




































Pi knew that he can't beat Richard, so he made the final choice to get along with Richard in the face of drift life.
In 7 months, he collected water, fish and used all the sea survival skills to feed the tiger, also to let himself down.
◇Of course, the drift also encountered storm, sharks and a variety of exciting and bloody scenes.
The cannibal Islands食人岛 meerkat 狐獴
After a short stay in the cannibal. Pi left with the tiger in panic and again began drifting until he was rescued in Mexico beach. At the same time, the tiger Richard turned to the forest and disappeared without looking back.
▼The two stories have one thing in common: in the end only Pi survived.
●But looking back the scenes and all playful details, it’s not hard to find the truth of the adventure—the second story.



少年派的奇幻漂流你是在动物园长大的So you were raised in a zoo?出生和长大Born and raised.在过去法属印度的本地治里In Pondicherry, in what was the French part of India.我父亲是动物园园长My father owned the zoo...一位爬虫学家临时为我接生and I was delivered on short notice by a herpetologist...他是去园里看一只孟加拉巨蜥who was there to check on the Bengal monitor lizard.我们母子平安Mother and I were both healthy...但那只巨蜥脱逃but the poor lizard escaped...被受惊的食火鸡踩扁了and was trampled by a frightened cassowary.这就是因果The way of karma, huh?天理The way of God.好精彩的故事That's quite a story.看你的名字还以为令尊是数学家I had assumed your father was a mathematician because of your name.差得远了我与一座游泳池同名Far from it, I was named after a swimming pool.有名叫"派"的游泳池There is a swimming pool named "Pi"?我的叔叔法兰西斯出生时You see, my uncle Francis was born肺里积水过多with too much water in his lungs.听说医生拎着他的脚踝把水甩了出来They say the doctors swung Francis around by the ankles to clear the water out... 所以他的胸膛很厚腿很细and that's what gave him the huge chest and skinny legs...成了游泳健将that made him such a great swimmer.他是你的亲叔叔吗Is Francis actually your uncle?他自称是令尊的朋友He said he was friends with your father.他是我的干叔叔He's my honorary uncle,我叫他玛玛吉I call him Mamaji.他是我父亲的至交My father's best friend,我的游泳导师my swimming guru.我每周跟他在修道园练习游泳三次I trained with him three times a week at the ashram.他的教导后来救了我的命His lessons would save my life in the end.喝口水不会要命A mouthful of water will not harm you,但惊慌会but panic will.记住要呼吸Remember to breathe now,不要憋气don't hold your breath.好孩子Good boy.你不介意吃素吧I hope you don't mind vegetarian.一点也不会No, no. Not at all.那你的名字呢And your name?啊Huh?我想你正要说你的名字的由来You were going to tell me how you got your name, I think.对这跟玛玛吉对我父亲说的事有关Oh, yes. I got it from something Mamaji once told my father.一般人旅行都是收集明信片或茶杯You see, most travelers collect postcards or teacups on their journeys... 玛玛吉不是but not Mamaji.玛玛吉收集游泳池Mamaji collects swimming pools.他见到游泳池就进去游He swims in every pool he comes upon.(便辛墨利多游泳池)某天玛玛吉对我爸说One day, Mamaji said to my father that,世界上最美的游泳池of all the pools in the world...是巴黎的一个公共游泳池the most beautiful was a public pool in Paris.那里的水干净到早上能拿来煮咖啡That the water there was so clear, you could make your morning coffee with it. 在那里一游改变了他的一生That a single swim there changed his life.在我出生前他说...Before I was born, he said..."要是希望你儿子心灵纯净""If you want your son to have a clean soul..."将来一定要带他去墨利多游泳"you must take him one day to swim in the Piscine Molitor."我一直不懂我父亲为何那么在意这件事I never understood why my father took this so much to heart.但他就是在意But he did,而我就成了便辛?墨利多?帕帖尔and I was named "Piscine Molitor Patel."想象我解释起来有多窘Imagine me trying to explain that name.好不容易撑到11岁…I barely made it to the age of 11 before...喂便辛Hey, Piscine!你的小便很腥吗Are you pissing right now?看他在小便Look at him, he's pissing!就这样我的名字从优雅的法国泳池With one word, my name went from an elegant French swimming pool...变成了臭印度公厕to a stinking Indian latrine.到处都有人叫我"小便"I was "Pissing" everywhere.不准在操场"小便"No Pissing in the schoolyard!就连老师也如此Even the teachers started doing it.当然不是故意的Not deliberately, of course.那么要是太快释放出气体会怎样So, then, what might occur if we release gas too quickly? "小便"Pissing?他说"小便"啊He said "Pissing."够了大家安静That's enough! Order! Order!第二年开学When we returned the next year for our first day of school, 我有备而来I was prepared.有Present, sir.便辛?帕帖尔Piscine Patel.早安我是便辛?墨利多?帕帖尔Good morning. I am Piscine Molitor Patel.大家都叫我…Known to all as...派希腊文的第十六个字母Pi, the sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet...在数学里也被用来表示which is also used in mathematics to represent the ratio... 圆形的周长与直径的比值of any circle's circumference to its diameter.一个无限长的无理数An irrational number of infinite length,通常四舍五入写成 3.14usually rounded to three digits as 3.14.这就是πPi.很好派坐下Very impressive, Pi. Now, sit down.从此你就成了派And from then on, you were "Pi"?