
Playing our partPearsonTax report 2016ContentsIntroduction 2 Our global tax strategy 4 Taxation principles 4 Tax incentives and arrangements 6 Tax havens 6 Governance & risk management 7 Tax department 8 Public policy 9 Financial & tax data 10 Appendix 20IntroductionWe also believe that in order to create long-term sustainable value for our shareholders, we must deliver a benefit for the communities, economies, and countries in which we work.A key principle that underpins us in being a trusted partner is to operate ethically, responsibly, and transparently. Thiscommitment covers a range of issues, such as treating our suppliers as partners in stimulating economic growth, paying our employees fairly, and also paying tax due.As part of our commitment to greater transparency in how we run our business, Pearson is publishing detailed information on our tax on business profits around the world.Tax contributions—from individuals and businesses—are fundamental building blocks of well-functioning societies. They provide funds for governments to invest in public services including education, to create and maintain vital infrastructure, and to address inequalities.Yet tax systems and rules, both domestic and international, are often complex and difficult to understand for non-specialists. Trust in large institutions, both in government and in the private sector, has fallen, in partPearson’s mission is to help people make progress in their lives through learning. That mission informs how we invest, develop our products and services, and measure our success.because companies can do more to be transparent around tax contributions.Strengthening and maintaining public trust in the way businesses are taxed is vital. Addressing the public concern that some multinationals are not paying their fair share of tax requires both international tax reforms and better efforts to improve public understanding and awareness.This report sets out, for the first time, Pearson’s approach to tax on business profits and the contributions we make to public finances in the countries in which we operate. We have attempted to publish relevant information about our largest markets in an accessible way and to explain complex issues of accounting or tax law wherever possible. Where this report differs from Pearson’s annual report and accounts, we have sought to explain why this is.We intend this public report to provide greater insight into the way Pearson operates and we will make it a regular feature of our corporate reporting.Coram WilliamsChief Financial OfficerBe a trustedpartnerReach more learnersBuild a sustainable business1.2.3.Our strategy to deliver growth is to:Taxation principlesThis report concentrates on tax on business profits; however, our tax principles applyto all taxes, including indirect taxes or sales taxes and payroll taxes. The principles that guide us at Pearson are:1.T o comply with all relevant tax laws, regulations, and tax reporting requirements in all jurisdictions in which we operate, including claiming available tax incentives and exemptions that are available to all market participants and in accordance with generally recognized interpretationof the law.2.T o run our tax affairs in accordance with Pearson’s values, code of conduct, risk management, and governance procedures, which include regular reporting to the board, the chief financial officer, and to the audit committee on tax strategy and risks. In addition, any material changesin tax legislation, business environment, or operations will be assessed, and any resultant changes to strategy or risk will be reported as appropriate.3.T o pay tax on profits according to where value is created within the normal course of commercial activity, with transactionspriced within an appropriate arm’s-length range, i.e. cross-border transactions take place as if the parties were unconnected. Any exceptions to this are compliant with local laws and fully disclosed to the tax authorities concerned.4.T o align tax planning with business activities, for example, acquisitions, disposals, and changes in business objectives. We do not seek to avoidtax by the use of “tax havens” or by establishing arrangements that we consider to be artificial in nature or transactions that we would not fully disclose to a tax authority.5.T o achieve a more favorable tax outcome where a clear and legitimate choice exists between different options that each comply with our principles. In considering and deciding between different options, the factors we consider include commercial and reputational impact.6.T o have an open, proactive, and constructive working relationship with tax authorities. Where possible and in line with local country practice, to discuss and consult on our interpretation of the law with tax authorities as issues arise. To engage directly or indirectly with governments on proposed changes to tax legislation where appropriate.7.T o ensure our tax professionals are appropriately qualified and trained and to use external advice where appropriate.Our global tax strategyOur global tax strategy applies to all our businesses, including the UK, and this document therefore covers our obligation to publish our UK tax strategy, including governance, risk management, attitude to tax planning, and working with the UK and other tax authorities.Our approach to tax is guided by our corporate values and by our Code of Conduct. Our tax principles have been published on our corporate website since 2014. These were reviewed and refreshed this year and they guide tax strategy at Pearson.Tax incentives and arrangements We do not seek to avoid tax by establishing arrangements that we consider to be artificial in nature. We do claim available tax incentives and exemptions that are available and widely accepted as mainstream tax practice among the tax community (taxpayers, tax advisers, policymakers, and tax authorities). Tax law and regulation is complex and in each country where we operate, a common view on practice evolves over time within the relevant tax community on the interpretation and application of these rules. An important factor for us is the prevailing practice and attitude of the relevant tax authority.We have one structure in place where cross-border transactions are not pricedat arm’s length. We have set up a financing operation in Ireland which is recognizedby the tax authorities in Ireland and the UK and is subject to UK tax. These companies finance our global operations, are compliant with local laws, and are fully disclosed to the tax authorities concerned, in line with our tax principles. Tax havensThere are many different definitions of whatconstitutes a “tax haven.” Pearson does notseek to avoid tax by the use of tax havens.For this purpose, we define a tax haven asa country with a corporation tax rate of 10%or less. We assess group entities as beingin a tax haven if they are tax resident inthat country.In some instances, we have inherited somestructures with operations in tax havenswhich we unwind when we can do so at areasonable cost.In line with our principle on tax havens, weno longer have a presence in Luxembourg.As of April 2017, the group has five corporateentities based in tax haven countries, of these:– T wo were established as holdingcompanies in the Cayman Islands andBritish Virgin Islands prior to acquisitionby Pearson. Neither company is tradingand no tax benefit is derived from them,but disproportionate costs would beincurred to close them.– O ne is a small trading entity in Hungarywhich pays tax at the local rate of 10%.– O ne is an investment in Learn CapitalIIIA, incorporated in the Cayman Islands.Learn Capital is a third-party impactventure capital fund that invests ininnovative start-up companies aroundthe world. Pearson is a minority investorand does not oversee the operations oradministration of the fund. The fund is alsoregistered in the United States and allincome is reported and taxed in theUnited States; therefore, no tax benefitis obtained.– W e operate a captive insurance companydomiciled in Bermuda. This company fulfillsa commercial purpose for us, coveringthird -party risks often required by ourcustomers. We do not gain any tax benefitfrom being based in Bermuda, as all profitsare subject to UK tax. We are domiciledthere for regulatory reasons and it is arecognized global insurance center.Governance and risk managementThe board has delegated responsibility forthe integrity of financial reporting and riskmanagement to the audit committee. Thisincludes setting tax strategy and monitoringtax risk.The Tax Department reports at leastbiannually to the audit committee.Tax is part of the Pearson Finance function,reporting to our chief financial officer, whoreceives regular updates throughout the yearfrom the tax team. The chief financial officerprovides regular updates to the board ontax matters.Risk managementPearson has a structured enterprise riskmanagement framework to support theidentification and effective managementof risks across the group. As part of ourdisclosures in the annual report, we setout our principal risks and uncertainties,one of which is tax. Principal risks aredefined by Pearson as having a potentialfinancial impact greater than £50M or asignificant impact on strategy, operations,or reputation. Executive responsibilityfor tax sits with the chief financial officer.See our annual report for moreinformation /corporate/ar2016We considered tax risk as having increased slightly in 2016. Our overall assessment is that the probability of change is almost certain, reflecting the introduction of new legislation as well as the dynamic nature of tax regulation and continued public concern around tax issues.We assessed the impact on the group to be moderate. This overall assessment is informed by a longer list of tax risks which are monitored and reviewed throughout the year by the tax team. For each individual tax risk, we decide on our risk appetiteor the tolerance we have to each typeof risk. Some risks such as those relatingto legislative change we accept, while others such as compliance we seek to mitigate or avoid. Pearson manages these risks through the application of our tax principles. Management of our tax affairsAs set out in our global tax principles,in managing our tax affairs we seek to protect value for our shareholders, comply fully with legal and regulatory requirements, and align with business activities.Tax DepartmentPearson has teams of tax professionalsin the United States, the United Kingdom,and China as our largest markets by revenue,along with accountable individuals drawnfrom the finance function responsible fortax in other markets.Over the last few years, as part of our widercompany strategy to integrate and simplifyour corporate functions, we have expandedthe tax team to introduce global oversightin areas such as transfer pricing.Our tax team leads on engagementwith governments, tax authorities,and stakeholders on tax-related issues.Public policyPearson is committed to adding its voiceto the global debate on tax transparency.We contributed to, and supported, theOECD consultation on country-by-countryreporting. We also support the OECDinternational tax reform work on baseerosion and profit shifting (BEPS).We operate in a global competitiveenvironment and urge tax policymakersto implement international tax reform ina coherent, coordinated way so that thereis a level playing field and the risk of payingtax twice on the same income is minimized.Recent areas of international or national policy change affecting Pearson are as follows:Financial & tax dataWe are a global business and have trading operations in more than 70 countries around the world.Our business pays and collects a wide range of taxes, including employee taxes and sales taxes in addition to tax on business profits. This report focuseson tax on business profits.2016 was a difficult year for Pearson.We continue to face market challengesin a number of countries, and we expect these challenges to continue through 2017. During 2016, we completed acost-reduction program and postedan impairment of goodwill of £2,548M, reflecting trading pressures in our North American businesses. As a result, our statutory results showed losses for 2016 in a number of markets. This impacted tax paid in 2016 and will also impact tax due in 2017.Pearson reports its results by geography. We sell a range of educational products and services to institutions, governments, professional bodies, and individual learners. Our country operationsare split into:North AmericaCore65% of revenue. Our largest geography including all 50US states and Canada.18% of revenue. Our international business in established and mature education markets including the UK, Australia, Germany, and Italy.17% of revenue. Our education businesses in emerging and developing economies including Brazil, India, China, and South Africa. % % % 65 18 17GrowthDetailed to the right is data for 2016 for our twelve largest countries drawn from all three of our geographies, as measured using 2016 sales revenues.We then include a brief explanation of our activities in each country and, if applicable, why tax paid may appear unusual compared to profit levels. We have also provided a summary of tax paid over the most recent five years on a regional basis.For more explanation on what this data represents, please see the Appendix.* T otal revenue for each country includes intercompany sales andrecharge income, interest, and other income, all of which are excluded from the external sales reported in our Annual Report & Accounts. ** G roup adjustments include intercompany eliminations, our shareof profit from the Penguin Random House joint venture, and theimpact of disposals.A reconciliation from adjusted operating profit to statutory loss before tax is shownin the Appendix.£11M £14M £3MUnited StatesUnited Kingdom China K–12 School; HigherEducation and Professional–Assessment– Online and blended learning – Curriculum resources – Professional development– Work-based learning – Clinical assessment – TestingSchool; Higher Educationand Professional– Assessment and qualifications– Online and blended learning – Curriculum resources– Professional development– Clinical assessment – Work-based learning – D irect delivery (Pearson testing)School and Professional– C urriculum resources – E nglish language learningPearson incurred a significant restructuring cost in 2016 in the United States as well as a goodwill impairment relating to the Higher Education courseware business, resulting in a loss before tax for the year. The majority of the cash tax payments made in 2016 were at a state level.The UK is both our second-largest market by revenue and the location of our head office and central group functions. The UK also raises any external debt required by the group and this is used to fund overseas operations. Pearson also incurred a significant restructuring cost in 2016 in the UK and reported a loss before tax for the year. Tax was paid; however, some of this will be refunded in 2017.Pearson operations in China are loss-making. In February 2017, we announced our intention to either partner or sell our direct delivery business. We paid tax in 2016 on the disposal of a property.£10M £4M £4MCanadaBrazilItaly K–12 School; Higher Education and Professional– Assessment– C urriculum resources in English and French – Clinical assessment – English language learning – Professional development – TestingSchool; Higher Educationand Professional– O nline and blended learning – C urriculum resources – C linical assessment – E nglish language learning – T estingSchool; Higher Educationand Professional– C urriculum resources – P rofessional development – E nglish language learning – T estingCanada is a profitable market for Pearson. We paid tax at the federal and provincial level.Pearson operations in Brazil include our sistema business and English language learning. Under Brazilian tax legislation we are able to claim an annual tax deduction for amortization of goodwill, which will reduce our tax payments until it is utilized, which is estimated to be in 2022. In 2016, we paid tax on a foreign exchange gain, which is not expected to recur.Italy is a profitable market for Pearson. We paid tax.K e y o p e r a t i o n sK e y o p e r a t i o n sF a c t o r s i m p a c t i n g t a x i n 2016F a c t o r s i m p a c t i n g t a x i n 2016£3M £0M £8MSouth AfricaAustralia Hong Kong School; Higher Educationand Professional – C urriculum resources – P rofessional development – C linical assessment – U niversity (CTI Education Group and the Pearson Institute of Higher Education)School; Higher Educationand Professional– Online and blended learning– Curriculum resources – Professional development – Clinical assessment – English language learning –TestingSchool; Higher Education and Professional – Assessment and qualifications– Curriculum resources – Professional developmentOur university business in South Africa is loss-making. Student enrollment at CTI Education Group and the Pearson Institute of Higher Education fell 25%, driven by tightening consumer credit. This business was restructured in 2016. Our professional business is profitable and paid tax.Australia is a profitable market for Pearson. In 2016, we received a refund in respect of 2015.Our operations in Hong Kong are profitable and we paid £8M of tax in 2016, which covered two years, as due to the calculation method, no payment was required in 2015.£0M £0M £1MIndiaMexicoGermany School; Higher Education and Professional– A ssessment and qualifications– O nline and blended learning – C urriculum resources – E nglish language learning – T esting– S chool management (Pearson Schools India)School; Higher Educationand Professional– Qualifications– Online and blended learning – Curriculum resources – TestingSchool and Professional– C urriculum resources – Professional development – Clinical assessment – English language learning – Examination preparation – TestingOur business in India was restructured in 2016 to discontinue some loss making activities. We continue to invest in the remaining operations to drive growth; however, it is expected to take some time before they become profitable.Our operations in Mexico broke even in 2016.During 2016, we closed the unprofitable Wall Street English schools business in Germany. This resulted in a loss and restructuring charge. This reduced the tax paid.K e y o p e r a t i o n sK e y o p e r a t i o n sF a c t o r s i m p a c t i n g t a x i n 2016F a c t o r s i m p a c t i n g t a x i n 2016(50)050100150200250300USA Total United Kingdom £’m i l l i o nROW23% 8%1%2%France South Africa Canada Germany China Poland Brazil Colombia Italy Mexico At a group level, 2016 is the lowest level of corporation tax paid for five years. This is partly a result of business performance and partly a result of business disposals made in previous years, which reduced the ongoing profits of the group and resulted in tax payments on the profit on disposal. To analyze the rest of world countries in more detail, the table to the right shows the ten largest rest-of-world (ROW) countries and what their average proportion of rest-of-world tax paid has been in the last five years.Historical cash tax Cash tax payments over the last five years Proportion of rest-of-world tax paid over last five years USA UK Rest of World TotalTotal cash tax payments 2012 to 2016Contents Introduction Our global tax strategy Financial & tax data Appendix £413M £115M £222M£750M20162015201420132012AppendixAbout the data Country-by-country table Total revenue: In line with the country- by-country reporting requirements, we have included sales, intercompany transactions, interest and other income within this figure. Total revenue is therefore higher than the external sales number reported in our Annual Report and Accounts.Profit before tax: This is the profit before tax at a statutory level, which is the starting point to calculate tax on business profits. It differs from the adjusted operating profit measure which we publish in the annual report. Adjusted operating profit is a key financial measure used by management to evaluate performance and allocate resources to business segments. A reconciliation isshown to the right.Adjusted operating profit to statutory profit 2016。

