
6.国内PumpLinx柱塞泵模拟应用文献—多排式轴向柱塞泵的流体动力特性研 究.pdf 介绍了多排式轴向柱塞泵的流体动力特性研究。
7.高性能摩托引擎冷却装置的分析(EN).pdf 介绍了高性能摩托引擎冷却装置的分析。
6.PumpLinx在航空发动机燃油系统泵类元件CFD仿真中的应用.pdf 泵类元件的设计是一个不断改进、优化的过程。这就意味着从设计到试
8.Simerics软件简介及应用案例详解.pdf 1 Simerics公司及CFD软件介绍
2 Simerics技术优势
3 应用案例详解
8.PumpLinx空化模型原理(EN).pdf 介绍了PumpLinx空化模型原理。
9.外齿轮泵Pumplinx数值模拟结果分析报告.pdf 本算例展示了Pumplinx在外齿轮泵CFD模拟方面(特别是预测空化现象) 的独特优势。
.pdf 介绍了泵CFD模拟专家Pumplinx软件简介及其在水下航行体CFD仿真中的 应用。
1. 什么是空化
2. 水下超空化设备的描述 3. 计算空化的技术难点 4. 超空化鱼雷案例分享 5. 应用领域
4.泵CFD模拟专家Pumplinx在喷水推进的应用.pdf Pumplinx的优势特点、成功案例分享、问与答
柱塞泵文档: 1.SimulationX斜盘柱塞泵模拟.pdf 该篇文章主要阐述了如何利用多学科仿真软件SimulationX 建立斜盘柱塞泵

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在弹出的对话框,from drive选Z:,to drive选D:,点OK,再点MOVE就好啦。
二、配置通讯1. 设置IP地址打开电脑网络连接,设置本地连接的TCP/IP属性如下。
IP 地址: 192.168.4.XXX子网掩码: 设置通讯路径打开电脑,选择“开始”――“程序”――“Rockwell Software”――“Rslinx”,打开Rslinx,选择菜单栏“Communications”――“Configure Drivers”,在“Available Driver Types”里选择“Ethernet device”,单击“Add New”,出现一对话框;如上图,选择合适的name(三鼓写AB_ETHZCX3,两鼓写AB_ETH1)后,单击“ok”后,出现下面的对话框:如图,将station列的0行输入正确的ip(,点确定。
asterisk+freepbx+astercrm的安装----lamp rpm安装

Linux下安装呼叫中心服务器(ASTERISK+FreePBX)一、环境要求:操作系统:centos 5.0以上(以最小化形式安装)Linux内核版本:2.6.22Asterisk版本:asterisk V.版本:FreePBX:2.9.0以rpm方式安装好的LAMP环境以root身份登录二、所需软件包/pub/telephony/asterisk/asterisk- 8.tar.gz/freepbx-2.9.0.tar.gz三、安装步骤1、Lamp的安装下载所有软件包到/usr/local/src路径配置yum源,安装相关软件yum –y updateyum install –y httpd http-devel mysql mysql-devel mysql-server php php-devel php-mysqlyum install php5 php5-cli php5-mysql php-pear libapache2-mod-php5 php5-curl php5-gd php-dbyum install php php-mysql php-common php-gd php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-devel php-xmlyum install e2fsprogs-devel keyutils-libs-devel krb5-devel libogg libselinux-devel libsepol-devel libxml2-devel libtiff-devel gmpphp-pear php-pear-DB php-gd php-mysql php-pdo kernel-devel ncurses-devel audiofile-devel libogg-devel openssl-devel mysql-devel zlib-develperl-DateManip sendmail-cf soxyum install gcc gcc-c++ wget bison mysql-devel mysql-server php php-mysql php-pear php-pear-DB php-mbstring nano tftp-server httpd makencurses-devel libtermcap-devel sendmail sendmail-cf caching-nameserver sox newt-devel libxml2-devel libtiff-devel php-gd audiofile-develgtk2-devel subversion kernel-develyum install festival festival-devyum install ncurses-base ncurses-bin ncurses-term libncurses5 libncursesw5 libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-devyum install zlib1g zlib1g-devyum install bison bison-docyum install install libxml2 libxml2-devyum install libtiff4 libtiff4-devyum install libasound2 libgsm1 libltdl3 libpq4 libspeex1 libsqlite0 libtonezone1 libaudiofile0 libaudiofile-devyum install libnet-telnet-perl mime-construct libipc-signal-perl libmime-types-perl libproc-waitstat-perlmkdir /var/lib/mysqlchown –R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/etc/init.d/httpd startchkconfig –level 35 httpd onmysql_install_dbchown –R mysql.mysql /var/lib/mysql/etc/init.d/mysqld startchkconfig –level 35 mysqld onmysqladmin –uroot password 123456 \\设置mysql密码为123456 cp /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0.22/f /etc/f /etc/init.d/httpd restartvim /var/www/html/index.php测试一下:测试php连接apache : <? phpinfo(); ?>测试php连接mysql : vim /var/www/html/aaa.php<?php$link=mysql_connect("localhost","root","123456");if(!$link) echo "FAILD!";else echo "OK!";?>访问下即可。
Simerics PumpLinx教程资料(二)

4.Simerics PumpLinx 教程v3.4_盖劳特泵的模型设置(en) 这部分为盖劳特泵制备模型需从准备好的网格开始提供了说明
3.Simerics PumpLinx 教程v3.4_单进口离心泵的网格创建(en)
4.Simerics PumpLinx 教程v3.4_单进口离心泵的模型设置(en) 这部分为单进口离心泵制备模型需从准备好的网格开始提供了说 明
2.Simerics PumpLinx 教程v3.4_月形齿轮泵的介绍(en)
3.Simerics PumpLinx 教程v3.4_月形齿轮泵的网格创建(en)
4.Simerics PumpLinx 教程v3.4_月形齿轮泵的模型设置(en)
14.Simerics PumpLinx 教程v3.4_斜轴泵的介绍(en)
1.Simerics PumpLinx 教程v3.4_固定位移叶片泵的介绍(en)
2.Simerics PumpLinx 教程v3.4_固定位移叶片泵的快速入门(en) 这部分为固定位移叶片泵网格和模型的制备从处理表面开始提供 了简要的说明,需知详细说明请翻阅固定位移叶片泵教程

设 计 与 研 究25引言流体系统中包含泵、阀门、管路等各种形式的设备,在进行系统计算时,需要将设备的性能数据作为计算输入。
但是,在系统设计与设备选型阶段,为降低样机试制和实验的成本,通常采用CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamic)的方法对设备性能进行研究。
Pumplinx 软件是美国Simerics 公司开发的一款专门针对各类泵的水力学模拟计算软件。
夏栓等[1]采用Pumplinx 软件对AP1000反应堆冷却剂系统中两台主泵与蒸汽发生器腔室封头耦合部分的流场情况进行模拟,获得的主泵性能数据与试验结果相比,误差在5%以内,可用于指导AP1000冷却剂系统的设计工作。
L. Li 等[2]采用Pumplinx 软件对双吸程离心泵进行仿真分析,泵的扬程计算结果与试验数据的误差小于1.8%,并通过计算获得了泵的必需气蚀余量(NPSHr),对保障泵的安全运行具有重要意义。
H. Ding [3]在Pumplinx 软件空化模型的基础上,提出了一种加速预测NPSHr 的计算方法,大大减少了NPSHr 预测所需的工况数和计算量。
Flowmaster 软件是美国Mentor Graphics 公司发布的一款热流体系统仿真软件,可快速实现复杂流体系统的仿真分析,辅助流体系统的设计与校核工作,在能源电力、航空、船舶、汽车等领域有广泛应用。
Flowmaster 软件具有良好的二次开发环境,支持C#、VB 等多种编程语言进行二次开发工作,极大程度上拓展了软件的应用范围。
Flowmaster 软件提供丰富的COM 接口,用户可通过这些接口实现程序管理、项目管理、参数设置、仿真计算、结果管理等功能[4]。
采用Pumplinx 软件可以快速获得泵的性能数据、必需气蚀余量等数据,在系统设计和优化阶段可为系统仿真分析提供必要的输入。

例如,有的客户在UG中以mm 为单位创建好了模型,导⼊到PumpLinx中进⾏计算时发现很难收敛,这就是由于未进⾏单位制的转换⽽造成的,100mm的尺度在导⼊PumpLinx时被放⼤到100m,可想⽽知,计算时⽆法正常进⾏的。
Q:PumpLinx⽹格⽣成⼯具⽣成的是什么样的⽹格?与其他的⽹格处理⼯具兼容吗?A:PumpLinx⽣成的是笛卡尔⽹格,⽬前,有PumpLinx⽣成的⽹格还⽆法在其他⽹格处理⼯具中兼容,不过PumpLinx可以兼容其他的⽹格形式,如,Nastran Grid,Gambit Neutral以及Ansys CDB等等。
Q:⽹格尺度是如何控制的?如何查看⽹格及节点的数量?A:PumpLinx⽹格尺度主要是通过“Maximum Cell Size”,“Minimum Cell Size”及“Cell Size on Surfaces”这三个参数来控制的,⼀般我们建议“Maximum Cell Size”与“Cell Size on Surfaces”的⽐值控制在2:1到4:1之间。

y e K i H
y e K i H
o cm e. th yc e k i wh w. w
y e K i H
o cm e. th yc e k i wh w. w
y e K i H
o cm e. th yc e k i wh w. w
国产上充泵 重庆水泵厂有限公司
– – – – – – – – – – 重要厂用水泵 硼酸再循环泵 化学添加剂混合泵 乏燃料水池冷却泵 硼酸输送泵 前贮槽循环供料泵 除气塔疏水泵 冷冻水循环泵 设备冷却水泵 ……
y e K i H
o cm e. th yc e k i wh w. w 压水堆乏燃料水池冷却泵
Simerics ® 二叉树网格(39万)
基于先进的全空化模型(Full Cavitation Model); 结合网格技术和离散格式,具有更好的收敛性和稳定性; 考虑液体可压缩性;
o cm 模型考虑了蒸汽的蒸发和凝结过程; e. th yc e k i wh w. w
y e K i H
y e K i H
o cm e. th yc e k i wh w. w
Reactor coolant pump Tomari-3 912MW Nuclear Plant, Japan Reactor coolant pump Koeberg Nuclear Plant, South Africa
Flow rate (liter/s)

