2.-第二章课后习题及答案D3. (Q4) What information is used by a processrunning on one host to identify a process running on another host?Answer: The IP address of the destination host and the port number of the destination socket.4. (Q6) Referring to Figure 2.4, we see thatnone of the application listed in Figure2.4 requires both no data loss and timing.Can you conceive of an application that requires no data loss and that is also highly time-sensitive?Answer: There are no good example of an application that requires no data loss and timing. If you know of one, send an e-mail to the authors5. (Q9) Why do HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and POP3 run on top of TCP rather than on UDP?Answer: The applications associated with those protocols require that all application data be received in the correct order and without gaps. TCP provides this service whereas UDP does not.6. (Q11) What is meant by a handshaking protocol?Answer: A protocol uses handshaking if the two communicating entities first exchange control packets before sending data to each other. SMTP uses handshaking at the application layer whereas HTTP does not.7. (Q13) Telnet into a Web server and senda multiline request message. Include inthe request message the If-modified-since:header line to force a response message with the 304 Not Modified status code.Answer: Issued the following command (in Windows command prompt) followed by the HTTP GET message to the “” web server:> telnet 80Since the index.html page in this web server was not modified since Fri, 18 May 2007 09:23:34 GMT, the following output was displayed when the above commands were issued on Sat, 19 May 2007. Note that the first 4 lines are the GET message and header lines input by the user and the next 4 lines (starting from HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified) is the response from the web server.8. (Q14) Consider an e-commerce site thatwants to keep a purchase record for each of its customers. Describe how this can be done with cookies.Answer: When the user first visits the site, the site returns a cookie number.This cookie number is stored on the user’s host and is managed by the browser.During each subsequent visit (and purchase), the browser sends the cookie number back to the site. Thus the site knows when this user (more precisely, this browser) is visiting the site.9. (Q15) Suppose Alice, with a Web-basede-mail account (such as Hotmail or gmail), sends a message to Bob, who accesses his mail from his mail server using POP3.Discuss how the message gets from Alice’s host to Bob’s host. Be sure to list theseries of application-layer protocols that are used to move the message between the two hosts.Answer: Message is sent from Alice’s host to her mail server over HTTP. Alice’s mail server then sends the message to Bob’s mail server over SMTP. Bob then transfers the message from his mail server to his host over POP3.10. (Q10) Recall that TCP can be enhancedwith SSL to provide process-to-process security services, including encryption.Does SSL operate at the transport layer or the application layer? If the application developer wants TCP to be enhanced with SSL, what does the developer have to do?Answer: SSL operates at