291st Revised Page 1CANCELS 290th Revised Page 1(This page filed under Transmittal No. 311 ) ACCESS SERVICERATES, RULES AND CHARGESTitle Page and Pages 1 to 22-45, inclusive of this tariff are effective as of the date shown. Original and revised pages as named below and Supplement No. 7 contains all changes from the original tariff that are in effect on the date hereof.CHECK SHEETNumber of Number of Revision Revision Except as Except asPageIndicated Page IndicatedTitle 4th 22.3 6th 1 291st*22.4 7th 1.1 26th 23O riginal 1.2 122nd* 24 O riginal 1.2.1 2nd 25 1st 1.3 11th 26 1st 1.4 37th 27O riginal 1.5 70th*28 1st 1.5.1 15th 29 1st 1.6 28th 30 2nd 1.7 12th 31 1st 1.7.1 3rd 1-1O riginal 1.8 18th 1-2 3rd 1.9 62nd 2-1 2nd 1.10 17th 2-2 2nd 1.11 26th 2-3 3rd 1.12 36th 2-4 5th 1.13 22nd 2-5 3rd 1.14 15th 2-5.1 1st 1.15 4th 2-6 1st 1.16 1st 2-7Original 2 4th 2-8Original 3 2nd 2-9Original 4 3rd 2-10Original 5 2nd 2-11Original 6 3rd 2-12 1st 7 4th 2-13Original 8 3rd 2-14 6th 9 1st 2-15 5th 10 7th 2-15.1 4th 11 2nd 2-16Original 12 1st 2-17 4th 13 2nd 2-18Original 14 1st 2-19Original 15 3rd 2-20Original 16 5th 2-21Original 17 6th 2-22Original 18 2nd 2-23Original 19 5th 2-24Original 20 2nd 2-25Original 21 6th 2-26 1st 22 7th 2-27Original 22.1 2nd 2-28Original 22.2 44th 2-29O riginal* New or Revised PageIssuing Officer: Kristen E. Shore, Assistant Vice President - RegulatoryRATES, RULES AND CHARGESCHECK SHEET (Cont’d)Number of Number ofRevision RevisionExcept as Except asPage Indicated Page Indicated3-13 2nd 5-11.2Original3-14 2nd 5-11.3Original3-15 2nd 5-12 1st3-16 1st 5-13 4th3-17 1st 5-14 4th3-18 1st 5-14.1Original3-19 Original 5-15 7th3-20 Original 5-16 3rd3-21 1st 5-17 11th3-22 1st 5-17.1 8th3-23 1st 5-17.1.1 6th3-24 2nd 5-17.2 7th3-25 1st 5-18 6th3-26 2nd 5-19 6th3-27 2nd 5-19.15th3-28 1st 5-19.2 4th3-29 2nd 5-19.3 4th3-30 1st 5-19.4 4th4-1 2nd 5-19.54th4-2 2nd 5-19.6 4th4-3 Original 5-19.74th4-4 4th 5-20 6th4-5 2nd 5-21Original4-6 1st 5-22Original4-7 1st 5-23Original4-8 2nd 5-24Original4th 5-25Original 4-8.14-9 67th*5-26 1st4-10 29th*5-27Original4-10.1 7th5-28Original4-11 72nd*6-1 3rd5-1 5th 6-2 1st5-2 2nd 6-31st5-3 7th 6-4 1st5-3.1 6th 6-5Original5-3.2 3rd 6-6Original5-3.3 3rd 6-7Original5-3.4 7th 6-8Original5-4 1st 6-9 1st5-5 1st 6-10 1st3rd 6-11Original 5-62nd 6-12Original 5-75-8 Original 6-13Original1st 6-14Original 5-93rd 6-15Original 5-105-11 2nd 6-16Original5-11.11st* New or Revised Page(This page filed under Transmittal No. 311 )ACCESS SERVICERATES, RULES AND CHARGESCHECK SHEET (Cont’d)Number of Revision Number of Revision Page Except as Indicated Page Except as Indicated7-26 Original 7-812nd 7-27 3rd 7-81.15th7-28 1st 7-81.24th7-29 Original 7-81.32nd 7-30 Original 7-81.49th 7-31 Original 7-81.56th7-32 Original 7-81.64th 7-33 3rd 7-81.6.1Original7-33.1 2nd 7-81.75th7-34 1st 7-81.8Original7-35 Original 7-8227th 7-36 Original 7-8311th 7-37 Original 7-8419th 7-38 Original 7-84.19th* 7-39 1st 7-852nd7-40 Original 7-85.11st 7-41 2nd 7-85.24th7-42 2nd 7-865th7-43 Original 7-875th 7-44 1st 7-87.15th7-45 Original 7-87.25th7-46 Original 7-87.34th 7-47 Original 7-87.44th 7-48 Original 7-882nd 7-49 2nd 7-892nd7-50 Original 7-903rd 7-51 Original 7-913rd 7-52 1st 7-91.15th7-53 1st 7-91.25th7-54 Original 7-91.2.12nd7-55 Original 7-91.32nd 7-56 10th 7-91.42nd7-57 Original 7-91.52nd 7-58 1st 7-91.62nd7-59 Original 7-91.72nd 7-60 Original 7-91.82nd 7-61 2nd 7-91.92nd7-62 3rd 7-91.102nd7-63 1st 7-926th7-64 3rd 7-935th7-65 1st 7-93.13rd7-66 5th 7-94Original7-66.1 2nd 8-13rd7-67 1st 8-24th7-68 Original 8-35th 7-69 3rd 8-3.13rd7-69.1 2nd 8-43rd7-69.2 2nd 8-53rd7-70 Original 8-62nd 7-71 Original 8-74th 7-72 Original 8-84th 7-73 10th 8-94th7-74 Original 8-104th 7-75 1st 8-114th7-76 Original 8-122nd 7-77 1st 8-132nd7-78 1st 8-142nd7-78.1 Original 8-155th 7-79 6th 8-163rd7-79.1 Original 8-175th 7-80 4th 8-184th8-193rd* New or Revised(This page filed under Transmittal No. 311 ) ACCESS SERVICE4. End User Access Service (Cont’d)4.6 Rate Regulations (Cont’d) 4.6.1 End User Common Line Rate Elements (Cont’d) (H) Federal Universal Service Fund (FUSF) Surcharge (Cont’d)(3) Other Non-recurring FUSF SurchargesIn addition to the applicable charges above, when a customer is assessed interstate end user chargesidentified in the table below, a FUSF Surcharge will also apply as set forth in Section 4.7(I) following. For example, customers assessed the PIC changecharge as specified in Section 13.3.3.(b)(5)(e)(ii) will also be assessed the PIC change FUSF Surcharge as set forth in Section 4.7(I) following.To the extent an IC is assessed a PIC Change Charge, the Non-recurring FUSF Surcharge will also apply to the IC.(4) Other FUSF SurchargesA percentage surcharge factor is assessed monthly on billed recurring and non-recurring charges of end user services other than surcharges described in Section 4.FUSF Surcharge factor: 0.201Tariff Reference Rate Element13.3.3(A)PIC Change Charge(I)(This page filed under Transmittal No. 311 ) ACCESS SERVICE4. End User Access Service (Cont’d)4.7 Rates and ChargesThe rates for End User Access are:(A) End User Common Line (EUCL) - Primary Residence SubscriberUSOC Rates Per Month - Individual lineor trunk, each 9ZEU1 $4.72(B) End User Common Line (EUCL) Non-Primary Residence Subscriber USOC Rates Per Month - Individual lineor trunk, each 9ZEU2 $4.72- BRI ISDN Facility, each wire pair 9ZEU5 4.72(C) End User Common Line (EUCL) -Single Line BusinessUSOC Rates Per Month - Individual lineor trunk, each 9ZEU3 $4.72(D) End User Common Line (EUCL) - Multiline Business SubscriberUSOC Rates Per Month - Individual lineor trunk, each 9ZEU4 $4.72- Public Telephone Access line, each 9ZEU4 4.72 - PRI ISDN Facility, each 9ZEU6 23.60(E) End User Common Line (EUCL) - Centrex CO and CO-like (Installedor on order prior to July 28, 1983)USOC Rates Per Month- Individual lineor trunk, each 9ZEU4 4.72(R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R)ACCESS SERVICE4. End User Access Service (Cont’d)4.7 Rates and Charges (Cont’d)(G) Presubscribed Interexchange Carrier ChargesUSOC Rate Per Month(A) Multi-Line Business 9PCC4 0.00(B)ISDN-PRI-per service 9PCC6 0.00(C) Centrex CO andCentrexCO-Like-Nine or more lines, per line 9PCC7 0.00-Eight or less lines, per service 9PCC9 0.00(H) End User Port Charge USOC Rate Per Month(1) BRI ISDN Port- Per Port 9SDN1 $3.90(2) PRI ISDN Port- Per Port 9SDN2 $36.29(I)Basic FUSF Surcharge:USOC Rate Per Month(1) Residential 9PZRS $ 0.94(2) Single-Line Business 9PZBU $ 0.94(3) ISDN BRI 9PZL1 $ 1.73(4) Multiline Business 9PZLM $ 2.34(5) PRI ISDN 9PZP1 $18.99(6) PBX 9PZPX $ 2.34(7) Centrex CO and CO-Like 9PZCX $ 0.26(8) Other FUSF Surcharges USOC Rate Per Occurrence PIC Change Charge(a) Per Manual Change 9PZGM $ 0.78(b) Per Mechanized Change 9PZGE $ 0.32 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I)(This page filed under Transmittal No. 311 )(This page filed under Transmittal No. 311 ) ACCESS SERVICE7. Special Access Service (Cont'd)7.11 High Capacity Service 7.11.5 Rates and Charges General Description (Cont'd) Rates and Charges (Cont'd)(F) DS1 Term Payment PlanRates and Charges for the DS1 Term Payment Plan (1)(1)Channel Termination - Per Point of TerminationUSOC1 Year2 Year3 Year 5 Year 7 Year TMECS $122.50 $120.00 $115.00 $104.00(R) $98.50(2) Channel Mileage- Channel Mileage Termination (per termination)- Channel Mileage Facility (per mile)USOC 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 5 Year 7 Year 1L5XX$ 9.00$ 9.00$ 8.70$ 8.40$ 8.25(3) Central Office Multiplexing DS1 to DS0 voice/digital-Per arrangementUSOC1 Year2 Year3 Year 5 Year 7 Year MQ1, MQ1++,QMU, QMUA1, QMU++$180.00 $170.00 $170.00 $ 160.00 $150.00(4) Collocation Transport-Channel Mileage - FixedUSOC 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 5 Year 7 Year 1H48S$ 51.00 $ 45.00 $ 40.00 $ 35.00 $ 32.50– Per Mile USOC 1 Year2 Year3 Year 5 Year 7 Year 1H48S$ 9.25$ 9.00$ 8.75$ 8.50$ 8.25(5) Nonrecurring Charges-One Time Charges- Per point of channel termination USOC DESCRIPTION RATE TMECS Channel Termination NonrecurringCharge$ 900.001H48S Collocation Transport NonrecurringChargeNOTE: Channel Termination Nonrecurring Charges and Collocation Transport Nonrecurring Chargesare waived on new installations of DS1 High Capacity Service with a 2, 3, 5, or 7 year DS1 TPP.(1) Effective on September 13, 2017, DS1 TPP 5- and 7-year Payment Plans are no longer available,including for any otherwise available conversions. Circuits already subject to a DS1 TPP 5- or 7-year Payment Plan, as of September 13, 2017, will continue to be provided under the then-current DS1 TPP 5- and 7-year Payment Plan term for the remainder of that term.USOC 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 5 Year 7 Year 1L5XX$ 51.00$ 45.00$ 40.00$ 35.00$ 32.50。