没那么容易Well, no, not quite.试得好 "小便"Nice try, Pissing.但我还有一整天的时间But I still had the whole day ahead of me.下一节课是法文课French class was next.我是便辛?墨利多?帕帖尔Je m'appelle Piscine Molitor Patel.又叫派Dit Pi.然后是地理课Then, geography.这是π的小数点后二十位数These are the first 20 decimal places of pi.当天最后一节课是数学课My last class of the day was mathematics.慢点儿不要挤Slowly, slowly, slowly.3、7、5、8、9Three. Seven. Five. Eight. Nine.8、5、8、9Eight. Five. Eight. Nine.没错他真的背出来了It's right. He's really doing this.派!派!派Pi! Pi! Pi!到了放学前我已经是派?帕帖尔校园传奇By the end of that day, I was Pi Patel, school legend.玛玛吉说你在水手圈也是传奇Um, Mamaji tells me you're a legend among sailors, too. 独自在海上漂流Out there, all alone.我连船都不会开Oh, I don't even know how to sail.我也不是一个人And I wasn't alone out there.理查德?帕克跟我一起Richard Parker was with me.理查德?帕克Richard Parker?玛玛吉没跟我细说Mamaji didn't tell me everything.他只说我回到蒙特利尔应该联络你He just said I should look you up when I got back to Montreal.你去本地治里做什么So, what were you doing in Pondicherry?写一本小说Writing a novel.我很喜欢你的第一本书By the way, I enjoyed your first book.新书的背景是印度So, this new one, is it set in India?其实是葡萄牙住印度比较便宜No, Portugal, actually. But it's cheaper living in India.总之期待拜读Ah, well, I look forward to reading it.恐怕不行了You can't.我把它扔了I threw it out.我花了两年的时间孕育它Two years trying to bring this thing to life...有一天它口吐白沬、宣告阵亡and then one day, it sputtered, coughed and died.很遗憾Oh, I'm sorry.有天下午我在本地治里泡咖啡馆哀悼我的损失Uh, I was sitting in this coffee house in Pondicherry one afternoon, mourning my loss... 隔壁桌一位老人家跟我攀谈起来when this old man at the table next to me struck up a conversation.对玛玛吉会那样Yeah, Mamaji, he does that.谈到那部放弃的作品他说...When I told him about my abandoned book, he said..."一个加拿大人来法属印度找故事""So, a Canadian who's come to French India in search of a story.""朋友法属加拿大有个印度人""Well, my friend, I know an Indian in French Canada..."有一个最不可思议的故事"with the most incredible story to tell.""你们两个一定是注定要相遇""It must be fate that the two of you should meet."我好多年没谈起理查德?帕克了Well, I haven't spoken about Richard Parker in so many years.玛玛吉都说了什么So, what has Mamaji already told you?他说你有个故事会让我相信上帝He said you had a story that would make me believe in God.他也会那样说一桌好菜He would say that about a nice meal.至于上帝我只能说出我的故事As for God, I can only tell you my story.要相信什么由你决定You will decide for yourself what you believe.很合理Fair enough.我想想该从何说起Let's see, then. Where to begin?本地治里是印度的里维埃拉Pondicherry is the French Riviera of India.在近海的街道In the streets closest to the ocean,会让人误以为置身在法国南部you might think you were in the south of France.往内陆走几条街有一条运河A few blocks inland, there's a canal.运河那一头就是印度区Just beyond that is Indian Pondicherry.穆♥斯♥林♥区在西边And the Muslim quarter is just to the west.法国在1954年归还本地治里时When the French handed Pondicherry back to us in 1954...市民们决定应景庆祝the town decided that some sort of commemoration was in order. 家父很有生意头脑他出了个点子My father, who was a clever businessman, came up with one.开旅馆的他想出把植物园...He ran a hotel, and he got the idea to open a zoo...改开动物园的主意in the local botanical gardens instead.恰巧我母亲是园里的植物学家As it also happened, my mother was a botanist in the gardens.他们相遇结婚They met, married,一年后我哥哥拉维出生了and a year later my brother Ravi was born.过了两年我也来报到了I came two years after that.听起来好神奇从小在…It sounds magical, growing up in...阿门Amen.开动吧Yeah, let's eat.原来印度教♥徒♥也说阿门I didn't know Hindus said "amen."天主印度教♥徒♥会说Catholic Hindus do.天主印度教♥徒♥Catholic Hindus?我们能悔罪的神不只一个有好几百个We get to feel guilty before hundreds of gods, instead of just one. 但你以印度教为先But you're a Hindu first?认识神明都是由他人带领None of us knows God until someone introduces us.我先认识的是印度教的神I was first introduced to God as a Hindu.印度教有三千三百万个神祇There are 33 million gods in the Hindu religion.我怎么可能不识其中几尊How can I not come to know a few of them?我先认识了黑天I met Krishna first.有一次雅修达说小黑天吃土Yashoda once accused baby Krishna of eating dirt."真是的你真淘气怎么可以吃土""Tut, tut you naughty boy - you shouldn't do that."但是他明明没有But he didn't!他告诉妈妈That's what he told her."我没有吃土""I didn't eat dirt."雅修达说 "没有吗?那么…"Yashoda said, "No? Well then...""把嘴巴张开""Open your mouth."于是黑天张开嘴巴So Krishna opened his mouth.你知道雅修达看见了什么吗And what do you think Yashoda saw?什么What?她在黑天的嘴里看见了整个宇宙She saw in Krishna's mouth the whole entire universe. 我小时候视众神为超级英雄The gods were my superheroes growing up.猴神哈奴曼Hanuman, the monkey god...抬起一整座山来拯救朋友拉克什曼lifting an entire mountain to save his friend Lakshman. 象头神加内什Ganesh, the elephant-headed...赌上性命捍卫母亲雪山女神的清誉risking his life to defend the honor of his mother, Parvati. 毗湿奴是三相神之一万物之源Vishnu, the supreme soul, the source of all things.他在无尽的宇宙之洋漂浮而睡Vishnu sleeps, floating on the shoreless cosmic ocean... 