S300系列温湿度记录仪用户手册目录第一章产品介绍 (1)1.1产品特点 (1)1.2使用范围 (2)1.3性能参数 (1)1.4记录仪外型说明 (2)1.5 LCD显示屏说明 (2)1.6 按键功能说明 (2)第二章软件使用指南 (4)2.1USB驱动安装 (4)2.2LOGPRO软件使用 (6)第三章使用注意事项 (11)3.1注意事项 (11)3.2常见故障 (11)第一章产品简介1.1产品特点⏹采用进口原厂封装校准一体式温湿度传感器,测量精度高⏹内置存储器,记录容量4.3万组温湿度数据⏹温湿度和时间同时显示,按键操作简单方便⏹内置蜂鸣报警,超限报警功能。
外观简洁大方,结构牢固,壁挂式固定⏹专业分析软件简单易用,数据多重保护,保证数据永不丢失1.2使用范围⏹广泛应用医药、电子、食品、运输、仓储、科研院所、气象、纺织和商业建筑、专业实验室、博物馆、图书馆、气象部门等其它领域1.3 性能参数1.4记录仪外型说明⏹LCD 显示屏(A)⏹开/关机按键(B)⏹开启或关闭记录按键(C)⏹记录仪重启按键(D)⏹COM 通讯端口(E)⏹DC 12V 插孔(F)⏹挂孔(G)⏹型号标签箭头指示处为序列号(H)⏹电池后盖(I)1.5 LCD显示屏说明1.6按键功能说明LOG:记录/待机状态切换按键,当液晶屏幕上显示出“LOG”符号时,表示记录仪已经处于“记录”状态,开始记录温湿度数据,并且保存在记录仪里面。
ON/OFF :开/关机键按键。
注意:仪器处于记录状态按ON/OFF无法关机,只有在待机状态按ON/OFF方可关闭记录仪.第二章软件使用指南2.1 USB驱动安装将标配的软件光盘放到电脑的驱动里,并将文件打开,找到将其打开并根据操作系统选择驱动程序Win7-64 位操作系统使用“CH341SER[64bit]”Win XP; Vista; Win7-32 位操作系统使用“CH341SER[32bit]”2.1.1点击【CH341SER】2.1.2点击【安装】—【确定】点安装确定安装完成之后在将设备仪器通过标配的数据线与电脑连接好,查看有无端口号显示查看端口号操作步骤如下:2.1.3鼠标右击【我的电脑】图标—【管理(G)】—【设备管理器】-如下图所示:设备管点端口理器2.1.4下一步双击【端口(COM和LPT)】,看端口号是否为CH340 或CH341 的端口号如下图所示:端口号注意:若以上操作无端口显示,可将电脑关机再重新开机便可出现端口号2.2 LOGPRO 软件使用(1)将配套光盘内的软件文件夹拷到电脑上,建立桌面快捷方式。
Huato HT-HE230A 温湿度记录仪 使用说明书
![Huato HT-HE230A 温湿度记录仪 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b8f51faa5ff7ba0d4a7302768e9951e79b8969fd.png)
Termohigrómetro De PanelHT-HE230AOperation manual for HE2XXA series large screen Thermo-HygrometerProducts IntroductionHE2XXA Series large screen Thermo-Hygrometer developed by HUATO,which has high precision and recording functions.Adopt imported temperature humidity integrated sensor, fast response and good quality to assure the accuracy and stability.1.Features:�Fashionable and simple performance,firm structure,high accuracy.�Adopt LED digital tube display,clear and bright,visible distance is10~50meters.�Temperature humidity calibration function;values can be adjusted through buttons on the instruments.�Recording capacity:>=43000,RS232-USB interface.2.Applications:It has been widely applied in offices,hotel,canteens,school,factory,supermarket, warehousing,hospital,and indoor environment etc.3.Performance parameters:4.Starter:(1)Buttons and componentspower and plug OK buttonExternal sensor upward buttonTemperature display area downward buttonHumidity display area Menu function button5.Key usage:Key functionNormal mode:press enter setup mode,press enter temperature setting, press or button respectively to adjust the value.Key functionNormal mode:Press this key is invalid.Setting mode:Set a negative value.Key functionNormal mode:Press this key is invalid.Setting mode:Set a positive value.Key functionNormal mode:Press this key is invalid.Setting mode:Confirm button and enter the next step.For example:Standard temperature is16℃,humidity is66%RH,and the measuring temperature is15.3℃,humidity is66.8%RH.Then difference of temperature is-0.7℃, difference of humidity is+0.8%RH.Setting StepsSteps::first,press enter setup mode,then press enter temperaturedeviation setting statestate;;press to adjust the temperature is-0.7℃,press enterhumidity settings,and press to adjust the humidity value is+0.8%RH,then pressback to normal modeHUATO ELECTRONIC(SHENZHEN)CO.,LTD.Address:F3of Building A,Taohuayuan Technological Innovation Zone,Xixiang Street, Baoan District,Shenzhen,China.After-sales service hot-line:0086-755-29977880Fax:0086-755-29748856Website:(REV1.0)。
技术参数:1、供电电源:2.4Ah 3.6V 非充电电池一枚2、测温范围:传感器外置状况下:-40.0℃~100.0℃3、测温精度:±0.5℃4、温度分辨率:0.1℃5、温度探头:Pt1006、湿度范围:0%RH-100%RH7、湿度精度:±3%RH8、分辨率:0.1%RH9、湿度探头:霍尼韦尔HIH361010、记录周期:1秒~24小时可连续设置11、记录延时:1秒~24小时可连续设置12、通讯接口:RS23213、记录容量:30000点。