the application layer. The SSL socket takes unencrypteddata from the application layer, encrypts it and then passes it to the TCP socket. If the application developer wants TCP to be enhanced with SSL, she has to include the SSL code in the application.11. (Q16) Print out the header of an e-mailmessage you have recently received. How many Received: header lines are there?Analyze each of the header lines in the message.Answer: from (EHLO ) Received:( bywith SMTP; Sat, 19 May 200716:53:51 -0700from ([]) by Received: with MicrosoftSMTPSVC(6.0.3790.2668); Sat, 19 May 2007 16:52:42 -0700Received: from mail pickup service by with MicrosoftSMTPSVC; Sat,19 May 200716:52:41 -0700Message-ID:<BAY130-F26D9E35BF59E0D18A819AFB9310@p hx.gbl>Received: from byby130fd.bay130.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP; Sat, 19 May 200723:52:36 GMTFrom: "prithula dhungel"<prithuladhungel@>To: prithula@Bcc:Subject: Test mailDate: Sat, 19 May 2007 23:52:36 +0000Mime-Version:1.0Content-Type: Text/html; format=flowedReturn-Path: prithuladhungel@Figure: A sample mail message headerReceived: This header field indicates the sequence in which the SMTP servers send and receive the mail message including the respective timestamps.In this example there are 4 “Received:”header lines. This means the mail message passed through 5 different SMTP servers before being delivered to the receiver’s mail box. The last (forth) “Received:” heade r indicates the mail message flow from the SMTP server of the sender to the second SMTP server in the chain of servers. The sender’s SMTP server is at address and the second SMTP server in the chain is . The thir d “Received:” header indicates the mail message flow from the second SMTPserver in the chain to the third server, and so on.Finally, the first “Received:” header indicates the flow of the mail message from the forth SMTP server to the last SMTP server (i.e. the receiver’s mail server) in the chain.Message-id: The message has been given this numberBAY130-F26D9E35BF59E0D18A819AFB9310@ph x.gbl(by. Message-id is a unique string assigned by the mail system when the message is first created.From: This indicates the email address of the sender of the mail. In the given example, the sender is prithuladhungel@To: This field indicates the email address of the receiver of the mail. In the example, the receiver is prithula@Subject: This gives the subject of the mail (if any specified by the sender). In the example, the subject specified by the sender is “Test mail”Date: The date and time when the mail was sent by the sender. In the example, the sender sent the mail on 19th May 2007, at time 23:52:36 GMT.Mime-version: MIME version used for the mail. In the example, it is 1.0.Content-type: The type of content in the body of the mail message. In the example, it is “text/html”.Return-Path: This specifies the emailaddress to which the mail will be sent if thereceiver of this mail wants to reply to the sender. This is also used by the sender’s mail server for bouncing back undeliverable mail messages of mailer-daemonerror messages. In the example, the return path is“prithuladhungel@”.12. (Q18) Is it possible for anorganization’s Web serve r and mail server to have exactly