


一.技巧部分[仪表盘]修改页面图片路径\OracleBI\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\applications\analytics\analytics\res\s_oracle10\portal[仪表盘]修改下垃菜单(1) 要展示成Drop-Down之Dashboard必須是同一個Group Folder.(2) 修改instanceconfig.xml新增一行:<DashboardMaxBeforeMenu>2</DashboardMaxBeforeMenu>/OracleBIData/web/config/instanceconfig.xml[答复]静态文本<span style="background-color:#000000;">静态文本的背景色</span>[提示]日期排序SELECT "biee_d_新号段189号码监控"."日期" FROM "数据自助提取" ORDER BY "biee_d_新号段189号码监控"."日期" DESC[提示]第十行SELECT "biee_d_新号段189号码监控"."日期" FROM "数据自助提取" WHERE RCOUNT("biee_d_新号段189号码监控"."日期" )=10 ORDER BY "biee_d_新号段189号码监控"."日期" DESC最大值SELECT max("- 市场占有率地区表"."月份" ) FROM JYBIEE[仪表盘]部分背景与CSS设置OracleBI\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\applications\analytics\analytics\res\s_oracle10\b_mozilla_4[系统配置]几个重要的配置文件:安装后的目录很干净,就两:OracleBI, OracleBIData。







1. 主格人称代词:- je (我)- tu (你)- il (他)- elle (她)- nous (我们)- vous (你们/您)- ils (他们 - 男性或混合性别)- elles (她们 - 女性)2. 宾格人称代词:- me (我)- te (你)- le (him) / la (her)- lui (他/她)- nous (we)- vous (you)- les (them)3. 强调形式的人称代词:- moi (我)- toi (你)- lui (he/him) / elle (she/her)- nous (we/us)- vous (you)- eux (they/them) - 男性或混合性别- elles (they/them) - 女性4. 形容词人称代词:- mon, ma, mes (我的)- ton, ta, tes (你的)- son, sa, ses (他/她的)- notre, nos (我们的)- votre, vos (你们的/您的)- leur, leurs (他们的)二、反身代词反身代词用来表示动作的发出者也是动作的承受者,常常与动词连用。

- me (我自己)- te (你自己)- se (他/她/它/自己)- nous (我们自己)- vous (你们/您自己)- se (他们/她们/它们/自己)三、指示代词指示代词用来指示名词或代词,在句子中用来代替某个事物或个体。


1. 近指示代词:- ce (这个 - 单数)- cette (这个 - 单数,女性)- ces (这些 - 复数)2. 远指示代词:- ce (那个 - 单数)- cette (那个 - 单数,女性)- ces (那些 - 复数)3. 中性主格代词:- ça (这个/那个 - 单数,中性)- cela (这个/那个 - 单数,中性)四、相对代词相对代词用来引导一个定语从句,它们替代先行词,并且引导后面的从句。

BIEE入门 超级好的文档

BIEE入门 超级好的文档

BIEE入门超级好的文档/honestyzeng/article/details/5608550 BIEE 项目迁移部署ü在目标服务器上安装Oracle BIEE并备份Repository、Catalog 及XML Publisher报表;üRepository存放在~/OracleBI/server/Repository文件目录下,复制.rpd 文件;üCatalog存放在~/OracleBIData/web/catalog,复制root文件夹;üPublisher报表存放在~/OracleBI/xmlp/XMLP/Reports文件目录下,复制Reports文件夹ü迁移过程:先停所有BIEE Server,将备份的文件复制到相应的BIEE安装目录;ü修改配置文件中的参数。

ü完成后启动BIEE服务,如果不发生报错即迁移成功BIEE入门篇之一 BIEE的安装最早拿到的安装文件的时候,其实是Siebel7.8,安装界面如下:安装也比较麻烦,安装了Siebel之后,还需要安装tomcat,当然没装jdk,那还得首先装jdk才行。



后来拿到的是Oracle经过初步整合的产品,正式名字叫Oracle BIEE(Oracle商务智能企业版),安装文件可以在Oracle网站上下载到,Windows 下的安装文件名是,大小约1.3GB。