例如,有的客户在UG中以mm 为单位创建好了模型,导入到PumpLinx中进行计算时发现很难收敛,这就是由于未进行单位制的转换而造成的,100mm的尺度在导入PumpLinx时被放大到100m,可想而知,计算时无法正常进行的。
Q:PumpLinx网格生成工具生成的是什么样的网格?与其他的网格处理工具兼容吗?A:PumpLinx生成的是笛卡尔网格,目前,有PumpLinx生成的网格还无法在其他网格处理工具中兼容,不过PumpLinx可以兼容其他的网格形式,如,Nastran Grid,Gambit Neutral以及Ansys CDB等等。
Q:网格尺度是如何控制的?如何查看网格及节点的数量?A:PumpLinx网格尺度主要是通过“Maximum Cell Size”,“Minimum Cell Size”及“Cell Size on Surfaces”这三个参数来控制的,一般我们建议“Maximum Cell Size”与“Cell Size on Surfaces”的比值控制在2:1到4:1之间。

4.专业的泵阀CFD仿真专家PumpLinx(1).pdf 概 要、背景介绍、Pumplinx的核心优势、Pumplinx的核心应用
PumpLinx 泵的泄漏。
20.泵CFD模拟专家Pumplinx中文手册.pdf Pumplinx中文手册。
23.PumpLinx空化模型原理.pdf PumpLinx空化模型原理。
技术的发展,其应用已经渗透到包括泵阀等在内的所有工业领域,但CFD 软件的应用仍然受到软件的易用性,计算精度,计算效率等问题的困扰 ,未解决这些问题,pumplinx软件研发出来。
9.泵阀流体性能模拟专家PumpLinx成功案例分享.pdf 泵阀流体性能模拟专家PumpLinx成功案例。随着CFD技术的发展, 其应用已经渗透到包括泵阀等在内的所有工业领域,但CFD软件的
7.PumpLinx 3.0.2安装软件
8.PumpLinx安装向导.pdf 根据运行平台的不同,选择相应的安装版本。目前,PumpLinx支持的运 行平台为:windows 32bit和windows 64bit两种。(本向导主要介绍
KNF Mini Diaphragm Vacuum Pumps 操作和安装说明书

