






















表达天下没有⽩吃的午餐的句⼦1. 请问"天下没有⽩吃的午餐"这⼀句话是从哪⾥来的智慧之书的第⼀章,也是最后⼀章,就是天下没有⽩吃的午餐。





2. 表达午餐的句⼦有哪些1、营养午餐对⾝体有好处,我们应该要多吃,这样才会有健康的⾝体。














3. 以论点为‘’天下没有⽩吃的午餐”写⼀篇议论⽂优质解答不知道你是初中的还是⼩学的,但我直说的话请别⽣⽓,在我看来这篇作⽂有以下⼏点问题:1、举的例⼦有误,所谓“免费”的午餐指的是不需要通过任何劳动或者付出任何代价就可以⾏到的,⽽你举的宠物狗和乞丐是分别是付出了⾃由与尊严才换取到⾷物的,所以并不能说是免费的.2、中间的例⼦占⽤篇幅太过,开头和结尾都⽐较敷衍,并不能很好的表达出你想传达的意思,3、部分语句不通顺,如“我还在苦苦的……⼀份免费午餐”这句语⽓不连贯,再有“⼀看就是它的主⼈对它百般呵护”我认为应该可以改为“显⽰出它平时受到了主⼈百般的呵护以及享受的可⼝的⾷物‘,这有⼏处请仔细查看;4、整篇⽂章结构不够严谨,思路不够明确,语句不够通顺,⽴意不够明确,虽然能看出作者想表达什么的意思,但整篇⽂章却没有很清晰的表达出中⼼思想,虽说写作不要求有华丽的词藻,但字词应使⽤恰当,才能组成⼀句能表达⽴意的语句不过,作者能⽤例⼦来表达出⽂章的中⼼思想也是⼀个不错的想法请别⽣⽓。



















1.爱心传递,免费午餐推动中国公益新模式--“免费午餐”的传播学解读 [J], 唐蓓
2.电子邮件全攻略:天下没有免费的午餐但有免费的电子信箱——申请免费电子信箱 [J], 无
3.免费报纸:免费的"午餐"——以《东方卫报》为例分析我国免费报纸的发展 [J], 谢星星
4.世界上没有“免费的午餐” “免费医疗”是把双刃剑——以英国“免费医疗”制度为例 [J], 王虎峰;李颖
5.蔡司光学向免费午餐公益组织捐助108560份免费午餐并发布新品 [J], 高玉冰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。


















