青少版新概念 3Au3 we have had a long morning

劳烦 座位 一对夫妇 商务舱
Excuse me. seat a couple Business Class
Would you mind to give seat to this couple?
Unit3 We’ve had a long morning. lesson1
• We all enjoy a bright day, but we are happy to rest at night. • It’s same with the seasons. We enjoy their differences, we enjoy the clear light of spring, and the stronger light of summer, we feel well in a soft warm light of autumn. • Slowly the light becomes paler, then the long nights of winter arrive. The trees rest, we rest too.
The pictures of aborad.
Brazil Mexico
Norway Thailand
India home country祖国 China
How do you go to USA? By plane. airport飞机场
Usually we go to the airport with our parents. How exciting for you! But what a worry for your parents!

Unit 1 A proper jobA: Guess what , James! I bumped into Nina last week. She's got a job marketing at Optima.J: Marketing ?But Nina's a fashion model !A: Well ,she was a fashion model ,but she's working at Optima now.J: What happened? Is she all right?A: Oh ,yes ,she's fine .She just wanted a proper job. Nina didn't enjoy being a model ,you know.J: Why ?She was so successful!A: She certainly was.J: So why didn't she like working as a model?A: She didn't mind working as a model .But she hates travelling on her own.She was lonely.J: Nina ,lonely? Why?A: Nina likes having a proper job ,and seeing the same people every day.She likes being among friends.J: Don't we all?!1 ------------------------------------------------------ Unit1--------------------------------------------------------------------新概念青少版3AUnit 3 We’re had a long morning !A: Hello , Karen !Hello , Daisy!Have you been to the Farmers’ Market today ?It’s only nine o’clock ,and it’s already busy .K: No, we’ve just been to the airport with Claire and Paul. They’ve gone to the US for two months .A: Have they ? How exciting ! But what a worry for you !D: Well , the US is Claire’s home country .K: And she’s with Paul !D: That’s right !Anyway , I’ve already had three texts from Claire .D: The first said , “Plane on time .”The second said ,”Board ing now .”The third said ,”Phone off now .I love you , Mom !”D: That one was just a moment ago . Of course , I’ll miss her like crazy .But I’m not going to worry ! We’re not going to worry , are we Karen ?K: No , we aren’t !D: We’re going to put the kettle on , and have a nice cup of tea !K: Yes , we’ve already had a long morning !3--- --------------------------------------------------- Unit3Unit 5 How long is your day?“Have you finished your homework yet?” Why haven’t you finished your homework ?How often do you hear these questions in your house ?How do you feel about homework?Children worldwide now do more homeworkhours than they did twenty-five years ago-but there are huge variation s. In some parts of the world, even very young children have a lot of homework.They come home from school ,and they work for three or four hours before bedtime. In other parts of the world,children don’t have much homework until they are a bit older.At the same time ,many young people worldwide have extra classes after school. One way or another, many children ‘work’twelve or fourteen hours a day. Is this really necessary?How much homework do you have?How much time do you really spend on it ?How long is your day ?5----- ------------------------------------------------ Unit5--------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 7 Speakers’ Corner:Jack: Let’s walk through the park, Daisy.Oh, look,We’re at Speakers’ Corner!Daisy: What’s Speakers’ Corner?Jack: It’s a British tradition.People speak here on Sunday afternoons.And anyone can say anything about anything.Jack: Let’s listen to this guy.What’s he talking about? Speaker: Everybody in the world needs love.You need love. I need love.Man in Crowd: You need a haircut.Daisy: He needs a bath!Speaker: My friends!What is the secret of love?Health!Health is the secret of love!Man in Crowd: You don’t look very healthy! Speaker: And what is the secret of healthy?Man in Crowd: Tell us! Tell us! I can’t wait! Speaker: Love is the secret of health!I’m not saying anything…Man in Crowd: No, you’re not.Speaker: …about this secret.I’m not saying anything…ManinCrowd:You’re not saying anything about anything! Jack: Crazy, isn’t it?They talk a lot and say nothing! Daisy: And they always shout! -- 7--Unit 6 Bird-brainedK: Have you done your homework yet , Lucy?L: I’m just taking a break , Mum.I’ve found this really strange story on the eNews Website. Come and have a look.An eight-year-old peacock in Shropshire has fallen hopelessly in love with a petrol pump. Every day for the last three years , Mr.P., the peacock ,has made the three-hundred-metre journey along the main road from his home to the busy petrol pumps.The pumps make a clicking noise when someone is filling up. To Mr.P. , this sounds just like an admiring peahen.One pump in particular has won Mr.P.’s admiration. He has been faithful to this pump since he was five. Mr.P. has lost interest in the peahens at home . Clearly, they can’t compete with the glamorous petrol pump.6------ ---------------------------------------------- Unit6 --------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 8 Crazy about Alexander CalderAmy: Hi kid, come on in ! My! You look tired!C: Hi, Grandma! We fell fine. We’ve had a great day! Paul: Yes, it was amazing!Amy: Where did you go?Claire: We went to the American Art Museum.Paul fell in love with the sculpture s.We spent hours on the work of Alexander Calder. Paul: You liked it as well!Clair: Yes, I did!I loved his jewellery!Paul: They’re lovely things.They look very simple, but they’re not simple at all.C: The shapes are very strong, and the colours are soft…Paul: Anyway…His hanging sculptures were the best for me ! Paul: There was one huge one, called ‘Big Red’.It was made of triangular pieces, like feathers.The pieces were made of aluminium.They looked heavy, but they were light.Paul: We blew on one little disc, and the whole thing moved.Claire: Yeah, that was cool!All the pieces moved around, like a native Indian headdress. -- Unit8--Unit 2 Just like your mother~C: Oh, good! We’re in the front row, so we’ve got some extra space.P: That’s great, Claire .How did you know?C: Mom told me. We’re both tall, and it’s a long flight. P: Your mother’s brilliant! It’s great to stretch out. Flight Attendant: Would you lik e some water or some orange juice?Claire: Not now, thanks. I’ve just had a drink.Paul: I’d li ke some water, please.Flight Attendant: Have you had a magazine ora newspaper?P: No, we haven’t. I’d like this one, please.Ah, I’m going to enjoy this flight!Flight Attendant: Excuse me. Would you mind giving your seats to this couple?They’re both very tall, and they need the extra space. C: They are tall. Why don’t you put them in Business Class?P: Claire! You sound just like your mother!2-- --------------------------------------------------- Unit2 --------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 4 A museum pieceR: What’s this, Dad?W: It’s an Apple 2.It’s a very early computer.In fact, it’s the first Personal Computer, ever.It came onto the market in 1977.Where did you find it?R: Mum found it in a box in the attic.W: Oh, then it’s mine!It’s been there for years.In fact, it’s been there since we moved into this R: Does it still work?W: I don’t know……Ah, there you are!Can you hear the hard disk?R: Is that noise the hard disk?It sounds like a lawnmower!W: It hasn’t been out of its box for twenty years!R: What can you do with it?W: Good question! It’s just a museum piece, really. It’s only got five Megabyte s’ hard disk space.R: Five Megabytes! That’s nothing!W: I know.It was already a museum piece when I bought it, and that was a long time to go.Maybe I’m a museum piece now, too!4---- --------------------------------------------- Unit4Unit 9 What’s in a name?Picture this! Someone offers you a cup of something, and says, ‘try this!’You’re never seen this liquid before, and you don’t recognize it. Do you drink it straight away? I don’t think so! Do you taste it immediately? Probably not. Before you put the cup of your lip s, you probably ask,‘What is it?’or, ‘What does it taste like?’Now, imagine a reply like this:‘Actually, it’s a solution of organic chemicals and inorganic salt s.’Would you taste the drink now?Of course not!‘I always avoid chemicals in food and drink,’you’d say.‘I never touch anything unnatural!’Quite right! We’d all say the same thing.Names are very powerful. But just think! We eat and drink ‘chemicals’all the time. Even pure water is a chemical. It’s made of hydrogen and oxygen.Let’s go back to the liquid in your cup. Taste is! It’s good for you!‘Mmm, it tastes good! Mmm! Please can I have another cup? What is it?’Well, funnily enough, by another name, it’s just ‘a cup of tea’.9----------- --获取更多资源请关注:率哥----- Unit9--------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 11 Turn it down!L:Dad, that music’s loud!Turn it down!W:Sorry,Lucy!Am I interrupt ing your homework?L:It’s not that,Dad.We had a lesson today about hearing.Look at this. One person in seven in the UK is deaf, and many of them are deaf because of noise.For most people,the safe limit is 85 decibel s(dB) for continuous noise,and 103 dB for sudden noise.After fifteen minutes at 105 dB,most people will have some damage to their hearing.Music in nightclub s is often much louder than the safe limit.19% of young people listen to their MP3 players at 105 to 110 dB for many hours.75% of them will experience‘ringing in the ears’,and they will feel a bit deaf.If they are lucky,this will last for one or two days. If they are unlucky, the damage will last for ever.L:You’re always listening to loud music,Dad.If you aren’t careful,you’ll become deaf.W:Sorry,Lucy!What did you say?L:Oh,Dad!It isn’t. And I will turn the sound down.I promise!11----------- --------------------------------------- Unit11UNIT 13 What am I doing here?K:Here at las t!How do you like Redstone Ranch, Jed?J:It looks nice!I’m looking forward to a swim.K:Good idea!But let me tell you the rule s first.J:Rules?I’m on vacation!K:There are some rules,honey. J:Such as?K:Shoes.You can’t use heavy equipment in the gyms without the right shoes.J:I’m not going to use heavy equipment.K:And if you go to a dance class,you can’t wearblack-soled trainers.Black-soled trainers mark the floors.J:When am I going to go to a dance class? K:And you must wear a T-shirt or vest at all times. You’re not allowed to show your chest.J:Not even when I’m swimming?K:It’s OK when you’re swimming…K:When you’re in the wet zones,you can wear a swimsuit and you can show your chest.J:What else is not allowed?K:We’re not allowed to run or shout in public areas. J:Kelly,believe me!I have enough rules at work!What am I doing here?K:I just want us to have a nice holiday! --- Unit13----------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 15 Not on a school night!L:Mum, I’m going to the cinema tomorrow.Do you mind if I stop over at Flora’s house afterwards?K:Yes,I do mind! I want you to be back here by 9.30 at the latest.L:9.30!The film doesn’t finish till 10!I won’t be able to go!Can’t you or Dad pick me up outside the cinema? Please!K:No,I’m sorry,Lucy. Not on a school night.L:But Mum!Everybody’s going!K:I’ll be surprised if everyone is going.You’ve got school next day.9.30 is late enough. L:Oh, Mum! K:Look,Lucy! You have a lot of freedom.Your father and I work all day,and we pick you up,late at night,a couple of times a week. That’s fine at weekends,but not during the week.K:As far as I’m concerned,you may not stay out later than 9.30 on a school night.L:Flora’s mother lets her go out.K:And we let you go out-but not on a school night!K:I’ll be surprised if Flora stays out late in the week.You may go to the cinema on Friday.And I’ll pick you up outside the cinema at o’clock.15----------------------------------------------- Unit15UNIT 14 The wrong 12-year-old!R:Did you hear about Jake Oliver,Dad?W:Jake Oliver?R:you know .He’s the world karate champion.He came first in his age-group last year.W:Oh,yes.He’s only 12,isn’t he?R:That’s right. He lives in Bristol.He was on his way home from a practice session last week,and a tall guy with a hood grab bed him. This guy wanted him to hand over his mobile phone.R:Jake said to himself, ‘I earned this phone! I worked really hard to be able to buy it!’W:Obviously, he wouldn’t want a thief to take it like that!R:Right! R:So the guy tried to punch him.Jake step ped sideways,and gave him one in the face.It broke the guy’s nose.There was blood everywhere. The thief held his nose and ran!W:He picked the wrong 12-year-old!What a great story! R:Yeah,well,Dad.I want to learn karate now.W:I can understand that, Robert.But I don’t want you to get into fight s. What will your mother say?R:That’s the question,Dad.I’d like you to ask her.14----------------------------------------- --------Unit14 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 封底装订说明:A4纸双面打印后每页分别短边对短边,长边对长边,对折出十字线,裁切为4份,共15个单元(30课时),请按单元数字1~15调整好顺序,第五页为封面和备忘录,短边对折裁切为上下两部分,长边对折压出中线折痕,放入裁切好的前4页,在左侧装订即可。

New words and expressions
milk n. 丝,丝绸 mix v. 混合 stir v. 搅拌 pour v. 倒,灌 heat v. 加热 boil v. 煮沸 fry v. 油炸 grill v. 烧,烤 bake v. 烘,烤
gossip solution lip common reply boil oxygen
Notes on the Text
recognize,vt.认出;识别;承认 vi.承认,确认;赏识
e.g: I recognize my own shortcomings... e.g: ...a nationally recognized expert on psychology. e.g: He had the insight to recognize their talents...
茶的利用始作药料,在《神农本草经》一书中曾经指出:“神农 尝百草,日遇七十二毒,得荼而解之”(注:茶原名荼),说是 远在公元前2737-2697年茶被神农所发现,并用为药料,自此 后,茶逐渐推广为药用。但何时开始作为饮料,史料极缺,只 有公元前59年的王褒《僮约》一文,曾提到“武阳买茶”“烹
茶尽 具”等工作内容,这是茶用来饮用的最早记载。
Unit 9 What's in a name?
1.我们在交通上的花费很少。 We spend little on transportation.
2. 我们应该多花点时间读书。 We should spend more time in reading.