Operating and Installation InstructionsMini DiaphragmVacuum PumpsType range:UN84.3ANI UN84.4ANIUN84.3ANDC UN84.4ANDCBFig. 1: UN84.3ANI Fig.. 2: UN84.4ANDCBYou have selected a high-quality KNF product; the following tips will help you operate it safely and reliably over a long period of time. Carefully study the Operating and Installation Instructions before using the pumps and observe at all times the relevant instructions to avoid dangerous situations. The manual was produced for the serial pumps stated above. With customer-specified projects (pump types starting with “PU“ or “MPU“) there could be differences in detail. For customer-specified projects please therefore take into account any agreed technical specifications, as well as these instructions.List of Contents Page 1. Description, Operating Conditions ........................................... 2 2. Safety ...................................................................................... 3 3. Installation ............................................................................... 4 4. Operation ................................................................................ 5 5. Servicing ................................................................................. 6 6. Cleaning .................................................................................. 9 7. Trouble Shooting ..................................................................... 9 8. Spare parts and accessories ................................................. 11 9. Tables ................................................................................... 11 10. Product Return . (12)KNF Neuberger, Inc2 Black Forest RdTrenton, NJ 08691-1810Phone: 609-890-8600Fax: 609-890-8323/usa.htmIdent#121256-211123Revision (04/12)Diaphragm Vacuum Pumps UN84 Description, Operating Conditions1. Description, Operating ConditionsKNF pumps in the UN84 range transfer compress and evacuate100% oil-free. In operation they are gas-tight, and maintenance-free.1.1. Electrical EquipmentSee the motor-plate for full electrical data.Protection class of standard version is IP00.1.2. Operating ConditionsHandling air, gases, and vapours at temperatures between + 5 °C+ 40 °C.For maximum permissible operating pressure, ultimate vacuum,and flow capacity see section 9.The pumps must not be used in areas where there is a danger ofexplosion.Before pumping a medium, the compatibility of materials of pumphead, diaphragm and valves with the medium must be checked (forpump materials: see section 9).KNF pumps in the N 84 range must not be used for liquids. You willfind suitable liquid pumps in our Product Program.If your potential application lies outside the above limits discuss itwith our technical adviser (see last page for contact telephonenumber).1.3. Ambient ConditionsWhen the pump is operating the following ambient conditions mustbe maintained:Ambient temperature during operation: between + 5 °C+ 40 °C.The pumps must be protected from the effects of dust andwater.During operation an adequate supply of air for coolingmust be provided.The pumps must not be used in areas where there is adanger of explosion.1.4. Pump materialsSee section 9.2. SafetyThe pumps have Protection Class 00, and so offer noprotection against contact or foreign bodies. It is thereforeessential to provide protection for persons against contactwith live parts (e.g. electrical connections, motor windings),and moving parts (e.g. fan). Protection against the entry offoreign bodies must also be provided.The pump has no protection against water. In this case too, asfar as is relevant, measures to protect the pump must betaken before putting it into service.Note that the pumps may only be used for their intended purpose(see section 1).The pumps must not be used in areas where there is a danger ofexplosion.The pumps are not suitable for aggressive media.Components connected to the pump must be designed towithstand the pneumatic performance of the pump.Take care that safety regulations are observed when connectingthe pump to the electricity supply.For pumps with a thermal switch:When the operation of the pump is interrupted by the thermalswitch, the pump will re-start automatically after cooling down.Take all care necessary to prevent this leading to a dangeroussituation.Specific safety instructions for the media being handled must beobserved.Use only original KNF spare parts.For the purposes of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, pumps EC Directives / Standardsare “partly completed machinery,” and are therefore to be regardedas not ready for use. Partly completed machinery may not becommissioned until such time as it has been determined that themachine in which the partly completed machinery is to beassembled is in conformity with the provisions of the MachineryDirective 2006/42/EC.The essential requirements of Annex I ofDirective 2006/42/EC (general principles) are applied andobserved.The pumps conform to the EC Directive 2004/108/EC concerningElectromagnetic Compatibility.The following harmonized standards have been used:UN84.4ANDCBUN84.3ANI UN84.3ANDCUN84.4ANDCDIN EN 55014-1/2 DIN EN 55014-1/2 DIN EN 55014-1DIN EN 61000-3-2/3DIN EN 60034-1 DIN EN 61000-6-2DIN EN 60335-1Tab. 1The pumps are OEM models intended for installation in equipment. When installing them make certain that accident prevention regulations, and safety instructions, including those for subsequent operation are observed. The safety instructions in section 2 must be observed. The dimensions of the mountings are given in Data Sheet. Install the pump so as to ensure adequate flow of air cooling. For pumps with fan: Install the pump so as accidental finger contact is with the fan is impossible. Fit the pump at the highest point in the system, so that condensate cannot collect in the head of the pump - that prolongs working life. For pump N84.3ANI: Rubber feet (accessories) may be used to reduce noise, and vibration. They are not suitable for mounting the pump on its side, or suspended. When making the electrical installation the safety regulations must be observed. In particular make sure that the electricity supply is isolated before trying to connect the pump. Compare the supply data with the data on the motor-plate. The voltage must not vary by more than +10% and -10% from that shown on the type-plate. The motor must be connected to earth (ground) wire (not neces-sary on dc motors up to 24 V). In the electrical installation, arrangements (complying with EN 60335-1) must be made for disconnecting the pump motor from the electrical supply. The pump must be installed so that contact with live parts (e.g. electrical connection) is impossible. For pumps with ac motor: We recommend that a fuse is installed in the supply circuit; the operating current is given in Data Sheet. Remove the protection plugs from the port threads.The accessories, silencer, and hose connectors (if available) arescrewed into the port threads.Connect the suction and pressure lines (thread size 1/8”NPT). Forflow direction, see the marking on the pump head or data sheet.Arrange the suction and pressure lines so that condensate cannotrun into the pump (sloping lines).MechanicalElectricalPneumaticSpecific safety instructions for the media being handled must be observed.Before pumping a medium, the compatibility of materials of pump head, diaphragm and valves with the medium must be checked (for pump materials: see section 9).If combustible media are used:Hazard of fires and explosions due to excessively high media temperature.Be aware that the pumps are not designed to be explosion-proof.Make sure the temperature of the medium is always sufficiently below the ignition temperature of the medium toavoid ignition or explosion. This also applies for unusualoperational situations.Note that the temperature of the medium increases when the pump compresses the medium.Hence, make sure the temperature of the medium is sufficiently below the ignition temperature of the medium,even when it is compressed to the maximum permissibleoperating pressure of the pump.The maximum permissible operating pressure of the pump is stated in the technical specifications (section 9).If necessary, consider any external sources of energy, such as radiation, that may add heat to the medium.In case of doubt, consult the KNF customer service.The pumps must not start against pressure or vacuum. When it is switched on the pressure in the suction and pressure lines must be atmospheric. This must be so even when the pump restarts after the power has been cut off for a short period.The maximum permissible operating pressure (see section 9) must not be exceeded.To prevent the maximum permissible operating pressure being exceeded, restriction or control of the air or gas flow should only be carried out in the suction line.If restriction or control of the air or gas flow is made on the pressure side, ensure that the maximum permissible operating pressure is not exceeded.When the pump is at a standstill the inlet and exhaust must be at normal atmospheric pressure.Diaphragm and valve plates are the only parts subject to wear. Wear is usually indicated by a drastic reduction in the pneumatic performance. When replacing parts proceed as described in section 5.Ambient conditions: see section 1.3.Before working on the pump, isolate the power supply securely, then check that the lines are not live. Diaphragm and valve plates are the only parts of the pump subject to wear. They are simple to change. Always change diaphragm, valve plates and sealing rings at the same time. Service all heads.Fig. 3 Sectional view (symbolic) Specification Pos. Description 01 Housing 02 Intermediate plate 03 Head plate 04 Screw 05 Connection 06 Cover 07 Valve plate 08 Sealing ring 09 Structured diaphragm 10 Diaphragm shim ring(s) 11 Diaphragm shim ring(s) 12 Eccentric 13 Connection rod 14 Counter Weight Spare part* Quantity Valve plates 2 (per pump head) Structured diaphragm1 (per pump head) Sealing rings2 (per pump head) Tab. 2 * According to Spare parts list, section 8 Tools/MaterialPhillips screwdriver No. 1Felt-tip penTab. 3Change the diaphragms, valve plates and sealing rings in thefollowing sequence:Fig. 4: (for the whole type range)Parts requiredTools requireda) Removing the pump headb) Changing structured diaphragmc) Changing valve plates and sealing ringsd) Refitting pump headWith the exception of removal and refitting of the cover plate (6) (twin headed pumps) or of two cover plates (four headed pumps) all operations are to be carried out separately for each head. This prevents the parts getting mixed up (the head plates are not identical).The position numbers in the following text refer to figs. 3 and 4. Proceed as follows:a) Removing the pump head1. Only for models with dc motors (no cooling fan): undo the 4screws securing the cover (6) to the pump housing (1), andremove the cover (6).On these models, which have no fan, where reference is made to turning or holding the cooling fan, the necessaryoperations must be carried out by turning or holding thecounterweight (14).2. For one head: Mark the position of the head plate (3),intermediate plate (2), and housing (1) relative to each other bya drawing line (M) with a felt-tip pen. This helps avoid incorrectassembly later.3. Undo the 4 screws (4) in the head plate and lift the head plate(3) with the intermediate plate (2) off the pump housing.b) Changing the structured diaphragm1. Turn the fan to bring the structured diaphragm (9) to top deadcentre.2. Lift the edge of the diaphragm, and gripping it on oppositesides, unscrew it by turning counter-clock-wise. Please takecare that the diaphragm shim ring(s) (10 & 11), on thethreaded portion of the diaphragm, do not fall into the housing.3. Take the diaphragm shim ring(s) (10 & 11) off the threadedportion of the diaphragm and retain them.4. Check that all parts are free from dirt and clean them ifnecessary (see section 6. Cleaning).5. Put the diaphragm shim ring(s) onto the thread of the newdiaphragm.Please note that the same diaphragm shim ring(s) must be used for new structured diaphragm.6. Turn the fan until the connecting rod (13) is at top dead centre.7. Screw the structured diaphragm, complete with the diaphragmshim ring(s), into the connecting rod (clockwise) and tighten it by hand.c) Changing the valve plates and sealing rings1. Separate the head plate (3) from intermediate plate (2).2. Remove the valve plates (7) and sealing rings (8) from theintermediate plate.3. Check that the valve seats in the head plate and intermediateplate are clean. If scratches, distortion, or corrosion are evident on these parts they should be replaced.4. Lay the new valve plates in the recesses in the intermediateplate. The valve plates for the suction and the pressure sides are identical, as are upper and lower sides of the plates.5. Check that the valve plates are not deformed by moving themgently sideways in their recesses.6. Lay the sealing rings on the intermediate plate.d) Refitting the pump head1. Turn the fan to bring the structured diaphragm (9) to top deadcentre.2. Place the intermediate plate (2) (with valve plates (7) andsealing rings (8)), and head plate (3) on the housing, in theposition indicated by the marking (M).3. Check that the head plate is centred by moving it gentlysideways.4. Gently tighten the screws (4), evenly and diagonally.5. Turn the fan to check that the pump rotates freely.6. Turn the fan again to bring the diaphragm to top dead centre.7. Now tighten screws (4) firmly.e) Second pump head1. Repeat operations a) (2.,3.) and b) to d) for the second pumphead.2. Reaffix the cover (6) to the housing (1).Only for type range UN84.4:Repeat operations a) to e) for the both remaining pump heads.If you have any questions about servicing call our technical adviser (see last page for contact telephone number).6. CleaningWhen changing valve plates and wave diaphragm, inspect all parts for dirt before assembling the pump head, and clean them if necessary.If a compressed air line is available, blow the parts out with it.7. Trouble ShootingBefore working on the pump, isolate the power supply securely and then check that the lines are not live.The following tips for fault-finding are best employed in the sequence shown.Pump produces no flowFor pumps with thermal switch:Thermal switch has opened due to over-heating.`Disconnect pump from mains and allow cooling.Trace cause of over-heating and eliminate it.Connections or lines are blockedAn external valve is closed, or a filter blocked.Liquid (condensate) has collected in the pump head.`Let the pump run for a few minutes pumping air (ifnecessary for safety reasons: pumping an inertgas.)`Install the pump at the highest point in the system.Diaphragms or valve plates are worn.` Section 5 Servicing.Flow, pressure, or vacuum too lowCompare the actual performance with the figures in section9 or the data sheet.There is pressure on the pressure side and at the same time vacuum or a pressure above atmospheric, on thesuction side.`The pump is not designed for this condition.The cross-section of pneumatic lines, or connected components is too small, or they are restricted.`To measure the performance, disconnect thepump from the system (small diameter tubing or avalve can significantly affect performance).There is a leak at a connector, in a line, or in the pump head.Diaphragm or valve plate are worn, or dirt is in the head: ` Section 5 Servicing.After changing the diaphragms or valve plates, a head has been reassembled in the wrong position.If the pump does not operate properly and you cannot find any of the above faults, send it to the KNF Service Department.In order for KNF to repair the pump, the customer must provide a statement on the media which were pumped and on pump cleaning. Please fill out the corresponding KNF form, and submit it together with the pump. A sample statement for copying can be found in section 10 of these operating instructions.Diaphragm Vacuum Pumps UN84 Spare parts and accessories8. Spare parts and accessoriesSpare partsPos. No* Spare part Order No.(2) Intermediateplate 055334(7) Valveplate 055353(8) Sealingring 055354(9) Structureddiaphragm 027578(10) Diaphragm shim ring (1.0mm) 027556(11) Diaphragm shim ring (0.1mm) 024986Tab. 4 *according Fig. 3 and 4AccessoriesDescription Order No.Silencer/Filter 072233Hose Connector 1/8 MPTM, ¼ HID 072235Rubber feet (for N 84.3 ANE)(2 pieces are necessary)024435Tab. 59. TablesPump type Max. permissi-ble operatingpressure (bar g) Ultimatevacuum(mbar abs.)Delivery rate*(l/min) at atm.pressureUN84.3ANI 0.3 7 4.2UN84.3ANDC 0.3 7 5UN84.4ANDC 0.3 2 4.8UN84.4ANDCB 0.3 2 4.8Tab. 6: Pneumatic Data *Litre at STP (1013 mbar);Pump type Material*Pump head StructureddiaphragmValveUN84.3ANI AluminiumalloyNeopren/PTFE EPDMUN84.3ANDC AluminiumalloyNeopren/PTFE EPDMUN84.4ANDC AluminiumalloyNeopren/PTFE EPDMUN84.4ANDCB AluminiumalloyNeopren/PTFE EPDM Tab. 7: Pump Materials *Material abbreviations according DIN ISO 1629Diaphragm Vacuum Pumps UN84 Product Return10. Product ReturnÎ KNF provides warranty and non-warranty repair services for allproducts. Î A Return Material Authorization (RMA) number is required forall product returns.• To receive an RMA number, submit a completed Decontamination Declaration form to *********** Î The Decontamination Declaration form can obtained from ourwebsite or by contacting KNF Technical Services.•/pdfs/decontamdec.doc• Phone: 609-890-8600Î Product return instructions will be provided when the RMA is issued.KNF Neuberger, Inc 2 Black Forest RdTrenton, NJ 08691-1810 Phone 609-890-8600 Fax 609-890-8323/usa.htm。

