
英文介绍好朋友示例30则1.Meet my good friend, who is one of the kindest and mostgenuine people I know.(译文:我的好朋友是我认识的最善良、最真诚的人之一。
)2.Not only is my friend incredibly intelligent, but they alsohave a great sense of humor that always keeps me laughing. (译文:我的好朋友不仅非常聪明,而且很有幽默感,总是让我捧腹大笑。
)3.My friend has an incredible work ethic and is always strivingto improve themselves in everything they do.(译文:我的好朋友拥有令人难以置信的职业道德,总是努力在各方面提升自己。
)4.I admire my friend's resilience and strength in facing difficulttimes. They never give up and always find a way toovercome obstacles.(译文:我钦佩我的好朋友在面对困难时所表现出的韧性和力量。
)5.My friend is an avid reader and lover of learning. Theyalways have interesting insights and perspectives to share. (译文:我的好朋友是个热爱阅读的求知者。
)6.I am grateful to have such a loyal and supportive friend inmy life. They truly are a gem to be cherished.(译文:生命中有这样一位忠诚且支持我的朋友,我感到很感激。

1、Introduce card game(自我介绍游戏)游戏前不必坐练习,简简单单快快乐乐地游戏。
大家分别寻找一个小伙伴,用英语进行问候和自我介绍:“ Hello, my name is…”2)然后,猜拳石头、剪刀、布,输的一方给赢的一方一张卡片,再各自寻找新的伙伴,问候、自我介绍、猜拳。
2、Meet friends game(找朋友游戏)游戏前不必坐练习,简简单单快快乐乐地游戏。
3)反复进行五六次后,老师说:“ Meet your second friend!”大家散开去找自己要问候的新朋友。
找到后说:“ Long time no see.”然后就坐下来。
建议:最好多变一些花样,例如加上“How do you do?”、“Say hello”等问候语,增加一些难度活跃气氛。
3、Friend’s name game(小朋友的名字游戏)游戏前不必坐练习,简简单单快快乐乐地游戏。
游戏准备:球1个玩法:1)小朋友们站成一个圈,确定好由谁开始后,小朋友拿着球并对大家说:“My name is…”然后将球抛给另外一个人。


↓▼↓更多“小升初英语自我介绍”相关文章推荐↓▼↓★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★小升初中英文自我介绍范文1Hello, everyone!My name is JooZone. I am _ years old.大家好!我是JooZone.我_岁。
I am from China.I can speak Chinese and a little English.我来自中国。
My favorite subject is English, because I think it is very interesting.我最喜欢的科目是英语,因为我认为它非常有趣。
I like going to the movies, playing sports and reading books.我喜欢看电影,做运动和看书。
I like summer best, because it is very rela_ing and we have a long hollday.我最喜欢夏天,因为它非常轻松并且我们有一个长的假期。
I love my life. I think I am a happy girl.我认为我是一个快乐的女孩。
Do you want to make friends with me?你想和我做好朋友么?小升初中英文自我介绍范文2Teachers, Hello everyone !I was Liu Jinsong, I beiyuan elementary grades in five, I am 12 years old, though not verytall, looks not so Chun, but feel quite characteristic nose, make you feel I‘m a full man.各位老师,大家好!我是刘劲松,我在北苑小学上五年级,我今年12岁了,虽然个子不很高,样子也不那么俊,但自我感觉鼻子还挺有特点,让你感觉我是个十足的男子汉。

1. 基本信息:包括小朋友的姓名、年龄、性别、出生日期等。
2. 家庭背景:包括父母的职业、家庭成员、家庭住址等。
3. 性格特点:描述小朋友的性格,如开朗、内向、活泼、害羞等。
4. 兴趣爱好:介绍小朋友喜欢的游戏、玩具、动画片、音乐、运动等。
5. 学习情况:包括小朋友在幼儿园的学习表现、特长、进步等。
6. 生活习惯:介绍小朋友的饮食、睡眠、卫生等习惯。
7. 社交能力:描述小朋友与同伴、老师的交往情况,如是否容易融入集体、是否善于表达等。
8. 健康状况:介绍小朋友的身体状况,如身高、体重、视力等。
9. 成长经历:简述小朋友的成长过程,如何时开始上幼儿园、参加过哪些活动等。