the same alias fora hostname (for example, )? Whatwould be the type for the RR that contains the hostname of the mail server?Answer: Yes an organization’s mail server and Web server can have the same alias for a host name. The MX record is used to map the mail server’s host name to its IP address.13. (Q19) Why is it said that FTP sends control information “out-of-band”?Answer: FTP uses two parallel TCP connections, one connection for sending control information (such as a request to transfer a file) and another connection for actually transferring the file. Because the control information is not sent over the same connection that the file is sent over, FTP sends control information out of band.14. (P6) Consider an HTTP client that wantsto retrieve a Web document at a given URL.The IP address of the HTTP server is initially unknown. What transport and application-layer protocols besides HTTP are needed in this scenario?Answer:Application layer protocols: DNS and HTTPTransport layer protocols: UDP for DNS;TCP for HTTP15. (P9) Consider Figure2.12, for whichthere is an institutional network connected to the Internet. Suppose that the average object size is 900,000 bits and that the average request rate from the institution’s browsers to the origin servers is 10 requests per second.Also suppose that the amount of time it takes from when the router on the Internet side of the access link forwards an HTTP request until it receives the response is two seconds on average (see Section 2.2.5). Model the total average response times as the sum of the averageaccess delay (that is, the delay from Internet router to institution router) and the average Internet delay. For the average access delay, use △/(1-△β), where △ is the average time required to send an object over the access link and β is the arrival rate of objects to the access link.a. Find the total average response time.b. Now suppose a cache is installed in theinstitutional LAN. Suppose the hit rate is 0.6. Find the total response time.Answer:a.T he time to transmit an object of sizeL over a link or rate R is L/R. The average time is the average size of the object divided by R:Δ= (900,000 bits)/(1,500,000 bits/sec) = 0.6 secThe traffic intensity on the link is (1.5requests/sec)(0.6 sec/request) = 0.9. Thus, the average access delay is (0.6 sec)/(1 - 0.9) = 6 seconds. The total average response time is therefore 6 sec + 2 sec = 8 sec.b.T he traffic intensity on the access linkis reduced by 40% since the 40% of the requests are satisfied within the institutional network. Thus the average access delay is (0.6 sec)/[1 –(0.6)(0.9)] = 1.2 seconds. The responsetime is approximately zero if the request is satisfied by the cache (which happens with probability 0.4); the average response time is 1.2 sec + 2 sec = 3.2 sec for cache misses (which happens 60% of the time). So the average response time is (0.4)(0 sec) +(0.6)(3.2 sec) = 1.92 seconds. Thus theaverage response time is reduced from 8 sec to 1.92 sec.16. (P12) What is the difference betweenMAIL FROM: in SMTP and From: in the mail message itself?Answer: The MAIL FROM: in SMTP is a message from the SMTP client that identifies the sender of the mail message to the SMTP server. The