





加拿大移民申请表怎么填写一、申报卡的左边Instructions 部分是一段说明,主要是告诉大家如果随身携带的现金或金融票据超过10000 加币,就需要向海关申报。

PartB 部分是旅行者须知。


a. 每件不超过60加币的礼品(除烟酒外)b. 1.5 升的红酒,或者1.14 升酒精饮料,或者24*355 毫升灌装(或8.5 升)啤酒c. 200 支烟,50支雪茄,200克烟丝PartC 部分是移民须知。


二、申报表右边,正式开始填写最上面的ForAgencyUseOnly 部分由入境部门填写,不需要旅客填写,直接从下面的PartA 开始。

这里需要说明的是,AllTravellers (livingatthesameaddress )-Pleaseprintincapitalletters 指的是所有住在同一住址的乘客填写一份申报卡——请用大写字母工整填写。


1. Lastname,firstnameandinitials:姓,名和姓名的首字母。



2. Dateofbirth :出生日期。


例如,入境人的出生日期为1988年10月22日,就要写成88/10/22 。

3. Citize nship :国籍。


1. Homeaddress-Number,Street ,apartmentNo. :家庭住址——门牌号,街道名,公寓编号。

这部分填常住地址就好,比如你住在高新区科技路239号1204号房,那就能够写ROOM120,4239KEJIROA,D GAOXINDISTRICT因为中英文的地址书写顺序是相反的。





1. 教育背景:
2. 职业背景:
3. 资产状况:
1. 选择移民国家:
移民国家相关政策:2. 投资计划:
3. 移民项目相关要求:移民项目要求概述:申请所需材料清单:
1. 配偶信息:
2. 子女信息:
3. 家庭移民计划:
1. 个人身份证明:
2. 教育背景证明:
3. 职业背景证明:
4. 资产证明:
5. 家庭成员身份证明:配偶护照复印件:
子女身份证复印件:6. 其他申请所需材料:相关证明文件:




所填表格的主要内容,申请赴澳洲配偶移民签证,必须填写澳⼤利亚移民部印制的47SP号表格,该表的内容包括8个部分: 第⼀部分:申请概况(Application overview) 序号应该填写的内容 1 有多少名家庭成员(How many family members) 2 申请的种类:在下列三项中选择⼀项:已婚配偶、未婚夫/妻、同居者(Spouse,fiance,interdependent partner) 第⼆部分:以前申请签证的情况(Processing details) 序号应该填写的内容 1 申请时,申请⼈是否在澳⼤利亚(Are you in Australia at he time of lodging this application) 2 是否在等候另外⼀类申请签证的结果,如果是,请提供正在等候的另外⼀类申请签证的类别(Are you currently awaiting a decision on another visa application? Class of visa applied for) 3 是否有签证被撤消的记录(Have you ever had a visa canceled? 4 是否有曾被拒绝进⼊澳⼤利亚的记录(Have you ever been refused an permit or visa in Australia?) 5 是否曾经或者正在持有过桥签证 E(Have you held,or do you currently hold a bridging visa E?) 6 是否正在移民集中营(Are you currently in immigration detention?) 7 是否曾经到过澳⼤利亚,⽬前是否持有有效签证(Have you previous been to Australia,held or currently hold a visa for travel to Australia?) 第三部分:主申请⼈详情(Main applicant's details) 序号应该填写的内容 1 主申请⼈的住址、姓名、汉字写法、性别、出⽣年⽉⽇、出⽣地、护照号码、护照签发国家、签发地、签发⽇期、到期⽇期(Main applicant's address, full name, name in Chinese, sex, date of birth, place of birth,details of passport) 2 主申请⼈国籍、居住地、婚姻状况(Of which countries are you a citizen? Country of current residence, current marital status) 3 主申请⼈以前的婚姻情况,如果曾经结婚,请提供前夫/妻的姓名、出⽣年⽉⽇、出⽣地、婚姻关系起⽌年⽉⽇、如何终⽌、有没有育有⼦⼥(Have you previously been married or been in interdependent relationship?) 4 主申请⼈的住址、通讯地址、电话号码、传真号码、电⼦邮件(Main applicant's residential address,address for correspondence, telephone number ,fax number, fax number and email address) 5 是否指定代理⼈,是否授权澳⼤利亚移民部与指定的代理⼈联系(Have you appointed a agent,Do you agree to DIMA contacting a person you have nominated?) 6 母语语种、英语⽔平、其他语⾔⽔平(Mail language,How well do you communicate in English? Other languages you read,understand, understand, speak and write fluently) 7 移民后准备在澳⼤利亚哪个州居住(Where do you intend to live in Australia?) 8 移民时,准备携带多少资⾦、物品财产⼊境(What is the value of money, goods and assets which you intend to bring to Australia?) 9 ⾝份证号码(Identification number) 10 家庭成员的详情,包括⽗母、兄弟姐妹、⼦⼥和其他受扶养者的性别、出⽣年⽉⽇、婚姻状况、居住国家;如果家庭成员在澳⼤利亚,持有的什么签证(Give details of all your family) 11 主申请⼈的⼦⼥是否在主申请⼈的监护之下、婚姻状况(Are all the children listed above in your care and legal custody? Marriage status) 12 其他⼈对主申请⼈的⼦⼥有设有监护权(Does other person have custodial, access or guardianship rights to any of these children?) 13 ⼦⼥不和主申请⼈⼀起赴澳⼤利亚,何⼈对其承担抚养义务(Are any of the children not migrating with you in your care and legal custody?) 第四部分配偶详情(Partner's details) 序号应该填写的内容 1 配偶姓名、汉字写法、性别、出⽣年⽉⽇、出⽣地(Partner's full time ,partner's in your Chinese language,sex, date of birth,place of birth) 2 配偶国籍或者在澳⼤利亚居住⾝份、⽬前居住国家、住址、电话号码、传真号码、电⼦邮件地址(What is you partner's citizenship/residence status in Australia ?Partner's country of current residence,residential address,telephone number, fax,number, fax number,email address) 3 配偶经常性职业(Partner's usual occupation) 4 配偶以前是否有婚史,如果是,提供配偶前夫/妻的姓名、出⽣年⽉⽇、婚姻关系起⽌⽇期、如何终⽌的、育有多少孩⼦(Has your previously been married or been in a de facto or interdependent relationship? If yes, provide name of previous partner,date of birth,period of marriage or relationship? How did it end? Number of children) 5 配偶家庭成员详情;包括⽗母、兄弟姐妹、⼦⼥和其他受抚养者(Details of all your partner's family, including partner's parents,brothers and sisters,children and other dependents) 第五部分恋爱婚姻详情(Details of love and marriage) 序号应该填写的内容 1 何时、何地两⼈相识?(When and where did you and your first meet?) 2 何时、何地两⼈开始配偶关系?(When and where did you begin a relationship with your partner?) 3 两⼈准备维持持久的关系吗?(Do you and your partner intend to maintain a lasting relationship?) 4 如果你和你的配偶是⼀种同居关系,你同时还和其他⼈保持有法律上的婚姻关系吗?(If and your partner are living in de facto or interdependent relationship, and either of you still legally married to another person?) 5 两⼈发⽣这种关系仅仅是为了获得在澳⼤利亚永久居留⾝份吗?(Did you enter into this relationship with your partner solely to gain permanent residence in Australia?) 6 提供婚姻细节(Give details of marriage) 7 你和你的配偶是⼀种同居关系,你和你的配偶有⾎缘、收养关系吗?(If you are in an interdependent or de facto relationship, are you related to your by blood or adoption?) 8 如果你在澳⼤利亚申请,你⼊境时持有临时婚姻签证V300⽽且准备和担保⼈结婚吗?(If are applying in Australia,did you enter Australia as the holder of a subclass 300(Prospective marriage) visa and marry your sponsor?) 9 如果两⼈关系终⽌,你会通知移民部吗?(Will you inform the Department if your relationship with your partner ends before this application is decided?) 第六部分健康和品格(Health and character) 序号应该填写的内容 1 申请中包括的⼦⼥或者任何其他⼈是否曾经有过、或者现在有肺结核或任何其他严重疾病(包括精神病)、病情或残疾,如果是,请提供是否需要治疗、所需开⽀、危及他⼈等详情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application, ever had or currently have tuberculosis or any other serious disease(including mental illness),condition or disability?) 2 申请中包括的⼦⼥或者任何其他⼈是否受过刑事处罚,如果是,请提供详情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application, even been convicted of crime of offense in any country?If yes,provide details) 3 申请中包括的⼦⼥或者任何其他⼈是否服过兵役(Has the child,or any other person ,included in this application or not,ever served in the armed forces?) 4 过去 10年中居住超过 12个⽉的地址、居住起⽌年⽉⽇(In which countries has the child lived for 12 months or more during the last 10 years?Dates lived) 5 申请⼈以前是否被移民部书⾯允许在澳⼤利亚⼯作?(Have you ever been written permission by the Department of Immigration to work in Australia? 6 以前是否从澳⼤利亚领取过福利⾦(Have you ever been paid any benefits or received any social services from a government agency in Australia?) 7 是在澳⼤利亚境内还是境外申请(Are you apply in Australia or outside Australia?) 第七部分提名⼈详情(Nomination details) 序号应该填写的内容 1 提名⼈与被提名⼈关系,被提名⼈姓名、出⽣年⽉⽇、与提名⼈关系(I wish to nominate(name of applicant) for permanent residence in Australia because he/she is:my spouse(including de facto spouse)or my inter dependent partner.Full name,date of birth,relationship to partner. 2 以前是否在澳⼤利亚递交过提名申请或者在澳⼤利亚境外递交过担保申请,如果是,提供递交的⽇期、关系、递交申请的办公室、签证是否被批准、关系终⽌的⽇期及原因(Have you previously lodged a nomination for residence in Australia or a sponsorship for migration overseas?give date of sponsorship/nomination,relationship to you,name of overseaspost/Australian office where sponsorship or on was lodged.Was a visa granted,Date relationship ended,How relationship ended) 3 是否曾经是被提名/担保⼈(Were you originally sponsored/nominated as spouse,prospective spouse or inter dependent partner?) 4 通常居住在澳⼤利亚吗,是澳⼤利亚公民吗(Are you usually resident in Australia?) 5 过去 10年中居住超过 12个⽉的地址、居住起⽌年⽉⽇(In which countries has the child lived for 12 months or more during the last 10 years? Dates lived there) 6 是否曾经有过、或者现在有肺结核或任何其他严重疾病(包括精神病)、病情或残疾,如果是,请提供是否需要治疗、所需开⽀、危及他⼈等详情(has the child,or any other ,included in this application,ever had or currently have tuberculosis or any other serious disease(including mental illness),condition or disability?) 7 是否受过刑事处罚,如果是,请提供详情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application ever been convicted of crime of offense in any country?If yes,provide details) 第⼋部分需要补充的其他信息(Additional information) 序号应该填写的内容 1 根据实际情况,填写⾃⼰认为需要补充说明的信息(Additional information) 2 在填写申请表格过程中,是否得到了有关⼈⼠的帮助,如果是,请提供帮助者的姓名、地址、移民代理号是否收费(Did you receive help completing this form.If yes,provide person's name,his address,migration agent registration number.Were you charged a fee for this help?)。