感觉很好 度过美好的一天 爱上雕塑 它们一点都不简单。 它们的形状很强壮,颜色很柔和。
有一年冬天,快过年时分,雪下得很大,茶树也将冻死,采 办年货的行人络绎不绝,依旧在老太太家门口歇脚,其中有 一长者见老太愁容不展,就问:“老太太年货采办了没有? ”老太太长吁短叹地说:“别说年货无钱采办,就是这些茶 树也快冻死,明年春天施茶也就不成了。”长者指着边上一 个破石臼说:“宝贝就在这里,有何为,不如将此石臼卖于 我好么?”老太太说:“这石臼越旧越好,如今洗了就不值 钱了。”老太太说:“破臼本不值钱,你要只顾取去。”
lesson 3朗文 新概念靑少版3A

We ’ve had a long morningPart I : Reading and understandingListen to the recording, and then answer this question:Why have Daisy and Karen had a long morning? 听录音,黛西和卡伦为什么过了个漫长的早晨?A LICE: Hello, Karen! Hello, Daisy! Have you been to theFarmers ’Market today? It ’sonly nine o ’clock, and it ’salresdy busy.K AREN: No, we ’ve just been tothe airport with Claire and Paul.They ’ve gone to the US for two months.ALICE: Have they? How exciting!But what a worry for you!Daisy: Well, the US is Claire ’s home Country.Karen: And she is with Paul!Daisy: That ’s right! Anyway,I’vealready had three texts from Claire.Daisy: The first said, ‘Plane on time.’The second said, ‘Boarding now.’Unit 3The third said, ‘Phone off now.I love you, Mom!’Daisy: That one was just a moment ago.Of course, I’ll miss her like crazy.But I’m not going to worry!We’re not going to worry, are we,Karen?Karen: No, we aren’t.Daisy: We’re going to put the kettle on,And have a nice cup of tea!Karen: Yes, we’ve already had a long morning!Part II : wordsfa farmer n.农夫market n.市场text n.短信worry n.担心,令人担心的事物/ v. 担心kettle n. 水壶on time adv.准时地board v. 上(船,飞机等公共交通工具)home country n. 祖国still adv.仍然have a good time 玩的开心Part III: sentences and gramar1.Have you ever been to the Farmers’ Market today?2.What a worry for you!3.We’re not going to worry, are we, Karen?4.When did you go to Holland?Part IV: speakingPatterns:a): Have you ever been to Holland?b): When did you go to there?c): Where has she gone?17 18Holland MexicoLast week last month19 20Noway BrazilLast year last summer21 22India AustraliaA fornight ago six months ago23 24Thailand ChinaIn 1999 in 2003Written Exercises1. Write in the missing words, and then look at the text in Lesson 5.1) Have you ________ to _______ Farmers ’_______ today?2) They ’ve ________ to the US________ two months.3) Anyway, I’ve _______ ________ three texts ________ Claire.4) We ’re _______ to put the _______ on, and_______ a nice _____ oftea.2. Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson 3, to make one paragraph.1) Where has Alice been today? Where have Karen and Daisy been with Claire and Paul? ( Use ……, but) 2) Where have they gone, and for how long?3) Whose home country is the US, Claire’s or Paul’s?4) How many texts has Daisy already had from Claire?5) What did the first say? What did the second say, and what did the third say? ( Use…, and)6) Is Daisy going to miss Claire? Are she and Karen going to worry or not? (use…., but)7) What are they going to put on? What are they going to have? What kind of moring have they have?(use…, and and…., because)___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________3. Listen to the recording, and answer the questions about the text.1) What do we enjoy about the seasons?a) The bright days. b) The longer night.c) The difference in light.2). In spring we____________a) feel well. b) begin again.c) walke up3) How far does a seabird fly in a year?a) 65,000 kilometers. b) 75,000 kilometers.c) 85,000 kilometers.4) When and where does the bird’s life begin?a) In march, in New Zealand. b) In April, in China.c) In September, in Alaska.4. Choose the correct answer to fill the blank.1). Have you _______ to the Farmers’ Market today?a) be b) go c) been d) gone2). They’ve ______ to the US for two months.a) go b) going c) went d) done3). Anyway, I’ve________ had three texts from Claire.a) already b) ago c) yet d) here4) We’re not going to worry, _______, Karen?a) are we b) do we c) will we d) did we。
青少版新概念3A 课文总结范文

Unit1:Alan bumped into Nina last week. She has got a job in Marketing at Optima now. Alan told James about Nina, and he was surprised, because Nina is a fashion model. Nina is fine, but she wanted a proper job. She didn’t mind being a model, but she hated travelling on her own, and she was lonely. Nina likes having a proper job, she enjoys seeing the same people every day, and she likes being among friends.Unit2:Claire and Paul are in the front row of the plane, so they have both got some extra space. They are both tall, and it is a long flight, so they can stretch out. The flight attendant offers them some water or some orange juice. Claire has just had a drink, but Paul would like some water. He would like a newspaper,too. The flight attendant asks them,’ Would you mind giving your seats to this couple,because they are both very tall, and they need the extra space?’ And Claire says ,’ They are tall. Why don’t you put them in Business Class.’Unit3:Alice has been to the Farmers’ Market today, but Kar en and Daisy have been to the airport with Claire and Paul. They have gone to the US for two months. The US is Claire’s home country. Daisy has already had three texts from Claire. The first said, ‘Plane on time’, the second said, ‘Boarding now ’, and the third said, ‘Plane off now . I love you, Mum!’ Daisy is going to miss Claire, but she and Karen are not going to worry. They are going to put the kettle on, and have a nice cup of tea, because they have had a long morning.Unit4:Robert found a very early computer in a box in the attic, and he wants to know all about it. It is and Apple 2, and it came onto the market in 1977. It has been in the attic for years. In fact, it has been there since they moved into the house. It still works, but it is very nois y. It has only got five Megabytes’ hard disk space, so it is a museum piece really.Unit5:Children worldwide do more homework hours than they did twenty-five years ago, but there are huge variations. In some parts of the world, even very young children have a lot of homework. They come home from school, and they work for three or four hours before bedtime. Many young people worldwide have extra classes too. So many children ‘ work ’ twelve or fourteen hours a day.。

新概念青少版3A U n i t1A p r o p e r j o bA: Guess what , James! I bumped into Nina last week. She's got a job marketing at Optima.J: Marketing ?But Nina's a fashion model !A: Well ,she was a fashion model ,but she's working at Optima now.J: What happened? Is she all right?A: Oh ,yes ,she's fine .She just wanted a proper job. Nina didn't enjoy being a model ,you know.J: Why ?She was so successful!A: She certainly was.J: So why didn't she like working as a model?A: She didn't mind working as a model .But she hates travelling on her own.She was lonely.J: Nina ,lonely? Why?A: Nina likes having a proper job ,and seeing the same people every day.She likes being among friends.J: Don't we all?!新概念青少版 3A Unit 2 Just like your mother~C: Oh, good!We’re in the front row, so we’ve got some extra space.P: That’s great, Claire .How did you know?C: Mo m told me. We’re both tall, and it’s a long flight. P: Your mother’s brilliant! It’s great to stretch out.FlightAttendant: Would you like some water or some orange juice?Claire: Not now, thanks. I’ve just had a drink.Paul: I’d like some water, please.FlightAttendant: Have you had a magazine or a newspaper? P: No, we haven’t. I’d like this one, please.Ah, I’m going to enjoy this flight!FlightAttendant: Excuse me. Would you mind giving your seats to this couple?They’re both very tall, and they need the extra space.C: They are tall. Why don’t you put them in Business Class?P: Claire! You sound just like your mother!新概念青少版 3A Unit 3 We’re had a long morning !A: Hello , Karen !Hello , Daisy!Have you been to the Farmers’ Market today ?It’s only nine o’clock ,and it’s already busy .K: No, we’ve just been to the airport with Claire and Paul They’ve gone to the US for two months .A: Have they ? How exciting ! But what a worry for you !D: Well , the US is Claire’s home country .K: And she’s with Paul !D: That’s right !Anyway , I’ve already had three texts from Claire .D: The first said , “Plane on time .”The second said ,”Boarding now .”The third said ,”Phone off now .I love you , Mom !”D: That one was just a moment ago . Of course , I’ll miss her like crazy .But I’m not going to worry !We’re not going to worry , are we Karen ?K: No , we aren’t !D: We’re going to put the kettle on , and have a nice cup of tea !K: Yes , we’ve already had a long morning !新概念青少版 3A Unit 4 A museum pieceRobert: What’s this, Dad?William: It’s an Apple 2.It’s a very early computer.In fact, it’s the first Personal Computer, ever. It came onto the market in 1977.Where did you find it?Robert: Mum found it in a box in the attic.William: Oh, then it’s mine!It’s been there for years.In fact, it’s been there since we moved into thishouse!Robert: Does it still work?William: I don’t know……Ah, there you are!Can you hear the hard disk?Robert: Is that noise the hard disk、It sounds like a lawnmower!William: It hasn’t been out of its box for twenty years! Robert: What can you do with it?William: Good question!It’s just a museum piece, really.It’s only got five Megabytes’ hard disk space. Robert: Five Megabytes!That’s nothing!William: I know.It was already a museum piece when I bought it, and that was a long time to go.Maybe I’m a museum piece now, too!新概念青少版 3A Unit 5“Have you finished your homework yet?”Why haven’t you finished your homework ?How often do you hear these questions in your house ?How do you feel about homework?Children wordwide now do more homeworkhours than they did twenty-five years ago-but there are huge variations. In some partsof the world, even very young childrenhave a lot of homework.They come home from school ,and theywork for three or four hours beforebedtime. In other parts of the world,children don’t have much homework untilthey are a bit older.At the same time ,many young peopleworldwide have extra classes after school. One way or another, many children ‘work’ twelve or fourteen hours a day. Is this really necessary?How much homework do you have?How much time do you really spend on it ?How long is your day ?