cctv news英语新闻播报presentation

新闻联播英语作文模板英文回答:Title: News Broadcast, An Insight into China's Media Landscape。
The news broadcast is a staple of Chinese television, providing millions of viewers with their daily dose of news and information. The format of the news broadcast has remained largely unchanged for decades, with a team of anchors presenting the news in a formal and authoritative manner. The news is divided into different segments, each covering a different topic, such as domestic news, international news, economic news, and sports news.The news broadcast is produced by the state-run China Central Television (CCTV), and as such, it reflects the government's perspective on the news. The news is carefully curated to present a positive image of China, and any negative news is often downplayed or omitted altogether.This has led some critics to accuse the news broadcast of being biased and lacking in objectivity.Despite these criticisms, the news broadcast remains one of the most popular television programs in China. It is seen as a reliable source of information, and it is often the first place that people turn to for news about important events. The news broadcast also plays an important role in shaping public opinion, and it can be used to promote government policies and initiatives.In recent years, the news broadcast has undergone some changes in response to the rise of the internet and social media. CCTV has launched a number of new online platforms, and it now offers news broadcasts in a variety of formats, including live streaming, video on demand, and mobile apps. These new platforms have made it easier for people to access the news, and they have also helped to increase the reach of the news broadcast.中文回答:新闻联播,透视中国媒体格局。

央视新闻英文作文英文:As a news anchor for CCTV, I have the responsibility to report on various events happening both domestically and internationally. It is important for me to be able to communicate effectively in both English and Chinese to reach a wider audience.In terms of reporting on international events, I often find myself using English to communicate with foreign correspondents and to report on events happening inEnglish-speaking countries. This allows me to provide a more accurate and nuanced report for our viewers.However, when reporting on domestic events, I primarily use Chinese as it is the primary language spoken in China. It is also important for me to use Chinese to connect with our Chinese viewers and to accurately convey the emotions and sentiments of the Chinese people.One example of the importance of bilingual reporting is during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the virus spread globally, I was able to use my English skills to report on the latest developments and to provide accurate information to our international audience. At the same time, I used Chinese to report on the situation in China and to provide updates to our Chinese viewers.Overall, being bilingual as a news anchor allows me to provide a more comprehensive and accurate report for our viewers. It also allows me to connect with a wider audience and to better understand the nuances and complexities of different events.中文:作为央视新闻的主播,我有责任报道国内外发生的各种事件。
News Presentation(演讲)

News PresentationGeneral Purpose: To inform.Specific Purpose Statement: To inform my audience about the new discovery that Parkinson's Disease Patients May Benefit from Virtual-Reality-Based Therapies.Organizational Pattern: CausalIntroductionI.Attention Getter: Parkinson disease is really serious Neurological disease.There’s aninteresting story: on The 13th International Academic Exchange Conference onParkinson's disease, oneneurology expert from the University of Texas reported hisfindings: it was because Hitler suffering from advanced Parkinson's disease, his thinking became slow and it was difficult for him to make judgmentstimely and accurately, andultimately led to German defeated in Normandy and failed in WWII. He may feel really jealous to us if he knew that we now know how cure his disease, that is, using Virtual-Reality methods.II.Relevance Statement: According to the statistics given by the International Academic Exchange Conference on Parkinson's disease, 1.38% of the people over 65 years oldsuffered from this disease, children and adolescents may also suffer from PD. There is no effective way to cure this serious disease right now. Each of us may suffer from thisdisease and there is a higher chance to suffer from it when we are old.III.Credibility Statement:At present, Virtual Reality is a hot topic. I’m really interested in high technologies and I found it really astonishing that we can use Virtual Realitymethods to cure PD and some other diseases.IV.Thesis Statement:A study report that was published in Taiwan in August 2011 tells about an experiment of using virtual-reality methods to help Parkinson’s disease patients increase their move speed, and shows a really bright prospect about using VR technology in the field of rehabilitation.Directional Transition: Now that you understand the focus of my presentation, let’s take a look at how researchers find the way of using VR ways to cure PD patients.BodyI.An experiment was made in Taiwan to show that VR can help PD patients increase theirmove speed.A.Two experimental group, one with PD patients, the other within the same age but notsick, were asked to grab a ball rolling down a ramp in a particular point, which theball and ramp are using the VR methods.B.In this experiment, compared with the normal group, patients with PD groupcompleted the action slower because their movement is slow.C.After using VR methods to give a clear technical guidance to the PD group, thepatients increased their speed in movement and responding when facing the same“rolling ball” issue.Directional Transition:This is what Taiwan researchers did, and thanks to their contribution, we find a way to cure those PD patients.II.This experiment shows a really great prospect about using VR technology in the field of rehabilitation.A.This research provides really useful information, that is, we can use VR technology tomodify the task and environment thus improving the PD patients’ motor function.B.VR technology will be developed rapidly in the foreseeable future, and willcontribute the medical field significantly.1.Researchers in Australia and the USAfound that Virtual Reality May Help AdultsRecover from Stroke.2.According to an article written by Department of Physical Medicine andRehabilitation, Northwestern University, virtual reality can help severe braininjury patients to recover their memories.Directional Transition:So now you see, Virtual Reality is a promising toolin the field of rehabilitation.ConclusionI.Restatement of Thesis:Thanks to the research of using Virtual Reality methods to cureParkinson disease, we can see a bright prospect of curing disease.I.Clincher: I believe that as technology advances, we humans will not suffer from anykindof disease in the future.ReferencesYen, C., Lin, K., Hu, M., Lu, T., Lin, C., Deutsch, E. J., Mirelman, A. &Hausdorff, M. J., (2011).Effects of Virtual Reality-Augmented Balance Training on Sensory Organization and Attentional Demand for Postural Control in People With Parkinson Disease: ARandomized Controlled.Physical Therapy, 91(6), 862-878.Jankovic, J., (2007). Parkinson’s disease: clinical features and diagnosis. J NeurolNeurosurg Psychiatry.79(3), 368-376Larson, B. E., Ramaiya, M., Zollman, S. F.,Pacini, S., Hsu, N., Patton, L. J.,&Dvorkin, Y.A.,(2011). Tolerance of a virtual reality intervention for attention remediationin personswith severe TBI.Brain Injury,25(3), 274-281Elsevier Health Sciences (2011, July 12). Parkinson's disease patients may benefit from virtual-reality-based therapies. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 30, 2011, from /releases/2011/07/110711104928.htmWiley-Blackwell (2011, September 7). Virtual reality may help adults recover from stroke.ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 30, 2011, from /releases/2011/09/110906191625.htm。