手机பைடு நூலகம்



加拿大移民局Citoyenneté etImmigration Canada填写完毕后即受法律保护 - B第1页,共 两页加拿大永久居留申请申请类别(见说明)贴申请人照片粘贴处收到邮戳日期IMM 0008 (06-2002) EGENERIC此表格由加拿大移民局提供,不可出售给申请人。

(DISPONIBLE EN FRANÇAIS - IMM 0008 F GÉNÉRIQUE)可填写表格家庭成员详细信息你必须提供你的每位家庭成员的详细情况,而无论其是否随你到加拿大。




姓名性别 □ 男 □ 女 □ 男 □女 □ 男 □ 女出生日期出生地(城镇/市)国家国籍现居住国其他居住国婚姻状况(请用问题9中的类别填写)与你的关系将随你去加拿大 □ 是 □ 否 □ 是 □ 否 □ 是 □ 否护照详细情况护照编号签发国家有效期身份证号码母语英语和法语水平可以用英语交流 □ 是 □ 否 □ 是 □ 否 □ 是 □ 否可以用法语交流 □ 是 □ 否 □ 是 □ 否 □ 是 □ 否 教育正规教育总年数教育程度当前职业身高 眼睛颜色照片IMM 0008 (06-2002) E GENERIC。





1. 农村地区缺乏就业机会。



2. 农村地区教育资源匮乏。


3. 农村地区医疗卫生条件落后。


4. 农村生活条件相对艰苦。





































第一部分:个人信息 姓 街道号码或名称 地址 城市 出生日期 地区或省份 出生地 到达日 当前状况到期日 门牌号 城镇 社会保险 电话及区 号 邮编 名
如果你在美国,请提供下列信息: 当前的移民情况: 第二部分:申请类型 A B C
呈请是基于投资商业企业在有针对性的就业领域,且所需投入资本额已下调 呈请是基于在商业企业中所需投入资本额已向上调整的区域投资 以上皆否
你是否曾被驱逐或遣送出境 你是否未经允许在美国工作过
是(请特别说明) 是(请特别说明)
否 否
第七部分:签名(在填写完全之前请先阅读惩罚条款) 鉴于美国法律关于伪证的处罚,我保证,上述呈请的内容全部真实而准确,我授权美国公民移民服 务局有权根据我所陈述的内容对我追求利益的资格进行确定。 签名 日期
注意:如果你没有完整的填写完上述所需的条目,你将没有资格获得你追寻的移民利益,呈请表将 作废。 第八部分:如此表由人代填,代填人在下签名 我申明,我应上述人的要求填写此份表格,基于我对这些信息完全了解 签名 公司名称 地址 打印名字 日期 电话及区号
第三部分:投资信息 资金投向的企业名称 街道地址 电话及区号 企业类型 首次投资日期 企业组织形式 成立日期 总投资额 IRS税款
截至目前的 所占企业份额 总资本投入 如果你不是单独的投资者,请分别列出所有的拥有该新企业股份的合伙者(自然人或非自然人), 并指出这些投资者是否寻求外来企业的分类,在203(b)(5)下填写包括姓名,所占股份比例,是 否有人寻求外来企业分类。注意:自然人必须为个人,非自然人必须为实体,例如企业、财团、投 资集团、合伙人等。 如果你在第二部分选择A或B,请填 城镇 地区 写城镇地区: 第四部分:企业的附件信息 企业类型: A B C 新企业源于新创造的新业务 新企业源于购买了原有的业务 新企业源于资本投资于原有的业务