Universal Serial Bus (USB) Interface Card Reader Specifications Plug and play capability Caring for Your Monitor 1Input indicators2 Input Source Select1Barcode serial number label Indicates the service part number for the monitor.2Security lock slot Use a security lock with the slot to help secure your monitor.3Dell Soundbar mounting brackets Attach the optional Dell Soundbar.Left side Right sideCard reader: for details please refer to Card Reader SpecificationsUSB downstream ports1AC power cord connector2DC power connector for Dell Soundbar-compliant.* Zero power consumption in OFF mode can only be achieved by disconnecting the main cable from the monitor.Pin Number 15-pin Side of the Connected Signal Cable Pin Number 24-pin Side of the Connected Signal CablePin Number 1-pin Side of the Connected Signal Cable (cable not included)1 LUMA COMPOSITE CHROMAPin Number 3-pin Side of the Connected Signal Cable (Cable not included)USB Upstream ConnectorPin Number1NOTE:NOTE: The monitor's USB interface works only when the monitor is on or in power save mode, If you switch the monitor off and then on, attached peripherals may take a few seconds to resume normal functionality.Slot Number12Caring for Your MonitorlTo clean your antistatic screen, slightly dampen a soft, clean cloth with water. If possible, use a special screen-cleaning tissue or solution suitable for the antistatic coating. Do not use benzene, thinner, ammonia, abrasive cleaners, or compressed air.l Use a slightly-dampened, warm cloth to clean the plastics. Avoid using detergent of any kind as some detergents leave a milky film on the plastics. l If you notice a white powder when you unpack your monitor, wipe it off with a cloth. This white powder occurs during the shipping of the monitor. l Handle your monitor with care as darker -colored plastics may scratch and show white scuff marks more than lighter-colored monitor.lTo help maintain the best image quality on your monitor, use a dynamically changing screen saver and power off your monitor when not in use.Back to Contents PageCAUTION: Read and follow the safety instructions before cleaning the monitor.CAUTION: Before cleaning the monitor, unplug the monitor power cable from the electrical outlet.FCC Notice (U.S. Only) CAUTION: Safety Instruction Contacting DellYour Monitor Set-up Guide Product Information GuideNOTICE:see a telephone number listed that is specific for XPS computers, you may contact Dell through the support number listed and your call will be routed appropriately.Back to Contents PageSetting Up Your MonitorDell 2707WFP Flat Panel Monitor User's GuideIf you have a Dell desktop with no internet access1. Right-click on the desktop and click Properties .2. Select the Settings tab.3. Select Advanced . if you are using Windows XP, click the Adapter tab.4. Identify your graphics controller supplier from the description at the top of the window (e.g. NVIDIA, ATI, Intel etc.).5. Follow the directions listed below for your identified Graphics Adapter:o ATI:1. ATI Folder on the CD (RADEON & RAGE family only; excludes mobile and FireGL platforms).2. Run the installation by double clicking the executable file.3. After installing the drivers, attempt to set the resolution to 1920x1200 again.o NVidia:1. NVidia folder on the CD (GEFORCE & TNT2 family only; excludes mobile and QUADRO chipsets).2. Run the installation by double clicking the executable file.3. After installing the drivers, attempt to set the resolution to 1920x1200 again.Back to Contents PageNOTE: If you are unable to set the resolution to 1920x1200, please contact Dell to inquire about a Graphics Adapter that supports these resolutions.Back to Contents PageSetting Up Your MonitorDell 2707WFP Flat Panel Monitor User's GuideIf you have a Dell desktop or a Dell portable computer with internet access1. Go to , enter your service tag, and download the latest driver for your graphics card.2. After installing the drivers for your Graphics Adapter, attempt to set the resolution to 1920x1200again.Back to Contents PageNOTE: If you are unable to set the resolution to 1920x1200, please contact Del l to inquire about a Graphics Adapter that supports these resolutions.Back to Contents PageSetting Up Your MonitorDell 2707WFP Flat Panel Monitor User's GuideIf you have non Dell desktop, portable computer, or graphic card1. Right-click on the desktop and click Properties .2. Select the Settings tab.3. Select Advanced .4. Identify your graphics controller supplier from the description at the top of the window (e.g. NVIDIA, ATI, Intel etc.).5.Please refer to the graphic card provider website for updated driver (for example, OR ).6. After installing the drivers for your Graphics Adapter, attempt to set the resolution to 1920x1200 again.Back to Contents PageNOTE: If you are unable to set the resolution to 1920x1200, please contact the manufacturer of your computer or consider purchasing a graphics adapter that will support the video resolution of 1920x1200.Back to Contents PageSetting the Optimal ResolutionDell 2707WFP Flat Panel Monitor User's GuideImportant instructions and graphic drivers to set the display resolution to 1920x1200 (Optimal) For optimal display performance while using the Microsoft Windows® operating systems, set the display resolution to 1920 x 1200 pixels by performing the following steps:1. Right-click on the desktop and click Properties.2. Select the Settings tab.3. Move the slider-bar to the right by pressing and holding left-mouse button and adjust the screen resolution to 1920x1200.4. Click OK.If you do not see 1920x1200 as an option, you may need to update your graphics driver. Please choose the scenario below that best describes the computer system you are using, and follow the provided directions:1:If you have a Dell desktop with no internet access.2: If you have a Dell desktop or a Dell portable computer with internet access.3: If you have non Dell desktop, portable computer, or graphic card.Back to Contents PageDell 2707WFP Flat Panel MonitorInformation in this document is subject to change without notice. © 2007 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Dell Inc. is strictly forbidden.Trademarks used in this text: Dell , the DELL logo, Inspiron , Dell Precision , Dimension , OptiPlex , Latitude, PowerEdge, PowerVault, PowerApp, and Dell OpenManage are trademarks of Dell Inc; Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation; Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated, which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. ENERGY STAR is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. As an ENERGY STAR partner, Dell Inc. has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR guidelines for energy efficiency.Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. Dell Inc. disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own. Model 2707WFPJune 2007 P/N 70GXXX -XXX R ev. A01User GuideImportant instructions and graphic drivers to set the display resolution to 1920x1200 (Optimal)Back to Contents PageSetting Up Your MonitorDell 2707WFP Flat Panel Monitor User's GuideConnecting Your MonitorUsing the Front Panel Buttons Using the OSDUsing the Dell Soundbar (Optional)Connecting Your MonitorCAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the Safety Instructions .Input Source SelectUse Input Source Select button to select between five different video signals that may be connected to your monitor.1.VGA input2.DVI-D inputORIf either VGA or DVI-D input is selected and both VGA and DVI-D cables are not connected, a floating dialog box as shown below appeIf either S-Video or Composite input is selected and both cables are not connected or the video source is turned off, the screen does not hORORPIP / PBP Select →OSD Menu / Select The MENU button is used to launch the on-screen display(OSD) and select the OSD Menu. SeeBrightness/ContrastHot KeyDown (-) and Up (+)Auto AdjustAuto Adjustment allows the monitor to self-adjust to the incoming video signal. After using Auto Adjustment, you can further tune your monPower button(with power lightindicator)Using the OSDAccessing the Menu SystemNOTE:If you change the settings and then either proceed to another menu or exit the OSD menu, the monitor automatically saves those changes. The changes are also saved if you change the settings and then wait for the OSD menu to disappear.2. Push the and buttons to move between the setting options. As you move from one icon to another, the option name is highlighted. See the table for acomplete list of all the options available for the monitor.4. Push and button to select the desired parameter.5. Push MENU to enter the slide bar and then use the and buttons, according to the indicators on the menu, to make your changes.Push to go back to the main menu.Brightness adjusts the luminance of the backlight.Push the button to increase brightness and push the button to decrease brightness (min 0 ~ max 100).Adjust Brightness first, and then adjust Contrast only if further adjustment is necessary.Push the button to increase contrast and push the button to decrease contrast (min 0 ~ max 100).The Contrast function adjusts the degree of difference between darkness and lightness on the monitor screen.Push to exit the OSD main menu.NOTE: In most cases, Auto Adjust produces the best image for your configuration.Push to go back to the main menu.Select VGA input when you are using the analog (VGA) connector. Push to select the VGA input source.Select DVI-D input when you are using the Digital (DVI) connector. Push to select the DVI input source.Select S-Video input when you are using S-Video connector. Push to select the S-Video input source.Select Composite input when you are using composite video connector. Push to select the composite input source. Select Component input when you are using component video connector. Push to select the component input source. Push to scan for available input signals.Push to exit the OSD main menu.Push to go back to the main menu.To achieve the different color mode for PC and Mac.NOTE:Color temperature is a measure of the 'warmth' of the image colors (red/green/blue). The two available presets ('Blu Select each one to see how each range suits your eye or utilize the 'Custom Color' option to customize the color settings to youThis feature can make color shift of video image to green or purple. This is used to adjust for desired flesh tone color. Usemakes video image shade into greenishmakes video image shade into purplishNOTE: Hue adjustment only available for video input.This feature can adjust the color saturation of the video image. Use or to adjust the saturation from '0' to '100'.makes video image looks more monochromemakes video image looks more colorfulNOTE:Saturation adjustment only available for video input.Push to exit the OSD main menuMode suitable for Video playback.Mode suitable for movie playback./span>Push to exit the OSD main menu.Push to go back to the main menu.Adjust the image ratio as 1:1, aspect(16:10) or full screen.Use the and buttons to adjust image left and right. Minimum is '0' (-). Maximum is '100' (+).Use the and buttons to adjust image up and down. Minimum is '0' (-). Maximum is '100' (+).This feature can make the image look sharper or softer. Use or to adjust the sharpness from '0' to '100' .Use the Zoom function to zoom in to specific area of interest.Use the and keys to zoom in and out.After zooming in, the horizontal and vertical pan function allows you to pan the enlarged image left/right and up/down respectiv Use the and buttons to adjust image left and right. Minimum is '0' (-). Maximum is '100' (+).Use the and buttons to adjust image up and down. Minimum is '0' (-). Maximum is '100' (+).Use the and buttons to adjust for best image quality.NOTE: Pixel Clock and Phase Adjustments are only available for "VGA" input.Push to exit the OSD main menu.Push to go back to the main menu.Language option to set the OSD display to one of five languages (English, Espanol, Francais, Deutsch, Japanese).and buttons move OSD left and right.and buttons move OSD up and down.OSD Hold Time: Sets the length of time the OSD will remain active after the last time you pressed a button.Use the and buttons to adjust the slider in 5 second increments, from 5 to 60 seconds.NOTE: When the OSD is locked, pressing the menu button will take the user directly to the OSD settings menu, with allow user access to all applicable settings.NOTE: You can also lock or unlock the OSD by pushing and holding the Menu button for 15 seconds.Push to exit the OSD main menu.Push to go back to the main menu.There are two modes: PIP (Picture in Picture) and PBP (Picture By Picture)Use and to browse and to select "Off", "PIP" or "PBP".Select an input signal for PIP/PBP. (VGA/DVI/S-Video/Composite/Component)Use and to browse and to select.Select PIP window position.Use and to browse and to select.Select PIP window size.Use and to browse and to select.Adjust the contrast level of the picture in PIP/PBP Mode.reduce the contrastincreas the contrastshifts image color towards greenshifts image color towards purplemakes the image look more monochromemakes the image look more colorfulPush to exit the OSD main menu.When the monitor does not support a particular resolution mode you will see the following message :See Solving Problems for more information.Using the Dell Soundbar (Optional)This means that the monitor cannot synchronize with the signal that it is receiving from the computer. See Monitor Specifications for the Horizontal andVertical frequency ranges addressable by this monitor. Recommended mode is 1920 X 1200.You will see the following message before the DDC/CI function is disabled.When monitor enters Power Save mode, the following message appears :Activate the computer and wake up the monitor to gain access to the OSDIf you press any button other than the power button one of the following messages will appear depending on the selected input:VGA / DVI-D input Video InputORIn PIP mode, when the monitor does not sense the selected second signal input, one of the following messages will appear depending upon the selected input aslong as the OSD screen is closed.1. VGA2. DVI-D3. S-Video4. CompositeORORORORIf either VGA or DVI-D input is selected and both VGA and DVI-D cables are not connected, a floating dialog box as shown below appears.ORNOTE: When the cable is connected back to the input of the monitor, any active PIP/PBP window will disappear. Please enter PIP /PBP submenu to bring back the NOTE: The PIP/PBP functions can bring up a picture from a second image source. Thus you can watch images from 1 PC source (D-Sub or DVI) and 1 Video So functions will not allow for 2 PC sources or 2 Video sources to perform PIP/PBP.Soundbar Attachment to the MonitorBack to Contents Page1.Attach mechanism2. Headphone connectors3. Power indicator4. Power/Volume controlNOTE: Soundbar Power Connector - 12V DC output is for optional Dell Soundbar only. NOTICE: Do not use with any device other than Dell Soundbar.1.Working from the rear of the monitor, attach Soundbar by aligning the two slots with the two tabs along the bottom rear of the monitor.2. Slide the Soundbar to the left until it snaps into place.3. Connect the Soundbar with the DC power connector.4. Insert the mini stereo plug from the rear of the Soundbar into the computer's audio output jack.CAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow theorNOTICE:Back to Contents PageUsing Your Adjustable Monitor StandDell™ 2707WFP Flat Panel Monitor User's GuideOrganizing Your CablesUsing the Tilt, Swivel and Vertical ExtensionOrganizing Your Cables1. Hold the cable cover firmly and press it slightly against the stand. Slide the cable cover upward to remove it from the stand.2. Route the cables through the hole at the bottom of the stand and connect them to their respective connectors. Arrange the cables with the cable clips onthe stand.3. Reattach the cable cover by positioning and sliding it to its original position.After attaching all necessary cables to your monitor and computer, (See Connecting Your Monitor for cable attachment, use the cable management hole to neatly organize all cables as shown above.Using the Tilt, Swivel and Vertical ExtensionTilt/SwivelWith the built-in pedestal, you can tilt and/or swivel the monitor for the most comfortable viewing angle.Vertical ExtensionStand extends vertically up to 90mm.Back to Contents Page。