10个英文成语详解10个英文成语详解所谓的精选就是字字珠玑, 没有烂竽充数的意思. 虽然英语的成语何其多, 没有几万也有几千, 小笨霖不求一网打尽, 但求每个列举出来的成语都是真正有用而且非常好用的成语.例如像是, "说曹操曹操就到"这句中文里耳能详的成语, 你知道英文版要怎么说吗? 答案就在下面喔!1. Speak of the devil.说曹操曹操就到.有些中文的成语用直接用英文翻出来老美还可以接受, 但是"说曹操, 曹操就到" 这句话要翻可就没有那么容易了.而何况你还要先解释曹操是谁, 那难度又更高了.以前我不会 Speak of the devil 时, 我都是说, That's a coincidence. (那真是一个巧合.) 但是大家现在学会了这句之后, 又更加好用了.下次当你们谈到某人, 某人就正好出现时, 你就可以说Speak of the devil. 或是 Talk of the devil.2. That's the best thing since sliced bread.那是有史以来最好的事情.像这句话要避免说成, the best thing in the history, 听来就不那么道地.老美他们都是用 the best thing since sliced bread 来表示有史以来最好的事情. 这句话的典故是这样的, 在 1928 年以前, 在美国所贩卖的面包都是整条没有切过的.所以面包买回家后还要自己切. 后来有一个密西根人Otto Rohwedder 发明了切面包的机器, 美国人一时之间觉得这种机器实在是太神奇了, 所以往后要是有什么很棒的事情发生, 他们就会说那是自从切面包的机器发明以来最好的事情. That's the best thing since slice bread. 这句话我常听到, 例如有一次网路银行Net Bank 的广告就说, Net Bank is the best thing since sliced bread.或许你会跟我一样觉得实在很可笑, 因为美国历史上重要的发明何其多. 这个切面包机可能连前一百名都排不进去, 为何把它的发明说成是最棒的事呢? 这个问题也许就要留给老美了. 不过如果你要展现一下自己的创意和幽默感, 建议你可以'故意'把这句话说成, That's the bestthing since the invention of space shuttle. (自从太空梭发明以来最棒的事.)3. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.When you are at Rome, do as they do at Rome.入境随俗.在美国有一群特殊的美国人, 他们坚持用传统的方式生活, 自己耕种, 驾马车, 不用电, 不能拍照. 这群人就是 Amish. 也因为这样, 很多他们居住的地方现在却成了观光胜地.听来很讽刺, 不是吗? 话说上次我去某个个 Amish 的市集买东西时, 看到很多的 Amish. 我好奇之下就问其中一个作 Amish 打扮的人说, Are you Amish? 结果你猜他怎么说? 他说, When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 天啊! 原来是个冒牌货! 所以大家下次不要再被骗了.从字面上的意思来看, When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 就是说当你在罗马的时候, 要表现的跟罗马人一样, 所以就有入境随俗的意思在内.另外关于罗马还有一些很常听到的成语可以顺便记一下, Rome was not built in a day. (罗马不是一天造成的.) All roads lead to Rome. (条条大路通罗马.)4. The lesser of the two evils.二颗烂苹果中比较不烂的.记得我刚来美国时我都会把这句话照中文的字面意义下去直接翻译, 说成, The better one of two rotten apples. 当然老美也是听得懂.直到有一次我班上的同学纠正我说, 这句话应该是The lesser of the two evils. 意谓著二恶相权取其轻. 说得再口语一点, 就是二颗烂苹果中比较不烂的意思吧!5. This is like chickens and eggs.这就像是倒底是先有鸡还是先有蛋的的道理.记得我在小学的时候我就会问, 鸡生蛋, 蛋生鸡, 那到底是先有鸡还是先有蛋.这个问题到我现在念到博士班了还是不会.所以看来这二十年是不是有点浪费了? 回到主题, 任何不知道时间先后的事情我们都可以用 chicken and eggs 来形容. 例如, 到底是有钱才去从政还是从政之后才有钱? This is like chickens and eggs.6. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.情人眼里出西施.这句话大家都不陌生吧! 要是看到某个美男和某个丑女走在一起, 你就可以深表婉惜地说, "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." 总之这是各人喜好, 我们也不便多说什么. 另外有一句成语, 一朵鲜花插在牛粪上, 我曾试著用 A flower in the bullshit 来诠释, 可惜似乎老美不太懂我在说些什么. 各位有什么更好的建议吗? 至于速配的'话, 可以试试, Every Jack has its Jill. (破锅自有烂盖配.) 或是 Let beggars match with beggars. (乞丐配乞丐)7. Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧.不但是音乐家也好, 运动员也好, 在他们的成长过程中, 总是需要不断的练习才能有完美的演出. 这就造就了一句成语, Practice makes perfect. 鼓励别人要不断地去尝试错误.类似的成语例如 When at first you don't succeed, try try again. (如果一开始不成功的话, 要不断地尝试下次, 注意这里的 try try again 不是我多打了一个 try 而是老美真的是这样说的.),8. There is no such a thing as free lunch.天下没有白吃的午餐.这句成语太出名了, 似乎没有人不知道.这也是经济学的理论基础吧! 天底下没有那么好的事情可以不劳而获. 总之, 当我们听到一件事情好到不可思议时, 例如一元手机, 免费上网, 我们就可以对别人说, There is no such a thing as free lunch.但是有规则就有例外, 个人觉得美国的教会或是救世军(Salvation Army) 之类的慈善组织就蛮喜欢请大家吃免费的午餐.例如他们有时会办一些免费的 BBQ, 随到随吃, 吃到饱为止, 完全打破了天下没有白吃的午餐这个规则.9. If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit.如果你无法用你的才能无法说服别人, 就用你的废话迷惑别人吧!这也许是个不争的事实, 老美在数理的基础上也许不如我们东方人, 但他们在数据收集, 上台报告方面却硬是比我们强上一大截, 这或许也是外国人无法在美国站上主流社会的原因之一吧! 所以各位要记得, baffle others with your bullshit. 把三分的结果加上七分的 bullshit. 就能拿到一个十分的成绩. 或许很讽刺, 但现实生活不也是如此吗?还有一些类似摆烂的成语, 蛮有趣的, 例如, If everything else fails, manipulate the data. (如果所有的方法都失败了, 就试著去改变量据吧!) 或是 If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that suggests you tried. (如果你不成功, 就把建议你这么作的所有证据都给毁了.)10. God is shining on you.你真是幸运.God is shining on you 就是指一个人非常幸运, 也就等于 You are very lucky 的意思. 例如大家修理一台机器都修不好, 结果你一来一下子就把问题给找出来, 别人就会对你说 God is shining on you.。