OFFICE USE ONLYClient no.:Date received: / /Application no.:immigrationResidence category/instructions you are applying underWhich residence category are you applying under?FamilyPacific Access CategoryRefugee Family Support CategoryResidence from Work Samoan Quota SchemeOther (Specify)If you are applying under the Family: Partnership Category or the Family: Dependent Child Category, answer the following question.Is your partner or parent an expatriate New Zealander? Yes No For the purposes of prioritising such applications, an expatriate New Zealander is either:• a New Zealand citizen, or• the holder of a residence class visa,and has been absent from New Zealand for at least two years prior to the date of this application (apart from short visits).In the case of a partnership application the New Zealand partner must have been living together with the principal applicant for 12 months or more in a partnership that is genuine and stable.2 – Residence Application - March 2015When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.A1 A2 A3 A4 Your name in ethnic scriptA5 Gender Male Female A6 Date of birth A7 Town/city of birthCountry of birthA8 Other citizenships you holdA9 Partnership status: SingleSeparatedPartner DivorcedMarried/in civil unionEngagedWidowedFor definition of partner, see ‘Completing Section D: Partner’s personal details’ in the Residence Guide.A10 What is your main occupation? A11 Details of all passports heldPassport 1N umber CountryExpiry date Issue date Place of issueFamily/last name as shown in passportGiven/first name(s) as shown in passportPassport 2NumberCountryExpiry date Issue date Place of issueFamily/last name as shown in passportGiven/first name(s) as shown in passportPassport 3N umber CountryExpiry dateIssue datePlace of issueFamily/last name as shown in passport Given/first name(s) as shown in passportAll principal applicants must complete this section.For more information on the questions in this section see ‘Completing Section B: Contact details’ in the Residence Guide.B1Your residential address and telephone number in your home countryAddressTelephone (daytime) Telephone (evening)Fax EmailB2Your New Zealand residential address and telephone number (if you are already in New Zealand)AddressTelephone (daytime) Telephone (evening)Fax EmailB3Name and address for communication about this applicationSame as address at B1, or Same as address at B2, or OtherFamily/last name Given/first name(s)Company name (if applicable) and addressTelephone (daytime) Telephone (evening)Fax EmailB4Do you authorise the person stated at B3 to act on your behalf?Yes NoB5Have you received immigration advice on this application?You can find a definition of immigration advice at /advice.Yes Make sure that your immigration adviser completes Section R: Immigration adviser’s details.NoB6Would you like us to email you instructions for registering to check online how your application is progressing?Yes NoResidence Application - March 2015 – 3When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.C1Give details of all your family, whether migrating with you or not, including those adopted legally or by custom. It is not necessary to list deceased family members.For definition of partner, see ‘Completing Section D: Partner’s personal details’ in the Residence Guide.Note: if you do not declare all your family members, your residence application could be declined. If you are granted residence and it is later found that all family members were not declared, you may become liable for deportation. In addition, any family members not declared may not be eligiblefor residence.4 – Residence Application - March 2015Residence Application - March 2015 –5A partner may be either legally married, or in a civil union, or in a de facto relationship (whether opposite or same sex).D1 D2 D3D4 Partner’s name in ethnic scriptD5 Partner’s gender Male Female D6 Date of birthD7 Partner’s town/city of birthPartner’s country of birthWhen filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.Other citizenships your partner holdsDetails of all passports held by your partnerPassport 1N umber CountryExpiry dateIssue datePlace of issueFamily/last name as shown in passport Given/first name(s) as shown in passportPassport 2N umber CountryExpiry dateIssue datePlace of issueFamily/last name as shown in passport Given/first name(s) as shown in passportPassport 3N umber CountryExpiry dateIssue datePlace of issueFamily/last name as shown in passport Given/first name(s) as shown in passportIs your partner included in this application?Yes You must provide evidence of your relationship as described in Section C of the Residence Guide (INZ 1002).NoE1Give details of all your partner’s family, whether migrating with you or not, including those adopted legally or by custom. It is not necessary to list deceased family members.For definition of partner, see ‘Completing Section D: Partner’s personal details’ in the Residence Guide.Note: if you do not declare all your partner’s family members, your residence application could be declined. If you are granted residenceand it is later found that all family members were not declared, you may become liable for deportation. In addition, any family members notdeclared may not be eligible for residence.6 – Residence Application - March 2015Residence Application - March 2015 –78 – Residence Application - March 2015When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.Supply the following details for each dependent child included in this application. If you have no dependent children included in this application, go to Section G Additional details. Please ensure that you complete F49 (at the end ofF1 F2 F4 F5 Child’s passport details NumberCountryExpiry date F6 Other citizenships child holdsF7 Partnership status For a definition of partnership, see Completing Section D: Partner’s personal details’ in the Residence Guide (INZ1002). A person is single if they are not living with a partner in a genuine and stable partnership.SingleSeparated Partner DivorcedMarried/in civil unionEngagedWidowedF8 Does this child have children of his/her own? Yes NoResidence Application - March 2015 – 9Child’s passport details NumberCountryExpiry dateOther citizenships child holds Partnership statusSingleSeparated Partner DivorcedMarried/in civil unionEngagedWidowedDoes this child have children of his/her own?Yes NoCountryExpiry date Other citizenships child holds Partnership statusSingleSeparated Partner DivorcedMarried/in civil unionEngagedWidowedDoes this child have children of his/her own? Yes No10 – Residence Application - March 2015When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.CountryExpiry date Other citizenships child holds Partnership statusSingleSeparated Partner DivorcedMarried/in civil unionEngagedWidowedDoes this child have children of his/her own? Yes NoChild’s passport details NumberCountryExpiry dateOther citizenships child holds Partnership statusSingleSeparated Partner DivorcedMarried/in civil unionEngagedWidowedDoes this child have children of his/her own? Yes NoCountryExpiry date Other citizenships child holds Partnership statusSingleSeparated Partner DivorcedMarried/in civil unionEngagedWidowedDoes this child have children of his/her own? Yes NoGive details of any additional dependants on the form Additional Dependants for Residence in New Zealand (INZ 1001), and attach it to this page.When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.Are you separated or divorced from the parent of any of the above children or is the parent of any of the above children not included in this application?Yes You must provide evidence. See ‘Completing Section F: Dependent children’ in the Residence Guide.NoComplete this section for everyone included in the application aged 17 years or over.G1Do you or any other person included in this application have a national identity number, or other unique identifier that was issued to you by any government?Yes Provide details NoG2Have you or any other person included in this application been associated with any intelligence agency or group, or law enforcement agency?Yes Describe how you/they were involved.NoG3Have you or any other person included in this application completed military service in any country?Yes. Provide information about your/their military service including the dates of your/their military service, your/their position and rank, the unit or units that you/they served in, and your/their role within each unit.NoList any military identity numbers you/they were given.Are you or any other person included in this application presently subject to military service obligations in anycountry?Yes No If no, and you/they are a citizen of a country in which compulsory military service exists, give details.Have you or any other person included in this application been associated with any group or organisation that has used or promoted violence to further their aims?Yes Describe how you/they were involved.NoThe following questions apply to every person included in this application 17 years of age and over.For more information