新概念青少版 3A Unit 6 Bird-brainedK: Have you done your homework yet , Lucy?L: I’m just taking a break , Mum.I’ve found this really strange story on the eNews Website.Come and have a look.An eight-year-old peacock in Shropshire has fallen hopelessly in love with a petrol pump. Every day for the last three years , Mr.P., the peacock ,has made the three-hundred-metre journey along the main road from his home to the busy petrol pumps.The pumps make a clicking noise when someone is filling up. To Mr.P. , this sounds just like an admiring peahen.One pump in particular has won Mr.P.’s admiration. He has been faithful to this pump since he was five. Mr.P. has lost interest in the peahens at home . Clearly, they can’t compete with the glamorous petrol pump.新概念青少版 3A Unit 7Speakers’ Corner:Jack: Let’s walk through the park, Daisy.Oh, look,We’re at Speakers’ Corner!Daisy: What’s Speakers’ Corner?Jack: It’s a British tradition.People speak here on Sunday afternoons.And anyone can say anything about anything.Jack: Let’s listen to this guy.What’s he talking about?Speaker: Everybody in the world needs love.You need love. I need love.Man in Crowd: You need a haircut.Daisy: He needs a bath!Speaker: My friends!What is the secret of love?Health!Health is the secret of love!Man in Crowd: You don’t look very healthy!Speaker: And what is the secret of healthy?Man in Crowd: Tell us! Tell us! I can’t wait! Speaker: Love is the secret of health!I’m not saying anything……Man in Crowd: No, you’re not.Speaker: ……about this secret.I’m not saying anything……Man in Crowd: You’re not saying anything about anything! Jack: Crazy, isn’t it?They talk a lot and say nothing!Daisy: And they always shout!新概念青少版 3A Unit 8Crazy about Alexander CalderAmy: Hi kid, come on in ! My! You look tired!Claire: Hi, Grandma! We fell fine. We’ve had a great day! Paul: Yes, it was amazing!Amy: Where did you go?Claire: We went to the American Art Museum.Paul fell in love with the sculptures.We spent hours on the work of Alexander Calder.Paul: You liked it as well!Clair: Yes, I did!I loved his jewellery!Paul: They’re lovely things.They look very simple, but they’re not simple at all.Claire: The shapes are very strong, and the colours are soft…Paul: Anyway…His hanging sculptures were the best for me !Paul: There was one huge one, called ‘Big Red’.It was made of triangular pieces, like feathers. The pieces were made of aluminium.They looked heavy, but they were light.Paul: We blew on one little disc, and the whole thing moved. Claire: Yeah, that was cool!All the pieces moved around, like a native Indian headdress.新概念青少版 3A Unit 9What’s in a name?Picture this! Someone offers you a cup of something, and says, ‘try this’You’re never seen this liquid before, and you don’t recognize it. Do you drink it straight away? I don’t think so! Do you taste it immediately? Probably not.Before you put the cup of your lips, you probably ask,‘What is it?’ or, ‘What does it taste like?’Now, imagine a reply like this:‘Actually, it’s a solution of organic chemicals and inorganic salts.’Would you taste the drink now? Of course not!‘I always avoid chemicals in food and drink,’you’d say.‘I never touch anything unnatural!’Quite right! We’d all say the same thing.Names are very powerful. But just think! We eat and drink ‘chemicals’all the time. Even pure water is a chemical. It’s made of hydrogen and oxygen.Let’s go back to the liquid in your cup. Taste is! It’s good for you!‘Mmm, it tastes good! Mmm! Please can I have another cup? What is it?’Well, funnily enough, by another name, it’s just ‘a cup of tea’.新概念青少版 3A Unit 10Trick of the tradePat: Gosh, Nina, you look good!Is that another new sweater?Nina: You’ve seen it before.But I’ve turned it round, so the buttons go down the back.Pat: That’s clever!Nina: But it’s so simple!It’s easy enough for anyone to do this kind of thing. Pat: Not me!I’d love to be able to dress well.I try hard, but I just can’t look fashionable. Nina: It’s not about fashion!You just need to enjoy your clothes.Pat: It’s easy for you!You’re pretty enough to wear anything.You’d look great in a black plastic bag!Nina: Honestly, Pat, it’s about style, not fashion. Nina: Style is about wearing theright shapes and colours for you.For example, I never wear white next to my face. White is too cold for me to wear.Cream’s a better colour for me.Pat: How do you know that?Nina: Oh, these are tricks of the trade.Would you like me to touch you?Pat: Would I ? I’d love you to!新概念青少版 3A Unit 11新概念青少版 3A Unit 12新概念青少版 3A Unit 13新概念青少版 3A Unit 14新概念青少版 3A Unit 15Turn it down!Lesson 21L:Dad, that music’s loud!Turn it down!W:Sorry,Lucy!Am I interrupting your homework?L:It’s not that,Dad.We had a lesson today about hearing.Look at this.L:You’re always listening to loud music,Dad. If you aren’t careful,you’ll become deaf. W:Sorry,Lucy!What did you say?L:Oh,Dad!It isn’t.And I will turn the sound down.I promise!One person in seven in the UK is deaf, and many of them are deaf because of noise.For most people,the safe limit is 85 decibels(dB) for continuous noise,and 103 dB for sudden noise.After fifteen minutes at 105 dB,most people will have some damage to their hearing.Music in nightclubs is often much louder than the safe limit.19% of young people listen to their MP3 players at 105 to 110 dB for many hours.75% of them will experience ‘ringing in the ears’,and they will feel a bit deaf.if they are lucky,this will last for one or two days. If they are unlucky, the damage will last for ever.UNIT 12 Paul becomes an internLesson 23E:Paul,you want to join our intern program form next January.Is that right?P:Yes, that’s right.E:What are your plans between now and then? P:I’m going to travel out west,to Utath and Arizona.E:Will you apply for other intern programs when you’re out there?P:that’s my plan.E:I see. We are the market leader,of course. P:I know that.E:And you’re an exceptional applicant.E:I’m going to make you an offer, Paul ,and you’re going to tell me yes or no.You can join our intern program form Monday next week,for twelve weeks.E:If you join,you’ll, you’ll live on the Ranch,and you’ll have no expenses. When we ask you to work, you’ll work.You’ll learn a lot.E:Maybe you’ll come back in January,maybe you won’t.Either way,when you finish here,you’ll have RedstoneRanch on your resune.E:What do you say?P:Yes.thank you very much.E:You won’t regret it!UNIT 13 What am I doing here?Lesson 25K:Here at last!How do you like Redstone Ranch, Jed?J:It looks nice!I’m looking forward to a swim.K:Good idea!But let me tell you the rules first. J:Rules?I’m on vacation!K:There are some rules,honey.J:Such as?K:Shoes.You can’t use heavy equipment in the gyms without the right shoes.J:I’m not going to use heavy equipment.K:And if you go to a dance class,you can’t wear black-soled trainers. Black-soled trainers mark the floors.J:When am I going to go to a dance class?K:And you must wear a T-shirt or vest at all times. You’ re not allowed to show your chest.J:Not even when I’m swimming?K:It’s OK when you’re swimming…K:When you’re in the wet aones,you can wear a swimsuit and you can show your chest.J:What else is not allowed?K:We’re not allowed to run or shout in publicareas.J:Kelly,believe me!I have enough rules at work!What am I doing here?K:I just want us to have a nice holiday!UNIT 14 The wrong 12-year-oly!Lesson 27R:Did you hear about Jake Oliver,Dad?W:Jake Oliver?R:you know .He’s the world karate champion. He came first in his age-group last year.W:Oh,yes.He’s only 12,isn’t he?R:That’s right. He lives in Bristol.He was on his way home from a practice session last week,and a tall guy with a hood grabbed him. This guy wanted him to hand over his mobile phone.R:Jake said to himself, ‘I earned this phone! I worked really hard to be able to buy it!’W:Obviously, he wouldn’t want a thief to take it like that!R:Right!R:So the guy tried to punch him.Jake steppedsideways,and gave him one in the face.It broke the guy’s nose.There was blood everywhere. The thief held his nose and ran!W:He picked the wrong 12-year-old!What a great story!R:Yeah,well,Dad.I want to learn karate now. W:I can understand that, Robert.but I don’t want you to get into gights. What will your mother say?R:That’s the question,Dad.I’d like you to ask her.UNIT 15 Not on a school night!Lesson 29L:Mum, I’m going to the cinema tomorrow.Do you mind if I stop over at Flora’s house afterwards? K:Yes,I do mind! I want you to bebck here by 9:30 at the latest.L:9:30!The film doesn’t finish till10!I won’t be able to go!Can’t you or Dad pick me up outside the cinema?Please!K:No,I’m sorry,Lucy. Not on a school night.L:But Mum!Everybody’s going!K:I’ll be surprised if everyone is going.You’ve got school next day.9.30 is late enough.L:Oh, Mum!K:Look,Lucy! You have a lot of freedom.Your father and I work all day,and we pick you up,late at night,a couple of times a week. That’s fine at weekends,but not during the week.K:As far as I’m concerned,you may not stay out later than 9.30 on a school night.L:Flora’s mother lets her go out.K:And we let you go out-but not on a school night! K:I’ll be surprised if Flora stays out late in the week.You may go to the cinema on Friday. And I’ll pick you up outside the cinema at o’clock.。

• Lucy: It’s not that, Dad.
