英语经典文章选读 2

Unit1Another School Year — What ForLet me tell you one of the earliest disasters in my career as a teacher. It was January of 1940 and I was fresh out of graduate school starting my first semester at the University of Kansas City. Part of the student body was a beanpole with hair on top who came into my class, sat down, folded his arms, and looked at me as if to say "All right, teach me something." Two weeks later we started Hamlet. Three weeks later he came into my office with his hands on his hips. "Look," he said, "I came here to be a pharmacist. Why do I have to read this stuff" And not having a book of his own to point to, he pointed to mine which was lying on the desk.New as I was to the faculty, I could have told this specimen a number of things. I could have pointed out that he had enrolled, not in a drugstore-mechanics school, but in a college and that at the end of his course meant to reach for a scroll that read Bachelor of Science. It would not read: Qualified Pill-Grinding Technician. It would certify that he had specialized in pharmacy, but it would further certify that he had been exposed to some of the ideas mankind has generated within its history. That is to say, he had not entered a technical training school but a university and in universities students enroll for both training and education.I could have told him all this, but it was fairly obvious he wasn't going to be around long enough for it to matter. Nevertheless, I was young and I had a high sense of duty and I tried to put it this way: "For the rest of your life," I said, "your days are going to average out to about twenty-four hours. They will be a little shorter when you are in love, and a little longer when you are out of love, but the average will tend to hold. For eight of these hours, more or less, you will be asleep.""Then for about eight hours of each working day you will, I hope, be usefully employed. Assume you have gone through pharmacy school —or engineering, or law school, or whatever — during those eight hours you will be using your professional skills. You will see to it that the cyanide stays out of the aspirin, that the bull doesn't jump the fence, or that your client doesn't go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence. These are all useful pursuits. They involve skills every man must respect, and they can all bring you basic satisfactions. Along with everything else, they will probably be what puts food on your table, supports your wife, and rears your children. They will be your income, and may it always suffice.""But having finished the day's work, what do you do with those other eight hours Let's say you go home to your family. What sort of family are you raising Will the children ever be exposed to a reasonably penetratingidea at home Will you be presiding over a family that maintains some contact with the great democratic intellect Will there be a book in the house Will there be a painting a reasonably sensitive man can look at without shuddering Will the kids ever get to hear Bach"That is about what I said, but this particular pest was not interested. "Look," he said, "you professors raise your kids your way; I'll take care of my own. Me, I'm out to make money.""I hope you make a lot of it," I told him, "because you're going to be badly stuck for something to do when you're not signing checks." Fourteen years later I am still teaching, and I am here to tell you that the business of the college is not only to train you, but to put you in touch with what the best human minds have thought. If you have no time for Shakespeare, for a basic look at philosophy, for the continuity of the fine arts, for that lesson of man's development we call history —then you have no business being in college. You are on your way to being that new species of mechanized savage, the push-button Neanderthal. Our colleges inevitably graduate a number of such life forms, but it cannot be said that they went to college; rather the college went through them —without making contact.No one gets to be a human being unaided. There is not time enough in a single lifetime to invent for oneself everything one needs to know inorder to be a civilized human.Assume, for example, that you want to be a physicist. You pass the great stone halls of, say, M. I. T., and there cut into the stone are the names of the scientists. The chances are that few, if any, of you will leave your names to be cut into those stones. Yet any of you who managed to stay awake through part of a high school course in physics, knows more about physics than did many of those great scholars of the past. You know more because they left you what they knew, because you can start from what the past learned for you.And as this is true of the techniques of mankind, so it is true of mankind's spiritual resources. Most of these resources, both technical and spiritual, are stored in books. Books are man's peculiar accomplishment. When you have read a book, you have added to your human experience. Read Homer and your mind includes a piece of Homer's mind. Through books you can acquire at least fragments of the mind and experience of Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare — the list is endless. For a great book is necessarily a gift; it offers you a life you have not the time to live yourself, and it takes you into a world you have not the time to travel in literal time. A civilized mind is, in essence, one that contains many such lives and many such worlds. If you are too much in a hurry, or too arrogantly proud of your own limitations, to accept as a gift to your humanity some pieces of the minds of Aristotle, or Chaucer, or Einstein, you are neither a developed human nor a useful citizen of a democracy.I think it was La Rochefoucauld who said that most people would never fall in love if they hadn't read about it. He might have said that no one would ever manage to become human if they hadn't read about it.I speak, I'm sure, for the faculty of the liberal arts college and for the faculties of the specialized schools as well, when I say that a university has no real existence and no real purpose except as it succeeds in putting you in touch, both as specialists and as humans, with those human minds your human mind needs to include. The faculty, by its very existence, says implicitly: "We have been aided by many people, and by many books, in our attempt to make ourselves some sort of storehouse of human experience. We are here to make available to you, as best we can, that expertise."Unit2Maheegun My BrotherThe year I found Maheegun, spring was late in coming. That day, I was spearing fish with my grandfather when I heard the faint crying and found the shivering wolf cub.As I bent down, he moved weakly toward me. I picked him up and put him inside my jacket. Little Maheegun gained strength after I got the first few drops of warm milk in him. He wiggled and soon he was full andwarm.My grandfather finally agreed to let me keep him.That year, which was my 14th, was the happiest of my life.Not that we didn't have our troubles. Maheegun was the most mischievous wolf cub ever. He was curious too. Like looking into Grandma's sewing basket —which he upset, scattering thread and buttons all over the floor. At such times, she would chase him out with a broom and Maheegun would poke his head around the corner, waiting for things to quiet down.That summer Maheegun and I became hunting partners. We hunted the grasshoppers that leaped about like little rockets. And in the fall, after the first snow our games took us to the nearest meadows in search of field mice. By then, Maheegun was half grown. Gone was the puppy-wool coat. In its place was a handsome black mantle.The winter months that came soon after were the happiest I could remember. They belonged only to Maheegun and myself. Often we would make a fire in the bushes. Maheegun would lay his head between his front paws, with his eyes on me as I told him stories.It all served to fog my mind with pleasure so that I forgot my Grandpa's repeated warnings, and one night left Maheegun unchained. The following morning in sailed Mrs. Yesno, wild with anger, who demanded Maheegun be shot because he had killed her rooster. The next morning,my grandpa announced that we were going to take Maheegun to thenorth shack.By the time we reached the lake where the trapper's shack stood, Maheegun seemed to have become restless. Often he would sit with his nose to the sky, turning his head this way and that as if to check the wind. The warmth of the stove soon brought sleep to me. But something caused me to wake up with a start. I sat up, and in the moon-flooded cabin was my grandfather standing beside me. "Come and see, son," whispered my grandfather.Outside the moon was full and the world looked all white with snow. He pointed to a rock that stood high at the edge of the lake. On the top was the clear outline of a great wolf sitting still, ears pointed, alert, listening. "Maheegun," whispered my grandfather.Slowly the wolf raised his muzzle. "Oooo-oo-wow-wowoo-oooo!"The whole white world thrilled to that wild cry. Then after a while, from the distance came a softer call in reply. Maheegun stirred, with the deep rumble of pleasure in his throat. He slipped down the rock and headed out across the ice."He's gone," I said."Yes, he's gone to that young she-wolf." My grandfather slowly filled his pipe. "He will take her for life, hunt for her, protect her. This is the way the Creator planned life. No man can change it."I tried to tell myself it was all for the best, but it was hard to lose mybrother.For the next two years I was as busy as a squirrel storing nuts for the winter. But once or twice when I heard wolf cries from distant hills, I would still wonder if Maheegun, in his battle for life, found time to remember me.It was not long after that I found the answer.Easter came early that year and during the holidays I went to visit my cousins.My uncle was to bring me home in his truck. But he was detained by some urgent business. So I decided to come back home on my own.A mile down the road I slipped into my snowshoes and turned into the bush. The strong sunshine had dimmed. I had not gone far before big flakes of snow began drifting down.The snow thickened fast. I could not locate the tall pine that stood on the north slope of Little Mountain. I circled to my right and stumbled into a snow-filled creek bed. By then the snow had made a blanket of white darkness, but I knew only too well there should have been no creek there.I tried to travel west but only to hit the creek again. I knew I had gone ina great circle and I was lost.There was only one thing to do. Camp for the night and hope that by morning the storm would have blown itself out. I quickly made a bed ofboughs and started a fire with the bark of an old dead birch. The first night I was comfortable enough. But when the first gray light came I realized that I was in deep trouble. The storm was even worse. Everything had been smothered by the fierce whiteness. The light of another day still saw no end to the storm. I began to get confused. I couldn't recall whether it had been storming for three or four days.Then came the clear dawn. A great white stillness had taken over and with it, biting cold. My supply of wood was almost gone. There must be more.Slashing off green branches with my knife, I cut my hand and blood spurted freely from my wound. It was some time before the bleeding stopped. I wrapped my hand with a piece of cloth I tore off from my shirt. After some time, my fingers grew cold and numb, so I took the bandage off and threw it away.How long I squatted over my dying fire I don't know. But then I saw the gray shadow between the trees. It was a timber wolf. He had followed the blood spots on the snow to the blood-soaked bandage. "Yap... yap... yap... yoooo!" The howl seemed to freeze the world with fear.It was the food cry. He was calling, "Come, brothers, I have found meat." And I was the meat!Soon his hunting partner came to join him. Any time now, I thought, their teeth would pierce my bones.Suddenly the world exploded in snarls. I was thrown against the branches of the shelter. But I felt no pain. And a great silence had come. Slowly I worked my way out of the snow and raised my head. There, about 50 feet away, crouched my two attackers with their tails between their legs. Then I heard a noise to my side and turned my head. There stood a giant black wolf. It was Maheegun, and he had driven off the others."Maheegun... Maheegun...," I sobbed, as I moved through the snow toward him. "My brother, my brother," I said, giving him my hand. He reached out and licked at the dried blood.I got my little fire going again, and as I squatted by it, I started to cry. Maybe it was relief or weakness or both —I don't know. Maheegun whimpered too.Maheegun stayed with me through the long night, watching me with those big eyes. The cold and loss of blood were taking their toll.The sun was midway across the sky when I noticed how restless Maheegun had become. He would run away a few paces —head up, listening — then run back to me. Then I heard. It was dogs. It was the searching party! I put the last of my birch bark on the fire and fanned itinto life.The sound of the dogs grew louder. Then the voices of men. Suddenly, as if by magic, the police dog team came up out of the creek bed, and a man came running toward my fire. It was my grandfather.The old hunter stopped suddenly when he saw the wolf. He raised his rifle. "Don't shoot!" I screamed and ran toward him, falling through the snow. "It's Maheegun. Don't shoot!"He lowered his rifle. Then I fell forward on my face, into the snow.I woke up in my bedroom. It was quite some time before my eyes came into focus enough to see my grandfather sitting by my bed."You have slept three days," he said softly. "The doc says you will be all right in a week or two.""And Maheegun" I asked weakly."He should be fine. He is with his own kind."Unit3More Crime and Less PunishmentIf you are looking for an explanation of why we don't get tough with criminals, you need only look at the numbers. Each year almost a third of the households in America are victims of violence or theft. This amounts to more than 41 million crimes, many more than we are able to punish. There are also too many criminals. The best estimates suggest that 36million to 40 million people (16 to 18 percent of the U. S. population)have arrest records for nontraffic offenses. We already have 2. 