
1.有关教师节的英语作文范文The annual Teacher's Day is coming again. I made an appointment with my friends to see Mr. Ma, a retired Chinese teacher.Everyone went to the store to buy gifts first, and then hurried to Mr. Ma's house.After arriving at Mr. Ma's house, Mr. Ma greeted us with a happy smile. Niu Mengtao took two birds in a cage. When there was a slight movement, the birds chirped and wished Mr. Ma happy; Zhang Jiyuan took a green pine and wished the horse always young; I took some moon cakes and a hand-made greeting card to wish Mr. Ma happiness; Other students took moon cakes, fruits, sugar and so on... T eacher Ma smiled and said, "you really can buy things." Niu Mengtao mischievously said, "of course, who made us to the third grade this year!"Then, we performed carefully prepared dances for Mr. Ma: thousand handed Avalokitesvara, seven colors of light, and so on. Don't forget the sketches, which made Mr. Ma laugh.In order to reward us, Miss Ma gave us all the sweets, fruits and moon cakes we gave her. We ate the "prizes" in big gulps and chatted with teacher Ma from time to time. The most interesting thing is that some students, like naughty little monkeys, even climbed onto Mr. Ma's apricot tree and kept making faces.Today, we had a good time, ate happily, and spent a happy day with our teachers - teacher's day.2.有关教师节的英语作文范文There is one of the greatest occupations in the world, which is neither high-ranking nor easy. She is the most ordinary and the greatest. She is a teacher.The teacher is a gardener, trimming the branches that come out beside us, so that we can grow upward; The teacher is an engineer, always thinking about gathering a plate of loose sand into a high-rise building.There are many such teachers around me: beautiful and beautiful chemistry teachers, gentle and patient Chinese teachers, serious and responsible physics teachers, and understanding English teachers. But what I admire most is our math teacher, who is also our head teacher. She is very responsible and uses all her time to give lectures to her classmates. She is not very strict, but she does her best to us. She takes care of our study and life and often urges students to be on duty. Teachers also pay great attention to cultivating our quality. In our hearts, a teacher is a mother who loves her children; The teacher is a benevolent teacher, teaching his students; The teacher is a friend, comforting our hearts. The teacher's dedication is selfless, and she thinks that we should repay her for having a good result.3.有关教师节的英语作文范文My favorite teacher is Mr. Zhang. On teacher's day, I gave her a beautiful and fragrant carnation, and wrote on a greeting card, "teacher Zhang, you have worked hard!" Because I want flowers to represent my heart, and greeting cards to convey my thanks and blessings to her.Miss Zhang is our head teacher. She works hard and always leads us to work hard and achieve success. I remember that last semester in grade three, our class participated in the campus dance competition. Before the competition, teacher Zhang and Ilined up together to form and think slogans. In order to make our movements accurate and in place, she always takes the trouble to demonstrate again and again until our movements are neat and uniform. In order to teach us to shout slogans, she was so tired that she lost her voice. On the day of the game, he told us to take us to the court. Our class won the first place in the whole grade in that school dance competition. Under her gentle guidance, our classmates spoke of civilization and hygiene, and mobile red flags often patronized our classroom.In terms of teaching, teacher Zhang is even more conscientious, leading us to roam the sea of books and enjoy happiness. In order to give us a good Chinese class, she will find a large number of vivid and interesting materials and make them into courseware to show us. Her class always attracts us like a magnet. Sometimes we will make some careless mistakes and write new words incorrectly. Teacher Zhang will always think of some wonderful ways. Sometimes he will make up a nursery rhyme and sometimes he will tell a story to help us remember. In this way, we can not only understand more knowledge, but also further strengthen the consolidation of new words. We will love Chinese classes more. Every time she corrects her homework, she is also very serious and careful. Those students who just want to pass the exam can not escape teacher Zhang's "golden eyes". She not only strictly demands students who make mistakes, but also encourages them to make progress from time to time. Under her careful instruction, our class's academic performance has always been among the best.Miss Zhang, like a hardworking gardener in the garden, cultivates us to thrive. I would like to be a small tree and grow into a good one under her careful care.4.有关教师节的英语作文范文Today, we welcome the annual teachers' day again. This year, this Teachers' Day is very special for me. Why is it special? Because this teacher's Day is my first teacher's day in grade six, this "first teacher's Day" means a lot to me.So on this teacher's day, I must make teachers happy. How can we make teachers happy? Some students think that the teacher will be very happy if they give him a beautiful and valuable gift. Some students think that the teacher likes flowers and give him a bunch of flowers. However, what I want to say is that you are all wrong. The "gift" that teachers like most is that students can enter a key junior high school, have an ideal university, have a good way out, have prospects in the future, build the motherland, and repay the society. This is what every teacher hopes most.As long as each of our students is very obedient, conscientiously completes their homework, doesn't fight and doesn't make noise, the teacher will be very happy and even proud. If we do this every day and persist, the teacher will have a very happy Teacher's day.Every teacher is so responsible and hard. Like our mother, the teacher nurtures us, teaches us the truth of life, cultivation and morality, and lets us fly; Primary school teachers give us high-depth knowledge, so that we can have the ability to build our motherland and society, so that we can fly higher and farther. In my mind, every teacher has a high quality, quality and accomplishment. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to say a word to all teachers who are teaching us: Thank you, teacher. You have worked hard. I wish you a happy holiday!5.有关教师节的英语作文范文Today is teacher's day. I got up early in the morning, put on my clothes and immediately ran back to the mountain. Although the golden autumn wild chrysanthemum does not have the fragrance of rose, the splendor of peony and the elegance of orchid, its beauty and loveliness have a different flavor. Its indomitable spirit is worth learning from.When I came to the back mountain, I was dazzled by the wild chrysanthemums. I had no time to appreciate it. I picked it carefully and finally picked it. In addition to the wild chrysanthemum with orange in gold, there are also small wild flowers with purple in blue. I divided the newly picked flowers into two bundles, tied them up, and quickly returned to school./ p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 9 " > 0 0 I q u i e t l y w a l k e d i n t o t h e t e a c h e r ' s w i n d o w a n d s a w t h a t t h e w i n d o w o f t h e t e a c h e r ' s o f f i c e w a s o p e n . I t o o k a l o o k i n s i d e . H e y , t h i s i s a g o o d o p p o r t u n i t y . T h e o f f i c e i s e m p t y . I c a r e f u l l y i n s e r t e d t h e f l o w e r s i n t o t h e p e n h o l d e r o n m y d e s k t o l e t t h e f r a g r a n c e o f w i l d c h r y s a n t h e m u m f i l l t h e w h o l e o f f i c e . W h e n I s a w t h e g l o b e n e x t t o m e , I i m m e d i a t e l y r e m e m b e r e d t h a t t h e t e a c h e r t o o k m o n e y o u t o f h i s m e a g e r s a l a r y a n d w a l k e d d o z e n s o f m i l e s t o b u y i t i n t h e t o w n . S h e b o u g h t t h e g l o b e t o l e t u s b e t t e r u n d e r s t a n d t h e t e x t . M y e y e s t u r n e d f r o m t h e g l o b e t o t h e i n k . T h e a r t i s t i n t h i s p l a c e d i d n o t k n o w h o w m a n y t i m e s t h e i n k h a d b e e n c h a n g e d . W i t h t h e d e c r e a s e o f i n k b i t b y b i t , l i n e s o f b e a u t i f u l p e n c h a r a c t e r s a p p e a r e d i n o u r h o m e w o r k b o o k s . T h i s w o r d m a y b e a c o m m e n t o n t h e c o m p o s i t i o n ; M a y b e i t ' s t he f i n a l r e v i e w ; O r m a y b e i t i s a n e n c o u r a g e m e n t o r c r i t i c i s m t o e v e r y o n e . . . I s a w t h e g l a s s e s a n d t h e C h i n e s e t e a c h i n g p l a n o n t h e t a b l e . I t h o u g h t : t h e t e a c h e r p r o b a b l y s t a y e d u p l a t e l a s t n i g h t t o p r e p a r e f o r t h e c l a s s . L o o k i n g a t m e , t h e t e a c h e r ' s m e d i u m h e i g h t , s h o r t s t a t u r e , f r o s t w h i t e t e m p l e s a n d k i n d e y e s a p p e a r e d i n f r o n t o f m e ; T h a t h o a r s e v o i c e , k i n d t e a c h i n g s , w a r m e n c o u r a g e m e n t a n d s e v e r e c r i t i c i s m l i n g e r e d i n m y e a r s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 0 " > / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 1 " > 0 0 " S h i v e r i n g " i s a n o t h e r g u s t o f a u t u m n w i n d , a n d t h e w i l d c h r y s a n t h e m u m s i n t h e o f f i c e e m i t a s t r o n g e r f r a g r a n c e , w h i c h p e r m e a t e s t h e w h o l e o f f i c e a n d t h e w h o l e c a m p u s / p > p s t y l e = " b o r d e r - l e f t : 5 p x s o l i d # 3 9 9 1 e 5 ; c o l o r : # 3 9 9 1 e 5 ; b a c k g r o u n d : # f 5 f 7 f 7 ; p a d d i n g - l e f t : 1 0 p x ; l i n e - h e i g h t : 3 5 p x ; m a r g i n - b o t t o m : 8 p x ; " b d s f i d = " 1 2 2 " >。

1.关于教师节的英语作文September 10 is teachers' day, which is a holiday for all teachers. We are all looking forward to this day, because I want to give a gift representing my heart to my favorite teacher. On this day, as soon as I entered the campus gate, what came into my eyes was: the students were holding bouquets of flowers, some flowers, some plastic flowers, some paper flowers, and what I held in my hand was a bag hanging ornament made of immortal flowers. The whole campus has become a sea of flowers, colorful and beautiful. The teachers went to the office happily and said, "go to your teachers with great enthusiasm!"At noon, the school held the annual Teacher's Day broadcasting conference. Each class sent a student representative to order a song to all teachers. I was honored to go to order a song on behalf of class 2 (5). I picked up the microphone, Said affectionately: "today is teachers' day. I light a candle. My mother gave us miss Zhang, Miss Geng, Miss ye and all our teachers. Thank you for your teaching and wish you a happy Teachers' Day!"Over the past year, I think the teacher is really like "half a mother", both gentle as a mother and strict as a teacher, and I love you! Happy T eachers' Day!2.