
防疫针疫苗缩写英文全称及相关儿科常见词汇卡介苗 BCG(Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine)轮状病毒疫苗Rota (Rotavirus vaccine)A 型肝炎疫苗 HepA (Hepatitis A vaccine )B 型肝炎疫苗 HepB (Hepatitis B vaccine )白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳混合疫苗 DTaP (Diphtheria and tetanus toxoidwith acellular pertussis vaccine)b 型嗜血杆菌疫苗 Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine )肺炎双球菌疫苗(结合型) PCV (Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)肺炎链球菌疫苗(多醣体型)PPV (Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine )流行性感冒疫苗 Influenza (Influenza vaccine)麻疹、腮腺炎、德国麻疹混合疫苗MMR (Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine)流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(结合型)MCV4 (Meningococcal conjugate vaccine )流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(多醣体型)MPSV4(Meningococcal polysaccharidevaccine )流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(A、C 型)MenAC (Meningococcal AC )流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(A、C 、Y 、W 135型)MenACWY (Meningococcal ACWY )麻疹疫苗Measles (Measles vaccine )德国麻疹疫苗Rubella (Rubella vaccine )白喉、破伤风混合疫苗 DT (Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid childrens\\\' dose)白喉、破伤风、全细胞性百日咳混合疫苗 DTwP (Diphtheria and tetanus toxoidwith whole cell pertussis vaccine)注射式小儿麻痹疫苗 IPV (Inactivated polio vaccine ) 日本脑炎疫苗 JE (Japanese encephalitis vaccine)腮腺炎疫苗Mumps (Mumps vaccine )口服小儿麻痺疫苗OPV(Oral polio vaccine)狂犬病疫苗 Rabies( Rabies vaccine )破伤风、减毒白喉混合疫苗 Td (Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid for olderchildren/adults )破伤风类毒素疫苗 TT (Tetanus toxoid)伤寒疫苗 Typhoid (Typhoid fever vaccine )水痘疫苗 Varicella (Varicella vaccine )黄热病疫苗 YF (Yellow fever vaccine )白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳、b 型嗜血杆菌混合疫苗DTaP-Hib (Diphtheria andtetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis and haemophilus influenzae type bvaccine )白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳、B 型肝炎、不活化小儿麻痺混合疫苗 DTaP-HepB-IPV(Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis, hepatitis B andInactivated polio vaccine )白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳、b 型嗜血杆菌、不活化小儿麻痺混合疫苗 DTaP-Hib-IPV (Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis, haemophilusinfluenzae type b and Inactivated polio vaccine )b 型嗜血桿菌、B 型肝炎混合疫苗 Hib-HepB (Haemophilus influenzae type b andhepatitis B vaccine )A 型肝炎、B 型肝炎混合疫苗 HepA-HepB (Hepatitis A andhepatitis B vaccine )麻疹、腮腺炎混合疫苗MM (Measles and mumps virus vaccine )麻疹、德国麻疹混合疫苗或腮腺炎、德国麻疹混合疫苗 MR (Measles and rubellavaccine or Mumps and rubella vaccine )麻疹、腮腺炎、德国麻疹、水痘混合疫苗 MMRV (Measles, mumps, rubella, andvaricella virus vaccine )腮腺炎疫苗 Mumps (Mumps vaccine)*儿科医学常见词汇(zt)儿科学 Pediatrics儿童保健 Child care疾病防治 Disease prevention营养基础 Basal nutrition婴儿喂养 Infants’ feeding营养不良 Malnutrition小儿肥胖 obesity in Childhood解剖 Anatomy生理生化 Physiology and biochemistry营养代谢 Nutrition and Metabolism 免疫 Immunity病理 Pathology疾病的种类 Variety of Disease临床表现 Clinical Situation诊断 Diagnosis治疗 Treatment预后 Prognosis预防 Prevention胎儿期 Fetal Stage胚卵期 Ovigerm Stage胚胎期 Embryo Stage新生儿期 Neonatal Period脐带 Omphalus足月儿 Term Infant早产儿 Premature过期产儿 Post term Infant围产期 Perinatal stage婴儿期 Infancy幼儿期 Toddler Period学龄期 School age青春期 Adolescence遗传 inheritance性别 sex内分泌 endocrine孕母情况 mother’s condition营养 nutrition。

The preventive biological products of vaccine for human vaccination is used to prevent and control the occurrence and epidemic of infectious diseases.
When the animal is exposed to the pathogen that is not harmful, the immune system will produce a protective substance.
当动物体接触到这种不具伤害力的病原菌后,免 疫系统便会产生一定的保护物质.
当动物再次接触到这种病原菌时,动物体的免疫系统便会依循 其原有的记忆,制造更多的保护物质来阻止病原菌的伤害。
“ I t i s the most important means to control of infectious diseases is prevention , and vaccination is considered to be the most effective measures. 控制传染性疾病最主要的手段就是预防,而接种疫 苗被认为是最行之有效的措施.
Hepatitis B vaccine
Preparation of DPT
Measles vaccine
The smallpox virus which threatened human for hundreds of yearsalready was completely wiped out due to the apperance of vaccination. and we get the first victory fight against with virus by vaccination.

乙肝疫苗 HepB 23价肺炎 Pneu23 卡介苗 BCG 7价肺炎 Pneu7 百白破 DPT 出血热疫苗 HF 白破疫苗 DT 钩体疫苗 Lep 麻风疫苗 MR 炭疽疫苗 Anth 麻腮疫苗 MM 狂犬疫苗
Rab 麻腮风疫苗 MMR 抗狂犬病免疫球蛋白 RIG 麻疹疫苗 MV 抗狂犬病血清 RAS 风疹疫苗 Rub 伤寒疫苗 Typh 腮腺炎疫苗 Mum 痢疾疫苗 Dys 乙脑减毒活疫苗 JE-I 布氏菌疫苗 Bruc 乙脑灭活疫苗 JE-i 鼠疫疫苗 Plag A 群流脑疫苗 MenA 霍乱疫苗 Chol 流脑A+C 结合 CMen-AC 森林脑炎疫苗 TBE 流脑A+C+Y+W135 MenACYW135 登革热疫苗 DFV 甲肝减毒活疫苗 HepA-I 气管炎疫苗 Tra 甲肝灭活疫苗 Hep-i 脊灰(灭活) IPV 甲乙肝联合疫苗 HepAB 脊灰 PV B 型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗 Hib
轮状病毒疫苗 Rot 水痘疫苗 Var 流感疫苗 FIn。

疫苗英语作文Vaccines are one of the most significant medical advancements in history, playing a crucial role in the prevention of various infectious diseases. They work by stimulating the immune system to recognize and fight off specific pathogens, thereby providing immunity without the risk of contracting the disease itself.The development of vaccines has led to the eradication of smallpox and the near-elimination of polio. They have also significantly reduced the incidence of diseases such as measles, mumps, and rubella. The success of vaccines is a testament to the power of scientific research and the dedication of countless professionals in the field of medicine.However, the topic of vaccines is not without controversy. Some individuals express concerns about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, leading to debates about mandatory vaccination policies. Despite extensive research demonstrating the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, misinformation and fear can sometimes lead to vaccine hesitancy.It is important to address these concerns with accurate information and education. Public health campaigns aim to inform people about the benefits of vaccines and to dispel myths that can lead to decreased vaccination rates. The WorldHealth Organization (WHO) and other health authorities continue to advocate for the importance of vaccination in maintaining the health of communities worldwide.In the ongoing battle against infectious diseases, vaccines remain a vital tool. As new vaccines are developed for emerging diseases, such as COVID-19, it is crucial that we continue to support and promote vaccination efforts. By doing so, we can protect not only ourselves but also the most vulnerable members of our society, such as infants, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems.In conclusion, vaccines have saved countless lives and continue to be a cornerstone of public health. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that they are accessible to all and that we remain vigilant in our efforts to combat preventable diseases.。
疫苗英文缩写 全称