4 million people under some form of correctional supervision, 412, 000 of them locked away in a prison cell. We don't have room for any more!The painful fact is that the more crime there is the less we are able to punish it. This is why the certainty and severity of punishment must go down when the crime rate goes up. Countries like Saudi Arabia can afford to give out harsh punishments precisely because they have so little crime. But can we afford to cut off the hands of those who committed more than 35 million property crimes each year Can we send them to prison Can we execute more than 22,000 murderersWe need to think about the relationship between punishment and crime in a new way. A decade of careful research has failed to provide clear and convincing evidence that the threat of punishment reduces crime. We think that punishment deters crime, but it just might be the other way around. It just might be that crime deters punishment: that there is so much crime that it simply cannot be punished.This is the situation we find ourselves in today. Just as the decline in the number of high-school graduates has made it easier to gain admission to the college of one's choice, the gradual increase in the criminal population has made it more difficult to get into prison. While elite colleges and universities still have high standards of admissions, some ofthe most "exclusive" prisons now require about five prior serious crimesbefore an inmate is accepted into their correctional program. Our current crop of prisoners is an elite group, on the whole much more serious offenders than those who were once imprisoned in Alcatraz.These features show that it makes little sense to blame the police, judges or correctional personnel for being soft on criminals. There is not much else they can do. The police can't find most criminals and those they do find are difficult and costly to convict. Those convicted can't all be sent to prison. The society demands that we do everything we can against crime. The practical reality is that there is very little the police, courts or prisons can do about the crime problem. The criminal justice system must then become as powerless as a parent who has charge of hundreds of teenage children and who is nonetheless expected to answer the TV message: "It's 10 o'clock! Do you know where your children are"A few statistics from the Justice Department's recent "Report to the Nation on Crime and Justice" illustrate my point. Of every 100 serious crimes committed in America, only 33 are actually reported to the police. Of the 33 reported, about six lead to arrest. Of the six arrested, only three are prosecuted and convicted. The others are rejected or dismissed due to evidence or witness problems or are sent elsewhere for medical treatment instead of punishment. Of the three convicted, only one is sent to prison. The other two are allowed to live in their communityunder supervision. Of the select few sent to prison, more than halfreceive a maximum sentence of five years. The average inmate, however, leaves prison in about two years. Most prisoners gain early release not because parole boards are too easy on crime, but because it is much cheaper to supervise a criminal in the community. And, of course, prison officials must make room for the new prisoners sent almost daily from the courts.We could, of course, get tough with the people we already have in prison and keep them locked up for longer periods of time. Yet when measured against the lower crime rates this would probably produce, longer prison sentences are not worth the cost to state and local governments. Besides, those states that have tried to gain voters' approval for bonds to build new prisons often discover that the public is unwilling to pay for prison construction.And if it were willing to pay, long prison sentences may not be effective in reducing crime. In 1981, 124,000 convicts were released from prison. If we had kept them in jail for an additional year, how many crimes would have been prevented While it is not possible to know the true amount of crime committed by people released from prison in any given year, we do know the extent to which those under parole are jailed again for major crime convictions. This number is a surprisingly low 6 percent (after three years it rises to only 11 percent). Even if released prisoners commit an average of two crimes each, this would amount to only15,000 crimes prevented: a drop in the bucket when measured against the 41 million crimes committed each year.More time spent in prison is also more expensive. The best estimates are that it costs an average of $13,000 to keep a person in prison for one year. If we had a place to keep the 124,000 released prisoners, it would have cost us $1.6 billion to prevent 15,000 crimes. This works out to more than $100,000 per crime prevented. But there is more. With the average cost of prison construction running around $50,000 per bed, it would cost more than $6 billion to build the necessary cells. The first-year operating cost would be $150,000 per crime prevented, worth it if the victim were you or me, but much too expensive to be feasible as a national policy.Faced with the reality of the numbers, I will not be so foolish as to suggest a solution to the crime problem. My contribution to the public debate begins and ends with this simple observation: getting tough with criminals is not the answer.Unit4The Nightingale and the Rose"She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses," cried the young Student, "but in all my garden there is no red rose."From her nest in the oak tree the Nightingale heard him and she looked out through the leaves and wondered."No red rose in all my garden!" he cried, and his beautiful eyes filled with tears. "Ah, I have read all that the wise men have written, and all the secrets of philosophy are mine, yet for want of a red rose my life is made wretched.""Here at last is a true lover," said the Nightingale. "Night after night have I sung of him, and now I see him."The Prince gives a ball tomorrow night," murmured the young Student, "and my love will be there. If I bring her a red rose she will dance with me till dawn. I shall hold her in my arms, and she will lean her head upon my shoulder. But there is no red rose in my garden, so I shall sit lonely and my heart will break.""Here, indeed, is the true lover," said the Nightingale. Surely love is a wonderful thing. It is more precious than emeralds and opals."The musicians will play upon their stringed instruments," said the young Student, "and my love will dance to the sound of the harp and the violin. She will dance so lightly that her feet will not touch the floor. But with me she will not dance, for I have no red rose to give her," and he flung himself down on the grass, and buried his face in his hands, and wept. "Why is he weeping" asked a green Lizard, as he ran past him with his tailin the air."Why, indeed" said a Butterfly, who was fluttering about after a sunbeam. "Why, indeed" whispered a Daisy to his neighbor, in a soft, low voice. "He is weeping for a red rose," said the Nightingale."For a red rose" they cried, "how very ridiculous!" and the little Lizard, who was something of a cynic, laughed outright. But the Nightingale understood the Student's sorrow, and sat silent in the Oak-tree. Suddenly she spread her brown wings for flight, and soared into the air. She passed through the grove like a shadow and like a shadow she sailed across the garden.In the centre of the grass-plot stood a beautiful Rose-tree, and when she saw it she flew over to it. "Give me a red rose," she cried, "and I will sing you my sweetest song."But the Tree shook its head."My roses are white," it answered, "as white as the foam of the sea, and whiter than the snow upon the mountain. But go to my brother who grows round the old sun-dial, and perhaps he will give you what you want."So the Nightingale flew over to the Rose-tree that was growing round the old sun-dial."Give me a red rose," she cried, "and I will sing you my sweetest song." But the Tree shook its head."My roses are yellow," it answered, "as yellow as the hair of the mermaiden, and yellower than the daffodil that blooms In the meadow. But go to my brother who grows beneath the Student's window, and perhaps he will give you what you want."So the Nightingale flew over to the Rose-tree that was growing beneath the Student's window."Give me a red rose," she cried, "and I will sing you my sweetest song." But the Tree shook its head."My roses are red," it answered, "as red as the feet of the dove, and redder than the great fans of coral. But the winter has chilled my veins, and the frost has nipped my buds, and the storm has broken my branches, and I shall have no roses at all this year.""One red rose is all that I want," cried the Nightingale, "only one red rose! Is there no way by which I can get it""There is a way," answered the Tree, "but it is so terrible that I dare not tell it to you.""Tell it to me," said the Nightingale, "I am not afraid.""If you want a red rose," said the Tree, "you must build it out of music by moonlight, and stain it with your own heart's blood.You must sing to me with your breast against a thorn. All night long you must sing to me, and the thorn must pierce your heart, and yourlife-blood must flow into my veins, and become mine.""Death is a great price to pay for a red rose," cried the Nightingale, "and life is very dear to all. Yet love is better than life, and what is the heart of a bird compared to the heart of a man"So she spread her brown wings for flight, and soared into the air. She swept over the garden like a shadow, and like a shadow she sailed through the grove.The young Student was still lying on the grass, and the tears were not yet dry in his beautiful eyes. "Be happy," cried the Nightingale, "be happy, you shall have your red rose. I will build it out of music by moonlight, and stain it with my own heart's blood. All that I ask of you in return is that you will be a true lover."The Student looked up from the grass, and listened, but he could not understand what the Nightingale was saying to him. But the Oak-tree understood and felt sad, for he was very fond of the little Nightingale. "Sing me one last song," he whispered. "I shall feel lonely when you are gone."So the Nightingale sang to the Oak-tree, and her voice was like water bubbling from a silver jar.When she had finished her song, the Student got up."She has form," he said to himself, as he walked away. "That cannot be denied. But has she got feeling I am afraid not. In fact, like most artists,she is all style without any sincerity." And he went to his room, and lay down on his bed, and after a time, he fell asleep.And when the Moon shone in the heaven, the Nightingale flew to the Rose-tree, and set her breast against the thorn. All night long she sang with her breast against the thorn, and the cold crystal Moon leaned down and listened. All night long she sang, and the thorn went deeper into her breast, and her life-blood ebbed away from her.She sang first of the birth of love in the heart of a boy and a girl. And on the topmost spray of the Rose-tree there blossomed a marvelous rose, petal following petal, as song followed song.But the Tree cried to the Nightingale to press closer against the thorn. "Press closer, little Nightingale," cried the Tree, "or the Day will come before the rose is finished."So the Nightingale pressed closer against the thorn, and louder and louder grew her song, for she sang of the birth of passion in the soul of a man and a maid.And a delicate flush of pink came into the leaves of the rose, like the flush in the face of the bridegroom when he kisses the lips of the bride. But the thorn had not yet reached her heart so the rose's heart remained white.And the Tree cried to the Nightingale to press closer against the thorn. "Press closer, little Nightingale," cried the Tree, "or the Day will come before the rose is finished."。