B.1950 C.1951
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Some of the core messages delivered to women who attended the school went like this: "Career women don't end well.” "Women should just stay at the bottom level of society and shouldn't attempt to go up.” "Women must always obey the orders of their fathers, husbands and sons.” “If a woman has sex with more than three men, she could catch disease and die.”
When did Chairman Mao make his famous assertion "women hold up half of the sky” ?
Why was the institute closed? A. Because it couldn‟t recruit new students. B. Because it wasn‟t wellknown. C. Because its teachings went against modern social morality.
Students were asked to kneel(跪) in front of a painting of Confucius and confess their "sins"

英文新闻联播稿件Emcee:Everyone audience good morning, today is 2022 on nov. 30. Wednesday .Welcome to the news broadcast program. Today's main content:Next, please listen to the detailed contentA: Audience friends, everybody, now I came to Beijing institute of spacecraft. After these three years of hard work, Chinese manufacturing out of the world the first frame time travels the spacecraft. Now we four journalists would be in ship no. 1 through to 2030. Please expect we connect to the future,see you.Emcee:Thank you!Later on we will bring you 2030 years of tracking report. Today's Iphone 4 s listed in Hong Kong, apple in China raised an upsurge onceagain,Let us see a reporter morris reports.B: Audiences. Now I am located in Hong Kong, today Iphone 4 s sold here, see behind me was a sea of people! All of them is to buy Iphone 4 s. Excuse me: why are you'll buy Iphone 4 s? I see your hand has Iphone 4!1: Electronic product update speed fast! 4 s function more advanced, I want to catch the trend to just go.2:This is the last jobs one works, I want to buy a as a souvenir!Don't know the future is someone able to go beyond him3:Many friends all let me help buy it?B:Seems everyone rob to buy, And it is to should be booked inadvance good just have the option.So apple's profits can Innovation high this year and !Emcee: Now our four journalists have arrived in 2030 years. We look at the world of 2030…. A, Can you hear me?A: Yes! Now I was too excited.Emcee: What happened?A:audiences, Now I'm in the United States in 2030, Today is a new presidential election day, The scene was crowded with American citizens, Let's follow the lens to understand the situation! excuse me: A new President who is it? Why is a Asian facesB :she, you don't know? Wow, Are you Chinese?A:yes, I am a Chinese!B :Our President's Chinese, too, when she is that the highest support candidates, I do support her, and now she was elected, this is enjoy popular confidenceA :but she not American! It also doesn't matter?B: of course! What does it matter, as long as she has the ability to let us live a better life, she can be our President. Since the financial crisis after the outbreak of the second time, our country has not what situation better. Later, she the leadership of the Chinese enterprise to give us a chance to work more, make our unemployment rate dropped, and solved the problem of food andclothing some people. We all believe that she was chosen can give us more benefits.A:oh, the President is popular! Obama is the first black President, in the 20 years later, the Chinese also when as President of the United States. This explains what? According to information, after the new President takes office, the first thing is to visit China.Next we attachment second reporterB:Everybody! I'm XXX .Right now I'm in the 90th miss world the global finals. Look, the beauty like bright star of tomorrow on the stage. Who will finally crown? Let's wait and see !Now, Champion was born, this is the lucky girl from China!!!A: Next we will interview the new birth miss world. Congratulations, miss XXX.1:Thank you, thank you to support me.A:do you think you on what advantage gain the champion? Or tell us something you experienceB :well,,, everyone is unique, and I think in the game to relax, to nice about every game, do not give oneself too great pressure. Also insist, although the game is hard, but the persistence is victory!A:now you as miss world, do you think you can take on this mission?B:yes,I will try to do the best. I'll try my best to help the people in need of help. Let the world fill with love and peace.Next we will attachment a reporterA: This is XXX. Now I am located in the New York city theManhattan district a the airport. Park here with a variety of aircraft, and it is worth. These are private plane, is the people here travel of transportation. Manhattan close to Wall Street, and this is the big monopolies and financial institutions are located. So, the people here are very rich. For them the time is money, and can't waste the time in traffic jams.The consumption of private plane is very expensive. General aviation airport is very limited, and down costs and the plane landing fees are relatively high, a private plane with machine and keep machine of the cost of at least $400000 a year need. For these Wall Street's bosses, they have enough ability to pay for, Because they can to save time take more interests earned, and these interests far greater than private plane all the expenses.I am in a position is India. As the decades passed, the global financial crisis is still exist. Now the global economic ups and downs in the phenomenon, India particularly serious. Because most enterprise's collapse, the unemployment rate has risen sharply. Social unrest also began. Now I come to the employment building understand relevant situation. Hello, is there to find suitable work?1:no。