From: on the mail message itself is NOT an SMTP message, but rather is just a line in the body of the mail message.17. (P16) Consider distributing a file of F= 5 Gbits to N peers. The server has an upload rate of u= 20 Mbps, and each peers=1 Mbps and an has a download rate of diupload rate of u. For N = 10, 100, and 1,000 and u = 100 Kbps, 250 Kbps, and 500 Kbps, prepare a chart giving the minimumdistribution time for each of the combinations of N and u for both client-server distribution and P2P distribution.Answer: For calculating the minimum distribution time for client-server distribution, we use the following formula:D cs = max {NF/u s , F/d min }Similarly, for calculating the minimum distribution time for P2P distribution, we use the following formula:D P2P = max{F/u s ,F/d min ,NF/( u s +∑u i n i=1 )}Where,F = 5 Gbits = 5 * 1024 Mbitsu s = 20 Mbpsd min = d i = 1 MbpsClient Server:N10 100 1000200 Kbps 10240 51200 512000u 600 Kbps 10240 51200 512000 1Mbps 10240 51200 512000Peer to Peer:N10 100 1000200 Kbps 10240 25904.3 47559.33 U 600 Kbps 10240 13029.6 16899.641 Mbps 10240 10240 10240。
2.1 下列哪些是词法记号?关键字(是)注释空白符八进制常量(是)三字符序列字符串常量(是)括号(是)2.2 C编译器可将下列每一个源字符串分解为哪些记号?(不必考虑记号组合是否合法)(1)x+++y x, ++, +, y(2)-0xabL -, 0xabL(3) 2.89E+12L 2.89E+12L(4)"String+\"FOO\"" " String+ \"FOO\""(5)x**2 x, *, *, 2(6)"X??/" "X??/"(7)a?b a, ?, b(8)x--+=y x, --, +=, y(9)intx=+10 intx, =, +, 10(10)"String""FOO" "String", "FOO"(这道题当时改的时候有几个小题改得有错误,注意!)2.3 下列哪些不是标识符,为什么?标识符由字母、数字和下划线组成,但首字符必须是字母或下划线。
4th 不是,以数字开头;sizeof 不是(标准C的关键字)_limit 是_is2 是xYshould 是x*y 不是,* 非法o_no_o_no 是temp-2 不是,- 非法isn't 不是,' 非法enum 不是(标准C的关键字。
)2.4 在下列表示中,哪些是合法常数,哪些是非法常数?对于合法常数,指出其类型;对于非法常数,说明其错误原因。
2L 合法,long长整型''' 不合法,单引号组中的单引号前需要转义字符.12 合法,double双精度浮点型0x1ag 不合法,g不是16进制数中的符号,也不表示任何类型33333 合法,int整形"a" 合法,字符串常量"" 合法,字符串常量0.L 合法,long double长双精度浮点型E20 不合法,缺少尾数部分0377UL 合法,unsigned long无符号长整型'\18' 不合法,存在非8进制位'\0xa' 不合法,不符合十六进制字符码表示规则\xhh0x9cfU 合法,unsigned int无符号整形'\45' 合法,char字符型1.E-5 合法,double双精度浮点型'\0' 合法,char字符型3.F 合法,float浮点型"3'4"" 不合法,缺少转义符'"' 合法,char字符型(P35,双引号作为字符常量时既可用图形符号也可用转义序列表示)'\a' 合法,char字符型2.6 以下的变量声明语句中有什么错误?(1)int a; b = 5; 第一个分号改为逗号int a, b=5;(2)doubel h; 关键字错误double h;(3)int x = 2.3; 类型错误float x = 2.3;(4)const long y; 需要赋初值const long y = 0;(5)float a = 2.5*g; g未定义变量int g = 1; float a = 2.5*g;(6)int a = b = 2; b未定义变量int a = 2, b = 2;2.7 设变量说明为:int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d;double x = 2.0; y = 7.7;请给出下列表达式的值。
一、Scala的基本语法1. 变量和常量:在Scala中,使用关键字`var`来声明一个可变的变量,使用关键字`val`来声明一个不可变的常量。
例如,`var x = 10`声明一个可变变量x,`val y = 5`声明一个不可变常量y。
2. 数据类型:Scala拥有丰富的数据类型,包括整数类型、浮点数类型、布尔类型、字符类型等。
3. 控制流语句:Scala支持常见的控制流语句,如条件判断和循环。
4. 函数:在Scala中,函数是一等公民,可以作为值进行传递和操作。
函数的定义使用关键字`def`,例如`def add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y`定义了一个接受两个整数参数并返回它们的和的函数。
5. 类和对象:Scala是一种面向对象的语言,每个值都是一个对象。
1. 高阶函数:Scala中的函数可以作为值进行传递和操作,因此可以使用函数作为参数或返回值。
2. 不可变性:Scala鼓励使用不可变的数据结构和变量,在处理数据时避免副作用和数据竞争的发生。
3. 模式匹配:模式匹配是一种强大的功能,用于根据数据的结构和属性进行分支处理。