疫苗英文缩写&全称疫苗英文缩写及全称??卡介苗 BCG(Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine)?轮状病毒疫苗Rota (Rotavirus vaccine)?A 型肝炎疫苗 HepA (Hepatitis A vaccine )?B 型肝炎疫苗 HepB (Hepatitis B vaccine )?白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳混合疫苗 DTaP (Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis vaccine)?b 型嗜血杆菌疫苗 Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine )?肺炎双球菌疫苗(结合型) PCV (Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)?肺炎链球菌疫苗(多醣体型) PPV (Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine )?流行性感冒疫苗 Influenza (Influenza vaccine)?麻疹、腮腺炎、德国麻疹混合疫苗MMR(Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine)?流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(结合型)MCV4 (Meningococcal conjugate vaccine )?流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(多醣体型)MPSV4 (Meningococcal polysaccharide?vaccine )?流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(A、C 型)MenAC (Meningococcal AC )?流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(A、C 、Y 、W 135型)MenACWY (Meningococcal ACWY )?麻疹疫苗Measles (Measles vaccine )?德国麻疹疫苗Rubella (Rubella vaccine )?白喉、破伤风混合疫苗 DT (Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid childrens\\\' dose)?白喉、破伤风、全细胞性百日咳混合疫苗 DTwP (Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid?with whole cell pertussis vaccine)?注射式小儿麻痹疫苗 IPV (Inactivated polio vaccine )?日本脑炎疫苗 JE (Japanese encephalitis vaccine)?腮腺炎疫苗Mumps (Mumps vaccine )?口服小儿麻痹疫苗OPV(Oral polio vaccine)?狂犬病疫苗 Rabies( Rabies vaccine )?破伤风、减毒白喉混合疫苗 Td (Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid for older children/adults )?破伤风类毒素疫苗 TT (Tetanus toxoid)?伤寒疫苗 Typhoid (Typhoid fever vaccine )?水痘疫苗 Varicella (Varicella vaccine )?黄热病疫苗 YF (Yellow fever vaccine )?白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳、b 型嗜血杆菌混合疫苗 DTaP-Hib (Diphtheria and?tetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis and haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine )?白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳、B 型肝炎、不活化小儿麻痹混合疫苗DTaP-HepB-IPV?(Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis, hepatitis B andInactivated polio vaccine )?白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳、b 型嗜血杆菌、不活化小儿麻痹混合疫苗DTaP-Hib-?IPV (Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis, haemophilus?influenzae type b and Inactivated polio vaccine )?b 型嗜血桿菌、B 型肝炎混合疫苗 Hib-HepB (Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B vaccine )?A 型肝炎、B 型肝炎混合疫苗HepA-HepB (Hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine )?麻疹、腮腺炎混合疫苗 MM (Measles and mumps virus vaccine )?麻疹、德国麻疹混合疫苗或腮腺炎、德国麻疹混合疫苗 MR (Measles and rubella vaccine or Mumps and rubella vaccine )?麻疹、腮腺炎、德国麻疹、水痘混合疫苗 MMRV (Measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella virus vaccine )?腮腺炎疫苗 Mumps (Mumps vaccine)???。

卫生健康英译汉一一参考译文Passage One (from “WHO Statement on Rabies Vaccine Incident in China")The World Health Organization (WHO) fully supports China's National Drug Administration \ (NDA's) actions to withhold the problematic batches of rabies vaccine and ensure they are not placed on the market.世界卫生组织(WHO)全力支持中国国家药品监督管理局(NDA)采取行动,扣留问题批次狂犬病疫苗,阻止其进入市场。
During an unannounced inspection at the manufacturing site of Changchun Changsheng Life Sciences Ltd., a vaccine manufacturer in China's northeastern Jilin province, the NDA discovered problems of data integrity in the production of the batches of rabies vaccine. Authorities have withheld all vaccines involved, to prevent their reaching patients, and suspended production at the company. WHO awaits the results of further investigations and stands ready to provide support to national health authorities.国家药监局在对位于中国吉林省的疫苗生产厂家一春长生生物科技股份有限公司的生产场地开展飞行检查时,查出该公司在涉事批次狂犬病疫苗生产过程中存在记录造假的问题。

关于疫苗的英语介绍作文Title: Exploring the Significance of Vaccines。
Introduction:Vaccines are pivotal tools in the realm of public health, offering protection against various infectious diseases. Through the administration of vaccines,individuals develop immunity to specific pathogens, thus reducing the risk of contracting and spreading these diseases. This essay delves into the importance of vaccines, their mechanisms of action, and their contributions toglobal health.Importance of Vaccines:Vaccines play a crucial role in preventing the spreadof infectious diseases and safeguarding public health. By stimulating the immune system to produce antibodies against specific pathogens, vaccines confer immunity, therebyreducing the incidence and severity of diseases such as measles, polio, influenza, and COVID-19. Moreover, widespread vaccination programs have led to the eradication of diseases like smallpox and the near-elimination of others, showcasing the remarkable impact of vaccination on global health.Mechanism of Action:Vaccines operate by introducing a weakened or inactivated form of a pathogen, its toxins, or its surface proteins into the body. This exposure triggers the immune system to recognize the pathogen as foreign and mount a defense by producing antibodies and memory cells. Consequently, if the individual encounters the actual pathogen in the future, their immune system can swiftly recognize and neutralize it, preventing infection or reducing its severity. This adaptive immune response is the cornerstone of vaccination efficacy.Contribution to Herd Immunity:One of the significant benefits of widespread vaccination is the establishment of herd immunity, also known as community immunity. When a sufficiently large proportion of a population is vaccinated against a particular disease, it creates a collective barrier that limits the spread of the pathogen. This protection extends not only to vaccinated individuals but also to those who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons or contraindications, such as individuals with compromised immune systems. Herd immunity is instrumental in containing outbreaks and protecting vulnerable populations.Global Health Impact:Vaccines have had a transformative impact on global health, contributing to the reduction of morbidity and mortality from preventable diseases. Initiatives such as the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) have facilitated the distribution of vaccines to underserved regions, narrowing the gap in immunization coverage between developed and developing countries. As a result, millionsof lives have been saved, and communities have been empowered to thrive without the burden of debilitating diseases.Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy:Despite the overwhelming evidence supporting the safety and efficacy of vaccines, vaccine hesitancy remains a significant challenge. Misinformation, distrust of authorities, and cultural or religious beliefs contribute to vaccine hesitancy, undermining vaccination efforts and compromising public health. Addressing these concerns requires targeted communication strategies, community engagement, and fostering trust in healthcare systems. By addressing misconceptions and promoting vaccine literacy, we can enhance vaccine acceptance and uptake, ensuring the continued success of immunization programs.Conclusion:In conclusion, vaccines represent a cornerstone of public health, offering protection against a myriad ofinfectious diseases. Their ability to confer immunity, contribute to herd immunity, and mitigate the burden of disease underscores their importance in safeguarding global health. However, addressing vaccine hesitancy and ensuring equitable access to vaccines are essential steps in harnessing their full potential. Through continued investment in research, education, and immunization programs, we can harness the power of vaccines to build healthier, more resilient communities worldwide.。

笔译常用词汇(医疗卫生)汉译英爱国卫生运动patriotic sanitation campaign保持健康keep/stay/healthy/fit保健食品health food病从口入illness enters via the mouth病历medical/clinical records; case history肠胃病gastro-intestinal trouble常用和急救用药drugs for daily and emergency use城市社区卫生服务中心community health service centers in urban areas 城镇职工基本医疗保险制度basic medical insurance system for urban employees传染病contagious diseases创建卫生城市build an advanced clean city低脂饮食low-fat diet碘缺乏症iodine deficiency disease多发病frequently occurring diseases防疫站epidemic prevention station放射科X-ray department放松疗法relaxation therapy风湿性关节炎rheumatic arthritis服药take medicine妇产科department of obstetrics and gynecology妇产医院obstetrics and gynecology hospital妇科病gynecological diseases高空缺氧altitude anoxia高危人群high-risk group个人卫生personal hygiene公费医疗free medical service; public health service公共卫生设施public health utilities骨科department of orthopedics挂号处registration office国际红十字会International Red Cross (IRC)国家级卫生城市state-level hygienic city国家食品药品监督管理局State Food and Drug Administration国家中医药管理局State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine 呼吸系统疾病respiratory diseases护士长head nurseHIV携带者HIV carrier环境卫生environmental sanitation换药change dressings患眼疾have trouble in one’s eyesight基本医疗卫生服务basic medicare and health service急救中心first-aid center急/慢性病acute/chronic disease急诊医疗emergency medical treatment加工食品processed food甲乙肝Hepatitis A/B假劣药品事件incidents of counterfeit and low-quality drugs煎药dedoct herbal medicine健康证明书health certificate救死扶伤heal the wounded and rescue the dying开药prescribe a medicine劳保医疗制度labor medicare system良/恶性肿瘤benign/malignant tumor良药苦口good medicine tastes bitter; bitter pills have good effects 劣质食品inferior foodstuff母婴传播mother-to-child transmission脑外科department of cranial内科department of internal medicine内伤七情(喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊)seven internal causes (joy, anger, worry, thought, grief, fear and suprise)农村合作医疗rural cooperative medical service配药make up a prescription皮肤科department of dermatology普通医生general practitioner浅层睡眠light sleep情商emotion quotient (EQ)全国公共卫生体系national public health system全身/局部麻醉general/local anesthesia人工呼吸pulmonary resuscitation; artificial breathing三级医疗防病体系three-tiered medical and prevention network上药apply ointment to深层睡眠deep sleep食品卫生法Food Hygiene Law食物搭配food combination世界精神卫生日World Meental Health Day世界睡眠日World Sleep Day世界卫生组织World Health Organization (WHO)睡眠不足lack of deep; sleep deprivation四诊(望、闻、问、切)four methods of diagnosis (observation, listening and smelling, inquiring, pulse feeling and palpation)突发公共卫生事件医疗救治体系medical treatment system for public health emergencies推进医院后勤服务的社会化commercialize logistic service in medical institutions外感六淫(风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火)the six external causes (wind, cold, dryness, wetness, heat and fire)外科department of surgery网上诊疗online clinic卫生部Ministry of Health卫生防疫站sanitation and anti-epidemic station卫生突发事件unexpected public health incidents无偿义务献血non-remunerated/voluntary blood donation乡镇卫生院health clinics in towns and townships消化系统digestive system心理健康mental health性传染疾病sexuality transmitted diseases胸外科thoracic surgery血库blood bank牙科department of dentistry亚健康状态sub-health problem养生之道follow a careful regimen in health care; a way to stay healthy 药补improve o ne’s health by taking tonics药品生产和流通企业drug manufacturers and distributors药品生产流通体制pharmaceutical production and distribution system 《药品生产质量管理规范》Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)药品中毒drug poisoning药物过敏drug allergy医德医风medical ethics and practices医疗报销medical reimbursement医疗制度改革reform of the medicine system医托儿a shill for a doctor; medical trickster’s assistant医药费medical cost遗传性老年痴呆症Alzheimer’s disease疑难病例difficult and complicated cases易感人群more easily infected group针灸acupuncture and moxibustion镇静剂控制narcotics contol政府公共卫生管理职能government’s role in public health administration职业病occupational diseases智商intelligence quotient (IQ)中国传统的保健方法traditional Chinese health care methods中国红十字会Red Cross of China中华医学会Chinese Medical Association中西医结合combine traditional Chinese medicine with Western medicine肿瘤医院tumor hospital主治医生doctor in charge住院医生resident doctor综合医院general hospital。