新闻联播英文作文Title: English Composition on "Xinwen Lianbo" (新闻联播)。
In the realm of Chinese media, "Xinwen Lianbo" (新闻联播) holds a prestigious status as the flagship news program of China Central Television (CCTV). Airing daily in the evening, it provides a comprehensive summary of national and international news, offering insights into China's political, economic, cultural, and social landscapes. This essay delves into the significance of "Xinwen Lianbo" and explores its impact on both domestic and international audiences.First and foremost, "Xinwen Lianbo" serves as a crucial platform for disseminating the Chinese government'sofficial stance on various issues. As a mouthpiece of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the program plays a pivotal role in shaping public opinion and maintaining ideological coherence among the populace. Through carefully curatednews segments and commentaries, it reinforces the core values of socialism with Chinese characteristics and promotes national unity and stability.Moreover, "Xinwen Lianbo" plays a vital role in informing the Chinese people about major domestic developments and policies. From socioeconomic reforms to technological advancements, the program covers a wide range of topics that impact the lives of millions of Chinese citizens. By providing in-depth analysis and expert opinions, it helps viewers understand the rationale behind government decisions and encourages active participation in national affairs.Furthermore, "Xinwen Lianbo" serves as a window to the world, offering insights into global events and developments. Through its international news segments, viewers gain a better understanding of China's foreign policy objectives, diplomatic initiatives, and engagement with the international community. Additionally, the program highlights China's achievements on the global stage, showcasing its contributions to peace, development, andcooperation.In recent years, "Xinwen Lianbo" has also embraced digital platforms to reach a wider audience both within and outside China. With the proliferation of social media and online streaming services, the program has adapted its content delivery strategies to cater to the preferences of tech-savvy viewers. This includes live streaming on various digital platforms, interactive multimedia features, and engaging social media campaigns.Despite its undeniable influence and reach, "Xinwen Lianbo" has not been without criticism, both domestically and internationally. Some observers argue that the program lacks editorial independence and often prioritizes state propaganda over objective journalism. Others raise concerns about censorship and the suppression of dissenting voices, which can undermine the program's credibility and legitimacy in the eyes of the public.In conclusion, "Xinwen Lianbo" occupies a central place in China's media landscape, serving as a powerful tool forshaping public discourse and promoting the government's agenda. While it plays a crucial role in informing and educating the Chinese people, its influence extends far beyond national borders, offering a glimpse into China's worldview and aspirations on the global stage. As China continues to assert itself as a major player in international affairs, "Xinwen Lianbo" will remain a key instrument of soft power projection and cultural diplomacy.。