第一大题:(1)a = 7/3b = sym(7/3)c = sym(7/3,'d')d = sym('7/3')v1=vpa(abs(a-d))v2=vpa(abs(b-d))v3=vpa(abs(c-d))a =2.3333b =7/3c =2.3333333333333334813630699500209d =7/3v1 =0.0v2 =0.0v3 =0.00000000000000014802973661668756666666667788716(2)a = pi/3b = sym(pi/3)c = sym(pi/3,'d')d = sym('pi/3')v1=vpa(abs(a-d))v2=vpa(abs(b-d))v3=vpa(abs(c-d))a =1.0472b =pi/3c =1.047197551196597631317786181171d =pi/3v1 =0.0v2 =0.0v3 =0.00000000000000011483642827992216762806615818554(3)a = pi*3^(1/3)b = sym(pi*3^(1/3))c = sym(pi*3^(1/3),'d')d = sym('pi*3^(1/3)')v1=vpa(abs(a-d))v2=vpa(abs(b-d))v3=vpa(abs(c-d))a =4.5310b =1275352044764433/281474976710656c =4.5309606547207899041040946030989d =pi*3^(1/3)v1 =0.00000000000000026601114166290944374842393221638 v2 =0.00000000000000026601114166290944374842393221638 v3 =0.0000000000000002660111416629094726767991785515第二大题:(1)c1=3/7+0.1c1 =0.5286双精度(2)c2=sym(3/7+0.1)c2 =37/70符号(3)c3=vpa(sym(3/7+0.1))c3 =0.52857142857142857142857142857143完整显示精度第三大题:(1)findsym(sym('sin(w*t)'),1)ans =w(2)findsym(sym('a*exp(-X)' ) ,1)ans =a(3)findsym(sym('z*exp(j*theta)'),1)ans =z第四大题:A=sym('[a11 a12 a13;a21 a22 a23;a31 a32 a33]')A =[ a11, a12, a13][ a21, a22, a23][ a31, a32, a33]DA=det(A)DA =a11*a22*a33 - a11*a23*a32 - a12*a21*a33 + a12*a23*a31 + a13*a21*a32 - a13*a22*a31w=inv(A)w =[ (a22*a33 - a23*a32)/(a11*a22*a33 - a11*a23*a32 - a12*a21*a33 +a12*a23*a31 + a13*a21*a32 - a13*a22*a31), -(a12*a33 -a13*a32)/(a11*a22*a33 - a11*a23*a32 - a12*a21*a33 + a12*a23*a31 +a13*a21*a32 - a13*a22*a31), (a12*a23 - a13*a22)/(a11*a22*a33 -a11*a23*a32 - a12*a21*a33 + a12*a23*a31 + a13*a21*a32 - a13*a22*a31)] [ -(a21*a33 - a23*a31)/(a11*a22*a33 - a11*a23*a32 - a12*a21*a33 +a12*a23*a31 + a13*a21*a32 - a13*a22*a31), (a11*a33 -a13*a31)/(a11*a22*a33 - a11*a23*a32 - a12*a21*a33 + a12*a23*a31 +a13*a21*a32 - a13*a22*a31), -(a11*a23 - a13*a21)/(a11*a22*a33 -a11*a23*a32 - a12*a21*a33 + a12*a23*a31 + a13*a21*a32 - a13*a22*a31)] [ (a21*a32 - a22*a31)/(a11*a22*a33 - a11*a23*a32 - a12*a21*a33 +a12*a23*a31 + a13*a21*a32 - a13*a22*a31), -(a11*a32 -a12*a31)/(a11*a22*a33 - a11*a23*a32 - a12*a21*a33 + a12*a23*a31 +a13*a21*a32 - a13*a22*a31), (a11*a22 - a12*a21)/(a11*a22*a33 -a11*a23*a32 - a12*a21*a33 + a12*a23*a31 + a13*a21*a32 - a13*a22*a31)] IAs=subexpr(w,'d')d =1/(a11*a22*a33 - a11*a23*a32 - a12*a21*a33 + a12*a23*a31 + a13*a21*a32 - a13*a22*a31)IAs =[ d*(a22*a33 - a23*a32), -d*(a12*a33 - a13*a32), d*(a12*a23 -a13*a22)][ -d*(a21*a33 - a23*a31), d*(a11*a33 - a13*a31), -d*(a11*a23 -a13*a21)][ d*(a21*a32 - a22*a31), -d*(a11*a32 - a12*a31), d*(a11*a22 -a12*a21)]第六大题:syms ksyms x positives_s=2/(2*k+1)*((x-1)/(x+1))^(2*k+1)s_ss=simple(symsum(s_s,k,0,inf))s_s =(2*((x - 1)/(x + 1))^(2*k + 1))/(2*k + 1)警告: simple will be removed in a future release. Use simplify instead. [> In sym.simple at 41]s_ss =log(x)第八大题:syms x clearsyms xh=exp(-abs(x))*abs(sin(x))si=vpa(int(h,-5*pi,1.7*pi),64)h =abs(sin(x))*exp(-abs(x))si =1.087849417255503701102633764498941389696991336803454392428439159 第九大题:syms x y clearsyms x yr=int(int(x^2+y^2,y,1,x^2),x,1,2)r =1006/105第十大题:syms t x;f=sin(t)/t;y=int(f,t,0,x)y1=subs(y,x,sym('4.5'))ezplot(y,[0,2*pi])y =sinint(x)y1 =syms x clearsyms x ny=sin(x)^nyn=int(y,0,1/2*pi)y31=vpa(subs(yn,n,sym('1/3')))y32=vpa(subs(yn,n,1/3))y =sin(x)^nyn =piecewise([-1 < real(n), beta(1/2, n/2 + 1/2)/2], [real(n) <= -1, int(x^n/(1 - x^2)^(1/2), x, 0, 1)])y31 =1.2935547796148952674767575125656y32 =1.2935547796148952674767575125656第二十题:clearsyms y xy=dsolve('(Dy*y)/5+x/4=0','x')y =2^(1/2)*(C6 - (5*x^2)/8)^(1/2)-2^(1/2)*(C6 - (5*x^2)/8)^(1/2)y1=subs(y,'C6',1)y1 =2^(1/2)*(1 - (5*x^2)/8)^(1/2)-2^(1/2)*(1 - (5*x^2)/8)^(1/2)clfhy1=ezplot(y1(1),[-2,2,-2,2],1)set(hy1,'Color','r')grid onhold onhy2=ezplot(y1(2),[-2,2,-2,2],1)set(hy2,'Color','b')grid onxlabel('Y')ylabel('X')hold offbox onlegend('y(1)','y(2)','Location','Best')hy1 =174.0155hy2 =177.0145。