We had a lesson today
about hearing.
Look at this.
Notes on the Text
• interrupt & interruption n. • e.g: He tried to speak, • but she interrupted him. • interrupt 是打断的意思,主要打断别人正在进行
Good looks may fade, but a good heart keeps you beautiful forever.
lose the wayΒιβλιοθήκη fail the exam
I know I'm not young, but I still have to say:very looking forward to the next year.
句; • e.g: Because he is ill, he is absent today.
• decibel 复数:decibels • e.g: Continuous exposure to sound above 80 decibels
could be harmful.
Unit 11 Turn it down!
• 维塔斯的高音是105分贝,而飞机起飞时螺旋桨 发出的声音才110分贝!
Unit 11 Turn it down!
• Lucy: Dad, that music’s loud!
Turn it down!
• William: Sorry, Lucy!
新概念青少版 3A Unit 2 真像你妈妈!

Just like your mother!真像你妈妈!Listen to the recording, and then answer this question: Does Claire want to give up her seat? 听录音,然后回答问题:克莱尔想让出座位吗?Listening and Understanding 听力理解22314 5 6Notes on the Text 课文注释1 I t ’s g r e at t o s tr e tc h o ut 在it i s + adj. + t o do some t h in g 这个句型中,it 是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式短语,这种结构可以避免句子“头重脚轻”。
2 Wo ul d y o u lik e …?用于礼貌地提议或邀请。
3 I ’v e ju s t h a d a d rinkh a d 是动词h av e 的过去分词形式。
ju s t 在句中表示“刚才,方才”,作时间状语,放在助动词h av e 后面,front row /'frönt 'r5U / n. 前排extra /'ekstr5/ adj. 额外的space /speIs / n. 空间flight /flaIt / n. 空中旅行brilliant /9brIlj5nt / adj. 聪明的stretch out /9stretS 9aUt / v. + adv. particle (intransitive ) 伸展开flight attendant /9flaIt 58tend5nt / n. 空中服务员Would you like ...? fixed phrase 请问您想……吗?Excuse me /Ik9skju:z mi / fixed phrase 劳驾seat /si:t / n. 座位couple /9köpFl / n. 一对夫妇Business Class /9bIznIs klA:s / compound n. 商务舱New Words and Expressions 生词和短语2Guided Conversation 对话练习1 Answer questions about the text. 根据课文回答问题。

新概念青少版 3A Unit 1 A proper jobA: Guess what , James! I bumped into Nina last week. She's got a job marketing at Optima.J: Marketing ?But Nina's a fashion model !A: Well ,she was a fashion model ,but she's working at Optima now.J: What happened? Is she all right?A: Oh ,yes ,she's fine .She just wanted a proper job.Nina didn't enjoy being a model ,you know.J: Why ?She was so successful!A: She certainly was.J: So why didn't she like working as a model?A: She didn't mind working as a model .But she hates travelling on her own.She was lonely.J: Nina ,lonely? Why?A: Nina likes having a proper job ,and seeing the same people every day.She likes being among friends.J: Don't we all?!新概念青少版 3A Unit 2 Just like your mother~C: Oh, good!We’re in the front row, so we’ve got some extra space.P: That’s great, Claire .How did you know?C: Mom told me. We’re both tall, and it’s a long flight.P: Your mother’s brilliant! It’s great to stretch out.FlightAttendant: Would you like some water or some orange juice?Claire: Not now, thanks. I’ve just had a drink. Paul: I’d like some water, please.FlightAttendant: Have you had a magazine or a newspaper? P: No, we haven’t. I’d like this one, please.Ah, I’m going to enjoy this flight!FlightAttendant: Excuse me. Would you mind giving yourseats to this couple?They’re both very tall, and they need the extra space.C: They are tall. Why don’t you put them in Business Class?P: Claire! You sound just like your mother!新概念青少版3A Unit 3 We’re had a long morning !A: Hello , Karen !Hello , Daisy!Have you been to the Farmers’ Market today ?It’s only nine o’clock ,and it’s already busy .K: No, we’ve just been to the airport with Claire and Paul They’ve gone to the US for two months .A: Have they ? How exciting ! But what a worry for you !D: Well , the US is Claire’s home country .K: And she’s with Paul !D: That’s right !Anyway , I’ve already had three texts from Claire .D: The first said , “Plane on time .” The second said ,”Boarding now .”The third said ,”Phone off now . I love you , Mom !”D: That one was just a moment ago . Of course , I’ll miss her like crazy .But I’m not going to worry !We’re not going to worry , are we Karen ?K: No , we aren’t !D: We’re going to put the kettle on , and have a nice cup of tea !K: Yes , we’ve already had a long morning !新概念青少版 3A Unit 4 A museum pieceRobert: What’s this, Dad?William: It’s an Apple 2.It’s a very early computer.In fact, it’s the first Personal Computer, ever.It came onto the market in 1977.Where did you find it?Robert: Mum found it in a box in the attic.William: Oh, then it’s mine!It’s been there for years.In fact, it’s been there since we moved into this house!Robert: Does it still work?William: I don’t know……Ah, there you are!Can you hear the hard disk?Robert: Is that noise the hard disk、It sounds like a lawnmower!William: It hasn’t been out of its box for twenty years!Robert: What can you do with it?William: Good question!It’s just a museum piece, really.It’s only got five Megabytes’ hard disk space. Robert: Five Megabytes!That’s nothing!William: I know.It was already a museum piece when I bought it, and that was a long time to go.Maybe I’m a museum piece now, too!新概念青少版 3A Unit 5“Have you finished your homework yet?” Why haven’t you finished your homework ?How often do you hear these questions in your house ?How do you feel about homework?Children wordwide now do more homeworkhours than they did twenty-five years ago-but there are huge variations. In some partsof the world, even very young childrenhave a lot of homework.They come home from school ,and theywork for three or four hours beforebedtime. In other parts of the world,children don’t have much homework untilthey are a bit older.At the same time ,many young peopleworldwide have extra classes after school. One way or another, many children ‘work’twelve or fourteen hoursa day. Is this really necessary?How much homework do you have?How much time do you really spend on it ?How long is your day ?新概念青少版 3A Unit 6 Bird-brainedK: Have you done your homework yet , Lucy?L: I’m just taking a break , Mum.I’ve found this really strange story on the eNews Website.Come and have a look.An eight-year-old peacock in Shropshire has fallen hopelessly in love with a petrol pump. Every day for the last three years , Mr.P., the peacock ,has made the three-hundred-metre journey along the main road from his home to the busy petrol pumps.The pumps make a clicking noise when someone is filling up. To Mr.P. , this sounds just like an admiring peahen.One pump in particular has won Mr.P.’s admiration. He has been faithful to this pump since he was five.Mr.P. has lost interest in the peahens at home . Clearly, they can’t compete with the glamorous petrol pump.新概念青少版 3A Unit 7Speakers’ Corner:Jack: Let’s walk through the park, Daisy.Oh, look,We’re at Speakers’ Corner!Daisy: What’s Speakers’ Corner?Jack: It’s a British tradition.People speak here on Sunday afternoons.And anyone can say anything about anything.Jack: Let’s listen to this guy.What’s he talking about?Speaker: Everybody in the world needs love.You need love. I need love.Man in Crowd: You need a haircut.Daisy: He needs a bath!Speaker: My friends!What is the secret of love?Health!Health is the secret of love!Man in Crowd: You don’t look very healthy!Speaker: And what is the secret of healthy?Man in Crowd: Tell us! Tell us! I can’t wait! Speaker: Love is the secret of health!I’m not saying anything……Man in Crowd: No, you’re not.Speaker: ……about this secret.I’m not saying anything……Man in Crowd: You’re not saying anything about anything!Jack: Crazy, isn’t it?They talk a lot and say nothing!Daisy: And they always shout!