解压后,会有三个文件夹,如下图:其中Client_Ancillary文件夹中有Briefing Book Reader(BIEE提供报表快照的保存,快照文件使用该Reader工具来打开)和开放接口的安装文件。

biee 学习笔记

biee 学习笔记

SIEBEL Anlytics Web 学习笔记2006-09-112.1 HOW DO I2.1.1 如何新建一个即席查询(Answer)?1,登陆Siebel Analytics Web,点击“即席查询”(ANSWERS)。





2.1.2 如何发布即席查询到仪表盘?1,登陆Siebel Analytics Web,点击菜单栏上想要编辑的仪表盘2,点击右边的“页选项”-“编辑仪表盘”下图可以看到,左边树结构是保存的即席查询目录结构,右边页面布局部分以“部分”为容器,可以拖拽相关的即席查询到“部分”容器中,然后点击保存。


2.1.3 如何增加仪表盘(菜单栏)?1,登陆Siebel Web。





2.1.4 如何创建一个提示?下图中的年、月、指标选择就是一个“提示“,应用于整个页面。



2.1.5 如何设置多行表头?在仪表盘编辑页面转到“结果->数据透视表”。


2.1.6 如何设置数据筛选器1?在仪表盘编辑页面,查看“筛选器”,点击“与”,可以形成缩进的层次表达式。



书目第一节概览 (2)其次节新建分析 (2)第三节新建仪表盘提示 (6)第四节新建仪表盘 (9)第五节过滤器 (11)第六节编辑列公式 (12)第七节列属性 (12)第八节列值排序 (15)第九节列重命名 (16)第十节编辑标题 (17)第十一节编辑表 (18)一、列排序 (18)二、表提示 (19)三、列隐藏 (19)四、列复制 (20)五、列解除 (20)六、列汇总 (20)七、表汇总 (21)八、表分页 (21)第十二节编辑图 (22)一、条形图 (22)二、条线图 (23)三、饼图 (23)四、堆叠图 (23)五、图属性 (23)第十三节数据透视表 (28)第十四节下钻 (29)一、无条件下钻 (29)二、有条件下钻 (30)第十五节联合分析 (30)第一节概览(图)如图为登录页面,输入相应用户名及密码即可胜利登录BI系统。






其次节新建分析当您登陆BI系统首先在页面标题栏找到“新建”下拉菜单,在这个下拉菜单了是我们BI 系统全部新建项目类型。





1、修改标题:点击标题视图中铅笔形态图标后,如下图图 1.2.4填写标题名称,勾掉“显示保存的名称”,右侧“A”可以编辑标题样式,比如字体大小、颜色、对齐方式等。

新人教版选修二Unit 4 教学知识细解码

新人教版选修二Unit 4 教学知识细解码

选修二Unit41.please vt.& vi.(使……)高兴;(使……)满意→pleasant adj.令人愉快的;友好的→pleased adj.欣喜的;高兴的;愉快的→pleasure n.高兴(的事)2.literal adj.照字面的;原义的→literally adv.字面上;真正地3.breath n.呼吸的空气→breathless adj.气喘吁吁的;屏息的→breathe v.呼吸4.freeze vi.& vt.(froze,frozen) 结冰;(使)冻住→freezing adj.极冷的;冰冻的;严寒的5.anticipate vt.预料;预见;期望→anticipation n.预期;期盼6.during prep.在……的期间;在……的时候→duration n.持续时间;期间1.arise vi.出现;发生;产生;起床;起身①Seeing his mother return home,the boy arose from his chair起身②New problems will arise one after another in future. vi.出现③They arose at sunrise to get an early start to the park. vi.起床2.highlight n.最好或最精彩的部分vt.突出;强调;使醒目①I'll show you the highlights of the event. n.最好或最精彩的部分②These figures clearly highlight the difference in world living standards.vt.突出③Featured ads are placed top-most in each category and are shown highlighted.vt.使醒目3.drill vi.& vt.钻(孔);打(眼)n.钻(头);训练;演习①He used a drill to bore a hole in the door. n.钻(头)②The dentist drilled my tooth. vt.钻(孔);打(眼)③The soldiers have drill every day. n.训练4.thunder vi.打雷;轰隆隆地响;轰隆隆地快速移动n.雷声;轰隆声①There was a loud crash of thunder and large drops of rain started falling.n.雷声②He bowed to the thunder of applause from the audience. n.轰隆声③It thundered,but no rain fell. vi.打雷④The guns thundered in the distance. vi.轰隆隆地响5.frost n.霜;严寒天气;霜冻vt.使蒙上霜vi.结霜①The fields have frosted up in this wintry morning. vi.结霜②The cold has frosted the windows. vt.使蒙上霜③The car windows were covered with forst. n.霜;霜冻Words And Phrases知识要点1arise vi.(arose,arisen) 起身;出现;由……引起(教材P38)The next morning,the two girls arose early to take the train to Lake Louise,passing through the Canadian Rockies.第二天早上,这两个女孩起得很早,坐火车去路易斯湖,途经加拿大落基山脉。