我想成为一名教师英语作文篇1I have a wish since I was a child. I want to be a teacher. I want to be with the children.I want to play games with children. We fly kites together, kick shuttlecock together and play the game of Eagle catching chicken together... How happy I had with the children! We ran and jumped, and the children and my laughter flew into the sky. The white clouds also heard it. The white clouds are floating around in the sky, cheering for us.I want to teach children knowledge and build a better motherland when I grow up.从小我就有一个愿望,我想当一位老师。

英语自我介绍(Introduce yourself in English)大家好。
(非常高兴能来到这里给大家发言)我的名字是# # #,我今年**岁了。
给幼儿园小朋友介绍医生职业 幼儿园医生职业


英语面试常见问题附答案(通用4篇)1、what can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?)牛牛范文网为朋友们整理了4篇英语面试常见问题附答案,希望能够满足亲的需求。
3、你高中阶段有没有担任什么职务,这些工作对你影响?你在做学生工作中碰到的令你棘手的问题是什么?a. 很多学生在面试的时候都说自己是班干,这是一个很好的验证问题b. 看是不是撒谎,有没有实在有用的认识,测定其工作能力这个主要看应聘者有没有经验,如果有当然好,没有就回答没有,要不会问你担任的感受,对你的影响等等。

帮助小朋友的应聘信英语作文简短Here's a short essay about 2,000 words in length written from the perspective of an elementary school student, helping other children apply for jobs, in English:Applying for Jobs as a KidHi there! My name is Tommy, and I'm 10 years old. You might be thinking, "Jobs? What does a kid need a job for?" Well, let me tell you all about it!When I was younger, around 7 or 8 years old, I realized that I wanted to start earning my own money. You see, my friends and I loved buying toys, video games, and all sorts of fun stuff, but we always had to ask our parents for money. That's when I had the brilliant idea of getting a job!At first, my parents laughed when I told them I wanted to work. They said things like, "You're too young!" and "Just focus on school and being a kid." But I wasn't going to give up that easily. I did some research and found out that there are actually lots of jobs that kids can do.The first job I applied for was a newspaper delivery route. I had to write a letter to the newspaper company, explaining why I would be a good paperboy. In the letter, I talked about how I wasresponsible, hard-working, and an early riser (which is important for delivering papers in the morning!). I also included a reference letter from my teacher, who said I was a diligent student.After a few weeks, I got a call from the newspaper company, and they offered me the job! I was so excited. Every morning before school, I would wake up at 5 AM, put on my warm clothes, and deliver newspapers to all the houses in my neighborhood. It was tiring work, but I felt so proud to be earning my own money.Next, I decided to try my hand at being a mother's helper. This time, I made flyers advertising my services, like running errands, doing light housework, and even babysitting (with adult supervision, of course). I went door-to-door in my neighborhood, introducing myself and handing out the flyers. Before long, I had a few regular clients who would call me whenever they needed an extra pair of hands.One of my favorite jobs was working at a local farm during the summer. I had to wake up early again, but I didn't mind because I loved being outdoors and learning about how fruits and vegetables were grown. My tasks included weeding, watering plants, and even picking fresh produce. The farmer was really nice and paid me a decent wage for my hard work.Of course, not every job was perfect. One summer, I tried working at a lemonade stand, but it was a disaster! My friend and I set up our stand on a hot day, but we didn't have enough lemonade prepared, and we ran out within an hour. We also didn't have enough change for customers, and we ended up losing money instead of making any. It was a valuable lesson in being prepared and having a solid business plan.Looking back, I'm so glad I started working at a young age. It taught me the value of hard work, responsibility, and money management. Plus, it gave me a sense of independence and pride in being able to buy things for myself and my family with my own earnings.If you're a kid who wants to start working, my advice would be:Talk to your parents and get their support. They might have some great job ideas or connections to help you.Make a list of your skills, interests, and availability. This will help you find jobs that are a good fit.Be professional when applying. Write neat cover letters or resumes, dress appropriately for interviews, and be on time.Don't be discouraged if you get rejected. Keep trying and apply for different jobs until you find the right one.Once you get a job, work hard, be responsible, and have fun! Remember, you're still a kid, so make sure to balance work with play.Working as a kid might seem like a lot of effort, but trust me, it's worth it. Not only will you earn some extra cash, but you'll also learn valuable life skills that will help you in the future. Who knows, your childhood job could even inspire your dream career later on!So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring job opportunities in your area today. With a little hard work and determination, you could be the next kid CEO or entrepreneur! Just remember to always put your education and safety first.Happy job hunting, and may all your working adventures be successful and rewarding!。