关于教师节的英语作文Autumn September, sweet scented osmanthus, and ushered in a teacher's day. As third graders, this is the third time we celebrate Teacher's day for primary school teachers. Students change the previous way of giving gifts and cards to celebrate,and are brewing to give teachers an unforgettable Teacher's day.At school on the afternoon of the 9th, the students invited the teacher into the classroom. When the teacher opened the door, I saw the students holding burning red candles. Isn't this red candle a symbol of a selfless teacher who burns himself silently, lights us up and gives us infinite knowledge and strength? When the teacher came to the podium, the students presented pink carnations to the teacher, which not only represented our great respect and admiration for the teacher, but also thanked the teacher for his maternal care for us. At ordinary times, the teacher is a hard gardener who carefully cultivates the flowers in our gardens. In our hearts, the teacher is a beautiful carnation and the teacher is the flower that will bloom forever in our hearts. The teacher held flowers in her arms and her face was filled with a happy smile.Then, the whole class sang the song "I will be you when I grow up" in praise of the teacher. "When I grew up, I became you and knew that classroom." The song rippled throughout the classroom. Finally, the students shouted: "teacher, you have worked hard! I wish you a happy Teacher's Day!" Tears of excitement flowed out of the teacher's eyes. The teacher understood that the children had grown up and were sensible.This teacher's day will never be forgotten by teachers. Because of this teacher's day, we really understand the true meaning of "teacher" and the meaning of "teacher" - the engineer of human soul.3.关于教师节的英语作文Teacher's Day is coming. I really want to thank my third grade teacher, Miss Sun. He is our math teacher and PE teacher. Miss Sun taught me for three years.Mr. Sun, in class, you taught us rich and interesting knowledge. Although sometimes you will be cruel to us, we also know that we made a mistake, so we will correct it in time.I still remember that in the third grade sports meeting, our class competed and ran. It was you who broke your voice to cheer us on. It was you who kept cheering us up. With the encouragement of the teacher, we won the victory and got the certificate of merit. In the past three years, our class has won many awards with the help of teachers.Miss sun, in life, you care about our study and growth like your father. We are like little flowers, you are like the hard gardener, because of your "pruning", we will be so beautiful and bloom ourselves. Your teaching to us is engraved in my heart and will never be forgotten for generations to come.The hearts of students are unforgettable. Teacher, thank you for teaching me so much knowledge. I wish you a happy holiday,a happy heart and all the best!4.关于教师节的英语作文Today is teachers' day. All the students came to school early. Everyone has prepared a gift for the teacher, and I am no exception. I prepared the gift chocolate last night.Mr. Gao said that there were activities after class. After class, we quickly stood in line and walked out of the teaching building. We saw a sea of people on the playground. It was very crowded. Fortunately, Mr. Song was there, otherwise I would be separated from the class team.The students lined up in a neat line, and all their eyes turned to the leading console. Director Yang began to speak and asked the new teacher to hold colorful flowers in his hands and give gifts to the old teacher. Then the students were like new teachers'flowers, and the teachers thanked everyone with excited eyes. At this time, the national flag rose slowly in the air with the national anthem, and all teachers and students saluted the national flag. Finally, the students sang the school song, which echoed in the campus and floated to every corner of the campus with respect for the teachers. The activity was over. Although we were sweating with heat, we were still very excited.Back in the class, the students' mood didn't seem to calm down. They chattered and chattered. The class bell rang, and the students calmed down.What an unforgettable Teacher's Day! I feel that from today on, I like my beloved teacher more.5.关于教师节的英语作文Today, we are going to celebrate Teachers' day for our teachers.Early in the morning, the students took out their "condolences" as soon as they put down their schoolbags. Liu Shaohua bought bouquets, Wei Yujia bought oranges, Marco Xin bought ribbons... I bought some big balloons. After counting the gifts, everyone dressed up the classroom.After a while, the classroom was dressed up. The students put the cake in the center of the podium, put candles in it, and wrote "Happy Teacher's Day" on the blackboard. Everyone smiled at each other and began to perform the second task. First of all, several students went to the teacher's office and brought the current teacher and the original Chinese and mathematics teacher blindfolded. Several of us stood behind the door. As soon as the teacher entered the room, a "fairy scattered flowers" came and sprinkled confetti on several teachers. When the teacher took off his blindfold, he was almost surprised. "Yeah!" We madea "V" gesture to each other and obediently returned to our seats. Mr. Ma was moved to tears, and Mr. Chen praised us for our love and righteousness. Our hearts were as sweet as honey.It's time for cake. When we were greedy, the teachers grabbed the candles one after another. I wiped the cream from the corner of my mouth and thought, "today's cake is so fragrant! It's several times more fragrant than the cake my parents bought on my birthday!"While eating happily, the class bell rang. We began to listen attentively, and everyone listened attentively in every class today, because this is the third task agreed by the studen t s - a s p e c i a l g i f t f o r t h e t e a c h e r s ! I b e l i e v e t h e t e a c h e r i s a s h a p p y a s u s ! / p > p s t y l e = " b o r d e r - l e f t : 5 p x s o l i d # 3 9 9 1 e 5 ; c o l o r : # 3 9 9 1 e 5 ; b a c k g r o u nd : # f 5 f 7 f 7 ; p a d d i n g - lef t : 1 0 p x ; l i n e - h e igh t :3 5 p x ; m a r g i n - b o t t o m : 8 p x ; " b d s f i d = " 1 2 3 " >。

教师节英语作文范文(六篇)【篇一】教师节英语作文范文Before Teachers’ Day, we were thinking what gift we would give our English teacher on that day. Wang Ming said, “Our English teacher is tired and shirsty after class. Let’s give her a bottle of water. ““That’s a good idea,”we agreed.”On Teachers’ Day, as soon as the teacher came into the classroom, we all stood up and shouted “Happy Teachers’Day!”Our monitor went to the from and gave her a card and a bottle of water with our best wishes. Our teacher dran.【篇二】教师节英语作文范文It is Teachers’Day on September 10th every year.Teachers are the greatest people in the world,I think,because they teach us how to write and read.The most important is that they teach us how to be a real man.They are also kind to everybody and they don’t want anyone to fall behind others.They always get on very well with their students,and they are our best friends.When students are in trouble,they can help them in time.I will be a teacher when I grow up. 【篇三】教师节英语作文范文National Teacher Day is always the Tuesday of the first full week of May. And it is always for our studentsto give our special thanks to our lovely teacher. I still remember last year when I was feeling lost,down and out,I had no idea about my life,my love,my study even doubt why I was here in the world.So then came so much wine and smoke,I was tired,physical and mental.I even wanted to end my life just jumping from the top of our building. Then my teacher came to me, she said she knew what I was afraid of, she also told me that ‘s very common like many young people of my age. She told me to call her anytime I need her help.I did so ,we often chat miracle and made some phone call.I just can ‘t remember when come the mirical.I have found myself now! Another teacher‘s day,to all the teachers,to our parents.【篇四】教师节英语作文范文We celebrate Teachers’Day on the first Wednesday of September.The celebrations usually take place on Friday.All pupils show performances to teachers in the hall.Pupils present a lot of flowers to teachers.The most interesting thing is that teachers acting as pupils have a lesson with senior pupils acting as teachers.They teach,ask questions and play games as a usual lesson.Teachers usually behave badly,they are late,chew gum,talk to desk mates and have to be reprimanded and sent to the head teacher who is alsoa senior pupil. 【篇五】教师节英语作文范文Teachers Day, September 10th, is a national teachers festival in China. It is celebrated since 1985. It expresses respects to the labors and contributions of teachers to the Chinese society. The goal of Teachers Day is to form a social climate in which teachers are respected and knowledge is valued. The date of Teachers Day is set at the beginning of the school year in order to arouse teachers and students enthusiasm for their work, and give a good start to teaching and learning. On teachers Day, students usually send greeting cards with good wishes to their teachers to show their respect. In Taiwan, Teachers Day is celebrated on September 28 annually. Choose this day is to celebrate the birth of Confucius for his great contribution to Chinese culture. In some other countries, Teachers Day is also celebrated. In the United States, this is on the first Tuesday in May. In India, Teachers Day is celebrated on September 5.In Vietnam, it is celebrated on November 20 .【篇六】教师节英语作文范文Teachers‘ Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks. I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble, and I thank them for teaching me how to be areal man.Of course they are very friendly to everyone. They always get on very well with their students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. They love us very much and we love them,too.。

庆祝教师节的英语作文范文1.庆祝教师节的英语作文范文篇一On the evening before Teacher's Day, most of the students returned home from school, with only a few students still at school. Among them was a little girl named Xiaomin, who was carrying a brown backpack, tied in a red bow, and had two small dimples on her face. A pair of grape eyes and a small mouth, incredibly cute!She leaned against the wall, as if thinking ab out something. It turned out that tomorrow is Te acher's Day, and other students were all thinking about what gifts to give to the teacher tomorrow. Only she was still thinking about what gifts to g ive to the teacher. She seemed to be thinking, "T he gifts I gave should be unique, and I also want to surprise the teacher." After a while, she seem ed to have thought of something and happily we nt home.The next day, Teacher's Day arrived, and Zho u Xiaomin picked two bouquets of chrysanthemums. Although the chrysanthemums were ordinary, they contained Xiaomin's deep friendship.After school, Zhou Xiaomin quietly walked to the window of the teacher's office with two bouq uets of chrysanthemums. There was a desk in the window that had been with the teacher for sever al years. On the table, photos of the classmates were pressed with glass, and there was a pen hol der next to the glass. There was a bottle of ink t hat was about to bottom and an old globe next to the pen holder. There is a Chinese language b ook on the glass, with a pair of glasses on it. Ne xt to the glasses is a calendar that has been flip ping through from January to this special day.The teacher had already gone to the meeting, and after Xiaomin confirmed that there was no one inside, she quietly inserted a bunch of chrysa nthemums into the pen holder of the Chinese tea cher, and then wiped another bunch of chrysanth emums into the math teacher's vase before quietl y leaving.At this moment, the teacher finished the mee ting and returned to the office. He saw a bunch of chrysanthemums on the table. The teacher tho ught, "Which student could have sent them?" The teacher suddenly woke up and chased towards t he school gate, but only Xiaomin's figure graduall y disappeared.2.