Les pronoms relatifs 关系代词qui 主语que 直宾à qui指人的间宾Participe passé 过去分词第一组动词:er变é第二组动词:ir变i第三组动词:不规则动词(参考简明法语147)être, avoir, faire, pouvoir, vouloir, partir, sortir, devoir, attendre, connaitre, perdre, prendre, dire, mettre复合过去时构成:avoir/être + 过去分词以être做助动词:位移,所有代词式动词过去分词性数配合:以avoir做助动词,只有一种情况需要配合:直宾前置,过分和直宾配合以être做助动词,过去分词和主语配合,但有一种情况下过去分词不需要配合:当碰到se+v这类动词,如果se是间宾,过去分词不需要性数配合① elle s’est lavée.Elle s’est lavéles mains. (se laver les mains,直宾是les mains,所以se是间宾)② Elles se sont téléphoné. (téléphoner à qn, 所以se téléphoner的se是间宾)宾语从句① 陈述句,用连词que引导。

Elle dit qu’elle veut chercher un appartement.② 一般疑问句,用si引导。

Elle demande s’il est Français.③ 特殊疑问句,用特殊疑问词引导。

(主谓不用倒装)Elle demande pourquoi il apprend le français.Elle demande quand il es t arrivé.Elle demande ce qui se passe.比较级Plus + adj./adv. + queAussiMoins最高级=定冠词+比较级最低级:le/la/les moins … de最高级:le /la/les plus … de特殊:时间介词 P165主有代词 P1631. Nous avons acheté cet appartement à Grenoble, ________ six mois.A. il y aB. dansC. pendantD. depuis2. Il pleut _____ le 15 mars.A. dansB. il y aC. pendantD. depuis3. Oh là là, que de monde dans la rue. Je me demande _____ se passe.A. qu’est-ce queB. ce queC. queD. ce qui4. Je vous dira i ______ j’ai fait hier soir.A. qu’est-ce queB. ce queC. queD. ce qui5. Est-ce que tu dors _____ depuis que tu as déménagé?A. mieuxB. le mieuxC. meilleurD. le meilleur6. J’ai beaucou p de disques, mais vous en avez encore _____ que moi.A. autantB. mieuxC. plusD. moins7. Il demande à ma mère de lui recoudre son pantalon parce que _______ n’est pas là.A. la mienneB. la sienneC. le sienD. le mien8. Les amis _____ vous êtes allées dîner sont des collègues de bureau.A. quiB. queC. à quiD. chez qui9. A cause de cet accident, Les Moreau ________ des années difficiles.A. a passéB. ont passéC. est passésD. sont passés10. Nous _____ depuis longtemps.A. ne nous sommes pas vusB. ne sommes pas vusC. ne nous sommes pas vuD. nous ne sommes pas vu11. J’ai acheté une robe que j’ai _____ que vous aimez.A. cruB. crueC. crusD. crues12. Les amants se sont ______.A. appeléB. téléphonéC. écritsD. vu。