Organization of the manual The MP270 equipment manual is organized into the following chapters:
Disclaim of Liability
We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for improvement are welcomed.
and only in conjunction wit other equipment and components recommended or approved by Siemens.
Startup must not take place until it is established that the machine, which is to accommodate this component, is in conformity with the guideline 89/392/ECC.
戴尔Dell PERC类配置中文手册

戴尔Dell PERC类配置中文手册(详见图解)相关型号:H700 H800 第5代第6代配置相同此文档为自行整理,非官方提供资料,仅供参考。
名称解释:Disk Group:磁盘组,这里相当于是阵列,例如配置了一个RAID5,就是一个磁盘组VD(Virtual Disk):虚拟磁盘,虚拟磁盘可以不使用阵列的全部容量,也就是说一个磁盘组可以分为多个VDPD(Physical Disk):物理磁盘HS:Hot Spare 热备 Mgmt:管理开机自检按Ctrl+R进raid卡配置界面【一】,创建逻辑磁盘1、按照屏幕下方的虚拟磁盘管理器提示,在VD Mgmt菜单(可以通过CTRL+P/CTRL+N切换菜单),按F2展开虚拟磁盘创建菜单2、在虚拟磁盘创建窗口,按回车键选择”Create New VD”创建新虚拟磁盘3、在RAID Level选项按回车,可以出现能够支持的RAID级别,根据具体配置的硬盘数量不同,这个位置可能出现的选项也会有所区别。
4、确认RAID级别以后,按Tab键,将光标移至Physical Disks列表中,上下移动至需要选择的硬盘位置,按空格键来选择(移除)列表中的硬盘,当选择的硬盘数量达到这个RAID级别所需的要求时,Basic Settings的VD Size中可以显示这个RAID的默认容量信息。
选择完硬盘后按Tab键,可以将光标移至VD Size栏,VD Size可以手动设定大小,也就是说可以不用将所有的容量配置在一个虚拟磁盘中。
如果这个虚拟磁盘没有使用我们所配置的RAID5阵列所有的容量,剩余的空间可以配置为另外的一个虚拟磁盘,但是配置下一个虚拟磁盘时必须返回VD Mgmt创建(可以参考第13步,会有详细说明)。

