf4000的工作原理,通过详细阐述其使用方法和注意事项,帮助读者更好地理解和运用该设备。
2. 正文:2.1 atlas螺丝枪pf4000的工作原理atlas螺丝枪pf4000是一种先进的电动工具,用于高效地拧紧和松开螺丝。
YZ485产品:8个M10 螺栓、扭矩控制、角度监测法。扭矩目标值为60~70Nm。 拧紧轴间距为65.6mm, 68.6mm。 应用二 YZ4DE1产品:8个M12 螺栓、扭矩控制、角度监测法。扭矩目标值为100~120Nm 。拧紧轴间距为78mm。
2) 拧紧精度(软、硬连接状态下正态分布精度) : +/-3% 3) 采用一套两轴双气缸变距机构以便于快速切换。
Stand Alone系统具备安装维护快 捷、节省空间和能源、模块化设 计、灵活及高防护等级等特点。
▼ 拧紧电气控制系统布置图参考:
电源模块 控制器
▼ 拧紧系统应用实例图Atlas Copco PowerMACS tightening system illustration:
注意:如果螺栓头尺寸不同,切换时要 手工更换套筒。
▼ 阿特拉斯·科普柯 推荐Power MACS拧紧轴技术参数:
Technical Data产品技术参数:
◊ 型号 ◊ 转速 ◊ 最大扭矩 ◊ 最小扭矩 ◊ 系统扭矩精度 ◊ 系统转角精度 ◊ 重量 ◊ 噪声级别
▼ 阿特拉斯·科普柯 推荐Power MACS拧紧轴技术参数(方案二):
Technical Data产品技术参数:
◊ 型号 ◊ 转速 ◊ 最大扭矩 ◊ 最小扭矩 ◊ 系统扭矩精度 ◊ 系统转角精度 ◊ 重量 ◊ 噪声级别
工具代码............................................................................. 70 产品安全............................................................................. 74 工业用电池螺丝刀............................................................... 75 电动螺丝刀 – Eliza, EBL..................................................... 84 电动螺丝刀 – 电动微扭螺丝刀MicroTorqueTM..................... 87 电动螺丝刀 – Tensor DL..................................................... 90 电动螺丝刀 – Tensor SL..................................................... 91 电动拧紧扳手 – Tensor DS................................................. 92 电动拧紧扳手 – Tensor S.................................................... 98 电动拧紧扳手 – Tensor ST............................................... 103 Tensor DS / DL控制器.......................................................111 Power Focus.................................................................... 112 Power Focus / ETX拧紧轴和电缆..................................... 130 Power MACS 4000 / QST拧紧轴和电缆........................... 133 Power MACS / QMX拧紧轴和电缆................................... 141 刀头和动力套筒................................................................ 149 扭力臂............................................................................... 156
Atlas Copco Gas and Process SolutionsGT and T Series: Process-engineered Centrifugal Compressors6Standardised components simplify packagingGT Series compressors are custom built for your application by combining proven components designed for the specific characteris-tics of your application. This ensures mechanical integrity and permits more efficient packaging. In each application, the compres-sor, driver and the lubrication system are designed to facilitate shipment and on-site installation and start-up.Principal design features and benefits of Atlas Copco compressors are shown in this cutaway rendering of a typical 6-stage GT Series compressor package configured for a recycle and feed gas application.•High-performance impellers are precisely customised to meet your flow and pressure requirements. Open andclosed, radial backward leaning blade designs provide max-imum efficiency. •Adjustable inlet guide vanes (IGV) provide efficient control at constant speed over a broad capacity range.•Extensive shaft seal selection allows the one best solution for the process application.•Adjustable discharge diffuser guide vanes (DGV) comple-ment impeller aerodynamic characteristics to achieve higher efficiencies. Diffuser vanes help maintain constant heat at reduced flow.•Integral speed increasing gear features helical design andthrust collars in the pinion gear for high mechanical efficiency and low resonance effect. Operation is generally above thefirst critical speed with adequate operating margins.•Horizontally split bearings facilitate inspections and mainte-nance. Tilting-pad bearings are used on the high-speed shaft.Sleeve bearings are used on the low speed shaft.•Compressor housings are cast iron for low-pressure applica-tions, and cast steel or modular cast iron for high pressures.Stainless steel can be used if required.•Lubrication systems for pressurised oil are completely pre-assembled, factory flushed, and tested. Modified API 614 or 672 lube systems can be supplied.•Standard intercoolers are water-in-tube/gas-in-shell type,which can be rodded in place. Gas-in-tube/water-in-shell coolers are optional.GT CompactA typical rotor gear configuration for6-stage compressors78Rotor assemblyThe GT Series rotor assembly consists of a precisely matched and balanced pinion shaft, a high-speed gear, thrust collars, and an impeller.Impeller selection is made from standard geometrically similar impeller groups. Unique flow coefficients in each impeller group meet the different requirements of the GT Series flow range. All geometries have been thoroughly tested by Atlas Copco’s R&D department.Radial-bladed impellers (90°) and impellers with backward leaning blades (45°, 50°, 65° and 70°)are available in either open or closed configura-tions.Open impellers can be precision cast steel or milled from a solid forging, depending on application requirements. The standard material used for cast open impellers is X5CrNi13.4(A743-86a) or Armco 17-4ph.Proven components suited for reliable long-term operaTandem Dry Gas SealFloating Carbon Ring Seal Single Dry Gas SealShaft seal optionsFloating carbon seals are used for minimum leakage applications. The seal can be combined with two or three chambers.Dynamic dry gas seals can be used instead of an oil-lubricated seal toachieve a minimum leakage rate during operation, nearly positive sealing at shut down.The dry gas seal can be applied in single, tandem, or double acting configurations. It is recommen-ded when leakage is to be minimised.SealsSeals eliminate or minimise the outward leakage of process gas and/or inward leakage of air into the compressor case. The type of seal used depends upon the process requirements. Whatever the sealing problem, Atlas Copco has a solution.9d for your application and ationMilled impellers can be produced from any materials having a proper yield strength. The cover discs for closed impellers are secured by precision welding or high temperature vacuum brazing.Thrust collars are shrunk on the pinion shaft and locked in place with a splitlocking ring. They transfer the force result-ing from the opposed axial forces of the compressor and high-speed pinion gear to low-speed bull gear shaft, where the axial thrust is absorbed by the thrust bearing.This bearing design reduces friction and minimises mechanical losses.Before assembly, each impeller is dynamically balanced and overspeed tested. The dynamic balance of the com-plete rotor assembly is checked after all components are assembled to the shaft.Oil/Liquid Lubricated SealLabyrinth seals are used when leakage of process gas into the atmosphere can be tolerated. The number of labyrinths and clearances is determined by theapplication. Labyrinths can be combined with multiple chambers to allow injec-tion of a buffer gas for more positive sealing. The easily-replaced labyrinth bushings are made of light metal, brass or other corrosion resistant material.Oil-lubricated seals in single or double configuration are used for handling corrosive, toxic, or flammable gases, when process gas loss can’t be tolerated and when seal gas leakage to the process can’t be tolerated. The seal oil can be supplied by the lube oil system, or by a separate seal oil system.For oxygen service , a 5-port buffered labyrinth seal is used, with bronze or inconel shaft sleeves and steel liners coated.During operation, pure oxygen is vented to the inlet of the compres-sor from the first chamber. Buffer gas and a small portion of oxygen are vented to a safe flare from the second chamber. The buffer gas is introduced at the third chamber and the fourth chamber vents the buffergas to either the flare or atmos-phere.The last chamber is an atmospheric opening only. Chambers one and four are controlled by pressure dif-ferential switches to ensure flow through the seal in the proper direction.Labyrinth Sealand high molecular weight or stage inlet temperature variations. They are alsoCU soldered with tubesIntercooler/aftercoolerCompressor specificationsSingle StageWeight GT Compact 2- to 6-stage portal frameAPI process designed for petroleum, chemical and gas process industries© A t l a s C o p c o 05/2009 P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y . B 02/004/24/0108Gas and Process DivisionOur points of contact worldwideHeadquartersAtlas Copco Energas GmbH Am Ziegelofen 250999 Cologne, Germany Phone: +49 2236 96 50 0Fax:+49 2236 96 50 899atlascopco.energas@ Application CentersEuropeThomas Bierwirth (Energas)Phone: +49 2236 96 50 658Fax:+49 2236 96 50 899thomas.bierwirth@The AmericasNasser Sadeghzadeh (Comptec)Phone: +1 518 765 58 38Fax:+1 518 765 33 57nasser.sadeghzadeh@ Randy Dirlam (Mafi-Trench Company)Phone: +1 805 928 57 57 275Fax:+1 805 925 38 61randy.dirlam@Far EastSander van Spijk (Shanghai)Phone: +86 21 220 848 58Fax:+86 21 220 848 52sander.van.spijk@IndiaS.S. Vasan (Pune)Phone: +91 20 39 85 23 09Fax:+91 20 27 14 59 48ss.vasan@Regional OfficesGermanyRalf Kiefer (North and West)Phone: +49 2227 90 99 920Fax+49 2227 90 99 922ralf.kiefer@ Jörg Wieczorek (East and South)Phone:+49 89 749 949 70 Fax:+49 89 749 949 80joerg.wieczorek@United StatesTim Shaw (Southwest / West Coast)Phone: +1 281 216 60 10Fax:+1 281 984 74 63tim.shaw@Bruce Edstrand (North Central / Northeast)Phone: +1 847 726 98 66Fax:+1 847 726 98 25bruce.edstrand@ Bart Woodmansee (Northeast / Eastern Canada)Phone: +1 860 477 02 96Fax:+1 860 477 04 61bart.woodmansee@CanadaTushar Patel (Western Canada)Phone: +1 403 259 60 69 Fax:+1 403 253 34 52tushar.patel@ChinaNick He (Hangzhou)Phone: +86 57 18 82 37 345Fax:+86 57 18 82 37 345nick.he@ Yi-Fu (Jerry) Zhang (Beijing)Phone: +86 10 65 28 05 17Fax:+86 10 65 28 05 25jerry.zhang@Customer CentersAlpine / Balkan StatesPeter von Graffenried Phone: +41 61 731 37 00Fax:+41 61 733 94 40peter.von.graffenried@ BeneluxJan Hop Phone: +31 33 299 95 05Fax:+31 33 299 95 06jan.hop@ BrazilRoberto G. Becker Phone: +55 11 34 78 87 11 Fax:+55 11 41 95 70 90roberto.g.becker@ FrancePatrick Coupel Phone: +33 1 39 09 31 60Fax:+33 1 39 09 30 51patrick.coupel@ Great BritainIan Mather Phone: +44 1442 22 23 35Fax:+44 1442 84 05 06ian.mather@ IranAli Rakhshani Moghaddam Phone: +98 21 66 93 77 11 322Fax:+98 21 66 92 73 14ali.rakhshanmoghaddam@ItalyGianfranco Marinelli Phone:+39 02 61 79 94 50Fax:+39 02 66 01 18 90gianfranco.marinelli@JapanMichael Shafer Phone: +81 3 57 65 70 39 Fax:+81 3 57 65 31 97michael.shafer@Middle EastSami Tabaza Phone: +966 3 88 24 440 ext. 305Fax:+966 3 88 27 606sami.tabaza@NordicHeikki Alanko Phone: +358 8 51 67 64Fax:+358 8 51 58 24heikki.alanko@RussiaPeter Kraus Phone: +49 2236 96 50 625Phone:+7 495 933 55 50peter.kraus@South AfricaWayne Jacobs Phone: +27 11 821 91 24Fax:+27 11 821 91 06/7wayne.jacobs@South KoreaSeungHoon Yang Phone: +82 2 21 89 40 80Fax:+82 2 522 19 79shyang@Southeast AsiaUlrich SchmitzPhone: +65 6210 80 44Fax:+65 6862 15 62ulrich.schmitz@SpainRafael Cañete Phone: +34 91 276 91 54Fax:+34 91 671 31 16rafael.canete@。