The ups and downs of life may seem to have no predictable (1a. that can be seen or told in advance 可预言的) plan. But scientists now know there are very definite life patterns that almost all people share. Today, when we live 20 years longer than our great-grandparents, and when women mysteriously outlive (v. live longer than 活过……,比……活得长) men by seven years, it is clearer than ever that the “game of life” is really a game of trade-offs. As we age, we trade strength for ingenuity (n. skill and cleverness in making and arranging thins 机灵,独创性), speed for thoroughness, passion for reason. These exchanges may not always seem fair, but at every age, there are some advantages. So it is reassuring to note that even if you’ve passed some of your “prime (n. the time of greatest perfection, strenth or activity 全盛时期)”青春的,精华的, you still have other prime years to experience in the future. Certain important primes seem to peak later in time.生活中的沉浮似乎并没有什么可预见的计划,但现在科学家们知道,几乎所有的人都有一些非常固定的生活模式。今天,当我们比祖辈多活20年的时候,当女性神秘地比男性寿长7岁的时候,“人生的游戏”实际上就是“交换的游戏”,这一点比以往任何时候都更加清楚。随着年龄的增长,我们用智慧代替力量,用全面代替速度,用理性代替激情。这些交换似乎并不总是那么公正的,但在每一个年龄段上,人都有各自的某些优势。所以,不妨尽可放心地看到,尽管你已经逾越了生命中的某些黄金时期,你在未来仍然有另外的黄金岁月去度过,某些重要的颠峰时期在时间上出现得比较晚。
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Lesson 1: The World of Work课文1:工作的世界Text 1: Finding Jobs文本1:寻找工作英语原文:Job hunting is a major concern for college stu dents. Many students start looking for jobs long before they graduate. They may attend job fairs, send out dozens of resumes, and go on a number ofinterviews. The process of finding a job can be challenging and stressful.There are various ways to find a job. Some people rely on personal connections, such as friends or family members, to help them find job opportunit ies. Others use online job boards or professional networking websites to search for available posi tions. It is also common for companies to visit c ollege campuses to recruit students directly. Regardless of the method used, the key is to be p roactive. Students should do their research on po tential employers, prepare a well-written resume and cover letter, and practice their interview sk ills. It is important to make a good first impres sion and showcase one's qualifications and abilit ies.Job hunting is a competitive process, and rejecti on is common. However, it is important not to get discouraged and to keep trying. With determinati on and perseverance, students can eventually find a job that suits their interests and career goal s.译文:找工作是大学生最关注的问题。

全国英语等级考试二级精品阅读文章(7)T h e g r e a t P y r a m i d o f C h e o p s h a s b e e n d e s c r i b e d a s t h e m o s t s p e c t a c u l a r w o n d e r o f t h e w o r l d.I t w a s o r i g i n a l l y b u i l t a s a b u r i a l p l a c e f o r K i n g C h e o p s, w h o l i v e d m o r e t h a n4,000y e a r s a g o.I t i s m a d e a l m o s t e n t i r e l y o f s t o n e a n d c o n t a i n s m o r e t h a n 2 m i l l i o n b l o c k s,s o m e o f w h i c h w e i g h m o r e t h a n2 t o n s.宏伟的胡夫金字塔被描述成世界上最壮观的奇迹。
E l e c t i o n s a r e t h e l i f e b l o o d o f a d e m o c r a c y. T h e w o r d d e m o c r a c y l i t e r a l l y m e a n s“t h e p e o p l e r u l e,”a n i m p o r t a n t c o n c e p t i n A m e r i c a’s h i s t o r y. I n t h e m i d-1700s, E n g l a n db e g a n p a s s i n g l a w s t h a t m a d e t h e A m e r ic a n c o l o n i e s a n g r y. T h e c o l o n i s t s h ad t o p a y m o re a n d m o r e t a x e s a n d e n j o y e d l e s s a n d l e s sf r e e d o m.T h e y f e l t t h eg o v e r n m e n t o f E n g l a n dd i d n’t re p r e s e n t t h e i r i n t e r e s t s. O n J u l y 4, 1776,t h e c o l o n i e s d e c l a r e d t h e i r i n d e p e n d e n c e f r o mE n g l a n d. T h e y w a n t e d t o e s t a b l i s h a d e m o c r a c y w h e r e p e o p l e c o u l d h a v e a v o i c e i n g o v e r n m e n t.选举是民主的原动力。

Lesson OnePre-class Work Read the text a third time. Learn the new words and expressions listed below.Glossaryaccomplishment n. the act of finishing sth. completely and successfully; achievementacquire v. to gain; to get for oneself by one's own workarrogantly adv. behaving in a proud and self-important wayaspirin n. 阿司匹林(解热镇痛药)assume v. to take as a fact; to supposeavailable adj. able to be used or easily foundbachelor n. ~'s degree: the first university degreebeanpole n. (infml) a very tall and thin personbull n. a male cowcertify v. to state that sth. is true or correct, esp. after some kind of testcivilized adj. educated and refined; having an advanced cultureclient n. a person who pays for help or advice from a person or organizationcontinuity n. the state of being continuouscyanide n. 氰化物democratic adj. based on the idea that everyone should have equal rights and should be involved in making important decisions 民主的disaster n. a sudden event such as a flood, storm, or accident which causes great damage or suffering. Here: a complete failuredrugstore n. (AmE) a shop which sells medicine (and a variety of other things)enroll v. to officially arrange to join a school or universityexpertise n. skill in a particular fieldexpose v. to enable sb. to see or experience new things or learn about new beliefs, ideas, etc.faculty n. (AmE) all the teachers of a university or collegefragment n. a small piece of sth.generate v. to producegrind v. to crush into small pieces or powder by pressing between hard surfaceship n. the fleshy part of either side of the human body above the legshumanity n. the qualities of being humanimplicitly adv. in an implied way 含蓄地inevitable adj. certain to happen and impossible to avoidliteral adj. in the basic meaning of a wordmaintain v. to continue to have as beforeNeanderthal n. an early type of human being who lived in Europe during the Stone Agenevertheless adv. in spite of that; yetpeculiar adj. belonging only to a particular person; special; oddpenetrating adj. showing the ability to understand things clearly and deeplypest n. (infml) an annoying personpharmacy n. a shop where medicines are prepared and sold. Here: the study of preparing drugs or medicines philosophy n. the study of the nature and meaning of existence, reality, etc. 哲学pill n. a small solid piece of medicine that you swallow wholepreside v. to lead; to be in chargeprofessional adj. relating to the work that a person does for an occupation, esp. work that requires special trainingpursuit n. the act of trying to achieve sth. in a determined waypush-button adj. using computers or electronic equipment rather than traditional methodsqualified adj. having suitable knowledge or experience for a particular jobrear v. to care for a person or an animal until they are fully grownresources n. possessions in the form of wealth, property, skills, etc. that you have 资源savage n. an uncivilized human beingscroll n. Here: a certificate of an academic degreesemester n. one of the two periods into which the year is divided in American high schools and universities (=term in BrE) sensitive adj. able to understand or appreciate art, music or literatureshudder v. to shake uncontrollably for a momentspecialize v. to limit all or most of one's study to particular subjects 专修species n. (infml) a type; a sortspecimen n. Here: a person who is unusual in some way and has a quality of a particular kindspiritual adj. related to your spirit rather than to your body or mindstore v. to keepsuffice v. to be enoughProper Names : Aristotle 亚里士多德Bach 巴赫Chaucer 乔叟Dante 但丁Einstein 爱因斯坦Hamlet 哈姆雷特Homer 荷马La Rochefoucauld 拉罗什富科Shakespeare 莎士比亚Virgil 维吉尔Another School Year — What ForJohn CiardiRead the text once for the main idea. Do not refer to the notes, dictionaries or the glossary yet.Let me tell you one of the earliest disasters in my career as a teacher. It was January of 1940 and I was fresh out of graduate school starting my first semester at the University of Kansas City. Part of the student body was a beanpole with hair on top who came into my class, sat down, folded his arms, and looked at me as if to say "All right, teach me something." Two weeks later we started Hamlet. Three weeks later he came into my office with his hands on his hips. "Look," he said, "I came here to be a pharmacist. Why do I have to read this stuff" And not having a book of his own to point to, he pointed to mine which was lying on the desk.New as I was to the faculty, I could have told this specimen a number of things. I could have pointed out that he had enrolled, not in a drugstore-mechanics school, but in a college and that at the end of his course meant to reach for a scroll that read Bachelor of Science. It would not read: Qualified Pill-Grinding Technician. It would certify that he had specialized in pharmacy, but it would further certify that he had been exposed to some of the ideas mankind has generated within its history. That is to say, he had not entered a technical training school but a university and in universities students enroll for both training and education.I could have told him all this, but it was fairly obvious he wasn't going to be around long enough for it to matter. Nevertheless, I was young and I had a high sense of duty and I tried to put it this way: "For the rest of your life," I said, "your days are going to average out to about twenty-four hours. They will be a little shorter when you are in love, and a little longer when you are out of love, but the average will tend to hold. For eight of these hours, more or less, you will be asleep." "Then for about eight hours of each working day you will, I hope, be usefully employed. Assume you have gone through pharmacy school —or engineering, or law school, or whatever —during those eight hours you will be using your professional skills. You will see to it that the cyanide stays out of the aspirin, that the bull doesn't jump the fence, or that your client doesn't go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence. These are all useful pursuits. They involve skills every man must respect, and they can all bring you basic satisfactions. Along with everything else, they will probably be what puts food on your table, supports your wife, and rears your children. They will be your income, and may it always suffice.""But having finished the day's work, what do you do with those other eight hours Let's say you go home to your family. What sort of family are you raising Will the children ever be exposed to a reasonably penetrating idea at home Will you be presiding over a family that maintains some contact with the great democratic intellect Will there be a book in the house Willthere be a painting a reasonably sensitive man can look at without shuddering Will the kids ever get to hear Bach"That is about what I said, but this particular pest was not interested. "Look," he said, "you professors raise your kids your way; I'll take care of my own. Me, I'm out to make money.""I hope you make a lot of it," I told him, "because you're going to be badly stuck for something to do when you're not signing checks."Fourteen years later I am still teaching, and I am here to tell you that the business of the college is not only to train you, but to put you in touch with what the best human minds have thought. If you have no time for Shakespeare, for a basic look at philosophy, for the continuity of the fine arts, for that lesson of man's development we call history —then you have no business being in college. You are on your way to being that new species of mechanized savage, the push-button Neanderthal. Our colleges inevitably graduate a number of such life forms, but it cannot be said that they went to college; rather the college went through them — without making contact.No one gets to be a human being unaided. There is not time enough in a single lifetime to invent for oneself everything one needs to know in order to be a civilized human.Assume, for example, that you want to be a physicist. You pass the great stone halls of, say, M. I. T., and there cut into the stone are the names of the scientists. The chances are that few, if any, of you will leave your names to be cut into those stones. Yet any of you who managed to stay awake through part of a high school course in physics, knows more about physics than did many of those great scholars of the past. You know more because they left you what they knew, because you can start from what the past learned for you.And as this is true of the techniques of mankind, so it is true of mankind's spiritual resources. Most of these resources, both technical and spiritual, are stored in books. Books are man's peculiar accomplishment. When you have read a book, you have added to your human experience. Read Homer and your mind includes a piece of Homer's mind. Through books you can acquire at least fragments of the mind and experience of Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare — the list is endless. For a great book is necessarily a gift; it offers you a life you have not the time to live yourself, and it takes you into a world you have not the time to travel in literal time. A civilized mind is, in essence, one that contains many such lives and many such worlds. If you are too much in a hurry, or too arrogantly proud of your own limitations, to accept as a gift to your humanity some pieces of the minds of Aristotle, or Chaucer, or Einstein, you are neither a developed human nor a useful citizen of a democracy.I think it was La Rochefoucauld who said that most people would never fall in love if they hadn't read about it. He might have said that no one would ever manage to become human if they hadn't read about it.I speak, I'm sure, for the faculty of the liberal arts college and for the faculties of the specialized schools as well, when I say that a university has no real existence and no real purpose except as it succeeds in putting you in touch, both as specialists and as humans, with those human minds your human mind needs to include. The faculty, by its very existence, says implicitly: "We have been aided by many people, and by many books, in our attempt to make ourselves some sort of storehouse of human experience. We are here to make available to you, as best we can, that expertise."Lesson Twoalert adj. watchful and ready to meet dangerbirch n. 