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■ 英国部分
古英语Old English 450-1066
中世纪英语(文学) Medieval English 1066 - middle 14th century
乔叟Geoffrey Chaucer - the father of English poetry first time to use 'heroic couplet' 英雄体双行诗
文艺复兴(含义)The Renaissance - rebirth or revival
人文主义Humanism - the essence of the Renaissance, the dignity of human being & the importance of the present life
1.斯宾塞Edmund Spenser - the poets' poet 诗人中的诗人 《仙后》
2.马洛Christopher Marlowe - University Wits, the pioneer of English drama Blank verse无韵诗体, hyperbole夸张
浮士德博士的悲剧 -- the human passion for knowledge, power and happiness 对知识、权利、幸福的追求
pastoral(牧人的,田园的) life
3.莎士比亚William Shakespeare - above all writers in the past and in the present time
四大悲剧Four tragedies - Hamlet, Othello, King Lear & Macbeth
十四行诗第18首 eternal or immortal beauty
《威尼斯商人》 to praise the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio, to idealize Portia a heroine of great beauty, wit and loyalty, to expose the insatiable greed and brutality
《哈姆雷特》 hesitate between fact and fiction, language and action, too sophisticated to degrade his nature to the conventional role of a stage revenger (复仇者) To be, or not to be - to live on in this world or to die; to suffer or to take action
独白 Soliloquy or monologue - fully reveal the inner conflict of the characters
4.培根Francis Bacon - brevity, compactness(简洁) & powerfulness, his essays is an important landmark in the development of English prose Inductive method 归纳法 in place of deductive method 演绎法
《论学习》 uses and benefits of study - studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Studies perfect nature, and are perfected by experience. Different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies - studies and experience are complementary 互补 to each other. The correct attitude to reading books - to weigh and consider. How studies exert influence over human character - reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.
5.邓恩John Donne
玄学诗派metaphysical poetry - break away from love poetry, a seemingly unfocused diversity of experiences and attitudes, and a free range of feelings and moods Conceits, syllogism 三段论
《日出》 the busy sun is always ready to interfere with(干扰) other things and everywhere
《致死神》 whatever you are, you can not escape from death. When you are living, you are always in the shadow of death. Death only lasts a moment, our life after death is eternal. The more pleasure the death gives people, not only the pleasure of the rest & the sleep, because 'whom the gods love die

young'. Though death is usually considered powerful, it actually provides a rest for a man's body and a birth for his soul.
6.弥尔顿John Milton
《失乐园》 the only generally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf. The conflict is between human love and spiritual duty. In heaven, Satan led a rebellion against God with his unconquerable will.
《力士参孙》 the most perfect example of the verse drama after the Greek style in English.
新古典主义Neoclassicism - a revival of interest in the old classical works, order, logic, restrained emotion抑制情感 & accuracy 怯懦
启蒙思想(运动) Enlightenment - a progressive intellectual movement, reason (rationality), equality & science
哥特式小说Gothic novel - mystery, horror & castles 神秘、恐怖
7.班扬John Bunyan
(“浮华集市”) from 《天路历程》, a religious allegory (寓言), pursue the truth
8..蒲伯Alexander Pope
《论批评》 a poem written in heroic couplets, criticize the present poem lack of true taste & call on people to turn to the old Greek and Roman writers for guidance(指导), 'true wit' is best set in a plain (simple & clear) style.
9. 笛福Daniel Defoe - the first writer study of the lower-class people《罗宾汉》, praise the human labor and the Puritan fortitude 清教徒坚韧
10.斯威夫待Jonathan Swift - a master satirist讽刺作家. In his opinion, human nature is seriously and permanently永存的 flawed有瑕疵的 Proper words in proper places
《格列佛游记》, four parts - Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Flying Island & Houyhnhnm
11.菲尔丁Henry Fielding –英语小说之父 Father of English novel, Prose Homer Comic epic in prose
12.约翰逊Samuel Johnson - first combine an English dictionary, last neoclassicist enlightener

