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Apr. 7th


学校____________ 班级____________ 姓名____________ 成绩___________

第一部分 听力理解

一、听句子,选出句中所含的单词,将标号写在括号内。 1. ( ) A. weather B. date C. day

2. ( ) A. place B. print C. plastic

3. ( ) A. June B. May

C. October

4. ( ) A. January B. February C. March

5. ( ) A. tired B. thirsty C. scared

6. ( )

A. litter

B. little

C. late



What ’s the 8. _____today? It is April 22nd , World Earth Day. There are many things we can do to 9._____the environment. We can go to school or work by bus or by bike. We should10._____ using plastic bags, and we should be careful not to 11.______ so that we can keep our city 12._____and tidy.

第二部分 语言知识


13. ( ) April 7th is World Health Day. 14. ( ) Don’t use plastic bags.

15. ( ) September 22nd is Car Free Day. 16. ( ) Don’t litter in public places. 17. ( ) June 5th is World Environment Day. 18. ( ) You should keep off the grass. A. B. C.

D. E. F.

五、读句子或对话,从A 、B 、C 中选择最佳选项,将字母标号写在提前括号内。

( ) 19. —What ’s the_____today?

—It ’s October 4th .

A. day

B. date

C. time

( ) 20. We should stop_____plastic bags.

A. use

B. used

C. using

( ) 21. Don ’t leave the water_____when you ’re brushing your


A. watching

B. running

C. littering

( ) 22. March 22nd is______.

A. World Water Day

B. World Earth Day

C. World

Animal Day

第三部分 综合运用 六、读短文,选择正确的答案,将字母标号写在横线上。

Lingling and Yangyang both need to23. _____ their homework. They want to help24._____paper and trees, so they print on both

sides of the 25._____. They will 26._____to turn off the TV when they are not watching.


There are many kinds of energy(能), including light, heat, electricity(电), and sound. Heat(热度) from the sun warms the air, land and sea. Plants use the energy in sunlight to make their own food. We can use solar panels (太阳能板) to change sunlight into electricity. When things move very fast such as wind, they generate(产生) a lot of energy. We can use a wind turbine(涡轮机) to make electricity. Coal, oil, and gas are fuels. We burn them to make light and heat. Fuels come from the remains of dead plants and animals. 27. ( ) Plants use solar energy to make their own food.

28.( ) When things move very slow, they generate a lot of energy. 29.( ) We can burn the fuels to make light and heat. 30.( ) Coal, gas, and oil are fuels.

31.( ) One kind of energy can change into another

A. ( )

B. ( )

C. ( )

A .stop B. litter C. clean D. protect E. date A. remember B. paper C. save D. print