GA 90+-160+ / GA 132-160 VSD90-160 kW / 125-200 hpAtlas CopcoOil-injected Rotary Screw CompressorsWe are committed to your superior productivity through interaction and innovation.Total capability,total responsibilityRight at the heart of your business, Atlas Copco delivers quality compressed air for superior operational capacity. From compressed air generation to point of use, you can choose from our wide range of products to create a complete compressed air system tailored to your specific needs. All Atlas Copco products are engineered to integrate seamlessly, ensuring the highest level of reliability and energy efficiency. As a result, Atlas Copco can take full responsibility for your compressed air infrastructure with a guarantee of best-in-class quality. With a global presence in over 150 countries, we can provide an unrivalled service to maintain and continually improve your compressed air system performance.Backed by 100 years at the forefront of compressed air, Atlas Copco products offer the finest quality and efficiency. Our goal is to be First in Mind—First in Choice ®. That is why Atlas Copco’s pursuit of innovation never ceases, driven by the dedication to meet and exceed your demands. Always working with you, we are committed to providing the customized air solution that is the driving force behind your business.First in Mind—First in Choice 中国空压机在线论坛http://bbs.air-comp.cn/Powerful efficiencyDRIVING DOWN ENERGY COSTSThe cost of compressed air can represent over 40% of your total electrical costs. The GA compressor range achieves a new standard in energy efficiency, helping you spend less. With the addition of VSD (Variable Speed Drive) you can reduce costs by an additional average of 35%. By tuning compressor capacity to fluctuating air demand we can also reduce overall compressor lifecycle costs (LCC) by an average of 22%. The impact on the environment is considerable, reflecting Atlas Copco’s commitment to a safe, healthy world for future generations.BUILT TO LASTEvery GA is designed, manufactured and tested to comply with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 1217 stipulations. It uses the latest generation of Atlas Copco’s patented oil-injected screw element, ensuring a long and trouble-free life at the lowest possible operating cost. Engineered for reliable service, even in ambient temperatures up to 55°C/131°F and very harsh environmental circumstances, the GA takes reliability to a new level.PROTECTING YOUR PRODUCTIONClean dry air expands the lifetime of your equipment and protects your investment. The new built-in refrigerant dryer ensures a lower dew point, which is reflected in higher efficiency.FOLLOW-UPTailored service contracts and state-of-the-art add-ons make sure you get the right maintenance, immediate response and genuine spare parts – anywhere in the world.TAILORINGAt Atlas Copco we offer the industry’s broadest portfolio of offerings to help you achieve the most efficient compressed air system for your needs, and optimize your production process at the same time.CHOICEAtlas Copco masters every principle of your air system and offers the most energy-efficient solution for each application.EASY INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCEGA compressors are delivered ready to use and designed for trouble-free maintenance. The oil and air filters are easily accessible and cooler cleaning procedures are simple. The GA Full Feature (FF) compressor range with its integrated air treatment equipment reduces your installation costs even further, and leaves you the space you need for your application to run.TOTAL CONTROLFrom the Elektronikon ® compressor controller to the ES compressor room controller, Atlas Copco uses the most advanced algorithms designed to reduce your energy costs and ensure your peace of mind by keeping reliability at the maximum level.Efficient, reliable and built to last, the GA 90+-160+ / GA 132-160 VSD compressors are designed to provide high quality compressed air even under harsh conditions. Thanks to Atlas Copco’s Beyond a superior screw elementDRIVING DOWN ENERGY COSTS• The GA Series’ superior screw elements are designed to give the optimum combination of maximum free air delivery for low energy consumption.• The state-of-the-art compressor element is powered by Efficiency 1 class / NEMA EPAct electric motors, contributing to maximum compressor package efficiency.• GA VSD (Variable Speed Drive) compressors automatically adjust the compressed air supply to the demand. Thus the considerable waste of energy caused by no load operation and oil vessel blow-off losses can be avoided.• The VSD-driven radial cooling fans deliver optimum cooling flow and reduced energy consumption in any conditions, through precise fan speed regulation.• The optional Energy Recovery system can recover up to 94% of the compressor shaft power as hot water.• GA 90+-160+ / GA 132-160 VSD compressors feature no-loss drains, which eliminate the waste of compressed air that conventional drains create.• The integrated compressed air treatment includes a refrigerant dryer with the built-in Atlas Copco Patented Saver Cycle Control mode that reduces energy consumption in light load conditions.PROTECTING YOUR PRODUCTION• The aftercooler with integrated water separator immediately removes 100% of the condensate, delivering a higher quality of air than conventional external separators with typically low efficiencies (40-90%). This protects the downstream equipment from corrosion and water damage.• Thanks to Elektronikon-controlled drains, there is no risk of condensate building up and no risk of water suspended in the compressed air.• The GA’s integrated compressed air treatment (refrigerant dryer and compressed air filter) increases the quality of your end product by removing moisture, aerosols and dirt particles.BUILT TO LAST• The GA series’ superior screw element’s patented asymmetric rotor profile and meticulous bearing selection ensure low wear and tear and increased reliability.• All compressors feature TEFC IP55 motors designed for continuous operation under severe ambient temperature conditions up to 55°C / 131°F*.• The heavy duty air inlet filter works with a 2-step dust separation system, which protects the compressor components from wear, even in the dustiest environments.• The GA VSD (Variable Speed Drive) motors have been designed specifically to operate ideally during flexible air demands. The special motor design includes protection against bearing currents and optimizes motor cooling at lower speeds.• The GA VSD frequency converters feature epoxy coated electronic cards, and a heavy duty cooling air filtration is available as an option for operation under the dustiest environments.* Standard up to 46°C / 115°F. (Optional up to 55°C / 131°F)long-standing experience and pioneering innovations there’s a GA compressor available to cut costs and enable smooth, continuous operation right across your production processes.LOW MAINTENANCE COSTS• The heavy duty air inlet filter features a pre-separation cyclone which reduces the dust load in the fine filter doubling the filter element lifetime without reducing filter efficiency.• The high efficiency air/oil separation system consists of a 2-step separation system providing low residual oil content in the compressed air. Low oil consumption ensures low maintenance costs and longer up time.• The VSD radial cooling fans are maintenance-free with bearings greased for life.• Condensate is constantly removed from the water drains.A large diameter drain port removes the potential for clogging, providing trouble-free operation and minimal maintenance.• Replacement of the heavy duty oil filter is simple and quick.• For extended service intervals 8,000-hour oil filters are included as standard.• A mobile phone messaging option facilitates easy planning of routine maintenance activities. Efficient maintenance practices reduce the maintenance costs and ensure optimal compressor performance.ENVIRONMENTALL Y RESPONSIBLE• The VSD radial cooling fans and strong sound insulation reduce noise emissions to less than 71 db (A).• The Variable Speed Drive automation and instrumentation comply with 89/336/EEC directives and operate without any risk of electromagnetic interference.• VSD reduces electricity consumption by an average of 35%, enabling companies to become more independent of electricity supplies and reducing harmful CO2emissions.• The Energy Recovery system recycles energy back into hot water and air which can be used elsewhere in the production environment.LOWERED INSTALLATION COSTS• Totally assembled compressor package. No need to assemble loose shipped components. Simply connect a power supply, compressed air piping, and cooling water piping (for the water cooled version) and the compressor is ready to work.• The Full Feature concept comprises the total compressed air system compressor and air treatment equipment. It is all integrated inside the compressor canopy, limiting both installation costs and space requirements.A state-of-the-art integrated solution• The unique and patented Saver Cycle Control stops the dryer when the compressor is stopped or in unload mode, drastically reducing the power consumption. T he dew point is continuously monitored and the dryer is started again when the dew point starts to increase.• By adjusting the speed of the refrigerant compressor, the integrated VSD dryer control* provides maximum energy saving in low load conditions.• The dryers can perform at ambient conditions of up to 46°C / 115°F . High ambient temperature version available for temperatures up to 50ºC as an option.• Compressor and dryer are designed to work optimally together to perform smoothly under the most critical conditions.* GA VSD Full Feature onlyFEATURES OF THE ExTREME DUTY INTEGRATED REFRIGERANT DRYERINCREASE YOUR PRODUCTION RELIABILITYLow quality air heightens the risk of corrosion in your system, which can lower the life span of your air tools and production equipment. The GA’s filtration process produces clean air that enhances your system’s reliability, avoiding costly downtime and production delays.PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENTWith leaks and energy waste minimized and the unsafe disposal of untreated condensate eliminated, you can safeguard the environment and comply with stringent international regulations.INTEGRATED PURITYThe filters and integrated refrigerant-type air dryer (IFD) efficiently remove moisture, aerosols and dirt particles to protect your investment. This quality air expands the life of equipment, increasing efficiency and ensuring quality in your final product.SAFEGUARD YOUR PRODUCT QUALITYCompressed air coming into contact with your final products should not affect their quality. T he GA provides the clean, dry air that will protect your product’s reputation in the marketplace.DRIVING DOWN ENERGY COSTSClean, treated air reduces the risk of corrosion and leaks in your compressed air system. A 3 mm leak could easily add up to €1800 to your energy bill annually.Protecting your productionUntreated compressed air contains moisture, aerosols and dirt particles that can damage your air system and contaminate your end product. Resulting maintenance costs can far exceed air treatment costs. We believe in effective prevention.14 BAR 7 BARTotal control, assured efficiencyThe Elektronikon ® operating system provides monitoring to increase your compressor’s efficiency Easily expandable with extra sensors, digital inputs and internet communication functions, the Elektronikon can to your specific needs – offering simple, central and control of up to four compressors. For optimal ease of use, FULL Y OPTIMIZED SYSTEMThe ES Multiple compressors• Eliminating the inefficient transition period from full to no load power.• Avoiding excessive off load power consumption.• Maintaining the net pressure band within 0.10 bar, 1.5 psi.• Reducing overall average working pressure.