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队员故意伸展双臂上 下摆动,并移动位置 阻挡对方队员前进, 而迫使对方队员改变 方向时,虽未发生身 体接触也应算作不正 当行为,裁判员应对 该队员给予警告,并 判由对方踢间接任意 球。
Players deliberately stretched his arms up and down swing, and move the position to block an opponent forward, forcing the other players to change direction, although not physical contact should also be regarded as misconduct, the referee that the players should be given a warning, and sentenced to be kicked by the otherindirect free kick.(队员 故意伸展双臂上下摆动,并移动位置阻挡对方队 员前进,而迫使对方队员改变方向时,虽未发生 身体接触也应算作不正当行为,裁判员应对该队 员给予警告,并判由对方踢间接任意球。 )
足球规则 FootbFra Baidu bibliotekll Rules
When the ball is not within the scope of the relevant players control for purposes other than the shoulder to do a socalled fair charge for the scrimmage.(当球并 不在有关队员控制范围之 内时,目的不是为了争球 而用肩部去做所谓的合理 冲撞。)
Pull the other team or push the other team.(拉扯对方队员, 推对方队员。 )
Ball with his hands. (用手触球 ) Commit acts of violence.(犯有暴力行 为。 )
用言语或行动对裁判员的判决表示不满者。 向工作人员或其他人员吐唾沫或有其它类似的无 礼行为,应视为暴力行为 。 队员连续违反规则。 有不正当行为者。 如犯规队员另有更严重的犯规情节时,则应按规 则的有关规定判罚。 经黄牌警告后,因犯规又被给予第二次黄牌警告。
Violently or with the risk of collision the other team.(猛烈地 或带有危险性地冲撞 对方队员。)
Stumbling fell an opponent in each other behind or in front of the legs or pike tripped fell or attempt to stumble wrestling each other. (绊摔对方队员,即 在对方身后或身前, 伸腿或屈体绊摔或企 图绊摔对方。)
When the referee should warn a team without the implementation, the team repeated other misconduct, the penalty that the team played.(当裁判员要 警告某一队员而未执行 前,该队员再犯有其它 不正当行为时,则罚令 该队员出场。 )