英语文化小常识There's no such thing as a free lunch我们常常听说这样一句话:There's no such thing as a free lunch.(没有免费的午餐),你知道这句话是怎么来的吗?十九世纪的时候,美国有些酒吧给顾客提供“免费的午餐”。


所以,当时有人说:There's no such thing as a free lunch.到了二十世纪七十年代,经济学家弗里德曼 (Milton Friedman)写的一本书用了这句话做书名。




例如: I don't believe he's giving us the money without any ulterior motive. There's no such thing as a free lunch. 我不相信他送钱给我们不是别有用心,世上没有免费的午餐Honeymoon大家一定都知道honeymoon吧,honey(蜂蜜)和 moon(月)结合在一起的意思就是“蜜月”。





honeymoon 最早出现于16 世纪,honey 用以喻指新婚的甜蜜,但moon并不是指很多人认为的阴历月份(lunar-based month),它是一种苦涩的暗示,旨在告诫人们婚姻固然是幸福甜美的,但这种甜蜜就像月亮的盈亏,只是暂时的(因此要十分珍惜才对喔!),婚姻更多的意味着双方要一起肩负生活的重担,一起承受人生的酸甜苦辣,一起经受生活的风风雨雨Darlingdarling可能是英语中最流行的昵称了,也是最古老的词语之一。



英语阅读带翻译校园小故事mp3在线听天下没有免费的午餐No Such Thing as Free Lunch天下没有免费的午餐Ever since Mary moved to the United States one year ago, she often heard the phrase "no such thing as free lunch". While she understood this to mean that you can't get something for nothing, she heard other mothers at her child's school talking about the free lunch program.自从玛丽一年前搬到美国,她经常听到“天下没有免费的午餐”。


"How much does it cost to enroll?" Mary asked the secretary at her child's school. The secretary smiled and told Mary that it didn't cost anything except a little bit of time. In order to find out if Mary's child was qualified to get free lunch at school, she had to fill out a form. The form was available in many languages besides English. It asked Mary basic questions like where she lived, how many children she had, and what her annual income was.“要参加这个需要多钱?”玛丽问她孩子的学校秘书。



Wedding chapel 结婚礼堂exchange vows 交换誓言Tie the knot 结婚的意思Yy:If you ask me where to carry out my wedding and when will you tie the knot?My answer is the wedding chapel in 2016.问候:Hey,girls/dude! What’ going on? What’s up? What are you up to? How’s going? 肚子疼:My stomach doesn’t feel so hot.My tummy hurts. I feel nauseous. I have a tummy ache. I have a stomach ache.天气热:It is so hot outside. I am roasting out here. I am sweating bullets. I’m sweating like a pig. It is hot as heck out here.关于HOT的用法:she is full of hot air.她说话没什么意思。

Don’t get hot and bothered about it.不要生气。

Nothing+动词短语+better than+名词。

Nothing cools me down better than icecream.Hot new song 流行歌曲关于shoes的话题Fill one’s shoes j接替某人的职位It will be difficult to fill his shoes. He did a great job.Are you calling me a dumb blonde?If the shoe fits,wear it.如果是真的,就承认吧!In one’s shoes 从别人角度看I wouldn’t want to be in her shoes. She just wrecked her car.How was your weekend? I went on a date this weekend.He picked up the check. He is being very chivalrous.I don’t kiss and tell. 我不会泄露隐私的事。



英语文化小常识There's no such thing as a free lunch这句话是怎么来的吗?十九世纪的时候,美国有些酒吧给顾客提供“免费的午餐”。


所以,当时有人说:There's no such thing as a free lunch.到了二十世纪七十年代,经济学家弗里德曼 (Milton Friedman)写的一本书用了这句话做书名。