一、介绍你和家人上学或上班的方式I go to school on foot. My sister goes to school on foot,too. My brother goes to school by bike. My father goes to work by car. My mother goes to work by bike.二、介绍你和朋友各自上学的方式。
I go to school by bus. My friend Amy goes to school onfoot. John goes to school by bike. Mike goes to school bySubway. Sarah goes to school by bus.三、看图,说说你怎样去电影院I want to go to the cinema. I start from my school. Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left at the library. Go straight for oneminute. The cinema is on the right.四、读读下周末你和朋友的计I’m going to have a busy weekend with my friends. OnSaturday morning, we are going to go shopping. On Saturdayafternoon, we are going to the park. On Sunday morning,We are going to go fishing. On Sunday afternoon, we are goingto climb mountains. We will be happy.五、说说这个星期天,你和家人的安排。


这个小朋友踢足球的作文示例回答如下1:英文回答:The Little Boy Playing FootballOnce upon a time, there was a little boy who loved playing football. He would wake up every morning and practice his kicks and dribbles before school. He would come home and practice some more in the backyard, and then play with his friends in the park until it was dark outside.The little boy was determined to become the best football player he could be. He would watch videos of famous players and try to imitate their moves. He would read books and articles about tactics and strategies, and then try to apply them in his own games.Despite his young age, the little boy had already joined a local football club. He would attend training sessions every week and play in matches on the weekends. He loved the feeling of teamwork and competition, and always gave his best efforton the field.One day, the little boy's team was playing against a much stronger opponent. They were losing by several goals, and everyone else on the team had given up hope. But not the little boy. He kept running and kicking and fighting until the very end. And then, in the last few minutes of the game, he scored a miraculous goal that brought the score to a tie.The little boy's teammates lifted him up on their shoulders and cheered his name. They had never seen such determination and skill from someone so young. The little boy felt proud and grateful, but also knew that he still had a long way to go before he could truly become the best football player he could be.From that day on, the little boy continued to practice and play with all his heart. He knew that with hard work and perseverance, anything was possible.中文回答:这个小朋友踢足球的作文从前,有一个小男孩,他热爱踢足球。