Microsoft Windows 7: Guide de mise en routeConfiguration de Windows 7Votre ordinateur Dell est préconfiguré avec lesystème d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 7si vous l'avez sélectionné au moment de l'achat.Pour installer Windows la première fois, suivezles instructions qui s'affichent. Ces étapes sontobligatoires et peuvent prendre un certain temps.Les écrans de configuration Windows vous guidentdans différentes procédures, notammentl'acceptation des contrats de licence, la définitiondes préférences et la configuration d'uneconnexion Internet.PRÉCAUTION: N'interrompez pas leprocessus d'installation du systèmed'exploitation. Cela pourrait rendre votreordinateur inutilisable, vous devriez alorsréinstaller le système d'exploitation.REMARQUE: Pour des performancesoptimales de votre ordinateur, il estrecommandé de télécharger et d'installer lesdernières versions du BIOS et des pilotespour votre ordinateur, disponibles à l'adresse.Connexion à l'Internet (facultatif)Pour vous connecter à Internet, vous devezdisposer d'un modem externe ou d'une connexionréseau et d'un fournisseur d'accès Internet (FAI).Si votre commande ne comportait pas de modemUSB ou adaptateur de réseau sans fil externe, vouspouvez en acheter un à l'adresse .Octobre 2009Configuration d'une connexion filaire•Si vous utilisez une connexion d'accèsàdistance, branchez une ligne téléphonique au modem externe USB en option sur votreordinateur et à la prise téléphonique muraleavant de configurer la connexion Internet. •Si vous utilisez une connexion DSL ou modemcâble/satellite, contactez fournisseur d'accèsInternet (FAI) ou opérateur téléphonique mobile pour obtenir des instructions de configuration. Pour terminer la configuration de votre connexion Internet filaire, suivez les instructions de la section «Configuration de votre connexion Internet». Configuration d'une connexion sans filAvant de pouvoir utiliser votre connexionàl'Internet sans fil, vous devez vous connecteràvotre routeur sans fil.Pour configurer votre connexion à un routeur sans fil:1Assurez-vous que le réseau sans fil est activé sur votre ordinateur.2Enregistrez et fermez tous les fichiers ouverts et quittez tous les programmes en coursd'exécution.3Cliquez sur Démarrer → Panneau deconfiguration→Centre Réseau et partage→Connexion à un réseau.4Pour effectuer la configuration, suivez les instructions qui s'affichent à l'écran. Configuration de la connexion Internet Les fournisseurs d'accès Internet (FAI) et leurs offres varient selon les pays. Prenez contact avec votre fournisseur d'accès Internet pour connaître les offres disponibles dans votre pays.Si vous ne pouvez pas vous connecter à Internet alors que vous l'avez déjà fait auparavant, il est possible que le fournisseur d'accès Internet subisse une interruption de services. Contactez votre FAI pour vérifier l'état du service ou essayez de vous connecter ultérieurement.2Assurez-vous de disposer des informations fournies par votre fournisseur d'accès Internet (FAI). Si vous ne disposez pas d'un FAI, l'assistant ConnexionàInternet peut vous aider à en trouver un.Pour configurer votre connexion Internet:1Enregistrez et fermez tous les fichiers ouverts et quittez tous les programmes en coursd'exécution.2Cliquez sur Démarrer→Panneau deconfiguration.3Cliquez sur Centre Réseau et partage→Configurer une connexion ou un réseau→ConnecteràInternet.La fenêtre Connexion à Internet s'affiche.REMARQUE: Si vous ne savez pas quel typede connexion choisir, cliquez sur Commentchoisir ou prenez contact avec votre FAI.4Suivez les instructions à l'écran pour utiliser les informations de configuration fournies par votre FAI et terminez la configuration.Fonctionnalités de base de Windows 7Personnalisation du bureauVous pouvez personnaliser votre bureau pour en modifier la présentation, la résolution, l'arrière-plan, l'écran de veille ou d'autres fonctions.Pour personnaliser votre bureau:1Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur une zone vide du bureau.2Cliquez sur Personnaliser, pour ouvrir la fenêtre Modifier les effets visuels et les sons de votre ordinateur et en savoir plus sur les options depersonnalisation.Transfert d'informations vers un nouvel ordinateurPour transférer des informations vers un nouvel ordinateur1Cliquez sur Démarrer→Panneau deconfiguration.342Tapez dans la case de rechercher Transfert puis cliquez sur Transférer des fichiers d'un autre ordinateur .3Suivez les instructions de l'assistantWindows Easy Transfer .Sauvegarde de vos donnéesNous vous conseillons de régulièrementsauvegarder les fichiers et dossiers qui figurent sur votre ordinateur.Pour sauvegarder des fichiers :1Cliquez sur Démarrer → Panneau de configuration → Système et sécurité→ Sauvegarde et restauration .2Cliquez sur Sauvegarder et restaurer....3Suivez les instructions de l'assistant Configurer la sauvegarde .Réinstallation de Windows 7Le processus de réinstallation peut prendre de 1à2heures. Après avoir réinstallé le système d'exploitation, vous devez réinstaller les pilotes de périphériques, le programme antivirus ainsi que d'autres logiciels.Pour réinstaller Windows 7:1Enregistrez et fermez tout fichier ouvert et quittez tous les programmes d'application en cours d'exécution.2Insérez le disque Operating System .3Cliquez sur Quitter si le message Installer Windows apparaît.4Redémarrez l'ordinateur.5Lorsque le logo DELL apparaît, appuyez immédiatement sur <F12>. REMARQUE : Si vous attendez trop longtemps et que le logo du système d'exploitation apparaît, patientez jusqu'à ce que le bureau de Microsoft Windows s'affiche ; éteignez alors votre ordinateur et faites une nouvelle tentative.REMARQUE: La procédure ci-dessousmodifie la séquence de démarrage pour unseul démarrage. Au démarrage suivant,l'ordinateur démarre en fonction despériphériques définis dans le programme deconfiguration du système.6Lorsque la liste des périphériques d'amorçages'affiche, sélectionnez Lecteur CD/DVD/CD-RWet appuyez sur <Entrée>.7Appuyez sur une touche pour sélectionner Bootfrom CD-ROM (Démarrer sur CD-ROM).Suivez les instructions qui s'affichent pourterminer l'installation.__________________Les informations de ce document sont sujettes à modification sanspréavis.©2009Dell Inc.Tous droits réservés. Imprimé en Irlande.La reproduction de ce document de quelque manière que ce soit sansl'autorisation écrite de Dell Inc. est strictement interdite.Marques utilisées dans ce document: Dell et le logo DELL sont desmarques de Dell Inc; Microsoft et Windows sont des marques ou desmarques déposées de Microsoft Corporation aux Etats-Unis et dansd'autres pays.Les autres marques et noms de produits pouvant être utilisés dans cedocument sont reconnus comme appartenant à leurs propriétairesrespectifs. Dell Inc. rejette tout intérêt dans l'utilisation des marqueset des noms commerciaux ne lui appartenant pas.56。

正面视图左侧视图右侧视图背面视图底部视图1 显示屏7 扬声器(2)2 电源按钮8 定点杆/触摸板按钮3 设备状态指示灯9 定点杆4 键盘10 音量控制按钮5 触摸板11 静音按钮6 显示屏闩锁12 键盘和无线状态指示灯在计算机打开时亮起,在计算机处于电源管理模式时闪烁。
注意:为避免数据丢失,切勿在 指示灯闪烁时关闭计算机电源。
如果计算机已连接至电源插座,则 指示灯的状态包括:如果计算机使用电池电量运行,则 指示灯的状态包括:键盘上方的绿色指示灯表示以下信息:启用数字小键盘时亮起。
蓝牙无线技术是计算机上的可选功能,因此仅当您随计算机一起订购了蓝牙无线技术,系统才会显示 图标。
1 安全缆线孔 4 PC 卡插槽2 音频连接器(2) 5 智能卡插槽3 红外线传感器注:计算机在变热时会打开风扇。
右侧视图1 网络连接器 (RJ-45) 6 串行连接器视频连接器交流适配器将交流电源转换为计算机所需的直流电源。
1 内存模块护盖 5 对接设备插槽2 电池槽释放闩锁 6 风扇3 电池电量表7 小型 PCI 卡/调制解调器护盖4 电池8 硬盘驱动器内存模块护盖—用于保护安装内存模块的凹槽。
请参阅“添加和更换部件返回目录页面附录Dell Precision™ M20 移动工作站用户指南Macrovision 产品通告Macrovision 产品通告本产品采用了版权保护技术,它通过申请属于 Macrovision Corporation 和其他产权所有者的美国专利权以及其它知识产权来进行保护。
戴尔Wyse 7290快速入门指南.pdf_1700614710.7302353说明书

Dell Wyse 7290 (Z Class Cloud Clients, Model Zx0)Quick-Start GuideProducts: Z00D (cloud desktop), Z10D, Z50D, Z50S, Z90D7/E7/7B/7p, Z90D8/8B, Z90DW, Z90S7/7p, Z90SW (thin clients)See accompanying documents in the shipping carton for License Agreement and Warranty information. To find the latestQuick-Start Guide, go to /wyse/manuals and click on the name of your product.NOTE:A printed copy of the End User License Agreement is included in the shipping box and provided for your reference only. The license at /wyse/licenses as of the purchase date is the controllinglicensing agreement. By copying, using, or installing the software or the product, you agree to be bound by those terms.NOTE:If you use Dell Wyse Device Manager server software for managing this product, downloadthe latest version to ensure compatibility at /wyse/downloads.CAUTION: Improper connection, mounting, or use of this product could result in component failure or undesiredinterference. Read Safety Guidelines before setting up and operating this product.Dell Wyse 7290 (Z Class 雲端用戶端,型號 Zx0)快速啟動指南產品:Z00D (雲端用戶端)、Z10D 、Z50D 、Z50S 、Z90D7/E7/7B/7p 、Z90D8/8B 、Z90DW 、Z90S7/7p 、Z90SW (精簡型用戶端)授權合約與保固資訊請參閱裝運箱內隨附文件。
戴尔显示器 P 系列 USB-C HUB 系列说明书

出货量全球排名靠前的显示器公司*戴尔 24、27 和 32 系列 U S B C H U B 显示器P2423DE 、P2723DE 、P3223DE高效办公的不二利器P2423DEP2723DEP3223DE高效办公的不二利器使用这些 QHD 分辨率 HUB 显示器,体验生产力、强大功能和舒适度。
内置ComfortView Plus 可在不牺牲色彩性能的情况下减少有害蓝光辐射,从而提升眼部舒适度。
易于使用的控制杆在屏幕显示菜单中导航看到更多,成就更多在具有 QHD (2560 x 1440)分辨率的 23.8"、27" 或 31.5"显示器上提高工作效率。
增强的可管理性MAC 地址直通1、PXE 引导和通过唤醒均为内置功能,为您带来极大方便。
生产力中心通过 USB-C 实现的高达 90 W 的功率传输和丰富的连接选项(如用于以太网连接的 RJ45),获得充足电力并保持连接—所有这些都在整洁有序的环境中实现。
标配的色彩一致性采用平面转换 (IPS) 技术,在宽视角内实现均匀一致且鲜亮的色彩。
具备 99% sRGB 覆盖率,您可以直接获得精确的色彩。
迅速进入高效工作状态通过部分戴尔 PC的戴尔电源同步功能,即使笔记本电脑上盖合上,环保标准能源之星®、TCO Certi edEdge、EPEAT® Gold 认证多种连接方式通过广泛的连接端口轻松连接到各种设备,包括DisplayPort、HDMI、和快可提高工作效率的连接性这些 USB-C HUB 显示器支持多种连接方式,包括 USB-C (高达 90 W 功率传输)、用于有线以太网访问的 RJ45、用于快速数据传输的超高速 USB 等。

SIMATIC HMI Multi Panel MP 270B Touch Panel TP 270 Operator Panel OP 270
订货号 6AV6 591-1DC20-0AH0 2001 年 12 月版 A5E00136825
3 调试.......................................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 初始启动....................................................................................................................................... 3-2 3.2 重新调试....................................................................................................................................... 3-2 3.2.1 手动启动下载 .................................................................................................................. 3-3 3.2.2 在正常操作期间自动启动下载 ......................................................................................... 3-3 3.3 操作单元开始菜单 ........................................................................................................................ 3-4
Dell BIOS设置说明