例如: I don't believe he's giving us the money without any ulterior motive. There's no such thing as a free lunch. 我不相信他送钱给我们不是别有用心,世上没有免费的午餐Honeymoon大家一定都知道honeymoon吧,honey(蜂蜜)和 moon(月)结合在一起的意思就是“蜜月”。





honeymoon 最早出现于16 世纪,honey 用以喻指新婚的甜蜜,但moon并不是指很多人认为的阴历月份(lunar-based month),它是一种苦涩的暗示,旨在告诫人们婚姻固然是幸福甜美的,但这种甜蜜就像月亮的盈亏,只是暂时的(因此要十分珍惜才对喔!),婚姻更多的意味着双方要一起肩负生活的重担,一起承受人生的酸甜苦辣,一起经受生活的风风雨雨Darlingdarling可能是英语中最流行的昵称了,也是最古老的词语之一。



迄今为止最全英语文化小常识常听说这样一句话:There's no such thing as a free lunch.(没有免费的午餐),同学们,你知道这句话怎么来的?十九世纪的时候,美国有些酒吧给顾客提供“免费的午餐”。


所以,当时有人说:There's no such thing as a free lunch.到了二十世纪七十年代,经济学家弗里德曼 (Milton Friedman)写的一本书用了这句话做书名。




例如:I don't believe he's giving us the money without any ulterior motive. There's no such thing as a free lunch.我不相信他送钱给我们不是别有用心,世上没有免费的午餐。

Honeymoon同学们一定都知道honeymoon吧,honey(蜂蜜)和 moon(月)结合在一起的意思就是“蜜月”。





honeymoon 最早出现于16 世纪,honey 用以喻指新婚的甜蜜,但moon并不是指很多人认为的阴历月份(lunar-based month),它是一种苦涩的暗示,旨在告诫人们婚姻固然是幸福甜美的。


決策取決於機會成本,例如前面提到燙衣服的成本, 取決於明天是否有考試。如果現在選擇燙衣服,機 會成本就是放棄準備明天考試的功課。顯然,這個 機會成本不得不納入考慮中。
Slide 11/19
假設有一個商品打折,原價100元打對折50元 假設有另一個商品,原價1,000元打95折,便宜50元 兩個折扣行為,對消費者而言是否相同? 人們可能會覺得折扣的比例重要 前者的折扣高達50%,後者只有5%,看來似乎是購買
邊際效益和邊際成本的比較,提供最適決策 的準則與依據。 成本和效益的衡量有時候很困難 經濟學依賴許多假設進行相關推論
3‧理性原則 人是理性(Rational)的
Slide 5/19
假設人們都趨吉避凶,追求自我的最大效益 和最小成本
請問人們是否偶有不理性的行為? 例如蹺課、過度打電玩,上網成癮 犯罪、吸毒、自我戕害
透過成本效益分析看燙衣服的決定如何做 從效益面來看,是讓這個工作完成所願意出的最高價 衣服被燙好的保留價格假設是50元 此處50元表示你願意將衣服交給洗衣店燙整的最高價格 從成本面來看,是願意接受這個工作的最低價錢 幫別人燙衣服的保留價格假設是60元
40 數量
Slide 14/19
邊際的概念 Marginal
【範例1】:購買電腦硬碟記憶體 (2)




































1. there is no use crying over spiled milk
2. a good egg
3. walk on eggshells
4. you have to break some eggs to make anomelet
5. you are what you eat
6. one man's meat is another man's poison 甲之蜜糖,乙之砒霜
7. the salt of the earth
8. pour salt on o wound
9. take it with a grain of salt
10. brings home the bacon
11. a tall drink of water
12. out to lunch
13. there is no such thing as a free lunch 天下没有免费的午餐
14. wake up and smell the coffe
15. had egg on my face
16. it is not my cup of tea 非我所爱。