庆祝教师节的英语作文范文篇二Farewell to the colorful summer vacation and welcome the colorful and festive Teacher's Day. As Teacher's Day approaches, I wish dear teachers a happy holiday in advance!This year's Teacher's Day, I really want to giv e a gift to Teacher Wei. Although Teacher Wei o nly taught me Chinese for one year, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to us and left a deep and beautiful impression on me.I want to send a heart-shaped greeting card and a bouquet of flowers to Teacher Wei on Teac her's Day. I am sending you the heart-shaped gre eting card that I personally made as a gesture ofgratitude. I am grateful to Teacher Wei for his a ttentive care and selfless assistance in my Chinese language learning over the past year. I remembe r one time, a reading question stumped me and I could only sit there. Teacher Wei not only didn't blame me, but also kindly sat beside me and pa tiently explained the topic to me. The warm curre nt in my heart seems to be still surging up to n ow. Thinking of these, I couldn't help but write o n the greeting card, "Spring silkworms die before the silk is exhausted, and wax torches turn into ashes before tears dry." Teacher Wei, like spring silkworms, devoted himself to us silently.Sending flowers is to wish my beloved Teache r Wei, like flowers, eternal youth and vitality. I pi cked a bouquet of fiery red flowers, sincerely hop ing that my beloved Teacher Wei's life and career will be prosperous and prosperous. I hope that t he teacher can smile more and worry less.Wishing Teacher Wei a happy holiday! Wishin g all teachers a happy holiday and every day!3.庆祝教师节的英语作文范文篇三Many people use this poem to describe the profession of teachers, who dedicate themselves to nurturing others. However, in my opinion, teachers are more like amiable and respectful gardeners. Under their cultivation, we, these strong and beautiful flowers, have emerged.In my academic career, I have met many goo d teachers who taught me knowledge, care, and principles of how to behave. Through their words and deeds, I have come to understand the beaut y of learning and life.There is such a teacher who gave me the con fidence and courage to learn when I was just in my second year of junior high school. I still reme mber the first physics class when she walked into the classroom and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "I am Teacher Jiang, who teaches you physics." I found that although she was short, she was not lacking in authority, and her authority exuded war mth. Suddenly, I fell in love with her. From thatday on, I also engaged in a long struggle with p hysics. However, everything requires sustained eff ort. On my first monthly exam, I only achieved a n inconspicuous score, but it was a blessing in di sguise that my physics teacher successfully noticed me. That evening during the class, she asked me to go to the office and help me analyze the te st paper. She found the wrong questions and mer cilessly asked me to copy them ten times. What r eally moved me was her seriousness, patience, an d accuracy in analyzing the test paper. At that m oment, I fell completely in love with physics.Throughout the entire sophomore year, Teach er Jiang always taught us with her rigorous, serio us, and professional attitude. After ten minutes of class break, her desk was bound to be filled wit h people. She hardly stops for a moment, occasio nally picking up a glass of water from the table and hastily taking two mouthfuls to nourish her t hroat. Even though she was exhausted, her eyes s till showed enthusiasm and pride. She said, "Of c ourse, the class I lead must be outstanding, andmy students must also have excellent qualities!" Y es, it is because of her dedicated teacher that we have been striving to become outstanding.I am very fortunate to have met such a teach er. There are many teachers like Jiang who are d edicated, rigorous, and kind. They never hesitate t o give in the face of us who are ignorant. Encour age us when we are down, alert us when we are complacent, and comfort us when we are lost an d lost. With them, we have the joy of learning ev ery day and the motivation to strive for our drea ms. With them, we have only begun to learn to t hink about the meaning of life and understand th at youth is a beautiful period of struggleThe most ordinary gardener can cultivate the most beautiful flowers only because of love and hard work. The most delicate flower will strive to grow into the most eye-catching scenery, just to not disappoint the love and teachings of spring breeze and rain.4.庆祝教师节的英语作文范文篇四Some people say that teachers are engineers who shape souls and are great; Some people also say that teachers are burning red candles, burning themselves to illuminate others, which is fleeting and eternal. Today we welcome Teacher's Day again. Wishing teachers who care about and care for our growth a happy and healthy holiday! Looking at the teacher on the podium, who was obedient and persuasive, I was thinking: If I were a teacher, what would I do?If I were a teacher, I would hold a brand ne w book and walk briskly onto the desired podium. My mood is so excited. I will use my exquisite e xplanations to win the respect of students and op en their hearts to knowledge.If I were a Chinese language teacher, I would teach them to recite the bold and unrestrained " Chile Ge", tell them the poems of Li Bai and Du Pu, read the essays of Bing Xin and Zhu Ziqing, and let them understand how rich the language o f the motherland is.If I were a physical education teacher, I woul d make them understand that only a strong physi que can make their ideals ride the wind and wav es. I will sing and dance with them, and play bas ketball and table tennis with them.If I were a teacher of ideological education, I would teach them to love their country, let them choose their favorite professions, and contribute to their country in different positions. In the futu re, when they make achievements in their respecti ve positions, I will proudly say, "That's my studen tPlease believe, I can do it! I will use confiden ce and hard work to irrigate the flower of ideals and become a true teacher. Cheer me on!5.庆祝教师节的英语作文范文篇五Today, early in the morning, the students came to school happily, eagerly hoping that the teacher could come to the classroom earlier, because today is Teacher's Day, which is a special holiday!Finally, I saw the teacher's hurried figure in t he hallway. Before the teacher could stand firm, t he students gathered around and brought various gifts to the teacher, some with photo albums, so me with greeting cards, and some with flowers! I only heard the teacher excitedly say, "Thank you! Thank you classmates!" Then, the teacher inserte d the flowers that were sent one by one into the flower tray, Classmates, when I put these flowers in a flower tray, what did you think of? This flo werpot is like our class, and you are all members of this class. You can imagine yourself as a flow er in the flowerpot, striving to absorb nutrients, a cquire knowledge, and grow strong. If a flower wi thers first, it means that it falls behind in learnin g and will be eliminated. "After listening to the t eacher's meaningful words, I secretly thought to myself: I must study hard, not be eliminated, and be the most vibrant flower in the pot.Today is Teacher's Day, but the teacher gave us a vivid lesson on this day. I think the true me aning of the teacher's words is: whether studentsgive gifts or not is not important. As long as w e study hard and grow up to become useful tale nts in our country, it is the gift she has received in her life!。

介绍教师节的英语作⽂篇⼀ A Present for Teachers' Day Today is September 10. It is Teachers'Day. Xiao Hua has been ill in bed for more than a week. Her teacher comes to her home to give her lessons after school every day. In order to show their respect, Xiao Hua and her mother decide to give the teacher a present.They make a big red flower. When the teacher arrives, Xiao Hua presents the flower to the teacher. She fastens it to the breast of her teacher' s jacket, and says "Happy Teachers' Day" to her. The teacher expresses her thanks and sets down to give her lessons. Xiao Hua's mother pours a glass of water for the teacher and puts a lamp on the table.介绍教师节的英语作⽂篇⼆ It is Teachers’Day on September 10th every year. Teachers are the greatest people in the world, I think, because they teach us how to write and read. The most important is that they teach us how to be a real man. They are also kind to everybody and they don’t want anyone to fall behind others. They always get on very well with their students, and they are our best friends. When students are in trouble, they can help them in time.’ I will be a teacher when I grow up. Teachers’ Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks.I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble, and I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man. Of course they are very friendly to everyone. They always get on very well with their students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. They love us very much and we love them,too.介绍教师节的英语作⽂篇三 Sep. 10th Wednesday Fine Teachers' Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks.I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble, and I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man. Of course they are very friendly to everyone. They always get on very well with their students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. They love us very much and we love them,too.介绍教师节的英语作⽂篇四 Teacher's Day The Teacher's Day will come soon.At first,I want to extend my greeting and best wishes to my dear teachers. I still remember the year when I failed the collage entrance exmination.Iwas feeling lost,and no idea about what my life is going to be.My teachet came to me,and she said she understand how I felt inside now.She also told me it's very common that students who are like me will go though a hard time. She told me that failure was a part of life, which was not the end but a new beginning. And she encouraged me to go back to the school to start a new. I was convinced in the end and decided to give another try. Now I've graduated from collage and got a very good job.I know all my success owns to my kind teacher. I'll work harder and never give up again.介绍教师节的英语作⽂篇五 Teachers Day, September 10th, is a national teachers festival in China. It is celebrated since 1985. It expresses respects to the labors and contributions of teachers to the Chinese society. The goal of Teachers Day is to form a social climate in which teachers are respected and knowledge is valued. The date of Teachers Day is set at the beginning of the school year in order to arouse teachers and students enthusiasm for their work, and give a good start to teaching and learning. On teachers Day, students usually send greeting cards with good wishes to their teachers to show their respect. In Taiwan Province, Teachers Day is celebrated on September 28 annually. Choosing this day is to celebrate the birth of Confucius for his great contribution to Chinese culture. In some other countries, Teachers Day is also celebrated. In the United States, this is on the first Tuesday in May. In India, Teachers Day is celebrated on September 5. In Vietnam, it is celebrated on November 20.。