Dell BIOS设置说明目前,Dell品牌旗下的笔记本电脑分为4个系列:针对普通家庭用户的Inspiron系列、针对高端个人用户的XPS系列、商用笔记本电脑中,有面向大中型企业的Latitude系列,以及今年新推出的、针对小型企业的Vostro系列。
下面,笔者就以Dell Vostro 1400为例,介绍新版本本BIOS的功能详解及设置方法。
一、操作方法新版BIOS是在Phoniex BIOS的基础上改进而来,相对于其他品牌本本那千篇一律上下菜单式的BIOS,Dell不但加入了完善的硬件诊断系统,在界面易用性上、说明文字的详尽程度上也是更胜一筹。
开机后,待屏幕上右上角出现提示信息时,可以按F2键直接进入BIOS;也可以按F12进入在引导设备选择菜单,从中选择“BIOS SETUP”进入。
界面如此,操作方向也和Windows 资源管理器类似:用方向键上下箭头移动光标,用左右箭头展开/折叠子项目,按回车键进入设置,再按回车返回。
BIOS界面图二、项目释义BIOS各项的意义,请看下表:这张表是Vostro 1400的BIOS,不同的硬件配置项目略有不同,比如高端Latitude本本会有指点杆、键盘灯的设置项。
1.1System Info 查看系统信息BIOS项目释义表查看本本型号、当前BIOS版本、服务编号、资产编号、所有权编号。
ThinkPad X270 安全、保固和設定手冊说明书

X270安全、保固和設定手冊Lenovo 支援:https://Lenovo 使用者論壇:https:///打開包裝ThinkPad ® 電腦電源線和整流器文件Lenovo HDMI to VGA Adapter *Lenovo USB-C to DisplayPortAdapter *Lenovo USB-C to VGA Adapter ** 選配的選購配件首次安裝1. 安裝電池。
2. 將電源線連接到 AC 電源整流器。
3. 將 AC 電源整流器連接到電腦的電源接頭3a。
如果您的電腦配有 USB-C TM型電源整流器,請將整流器連接到電腦的 USB-C 接頭3b。
4. 將電源線連接到正確接地的 AC 電源插座。
5. 按下電源按鈕以開啟電腦。
控制項和接頭1. 電源接頭2. USB-C 接頭3. HDMI TM接頭4. SB 3.0 接頭5. 智慧型卡片插槽*6. TrackPoint®指標按桿7. TrackPoint 按鈕8. 軌跡板9. NFC 標籤* 10. 麥克風*11. 攝影機* 12. 電源按鈕13. 指紋辨識器* 14. 安全鎖插槽15. 乙太網路接頭16. 媒體卡插槽17. Micro SIM 卡匣* 18. Always on USB 接頭19. 音訊接頭* 僅限部分型號存取使用手冊您的使用手冊包含了有關電腦的詳細資訊。
如果要存取使用手冊,請執行下列動作:Windows 10:如果是 Lenovo Vantage 的型號:1. 開啟「開始」功能表,然後按一下Lenovo Vantage。
2. 展開性能狀態與支援,然後按一下使用手冊。
如果是 Lenovo Companion 的型號:1. 開啟「開始」功能表,然後按一下Lenovo Companion。
2. 按一下支援→ 使用手冊。
Windows 7:1. 在 Windows 桌面上,按一下開始,然後按一下說明及支援。
戴尔 Vostro 15 – 3549 用户手册说明书

Dell Vostro 15 – 3549 Owner's ManualRegulatory Model: P45FRegulatory Type: P45F001註、警示與警告註: 「註」表示可以幫助您更有效地使用電腦的重要資訊。
警示: 「警示」表示有可能會損壞硬體或導致資料遺失,並告訴您如何避免發生此類問題。
警告: 「警告」表示有可能會導致財產損失、人身傷害甚至死亡。
Copyright © 2015 Dell Inc. 著作權所有,並保留一切權利。
Dell™與 Dell 徽標是 Dell Inc. 在美國和/或其他司法管轄區的商標。
2014 - 12修正版 A00Contents1 拆裝電腦 (5)連接電源變壓器 (5)系統概觀 (6)前視圖與後視圖 (6)拆裝電腦產部元件之前 (7)建議的工具 (8)關閉電腦 (8)拆裝電腦產部元件之後 (9)2 卸下和安裝元件 (10)卸下電池 (10)安裝電池 (11)Removing the Optical Drive (11)安裝光碟機 (11)卸下蓋板 (11)安裝蓋板 (12)卸下硬碟機 (12)安裝硬碟機 (13)卸下記憶體模組 (13)安裝記憶體模組 (14)Removing the WLAN Card (14)安裝 WLAN 卡 (14)卸下鍵盤 (15)安裝鍵盤 (16)Removing the Palmrest Assembly (17)安裝手掌墊組件 (19)卸下電池連接器 (19)安裝電池連接器 (20)卸下幣式電池 (20)安裝幣式電池 (21)卸下光碟機連接器 (21)安裝光碟機連接器 (22)卸下輸入/輸出 (I/0) 板 (22)安裝輸入/輸出 (I/O) 板 (23)卸下喇叭 (24)安裝喇叭 (25)Removing the System Board (25)安裝主機板 (26)卸下顯示器組件 (27)安裝顯示器組件 (29)卸下攝影機 (30)安裝攝影機 (31)卸下散熱器 (31)安裝散熱器組件 (32)卸下電源連接器 (32)安裝電源連接器 (33)3 系統設定 (34)產動順序 (34)導覽鍵 (34)系統設定選項 (35)更新 BIOS (38)系統與設定密碼 (39)指定系統密碼與設定密碼 (39)刪除或變更現有的系統及/或設定密碼 (40)4 診斷 (41)增強型預產動系統評估 (ePSA) 診斷 (41)裝置狀態指示燈 (41)電源狀態指示燈 (41)5 規格 (43)Specifications (43)6 與 Dell 公司聯絡 (48)與 Dell 公司聯絡 (48)1拆裝電腦連接電源變壓器連接電源變壓器,然後啟動電腦。
戴尔27系列USB-C HUB显示器说明书

轻松省心:根据戴尔卓越面板保证,在有限硬件保修6 期内,即便只发现一个亮斑,戴尔也会免费为您更换面板。
更少停机:您的显示器享有 3 年高级更换服务7,因此在 3 年有限硬件保修6 期内,如果需要更换,我们将在下一个工作日为您寄送更换的显示器。
获得更高级别的支持:选购 Dell ProSupport 选项8,即可升级至由经过认证的工程师为您提供的 24x7 全天候区域内电话技术支持。
舒适是关键:显示器可倾斜、侧转、沿枢轴转动,并可调节高度(150 毫米高度调节范围),为您带来舒适的工作体验。
贴心设计,想您所想: 利用便于使用的控制杆在菜单间导航及调整屏幕设置。
卡入可选配的戴尔纤薄型音棒 (SB521A),提升您的听觉体验。
经过优化的工作区工作增效利器:利用 RJ45 有线以太网连接和供电功率高达 65 W 的 USB-C 端口,将您的显示器变为增效利器 — 同时提供简洁的环境。
增强的可管理性:MAC 地址直通2、PXE 引导和 LAN 唤醒均为内置功能,为您带来极大方便。
只需一根线缆即可便捷连接:通过 USB-C 连接减少线缆杂乱情况,它可灵活地连接到多供应商 USB-C 系统3,并可节省多达 72% 的工作空间设置时间。
4迅速进入高效工作:只需按下显示器电源按钮,电源同步功能就会同步启动您的显示器和连接的戴尔 PC ,即使笔记本电脑未掀开上盖也能启动。
兼容部分戴尔 PC 5。
扩大视野,助您提高工作效率:通过 Dell Express 菊花链实现双显示器设置,可将工作效率提升多达 21%。
4 Dell Express 菊花链可自动检测第二台显示器,无需手动更改 OSD 设置。
轻松连接,提高效率舒适,同时不影响色彩:这款 27" 全高清显示器采用 ComfortView Plus 技术1,提升眼部舒适度,它是一种始终开启的内置屏幕功能,可减少有害蓝光辐射,同时呈现非凡的色彩准确度。

dell BOIS手册DELL机器的BOIS密码问题BIOS常见中英文对照表Time/System Time 时间/系统时间Date/System Date 日期/系统日期Level 2 Cache 二级缓存System Memory 系统内存Video Controller 视频控制器Panel Type 液晶屏型号Audio Controller 音频控制器Modem Controller 调制解调器(Modem)Primary Hard Drive 主硬盘Modular Bay 模块托架Service Tag 服务标签Asset Tag 资产标签BIOS Version BIOS版本Boot Order/Boot Sequence 启动顺序(系统搜索*作系统文件乃承颍?Diskette Drive 软盘驱动器Internal HDD 内置硬盘驱动器Floppy device 软驱设备Hard-Disk Drive 硬盘驱动器USB Storage Device USB存储设备CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive 光驱CD-ROM device 光驱Modular Bay HDD 模块化硬盘驱动器Cardbus NIC Cardbus 总线网卡Onboard NIC 板载网卡Boot POST进行开机自检时(POST)硬件检查的水平:设置为“MINIMAL”(默认设置)则开机自检仅在BIOS升级,内存模块更改或前一次开机自检未完成的情况下才进行检查。
Config Warnings警告设置:该选项用来设置在系统使用较低电压的电源适配器或其他不支持的配置时是否报警,设置为“DISABLED”禁用报警,设置为“ENABLED”启用报警Internal Modem内置调制解调器:使用该选项可启用或禁用内置Modem。
戴尔 Vostro 270 用户手册说明书

Dell Vostro 270用户手册管制型号: D11M管制类型: D11M002注、小心和警告注: “注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。
小心: “小心”表示可能会损坏硬件或导致数据丢失,并说明如何避免此类问题。
警告: “警告”表示可能会造成财产损失、人身伤害甚至死亡。
© 2012 Dell Inc.本文中使用的商标: Dell™、 DELL 徽标、 Dell Precision™、 Precision ON™、ExpressCharge™、 Latitude™、Latitude ON™、 OptiPlex™、 Vostro™和 Wi-Fi Catcher™是 Dell Inc. 的商标。
Intel®、 Pentium®、 Xeon®、 Core™、 Atom™、 Centrino®和 Celeron®是 Intel Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家或地区的注册商标。
AMD®是注册商标, AMD Opteron™、 AMD Phenom™、AMD Sempron™、 AMD Athlon™、 ATI Radeon™和 ATI FirePro™是 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 的商标。
Microsoft®、 Windows®、 MS-DOS®、 Windows Vista®、Windows Vista 开始按钮和 Office Outlook®是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家或地区的注册商标。
Blu-ray Disc™是 Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) 拥有的商标,经其许可在磁盘和播放器上使用。
Bluetooth®文字标记是 Bluetooth® SIG, Inc. 拥有的注册商标,Dell Inc. 经其许可使用这些标记。
微星z270i itx gaming说明书

微星z270i itx gaming说明书主板芯片集成芯片声卡/网卡主芯片组Intel Z270芯片组描述采用Intel Z270芯片组显示芯片CPU内置显示芯片(需要CPU支持)音频芯片集成Realtek ALC1220 8声道音效芯片网卡芯片板载Intel I219V千兆网卡处理器规格CPU类型第七代/第六代Core i7/i5/i3/Pentium/CeleronCPU插槽LGA 1151CPU描述支持Intel 14nm处理器内存规格内存类型2×DDR4 DIMM最大内存容量32GB支持双通道DDR4 3800(OC)/3600(OC)/3200(OC)/3000(OC)/ 内存描述2800(OC)/2600(OC)/2400/2133MHz内存存储扩展PCI-E标准PCI-E 3.0PCI-E插槽1×PCI-E X16显卡插槽存储接口1×M.2接口,4×SATA III接口I/O接口1×USB3.1 Type-A接口,1×USB3.1 Type-C接口,4×USB3.1接USB接口口(2内置+2背板),4×USB2.0接口(2内置+2背板)视频接口1×Display Port接口,1×HDMI接口电源接口一个8针,一个24针电源接口1×RJ45网络接口,1×光纤接口,音频接口,1×TPM接口,1×其它接口PS/2键鼠通用接口板型主板板型Mini-ITX板型外形尺寸17.0×17.0cm其它参数RAID功能支持RAID 0,1,5,10无线:支持802.11 a/b/g/n/acWiFi标准;支持2.4/5GHz无线双其它特点频;支持蓝牙4.2上市日期2017年01月主板附件包装清单主板 x1保修卡 x1 说明书 x1 驱动盘 x1 挡板 x1 SATA线 x2。
戴尔支持助手版本 1.2 快速入门指南说明书