ZZ-THS-BD以太网型温湿度记录仪说明书V1.1目录一、产品简介 (3)1.1产品概述 (3)1.2功能特点 (3)1.3主要参数 (3)1.5湿度参数 (5)1.6温度对湿度测量的影响 (6)二、硬件连接 (9)2.1设备安装前检查 (9)2.2外形尺寸与操作面板 (9)2.3设备接口说明 (12)2.4设备安装说明 (12)三、系统菜单与设置 (14)3.3配置菜单介绍 (15)3.4时间设置 (16)3.5上报设置 (17)3.6温度湿度报警设置 (18)3.7探头微调设置 (20)四、配置软件安装及使用 (20)4.1软件基本使用与设备搜索 (20)4.2传感器的网络配置 (22)4.3传感器参数设置 (23)4.4传感器详细配置 (22)4.5主动上传与TCPmodbus模式的切换 (22)五、通信协议(TCP modbus) (23)5.2寄存器地址 (24)六、主动上报协议 (25)6.2协议基本组成 (25)6.3主动上报协议 (26)七、联系方式 (27)八、售后与质保 (27)一、产品简介1.1产品概述本产品为带超大屏幕液晶显示的工业级以太网型温湿度传感器,可以实时采集温湿度信息并通过以太网方式进行通讯,支持TCP-Modbus方式或者主动上传方式,相较于传统的温湿度布线方式,网络型温湿度变送器可以实现传感+通讯二合一,不再需要网关与通信主机,实现了一个设备即为一个物联网节点的功能。
本产品可以广泛应用于机房监控系统、电力监控系统、安防工程、医疗卫生监控、能耗监控系统、智能家居1.3主要参数直流供电12V-24V DC传输接口RJ4510M/100M自适应温度长期稳定型≤0.1℃/year湿度长期稳定性≤1%y温度范围-40-80℃(可定制)湿度范围5-95%RH温度分辨率0.1℃湿度分辨率0.1%RH通信协议主动上报/TCP modbus DNS动态解析支持1.4温度参数内容最小值典型值最大值单位分辨率(14bit)-0.01-℃线性偏差-±0.3见后表1℃重复度-±0.1-℃工作范围-40-125℃响应时间(63%)5-30秒长期漂移-<0.04-℃/年表一不同温度下温度测量精度温湿度记录仪说明书如上表所示,在5-60摄氏度范围内最大偏差在±0.5内,小于0℃和大于60摄氏度情况下偏差递增。
Omega iTHX-SD 温湿度记录仪说明书
![Omega iTHX-SD 温湿度记录仪说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/aa7f2bbb6e1aff00bed5b9f3f90f76c661374c9c.png)
Temperature and Humidity Virtual Chart RecorderR-5U W eb Server U A larms by Email or Text Message U N o Special Software Required U R ecords Years of Data on Popular SD Cards U D ual Probe OptionThe OMEGA ®iTHX-SD transmitter let’s you monitor and recordTemperature, Relative Humidity and Dew Point over an Ethernet network or the Internet with no special software except a Web Browser.The iTHX-SD serves Active Web Pages to display real time readings, display charts of temperature, humidity, and dew point or log data in standard data formats for use in a spreadsheet or data acquisition program such as Excel or Visual Basic.The virtual chart viewed on the web page is a JAVA™ Applet that records a chart over the LAN or Internet in real time. With the iTHX-SD, there is no need to invest time and money learning a proprietary software program to log or chart the data.SD Flash Memory CardThe iTHX-SD comes completewith a removable 2 GB SD FlashMemory card that can store up toseven years of readings taken at ten second intervals.Records on SD Flash Cards The data is recorded on widely available SD (Secure Digital) flash cards. The format is a simple text file that is easily imported to spread sheets and other programs. It canbe read on a PC or MAC with a USB card reader. You can also download the data remotely over an Ethernetnetwork or the Internet.™®Alarm RelaysThe iTHX-SD features two 1.5 Amp relays. With the easyWeb-based setup page, the two relays can be programmed for ancombination of temperature or humidity, and high or low set points. The relays canalso be programmed to remain latched and require a manual reset if a limit is exceeded.Battery BackupThe iTHX-SD comes with a universal 100 to 240 Vac power adapter. A standard 9 Volt Alkaline battery (also included) allows the device to log data for up to 2 days without external ac power. A failure on the Ethernet network will not interrupt data recording.Adjustable ChartsChart scales are fully adjustable on the fly. For example, the chart can display one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month or one year. Temperature and humidity canbe charted across the full span (-40 to 124°C, and 0 to 100% RH) or within any narrow range such as (20 to 30°C). When a second sensor is added, users can select a chart that records channel 1, channel 2 or the difference of the two channels.Award-Winning Technology The