“Transform Geometry or
Grid/Scale”命令对几何体 进行缩放。
通用网格生成/General Mesher
Mesh Location/网格生成区域 -Interior Volumns:生成几何体内部网格; -Exterior Volume:生成几何体外部网格; -All Volumns:生成几何体内部+外部网格 -注意:默认方法均采用Interior Volumns 生成封闭几何体内部网格。
via MGI”建立交互面,不能分步建立。
-层流/湍流 -空化 -传热 -颗粒……
-泵 -阀门 -压缩机 -如不含运动部件,可不选择
-滑动自由度 -旋转自由度 -多用于阀门或马达的仿真
常要对其进行切分、合并、 命名等,将具有相同设置的
(如:进口、壁面等)。 选择Split/Combine
Geometry or Grid命令。
Split/Combine命令 简要说明 Split by Angle Split Disconnected Separete Interface
合并体或面,将具有同类设置或属性的体或 面合并为一部分。
对几何体进行平移 对几何体进行旋转 对几何体进行镜像 对几何体进行圆柱映射 对几何体进行平面映射
Goulds Pumps安装、运行和维护手册- LF 3196 i-Frame说明书

安装、运行及维护手册ModΒιβλιοθήκη l LF 3196 i-FRAME
介绍与安装..........................................................................................................................................................................5 安全.....................................................................................................................................................................................5 安全警示等级...............................................................................................................................................................5 环境安全........................................................................................................................................................................5 用户健康与安全...........................................................................................................................................................6 易爆环境中防爆产品的安全规定...........................................................................................................................8 产品认证标准..................................................................................................................................................................9 CSA 合格证书................................................................................................................................................................10 产品保修.........................................................................................................................................................................12
PetaLinux Tools 用户指南安装指南说明书

PetaLinux Tools User GuideInstallation Guide UG976(v2014.2)June3,2014Notice of DisclaimerThe information disclosed to you hereunder(the"Materials")is provided solely for the selection and use of Xilinx products.To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law:(1)Materials are made available"AS IS"and with all faults,Xilinx hereby DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS,EXPRESS,IMPLIED,OR ST ATUTORY,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ARRANTIES OF MERCHANT ABILITY,NON-INFRINGEMENT,OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE;and(2)Xilinx shall not be liable(whether in contract or tort,including negligence,or under any other theory of liability)for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to,arising under,or in connection with,the Materials(including your use of the Materials),including for any direct,indirect,special,incidental,or consequential loss or damage(including loss of data,profits,goodwill,or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by a third party)even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same.Xilinx assumes no obligation to correct any errors contained in the Materials or to notify you of updates to the Materials or to product specifications.Y ou may not reproduce,modify,distribute,or publicly display the Materials without prior written consent.Certain products are subject to the terms and conditions of the Limited Warranties which can be viewed at /warranty.htm;IP cores may be subject to warranty and support terms contained in a license issued to you by Xilinx.Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe or for use in any application requiring fail-safe performance;you assume sole risk and liability for use of Xilinx products in Critical Applications:/warranty.htm#critapps.©Copyright2014Xilinx,Inc.Xilinx,the Xilinx logo,Artix,ISE,Kintex,Spartan,Virtex,Vivado,Zynq,and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of Xilinx in the United States and other countries.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Revision HistoryDate Version Notes2009-11-26 1.1Initial version for SDK1.1release2009-12-04 1.2Updated host package dependency list2010-12-02 1.3Updated supported OS list2011-04-04 2.1Updated for PetaLinux Tools2.1release-64-bit Ubuntu supported2012-08-03 3.1Updated for PetaLinux Tools3.1release2012-09-0312.9Updated for PetaLinux Tools12.9release2012-12-172012.12Updated for PetaLinux Tools2012.12release2013-04-292013.04Updated for PetaLinux Tools2013.04release2013-11-252013.10Updated for PetaLinux Tools2013.10release2014-06-032014.2Updated for PetaLinux Tools2014.2releaseOnline UpdatesPlease refer to the PetaLinux v2014.2Master Answer Record(Xilinx Answer Record#55776)for the latestupdates on PetaLinux Tools usage and documentation.Table of ContentsRevision History (1)Online Updates (2)Table of Contents (3)About this Guide (4)Prerequisites (4)PetaLinux Tools Installation (5)Run PetaLinux Tools Installer (5)Setup PetaLinux Tools Working Environment (5)PetaLinux Tools Licensing (6)Going Further (6)Troubleshooting (7)Required Tools and Libraries (10)Additional Resources (11)References (11)About this GuideThis document provides information on how to install the PetaLinux Tools.Please note:the reader of this document is assumed to have basic Linux knowledge such as how to run Linux commands.PrerequisitesThis getting started document assumes that the following prerequisites have been satisfied:•Minimum workstation requirements:◦2GB RAM(recommended minimum for Xilinx tools)◦Pentium42GHz CPU clock or equivalent◦5GB free HDD space◦Supported OS:RHEL5(32-bit or64-bit)RHEL6(32-bit or64-bit)SUSE Enterprise11(32-bit or64-bit)•Default shell"/bin/sh"is bash.•PetaLinux release package downloaded.Y ou can download PetaLinux from Xilinx Downloads.•Common system packages and libraries are installed on your workstation.The installation process will check for these.See the section Required T ools and Libraries for more details.IMPORTANT:If you are using a64-bit Linux host,you must install the appropiate32-bit compatablelibraries.Please refer to section Required Tools and Libraries.•Xilinx hardware tools(Vivado)and JTAG cable drivers are installed if you will be working with hardware projects and boards.PetaLinux v2014.2only works with Vivado2014.2.•Xilinx tool XSDK is installed if you will package bootfile for Zynq with PetaLinux.PetaLinux Tools InstallationRun PetaLinux Tools InstallerAssuming all the prerequisites described in the last subsection are satisfied,PetaLinux installation is very straight forward.PetaLinux tools does not require a license to install or run.Without any options,the installer will installl as a subdirectory of the current directory.Alternatively,an installation path may be specific.E.g.to install PetaLinux T ools under"/opt/pkg":$cd/opt/pkg$petalinux-v2014.2-final-installer.runor$petalinux-v2014.2-final-installer.run/opt/pkgBoth approaches will install the SDK into"/opt/pkg/petalinux-v2014.2-final"directory.Setup PetaLinux Tools Working EnvironmentAfter the installation,the remainder of the setup is completed automatically.1.Source the appropriate settings script:•For Bash:$source<path-to-installed-PetaLinux>/settings.sh•for C shell:$source<path-to-installed-PetaLinux>/settings.cshBelow is an example of the output from sourcing the setup script for thefirst time:$source/opt/petalinux-v2014.2-final/settings.shPetaLinux environment set to’/opt/petalinux-v2014.2-final’INFO:Finalising PetaLinux installationINFO:Checking free disk spaceINFO:Checking installed toolsINFO:Checking installed development librariesINFO:Checking network and other services2.Verify that the working environment has been set:$echo$PETALINUX/opt/petalinux-v2014.2-finalEnvironment variable"$PETALINUX"should point to the installed PetaLinux path.Y our output may be different from this example,depending upon where you installed PetaLinux.PetaLinux Tools LicensingPetaLinux tools do not require a license to install or run.By default,webtalk option is enabled to send tools usage statistics back to Xilinx.Y ou can turn off the webtalk feature by running the petalinux-util--webtalk command as follows:$petalinux-util--webtalk offGoing FurtherPetaLinux T ools installation is complete.Please refer to the PetaLinux T ools Getting Started Guide(UG977)document to build and boot yourfirst PetaLinux projects.TroubleshootingThis section describes some common issues you may experience when installing PetaLinux,and ways to solve them.If the PetaLinux installation fails,thefile"$PETALINUX/post-install.log"will be generated in your PetaLinux installation directory.Problem/Error Message Description and SolutionWARNING:Y ou have less than 1Gbyte free space on the installation drive Problem Description:This warning message tells that installation drive is almost full.Y ou may not have enough free space to develop your hardware project and/or software project after the installation.Solution:•Move the PetaLinux to another hard disk drive. Alternatively,•Cleanup the installation drive to clear some more free space.WARNING:No tftp server found Problem Description:This warning message tells that you don’t have a TFTP servicerunning on your workstation.Without TFTP service,you cannotdownload Linux system images to your MicroBlaze system usingu-boot’s network/TFTP capabilities.Solution:Enable the TFTP service on your workstation.If you are unsurehow to enable this service,please contact your systemadministrator.Problem/Error Message Description and SolutionERROR:GCC is not installed-unable to continue.Please install and retry Problem Description:This error message tells that you don’t have gcc installed on your workstation.Solution:Please install gcc using your Linux workstation’s package management system.If you are unsure how to do this,please contact your system administrator.ERROR:Y ou are missing the following system tools required by PetaLinux:missing-tools-list ORERROR:Y ou are missing these development libraries required by PetaLinux:missing-library-list Problem Description:This error message tells that you don’t have the required tools or libraries listed in the"missing-tools-list"or"missing-library-list". Solution:Please install the packages of the missing tools,Refer to section Required T ools and Libraries for details.Problem/Error Message Description and SolutionFailed to open PetaLinux lib.Problem Description:This error message indicates that a PetaLinux library failed to load.The cause of this issue is one of the following:•The PetaLinux"settings.sh"has not been loaded.•If the Linux Kernel you are running has SELinux configured.This can cause issues with regards to security context andloading libraries.Solution:1.Source the"settings.sh"script from the top-levelPetaLinux directory.2.If you have SELinux enabled,determine if SELinux is in’enforcing mode’.If SELinux is configured in’enforcing mode’eitherreconfigure SELinux to’permissive mode’(refer to SELinuxmanual),or change the security context of the libraries toallow access(see below for details).$cd$PETALINUX/tools/common/petalinux/lib$chcon-R-t textrel_shlib_t libRequired Tools and LibrariesPetaLinux requires a number of standard development tools and libraries to be installed on your Linux host workstation.The PetaLinux installation process checks for these packages,and reports an error if any are missing,however it does not attempt to install them -you must do this manually.This section describes the required packages,and how to install them on different Linux workstation environments.Tool/Library YUM/RPMPackage for RHEL/CentOS/Fedora APT Package for Debian/Ubuntu RPM Package for SuSE dos2unix dos2unix tofrodos dos2unix ip iproute iproute iproute2gawk gawk gawk gawk gcc gcc gcc gcc git gitgit-core git-core make gnutls-devel make make netstat net-tools net-tools net-tools ncurses ncurses-devel ncurses-dev ncurses-devel tftp server tftp-server tftpd tftp-server zlib zlib-devel zlib1g-dev zlib-devel flex flex flex flex bison bisonbisonbison 32bit libslibstdc++-4.4.6-4.el6.i686glibc.i686libgcc.i686libgomp.i386ia32-libslib32ncursesw5lib32gomp132-bit runtime environmentWARNING:Consult your system administrator if you are unsure about correct procedures for host system package management.Additional ResourcesReferences•PetaLinux Tools Application Development Guide(UG981)•PetaLinux Tools Board Bringup Guide(UG980)•PetaLinux Tools Firmware Upgrade Guide(UG983)•PetaLinux Tools Getting Started Guide(UG977)•PetaLinux Tools Installation Guide(UG976)•PetaLinux Tools QEMU System Emulation Guide(UG982)PetaLinux Tools Documentation is available at /petalinux.。