六年级小升初英语知识点pep 六年级小升初英语考试是许多学生和家长关注的焦点。






例如:- 单数名词后面加-s构成复数形式:book-books, pen-pens, dog-dogs等。

- 单数名词后面加-es构成复数形式:box-boxes, watch-watches, brush-brushes等。

- 以y结尾的单词,去y加-ies构成复数形式:baby-babies,party-parties, candy-candies等。

- 以f或fe结尾的名词,变f或fe为v,再加-es构成复数形式:leaf-leaves, knife-knives, thief-thieves等。



- 一般现在时:用于描述经常发生的动作、现在的状态或真理。

例如:I go to school every day.(我每天去学校。

)- 现在进行时:用于表示现在正在进行的动作。

现在进行时的动词由be动词(am, is, are)和动词的现在分词构成。

例如:He is playing basketball now.(他正在打篮球。

)- 一般过去时:用于过去某个时间发生的动作。


例如:We visited the museum yesterday.(昨天我们参观了博物馆。

)- 一般将来时:用于表示将来要发生的动作或事件。


例如:I will study harder next year.(明年我将更加努力学习。

9B Unit1 Africa 知识点归纳

9B Unit1 Africa 知识点归纳

9B Unit1 Africa 知识点归纳1. Introduction to Africa- Africa is the second largest and second most populous continent in the world.- It is home to diverse ethnic groups, cultures, and languages.- Africa has a rich history and is known for its ancient civilizations, such as Egypt and Axum.2. Geography of Africa- Africa is divided into five main regions: Northern Africa, Western Africa, Eastern Africa, Central Africa, and Southern Africa.- The continent has diverse geographic features, including deserts, mountains, rivers, and savannahs.- The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world and is located in Northern Africa.3. Wildlife and Conservation- Africa is famous for its unique and diverse wildlife, including elephants, lions, giraffes, and zebras.- Many national parks and reserves have been established across Africa to protect its wildlife and promote conservation.- The poaching of animals, such as elephants for their ivory, continues to be a major challenge in Africa.4. African Cultures- Africa has a rich cultural heritage with various traditions, rituals, music, dance, and art forms.- Traditional African religions, Christianity, and Islam are the major religions practiced in Africa.- The influence of African culture can be seen in various aspects of life, including clothing, cuisine, and festivals.5. Challenges and Opportunities- Africa faces several challenges, including poverty, political instability, and lack of access to basic services like healthcare and education.- However, Africa also presents great opportunities for economic growth, investment, and development.- Many African countries are experiencing rapid urbanization and technological advancements.6. Famous African Figures- Africa has produced many notable figures who have made significant contributions in various fields, such as Nelson Mandela, Chinua Achebe, and Wangari Maathai.- These individuals have influenced not only Africa but also the world through their leadership, literature, and environmental activism.7. Conclusion- Africa is a diverse and vibrant continent with a rich history, unique wildlife, and vibrant cultures.- Despite its challenges, Africa holds great potential for growth and development.- It is important to appreciate and respect the cultural diversity and natural resources of Africa while working towards its sustainable future.以上是9B Unit1 Africa知识点归纳的简要内容,为了更全面地了解非洲,请进一步研究。



页眉内容《简明法语教程》1—8课知识点总结一、句型1. Qui est-ce?C’est 人名.2. Oùest-il / elle?Il / Elle est à地名.3. Est-ce que c’est 人名?Oui, c’est 人名.4. Que fait-il / elle?Il / Elle est 职业(身份).5. Est-ce que 人名est 职业(身份)?Oui, il / elle est 职业(身份).6. Oùhabite-t-il / elle?Il / Elle habite à地名.7. Est-ce qu’il / qu’elle habite à地名?Oui, il / elle habite à地名.8. Qu’est-ce que c’est?C’est un 阳性单数名词. (以下简称阳单)C’est une 阴性单数名词. (以下简称阴单)Ce sont des 名词复数,不分阴阳. (以下简称名复)9. Est-ce que c’est le 阳单de 人名?Oui, c’est le 阳单de 人名.Est-ce que c’est la 阴单de 人名?Oui, c’est la 阴单de 人名.10. Quelle est sa couleur?Il / Elle est 表示颜色的形容词.11. Est-ce que c’est un 阳单?Non, ce n’est pas un 阳单.Est-ce que c’est une 阴单?Non, ce n’est pas une 阴单.Est-ce que ce sont des 名复?Non, ce ne sont pas des 名复.12. Est-ce que vous êtes 职业(身份)?Oui, je suis 职业(身份).Non, je ne suis pas 职业(身份).Est-ce que 人名est 职业(身份)?Oui, il / elle est 职业(身份).Non, il / elle n’est pas 职业(身份).13. Oùest qch?Qch est 表示位置的介宾短语. Il / Elle est 表示位置的介宾短语.14. Comment vous appelez-vous?Je m’appelle 人名.15. Quel âge avez-vous?J’ai 数字an(s).Quel âge a-t-il / elle?Il / Elle a 数字an(s).当neuf接ans时,f的发音为[v].16. Est-ce que vous avez qn / qch?Oui, j’ai qn / qch.Non, je n’ai pas qn / qch.17. 两个课文原句,不作为句型了,请大家直接背过。