桦树bough n. a main branch of a treecabin n. a small roughly built housechase v. to drive away; to cause to leavecreek n. a long narrow streamcrouch v. to lower the body close to the ground by bending the knees and backcub n. a young meat-eating wild animal like bear, lion, tiger, wolf, etc.detain v. to keep sb. from leaving during a certain timedim v. to become less brightdoc n. (infml AmE) a doctordrift v. to be driven along by windflake n. a very small flat thin piece that breaks away easily from sth. else; snow ~: 雪花grasshopper n. 蚱蜢howl n. a long loud cry, esp. made by wolves as in pain, anger, etc.leap v. to jump high into the airlick v. to move the tongue across the surface of sth. in order to eat it or clean itmantle n. a loose outer sleeveless garment. Here it is used figuratively.meadow n. a field with wild grass and flowersmischievous adj. eager to have fun by playing harmless tricksmuzzle n. the nose and mouth of an animal such as a dog, a wolf or a horsenumb adj. unable to feel anything because of coldnesspace n. a single step in running or walkingpartner n. sb. who does the same activity with you 伙伴paw n. an animal's foot that has nails or clawspierce v. to make a hole in or through (sth.) using sth. with a sharp pointpine n. 松树poke v. to push or move sth. through a space or openingpuppy n. a young dog ("puppy-wool" here refers to the wool of the wolf cub)realize v. to understandrestless adj. unwilling or unable to stay quiet and stillrifle n. a type of gun fired from the shoulderrocket n. 火箭rooster n. (AmE) a cockrumble n. a deep continuous rolling soundshack n. a small and not very strong buildingshiver v. to shake, esp. from cold or fearslash v. to make a long deep cut with sth. sharp like a knifesmother v. to cover thicklysnarl n. a low angry sound while showing the teethsoaked adj. very wet with some liquidspear v. 用鱼叉刺spurt v. to come out quickly and suddenly in a thin, powerful streamsquat v. to sit with your knees bent under you, your bottom off the ground, and balancing on your feet 蹲;蹲坐squirrel n. a small animal with a long furry tail that climbs trees and eats nuts 松鼠stir v. to move slightlythicken v. to become thickerthrill v. to feel very happy and excitedtoll n. to take a ~: to have a very bad effect on sb. or sth.trapper n. a person who catches wild animals for their furunchained adj. without a chainwhimper v. to make low crying soundswiggle v. (infml) to move in small movements from side to side, or up and downwolf n. a wild animal that looks like a large dog and lives and hunts in groupswool n. the soft thick hair of sheep and some goats (Here it refers to the hair of the wolf.)Text A Maheegun My Brother Eric AclandThe year I found Maheegun, spring was late in coming. That day, I was spearing fish with my grandfather when I heard the faint crying and found the shivering wolf cub.As I bent down, he moved weakly toward me. I picked him up and put him inside my jacket. Little Maheegun gained strength after I got the first few drops of warm milk in him. He wiggled and soon he was full and warm.My grandfather finally agreed to let me keep him. That year, which was my 14th, was the happiest of my life.Not that we didn't have our troubles. Maheegun was the most mischievous wolf cub ever. He was curious too. Like looking into Grandma's sewing basket — which he upset, scattering thread and buttons all over the floor. At such times, she would chase him out with a broom and Maheegun would poke his head around the corner, waiting for things to quiet down.That summer Maheegun and I became hunting partners. We hunted the grasshoppers that leaped about like little rockets. And in the fall, after the first snow our games took us to the nearest meadows in search of field mice. By then, Maheegun was half grown. Gone was the puppy-wool coat. In its place was a handsome black mantle.The winter months that came soon after were the happiest I could remember. They belonged only to Maheegun and myself. Often we would make a fire in the bushes. Maheegun would lay his head between his front paws, with his eyes on me as I told him stories.It all served to fog my mind with pleasure so that I forgot my Grandpa's repeated warnings, and one night left Maheegun unchained. The following morning in sailed Mrs. Yesno, wild with anger, who demanded Maheegun be shot because he had killed her rooster. The next morning, my grandpa announced that we were going to take Maheegun to the north shack.By the time we reached the lake where the trapper's shack stood, Maheegun seemed to have become restless. Often he would sit with his nose to the sky, turning his head this way and that as if to check the wind.The warmth of the stove soon brought sleep to me. But something caused me to wake up with a start. I sat up, and in the moon-flooded cabin was my grandfather standing beside me. "Come and see, son," whispered my grandfather.Outside the moon was full and the world looked all white with snow. He pointed to a rock that stood high at the edge of the lake. On the top was the clear outline of a great wolf sitting still, ears pointed, alert, listening."Maheegun," whispered my grandfather.Slowly the wolf raised his muzzle. "Oooo-oo-wow-wowoo-oooo!"The whole white world thrilled to that wild cry. Then after a while, from the distance came a softer call in reply. Maheegun stirred, with the deep rumble of pleasure in his throat. He slipped down the rock and headed out across the ice."He's gone," I said."Yes, he's gone to that young she-wolf." My grandfather slowly filled his pipe. "He will take her for life, hunt for her, protect her. This is the way the Creator planned life. No man can change it."I tried to tell myself it was all for the best, but it was hard to lose my brother.For the next two years I was as busy as a squirrel storing nuts for the winter. But once or twice when I heard wolf cries from distant hills, I would still wonder if Maheegun, in his battle for life, found time to remember me.It was not long after that I found the answer.Easter came early that year and during the holidays I went to visit my cousins.My uncle was to bring me home in his truck. But he was detained by some urgent business. So I decided to come back home on my own.A mile down the road I slipped into my snowshoes and turned into the bush. The strong sunshine had dimmed. I had not gone far before big flakes of snow began drifting down.The snow thickened fast. I could not locate the tall pine that stood on the north slope of Little Mountain. I circled to my right and stumbled into a snow-filled creek bed. By then the snow had made a blanket of white darkness, but I knew only too well there should have been no creek there.I tried to travel west but only to hit the creek again. I knew I had gone in a great circle and I was lost.There was only one thing to do. Camp for the night and hope that by morning the storm would have blown itself out. I quickly made a bed of boughs and started a fire with the bark of an old dead birch. The first night I was comfortable enough. But when the first gray light came I realized that I was in deep trouble. The storm was even worse. Everything had beensmothered by the fierce whiteness.The light of another day still saw no end to the storm. I began to get confused. I couldn't recall whether it had been storming for three or four days.Then came the clear dawn. A great white stillness had taken over and with it, biting cold. My supply of wood was almost gone. There must be more.Slashing off green branches with my knife, I cut my hand and blood spurted freely from my wound. It was some time before the bleeding stopped. I wrapped my hand with a piece of cloth I tore off from my shirt. After some time, my fingers grew cold and numb, so I took the bandage off and threw it away.How long I squatted over my dying fire I don't know. But then I saw the gray shadow between the trees. It was a timber wolf. He had followed the blood spots on the snow to the blood-soaked bandage."Yap... yap... yap... yoooo!" The howl seemed to freeze the world with fear.It was the food cry. He was calling, "Come, brothers, I have found meat." And I was the meat!Soon his hunting partner came to join him. Any time now, I thought, their teeth would pierce my bones.Suddenly the world exploded in snarls. I was thrown against the branches of the shelter. But I felt no pain. And a great silence had come. Slowly I worked my way out of the snow and raised my head. There, about 50 feet away, crouched my two attackers with their tails between their legs. Then I heard a noise to my side and turned my head. There stood a giant black wolf. It was Maheegun, and he had driven off the others."Maheegun... Maheegun...," I sobbed, as I moved through the snow toward him. "My brother, my brother," I said, giving him my hand. He reached out and licked at the dried blood.I got my little fire going again, and as I squatted by it, I started to cry. Maybe it was relief or weakness or both — I don't know. Maheegun whimpered too.Maheegun stayed with me through the long night, watching me with those big eyes. The cold and loss of blood were taking their toll.The sun was midway across the sky when I noticed how restless Maheegun had become. He would run away a few paces —head up, listening — then run back to me. Then I heard. It was dogs. It was the searching party! I put the last of my birch bark on the fire and fanned it into life.The sound of the dogs grew louder. Then the voices of men. Suddenly, as if by magic, the police dog team came up out of the creek bed, and a man came running toward my fire. It was my grandfather.The old hunter stopped suddenly when he saw the wolf. He raised his rifle. "Don't shoot!" I screamed and ran toward him, falling through the snow. "It's Maheegun. Don't shoot!"He lowered his rifle. Then I fell forward on my face, into the snow.I woke up in my bedroom. It was quite some time before my eyes came into focus enough to see my grandfather sitting by my bed."You have slept three days," he said softly. "The doc says you will be all right in a week or two.""And Maheegun" I asked weakly. "He should be fine. He is with his own kind."Lesson Threeapproval n. official permissionbond n. a written document in which a government or company promises to pay back money that it has borrowed, often with interest 债券certainty n. the state of being certaincommit v. to do sth. wrong or illegalcontribution n. sth. you say or do in order to help make sth. successful 贡献convict v. to find sb. guilty of a crime, esp. in a court of lawn. a person who has been found guilty of a crime and sent to prisoncostly adj. having a high price; expensivecourt n. a place where legal matters are decided by a judge and jurycurrent adj. belonging to the present timedecade n. a period of 10 yearsdeter v. to discourage; to persuade sb. not to do sth., by making him realize it will be difficult or will have unpleasant resultsdismiss v. to ~a court case: to stop a court case before a result is reachedelite adj. considered to be the best of their kind 属于精英的,最好的estimate n. a calculation of a quantity or number 估计evidence n. the information used in a court of law to try to prove sth.execute v. to kill sb. as a lawful punishment for a serious crimefeasible adj. able to be carried out or donefeature n. a typical part or qualityillustrate v. to show sth. by giving related examplesimprison v. to put in prisoninmate n. one who is kept in a prisonmaximum adj. the largest number or amountnonetheless adv. in spite of that; yet; neverthelessnontraffic adj. not related to trafficobservation n. what one has noticedoffender n. sb. who is guilty of a crime; a criminaloffense n. an illegal action or a crimeper prep. for eachpersonnel n. all the people employed in a particular organizationprecisely adv. exactlyprior adj. happening beforeproperty n. belongings; possessionsprosecute v. to bring a criminal charge against sb. in a court of lawrate n. the speed at which sth. happens over a period of timereality n. the real situation; the real state of affairsreject v. to refuse to acceptSaudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯severity n. the state of being severesocial adj. relating to societysolution n. a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situationstatistics n. facts shown in numbersteenage adj. aged between 13 and 19theft n. the crime of stealingtough adj. determined and strictvictim n. a person who suffers as a result of other people's criminal actions, etc.violence n. the use of force to hurt other people physicallyvoter n. a person who has the legal right to vote, esp. in a political electionwitness n. a person who tells in a court of law what he saw or what he knows about a crimeProper Name Alcatraz 阿尔卡特拉兹(美国圣弗兰西斯科湾——即旧金山湾——的小岛,1933—1963年为一座联邦监狱所在地。
英文短篇小说阅读unit 2 text B

Question 1
Conradin is believed to have only five more years to live. What is significant about this detail?