先把模式改成”extended Mode“,然后选关心的界面,把”Output"改成“user select”,并加上“mass averaged total pressure”Q:现在加面的话只能是加垂直的面(x=2的面),能不能加斜的面?A:可以用斜面做切面。
选“Arbitrary Plane”就可以了Q:对容积泵来说稳定运行后泵有可能充不满油,这个能否模拟A:原则上可以,不过处理这样的问题目前的(空化)模型不是很理想,做的比较少Q:现在pumplinx做的都是稳定运行时的情况吧?能不能模拟泵启动的过程?就是油逐渐充满泵的过程,看一下什么时间充满什么程度,充满用多久…?A:可以,但没有太多验证算例Q:pumplinx生成文档-integrals.txt里,第一行标注(qa,qva,powa,q,qv,px,py,pz,tx,ty,tz,torq,pow,gas)的汉语意思?A:qa、qva和powa指的是平均质量流量、平均体积流量和平均功率;px、py、pz指的是压力;tx、ty、tz和torq指的是扭矩;gas指的气体体积质量分数。
AXIS 570 670 MIO 安装指南

Quick Installation GuideThis guide covers the installation and basic setup procedures for your AXIS 570/670 MIO. If you need more detailed instructions, please refer to the AXIS 570/670 MIO User’s Manual.Hardware InstallationEthernet 10baseT connectorEthernet 10base2 connectorNetwork IndicatorTest ButtonAXIS 570 MIORing Speed JumperNetwork IndicatorTest ButtonToken Ring STP ConnectorToken Ring UTP ConnectorAXIS 670 MIO1.Remove the cover plate over the MIO slot.2.Record the unit serial number. The serial number is the defaultEthernet or Node address which may found on the back of the AXIS 570/670 MIO circuit board. You will need this number during the network configuration.3.Switch off the printer.4.For AXIS 670 MIO only: Select the network Ring Speed using thejumper S4. With the jumper in place, the network speed is 16 Mbit/s. Remove the jumper to select 4 Mbit/s.5.Slide the AXIS 570/670 MIO board into place.6.Tighten the two screws securing the rear panel.7.Switch on the printer. The hardware installation is now complete.Installing the AXIS 570/670 MIONetwork setup is most easily done using the AXIS NetPilot™. However, if you do not have any computers running Windows, NetWare or NetBIOS/NetBEUI you may also use the printer’s front panel for basic configuration. Both methods are fully described in the User’s Manual.Proceed with the following instructions, as appropriate for your type of network. Refer to all relevant sections if you intend to use the AXIS 570/670 MIO in a multiprotocol environment. NetwareBy following the instructions detailed below, install your AXIS 570/670 MIO with the AXIS NetPilot™ installation Wizard, supplied on the AXIS Utilities disk. Please note that the AXIS NetPilot™ software will require a Windows platform that uses either NetWare or NetBIOS/NetBEUI.1.Load the AXIS NetPilot™ software by following the instructionson the label of the AXIS Utilities disk. After loading the software, double click on the NetPilot™ icon.2.The AXIS NetPilot™ will scan the network for Axis NetworkPrint Servers that have not been installed and your AXIS570/670 MIO will subsequently feature as a New Axis Unit.Select your AXIS 570/670 MIO from the Contents of ‘New Axis Units’ and then click the Install icon. The Installation Wizard will then guide you through the basic installation.Should you require assistance with any of the operations click the Help icon and follow the instructions provided in the Help window. To set up print queues:1.Select the Network Print Server to be set up by clicking its icon.2.Choose Network from the Setup menu.3. A new window will open that allows you to create print queues,connect the AXIS 570/670 MIO to print queues, and selecteither Print Server mode or Remote Printer mode for eachprinter.To set up the advanced operating parameters:1.Select the Network Print Server to be set up by clicking its icon.2.Choose Properties from the Setup menu.3. A set of Property Pages are opened which allow you to set up theway in which Print Server mode and Remote Printer modeoperate. You can also enable the frame types to be used.The setup is now completed and you can close the AXIS NetPilot™. Open a Windows application, e.g. Microsoft Word and then select Print... to ensure that your printer appears as the default printer. Make a test printout to verify that the AXIS 570/670 MIO is functioning correctly.UNIXUNIX Please note that you need UNIX root privileges, or administrator privileges on a Windows NT server for this configuration procedure.1.Acquire an unused Internet Address from your NetworkAdministrator and choose a unique name for your AXIS 570/670 MIO.2.Add your AXIS 570/670 MIO IP address and host name to yoursystem host table by appending the following line to the/etc/hosts file: <internet address><host name>Example: your alias name databases (YP/NIS).4.Perform the following commands to download the InternetAddress and verify correct Internet communication:AXIS 570 MIO Ethernet Print Server:arp -s <host name> <node address> tempping <host name>Example for Ethernet:arp -s salesdept 00:40:8c:10:00:86 tempping salesdeptAXIS 670 MIO Token Ring Print Server:arp -s 802.5 <host name> <node address> tempping <host name>Example for Token Ring:arp -s 802.5 salesdept 00:02:31:48:00:61 temp ping salesdept5.Log in to the AXIS 570/670 MIO and up-load the axinstallscript:Example: (user entries appear in bold)> ftp salesdeptName (salesdept:thomas): rootPassword: pass(not visible)ftp> get axinstallftp> bye6.Execute the script:sh axinstall↵The directions displayed on the screen will then guide youthrough the installation of LPD, FTP or PROS on your UNIX system.The UNIX Configuration is now completed.Notes:t The Node Address is based upon the serial number of the AXIS 570/670 MIO but may optionally be a Locally Administrated Address.t You may alternatively use the RARP, BOOT or DHCP command to set the Internet Address; refer to the User’s Manual Section 7.Macintosh There is no support for Apple TokenTalk in the AXIS 670 MIO.Open the Chooser window by selecting Chooser in the Apple menu. Follow these steps to choose a printer:1.Click on the LaserWriter (or LaserWriter 8.0) Icon.2.If your network has more than one zone, click the name of the default zone.3.Click the name of the printer you want. The default printer name is shown as: AXIS<nnnnnn>_<port>, where <nnnnnn> is the last six digits of the serial number, and <port> is MIO.4.For LaserWriter 8.0 printer driver only:Click Setup..., and then Select Auto Setup. If the printer, just as the print server, supports bi-directional printing the installation will then be automatically performed. If not, you will be prompted to select a PPD file matching your printer, then click OK.5.Click the close box. This completes the configuration.Repeat this procedure for each Macintosh using the AXIS 570 MIO. Windows Unless you wish to change the default name of your AXIS 570/670 MIO, the setup operation within a Windows environment may be performed solely with the AXIS Print Utility for Windows, supplied on the AXIS Utilities disk. Perform the installation using the AXIS NetPilot™ should you wish to change the default name.Follow the instructions on the AXIS Utilities disk label to install the AXIS Print Utility for Windows on all workstations using peer-to-peer printing.The AXIS 570/670 MIO setup for Windows comprises installing the AXIS 570/670 MIO printer ports as Windows printer ports, and connecting the ports to a Windows printer driver.Peer-to-peer vs. Client-Server printing All users requiring access to a network printer in peer-to-peer mode will need to install the AXIS Print Utility for Windows software onto their workstation. Client-server mode requires only one user to install the AXIS Print Utility for Windows software onto their workstation.Client-server printing is suitable for larger networks and applications requiring central monitoring and priority management. The setup procedure for this print method is described below:1.Install AXIS Print Utility for Windows onto the file server.2.Set up your AXIS 570/670 MIO from the file server as described in the following sections, but check the Share box for your printer.Apple EtherTalk WindowsYour shared printers can now be used by all the Windows clients and you do not need to install the AXIS Print Utility on the clients.Note:t the server setup should only be made on a Windows forWorkgroups workstation.The procedures in the following sections describe how to setup the AXIS 570/670 MIO for peer-to-peer printing. This print method does not require a file server and is recommended for smaller networks.Windows 3.1Windows 3.1 requires that network support such as LAN Server or LAN Manager Workstation software is installed in order to redirect a local printer port to a network device. If this is the case, proceed as described under Windows for Workgroups below.Windows for Workgroups Follow these steps to install your AXIS 570/670 MIO forpeer-to-peer printing at a Windows for Workgroups workstation:1.Double-click the AXIS Print Utility icon.2.In the Port menu, click Add.3.In the