iTHX-SD is simple to install anduse, and features OMEGA’s award-winning iServer technology that requires no special software excepta Web Browser.The iTHX-SD connects to anEthernet Network with a standard RJ45 connector and sends data in standard TCP/IP packets. It is easily configured with a simple menu using a Web Browser and can be password protected.From within an Ethernet LAN or over the Internet, the user simply types its IP address or an easy to remember name such as “Cleanroom5” or “ServerRoom” in any Web Browser, and the iTHX-SD serves a Web Page with the current readings.View Temperature + Humidty with a Web BrowseriTHX-SD-5D shown smaller than actual size withSD card and DB9-Y cable for dual probe (included).Email AlarmsAll OMEGA iTHX-SD models that are on a LAN that is connected to the Internet can trigger an alarm that can be sent by email to a user or a distribution list anywhere in the world, including text messages to cell phones and PDA’s.Link to Web CAM orIP CameraThe Web page includes a link toa “Web Cam” or “IP camera” (not included). If you get a message about an alarm condition, you can quickly click on the link to view the actual scene over the Internet. Display and ChartTwo ChannelsThe iTHX-SD transmitters come complete with a temperature and humidity probe for measurement of a single location. With the addition of a second probe, the iTHX-SD transmitter can measure and display temperature, humidity and dew point in a second location up to ten feet away.The transmitter can display and chart absolute measurements in both locations, or a differential measurement between the two locations. The second probe requires no change to the basic iTHX-SD transmitter hardware,it can be added at the time of purchase or in the future. OMEGA offers a choice of industrialprobes in 2 and 5" lengths, anda wand style for ambient indoor applications. A simple DB-9 “Y” connector is available for adding asecond probe.Sensor and CalibrationIt is not necessary to takethe iTHX-SD out of servicefor routine calibration. The temperature/humidity sensorsare interchangeable and can be replaced for about the same cost as a typical calibration. OMEGA offers replacement sensors with optional 3-point NIST traceable calibration certificates.R-6View temperature and humidity over Ethernet or the Internet.Industrial Probe iTHP-5, iTHP-2:137 L or 51 L x 16 mm Dia(5 L or 2 L x 0.63" Dia)Housing Material: 316 SSCable with DB9 Connector:3 or 0.9 m L (10 or 3')Cable Operating Temperature:-40 to 125°C (-40 to 257°F)iServer SpecificationsINTERFACESEthernet: (RJ45)Fixed or auto-negotiating10/100BASE-T, Auto MDI/MDIXSupported Protocols:T CP, UDP, SNMP, SMTP,NTP, ARP, ICMP, DHCP, DNS,HTTP and TelnetSensor: Digital 4-wire, DB9LCD Display: 16 digits, 6 mm (0.23")SD Flash Memory Card:2GB card: 8 months of data storage at1 second recording intervals or 7 yearsat 10 second intervalsRelay Outputs:Two relays 1.5 A @ 30 VdcEmbedded Web Server:Serves Web pages containing real-timedata and live updated charts withindefinable time intervalsSoftware: OPC Server; macrofor datalogging in Excel program;compatible with Windows operatingsystemsPowerInput: 9 to 12 VdcSafety qualified AC power adapter:Nominal Output: *********Input: 100 to 240 Vac, 50/60Hz(included)Back-up Battery:9 Vdc, alkaline (included)ENVIRONMENTALOperating Temperature:iServer unit: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)Battery: -18 to 55°C (0 to 131°F)ac Adapter: 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F)Storage