Answer 1
Conradin is allocated to the category of the weak and the ill. Plus he is only ten years old, he is the object of oppression and control. The fact that his guardian accepts the doctor’s opinion readily doctor’ reflects her cruel and dominating nature.
Question 2
In the first two paragraphs how many times is Conradin’s imagination metioned? metioned? What can we learn about the relationship between the boy and his guardian?
Question 5
Read the descriptions below and find out all the words with religious connotations. In which sense is Conradin’s religion a parody of his cousin’s religion for example?
3) …from the realm of his imagination she was locked out-an unclean thing, which should find no entrance.

英语经典名篇阅读中英文对照版英语经典名篇阅读(二)论读书Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and forability.Their chief use for delight, is in privatenessand retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and forability, is in the judgment and disposition ofbusiness.For expert men can execute, and perhapsjudge of particulars, one by one; but the generalcounsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best from those that are learned. To spend toomuch time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament, is affectation; to makejugment wholly by their rules, isthe humour of a scholar. They perfect nature, and are perfectedby experience: for natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study; andstudies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in byexperience. Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them; forthey teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won byobservation. Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor tofind talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider. Some books are to be tasted, others to beswallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only inparts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligenceand attention.Some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them by others; but that would be only in the less important arguments, and the meaner sort of books, elsedistilled books are, like common distilled waters, flashy things.Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. And therefore, if a man writelittle, he had need have a great memory; if he confer little, he had need have apresent wit; and if he read little, he had need have much cunning, to seem to know that hedoth not. Histories make men wise; poetswitty; the mathematics subtitle; natural philosophydeep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.Abeunt studia in mores. Nay there isno stand or impediment in the wit, but may be wrought out by fit studies: like as diseases ofthe body may have appropriate exercises. Bowling is good for the stone and reins:shootingfor the lungs and breast; gentle walking for the stomach; riding for the head; and the like. So ifa man’s wit be wandering, let him study the mathematics; for in demonstrations, if his wit becalled away never so little, he must begin again. If his wit be not apt to distinguish or finddifferences, let himstudy the Schoolmen; for they are cymini sectores. If he be not apt to beatover matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let him study thelawyers’cases. So every defect of the mind may have a special receipt.读书足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以长才。

第一单元The Dinner PartyMona Gardner I first heard this tale in India, where it is told as if true — though any naturalist would know it couldn’t be. Later someone told me that the story appeared in a magazine shortly before the First World War. That magazine story, and the person who wrote it, I have never been able to track down. The country is India. A colonial official and his wife are giving a large dinner party. They are seated with their guests — officers and their wives, and a visiting American naturalist — in their spacious dining room, which has a bare marble floor, open rafters and wide glass doors opening onto a veranda.A spirited discussion springs up between a young girl who says that women have outgrown the jumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era and a major who says that they haven’t.“A woman’s reaction in any crisis,” the major says, “is to scream. And while a man may feel like it, he has that ounce more of control than a woman has. And that last ounce is what really counts.”The American does not join in the argument but watches the other guests. As he looks, he sees a strange expression come over the face of the hostess. She is staring straight ahead, her muscles contracting slightly. Shemotions to the native boy standing behind her chair and whispers something to him. The boy’s eyes widen: he quickly leaves the room.Of the guests, none except the American notices this or sees the boy place a bowl of milk on the veranda just outside the open doors.The American comes to with a start. In India, milk in a bowl means only one thing — bait for a snake. He realizes there must be a cobra in the room. He looks up at the rafters — the likeliest place — but they are bare. Three corners of the room are empty, and in the fourth the servants are waiting to serve the next course. There is only one place left — under the table.His first impulse is to jump back and warn the others, but he knows the commotion would frighten the cobra into striking. He speaks quickly, the tone of his voice so commanding that it silences everyone.“I want to know just what control everyone at this table has. I will count three hundred — that’s five minutes — and not one of you is to move a muscle. Those who move will forfeit 50 rupees. Ready!”The 20 people sit like stone images while he counts. He is saying “... two hundred and eighty…” when, out of the corner of his eye, he sees the cobra emerge and make for the bowl of milk. Screams ring out as he jumps to slam the veranda doors safely shut.“You were right, Major!” the host exclaims. “A man has just shown us an example of perfect self-control.”“Just a minute,” the American says, turning to his hostess. “Mrs. Wynnes,how did you know that cobra was in the room?”A faint smile lights up the woman’s face as she replies: “Because it was crawling across my foot.”第二单元Lessons from JeffersonBruce Bliven 1 Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, may be less famous than George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, but most people remember at least one fact about him: he wrote the Declaration of Independence.2 Although Jefferson lived more than 200 years ago, there is much that we can learn from him today. Many of his ideas are especially interesting to modern youth. Here are some of the things he said and wrote:3 Go and see. Jefferson believed that a free man obtains knowledge from many sources besides books and that personal investigation is important. When still a young man, he was appointed to a committee to find out whether the South Branch of the James River was deep enough to be used by large boats. While the other members of the committee sat in the state capitol and studied papers on the subject, Jefferson got into a canoe and made on-the-spot observations.4 You can learn from everyone. By birth and by education Jeffersonbelonged to the highest social class. Yet, in a day when few noble persons ever spoke to those of humble origins except to give an order, Jefferson went out of his way to talk with gardeners, servants, and waiters. Jefferson once said to the French nobleman, Lafayette, “You must go into the people’s homes as I have done, look into their cooking pots and eat their bread. If you will only do this, you may find out why people are dissatisfied and understand the revolution that is threatening France.”5 Judge for yourself. Jefferson refused to accept other people’s opinions without careful thought. “Neither believe nor reject anything,” he wrote to his nephew, “because any other person has rejected or believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error. Use it.”6 Jefferson felt that the people “may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and to form a correct judgment. Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.”7 Do what you believe is right. In a free country there will always be conflicting ideas, and this is a source of strength. It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive. Though Jefferson was for many years the object of strong criticism, he never answered his critics. He expressed his philosophy in letters to a friend, “There are two sides to every question. If you take one side with decision and act on it with effect, those who take the other side will of course resent your actions.”8 Trust the future; trust the young. Jefferson felt that the present should never be chained to customs which have lost their usefulness. “No society,” he said, “can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law. The earth belongs to the living generation.” He did not fear new ideas, nor did he fear the future.” How much pain,” he remarked, “has been caused by evils which have never happened! I expect the best, not the worst.I steer my ship with hope, leaving fear behind.”9 Jefferson’s courage and idealism were based on knowledge. He probably knew more than any other man of his age. He was an expert in agriculture, archeology, and medicine. He practiced crop rotation and soil conservation a century before these became standard practice, and he invented a plow superior to any other in existence. He influenced architecture throughout America, and he was constantly producing devices for making the tasks of ordinary life easier to perform.10 Of all Jefferson’s many talents, one is central. He was above all a good and tireless writer. His complete works, now being published for the first time, will fill more than fifty volumes. His talent as an author was soon discovered, and when the time came to write the Declaration of Independence at Philadelphia in 1776, the task of writing it was his. Millions have thrilled to his words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ...”11 When Jefferson died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary ofAmerican independence, he left his countrymen a rich legacy of ideas and examples. American education owes a great debt to Thomas Jefferson, who believed that only a nation of educated people could remain free.第三单元My First JobRobert BestWhile I was waiting to enter university, I saw advertised in a local newspaper a teaching post at a school in a suburb of London about ten miles from where I lived. Being very short of money and wanting to do something useful, I applied, fearing as I did so, that without a degree and with no experience in teaching my chances of getting the job were slim. However, three days later a letter arrived, asking me to go to Croydon for an interview. It proved an awkward journey: a train to Croydon station;a ten-minute bus ride and then a walk of at least a quarter of a mile. As a result I arrived on a hot June morning too depressed to feel nervous.The school was a red brick house with big windows. The front garden was a gravel square; four evergreen shrubs stood at each corner, where they struggled to survive the dust and fumes from a busy main road.It was clearly the headmaster himself that opened the door. He was short and fat. He had a sandy-coloured moustache, a wrinkled forehead and hardly any hair.He looked at me with an air of surprised disapproval, as a colonel might look at a private whose bootlaces were undone. ‘Ah yes,’ he grunted. ‘You’d better come inside.’ The narrow, sunless hall smelled unpleasantly of stale cabbage; the walls were dirty with ink marks; it was all silent. His study, judging by the crumbs on the carpet, was also his dining-room. ‘You’d better sit down,’ he said, and proceeded to ask me a number of questions: what subjects I had taken in my General School Certificate; how old I was; what games I played; then fixing me suddenly with his bloodshot eyes, he asked me whether I thought games were a vital part of a boy’s education. I mumbled something about not attaching too much importance to them. He grunted. I had said the wrong thing. The headmaster and I obviously had very little in common.The school, he said, consisted of one class of twenty-four boys, ranging in age from seven to thirteen. I should have to teach all subjects except art, which he taught himself. Football and cricket were played in the Park, a mile away on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons.The teaching set-up filled me with fear. I should have to divide the class into three groups and teach them in turn at three different levels; and I was dismayed at the thought of teaching algebra and geometry — two subjects at which I had been completely incompetent at school. Worse perhaps was the idea of Saturday afternoon cricket; most of my friends would be enjoying leisure at that time.I said shyly, ‘What would my salary be?’ ‘Twelve pounds a week plus lunch.’ Before I could protest, he got to his feet. ‘Now’, he said, ‘you’d better meet my wife. She’s the one who really runs this school.’This was the last straw. I was very young: the prospect of working under a woman constituted the ultimate indignity.第四单元The Professor and the Yo-YoThomas Lee Bucky with Joseph P.Blank My father was a close friend of Albert Einstein. As a shy young visitor to Einstein’s home, I was made to feel at ease when Einstein said, “I have something to show you.” He went to his desk and returned with a Yo-Yo. He tried to show me how it worked but he couldn’t make it roll back up the string. When my turn came, I displayed my few tricks and pointed out to him that the incorrectly looped string had thrown the toy off balance. Einstein nodded, properly impressed by my skill and knowledge. Later, I bought a new Yo-Yo and mailed it to the Professor as a Christmas present, and received a poem of thanks.As a boy and then as an adult, I never lost my wonder at the personality that was Einstein. He was the only person I knew who had come to terms with himself and the world around him. He knew what he wanted and he wanted only this: to understand within his limits as a human being thenature of the universe and the logic and simplicity in its functioning. He knew there were answers beyond his intellectual reach. But this did not frustrate him. He was content to go as far as he could.In the 23 years of our friendship, I never saw him show jealousy, vanity, bitterness, anger, resentment, or personal ambition. He seemed immune to these emotions. He was beyond any pretension. Although he corresponded with many of the world’s most important people, his stationery carried only a watermark — W — for Woolworth’s.To do his work he needed only a pencil and a pad of paper. Material things meant nothing to him. I never knew him to carry money because he never had any use for it. He believed in simplicity, so much so that he used only a safety razor and water to shave. When I suggested that he try shaving cream, he said, “The razor and water do the job.”“But Professor, why don’t you try the cream just once?” I argued. “It makes shaving smoother and less painful.”He shrugged. Finally, I presented him with a tube of shaving cream. The next morning when he came down to breakfast, he was beaming with the pleasure of a new, great discovery. “You know, that cream really works,” he announced. “It doesn’t pull the beard. It feels wonderful.” Thereafter, he used the shaving cream every morning until the tube was empty. Then he reverted to using plain water.Einstein was purely and exclusively a theorist. He didn’t have theslightest interest in the practical application of his ideas and theories. His E=mc2 is probably the most famous equation in history — yet Einstein wouldn’t walk down the street to see a reactor create atomic energy. He won the Nobel Prize for his Photoelectric Theory, a series of equations that he considered relatively minor in importance, but he didn’t have any curiosity in observing how his theory made TV possible.My brother once gave the Professor a toy, a bird that balanced on the edge of a bowl of water and repeatedly dunked its head in the water. Einstein watched it in delight, trying to deduce the operating principle. But he couldn’t.The next morning he announced, “I had thought about that bird for a long time before I went to bed and it must work this way ...” He began a long explanation. Then he stopped, realizing a flaw in his reasoning. “No, I guess that’s not it,” he said. He pursued various theories for several days until I suggested we take the toy apart to see how it did work. His quick expression of disapproval told me he did not agree with this practical approach. He never did work out the solution.Another puzzle that Einstein could never understand was his own fame. He had developed theories that were profound and capable of exciting relatively few scientists. Yet his name was a household word across the civilized world. “I’ve had good ideas, and so have other men,” he once said. “But it’s been my good fortune that my ideas have been accepted.” He wasbewildered by his fame: people wanted to meet him; strangers stared at him on the street; scientists, statesmen, students, and housewives wrote him letters. He never could understand why he received this attention, why he was singled out as something special.第五单元The Villain in the AtmosphereIsaac Asimov1 The villain in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide.2 It does not seem to be a villain. It is not very poisonous and it is present in the atmosphere in so small a quantity — only 0.034 percent — that it does us no harm.3 What’s more, that small quantity of carbon dioxide in the air is essential to life. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into their own tissue, which serve as the basic food supply for all of animal life (including human beings, of course). In the process they liberate oxygen, which is also necessary for all animal life.4 But here is what this apparently harmless and certainly essential gas is doing to us:5 The sea level is rising very slowly from year to year. In all likelihood, it will continue to rise and do so at a greater rate in the course of the next hundred years. Where there are low-lying coastal areas (where a largefraction of the world’s population lives) the water will advance steadily, forcing people to retreat inland.6 Eventually the sea will reach two hundred feet above its present level, and will be splashing against the windows along the twentieth floors of Manhattan’s skyscrapers. Florida will disappear beneath the waves, as will much of the British Isles, the crowded Nile valley, and the low-lying areas of China, India, and Russia.7 Not only will many cities be drowned, but much of the most productive farming areas of the world will be lost. As the food supply drops, starvation will be widespread and the structure of society may collapse under the pressure.8 And all because of carbon dioxide. But how does that come about? What is the connection?9 It begins with sunlight, to which the various gases of the atmosphere (including carbon dioxide) are transparent. Sunlight, striking the top of the atmosphere, travels right through miles of it to warm the Earth’s surface. At night, the Earth cools by radiating heat into space in the form of infrared radiation.10 However, the atmosphere is not quite as transparent to infrared radiation as it is to visible light. Carbon dioxide in particular tends to block such radiation. Less heat is lost at night, for that reason, than would be lost if carbon dioxide were not present in the atmosphere. Without the smallquantity of that gas present, the Earth would be distinctly cooler, perhaps uncomfortably cool.11 We can be thankful that carbon dioxide is keeping us comfortably warm, but the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is going up steadily and that is where the villainy comes in.In 1958, carbon dioxide made up only 0.0316 percent of the atmosphere. Each year since, the concentration has crept upward and it now stands at 0.0340 percent. It is estimated that by 2020 the concentration will be nearly twice what it is now.12 This means that in the coming decades, Earth’s average temperature will go up slightly. As a result, the polar ice caps will begin to melt.13 Something like 90 percent of the ice in the world is to be found in the huge Antarctica ice cap, and another 8 percent is in the Greenland ice cap. If these ice caps begin to melt, the sea level will rise, with the result that I have already described.14 But why is the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere steadily rising?15 To blame are two factors. First of all, in the last few centuries, first coal, then oil and natural gas, have been burned for energy at a rapidly increasing rate. The carbon contained in these fuels, which has been safely buried underground for many millions of years, is now being burned to carbon dioxide and poured into the atmosphere at a rate of many tons perday.16 To make matters worse, Earth’s forests have been disappearing, slowly at first, but in the last couple of centuries quite rapidly. Right now it is disappearing at the rate of sixty-four acres per minute.17 Whatever replaces the forest — grassland or farms or scrub — produces plants that do not consume carbon dioxide at an equal rate. Thus, not only is more carbon dioxide being added to the atmosphere through burning of fuel, but as the forests disappear, less carbon dioxide is being removed from the atmosphere by plants.18 But this gives us a new perspective on the matter. The carbon dioxide is not rising by itself. It is people who are burning the coal, oil, and gas. It is people who are cutting down the forests. It is people, then, who are the villains.19 What is to be done?20 First, we must save our forests, and even replant them.21 Second, we must have new sources of fuel that do not involve the production of carbon dioxide. Nuclear power is one of them, but if that is thought too dangerous, there are other alternatives. There is the energy of waves, tides, wind, and the Earth’s interior heat. Most of all, there is the direct use of solar energy.22 All of this will take time, work, and money, to be true, but nations spend more time, work, and money in order to support competing militarymachines that can only destroy us all. Should we object to spending less time, work, and money in order to save us all?