
William Shakespeare
• Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets.
• The first group (1126): to Mr. W. H.
• The second group (127-152): to a Dark Lady
iambic pentameter
• meter: the basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines
in verse the pattern of syllables in a line of poetry a rhythm of accented and unaccented syllables
arranged into feet.
iambic: 抑扬格(轻读音节与重读音节交替出现) pentameter:五音步 (five feet) syllable: 音节,通常包含一个元音和若干辅音 vowel: 元音 consonant: 辅音
iambic pentameter
• Example: 1. if you would put the key inside the lock
Sonnet 18
• In the sonnet, the speaker compares his beloved to the summer season, and argues that his beloved is better. He also states that his beloved will live on forever through the words of the poem.
• The Canterbury Tales was written in the years between 1387 and 1400. It has a general prologue and twenty four tales that are connected by “links”.



莎士比亚的四大悲剧之一《哈姆雷特》中有这样一段经典的独白:“T o be, or not to be-that is the question:Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer……”父亲突然死亡,叔叔继位并且娶嫂为妻,与此同时,一个深夜,父亲冤死的鬼魂出现,让他复仇,之前精神的痛苦已使哈姆雷特的精神颓唐,而鬼魂揭露的真相又加重了他的心理负担。

Highlights of British and American Literature 《英美文学精品选读》Part I An Appreciation of English Literature 上篇:英国文学Chapter 1 Medieval Literature 中世纪英国文学Jeffery Chaucer 杰弗里•乔叟The Canterbury Tales (General Prologue)Chapter 2 The Renaissance Period 文艺复兴时期英国文学William Shakespeare 威廉•莎士比亚Sonnet 18Sonnet 29Romeo and Juliet: Part of Scene IIChapter 3 English Romantic Poetry 英国浪漫主义诗歌1. Robert Burns 罗伯特•彭斯A Red, Red RoseMy Heart’s in the Highlands2. William Wordsworth 威廉•华兹华斯I wandered lonely as a cloudComposed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 18023. Percy Bysshe Shelley 波西•比西•雪莱To---Ode to the West Wind4. Jane Austen 简•奥斯汀Pride and Prejudice (Chapter I)Chapter 4 The Victorian Age 维多利亚文学时期1. Charles Dickens 查尔斯•狄更斯A Tale of Two Cities ( Chapter I)2. Bronte Sisters 布朗特姐妹Charlotte Bronte 夏洛特•布朗特Jane Eyre (Chapter XXXVIII)Emily Bronte 艾米莉•布朗特Wuthering Heights (Chapter XV)3. Robert Browning 罗伯特•布朗宁My Last Duchess FerraraMeeting At NightParting at Morning4. Elizabeth Barrett Browning 伊丽莎白•巴雷特•布朗宁Sonnets from the Portuguese: 14Sonnets from the Portuguese: 43Chapter 5 Twentieth Century Literature 二十世纪文学时期1. Thomas Hardy 托马斯•哈代Tess of the D’Urberbilles (Chapter XXXV)2. Virginia woolf 维吉尼亚•沃尔夫Mrs. Dalloway (The beginning part)Part II An Appreciation of American Literature 下篇:美国文学Chapter 1: The Romantic Period 浪漫主义时期文学1. Washington Irving 华盛顿•欧文Rip Van Winkle (The beginning part)2. Ralph Waldo Emerson 拉尔夫•瓦尔多•爱默生Nature (Chapter I)3. Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加•艾伦•坡The Raven4. Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) 纳撒尼尔•霍桑The Scarlet Letter (Chapter I, II)Chapter 2: The Literature of Realism 现实主义文学时期1.Walt Whitman 惠特曼Leaves of Grass: O Captain! My Captain!Leaves of Grass: I Hear America singing2. Emily Dickinson 艾米丽•狄金森HopeI’m NobodyI heard a Fly buzz—when I died—3. Mark Twain 马克•吐温The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Chapter I)Chapter 3: Twentieth-century Literature 二十世纪文学时期1. Ezra Pound 埃兹拉•庞德In a Station of the MetroThe River-Merchant’s Wife: A Let ter2. Robert Frost 罗伯特•弗洛斯特The Road Not TakenStopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening3. Thomas Stearns Eliot 托马斯•斯特尔纳斯•艾略特The Waste Land (Subtitles: The Burial of the Dead)4. Francis Scott Fitzgerald 弗朗西斯•司各特•菲兹杰拉德The Great Gatsby (Chapter III)5. Ernest Hemingway 厄尼斯特•海明威The Old Man and the Sea (Chapter XXVII, XXVIII, XXXVIIII)6. William Faulkner 威廉•福克纳A Rose for Emily (Chapter I, II, III, IV)《英美文学精华选读》将简要介绍英美各时期的主要文学文化思潮,文学流派和代表作家。