1、Hello, everyone, I am glad to be able to stand here today to share with you the latest news.I am not good at English, if the play is not good please bear with me.First, let us look at a foreign news.Have you seen a movie in 1997 called the Titanic?Do you know this year is the Titanic shipwreck 100th anniversary?Let's look at news.****Titanic's dead mourned 100 years later in poignant ceremony at sinking siteAt the shrill sound of a ship's whistle in the North Atlantic, relatives of some of the more than 1,500 people who died when the Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg remembered their ancestors in a poignant ceremony a century later.On a still, starry night and with little glare from the moon, the memorial cruise ship MS Balmoral floated above the wreckage of the famous 'unsinkable' luxury liner precisely 100 years to the day it foundered.The ship, the biggest in the world at the time, foundered in frigid Atlantic waters off Newfoundland on April 15, 1912.On Saturday, Balmoral's ship's whistle pierced the air at 11.40 pm, the exact time the Titanic hit the iceberg, followed by a two-minute silence.Most of Balmoral's 1,300 passengers then squeezed onto the deck for a service and hymns, and to watch three wreaths be thrown into the calm waters at 2.20am Sunday morning, the moment she sank.Next let us have a vidio see (视频)2、Well, let us now to look concerned about the national news.First is that the recent economic situation in China.****China loosens currency controls on the yuanFrom Monday, the yuan can fluctuate up to 1% in trading against the US dollar from a fixed price set by the central bank, the People's Bank of China said. That is up from the previous limit of 0.5%.The increase of the trading band was announced in English, a rare statement that suggests it was targeted at foreign audiences.China has been under pressure to let the yuan appreciate.Nations like the US believe that China keeps the yuan artificially low to boost its exports, giving it an unfair trading edge.The US Treasury Department on Sunday welcomed the move."China's decision to widen the daily trading band for its exchange rate, if implemented in a way that allows the value of the exchange rate to reflect market forces, could contribute rebalancing, which would be positive for China, the United States, and the global economy," an official told Reuters.He added there was still a "misalignment" with regards to China's exchange rate and more progress is needed.3、In recent years ,several cases of school bus accidents have taken place , causing death and injury of many children and students, Take Guangdong for example,the accident resulted in two children's deaths and 15 children were injured.Let us see the news###GUANGZHOU - Two children were killed and 15 others injured when a kindergarten school bus slammed into a truck in South China's Guangdong province, local authorities said Monday.The accident happened at about 4 pm in the city of Yangchun, according to publicity officials in the city.Circumstance of the accidents is very worthy for our government and schools thinking, why not put the lives of children seriously?They are the future of our country!4、just news maybe a bit sad,Let us look at something interesting and fun .do you heard of Baby dating?“Baby dating” describes a trend where young parents try to find playmates for their kids through online platforms just like adults who are looking for a date. They list detailed requirements for the potential “son/daughter-in-law” and display pictures of their kids on different websites to attract attention.“娃娃相亲”指年轻的父母们用“相亲”的方式通过互联网给小孩寻找玩伴的做法。

新闻联播英文作文英文:As a news anchor, I have the responsibility of delivering the latest happenings and important information to the public through the news broadcast. The News Broadcast, or 新闻联播 in Chinese, is a crucial platformfor people to stay informed about what is going on in the world. It is not just about reporting the news, but also about shaping public opinion and influencing the way people think about certain issues.For example, when reporting on a natural disaster, itis important for me to convey the severity of the situation and the impact it has on the affected areas. I may use phrases like "devastating effects" or "widespread destruction" to paint a vivid picture for the audience. This helps them to understand the gravity of the situation and encourages them to offer help and support to those in need.Another aspect of my job is to report on government policies and initiatives. When discussing these topics, I need to be neutral and objective in my reporting. I may use expressions like "the government has announced" or"official sources have confirmed" to maintain a sense of impartiality and credibility. It is important for thepublic to trust the information they receive from the news, and my role is to ensure that trust is maintained.中文:作为一名新闻主播,我有责任通过新闻广播向公众传达最新的事件和重要信息。

Hello, welcome to news time. I am Gao Zhihua, today's host.On May 28, the third session of the 13th National People's Congress passed the "Civil Code Law of the people's Republic of China", which was officially implemented on January 1, 2021. This is the first law named after civil law in China."Civil law" can also be understood as "basic law of citizens". Its adoption is conducive to the development of our whole economy and society, and is a milestone for the progress of our legal construction.There are some highlights in the designation of "Civil Code Law", such as "contract part", which makes up for some defects in our traditional civil law.However, some articles of "Civil Code Law" have also caused extensive discussion in the society, among which the "divorce calm period" proposed has caused great public opinion impact. The rule content of "divorce calm period" is that both parties do not register immediately after the first application for divorce, and they can divorce only if they still decide to divorce one month after they go back to calm down. I think it has a certain effect on curbing hasty divorce, but the one who can really divorce will not change his mind, and the one who can't really leave is not affected by the calm period of divorce. Therefore, this calm period can be understood to be set for young people who want to divorce on impulse. After all, the divorce rate in our country has been increasing year by year. I hope that young people can think about it before they get married and avoid some effects caused by divorce.That’s all. Thanks for your attention.。