我们都来自他的梦境and we are the stuff of his dreaming.壮观啊!Spectacle.但不要被这这些故事和光影给迷惑了孩子们Don't let these stories and pretty lights fool you, boys.社会很复杂Religion is darkness.我的父亲自认是新派印度人My dear appa believed himself part of the new India.他小时候得过小儿麻痹As a child, he had had polio.倒在床上痛苦不已纳闷神在哪里He used to lie in bed racked with pain, wondering where God was. 到头来救他的不是神而是西方医学In the end, God didn't save him, Western medicine did.我的母亲念过大学My amma went to college...也认为她的家庭够新派and thought her family was part of the new India as well...直到被双亲断绝关系until her parents cut her off...他们认为她嫁得太低because they thought she was marrying beneath her.信仰是她与过去唯一的联♥系♥Her religion was the only link she had to her past.我12岁时在山上认识了耶稣基♥督♥I met Christ in the mountains when I was 12.我们去拜访在穆拿种茶的亲戚We were visiting relatives, tea growers in Munnar.到了第三天拉维和我都闷坏了It was our third day there. Ravi and I were terribly bored.我赌两个卢比向你挑战Challenge. I'll give you two rupees.敢不敢去那间教堂偷喝圣水Run in to that church and drink the holy water.你一定渴了You must be thirsty.喝吧Here.我帮你倒了水来I brought you this.那神为什么要这样Why would a god do that?为什么要派他的儿子...Why would He send His own son...来为凡人的罪恶受难to suffer for the sins of ordinary people?因为神爱世人Because He loves us.神让自己能够为人所接近God made Himself approachable to us, human,以便我们了解他so we could understand Him.我们无法尽窥神的完美We can't understand God in all His perfection.但我们能理解神之子与他的苦难But we can understand God's son and His suffering就像对兄弟那样as we would a brother's.这话实在说不通That made no sense.牺牲无辜者来救赎凡人的罪孽...Sacrificing the innocent to atone for the sins of the guilty... 这算什么爱What kind of love is that?但上帝之子...But this son...我就是无法忘怀I couldn't get him out of my head.要是神如此完美而我们不是If God is so perfect and we are not...他为什么要创造万物why would He want to create all this?为什么会需要我们Why does He need us at all?你只需要知道神爱世人All you have to know is that He loves us.神因深爱世人而赐与我们他的独子God so loved this world that He gave His only son.我听神父讲得越久The longer I listened to the priest...就越喜欢这位上帝之子the more I came to like this son of God.毗湿奴谢谢你介绍基♥督♥给我Thank you, Vishnu, for introducing me to Christ.我透过印度教认识了信仰I came to faith through Hinduism并透过基♥督♥找到了上帝的爱and I found God's love through Christ.不过神对我还没了结But God wasn't finished with me yet.天意是神秘莫测的God works in mysterious ways.他又三度来到我面前And so it was, He introduced Himself again.这一回的名字叫安♥拉♥This time by the name of Allah.真♥主♥至大Allahu Akbar.我的阿♥拉♥伯语向来不好My Arabic was never very good...但祷词的音韵和感觉让我更靠近神but the sound and feel of the words brought me closer to God.在做礼拜时In performing Salah...我触碰的地面就成了圣地the ground I touched became holy ground...我感到心境平和信众一家and I found a feeling of serenity and brotherhood.这羊肉真鲜美This lamb is exquisite.是全桌最好的一道菜It's the best dish on the table.你们都没口福You're all missing out.便辛你只要再信三个教You only need to convert to three more religions, Piscine...就能一辈子放假了and you will spend your life on holiday.你今年要去麦加吗耶稣大圣Are you going to Mecca this year, Swami Jesus?还是要去罗马受封"派护"教宗Or to Rome for your coronation as Pope Pi-us?拉维你少起哄You stay out of this, Ravi.你爱打板球派也有他的兴趣Just as you like cricket, Pi has his own interests.不吉塔拉维说得有理No, Gita, Ravi has a point.你不能同时信仰三个不同的宗教You cannot follow three different religions at the same time, Piscine.为什么Why not?因为同时什么都信Because believing in everything at the same time...就等于什么都不信is the same as not believing in anything at all.他还小桑托什He's young, Santosh.还在找方向He's still finding his way.他不选定一条路怎么找方向And how can he find his way if he does not choose a path?听着与其从一个教跳到另一个教Listen, instead of leaping from one religion to the next...何不从理性出发why not start with reason?短短几百年内In a few hundred years...科学带领我们了解的宇宙science has taken us farther in understanding the universe...就超过上万年历史的宗教than religion has in 10,000.那倒是That is true.你♥爸♥说得对Your father is right.科学能教我们认识外在世界Science can teach us more about what is out there...而非内在心灵but not what is in here.有人吃荤有人吃素Some eat meat, some eat vegetable.我们不可能事事同调I do not expect us all to agree about everything...但我宁愿你相信我不认同的事but I would much rather have you believe in something I don't agree with... 也不要盲目地接受一切than to accept everything blindly.首先就是要理性思考And that begins with thinking rationally.你明白了吗Do you understand?很好Good.我想要受洗I would like to be baptized.所以你是基♥督♥教♥徒♥又是回♥教♥徒So, you're a Christian and a Muslim?还是印度教♥徒♥And a Hindu, of course.还是犹太教♥徒♥吧And a Jew, I suppose.我确实在大学开了卡巴拉课Well, I do teach a course on the Kabbalah at the university.有何不可And why not?信仰就像一栋房♥子有许多房♥间Faith is a house with many rooms.那有怀疑的空间么But no room for doubt?很多每层都有好几间Oh, plenty. On every floor.怀疑是有用的Doubt is useful.