• Minimizing system leakage due to a lower system pressure.• Increasing flexibility with soft starting gradual motor ramp-up to avoid electricity surges.• Offering flexible pressure selection from 3,5 to 14 bar with electronic gearing to ensure lowered electricity costs.With VSD (Variable Speed Drive) technology, air supply mirrors air usage – automatically adjusting the motor speed depending on demand. Lowered system pressure minimizes energyuse across all production processes to reduce energy costs. With VSD technology, Atlas Copco has made major energy savings a reality.VSD: Adapt to the flow, control your costsUsing innovative analysis technology, Atlas Copco engineers can map the fluctuations in demand in your current compressed air system and simulate the energy savings a VSD compressorcould bring to your production process. Ask your Atlas Copco representative for more information.THE GA VSD REDUCES ENERGY COSTS BY:JUST HOW MUCH CAN YOU SAVE?Driving down energy costsBecause there is no unnecessary power generated, the GA reduce energy costs by more. Lifecycle costs (LCC) of the compressor can be reduced by an average of 22%. In general, extra cost of a VSD compressor compared to a fixed speed one can be earned back after just one to two Traditional compressors with a full load, no control operate between set pressure points. maximum pressure is the compressor goes off During periods of medium to low air demand, the no load thE high PricE of fLUctUating DEmanDAir DemAnDenerGY CoSTStandard costsair Demand TimeVSD costsAir DemAnDTimeenerGY CoSTair Demand VSD: VariabLE VoLUmE, controLLED coStSLcc of a StanDarD comPrESSorinstallationmaintenance investment Energy consumption VSD comPrESSorinstallationmaintenance investment Energy consumption average 35% Energy Savings1234The Elektronikon ® system controls both the compressor and theintegrated converter; thus ensuring maximum machine safety as well as easy networking of the compressor.All Atlas Copco VSD compressors are EMC tested and certified.External sources do not influence the compressor operation, nor does the compressor affect the operation of other instruments via emissions or via the power supply line.Mechanical enhancements ensure that all the components operatebelow critical vibration levels within the complete compressor speed range.The frequency converter, low consumption, cooling fan ensuresstable operation even in high ambient temperatures up to 50°C / 122°F*INTEGRA TED VSD – THE SMART CHOICE• The machine is tested for the complete speed range to eliminate any ‘speed windows’ that could jeopardize the energy savings and the stable net pressure. (Turndown capability of the compressor is maximized to 80-85%.)• Special attention is given to the electric motor, which is specifically designed for VSD operation (inverter duty motor). Bearings are protected against induced bearing currents and both motor and converter are perfectly tuned to obtain the highest possible efficiency over the entire speed range.*Standard up to 46°C/114.8°F , optional high ambient version up to 50°C/122°F .SecondsmaximumFlowoperating rangemotor speedCombined motor/converter efficiency100 %1234WHAT ENERGY?Air compression creates heat that is normally wasted in the coolers. Atlas Copco-designed energy recovery systems enable the recovery of most of this heat. Recovery of energy from the shaft input of the compressor can be up to 94% of the compressor shaft power.WHY RECOVER ENERGY?Energy costs can constitute 80% of the total costs of compressed air production. With rising energy prices, saving energy also means a substantial cost saving .With global warming, Kyoto directives and the gradual depletion of traditional energy sources, every business has a duty to contribute as much as possible to overall energy conservation .HOW IS THE ENERGY RECOVERED?Energy recovery systems are integrated modules that recover heat which is otherwise wasted. The heat in the form of hot water (85-90 °C) is directly usable as a source of energy. The main module of the recovery system is built into the compressor.Shaft power100 %Radiant losses2 %Remaining heat in compressed airJul 04 Oct 04 Jan 05 Apr 05 Jul 05 Oct 05 Jan 06 Apr 06 Jul 06Date0.750.70.650.60.550.50.450.40.350.3P r i c e /l i t e r (€)evolution of the fuel oil prices (example from a european country)Maximize your savings…process water boilerHOW CAN THE RECOVERED ENERGY BE USED?The hot water generated can be put to several uses in the industry:• as preheated boiler feed water for industrial processes • for space heating by circulation in radiators or for showers • for other industrial applications like dyeing textiles, operation of absorption chillers, etc.The hot water produced should be used as an auxiliary source of energy, as the load of the compressor and thus the amount of heat produced may vary.HOW DO I BENEFIT?You save energy wherever energy as an auxiliary source to reduce your operating costs.The investment needed to link the hot oil circuit from the compressor to the existing water circuit is relatively modest and the time needed from your investment is generally very short.ASSUMPTIONS• example chosen is a 160 kW GA compressor• 8,000 running hours/year at full load and full energy recovery• cost of fuel oil: €0.55/l• figures shown are an example. Price calculations can Investment in energy recovery system is recovered in less than 2 months Compressor is paid back in less than 2 years Net gain of €570,000 in 10 years**Calculation only includes energy costs as maintenance will remain approximately the same as for a standard compressor.1570,00090,00060,00030,000S a v i n g s (€)Lifecycle costcentral heatingshowers…recover energyAt Atlas Copco, our responsibility doesn’t stop when the product is delivered. An extensive portfolio of exclusive Aftermarket products and services is designed to add maximum value for our customers – no hidden costs, no surprises and minimized risk to your processes. Guaranteed serviceability within 24 hours ensures optimum availability and reliability of your compressed air systems with the lowest possible operating costs. We deliver this complete service guarantee through our extensive Aftermarket organization, maintaining our position as the leader in compressed air.Peace of mindACTIVITY PRODUCT*Genuine parts Atlas Copco Service kits & oils Extended warranties AIRXtendService contracts ServicePlanSystem audits AIR Scan™Remote monitoring AIR Connect™Energy saving AIR Optimizer™Product improvements Upgrade programs* more information is available from your local atlas copco customer center.Complete scope suiting all needsIncluded as StandardHeavy duty Air inlet filter TEFC IP55 Class F electric motorAir intake flexible StartersAir intake valve (not on VSD units)Pre mounted electrical and VSD cubiclesCompressed air aftercooler and oil cooler Flexible vibration dumpersVSD cooling fans for air cooled units Air / oil separatorIntegrated water separator Elektronikon control systemElectronic water drains with no loss of compressed air Full load / no load regulation system (not for VSD)Heavy duty oil filters Silencing canopyComplete air, oil, water circuit Supression of emissions / harmonic distortionsOil containing structural skid with no need for foundations Stainless steel tube and Shell coolers for water cooled unitsAvailable options / Model GA 90+ - 160+GA 110 - 160GA 132 - 160 VSD Full Feature: integrated ID refrigerant dryer x x x Integrated DD pre-filter (only with integrated dryer)x x x Integrated energy recovery system x x x Separate air intake x x x Modulation Control x x N.A.High Ambient Version (up to 55 ºC / 131 ºF * )x x x Phase sequence relay x x standard** PT1000 T hermal protection in the main motor windings and bearings x x standard** Oversized main motor x N.A.N.A.Anti-condensation Heater in the main motor x x N.A.VSD cabinet heavy duty filtration (Applicable for VSDs)N.A.N.A.xNema 4 Cubicle x x N.A.Roto-Xtend Duty fluid 8000h x x xNPT connections x x x Anchor Pads x x x Performance test certificate x x x Witnessed performance test x x x Material Certificates x x x Seaworthy packaging x x xRain Protection Kit x x N.A.IT / NT network system x x xSPM vibration monitoring system x x xGSM alarm messaging system x x x Automatic water shut-off valve for water cooler units x x x Thermostatic water regulating valve N.A.N.A.x* GA Full feature 50 ºC / 122 ºF; GA VSD 50 ºC / 122 ºF; GA fix speed Pack 55 ºC / 131 ºF** Functionalities integrated in the frequency converter protectionsDimensionsCompressor typeAircooled Pack Aircooled Full Feature Watercooled Pack & Full Feature L W H L W H L W H mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inchGA 90+-160+260010220007920007932001262000792000792600102163064200079 GA 110-160260010220007920007932001262000792000792600102163264200079 GA 132-160 VSD320012620007920007938001502002792347923200126163064234792(1) Unit Performace Measured according to ISO 1217, Ed. 3, Annex C - 1996 faD is measured at the following working pressures- 5.5 bar variants at 5 bar- 7.5 bar variants at 7 bar(4) maximum working pressure for GA VSD - 8.5; 10;14 bar (e) / GA VSD FF - 8.3; 9.8 ; 13.8 bar(1) Unit Performace Measured according to ISO 1217, Ed. 3, Annex C - 1996 faD is measured at the following working pressures- 75 psi variants at 73 psi- 100 psi variants at 100 psi(4) maximum working pressure for GA VSD - 8.5; 10;14 bar (e) / GA VSD FF - 8.3; 9.8; 13.8 barIn order to be First in Mind—First in Choice ® for all your compressed air needs, Atlas Copco delivers the products and services that help increase your business’ efficiency and profitability.Atlas Copco’s pursuit of innovation never ceases, driven by your need for reliability and efficiency. Always working with you, we are committed to providing you the customized quality air solution that is the driving force behind your business.2935 0548 10 – P r i n t e d i n B e l g i u m – S u b j e c t t o a l t e r a t i o n w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e .Never use compressed air as breathing air without prior purification in accordance with local legislation and standards.。
手枪1911 CustomDesert EagleDesert Eagle Long BarrelFive SevenGlock 18CGSR (.45)Mk 2 Pistol (Tanq)Mk.23 SOCOMOperator (Colt .45 with extended barrel)PMMPSSRace Gun (fires ricochet bullets)Solar Gun (使敌人掉落武器,对Vamp造成极大伤害)Thor .45-70 (rifle pistol)Type 17 (broom handle machine pistol)微冲BizonM-10MP5sd2Mp7P90Patriot (has unlimited ammunition)VZ. 83 Skorpion步枪Ak102An94FAL CarbineG3A3M4 CustomMk.17XM8狙击M14EBRDSR-1SVDVSSMosin-NagantM82A2RAIL GUN (?!?!)Tanegashima (装弹极慢,33%的概率造成旋风是敌人掉落物品) 重机枪HK21EM60E4PKMMK.46 Mod 1散弹枪M870 CustomSaiga-12Twin Barrel榴弹发射器MGL-140XM25导弹发射器Fim-92A (Stinger)JavelinM72A3RPG-7武器部件Dot sights 红点瞄准,COD的应该很熟吧Flashlights 手点,会降自己迷彩指数的Fore grips 卧把,加稳定性STBGrenade launchers 榴弹发射器Laser sights 激光瞄准线Masterkey (散弹和步枪可用)Scopes 瞄准镜Suppressors 消音其他C4Chaff grenadeClaymoreGrenadeKnifeMolotov cocktailSleeping gas mineSleep gas satchel chargeSmoke grenades (yellow, red, blue, green)Stun grenadeWhite phosphorus grenadeRocky Mountain Patriot PistolRocky Mountain Patriot Pistol是Rocky Mountain Army(洛奇山军火公司)设计的AR式手枪,在1993年开始研制,1995年定型。
分装ETS 系统电枪配置
分装ETS 系统通过采集电枪I/O 输出的PSET 类型和OK 信号来判定发动机在该工位是否加工合格,因此需要在电枪内部配置其继电器输出信号,配置详情如下图所示:
图 1 阿特拉斯电枪I/O 配置
图 2 史丹利电枪I/O 配置总览
图 3 史丹利电枪I/O OK信号配置
D输出点详细配置图 4 史丹利电枪I/O PSET信号配置
图 5 史丹利电枪I/O PSET信号配置
F输出点详细配置图 6 史丹利电枪I/O PSET信号配置。