如AVG("基础项"."预算金额" BY "时间"."年份" )计算年内平均金额
设置RANK( "事实-销售订单行"."销量" by "时间维"."年")



「知识点」人教版PEP英语六年级下册知识点word范文样版小学英语PEP六年级(下册)知识点汇总Unit 1 How tall are you?【重点词汇】tall------ taller 高的----更高的short ------ shorter 矮的/短的----更矮的/更短的long----- longer 长的----更长的strong------ stronger 强壮的----更强壮的old ------ older 老的/旧的----更老的/更旧的young------ younger 年轻的----更年轻的small------ small 小的----更小的heavy------heavier 重点----更重的thin ------ thinner 瘦的----更瘦的low------ lower 低地----更低地smart------smarter 聪明的----更聪明的big-----bigger 大的-----更大的happy-----happier 开心的-----更开心的thin-----thinner 瘦的-----更瘦的heavy-----heavier 重的------更重的fat-----fatter 胖的------更胖的funny-----funnier 滑稽的------更滑稽的dinosaur 恐龙hall 大厅than 比both 两个都meter 米kilogram千克;公斤size 号码feet 脚wear 穿countryside乡村shadow 影子;阴影become变成;开始变得【重点句型】⑴问年龄:How old are you? ----- I’m _______ (years old).问身高:How tall are you? ---- I’m ______meters tall.问题中:How heavy are you? ---- I’m ______ kilograms .⑵问物品的情况:①How large is your room? 你的房间有多大?It’s __________ m2 (square meters.) 有_______ 平方米。

新人教版选修 Uni oems知识点复习

新人教版选修 Uni  oems知识点复习
8 The girl _le_t_o_u_t_t_h_e__s_e_c_re_t_b_y__c_h_a_n_c_e_ (偶然 泄露了秘密)(change )
9 He learned to swim _b_y_p_l_a_y_in_g__w_i_th__w_a_t_e_r _____ (通过玩水) .(by)
3 After running so long , I ___r_a_n__o_u_t_o_f_ (用完) energy.
4 The activity is _w__e_l_l _w_o__r_th_ taking part in
(很值得参加)(worth )
5 It __m__a_k__e_s_s_e_n_s_e_ (有意义)to plant more trees on the
9. A _l_i_b_r_a_rian (图书管理员)is a person who is in charge of or works in a library. 10.He expressed his sorrow (悲伤)at the news of her death.
11 In ancient times , poets liked to __co_n__v_ey (表达) their emotions by writing poems. 12 She bought ad_i_a_m_o_n_d (钻石) ring for herself. 13 The subject was so difficult that I _e_v_e_n_tu_a_lly (最 后) dropped it. 14 We are trying our best to _t_r_a_n_sf_o_rm (转变) our country into a powerful one. 15 The _b_r_id_e_g_r_oom (新郎) is tall and handsome.