它让信仰保持活络It keeps faith a living thing.经过试炼才能知道信仰的力量After all, you cannot know the strength of your faith until it's been tested.瑟文呢他不在我们不该进来Where's Selvam? We shouldn't be in here without him.别担心Stop worrying.我看他喂食上千遍了I have seen him do this a thousand times.我想看看新来的老虎I want to meet our new tiger.派!Pi!嗨理查德?帕克Hello? Richard Parker?老虎A tiger?理查德?帕克是老虎Richard Parker was a tiger?对这是文书作业的错误Yeah, he got his name through a clerical error.它小时候在溪边喝水被捉到A hunter caught him drinking from a stream when he was a cub... 被取名为口渴and named him Thirsty.后来长到很大了When Thirsty got too big,被卖♥♥给我们动物园...the hunter sold him to our zoo...但文件上的名字写反了but the names got switched on the paperwork.猎人写成口渴The hunter was listed as Thirsty,老虎写成理查德?帕克and the tiger was called Richard Parker.我们笑坏了We laughed about it,名字也就沿用了下来and the name stuck.快走吧Let's go...免得惹上麻烦before we get into trouble.我想就近看它I want to see him close up.你又不是管♥理♥员♥You're not a zookeeper.走吧Come on!来理查德?帕克That's it, Richard Parker.这个给你It's for you.住手No!你在想什么What are you thinking?你疯啦Are you out of your mind?谁准许你来这里的Who gave you permission to come back here?我教你的事全都被你抛在脑后You have just ignored everything I've ever taught you.我只是想跟它打招呼I just wanted to say hello to him.你当它是你的朋友You think that tiger is your friend?它是动物不是玩伴He's an animal, not a playmate.动物也有灵魂Animals have souls.从眼神就看得出来I have seen it in their eyes.去找瑟文来Find Selvam.老板你确定吗?派只是个孩子You're sure, Sir? Pi's just a boy.快点Do it. Go ahead!动物跟人的思路不同Animals do not think like we do.忘记这一点的人会送命People who forget that get themselves killed.那只老虎不是你的朋友That tiger is not your friend.当你凝视它的眼睛When you look into his eyes...你看到的只是自己的倒影you are seeing your own emotions reflected back at you. 如此而已Nothing else.别傻了快道歉Don't be stupid. Say you're sorry.便辛你怎么搞的What have you done, Piscine?你明知爸爸说不准来这里You know what your father said about coming back here. 对不起我…I am sorry. I was...你要干嘛What are you thinking?这是父子之间的事This is between a father and his sons.他都道歉了He said he's sorry.你想让他们心理受创吗You want to scar them for life?受创那孩子差点断一条手Scar them? That boy almost lost his arm.但他还是个孩子But he's still a boy.他很快就会长大He will be a man sooner than you think.我不要他们忘记这个教训And this is a lesson I do not want them ever to forget.瑟文Selvam!"使得国家处于紧急状态"...and so has placed the country in a state of emergency."古吉拉特邦和坦米尔纳德邦奉命"Under the directive, the states of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu..."将接受中♥央♥政♥府♥直接管辖"will be placed under the direct authority of the central government. "警方将被授权"Police will be granted powers..."逮捕并无限期拘留发动暴♥动♥的公民"to arrest and indefinitely detain citizens responsible for the uprising. 经过那场教训一切都变了Things changed after the day of Appa's lesson.世界不再那么有魅力The world had lost some of its enchantment.无聊的学校只会教事实、分数和法语School was a bore. Nothing but facts, fractions and French.还有没完没了的生字和句型Words and patterns that went on and on, without end.就像我的无理数绰号♥Just like my irrational nickname.《异乡人》阿尔贝·加缪著我不安地寻找着I grew restless searching for something能让生命恢复意义的事物that might bring meaning back into my life.然后我认识了阿南蒂And then, I met Anandi.我妈♥逼♥我去学音乐Mother made me study music.有一天老师感冒病倒And one day, my teacher came down with the flu.他请我替他为一堂舞蹈课伴奏He asked if I could take his place, playing rhythms for a dance class. 不对No.要是不专心...If you do not concentrate...就无法以舞蹈敬神爱神you cannot express your love of God through dance.感受自己脚踏实地Feel the ground beneath your feet.目光望向地平线Open your gaze out onto the horizon.让心灵能量透过舞蹈经由身体Let that spiritual energy pulse through you and out into the world. 传递到世界Through abhinaya.阿南蒂到前面来带舞Anandi, come to the front. Lead them.你为什么跟着我Why are you following me?什么What?你一直跟着我You were following me.这个手印代表什么What does this mean?你跳舞时先做了帕塔卡In the dance, you went from pataka...代表森林which means the forest.接着是…然后是…And then you did...桑普塔代表隐藏起来的事物which means something that is hidden.然后你做了这个手印And after that, you did this.接着你做了恰图拉And then you did chatura.不过最后你做了…这个手印But at the very end, you did this.别的舞者都没做None of the other dancers did that.这是代表爱神藏在森林里吗What did you mean? The god of love is hiding in the forest? 不是这手印也代表莲花No, that also means the lotus flower.莲花藏在森林里Lotus flower is hiding in the forest?莲花干嘛要藏在森林里Why would a lotus flower hide in the forest?这是理查德?帕克And this is Richard Parker.它是动物园里有史以来最壮观的动物He is the most magnificent creature we've ever had here. 你看它转头的方式Look at the way he's turning his head.多爱臭美跟舞者一样Showing off. Like a dancer.不对它听见什么了No, he heard something.它在用心听懂吗He's listening, you see?我们讨论好一阵子了We have talked about it for some time.你听懂了吗Do you understand what I'm saying?派Pi?