诞生于二战时期的M600“雪茄手枪”品质虽上乘,然而其命运与德国纳粹相连,不免成为履历上的污点,战后,该枪并没有停止发展,仍延续未竟之历程……阿斯特拉(ASTRA)原本是位于西班牙格罗尼卡的安塞塔公司(全名 Societa Unceta and compania)的注册商标,但由于该商标的知名度远远超过了公司本身,因此安塞塔公司索性将公司也改为阿斯特拉,现在公司的正式名称是阿斯特拉-安塞塔公司。
M400采用枪机后坐式自动原理,是一种采用击锤发火的单动发射半自动手枪,使用9mm Largo弹(又称伯格曼-贝亚德手枪弹)。
9mm Largo弹是一种9×23mm的大型手枪弹,当时绝大多数的9mm手枪弹都比此弹短,而M400又没有强制性闭锁机构,因此只要枪弹能上膛,就能够顺利地完成击发动作,这就使得M400的通用性很强。
理论上,M400能够发射西班牙自产的9×23mm Largo弹、奥地利的9×23mm斯太尔弹、比利时9×20mm勃朗宁长弹和德国的9×19mm巴拉贝鲁姆弹等多种弹药。
作者:ad760512/tw 逗游网——中国2亿游戏用户一致选择的”一站式“游戏服务平台
作者:ad760512/tw 荣誉勋章 空降神兵: MOH武器百科,同盟国武器
那小弟我就抛砖引玉一下把所有出现过的武器都列出来 反攻诺曼地 同盟国武器 OSS HI-STANDARD灭音手枪 M1 葛伦德半自动步枪 春田 03狙击步枪 汤姆生冲锋枪 白朗宁自动步枪 MARK II破片手榴弹 火箭筒 WINCHESTER霰弹枪 M1919A4.3又径机架式机枪 轴心国武器 WA LT H E R P 3 8 毛瑟KAR98K步枪 KAR98狙击枪 MP40冲锋枪 STG44 STURMGEWEHR MG42机架式机枪 木柄手榴弹 反战车火箭筒(钢甲剋星) 诺曼地大空降 苏联 F1破片手榴弹 RDG-1烟雾弹 1895型Nagant7.62左轮枪 米尔斯手榴弹 PPSH41 SMG 苏维埃7.62厘米DTM 英军 马 克 四 式 We b l e y 左 轮 枪 李˙英菲尔 G43 史坦MKII冲锋枪 德军 烟雾手榴弹 可携式MG42 美军 M18烟雾弹 突出重围 义大利 BOMBA A MANO S.R.CM. MODEL义大利製手榴弹 BOMBA A MANO BREDA MODEL35 F义大利製烟雾弹 贝瑞塔34型手枪 卡卡诺91型步枪 贝瑞塔38A型冲锋枪 贝瑞 维克斯BERTHIER MK3B机枪 P I AT 反 战 车 砲 以上转载自荣誉勳章全集中文手册
荣誉勋章 空降神兵: MOH武器百科,同盟国武器
那小弟我就抛砖引玉一下把所有出现过的武器都列出来 反攻诺曼地 同盟国武器 OSS HI-STANDARD灭音手枪 M1 葛伦德半自动步枪 春田 03狙击步枪 汤姆生冲锋枪 白朗宁自动步枪 MARK II破片手榴弹 火箭筒 WINCHESTER霰弹枪 M1919A4.3又径机架式机枪 轴心国武器 WA LT H E R P 3 8 毛瑟KAR98K步枪 KAR98狙击枪 MP40冲锋枪 STG44 STURMGEWEHR MG42机架式机枪 木柄手榴弹 反战车火箭筒(钢甲剋星) 诺曼地大空降 苏联 F1破片手榴弹 RDG-1烟雾弹 1895型Nagant7.62左轮枪 米尔斯手榴弹 PPSH41 SMG 苏维埃7.62厘米DTM 英军 马 克 四 式 We b l e y 左 轮 枪 李˙英菲尔 G43 史坦MKII冲锋枪 德军 烟雾手榴弹 可携式MG42 美军 M18烟雾弹 突出重围 义大利 BOMBA A MANO S.R.CM. MODEL义大利製手榴弹 BOMBA A MANO BREDA MODEL35 F义大利製烟雾弹 贝瑞塔34型手枪 卡卡诺91型步枪 贝瑞塔38A型冲锋枪 贝瑞塔30型重机枪 英军 李.英菲尔NO.4 MK1(T)步枪 维克斯BERTHIER MK3B机枪 P I AT 反 战 车 砲 以上转载自荣誉勳章全集中文手册
atlas tc报警号
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Functional and Technical Description PowerMACS TCs –81ContentsDOCUMENT HISTORY (3)INTRODUCTION (3)O VERVIEW (3)D EFINITIONS (3)GENERAL (4)TC52S/TC54S (5)TC52P/TC54P (6)TC CONNECTOR SPECIFICATION – STAND-ALONE VERSION (6)1 N AME:M OTOR (7)2 N AME:P OWER (8)3 N AME:E THERNET (8)4 N AME:C OM 1&3 (8)5 N AME:C OM 2&5 (8)6 N AME:MACS I/O (9)7A N AME:E XT.A NGLE (9)7B N AME:TTA INPUT (9)7C N AME:TA OUTPUT (10)F IELD B US I NTERFACES (11)8A N AME:P ROFI B US IN (11)9A N AME:P ROFI B US OUT (11)8B N AME:I NTER B US IN (12)9B N AME:I NTER B US OUT (12)8C N AME:D EVICE N ET IN (13)9C N AME:D EVICE N ET OUT (13)8D N AME:M OD B US IN (14)9D N AME:M OD B US OUT (14)TC CONNECTOR SPECIFICATION – PANEL VERSION (15)C ONNECTIONS,DIP S AND R OTARY H EX S WITCHES (16)1 N AME:J6 (16)6 N AME:X1 (16)7 N AME:X11 (17)8 N AME:J5 (17)9 N AME:X2 (18)10 N AME:P2 (18)11 N AME:J3 (18)12 N AME:J2 (19)13 N AME:J6 (19)14 N AME:J4 (19)15 N AME:F IELD B US (20)TC-81 FRONT SIGN WITH INDICATORS (21)I NDICATOR FUNCTIONALITY AND PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS (21)N UMBER DISPLAYS (21)D ESCRIPTION (22)E RROR CODES (22)LED S (23)H ARDWARE MONITORING FUNCTIONS (24)S ERVO (24)TC DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS (25)TECHNICAL DATA (26)DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING STANDARDS (27)Document historyDate of issue Changes for revision from TC with serialNo. ending with 80 to TC with product no. ending with 81:Same dimensions TC52 and TC54.Servo function LEDs replaced by error codes in the numberdisplays.New connection board.Higher and lower voltages allowed.TC-81 pre-versions omitted.Connector P1 deleted.Changed designations for motor- and power connectors.Due to the changes, the document paragraphs and connectorlists have been re-numbered.July 2003 New alternative connector board for transducer type “Telemetric”and “Torque switch box”.IntroductionOverviewThe PowerMACS Tightening Controller (TC) is designed for use with the Atlas Copco QMX nutrunner spindles only.This document describes the features of the Tightening Controller (TC) unit. It focuses on the physical and logical parts of the TC unit.DefinitionsSystem A system comprises one or more TCs linked together. Asystem works autonomously, performing a tightening task.Console Computer Runs the WinTC software to set up (set parameters) andmonitor a PowerMACS system and its related application. It isnot required to have a stationary console computer forautomatic running. One console computer can be used forseveral systems, if these are hooked up on the samecomputer network, but only one system at a time.GeneralA Tightening Controller takes care of various tasks around tightening: controlling spindles, taking care of data, running PLC etc. These functions are described in detail in Functional Description PowerMACS Basic Functions [1]. The TC has a metallic cover enclosing the electronic parts, the TC board, the connector board, the servo module and (optionally) the FieldBus board. There is one TC per spindle.To be able to act as a FieldBus slave unit, a TC can be equipped with the optional FieldBus interface board of type AnyBus. The FieldBus TC versions are standard units with separate article numbers.The master FieldBus unit is always a customer component outside the PowerMACS world. Each TC contains all interfaces necessary to control and monitor a spindle (torque, angle, single and/or double etc). The motor is during a tightening controlled by the built-in servo. All connectors are positioned directly at the lower side of the TC.Physical structureThe TCs come in different models, e g TCs52X and TC54X. The precise physical measures can be found in the section “Specifications”.The TC product name is built up as follows:Ex. TCs52X-Y whereTC stands for Tightening Controllers silver version (if no “s” means gold version)5 model designation2 stands for 20 A max current (if 4 = 40 A max current)X = S means stand alone versionX = P means panel versionY = N no FieldBus boardY = P ProfiBus boardY = I InterBus boardY = D DeviceNet boardY = M ModBusY = C CANopen boardAll models are available as either:•Distributed version for stand-alone building, e.g. TC52S or•Panel mounted version, e.g. TC52P, for mounting in cabinetThe silver version is only available as 20A, Stand-alone or panel.The Stand-alone version has all connectors available in the front of the TC.The panel version has a connector board mounted onto the TC unit where all connectors are found on the bottom part of the unit.The installation procedure for a PowerMACS system is described in dedicated System Design and Installation Guide. The following section contains information about the difference between a stand-alone type of system with a PBU (Power Box Unit) and a system with the panel type of Tightening Controllers.TC52S/TC54SThis version is intended for mounting on or nearby the conveyor and multiple. With the IP-protected durability it is well suited for stand-alone applications, particularly few-spindle (1-6) applications.A system will be built up with a PBU (Power Box Unit) that will-feed the TCs with individual 22VAC (will be changed to 24VDC in future versions) electronic logic voltage-distribute the 3-phase 400VAC via EMC filter and emergency stop safety circuits-monitor the primary 3-phase voltage for under or over voltage as well as loss of a phase-connect the Ethernet communication between the different TCs with an integrated HUBTC52P/TC54PThis version is intended for mounting into a cabinet. The panel version is especially useful when building larger systems, > 6spindles.The cabinet must provide a degree of protection adequate for the physical environment conditions but not less than IP22 (IEC 529 / EN 60529).TC connector specification – Stand-alone version4 5 6789Information about the connector, the DIP- and rotary HEX-switches hidden behind the golden (or silver colored) cover is in the chapter describing the panel-version connectors.It is only the most commonly used signal connections that are available in the external connectors on the Stand Alone TC.1 Name: MotorType:InterContec FDFD 195 FR 6200 0002 000Cable connector: Atlas Copco 4240 1975 00 orcable assembly 4231 5062 xx (xx=length in meter)Use:Motor, resolver and torque transducerPin:MotorU Motor phase UV Motor phase VW Motor phase WA + 15VDC to PTC in motorB Return signal from PTCResolver1 Cosine +2 Cosine –3 Sine +4 Sine –6 Excitation7 Signal CommonTorque transducer 18 +5VDC T19 –5VDC T110 – signal T111 + signal T1A number of special TC versions exist like double transducer/encoder, “Torque switch box” and “Telemetric” transducer and they are connected like:Torque transducer 2 Optional13 – signal T214 –5VDC T215 +5VDC T2Torque transducer “Telemetric” Optional8 Calibration DO output12 Signal +/-13 Signal GND14 GND15 24VDC output2 Name: PowerType:Intercontec BEGA 089 MR 1300 0021 000Cable connector:M23-8-pole (4+3+PE) - socketIntercontec BSTA 078 FR05 42 00047 000Use:3x400VAC, 22VAC and Emergency Stop inputPin:1 Phase L12 Ground3 Phase L24 Phase L3A 22VACB 22VACC E-Stop +D E-Stop –3 Name: EthernetType:Modular connector, RJ45 socketUse: Ethernet communication, Cat 54 Name: Com 1&3Type:M12 5-poles socketCable connector: M12 5poles-pin, A-codedHirschmann ELST5012Pg9 933 164-100, without cableEscha Eurocon WAS5, with cableUse:Serial communication portsPin:1 Com 3/RS 485 S+2 Com 1/RS 232 Rx3 Com 1/RS 232 Tx4 Com 3/RS 485 S-5 GND 0V5 Name: Com 2&5Type:M12 5-pole socket, A-codedCable connector: M12-5pole-pinHirschmann ELST5012Pg9 933 164-100, without cableEscha Eurocon WAS5, with cableUse:Serial communication portsPin:1 Com 5/RS 485 S+2 Com 2/RS 232 Rx3 Com 2/RS 232 Tx4 Com 5/RS 485 S-5 GND 0VThe connector Com 2&5 is removed in some TTA-versions of TCs and in that case the Ext.Angle input connector is placed in this position (see item 7 for electrical connection)6 Name: MACS I/OType:M8 4-pole pinCable connector: M8-4pole-socket, both M8x1 and snap on can be used.Hirschman ELKA 4008 V 933 367-100, without cableEscha Picocon SKP4, with cableUse: Local I/OPin:1 CAN -2 NC3 CAN 0V4 CAN +7a Name: Ext. AngleType: M12 5-pole pinCable connector:M12-5pole-socketHirschmann ELKA5012Pg7 933 170-100, without cableEscha Eurocon WAK5, with cableUse: Optional angle encoderPin:1 +5VDC A22 Cosine A23 Sine A24 0V5 Not used (Sync A2)Alternative connectors in TTA TCs are:7b Name: TTA inputType: Burndy 19 pole socket UT00 1619 SHTCable connector:Burndy 19 pole pin UT06 1619 PTUse: Input for double torque transducer and optional angle encoder in some older versionsPin:A +5VDC T1B -5VDC T1C + signal T1D - signal T1E ShieldF +5VDC T2G + signal T2H - signal T2J -5VDC T2K ShieldL +5VDC A2M GNDN Cosine A2P Sine A2R Shield7c Name: TA outputType: Burndy 12 pole socket UT00 1412 SHTCable connector:Burndy 12 pole pin UT06 1412 PTUse: Output for torque transducer T2 and optional angle encoder A2 in versions with Torque Switch Box.Pin:A IN +5VDC T2B IN -5VDC T2C OUT + signal T2D OUT - signal T2E ShieldF IN +5VDC A2G OUT Cosine A2H OUT Sine A2J GNDK ShieldFieldBus Interfaces4 B-line (RxD/TxD-P)5 Shield9a Name: ProfiBus OUTType:M12 5-pole B-coded socket EschaCable connector: M12 5-pole B-coded pinPre-made ProfiBus cable from Beckhoff, Turck, and Lumberg.Use: ProfiBus OUTPin:1 VP (+5V Bus)2 A-line (RxD/TxD-N)3 GND Bus4 B-line (RxD/TxD-P)5 Shield2. /DO3. DI4. /DI5. Common9b Name: InterBus OUTType: Coninvers M23 9-pole socket RC-09S1N8AH000Cable connector: M23-9-pole (8+1)-pinConinverse RC style 8 RC09P1N8ABinder Serial 623 99-4619-00-09 Use: InterBus OUTPin:1 DO2 /DO3 DI4 /DI5 Common9 RBST8c Name: DeviceNet INType:M12 5-pole pin EschaCable connector: M12 5-pole socketPre-made ProfiBus cable from Beckhoff, Turck, and Lumberg.Use: DeviceNet INPin:1 Shield2 V+3 V-4 CAN H5 CAN L9c Name: DeviceNet OUTType: M12 5-pole socket EschaCable connector: M12 5-pole pinPre-made ProfiBus cable from Beckhoff, Turck, and Lumberg.Use: DeviceNet OUTPin:1 Shield2 V+3 V-4 CAN H5 CAN L8dType:M12 5-pole B-coded pin EschaCable connector: M12 5-pole B-coded socketPre-made ProfiBus cable from Beckhoff, Turck, and Lumberg.Use: ModBus INPin:1 Not used2 MBP A-line3 Not used4 MBP B-line5 Shield9d Name: ModBus OUTType:M12 5-pole B-coded socket EschaCable connector: M12 5pole B-coded pinPre-made ProfiBus cable from Beckhoff, Turck, and Lumberg.Use: ModBus OUTPin:1 Not used2 MBP A-line3 Not used4 MBP B-line5 ShieldTC connector specification – Panel versionThe connector board is the basic connection point for cabling to external devices such as power supply, spindles (motor cables), ID devices, local printers etc. It has an upper side connecting to the TC- and servo boards, and a lower side on to which the cables and their connectors are attached. The picture shows the TCs bottom side with the gold or silver colored cover removed.Connections, DIPs and Rotary Hex Switches 1Name: J6Type: Modular connector, RJ11 4/4 socket Use:Socket: 1 Ov2 Rx3 Ov4 Tx2 Name: SW33 Name: SW14 Name: SW25 Name: SW4Type: Dip Switch 8 pole Type: Rotary Hex Switch Type: Rotary Hex SwitchType: Dip Switch 4-pole Use:SW3.1 Primary TC ON in software versions >2.0.0 SW3.2 Test SW3.3 TestSW3.4 Program reset, if closed at power ON SW3.5 TestSW3.6 TCP/IP address-reset if ON at power on SW3.7 Test SW3.8 TestUse: Address setting higher byteUse: Address setting lower byteUse:SW4.1 End termination resistor - S1-bus (121 Ohm if closed)SW4.2 End termination resistor - S3-bus (121 Ohm if closed)SW4.3 End termination resistor - local I/O-bus (121 Ohm if closed)SW4.4 AI3- connected to 0V if closed6 Name: X1Type: Phoenix 4-pole pinUse: 3-phase AC supply voltage 3x400V to servo, power connector 4240 6226 00 orcable assembly 4231 5060 XXPin: 1 Protective Ground7 Name: X11Type:Phoenix 5-pole pinUse:Motor connector 4240 62226 00 or cable assembly 4231 5060 XX Pin:1 Motor cable shield2 Protective Ground3 Phase U4 Phase V5 Phase W8 Name: J5Type:15 pole D-sub connector, socketUse:Only for test purposesSocket:1 Analogue Input2 +2 Gnd External3 –4 +5V supply Angle input 15 CAN_servo_H6 0V7 Angle 1 Phase18 Angle 1 Synchronize9 Analogue Input 2 –10 Analogue Input 1 –11 Analogue Input 1 +12 CAN_servo_L13 0V14 +5V supply Angle input 115 Angle 1 Phase2Alternative connector is:Name:J7Type:15 pole D-sub HD (High Density) connector, socketUse:Telemetric transducer or Torque Switch BoxSocket:1 Analogue Input2 +2 Gnd External3 Gnd External4 Shield5 CAN_servo_H6 NC7 Calibration DO 18 Calibration DO 29 Analogue Input 2 –10 Analogue Input 1 –11 Analogue Input 1 +12 CAN_servo_L13 NC14 +24VDC out (supply to Telemetric)15 +24VDC out (supply to Telemetric)9 Name: X2Type:D-sub 9-pole socketUse:ResolverSocket:1. Shield2. Sine –3. Sine +4. Cosine +5. Cosine –6. Excitation7. Signal Common8. + 15VDC to PTC in motor9. Return signal from PTC10 Name: P2Type:PhoenixUse: Power supply, E-stop inputPin:1 0V2 +24VDC or 22VAC (If AC is used, this is connected between pin 2 and 3)3 22VAC4 + 24VDC to connector J2. Normally not used5 DI E-stop +6 DI E-stop -11 Name: J3Type:15-pole D-sub socketUse:Torque – Angle inputSocket:1 + signal T12 Shield T13 +5VDC T14 +5VDC T25 + signal T26 0V7 Sine A28 Sync A29 – signal T110 –5VDC T111 –5VDC T212 – signal T213 Shield T214 +5VDC A215 Cosine A212 Name: J2Type:9-pole D-sub socketUse:OptionalSocket:1 Shield2 + 24VDC out3 0V out4 +E_TXD5 -E_TXD6 + 24VDC out7 0V out8 +E_RXD9 -E_RXD13 Name: J6Type:Modular connector, RJ45 socketUse: Ethernet14 Name: J4Type:25-pole D-sub socketUse:Serial Communication, CANSocket:1 Shield Com1 RS2322 Rx3 Tx4 0V5 Rx Com2 RS2326 Tx7 0V8 Shield9 Shield Com4 RS232 or RS422 via Connector J210 Rx11 Tx12 0V13 Rx Com6 RS23214 Tx15 0V16 S+ Com3 RS48517 S-18 Shield19 S+ Com5 RS48520 S-21 Shield22 Shield Dig In/Out for local I/O's23 CAN+24 CAN-25 CAN 0V15 Name: FieldBusType:See respective FieldBus standardUse:AnyBusAvailable FieldBuses are:ProfiBus D-sub 9-pole socketInterBus D-sub: 9-pole socket and 9-pole pinDeviceNet 5 pole PhoenixCAN Open D-sub 9-pole socketModBus D-sub 9-pole socketTC-81 front sign with indicatorsIndicator functionality and protective functionsNumber displaysAt control Voltage power ON (22VAC or 24VDC), the following will be displayed:-In a system with a set-up downloaded, the number displays will first show a “score” and after a couple of seconds the node number selected with the rotary HEX- switches located behind the gold or silver colored cover.-In a system without a set-up, the node number will only be shown on the primary TC (01) and the other ones will show a score in each display. After the set-up is downloaded, the individual TCs will show their node number.The number displays also indicates Error Codes in the servo part of the TC, e.g. S2 (Main supply not OK). Please also check the User Manual for a full list of Error codes.DescriptionThe errors generated by the servo drive will be indicated using the two 8 segments displays on the TC-card. The upper display will show the letter 'S' (for servo) and the lower one will indicate the error. The possible error codes are shown in the table below.If two or more errors occur at the same time the error codes will be shown one at a time with a blank display in between. When an error is indicated on the display the red error LED will be lit as well. The LED will blink with the same frequency as the errors on the display. The errors will be removed from the display when they are not valid any more, i.e. when the servo is not indicating the error. To remove the error from the servo it needs a start or a reset signal. If where are no errors to show the display will show the IP address again.Error codesIndication DescriptionS 0 Servo hardware errorS 1 Error of power supplyS 2 Main Supply NOKS 3 Over voltageS 4 Under voltageS 5S 6S 7 Motor phase is missingS 8 Resolver errorS 9S A Over loadS b Over speedS c I2t error for motorS dS ES FS H Over temperature for motorS J Over temperature for servoS LS PS U Parameter errorS YAuto detect functionBeside the errors described above you can also get the error 'E' 'E' on the displays. This will happen if you have selected the wrong Servo/TC type for the hardware you are using, for example TC52X_81 for a TC –80, and are using servo parameters that are different from the default values.LEDs-The green LED indicates control voltage on.-The Yellow LED indicates ongoing Ethernet transmission. The LED will blink with various frequencies.-If there is a problem with the software or the set-up, it might be indicated with the Red LED and probably together with an error code, e.g. “H1”, on the number displays.-In case of servo error, the red LED will blink together an error code in the number displays,e.g. S2TC boardItem Function UseEthernet Ethernet interface For communication with other TCs and ConsolComputer (WinTC), 100 MBitsCPU Central Processing Unit PowerPC 860xRAM Random AccessMemory For storage of program and data when executing, 16 MBFlash-PROM Programmable ReadOnly Memory of FlashtypeFor storage of boot and program, 4 MBBat RAM RAM with batterybackup For storage of set-ups, traces, cycle data etc.0.5 MBLED+SW LEDs and Switches Local indicators for errors etc, switches forconfiguration and network addressA/D Analogue to digitalconverter For torque input, 2 channels torque bridge and 3 channels +-10V, 12 bitEncoder Encoder interface For angle input, 2 channelsDI Digital input 24 DC emergency stopSerial Serial interface Interface to serial devices, 3 channels RS232, 1channel RS422, 2 channels RS485CAN CAN bus interface Interface to servos and local I/O units, 1 MBits, 2channels, 1 channel opto-isolatedAnyBus FieldBus interfaces Interface to superior devicesBattery RAM-backup Expected life length >10 yearsHardware monitoring functionsBattery voltage Alarm in Event Log if lowCPU temperature Alarm in Event Log if high+5VDC to transducer/encoder Alarm in Event Log-5VDC to transducer Alarm in Event LogServoThe servo drive has a CAN bus interface towards the TC board. There are basically two main logical control signals with which the TC board controls the servo:•The “current” value, defining the expected torque level (torque reference)•The “voltage” value, defining the expected speed (target speed)Normally the TC board will set the torque reference to the maximum value and then, while running at target speed, constantly measure the actual torque until it has reached the target torque. It will then shut-off the servo by sending a stop command through the CAN interface.TC Dimensional DrawingsPanel TC Drawings – 52P and 54PStandalone TC Drawings – 52S and 54SPage 26 of 27 AHB Number14 -Functional and Technical Description PowerMACS TCs -81Date of Issue July 2003Technical dataTC 52P, TCs52P, TC 52S, TCs52STC 54P TC 54SPeak current out (max 5 sec) 20 A40 AMax input current, rms5 A Input voltage 1)3 phasemin 200 VAC – max 480 VAC +5%Logics, Panel version or Standalone version 2)24 VDC, 0.8A (0.9A W ITH FIELDBUS) Logics, alternative power supplyStand alone version 2)22 VAC, ˜1.2ASwitching frequency (kHz)8 Torque linearity± 1% of full scale± 2% OF COMMAND VALUESpeed range 3)0 - 20 000 RPM (LIMITED BY THE MOTOR) Size P-version (HxWxD) 319X131X301 Size S-version (HxWxD) 380x135x301 Weight, P- version ~8 Kg Weight, S- version~10 Kg Temp. range 4)0-50 ºC Protection, P-version 5)IP 20 Protection, S-version 6)IP 541) Supply voltage lower than nominal (400 VAC) will reduce the maximum speed of the QMX motor.2) Min. current consumption if no peripheral components is connected. Serial communication, extra angle encoder etc. will increase the current consumption. 3) Corresponds to 667 Hz output frequency 4) Ambient temperature.TC(s)52P , TC 54PTC(s)52S, TC 54SPage 27 of 27 AHB Number14 -Functional and Technical Description PowerMACS TCs -81Date of Issue July 2003Design and manufacturing standardsIP 20 = Protection against accidental or inadvertent contact and ingress of foreign bodies (Test finger >12.5mm).IP 54 = Full protection against accidental or inadvertent contact and against interior injurious dust deposits (Protection against splash water from all directions). EMC: Emission: Meets requirements of EN 50081-2 * Immunity: Meets requirements of EN 50082-2 * Electrical safety: EN 60204-1 CE Marked under the Low Voltage Directive and the EMC Directive. UL Certification in progress 021029 CSA Certification in progress 021029* To meet the EMC requirements the TC must be installed with a PBU or, for the panel versions, in a cabinet with filtering according to the “PowerMACS System Design and Installation Guide”.。
先锋大行动”武器箱Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 普通级武器箱武器箱系列 #29包含下列物品之—:G3SG1 | 黑暗豹纹MAG-7 | 灼烧之痕MP9 | 飞驰Five-SeveN | 都市危机UMP-45 | 迷幻Glock-18 | 粉碎者M4A1 消音版 | 翼蜥M4A4 | 狮鹫Sawed-Off | 路霸P250 | 卡特尔SCAR-20 | 心脏打击XM1014 | 宁静AK-47 | 荒野反叛P2000 | 火灵或—件极其罕见的特殊物品!猎杀者武器箱Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 普通级武器箱武器箱系列 #17包含下列物品之—:Tec-9 | 艾萨克SSG 08 | 裂痕Galil AR | 神祗CZ75 自动手枪 | 螺形扭转P90 | 深蓝组件P2000 | 电子脉冲AUG | 力矩PP-Bizon | 古董枪XM1014 | 天空守卫MAC-10 | 烧尽M4A1 消音版 | 原子合金SCAR-20 | 次时代USP 消音版 | 凯门鳄AK-47 | 火神M4A4 | 沙漠精英或—把极其罕见的猎杀者匕首电竞 2014 夏季武器箱Counter-Strike: Global Offensive普通级武器箱开启该武器箱的钥匙的销售所得部分款项将用于支持 CS:GO 职业锦标赛的奖金池。