英语介绍新的职业作文Title: Exploring a New Career Path: Professional Event Planner。
In today's dynamic and interconnected world, the realm of professions constantly evolves, offering diverse opportunities for individuals to explore and excel. One such burgeoning career path that has garnered significant attention is that of a professional event planner. With the increasing demand for meticulously organized and memorable events, the role of an event planner has emerged as a vital component in various industries. In this essay, we delve into the intricacies of this exciting profession and its significance in contemporary society.First and foremost, let us elucidate the core responsibilities of a professional event planner. At its essence, an event planner is entrusted with the task of conceptualizing, coordinating, and executing a wide array of events, ranging from corporate conferences and productlaunches to weddings and social gatherings. The role demands a multifaceted skill set, encompassing creativity, meticulous attention to detail, effective communication, and adept problem-solving abilities. From liaising with clients to negotiating contracts with vendors, an event planner navigates through diverse challenges with finesse and professionalism.One of the most compelling aspects of pursuing a career as an event planner is the sheer diversity of opportunities it presents. Unlike many conventional professions characterized by routine tasks, event planning offers a dynamic and ever-changing landscape. Each project brings forth unique requirements and objectives, allowing professionals to continually broaden their horizons and refine their skills. Whether it involves orchestrating a themed gala dinner or coordinating a large-scale music festival, the realm of event planning promises excitement and fulfillment at every turn.Furthermore, the significance of event planning extends beyond mere logistical coordination; it embodies the art ofcreating unforgettable experiences. In an era where experiences reign supreme, individuals and organizations alike recognize the profound impact of well-executed events in leaving a lasting impression. A meticulously planned event not only fulfills its intended purpose but also fosters meaningful connections, sparks inspiration, and cultivates brand loyalty. As such, event planners serve as architects of moments, weaving together elements of design, ambiance, and entertainment to craft immersive experiences that resonate with attendees.In addition to its creative allure, a career in event planning offers ample opportunities for personal and professional growth. The fast-paced nature of the industry necessitates adaptability and resilience, traits that are invaluable in today's competitive job market. Moreover, event planners have the privilege of collaborating with a diverse range of clients and vendors, fostering networking opportunities and nurturing valuable relationships. Whether it involves mastering the latest event management software or staying abreast of emerging industry trends, continuous learning is ingrained in the fabric of this profession.It is also worth highlighting the rewarding nature of the work itself. Few professions afford individuals the opportunity to witness firsthand the joy and gratitude evoked by their efforts. Whether it's the beaming smiles of newlyweds on their special day or the resounding applause at the conclusion of a successful conference, the sense of fulfillment derived from orchestrating memorable experiences is unparalleled. Beyond financial remuneration, the intrinsic rewards of making a positive impact inpeople's lives imbue this profession with profound meaning and purpose.In conclusion, the profession of event planning epitomizes the convergence of creativity, strategic thinking, and interpersonal skills. As society increasingly values experiences over possessions, the demand for skilled event planners continues to soar. For those with a passion for bringing visions to life and crafting unforgettable moments, embarking on a career in event planning holds boundless possibilities for growth, fulfillment, and success. So, whether you're drawn to the thrill oforchestrating large-scale productions or the intimacy of curating bespoke celebrations, the world of event planning awaits with open arms, ready to welcome you on a journey brimming with excitement and opportunity.。