about the questions in this section, see ‘Completing Section H: Character requirements’ in the Residence Guide.H1List the countries you and/or your family have lived in for 12 months or more in (whether on one visit or intermittently) the last 10 years, with the dates you began and ended living there. If you do not know the exact dates you began and ended living in a country, give approximate dates. Please include your home country.Name of applicant or family memberName of countryDate of departureDate of arrivalName of countryDate of departureDate of arrivalName of countryDate of departureDate of arrivalName of countryDate of arrivalDate of departureWhen filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.Have you attached police certificates for each person aged 17 years and over included in your application from all countries you have lived in for 12 months or more (whether on one visit or intermittently) in the last 10 years?Yes NoHave you attached police certificates for each person aged 17 years and over included in your application from your country/countries of citizenship?Yes NoIf you have not provided all of the police certificates required, please explain why.Applicants under the Partnership or Dependent Child Categories only: if a police certificate is not attached to this application because it was previously submitted with a temporary entry visa application, provide details.The certificate must be less than 24 months old when this application is lodged.Name of applicant or family memberDate of applicationType of applicationType of applicationDate of applicationDate of applicationType of applicationType of application Date of applicationFor information on how to obtain a police certificate you can visit our website at /policecertificate. If you do not have access to the internet you can call us on 0508 55 88 55 if you are in New Zealand, or (09) 914 4100 if you are in Auckland; or contact your nearest Immigration New Zealand office.Have you, or anyone included in this application, been convicted at any time of any offence, including any driving offence? Please note that this includes any conviction(s) outside of New Zealand subsequently cleared or wiped by ‘clean slate’ legislation.Yes NoAre you, or is anyone included in this application, currently:• under investigation Yes No• wanted for questioning Yes No• facing charges Yes Nofor any offence in any country?Do you, or does anyone included in this application, currently have an outstanding arrest warrant in any country?Yes NoHave you, or has anyone included in this application, ever been:• excluded Yes No• refused entry Yes No• removed or deported Yes Nofrom any country, including NZ?Have you, or has anyone included in this application, ever been a member of, or adhered to, any terrorist organisation? Yes NoHave you, or has anyone included in this application, at any time in a public speech or public comments, or public broadcast, or in publicly distributing or publishing a document, argued that one race or colour is inherently inferior or superior to another race or colour; or used language intended to encourage hostility or ill will against any person or group of persons on the basis of colour, race, or ethnic or national origins of that person or group? Yes NoHave you, or has anyone included in this application, been (or currently are) a member of an organisation or group which had objectives or principles based on hostility against people or groups on the basis of colour, race or ethnic/national origins; or an assumption that persons of a particular race or colour are inherently inferior or superior to other races or colours? Yes NoHave you, or has anyone included in this application, had (or currently have) an association with, membership of, or involvement with, any government, regime, group or agency that has advocated or committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and/or other gross human rights abuses? Yes NoIf you have answered yes to any of the questions above give full details. This includes full details of any charges, convictions and the sentence or penalty imposed. Continue on a separate piece of paper if necessary.When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.I1Have you or any other person included in this application submitted a medical certificate (General Medical Certificate (INZ 1007) or Limited Medical Certificate (INZ 1201)and Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096)), completed and dated by a medical practitioner within the last 36 months with another Immigration New Zealandapplication?Yes Provide details in the table belowA medical certificate (General Medical Certificate (INZ 1007) or Limited Medical Certificate (INZ 1201)) and Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096)must be provided for every person included in this application. Go to I2Note: A Limited Medical Certificate (INZ 1201) may only be completed by applicants applying for residence as the partner or dependent child of a New Zealand citizen or resident.If everyone included in the application has submitted a medical certificate and chest X-ray certificate in the last36 months you do not need to provide further certificates now, unless:• the health status of any applicant has deteriorated since their previous medical certificate was issued, or• any applicant included in your application has spent six consecutive months since their last Chest X-rayCertificate(INZ 1096) was issued, in a country, area or territory not listed as having a low incidence of TB (see the leaflet Health Requirements (INZ 1121) for further information).Otherwise we will tell you if you need any further medical information. Go to I2.If not everyone included in the application has submitted medical certificates that were completed and dated bya medical practitioner within the last 36 months, they will have to provide certificates now. Go to I2I2Tick the option(s) below which applies to you:• I do not have to provide any medical certificates or chest X-ray certificates at this stage• I am providing a Medical Certificate(s) for principal applicant partner child(ren). Go to I7• I am providing a chest X-ray Certificate(s) (INZ 1096) for principal applicant partner child(ren) . Go to I7 I3Do you, or does anyone included in this application, have tuberculosis (TB)? Yes NoI4Do you, or does anyone included in this application have any medical condition that requires, or may require, one of the following during your stay in New Zealand?• Renal dialysis Yes No• Hospital care Yes No• Residential care*Yes No*Residential care is defined as in-patient care for people with psychiatric, sensory or intellectual disabilities or live-in facilities for the aged.I5Do you have a dependent child included in this application who requires special education services? (See Completing Section I: Health requirements in the Residence Guide (INZ 1002) for further information).Yes NoIf you have answered Yes to any of the questions in I3 to I5Tick the option that applies to you: Is a physician submitting your medical and/or chest X-ray certificate toImmigration New Zealand on your behalf?Yes Has your physician supplied you with an eMedical Reference Code (NZER)?Yes Enter your eMedical Reference Code here:No Enter the name of the clinic that is submitting your health information:No If the physician has returned the medical and/or chest X-ray certificate to you, then you will need to submit these with your visa application.The Immigration regulations in New Zealand require that we only accept residence applications for consideration that include the documents below. Complete the following checklist to ensure that you have included all these documents.Sections J to Q set out the information and documents required for your application to be considered under the Residence from Work Category, Family Category, Refugee Family Support Category, Pacific Access Category, Samoan Quota Scheme, or Employees of a Relocating Business Category. You must provide ALL the information requested for the category you are applying under as outlined in the Residence Guide (INZ 1002).Failure to provide any of the documents outlined above or the information required for Sections J to P may result in your application being returned.• If you are applying under Residence from Work Category go to Section J: Residence from Work Category.• If you are applying under Family: Partnership Category go to Section K: Family: Partnership Category.• If you are applying under Family: Dependent Child Category go to Section L: Family: Dependent Child Category.• If you are applying under Refugee Family Support Category go to Section M: Refugee Family Support Category.• If you are applying under Pacific Access Category go to Section N: Pacific Access Category.• If you are applying under Samoan Quota Scheme go to Section O: Samoan Quota Scheme.