对不起你很…Sorry, you've been...担心Worried.For my family.我们的动物在外国值钱多了Our animals are worth far more abroad than here in India.要是市议会停止补助And if the town council stops supporting us...我们该何去何从I don't know where we will be.所以非这么做不可So, it is what we have to do.你懂了吗Do you understand?对不起我们在谈什么I'm sorry, what are we talking about?我们要离开印度We are leaving India.什么What?我们要卖♥♥掉动物园We are selling the zoo.也轮不到我们卖♥♥ 地是市政♥府♥的The zoo was never ours to sell. The land belongs to the town.但动物是我们的要是卖♥♥掉But the animals are ours and if we sell them...就有钱展开新生活we will have enough to start a new life.但要去哪里我们的生活圈在这里But where would we go? Our life is here, Appa.加拿大Canada.温尼伯有几个工作机会I have some opportunities for work in Winnipeg.我要把大部分动物运到北美去卖♥♥I'll be shipping most of the animals for sale in North America.我们全家都能拿到货轮船票We can get freighter passage for the whole family.所以So...都安排好了It is settled.我们会像哥伦布航行大海We will sail like Columbus.但哥伦布是在找印度啊But Columbus was looking for India.卖♥♥动物园可是大工程It takes a lot of work to sell a zoo.在离开之前...Before we left...阿南蒂和我有足够的时间来伤心Anandi and I had time enough to break each other's hearts. 我当然保证我总有一天会回来Of course, I promised I would come back one day.说也奇怪It's funny.最后一天的事我全都记得I remember everything else about our last day.就是不记得道别的部分But I don't remember saying goodbye.派下面在上晚餐了Pi? They're serving dinner below.便辛Piscine...你面前的是大好人生you have a whole life ahead of you.我们是为了你和拉维We are doing this for you and Ravi.进来吃一点东西吧Come inside and have some dinner.请给我素食Vegetarian, please.我们母子吃素有没有…Oh, my sons and I are vegetarians. Do you have anything... 不不要淋肉汁No, no, no. Not more gravy.- 你不要肉汁 - 不要- You don't want gravy? - No.我要素食No, I want something vegetarian.没问题Pas de problème.她是问你有没有素食She asked if you have something vegetarian.长这副肝的牛吃素The cow that produced this liver was vegetarian,这条腊肠里的猪也吃素the pigs that went into these sausages were vegetarian. 很幽默Very funny.但是她不吃牛肝But my wife doesn't eat liver.没问题Pas de problème.那她可以吃腊肠肉汁拌饭Then she can eat the sausage, the rice, and the gravy.或是自己煮Or you can cook your own food.你竟敢对我老婆无礼Haw dare you talk to my wife like that?饭拿去Here's your rice.我是给水手煮饭I cook for sailors...不是给咖哩人煮not curry-eaters.你说什么What did you say?放开我Let go of me!你当你是谁?你只是个下人Who do you think you are? You're nothing but a servant! 我喂人你喂猴子I feed people! You feed monkeys!你们好Hello.我是随喜的佛教♥徒♥I am happy Buddhist.所以我吃饭配肉汁So, I eat rice next to gravy.在船上肉汁不算肉On ship, gravy is not meat.算味道Is taste.你试试You try?别担心Don't worry.在马尼拉靠岸后就会有新鲜补给品We will have plenty of fresh supplies after we stop in Manila.为什么喂橙汁吃镇静剂Why give Orange Juice tranquilizers?它又不会惹麻烦She's not going to cause any trouble.旅行的压力对动物不好The stress of traveling is not good for the animals...吃了药也不容易晕船and it helps with the seasickness.我们可不想替晕船的猩猩清理秽物We don't want to be cleaning up after a seasick orangutan...对吧do we?我父亲是个生意人My father was a businessman.从未亲自过照料动物He had never tended the animals himself.我这才明白...I realized...他离开印度一定比我还辛苦leaving India must have been harder for him than it was for me.所以…So...我有漏掉什么吗Have I forgotten anything?你把背景都介绍了I think you've set the stage.有个与法国泳池同名的印度男孩So far, we have an Indian boy named after a French swimming pool... 在载满动物的日本船上航向加拿大on a Japanese ship full of animals, heading to Canada.没错Yes.现在我们得把男孩送到太平洋Now, we have to send our boy into the middle of the Pacific and...然后让我相信上帝And make me believe in God.Yeah.会到那儿的We'll get there.从马尼拉出发的第四天It was four days out of Manila...在地球最深的马里亚纳海沟上above the Mariana Trench, the deepest spot on Earth.我们乘坐的奇桑号♥向前推进Our ship, The Tsimtsum, pushed on,对周遭的环境视而不见bullishly indifferent to its surroundings.它有如大♥陆♥ 缓慢而自信地移♥动♥着It moved with the slow, massive confidence of a continent.拉维Ravi?拉维你听见了吗Did you hear that, Ravi?我在睡觉I'm sleeping.有暴风雨我们去看看It's a thunderstorm. Let's go watch.你疯啦Are you crazy?我们会被闪电劈到We will get hit by lightning.不会啦闪电会先打到桅杆No, we won't. It will hit the bridge first.别跟风雨过不去Don't tempt a storm, Pi.雨再大一点!再大一点!More rain! More rain!暴风雨之神啊Lord of Storms!闪电啊Lightning!妈!Amma!爸!Appa!拉维快出来Get out! Get out!救命啊Help me!救命Help!快到小船上来Get in the boat!拜托救救我的家人Please! Save my family!不要怕待在这儿Don't scare, okay? Wait, stay here!你得救他们拜托You have to help them! Please!穿上去Put this on.不我的家人拜托No, no, my family! Please!我们得救他们We have to help them!- 没时间了 - 我的家人在里面- We don't have time. - My family's back there! 我们救你快走We help! You must go!是谁放了动物Who let all the animals out?你快走You have to go now!慢着!我爸不会游泳No, wait, my father! He can't swim!快走Go!抓住船抓好Hang on to the boat! Hold, hold!把船放下来Bring it down!喂你干什么Hey! You! What are you doing?快跳Jump!。