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1.教师节英语作文范文The annual Teacher's Day is coming again. We plan to give our teachers a surprise and celebrate the festival with respect.On this day, the sky was exceptionally clear. In the morning, the students came to school early. As the head of the first class, I gave advice and began to prepare. I chose two painting experts, Xu Junjie and Xu Xinzhu, to decorate the blackboard. I directed them from the side. They drew a rainbow bridge on the blackboard. Under the bridge, two hearts were connected, and they wrote: "Happy Teacher's Day!" The surroundings are decorated with small flowers and butterflies. The most eye-catching is the lotus with two corners. Look! This one is dancing like a shy little girl; That one is in bud, but it is still a flower. The small dragonfly flies over and falls on it, adding vitality to the lotus. The whole blackboard is full of strong feelings. At the same time, I sent "sentinels" to stand guard. He also organized a flower sprinkling youth to pretend to be punished to stand at the door. Everyone sat in the classroom anxiously waiting for the arrival of the teacher. The sentry at the door made a gesture. Everyone immediately quieted down and sat down. When the door opened, I gave an order: "fire!" Several students sprayed spray flowers at the teacher, and I said, "stand up!" Everyone said in unison, "Happy Teacher's Day!" The teacher was shocked by this scene and said repeatedly: "thank you!" We all sent small gifts to our teachers, including homemade greeting cards, perfume, and red pens... We expressed our blessings to our teachers in our own way. The table was piled with all kinds of presents. The teacherlooked at the students and said affectionately: "because of you, I am happy!" Then write down two lines next to the lotus: "lotus root is a lotus, and it is silent. Lotus reports lotus root heart to show its purity". At this moment, the teacher's eyes burst into tears. Although I don't quite understand the profound meaning of these two sentences written by the teacher, I know that the teacher works diligently, isn't it like a lotus root buried in the ground? On weekdays, the teacher's work appears in front of me one after another. Teacher, don't you put your heart and soul into it so that we can bloom like lotus flowers? Teacher, although I have not prepared a gift for you, I will study hard in the future and repay your teachings with practical actions!After that, the teacher organized us to carry out literary and artistic activities and sent our classmates to buy us a lot of delicious food. We sang together heartily! Jump! The students were all immersed in incomparable happiness. The teacher also secretly captured our wonderful moments. Finally, the whole class took a group photo.This teacher's Day is our teacher's Day! Have a good time. We also sincerely said to the teacher: "teacher, you have worked hard, teacher - we will always love you!"2.教师节英语作文范文On September 10, teacher's Day arrived. One morning, I strode to the school. Just after entering the classroom, Ming Yuxi proposed in the class: "today, we will give the teacher a surprise. When we salute the teacher in class, I say 'get ready', and everyone says to the teacher: good teacher's Day! Do you hear me? We must remember!" We all said in unison happily: "good!"I hurried out to "scout" and saw Mr. Peng coming towards us.I quickly turned back and shouted to the students in theclassroom: "the teacher is coming, everyone is ready!" The students hurried back to their seats and waited quietly for the arrival of the teacher. Unfortunately, Mr. Peng went to the office, and we were a little depressed. At that time, the class bell rang and Mr. Peng came down. We were so happy that we danced and sat down immediately. As soon as Mr. Peng entered the classroom, we sincerely said "happy holidays" to the teacher as planned. In this way, the plan went smoothly until the fourth English class. The teacher didn't ask us to stand up. What can we do? Everyone was very worried. Suddenly, some clever ghost said, "teacher, can you re-enter the classroom and let us stand up and salute?" The idea was really good. We were very excited. Everyone laughed and the teacher heard it. Of course, the teacher did not know where the smile came from. When the teacher said to stand up, we still blessed as planned. The teacher found that he had been "fooled" and said to us: "your ideas are very good. I'll take your heart. However, if you learn well, this gift will be more perfect."After school, my heart is sweet and very happy. I don't know what will happen next teacher's day.In short, we will give our blessings to our teachers on this day.What a pleasant day!3.教师节英语作文范文Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are not enough for your dedication! Poetry and ode, praise your respect! You use the nectar of knowledge to water our ideal flowers; You use the spring of your heart to nourish the beautiful fruit of our sentiments.In this unusual Festival, I offer my deep blessing! Every year,I send the first wisp of spring light and blessings to you, my dear teacher. May spring always be with you! The sunshine is shining, and the gardener's heart is warm in spring; The rain and dew moisten the peach and plum branches, and the buds are red. I wish you a happy T eacher's day.You are a gardener, adding beauty to the mountains and rivers of the motherland; You are like the spring rain, moistening the peaches and plums, and making the land of China fragrant. In this festive Festival, let me present a flower of my heart to express my sincere wishes to you. I can't express my congratulations on the teacher's holiday by composing carols with rosy clouds and weaving poems with flowers everywhere!I am not your best student, but you are my most respected teacher. In your festival, I would like to pay a high tribute to you.Dear teacher, your earnest teachings are like the spring wind and the rain, and will forever inscribe my heart. I sincerely wish you: well-being and good luck ~ we grow from seedlings to trees, but we will always be your students. You teach students according to their aptitude and enlighten the mind. I hold the excellent results to congratulate you on your victory! Teacher, I wish you a lot of talented students and elites.Teacher, you are sincere, kind and beautiful. May the hearts of all students be open to you. May the music of my brook echo in your deep valley forever. When the tide goes out, the colorful shells are left on the beach.Dear teacher! On the occasion of this teacher's day, on behalf of the students in class 3 of Lianchi primary school and my family, I would like to say to you that you have worked hard! Happy Teacher's Day!4.教师节英语作文范文Standing under the bright red flag, we have ushered in an unforgettable Teacher's day. At this happy, warm and exciting moment, on behalf of the students of the whole school, I hold out our purest, most sincere and warmest heart. I wish all the teachers of the No. 1 middle school who care and care for our growth a happy holiday, happiness and health! We even hope that our greetings and blessings can smooth the wrinkles on the gardener's face, wipe off the micro frost on the gardener's temples, and let the gardeners' wise eyes shine forever!Being a teacher is hard work, but the work of shaping the soul is great; The burning of a red candle is transient, but it is eternal for her to burn herself and illuminate others' hearts. Your greatness lies not only in imparting our scientific and cultural knowledge, but also in setting a good example for us.Some people say that the teacher is the brightest Big Dipper in the sky, which points out the way forward for us; Some people say that the teacher is the coolest mountain spring in the mountains, watering our young t r e e s w i t h t h e f r a g r a n t n e c t a r j u i c e ; S o m e p e o p l e s a y t h a t t h e t e a c h e r i s a l u x u r i a n t l e a f , w i t h h i s s t r o n g b o d y a n d p r o t e c t i n g o u r f u t u r e f l o w e r s a n d b o n e s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 7 " > / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 8 " > 0 0 T e a c h e r , I a d m i r e y o u , a n d I c a n ' t s a y w h y I a d m i r e y o u . L o o k i n g a t t h e n e a t a n d b e a u t i f u l h a n d w r i t i n g y o u l e f t o n t h e b l a c k b o a r d , I c a n ' t f i g u r e o u t h o w m u c h m y s t e r y a n d h a r d s w e a t t h e r e a r e . I o n l y k n o w t h a t t h i s i s y o u r s e l f l e s s d e d i c a t i o n t o s o c i a l e d u c a t i o n . L i s t e n t o e v e r y w o r d y o u s a y o n t h e p o d i u m . W h a t k i n d o f s o u n d i s t h a t ? I s i t n a t u r e ' s c l e a r a n d g r e e n b i r d c a l l s ? I s it t h e h a r m o n i o u s m e l o d y o f c l a s s i c a l m u s i c a l i n s t r u m e n t s ? N o , i t ' s n o t . I t ' s a k i n d o f v o i c e o u t s i d e t h e s k y , c o n t a i n i n g b e a u t i f u l t o n e s i n t h e w o r l d , w h i c h m a k e s u s f e e l d e e p l y . B e c a u s e t h a t v o i c e i s n o t a n o r d i n a r y v o i c e , b u t a s i g n a l o f k n o w l e d g e . P l e a s e k e e p t h i s m a r k . W h e n y o u h e a r t h i s v o i c e , y o u w i l l k n o w t h a t t h e r e i s a l o t o f k n o w l e d g e c o m i n g f r o m a f a r a n d e n t e r i n g t h e s t a t i o n o f y o u r i n t e l l i g e n t b r a i n . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 9 " > / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 0 " > 0 0 T e a c h e r , y o u a r e t h e b r i g h t e s t B i g D i p p e r i n t h e s k y , b u t I a m a b l a c k d u c k l o s t i n t h e w o r l d o f m o r t a l s . W h e n e v e r I l o s e m y w a y , a s l o n g a s I s e e y o u r d a z z l i n g l i g h t , I c a n f i n d m y w a y h o m e . I s t i l l r e m e m b e r h o w m u c h y o u p a i d f o r u s w h e n y o u f i r s t p i c k e d m e u p a n d t u r n e d m e f r o m a c h i l d f u l l o f i n n o c e n c e t o a p u p i l w i t h i d e a l s a n d a c h i e v e m e n t s . W h i l e w e w e r e e n j o y i n g o u r s u c c e s s a n d h a p p i n e s s , w e c o u l d n o t f o r g e t o u r t e a c h e r . Y o u a r e t h e c o o l e s t m o u n t a i n s p r i n g i n t h e m o u n t a i n s . Y o u u s e y o u r e r u d i t i o n t o l e t u s u n d e r s t a n d t h e v a s t w o r l d a n d s e e t h e s i z e o f t h e w o r l d , Y o u a r e l i k e o u r t e l e s c o p e , w h i c h a l l o w s u s t o s e e f a r t h e r a n d m o r e c l e a r l y , j u s t l i k e m o u n t a i n s p r i n g w a t e r , s o t h a t y o u c a n s e e t h e b o t t o m l a y e r c l e a r l y . T e a c h e r , y o u t a u g h t u s t o h a v e t h e c o u r a g e t o f i g h t a g a i n s t d i f f i c u l t i e s a n d n o t t o b e o v e r w h e l m e d b y d i f f i c u l t i e s . I s t i l l r e m e m b e r t h a t y o u o f t e n s a i d , " h o w c a n y o u s e e a r a i n b o w w i t h o u t e x p e r i e n c i n g t h e w i n da n d r a i n ? N o o n e c a n s u c c e e d c a s u a l l y . " Y e s , s u c c e s s a n d d i f f i c u l t y a r e r e l a t i v e . I f t h e r e a r e n o d i f f i c u l t i e s , h o w c a n w e t a l k ab o u t s uc c e s s . / p > p bd s f i d = " 1 2 1 " > / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 2 " > 00 T h a n k y o u , t e a c h e r , f o r m a k i n g u s c o n f i d e n ta n d c a p ab l e o f s u r p a s s i n g o u r s e l v e s . Y o u h a v e p r o v e d t o u s w i t h f ac t s : l e a r n i n g i s n o t a b u rde n , b u t a p l e a s u r e a n d r e s p o n s i b i l i t y , a k e y t o t h e w o r l d w e n e v e r k n e w . Y o u h a v e t a u g h t u s t o e x p l o r e b o l d l y w i t h o u r o w n m i n d s a n d h a n d s , t of i n d a n d d i s c o v e r , a n d t o m a k e l i f e f u l l o f s u r p r i s e s ! / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 3 " > / p > p b d s f i d = "1 2 4 " > 0 0 T h a n k y o u , t e a c h e r . Y o u a r e a p e r s o n w e c a n a l w a y s t r u s t . W h e n y o u e n c o u n t e r t r o u b l e i n l i f e , y o u w i l l a s k f o r h e l p . Y o u l e t u s k n o w : a s l o n g a s w e a r e w i l l i n g , w e c a n t e l l y o u e v e r y t h i n g . Y o u o f t e n s a y t h a t y o u w e r e a c h i l d , s o y o u c a n u n d e r s t a n d t h e c h i l d r e n ' s e m o t i o n s .i m g s r c = " h t t p s : / / i m g . / u p l o a d f i l e / i m a g e s / m u b a n / 1 1 5 . j p g " b d s f i d = " 1 2 5 " > / p > p s t y l e = " b o r d e r - l e f t : 5 p x s o l i d # 3 9 9 1 e 5 ; c o l o r : # 3 9 9 1 e 5 ; b a c k g r o u n d : # f 5 f 7 f 7 ; p a d d i n g - l e f t : 1 0 p x ; l i n e - h e i g h t : 3 5 p x ; m a r g i n - b o t t o m : 8 p x ; " b d s f i d = " 1 2 6 " >。