选择数据可视化, 便捷的定义数据的 上下限区间
100% 的profile为基础的功能,特 点和内容
根据条件格式特殊例外数 据高亮显示
把任何数据源中的数据都可以展现在 同一页、报表的内容。并在同一列计 算,也可实现无缝下钻或其他Biee应

–3层元数据 –支持引出,子集和集合
Oracle 商务智能企业版架构概述
Oracle商务WWee智bb SS能eerrvvWeerreb服务器
Oracle 商务智能服务器
企W业e业b 务模型 Server 集成和计算
EAI 数据访问和查询生成
DB2 Supply Chain
DM Teradata
Oracle Back Office Fin.
XML Data Source
SQL Server Acxiom
Siebel Operational
开发 Native 数据库功能
Oracle BI Server Administrator

BI Server

Business Model Server Cache Calculations
Disconnected Metadata & Report Definitions



人教版pep六下英语第四单元重点知识全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Unit 4 of the People's Education Press (PEP) Grade 6 English textbook covers a variety of topics related to nature, animals, and the environment. In this unit, students will learn new vocabulary, grammar structures, and language functions that will help them communicate effectively in English. Below are the key points of Unit 4:Vocabulary:- Vocabulary words related to nature and animals such as forest, river, pond, stream, bird, animal, squirrel, frog, butterfly, bee, rabbit, etc.- Adjectives to describe animals and nature such as cute, beautiful, big, small, fast, slow, noisy, quiet, etc.Grammar:- Present Continuous Tense: Students will learn how to form and use the present continuous tense to talk about actions happening at the moment of speaking.- Comparative and Superlative Adjectives: Students will learn how to compare animals and objects using comparative and superlative adjectives.Language Functions:- Describing Nature: Students will learn how to describe different types of landscapes and natural features using vocabulary words and adjectives.- Expressing Likes and Dislikes: Students will practice expressing their preferences for different animals and activities using expressions like "I like..." or "I don't like..."Activities:- Listening: Students will listen to conversations and passages about nature and animals, and answer questions to demonstrate their understanding.- Speaking: Students will engage in role-plays and discussions about their favorite animals and natural environments.- Reading: Students will read passages about different animals and their habitats, and answer comprehension questions.- Writing: Students will write short paragraphs describing their favorite animals or natural places using the vocabulary and grammar structures learned in the unit.Overall, Unit 4 of the PEP Grade 6 English textbook provides students with a fun and engaging way to learn about nature, animals, and the environment while also developing their English language skills. By mastering the key points of this unit, students will be able to communicate more effectively in English and express their ideas and opinions about the world around them.篇2Unit 4 Our WorldMain Points of the Unit:1. Vocabulary- Continents: Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica- Countries: China, Canada, Japan, Brazil, Russia, India, Egypt- Cities: Beijing, Tokyo, New York, Moscow, Cairo, Sydney2. Grammar- Present Continuous Tense: am/is/are + verb+ing- Negative form of the present continuous tense- Yes/No questions in the present continuous tense3. DialogueLily: Where are you from?Tina: I am from China. Where are you from?Lily: I am from Canada. What country are you from?4. Culture- Learning about different continents and countries- Understanding and appreciating different cultures and languages- Exploring the world through maps, pictures, and videos5. Speaking- Asking and answering questions about countries and cities- Describing different places using present continuous tense- Practicing pronunciation of cities and countries names6. Listening- Listening to descriptions of countries and cities- Listening to conversations about where people are from- Identifying different accents and intonations in English7. Writing- Writing sentences using the present continuous tense- Writing short paragraphs about different countries and cities- Describing a dream vacation using present continuous tenseIn conclusion, Unit 4 of the People's Education Press (PEP) Grade 6 English textbook covers a wide range of important knowledge about our world. From vocabulary about continents, countries, and cities, to grammar points like the present continuous tense, students will learn how to talk about different places and their experiences. By exploring different cultures and countries, students will gain a better understanding of the world around them and develop their language skills in English.篇3Unit 4 of the People's Education Press (PEP) Grade 6 English textbook focuses on the theme of "Food and Drink." In this unit, students will learn vocabulary related to food and beverages, aswell as how to talk about their preferences and make simple requests in restaurants. Here are the key points that will be covered in this unit:1. Vocabulary related to food and drink: Students will learn a variety of new words and phrases related to food and beverages, such as fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, drinks, snacks, and desserts. They will also learn how to describe the taste of different foods, such as sweet, sour, bitter, and spicy.2. Expressing preferences: Students will learn how to express their likes and dislikes when it comes to food and drink. They will also learn how to ask others about their preferences, using expressions like "Do you like...?" and "I prefer..."3. Making requests in restaurants: Students will learn how to make simple requests in restaurants, such as asking for a menu, ordering food and drinks, and requesting the bill. They will also learn how to use polite phrases like "Please" and "Thank you."4. Cultural differences in food and drink: Students will learn about the different food and drink customs in English-speaking countries, as well as some traditional dishes and beverages from these countries.Overall, Unit 4 of the PEP Grade 6 English textbook is designed to help students expand their vocabulary related to food and drink, improve their communication skills in restaurants, and gain a better understanding of the cultural aspects of food and drink in English-speaking countries. By mastering the key points covered in this unit, students will be better equipped to communicate in real-life situations involving food and drink.。