第六单元The Making of a SurgeonDr. Nolen 1 How does a doctor recognize the point in time when he is finally a “surgeon”? As my year as chief resident drew to a close I asked myself this question on more than one occasion.2 The answer, I concluded, was self-confidence. When you can say to yourself, “There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently, treat just as well as or better than any other surgeon” — then, and not until then, you are indeed a surgeon. I was nearing that point.3 Take, for example, the emergency situations that we encountered almost every night. The first few months of the year I had dreaded the ringing of the telephone. I knew it meant another critical decision to be made. Often, after I had told Walt or Larry what to do in a particular situation, I’d have trouble getting back to sleep. I’d review all the facts of the case and, not infrequently, wonder if I hadn’t made a poor decision. More than once at two or three in the morning, after lying awake for an hour, I’d get out of bed, dress and drive to the hospital to see the patientmyself. It was the only way I could find the peace of mind I needed to relax.4 Now, in the last month of my residency, sleeping was no longer a problem. There were still situations in which I couldn’t be certain my decision had been the right one, but I had learned to accept this as a constant problem for a surgeon, one that could never be completely resolved — and I could live with it. So, once I had made a considered decision, I no longer dwelt on it. Reviewing it wasn’t going to help and I knew that with my knowledge and experience, any decision I’d made was bound to be a sound one. It was a nice feeling.5 In the operating room I was equally confident. I knew I had the knowledge, the skill, the experience to handle any surgical situation I’d ever encounter in practice. There were no more butterflies in my stomach when I opened up an abdomen or a chest. I knew that even if the case was one in which it was impossible to anticipate the problem in advance, I could handle whatever I found. I’d sweated6 Nor was I afraid of making mistakes. I knew that when I was out in practice I would inevitably err at one time or another and operate on someone who didn’t need surgery or sit on someone who did. Five years earlier — even one year earlier — I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if I had had to take sole responsibility for a mistake in judgment. Now I could. I still dreaded errors — would do my best to avoid them — but I knew they were part of a surgeon’s life. I could accept this fact withcalmness because I knew that if I wasn’t able to avoid a mistake, chances were that no other surgeon could have, either.7 This all sounds conceited and I guess it is — but a surgeon needs conceit. He needs it to encourage him in trying moments when he’s bothered by the doubts and uncertainties that are part of the practice of medicine. He has to feel that he’s as good as and probably better than any other surgeon in the world. Call it conceit — call it self-confidence; whatever it was, I had it.。

英语时文选读第二版答案1、He was born in Canada, but he has made China his _______. [单选题] *A. familyB. addressC. houseD. home(正确答案)2、We need a _______ when we travel around a new place. [单选题] *A. guide(正确答案)B. touristC. painterD. teacher3、He kept walking up and down, which was a sure()that he was very worried. [单选题] *A. sign(正确答案)B. characterC. natureD. end4、There is a popular belief _____schools don’t pay any attention to spelling. [单选题] *A.that(正确答案)B.whichC.whatD.whose5、We need some green paint badly, but there' s _____ at hand. [单选题] *A. notB. nothingC. little(正确答案)D. none6、How I wish I()to repair the watch! I only made it worse. [单选题] *A. had triedB. hadn't tried(正确答案)C. have triedD.didn't try7、20.Sometimes it often rains ________ in my hometown in summer. [单选题] * A.heavyC.heavily(正确答案)D.strongly8、Last year Polly _______ an English club and has improved her English a lot. [单选题] *A. leftB. sawC. joined(正确答案)D. heard9、Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use in their life, but is that the only reason _____ they go to school? [单选题] *A. why(正确答案)B. whichC. becauseD. what10、She spoke with a strong Scottish()[单选题] *A. speechB. accent(正确答案)C.voice11、97.Go ______ the square and you will find the theatre. [单选题] *A.aboveB.atC.across(正确答案)D.on12、The rain is very heavy _______ we have to stay at home. [单选题] *A. butB. becauseC. so(正确答案)D. and13、He is going to _______ a party this evening. [单选题] *A. hold(正确答案)B. makeC. needD. hear14、For the whole period of two months, there _____ no rain in this area. Now the crops aredead [单选题] *A. isB. wasC. has been(正确答案)D. have been15、_________ along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience. [单选题]*A. TravelB. Traveling(正确答案)C. Having traveledD. Traveled16、The manager isn’t in at the moment. May I _______ a message? [单选题] *A. take(正确答案)B. makeC. haveD. keep17、His understanding made a deep impression_____the young girl. [单选题] *A.on(正确答案)B.inC.forD.with18、( ) You had your birthday party the other day,_________ [单选题] *A. hadn't you?B. had you?C. did you?D. didn't you?(正确答案)19、-----How can I apply for an online course?------Just fill out this form and we _____ what we can do for you. [单选题] *A. seeB. are seeingC. have seenD. will see(正确答案)20、Galileo was ____ Italian physicist and astronomer who invented _____ telescope. [单选题] *A. a, aB. the, theC. an, aD. an, the(正确答案)21、He has two sisters but I have not _____. [单选题] *A. noneB. someC. onesD. any(正确答案)22、The storybook is very ______. I’m very ______ in reading it. ()[单选题] *A. interesting; interested(正确答案)B. interested; interestingC. interested; interestedD. interesting; interesting23、Alice hopes to _______ more friends at her new school. [单选题] *A. visitB. make(正确答案)C. missD. take24、This is not our house. lt belongs to _____. [单选题] *A. the Turners'B. the Turners(正确答案)C. Turner'sD. Turners25、30.It is known that ipad is _________ for the old to use. [单选题] * A.enough easyB.easy enough (正确答案)C.enough easilyD.easily enough26、94.—Let’s go out for a picnic on Sunday.—________. [单选题] * A.Nice to meet youB.Here you areC.The same to youD.Good idea(正确答案)27、Will you be able to finish your homework _______? [单选题] *A. by the timeB. in time(正确答案)C. once upon a timeD. out of time28、I have to _______ my glasses, without which I can’t read the book. [单选题] *A. put upB. put awayC. put downD. put on(正确答案)29、The work will be finished _______ this month. [单选题] *A. at the endB. in the endC. by the endD. at the end of(正确答案)30、—______ —()[单选题] *A. How long did you stay there?B. How much did you pay for the dress?C. How many flowers did you buy?(正确答案)D. How often did you visit your grandparents?。

高中英语选读2Studying English Literature in High School: An Exploration of Selected WorksEnglish literature holds a significant place in the curriculum of high schools around the world. It offers students an opportunity to delve into the rich tapestry of literary works, exploring themes, analyzing characters, and dissecting the language used by the writers. In this article, we will explore a selection of works commonly studied in high school English classes, highlighting their importance and the valuable lessons they offer to students.One of the most widely studied works in high school English is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. Set in the 1930s, this novel explores the themes of racism, injustice, and the loss of innocence. Through the eyes of Scout Finch, the readers witness the deep-rooted prejudice prevalent in society and the courage of individuals who challenge it. "To Kill a Mockingbird" provides students with an opportunity to discuss the importance of empathy, understanding, and the power of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity.Another popular work of literature studied in high school is William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." This tragic play tells the story of two young lovers from feuding families, highlighting the destructive power of hatred and the consequences of impulsive actions. Through the eloquence of Shakespeare's language, students are exposed to the beauty of the English language and the timeless themes of love, fate, and the complexities of human emotions. "Romeo and Juliet" prompts discussions about the role of society, the influence of family, and the importance of communication in relationships.In addition to these classics, high school students often encounter the poetry of Robert Frost. Frost's poems, such as "The Road Not Taken" and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening," are celebrated for their simplicity and depth of meaning. Frost's works encourage students to reflect on the choices they make in life, the paths they take, and the impact of these decisions. Through his poetry, students gain an appreciation forthe power of words and the ability to convey profound thoughts and emotions in a concise manner.Moving away from traditional literature, high school students are also introduced to contemporary works that tackle pressing social issues. One such example is "The Hate U Give" by Angie Thomas. This young adult novel addresses themes of racism, police brutality, and the importance of finding one's voice. Through the eyes of the protagonist, Starr, students are confronted with the harsh realities of systemic racism and the need for unity and understanding in society. "The Hate U Give" sparks conversations about social justice, activism, and the role of the individual in effecting change.Lastly, high school students often engage with dystopian fiction, such as George Orwell's "1984" or Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale." These novels present a bleak vision of the future, warning of the dangers of totalitarianism and the erosion of individual freedoms. Through these works, students are encouraged to question authority, examine the consequences of power, and consider the importance of maintaining a vigilant and critical mindset in the face of oppressive systems.In conclusion, the selection of works studied in high school English classes is vast and diverse, ranging from classic literature to contemporary novels and poetry. Each of these works provides students with unique insights into the human condition, the power of language, and the importance of empathy and understanding. By studying these works, students develop critical thinking skills, improve their language proficiency, and gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the written word. English literature in high school serves as a gateway to a lifelong love of reading, fostering a curiosity and appreciation for the power of storytelling and the insights it can offer into the world around us.。
英文短篇小说阅读unit 2 text A

Question 2
► What’s
Mrs. Mallard’s reaction to her husband’s death? Does her reaction say anything about her relationship to her husband?
Answer 2
► Mrs.
Question 1
► The
story opens with “Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble”. Is this information significant?
Answer 1
The fact the Mrs. Mallard has a heart trouble foreshadows her death of heart attack in the end of the story. Her friends take care to break the news of her husband’s death, and near the end of the story they try to protect her from seeing her husband alive; all these details are ironical for what causes her death is neither the deep sorrow or the shock of hearing her husband dead, nor the excitement of seeing her husband alive. On the contrary, the cause her heart attack is the dramatic fall from freedom and joy which are deprived by the fact that her husband is not dead at all.