武器箱系列 #19包含下列物品之—:SSG 08 | 黑水MAC-10 | 致命紫罗兰USP 消音版 | 血虎CZ75 自动手枪 | 蓝巢Negev | *哒哒哒*XM1014 | 血红巨蟒PP-Bizon | 水蓝条纹P90 | 病毒危机MP7 | 海之泡沫Glock-18 | 钢铁禁锢Desert Eagle | 深红之网AUG | 孟加拉猛虎Nova | 樱花之绚烂AWP | 珊瑚树P2000 | 珊瑚树M4A4 | 弹雨AK-47 | 美洲猛虎或—件极其罕见的特殊物品突围大行动”武器箱Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 普通级武器箱武器箱系列 #18包含下列物品之—:MP7 | 都市危机Negev | 沙漠精英P2000 | 乳白象牙SSG 08 | 无尽深海UMP-45 | 迷之宫PP-Bizon | 死亡主宰者CZ75 自动手枪 | 猛虎Nova | 锦鲤P250 | 超新星Desert Eagle | 阴谋者Five-SeveN | 狩猎利器Glock-18 | 水灵P90 | 二西莫夫M4A1 消音版 | 次时代或—把极其罕见的蝴蝶刀凤凰大行动”武器箱Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 普通级武器箱武器箱系列 #11包含下列物品之—:UMP-45 | 下士Negev | 青绿地形Tec-9 | 沙尘暴MAG-7 | 天空守卫MAC-10 | 炽热SG 553 | 电子脉冲FAMAS | 中士USP 消音版 | 守护者AK-47 | 红线P90 | 三角Nova | 古董枪AWP | 二西莫夫AUG | 变色龙或—件极其罕见的特殊物品!幻彩武器箱Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 普通级武器箱武器箱系列 #38包含下列物品之—:Glock-18 | 亡者之寝M249 | 系统锁定MP9 | 致命毒药SCAR-20 | 蓝洞XM1014 | 剧毒水银Dual Berettas | 都市冲击Desert Eagle | 纳迦蛇神MAC-10 | 孔雀石Sawed-Off | 祥和之翼AK-47 | 卡特尔M4A4 | 龙王P250 | 死亡轮回AWP | 无畏战神Galil AR | 喧闹骷髅或—件极其罕见的特殊物品!电竞 2013 冬季武器箱Counter-Strike: Global Offensive普通级武器箱开启该武器箱的钥匙的销售所得部分款项将用于支持 CS:GO 职业锦标赛的奖金池。
News for Customers of the Gas and Process Division Issue 3 / 2007CONTENT2|EDITORIALNew Markets, New FacesBy Dré SchmitzFEATUREMerging CompetenceAtlas Copco acquires Mafi-TrenchNEWSA Step Head of the GameSuccess in the Far East12Publication DataGas and Process DivisionAtlas Copco Energas GmbHAm Ziegelofen 250999 CologneGermanyPhone: +49 (0) 2236 9650 – 0Telefax: +49 (0) 2236 9650 – 899atlascopco.energas@Editor-in-Chief: Petra JacobPhone: +49 (0) 2236 9650 –750Published by Threeview GmbHfor Atlas Copco Energas GmbH.Additional photography credits:Hansi Herbig, MunichIllustrations: Adriano ReyesAll data are without warranty. No gua-rantee is given for the correctnessof the information contained in thisnewsletter. Articles may be reprintedfree of charge on condition that a copyof the publication is forwarded to andapproved by the publisher (Atlas CopcoEnergas GmbH).Reproduction of photographs only withwritten agreement of the communica-tions agency / publisher. CUSTOMERS IN FOCUSA New Head of SteamAkzo Nobel – A story of growth090305In this issue3|EDITORIALDré Schmitz, President, Atlas Copco Gas and Process Whether you’re talking about earnings, margins or markets, pundits of all stripes can agree on one thing: Growth is good. In one form or another, that assertion runs throughout this issue of G&P Stories .As one of the world’s leading providers of indus-trial productivity solutions, Atlas Copco Gas and Process has proven its commitment to sustaina-ble growth over years. While the company’s fo-cus has been – and will continue to be – on orga-nic growth, selective acquisitions remain integral to our strategy.That’s why I’m delighted that we’re leading this issue with news of a landmark transaction that saw the Mafi-Trench Corporation (MTC) join the Atlas Copco family this past summer.Our acquisition of the world’s leading provider of hydrocarbon turboexpander technologies will help the Gas and Process Division deliver strong growth on two fronts as we continue our strategic expansion into global oil and gas markets.To start with, adding MTC’s industry-leading products to our portfolio gives Gas and Process offerings for every stage in the natural gas value chain. A pioneer in the development of magnetic bearing turboexpanders for hydrocarbon applica-tions, MTC is particularly known for its expander generators, expander compressors and expander brakes. This portfolio will allow us to provide ex-pansion turbines to demanding customers in both the upstream and downstream gas segments.The acquisition also expands our presence in the Americas: MTC’s 120-plus-person facility in Santa Maria, California, joins our plant in upstate New York and our Houston, Texas, service facili-ty. To learn more about the transaction and about MTC, see page 5.While the MTC deal brings new expertise to the Gas and Process Division, other personnel changes have been occasioned by our rapid expansion into new markets in the Americas and the Far East. In some cases, veteran employees have taken on new roles. In others, new faces have joined our team. All share one thing: An unwavering commitment to exceeding customer expectations from the con-cept stage to aftermarket service. To see our team in action, we head this issue to Sweden, where GAP engineers puzzled out a way to help a client grow despite it lacking the physi-cal space it needed to do so. When Akzo Nobel’s petrochemical center in Stenungsund, Sweden, needed to increase its capacity to produce ethy-lene oxide (EO) in 2005, the company turned to the Gas and Process team to devise a way to grow without physical expansion. To learn how they did it, flip to page 9 and remember: Regardless of the industry in which you work, our team of proven innovators stands ready to help you meet the challenges of growth, globally and locally.Best regards,Dré SchmitzMERgINg COMpETENCE What’s the secret to Atlas Copco’s continuous growth? It doesn’t hurt to have a management team with a keen eye for growth opportunities that create value for customers and shareholders alike. That gift was on display this past summer as Atlas Copco acquired the United States-based Mafi-Trench Corporation.The transaction gives the Gas and Process Division the industry’s top maker of turboexpanders for the growing oil and gas sector.The biggest winners in the transaction will be customers of Atlas Copco Gas and Process: They will benefit not just from the Division’s expanded product range, but also from the skills and innovative spirit of Mafi-Trench’s more than 120 highly trained employees.Completing the Value ChainThe acquisition of Mafi-Trench Corporation – which will now operate as Mafi-Trench Company LLC (MTC) – com-pletes Gas and Process’ offerings throughout the natural gas value chain, notes Division President Dré Schmitz. “Mafi-Trench is a company with an excellent reputation and a loyal customer base. We welcome them to our Division,” Schmitz says. “MTC is a major upstream market player – indeed, it’s a household name in hydrocarbon turboexpan-der technologies, which makes it a great fit with our existing portfolio at a time when we are more and more focused on the oil and gas industry.“The acquisition strategically completes our product portfo-lio serving the entire natural gas value chain,” he notes.Mafi-Trench’s customers include A-list multinational and na-tional petroleum players in over 40 countries – from ethyle-ne projects in Kuwait to offshore and onshore sites in Egypt, Thailand, China and Nigeria – who rely on it for expander generators (for cryogenic applications), expander compres-sors (for the process offshore industry and in geothermal po-wer plants) and expander brakes (CO plants).Atlas Copco Gas and Process manufactures similar products at lower power ranges, but can now serve customers with of-ferings as high as 18 MW, solidifying its overall market po-sition and strengthening its turboexpander offerings in both the upstream and downstream markets.FEATURE6|By the same token, MTC can now provide its custo-mers with the full range of Gas and Process techno-logies, including the Division’s world-leading port-folio of integrally geared turbocompressors.“This acquisition will facilitate Mafi-Trench’slong-term growth,” says Jim Reilly, General Ma-nager of Mafi-Trench. “The sale of Mafi-TrenchCorporation benefits all parties involved – fromcustomers to employees – while expanding At-las Copco’s presence in the upstream and down-stream markets worldwide.”Since its founding in 1975 by Jack Trench andthe late Sharif Mafi, Mafi-Trench has shippedwell over 500 specialty radial inflow turboexpan-ders. Most of its products are sold for applicationin natural gas treatment plants, but they are alsopopular with ethylene producers and geothermalpower plants.Within GAP, MTC will now take the lead on allaspects of hydrocarbon expanders – from design andsales to manufacturing and aftermarket service –although GAP Cologne has the ability to packageto customers in the European Union who may re-quest that option.MTC will operate from its 8,400-square-meter fa-cility in Santa Maria, on the central Californiacoast, strengthening Gas and Process’ presence inthe Americas. GAP already has a plant in upstateNew York and a service facility in Houston, Texas;ISO-9001-certified MTC has an engineering sup-port and service presence in India and in Dubai.Helping Customers Grow“MTC’s unique and singular focus on the designand manufacture of hydrocarbon turboexpan-ders made it highly attractive to Atlas Copco,”says Schmitz. “It was just what we needed as westrengthen our focus on the oil and gas industry.”Reilly agrees that specializing in hydrocarbons gi-ves the newest member of the Atlas Copco familyan edge over the competition. “It ensures that ourcustomers receive the highest level of attention tothe critical details that are so vital to the successof any project in the highly competitive oil andgas sector,” he says.Incompatible corporate cultures and paper-on-ly synergies have seen many high-profile acqui-sitions fall short of their architects’ expectations,but there’s little risk of that happening here, saycompany officials. Schmitz, for one, notes that At -Production Facility Application Center Customer Center Service CenterFEATURE |7las Copco and MTC have long had similar commit-ments to innovation, quality and customer service.“From design to manufacture, from testing to aftermarket service, we are dedicated to provi-ding innovative, high-quality and customized solutions on time and on budget,” says Schmitz. “Atlas Copco Gas and Process is a growth sto-ry, but that growth is only sustainable if we remember that our mission is to help our custo-mers grow.”“As part of the Gas and Process family,” adds Reilly, “Mafi-Trench will continue to design and build each turboexpander system to ensu-re safe operation and the lowest life cycle cost, where maintenance budgets, spare parts inven-tories and lost revenue due to plant downtime are critical concerns.”Synergies Create BenefitsIn addition to the synergies in research and de-velopment, design and production, Atlas Copco customers will benefit most from the Division’s expanded product range and a sharper-than-ever emphasis on customer service.