英语作文介绍医生职业六年级下The Wonderful World of DoctorsHave you ever thought about what you want to be when you grow up? Maybe a firefighter, putting out dangerous fires and saving people's lives? Or perhaps a famous singer, performing on big stages in front of thousands of fans? For me, there's one job that has always fascinated me more than any other – being a doctor!Doctors are like superheroes in my eyes. They have incredible powers to make sick people feel better and heal their injuries or illnesses. Whenever I'm not feeling well, my mom takes me to see our family doctor. As soon as I step into that office, I'm filled with a sense of comfort knowing that the doctor will take great care of me.But being a doctor is so much more than just helping people when they're sick. They also play a huge role in keeping us healthy in the first place! Doctors teach us about eating right, exercising, and taking care of our bodies. They make sure we get all the vaccines we need to stay protected from dangerous diseases. And if we ever get really hurt, like breaking a bone,doctors have the incredible skills to fix us up, sometimes even better than new!I find the medical field absolutely fascinating. Just think of all the amazing things doctors can do! They can perform life-saving surgeries, delivering babies into the world, or even transplanting organs from one person to another. With their knowledge and expertise, they get to work with cutting-edge technology and medicine to tackle the most complex health issues.Of course, becoming a doctor is no easy feat. It takes years and years of hard work, studying, and training. After finishing regular school, you have to go to college for four more years! And even after that, you're not quite a full doctor yet. You have to complete several more years of intensive medical school and hands-on training at hospitals. Phew, I'm getting tired just thinking about all that schooling!But you know what? I think it's absolutely worth it to become a doctor. Sure, the job is incredibly challenging, and the hours can be really long, especially when you're on call at the hospital. Doctors have to make tough decisions that could mean life or death for their patients. That's an incredible responsibility! Yet despite all the difficulties, being a doctor is one of the most rewarding careers out there.Just imagine how amazing it would feel to save someone's life after a terrible accident or illness. Or to finally find the cure for a disease that has been plaguing humanity for centuries. Or even just to put a smile on a child's face after making them feel better. Doctors get to experience that joy and fulfillment every single day as they help make the world a healthier, happier place.That's why I dream of one day becoming a doctor myself. Of course, I'm still a kid with a lot of growing up to do first. But I'm going to work my absolute hardest in school, especially in subjects like math, science, and biology that will prepare me for a medical career. Who knows, maybe I'll even discover the next big medical breakthrough that changes lives around the world!Being a doctor seems like the perfect combination of intelligence, skill, and most importantly, compassion for others. These incredible professionals get to use their minds and talents to directly improve people's lives in the most fundamental way possible – by protecting their health and wellbeing. To me, there's no better way to spend your career than that.So the next time you visit your pediatrician for a checkup, just look around at all the amazing medical equipment and charts and think about the years of knowledge that doctor has. Give them your biggest smile and say "Thank you for everythingyou do!" Because doctors truly are some of the most important, life-changing people in our world. And who knows? Maybe that inspiring doctor is helping shape the next generation of medical professionals like me!。

三年级的职业英语作文【中英文版】Title: Career Dreams in the Third GradeIn the third grade, we start to learn about different careers and what they entail.We are introduced to various occupations through books, videos, and sometimes through visits from professionals in those fields.This exposure helps us understand the world of work and what it means to have a career.One career that I find particularly interesting is that of a teacher.They have the important job of educating and guiding students like me.They not only teach us academic subjects but also help us develop good manners and social skills.Teachers work in schools and are an integral part of our educational journey.Another career that I admire is that of a doctor.They are responsible for diagnosing and treating illnesses, ensuring that people stay healthy.They work in hospitals and clinics, using their knowledge and skills to make people feel better.I think being a doctor is a challenging but rewarding career.Firefighters are also heroes in their own right.They risk their lives to save people from fires and other emergencies.They work tirelessly to keep our communities safe.Firefighters have a physically demanding job, but they do it with courage and dedication.Lastly, I am fascinated by the career of an engineer.They design and build structures, roads, and bridges that are essential for our society.They use their creativity and problem-solving skills to make our lives better.Engineers play a crucial role in the development of our country.As a third-grade student, I am still exploring different career options.I am eager to learn more about various professions and discover my true passion.I believe that choosing a career is an important decision, and I am prepared to work hard to achieve my dreams.In conclusion, the third grade is a time when we start to explore different careers and dream about our future.Whether it"s a teacher, doctor, firefighter, or engineer, each profession has its own significance and importance.As we grow and learn, we will find our true calling and work towards achieving our career goals.。