常用疫苗中英文对照表第一篇:常用疫苗中英文对照表常用疫苗中英文对照表疫苗名称英文简称可预防的传染病卡介苗Bacillus Calmette Guerin =B.C.G结核病脊髓灰质炎活疫苗Poliomyelitis =POLIO 脊髓灰质炎(小儿麻痹症)百白破混合制剂DTP 百日咳白喉破伤风麻疹疫苗Measles(rubeola)麻疹乙脑疫苗JApanese encephalitis 流行性乙型脑炎乙肝疫苗Hepatitis B 乙型病毒性肝炎风疹疫苗Rubeola(German measles)风疹流脑疫苗Meningitis 流行性脑脊髓膜炎腮腺炎疫苗mumps 流行性腮腺炎麻腮风疫苗MMR 麻疹风疹流行性腮腺炎流感疫苗haemophilus influenza B 流行性感冒甲肝疫苗Hepatitis A 甲型病毒性肝炎水痘疫苗Varicella 水痘带状疱疹Hib(乙型流感)疫苗Hib Hib引起的小儿脑膜炎肺炎等伤寒疫苗Typhoid 伤寒肺炎疫苗Pneumococcal 肺炎白喉破伤风疫苗Td 白喉破伤风DTP 包括百日咳Pertussis(whooping cough)白喉diphtheria破伤风tetanus 卡介苗 BCG(Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine) 轮状病毒疫苗 Rota(Rotavirus vaccine)A 型肝炎疫苗 HepA(Hepatitis A vaccine)B 型肝炎疫苗 HepB(Hepatitis B vaccine)白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳混合疫苗DTaP(Diphtheria and tetanus toxoidwith acellular pertussis vaccine)b 型嗜血杆菌疫苗 Hib(Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine)肺炎双球菌疫苗(结合型)PCV(Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)肺炎链球菌疫苗(多醣体型)PPV(Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine)流行性感冒疫苗 Influenza(Influenza vaccine)麻疹、腮腺炎、德国麻疹混合疫苗MMR(Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine)流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(结合型)MCV4(Meningococcal conjugate vaccine)流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(多醣体型)MPSV4(Meningococcal polysaccharidevaccine)流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(A、C 型)MenAC(Meningococcal AC) 流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(A、C、Y、W 135型)MenACWY(Meningococcal ACWY)麻疹疫苗Measles(Measles vaccine)德国麻疹疫苗Rubella(Rubella vaccine)白喉、破伤风混合疫苗DT(Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid childrens' dose)白喉、破伤风、全细胞性百日咳混合疫苗DTwP(Diphtheria and tetanus toxoidwith whole cell pertussis vaccine)注射式小儿麻痹疫苗 IPV(Inactivated polio vaccine)日本脑炎疫苗 JE(Japanese encephalitis vaccine)腮腺炎疫苗 Mumps(Mumps vaccine)口服小儿麻痺疫苗 OPV(Oral polio vaccine)狂犬病疫苗 Rabies(Rabies vaccine)破伤风、减毒白喉混合疫苗 Td(Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid for olderchildren/adults)破伤风类毒素疫苗 TT(Tetanus toxoid)伤寒疫苗 Typhoid(Typhoid fever vaccine)水痘疫苗 Varicella(Varicella vaccine)黄热病疫苗 YF(Yellow fever vaccine)白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳、b 型嗜血杆菌混合疫苗DTaP-Hib(Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis and haemophilus influenzae type bvaccine)白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳、B 型肝炎、不活化小儿麻痺混合疫苗DTaP-HepB-IPV(Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis, hepatitis B andInactivated polio vaccine)白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳、b 型嗜血杆菌、不活化小儿麻痺混合疫苗DTaP-Hib-IPV(Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis, haemophilusinfluenzae type b and Inactivated polio vaccine)b 型嗜血桿菌、B 型肝炎混合疫苗Hib-HepB(Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B vaccine)A 型肝炎、B 型肝炎混合疫苗HepA-HepB(Hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine)麻疹、腮腺炎混合疫苗MM(Measles and mumps virus vaccine)麻疹、德国麻疹混合疫苗或腮腺炎、德国麻疹混合疫苗MR(Measles and rubella vaccine or Mumps and rubella vaccine) 麻疹、腮腺炎、德国麻疹、水痘混合疫苗MMRV(Measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella virus vaccine)腮腺炎疫苗 Mumps(Mumps vaccine)第二篇:乐器中英文对照表Woodwinds: 木管乐器Brass:铜管乐器 1.Piccolo 短笛 2.Flute 长笛3.Soprano Recorder 高音竖笛4.Oboe 双簧管5.English Horn 英国管6.Bassoon 大管7.Contrabassoon 低音巴松8.Clarinet in Eb 降E调单簧管(小黑管)9.Clarinet in A A调单簧管10.Clarinet in Bb 降B调单簧管11.Bass Clarinet 低音单簧管12.Soprano Saxophone 高音萨克斯 13.ALto Saxophone 中音萨克斯 14.Tenor Saxophone 次中音萨克斯 15.Baritone Saxophone 上低音萨克斯 16.Alto Flute 中音长笛* 17.Bass Flute 低音长笛 18.Oboe d' Amore 双簧管的一种 19.Piccolo Clarinet 高音单簧管*20.Alto Clarinet 中音单簧管(Eb调的,属于低音单簧管)21.Contrabass Clarinet 倍低音单簧管 22.Descant Recorder 高音竖笛23.Alto Recorder 中音竖笛24.Tenor Recorder 次中音竖笛25.Bass Recorder 低音竖笛 26.Bagpipes 风笛27.Basset Horn 巴赛管(单簧管)28.Panpipes 排萧Organ(风琴)Church Organ 教堂管风琴Draw Organ 拉杆式舌风琴Percussion Organ 敲击试管风琴Pipe Organ 管风琴Reed Organ 簧风琴Rock Organ 摇滚管风琴1.Cornet 短号2.Trumpet in Bb 降B调小号3.Trumpet in C C调小号4.Flugelhorn 夫吕号(行进乐队常用)5.Horn in F F调圆号6.Trombone 长号7.Tenor Trombone 次中音长号8.Bass Tromone 低音长号9.Baritone(T.C.)次中音号 10.Baritone 次中音 11.Euphonium 小低音号 12.Tuba 大号13.Bass Tuba 低音大号 14.Piccolo Cornet 高音短号15.Piccolo Trumpet in A A调高音小号 16.Bass Trumpet in C C 调低音小号 17.Alto Trombone 中音长号 18.Contrabass Trombone 倍低音长号Drums: 鼓 1.Drum Set 架子鼓2.Bongo Drums 邦加鼓(用手指敲的小鼓,夹在两腿间)3.Timbales 蒂姆巴尔鼓4.Conga Drums 康加鼓(橄榄型)5.Snare Drum 小军鼓6.Quad Toms 4组鼓筒鼓7.Quint T oms 五组筒鼓8.Tenor Drum 次高音鼓9.T om Toms 筒鼓 10.Roto T oms 轮鼓 11.Bass Drum 低音鼓12.Aerial Tom-T oms 悬空通通鼓13.Floor Tom-T om/Tom-T om/T enor Drum 落地通通鼓/中鼓14.Hi-Hat Cymbal 脚钹 15.Side Cymbal 小钹 16.Top Cymbal 大钹 17.Side Drum 击边Ethnic and Other Instrument 民族乐器Accordion 手风琴Agogo bell 阿哥哥铃Alpine Herd Cowbell 牧牛铃Angklung 摇竹Appalachian Dulcimer 阿帕拉契扬琴(美国的民族乐器)Autoharp ***齐特琴Bagpipe 风笛(苏格兰民俗乐器)Balalaika 巴拉拉卡琴(俄国的弦乐器之一,琴身呈三角形)Bamboo chime 竹风铃Bandurria 墨西哥传统吉他Banjo 班左琴/五弦琴(相传源起於西非,以手指奏鸣的五弦或六弦的乐器)Bell plate 铁片Bell tree 树铃Bongos 邦哥小对鼓/曼波鼓(拉丁音乐)Boobam 火箭筒鼓Bouzouki 布祖基琴(一种形状似曼陀林的希腊弦乐器)Cabasa 椰予沙铃/卡巴沙铃/串珠沙铃Castanets 响板(常用於西班牙佛们哥舞曲)Caxixi 编织摇铃Charango 夏朗哥吉他/小型八弦(盛行於中南美)Chinese hand drum 手摇鼓Chinese temple bell 中国钵Citterns 西特恩(类似吉他的梨形古乐器,流行於十五至十八世纪) Concertina 六角形手风琴(用於阿根廷探戈曲)Conga 康加鼓/细长型大手鼓/墨西哥鼓(拉丁音乐)Cowbell 牛铃Crumhorn 克鲁姆管/钩形管/J形管(流行於15世纪末叶)Cuica 锯加鼓Darabucca 土耳其手鼓Didgeridoo 澳洲土著的吹管乐器Djembe 非洲鼓(源起於非洲之肯亚部落,属於原住民型之乐器) Domra 苏俄传统乐器(状似吉他,三或四弦)Fiddle 古提琴Fife 横笛Flageolet 六孔的竖笛Flexatone 弹音器Frame drum 手鼓Gadulka 一种保加利亚传统的弦乐器Gaida 风笛(保加利亚的传统乐器)Gamelan 木琴(印尼的一种竹制打击乐器)Glass chime 玻璃风铃Guiro 葫芦锯琴/刮胡/刮葫(拉丁音乐)Gusli 古斯里琴(一种俄国古代的弦乐器)Harmonica/Mouth-Organ 口琴Hurdy-Gurdy 绞弦琴/手摇风琴(18世纪流行於法国社交界)Japanese temple bell 日本钵Jew’s Harp 口拨琴/单簧口琴Kalimba 卡林巴琴Kantele 齐特琴(芬兰)Kaval 长笛/牧羊人的笛子(保加利亚的传统乐器)Kazoo 卡祖笛(一种木制或金属制玩具笛子)Kokiriko 鼓牌板Koto 科多琴Lithophone 石板琴Lute 诗琴/鲁特琴(最古老的乐器之一)Lyre 七弦竖琴(古希腊)Mark tree / Wind chime 风铃Mirliton 膜笛Nefer 古埃及吉他Ocarina 亚卡利那笛/陶制甘薯形笛/小鹅笛(17世纪后半源於义大利)Ocean drum 波浪鼓Panpipe 排笛/牧神笛Pifano 印地安鼓Quena 八孔木笛(安第斯山脉民族的乐器,声音浑厚)Ratchet 辣齿/嘎嘎器Roarer/Barker 吼声器Saltepry 萨泰里琴(上古及中古的乐器,可能源自伊朗、印度)Shaker 金属沙铃Shamisen 三弦琴(日本)Shanai 山奈琴Sistrum 叉铃/ㄙㄙ铃(古埃及)Sitar 锡他琴/西塔琴/西他琴(形似吉他的北印度民族弦乐器)Slit drum 非洲裂缝鼓Steel Drum 钢鼓(来自於加勒比海的千里达)Surdo 印地安笛Symphonle 三弦共鸣弦乐器(约十三世纪前出现)Tablas 塔布拉鼓/印度鼓(印度的一种手敲小鼓)TaikoDrum/Kodo 太鼓(日本)Talkingdrum 讯息鼓Tambura 冬不拉(保加利亚的民俗弦乐器)Thunder sheet 雷板Timbales 天巴鼓/廷巴鼓Tin Whistle / Penny Whistle 六孔小笛/锡笛(镀锡铁皮所制造的玩具笛)Tub Fiddle 金盆琴Tupan 牛皮鼓Ukulele/Ukelele 尤库里里琴(源於葡萄牙,形如小吉他的弦乐器) Vibra-slap 震荡器/震音板Vihuela 古吉他(源起於墨西哥)Viola da Gamba 古大提琴Waterphone 水琴Whistle 哨子Wind machine 风声器Zither 齐特琴(欧洲的一种扁形弦乐琴)Dulcimer 扬琴Crotales/Antique cymbal 古钹 Temple block 西洋木鱼Electric Instrument 电子乐器Clavinova 数位钢琴/数位化电子琴Double-Neck Guitar 双颈吉他Electone 电子琴Electric Guitar 电吉他Electric Organ 电子琴Electric Piano 电钢琴Electronic Piano 电子钢琴Pedal Steel Guitar/Hawaiian Guitar 立式电吉他/夏威夷式电吉他Portatone keyboards 手提电子琴Synthesizer 电子合成器Percussion: 小打击乐器1.Percussion 小打击乐器组2.Wind Chimes3.Bell Tree 音树 4.Triangle 三角铁 5.Crotales 响板6.Finger Cymbals 手指小镲7.Sleigh Bells 马铃8.Cymbals 大镲9.Cowbell 牛铃10.Agogo Bells(由两个锥型铁筒组成,比牛玲音高)11.Flexatone12.Musical Saw 乐锯 13.Brake Drum 闸鼓 14.Tam Tam 大锣15.Gong 