新闻联播英语作文篇一:新闻联播英文版News reportHost Man(①): Good evening ,Audience friends!Host Woman(②): Good evening.Host Man: Today is December 8, 2011. November 14 on Lunar New Year. Welcome to “News Broadcast”program.Host Woman: Today`s major programs are that one hundred rare heavy snow comes to Chinese north city—baoding in recent days. Host Man: Devastating floods occurred in Bangkok,Thailand.Host Woman: It appeared a large number of dead fish in Yangtze river. Host Man: A thousand of citizens start public demonstrations for against factory pollution in America. Now Let`s look at a detailed report.Host Woman: Baoding known as its philosophy of environmental protection ushered in the first snow which last for a week. This heavy snow has made a big influence on people`s life. Let`s look at the reports brought back in front of reporters.Journanist A(③): Hello,now my location is New Campus of Hebei University, what you can see is a large block of snow lied on themain road.The amount of students on the self-study significantly reduced. Two students come towards us, let`s interview them. Hello,I am a journanist from CCTV, can I ask you some questions about the snow for a moment?Student A.B: Of course.Journanist A:Did this snow make a difference to you?Student A(④):yes,I love snow, but it`s too heavy for me so that I can`t study quietly.Student B(⑤):I alw(本文来自: 千叶帆文摘:新闻联播英语作文)ays hate snow and I want to ask God what is wrong with you?(头对着天空说)Journanist A:Do you kown the reason why that happened?Student A.B: maybe it is about the environment.Host Man: Devastating floods occurred in Bangkok,Thailand. The city is surrounded by water.Most residents were forced to move. Let`s look at the reports brought back in front of reporters. Journanist B(⑥):Now I am in the center of Bangkok.As you can see, people go out by a boat. let`s interview a man. hello, did this flood affect your life?People A (⑦):certainly,it killed all of my crops,I have nothing without them.So please stop it.(非常气愤地说)Journanist B:All of us don`t want that happen,we are small beforethe nature.Host Woman: Yangtze river is the longest river in china, but It appeared a large number of dead fish in the surface of water. Let`s look at the reports brought back in front of reporters.Journanist C(⑧):Now I am behind one of the branch of the Yangtze river.The strange phenomenon is found by the nearby fisherman when they were catching fish.let`s talk with a fishman aboutthis.hello,have you seen this for yourself?Fishman A(⑨):Yes,it is me and my parterners find this dead fish.At the first sight I saw them,I`d like to take them home,but I found there are too much and we have no ability to take them away. Journanist C:Did this phenomenon occurred before?Fishman A:Yes,but the dead fish before were not that much.Journanist C:Can you image the reason?Fishman A:I think it`s in connection with the water.Host Man: With the development of American industrialization, the local pollution is more and more serious. It has led a public demonstrations now. Let`s look at the reports brought back in front of reporters.Journanist D(⑩):Now you can see many of people are shouting along the street with holding flag written NO POLLUTION.(请剩余人当游街示威的人群,并做出相应举动)Let`s ask them why they are so exciting. Hello ,why all of you look so exciting?11):It is not our fault, our government only know how to People A(○develop industry while ignoring our people`s livelihood problem.Our water and air all have been polluted. So we are forced to do it just to make attentions from government.Host Woman:The above is our main content today.Host Woman:Thank you for watching, let`t see……(此时,外面发生了地震,两位主持人不幸遇难)篇二:雅思词汇介绍之新闻联播用英文怎么说智课网IELTS备考资料雅思词汇介绍之新闻联播用英文怎么说6月5日清晨,央视《新闻联播》主持人罗京因病在北京逝世,终年48岁。

• /2014/09/29/ VIDE1411998722581312.shtml
• 09-30-2014 07:52 BJT
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But Lin fought back in the second, taking advantage of Chen's mistakes for a 6-0 run. Super Dan then leveled the match, 21-16.
In the de敏cid捷ing game, a show of power and agility from the former world number one Lin saw him cruise to another 21-16 and the Asian title.
Super Dan defends men's singles title
Original Text
Chinese badminton superstar Lin Dan and teammate Chen Long clashed for the men's singles title on Monday.
➢world title-holder 世界冠军保持者
➢deciding game 决胜局
➢level the match 打成平手
Chinese badminton superstar Lin Dan and teammate Chen Long clashed for
the men's singles title on Monday.