13. 谢里丹Richard Brinsley Sheridan - the only important English dramatist of the 18th century
《?情敌》 and《造谣学校》 are regarded as important links between the masterpieces of Shakespeare and those of Bernard Shaw.
14.格雷Thomas Gray
The Graveyard(墓地) School《写在教堂墓地的挽歌》
?浪漫传奇Romantic - emotion over reason, spontaneous emotion, a change from the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of 人文主义精神the human spirit, poetry should be free from all rules, imagination, nature, commonplace
The romantic period began with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge's
浪漫主义时期 The Romantic

15.布莱克William Blake -engraver雕刻家
《扫烟囱的人》 from《天真与经验之歌》 a happy and innocence world from children's eye; from 《经验之歌》 a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy 忧郁的tone from men eyes Childhood, paradoxes, a pairing of opposites; 《泰戈》< The Tyger >
16.华兹华斯William Wordsworth - the leading figure of the English romantic poetry, simple, spontaneous自发的, worshipper of nature' Lake Poets' - William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge & Robert Southey骚赛
He defines the poet as a 'man speaking to men', and poetry as 'the spontaneous overflow洋溢 of powerful feelings, which originates in 'emotion recollected沉思默想的 in tranquillity安静'.
“我孤独地游荡,就象一朵云” the poet is very cheerful with recalling the beautiful sights. In the poem on the beauty of nature, the reader is presented a vivid picture of lively and lovely daffodils 水仙 and poet's philosophical ideas and mystical thoughts.
《威斯敏斯特桥上,1802年9月3日》 the sonnet describes a vivid picture of a beautiful morning in London, silent, bright, glittering, smokeless & mildly. It is so touching a sight that the poet expressed his religion piety 虔诚for nature.
《孤独的割麦女》 thanks to poet's rich imagination, the mass of associations, this commonplace happening becomes a striking event, the poet succeeds in making the reader's share his emotion. The poem also shows the poet's passionate love of nature.
17.柯勒律治Samuel Taylor Coleridge - supernatural, remote Poet can be divided into two groups - the demonic (supernatural) & the conversational(对话的)
The demonic group includes 3 masterpieces –《古舟子咏》(又,《老水手之行》),《库里斯特白》(克里斯塔贝尔)< Christabel >,《忽必列汗》
18.拜伦George Gordon Byron
拜伦式英雄'Byronic hero' is a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin贵族血统, against tyrannical残暴的 rules or moral principles. Such a hero appears first in《恰尔德?哈罗德游记》.
'will die fighting, or live free' the Luddites destroyed the machines in their protest against unemployment. The poet's great sympathy of the workers in their struggle against the capitalists is clearly shown.
from《唐璜》 (the masterpiece of Byron, a long satirical poem), song by a Greek singer at the wedding of Don Juan and Haidee. 'Fill high the bowl with Samian wine'?
19.雪莱Percy Bysshe Shelley
《西风颂》 terza rima三行