王莎士比亚的灿烂王冠上 面的一颗最光辉的钻石。
——俄国著名文学批评家 别林斯基
List of Characters
• Hamlet---Prince of Denmark
son of dead King and nephew the present ruler of Denmark to
• Henry VIII
One of The Oscar Best Movie Posters
• Best Picture of the Year • Performance by an actor in a leading role • Performance by an actress in a leading role • Performance by an actor/actress in a supporting role • Achievement in directing • Best foreign language film of the year
• • • • • Act I Act II Act III Act IV Act V Scene 1~5 Scene 1~2 Scene 1~4 Scentio and two others are on watch at the castle of Elsinore. They see a ghost resembling the late King of Denmark. The specter cannot be persuaded to speak. It vanishes at cockcrow. Claudius thanks his subjects for assistance in the ceremonies at his brother’s funeral and his own marriage. He also sends ambassadors to curb Fortinbras’ threatening invasion. Hamlet grieves over his mother’s speedy re-marriage. He is told of the ghost. Laertes warns Ophelia of Hamlet’s attentions. Polonius orders Ophelia to reject Hamlet. The ghost leads Hamlet away, tells him how he was murdered, and asks him to revenge.

威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)作为英国文学史上最伟大的作家之一,威廉·莎士比亚的作品充满了浪漫主义的精神。
简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen)简·奥斯丁是英国文学史上最受欢迎的女作家之一,她的作品以浪漫主义情感为基石,以描绘中产阶级日常生活为背景。

1墓园挽歌:托马斯·格雷(Thomas Gray,1716-1771)是感伤主义诗歌的代表诗人。
他最著名的诗歌是便是《墓园挽歌》,并因此同写过《夜吟死亡》(Nitht-Piece on Death,1721)的托马斯·帕达尔(Thomas Parnell, 1679-1718),写过《坟墓》(The Grave, 1743)的罗伯特·布莱尔(Robert Blair,1699-1746)和写过《夜思》(Night Thoughts,1742)的爱德华·杨格(Edward Yong,1683-1765)等人一道被称为“墓园派诗人”。
这首诗共32 节,每节有四行五步抑扬格组成,以abab 押韵。
(The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea,The ploughman homeward plods his weary way,And leaves the world to darkness and to me.)开头一段描写了天黑时分牧人赶着牛群徐徐入村,农人们经历了一天的劳累拖着疲惫的步伐回家的景象,把恬静的乡村生活如风景画般的呈现在了我们面前。

1843年被封为英国“桂冠诗人”.威廉.布雷克To see a world in a grain of sand, 从一粒沙子看到一个世界,And a heaven in a wild flower, 从一朵野花看到一个天堂,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, 把握在你手心里的就是无限,And eternity in an hour. 永恒也就消融于一个时辰。



英美散文赏析The Poem I Like BestThe Daffodils--Written by William WordsworthI wondered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o'er vales and hills,When all at once i saw a crowd,A host,of golden daffodils;Beside the lake,beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the Milky Way,They stretched in never-ending lineAlong the margin of a bay:Ten thousand saw i at a glanceTossing their heads in sprightly dance.The waves beside them danced, but theyOut-did the sparking waves in glee:A Poet could not but be gayIn such a jocund company:I gazed—and gazed—but little thoughtWhat wealth the show to me had brought:For oft, when on my couch i lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils.二、译文:我孤独地漫游像一朵浮云,高高地漂荡在山谷之上,突然我看见一簇簇一群群金色的水仙在迎春开放,在湖畔旁,在树荫下,迎着微风起舞翩翩。