人教版XX小学六年级英语上册知识点:Unit 4人教版XX小学六年级英语上册知识点:Unit4一、重点辞汇:hbb爱好rideabie骑自行车dive跳水plathevilin拉小提琴aeites制作风筝lletstaps集邮live居住teahes教athes观看ges去desdesn’t=desntit城市unt国家或乡村prvine省二、重点句型:1hat’surhbb?你的爱好是什么?2Ilielletingstaps我喜爱集邮。





如:pla-plaing read-reading d-ding g-ging以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,要去掉不发音的字母e,再加ing。

如:rite-riting ride-riding ae-aing dane-daning以单元音加单辅音结尾的重读闭音节,要双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing。

如:run-running????si-siing???put-putting sit-sitting二、记住lie后面要加动词ing,说爱好有三种说法:①Iliesiing②Siingishbb③hbbissiing注意:Sheliesdraingpitures,listeningtusiandaingites这几个爱好是并列的,都是在lie后面,因此都要加ing3、第48页是写自己或笔友的作文模板4、第49页是写自己或是其他人一天的作文模板,记住要用一样此刻时态。


  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

一.技巧部分[仪表盘]修改页面图片路径\OracleBI\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\applications\analytics\analytics\res\s_oracle10\portal[仪表盘]修改下垃菜单(1) 要展示成Drop-Down之Dashboard必須是同一個Group Folder.(2) 修改instanceconfig.xml新增一行:<DashboardMaxBeforeMenu>2</DashboardMaxBeforeMenu>/OracleBIData/web/config/instanceconfig.xml[答复]静态文本<span style="background-color:#000000;">静态文本的背景色</span>[提示]日期排序SELECT "biee_d_新号段189号码监控"."日期" FROM "数据自助提取" ORDER BY "biee_d_新号段189号码监控"."日期" DESC[提示]第十行SELECT "biee_d_新号段189号码监控"."日期" FROM "数据自助提取" WHERE RCOUNT("biee_d_新号段189号码监控"."日期" )=10 ORDER BY "biee_d_新号段189号码监控"."日期" DESC最大值SELECT max("- 市场占有率地区表"."月份" ) FROM JYBIEE[仪表盘]部分背景与CSS设置OracleBI\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\applications\analytics\analytics\res\s_oracle10\b_mozilla_4[系统配置]几个重要的配置文件:安装后的目录很干净,就两:OracleBI, OracleBIData。

OracleBI目录存放BI Server 的Repository,配置文件等;OracleBIData中则包括了BI Presentation中的报表目录文件和Presentation相关的配置文件。

几个重要的配置文件:\\OracleBI\Server\NQSConfig.INI配置了BI Server的主要参数,如Repository、cache等。

不用说,改这个文件要重启BI Server 服务才能生效\\OracleBI\Server\Repository目录中主要就是BI Server的Repository文件,你要放点别的,我也不好说什么。