锣16.Claves 响棒17.Slapstick 击板18.VibraSlap19.Sand Block 沙轮20.Ratchet 齿轮剐响器21.Guiro (木制,用铁棍剐)22.Cuica(发出的声音象狗叫的拉丁乐器)23.Maracas 沙槌24.Castanets 响板25.Wood Blocks 盒棒26.Temple Blocks 木鱼27.Log Drum 木鼓 28.Tambourine 铃鼓 29.Whistle 哨 30.Siren 汽笛 31.Jawbone32.Anvil 乐钻 33.Bar Chimes 风铃 34.Crash cymbal 双面钹 35.Finger Cymbal 手指钹 36.Gong 锣37.Jingle-ring 铃环38.Maracas 响葫芦/沙球/沙铃39.Rotary Tom 轮旋鼓 40.Sleighbells 雪铃 41.Suspended Cymbal 吊钹Plucked Strings: 弹拨乐 1.Harp 竖琴 2.Guitar 吉他 3.Scoustic Guitar4.electric Guitar 电吉他 5.Banjo 班卓6.Bass 贝司7.Acoustic Bass 非电贝斯 8.Electric Bass 电贝司 9.String Bass 弦贝司 10.Mandolin 曼陀林 11.Lute 琉特琴ulele 夏威夷四弦琴 13.Zither 齐特尔琴 14.Sitar 锡塔尔琴Keybords: 键盘 1.Piano 钢琴 an 管风琴 3.Harpsichord 大键琴4.Celesta 钢片琴5.Accordion 手风琴6.Clavichord 古钢琴7.Harmonium 脚踏式风琴 8.Synthesizer 电子合成器Chorus: 合唱 1.Soprano 女高2.Soprano Ⅰ 女高1 3.Soprano Ⅱ 女高2 4.Mezzo-Soprano 女次高5.Contralto 女低6.Alto 女低7.Counter-Tenor8.T enor 男高9.Tenor Ⅰ 男高1 10.Tenor Ⅱ 男高2 11.Baritone 男中 12.Bass 男低13.Bass Ⅰ 男低1 14.Bass Ⅱ 男低2 15.Voice 人声 16.Vocals 元音Strings: 弦乐 1.Violin 小提琴2.Violin Ⅰ 小提琴1 3.Violin Ⅱ 小提琴2 4.Viola 中提琴 5.Cello 大提琴6.Violoncello 低音提琴7.Contrabass 低音提琴8.Double Bass 倍低音提琴9.Solo Violin 独奏小提琴10.Solo VIola 独奏中提琴11.Solo Cello 独奏大提琴12.Solo Bass 独奏低音提琴13.Viola d' AmoreHandbells: 手铃 1.Handbells 手铃2.Handbells(T.C)手铃(中音)钢琴0 Acoustic Grand Piano 大钢琴(声学钢琴)1 Bright Acoustic Piano 明亮的钢琴2 Electric Grand Piano 电钢琴3 Honky-tonk Piano 酒吧钢琴4 Rhodes Piano 柔和的电钢琴5 Chorused Piano 加合唱效果的电钢琴 6 Harpsichord 羽管键琴(拨弦古钢琴)7 Clavichord 科拉维科特琴(击弦古钢琴)色彩打击乐器8 Celesta 钢片琴9 Glockenspiel 钟琴10 Music box 八音盒11 Vibraphone 颤音琴12 Marimba 马林巴13 Xylophone 木琴14 Tubular Bells 管钟15 Dulcimer 大扬琴风琴Hammond Organ 击杆风琴17 Percussive Organ 打击式风琴18 Rock Organ 摇滚风琴19 Church Organ 教堂风琴20 Reed Organ 簧管风琴21 Accordian 手风琴22 Harmonica 口琴Tango Accordian 探戈手风琴吉他Acoustic Guitar(nylon)尼龙弦吉他25 Acoustic Guitar(steel)钢弦吉他26 Electric Guitar(jazz)爵士电吉他27 Electric Guitar(clean)清音电吉他28 Electric Guitar(muted)闷音电吉他29 Overdriven Guitar 加驱动效果的电吉他30 Distortion Guitar 加失真效果的电吉他31 Guitar Harmonics 吉他和音贝司Acoustic Bass 大贝司(声学贝司)33 Electric Bass(finger)电贝司(指弹)34 Electric Bass(pick)电贝司(拨片)35 Fretless Bass 无品贝司36 Slap Bass 1 掌击Bass 137 Slap Bass 2 掌击Bass 238 Synth Bass 1 电子合成Bass 139 Synth Bass 2 电子合成Bass 2 合成主音Lead 1(square)合成主音1(方波)81 Lead 2(sawtooth)合成主音2(锯齿波)82 Lead 3(caliope lead)合成主音3 弦乐Violin 小提琴41 Viola 中提琴42 Cello 大提琴Contrabass 低音大提琴Tremolo Strings 弦乐群颤音音色45 Pizzicato Strings 弦乐群拨弦音色46 Orchestral Harp 竖琴47 Timpani 定音鼓合奏/合唱String Ensemble 1 弦乐合奏音色149 String Ensemble 2 弦乐合奏音色250 Synth Strings 1 合成弦乐合奏音色151 Synth Strings 2 合成弦乐合奏音色252 Choir Aahs 人声合唱“啊”53 Voice Oohs 人声“嘟”54 Synth Voice 合成人声55 Orchestra Hit 管弦乐敲击齐奏铜管Trumpet 小号57 Trombone 长号58 Tuba 大号Muted Trumpet 加弱音器小号60 French Horn 法国号(圆号)Brass Section 铜管组(铜管乐器合奏音色)62 Synth Brass 1 合成铜管音色163 Synth Brass 2 合成铜管音色2 簧管Soprano Sax 高音萨克斯风65 Alto Sax 次中音萨克斯风66 Tenor Sax 中音萨克斯风67 Baritone Sax 低音萨克斯风68 Oboe 双簧管69 English Horn 英国管70 Bassoon 巴松(大管)71 Clarinet 单簧管(黑管)笛Piccolo 短笛73 Flute 长笛74 Recorder 竖笛75 Pan Flute 排箫Bottle Blow [中文名称暂缺] 77 Shakuhachi 日本尺八78 Whistle 口哨声79 Ocarina 奥卡雷那Pitched Percussion:有音高打击乐器 1.Timpani 定音鼓 2.Bells 排钟3.Glockenspiel 钢片琴4.Crystal Glasses5.Xylophone 木琴6.Vibraphone 颤音琴7.Marimba 马林巴琴8.Bass Marimba 低音马林巴琴 9.Tubular Bells 管钟 10.Chimes 钟琴 11.Steel Drums 钢鼓 12.Mallets 三角木琴第三篇:常用中英文对照表常用中英文对照表ACT激活全血凝固时间AI主动脉瓣关闭不全AO主动脉AS主动脉狭窄ASD房间隔缺损AV主动脉瓣AVP主动脉瓣成形术AVR主动脉瓣置换COA主动脉狭窄CABG冠状动脉旁路移植术CO心排出量CAD冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病CPB体外循环IABP主动脉内球囊反搏LA左房LVOTO左室流出道狭窄MI二尖瓣关闭不全MV二尖瓣MVR二尖瓣置换术PA肺动脉PDA动脉导管未闭PFO卵圆孔未闭PS肺动脉瓣狭窄RA右房RVOT右室流出道SA单心房SV单心室TA三尖瓣闭锁TGA大动脉转位TS三尖瓣狭窄TVR三尖瓣置换VSD室间隔缺损大血管常用Bentall复合主动脉根部置换DHCA深低温停循环AAR升主动脉置换RHR右半弓置换Arch置换弓部置换EVAn腔内隔绝术TAG全弓置换常用中英文对照表ACT激活全血凝固时间AO主动脉ASD房间隔缺损AVP主动脉瓣成形术COA主动脉狭窄CABG冠状动脉旁路移植术LV 左室MS二尖瓣狭窄MVP二尖瓣成形术PAA肺动脉闭锁PECD部分型心内膜垫缺损PH肺动脉高压PTA共同动脉干RV右室SBE亚急性细菌性心内膜炎SVC上腔静脉TAPVD部分型肺动脉引流TOF法洛四联症TV三尖瓣TVP三尖瓣成形术DVR双瓣置换术SCP选择性脑灌注DAR降主动脉置换LHR左半弓置换CCP持续脑灌注AAO升主动脉AI主动脉瓣关闭不全AS主动脉狭窄AV主动脉瓣AVR主动脉瓣置换CO心排出量CAD冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病CPB体外循环IABP主动脉内球囊反搏LA左房LV 左室 LVOTO左室流出道狭窄 MI二尖瓣关闭不全MS二尖瓣狭窄MV二尖瓣MVP二尖瓣成形术MVR二尖瓣置换术PA肺动脉PAA肺动脉闭锁PDA动脉导管未闭PECD部分型心内膜垫缺损PFO卵圆孔未闭PS肺动脉瓣狭窄RA右房RVOT右室流出道SA单心房SV单心室TA三尖瓣闭锁TGA大动脉转位TS三尖瓣狭窄TVR三尖瓣置换VSD室间隔缺损大血管常用Bentall复合主动脉根部置换DHCA深低温停循环AAR升主动脉置换RHR右半弓置换Arch置换弓部置换EVAn腔内隔绝术TAG全弓置换PH肺动脉高压PTA共同动脉干RV右室SBE亚急性细菌性心内膜炎SVC上腔静脉TAPVD部分型肺动脉引流TOF法洛四联症TV三尖瓣TVP三尖瓣成形术DVR双瓣置换术SCP选择性脑灌注DAR降主动脉置换LHR左半弓置换CCP持续脑灌注AAO升主动脉第四篇:中英文职位对照表ExecutiveAistant行政助理OfficeManager办公室经理Executiveecretary行政秘书Receptionist接待员GeneralOfficeClerk办公室文员ecretary秘书InventoryControlAnalyst存货控制分析taffAistant助理MailRoomupervisor信件中心管理员tenographer速记员OrderEntryClerk订单输入文员T elephoneOperator电话操作员Shiing/ReceivingExpediter收发督导员TicketAgent票务代理Vice-PresidentofAdministratio行政副总裁Typist打字员ExecutiveandManagerial(管理部分)RetailtoreManager零售店经理FooderviceManager食品服务经理ExecutiveMarketingDirector市场行政总监HMOAdministrator 医疗保险管理AistanttoreManager商店经理助理OperatioManager操作经理AistantVice-President副总裁助理roductioManager生产经理ChiefExecutiveOfficer(CEO)首席执行官ropertyManager房地产经理ChiefOperatioOfficer(COO)首席运营官ranchManager部门经理Controller(International)国际监管ClaimExaminer主考官DirectorofOperatio运营总监Controller(General)管理员FieldAuranceCoordinator土地担保协调员GeneralManager总经理ManagementCoultant管理顾问DistrictManager市区经理HoitalAdministrator医院管理resident总统Import/ExportManager进出口经理roductManager产品经理IuranceClaimController保险认领管理员rogramManager程序管理经理IuranceCoordinator保险协调员rojectManager项目经理InventoryControlManager库存管理经理RegionalManager区域经理Manager(Non-ProfitandCharities)非盈利性慈善机构管理erviceManager服务经理ManufacturingManager制造业经理VendingManager售买经理TelecommunicatioManager电信业经理Vice-President副总裁TraortatioManager运输经理WarehouseManager仓库经理EducatioandLibrarycience(教育部分)DaycareWorker保育员ESLTeacher第二外语教师DevelopmentalEducator发展教育家HeadTeacher高级教师ForeigLanguageTeacher外语教师Libraria图书管理员GuidanceCouelor指导顾问MusicTeacher音乐教师LibraryTechnicia图书管理员ay保姆PhysicalEducatioTeacher物理教师rincipal校长Schoolychologist心理咨询教师Teacher教师ecialeedEducator特种教育家T eacherAide助理教师ArtItructor艺术教师ComputerTeacher计算机教师Collegerofeor大学教授Coach教练员AistantDeaoftudent助理训导长Archivist案卷保管员VocationalCouelor职业顾问Tutor家教、辅导教师第五篇:模架-中英文对照表模架:Mould Base动模座板:T op Clamp Plate定模座板:Bottom Clamp Plate动模板:Core Plate定模板:Cavity Plate 支撑板:Support Plate支撑块: Spacer固定板:Retainer Plate立柱:Pillar顶针板:Ejector Plate顶针固定板:Ejector Retainer型芯固定板:Core Retainer耐磨板:Anti-wear Plate 动模:Core 定模镶块:Cavity Insert主流道:Sprue定位圈:Locating Ring导套:Guide Bush堵头: Plug压条:Bracket密封圈: O Ring滑块:Slide弹簧:Spring内六角螺钉:Socket Screw顶针: Ejector Pin直推杆:Straight Ejector Pin拉料杆:Sprue Puller扁顶针:Rectangular Pin垫圈:Spacer Ring复位杆:Reset Pin楔块:Wedge锁紧块:Locking Block浇口:Gate水路:Water Line氮化:Nitriding热处理:Hear Treatment紫铜: Red Copper液压缸:Hydraulic Cylinder锁模装置:Locking Set尼龙拉构: Nylon Latch定模:Cavity 动模镶块:Core Insert浇口套:Sprue Bush导柱:Guide Pin隔水片:Baffle水嘴:Water Nozzle/Collection接头:Connector 斜导柱:Angular(Guide)Pin斜顶:Lifter螺丝:Screw平头螺钉:Grub Screw顶管:EjectorSleeve阶梯推杆:Shouldered Ejector Pin脱料板:Stripper Plate止动钉(垃圾钉):Stop Pin止动垫:Stop Ring斜楔:Angular Cam导轨:Guide Rail滑块挡块:Slide Core Stop Block 流道: Runner 制品: Part 淬火:T emper 标准:STD 吊环:Lifting Ring镶针:Pin。