新闻播报英语作文格式范文Title: News Broadcast in English。
Introduction:In today's interconnected world, staying informed about current events is essential. News broadcasts serve as a primary source of information, providing updates on local, national, and global events. In this essay, we will explore the format and key components of a news broadcast in English.Format:A news broadcast typically follows a structured format to ensure clarity and coherence. Below is a common format used in English-language news broadcasts:1. Opening Segment:The broadcast begins with an introduction by the anchor, who welcomes the audience and previews the headlines.This segment sets the tone for the broadcast and captures the audience's attention.2. Headline News:The anchor presents the day's top stories, highlighting significant events both domestically and internationally.Each headline is accompanied by a brief summary to provide context and relevance to the audience.3. In-Depth Coverage:Following the headline news, the broadcast may feature in-depth coverage of select stories.Reporters or correspondents provide detailedanalysis, interviews, and on-the-ground reporting to offer deeper insights into key issues.4. Special Reports:Special reports may be included to cover important developments or emerging trends.These reports often feature investigative journalism or human-interest stories that resonate with the audience.5. Weather Forecast:The weather forecast segment provides viewers with updates on current weather conditions and forecasts for the coming days.Meteorologists use maps, graphics, and charts to convey information about temperature, precipitation, and other relevant factors.6. Sports News:Sports news covers highlights from various sporting events, including scores, standings, and notable achievements.This segment appeals to sports enthusiasts and provides a well-rounded overview of the sports world.7. Closing Segment:The broadcast concludes with a recap of the day's top stories and a closing remark from the anchor.This segment may also include teasers for upcoming news or programming to keep the audience engaged.Example:Let's consider an example of how this format might be applied in a news broadcast:"Good evening, and welcome to our nightly newsbroadcast. I'm [Anchor's Name]. Tonight, we begin with breaking news from [Location], where [Brief Description of Headline Story]. In other news, [Brief Summary of Second Headline Story].""Our correspondents are on the ground in [Location], providing live updates and exclusive interviews on [Topic]. Plus, stay tuned for our special report on [Special Report Topic], shedding light on [Relevant Issue].""Now, let's take a look at the weather forecast with [Meteorologist's Name].""[Meteorologist's Name] provides detailed insights into current weather patterns and what we can expect in the days ahead.""And in sports news, [Sports Anchor's Name] brings us the latest scores and highlights from [Sporting Events].""As we wrap up tonight's broadcast, remember to join us tomorrow for more news and updates. Thank you for watching,and have a great night."Conclusion:In conclusion, a news broadcast in English follows a structured format to deliver timely and relevant information to the audience. By adhering to this format, broadcasters can effectively engage viewers and keep them informed about the events shaping our world.。
Hot News新闻联播式英语presentation

Chinese TV host Sa Beining marries Canadian celebrity
Famous Chinese TV host Sa Beining officially marr ied Lisa Hoffman, a Chinese-speaking Canadian celebrity, on Monday.
China move into the final stage of Asia qualifiers after 15 years
XI'AN - China climbed out of the early hole in the Asian Zone preliminary qualifier and made the final round of Asia's 2018 World Cup qualifiers after a comfortable 2-0 victory over Qatar in "blessed place" Xi'an on Tuesday. The last time for China to move into the final round of World Cup qualifiers was in 2001 when former coach Bora Milutinovic steered the team to the last 10 and finally booked a berth of 2002 World Cup.
Sa and Hoffman will host a wedding ceremony in Wuhan, Hubei province in April, where Sa grew up.

央视新闻英文作文Recently, I watched a news report on CCTV about the increasing number of tourists visiting China during the National Day holiday. The report showed that many popular tourist destinations were overcrowded, causing some inconvenience for travelers.Another news segment I saw on CCTV was about the ongoing trade war between China and the United States. The report highlighted the impact of the trade war on Chinese businesses and consumers, as well as the efforts being made by the Chinese government to mitigate the effects of the conflict.I also saw a news report on CCTV about the severe flooding that has been occurring in parts of China. The report showed the devastating effects of the floods onlocal communities, including damage to homes and infrastructure, as well as the efforts being made by rescue workers to provide assistance to those affected.In addition to these news reports, I also watched a segment on CCTV about the growing trend of e-commerce in China. The report highlighted the increasing popularity of online shopping in China, as well as the ways in which e-commerce is changing the retail landscape in the country.Finally, I saw a news report on CCTV about the success of China's space program, including the recent launch of a new satellite and plans for future missions to the moon and beyond. The report showcased China's achievements in space exploration and highlighted the country's growing role as a major player in the global space industry.。

