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Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
• community patent 共同体专利 • 异议一方 party in opposition • 意图使用商标的声明 declaration of intent to use a mark • 因分类而增加收费 increase in fees due to classification • 因未付续展费而终止的专利 patents ceased through nonpayment of renewal fees • 音响商标 sound mark • 引进专利 patent of introduction • 印刷日 data of printing
• new products monopoly 新产品专利 • Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks 商标注册用的商品及服务国际 分类尼斯协定 • non-contest clause 无争议条款 • non-convention application 非(巴黎)公约(国家)的申 请 • non-distinctive trademark 无显着性的商标 • non-exclusive licence 非独占许可(证) • non-fulfilment 未履行 • non-patent ability 无专利性 • non-published technology 未公布技术
• application for the grant of a patent 申请授予专 利权 • non-service invention 非职务发明 • non-transferable right 不能转让的权利 • non-voluntary licence 非自愿许可(证) • 受理的通知 • notice of delivery 送达通知 • notice of infringement 侵权的通知 • notice of opposition 异议通知 • notice of withdrawal 撤回通知
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有关的再公告专利 related by reissue(s) 有关的增补申请 related by addition(s) 有效期满专利 expired patent lapsed patent competing technology 竞争性技术 有优先权申请的号码 numbers assigned to priority application(s) • 有优先权申请的申请日 dates of filing priority application(s)
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national registration 国家注册 自然专利 nature of invention 发明的性质 negate novelty 否定新颖性 network of patents 专利权网 abandonment of a patent 放弃专利权 application for restoration 恢复申请 new invention 新发明
• notification on formal insufficiencies 形式不合格的通知 • novel invention 新发明 • application for the protection of an invention 申请保护发 明 • novelty report 新颖性报告 • novely of invention 发明的新颖性 • number of application 申请号 • number of registration 注册登记号 • number of the document 文件号 • numbers assigned to priority application(s) 有优先权申请 的号码
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英国专利 British patent 优先(权)的利益 benefit of priority 优先(权)期间 period of priority competence of the patent division 专利处的权限 priority interval 优先权国家 country of priority 优先权丧失 loss of right 优先权声明 prioity claim 有关的分案申请 related by division(s) 有关的继续申请 related by continuation(s)
• 与国际条约有关的识别项目 identification of data related international conventions • 与文件有关的当事人事项 identification of parties concerned with the document • 预先审查 preliminary examination • 再公告 reissue • 再公告专利 reissue patent • 再效专利 patent of revalidation
• 以说明书为依据的权利要求 claim supported by the description • 以未付款为理由 by reason of non-payment • 异议程序 opposition procedure • 异议费 opposition fee • 异议期间 opposition period • 异议人 opponent • 异议通知 notice of opposition • 异议文件 opposition document