第二章线性表2、1 填空题(1)一半插入或删除得位置(2)静态动态(3)一定不一定(4)头指针头结点得next 前一个元素得next2、2 选择题(1)A (2) DA GKHDA EL IAF IFA(IDA)(3)D (4)D (5) D2、3头指针:在带头结点得链表中,头指针存储头结点得地址;在不带头结点得链表中,头指针存放第一个元素结点得地址;头结点:为了操作方便,在第一个元素结点前申请一个结点,其指针域存放第一个元素结点得地址,数据域可以什么都不放;首元素结点:第一个元素得结点。
void InserList(SeqList *L,ElemType x){int i=L->last;if(L->last>=MAXSIZE-1) return FALSE; //顺序表已满while(i>=0 && L->elem[i]>x){L->elem[i+1]=L->elem[i];i--;}L->elem[i+1]=x;L->last++;}2、5 删除顺序表中从i开始得k个元素int DelList(SeqList *L,int i,int k){int j,l;if(i<=0||i>L->last) {printf("The Initial Position is Error!"); return 0;}if(k<=0) return 1; /*No Need to Delete*/if(i+k-2>=L->last) L->last=L->last-k; /*modify the length*/for(j=i-1,l=i+k-1;l<L->last;j++,l++)L->elem[j]=L->elem[l];L->last=L->last-k;return 1;}2、6 已知长度为n得线性表A采用顺序存储结构,请写一时间复杂度为O(n)、空间复杂度为O(1)得算法,删除线性表中所有值为item得数据元素。
(2)使用using namespace命令(3)使用using关键词声明2.什么是内联函数,它有什么特点?哪些函数不能定义为内联函数?【解答】用inline关键字声明或定义的函数称为内联函数。
内联函数(inline function)的定义和普通函数相同,但C++对它们的处理方式不一样。
图1 学生信息在Linux的/usr/local/project目录下创建文件studentinfo.txt,使用命令“touch studentinfo.txt”。
执行命令“vim studentinfo.txt”对文件进行编辑,按“i”进入编辑模式,输入图2-40所示内容,按“Esc”退出编辑状态,再执行命令“:wq”进行保存并退出。
在/usr/local/project目录下创建文件StudentInfo.scala,输入内容如下:import scala.io._import util.control.Breaks._object StudentInfo {var arrInfo:Array[String] = nulldef main(args: Array[String]) {//将/usr/local/project/studentinfo.txt的文件内容读入到数组中//一行为一个元素val lines = for(line <-Source.fromFile("/usr/local/project/studentinfo.txt").getLines) yield linearrInfo = lines.toArrayvar flag = trueshow()while(flag){print("请输入选择序号:")val choice = StdIn.readLine()breakable{if(!isIntByRegex(choice)) {//如果输入不是数字,则跳出本次循环println("请输入正确的序号")break}choice.toInt match {case 1 => {var maleCnt = count("男")println("三个班级共有男生" + maleCnt +"人")}case 2 => {var femalCnt = count("女")println("三个班级共有女生" + femalCnt +"人")}case 3 => {print("输入学号:")val studentId = StdIn.readLine()var mark = falsebreakable{for(i <- 0 until arrInfo.length){var info = arrInfo(i)val arr : Array[String] = info.split("\t")if(arr(1)== studentId){mark = trueprintln("班级\t学号\t姓名\t性别\t年龄\t籍贯\t电话")println(info)break //找到了学号,就跳出breakable,终止循环}}}if(!mark){println("查无此人")}}case 4 => {//按班级进行分组print("输入班级序号:")val classId = StdIn.readLine()println("班级\t学号\t姓名\t性别\t年龄\t籍贯\t电话")/*** 将arrInfo数组使用groupBy函数按照班级序号进行分组* 先将数组中的每个元素按照"\t"进行分割* 提取出分割后的第一个元素(即班级序号)* 按照班级序号进行分组,返回一个Map[String,Array[String]]类型 * 将返回值赋值给mapArr*/val mapArr = arrInfo.groupBy(x => x.split("\t")(0))for(maparr <- mapArr(classId)) println(maparr)}case 5 => {flag = falseprintln("再见!")}case _ => println("输入错误,请重新输入")}}}}//使用正则表达式判断字符串s是否为数字def isIntByRegex(s : String) = {val pattern = """^(\d+)$""".rs match {case pattern(_*) => truecase _ => false}}//展示功能页面def show() = {println("**************************************") println("1. 统计男生人数")println("2. 统计女生人数")println("3. 输入学号,打印出学生信息")println("4. 输入班级序号,打印出班级学生信息列表")println("5. 退出")println("**************************************") }//根据指定的信息统计人数def count(param: String): Int = {var sum = 0for(info <- arrInfo; if info.contains(param)){sum += 1}sum}}运行结果如图2-50所示。