In 7 months, he collected water, fish and used all the sea survival skills to feed the tiger, also to let himself down.
◇Of course, the drift also encountered storm, sharks and a variety of exciting and bloody scenes.
The cannibal Islands食人岛 meerkat 狐獴
After a short stay in the cannibal. Pi left with the tiger in panic and again began drifting until he was rescued in Mexico beach. At the same time, the tiger Richard turned to the forest and disappeared without looking back.
Life Of pi
◆The movie adopts the form of recollecting an adventure on the sea
◎In this picture, the middle-aged Pi is telling his story to the writer.
Байду номын сангаас
When Pi is sixteen, his family emigrates from India to North A merica aboard a Japanese cargo ship, along with their zoo ani

Life of Pi少年派的奇幻漂流英语ppt

Life of Pi少年派的奇幻漂流英语ppt

I must say a word about fear. It is life’s only true opponent. Only fear can dБайду номын сангаасfeat life.
If every unfolding we experience takes us further along in life, then, we are truly experiencing what life is offering...
The two stories have one thing in common: in the end only Pi survived.
But looking back the scenes and all details, it’s not hard to find the truth of the adventure— the second story.
▼ the ship they took experienced a similar type of the Titanic
▼ Pi’s family members were all dead . He luckily fell on the lifeboat and survived, and there were other creatures in the same boat ,a hyena 鬣狗,a zebra with an broken leg, a chimpanzee, as well as an adult Bengal tiger " Richard - Parke ".
So, the first story is the metaphor(隐喻) of the reality, the second one is the reality.


不妨异中求同,无须拘泥在单一的宗教信仰?重点是信仰神、在万事万物中 感受神的同在,与大化宇宙合为一体,不是吗?
• 谈到宗教这种“大哉问”的议题,恐怕不是在这里三言两语就能代过,因而
我做的只是先标记出Pi 的宗教信仰。
• 身为船难之后唯一的生还者(如果理查德·帕克不算在内的话),在海上漂流
等于一种令人绝望的隔离状态---与人类社会隔离,缺乏文明物质,生命朝不 保夕,除了一本求生求册之外,没有任何东西可以帮助排解精神上的无聊, 漂荡,失去方向,不知结局,人生中,偶然就会有这般被弃绝的状态。Pi在 船上保持着祷告的习惯,是的,向不同的神。
又一季,为了同样迫切的理由”,在野外所谓“固定的路线”可能长达几千公里(如侯鸟),短则几 公里,绝对不是动物园里几百公尺的活动范围可与之相比,特别是对大型的野生动物,不管牠们是 出于嬉戏或是生理结构,都需要广大空间让牠们活动,划分范围。如果 Pi(或是Yann)有机会来野柳, 看看一间单人套房大小的笼子关上四、五只孟加拉国虎的情形,也许他的想法会有所改变。
• Pi随着家人到穆拿的茶园度假时,看见外围有三座山峰,山峰上各有一种宗教的敬拜场
所,在分别是天主教的教堂、印度神庙、清真寺。Pi在山上认识了天主教的神父、信奉 回教 苏菲教派的面包师傅和印度教师尊。这三个宗教虽然让Pi时有困惑,特别是天主 教:
• “是个很好听的故事。我的第一个反应是不相信。什么?人类犯罪的结果却由上帝之
• 作者在印度挣扎着寻找写作灵感的时候,有人告诉他可以
去多伦多找一个叫皮辛·墨利多·帕帖尔的人,因为他有一 个精彩的故事。皮辛(后来改名Pi)的父亲是印度朋迪榭里 动物园的园长,所以皮辛有很多机会跟动物接触,他对动 物的习性深感兴趣;而一家四口之中,没有人对宗教感到 兴趣,除了皮辛之外。由于甘地夫人执政之后采取高压统 治政策,造成国家局势动荡,于是皮辛一家人决定卖掉动 物园,移民到加拿大。他们随着转卖到国外的动物搭乘油 轮,没想到发生船难,只有皮辛他一个人被抛在救生艇上, 跟着鬣狗、红毛猩猩、受伤的斑马和孟加拉国虎---理查 德.帕克在海上漂流着。可是,在一望无际的海洋中,到 底要怎么样才能让一只大老虎听话呢?三个宗教的神会如 何解决他的困境?



1. The fantasy drafting of PI.
2. Another side of the coin.
3. The virtue of the movie.
Pi is a teenager born in India who also believes in Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, and his father runs a zoo, so he has learned about animal habits since childhood ... Frankly, the beginning of the story is not an attractive one, a teenager with a religious background. But then the plot formally entered the "Fantasy Drifting." Sending their families to Canada, with their ships and zoo animals, Pi's father wanted to take them to foreign land for a good price.
But the director of the zoo has experienced a shipwreck like the Titanic, with the exception of Pi, which killed all his family. Pi was lucky enough to survive on the hatch of a lifeboat, with a hyena, a brokenlegged zebra, a female orangutan, and an adult Bengal tiger, Richard Parker, in the same boat. In the first 3 days of rafting, the hyena killed the orangutan, ate the zebra, and the tiger kills the hyena.