防疫针疫苗缩写英文全称及相关儿科常见词汇防疫针疫苗缩写英文全称及相关儿科常见词汇卡介苗 BCG(Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine)轮状病毒疫苗Rota (Rotavirus vaccine)A 型肝炎疫苗 HepA (Hepatitis A vaccine )B 型肝炎疫苗 HepB (Hepatitis B vaccine )白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳混合疫苗 DTaP (Diphtheria and tetanus toxoidwith acellular pertussis vaccine)b 型嗜血杆菌疫苗Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine )肺炎双球菌疫苗(结合型)PCV (Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)肺炎链球菌疫苗(多醣体型)PPV (Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine )流行性感冒疫苗 Influenza (Influenza vaccine)麻疹、腮腺炎、德国麻疹混合疫苗MMR (Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine)流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(结合型)MCV4 (Meningococcal conjugate vaccine )流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(多醣体型)MPSV4(Meningococcal polysaccharidevaccine )流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(A、C 型)MenAC (Meningococcal AC ) 流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(A、C 、Y 、W 135型)MenACWY (Meningococcal ACWY )麻疹疫苗Measles (Measles vaccine )德国麻疹疫苗Rubella (Rubella vaccine )白喉、破伤风混合疫苗DT (Tetanus and diphtheria toxoidchildrens\\\' dose)白喉、破伤风、全细胞性百日咳混合疫苗 DTwP (Diphtheria and tetanus toxoidwith whole cell pertussis vaccine)注射式小儿麻痹疫苗 IPV (Inactivated polio vaccine ) 日本脑炎疫苗 JE (Japanese encephalitis vaccine)腮腺炎疫苗Mumps (Mumps vaccine )口服小儿麻痺疫苗OPV(Oral polio vaccine)狂犬病疫苗 Rabies( Rabies vaccine )破伤风、减毒白喉混合疫苗 Td (T etanus and diphtheria toxoid for olderchildren/adults )破伤风类毒素疫苗 TT (Tetanus toxoid)伤寒疫苗 Typhoid (Typhoid fever vaccine )水痘疫苗 Varicella (Varicella vaccine )黄热病疫苗 YF (Yellow fever vaccine )白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳、b 型嗜血杆菌混合疫苗DTaP-Hib (Diphtheria andtetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis and haemophilus influenzae type bvaccine )白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳、B 型肝炎、不活化小儿麻痺混合疫苗 DTaP-HepB-IPV(Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis, hepatitis B andInactivated polio vaccine )白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳、b 型嗜血杆菌、不活化小儿麻痺混合疫苗 DTaP-Hib-IPV (Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis, haemophilusinfluenzae type b and Inactivated polio vaccine )b 型嗜血桿菌、B 型肝炎混合疫苗Hib-HepB (Haemophilus influenzae type b andhepatitis B vaccine )A 型肝炎、B 型肝炎混合疫苗 HepA-HepB (Hepatitis A andhepatitis B vaccine )麻疹、腮腺炎混合疫苗MM (Measles and mumps virus vaccine )麻疹、德国麻疹混合疫苗或腮腺炎、德国麻疹混合疫苗MR (Measles and rubellavaccine or Mumps and rubella vaccine )麻疹、腮腺炎、德国麻疹、水痘混合疫苗MMRV (Measles, mumps, rubella, andvaricella virus vaccine )腮腺炎疫苗 Mumps (Mumps vaccine)*儿科医学常见词汇(zt)儿科学 Pediatrics儿童保健 Child care疾病防治 Disease prevention营养基础 Basal nutrition婴儿喂养Infants’ feeding营养不良 Malnutrition小儿肥胖 obesity in Childhood解剖 Anatomy生理生化 Physiology and biochemistry营养代谢 Nutrition and Metabolism 免疫 Immunity病理 Pathology疾病的种类 Variety of Disease临床表现 Clinical Situation诊断 Diagnosis治疗 Treatment预后 Prognosis预防 Prevention胎儿期 Fetal Stage胚卵期 Ovigerm Stage胚胎期 Embryo Stage新生儿期 Neonatal Period脐带 Omphalus足月儿 Term Infant早产儿 Premature过期产儿 Post term Infant围产期 Perinatal stage婴儿期 Infancy幼儿期 T oddler Period学龄期 School age青春期 Adolescence遗传 inheritance性别 sex内分泌 endocrine孕母情况mother’s condition营养 nutrition。