Dell SupportAssist Version 1.2 For Dell OpenManage EssentialsQuick Start GuideNotes, Cautions, and WarningsNOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.© 2013 Dell Inc.Trademarks used in this text: Dell™, the Dell logo, Dell Boomi™, Dell Precision™ , OptiPlex™, Latitude™, PowerEdge™, PowerVault™, PowerConnect™, OpenManage™, EqualLogic™, Compellent™, KACE™, FlexAddress™, Force10™ and Vostro™ are trademarks of Dell Inc. Intel®, Pentium®, Xeon®, Core® and Celeron® are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. AMD®is a registered trademark and AMD Opteron™, AMD Phenom™ and AMD Sempron™ are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows Server®, Internet Explorer®, MS-DOS®, Windows Vista® and Active Directory® are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Red Hat® and Red Hat®Enterprise Linux® are registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Novell® and SUSE® are registered trademarks of Novell Inc. in the United States and other countries. Oracle® is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Citrix®, Xen®, XenServer® and XenMotion® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. VMware®, vMotion®, vCenter®, vCenter SRM™ and vSphere® are registered trademarks or trademarks of VMware, Inc. in the United States or other countries. IBM® is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.2013 - 07Rev. A00IntroductionDell SupportAssist plugin for Dell OpenManage Essentials provides proactive support capabilities for supported Dell server, storage, and networking solutions. OpenManage Essentials interacts with supported devices that are to be monitored and receives SNMP traps. The SNMP traps are periodically retrieved as alerts by the SupportAssist client. The alerts are filtered using various policies to decide if the alerts qualify for creating a new support case or updating an existing support case.All qualifying alerts are securely sent to the SupportAssist server hosted by Dell, for a creating a new support case or updating an existing support case. After the support case is created or updated, the SupportAssist client, runs the appropriate collection tools on the devices that generated the alerts, and uploads the log collection to Dell. This information in the log collection is used by Dell technical support to troubleshoot the issue and provide an appropriate solution.This document provides information you require to set up OpenManage Essentials and SupportAssist, and thereby ensure that SupportAssist works as expected in your environment.Getting Started With Dell SupportAssistTo quickly get started with SupportAssist:1.Ensure that OpenManage Essentials is installed on the management server and is configured to discover thesupported devices in your environment. For information on installing, configuring, and setting up your environment for OpenManage Essentials, see the Dell OpenManage Essentials User’s Guide at /OpenManageManuals.2.Install SupportAssist on the management server running OpenManage Essentials. For information on installingSupportAssist, see the Dell SupportAssist Plugin For Dell OpenManage Essentials User's Guide at /ServiceabilityTools.3.If the management server connects to the Internet through a proxy server, you must configure Proxy Settings inSupportAssist. To configure the proxy server settings, click Settings → Proxy Settings , and follow the instructions on the screen.4.Configure the Administrator credentials of each supported device type in your environment in SupportAssist. SeeConfiguring The Default Device Type Credentials.5.Verify if the SupportAssist client is able to communicate with the SupportAssist server hosted by Dell by performingthe email connectivity test. See Email Connectivity Test.6.If there is a SSL connection failure, you must install the required root certificates. To identify and resolve a SSLconnection failure, see Identifying SSL Connection Failure and Installing Root Certificates.7.If your devices are covered under the Dell ProSupport Plus service contract, you must:–Upgrade to SupportAssist version 1.2 or later.*To identify the version of SupportAssist installed on the system, click About in the SupportAssist dashboard.*To download the latest version of SupportAssist, go to /SupportAssistGroup.–Configure SupportAssist to collect the system logs periodically. See Configuring Periodic Collection Of System Logs (ProSupport Plus Only).NOTE: If you want SupportAssist to monitor Dell Force10 S4810 Ethernet switches, you must rediscoverForce10 S4810 Ethernet switches in OpenManage Essentials. For information about discovering devices inOpenManage Essentials, see the Dell OpenManage Essentials User's Guide at /OpenManageManuals.3NOTE: SupportAssist version 1.2 provides limited support for Dell PowerEdge VRTX. In SupportAssist version1.1.1, the PowerEdge VRTX device is displayed as an iDRAC7 device. After upgrading SupportAssist fromversion 1.1.1 to 1.2, the PowerEdge VRTX device continues to display as an iDRAC7 device. To ensure that the PowerEdge VRTX device is displayed as expected after the upgrade, in OpenManage Essentials, remove thePowerEdge VRTX device and discover it again.Setting Up OpenManage Essentials For SupportAssistFor SupportAssist to automatically generate support cases if there is a hardware issue in your environment, you must set up OpenManage Essentials as follows:1.Configure SNMP services on all managed nodes. See Configuring SNMP Services On Systems Running Windows.2.On all managed nodes that are not Dell 12G servers, ensure that Dell OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) isinstalled. For information on installing OMSA, see the Dell OpenManage Server Administrator User's Guide at /OpenManageManuals.3.On all managed nodes running Microsoft Windows Server 2008, ensure that network discovery is enabled. SeeEnabling Network Discovery (Windows Server 2008 Only).4.Configure the supported Dell devices in your environment so that they can be discovered and managed byOpenManage Essentials. For instructions to configure the supported Dell devices, see the Making My Environment Manageable for Dell OpenManage Essentials white paper at /OME.5.Verify the firewall and ensure that the following ports are open:–On the management server, port 162 for SNMP, port 443 for SSL communication, and port 80 for getting new SupportAssist release information.–On the managed node, port 161 for SNMP and port 1311 for OMSA.Configuring SNMP Services On Systems Running WindowsTo allow OpenManage Essentials to receive SNMP alerts from supported devices, you must configure SNMP services on all managed nodes.1.Click Start → Run.The Run dialog box is displayed2.In the Open box, type services.msc, and click OK.The Services window is displayed3.Browse the list of services, and ensure that the status of the SNMP Service is displayed as Started.4.Right-click SNMP Service and select Properties.The SNMP Service Properties dialog box is displayed.5.Click the Security tab, and perform the following:a)Clear Send authentication trap.b)Under Accepted community names, click Add.The SNMP Service Configuration dialog box is displayed.c)From the Community rights list, select READ ONLY.d)In the Community Name field, type the community name, and click Add.e)Select either Accept SNMP packets from any hosts or Accept SNMP packets from these hosts, and click Add.The SNMP Service Configuration dialog box is displayed.f)In the Host name, IP or IPX address field, type the OpenManage Essentials server name or address, and clickAdd.6.Click the Traps tab, and perform the following:4a)In the Community name box, type the community name, and click Add to list.b)Under Trap destinations, click Add.The SNMP Service Configuration dialog box is displayed.c)In the Host name, IP or IPX address field, type the OpenManage Essentials server name or address, and clickAdd.7.Click Apply.8.In the Service window, right-click SNMP Service and click Restart.NOTE: The default port for sending SNMP traps is 162. To configure the managed node to use a non-defaultport, see the "Changing the Default SNMP Port" section in the Dell OpenManage Essentials User’s Guide at/OpenManageManuals.Enabling Network Discovery (Windows Server 2008 Only)On all managed nodes running Microsoft Windows Server 2008, you must enable network discovery, to allow the nodes to be discovered by the management server.1.Click Start → Control Panel → Network and Internet→ Network and Sharing Center → Change advanced sharingsettings.2.Choose the drop-down arrow for the applicable network profile (Home or Work, or Public).3.Under Network discovery, select Turn on network discovery.4.Click Save changes.Setting Up SupportAssistTo set up SupportAssist:1.If the management server connects to the Internet through a proxy server, you must configure Proxy Settings inSupportAssist. To configure the proxy server settings, click Settings → Proxy Settings , and follow the instructions on the screen.2.Configure the Administrator credentials of each supported device type in your environment in SupportAssist. SeeConfiguring The Default Device Type Credentials.3.Verify that the SupportAssist client is able to communicate with the SupportAssist server hosted by Dell byperforming the email connectivity test. See Email Connectivity Test.4.If there is a SSL connection failure, you must install the required root certificates. To identify and resolve a SSLconnection failure, see Identifying SSL Connection Failure and Installing Root Certificates.5.Verify if the management server is able to connect to the following destinations:–https:///support/case/v2/WebCase — end point for the SupportAssist server.–https:///upload.ashx/ — the file upload server where the diagnostic test results are uploaded.–/ — for getting new SupportAssist release information.Configuring The Default Device Type CredentialsSupportAssist runs the appropriate collection tools and gathers the system logs when a hardware issue is detected in your environment. To run the collection tools on your supported devices, you must configure SupportAssist with the Administrator credentials for each managed device type.5NOTE: The Settings tab is accessible only if you are logged on as a member of the OpenManage EssentialsAdministrators or Power Users group.1.Click the Settings tab.2.Under Edit Device Type Credentials, select the Device Type and Credential Type.3.Type the Administrator credentials [Username, Password, Enable Password (for Ethernet switches only), andCommunity String (for Dell EqualLogic devices only)] of the selected Device Type and Credential Type in thecorresponding fields.NOTE: Windows user names must be of the form [Domain\Username]. You can also use a period [ . ] toindicate the local domain. This rule does not apply to Linux or ESX/ESXi credentials.NOTE: For Force10 and PowerConnect Ethernet switches the domain name need not be specified.Examples of Windows user names: .\Administrator; MyDomain\MyUsername.Example of Linux, ESX/ESXi user name: Username.4.Repeat step 2 and step 3 until you have configured the Default Device Type Credentials for each managed devicetype.5.Click Save Changes.NOTE: If the credentials for a device differs from the Default Device Type Credentials you provided, you canedit the credentials for that particular device using the Edit Device Credentials link in the Devices tab. Configuring Periodic Collection Of System Logs (ProSupport Plus Only)To receive the full benefits of the support, reporting, and maintenance offering of your ProSupport Plus service contract, you must configure SupportAssist to collect the system logs at periodic intervals for each supported device type.NOTE: The Settings tab is accessible only if you are logged on as a member of the OpenManage EssentialsAdministrators or Power Users group.1.Click the Settings tab.2.Click Preferences.The Email Settings, Support Collection, and Maintenance Mode page is displayed.3.Under Support Collection, ensure that Enable scheduling is selected.4.Click System Logs.The System Logs page is displayed.5.Under Edit Device Credentials, select the Device Type and Credential Type.6.Under System Log Collection Schedule, set the Frequency, and select the appropriate fields in Specify day andtime.NOTE: For recommendations on setting the frequency of periodic collection, see Recommendations ForScheduling Periodic Collection.NOTE: When the Frequency is set to None, restart of the SupportAssist service is known to fail. To avoid thisissue, before you attempt to either restart the SupportAssist service manually or restart the server runningSupportAssist, it is recommended that the Frequency is set to either Weekly or Monthly. After theSupportAssist service is restarted, you can set the Frequency to None.7.Repeat step 5 and step 6 until you have scheduled the collection of system logs for all supported device types inyour environment.8.Click Save Changes.6Recommendations For Scheduling Periodic CollectionThe following table provides recommendations for scheduling periodic collections in an environment that consists of a device mix of 75 percent servers, and 25 percent switch and storage devices. The recommendations also assume compliance with the hardware, software, and networking requirements for SupportAssist.Table 1. Recommendations For Scheduling Periodic CollectionEmail Connectivity TestNOTE: The Connectivity Test link is enabled only if you are logged on as a member of the OpenManage Essentials Administrators or Power Users group.1.In SupportAssist, move the mouse pointer over the <user name> link that is displayed beside the Help link, and thenclick Connectivity Test.2.In the Connectivity Test page, click Send.The SupportAssist server receives the connectivity test, and sends a sample email with connectivity status to the primary and secondary (optional) contact. If the connectivity status email is not received, see the Troubleshooting section.TroubleshootingThis section provides information about troubleshooting problems with the email connectivity test. The email connectivity test may fail due to:•Proxy settings — If your network requires passing the web browser traffic through a proxy server, ensure that the proxy is enabled and configured in SupportAssist.•SSL connection failure — If the proxy settings are configured properly, but the email connectivity test fails, there may be a SSL connection failure.If there is a SSL connection failure, you must install the required root certificates. To identify and resolve SSL connection failure, see Identifying SSL Connection Failure and Installing Root Certificates.Identifying SSL Connection FailureSSL connection failure may occur if your system does not have the required certificate installed from the issuing root certificate authority, GTE CyberTrust Global Root. All Dell certificates are issued from this certificate authority.7To verify if the certificate is installed in Internet Explorer:1.Click Tools → Internet Options.The Internet Options dialog box is displayed.2.Click the Content tab, and then click Certificates.The Certificates dialog box is displayed.3.Click the Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab.4.Scroll to verify if GTE CyberTrust Global Root is listed in the Issued To and Issued By columns.If GTE CyberTrust Global Root is not listed, you must install the required certificates. To install the certificates, see Installing Root Certificates.Installing Root CertificatesBefore you begin, ensure the following:•You must be logged in to the user account with which SupportAssist was installed.•You must have administrator privileges.•The SupportAssist service must be running.To resolve SSL connection issues, you must install the following root certificates in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities and Intermediate Certification Authorities folders of the current user and local computer:•Dell_Inc_Enterprise_Issuing_CA1.cer•Dell_Inc_Enterprise_CA.cer•GTE_CyberTrust Global Root.cerTo install root certificates:1.Click Start → Run.The Run dialog box is displayed.2.In the Open box, type mmc, and click OK.The Console 1 – [Console Root] window is displayed.3.Click File → Add/Remove Snap-in.The Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box is displayed.4.Under Available snap-ins, select Certificates, and click Add >.The Certificates snap-in dialog box is displayed.5.Ensure that My user account is selected, and then click Finish.6.In the Add or Remove snap-ins dialog box, click Add >.The Certificates snap-in dialog box is displayed.7.Select Computer account and click Next.The Select Computer dialog box is displayed.8.Ensure that Local computer (the computer this console is running on) is selected, and click Finish.9.In the Add or Remove snap-ins dialog box, click OK.10.Under the Console Root, click Certificates – Current User.11.Right-click Trusted Root Certification Authority → All Tasks → Import .The Certificate Import Wizard is displayed.12.Click Next.8The File to Import dialog box is displayed.13.Browse to select the location of the certificate files, select a certificate file and click Next.The Certificate Store information is displayed.14.Click Next.15.Click Finish.16.Perform step 11 to step 15 until all three certificate files are imported.17.Right-click Intermediate Certification Authorities → All Tasks → Import.The Certificate Import Wizard is displayed.18.Perform step 12 to step 15 until all three certificate files are imported.19.Under the Console Root, click Certificates – Local Computer.20.Right-click Trusted Root Certification Authority → All Tasks → Import .The Certificate Import Wizard is displayed.21.Perform step 12 to step 15 until all three certificate files are imported.22.Right-click Intermediate Certification Authorities → All Tasks → Import.The Certificate Import Wizard is displayed.23.Perform step 12 to step 15 until all three certificate files are imported.9。
Dell S2721HGF 显示器用户指南说明书