六年级交通英语作文以“My Family”为题写一篇小短文,介绍一下你的家人。
(50个单词左右)My Family请以“My best friend”为题写一篇小文章,可以介绍一下朋友的外貌、爱好、上学的交通方式、家庭成员等。
(50个单词左右)My Best Friend寒假就要到了,请给你的笔友Mary写一封信,介绍一下你的新笔友Cici,可以描写新笔友的年龄、外貌、爱好、周末活动等。
(50个单词左右)Dear Mary,Your friend,Liu Hai.你周末有什么打算?请写一写你的周末计划吧!(可以使用如下提示: am going to , Saturday, Sunday, morning, afternoon, evening。
)My Weekend Plan上周末的活动篇二:六年级英语作文——自我介绍作文:自我介绍参考题目:(1)Myself我自己(2)T alking about myself 介绍自己(3)Introduce myself 介绍自己注意:考试中不允许出现自己的真实姓名和学校等信息提示词:年龄来自哪里爱好(喜欢什么)性格特征(友好、善良等)要求:可以自拟题目,也可以用参考题目,字数在50左右。
可能用到的短语和句型:Inner Mongolia 内蒙古by bike/on foot骑自行车/步行primary school小学study hard 努力学习after school 放学后get up 起床班help others 帮助别人play basketball/football打篮球/踢足球there be句型like doing something 喜欢做某事kind (善良) friendly(友好)T alking about myselfMy name is Liu Fang. I’吉林省). I’m eleven years old and my birthday is in June. I’第一小学). I can speak a littleEnglish. English is my favorite subject. It’s very interesting. But I don’t like math. It’s too like doing something喜欢做某事)with friends after school. (护士). I love them very much.自我介绍我的名字叫刘芳,是一个中国女孩。
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常见英语职业名称accountant: 会计actor: 男演员actress: 女演员announcer: 广播员architect: 建筑师artist: 艺术家astronaut: 宇航员attendant: 服务员baker: 烘培师barber: 理发师(男)bell boy: 门童blacksmith: 铁匠broker (agent) : 经纪人bus driver: 公车(巴士)司机buyer: 采购员carpenter:木匠cartoonist: 漫画家chef/ cook: 厨师clerk : 店员clown :小丑programmer : 程序员construction worker : 建筑工人dancer : 舞蹈表演者dentist: 牙科医生designer: 设计师desk clerk: 接待员detective 侦探doctor: 医生driver: 司机dustman: 清洁工editor : 编辑engineer:工程师farmer: 农夫fashion designer: 时装设计师fireman (firefighter): 消防员fisherman: 渔夫florist: 花商flyer: 飞行员gardener花匠(园丁)guard :警卫guide: 导游hairdresser: 理发师,美容师(女) housekeeper : 管家housewife : 家庭主妇janitor : 清洁工journalist: 记者judge 法官lawyer :律师librarian: 图书管理员.life guard :救生员magician :魔术师mathematician : 数学家miner: 矿工model: 模特儿movie director: 导演movie star : 电影明星musician : 音乐家nurse: 护士office clerk : 职员office staff 上班族operator: 接线员photographer:摄影师pilot: 飞行员policeman: 警察postal clerk: 邮政人员postman :邮差President: 总统professor: 教授real estate agent: 房地产经纪人receptionist :接待员repairman :修理工人reporter : 记者sailor: 船员,水手salesman/salesperson: 售货员scientist: 科学家secretary: 秘书singer: 歌手soldier: 士兵,军人tailor: 裁缝师taxi driver计程车司机teacher: 教师traffic warden: 交通管理员. translator: 翻译(笔译)typist: 打字员veterinarian兽医waiter: 侍者waitress: 女侍者writer: 作家singer歌手journalist/reporter 记者miner 矿工doctor 医生pilot:/flyer:飞行员policeman: 警察waiter: 侍者waitress: 女侍者nurse 护士小短文The Policeman and the ThiefOnce,a new policeman caught a thief in a smal l town,and decided to bring him back to the polic e station in the city.On their way they came to a s hop where bread was sold.“We have no food,and w e must be hungry after a while.Let me go into the s hop and buy some bread for us.Wait here for me.”T he thief said.The policeman agreed with him and waited in th e street for a long time,but thief didn’t come ou t of the shop.The policeman began to be worried,a nd ran into the shop,he couldn’t see the thief bu t the back door of the shop.The policeman had to go back to the police statio n alone,and he was very unhappy.Luckily,the policeman caught the thief at th e same place the next day.When.they walked thoug h the same street and the same shop,“Wait her e,”said the policeman“Last time you ran away f rom the shop.This time,I’ll go into the shop an d buy the bread,and you must wait here for me.”警察与小偷一次,一个新上任的警察在小镇上抓住了一个小偷,他决定把这小偷押送到城里警察局去。