体, destructive-constructive potential, hopeful, 'I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!', 'If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?'
20.济慈John Keats
4 great odes – 忧郁颂,希腊古瓮颂 , 夜莺颂, 倦怠颂
the contrast between the permanence永久 of art and the transience 短暂of human passion, 'Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter', 'Beauty is truth, truth beauty'
21.简奥斯汀Jane Austen
《傲慢与偏见》The Victorian Period
达尔文《物种起源》Darwin's and 《人类起源》 shook the traditional faith, everything is created by God
功利主义Utilitarianism was widely accepted and practiced Critical realists were all concerned about the fate of the common people
维多利亚时期 The Victorian Period
22.狄更斯Charles Dickens - one of the greatest critical realist writers批判现实主义作家 of the Victorian Age维多利亚时代
Character-portrayal描写 is the most distinguishing feature特点 of his works A mingling混合 of humor and pathos 悲伤,惆怅
23.勃朗蒂姐妹The Bront? Sisters - Charlotte, Emily & Anne Bront?, a rather reserved and simple girl, was very much a child of nature.
《简?爱》 《呼啸山庄》
24.丁尼生Alfred Tennyson - invents dramatic monologue, Poet Laureate 桂冠诗人, a real artist
拍吧, 拍吧, 拍吧 the death of his best friend, his sadness feeling are contrasted with the 无忧无虑carefree, innocent joys of the children and the unfeeling无情的 movement of the ship and the sea waves
《过沙洲》 we can feel his fearlessness无畏的 towards death, his faith in God and an afterlife死后. 'Crossing the bar' means leaving this world and entering进入 the next world阴间
”尤利西斯” not endure忍耐 the peaceful commonplace平凡的事 everyday life, old as he is, he persuades his old followers to go with him and to set sail again to pursue a new world and new knowledge, dramatic monologue, 'Myself not least, but honour'd of them all' means I am not the least important, but honored by all of them
25.布朗宁Robert Browning - the most original poet, who improve and mature the dramatic monologue
《指环与书》 his masterpiece
我逝去的公爵夫人 this dramatic monologue is the duke's speech addressed to the agent who comes to negotiate the marriage, the duke is a self-conceited, cruel and tyrannical man
26.乔治?艾略特George Eliot: As a 女性作家woman of exceptional 特有的intelligence and life experience, she shows a particular concern for the destiny of women
《米尔德马契》 a sharp contrast is set between the c

old, lifeless, dull house and Dorothea who is full of youthful life and vigor
27.哈代Thomas Hardy - both a 自然主义naturalistic and a critical realist writer 地方乡土色彩Local-colored, Wessex, 'novels of character and environment'
《德勃家的苔斯》 experience is as to intensity剧烈, and not as to duration持续
?夜里的相会 ?早上的分别
现代主义 The Modern Period
28.萧伯纳George Bernard Shaw- 1884 join the Fabian Society, strongly against the credo信条 of “art for art’s sake”, vehemently 激烈condemned the “well made” but cheap, hollow plays. He wrote more than 50 plays. Mission of his drama was to reveal the moral, political and economic truth from a radical reformist point of view.
《鳏夫的房产》 《康帝坦》 《华伦夫人的职业》 《恺撒和克里奥佩特拉》 《圣女贞德》 《人与超人》 《皮格马利翁》 《回到麦修色拉》 《苹果车》
29.高尔斯华绥 John Galsworthy- was born into a upper-middle-class上层(富裕的)中产阶级 family.
《银盒》 established his prominent novelist and playwright in the public mind.
第一个三步曲Trilogy--《福赛特世家》:《有家产的人》,《进退两难》(骑虎难下), 《出租》
第二个三步曲second Forsyte trilogy:《现代喜剧》

30.叶芝 William Butler Yeats was born into an Anglo-Irish Protestant family in Dublin. organized the Irish National Dramatic Socirty and opened the Abbey Theatre. a moderate nationalist. build a mystical system of beliefs(history, life followed a circular spiral螺旋 pattern consisting of long cycles which repeatd themselves over and over on different levels).
象征symbol : “winding stairs旋梯”, “spinning tops陀螺”, “gyres旋转”, “spirals”
long poetic career, 3 period
《茵尼斯弗利岛》 《梦见仙境的人》
《丽达及天鹅》 《在学童们中间》
31. T. S.艾略特 T. S. Eliot
《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》 《荒原》 《灰星期三》
32.劳伦斯 D. H. Lawrence
《儿子和情人》 《虹》 《恋爱中的女人》
33.乔伊斯 James Joyce
《都柏林人》 《青年艺术家的肖像》 《尤利西斯》
■ 美国部分
Started with Washington Irving's and ended with Whitman's