英语作文谈谈你对天下没有免费的午餐的认识全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1There's No Free Lunch? But I Get Free Lunch at School!Do you know what a "free lunch" is? At my school, we get free lunch every day! The cafeteria ladies give us a tray with food like chicken nuggets, pizza, or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We don't have to pay any money for it. So how can there be no such thing as a free lunch when I get one every day?My dad tried to explain it to me. He said the lunch isn't really free because my parents and other people in our town pay taxes. Part of that tax money goes to the school to pay for the free lunches. So while I don't pay for my own lunch, someone else has to pay for it with their taxes.I still don't really get it. If I don't have to hand over any money for my food, isn't that a free lunch for me? I mean, I know my parents pay taxes, but they would have to pay those anyway whether I got a free lunch or not. It seems like a free lunch to me!Dad says it's just a saying that means you can't get something for nothing. Everything has a cost, even if you don'tsee it right away. He told me to imagine I did some work around the house like cleaning my room. If my parents then gave me 5, it wouldn't really be free money. I had to work for it by doing my chores first.The Same Goes for School LunchesThe lunch ladies at school didn't just wake up one morning and decide to make free food for everyone. The lunches get paid for somehow - through taxes, fees from the government, or fundraisers. Someone has to pay for the food, the cooking equipment, the workers' salaries, and all the other costs. Even though I don't personally pay anything for my school lunch, there's no such thing as a totally free meal. Somebody always has to cover the cost.I think I kind of understand the idea now, but it's still confusing. Like when I go to my friend Danny's house, his mom always gives me a snack like chips or cookies for free. She doesn't make me do any chores or pay any money. Isn't that a real free treat then? My dad disagrees.He says Danny's mom didn't really get those snacks for free either. She had to pay for them at the grocery store using the money she earned from her job. Or maybe Danny's dad got paid, which gave them money to buy the snacks. Somebodysomewhere had to put in work or spend money to get those free chips and cookies. There's always a cost to getting things, even if we don't see it.The Same Applies to Other Free StuffDad gave me another example: Let's say you go to a baseball game, and they're doing a giveaway, tossing free t-shirts to people in the crowd. You catch one, so you got a free shirt, right? Wrong!The baseball team had to pay to make those shirts. The cost gets built into things like higher ticket prices so they can afford the giveaway items. Or maybe they have businesses sponsor the shirts by putting logos on them. Either way, somebody spent money on those "free" shirts.This whole "no free lunch" thing seems to apply to all sorts of situations:• Free software usually has ads to make money• Free apps might share your personal data to make money• Free to play games push you to buy upgrades• Free samples are used to get you interested in buying the full productBehind anything labeled "free," there's usually some way the company is still making money or getting something in return. Otherwise, they'd just go out of business from giving stuff away without making any profit!It Makes Me Appreciate Things MoreLearning about this "no free lunch" concept has made me think more about howmany people's effort and money goes into making the things we use and consume every day - even stuff that seems totally free to us. Now when I get my free school lunch, I make sure to at least say "please" and "thank you" to the lunch ladies. They work hard to provide those meals, and I'm grateful my parents' taxes help pay them.I also don't take "free" things for granted as much. Like when we got those free t-shirts at the baseball game last summer, I made sure to wear and enjoy it instead of just throwing it aside. Somebody put in effort and resources to create that "free" shirt, so I should appreciate it.The idea of "no free lunch" has also encouraged me to start working harder myself. I help out more with chores at home, because I realize when my parents pay me an allowance, that money isn't totally free - I'm earning it a bit through my work. I've started a lemonade stand too, so I can make my own moneyto buy video games instead of just asking my parents for free games. It feels better to pay for stuff through my own efforts.In the end, I guess this whole "no free lunch" thing means we should appreciate the time, labor, and money that went into creating every product we use - even stuff that seems free to us at first. We shouldn't take those "free" things for granted, since they're not really free. The phrase reminds us that everything has a cost, even if we can't directly see it. Now when I get my next free lunch at school, I'll be sure to say an extra "thank you"!篇2No Free Lunches? I Beg to Differ!When my parents or teachers use the expression "there's no such thing as a free lunch", I can't help but feel a bit skeptical. After all, I've gotten plenty of free lunches in my life! Just last week, my friend Johnny shared his sandwich with me because I had forgotten my lunch at home. And at my birthday party, I got a free slice of cake from the pile my mom had made. So clearly, there are free lunches out there if you look hard enough!But I know the grown-ups don't actually mean it literally when they say that phrase. They're using it to teach an important lesson about economics and life. From what I can gather, itmeans that you can't get something for nothing. Everything has a cost, even if that cost isn't money.For example, when Johnny gave me half his sandwich, it didn't cost me any money. But it did "cost" Johnny half his lunch that day. So while the sandwich was free for me, it came at the Price of Johnny going a bit hungrier until dinnertime. There was a trade-off involved.Or take the free slice of birthday cake. Sure, it was free for me to eat it. But someone had to pay for the ingredients to make the cake. Not to mention all the work and time my mom spent baking it! Just because I didn't have to pull out any cash, doesn't mean the cake was truly free of all costs.The more I think about it, the more this idea of "no free lunches" makes sense. Every single thing in life has some kind of cost or trade-off. Even doing things that are free of money costs you something else, like time or effort. To earn good grades, I have to pay the cost of studying hard instead of playing video games. Getting to run around at recess takes the cost of sitting still during class first.In fact, I'd say there are very few things in life that are completely free of any costs at all. The only example I can really think of is just breathing the air around us. But even that's nottotally free, since trees and plants have to do tons of work making our air breathable! We just don't directly pay them anything for doing that hard work.This whole idea helps explain something I never understood before - why my parents are so careful