NPS Port list, select the AXIS 570/670 MIO port to be installed. The ports appear as <name>.MIO, where <name> is AX followed by last six digits of the AXIS 570/670 MIO serial number. For example: AX570B35.MIO. Note that thisalphanumeric name will be superseded by any new name given to your AXIS 570/670 MIO when using the AXIS NetPilot™.4.Accept or change the suggested Windows port name, and type any comments in the Description field. Make a note of the Windows port name as you will need this later. Click OK to install the Windows port.5.In the Port menu, click Connect to bring up the Windows Printers dialog.6.Select a printer driver from the list of Installed Printers, or click Add>> to install a new driver. Click Connect...7.Select the Windows port name defined in step 4 above that should now feature at the bottom of the Ports list.8.Click OK to close the Connect dialog, and Close to close Printers.The setup is completed and you can now print through your AXIS 570/670 MIO.Important note:t AXIS Print Utility for Windows must be running when youprint through your AXIS 570/670 MIO. We stronglyrecommend that you copy the AXIS Print Utility icon into your StartUp file.Windows WindowsWindows 95Follow these steps to install your AXIS 570/670 MIO for peer-to-peer printing at a Windows 95 workstation:1.Double-click the AXIS Print Utility icon.2.In the Port menu, click Add.3.In the NPS Port list, select the AXIS 570/670 port to be installed.The ports appear as <name>.MIO, where <name> is AX followed by last six digits of your print server number. For example: AX570B35.MIO. Note that this alphanumeric name will be superseded by any new name given to your AXIS 570/670 MIO when using AXIS NetPilot™.4.Accept or change the suggested Windows port name, and type any comments in the Description field. Make a note of the Windows port name as you will need this later. Click OK to install the Windows port.5.In the Port menu, click Connect to bring up the Printers folder.6.Double-click the Add Printer icon. The Add Printer Wizard will then guide you through the installation. Click Next to proceed.7.Choose Local Printer, then click Next.8.Choose the appropriate Manufacturer and Printer model, and then click Next.9.Select the Windows port name from step 4, then click Next.10.Accept or change the suggested Printer Name, then click Next.11.Click Finish to complete the installation.The setup is completed and you can now print through your AXIS 570/670 MIO.Important note:t AXIS Print Utility for Windows must be running when you print through your AXIS 570/670 MIO. We stronglyrecommend that you establish a shortcut to the AXIS Print Utility in your StartUp file.Windows NTFollow these steps to install your AXIS 570/670 MIO for peer-to-peer printing at a Windows NT workstation:1.Double-click the AXIS Print Utility icon.2.In the Port menu, click Add.3.In the NPS Port list, select the AXIS 570/670 MIO port to be installed. The ports appear as <name>.MIO, where <name> is AX followed by last six digits of the AXIS 570/670 MIO serial number. For example: AX570B35.MIO. Note that thisalphanumeric name will be superseded by any new name given to your AXIS 570/670 MIO when using AXIS NetPilot™.WindowsWindows4.Accept or change the suggested Windows Port name, and type any comments in the Description field. Make a note of the Windows Port name as you will need it later, then click OK to install the Windows Port.5.In the Port menu, click Connect to bring up Print Manager.6.In the Printer menu, click Create Printer.7.Type a name in the Printer Name field, select a suitable printer driver from the Driver list, and select Other... in the Print to list.8.In the Print Destinations dialog, select Local Port, then click OK.9.In the Port Name field, type: C:\~\<port>where C:\~ is your spool directory, and <port> is the Windows Port name from step 4. Click OK.10.Close the Print Manager. The setup is complete.Important note:t AXIS Print Utility for Windows must be running when youprint through your AXIS 570/670 MIO. We stronglyrecommend that you copy the AXIS Print Utility icon into your StartUp file.OS/2Firstly, ensure that the NetBEUI protocol is active. If necessary, use MPTS/LAPS (LAN Server) or SETUP (LAN Manager) to activate it.Load the AXIS Print Utility for OS/2 and install the unit, as follows:1.Insert the Print Utilities for OS/2 disk into your disk drive, and open an OS/2 window. Execute the install.exe program .2.With the AXIS Print Utility running, install your AXIS 570/670 MIO by clicking Install . The ports appear as <name>.MIO, where <name> is AX followed by last six digits of the AXIS 570/670 MIO serial number. For example: AX570B35.MIO. Note that this alphanumeric name will be superseded by any new name given to your AXIS 570/670 MIO when using AXIS NetPilot™.3.Select the ports you want to install, then click Install .Repeat this procedure for each server using the AXIS 570/670 MIO.Create a Print Queue (OS/2 version 1.x):1.Double-click the Print Manager icon, click Setup then Printers...2.Click Add to make a new printer definition, then type a name of your choice in the Name field.3.Select \PIPE\<name>.MIO from the Device list, then select a printer driver suitable for your printer.4.Click Add, then click OK to confirm the printer definition.5.Click Setup, then select Queues...6.Click Add to create a print queue. Type a name in the Name field.7.Click Add, then click OK to confirm the queue definition.UNIX OS/2Create a Print Queue (OS/2 version 2.x and above):1.Double-click the Templates folder, then drag the Printer icon out to the Workplace Shell (or into a folder) while holding the right mouse button down.2.Type a name of your choice in the Name field.3.Select \PIPE\<name>.MIO from the Port list, and select a printer driver suitable for your printer from the Standard Printer list.4.Click OK to confirm the printer definition.Print queue sharing:Open an OS/2 window and issue the following command:NET SHARE queue_name /PRINT, where queue_name is the name of the queue to be created.Important note:t AXIS Print Utility for OS/2 must be running when you printthrough your AXIS 570/670 MIO. We strongly recommend that you copy the AXIS Print Utility icon into your StartUp file.SNA The AXIS NetPilot™ can be used to setup SNA and IBMemulation parameters in the AXIS 570/670 MIO. To configure your IBM host please refer to Section 3 of the AXIS 570/670 MIO User’s Manual.Web Management After setting the Internet Address and Host Name in the AXIS 570/670 MIO, as described in the UNIX section of this document, you are then able to access your AXIS 570/670 MIO from anystandard Web browser. To do this simply enter the Internet Address of the AXIS 570/670 MIO as a URL in your browser, as follows:, orhttp://salesdeptThe Home Page of the AXIS 570/670 MIO will now be displayed in your browser, where links to the AXIS 570/670 MIO Configuration, Management, Status, Account, and Help services are readily available.UNIX SNA UNIX InternetAXIS 570/670 MIO Quick Installation GuidePart No: 15194Revision: 2.1, Date: March 1997Copyright © Axis Communications AB, 1997SwedenAxis Communications ABPhone: +46 46 270 18 00, Fax: +46 46 13 61 30Email:*************,URL:USAAxis Communications Inc.Phone: 1-800-444-AXIS, (617) 938-1188, Fax: (617) 938-6161 Email:****************,URL:/FranceAxis Communications SAPhone: +33 1 49 69 15 50, Fax: +33 1 49 69 15 59JapanAxis Communications K.K.Phone: +81 3 3663 8801, Fax: +81 3 3663 8802Email:***************.jpSingaporeAxis Communications Pte Ltd.Phone: +65 250 8077, Fax: +65 352 1655Email:*************.sgHong KongAxis Communications Ltd.Phone: +852 2836 0813, Fax: +852 2573 5935Email:*************.hkChina (Beijing Office)Axis Communications Ltd. Beijing OfficePhone: +86 - 10 6856 1350, Fax: +86 - 10 6856 1359China (Shanghai Office)Axis Communications Ltd. Shanghai Office Phone: +86 - 21 6280 8527, Fax: +86 - 21 6280 6892。

1.3 LILO的配置和使用
▪ 1.3.1 LILO的安装位置
➢ 将LILO程序安装在硬盘的主引导记录(MBR)中 ➢ LILO还可以安装在Linux系统的root根分区中
▪ 1.3.2 LILO的安装与配置
➢ 配置/etc/lilo.conf。 ➢ 运行/sbin/lilo
一些操作系统,如Windows系统,安装时会覆盖MBR。 所以,应该首先安装Windows系统,然后安装Linux系 统,用LILO覆盖MBR。
▪ 在inittab文件中,操作initdefault将 在系统初始化之后启动预设的运行级别, 用户可以通过更改此项设置来改变系统的 预设运行级别。
▪ 用户也可以在系统运行过程当中来改变 系统的运行级别,方法是用init命令,后 面加上要切换到的运行级别。
1.2.1 安装前的准备
▪ 收集计算机硬件信息 ▪ 规划硬盘空间
➢ 选取工作站类型:至少需要1.2G左右空间;最多需要 1.5G左右空间。
➢ 选取服务器类型:至少需要650M左右空间,最多需要 1.2G左右空间。
➢ 选取便携式类型:与工作站类型所需空间相当。 ➢ 选取自定义类型:至少需要350M左右空间,最多需要
❖ 内核,Shell和文件系统一起形 成了基本的操作系统结构
▪ Kernel实现操作系统的基本功能
➢ 硬件方面:控制硬件设备,内存管理,硬件接口,基本I/O ➢ 软件方面:管理文件系统,为程序分配内存和CPU时间等
▪ 版本号有三个数字组成:r.x.y
➢ r:目前发布的Kernel版本 ➢ x:偶数:稳定版本,奇数:开发中版本 ➢ y:错误修补的次数