• If you are applying under Employees of a Relocating Business Category go to Section P: Employees of a Relocating Business CategoryWhen filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.For more information about the questions in this section, see Completing Section J: Residence from Work Category in the Residence Guide.J1Which Work to Residence option below was your work visa approved for?Long Term Skill Shortage List Talent (Arts and Culture)J2Are you currently in New Zealand?YesYou must be in New Zealand to lodge a residence application under the Work to Residence Category.J3What date was your work visa first granted? (If your work visa was granted while you were outside New ZealandJ4J5Have you held a Talent or Long Term Skill Shortage List work visa for at least 24 months? YesEnglish language requirement for partner and dependants and Religious Worker applicantsJ6Principal applicants are not required to meet English language requirements, with the exception of principal applicants under Religious Worker instructions (see J7). However, English language requirements apply to partners and dependants aged 16 and over included in any Residence from Work application (including under Religious Worker instructions). If no partner or children aged 16 and over are included in your application, please write “N/A” for “not applicable” below.For more information, see our leaflet English Language Information (INZ 1060).J7Principal applicants under Religious Worker instructions are required to meet a minimum standard of English.Please list below the evidence you have provided with your application to demonstrate you meet the minimum standard of English required for your application:Long Term Skill Shortage List and Talent (Accredited Employer) applicants go to J8.Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) applicants go to J12.Religious Worker applicants go to J15.To be completed by Long Term Skill Shortage List/Talent (Accredited Employer) applicants Give details of your employer(s) since your Talent or Long Term Skill Shortage List work visa was granted.Employer oneName and address of employerType of businessPosition heldBase salary $Employer twoName and address of employerType of businessPosition heldBase salary $Employer threeName and address of employerType of businessPosition heldBase salary $Employer fourName and address of employerWhen filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.Type of businessPosition heldBase salary $Is registration required in New Zealand to practise in the occupation you are employed in?YesDo you have a current registration certificate?NoTalent (Accredited Employer) applicants only. Have you been employed by an accredited employer (or another INZ-approved employer) in New Zealand for at least 24 months?Yes NoLong Term Skill Shortage List applicants only. Have you been employed in an occupation on the Long Term Skill Shortage List for at least 24 months?NoEvidence you must provideAttach evidence (see the Residence Guide) of:• employment in New Zealand since you were granted your Talent or Long Term Skill Shortage List work visa• full or provisional New Zealand registration if registration is required for your occupation (refer to the Long Term Skill Shortage List)• current ongoing employment that meets the salary requirements below.Talent (Accredited Employer) applicants and Long Term Skill Shortage List applicants go to Section Q: Declaration.To be completed by Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) applicantsJ12Have you attached a Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) Sponsorship Form (INZ 1091) sponsoring you for residence?Yes NoJ13Have you or any person included in this application applied for or been granted any form of welfare assistance or benefits in New Zealand since you were granted your Talent work visa?NoJ14Do you consent to INZ seeking confirmation from Work and Income that you have not applied for or been granted welfare assistance or benefits during this time? (If No, your application may be declined.)NoEvidence you must provideAlso attach evidence (see the Residence Guide) of:• active engagement in your field over a period of 24 months in New Zealand including a completed Summary of Earnings form from the IRD• your continued prominence in your field• how your continued presence in New Zealand will enhance New Zealand’s accomplishments and participation in arts, culture or sport.Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) applicants go to Section Q: DeclarationTo be completed by Religious Worker instructions applicantsHave you been employed by a religious organisation as a religious worker on a Religious Worker work visa for at least three years?NoYesYesNothis application, have not applied for any form of welfare assistance or benefits during this time? (If No, yourapplication may be declined)YesNoEvidence you must provideAlso attach evidence to support your resident visa application under Religious Worker instructions (see the Residence Guide), including:• a completed Sponsorship Form for Religious Workers (INZ 1190), and• evidence of the sponsoring organisation’s financial ability to sponsor you for five years,• an employment agreement or a description of the religious work from the sponsoring organisation, and• evidence of a long-term need for a religious worker with the sponsoring organisation.Religious Worker applicants go to Section Q: Declaration.Residence Application - March 2015 – 2122 – Residence Application - March 2015When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.Partnership means either legally married, or in a civil union, or in a de facto relationship (whether opposite or same sex).For more information about the questions in this section, see ‘Completing Section K: Family Category Partnership Instructions’ in the Residence Guide .K1 New Zealand partner’s family name or surnameNew Zealand partner’s first name or given namesK2spouseK3 If married, what was the date of your marriage and in what country did this marriage take place? CountryDateK4 If in a civil union, what was the date of your civil union?DateK5 If in a de facto relationship, when did your relationship begin? DateK6 How long have you been living together in this partnership? Years MonthsAre you living in a genuine and stable relationship (entered into with the intention of being maintainedon a long-term and exclusive basis)? YesIf you are not living together, please explain.K7 Do you meet the minimum requirements for recognition of partnerships? K8Is your partner eligible to support you? NoK9 Is your partner a New Zealand citizen?NoK10 Does your partner hold a New Zealand residence class visa? YesNo K11 Does your partner hold a valid Australian passport? Yes Evidence you must provideYou must provide:• details of your New Zealand partner in sections D and E• a Partnership Support Form for Residence (INZ 1178) completed by your partner• evidence of your relationship as described in the Residence Guide at Completing Section K: Family: Partnership Category.Your partner (if 17 years of age or over) must provide police certificate(s) for all countries that they have lived in for 12 months or more in the seven years prior to the date the application is made. However, your partner does not need to provide a police certificate from New Zealand (we will obtain this on their behalf if required).The onus is on you to provide as much evidence as possible to show you and your partner are living together in a genuine and stable partnership.Family: Partnership Category applicants go to Section Q: Declaration.For more information about the questions in this section, see ‘Completing Section L: Family Category: Dependent Child Instructions’ in the Residence Guide.L1Are you aged 17 or under?NoL2Are you aged 18 to 20 years, with no children?NoL3Are you aged 21 to 24 years, with no children and totally or substantially reliant on an adult (whether your parent or not) for financial support, whether living with them or not?NoL4Are you the dependent child of a person who is a New Zealand citizen or residence class visa holder and who is living in New Zealand?NoL5Are you single? Note that single means you are not living together with a partner in a genuine and stable relationship.NoEvidence you must provideYou must provide evidence of your relationship to your New Zealand resident or citizen parent(s).Family: Dependent Child Category applicants go to Section Q: Declaration.M1Which tier of the Refugee Family Support Category do you want to apply under?Tier one Go to M2Tier two Go to M3M2Tick the box that applies to you (tier one applicants only):My sponsor has no immediate family in New ZealandMy sponsor is the sole carer of a dependent relative(s) in New Zealand on an ongoing basis. My sponsor has no other immediate family in New Zealand (excluding their dependent relative or relatives being cared for).The dependent relative also has no other immediate family in New Zealand (excluding my sponsor).Note that if your sponsor is eligible under tier one on the basis that they are a sole carer, you must provide evidence that they are a sole carer.M3Supply the following details about your sponsor:Your sponsor’s registration reference numberYour sponsor’s nameYour sponsor’s date of birthResidence Application - March 2015 – 23。