Temperature: -40 to 85°C(-40 to 185°F)PackagingMaterial: Steel metal case with wallmount bracketSensor SpecificationsRELATIVE HuMIDITY (RH)Accuracy/Range:10 to 90%: ±2%5 to 10% and 90 to 95%: ±3%0 to 5% and 95 to 100%: ±4%Non-linearity: ±3%Hysteresis: ±1%RHResponse Time: 8 seconds, tau 63%Repeatability: ±0.1%Resolution: 0.1%, 12 bitTEMPERATuRE (T)Accuracy/Range*Wand Probe: ±0.5°C (±1°F) for 5 to45°C (41 to 113°F); up to ±1°C(up to ±2°F) for 0 to 5°C and 45 to 60°C(32 to 41°F and 113 to 140°F)Industrial Probe: (see chart in manual)±0.5°C (±1°F) for 5 to 45°C (41 to 113°F);up to ±1.5°C (up to ±2.7°F) for -40 to5°C and 45 to 124°C(-40 to 41°F and 113 to 255°F)*Note: extended temperature range is forInd. probe only, the iServer’s operatingtemperature is 0 to 60°CResponse Time: 5 to 30 seconds,tau 63%Repeatability: ±0.1°CResolution: 0.1°C, 14-bitProbe SpecificationsWand Probe:198 L x 19 mm Dia (7.8 L x 0.75" Dia)Cable with DB9 Connector:152 mm L (6" L)Cable Operating Temperature:0 to 80°C (32 to 176°F)Readings through embedded Web serverTypical ApplicationsThe iTHX-SD is great formonitoring temperature + humidityin applications such as: cleanrooms, computer rooms, HVACsystems, pharmaceutical and foodprocessing and storage, hospitals,laboratories, semiconductor fabs,electronic assembly, warehousing,museums, manufacturing, green-houses, farm animal shelters,and many more.R-7Data logging spreadsheetOrdering Examples: iTHX-SD with LCD display, SD card, 2 relay alarm, battery back-up and wand probe. iTHP-W-6-CAL-3-HU , calibrated replacement probe with certificate.Replacement Probes with Calibration Certificate StandardAlarm relay configurationthrough embedded Web serverSensor configurationRecording SetupReadingsChart Web Link SetupOverview NetworkConfiguration Management Security Recording System Diagnostics Log OutiP-PCWiP-PCIiP-SC。
DM588网络型温湿度记录仪产品说明书功能简介●高精度、高稳定温湿度传感器●超大显示屏、带背光●体积小、重量轻、功耗低、反应速度快●具有记录功能、最大记录点数:12800●USB通信、485通信●9~36V(DC/AC)/USB 5V供电可选●内置报警功能、带报警输出●内置锂电池(可充电)一、产品概述DM588网络型温湿度记录仪是一款高性能工业级温湿度变送器,超大显示屏能实时显示温湿度数据,且带有背光功能,内置锂电池和报警器,具有报警控制输出功能,功能强大,适用范围极广。
二、产品参数1、供电电压:9~36VDC或USB 5V或内置锂电池2、显示分辨率:0.1℃或0.1%RH3、工作温度:-20~+60℃;精度:±0.3℃4、工作湿度:1~99.9%RH;精度:±2%RH5、采样周期:外电:2s 内置电池:5s6、记录点数:12800(最大)7、功耗:外电:<20mA 锂电池:<2mA8、灵敏度衰减值:温度<0.1℃;湿度<0.1%RH9、电池工作时间:充满电可以持续工作半年以上(不开报警及背光)10、输出信号:RS485信号11、通信协议:标准MODBUS RTU协议*配我公司温湿度监测软件V2.9三、产品尺寸(单位:mm )四、产品安装及接线说明◎该产品采用的安装方式1、将4芯(或带屏蔽)连接电缆变送器端的四根线分别连接到变送器连接头的1、2、3、4脚(带屏蔽线的屏蔽层连接到电源地);2、另一端对应接入供电电源和计算机(需485转换器)或其它相应设备;3、将变送器前后外壳扣紧;4、经检查接线无误后方可接通电源,检查变送器输出是否正常;5、现在变送器可以正常工作了;6、如需外接报警器请按485典型应用图来连接。
软件介绍:F-LINK 是一款软件产品,可对本公司生产的便携式记录仪”进行编程、数据下载,能显示、分析和报告来自记录仪的时间温度等数据,其友好的操作界面为用户提供优越的灵活性。
F-LINK 支持的操作系统包括:Windows® 98,Windows® 2000,Windows® XP,Windows® Server 2003,Windows® Vista 32 bit。
最低•Pentium® 系列处理器(CPU) - 1 Ghz•256色VGA•512 Mb RAM•Windows® 98推荐•Pentium® 系列处理器(CPU) - 2 Ghz 或更高•真彩色VGA•1Gb Mb RAM•Windows® XP使用介绍:1、连接设备:对设备的任何操作(如启动、停止或下载等),必须在已与设备建立连接的条件下进行。
4.停止方式:分为"记满停止"、"循环记录"、"定时停止"和"指定次数"记满停止: 当存储空间耗尽时,设备停止工作。
循环记录: 当存储空间耗尽时,以新记录覆盖旧记录,设备始终处于工作状态。
Hong Run Precision Instruments Co., LtD.虹润一、产品介绍使用说明书OHR-WS50系列大屏幕温湿度记录仪二、技术参数OHR-WS50系列大屏幕温湿度记录仪采用高精度的采集电路及进口传感器,对环境的温湿度进行实时监测、报警与记录。
三、仪表型谱OHR-WS50代码S3S4S5S6宽*高*深300*200*36mm 400*265*36mm 500*300*36mm 600*400*36mm通讯输出无输出RS485通讯接口(Modbus RTU)RS232通讯接口(Modbus RTU)以太网通讯代码X D1D2E ②③④⑤④探头规格代码HXX LXX 探头规格塑料探头规格金属探头规格(XX:表示电缆长度,最长20米。