Dell 27 游戏显示器-S2721HGFDell Display Manager 用户指南型号:S2721HGF注:“注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用您的产品的重要信息。
版权所有 © 2020 Dell Inc.或其子公司。
Dell、EMC以及其他商标是Dell Inc.或其子公司的商标。
2020 – 07Rev. A00目录概述 (4)使用快速设置对话框 (5)设置基本显示功能 (6)为应用程序指派预设模式 (7)使用Easy Arrange组织窗口 (8)管理多个视频输入 (10)恢复应用程序位置 (11)应用节能功能 (13)其他快捷键 (14)将 DDM 附加到活动窗口(仅 Windows 10) (15)故障排除 (16)目录 | 3概述Dell Display Manager是一个Microsoft Windows应用程序,可管理一台或一组显示器。
安装后,每次系统启动时,Dell Display Manager都会运行并在通知托盘中显示其图标。
Dell S2721HGF - Standard注:Dell Display Manager使用DDC/CI通道与显示器进行通讯。
Dell 27 Gaming MonitorS2721HGF4 | 概述使用快速设置对话框 | 5使用快速设置对话框单击Dell Display Manager 的通知托盘图标时,会打开Quick Settings (快速设置)对话框。
当有多个支持的Dell 显示器连接到计算机时,可以使用菜单选择特定的目标显示器。
在Quick Settings (快速设置)对话框中,可以方便地调整显示器的亮度、对比度、分辨率、窗口布局等。
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Dell Vostro 270用户手册管制型号: D11M管制类型: D11M002注、小心和警告注: “注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。
小心: “小心”表示可能会损坏硬件或导致数据丢失,并说明如何避免此类问题。
警告: “警告”表示可能会造成财产损失、人身伤害甚至死亡。
© 2012 Dell Inc.本文中使用的商标: Dell™、 DELL 徽标、 Dell Precision™、 Precision ON™、ExpressCharge™、 Latitude™、Latitude ON™、 OptiPlex™、 Vostro™和 Wi-Fi Catcher™是 Dell Inc. 的商标。
Intel®、 Pentium®、 Xeon®、 Core™、 Atom™、 Centrino®和 Celeron®是 Intel Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家或地区的注册商标。
AMD®是注册商标, AMD Opteron™、 AMD Phenom™、AMD Sempron™、 AMD Athlon™、 ATI Radeon™和 ATI FirePro™是 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 的商标。
Microsoft®、 Windows®、 MS-DOS®、 Windows Vista®、Windows Vista 开始按钮和 Office Outlook®是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家或地区的注册商标。
Blu-ray Disc™是 Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) 拥有的商标,经其许可在磁盘和播放器上使用。
Bluetooth®文字标记是 Bluetooth® SIG, Inc. 拥有的注册商标,Dell Inc. 经其许可使用这些标记。
Wi-Fi®是 Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance, Inc. 的注册商标。
2012 — 9Rev. A00目录注、小心和警告 (2)章 1. 拆装计算机 (5)拆装计算机内部组件之前 (5)关闭计算机 (6)拆装计算机内部组件之后 (6)章 2. 卸下和安装组件 (7)建议工具 (7)卸下主机盖 (7)安装主机盖 (8)卸下前挡板 (8)安装前挡板 (9)卸下扩充卡 (9)安装扩充卡 (10)卸下系统风扇 (10)安装系统风扇 (11)卸下内存 (12)安装内存 (12)卸下光盘驱动器 (12)安装光盘驱动器 (13)卸下硬盘驱动器 (14)安装硬盘驱动器 (15)卸下无线局域网 (WLAN) 卡 (15)安装无线局域网 (WLAN) 卡 (15)卸下读卡器 (16)安装读卡器 (17)卸下电源设备 (PSU) (17)安装电源设备 (PSU) (18)卸下电源开关 (18)安装电源开关 (19)卸下 I/O 面板 (19)安装 I/O 面板 (21)卸下处理器 (21)安装处理器 (23)取出币形电池 (23)安装币形电池 (24)卸下系统板 (24)系统板布局 (25)安装系统板 (26)章 3. 系统设置程序 (29)引导顺序 (29)导航键 (29)系统设置程序概览 (30)进入系统设置程序 (30)跳线设置 (30)系统设置程序屏幕 (31)系统设置程序选项 (31)Exit(退出) (33)更新 BIOS (33)清除遗忘的密码 (34)清除 CMOS 设置 (35)系统密码和设置密码 (36)设定系统密码和设置密码 (36)删除或更改现有系统密码和/或设置密码 (37)禁用系统密码 (37)章 4. Diagnostics(诊断程序) (39)增强型预引导系统评估 (ePSA) 诊断程序 (39)章 5. 故障排除 (41)电源诊断 LED 代码 (41)诊断哔声代码 (41)诊断错误消息 (42)系统错误消息 (45)章 6. 技术规格 (47)章 7. 与 Dell 联络 (51)1拆装计算机拆装计算机内部组件之前遵循以下安全原则有助于防止您的计算机受到潜在损坏,并有助于确保您的人身安全。
警告: 拆装计算机内部组件之前,请阅读计算机附带的安全信息。
有关安全最佳实践的其他信息,请参阅 /regulatory_compliance 上的 Regulatory Compliance Homepage(规章符合性主页)。
小心: 多数维修只能由经过认证的维修技术人员进行。
未经 Dell 授权的维修所造成的损坏不在保修范围内。
小心: 为防止静电放电,请使用接地腕带或不时触摸未上漆的金属表面(例如计算机背面的连接器)以导去身上的静电。
小心: 组件和插卡要轻拿轻放。
小心: 断开电缆连接时,请握住电缆连接器或其推拉卡舌将其拔出,而不要硬拉电缆。
注: 您的计算机及特定组件的颜色可能与本说明文件中所示颜色有所不同。
小心: 要断开网络电缆的连接,请先从计算机上拔下网络电缆,再将其从网络设备上拔下。
小心: 触摸计算机内部任何组件之前,请先触摸未上漆的金属表面(例如计算机背面的金属)以导去身上的静电。
5关闭计算机小心: 为避免数据丢失,请在关闭计算机之前,保存并关闭所有打开的文件,并退出所有打开的程序。
1.关闭操作系统:–在 Windows 7 中:单击开始,然后单击关机。
–在 Windows Vista 中:单击开始,然后单击开始菜单右下角的箭头(如下所示),再单击关机。
–在 Windows XP 中:单击开始→关闭计算机→关机。
如果关闭操作系统时,计算机和连接的设备的电源未自动关闭,请按住电源按钮大约 6 秒钟即可将它们关闭。
小心: 要连接网络电缆,请先将电缆插入网络设备,然后将其插入计算机。
5.如果需要,运行 Dell Diagnostics 以验证计算机是否正常工作。
3.断开 SATA 电缆和电源电缆与硬盘驱动器的连接。