同样,先下载I-140表格Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker (Rev. 10/12/07) Y和说明书。

Part 1. Information about the person or organization filing this petition.填表人的情况。

个人(EB-1a, NIW)填姓名、U.S. Social Security #,公司填名称、IRS Tax #.Part 2. Petition type.申请的优先级别。

a. An alien of extraordinary ability.- EB-1ab. An outstanding professor or researcher.- EB-1bc. A multinational executive or manager.- EB-1cd. A member of the professions holding an advanced degree or an alien of exceptional ability (whois NOT seeking a National Interest Waiver).- EB-2 (PERM)e. A professional (at a minimum, possessing a bachelor's degree or a foreign degree equivalent to aU.S. bachelor's degree) or a skilled worker (requiring at least two years of specialized training orexperience).- EB-3f. (Reserved.)g. Any other worker (requiring less than two years of training or experience).h. Soviet Scientist.- f,g,h无关i. An alien applying for a National Interest Waiver (who IS a member of the professions holdingan advanced degree or an alien of exceptional ability).- EB-2 (NIW)Part 3. Information about the person you are filing for.填受益人资料。


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负责人: (公章)年 月 日
学校名称: 填表时间: 2020年 月 日

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姓 名
年 龄
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Please read these notes carefullyImportant – Please read this information carefully before you complete your application. Once you have completed your application we strongly advise that you keep a copy for your records.Complete the attached form if you are in Australia temporarily and want to apply for further stay for tourism or medical treatment. Include on this form any dependants who are in Australia with you and who are in your passport. Those on a separate passport must complete a separate form.A visitor visa will be granted where it is considered that:•you have complied and will continue to comply with the conditions of your entry to Australia;•you meet the criteria in the class applied for;•you are of good character, do not have a dangerous or contagious disease and are in good health (unless applying for a medical treatment visa).Integrity of applicationThe Department of Immigration and Citizenship (the department) is committed to maintaining the integrity of the visa and citizenship programs. Please be aware that if you provide us with fraudulent documents or claims, this may result in processing delays and possibly your application being refused. When to apply for a new visaYou must apply for a new visa before your current visa expires. The best time to apply for a new visitor visa is about 2 weeks before the expiry of your current visa. Please bear in mind that the grant of a new visa will cease any visa currently held and the entitlements attached to that visa. If, for example, you currently have work rights or formal study entitlements, those entitlements will cease when a visitor visa is granted.Class of visaIn your application you will need to indicate the class of visa you currently hold and the class of visa you want.Your current visa class is shown on your visa. A list of all the visitor classes follows. You can apply for one class only.(A) Tourist visa, class TR, subclass 676This visa can be applied for from outside Australia (offshore) or in Australia.Visa validityThis visa generally allows stays of 3 or 6 months in Australia, although a stay of up to 12 months can be granted. A stay beyond 12 months is ONLY granted where ‘exceptional’circumstances exist.It may be granted for a single entry or multiple entries within a specified period. Generally, this visa allows people to enter Australia within 12 months from the date of grant.It should be noted, however, under Australia’s migration regulations, decision-makers may grant a T ourist visa permitting the visa holder to travel to and to remain in Australia for a specified period that they see as appropriate. In some circumstances the stay period granted may be less than the stay period requested by the applicant.For more detailed information check the department’s website .au/e_visa/(B) Medical treatment (class UB)This class is for medical treatment which is either elective or emergency, and includes the following subclasses:675 Medical treatment (short stay)685 Medical treatment (long stay).Note: If your current visa is a Sponsored Family Visitor visa, the 8531 ‘Must leave before visa expiry’ condition means that you MUST leave Australia before the expiry of your Sponsored Family Visitor visa. If for ANY reason you do not depart before your Sponsored Family Visitor visa expires, penalties will be imposed upon your sponsor. If a security bond has been lodged in support of your application, normally the bond will be forfeited.The 8503 ‘No Further Stay’ condition prevents you from lodging an application for further stay in Australia. If you need to remain in Australia because compelling and compassionate circumstances over which you have no control and that resulted in a major change in your circumstances have developed since the visa that had the condition imposed was granted, you may request a waiver of the 8503 ‘No Further Stay’ condition.If you request a waiver of the 8503 ‘No Further Stay’ condition and this results in your remaining in Australia after your Sponsored Family Visitor visa expires, you will be taken to have breached the 8531 ‘Must leave before the expiry of the sponsored visitor’ condition, and the penalties will be imposed upon your sponsor, even if the 8503 is waived and a further visa is granted. If your sponsor lodges a security bond in support of your application, normally the security bond will be forfeited. How to apply•Applications for a further stay in Australia as a tourist may be made via the internet or at an office of the department or by mail depending on the length of the total stay period.•An application for a total stay of up to 6 months from the date the applicant last entered Australia on an ElectronicT ravel Authority (Visitor) or a T ourist visa (subclass 676) can be made over the internet. Further information is available on the department’s website .au/e_visa/•An application for a total stay of more than 6 months can be made at an office of the department.Form601 Application for further stay as a visitorFor more details on visa lodgement options check the department’s website .au/e_visa/•To apply in person or by mail you will need to complete a paper application form. Please note that false or misleading information may lead to refusal or cancellation of your visa, or penalties while in Australia.•You may arrange for another person to help you complete this application form, but you must sign it. If another person does help you complete the form, you should only sign the declaration if the information in it is true and correct.•Lodge your application form, the application charge, your passport and any attachments at the nearest departmental office. Your application may be lodged personally, by your representative or sent by mail.•Please follow any directions given by the visa processing officer as to medical or x-ray examinations that may be required.•On the return of your passport, carefully check the details and conditions on your visa label or on the letter advising you of the grant of your visa. If you have any concerns or questions about the requirements or limitations of your visa, you should contact the office that granted the visa immediately.The following documents should be provided with this form:•your passport or travel document;•document/statements supporting your application. Examples include:–evidence that you have enough funds, or access to funds, to support yourself for the duration of your stay in Australia.Proof of funds – current bank or credit card statementshowing the balance in Australian dollars, and/or evidence of sufficient funds to purchase a return ticket;–a plane ticket (if you have one) detailing your departuredates;–an itinerary of travel plans, if available;–written documents/statements supporting your request for extension of stay if applying for a visa for medical treatment purposes or permission to work;–other evidence requested by the decision-maker.Do not supply original documents with your application, unless requested by the department. You should provide certified copies of original documents. Documents in languages other than English must be accompanied by a certified English translation.Visa Application ChargeFees may be subject to adjustment at any time. Visa Application Charges may be subject to adjustment on 1 July each year. This may increase the cost of a visa.T o check the Visa Application Charge (VAC), see form 990i Charges available from the department’s website.au/allforms/990i.htm or check with the nearest office of the department.Method of paymentT o make a payment, please pay by credit card, debit card, bank cheque or money order made payable to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Debit card and credit card are the preferred methods of payment.Residential addressYou must provide the address where you intend to live while your application is being dealt with. Failure to give a residential address in your application will result in your application being invalid. A post office box address will not be accepted as your residential address.Health insuranceMedical treatment in Australia can be expensive. It is recommended that you take out health insurance for you and your family for the period of stay in Australia. You will not be covered by Australia’s national health scheme, unless you are covered by a reciprocal health care agreement.If you are 75 years of age or overIn order to satisfy the financial requirements