新概念青少版 3A Unit 8Crazy about Alexander CalderAmy: Hi kid, come on in ! My! You look tired!Claire: Hi, Grandma! We fell fine. We’ve had a great day!Paul: Yes, it was amazing!Amy: Where did you go?Claire: We went to the American Art Museum.Paul fell in love with the sculptures.We spent hours on the work of Alexander Calder.Paul: You liked it as well!Clair: Yes, I did!I loved his jewellery!Paul: They’re lovely things.They look very simple, but they’re not simple at all.Claire: The shapes are very strong, and the colours are soft…Paul: Anyway…His hanging sculptures were the best for me !Paul: There was one huge one, called ‘Big Red’.It was made of triangular pieces, like feathers. The pieces were made of aluminium.They looked heavy, but they were light.Paul: We blew on one little disc, and the whole thing moved.Claire: Yeah, that was cool!All the pieces moved around, like a native Indian headdress.新概念青少版 3A Unit 9What’s in a name?Picture this! Someone offers you a cup of something, and says, ‘try this’You’re never seen this liquid before, and you don’t recognize it. Do you drink it straight away? I don’t think so! Do you taste it immediately? Probably not. Before you put the cup of your lips, you probably ask,‘What is it?’ or, ‘What does it taste like?’Now, imagine a reply like this:‘Actually, it’s a solution of organic chemicals and inorganic salts.’ Would you taste the drink now?Of course not!‘I always avoid chemicals in food and drink,’you’d say.‘I never touch anything unnatural!’Quite right! We’d all say the same thing.Names are very powerful. But just think! We eat anddrink ‘chemicals’all the time. Even pure water is a chemical. It’s made of hydrogen and oxygen.Let’s go back to the liquid in your cup. Taste is! It’s good for you!‘Mmm, it tastes good! Mmm! Please can I have another cup? What is it?’Well, funnily enough, by another name, it’s just ‘a cup of tea’.新概念青少版 3A Unit 10Trick of the tradePat: Gosh, Nina, you look good!Is that another new sweater?Nina: You’ve seen it before.But I’ve turned it round, so the buttons go down the back.Pat: That’s clever!Nina: But it’s so simple!It’s easy enough for anyone to do this kind of thing.Pat: Not me!I’d love to be able to dress well.I try hard, but I just can’t look fashionable.Nina: It’s not about fashion!You just need to enjoy your clothes.Pat: It’s easy for you!You’re pretty enough to wear anything.You’d look great in a black plastic bag!Nina: Honestly, Pat, it’s about style, not fashion. Nina: Style is about wearing theright shapes and colours for you.For example, I never wear white next to my face. White is too cold for me to wear.Cream’s a better colour for me.Pat: How do you know that?Nina: Oh, these are tricks of the trade.Would you like me to touch you?Pat: Would I ? I’d love you to!新概念青少版 3A Unit 11新概念青少版 3A Unit 12新概念青少版 3A Unit 13新概念青少版 3A Unit 14新概念青少版 3A Unit 15Turn it down!Lesson 21L:Dad, that music’s loud!Turn it down!W:Sorry,Lucy!Am I interrupting your homework?L:It’s not that,Dad.We had a lesson today about hearing.Look at this.L:You’re always listening to loud music,Dad. If you aren’t careful,you’ll become deaf. W:Sorry,Lucy!What did you say?L:Oh,Dad!It isn’t.And I will turn the sound down.I promise!One person in seven in the UK is deaf, and many of them are deaf because of noise.For most people,the safe limit is 85 decibels(dB) for continuous noise,and 103 dB for sudden noise.After fifteen minutes at 105 dB,most people will have some damage to their hearing.Music in nightclubs is often much louder thanthe safe limit.19% of young people listen to their MP3 players at 105 to 110 dB for many hours.75% of them will experience ‘ringing in the ears’,and they will feel a bit deaf.if they are lucky,this will last for one or two days. If they are unlucky, the damage will last for ever.UNIT 12 Paul becomes an internLesson 23E:Paul,you want to join our intern program form next January.Is that right?P:Yes, that’s right.E:What are your plans between now and then? P:I’m going to travel out west,to Utath and Arizona.E:Will you apply for other intern programs when you’re out there?P:that’s my plan.E:I see. We are the market leader,of course. P:I know that.E:And you’re an exceptional applicant.E:I’m going to make you an offer, Paul ,andyou’re going to tell me yes or no.You can join our intern program form Monday next week,for twelve weeks.E:If you join,you’ll, you’ll live on the Ranch,and you’ll have no expenses. When we ask you to work, you’ll work.You’ll learn a lot.E:Maybe you’ll come back in January,maybe you won’t.Either way,when you finish here,you’ll have RedstoneRanch on your resune.E:What do you say?P:Yes.thank you very much.E:You won’t regret it!UNIT 13 What am I doing here?Lesson 25K:Here at last!How do you like Redstone Ranch, Jed?J:It looks nice!I’m looking forward to a swim.K:Good idea!But let me tell you the rulesfirst.J:Rules?I’m on vacation!K:There are some rules,honey.J:Such as?K:Shoes.You can’t use heavy equipment in the gyms without the right shoes.J:I’m not going to use heavy equipment.K:And if you go to a dance class,you can’t wear black-soled trainers. Black-soled trainers mark the floors.J:When am I going to go to a dance class?K:And you must wear a T-shirt or vest at all times.You’ re not allowed to show your chest.J:Not even when I’m swimming?K:It’s OK when you’re swimming…K:When you’re in the wet aones,you can wear a swimsuit and you can show your chest.J:What else is not allowed?K:We’re not allowed to run or shout in public areas.J:Kelly,believe me!I have enough rules at work!What am I doing here?K:I just want us to have a nice holiday!UNIT 14 The wrong 12-year-oly!Lesson 27R:Did you hear about Jake Oliver,Dad?W:Jake Oliver?R:you know .He’s the world karate champion. He came first in his age-group last year.W:Oh,yes.He’s only 12,isn’t he?R:That’s right. He lives in Bristol.He was on his way home from a practice session last week,and a tall guy with a hood grabbed him. This guy wanted him to hand over his mobile phone.R:Jake said to himself, ‘I earned this phone!I worked really hard to be able to buy it!’ W:Obviously, he wouldn’t want a thief to take it like that!R:Right!R:So the guy tried to punch him.Jake stepped sideways,and gave him one in the face.It brokethe guy’s nose.There was blood everywhere. The thief held his nose and ran!W:He picked the wrong 12-year-old!What a great story!R:Yeah,well,Dad.I want to learn karate now. W:I can understand that, Robert.but I don’t want you to get into gights. What will your mother say?R:That’s the question,Dad.I’d like you to ask her.UNIT 15 Not on a school night!Lesson 29L:Mum, I’m going to the cinema tomorrow.Do you mind if I stop over at Flora’s house afterwards?K:Yes,I do mind! I want you to bebck here by 9:30 at the latest.L:9:30!The film doesn’t finish till10!I won’t be able to go!Can’t you or Dad pick me up outside the cinema?Please!K:No,I’m sorry,Lucy. Not on a school night.L:But Mum!Everybody’s going!K:I’ll be surprised if everyone is going.You’ve got school next day.9.30 is late enough.L:Oh, Mum!K:Look,Lucy! You have a lot of freedom.Your father and I work all day,and we pick you up,late at night,a couple of times a week. That’s fine at weekends,but not during the week.K:As far as I’m concerned,you may not stay out later than 9.30 on a school night.L:Flora’s mother lets her go out.K:And we let you go out-but not on a school night!K:I’ll be surprised if Flora stays out late in the week.You may go to the cinema on Friday.And I’ll pick you up outside the cinema at o’clock.。

scarf n. 围巾,头巾 公开课件
New words and expressions
• anywhere adv. 无论哪里
• wardrobe n. 大衣柜
• somewhere adv. 某处
• nowhere adv. 无处,任何地方都不
• garage n. 车库
• shed n. 棚屋,小屋
Martin Luther King
• Although he was often beaten or arrested,he consisted that the black should be equally treated."We have waited 340 years for our rights!We find it difficult to wait.This 'wait' has almost always meant 'never'."He said.It inspired the black a lot to fight for their rights.