关于教师节的英语作文范文【十篇】1.关于老师节的英语作文范文This year's teacher's Day is a day worth celebrating, because this year is the first semester of the new campus and the first teacher's Day ushered in by the new campus.On this teacher's day, I don't want to be too grand. Originally, I wanted to present all kinds of precious gifts to all teachers, but I felt that as long as I could express my achievements to the teachers and achieve the goals set by the teachers, it would be a gift to the teachers!Since I transferred from the second grade, I have known many teachers. In a twinkling of an eye, I have been in the fifth grade. I have celebrated three teacher's days. In this festival, many parents will also take advantage of this festival to put forward some necessary ways of "demand" to teachers. This time, I will not send cards and gifts like before, because what teachers need is not the gifts we give, nor the so-called needs, but our blessings to teachers. Blessings will surely be exchanged for gratitude. Teachers, you have your own positions, such as art, Chinese, music, mathematics, etc. these classes not only let me acquire knowledge and wealth of soul and spirit, but also let me know that you expect us and hope that we can further move towards the road of success.Teacher, on this year's teacher's day, I wish you a smooth, safe and happy work! I also hope that my grades can really advance by leaps and bounds and make you happy!2.关于老师节的英语作文范文Today is teacher's day. As the Song said: "grateful heart, thank you for accompanying me all my life, so that I have the courage to be myself. Grateful heart, thank fate, I will cherish flowers as they bloom and fall!"School started, and I went back to my school again. The familiar bell echoed in my ears again and again. Suddenly, an idea flashed in my mind: Teacher's Day is coming! I took advantage of the lunch break to buy gifts for the teacher. All kinds of gifts were wrapped in beautiful wrapping paper. I thought that the teacher would be happy in this way, but it was not like that. After I gave the gifts, I went to class. At the beginning of the class, the teacher said, "I was very moved by the gifts that my classmates gave me just now, but we teachers don't care if you give them or not. As long as you get a good score in the exam, it will be a surprise to the teacher!" After listening to this, I was very touched, so I vowed to study hard and never let the teacher down again!Teachers are like the second parents in our lives. They teach us the truth of being a man and teach us unlimited knowledge. Here I sincerely say, "teacher, you have worked hard"!3.关于老师节的英语作文范文Today is September 10, the annual teachers' day.Teacher's Day is a holiday for all teachers. I want to say to all teachers: "I wish you a happy holiday, a smooth work and a happy day!I think teacher's day should tell all our students to respect and thank teachers. Without the hard work of teachers, we could not have acquired so much new knowledge. Teachers work hard in class during the day and correct our homework at night. They are really selfless and dedicated to themselves.Because this year's teacher's Day is Saturday, many students brought small gifts to the teacher yesterday, including flowers, chocolates, greeting cards and so on, to thank the teacher. But during the exercise, the headmaster said: "students, it is impossible to express your gratitude to the teacher just by giving gifts. You should thank the teacher with real actions." After listening to the headmaster, I understood.I decided to study hard, complete the homework assigned by the teacher on time, hand in the homework on time, actively participate in various school activities, and be a good student who is disciplined, polite and loves learning.4.关于老师节的英语作文范文Tomorrow is teachers' Day! When the festival is coming, I want to give you my best wishes - dear teacher Xu. I want to make a gift for you in the festival: a bunch of beautiful carnations and a greeting card I made myself.Teacher, you taught us when we were ignorant. You also taught us how to treat others while teaching us knowledge. Teacher, your stern eyes made me realize my mistakes and correct them; It is your hard sweat that has nurtured our "flowers" and made us knowledgeable and happy. Teacher, how I thank you! But I dare not say it. Let this little flower represent my love and gratitude to you! In addition, next to this flower, I will pastea note with my blessing on it.Teacher, you are both a strict teacher and a loving heart. One day, when you were giving a lecture seriously and patiently, you found a classmate doing small moves. Instead of yelling at him, you stared at that classmate with your "talking" eyes. When you saw your eyes, he immediately sat upright and listened to your lecture seriously.Tomorrow is your holiday. Let me say in advance: happy holiday, teacher!5.关于老师节的英语作文范文Who cultivated you? Who educated you? It's a teacher. Teachers also helped us in our growth. When we don't understand a problem, the teacher teaches us how to understand it word by word, and lets us know that we should think when we don't understand it; When we were hurt, the teacher asked Hou how we were, so that we could feel the warmth of love.The teacher is like a hardworking gardener cultivating our tender flowers; The teacher is like a bee. Although he works hard every day, he takes no pains; The teacher is like a luxuriant tree, and the green leaves like emerald are us. We can see the kind smile of the teacher on every leaf; The teacher is also like a good medicine, which cures our illness while we drink it.What is a teacher in your mind? Maybe it's serious. It may be kind, but there is only one purpose: for our future. The teacher is serious to you. Please don't think that the teacher doesn't care enough about you, because the teacher hates iron and doesn't make steel; The teacher is kind to you. Please don'tthink the teacher is afraid of you, because the teacher respects you.What gift do you want to give your teacher on teacher's day?A bunch of colorful flowers, a greeting card full of strong friendship. But I think a good grade is undoubtedly a reward for teachers. On this affectionate teacher's day, let's shout out: Happy Teacher's Day!6.关于老师节的英语作文范文Today is September 10, and we have another unforgettable Teacher's day. I walk on the path after school as usual. I wanted to pick some flowers for the teacher, but I still think it's better to buy a gift for the teacher.I came to the gift shop, but I was disappointed because the gifts were big and expensive. I saw several beautiful mobile phone chains. I hurried to school. The teacher hasn't come yet. As soon as I entered the classroom, I saw some students hanging balloons with smiling faces on them! Some are scattering debris and some are hanging ribbons. It's so lively! After a while, everyone tidied up the classroom beautifully. One of the students shouted: come on, come on, teacher! Our classroom changed from a bee's nest to a quiet bird's nest. The students immediately ran back to their seats, leaving four students at the door. We heard the familiar footsteps coming closer and closer. The classroom door was opened, and there were colorful balloons. The ribbons flew to Mr. Xu. Mr. Xu was wearing white clothes. Now they have become colorful clothes! Mr. Xu, who is usually serious, also has a smile on his face. Ah, the teacher's smile is so beautiful and brilliant!Dear teachers, your light and heat are limited, but it is your limited light and heat that fuse to ignite the soaring light of the motherland!Thousands of words into one sentence: teacher, we love you!7.关于老师节的英语作文范文I look forward to the stars, the moon, and finally the teacher's day.That day, I walked to the campus and saw many students holding bouquets of flowers in their hands. When I got to the classroom, I quickly gave a flower on my hand to the teacher and added a blessing: "Happy Teacher's Day!" The teacher gave me a sweet smile.In the afternoon, we saw Miss Shao and miss Mei holding a cake in their hands, which surprised everyone. It turns out that the teacher bought it to celebrate the festival with us. After a while, Mr. Shao and Mr. Mei began to open the cake. Everyone couldn't wait to see what the cake was like? The cake came apart. "Ah, what a beautiful cake." Miss Mei has a purple cake, and miss Shao has a yellow one. Cake. The teacher quickly cut the cake one by one and gave it to us. We all ate the cake with relish. Some ate it without leaving any left on the plate, while others were reluctant to eat it.After class, everyone said to the teacher in one voice: "Happy Teacher's Day!"8.关于老师节的英语作文范文On an autumn morning, a cool mist shrouded the beautiful campus. As soon as you enter our campus, the strong fragrance of flowers is refreshing. When I came to the classroom, a familiar figure was busy. Every time, I could not help muttering to myself: teacher, you have worked hard!The brilliance of teachers is not only reflected in their profession itself, but also in their lives. In my heart, you are such a person. What you have done for students has far exceeded the responsibilities of a teacher. Teacher, I know that you have done too much for us. Thousands of words are not enough to express my gratitude to you.In this short three years, you have broken our hearts. Every morning you always give us lessons with a smile on your face. Although we always make you angry, you are still so patient; Whenever there are contradictions among our classmates, you always kindly teach us; After school every day, when we all left, you dragged your tired body home. What a responsible teacher you are! In our hearts, you are a teacher all over the world. Teacher, I still have a lot to say to you. These hundreds of words are endless, but teacher, I want to say to you: the spring silkworm is dead until the silk is exhausted, and the wax torch is turned into ash before the tears dry.Teacher, you have worked hard!9.关于老师节的英语作文范文In this crisp autumn golden harvest season, we have entered the new school year, and also ushered in the annual Teacher's day. When we take the heavy harvest and accept more knowledge, a feeling of respect for teachers surges into our hearts again.When we walked into the school for the first time and were glad that we had become a primary school student, the profession of teacher was deeply branded in our hearts - - teachers are sacred, great and selfless. We respect teachers more than our parents. When you are in class, some students make small moves below. You will warn them with your eyes not to play in class. After class, you will also talk and laugh with us like a child. When some naughty students don't do their homework well and talk loudly in class, they don't pay attention to you at all. If you are angry, you still tolerate them with a broad mind. Day by day hard work and our selfless dedication have dyed your hair one by one.From ignorance and innocence to knowledge, maturity and steadiness; From knowing 26 letters to being able to write beautiful compositions and so on, all these are the result of the teacher's hard sweat and inculcation. We will certainly repay you with excellent results!Parents give us life, and teachers teach us how to make our life better! As the saying goes, teachers' kindness is like mountains, gentle and thick; The teacher's kindness is as long as water. Similarly, students also have extraordinary significance to teachers, just like leaves and branches to roots and fruits to flowers.10.关于老师节的英语作文范文Today is teachers' day. I got my cards ready early. As soon as I got to the school, I saw our English teacher Liu. I hurried to catch up with teacher Liu and gave her a greeting card. I said, "I don't know what to write to thank you. I just wrote congratulations on your happy Teacher's day." Teacher Liu said,"it doesn't matter. As long as your heart is there, the teacher will be happy." Then I gave the cards to math teacher Liu and Chinese teacher Zhang.Every teacher's Day is a favorite holiday for teachers. On teacher's day, teachers can receive the most sincere wishes, the most beautiful flowers and the most pure smile from their classmates. It is the happiest time for teachers.When giving it to the math teacher, Mr. Liu said, "thank you, but don't throw the greeting card like that. You should give it to the teacher with both hands to show respect. That will better show your intention to the teacher." I smiled and said, "yes, I will remember your teachings in the future." This sentence of Teacher Liu has always accompanied my growth. When I sometimes want to throw it to others, what teacher Liu said immediately comes to my mind. Such impolite things have never happened again.Although I had a one-day lesson on this teacher's day, I was still very happy because I gave my best wishes to the teacher, and I also learned lifelong beneficial knowledge through this teacher's day.。