型号举例:OHR-WS50R-S3-D1-L10-02-A电压范围AC100~240V (50/60Hz)⑥供电电源代码 A①记录功能(备注1)代码空R记录功能不带记录功能带记录功能⑤电源线规格代码010205电源线长度1米2米5米⑥测量范围准确度记录能力记录间隔记录模式报警方式长期稳定性工作条件特 性温度:-40℃~85℃(外置传感器)湿度:0%RH~99%RH @25℃(外置传感器)温度:±0.5℃(@25℃)湿度:±3%RH(5%RH~95%RH,@25℃)43344个温度、湿度采样1秒至18个小时存储器已满时覆盖旧数据以继续进行记录继电器报警,触点容量:AC220V/2A(阻性负载);蜂鸣器报警湿度≤1%RH/y 温度≤0.1℃/y 温度:20℃~60℃湿度:5%RH~95%RH无冷凝LED数码管显示:温度、湿度、时间时间精度:±15s/月(25℃±2℃)采样速度:1秒显示分辨力:0.1℃,0.1%RH 记录分辨率:0.1℃、0.1%RH传感器类型:外置温湿度一体探头传感器特性:重复性≤0.1℃,≤0.5%RH;年漂移≤0.1℃,≤1%RH 通讯接口:RS485/RS232通讯接口、以太网通讯接口供电电源:AC100~240V(50/60Hz)外形尺寸:300*200mm、400*265mm、500*300mm、600*400mm;厚度:36mm 安装方式:壁挂式、吊环式3) 操作按键:进入下一级菜单在参数设置时,进行参数修改后的确认,并进入下一级菜单在参数设置时,则作为移位键,在可修改的参数上循环移位选择/存储键后移键增加键减少键1)规格尺寸说明:显示窗口为高亮度LED显示。
温湿度记录仪AH101 产品手册更多详情请登陆: 一、产品概述:该数据记录仪主要用于仓库存储和运输过程中的食品、医药、化工等产品的温湿度记录,特别是广泛应用于各种仓储、物流冷链,如冷藏集装箱、冷藏车、冷藏包装、冷库、实验室等。
实物图尺寸图(单位 mm)二、规格尺寸产品尺寸:95mm(长)×54mm(宽)×18mm(高)三、技术参数1、温度测量范围: -20℃~+60℃(外置探头-40 -80℃) 2、温度精度:-20℃~+40℃,±0.5℃ 3、温度单位:℃(摄氏度)/℉(华氏度)4、湿度测量范围:0~99.9%RH 湿度精度:±3%RH5、分辨率:温度0.1℃;湿度 0.1%RH6、灵敏度衰减值:温度:<0.1℃/年湿度:<1%RH/年 7、记录点数:32000 个点(最大)8、记录间隔:10s~18 小时可调节9、供电电压: USB 接口 5VDC10、电源:内置锂电池(可充电)11、电池寿命:正常情况下,如果记录间隔是 15 分钟,充一次电可使用一年;12、使用环境温度:-20℃~+60℃;在低温环境中,LCD 反应会相对变慢,但它对正常的测量和记录是没有影响的。
四、记录仪配置说明:1、安装 AH101 温湿度数据管理软件。
将 AH101 通过 USB 数据线连接电脑,根据安装提示安装 USB 驱动程序。
2、打开温湿度数据管理软件,显示界面如图 1 所示,然后点击“仪器参数”,记录仪与PC 机相连接,自动上传之前设置的信息,如图 2 所示。
图 1 AH101 温湿度数据管理软件图 2 AH101 记录仪参数信息3、点击编辑,然后就可以修改相关参数,完成参数修改后,点击“参数更新”就将更新所有参数,并消除原有记录数据。
4、按下记录仪的按键并保持 3s,符号“ ”将会亮,表示当前开始记录;在软件里也可以设置延时开始记录功能,按下记录仪的按键并保持 3s,符号“ ”将会闪烁,表示当前延时记录功能已打开,当设置的延时时间到达时,记录仪表将自动开始记录,符号“”将一直点亮。
S100 温湿度记录仪使用说明手册说明书
![S100 温湿度记录仪使用说明手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fc74cc64dc36a32d7375a417866fb84ae55cc341.png)
S100温湿度记录仪规格书目录第一章产品介绍 (1)1.1介绍 (1)1.2特性 (1)1.3应用环境 (1)1.4记录仪数据 (2)1.5温湿度记录仪S100-ET/S100-EX外观 (2)1.6温湿度记录仪S100-T/S100-TH外观 (3)1.7S100系列温度记录仪显示屏 (3)1.8S100系列温湿度记录仪显示屏 (4)1.9按键功能介绍 (4)1.10设备状态说明 (4)第二章软件使用指南 (7)2.1计算机硬件的要求 (7)2.2USB驱动安装 (7)2.3LogPro软件使用 (9)2.3.1读取和设置记录仪属性 (9)2.3.2参数设置说明 (10)2.3.3查看数据 (10)2.3.4删除数据 (11)3.1液晶屏显示暗淡 (12)3.2日期&时间错误 (12)3.3软件运行错误 (12)第一章产品介绍1.1介绍华图S100系列记录仪是华图公司最新推出的用于疫苗、冷藏运输、低温冷库等场所的具有国内领先水平的温度测量仪器,采用原装进口之温湿度传感器,精度高,一致性非常好,两节1.5V7号电池供电,连续工作时间达6个月以上,是国家技术监督总局认可的计量仪器。
1.2特性(1)外形小巧精致,使用方便;(2)传感器由瑞士生产,精度高;(3)2节1.5V7号电池可以工作6个月以上,25℃环境(采样间隔60秒,记录间隔300秒);(4)主机尺寸:57x92x20mm;(5)LCD屏幕尺寸:37x17mm;(6)温度和湿度外探针直径:16mm;(7)温度外探头直径:6mm;1.3应用环境(1)疫苗(2)冷藏运输(3)低温冷库(4)工作及生活区域(5)超市1.4记录仪数据1.5温湿度记录仪S100-ET/S100-EX外观LCD显示区型号标签LOG/STD:记录和开关机按键电池盖,打开可更换电池MIN/MIN:最大最小值查看按键USB接口外置传感器接口外置温湿度传感器(S100-EX/S100-EX+)挂孔外置温度传感器(S100-ET/S100-ET+)1.6温湿度记录仪S100-T/S100-TH外观LCD显示屏挂孔LOG/STD按键型号标签MAX/MIN按键电池盖传感器USB端口1.7S100系列温度记录仪显示屏温湿度数值显示区域USB连接标志记录过程中的最大值显示年-月日-时分切换显示记录过程中的最小值华氏度单位符号电池电量摄氏度单位符号记录状态标志1.8S100系列温湿度记录仪显示屏温湿度数值显示区域USB连接标志记录过程中的最大值显示年-月日-时分切换显示记录过程中的最小值湿度单位符号电池电量华氏度单位符号记录状态标志摄氏度单位符号1.9按键功能介绍:进行当前值与记录过程中的最大值、最小值切换(数值锁定);:设备关机时,长按5S后开机进入待机模式,再按3S进入记录模式;记录模式下,按3S可进入待机模式(仅进入待机模式),在待机模式下,按5S 关闭设备。
F-LINK 使用手册版本V 3(10/2009)
最后说几点在安装使用温湿度自动记录仪应该注意的事项:1、测量时将不锈钢探针完全埋于土壤中;2、若土壤过硬,则需先打一个小孔,不能强行插入,传感器背后不能用硬物敲击;3、使用完拔出时,需握住黑色外壳,不能直接拉通讯线;4、不能使探针弯曲,否则会影响测量精度;5、当需要测量水分的土壤泥土较深时,去表面土壤;6 当土壤为岩石表面土壤,且表层土壤没有探针长度的厚度,则需使用其他方法测定。
Easy temperature and humidity management using an SD card•Unparalleled measurement accuracy•A large amount of data can be stored on a single SD card.