for these visas, you may be asked to provide evidence with your application that you have health insurance to cover your stay in Australia. More information about Australian private health insurance is available from the department’s website.au/visitors/VaccinationsIf it is your intention to enrol your child in an Australian school or childcare centre (creche or preschool) during your visit to Australia, you are strongly encouraged to carry certification of your child’s vaccination status.Vaccination is recommended against polio, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), Haemophilus influenzae hypo (Hib), and Hepatitis B. Certification may be sought at time of enrolment.Note: Vaccination against rubella is also recommended for women of child bearing age.Medical treatmentIf you are applying for a visa for medical treatment, you will need to meet the criteria and present evidence that:(i)arrangements have been made with the doctor and/orhospital to provide you with medical and/or hospital care, ie. a firm date for treatment has been made;(ii)arrangements have been made to pay the full cost of that treatment and you can demonstrate you have the means to pay; and(iii)if the treatment is in a public hospital, that thestate/territory medical authorities have agreed to youradmission and treatment.If you are providing comfort and support to a person who seeks medical treatment, and that is the purpose of your further stay in Australia, then you too should apply for a medical treatment visa.Special provisions apply to:•persons who have sought permanent residence and have met all criteria except the health criterion.•citizens of Papua New Guinea in the Western Province who have been medically evacuated to a hospital in Queensland and require further medical treatment.More information about medical treatment visas is available from the department’s website.au/visitors/medical-treatment/1Except in extremely limited circumstances which are outside your control,or to engage Australia’s protection obligation under the 1951 UN convention relating to the status of refugees.Permission to workProvision exists, under strict criteria, for a visitor to be granted work rights. But it will only be granted to visitors who are prevented from leaving Australia and who can demonstrate compelling personal reasons and financial hardship as a result of changed circumstances after arrival in Australia. Visitors seeking permission to work need to apply for a new visa and attach a statement outlining their circumstances and reasons for needing to work. If approved, the application charge for the new visa will be refunded.Conditions for a tourist visa in AustraliaVisitors to Australia must be willing and able to abide by the conditions listed below while in Australia. If you are unwilling or unable to abide by these conditions you should not apply for a visa. If you do not abide by these conditions, your visa may be cancelled or you may be subject to other penalties. If you have any questions or concerns about the conditions, you should ask for more information from a regional office of the department.Conditions8101 – You must NOT work while in Australia.8201 – You must NOT study for more than 3 months while in Australia.8503 – No Further Stay.Following an assessment of your application, a visa officer may decide to apply the 8503 condition on your visa. The 8503 (or No Further Stay) condition means that the holder of the visa on which the condition has been imposed will not, after entering Australia, be entitled to be granted any other visa 1,while the holder remains in Australia.The effect of this visa condition is that it will not be possible for you to apply to remain in Australia beyond the authorised period of stay shown on your visa label. It is particularlyimportant, if your visit to Australia is to attend a specific event,that you organise your travel so that you can attend these events within your authorised period of stay as you will not be able to extend your period of stay in Australia.If the 8503 condition is imposed on your visa, it will be indicated on the visa label or on the letter advising you of the grant of your visa, with the words 8503 – NO FURTHER STAY .There may be other conditions depending on the purpose of your visit.Immigration assistanceA person gives immigration assistance to you if he or she uses,or claims to use, his or her knowledge or experience inmigration procedure to assist you with your visa application,request for ministerial intervention, cancellation review application, sponsorship or nomination.In Australia a person may only lawfully give immigration assistance if he or she is a registered migration agent or isexempt from being registered. Only registered migration agents may receive a fee or reward for providing immigration assistance.If an unregistered person in Australia, who is not exempt from registration, gives you immigration assistance they are committing a criminal offence and may be prosecuted.Migration agents in AustraliaMigration agents in Australia must be registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (Office of the MARA) unless they are exempt from registration.Migration agents outside AustraliaMigration agents who operate outside Australia do not have to be registered. The department may give some overseas agents an ID number. This number does not mean that they are registered.Note : Some Australian registered migration agents operate overseas.Migration agent informationA migration agent is someone who can:•advise you on the visa that may best suit you;•tell you the documents you need to submit with your application;•help you fill in the application and submit it; and •communicate with the department on your behalf.If you appoint a migration agent, the department will assume that your migration agent will be your authorised recipient,unless you indicate otherwise.Your migration agent will be the person with whom thedepartment will discuss your application and from whom it will seek further information when required.You are not required to use a migration agent. However, if you use a migration agent, the department encourages you to use a registered migration agent. Registered agents are bound by the Migration Agents Code of Conduct, which requires them to act professionally in their clients’ lawful best rmation on migration agents, including a list of registered migration agents, is available on the Office of the MARA website .auYou can also access information about migration agents on the department’s website .auExempt personsThe following people do not have to be a registered migration agent in order to provide immigration assistance, but they must not charge a fee for their service:•a close family member (spouse, de facto partner, child,parent, brother or sister);•a member of parliament or their staff;•an official whose duties include providing immigration assistance (eg. a Legal Aid provider);•a member of a diplomatic mission, consular post or international organisation.Appointing a migration agent/exempt personT o appoint a migration agent/exempt person you should complete Question 33 Options for receiving written communications .Y our migration agent/exempt person should complete form 956Advice by a migration agent/exempt person of providing immigration assistance .Form 956 is available from the department’s website .au/allforms/Options for receiving written communicationsIf you do not appoint a migration agent/exempt person you may still authorise another person, in writing, to receive written communications on your behalf. This person is called the authorised recipient.Authorised recipient informationAll written communication about your application will be sent to your authorised recipient, unless you indicate that you wish to have health and/or character information sent directly to you. The department will communicate with the most recently appointed authorised recipient as you may only appoint one authorised recipient at any time for a particular application. You will be taken to have received any documents sent to that person as if they had been sent to you.T o appoint an authorised recipient you should complete:•Question 33 Options for receiving written communications; and•form 956A Appointment or withdrawal of an authorised recipient.Note: Migration agents/exempt persons do not need to complete form 956A.Form 956A is available from the department’s website .au/allforms/Consent to communicate electronicallyThe department may use a range of means to communicate with you. However, electronic means such as fax or e-mail will only be used if you indicate your agreement to receiving communication in this way.T o process your application the department may need to communicate with you about sensitive information, for example, health, police checks, financial viability and personal relationships. Electronic communications, unless adequately encrypted, are not secure and may be viewed by others or interfered with.If you agree to the department communicating with you by electronic means, the details you provide will only be used by the department for the purpose for which you have provided them, unless there is a legal obligation or necessity to use them for another purpose, or you have consented to use for another purpose. They will not be added to any mailing list.The Australian Government accepts no responsibility for the security or integrity of any information sent to the department over the internet or by other electronic means.If you authorise another person to receive documents on your behalf and they wish to be contacted electronically, their signature is required on form 956 or 956A to indicate their consent to this form of