To his loveThis poem begins on a quiet note, remembering times of his past which were happy times, at home with his friend, who is now lying dead.The sight of the friends mangled body is expressed by a note of rising hysteria as he tries to blot out the sight and memory of his dead friend.Gurney mentions the River Severn and Gloucestershire, which together with his friend give two themes to this poem.During 1917 Gurney published a collection of poems ' Severn and Somme ' a tribute to his beloved Gloucestershire and a direct comparison to the WW1 on the Somme. By 1918 it was clear that his horrific experiences hadThe contrast in the beautiful imagery of the countryside and the horrific imagery of death gives the poem the dramatic feel that Gurney is not only trying to express but going through himself. The fact that the poem explains a real situation makes the reader greive with the narrator of the lost friend.affected his already fragile mental state.Annabel Lee"Annabel Lee" is the last complete poem[1] composed by American author Edgar Allan Poe. Like many of Poe's poems, it explores the theme of the death of a beautiful woman.[2] The narrator, who fell in love with Annabel Lee when they were young, has a love for her so strong that even angels are jealous. He retains his love for her even after her death. There has been debate over whom, if anyone, was the inspiration for "Annabel Lee"."Annabel Lee" consists of six stanzas, three with six lines, one with seven, and two with eight, with the rhyme pattern differing slightly in each one.[2] Though it is not technically a ballad, Poe referred to it as one.[8] Like a ballad, the poem utilizes repetition of words and phrases purposely to create its mournful effect.[2] The name Annabel Lee emphasizes the letter "L", a frequent device in Poe's female characters such as "Eulalie", "Lenore", and "Ulalume".[9]There is debate on the last line of the poem. The Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore, Maryland has identified 11 different versions of the poem that were published between 1849 and 1850.[10] However, the biggest variation is in the final line:The Chimney Sweeper"The Chimney Sweeper" is the title of two poems by William Blake, published in Songs of Innocence in 1789 and Songs of Experience in 1794.[1] The poem "The Chimney Sweeper" is set against the dark background of child labor that was well known in England in the late 18th and 19th century. At the age of four and five, boys were sold to clean chimneys, due to their small size. These children were oppressed,and had a diminutive existence that was socially acceptable at the time. In the earlier poem, a young chimney sweeper recounts a dream had by one of his fellows, in which an angel rescues the boys from coffins and takes them to a sunny meadow; in the later poem, an apparently adult speaker encounters a child chimney sweeper abandoned in the snow while his parents are at church or possibly even suffered death where church is referring to being with God.The road not taken"The Road Not Taken" is an ironic commentary on the autonomy of choice in a world governed by instincts, unpredictable contingencies, and limited possibilities. It parodies and demurs from the biblical idea that God is the "way" that can and should be followed and the American idea that nature provides the path to spiritual enlightenment. The title refers doubly to bravado for choosing a road less traveled but also to regret for a road of lost possibility and the eliminations and changes produced by choice. "The Road Not Taken " reminds us of the consequences of the principle of selection in al1 aspects of life, namely that al1 choices in knowledge or in action exclude many others and lead to an ironic recognitions of our achievements. At the heart of the poem is the romantic mythology of flight from a fixed world of limited possibility into a wilderness of many possibilities combined with trials and choices through which the pilgrim progresses to divine perfection. I agree with Frank Lentricchia's view that the poem draws on "the culturally ancient and pervasive idea of nature as allegorical book, out of which to draw explicit lessons for the conduct of life (nature as self-help text)." I would argue that what it is subverting is something more profound than the sentimental expectations of genteel readers of fireside poetry. . . .I Wandered Lonely as a CloudThe poem is 24 lines long, consisting of four six-line stanzas. Each stanza is formed by a quatrain, then a couplet, to form a sestet and a ABABCC rhyme scheme.[1] The fourth- and third-last lines were not composed by Wordsworth, but by his wife, Mary. Wordsworth considered them the best lines of the whole poem.[1][12] Like most works by Wordsworth, it is romantic in nature;[13] the beauty of nature, unkempt by humanity, and a reconciliation of man with his environment, are two of the fundamental principles of the romantic movement within poetry. The poem is littered with emotionally strong words, such as "golden", "dancing" and "bliss".The plot of the poem is simple. Wordsworth believed it "an elementary feeling and simple impression".[14] The speaker is wandering as if among the clouds, viewing a belt of daffodils, next to a lake whose beauty is overshadowed:[15]The reversal of usual syntax in phrases, particularly "Ten thousand saw I at a glance" is used as part of foregrounding (for emphasis).[16] Loneliness, it seems, is only a human emotion, unlike the mere solitariness of the cloud.[17] In the second and third verses, the memory of the daffodils is given permanence (particularly through comparison the stars); this is in contrast to the transitory nature of life examined in other works:[18]In the last stanza, it is revealed that this scene is only a memory of the pensive speaker.[12] This is marked by a change from a narrative past tense to the present tense. as a conclusion to a sense of movement within the poem: passive to active motion; from sadness to blissfulness.[16] The scene of the last verse mirrors the readers' situation as they take in the poem:[。