(2)使用using namespace命令(3)使用using关键词声明2.什么是内联函数,它有什么特点?哪些函数不能定义为内联函数?【解答】用inline关键字声明或定义的函数称为内联函数。
内联函数(inline function)的定义和普通函数相同,但C++对它们的处理方式不一样。
快学Scala习题解答—第三章数组相关操作3 数组相关操作3.1 编写⼀段代码。
将a设置为⼀个n个随机整数的数组,要求随机数介于0(包括)和n(不包括)之间random和yield的使⽤Scala代码1. import scala.math.random2.3. def randomArray(n:Int)={4. for(i <- 0 until n) yield (random * n).toInt5. }6.7. println(randomArray(10).mkString(","))3.2 编写⼀个循环,将整数数组中相邻的元素置换。
⽐如,Array(1,2,3,4,5)经过置换后变为Array(2,1,4,3,5)对数组⽅法的使⽤Scala代码1. def reorderArray(arr:Array[Int]):Array[Int]={2. val t = arr.toBuffer3. for(i <- 1 until (t.length,2);tmp = t(i);j <- i - 1 until i){4. t(i) = t(j)5. t(j) = tmp6. }7. t.toArray8. }9.10. println(reorderArray(Array(1,2,3,4,5)).mkString(","))3.3 反复前⼀个练习,只是这⼀次⽣成⼀个新的值交换过的数组。
⽤for/yieldScala代码1. def reorderArray(arr:Array[Int]):Array[Int]={2. (for(i <- 0 until (arr.length,2)) yield if (i + 1 < arr.length) Array(arr(i + 1),arr(i)) else Array(arr(i))).flatten.toArray3. }4.5. println(reorderArray(Array(1,2,3,4,5)).mkString(","))3.4 给定⼀个整数数组,产⽣⼀个新的数组,包括元数组中的全部正值,以原有顺序排列,之后的元素是全部零或负值。
1. 编写一个函数,计算给定数组的平均值。
```scaladef average(arr: Array[Int]): Double = {if (arr.isEmpty) 0else arr.sum.toDouble / arr.length}```2. 编写一个函数,将给定的字符串列表连接成一个字符串。
```scaladef concatStrings(strings: List[String]): String = {strings.mkString}```3. 编写一个函数,找出给定数组中的最大值和最小值。
```scaladef findMaxAndMin(arr: Array[Int]): (Int, Int) = {(arr.max, arr.min)}```4. 编写一个函数,将给定的整数列表按照奇偶分成两个列表。
```scaladef splitOddEven(nums: List[Int]): (List[Int], List[Int]) = {nums.partition(_ % 2 == 0)}```5. 编写一个递归函数,计算给定数字的阶乘。
```scaladef factorial(n: Int): Int = {if (n <= 1) 1else n * factorial(n - 1)}```以上是一些常见的Scala课后习题及其答案,通过做这些习题可以帮助我们更好地理解和掌握Scala编程语言。
2-1 Daffodil2017年10月1日12:561 #include<stdio.h>2 int main(void)3 {4 int shui,xian,hua;5 int n =100;6 int g,s,b;7 int sum =0;8 while(n <1000)9 {10 g =n%10;11 s =n/10%10;12 b =n/100;13 shui =g*g*g;14 xian =s*s*s;15 hua =b*b*b;16 sum =shui +xian +hua;17 if(sum ==n)printf("%d\n",n);18 n++;19 }20 return0;21 }2-2 Hanxin2017年10月1日12:591 #include<stdio.h>2 int main(void)3 {4 int s,w,q;5 int kase =0;6 while(scanf("%d%d%d", &s, &w, &q) !=EOF)7 {8 int i =0;9 int n =10;10 while(n <=101)11 {12 if(n%3==s &&n%5==w &&n%7==q &&n <=100)13 {14 printf("Case %d: %d\n", ++kase,n);15 i =1;16 }17 else if(n >100&&i ==0)printf("Case %d: No answer\n", ++kase);18 n++;19 }20 }21 return0;22 }2-3 Triangle2017年10月1日12:591 #include <stdio.h>2 int main()3 {4 int i, j, n;5 scanf("%d", &n);6 for(i = 0; i < n; i++)7 {8 for(j= 0; j< I; j++)9 printf(" ");10 for(j= 0; j< 2*(n-i)-1; j++)11 printf("#\n");12 }13return0;14}2-4 Subsequence2017年10月1日13:001 #include<stdio.h>2 int main(void)3 {4 long long n,m;5 int kase =0;6 for( ; ; )7 {8 scanf("%lld%lld", &n, &m);9 if(n ==0&&m ==0)break;10 double sum =0.0;11 while(n <=m)12 {13 long long a =n*n;14 double b = (double)1.0/a;15 sum +=b;16 n++;17 }18 printf("Case %d: %.5lf\n", ++kase,sum);19 }20 return0;21 }22 /*23 将所有int改为long long方才解决问题,为什么?24 long long n, m; 为什么不能为int n, m; ?25 */2-5 Decimal2017年10月1日13:001 #include<stdio.h>2 int