推荐的英语新闻播报作文Title: The Importance of English News Broadcasting。
English news broadcasting plays a vital role in today's interconnected world. From keeping individuals informed about global events to improving language skills, its significance cannot be overstated. In this essay, we will explore why English news broadcasting is crucial and how it benefits individuals.Firstly, English news broadcasting provides a window to the world. In an era where events in one corner of the globe can have far-reaching effects, staying updated on international affairs is essential. English news channels such as BBC World News, CNN International, and Al Jazeera English offer comprehensive coverage of global events, ensuring that viewers are well-informed about political developments, economic trends, social issues, and more. By watching English news, individuals can broaden their understanding of the world and gain insights into diversecultures and perspectives.Moreover, English news broadcasting enhances language skills. English is widely regarded as the global lingua franca, spoken and understood by millions of people around the world. Watching news programs in English allows viewers to improve their vocabulary, comprehension, and pronunciation. Through exposure to authentic language usein news reports, interviews, and discussions, viewers can sharpen their listening and speaking skills. This is particularly beneficial for non-native English speakers who are learning the language or seeking to maintain fluency.Additionally, English news broadcasting fosterscritical thinking and media literacy. In an age of information overload and misinformation, the ability to discern credible sources and evaluate news content is indispensable. English news channels adhere to journalistic standards and ethics, providing reliable and balanced reporting on current affairs. By watching English news, viewers learn to analyze information critically, separate fact from opinion, and identify bias or propaganda. Thiscultivates a more discerning and informed citizenry, capable of making well-informed decisions and engaging in meaningful discourse.Furthermore, English news broadcasting promotescultural exchange and understanding. In a diverse and multicultural world, fostering mutual respect and appreciation for different cultures is essential for global harmony. English news channels feature stories from around the world, highlighting the richness and diversity of human experience. Through news reports, documentaries, and feature segments, viewers gain insights into the customs, traditions, and lifestyles of people from various countries and regions. This promotes cross-cultural understanding and empathy, breaking down stereotypes and fostering a sense of interconnectedness among people of different backgrounds.In conclusion, English news broadcasting plays a multifaceted role in today's world, serving as a source of information, a tool for language learning, a catalyst for critical thinking, and a vehicle for cultural exchange. By staying informed through English news channels, individualscan broaden their horizons, enhance their skills, and contribute to a more interconnected and informed global community. Therefore, the importance of English news broadcasting cannot be overstated, and its benefits extend far beyond the realm of mere information dissemination.。

中央广播电台新闻英语稿范文In the heart of Beijing, the Central Radio and Television Tower stands as a beacon of communication, broadcasting news and stories to millions across the nation. The tower, a symbol of China's rapid technological advancement, is not just an architectural marvel but also the central hub for the Central Broadcasting Radio Station (CBRS), which has been the voice of the nation for decades.The CBRS has played a pivotal role in shaping public opinion and informing the masses. Its news broadcasts, known for their accuracy and timeliness, have become a daily staple for citizens eager to stay abreast of national and international events. The station's commitment to journalistic integrity has earned it the trust and respect of its listeners.On a typical day, the newsroom of CBRS is a flurry of activity. Journalists and correspondents work tirelessly to gather information from various sources, verifying facts before they go on air. The editing team ensures that each news script is concise, clear, and free of jargon, making it accessible to a broad audience.The news broadcast begins with the latest developments in domestic affairs. Reports on government policies, economic growth, and social issues are presented in a manner that highlights their impact on the everyday lives of citizens. The language used is straightforward yet impactful, conveying the significance of each story without sensationalism.Following domestic news, the focus shifts to international headlines. The CBRS correspondents stationed around the globe provide insights into global politics, economic trends, and cultural exchanges. These segments are crafted to foster a sense of global awareness and understanding among the listeners.In-depth analysis of major events is a hallmark of CBRS's programming. Expert guests are invited to discuss the implications of political decisions, economic policies,and social changes. These discussions are moderated to ensure a balanced perspective, offering listeners a comprehensive understanding of complex issues.The station also dedicates time to human interest stories, highlighting the triumphs and challenges of ordinary people. These narratives are told with empathy and respect, celebrating the human spirit and its capacity to overcome adversity.As the broadcast nears its end, a brief recap of the top stories is provided, ensuring that listeners who may have tuned in late are still informed of the day's most important news. The closing segment often includes a positive story, leaving the audience with a sense of hope and inspiration.The CBRS's news broadcast concludes with a reminder of the station's mission: to inform, educate, and unite. The station's role in fostering an informed public cannot be overstated, as it continues to serve as a reliable source of news in an ever-changing world.Through its unwavering dedication to journalistic excellence, the Central Broadcasting Radio Station remains a cornerstone of Chinese media, its broadcasts echoing far beyond the walls of the iconic tower in Beijing. As the station looks to the future, it carries with it the responsibility of upholding the truth and connecting a nation through the power of radio. 。