•Alarm output for immediate response when trouble occurs•Bundled with PC software for easy conversions of logging data to graphs.Ordering InformationMain unitSensor heads*Please choose this form when you buy with the calibrationcertificate.Contents of Certificate of Calibration Set: Calibration Certificate, Inspection Result, and Traceability ChartLoggers Options (Order separately)or less. (Two logger installation screws are attached.) Calibration serviceNote:1.As the sensor head and station are digitally connected, only the sensor head is subject to calibration.2.It is necessary to ship the product back to OMRON inJapan.For the most recent information on models that have been certified forsafety standards, refer to your OMRON website.Be sure to read “Safety Precautions” onpage 3.Appearance Item ModelSensor head 1.5 m type ZN-THS11-S ZN-THS11C-S *Sensor head Anchored type ZN-THS17-S ZN-THS17C-S *Appearance Item Model Power supplyLogger ZN-THX11-SA Battery/DC cableItem ModelSensor head1.5 m type Calibration Certificate,Inspection Result,Traceability chart ZN-THS11-CALSensor headAnchored typeZN-THS17-CALRatings and SpecificationsSensor headNote:1.As performance may deteriorate through the adhesion of impurities or contaminants in the environment on the sensor surface, calibration is recommended once a year.2.When ZN-THS1@@-S is exposed over a long period of time at a high humidity of 80% or higher, the humidity measurement value may be offset.In that case, expose the product at room temperature and humidity for 24 hours prior to use.3.When ZN-THS1@@-S is transferred rapidly between the places where temperature difference is large, condensation may occur on the sensor surface. In that case, the ZN-THS1@@-S may not work properly. When the product becomes wet due to condensation, allow the product to dry in dry, room temperature environment before use.4.When using the ZN-THS1@@-S under conditions with temperature of -20︒C or less or with humidity of 90% or more, acceleration of sensor deterioration may occur.5.To avoid deterioration of sensor, avoid storing the product under high temperature and high humidity for a long period of time.6.Please don’t use the product in the environment to which organic chemistry material disperses.Logger*1.Power saving mode. The indicator is always OFF in default setting. (Turns ON with button operation.)*2.It automatically writes data to the SD card when reaching the upper limit of the internal memory, and keeps recording until the capacity limit of the SD card. If the SD card is not inserted when the internal memory reaches the upper limit, recording stops. (Data can be output to the SD card by pressing the button after inserting the SD card.)*3.This mode always records the latest measured values for the upper limit of the internal memory. (When the measured values exceed the upper limit of the internal memory, the data items will be deleted beginning with the oldest data item.)*4.An alarm is output when exceeding the upper limit value or lower limit value that has been set in threshold setting mode.*5.If you use an SD card from another manufacturer, use an SDHC Class 4 or higher card. (You must confirm the operation of the SD card yourself.)*6.Nickel hydride battery and alkaline battery can be used. Manganese batteries cannot be used.*7.Battery life differs depending on measurement environment, sampling, operating mode, battery type or performance.*8.System Requirements for Enclosed PC Software (Station Utility: Setup Tool, Logging Tool, and SD Viewer ES) OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 (64 Bit not supported) CPU: compatible Intel processors, 1 GHz or higher. Memory: 1 GB or more (2 GB or more recommended)Microsoft, Windows, and Windows 7 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.