communication.Note: Electronic communication is the fastest means of communication available and the department prefers to communicate electronically because this results in faster processing.About the information you giveThe department is authorised to collect information provided on this form under Part 2 of the Migration Act 1958 ‘Control of Arrival and Presence of Non-Citizens’. The information provided will be used by the department for assessing your eligibility for a visa to travel, enter and remain in Australia and for other purposes relating to the administration of the Migration Act, for example, to monitor the conduct of migration agents, or for ensuring compliance with the Migration Act.2 Including the information provided in relation to health on this form, and the results of any tests for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), will be used to assess your health for an Australian visa. A positive HIV or other test result will not necessarily lead to a visa being denied. Your results may be disclosed to the relevant Commonwealth, state and territory health agencies.The information provided2 might also be disclosed to agencies who are authorised to receive information relating to adoption, border control, business skills, citizenship, education, health assessment, health insurance, health services, law enforcement, payment of pensions and benefits, taxation, superannuation, review of decisions and registration of migration agents. Relevant information about you will be disclosed to federal, state and territory police to assist in your location and possible detention in the event that you become an unlawful non-citizen. You will become an unlawful non-citizen if your visa ceases (by cancellation for breach of visa condition for example) or expires and you do not hold another visa authorising you to remain in Australia.If your application for a visitor visa has also been supported by an Australian Member of Parliament or a Community Leader based in Australia, information on the outcome of your application and of your compliance with visa conditions, if your visa is granted, may be provided to the Member of Parliament or the Community Leader.The collection, access, storage, use and disclosure by the department of the information you provide in this form is governed by the Privacy Act 1988 and, in particular, by the11 Information Privacy Principles. The information form 993i Safeguarding your personal information, available from the department’s offices, gives details of agencies to which your personal information might be disclosed.The department is authorised under the Migration Act 1958, in certain circumstances, to collect a range of personal identifiers including a facial image, fingerprints and a signature fromnon-citizens, including from visa applicants. The department requires personal identifiers to assist in assessing your identity. The department is authorised to disclose your personal identifiers and information relating to your name and other relevant biographical data to a number of agencies including law enforcement and health agencies and to other agencies who may need to check your identity with this department. Where the department obtains personal identifiers they will become part of your official record with the department.The department is involved in international information exchanges with a number of countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada and New Zealand. These international information exchanges may involve the sharing of personal identifiers, including facial images and fingerprint data, collected by immigration agencies such as this department. If, as a result of this sharing between countries, there is a match with your personal identifiers, the department will disclose your biographical data, copies of travel and other identity documents or information from such documents, your immigration status and immigration history (which may include any immigration abuse and offences) and any criminal history information relevant to immigration purposes. The purpose of such disclosure would be to help confirm your identity and determine if you have presented to the department and the other agency under the same identity and with similar claims. For more detailed information you should read information form 1243i Your personal identifying information, which is available from the department’s website.au/allforms/ or from any office of the department or Australian mission overseas.Telephone 131 881 during business hoursin Australia to speak to an operator (recordedinformation available outside these hours).If you are outside Australia, please contactyour nearest Australian mission.Generalenquiry lineHome page .auPlease keep these information pages for your referenceYour detailsName(s) as shown in your passport 5Family name Given namesSex 6MaleFemaleDate of birth71Tourist visaWhat type of visa are you applying for?Medical treatment visaPermission to workPermission to work may only be granted in extenuating circumstances. Please attach a statement outlining your reasons for seeking permission to work (for further information on permission to work, read the information on page 3 of this form).Country of usual residence11Passport number Date of issue Details from your passport Country of passportDate of expiry Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in your passportMake sure your passport is valid for the period of stay you are applying for.Note : If you hold an APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) the Australian visa associated with your ABTC will cease if this application is approved.9Specify the date you wish to extend your stay to3Provide brief reasons for requesting this further stay (additional space is provided at Question 28 if required)4Form601Application for further stay as a visitorNote : If you are 75 years or over, you will be asked to undergo a health assessment and may be asked to show that you have medical insurance to cover your intended stay in Australia. Please contact your nearest office of the department for further advice before lodging your application.If additional medical consultations are required, a decision on your visa application will be delayed.Details of identity card or identity number issued to you by yourgovernment (if applicable) eg. National identity card.Note : If you are the holder of multiple identity numbers because you are a citizen of more than one country, you need to enter the identity number on the card from the country that you live in.10Identity number Tick where applicablePlease use a pen, and write neatly in English using BLOCK LETTERS.Relationship status8Married Never married or been in a de factorelationshipSeparated De factoEngaged WidowedDivorced Go to Question 3A person who will undergo medical treatment orattend a medical consultationA person who will be receiving an organ A person who will be donating an organA person who will be accompanying one of the above people Please attach evidence thatarrangements for medical treatment have been made (for further information on medical treatment visas, read the information on page 2 of this form).2Please indicate the reason you are applying for a medical treatment visa.I am applying as:A citizen of Papua New Guinea from the Western ProvinceA person who will be accompanying a citizen of Papua New Guineafrom the Western Province A person who is over 50 and has been refused a permanent visaon health grounds A person who is a member of the family unit of the above personGo to Question 2Go to Question 3Details of any accompanying family members who are includedin your passport Your current residential address in AustraliaNote : A post office box address is not acceptable as a residentialaddress. Failure to give a residential address will result in your application being invalid.1216 1.Full nameRelationshipDate of birthChildren includedHealth and characterAddress for correspondence(If the same as your residential address, write‘AS ABOVE’)132.Full nameRelationshipDate of birth 3.Full nameRelationshipDate of birth 4.Full nameRelationshipDate of birthYour telephone numbers14Home Mobile/cellDo you agree to the department communicating with you by fax,e-mail or other electronic means?15Fax number E-mail addressYes No Give detailsIn the last 5 years, have you, or any other person included in thisapplication, visited, or lived, outside your country of passport for more than 3 consecutive months?17YesNo Give detailsNameCountry(s)Date tofromDate tofrom NameDate tofrom Country(s)Country(s)Do you, or any other person included in this application, intend to entera hospital or a health care facility (including nursing homes) while in Australia?18YesNo Give detailsDo you, or any other person included in this application, intend to workas, or study to be, a doctor, dentist, nurse or paramedic during your stay in Australia?19YesNo Give detailsIf a child under 18 years of age is staying in Australia with someone other than a parent, legal guardian or relative, a declaration signed by the person responsible for that child in Australia, is required to be completed. See form 1257 Undertaking declaration .。





一、移居香港的理由1. 优越的教育资源:香港的教育体系享誉全球,拥有众多世界一流的高校和科研机构。


2. 优质的生活环境:香港地理位置优越,气候宜人,社会治安良好。


3. 丰富的就业机会:香港是国际金融中心,拥有众多的跨国企业和金融机构。


4. 深厚的文化底蕴:香港是一个多元文化融合的城市,具有丰富的历史和文化底蕴。


二、个人情况1. 基本信息:我,[您的姓名],[您的年龄],[您的婚姻状况],[您的学历]。

2. 专业背景:我毕业于[您的毕业院校],主修[您的专业]。



3. 工作经历:在过去的工作中,我认真负责,勤奋敬业,多次获得公司表彰。


三、对香港社会的贡献1. 贡献社会:我计划在香港从事[您的职业],充分发挥自己的专业特长,为香港的经济社会发展做出贡献。

2. 传播文化:作为一名热爱生活的人,我将积极融入香港社会,传播中华文化,促进香港与内地的文化交流。

3. 促进和谐:我将尊重香港的法律和习俗,遵守社会公德,与香港市民和谐相处,共同维护香港的繁荣稳定。






























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