main(void)3 {4 int a,b,c;5 int kase =0;6 int i;7 for(;;)8 {9 scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c);10 if(a ==0&&b ==0&&c ==0)break;11 a %=b;12 printf("Case %d: %d.", ++kase,a/b);13 for(i =1;i <c;i++)14 {15 printf("%d",a*10/b);16 a =a*10%b;17 }18 if(a%b*10*10/b >=5)19 printf("%d\n",a%b*10/b+1);20 else21 printf("%d\n",a%b*10/b);22 }23 return0;24 }25 /*26 循环+判断 可以避开数组...27 求余的式子很巧妙...28 */2-6 Permutation2017年10月1日13:001 #include<stdio.h>2 int main(void)3 {4 int a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;5 int n =100;6 while(n <=333)7 {8 a =n/100;9 b =n/10%10;10 c =n%10;11 if(a ==b ||a ==c ||b ==c )12 n++;13 else if(b ==0||c ==0)14 n++;15 else16 {17 int n2 =n*2;18 d =n2/100;19 e =n2/10%10;20 f =n2%10;21 if(e ==0||f ==0)22 n++;23 else if(d ==e ||d ==f ||e ==f)24 n++;25 else if(d ==b ||d ==c)// d == a省略,百位不会相等26 n++;27 else if(e ==a ||e ==b ||e ==c)28 n++;29 else if(f ==a ||f ==b ||f ==c)30 n++;31 else32 {33 int n3 =n*3;34 g =n3/100;35 h =n3/10%10;36 i =n3%10;37 if(h ==0||i ==0)38 n++;39 else if(g ==h ||g ==i ||h ==i)40 n++;41 else if(g ==b ||g ==c ||g ==e ||g ==f)42 n++;43 else if(h ==a ||h ==b ||h ==c ||h ==d ||h ==e ||h ==f)43 else if(h ==a ||h ==b ||h ==c ||h ==d ||h ==e ||h ==f)44 n++;45 else if(i ==a ||i ==b ||i ==c ||i ==d ||i ==e ||i ==f)46 n++;47 else48 {49 printf("%d %d %d\n",n,n2,n3);50 n++;51 }52 }53 }54 }55 return0;56 }Chapter 2 Q&A2017年10月1日13:001 #include<stdio.h>2 int main(void)3 {4 int n,i;5 scanf("%d", &n);6 for(i =1;i <=n;i++)7 printf("%d\n",i);89 /*10 for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)11 printf("%d\n", 2*i); //任务一1213 for(i = 2; i <= 2*n; i+=2) //任务二14 printf("%d\n", i);15 */1617 return0;18 }1 #include<stdio.h>2 int main(void)3 {4 double i;5 for(i =0;i !=10;i +=0.1)6 printf("%.1f\n",i);7 return0;8 }。
abstract def zip[B](that: GenIterable[B]): StringOps[(A, B)]
(values.count(_ < v),values.count(_ == v),values.count(_ > v))
scala> "Hello".zip("World")
res0: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[(Char, Char)] = Vector((H,W), (e,o), (l,r), (l,l), (o,d))
test test ttt test ttt t test sss s
//val source = Source.fromFile("myfile.txt")
5.5重复前一个练习,这次使用java.util.TreeMap并使之适用于Scala API
2 控制结构和函数
2.1 一个数字如果为正数,则它的signum为1;如果是负数,则signum 为-1;如果为0,则signum为0.编写一个函数来计算这个值简单的逻辑判断
2.2 指出在Scala中何种情况下赋值语句x=y=1是合法的。
2.4 针对下列Java循环编写一个Scala版本:for(int
2.6 编写一个for循环,计算字符串中所有字母的Unicode代码的乘积。
2.10 编写函数计算x n,其中n是整数,使用如下的递归定义:
∙x n=y2,如果n是正偶数的话,这里的y=x(n/2)∙x n = x*x(n-1),如果n是正奇数的话
∙x0 = 1
∙x n = 1/x(-n),如果n是负数的话。
* i
=> 〈表达式〉
i * i
=>〈表达式〉+i * i
该文法是否为பைடு நூலகம்义的为什么
S=>ABS=>ABAa=>ABaa=>ASBBaa=>ASBbaa=>ASbbaa=>A £ bbaa=>a £ bbaa
(2)产生式有:S-ABS |Aa|£
(3)该句子的短语有8ibib2a283、ai、bi> b2、bib2、82^3、a2;
Z=>aZb=>aaZbb=>aaa..Z...bbb=> aaa..ab...bbb
本题难度不大,主要是考上下文无关文法的基本概念。上下文无关文法的基 本定义是:A->P,AeVn, P G (VnUVt)\注意关键问题是保证a"bn的成立, 即“a与b的个数要相等”,为此,可以用一条形如A->aAb|ab的产生式即可解 决。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
2 控制结构和函数
2.1 一个数字如果为正数,则它的signum为1;如果是负数,则signum 为-1;如果为0,则signum为0.编写一个函数来计算这个值简单的逻辑判断
2.2 指出在Scala中何种情况下赋值语句x=y=1是合法的。
2.4 针对下列Java循环编写一个Scala版本:for(int
2.6 编写一个for循环,计算字符串中所有字母的Unicode代码的乘积。
2.10 编写函数计算x n,其中n是整数,使用如下的递归定义:
∙x n=y2,如果n是正偶数的话,这里的y=x(n/2)∙x n = x*x(n-1),如果n是正奇数的话
∙x0 = 1
∙x n = 1/x(-n),如果n是负数的话。