*9.The connector is type XW4B-02B1-H1, made by OMRON.ModelItem1.5 m typeAnchored typeZN-THS11-S ZN-THS11C-SZN-THS17-S ZN-THS17C-STemperatureMeasurement range-25 to 60︒C 0 to 60︒CMeasurement precision ±0.3︒C (at 25)Resolution 0.1︒C Relative humidityMeasurement range0% to 99%20% to 85%Measurement precision ±2.5% (at 25 , 10 to 85%)Resolution0.1%Weight (packaged)Approx. 300 gAccessories 1Instruction sheet, Mounting screw (M3 ⨯ 8) x 1Instruction sheet, Mounting screw (M3 ⨯ 8) ⨯ 1, Caps to secure cable Accessories 2--Calibration Certificate,Inspection Result Traceability chart --Calibration Certificate,Inspection Result Traceability chartItem ModelZN-THX11-SASensor that can be connectedThermo-Humidity Sensor Head (ZN-THS @@-S)DisplayLCD 7-segment 5-digit 2-step displayMeasurement interval 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, 1 min, 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 20 min, 30 min, 1 h Calculation function Instantaneous value, maximum value, minimum value, average value Operating mode Normal mode, sleep mode *1Recording mode Continue *2, ring *3External output Alarm output *4 (Photocoupler output)Internal storage device Internal memory: Approx. 8,500 data itemsExternal storage device SD card (to save measured values and to save/read set values), Recommended SD card: HMC-SD291 (manufactured by OMRON) *5Power supply voltage DC input: 24 VDC ±10%, AC adapter: 100 to 240 VAC/50 to 60 Hz, Battery: 2 AAA batteries *6Battery lifeApprox. 1 year *7 (sleep mode, measurement interval of 10 minutes, with 2 AAA nickel metal hydride batteries, with SD card not inserted)Operating temperature range Main unit: 0 to 60︒COperating humidity range 20% to 85% (no condensation)Weight (packaged)Approx. 500 gAccessories Instruction Sheet, Startup Guide, Utility disk (CD-ROM) *8, Alarm output connector *9, DC cable (straight type), Ferrite coreSafety PrecautionsFor technical information and product FAQs, refer to the “Technical Guide” on your OMRON website.DimensionsSensor headWARNINGThis product is not designed or rated for ensuring safety of persons either directly or indirectly. Do not use it for such purposes.(Unit: mm)Tolerance class IT16 applies to dimensions in this data sheet unless otherwise specified.T erms and Conditions AgreementRead and understand this catalog.Please read and understand this catalog before purchasing the products. Please consult your OMRON representative if you have any questions or comments.Warranties.(a) Exclusive Warranty. Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period expressed in writing by Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.(b) Limitations. OMRON MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUT NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT ALONE HAS DETERMINED THAT THEPRODUCTS WILL SUITABLY MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR INTENDED USE.Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right. (c) Buyer Re medy. Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s election, to (i) replace (in the form originally shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the non-complying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal to the purchase price of the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be responsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products unless Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Companies shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combination with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materials or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.See /global/or contact your Omron representative for published information.Limitation on Liability; Etc.OMRON COMPANIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR PRODUCTION OR COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY.Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Companies exceed the individual price of the Product on which liability is asserted. Suitability of Use.Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer’s application or use of the Product. At Buyer’s request, Omron will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings and limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, system, or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of the particular Product with respect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take application responsibility in all cases.NEVER USE THE PRODUCT FOR AN APPLICATION INVOLVING SERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY OR IN LARGE QUANTITIES WITHOUT ENSURING THAT THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THAT THE OMRON PRODUCT(S) IS PROPERLY RATED AND INSTALLED FOR THE INTENDED USE WITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM.Programmable Products.Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user’s programming of a programmable Product, or any consequence thereof.Performance Data.Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the Om ron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.Change in Specifications.Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons. It is our practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’s representative at any time to confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.Errors and Omissions.Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.2013.11In the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. OMRON CorporationIndustrial Automation Company/(c)Copyright OMRON Corporation 2013 All Right Reserved.。
(二)技术参数1、温度范围: -30~70℃ 精度:±0.5℃2、湿度范围: 0~99% 精度:±3%RH3、显示分辨率: 温度分辨率 0.1℃湿度分辨率 1%RH4、传感器: 湿敏电容数字式温湿度传感器5、记录周期: 1分钟~24 小时可设置6、记录容量: 根据存储卡大小,2G的卡可存30年/记录周期分钟通过网络存储在云计算机中,容量无限大7、适用环境: 温度0℃~60℃ 湿度≤90% 无凝露8、电源: 外置12V直流电源适配器,内置可充电锂电池9、数据输出: 存储卡和云存储二:使用说明(一)液晶屏显示说明常亮表示备用电池充满,闪烁表示电池在为仪器供电,电池格滚动表示正在充电 表示告警表示当前温度或者湿度超过设置值 表示当前温度或者湿度低于设置值表示存储卡正确插入,记录仪此时正在记录数据到存储卡中 表示远程监视已经连接(二)仪器操作说明1,开启仪器给仪器接上电源适配器,长按OK 键开机。
S400W 系列无线温湿度记录仪用户手册说明书
![S400W 系列无线温湿度记录仪用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/77fe68620622192e453610661ed9ad51f11d547f.png)
S400W 系列无线温湿度记录仪用户手册目录第一章产品介绍 (1)1.1产品特点 (1)1.2使用范围 (1)1.3性能参数 (2)1.4HE2400&HE2410无线基站外观示意图 (3)1.5S400W系列无线记录仪带LCD显示 (4)1.6S400W系列LCD符号说明 (4)1.7S400W-ND系列无线温湿度记录仪不带LCD显示 (5)1.8安装电池 (5)第二章软件使用指南 (6)2.1安装软件 (6)2.2设置HE2400无线基站的RJ45模块 (6)2.3ToMonitor软件使用 (7)2.3.1打开运行软件 (7)2.3.2系统设置 (8)2.3.4通讯设置 (8)2.3.5用户管理 (9)2.3.6分区管理 (9)2.3.7设备管理 (10)2.3.8实时曲线按钮 (11)2.3.9文本显示按钮 (12)2.3.10前一区域/后一区域按钮 (12)2.3.11监测列表按钮 (12)2.4查看导出上传的数据 (12)第三章使用注意事项 (14)3.1注意事项 (14)3.2常见故障 (14)第一章产品介绍S400无线温湿度记录仪是H U A TO公司汲取国外同类产品优点并结合我国特点自助设计一款高速、智能的温湿度记录仪。
●支持频段数目:15个频段●无线接口:Zigbee自组网,自动寻找最优链路传输数据●内置RJ45接口,将接收的无线数据从局域网传输到服务器●可同时作为中继/网关使用,用于接受无线温湿度记录仪发送的无线信号●电源:12V DC电源(2)无线记录仪技术参数●无线传输速率:115200bps。
改为设备背面编号 自主选择单位
点击此图标,保存为 EXCEL备背 面编号,保 存
核对序列号和设备编号 是否一致,若不一致保 存数据时改为设备上编 号(便于汇总数据)
显示已连接 才可以使用
点击设备、状态, 查看仪器情况
代表设备内存 和电量
代表设备正在 使用
1. 若 之 前 设 备 数据已经读出, 则选择“是”;
2. 若 为 读 出 , 则选择“否”后
读出数据,如何 读出数据见PPT第 9页
3. 读 出 数 据 后 可以开始启动
点击“启动” 运行 设备
改为设备背 面的编号, 正常情况下 与序列号相 同
自主选择需要的记 录间隔
代表 “该记录间隔”条件 下该电量还能用多久
全部设置 完毕后点 击“开始”
点击“读出”, 保存数据
改为设备 背面编号 后,点击 “保存”
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