[初中英语阅读2]初中英语课文阅读初中英语2A.True or FalseMr.William Murphy,from Montreal in Canada,now knows that honesty st Sunday he returned a lost lottery(彩票)ticket to its owner and he was given $1.2 million as a reward!Last Thursday,Mr.Murphy,aged 28 and unemployed,found a wallet on a Montreal Street.It contained $85,some credit cards,and some lottery tickets.Mr.Murphy checked the address in the wallet and immediately posted it back to itsowner,Mr.Jean-Paul Dupont,but he didn"t send the lottery tickets back.On Sunday,Mr Murphy bought a newspaper and started checking the numbers on the tickets.He couldn"t believe it----it had the winning ticket!It was worth $7 million!He thought about keeping the tickets and getting the money for himself.He sat and thought about it for two hours,but heknew what he had to do.He took the bus to Mr.Dupont"s address and knocked at the door.The door was opened not by Mr.Dupont,but by his son,Yves,who doesn"t speak English very well,Mr.Murphy.Then his father came to the door.He understands English,but he didn"t believe his ears until he was shown the lottery ticket and the newspaper.1.Mr.Murphy threw away the wallet but kept the money.( )2.Mr.Murphy mailed a lost lottery ticket back to its owner on Thursday.( )3.Mr.Murphy was out of a job when he got $1.2 million by chance.( )4.Mr.Murphy had the winning ticket which was worth $7 million.( )5.Mr.Murphy was not honest because he kept the lottery ticket.( )B.Choose the right answerThis is a special(特别的)class.The students e from different countries. Some e form America,others e from Canada,Australia and England.They speak different languages,but an of them can speak English.They are good friends.They can help each other.All the teachers of this class are Chinese,but they can speak English,too.They teach their students in English.They are very friendly and kind.They work hard.The students in this class study Chinese cooking and Chinese kung fu.All the students like China.They say China is a great country and the Chinese people are very friendly.And they are happy with Chinese people in China.1.Where do me students e from?A.England. B.America. C.Australia. D.Different countries.2.What language can all the students speak?A.Chinese. B.French. C.English. D.Japanese.3.What language can t11e teachers of this class speak?A.Chinese and English. B.Only English. C.Only Chinese. D.Only Japanese.4.Which class are the students in?A.A Chinese language class. B.A Chinese medicine(医药)class.C.A foreign language class. D.A Chinese cooking and kung fu class.5.What do the students like about China?A. Chinese people and food. B.Chinese movies.C.Chinese music. D.Chinese language.C.Answer the questionAnyone can be your friend. Even people you don"t like when you first meet them. I was taught that lesson by my pets.I have two pets: Honey and Yoda. Honey is a 11-year-old black dog, and Yoda is a 10-month-old cat with big ears. Yoda always wants to play.When Honey and Yoda met for the first time, they didn"t get on with each other. Honey had never liked cats. She had been hurt by some before. She didn"t like Yoda. If Yoda came into a room where Honey was, Honey would leave or hide under a table. Honey could kill Yoda by sitting on her! But that didn"t stop her being afraid of Yoda.Yoda, too, was afraid of Honey because of her size. And she would often hiss (叫声) at Honey. After a few months, however, Honey and Yoda started to play with each other. And soon they were good friends. Yoda stopped hissing at Honey. And Honey stopped running away from Yoda.Honey and Yoda now greatly depend on each other, and they always get together. Their love for eachother has taught me a lot. I hope it will teach you something.1. What is the passage about?_____________________________________________________________________________2. Who is Honey and who is Yoda?_____________________________________________________________________________3. How did Honey and Yoda get on with each other some time ago?_____________________________________________________________________________4. How well do Honey and Yoda get on with each other now?_____________________________________________________________________________5. What can we learn from the passage?_____________________________________________________________________________1.It is about a story of a dog and a cat.2.Honey is a dog, and Yoda is a cat.3.They were afraid of each other.4.They have bee good friends.5.Anyone can be our friend.D.choose the words or expressions and plete the passageDear Li Fei.Hi! I’m Jim.36 to meet you.37 very,exciting to have a Chinese friend!38 America,schools 39 at eight—thirty,so I 40 get up at seven o"clock.What 41 does schoo1 start in China? I have peakfast at seven-thirty,42 before that I take a 43 . My favorite subject is history, 44 I mink it’s interesting and I really like my 45 Mr Hall.What"s your favorite subject?My 46 class is at four o"clock,and 47 school I like to play basketball.Call you play basketball? I can play the guitar but I can’t play 49 Very well.What are your hobbies?Please 50 and tell me about your life in China. Best wishes.Jim36.A.Good B.Luck C.Nice D.Kind37.A.Its B.It’s C.That’s D.They’re38.A.On B.At C.For D.in39.A.starts B.to start C.starting D.start 40.A.sometimes B.usually C.never D.soon 41.A.class B.time C.date D.day42.A.And B.so C.or D.but43.A.shower B.walk C.1esson D.photo44.A.because B.for C.but D.so45.A.classmate B. student C.teacher D.deskmate46.A.1ast B.first C.next D./47.A.when B.over C.after D.before48.A.when B.either C.too D.also49.A.them B.it C.One D.guitar50.A.e B.go C.write D.knowE. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper wordsDo you know the differences between the new building and the old ones?Old buildings 1.h pick(砖)and stone walls. The walls hold up the 2.b .In cities, many modern building 3.l as if they are made just of windows. Walls of dark glass reach high into the air. Many buildings are 4.m than 50 stories(层)tall.Are walls of glass strong 5.e to hold up the new buildings? No, The new glass walls do not hold up the buildings, 6.b they only cover up the frame(框架)made of steel. Have you ever watched a new building going up? The steel frame is built 7.f .Then the glass walls are hung on the frame. When the building is 8.f ,the frame does not show. The outside looks like windows without walls. The glass walls shine 9.i the sun with no decoration(装饰).Many people find 10.t beautiful just as they are.内容仅供参考。

公共英语二级经典阅读文章大家把理论知识学习好的同时,也应该要复习,从复习中找到自己的不足,下面是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017年公共英语二级经典阅读文章,希望能给大家带来帮助!篇一For many people in the U.S., sports are not just for fun. They're almost a religion. Thousands of sports fans buy expensive tickets to watch their favorite teams and athletes play in person. Other fans watch the games at home, glued to their TV sets. America's devotion to athletics has created a new class of wealthy people: professional athletes. Sports stars often receive million-dollar salaries. Some even make big money appearing in advertisements for soft drinks, shoes and even toiletries.对许多的美国人而言,运动不只是为了好玩。
篇二Many sports were imported from other countries. European immigrants brought tennis, golf, bowling and boxing to America. Football and baseball came from other Old World games. Only basketball has a truly American origin. Even today some formerly "foreign" sports like soccer are gaining American fans. In 1994 the U.S. hosted the World Cup for the first time ever.许多的运动是从外国引进来的。
【辉哥审校】英语经典美文 第二篇

今天加油,辉哥与你同在!下文经过了全网首席高考英语名师李辉老师团队高度认真的整理、审核、校对,无错、可信!可供全国各省高中生打印、学习、背诵!Companionship of BooksA man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age.Men often discover their affinity to each other by the mutual love they have for a book just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both entertain for a third. There is an old proverb, “Love me, love my dog.” But there is more wisdom in this:“Love me, love my book.” The book is a truer and higher bond of union. Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. They live in him together, and he in them.A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for the world of a man’s life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters.Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author’s minds, ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. The only effect of time have been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive e but what is really good.Books introduce us into the best society; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did; we see the as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which they describe.The great and good do not die, even in this world. Embalmed in books, their spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which on still listens.译文:以书为伴(节选)通常看一个读些什么书就可知道他的为人,就像看他同什么人交往就可知道他的为人一样,因为有人以人为伴,也有人以书为伴。

英语优秀文章1【原文】A more realistic approach toward international specialization is that of comparative advantage. This concept says that a nation has a comparative advantage in an item if it can produce it more efficiently than alternative products.【译文】参与国际分工的另一更为现实的做法是采取比较优势的做法。
原文中的This concept指代上文中提到的comparative advantage,This concept 是Comparative advantage的上义词。
英语优秀文章2【原文】Over the last decade, the use of countertrade in international commerce has become more widespread. The practice isemerging as a vehicle for financing capital projects and production-sharing ventures, for ensuring the repatriation of profits from investments in countriesbeset by external debt and hard currency shortages, and for competitive bidding on major nonmilitary government procurements.【译文】在过去的十年间,对等贸易在国际商业中的应用已越来越广泛。

经典阅读Grand mother 2A tall and healthy young man sits beside her and gives a rose to the girl.Then, she smiles beautifully.The girl became a Grandmother and could not smile that beautifully,but she can smile graciously while she is recollecting her memories of the past.The handsome young man is gone, and the rose is dry and put between the leaves of the book.The girl became an old lady looking at the dry rose.The Grandmother is passed away now.She fell asleep leaning her head on a chair.Her breath became quiet, and her face was full of happiness and peace.It seemed as if a ray of sunlight was shining on her face.In a black casket, and in a white cloth, she was closing her eyes, but her wrinkles were gone so that she looked much younger.Her hair was shining, and she was smiling peacefully.The hymnbook with the dry rose was put beside her head.Then, she was buried.People planted a rose tree on her grave next to the fence of a church.Moonlight was shining on the grandmother's grave.She was not in her grave.However, the dead people know much more than the living.They know that if they suddenly come up in front of us, we should be very terrified. Dead people live a better life than we do.。
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The ScarI always felt ugly. Then I learned that beauty and perfection are two very differentthings.By Joanna SlanHis thumb softly rubbed the twisted flesh on my cheek. The plastic surgeon, a good fifteen years my senior, was a very attractive man. His masculinity and the intensity of his gaze seemed almost overpowering.“Hmmm,” he said quietly. “Are you a model?”Is this a joke? Is he kidding? I asked myself, and I searched his handsome face for signs of mockery. No way would anyone ever confuse me with a fashion model. I was ugly. My mother casually referred to my sister as her pretty child. Anyone could see I was homely. After all, I had the scar to prove it.The accident happened in fourth grade, when a neighbor boy picked up a hunk of concrete and heaved the mass through the side of my face. An emergency room doctor stitched together the shreds of skin, pulling cat-gut through the tattered outside of my face and then suturing the shards flesh inside my mouth. For the rest of the year, a huge bandage from cheekbone to jaw covered the raised angry welt.A few weeks after the accident, an eye exam revealed I was nearsighted. Above the ungainly bandage sat a big, thick pair of glasses. Around my head, a short fuzzy glob of curls stood out like mold growing on old bread. To save money, mom had taken me to a beauty school where a student cut my hair. The overzealous girl hacked away cheerfully. Globs of hair piled up on the floor. By the time her instructor wandered over, the damage was done. A quick conference followed, and we were given a coupon for a free styling on our next visit.“Well,” sighed my father that evening, “you’ll always be pretty to me,” and he hesitated, “even if you aren’t to the rest of the world.”Right. Thanks. As i f I couldn’t hear the taunts of the other kids at school. As if I couldn’t see how different I looked from the little girls whom the teachers fawned over. As if I didn’t occasionally catch a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror. In a culture that values beauty, an ugly girl is an outcast. My looks caused me no end of pain. I sat in my room and sobbed every time my family watched a beauty pageant or a “talent” search show.Eventually, I decided that if I couldn’t be pretty, I would at least be well-groomed. Over the course of years, I learned to style my hair, wear contact lenses and apply make-up. Watching what worked for other women, I learned to dress myself to best advantage. And now, I was engaged to be married. The scar, shrunken and faded withage, stood between me and a new life.“Of course, I’m not a model,” I replied with a small amount of indignation.The plastic surgeon crossed his arms over his chest and looked at me appraisingly. “Then why are you concerned about his scar? If there i s no professional reason to have it removed, what brought you here today?”Suddenly he represented all the men I’d ever known. The eight boys who turned me down when I invited them to the girls-ask-boys dance. The sporadic dates I’d had in college. The parade of men who had ignored me since then. The man whose ring I wore on my left hand. My hand rose to my face. The scar confirmed it; I was ugly. The room swam before me as my eyes filled with tears.The doctor pulled a rolling stool up next to me and sat down. His knees almost touched mine. His voice was low and soft.“Let me tell you what I see. I see a beautiful woman. Not a perfect woman, but a beautiful woman. Lauren Hutton has a gap between her front teeth. Elizabeth Taylor has a tiny, tiny scar on her forehead,” he almost whispered. Then he paused and handed me a mirror. “I think to myself how every remarkable woman has an imperfection, and I believe that imperfection makes her beauty more remarkable because it assures us she is human.”He pushed back the stool and stood up. “I won’t touch it. Don’t let anyone fool with your face. Y ou are delightful just the way you are. Beauty really does come from within a woman. Believe me. It is my business to know.”Then he left.I turned to the face in the mirror. He was right. Somehow over the years, that ugly child had become a beautiful woman. Since that day in his office, as a woman who makes her living speaking before hundreds of people, I have been told may times by people of both sexes that I am beautiful. And, I know I am.When I changed how I saw myself, others were forced to change how they saw me. The doctor didn’t remove the scar on my face; he removed the scar on my heart.。