38.泵CFD模拟专家Pumplinx软件简介及其在核电用泵CFD仿真中的应用.pdf 泵CFD模拟专家Pumplinx软件简介及其在核电用泵CFD仿真中的应用
39.Simerics PumpLinx 教程v3.4_盖劳特泵的表面处理(en) 在创建PumpLinx模型之前,需在CAD上创建好一个包含端口、凹槽和转子的 stl文件
44.Simerics PumpLinx 教程v3.4_触发器阀的表面处理(en)
在创建PumpLinx模型之前,需在CAD上创建好一个包含端口、阀和排放口的 stl文件
45.Simerics PumpLinx 教程v3.4_双进口离心泵的表面处理(en)
46.Pumplinx和Actran联合求解水泵流致噪声解决方案.pdf 离心泵噪声分析研究背景、联合求解离心泵流致噪声介绍、利用Pumplinx进 行CFD计算说明、利用ACTRAN求解离心泵流致噪声等
48.泵CFD模拟专家Pumplinx可当通用软件用.pdf PumpLinx本身也可当通用软件用,只是把泵相关的建模、后处理等专用模块 和通用的CFD求解器集成到一起,方便用户使用。CFD求解器核心部分和 Fluent, starcd类似,都是采用simple类的有限体积法。
49.pumplinx案例--轴向柱塞泵内部流场分析.pdf 利用CFD软件Pumplinx软件对泵的内部流场进行仿真分析,研究泵的空化问题 。使用泵的 CFD 模拟仿真使得在泵的设计阶段就可以了解泵的性能,避免设
双螺杆压缩机CFD模拟应用案例。 专业的压缩机CFD模拟软件Pumplinx。 一 般CFD软件很难模拟双螺杆压缩机,而Pumplinx模板化的网格生成技术却非常 简单好用。

#make(编译静态库libgoto_opteronp-r1.13.a) #cd exports #make so (编译动态库libgoto_opteronp-r1.13.so)
1.4 HPL的安装
• 下载hpl.tar拷贝到/dawn/test目录
# cd /dawn/test
# tar zxvf hpl.tgz
1.3 数学库的安装
• 采用BLAS库的性能对最终测得的Linpack性能有密切
的关系,常用的BLAS库有GOTO、Atlas、ACML、 ESSL、MKL等,测试经验是GOTO库性能最优。 • • • 如果CPU是Intel的产品,建议使用MKL。 这里使用GOTO库。 安装步骤: 下载最新的源代码包GotoBLAS-1.13.tar.gz到 /dawn/test目录下,此版本的已不需要补丁文件
# cp hpl/ setup/Make.Linux_ATHLON_FBLAS ../Make.test. 便) (因为使用fortran编译器所以选择 FBLAS,Make.arch 为相近的系统即可,改名为了方
#vi Make.test修改相应的变量,模板如下:
60 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------61 # - Platform identifier -----------------------------------------------62 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------63 # 64 ARCH = test 把ARCH的值改为test,其原来的值是Linux_ATHLON_FBLAS 66 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------67 # - HPL Directory Structure / HPL library -----------------------------68 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------69 # 70 TOPdir = /dawn/test/hpl 把第70行的TOPdir变量的值改为你的当前目录的绝对路径,可以用pwd来确 定。接下来找到 77 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------78 # - Message Passing library (MPI) --------------------------------------
MainLine Nitrous Systems 安装说明书