疫苗缩写&英文全称及相关儿科常见词汇疫苗英文缩写及全称卡介苗BCG(Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine)轮状病毒疫苗Rota (Rotavirus vaccine)A 型肝炎疫苗HepA (Hepatitis A vaccine )B 型肝炎疫苗HepB (Hepatitis B vaccine )白喉、破伤风、无细胞百日咳混合疫苗DTaP (Diphtheria and tetanus toxoidwith acellular pertussis vaccine)b 型嗜血杆菌疫苗Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine )肺炎双球菌疫苗(结合型)PCV (Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)肺炎链球菌疫苗(多醣体型)PPV (Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine )流行性感冒疫苗Influenza (Influenza vaccine)麻疹、腮腺炎、德国麻疹混合疫苗MMR(Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine)流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(结合型)MCV4 (Meningococcal conjugate vaccine )流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(多醣体型)MPSV4 (Meningococcal polysaccharidevaccine )流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(A、C 型)MenAC (Meningococcal AC )流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(A、C 、Y 、W 135型)MenACWY (Meningococcal ACWY )麻疹疫苗Measles (Measles vaccine )德国麻疹疫苗Rubella(Rubella vaccine )白喉、破伤风混合疫苗DT (Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid childrens\\\' dose)白喉、破伤风、全细胞性百日咳混合疫苗DTwP (Diphtheria and tetanus toxoidwith whole cell pertussis vaccine)注射式小儿麻痹疫苗IPV (Inactivated polio vaccine )日本脑炎疫苗JE (Japanese encephalitis vaccine)腮腺炎疫苗Mumps (Mumps vaccine )口服小儿麻痺疫苗OPV(Oral polio vaccine)狂犬病疫苗Rabies(Rabies vaccine )破伤风、减毒白喉混合疫苗Td (Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid for older children/adults )破伤风类毒素疫苗TT (Tetanus toxoid)伤寒疫苗Typhoid (Typhoid fever vaccine )水痘疫苗V aricella (Varicella vaccine )黄热病疫苗YF (Yellow fever vaccine )白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳、b 型嗜血杆菌混合疫苗DTaP-Hib (Diphtheria andtetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis and haemophilus influenzae type bvaccine )白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳、B 型肝炎、不活化小儿麻痺混合疫苗DTaP-HepB-IPV(Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis, hepatitis B andInactivated polio vaccine )白喉、破伤风、非细胞性百日咳、b 型嗜血杆菌、不活化小儿麻痺混合疫苗DTaP-Hib-IPV (Inactivated polio vaccine )b 型嗜血桿菌、B 型肝炎混合疫苗Hib-HepB (Haemophilus influenzae type b andhepatitis B vaccine )A 型肝炎、B 型肝炎混合疫苗HepA-HepB (Hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine )麻疹、腮腺炎混合疫苗MM (Measles and mumps virus vaccine )麻疹、德国麻疹混合疫苗或腮腺炎、德国麻疹混合疫苗MR (Measles and rubellavaccine or Mumps and rubella vaccine )麻疹、腮腺炎、德国麻疹、水痘混合疫苗MMRV (Measles, mumps, rubella, andvaricella virus vaccine )腮腺炎疫苗Mumps (Mumps vaccine)*儿科医学常见词汇(zt)儿科学Pediatrics儿童保健Child care疾病防治Disease prevention营养基础Basal nutrition婴儿喂养Infants' feeding营养不良Malnutrition小儿肥胖obesity in Childhood解剖Anatomy生理生化Physiology and biochemistry营养代谢Nutrition and Metabolism免疫Immunity病理Pathology疾病的种类Variety of Disease临床表现Clinical Situation诊断Diagnosis治疗Treatment预后Prognosis预防Prevention胎儿期Fetal Stage胚卵期Ovigerm Stage胚胎期Embryo Stage新生儿期Neonatal Period脐带Omphalus足月儿Term Infant早产儿Premature过期产儿Post term Infant围产期Perinatal stage婴儿期Infancy幼儿期Toddler Period学龄期School age青春期Adolescence遗传inheritance性别sex内分泌endocrine孕母情况mother's condition营养nutrition。