教师节的英语作文范文1.教师节的英语作文范文篇一Among the teacher s who have taught me, there is one who impre ssed me the most. She is my homeroom teache r, Teacher Zhao. Here, I want to say to you wit h a grateful heart, "Thank you, Teacher ZhaoWhen I was in the first grade of elementary school, my writing posture was not correct, so I was not only slow when I was writing, but a lso the words I wrote were very crooked, like a little monkey playing tricks, everyone squinting their eyebrows and eyes, which was very funn y. Because of this, I don't know how many tim es I have been criticized by my parents. But Te acher Zhao did not mock me, but patiently hel ped and encouraged me. When she saw my pro gress, she warmly praised me, which gave me h ope and strengthened my confidence in writing well. After a period of unremitting efforts, my writing skills have continuously improved. Now, I am a third grade college student. Not only can I write beautiful pencil words, but I can als o write good words with a pen in a standardiz ed manner. Teacher Zhao, all of this is your te aching!Here, I would like to sincerely thank the te acher for his kindness and help to me. Your ki ndness in nurturing me will be unforgettable th roughout my life.2.教师节的英语作文范文篇二In the blink of an eye, I can still remember every detail of the six years, just like what happened yesterday. In these six years, there have been joys, sorrows, joys, and sorrows, and one thing that has moved me has always been in my heart.I remember when I was in third grade, it was Monday and it was my turn to be on duty. I to ok a mop to the bathroom, prepared to clean it, and then went to mop the floor. I had just put t he mop into the sink as usual, when something u nexpected happened. The faucet exploded withoutwarning, and water splashed everywhere. All the friends next to me, without exception, were hit a nd soaked all over. We wanted to control the wat er flow and picked up mops to push against the exploding faucet, hoping to stop the water splash ing around. However, our strength was too weak, and as soon as we put the mops on the outlet, they were pushed away by the enormous pressure of the water. Now we are all soaked in water, e specially with no dry spots on me. At this mome nt, my classmate called the homeroom teacher. T he teacher saw this scene and called me to the o ffice. He connected the hair dryer and dried my c lothes bit by bit. The teacher looked at me tremb ling with concern and even brought a towel to dr y my hair and body. At the same time, he called my family to bring clean clothes. The teacher's ca re warmed me like sunshine.Since then, I have secretly made up my mind to repay you with even harder study.3.教师节的英语作文范文篇三Teacher's Day is approaching! Wishing you a happy Teacher's Day!September 10th is Teacher's Day every year, a nd this year's Teacher's Day is approaching. In or der to wish the teacher a happy Teacher's Day, s ome students send greeting cards to the teacher, some people write blessings on origami, and so me people personally tell "Happy Teacher's Day Today, our whole class discussed to surprise t he teacher. When we woke up in the morning for self-study, we pretended to forget that today is Teacher's Day. The teacher looked at us and thou ght we had forgotten what day it was today. Wh en the first class was last morning, the teacher lo oked at us with an unhappy face. When the class monitor said , the teacher's mood did not chang e much because the teacher thought we were goi ng to say 'Hello teacher'. When we said 'Happy T eacher's Day', the teacher's face was filled with a smile. Do you think this is over? Without it, eac h of us has prepared gifts for the teacher. One b y one, we placed the gifts we had prepared on the desk, some of which were for our time with t he teacher, while others were for us. Our gratitud e and blessings to the teacher, as well as a paint ing from some classmates depicting the entire cla ss. The teacher's face showed a moving smile. Be cause we are about to graduate, we want to give our teacher our memories and blessings.The paper I gave to the teacher reads: Teach er, you have worked hard. Wishing you a happy Teacher's Day. I want to thank you for your care and care over the years. I wish you always happi ness and happiness!I want to say to you once again: Happy Teac her's Day!4.教师节的英语作文范文篇四Teachers are gardeners, we are small grass, they fertilize and water us; Teachers are the sun, we are seedlings, they shine for us every day; Teachers are mothers, we are children, and they make us grow up happily... There are many teachers in aperson's life, but my favorite is my current homeroom teacher - Teacher Lin.Ms. Lin is of medium height, dressed in simpl e clothes, and has an ordinary public appearance, but she has many characteristics.She is approachable. When new classmates co me to the class, she warmly arranges seats for th em, tells them about various things in the class, and introduces them to us. Sometimes she would invite new classmates to the office, pour a glass of water, and slowly explain to him. In this way, new students will become familiar with the class and Teacher Lin within three days, and quickly i ntegrate into the new family.She cares about her classmates. For a while, my learning state was not very good. I didn't tak e classes seriously and was fond of making small moves. I even got off topic in my essay test, on ly scoring 89 points. The teacher found out and i mmediately helped me: ask questions in class and let me answer them. Call my parents to tell meabout the situation. She also carefully corrected a nd reminded me of the homework I did wrong, a nd instructed me how to understand the topic an d write a good essay... With the teacher's care an d guidance, my learning attitude has been correct ed again, and I even achieved a good score of 9 7 in the test.She is willing to help others. When other teac hers lost their lesson plans, she immediately took her own lesson plans to the copy shop to make copies. Everyone is happy to be friends with her.Her teaching ability is particularly good. In he r class, we all felt a relaxed atmosphere and no t ension; She explained the text vividly, making it more appealing and interesting to listen to. The s tudents have a high learning mood, so our class often ranks first in the Chinese language class.This is our homeroom teacher, Teacher Lin. S he is a hardworking gardener, a warm sun, and a kind mother. With her care, we grow up healthy and happy.5.教师节的英语作文范文篇五From ancient times to the present, many people have compared teachers to hardworking gardeners, silently burning candles, etc. Xiao Mei holds this kind of admiration for her teachers.Today is International Teacher's Day on Septe mber 10th, and Xiaomei wants to give a gift to h er homeroom teacher to repay her years of hard work and cultivation. Xiaomei pondered: What gift should I give to the teacher? Is it a greeting car d, accessory, or pen? No, none of these can expr ess my feelings towards the teacher. Suddenly, sh e saw various chrysanthemums in the inconspicuo us corner of the flower shop. So, an idea arose i n her heart: Chrysanthemum, which is selfless and ordinary, is not the most able to reflect the styl e of teachers? Just give the teacher a bouquet of chrysanthemums. She went to the flower shop, c arefully selected a bouquet of chrysanthemums, b ought it with her usual pocket money, and hoppe d to the school. Xiaomei bent over and quietly arrived at the teacher's office, only to find that the teacher was not in the office yet. She gently pus hed open the window and saw that the layout of the office was very simple. There was an old des k, a rusted chair, a globe on the table, an unuse d bottle of ink, a Chinese textbook, glasses, and a desk calendar that had been flipped until Septe mber 10th. Xiaomei stood on tiptoe and leaned si deways, carefully placing the chrysanthemums in her pen holder.A refreshing breeze blew in, and the faint fra grance of chrysanthemums emanated from every c orner of the office. Xiaomei thought to herself, "T eachers have put in a lot of effort and effort to cultivate us, the future flowers of our motherland. They have imparted knowledge, nurtured us, and pushed us to climb to the pinnacle of knowledg e. Shouldn't they be rewarded?。

关于教师节的英语作文篇四关于教师节的英语作文篇六Teacher's Day is coming. I want to send a gift to my beloved teacher.What can I give you? Send a bunch of flowers? A little poem? No, I want to use the brush in my hand to draw a portrait of the teacher that can best express my feelings. First, draw the teacher's hair. Because of overwork, silky white hair appears on the teacher's head prematurely. I drew with concentration and looked at the silver hairs in my pen, which reminded me of my memories.One evening last summer, it suddenly rained. The students were picked up by their parents one after another, leaving me alone. My mother was on a business trip and my father was busy with work. I could not help crying on the seat when it was getting dark. My heart kept calling: Dad, why don't you come to pick me up! At this time, a hand was gently placed on my shoulder. I thought it was my father and jumped up happily. It was a teacher and I was a little embarrassed. The teacher wiped my tears and said, "Oh, it's so big, and there are still goldenbeans!" I couldn't help laughing. I looked up and saw the teacher's white hair. I was so grateful that I didn't know what to say. On the way home, I felt the teacher tremble. It turned out that the teacher was afraid of me getting caught in the rain, so she put most of her raincoat on me, but half of her body was drenched. I was moved to tears.After painting the teacher's hair and eyes. On the painting paper, the teacher's eyes are like the stars on the autumn night, kind and bright, as if looking at me kindly. That day in Chinese class, I saw the toy type small oil pen on the desk. My hand itched. I unconsciously stretched it out and played stealthily under the desk. It happened that the teacher saw it. She glanced at me with reproach and concern. I felt guilty for a while. I quickly put my hands on the table and listened to the teacher carefully... Looking at the teacher's portrait and her kind eyes, my respect and affection for the teacher were further deepened.Ah! Dear teacher, I love you!它山之石可以攻玉,以上就是本文范文为大家带来的6篇《关于教师节的英语作文》,您可以复制其中的精彩段落、语句,也可以下载DOC格式的文档以便编辑使用。