about how they spend money. For a long time I thought they were just being mean or stingy when they would say no to buying me a new toy or taking me out for ice cream every night. But now I realize that money doesn't come out of nowhere for them. Every dollar they spend on something is a dollar they can't spend on other important things we need, like food, clothing, or paying the bills. There's always a trade-off when using limited resources like money.So while free lunches may exist in the most literal sense, the saying is really teaching that nothing is truly free from all costs when you look at the bigger picture. Every choice has an opportunity cost - meaning what you give up to get that choice. When I choose to spend all my weekly allowance at the arcade, the cost is not having that money to buy a new book I wanted. Getting good grades costs time I could have spent playing instead. Nothing is free!I think the "no free lunch" rule applies to big things in life too, not just little choices. For example, I want to play professionalsoccer when I grow up. That's not going to be free. I'll have to pay the cost of exercising and training really hard for years and years. Or say I want to be an astronaut - that means I'll have to pay the cost of studying sciences like crazy so I can get into a great college. Every dream job or amazing opportunity will require paying some sort of costs to get there.Now that I'm wrapping up this essay, I realize just how smart and true that little phrase really is. You really can't get something for nothing in this world. Every single thing we enjoy has involved someone, somewhere paying a cost to make it happen - even if we don't directly pay for it ourselves. There's no such thing as a free lunch. But as long as we're willing to pay the necessary costs and make the required trade-offs, we can work toward getting those things we want most in life. No dream is free, but all dreams are possible if you're willing to pay the price!篇3There's No Free LunchHave you ever heard the saying "There's no such thing as a free lunch"? It's a weird phrase, isn't it? I mean, of course there are free lunches - my school has a free lunch program where kids can get a sandwich, a piece of fruit, and milk for no money at all!And sometimes when I'm out with my parents, the restaurant will give free bread or tortilla chips before the meal. So what does that strange saying really mean?Well, after thinking about it for a while, I think I understand. You see, even though those lunches are free for me, someone still has to pay for the food somehow. The school lunch isn't really free - it's paid for by taxes that everyone chips in. And those free appetizers at restaurants? The cost is just built into the prices for other menu items. Nothing is truly free - there's always a cost that someone has to cover.That's the basic idea behind "there's no free lunch." It means that you can't get something for absolutely nothing. Everything has a price or a trade-off of some kind. Let me give you a few more examples to explain what I mean:Last summer, my parents and I went to a waterpark. The tickets were pretty expensive, but they let kids under 10 get in free with a paying adult. So I got in free, right? Not really. My parents had to pay a lot for their tickets to cover the cost of me getting in "free." If they hadn't brought me along, their tickets would have been cheaper.Another example is with video games. Sometimes you can download a game for free, but then you'll get bombarded withads or they'll try to get you to pay for extra features once you're hooked. The game itself isn't really free - you're either dealing with annoying ads or feeling pressured to spend money once you're playing.Or what about "free" samples at the grocery store? You get a little bite or drink for free to try a new product. But of course, the company is just hoping you'll like it enough to buy the full-priced item. They're not giving it away out of the goodness of their hearts - it's a sales tactic! The "free" sample has the hidden cost of trying to make you a paying customer.I see this principle at work with my own allowance too. My parents don't just hand me money for free - I have to do chores and behave well to earn it. The money itself isn't free; I have to "pay" by working for it. If I slack off on my responsibilities, my allowance gets taken away.In fact, pretty much everything in life works this way when you think about it. You don't get good grades just for free - you have to pay the price of studying hard. You can't get strong muscles without putting in the hard work of exercising. Having friends isn't free either; it requires the effort of being kind, loyal, and thinking about others.Here's one more example that really drives the point home for me: Remember last year when I played a bunch of those online games that were "free to play?" Well, I ended up begging my parents for money to buy power-ups, lives, outfits for my characters, and other extras. Pretty soon, those "free" games had cost a small fortune! By falling for their tricks, I learned that there's definitely no such thing as a free lunch...or a free game!When you start looking for it, you see this truth about sacrifice and trade-offs everywhere in life. Even the people who seem to get things for "free" have usually made sacrifices to get there. Professional athletes get paid a lot, but they've spent years of effort training and developing their talents. Famous actors and singers get fancy perks, but they've traded privacy and ordinary lifestyles for their fame and wealth.The more I think about it, the more this lesson of "no free lunch" seems really important. It teaches that anything worthwhile in life has a price. You have to put in the work for whatever you want - whether it's money, success, fitness, or even just a good reputation. If someone's trying to sell you on something being completely "free," you should be wary because there's always a hidden cost somewhere.Instead of looking for freebies, we should appreciate that things have Value and learn to make wise trade-offs. If I want to play more video games, I may have to accept less TV time. If I want to go to an expensive summer camp, I need to earn more through chores or get better birthday gifts. Every choice has a cost, but being mindful of that principle helps me make smart decisions.At the same time, I've learned that some of the best things in life really are "free," at least when it comes to money - things like friendship, laughter, enjoying nature, or family time. But even those have a different kind of price, like making the effort to nurture relationships or skip screen time. Everything has a trade-off, one way or another. There's no such thing as a free lunch!So while the saying seems confusing at first, I've realized it's an important reminder to always be thoughtful about costs and sacrifices. By understanding that universal truth, I can make better choices going forward. Appreciating that nothing is truly free helps me to be grateful, work hard, spend wisely, and value the good things in life that ARE available to everyone through effort and wise trade-offs. It's a simple saying, but powerful advice for living!。