英美文学赏析Reading and Writing about LiteratureCompiled byWang LanglangXiamen University2007Revised and adapted fromAho, William, ed. Reading and Writing about Short Stories. Unpublished manuscript, 2003.Wang Shouren and Zhao Yu, eds. British and American Fiction. Nanjing: Nanjing Unversity Press, 1994.Yuan Xianjun and Qian Kunqiang eds.Approaching Fiction. Beijing: Beijing University Press, 2004Foote, David W., et al. Contemporary Short Stories. New York: McDougal, Littell and Company, 1996.Short stories and poems texts taken from various Internet libraries.Part IReading and Writing about Short StoriesIntroductionEveryone has a story of some kind to tell. In ancient times, before TV and the printing press, story telling was the chief amusement—nearly the only entertainment in town. Music and stories whiled away long nights, and the yarn-spinners that most cleverly embellished their tales were usually honored guests at campfires and tables. Polished and honed stories of valor and conquest also became the primary means of transferring cultural values to the next generation. A clever hero inspired emulation;a despised villain invoked ridicule.The value of a good story, taken as a whole, considers both the literal and the implied meaning, and thus is always greater than the sum of these two parts. There are nebulous aspects of tone and style in literature that affect emotions, and are often difficult to pinpoint. Attempts to explain the unexplainable impact of literature on the human mind and soul has kept critics occupied since PlatoReaders of fiction are awakened to the common denominations of human nature. Although times, places, and peoples change, the human struggle repeats itself with different names. Inhabitants of this planet past and present, represent one people and literature recreates this common ground. Daily life, romance, hope, despair, fear, love, hate, good and evil are the matter of life in every age and every culture from Homer, to Shakespeare, to Hemingway. By studying literature we realize we are not so different as we may have thought.Good stories survive because of the fresh and startling ideas and insights they offer. Ideas and insight have the power to liberate our minds and our imaginations and to cause us to reflect critically about our own values, beliefs, and assumptions.The short stories in this text are carefully chosen for two purposes: to delight the reader, and to serve as illustrations of rhetorical techniques that turn reporting into literature. Getting a grip on these techniques is the key to the enjoyment and analysis of the art of literary communication.Literary VocabularyIrony. Irony is a contrast between appearance and actuality.Situation irony is the contrast between what a reader or character expects and what actually exists or happens.Dramatic irony is the contrast between what a character in astory knows about events and what the reader knows.Theme. Theme is the central idea, or message, in a work of literature. It is the writer‘s perception about life or humanity that is shared with the reader.Mood. Mood is the feeling, or atmosphere, that a writer creates for the reader. The mood of a work could be described as sinister, cheerful, exciting, dreamlike, or sentimental.Setting. Setting is the time and place of the action of a story.Symbol. A symbol is a person, place, activity, or object that represents something beyond itself.Characterization. Characterization refers to the techniques a writer uses to develop characters. There are four basic methods of characterizations: (1) through physical description; (2) through a character‘s speech, thoughts, feelings, or actions; (3) through the speech, thoughts, feelings, or actions of other characters; and (4) through the narrator‘s direct comments about a character.Point of View. Point of view refers to the narrative method, or the kind of narrator, used in a literary work. Many stories use third-person point of view: the story is told by a narrative voice outside the action. Other stories, however, used first-person point of view: the narrator is a character in the story who tells everything in his or her own words.Plot Structure. Plot refers to the actions and events in a literary work. In a traditional narrative, plot structure consists if the exposition, the rising action, the climax, and the falling action.Style. Style is the way in which piece of literature is written. Style refers not to what is said but to how it is said. Elements such as word choice, length of sentence, comparisons, tone, mood, and use of dialogue contribute to a writer‘s personal style. (Earnest Hemmingway‘s style might be described as restrainedin its use of short sentences and minimal description.) Figurative Language. Figurative language is language that communicates ideas beyond the literal meanings of the words. Two common forms of figurativelanguage are