关于教师节的英语作文【十篇】1.关于教师节的英语作文September 10 is another teacher’s day, which is a special day, a day that allows us to understand gratitude and gratitude.I’m afraid that my writing style will let articles on this subject fall into the stereotype. However, as for teacher’s day, which is a day we are familiar with from childhood to adulthood, I have just begun to have some of my own experiences and insights.When we were young, we knew that we should respect our teachers. On teacher’s day, we would always thank our teachers who have worked hard for a year. Perhaps at that time, we just thought that this was a standard for being “good children”.Now that I have studied in University, I have also experienced some internships. This time, I can better understand the difficulties of teachers. As teachers, it is their responsibility to teach and educate people. This is not an easy job. There is pressure from allaspects of society. From the most basic lesson preparation to their words and deeds will affect the students’ Outlook on life and values. They know the hardships themselves.We should learn to be grateful. In fact, teachers are tolerant of students, and there is absolutely no harsh and picky boss towards employees. They are selfless to the students. There is no reservation about the transfer of knowledge.For all this, we should learn to be grateful, and we should be grateful.Here, I only write this article with my not beautiful writing style, and sincerely say to all the teachers who have taught me and are teaching us: “thank you, I wish you a happy Teacher’s Day!”2.关于教师节的英语作文On the first page, I drew “teacher and me”. The teacher in the picture looked at me lovingly, holding an umbrella in his hand to shield me from the wind and rain. The thin rain beat against the umbrella. The teacher pushed the umbrella to my side and let the raindrop jump on his head... I wrote three big characters under the picture: “love in the rain”.On the second page, I drew a teacher’s desk. On the desk are the textbooks prepared and the homework books that have been corrected with the painstaking efforts of the teacher... The pictures are painted, and my eyes are blurred. It seems that I see the teacher preparing for every lesson every day to give us a good lesson, and he works tirelessly. Then, I painted a pot of flowers. The “I” in the painting was holding it on the table. Ah! Teacher, please accept this gift. Although this gift is insignificant, it contains the students’ admiration for you.Finally, I finished the greeting card with my dexterous hands. Although I am not dexterous, every stroke in the greeting card is filled with my thousands of good wishes and pure and profound feelings for you.Ah! Dear teacher, the engineer of human soul, because of you, we have changed from a little pepper who is not sensible to a good child who is civilized and polite; Because of you, our empty brain has beenenriched. You are the holy angel, bringing our ignorance and giving us knowledge; You are the hardworking gardener, cutting off our cowardice and giving us strength.Ah! Teacher, I praise you! Thank you faithfully!I wish you a happy holiday!3.关于教师节的英语作文Tomorrow is teacher’s day. For a long time in my mind, teachers have always had a sacred status. What gift should I give my teacher when the festival is coming? Yes, make a greeting card by yourself!Today is teacher’s day. First of all, I would like to say to teachers all over the world: “teacher, I wish you a happy holiday! You have worked hard.” Teacher, your profession is too noble. At all times and all over the world, there is no one whose growth is not imbued with the painstaking efforts of teachers. No creation from all over the world contains the hard work of teachers. Teacher, you use truth and wisdom to shape talents. You let the spring glow and the morning glow shine in your heart. Teacher, I love you. I love your spirit of spinning like a spring silkworm to the death.Teacher, your smiling words are like sweet dewgently sprinkling on our new seedlings. It is you who bring us to the ocean of knowledge, you who teach us the truth of life, and you. Today is your holiday. No matter what words I use, I can’t express my gratitude to you. I’m thinking hard about what gift to send to my teacher so as to show my appreciation. If I don’t send a carnation, maybe it’s too vulgar, or chocolate? Maybe the teacher doesn’t like it either? It would be nice to send a cup to let the teacher drink a cup of warm tea to quench his thirst in class! After thinking about it, I still came up with a good idea. Finally, I decided to draw a beautiful picture by myself and give it to the teacher.Teacher, I love your quiet cultivation and selfless dedication. I will study hard and become a glorious people’s teacher when I grow up.4.关于教师节的英语作文In the golden autumn of September, the sweet scented osmanthus is fragrant, the soft wind is cool, and the teacher’s day comes slowly with light steps.In the morning, after breakfast, I would urge my mother to hurry to school. When I went out, I didn’t forget to take the gifts I had already prepared. Lookingat these gifts, I seemed to see the bright smile when the teacher received my gifts.Thinking, I came to the school gate. Ah, there are so many people. I was stunned by this magnificent scene!I saw flower stalls surrounded by parents and students. Look, the carnations, roses and sunflowers seem to be more colorful today, with smiling faces opened one after another! Look at those paper flowers, colorful, exquisite workmanship, exquisite packaging, worthy of the hand of skillful people. Looking around the whole scene, it was dazzling!At that time, I rushed into the classroom with my beloved gift. Maybe I was really afraid that my gift would be lost on the way.At the door of the class, the teacher’s desk was already covered with bunches of flowers. When I gave my gift to the teacher, the smile on the teacher’s face seemed sweeter. The teacher touched my head and said softly: “thank you, Jinghan!”What can be more moving than hearing the teacher’s words! My heart is full of joy. Ah, teacher, you have worked hard!When I got back to my seat, my heart was not calm for a long time. I really can’t imagine that such a small move would make me and the teacher so happy! Yes, this small gift represents my gratitude to the teacher, my understanding of the teacher, and my respect for the teacher! The teacher’s gentle actions and warm words gave me confidence, courage and motivation to learn!Ah, unforgettable Teacher’s Day!5.关于教师节的英语作文On teacher’s day, our class held a teacher’s day reading meeting. I was very happy and excited.Ding Ling Ling Ding Ling. The bell rang for the fourth class. I quickly got to my seat. Looking forward, Mr. Shang stood on the platform and said with a smile, now the teacher’s Day recitation will begin. Warm applause broke out. OK, now we want to invite the students who want to read aloud. As soon as I heard this, I raised my hands obsessively. However, the teacher only called the front students. Alas, who told me to sit in the last row. The selected students lined up in a line and proudly took the microphone to the stage torecite their poems on the platform. As soon as I saw that I had to go to the platform to recite, I had to take the microphone, and my head was sweating!The selected students finished reading. It’s time to draw lots. I thought. What should I do! If I don’t go to the podium and take the microphone, I’m ok, but if I want to go to the podium and take the microphone, I can’t! Oh, I don’t care. If you draw me, I will go up boldly! Well, the first time I drew was No. 9, not me... No, it was not me two or three times in a row. I’m a little happy and a little disappointed. I’m happy because I didn’t get it. The disappointment was that the teacher didn’t hear my poem. Then the teacher asked us all to read our own poems to the teacher. Ah! I’m so happy. I stand in my place. I recited my love for the teacher with all my strength.Unconsciously, the bell rang, always telling us in his kind words. Today is teacher’s day. We have a half day holiday. My classmates and I said to the teacher, “Happy Teacher’s day, you are lucky.”.6.关于教师节的英语作文Today is September 10, and the teacher’s day thatwe arrived as scheduled has finally arrived. In the afternoon, all the teachers and students of the school came to the cool playground.The most exciting moment is the awarding ceremony. You can see that the teachers walked steadily and walked onto the rostrum with a smile. The students clapped for the teachers and the teachers were immersed in happiness.I think back to the teachers who taught me in the past. For example, teacher Bai gave us a lecture, and his voice was hoarse. He didn’t drink water in class, and even his lips were dry. After class, he just drank a mouthful of water and hurried to judge our homework. Sure enough, all the teachers who have taught me have come to the stage to receive awards. I think these teachers are worthy of their reputation and deserve their reputation.After the awards, there are performances, including martial arts and guzheng... My favorite is a dance performance. Gao Chang of our class and Zhang Xin of class 4 (3) perform. Their performances are really brilliant. Their clothes are colorful, like twoidentical butterflies dancing in the grass. It is very beautiful! The students cheered and cheered with thunderous applause.A teacher is a candle that burns himself and illuminates others. The teacher is a spring silkworm, spitting out his last silk thread. Teachers are hardworking gardeners, nurturing us to thrive. The teacher is the kindling that ignites the students’hearts. The teacher is a stone step, bearing the students to climb up step by step. The teacher is a ship, sending us one by one to the coast of knowledge7.关于教师节的英语作文Teacher’s Day is coming. I want to send a gift to my beloved teacher.What can I give you? Send a bunch of flowers? A little poem? No, I want to use the brush in my hand to draw a portrait of the teacher that can best express my feelings. First, draw the teacher’s hair. Because of overwork, silky white hair appears on the teacher’s head prematurely. I drew with concentration and looked at the silver hairs in my pen, which reminded me of my memories.One evening last summer, it suddenly rained. The students were picked up by their parents one after another, leaving me alone. My mother was on a business trip and my father was busy with work. I could not help crying on the seat when it was getting dark. My heart kept calling: Dad, why don’t you come to pick me up! At this time, a hand was gently placed on my shoulder.I thought it was my father and jumped up happily. It was a teacher and I was a little embarrassed. The teacher wiped my tears and said, “Oh, it’s so big, and there are still golden beans!” I couldn’t help laughing. I looked up and saw the teacher’s white hair.I was so grateful that I didn’t know what to say. On the way home, I felt the teacher tremble. It turned out that the teacher was afraid of me getting caught in the rain, so she put most of her raincoat on me, but half of her body was drenched. I was moved to tears.After painting the teacher’s hair and eyes. On the painting paper, the teacher’s eyes are like the stars on the autumn night, kind and bright, as if looking at me kindly. That day in Chinese class, I saw the toy type small oil pen on the desk. My hand itched. I unconsciously stretched it out and played stealthilyunder the desk. It happened that the teacher saw it. She glanced at me with reproach and concern. I felt guilty for a while. I quickly put my hands on the table and listened to the teacher carefully... Looking at the teacher’s portrait and her kind eyes, my respect and affection for the teacher were further deepened.Ah! Dear teacher, I love you!8.