当他们路过同一条街,同一家商店时,“在这等着我,”警察说道,“上次,你从这家商店溜了,这次,我去买面包,你必须在这等我!”A mathematician is flying non-stop from Edmonton to Frankfurt w ith Airtransat. The scheduled flying time is nine hours.Some time after taking off, the pilot announces that one engine had to be turned off due to mechanical failure: "Don't worry - w e're safe. The only noticeable effect this will have for us is that o ur total flying time will be ten hours instead of nine."A few hours into the flight, the pilot informs the passengers that another engine had to be turned off due to mechanical failure: " But don't worry - we're still safe. Only our flying time will go up to twelve hours."Some time later, a third engine fails and has to be turned off. B ut the pilot reassures the passengers: "Don't worry - even with o ne engine, we're still perfectly safe. It just means that it will tak e sixteen hours total for this plane to arrive in Frankfurt."The mathematician remarks to his fellow passengers: "If the last engine breaks down, too, then we'll be in the air for twenty-four hours altogether!"一个数学家坐飞机,从埃德蒙顿到法兰克福。
”数学家和他同机的乘说客:“如果最后的引擎也坏了,我们会在空中一共飞行二十四小时!”对话“Wow,the pilot is cool,he drive the plane well.I also want to be a pilot,just like him.”“That sounds great, Ithink you will be succeed.”“Thanks,and what is your drea m?”“My dream? My father is a policeman, he is the greate st man in my heart.So I want to be a policeman.”“Well,we must work hard to make our dream come true.”“Hello, David, I saw your mother in the hospital yeste rday .Is she a nurse?”“Yes , she works in the central ho spital.How about you,Anna? What do your mother do?”“My m other is a lawyer ,she is busy .”“Wow , lawyer is a cool job .Oh,the teacher is coming, let’s talk after class.”歌曲《peerless》Darin -Peerless.mp3doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师或歌唱家why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人police man, fire fighter or a post man 警察,消防员或者邮递员why not something like your old man 为什么不是一些你的老伙计?you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人driver, actor, lawyer or a singer 司机,演员,律师或者歌唱家why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人I know that we all got one thing 我知道我们都得到一样东西that we all share together 那就是我们都在分享的we got that one nice dream 我们都拥有一个美好的梦想we live for 我们为之生存you never know what life could bring你不会知道生活会给你带来什么coz nothing last for ever 因为没有什么能永恒just hold on to the team 只是坚持住you play for 为了你所效力的团队I know you could reach the top 我知道你会达到顶峰make sure that you won"t stop 确定你不会停下来be the one that you wanna be 做那个你一直都想成为的人now sing this with me 现在和我一起歌唱we may have different ways to think 我们也许会从不同角度考虑问题but it doesn’t really matter 但这没关系we all caught up in the steam 我们都被人生的一些所征服of this life focus on every little thing 执著于每一件琐事that’s what does really matter 这才是问题所在luxury cars and bling 金钱(奢华的车)和物质that’s not real life 那都不是真正的生活I know you could reach the top 我知道你会达到顶峰make sure that you won’t stop 确定你不会停下来be the one that you wanna be 做那个你一直都想成为的人now sing this with me 现在和我一起歌唱last year i used to dream about this day 去年我还在梦想着有这么一天now I’m here I’m singing for you 现在这一切都实现,我将为你而唱i hope i could inspire you 我希望我能鼓舞你的斗气coz I’ve got all the love, 因为我得到了所有的爱Coz I’ve got all love for you,我得到了你赐予我的所有的爱练习题1.Her father always drive bus and take others to the pl ace where they want to go.2.His mother is helper of doctors.3.He wants to be a ______ ,who can help student know mo re thing.4.P_____ is always respectful.5.We can see _____ from the television.6.Who is always sing songs?7.There is a lot of the _____ at the restaurant.。