1.All of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye. 人生也许就是不断地放下,然而令人痛心的是,我都没能好好地与他们道别。
2.Pi: “Religion is a house with many rooms.” Writer: “But no room for doubt?”Pi: “Oh yes! On every floor.” 派:“信仰就像一座房屋,可以有很多楼层、很多房间。”作家:“那有怀疑的空 间么?”派:“当然,怀疑在每一层都占了几间。”
I must say a word about fear. It is life’s only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life. 恐惧,它是生活惟一真正的对手,因为只有恐惧才能打败生活。13
祭祀时放的莲花灯是一个Lotus,食人岛上派在晚上从树上 摘下的荧光橘子状物体打开来是Lotus包裹的一颗巨型牙齿 ,舞女的这句话是将派从最后一个幻境中彻底唤醒的重要 凭据 没错,就是人吃人,这也是作家和日本人后来不愿相信第 二个故事的重要理由之一
π是一个无限不循环的无理数, 象征漂流过程中无数不可预计的 艰难险阻,以及常人无法理解的 派内心的思想斗争
第一个故事是对现实的隐喻, 第二个是现实。
剧情里牧师见到少年派说了一句:You must be "Thirsty". 在后面中年派对加拿大 作家的描述中有提到,老虎有两个名字,到达派家里前名字被笔误,Thirsty改成 Richard Park(理查帕克),猎人和老虎的名字颠倒了。也就是说,影片开场就确 认了即将出现在漂流中的猛虎就是少年派本人。 我曾看过一本爱伦坡1838年写的《阿瑟戈登皮姆的故事》,里面的理查帕克,是个 暴戾的水手,在四个船员逃生后,他建议抽签,抽到谁谁就死掉给大家吃,结果他 自己不幸中招。 然后几十年后的1884年,真实发生了mignonette号沉没,也是四个船员逃生,一 个真真的就叫理查帕克的cabin boy被杀了分食。 坡叔的小说当了恐怖的预言帝... ... 那么,老虎是少年派。



• 理查德·帕克很可怕,但讽刺的是,他的存在帮助派活了下来。 独自一人 在救生艇上,除了船上的老虎,派还有许多问题要面对:缺乏食物和水, 食肉的海洋生物,变幻莫测的洋流,以及暴露在恶劣的环境中。 被环境 压倒,害怕死亡,派变得心烦意乱,无法采取行动。 然而,他很快意识 到他最直接的威胁是理查德·帕克。 他的其他问题现在暂时被遗忘了,通 过几次训练,派设法控制了帕克。 这次成功给了他信心,使他的其他障 碍看起来不那么难以克服。 重生后的派能够采取具体的步骤来确保自己 的生存:寻找食物,让自己保持动力。 照顾和供养理查德·帕克让派很忙, 打发时间。 如果没有理查德·帕克的挑战和分散他的注意力,派可能已经 放弃了生命。 当他在墨西哥上岸后,他感谢老虎让他活了下来。
困难2 饥饿与干渴
海难漂流的人,总是对食物和水念念不忘。 具有讽刺意味的是,救生艇周围都是食物 和水; 然而,咸水是不能喝的,食物很难捕捉。
解决办法:他必须稳定而持续地使用太阳能蒸馏器收集新鲜的饮用水一样,派不断地 努力让一条鱼上岸或把一只龟拉到飞船的一侧。 反复与饥饿和干渴作斗争,说明了派 以前的生活和他现在在船上的生活之间的巨大差异。 在城镇里,人们就像动物园里的 动物一样被喂养着——他们从不需要花费太多的精力来获取食物。 但在开阔的海洋上, Pi要靠自己来保护自己。
《少年派的奇幻漂流》以印度历史上被称为紧急时 期的动荡时期为背景。 《少年派的奇幻漂流》中,莫里 特·帕特尔的父亲是印度本地治里的一名动物园管理员, 他对当前的政治局势感到紧张。 派的父亲猜测领导人可 能会试图接管他的动物园,面对萧条的经济状况,他决 定卖掉动物园的动物,举家迁往加拿大,从而开启了海 上漂流。

少年派的奇幻漂流英语主题. ppt

少年派的奇幻漂流英语主题. ppt
Pi’s family were all dead except him . He luckily fell on the lifeboat and survived, and there were other creatures in the same boat---a hyena ,a zebra with an broken leg, a chimpanzee, as well as an adult Bengal tiger " Richard - Parke ".
They was going to die until they went on an island, which Had got a lot of meerkats and edible plants.
But, the island is Cannibalism (食人)one
at night.
As a result, the class decided to leave the island.
If the story end at here, it as colorful as Avatar movies.
In the story’s ending , Pi said another version. There were no animals on the boat.

This meerkats are maggots(蛆虫) of his

• In extreme conditions, massacre, eating the same kind , • How do you think ?Is wrong? is right?
story do you believe? Tiger or human? like this kind of movie?Can you express your g.


About The Writter
Yann Martel, the child of diplomats, grew up in Costa Rica, France, Mexico, Alaska, and Canada and as an adult has spent time in Iran, Turkey, and India. After studying philosophy at Trent University, he worked at odd jobs until he began making a living as a writer at the age of twenty-seven. He lives in Montreal.
Of course, the drift also encountered storm, sharks and a variety of exciting and bloody scenes.
They was going to die until they went on an island, where he got a lot of meerkats and edible plants.
Main Characters
Pi,a boy who was born in India. A Tiger ,Richard Parker
Pi was born in India.He believes in Christianity,Islam,and Hinduism at the same time. His faher run a zoo,so Pi had a good understanding of animal behavior.