看央视新闻英语作文Title: The Impact of CCTV News English on Language Learning。
CCTV News English, as a prominent source of news in China, plays a crucial role in language learning. Through its diverse content and accessible language, it offers a unique platform for individuals to improve their English proficiency. In this essay, we will explore the impact of CCTV News English on language learning and its effectiveness in enhancing language skills.First and foremost, CCTV News English provides learners with exposure to authentic English language usage. The news reports cover a wide range of topics, including politics, economics, culture, and technology, offering learners the opportunity to engage with real-world English discourse. By listening to news anchors and reporters delivering information in English, learners can familiarize themselves with various accents, intonations, and vocabulary used indifferent contexts.Furthermore, CCTV News English offers valuableresources for vocabulary expansion and comprehension improvement. The news broadcasts feature subtitles, whichaid in understanding unfamiliar words and phrases. Learners can also benefit from the contextual clues provided by the news stories, enabling them to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words from the surrounding text. Additionally,the repetition of key vocabulary throughout the newsreports helps reinforce learning and retention.Moreover, CCTV News English facilitates languagelearning through its interactive features and multimedia content. Online platforms and mobile applications allow users to engage with the news in various ways, such as interactive quizzes, discussions, and multimedia presentations. These interactive elements not only make the learning process more engaging and enjoyable but also provide opportunities for active participation and feedback.Another significant advantage of CCTV News English isits cultural relevance and global perspective. The news reports not only cover domestic events in China but also provide coverage of international news and affairs. This exposure to global issues and perspectives helps learners develop a broader understanding of the world while improving their English language skills. Furthermore, the diverse range of topics covered in the news reports exposes learners to different cultural contexts and fosters cross-cultural communication skills.In addition to its role in language learning, CCTV News English also serves as a valuable resource for professional development. Many professionals, such as journalists, diplomats, and business professionals, rely on English proficiency in their careers. By regularly watching and engaging with CCTV News English, individuals can enhance their language skills and stay informed about current events, thereby improving their professional competence and employability.However, despite its numerous benefits, CCTV News English also has its limitations as a language learningtool. The news reports are often delivered at a fast pace, which may pose challenges for learners, especially those at lower proficiency levels. Additionally, the topics covered in the news may not always align with the interests or needs of all learners, limiting the relevance and applicability of the content.In conclusion, CCTV News English plays a significant role in language learning by providing exposure to authentic English language usage, expanding vocabulary, fostering cultural awareness, and facilitating professional development. While it may have its limitations, its diverse content, accessibility, and interactive features make it a valuable resource for learners seeking to improve their English proficiency. By leveraging the resources offered by CCTV News English, individuals can enhance their language skills and broaden their horizons in an increasingly interconnected world.。

•Refuse cold and awake the true love
A.introduction ments
Refuse cold and awake the true love
C.Think again
• 2011.10.13, a two-year-old toddler was playing in a narrow lane of the wholesale market in the thriving industrial city of Foshan in Guangdong Province and was hit by a small, white van. The driver paused, and then pulled away, crushing the child for a second time under its rear wheels.
• However many others said there could be no excuse, and that the scenes in the video should “shake the soul of every conscientious person” in China.
Conscientious adj.有良知的;尽责的;本着良心的;
• “Even if the passers-by couldn’t rescue her, they could dial 120 and 110 and help to stop vehicles, then the little Yueyue wouldn’t have been run over by the second car,” said another comment.

No , he didn’t. Although he realized his error, McCoy didn't
have time to swap his paper for the expensive gadget and instead went with it.
Tablet computers(平板电脑)and iPads have become something of a regular prop(道具) held by newsreaders and television presenters while they talk to camera(摄像机). But BBC News presenter(主持人) Simon McCoy left viewers baffled(困惑) when he introduced a feature(专题节目) about drunk tanks(酒鬼) by holding something slightly less technical. The 51-year-old broadcaster had intended to pick up his trusted iPad when the cameras prepared to roll in the BBC studios - but instead grabbed a pack of photocopier paper(打印纸). Viewers saw McCoy holding the packet in a fulllength shot(全身镜头) as he hosted the item live on the rolling BBC News channel without any explanation. But the BBC later said he had picked it up by mistake. Although he realized his error, McCoy didn‘t have time to swap his paper for the expensive gadget (道具) and instead went with it.
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Chinese badminton superstar Lin Dan and teammate Chen Long clashed for the men's singles title on Monday.
Chen cruised 21-12 to win the 1st frame.
Chen won
Frame 1
But Lin fought back in the second,Super Dan then leveled the match, 21-16
Lin won
Frame 2
In the deciding game, Lin beat Chen with 21 points
21: 3
Lin Dan VS Chen Long
frame 1 •12 : 21 frame 2 •21 : 16
frame 3 •21 : 16
Super Dan defends men's singles title
Original Text
Chinese badminton superstar Lin Dan and teammate Chen Long clashed for the men's singles title on Monday. Olympic champ Lin Dan took on world title-holder Chen上届冠军 Long in an all-Chinese final. But the defending champion Lin got off to a 使人烦恼地; slow start, while Chen, the young star came 苦闷地 agonizingly close to taking the crown, 一个回合 leading the first game 7-1 and cruising 21-12 to win the frame.
But Lin fought back in the second, taking advantage of Chen's mistakes for a 6-0 run. Super Dan then leveled the match, 21-16. In the deciding 敏捷 game, a show of power and agility from the former world number one Lin saw him cruise to another 21-16 and the Asian title.
• /2014/09/29/ VIDE1411998722581312.shtml
• 09-30-2014 07:52 BJT
Thanks For Listening!
Broadcaster : 梁倩欣 October,13th,2014
Super Dan defends men's singles title at Asia Games
badminton clash men’s singles title Olympic champ world title-holder frame deciding game level the match n.羽毛球 v.争锋 男单冠军 奥运冠军 世界冠军保持者 一个回合 决胜局 打成平手