接种疫苗相关词汇英语作文Title: The Importance of COVID-19 Vaccination: A Comprehensive Overview。
In the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic, vaccination has emerged as a crucial tool in combating the spread of the virus and protecting public health. This essay aims to delve into various aspects related to COVID-19 vaccination, including its significance, the science behind it, challenges, and the way forward.### Significance of COVID-19 Vaccination。
COVID-19 vaccination plays a pivotal role in achieving herd immunity, which is essential for controlling the spread of the virus within communities. By vaccinating a significant portion of the population, we can reduce the transmission of the virus, thereby preventing severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths. Moreover, widespread vaccination can facilitate the reopening of economies andthe resumption of normalcy in daily life.### The Science Behind Vaccines。

关于疫苗的英语介绍作文Title: The Importance of Vaccines: A Comprehensive Overview。
Introduction:Vaccines have long been heralded as one of the most effective tools in preventing infectious diseases and safeguarding public health. In recent years, amidst the backdrop of global health crises, their significance has been further underscored. This essay aims to delve into the importance of vaccines, examining their historical significance, mechanisms of action, impact on disease prevention, and dispelling common misconceptions.Historical Significance:The history of vaccines traces back to the pioneering work of Edward Jenner in the late 18th century, who developed the first successful smallpox vaccine. Since then,vaccines have evolved significantly, leading to the eradication or near-elimination of numerous deadly diseases such as polio, measles, and diphtheria. These achievements highlight the transformative power of vaccination in public health.Mechanisms of Action:Vaccines work by stimulating the immune system to recognize and combat specific pathogens, such as viruses or bacteria, without causing the disease itself. Theytypically contain weakened or inactivated forms of the targeted pathogen or its toxins, prompting the immune system to produce antibodies and memory cells. This process ensures that the body can mount a rapid and robust defense upon future encounters with the actual pathogen,effectively preventing infection or reducing its severity.Impact on Disease Prevention:The impact of vaccines on disease prevention cannot be overstated. Through widespread vaccination campaigns,diseases that were once widespread and deadly have been brought under control. For instance, the global effort to eradicate smallpox, culminating in its official eradication in 1980, stands as a testament to the effectiveness of vaccines. Similarly, the introduction of vaccines against diseases like measles and polio has led to dramatic reductions in their incidence and associated mortality rates.Public Health Benefits:Vaccines not only protect individuals but also confer herd immunity, whereby a sufficiently high proportion of the population is immunized, preventing the spread of disease within communities. This concept is particularly crucial for those who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons, such as individuals with compromised immune systems or allergies. By reducing the overall prevalence of infectious diseases, vaccines contribute to the overall well-being of society and alleviate the burden on healthcare systems.Addressing Vaccine Misconceptions:Despite their proven efficacy and safety, vaccines have faced skepticism and misinformation in certain quarters. Common misconceptions include concerns about vaccine safety, purported links to autism, and distrust of pharmaceutical companies. However, extensive scientific research and rigorous regulatory processes have consistently affirmedthe safety and effectiveness of vaccines. It is essentialto address these misconceptions through education,evidence-based communication, and fostering trust in public health authorities.Conclusion:In conclusion, vaccines represent a cornerstone of modern medicine and public health. From their humbleorigins to the present day, vaccines have saved countless lives and prevented untold suffering. Their continued development and widespread adoption remain vital in combating existing and emerging infectious diseases, as demonstrated by the ongoing efforts to address the COVID-19pandemic. By understanding their historical significance, mechanisms of action, and public health benefits, we can fully appreciate the importance of vaccines in safeguarding the health and well-being of individuals and communities worldwide.。
疫苗介绍 英文作文

疫苗介绍英文作文Vaccines are an important tool in preventing infectious diseases. They work by stimulating the immune system to produce antibodies, which can then fight off the disease if the body is exposed to it in the future.Vaccines are made from either weakened or killed forms of the virus or bacteria that causes the disease. This allows the body to recognize the pathogen and develop an immune response without actually causing the disease.Vaccines have been incredibly successful in reducing the incidence of many infectious diseases, such as measles, polio, and smallpox. In fact, smallpox has been completely eradicated thanks to the widespread use of vaccines.It's important for as many people as possible to get vaccinated in order to achieve what is known as "herd immunity." This means that when a large percentage of the population is immune to a disease, it provides indirectprotection to those who are not immune, such as people who are too young or too sick to be vaccinated.Vaccines are rigorously tested for safety and effectiveness before they are approved for use. Thebenefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks, and the vast majority of people experience no serious side effects.In conclusion, vaccines are a crucial tool in preventing the spread of infectious diseases. They work by stimulating the immune system to produce antibodies, and have been incredibly successful in reducing the incidence of many dangerous diseases. It's important for as many people as possible to get vaccinated in order to protect not only themselves, but also those who are unable to be vaccinated.。

简单疫苗介绍英文作文Vaccines are a way to help protect people from certain diseases. They work by stimulating the body's immune system to produce antibodies, which can then recognize and fight off the disease if the person is exposed to it in the future.There are many different types of vaccines, including live attenuated vaccines, inactivated vaccines, subunit, recombinant, polysaccharide, and conjugate vaccines. Each type works in a slightly different way, but they all serve the same purpose of helping the body build immunity to specific diseases.Vaccines have been proven to be very effective in preventing diseases such as measles, polio, smallpox, and influenza. They have played a crucial role in reducing the spread of these diseases and saving countless lives.Some people may experience mild side effects afterreceiving a vaccine, such as soreness at the injection site, fever, or fatigue. These side effects are usually temporary and go away on their own.Vaccines are an important tool in public health, and vaccination programs have helped to eradicate certain diseases and prevent widespread outbreaks. It is important for individuals to stay up to date on their vaccinations to protect themselves and others from preventable diseases.。

疫苗试题及答案英语Vaccine Quiz and Answers1. What is a vaccine?- A. A drug to treat diseases- B. A substance that stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies- C. A medical device for diagnostic purposes- D. A surgical toolAnswer: B2. Which of the following is NOT a type of vaccine?- A. Live attenuated- B. Inactivated- C. Subunit- D. AntibioticAnswer: D3. What does the term 'herd immunity' refer to?- A. The immunity of a single individual- B. The immunity of a group of people- C. The immunity of an animal- D. The immunity of a plantAnswer: B4. How do vaccines work to protect against infectious diseases?- A. By killing the pathogens- B. By weakening the immune system- C. By providing a first exposure to the pathogen,allowing the immune system to recognize and fight it off inthe future- D. By replacing the immune systemAnswer: C5. Which of the following is a common side effect of vaccines? - A. Severe allergic reactions- B. Chronic illness- C. Mild pain or swelling at the injection site- D. Permanent disabilityAnswer: C6. Why is it important to vaccinate children according to the recommended schedule?- A. To ensure they are exposed to all possible pathogens- B. To maximize the profit of pharmaceutical companies- C. To provide protection against diseases at the most vulnerable age- D. To fulfill legal requirementsAnswer: C7. What is the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in vaccine development and distribution?- A. To regulate the price of vaccines- B. To ensure the safety and efficacy of vaccines globally- C. To produce vaccines in their own laboratories- D. To provide vaccines only to developing countriesAnswer: B8. What is the term used to describe the intentional spread of false information about vaccines?- A. Vaccine hesitancy- B. Anti-vaccination- C. Misinformation- D. All of the aboveAnswer: D9. Which of the following is a historical example of a disease that was eradicated through vaccination?- A. Smallpox- B. Measles- C. Influenza- D. TuberculosisAnswer: A10. What is the purpose of booster shots in vaccination schedules?- A. To increase the dosage of the vaccine- B. To provide an additional dose when the initial vaccine is ineffective- C. To reinforce the immune response over time- D. To treat the disease after it has been contracted Answer: C。