aves of Grass>, also
called 'the American Renaissance'Free expression of emotion, escapes from society, and return to nature
New England Transcendentalism 先验主义/超验主义
1.欧文Washington Irving - father of the American short stories, the American Goldsmith
Perfected the best classic style that American literature ever produced
First novel

contains German folk tales ,
2.爱默生Ralph Waldo Emerson - the spokesman of New England Transcendentalism movement
, ,
a reflection upon the aesthetic problems in terms of the present state of literature in America
a discussion about the conflict between idealism and ordinary lifeAmerican Puritanism, European Romanticism, intuitive knowledge, over-soul, individual, nature
is regarded as the Bible of New England Transcendentalism
3.霍桑Nathaniel Hawthorne
Interior of the heart, there is evil in every human heart, which may remain latent, perhaps, through the whole life, but circumstances may rouse it to activity

4.惠特曼Walt Whitman
Openness, freedom, individualism
I - me, my nation (society), Free verse, Envelope structure, Catalogue (Listing)
A new ideal, a new world, a new life-style
how a child is greatly influenced by his growing environments
a scene of the American Civil War, all the movements described in this picture are frozen.
Whitman is a man bubbling with energy and laden with ideas, spontaneous expression of his original ideas
5.麦尔维尔Herman Melville - a master of allegory and symbolism, like Hawthorne the first American prose epic, Ishmael both as a character and a narrator, the captain, Ahab is a monomaniac
Realistic period - the Gilded Age, the poor poorer and the rich richer, people's attention was now directed to the interesting features of everyday existence
Local colorism, social Darwinism, bestiality, beyon man's control
6.马克?土温Mark Twain - the true father of American literature
Local colorist, vernacular, simple sentence, 'the damned human race' The Gilded Age
3 boyhood books , ,
Huck's inner conflict about whether or not he should write a letter to tell Miss Watson where Jim is.
7.亨利詹姆斯Henry James - international theme, psychological realistStream of consciousness, interior monologue, free association
the narrator is an American expatriate, named Winterbourne. Daisy is the most innocent girl. The clash is between two different cultures.
8.迪金森Emily Dickinson
Based on her own experiences, her sorrows and joys
express Dickinson's anxiety about her

communication with the outside world.
description of a moment of death
Dickinson makes the train part of nature by animalizing it, like a horse.
personify death and immortality so as to make her message strongly felt
9.西奥多?德莱塞Theodore Dreiser - America's literary naturalists Case history including everything Determinism (heredity biological & environment), survival of the fittest, the jungle law Trilogy of Desire - , , 'who shall cast the first stone?'
The modern period - the second American Renaissance, the expatriate movement, the Lost Generation, a transformation from order to disorder
Seize the day, enjoy the present, spiritual wasteland, collective unconscious, psychoanalysis
Imagist movement, Jazz Age
10.庞德Ezra Pound - a leading spokesman of the 'Imagist Movement'

Pound attempts to produce the emotion he felt when he walked down into a Paris subway station and suddenly saw a number of faces in the dim light. To capture the emotions, Pound uses the image of petals on wet, black boughs.

agreement with Whitman's free verse
11.弗洛斯特Robert Lee Frost - four times awarded Pulitzer Prize, pastoral life and scene

12.尤金?奥尼尔Eugene O'Neill - founder of the American drama, won the Pulitzer Prize four times
13.司哥特?费兹杰拉德F. Scott Fitzgerald - spokesman of the Jazz Age, Dollar Decade, 1920s
A double vision of the Jazz Age, both an insider and an outsiderAmerican Dream
14.海明威Ernest Hemingway - awarded the Nobel Prize
Iceberg style, Code hero, the lost generation, grace under pressure
from birth and death coexist
15.福克纳?William Faulkner - awarded a Nobel Prize
South, imprisonment in the past
Stream of consciousness, multiple points of view
Yoknapatawpha Country
Emily is regarded as the symbol of tradition and the
old way of life. Thus her death is like the falling of a monument.