Look left and right before you go across the street. 过马 路时要左右看。
Unit 7 Speaker's Corner
• Jack: It’s a British tradition.
People speak here
on Sunday afternoons.
Grammar 1
2、在表示请求、邀请、提建议等带有委婉语 气的疑问句,和希望得到对方肯定答复的 疑问句,以及表示反问的问句中, 也用something,someone,somebody等 复合不定代词。 e.g: Would you like something to eat? 要些吃的东西吗?

Kelly: And if you go to a dance class, you can’t wear black-有so…l底e的d trainers. Black-soled trainers m(a使rk)留th下e 污fl痕oors.
Jed: When am I going to go to a dance class?
When did I say I am going to go to a dance class?
Kelly: And you mu必须st
allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事
wear a T-shirt or vest a总t是a;l随l时t;im每时e每s刻.
sb. be allowed
have a nice holiday!
want sb to do sth
胸膛 更远 vacation 行人
终于 设备 black-soled 法律 be allowed to public
such as swimsuit
公共的 law
trousers trainers
tell sb. sth.=tell sth. to sb. tell sb to do sth(肯) e.g: I have told him to come here! tell sb not to do sth(否) e.g: They told me not to come into the office.
in the wet zonemsuit and you can s露ho出w your chest.
Jed: What else is not
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新概念青少版3A Unit 1 A proper jobA: Guess what , James! I bumped into Nina last week. She's got a job marketing at Optima.J: Marketing ?But Nina's a fashion model !A: Well ,she was a fashion model ,but she's working at Optima now.J: What happened? Is she all right?A: Oh ,yes ,she's fine .She just wanted a proper job.Nina didn't enjoy being a model ,you know.J: Why ?She was so successful!A: She certainly was.J: So why didn't she like working as a model?A: She didn't mind working as a model .But she hates travelling on her own.She was lonely.J: Nina ,lonely? Why?A: Nina likes having a proper job ,and seeing the same people every day.She likes being among friends.J: Don't we all?!新概念青少版3A Unit 2 Just like your mother~C: Oh, good!We ' re in the front row, so we P: That ' s great, Claire.How did you know?C: Mom told me. We ' re both tall, and it P: Your mother 'bsrilliant! It ' s great tsotretch out.FlightAttendant: Would you like some water or some orange juice?Claire: Not now, thanks. I ' ve just had a drink.Paul: I ' d like some water, please.FlightAttendant: Have you had a magazine or a newspaper?P: No, we haven ' t. I 'd like this one, please.Ah, I 'm going to nejoy this flight!FlightAttendant: Excuse me. Would you mind giving your seats to this couple?They ' re both very tall, and they need the extra space.P: Claire! You sound just like your mother! 新概念 青少版 3A Unit 3 We 're had a long morning !A: Hello , Karen !Hello , Daisy!Have you been to the Farmers 'Market today ?It 's only nine o 'clock ,and it 's already busy .' veegxotrtassopmaece. ' s a long flight. C: They are tall. Why don ptuytotuhem in Business Class?K: No, we've just been to the airport with Claire and PaulThey 've gone to the US for two months .A: Have they ? How exciting ! But what a worry for you !D: Well , the US is Claire 's home country .K: And she 's with Paul !D: That 's right !Anyway , I 've already had three texts from Claire .D: The first said , “Plane on time . ”The secondsaid , ”Boardingnow . ”The third said , ”Phone off now . I love you , Mom ! ”D: That one was just a moment ago . Of course , I 'll miss her like crazy .But I 'm not going to worry !We're not going to worry , are we Karen ?K: No , we aren 't!D: We're going to put the kettle on , and have a nice cup of tea !K: Yes , we 've already had a long morning !新概念青少版3A Unit 4 A museum pieceRobert: What 's this, Dad?William: It 's an Apple 2.It 'sa very early computer.In fact, it 'sthe first Personal Computer, ever.It came onto the market in 1977.Where did you find it?Robert: Mum found it in a box in the attic.William: Oh, then it 's mine!It 's been there for years.In fact, it 's been there since we moved into thishouse!Robert: Does it still work?William: I don 't knowAh, there you are!Can you hear the hard disk?Robert: Is that noise the hard diskIt sounds like a lawnmower !William: It hasn 't been out of its box for twenty years! Robert: What can you do with it?William: Good question!It s'just a museum piece, really.It 's only got five Megabytes 'hard disk space. Robert: Five Megabytes!That 's nothing!William: I know.It was already a museum piece when I bought it, and thatwas a long time to go.Maybe I 'm a museum piece now, too!新概念青少版3A Unit 5Have you finished your homework yet?” Why haven't you finished your homework ?How often do you hear these questions in your house ?How do you feel about homework?Children wordwide now do more homework hours than they did twenty-five years ago- but there are huge variations. In some partsof the world, even very young children have a lot of homework.They come home from school ,and they work for three or four hours beforebedtime. In other parts of the world,children don ' t have much homework untilthey are a bit older.At the same time ,many young people worldwide have extra classes after school. One way or another, many children ‘ work ' twelve or fourteen hours a day. Is this really necessary?How much homework do you have?How much time do you really spend on it ?How long is your day ?新概念青少版3A Unit 6 Bird-brainedK: Have you done your homework yet , Lucy?L: I ' m just taking a break , Mum.I' ve found this really strange story on the eNews Website.Come and have a look.An eight-year-old peacock in Shropshire has fallen hopelessly in love with a petrol pump. Every day for the last three years ,Mr.P., the peacock ,has made the three-hundred-metre journey along the main road from his home to the busy petrol pumps.The pumps make a clicking noise when someone is filling up. To Mr.P. , this sounds just like an admiring peahen.One pump in particular has won Mr.P.' s admiration. He has been faithful to this pump since he was five. Mr.P. has lost interest in the peahens at home . Clearly, they can' t compete with the glamorous petrol pump.新概念青少版3A Unit 7Speakers'Corner:Jack: Let 's walk through the park, Daisy.Oh, look,We're at Speakers 'Corner!Daisy: What 's Speakers'Corner?Jack: It 's a British tradition.People speak here on Sunday afternoons.And anyone can say anything about anything. Jack: Let 's listen to this guy.What 's he talking about?Speaker: Everybody in the world needs love.You need love. I need love.Man in Crowd: You need a haircut.Daisy: He needs a bath!Speaker: My friends!What is the secret of love?Health!Health is the secret of love!Man in Crowd: You don 't look very healthy! Speaker: And what is the secret of healthy?Man in Crowd: Tell us! Tell us! I can 'wtait! Speaker: Love is the secret of health!I 'm not saying anythingMan in Crowd: No, you 're not.Speaker: about this secret.I 'm not saying anythingMan in Crowd: You 're not saying anything about anything! Jack: Crazy, isn 'tit?They talk a lot and say nothing!Daisy: And they always shout!