“We’re very pleased about this transaction,” says Schmitz, “but acquisitions are nothing if they don’t enable superior productivity for our customers. This means we must align our tech-nical know-how, our innovative spirit and our emphasis on customer service to make certain that the ultimate winners are our customers.”What the Mafi-Trench Transaction Means for Our Customers Why did Atlas Copco acquire Mafi-Trench?The Gas and Process Division purchased Mafi-Trench to acquire the product portfolio it needed to better serve the natural gas mar-ket, particularly the growing upstream and downstream markets. What kind of technologies has the acquisition added to Atlas Copco Gas and Process?Gas and Process gained turboexpander / compressors and turbo-expander generators specialized for the hydrocarbon business at up to 18 MW in power. The entire range of MTC turboexpanders / compressors is fitted with active magnetic bearing systems as well as with traditional sleeve bearings.I was already an Atlas Copco customer. What does this trans-action mean to me?In essence, you have a broader portfolio of products from which to choose, particularly if you’re an EPC (engineering, procure-ment, construction) contractor. Moreover, our highly skilled, in-novative team just got stronger with the addition of more than 120 like-minded experts from MTC. I was already a Mafi-Trench customer. What does this transac-tion mean to me?MTC is now in a position to provide a broader range of products and services to its customers, including Atlas Copco’s compres-sor products, and can draw on Gas and Process’ knowledge of diverse markets in more than 120 countries.What markets do Atlas Copco’s Mafi-Trench-branded products serve?Most MTC products are sold for applications in natural gas treat-ment plants, but they are also popular with ethylene producers and geothermal power plants.What about aftermarket service? MTC already had a strong aftermarket organization in place. Add that to Atlas Copco’s existing base, and our aftermarket network is now the gold standard by which others will be judged.Will Mafi-Trench be maintaining its name and brand?Yes. We see Mafi-Trench as a household name in the oil and gas industry. It will operate as Mafi-Trench Company LLC within the Atlas Copco Group as part of the Compressor Technique Busi-ness Area to which Gas and Process belongs.A Mafi-Trench expander / compressorwith magnetic bearings.A NEw HEAD OF STEAM Growth is good: Just ask the team at Akzo Nobel’s petrochemical center in Ste-nungsund, Sweden. Established in the 1960´s, the company’s ethylene oxide (EO) plant on the picturesque west coast grew continuously over the decades, eventually emerging as one of the world’s top production hubs for the oft-used industrial chemical. Then, in 2005, it lost a bit of steam – but only temporarily.Growth requires space, and that commodity is scarce at the Akzo Nobel ethylene oxide plant in Stenungsund, near Go-thenburg. Embedded in a large petrochemical complex, the EO plant faces a railroad track on one side (a key element in the local infrastructure) and a solid mountain of bedrock on the other. Those barriers imposed limits on the plant’s physi-cal growth when Akzo Nobel was considering an urgently re-quired expansion of its production capacity in 2005.Working together with Atlas Copco Gas and Process, Akzo Nobel mulled over several options, but at the end of the day there was only one viable way to increase capacity: Wor-king with what was at hand and boosting the efficiency of the existing process.That meant revamping a crucial element in a crucial pro-cess, namely a 1985 Atlas Copco steam compressor. The machine is not only important for the EO process, but for the entire complex in Stenungsund, says project engineer Lars-Gunnar Börjesson.“This complex is like a spider web,” he says. “Everything pro-duced here is based on EO. Without EO, everything stops.”Optimizing EnergyThe industrial chemical EO is used as raw material for pro-duction of many everyday products, from resins and paints to additives for lube oil, to name just a few. But first and fore-most, ethylene oxide is an intermediate for ethylene amines and ethylene glycols. The Akzo Nobel plant in Stenungsund supplies EO consumers on site who then use the substances to produce other goods; it also ships EO to one other site in Sweden. In all, the plant produced 280 tons per day before the revamping project got underway.It’s a figure large enough to place Stenungsund among the top EO plants. It is also widely known as one of the most ef-ficient plants of its kind anywhere. Akzo Nobel engineers are quick to point out that the Atlas Copco compressor is one of the “key factors contributing to that success.”The four-stage GT040 compressor is used in a two-sided pro-cess. One side contributes to by-product removal (CO2), whi-le the other is integrated into the product refining process. To handle these applications, the Atlas Copco compressor uses flashed hot process water streams. The flashed streams are then compressed by the machine and used as a heating medium.“Apart from the technical feasibility, we also selected the re-vamping option over new machinery because of economic re-asons,” says Per Gabrielsson, Börjesson’s colleague and the manager of the entire project. Economic here not only means “energy-efficient”: Installation of a brand new compressor would have been 2-3 times more expensive. The compressor, which was already quite economical before the revamping, now requires just 1,400 kW of power while producing up to 25 tons of steam per hour.CUSTOMERS IN FOCUS 10|That makes the steam-compressor-ba-sed approach a much more energy-ef-ficient option than conventional power-boiler-based steam production.Skill and Dedication The road to a finished revamping pro -ject can be long and winding, typical -ly placing great demands on customer and supplier alike. That makes exper-tise, patience and a strong rapport bet-ween supplier and customer vital to the task at hand.During the project in Stenungsund, the -re was a challenge that none could have foreseen. It surfaced on a human level, far beyond the realm of efficiency im -provements and capacity upgrades: In early 2006, project leader Rudy Du -pont, the Atlas Copco engineer and ma-stermind behind the ambitious project, passed away.To cement their colleague’s legacy, the Akzo Nobel and Atlas Copco teams pulled together and completed the pro-ject successfully: In October 2006, the EO plant was online.At the heart of the plant was a revamped Atlas Copco steam compressor that fea-tured new impellers to help create the ca-pacity increase Akzo Nobel needed. Other new components included bull gear and pinion shafts, a new electric motor as well as a complete upgrade of compressor controls, software and mo-nitoring systems. In place now where 20-year-old technology once stood is a state-of-the-art system.Pleasant Surprises In the final accounting, capacity at Ste -nungsund has grown to 325 tons per day – more than originally planned. The Akzo Nobel team got a handful of other pleasant surprises, too: Apart from a much smoother and faster ma-chine start-up – crucial because availa-bility is a top priority for the EO plant. The operators at Akzo Nobel also no-ticed a substantial noise reduction in the compressor room. In fact, it’s now possible to have a conversation without any ear protection, they report.Since start-up in October, the compressor has run without any malfunction at all.Positive outcomes such as these make both sides speak of a “partnership” rat-her than a “business relationship.”“The Atlas Copco team on site, with Die-ter Langen, Mathias Holz, Fabian Hau -be, showed skill, competence and dedi-cation. They worked seven days a week to get the job done and to make sure that we were satisfied,” says Börjesson.It’s exactly that kind of partnership that fuels growth.Technical ProfileType: GT040T4K1Outlet PressureProcess A: 2.1 barOutlet PressureProcess B: 1.5 barInner Power: 1,400 kWOutput: 25 t/hourThe four-stage GT040 compressor is used in a two-sided process. One side contri-butes to by-product removal (CO 2), while the other is integrated into the product re-fining process.CUSTOMERS IN FOCUSAbout Akzo NobelAkzo Nobel is a Fortune Global 500 company.Headquartered in the Netherlands, Akzo Nobelis a multicultural organization serving customersthroughout the world with human and animalhealthcare products, coatings, and chemicals.It employs some 62,000 people and does busi-ness in four segments (human health, animalhealth, coatings and chemicals) that are subdi-vided into 13 business units with operating sub-sidiaries in more than 80 countries. Consolida-ted revenues for 2006 topped BEUR 13.7.Two company divisions, Functional Chemicals and Surfactants, are headquartered in Sweden. The petrochemical center there – which includes the ethylene oxide plant –was launched in the 1960s. It is an integrated complex combining se-veral dozen C/PC companies. Akzo Nobel emplo-ys some 300 people in Stenungsund.Focal point: The ethylene oxide plant, shown here in a schematic illustra-tion, is the heart of the Stenungsund complex. EO is a key component in many of the products coming out of the petrochemical center here. The Atlas Copco steam compressor is used in a two-part process.Ethylene oxide processCarbon-dioxideStearnto netPure EO tocustomersGlycols tocustomersGlycols tocustomersOxygenEthyleneDistill-ationareaEOabsorberand EOstrippingareaDistill-ationareaGlycolsreactorCar-bonateareaCompressorEOreactorarea11|NEwS12|STRENgTHENINg OpERATIONSIN THE FAR EASTVan Spijk, who was previously Sales Manager for Benelux, started his new job on September 1. “We have a fantastic team at the Application Center Far East. It has done outstan-ding work. I want to be part of that great team,” says van Spijk, who succeeds Ulrich Schmitz. Schmitz, the master -mind behind the Application Center’s success, is moving to another managerial role within Atlas Copco.In addition to his international experience, van Spijk brings extensive knowledge of all of Atlas Copco Gas and Process’It will be a little bit like going home: As he assumes his new post as Business Line Manager, Sander van Spijk returns to a region he knows quite well: the Far East. The 40-year-old Dutchman spent seven years working there before joining Atlas Copco in 2000. Now, van Spijk returns to a region he calls “highly interes-ting, both professionally and economically.”key applications and markets to the table, including air sepa-ration and chemical / petrochemical.Other Structural ChangesBased in Shanghai, van Spijk will oversee a growing team that has won numerous key orders over the past six months alone. Apart from a change at the helm, the team is under-going some other structural changes, with Gas and Process13|NEwSSander Van Spijk, Business Line Managerupgrading its personnel capacity out in the Far East and pursuing one major goal: serving the customer even better in what is a key growth market.Several new employees have joined the team over the past months, and Gas and Process has installed a so-called project team consisting of a project coordina -tor, project engineers and purchasers for operational and strategic issues. ”To that end, two key objectives for us are to further strengthen the role of local content and to further professi-onalize our operations here in the Far East,” says van Spijk.See You in BusanA successful year at trade shows around the world will wind down for us in the Far East.Be sure to catch up with our team at the KorMarine in Busan (South Korea) between October 24 and 27. The AtlasCopco Gas and Process booth will be located at R78. We are looking forward to meeting with you in Korea. The Kor -marine is one of the world‘s leading events for the ship building, marine and port industries.For more information on the show, please visit .NEwS14|Another boost for FGB marketAtlas Copco Gas and Process’ strong showing in the power generation mar-ket continued this past summer as the Division received key orders from Al-stom Power for two fuel gas boosting applications, one in Russia and the other in Ireland.The Russian order was placed for a na-tural gas fueled power plant to be ope-rated by Mosenergo, an energy compa-ny part-owned by Gazprom. Providing the cornerstones of project, Atlas Copco will be delivering two six-stage GT050 turbocompressors to a plant located 15 kilometers outside of Moscow near the Russian metropolis’ airport.Feeding an Alstom GT 26 gas turbine, each machine will help produce 420 MW of power, increasing capacity at the plant to 1,830 MW. The fuel gas boosters are set for delivery in summer 2008.