simile and metaphor. Similes and metaphors make comparisons between two things that are actually unlike yet have something in common. A simile usually contains the word like or as.Conflict. The plot of a story almost involves some sort of conflict, or struggle between opposing forces. A conflict may be external, involving a character pitted against an outside force—another character, physical obstacle, nature, or society. A conflict may also be internal, occurring within a character.Flash back. A flashback is a conversation, an episode, or an event that happened before the beginning of a story. Often a flashback interrupts the chronological flow of a story to give the reader information helpful in understanding a character‘s present situation.Tone. Tone is the attitude a writer takes toward a subject. Style and description in a work of literature help create tone, which might be formal, informal, ironic, angry, serious, or playful.Foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is a writer‘s use of hints or clues to point to events that will occur later in the plot of a story. Use of this technique creates suspense while preparing the reader for what is to come.Imagery. Imagery refers to words and phrases that re-create sensory experiences for a reader. Images can appeal to any of the five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. The majority of images are visual, stimulating pictures in the reader‘s mind.How to Read Fiction?Here are some questions you might ask when you are faced with the task of reading or writing about fiction. Your answers to these questions will help you begin brainstorming, to overcome the awful whiteness of the empty page.1.From what point of view is the story told?Can you speculate on the appropriateness of that point of view? If a story is told from the point of view of a first-person narrator who participates in the action, what significant changes would occur if it were told from the point of view of an omniscient author? And, of course, vice versa. Keep in mind that first-person narrators do not know what other characters think. On the other hand, omniscient narrators know everything about the lives of the characters. How would the story you are writing about be changed if the viewpoint were changed?2.Who are the principal characters in the story?(There will rarely be more than three in a short story; the other characters will often be portrayed sketchily; sometimes they are even stereotypes.) What functions do the minor characters serve? Do any of the characters change during the course of the story? How, and why?3.What is the plot of the story?Do the events that constitute the plot emerge logically from the nature of the characters and circumstances, or are the plot elements coincidental and arbitrary?4.What is the setting of the story?Does the setting play an important role in the story, or is it simply the place where things happen? What might the consequences of some other setting be for the effectiveness of the story?5.What is the tone of the story?Read the first several paragraphs of the story to see how the tone is established. Does the tone change with events, or remain fixed? How does the tone contribute to the effect of the story?6.Do you find ambiguities in the story?That is, can you interpret some element of the story in more than one way? Does that ambiguity result in confusion, or does it add to the complexity of the story?7.What is the theme of the story?This, finally, is often the most significant question to answer. All the elements of fiction, tone, setting, plot, theme, characterization, and point of view have been marshaled to project a theme — the moral proposition the author wishes to advance. When you write about a work, resist the tendency to do the easiest thing — retell the plot, incident by incident. You must work instead to understand the devices the author uses to convey his or her theme, and, in your essay, reveal that understanding.Early AutumnLangston Hughes兰斯顿·休斯(Langston Hughes, 1902-1967)美国黑人诗人、剧作家、小说家,20年代“哈莱姆文艺复兴”重要作家之一。
2011-10-11 经典英美文学作品欣赏

What is Poetry? – Poetry consists of the best words in the best order. 一首诗歌包含若干Stanza 诗节,每个Stanza 诗节分 为若干line行,每line行分为若干音步foot。音步 foot由重读音节和非重读音节按照一定规律排列 而成,由此产生诗的格律meter。诗歌讲究节奏 Rhythm与和声harmony。 Meter (=measure) 格律 --- the „beat‟ of a line of verse determined by the kind and number of poetic feet. Stanza 诗节--- An arrangement of a certain number of lines forming the divisions of a poem.
Common feet: 重音节的符号表示为 ′ ;非重音节的 符号表示为 ־或 ^ : Iamb 抑扬格 is composed of 1 unstressed and 1 stressed syllables 由1个非重音节和1个重音节 组成;即一个短或弱音节之后跟着一个长或强音节, 例如:dēféat, ālí rētúrn, cōmpósed ve, Trochee 扬抑格 is composed of 1 stressed and 1 unstressed syllables 由1个重音节和1个非重音 节组成 (= Trochee is a unit in poetry consisting of one strong or long beat 强或长 音节followed by one weak or short beat 弱或 短音节.) 例如:tróchēe,fáthēr, lí stēn, dóublē