海难过后,pi 奇迹般地活了下来,和他一起跳进救生艇的还有:一匹摔断了腿的斑马、一只雌猩猩、一条斑点鬣狗和一头名叫理查德?帕克的孟加拉虎,接下来的日子里,鬣狗吃了斑马和猩猩,理查德?帕克吃了鬣狗。





















61、辍学如磨刀之石,不见其损,日 有所亏 。 62、奇文共欣赞,疑义相与析。
63、暧暧远人村,依依墟里烟,狗吠 深巷中 ,鸡鸣 桑树颠 。 64、一生复能几,倏如流电惊。 65、6、要使整个人生都过得舒适、愉快,这是不可能的,因为人类必须具备一种能应付逆境的态度。——卢梭



少年派的奇幻漂流学习专题社会文化2012-12-22 22:17在《少年pi》的制作特辑里,李安谈到了对影片的理解拍这部电影是他认识自己、认识世界、认识人与人之间关系的过程。





何况该片中又动用了3D 技术以及灾难类型的时髦元素,这就很难不让人进入到商业片的逻辑体系中去。









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Classic Lines
★PI是天生的在印度。他信仰基督 教,伊斯兰教,印度教。 ★他父亲经营一个动物园,所以PI 有一个很好的了解动物的行为 ★PI家搬到了加拿大,通过与动物 的船,PI的父亲想带他们到国外去 卖个好价钱
This film based on the best-selling novel
Life of Pi,by Yann Martel.
If we citizens do not support our artists, then we sacrifice our imagination
on the aEltavreorfycornudeehraeasliatyBanrodkweebeancdkuMp boeulinetvaining.in nothing and having
▼这两个故事都有一个共同点:最后幸存的只有PI 。
●但回头往复的场景和所有有趣的细节,寻找冒险 的第二个故事真的很难。
●所以,第一个故事,是对现实的隐喻,第二个是 现实。
All of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking a
today to tell you my story. 我非常感恩。说实话,如果没有理查德·帕克,我也不可能活到今天跟你讲述我 的故事。
It was a time filled with wonder that I'll always remember. 那是一段充满着奇幻的经历,我会永生铭记。
Pi: “Which story do you prefer? ” Writer: “The one with the tiger.” Pi: “And so it goes with God.” 派:“两个故事你更喜欢哪一个?”作家:“我喜欢有老虎那个,因为那个故事更 精彩。”派:“所以,你跟随上帝。”
PI知道他不能打败李察,所以他最终选择与李察相处在漂移的 面对生活。
在7个月内,他收集的水,鱼,虾,和使用所有的海上生存技 能去喂虎,也让自己。
◇当然,漂移也遇到了风暴,鲨鱼和各种令人兴奋的和血腥的场 面。
The cannibal Islands食人岛 meerkat 狐獴
在食人族的短暂停留后。PI留下恐慌老虎又开始漂流,直到他在 墨西哥海滩获救。同时,老虎李察转向森林消失不回头。
不凡历程 不虚此生
一个动物园管理员的儿子,PI动物行为的一个特殊的知识和 炽热的爱的故事。当PI十六,他的家人从印度移民到北美国 搭乘一艘日本货船,连同他们的动物园的动物前往新的家 园。船沉了。PI发现自己独自在一艘救生艇,他的同伴只鬣 狗,一只猩猩,一个受伤的斑马,和李察帕克,孟加拉虎。 不久,老虎派出了所有的恐惧,但PI,知识,和巧妙的让他 与李察Parker 227天在海上迷失。当他们终于到达墨西哥 海岸,李察帕克逃到丛林里,再也看不见。
▼ 他们经历了一个类似的泰坦尼克号的沉没
▼PI的家人都死了。他幸运地落在救生艇和救生艇幸存了下来,并有在同一 条船上的其他生物,鬣狗,斑马,黑猩猩,以及成年孟加拉虎“李察-帕克”。
△在最初的3天中,鬣狗杀死了那只大猩猩,活吃斑马, 老虎杀死鬣狗。
△接下来,PI的生存故事是关于如何处理李 察-帕克
are truly experiencing what life is offering... 如果我们在人生中体验的每一次转变都让我们在生活中走得更远,那么,我们就 真正的体验到了生活想让我们体验的东西。
I'm grateful. It's the plain truth: without Richard Parker, I wouldn't be alive
I must say a word about fear. It is life’s only true opponent. Only fear
can defeat life. 这里必须说说恐惧,它是生活惟一真正的对手,因为只有恐惧才能打败生活。
If every unfolding we experience takes us further along in life, then, we
Then Richard Parker, companion of my torment, awful, fierce thing that
kept me alive, moved forward and disappeared forever from my life. 然后,那个让我生存下来的理查德·帕克,那个让我痛苦、使我害怕的凶狠的伙 伴,径直向前走没有回头,永远消失在我的生命里。
☆如果电影停在这里,我们将把它作为与炫目的视觉 效果像阿凡达的奇幻电影。但李安总是超出我们的 期望。
▼中年PI告诉他说做了说服人们从保险公司冒险的 其他版本:救生艇没有动物,但一个厨师,一个 断了腿的水手,PI和他的母亲。厨oment to say goodbye. 人生也许就是不断地放下,然而令人痛心的是,我都没能好好地与他们道别。
Pi: “Religion is a house with many rooms.” Writer: “But no room for doubt?”Pi: “Oh yes! On every floor.” 派:“信仰就像一座房屋,可以有很多楼层、很多房间。”作家:“那有怀疑的空 间么?”派:“当然,怀疑在每一层都占了几间。”