“This is a very important order for us as we establish our presence in the ex-panding, indigenously dominated Rus-sian natural gas market,” says Gas and Process President Dré Schmitz. Poin-ting to the long string of orders from Alstom – eight over the last year alo-ne – Schmitz says, “The customer is very satisfied with our current execu -tion capacity.”An Efficient AnswerTwo more GT026 turbocompressors are headed for Ireland as Gas and Process customer Alstom continues to bolster its presence in Northwestern Europe. The end customer and plant operator is Ireland’s ESB, which will use the two-stage compressors in a fuel gas boos-ting application at Aghada, near Cork. Each machine will help produce 430 MW of power.This contract is the second deal Gas and Process has signed with Alstom invol-ving ESB as the plant operator, following an earlier plant at Ringsend in Dublin.The market for this application is boo-ming in Great Britain and Ireland, where there is significant excess natural gas on the market. “Given the warm winters, energy companies are seeking new ways to utilize that gas. Cogen power genera-tion is a clean, efficient answer, and we are helping customers respond to that si-tuation,” says Schmitz.Earlier this year, Atlas Copco booked an order for a similar power plant in Langage, United Kingdom, also from Alstom.15|NEwSNew Sales Manager in USBart Woodmansee has been named to the position of Gas and Process Divisi-on sales manager for North East / Eas-tern Canada.Woodmansee has been with Atlas Cop-co for 17 years and has held positions as sales and application engineer, mar-keting specialist and product managerWagner heading Gas and Process North AmericaBart WoodmanseePeter Wagner , a key figure in the land -mark acquisition of the Mafi-Trench Corporation, has left his post as vice-president of marketing to assume a new position within the Gas and Pro-cess Division: On August 1, Wagner became head of the Gas and Process Division North America. Among other responsibilities, Wagner will head up the integration of Mafi-Trench Compa -ny LLC into Gas and Process.Wagner joined Atlas Copco in 1983. He left the company in 1986 to attend uni -versity and rejoined in 1995. Since then, Wagner has held a series of key manage-ment positions within Gas and Process. Wagner holds a master’s degree in me-chanical engineering from the Cologne University of Applied Sciences.“I am greatly looking forward to wor-king in such a dynamic market, withso much potential and opportunity. The acquisition of Mafi-Trench po -sitions us well for the future, but we have to continue to work hard and dili-gently,” says Wagner.Wagner will be based at the Gas and Pro-cess Division’s North American head-quarters in V oorheesville, near Albany (State of New York).during his time at AC Compressors. Woodmansee was also employed at Chicago Pneumatic in Rock Hill, SC, as a regional sales manager.He holds a B.S. in engineering from Central Connecticut State University and an MBA from Western New Eng-land College.© A t l a s C o p c o 05/2009 P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y . B 00/004/16/0907Gas and Process DivisionOur points of contact worldwideHeadquartersAtlas Copco Energas GmbH Am Ziegelofen 250999 Cologne, Germany Phone: +49 2236 96 50 0Fax:+49 2236 96 50 899atlascopco.energas@ Application CentersEuropeThomas Bierwirth (Energas)Phone: +49 2236 96 50 658Fax:+49 2236 96 50 899thomas.bierwirth@The AmericasNasser Sadeghzadeh (Comptec)Phone: +1 518 765 58 38Fax:+1 518 765 33 57nasser.sadeghzadeh@ Randy Dirlam (Mafi-Trench Company)Phone: +1 805 928 57 57 275Fax:+1 805 925 38 61randy.dirlam@Far EastSander van Spijk (Shanghai)Phone: +86 21 220 848 58Fax:+86 21 220 848 52sander.van.spijk@IndiaS.S. Vasan (Pune)Phone: +91 20 39 85 23 09Fax:+91 20 27 14 59 48ss.vasan@Regional OfficesGermanyRalf Kiefer (North and West)Phone: +49 2227 90 99 920Fax+49 2227 90 99 922ralf.kiefer@ Jörg Wieczorek (East and South)Phone:+49 89 749 949 70 Fax:+49 89 749 949 80joerg.wieczorek@United StatesTim Shaw (Southwest / West Coast)Phone: +1 281 216 60 10Fax:+1 281 984 74 63tim.shaw@Bruce Edstrand (North Central / Northeast)Phone: +1 847 726 98 66Fax:+1 847 726 98 25bruce.edstrand@ Bart Woodmansee (Northeast / Eastern Canada)Phone: +1 860 477 02 96Fax:+1 860 477 04 61bart.woodmansee@CanadaTushar Patel (Western Canada)Phone: +1 403 259 60 69 Fax:+1 403 253 34 52tushar.patel@ChinaNick He (Hangzhou)Phone: +86 57 18 82 37 345Fax:+86 57 18 82 37 345nick.he@ Yi-Fu (Jerry) Zhang (Beijing)Phone: +86 10 65 28 05 17Fax:+86 10 65 28 05 25jerry.zhang@Customer CentersAlpine / Balkan StatesPeter von Graffenried Phone: +41 61 731 37 00Fax:+41 61 733 94 40peter.von.graffenried@ BeneluxJan Hop Phone: +31 33 299 95 05Fax:+31 33 299 95 06jan.hop@ BrazilRoberto G. Becker Phone: +55 11 34 78 87 11 Fax:+55 11 41 95 70 90roberto.g.becker@ FrancePatrick Coupel Phone: +33 1 39 09 31 60Fax:+33 1 39 09 30 51patrick.coupel@ Great BritainIan Mather Phone: +44 1442 22 23 35Fax:+44 1442 84 05 06ian.mather@ IranAli Rakhshani Moghaddam Phone: +98 21 66 93 77 11 322Fax:+98 21 66 92 73 14ali.rakhshanmoghaddam@ItalyGianfranco Marinelli Phone:+39 02 61 79 94 50Fax:+39 02 66 01 18 90gianfranco.marinelli@JapanMichael Shafer Phone: +81 3 57 65 70 39 Fax:+81 3 57 65 31 97michael.shafer@Middle EastSami Tabaza Phone: +966 3 88 24 440 ext. 305Fax:+966 3 88 27 606sami.tabaza@NordicHeikki Alanko Phone: +358 8 51 67 64Fax:+358 8 51 58 24heikki.alanko@RussiaPeter Kraus Phone: +49 2236 96 50 625Phone:+7 495 933 55 50peter.kraus@South AfricaWayne Jacobs Phone: +27 11 821 91 24Fax:+27 11 821 91 06/7wayne.jacobs@South KoreaSeungHoon Yang Phone: +82 2 21 89 40 80Fax:+82 2 522 19 79shyang@Southeast AsiaUlrich SchmitzPhone: +65 6210 80 44Fax:+65 6862 15 62ulrich.schmitz@SpainRafael Cañete Phone: +34 91 276 91 54Fax:+34 91 671 31 16rafael.canete@。
上海公安博物馆巡礼之六上海公安博物馆藏品之自动手枪篇(四)作者:王笑梦来源:《轻兵器》 2014年第24期西班牙阿斯特拉自动手枪阿斯特拉是西班牙著名的枪械品牌,由1908年建立的埃斯佩兰萨-温塞塔公司拥有,该公司几经重组,但阿斯特拉这个百年品牌却从未更改。
馆中共展出了5支阿斯特拉手枪,其中一支为阿斯特拉M900 7.63mm工艺手枪。
该枪起初装备西班牙监狱部门,1928年西班牙海军选择了9mm版M300,在1941~1944年间德军也先后采购了85 390支M300手枪。
馆中还有一支阿斯特拉7 0 0 S P7.65mm特种手枪,该枪是温塞塔公司1926年推出的仿FN 勃朗宁M1910手枪,握把采用了容纳12发弹匣的加长型,并在左侧下部设有挂绳环。
2014年IWA展会新品汇(下)作者:郭萍来源:《轻兵器》 2014年第9期德国Blaser公司BD14三管枪械德国Blaser公司以Blaser R93狙击步枪而闻名,这次展会公司展出了一款全新的BD14三管步枪。
意大利Breda公司Breda B4系列卡宾枪意大利Breda公司一直以生产半自动猎枪而闻名,这次展会上公司却推出了Breda B4系列卡宾枪。
来源:《轻兵器》 2011年第6期
据悉, F N 美国分公司的弩炮(Ballista)精确狙击步枪最近在美国特种作战司令部的模块化精确狙击步枪竞标中获胜。
弩炮精确狙击步枪由“尤尼克阿尔卑斯”(Unique Alpine)公司制造,由FN美国分公司引进并参与美军装备竞标。
公司首席执行官介绍,该枪的性能远远超过了美国特种作战司令部对精确狙击步枪在1 500m距离上1.5MOA的精度要求。
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ACTA 400......................................................................... 165 ACTA 3000/4000.............................................................. 166 ToolsTalk ACTA/QAT........................................................ 167 BLM 5000......................................................................... 168 BLM Torque Supervisor.................................................... 168 QRTT传感器 .................................................................... 169 IRTT传感器 ...................................................................... 169 SRTT传感器..................................................................... 170 MRTT传感器..................................................................... 170 ACTA MT传感器............................................................... 172 BLM TPT, μ-测试台........................................................... 174 BLM LAB扳手................................................................... 175 BLM LAB Gyro扳手.......................................................... 176 BLM LINE扳手.................................................................. 177 BLM连接模拟台3860 / 3890............................................. 178 BLM NODE....................................................................... 179
选择向导 – 气动装配工具................................................... 12 工具代码............................................................................. 14 气动冲击扳手...................................................................... 17 油压脉冲拧紧扳手 – EP...................................................... 22 带监测功能的脉冲工具 – Pulsor......................................... 30 螺丝刀................................................................................. 33 气动扳手............................................................................. 44 弯头式扳手......................................................................... 45 直柄式扳手......................................................................... 57 手枪式扳手......................................................................... 62
工具代码............................................................................. 70 产品安全............................................................................. 74 工业用电池螺丝刀............................................................... 75 电动螺丝刀 – Eliza, EBL..................................................... 84 电动螺丝刀 – 电动微扭螺丝刀MicroTorqueTM..................... 87 电动螺丝刀 – Tensor DL..................................................... 90 电动螺丝刀 – Tensor SL..................................................... 91 电动拧紧扳手 – Tensor DS................................................. 92 电动拧紧扳手 – Tensor S.................................................... 98 电动拧紧扳手 – Tensor ST............................................... 103 Tensor DS / DL控制器.......................................................111 Power Focus.................................................................... 112 Power Focus / ETX拧紧轴和电缆..................................... 130 Power MACS 4000 / QST拧紧轴和电缆........................... 133 Power MACS / QMX拧紧轴和电缆................................... 141 刀头和动力套筒................................................................ 149 扭力臂............................................................................... 156
安装向导........................................................................... 181 安全原则........................................................................... 183 球阀.................................................................................. 184 空气处理单元.................................................................... 185 直接润滑单元.................................................................... 193 快速接头........................................................................... 195 爪形接头........................................................................... 207 旋转接头........................................................................... 208 转接头............................................................................... 209 气管爆裂保护器.................................................................211 气管.................................................................................. 212 螺旋气管........................................................................... 214 吹尘枪............................................................................... 215 平衡器............................................................................... 216 卷管器............................................................................... 218 测试工具........................................................................... 222 安装建议........................................................................... 223