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR:MainLine Nitrous SystemsCAUTION: An experienced technician familiar with the use and handling of high-pressure cryogenic gases should install this system. If you have any doubt about your skills this system should be taken to a qualified shop for installation. If you have decided to attempt the install yourself please read and understand all of these instructions before you start.NOTE: In the interest of keeping costs low some commonly available pieces have been omitted from MainLine Nitrous Systems. This list of items is necessary to complete the installation:•14 & 18 gauge automotive type multi-strand wire •30 amp relay (optional)•4- 5/16 X 1 bolts, washers, and nuts (to mount nitrous bottle)•Misc wire ends and connectors•3/8 fuel Tee, clamps, and rubber hose (carbureted only)Before starting, disconnect the negative terminal on the battery. If you have any questions about your particular car consult a shop manual.These instructions are divided into 6 sections:1.Mounting the Bottle & Routing the Supply Line2.Mounting the Plate/Nozzle & Solenoids3.Plumbing the Fuel System4.Wiring5.Testing the System6.Power Tuning TipsMounting the Bottle & Routing the Supply Line1.Assemble the nut and nipple on the bottle as shown in Figure “A”. The nitrous bottle should be mounted outside the passenger compartment; if this is not possible an external venting blow down tube is a necessity (NX PN 11708 & 11709). Aminimum of 4-5/16, grade 5, bolts with washers must be used for a safe installation. The bottle should be mounted as shown in Figure “A”. Check beneath floor for obstructions such as fuel tank, fuel lines, electrical wiring, etc before drilling holes. 2.Have the nitrous bottle filled with “NY-TROUS +” nitrous oxide. A local speed shop or a welding supply shop can usually handle this.To route the supply line drill a ¾ hole beneath the valve discharge port. Before beginning the routing procedure place tape over both ends of the line. Now route the line beneath the car being sure to avoid all exhaust, suspension and other moving parts. Following the factory fuel line is usually the safest. Be careful to avoid any positive 12-volt sources. One small spark to the outer braid of the line will destroy it. Secure the line carefully, zip ties work best here. Before connecting the line to the bottle, purge the line of all possible debris by carefully blowing compressed air through the line for several seconds. Connect the line to the bottle nipple and tighten securely.Mounting the Plate/Nozzle & SolenoidsIf your car has a carburetor skip to section “B”, if your car is EFI use section “A”:Section “A” EFI:1.The nitrous/fuel discharge nozzle should be mounted in the air duct that connects the air cleaner to the throttle body.2.Drill a ¼ inch hole between the MASS Air Meter and the throttle body in the plastic ducting.3.Thread the nozzle into this hole until all threads arecovered. Be sure the nozzle discharges toward theEF ICARBFigure Aengine.ing the horsepower jetting chart select thedesired jets. Insert the jets into the nozzle fittingsbeing sure to insert the correct nitrous and fuel jetsinto the correct fittings.5.After installing the fittings into the solenoids (seeFigure “B”) connect the Fuel and Nitrous solenoidsto the nozzle with the D-3 braided lines, payingattention to connect the nitrous solenoid to thefitting labeled Nitrous on the nozzle and the fuelsolenoid to the fitting labeled FuelConnect the previously cleaned supply line to the Nitrous Solenoid and tighten securelySection “B” Carbureted:ing the horsepower jetting chart select thedesired jets. Insert the jets into the nitrous platefittings being sure to insert the correct nitrous andfuel jets into the correct fittings2.After installing the solenoid fittings (see Figure“B”) Pre-assemble the nitrous plate, attaching thefuel solenoid to the fuel fitting on the plate usingthe 3/16 stainless jumper line. Repeat this step onthe nitrous solenoid side. Do not over-tighten thesefittings3.Referring to a shop manual for your vehicle, followthe instructions for removing the carburetor.4.Referring to the shop manual remove the originalcarb studs and install the extra long studs furnishedwith the system.5.Install the pre-assembled nitrous plate using thenew gasket between the intake and the plate andexisting gasket between the plate and the carb.(Note: Always install the plate with the fuelsolenoid facing forward and the text on top of theplate up.)6.Referring to the shop manual reinstall thecarburetor.Plumbing the FuelIf your car has a carburetor skip to section “B”, if your car is EFI use section “A”:Section “A”1.Locate the supply line connecting the fuel filter tothe EFI fuel rail. This line must be cut and a Teeinserted to supply fuel to the nitrous system. Useextreme caution; this line contains flammable fuelunder high pressure. Carefully cut this line andinsert the Tee fitting. Use the supplied clampsto secure a leak free installation. Note: If yourvehicle has a rigid plastic fuel line, an alternatemethod to tap this line must be used. Do notattempt to cut this type of line.2.Route the supplied rubber fuel hose from the Teefitting to the fuel solenoid. Secure this line withthe supplied clamps. Caution: When cutting anyfuel lines be sure to prevent any debris fromentering the fuel system. Debris can cause acatastrophic engine failure due to clogged fueljets or injectors.Section “B”Note: The MainLine carbureted nitrous systemrequires up to 10 PSI on the fuel enrichmentcircuit and must be fed by a high volumefuel pump. A minimum 110-gallon per hourpump is recommended to feed the engine andnitrous system.1.Locate the line connecting the fuel pump to the carburetor. This line must be cut and a tee installed. Connect this line to a dedicated fuel pressure regulator feeding the nitrous system fuel solenoid. This regulator should be set according to the recommended pressures listed on the card located in the system jet pack. This pressure may need to be adjusted higher or lower to tune the nitrous system to it’s highest potential. The tee, hose, clamps, and regulator must be ordered separately from NX or sourced from your local parts store. Recommended NX part numbers are: Regulator PN 15951, 3/8 barbed hose “T” PN 16137. Caution: When cutting any fuel lines be sure to prevent any debris from entering the fuel system. Debris can cause a catastrophic engine failure due to clogged fuel jets or fouled needle and seats.Figure BWiring the System1. Follow the wiring diagram in Figure “C” if no relay is beingused, follow the diagram in Figure “D” if a relay and wide open throttle is being used (recommended). For proper operation do not vary from this diagram. Solder and seal all connections with tape or heat shrink tubing (recommended)Note: The nitrous and fuel solenoids are rated only for intermittent duty. Do not engage either solenoid for more than 15 continuous seconds. Solenoids that have “burned or scorched” electro-magnets will not be replaced under warranty.Testing the System1.Recheck all installation procedures to be sure nothing has been omitted.2.Be sure the nitrous bottle has not been opened and the supply line is empty!3.Reconnect the Negative battery cable.ing the toggle switch “ARM” the system.5.Test solenoid operation by using the system activation switch. You should hear both solenoids “CLICK”. If they do not, re-verify all wiring and retest the system.6.Carefully open the nitrous bottle and verify that no fittings or hoses are leaking. Correct any leaks before proceeding.7.Do not start the engine if nitrous has been accidentally injected while the motor was not running! All nitrous must be cleared from the engine before starting! A violent intake manifold explosion could occur!8.Start engine and check for any fuel leaks. Correct any leaks before proceeding.9.The MainLine Nitrous System is now ready for normal usage.Additional parts recommended to operate your MainLine nitrous system satisfactorily:•Nitrous Pressure gauge (NX PN 15509)•Purge Valve (NX PN 15600)•Wide Open Throttle Switch & Bracket (NX PN 15516 & 15517)•Bottle Jacket (NX PN 15945)•Fuel pressure Safety Switch (NX PN 15708carb or 15718 EFI)•30 Amp Relay (NX PN 15515)•Bottle heater (NX PN 15940)•NHRA legal blow down vent fitting (NX PN 11709)•NHRA legal blow down vent tube (NX PN 11708)•Chemical X Octane booster (NX PN 16003)•Ford EFI fuel rail fitting eases installation on Ford products (NX PN 16179)Power Tuning TipsNitrous oxide works well with all applications; 4 cycle, 2 cycle, diesel, and rotary engines. Each one has individual tuning characteristics, and these tips apply generally to each one. Nitrous oxide is referred to as “Liquid Supercharging” because it, in effect, does the same thing as a mechanical supercharger, forcing more fuel and oxygen into each cylinder, thus producing more power. The biggest enemy of all supercharged, turbo charged and nitrous injected engines is “DETONATION”. The use of higher-octane fuel, and or a combination of better fuel and timing retard can control this. Remember detonation is a spark plug, head gasket and engine “KILLER”.GreenGroundRelayRedMust be Grounded14GA14GAFigure DFigure C1.Your engine should be tuned to its maximum power prior tonitrous usage.2.The ignition is an integral part of the nitrous system andmust be able to ignite the mixture under very high cylinder pressures. The stronger the spark the better!3.In stock engine applications and street usage the spark plugsshould be at least 2 steps colder than stock. Do not use platinum tip, extended tip or any plug with multiple ground straps or split ground straps. When in doubt about heat rangealways go one step colder. A spark plug that is to “Hot” will cause detonation, burned plugs, poor performance, and engine damage.4.Most MainLine EFI applications will require no timingretard. You may run as much timing as you normally would,if you have adequate octane to prevent detonation. MainLine recommends Chemical X (NX PN16003) octane booster to insure trouble free nitrous usage.5.Carbureted vehicles using stock compression ratios may notneed any timing retard when using the smallest horsepower settings, however for higher compression engines timing retard is a necessity. A base line setting of 1-2 degrees of retard for every 50 horsepower of nitrous boost is a safe starting point. More or less timing may be required, reading the spark plugs is the only safe way to determine if you have the right amount of timing for your particular engine combination.6.Your fuel system is also an integral part of the nitroussystem, be sure it is in top shape and all filters are clean.7.Engine operating temperature should be at or above 160degrees prior to nitrous usage.8.Never “lug” your engine and engage the nitrous system, usethe system at wide-open throttle only, nitrous should not be used below 2000 rpm’s. If you do any of the above a serious “Back Fire” could result in engine damage.9.The better the exhaust system the better the nitrous systemwill work.10.Do not attempt to drill or alter the jets, solenoids, or thenitrous plate (carb only). These items are engineered to their maximum capability. Any modification you can make will decrease power and destroy engine parts.11.Do not mix or attempt to match any other brand solenoidswith this system. Do not attempt to mix or match any other brand plate or nozzle with this system. Do not attempt to use any other brand kit as a second stage with this system. Our nitrous technology is far superior to any of our competitors.Any attempt at this could lead to serious engine damage. 12.All of our systems are designed to operate at 1050-PSIbottle pressure. This is extremely important and cannot be stressed enough. If your bottle pressure is below 1,050 PSI the system will run rich and will not produce the advertised horsepower. If the bottle pressure is above 1,050 PSI the system will run lean, possibly damaging engine parts. This pressure is easily monitored by using a liquid filled pressure gauge (NX PN 15509). Note: When the ambient temperature is below 97 degrees a bottle warmer is required (NX PN 15940). A bottle jacket (NX PN15945) will help stabilize bottle pressure in the winter and summer.CAUTION: NEVER USE AN OPEN FLAME TO HEATA NITROUS BOTTLE. THIS IS A VERY DANGEROUSAND POTENTIALLY FATAL PRACTICE 13. A purge valve (NX PN15600) is recommended on allMainLine systems. When the weather begins to get hot a purge valve is worth up to a tenth of a second on a ¼ mile pass. Note: The correct purging procedure for drag racing is: 1. Complete the burnout. 2. Light the pre-stage bulb.3.Push the purge button three times, one second each.4.Stage immediately, GO FAST.14.If there is a question about the purity of your nitrous supply,a filter (NX PN15607) should be used when refilling yourbottle. Just attach the filter to your bottle when you take it to be refilled. Contaminated nitrous will cause serious damage to the nitrous solenoids and possibly to your engine. This isa lifetime renewable filter.15.If you have questions about the suitability of your torqueconverter or gear ratios, call the factory tech line for the inside scoop.16.Your nitrous bottle should be turned off when not inuse (even between runs). An remote bottle opener (NX PN11107) will make this task much easier.17.Start with the lowest power setting in your system.Remember start out small and work your way up, MainLine systems produce more real horsepower than any other brand on the market today.18.If the solenoids must be disassembled for cleaning orrebuilding always use the proper wrench (NX PN 15921).Do not use any clamping devise on the solenoid tower, instant non-warranty, damage will result.19.Premium grade unleaded or leaded fuel is required on allMainline nitrous applications. If your engine has been modified or has higher than stock compression racing fuel may be required. MainLine recommends Chemical X (NX PN16003) octane booster to insure trouble free nitrous usage.20.All vehicles, including full competition racecars, must havean alternator to provide adequate amperage required by today’s racing accessories. Add up all the amps required by your car, you’ll be surprised!21.If you notice some of the N2O-fuel orifices are not perfectlyaligned in your MaiLine plate system, do not be concerned.This misalignment has been engineered into the system to direct fuel to specific cylinders.In conclusion……….This instruction sheet and power tuning tips are valid only for a MainLine system. If you have a kit from another manufacturer this information will not help you! A tune up from any other brand of nitrous kit will not work with the MainLine System. DO NOT LISTEN TO:A. YOUR BUDDY!B. YOUR BUDDY’S FRIEND!C. THE LOCAL NITROUS GURU!D. ANY ARTICLE IN ANY MAGZINEIf you follow the foregoing suggestions, your MainLine system will operate trouble free and provide years of thrills. ABOVE ALL REMEMBER TO RACE SAFE AND HA VE FUN。
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A:PumpLinx对操作系统的兼容性较好,Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Win 7均可安装,Linux操作系统也可以安装。
A:软件安装好之后,在获取有效的License之前是无法正常使用的,用户需要将打开软件时弹出的错误信息提示框中的“Local Hardware ID”号提供给海基,并由海基向Simerics公司提供申请,一般情况下,只需1-3个工作日,便可将有效的License提供给用户。
A:License分为固定式和浮动式两种,对于浮动式License,首先需要在服务器端安装“License Server Installation”,安装完成之后,该程序将在“开始-所有程序-Simerics”中产生四个选项,将申请到的floating license拷贝到license server安装目录下,如C:\Program files\Simerics,并将license文本第一行中的localhost 替换为服务器的计算机名,然后在“开始-所有程序-Simerics”中运行Start License Server。
服务器启动后,在客户端机器上的Simerics安装路径下新建license.txt 文件,并将floating license中的第一行语句拷贝至该文件中,并将localhost替换为服务器计算机名,保存后即可启动软件。
✓请核对错误提示框中的Hardware ID号是否与初始申请时一直,因为网络设置的改变也会引起Hardware ID的改变,如网络连接的添加\删除或者
✓检查服务器的License Server是否已启动,如未启动,点击“开始-所有程序-Start License Server”。
A:有,请联系海基销售人员,申请软件汉化包,即名为PumpLinx_Chinese.slang 的文件,将该文件拷贝到PumpLinx安装目录下,如C:\Program Files\Simerics,打开PumpLinx软件View-Language,进行选择。