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One day,a young girl was walking in the road. Four cheaters wanted to cheat someone . The story happened.
Hu: It is a fine day. I’m very very happy. Oh, beautiful flowers.
X: This is a piece of gold. Now, there are many many many fools. Today let us cheat someone. Z: Yeah, OK.
Z: You see, not a girl ,but a fool, cheat her.
X: No problem.
Hu: What’s this? Oh, my god, my god,gold, gold, gold.I will have much much money.
W: A foolish girl, go on..
L: Of course.
W: You picked up the gold, I saw, I saw.
Hu: Er……..,I, no, I no.
W: We call 110?
Hu: Oh, no, no ,no.
L: Oh. Don’t be afraid. We won’t tell anyone. But….
Hu: I know, I know.
W: But……We also need something.
Hu: I know, I know.
L:How beautiful rings.
Hu; I see, I see.
W: We don’t tell anyone.
Hu: Thank you, thank you.
Hu: Foolish, foolish. I will have much much money .Too big. What can I do? Rings ,I see, make rings.
Hu: Hi, man.
X: Hi, girl, what can I do for you?
Hu: I want to make rings.
G: Wow, so big.
X: How many do you want to make?
Hu: Er….two.
X: Er, it’s not enough.
Hu: Oh, three.
X: It’s also not enough.You can make more.
Hu: Make more? Five,six,ten fingers,oh, ten, yes. Left hand, right hand, left foot, right foot, all need one ,ok?
X: certainly.
X: er….I see, hi, girl, it’s not gold, it’s copper.
Hu: a……fake, my god, cheater, they cheated me, they cheated me.
G: child, don’t be sad, your mother is waiting for you ,go home, go home.
Hu: mum, mum
It was darking and rainy, the young girl went back home.
Hu: mum mum .
Y: oh, darling ,what’s wong?
Hu:mum, I was cheated. Birthday present, the rings ,gone.
Y: I know, don’t cry, everyone may face to a lot of difficulties, A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit, There`s no such thing as a free lunch.。