疫苗的英语作文Title: The Importance of Vaccines in Public Health。
In recent years, the topic of vaccines has sparked widespread debate and discussion globally. With the emergence of various infectious diseases and the ongoing battle against pandemics such as COVID-19, the significance of vaccines in safeguarding public health has become more apparent than ever. In this essay, we will delve into the importance of vaccines in preventing diseases, addressing misconceptions surrounding them, and highlighting theirrole in achieving herd immunity.First and foremost, vaccines play a pivotal role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases. By introducing a weakened or killed form of a pathogen into the body, vaccines stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies without causing the disease itself. These antibodies provide immunity against future encounters with the pathogen, effectively protecting individuals fromfalling ill. Diseases that were once rampant, such as polio, measles, and smallpox, have been significantly controlledor eradicated altogether through widespread vaccination campaigns.Moreover, vaccines contribute to the concept of herd immunity, which occurs when a significant portion of the population becomes immune to a disease, either through vaccination or prior infection. This phenomenon helpsprotect individuals who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons or age-related factors, such as newborns and individuals with compromised immune systems. By reducingthe overall prevalence of a disease within a community, vaccines create a protective barrier that limits the spread of pathogens, ultimately saving lives and reducing healthcare burdens.Despite their proven effectiveness, vaccines have been met with skepticism and opposition from certain groups. Misconceptions regarding vaccine safety, efficacy, and ingredients have fueled hesitancy among some individuals, leading to decreased vaccination rates in certaincommunities. However, it is essential to address these concerns with evidence-based information and education to ensure informed decision-making regarding vaccination.Furthermore, the rapid development of vaccines in response to emerging infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, has highlighted the importance of global collaboration and scientific innovation. Through advancements in vaccine technology and manufacturing processes, researchers have been able to expedite the development and distribution of vaccines, contributing to efforts to curb the spread of the virus and mitigate its impact on public health and economies worldwide.In conclusion, vaccines are a cornerstone of public health, providing effective protection against a wide range of infectious diseases and contributing to the achievement of herd immunity. By promoting vaccination uptake and addressing misconceptions, we can harness the fullpotential of vaccines in safeguarding individual and community health. As we navigate through the complexities of global health challenges, vaccines remain a vital toolin our arsenal against infectious diseases, underscoring the need for continued investment, research, and advocacy in this critical area.。

health. Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases of P.R.C. and The Ordinance
acute attack of chronic disease, the vaccination should be taken after the recovery.
Sichuan Provincial Children’s Vaccination Certification
Vaccination is taken based on the certificate, please keep it carefully
Sichuan Provincial Health Bureau
practices planned vaccination system; The nation applies the vaccination system on
vaccination can be taken after conschildren; the vaccination listed in the national immunization program is free; the custodian
Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases of P.R.C. The fifteenth ordinance regulates specifically:
The nation practices planned vaccination system. The nation applies the vaccination system on children.
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2017/9/21 9:39 中文 疫苗 种类
定期 接种 ジフテリ ア 百日せ源自 破傷風 ポリオ 定期 接种 定期 接种
入托、入园 、入学必备 分类
接种情况 分类
过期 未接种
未到接种 开始时间
预防接种时间计划 日文 注射时间 日本 疫苗(可预防疾病)名称
中国 3
4-5个月 12-24个月
适用于2月龄以上儿童,6月龄以下儿童注射三针,间隔1-2个月,一年 后加强一次;6-12个月儿童注射两针,间隔1个月,于出生后第二年加 强接种一次;1-5岁儿童注射一针 18月龄接种第一剂,满4岁接种第二剂 ? 出生 1个月 6个月 初中一年级
水痘(水ぼうそう) 小児用肺炎球菌 ヒトパピローマウイルス (HPV) 二種混合(TD) B型肝炎(HBV) 麻しん.風しん(MR) 麻しん (MR) 風しん 2価 4価
水痘疫苗 肺炎球菌结合疫苗 人乳头瘤病毒疫苗(宫颈癌疫 苗) ? 重组乙型肝炎疫苗(乙肝疫苗 /HepB)
二类 ? 一类
12-18个月 18-24个月 2个月 3个月 13-14岁 11-12岁 (2期) 3个月
12-18个月 -
2016.12.12 2017.02.16 2017.04.21 (日本) (日本) (日本)
3个月 3个月 4个月 5-6个月 18-24个月 2个月 (IPV)
3个月 4个月 (bOPV) (bOPV) -
4岁(bOPV) -
2017.07.28 (日本)
1.5岁 大一进京 新生 6个月 (MPSVA)
9个月 (MPSVA)
一类 一类 一类 一类 一类 一类
9-12岁 (2期)
6岁 (DT) 初中三年 级(dT) 大一进京 新生 (dT)
2017.02.16 2017.04.21 2017.07.28 2018.11. (日本) (日本) (日本) 28
吸附无细胞百白破、灭活脊髓灰 脊髓灰质炎、百日咳、白喉 质炎和b型流感嗜血杆菌联合疫 、破伤风、B型流感嗜血杆菌 苗(DTaP-IPV-Hib五联疫苗) 引起的脑膜炎、肺炎 23价肺炎球菌多糖疫苗 肺炎球菌肺炎
用于65岁以上老年人、慢性病疾患或免疫功能减弱的人群,注射一针, 高危人群五年后加强一次,健康人不需要加强
Dpta, inactivated ジフテリ ア・破傷風・沈降精製百日咳 菌-B 型肝炎ウイルス-不活化ポリオ/ polio and Hib イ ンフルエンザ菌 b 型 混合ワクチン vaccine 23-Valent Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Enterovirus type 71 inactivated vaccine Rabies Vaccine 23価肺炎球菌莢膜多糖体ワクチン 不活化アラムアジュバントEV71ワクチ ン 狂犬病ワクチン
2016.12.12 2017.02.16 2017.09.05 (日本) (日本) (北京)
定期 接种 麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹减毒活疫苗 (麻风腮疫苗/MMR) 任意 接种 任意 接种 任意 接种 轮状病毒疫苗
1.5岁 6岁 -
12-18个月 (日本) (日本) 2个月 2个月 5-6岁 3个月 3个月 4个月 -
B型流感嗜血杆菌引起的小儿 脑膜炎、肺炎 水痘 肺炎球菌结合 宫颈癌 ? 乙肝 麻疹 风疹 流行性腮腺炎
2016.12.12 2017.02.16 2017.04.21 (日本) (日本) (日本) 1岁 -
乙脑减毒活疫苗(Je-L) 无细胞百白破疫苗(DTaP/三 联) 脊灰疫苗(OPV) 卡介苗(BCG) 冻干甲肝减毒活疫苗(甲肝疫苗) 麻疹减毒灭活疫苗(麻疹疫苗) A群流脑多糖体疫苗(流脑疫苗 /MPSV-A)
乙型脑炎 白喉 百日咳 破伤风 骨髓灰质炎 结核病 甲型病毒性肝炎 麻疹
疫苗 类型
A群莢膜多糖体髄膜炎菌ワクチン 麻しん (MR) 風しん
定期 接种 定期 接种 定期 接种 定期 接种 定期 接种 定期 接种 任意 接种
麻疹 风疹
适用于6月龄至5岁EV71病毒感染者,基础免疫程序为2剂次,间隔1个月 犬类动物咬伤或抓伤者按0、3、7、14、28(或30)天或者0、7、21天 程序接种越早接种越好,咬伤严重者在医生指导下酌情加用抗狂犬病被 动免疫制剂,特殊职业人群活宠物饲养者按0、7、21(或28)天程序做 预防注射 2岁或2岁以上儿童、青少年和有接触或传播危险的成年人初次免疫者分 别于0、7、28天口服,每次一粒,接受过免疫人员可视疫情于流行季节 前加强一次
中日英疫苗接种汇总 英文 疫苗(可预防疾 病)名称
Japanese Encephalitis Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus Polio BCG Hepatitis A Vaccine,live Freezed-Dried Measles (Live) Vaccine Group A Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Measles Rubella Haemophilus influenzae type b Varicella Streptococcus pneumoniae Human Papilloma ? Hepatitis B Measles Rubella Mumps Rotavirus おたふくかぜ 1価 ロタウイルス 5価 BCG 凍結乾燥肝炎減毒ワクチン 麻しん
二类 2016.12.12 2017.02.16 2017.04.21
6个月-12岁每年2次 (10月份、11月分)
6月龄-35月龄儿童注射两针,间隔一个月,每针0.25ml;3岁以上儿童 或成人注射一针,每针0.5ml。该免疫在每年9-12月接种 适用于2月龄以上婴幼儿,2、3、4月龄和18-24月龄各接种1剂。第1、2 、3剂相邻两剂间隔≧28天,第3、4剂之间间隔≧6个月
Chelera Vaccine