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[提问]在下面这个句子中,那些部分为被动语态“I had not originally been scheduled to work this day but I was extremely pleased when I was asked to help out at the last minute, for it would be one of the most memorable days of the games. (Experiencing English Integrated Book Page120)”


在学中,语态是针对动词而言的一种形式,描述句子中和参与此动作的之间关系。语态分为主动Active Voice和被动Passive Voice两种。当主语是动作的发起者(或之一)时,称为主动语态;如果主语为动作的承受者时,称为被动语态。例如:“猫吃老鼠。”这句话是主动语态;而“老鼠被猫吃。”则是被动语态。






3)一般将来时:will/shall be+V-ed

4)现在进行时:am/is/are being+V-ed

5)过去进行时:was / were being + V-ed

6)现在完成时:have/has been+V-ed

7)过去完成时:had been+V-ed

8)将来完成时:shall / will have been + V-ed

9)过去将来完成时:would / should have been + V-ed

例如: 1)All kinds of commodities made in China are widely used in many American families. 这句中文翻译漏了吧。

2)The package was delivered yesterday.包裹是昨天快递发出的。

3)People will be paid for their contribution.人们的奉献会收到回报的。

4)The food is being prepared.吃的已经在准备了。

5)Were all experiments being carried out when your professor asked 你们教授询问的时候各项实验在进行中了吗

6)The arrangements of this trip have been made for you.这次旅行的筹备工作已经为你们做好了。

7)We had been given visas for three months.我们拿到签证已经三个月了。

8)The government promises refugees will have been settled down well by then. 政府承诺难民们到那时都会被安顿得很好。

9)The general considered that the bridge would have been mended

before the troops could pass.将军认为部队通过前那桥应该已经修好了。


将来进行时:will be being +V-ed

例如:There are so many mistakes in the editorial that will be being edited this time tomorrow! 这篇社论明天这时候就该在刊印了,竟然还有这么多错误!

过去将来进行时:would be being + V-ed

例如:Holmes predicted that Sir Henry would be being chased by a weird hound if he went through the swamp. 福尔摩斯预言说亨利先生穿过沼泽地的时候会被一条怪异的猎犬猛追。(此句的时间状语是具体的将来时间,所以最好用将来进行时。)

现在完成进行时:have/ has been being + V-ed

例如:Where has the cook been The fish in the pot has been being cooked for half an hour. 厨师哪里去了锅里的鱼已经煮了半小时了。

将来完成进行时:will have been being + V-ed

例如:Dear Miss, twice a month, you curled hair will have been being hurt too much this time next year. 亲爱的小姐,一个月两次,明年这时候你的发质就会被伤得厉害。

过去完成进行时:had been being + V-ed

例如:My watch had been being watched for two hundred times before you came here to pick me up. 你到这里接我前,手表已经被我看了不下两百