新概念青少版3A Unit 8Crazy about Alexander CalderAmy: Hi kid, come on in ! My! You look tired!Claire: Hi, Grandma! We fell fine. We 've had a great day! Paul: Yes, it was amazing!Amy: Where did you go?Claire: We went to the American Art Museum.Paul fell in love with the sculptures.We spent hours on the work of Alexander Calder.Paul: You liked it as well!Clair: Yes, I did!I loved his jewellery!Paul: They 're lovely things.They look very simple, but they 're not simple at all. Claire: The shapes are very strong, and the colours are soft P aul: Any way …His hanging sculptures were the best for me ! Paul: There was one huge one, called ‘Big Red '.It was made of triangular pieces, like feathers.The pieces were made of aluminium.They looked heavy, but they were light.Paul: We blew on one little disc, and the whole thing moved. Claire: Yeah, that was cool!All the pieces moved around, like a native Indianheaddress.新概念 青少版 3A Unit 9What 's in a name?Picture this! Someone offers you a cup of something, and says, try this 'You 're never seen this liquid before, and you don 't recognize it.Do you drink it straight away? I don 't think so! Do you taste itimmediately? Probably not.Before you put the cup of your lips, you probably ask, it?' or, ‘What does it taste like? 'Now, imagine a reply like this: ‘ Actually, it 's a solution of organic chemicals and inorganic salts. 'Would you taste the drink now ? Of course not! ‘ I always avoid'you 'd say ‘. I never touch anythingBut just think! We eat and drink Even pure water is a chemical. It 's What is chemicals in food and drink,unnatural! ' Quite right! We 'd all say the same thing. Names are very powerful.chemicals 'all the time.made of hydrogen and oxygen.Let 's go back to the liquid in your cup. Taste is! It 's good for you!Mmm, it tastes good! Mmm! Please can I have another cup?What is it? 'Well, funnily enough, by another name, it 's just ‘a cup of tea '.新概念青少版3A Unit 10Trick of the tradePat: Gosh, Nina, you look good!Is that another new sweater?Nina: You 've seen it before.But I 've turned it round, so the buttons go down the back.Pat: That 's clever!Nina: But it 's so simple!It 's easy enough for anyone to do this kind of thing.Pat: Not me!I 'd love to be able to dress well.I try hard, but I just can 't look fashionable.Nina: It 's not about fashion!You just need to enjoy your clothes.Pat: It 's easy for you!You're pretty enough to wear anything.You'd look great in a black plastic bag!Nina: Honestly, Pat, it 's about style, not fashion. Nina: Style is about wearing theright shapes and colours for you.For example, I never wear white next to my face.White is too cold for me to wear.Cream 'sa better colour for me.Pat: How do you know that?Nina: Oh, these are tricks of the trade.Would you like me to touch you?Pat: Would I ? I 'd love you to!新概念青少版3A Unit 11新概念青少版3A Unit 12新概念青少版3A Unit 13新概念青少版3A Unit 14新概念青少版3A Unit 15Turn it down!Lesson 21 L:Dad, that music's loud!Turn it down!W:Sorry,Lucy!Am I interrupting your homework?L:It 's not that,Dad.We had a lesson today about hearing.Look at this.L:You're always listening to loud music,Dad. If you aren't careful,you'll become deaf.W:Sorry,Lucy!What did you say?L:Oh,Dad!It isn 't.And I will turn the sound down.I promise!One person in seven in the UK is deaf, and many ofthem are deaf because of noise.For most people,the safe limit is 85 decibels(dB) for continuous noise,and 103 dB for sudden noise.After fifteen minutes at 105 dB,most people will have some damage to their hearing.Music in nightclubs is often much louder than the safe limit.19% of young people listen to their MP3 players at 105 to 110 dB for many hours.75% of them will experience ‘ringing in the ears',and they will feel a bit deaf.if they are lucky,this will last for one or two days. If they are unlucky, the damage will last for ever.UNIT 12 Paul becomes an internLesson 23E:Paul,you want to join our intern program form next January.Is that right?P:Yes, tha'ts right.E:What are your plans between now and then?P:I'm going to travel out west,to Utath and Arizona. E:Will you apply for other intern programs when you 're out there?P:that's my plan.E:I see. We are the market leader,of course.P:I know that.E:And you're an exceptional applicant.E:I 'm going to make you an offer, Paul ,and you're going to tell me yes or no.You can join our intern program form Monday next week,for twelve weeks.E:If you join,you 'll, you 'll live on the Ranch,and you 'll have no expenses. When we ask you to work, you'll work.You'll learn a lot.E:Maybe you'll come back in January,maybe you won't. Either way,when you finish here,you'll have RedstoneRanch on your resune.E:What do you say?P:Yes.thank you very much. E:You won't regret it!UNIT 13 What am I doing here?Lesson 25K:Here at last!How do you like Redstone Ranch, Jed? J:It looks nice!I 'm looking forward to a swim.K:Good idea!But let me tell you the rules first. J:Rules?I'm on vacation!K:There are some rules,honey.J:Such as?K:Shoes.You can't use heavy equipment in the gyms without the right shoes.J:I'm not going to use heavy equipment.K:And if you go to a dance class,you can't wear black-soled trainers. Black-soled trainers mark the floors.J:When am I going to go to a dance class?K:And you must wear a T-shirt or vest at all times.You're not allowed to show your chest.J:Not even when I'm swimming?K:lt ' OK when you're swimming…K:When you're in the wet aones,you can wear a swimsuit and you can show your chest. J:What else is not allowed?K:We're not allowed to run or shout in public areas. J:Kelly,believe me!l have enough rules at work!What am l doing here?K:l just want us to have a nice holiday!UNlT 14 The wrong 12-year-oly!Lesson 27R:Did you hear about Jake Oliver,Dad?W:Jake Oliver?R:you know .He's the world karate champion.He came first in his age-group last year.W:Oh,yes.He's only 12,isn'the?R:That's right. He lives in Bristol.He was on his way home from a practice session last week,and a tall guy with a hood grabbed him. This guy wanted him to hand over his mobile phone.R:Jake said to himself, ‘l earned this phone! l worked really hard to be able to buy it!'W:Obviously, he wouldn't want a thief to take it like that!R:Right!R:So the guy tried to punch him.Jake stepped sideways,and gave him one in the face.It broke the guy's nose.There was blood everywhere. The thief held his nose and ran!W:He picked the wrong 12-year-old!What a great story!R:Yeah,well,Dad.I want to learn karate now.W:I can understand that, Robert.but I don 't want you to get into gights. What will your mother say?R:That's the question,Dad.'Id like you to ask her.UNIT 15 Not on a school night!Lesson 29L:Mum, I 'm going to the cinema tomorrow.Do you mind if I stop over at Flora's house afterwards?K:Yes,I do mind! I want you to bebck here by 9:30 at the latest.L:9:30!The film doesn 't finish till10!I won 'tbe able to go!Can't you or Dad pick me up outside thecinema?Please!K:No,I 'm sorry,Lucy. Not on a school night.L:But Mum!Everybody 's going!K:I 'll be surprised if everyone is going.You've got school next is late enough. L:Oh, Mum!K:Look,Lucy! You have a lot of freedom.Your father and I work all day,and we pick you up,late at night,a couple of times a week. That's fine at weekends,but not during the week.K:As far as I'm concerned,you may not stay out later than 9.30 on a school night.L:Flora 's mother lets her go out.K:And we let you go out-but not on a school night! K:I 'llbe surprised if Flora stays out late in the week.You may go to the cinema on Friday.And I 'll pick you up outside the cinema at o'clock.。