反正BI Server 只能把这个目录下的rpd文件online装载。

\\OracleBI\Server\LogBI Server的存放日志文件,是个技术都不会陌生这类目录。


\config 文件夹中则包含了一些重要的配置文件,尤以instanceconfig.xml为重。

它配置了BI Presentation 实例的一些重要信息,例如使用了哪一个Catalog 文件夹。

修改这个文件之后需要重启Oracle BI Presentation Server 的服务生效;\Log目录则存放了日志信息。


[系统配置]修改Oracle BI数据透视表的最大行限制我的有些报表数据量比较大,在将这些报表用Oracle BI answer中的数据透视表处理的时候,就会出现windows Oracle BI Presentation Server服务异常关闭,必须手动重启。


请各位大侠看看是不是我的instanceconfig.xml文件写的有问题?<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><WebConfig><ServerInstance><DSN>AnalyticsWeb</DSN><CatalogPath>D:/OracleBIData/web/catalog/samplesales</CatalogPath><Alerts><ScheduleServer>ADMIN-43OQN22S9</ScheduleServer></Alerts><CredentialStore><CredentialStorage type="file"path="D:\OracleBIData\web\config\credentialstore.xml"/></CredentialStore><AdvancedReporting><ReportingEngine>XmlP</ReportingEngine><Pivotview><MaxVisibleColumns>5000</MaxVisibleColumns><MaxVisiblePages>2500</MaxVisiblePages><MaxVisibleRows>500000</MaxVisibleRows><MaxVisibleSections>5000</MaxVisibleSections><CubeMaxRecords>3000000</CubeMaxRecords><CubeMaxPopulatedCells>160000000</CubeMaxPopulatedCells></Pivotview><Volume>XmlP</Volume></AdvancedReporting><JavaHome>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11</JavaHome><BIforOfficeURL>client/OracleBIOffice.exe</BIforOfficeURL><!-- To configure a limited set of languages to be available to users uncomment the <AllowedLanguages> tag below and choose a subset set of language tags from the list. Values must be comma separated. --><!--<AllowedLanguages>ar,cs,da,de,el,en,es,fi,fr,hr,hu,it,iw,ja,ko,nl,no,pl,pt,pt-b r,ro,ru,sk,sv,th,tr,zh,zh-tw</AllowedLanguages> --><!-- To configure a limited set of locales to be available to users uncomment the <AllowedLocales> tag below and choose a subset set of locale tags from the list. Values must be comma separated. --><!--<AllowedLocales>ar-dz,ar-bh,ar-dj,ar-eg,ar-iq,ar-jo,ar-kw,ar-lb,ar-ly,ar-ma,ar-om,ar-qa,ar-sa,ar-so,ar-sd,ar-sy,ar-tn,ar-ae,ar-ye,cs-cz,da-dk,de-at,de-ch,de-d e,de-li,de-lu,el-gr,en-au,en-ca,en-cb,en-gb,en-hk,en-ie,en-in,en-jm,en-nz,en-ph ,en-us,en-za,en-zw,es-ar,es-bo,es-cl,es-co,es-cr,es-do,es-ec,es-es,es-gt,es-hn, es-mx,es-ni,es-pa,es-pe,es-pr,es-py,es-sv,es-uy,es-ve,fi-fi,fr-be,fr-ca,fr-ch,f r-fr,fr-lu,fr-mc,hr-hr,hu-hu,id-id,it-ch,it-it,iw-il,ja-jp,ko-kr,ms-my,nl-be,nl -nl,no-no,pl-pl,pt-br,pt-pt,ro-ro,ru-ru,sk-sk,sv-fi,sv-se,th-th,tr-tr,zh-cn,zh-mo,zh-sg,zh-tw</AllowedLocales> --><!--<Disconnected><ArchiveIbots>true</ArchiveIbots><DisconnectedDir>disconnected</D isconnectedDir></Disconnected> --></ServerInstance></WebConfig>[系统配置]综合查询服务器移植方案(V_1.2)1,在安装BIEE 服务器之前要先安装JDK 5.0(IIS 可以选择安装)。


注:拷贝之前先停BIEE服务$OracleBI\server\Repository$OracleBIData\web\catalog安装完成后把原来备份好的文件(Repository, catalog)替换掉原有服务器的文件。