关于教师节的英语作文Today is teacher’s day, the teacher’s day. In order to show respect and love for the teacher, the students in the class have prepared a beautiful gift for the teacher. I, of course, was no exception. I also prepared a beautiful gift for the teacher.During the morning reading, the teacher came to inspect, and the students rushed to give the teacher their carefully prepared gifts. The teacher could not close his mouth with a happy smile. I was afraid that my gift would not stand out among so many beautiful gifts, so I made a mistake and sent it to the teacher after class. When the teacher saw my gift, he smiled and said to me, “thank you.”although the teacher’s reaction disappointed me, I think the teacher should not say thank you to us, but we should say thank youto the teacher.In my mind, I keep coming up with a series of witty speeches that are always serious to us. He always coughs in class, but the teacher still has a sweet smile on his face. We are very worried about the teacher, but we are immediately attracted by the teacher’s teaching skills.Some people say: teachers are like candles, lighting up others but sacrificing themselves. And I said that the flame that illuminates others will burn forever. Some people say that “the teacher is like a stone, quietly paving the track of history, while I say that the stone paving the road is as immortal as the green mountain.People ask me what I want to be in the future? I will definitely tell him: teacher!Yes, teacher - what a great word. Today is your holiday. I sincerely say to you: teacher, you have worked hard!9.关于教师节的英语作文Today is teacher’s day. After I bought some good things with some classmates, we agreed to meet on the school playground. That night, the weather was not good, but the classmates also came. It was really rare.We went to the teacher’s door and brought a little prank. We knocked on the teacher’s door, put a gift box at the door, and then hid behind the door. The teacher opened the door. When she opened the gift box, a lot of colored stripes were sprayed out. We are happy to say to the teacher: happy holidays! The teacher warmly entertained us and put a lot of delicious food in front of us. We scrambled for it. I took nothing except a piece of chocolates. After eating and playing, some chat, some watch TV, and some jump rope. The teacher saw that we had no fun at home, so he asked the monitor where he wanted to play. The monitor of the candlelight booth said happily. At the candlelight Pavilion, some are lighting candles, some are making wishes, some are drinking tea, some are embroidering, etc. the candlelight Pavilion is a very romantic place. It is next to my house. I can make a wish on a candle. You can also embroider the names of your friends and family in the flowers. I wish them peace and good luck.I embroidered one for the teacher. After a while, the teacher took us to kailedi, which is also a good place. We can play there and learn while playing! How time flies! In a twinkling of an eye, it was 11 o’clock. We reluctantly said goodbye to the teacher and left.This is my happiest day!10.关于教师节的英语作文Today is September 10, and the teacher’s day that we arrived as scheduled has finally arrived. In the afternoon, all the teachers and students of the school came to the cool playground.The most exciting moment is the awarding ceremony. You can see that the teachers walked steadily and walked onto the rostrum with a smile. The students clapped for the teachers and the teachers were immersed in happiness.I think back to the teachers who taught me in the past. For example, teacher Bai gave us a lecture, and his voice was hoarse. He didn’t drink water in class, and even his lips were dry. After class, he just drank a mouthful of water and hurried to judge our homework. Sure enough, all the teachers who have taught me havecome to the stage to receive awards. I think these teachers are worthy of their reputation and deserve their reputation.After the awards, there are performances, including martial arts and guzheng... My favorite is a dance performance. Gao Chang of our class and Zhang Xin of class 4 (3) perform. Their performances are really brilliant. Their clothes are colorful, like two identical butterflies dancing in the grass. It is very beautiful! The students cheered and cheered with thunderous applause.Teachers are red candles, burning themselves and illuminating others. The teacher is a spring silkworm, spitting out his last silk thread. Teachers are hardworking gardeners, nurturing us to thrive. The teacher is the kindling that ignites the students’hearts. The teacher is a stone step, bearing the students to climb up step by step. The teacher is a ship, sending us one by one to the coast of knowledge关于教师节的英语作文【十篇】。

【篇一】Today is September 10th, teachers' day isXXst, is a special day.In the teacher's day. We will give the teacher a precious gift, I am no exception, I want to use a piece of paper to draw a beautiful greeting card to the teacher. Beloved teacher, you are a candle, burning their lights others, you are like a piece of chalk, pass the knowledge to everyone. Remember that time, my a maths examination because of carelessness, failed the exam without serious topic, the teacher you didn't criticize me, but I find out the cause of the error, with patiently explain, make my grades had greater progress, thank you in my heart, I will do more on mathematics exercises, regular check, must be thoroughly get rid of carelessness. Should pay attention to listening in class, improve the learning, get rid of the bad habit of absent-mindedness. As the saying goes: "as long as kung fu deep, iron pestle into a needle." I will be in various branches, never live up to the expectations of teachers and parents tome, do a morality, intelligence and physique, us, fatigue all-round development of students. Here, I wish you a happy teachers' day, healthy body, the world full of peach!【篇二】今天是九月十日,是第XX个教师节,是一个特殊的日子. 在教师节里.我们都会送给老师一个珍贵的礼物,我也不例外,我要用一张纸画一幅漂亮的贺卡送给老师. 敬爱的老师,您就是一支蜡烛,燃烧了自己照亮了别人,您就像一支粉笔,将知识传递给了每个人. 记得那一次,我的一次数学考试因为粗心,没有认真审题而考砸了,老师您居然没有批评我,而是和我一起找出错误的原因,耐心地讲解,使我的成绩有了更大的进步,我心里感激您,在数学上我一定会多做练习,勤检查,一定彻底改掉粗心大意的毛病.上课时要注意听讲,把学习全面提高,改掉心不在焉的坏毛病. 俗话说得好:“只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针.”我一定会在各科上下功夫,绝不会辜负老师、家长对我的期望,做一个德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的学生. 在这里,祝您教师节快乐,身体健康,桃李满天下!。

1.有关教师节的英语作文范文September 10th is teachers' day. This morning, all the students in class 5 (6) decided to give the teacher a surprise.At noon, we all came to the classroom early. After some discussion, we unanimously recommended that CAI Luze, an excellent painter, paint on the blackboard and Yu Siqin, who can write fine words, write a congratulatory message: "teacher, it's hard!", Then yuan Yibo wrote a paragraph praising the teacher's kindness. All three of them did it seriously, and we were very satisfied with it. We just felt that the classroom was empty and the festive atmosphere was not strong enough. At this time, Mao Jinyu saw that the classroom next door was also decorated with some colorful ribbons like window flowers. He was very envious and immediately went to the grocery store with Liu Minqian to buy them. Unfortunately, the ribbons have been sold out. They only bought back two cans of glue and five balloons. So we all started to hang the colorful balloons under the lampshade, and there were some festive decorations and embellishments in the classroom. However, we can't spray the glue until the teacher enters the classroom. I don't know how the effect will be. We can't help feeling a little excited and worried.Finally, when Mr. Shen entered the classroom. We applauded warmly first, and then Mao Jinyu and Gu Haoqi held a spray can to spray. There was a happy "glue spray rain" in the classroom. The students were so excited that you and I rushed to express our holiday wishes to the teacher. Teacher Shen was very surprised at the unexpected blessing. Seeing the smile on herface, we all felt very happy.2.有关教师节的英语作文范文Teacher's Day is coming! When I was thinking about how to express my blessings to the teacher, I only heard a few sighs. I went to have a look. It turned out that the students were also worried about how to express their blessings. Suddenly, my eyes lit up and I thought of a way.On the afternoon of September 8, after school, I went to collect three different leaves, maple leaves, poplar leaves and small leaves strung together. Poplar leaves are like a piece of love, maple leaves are like a hairy palm, and small leaves strung together are like bells. I use these lovely leaves to make a greeting card that is both environmentally friendly and can express my feelings. This can also improve my manual skills. I painted two washes on the two poplar leaves, representing me and the teacher respectively. The teacher cares for me and I also love the teacher. The small leaves below represent the students. The students sit in the classroom every day to listen to the teacher and learn their skills. I also wrote some blessings on the back of the greeting card.Teacher's day finally arrived. Most of the students sent flowers to the teacher, but I was the most special gift from Wu Mengying and me. Wu Mengying sent two yellow dragons that her mother had personally strung with beads, and the gift I gave to the teacher can best express my feelings.When the teacher received the gift, he kept saying, "thank you, thank you." She also asked me to stick the flowers to the walls of the classroom and make the classroom look beautiful. Happy Teacher's Day!3.有关教师节的英语作文范文"An inch of time is an inch of gold, and it is hard to buy an inch of time.". That's right!Time flies by. In a twinkling of an eye, we have entered the fifth grade of study and life. We have never been sensible to sensible. This is inseparable from the teacher's education to us.On the occasion of teacher's day, I sincerely said to the teacher, "teacher, you have worked hard." Then give my most precious gift to the teacher.In fact, I think that teachers' Day is not just about giving gifts. In fact, what teachers want is not gifts, but that we can study hard and add glory to the motherland. This is the gift that teachers most want. Every teacher is very hard. He goes out early and returns late every day. When he comes home, he has to correct his homework and sort out his notes. For our sake, the teacher's white hair is increasing day by day.Teacher, you are my second mother. You have nurtured us and taught us how to be human. Teacher, you are my big friend. You bring us joy and vitality.Teacher, you are our golden key. With you, we can open the door of knowledge.Teacher, we will never forget you, your hope for us and your care for us. Teacher, let us say to you again: "teacher, you have worked hard!" At the same time, I also wish all teachers in the world a happy holiday.4.有关教师节的英语作文范文The teacher's Day is coming. In order to welcome the teacher's day, students buy gifts for teachers. Some students buy flowers for teachers, some students buy music boxes for teachers, some students buy cloth dolls for teachers, and some buy... For teachers. However, I use a hand-made blessing card to give toteachers. The teacher should say that what I make with my own hands is a gift for teachers, so I made a blessing card myself. "The content is like this: ah! My dear teacher, you are so kind and kind. It is you who led us into school, let us learn all kinds of knowledge, and let us know what literature is!Ah! Our dear teacher, you are a hardworking gardener, patiently nurturing our small flowers in the warm and humid environment, and let us grow happily! In this teacher's day, I want to say to you: Thank you, teacher. I wish you always young and beautiful!After class, I sent this blessing card to the teacher. The teacher took the blessing card, opened it and looked at it. He quietly walked to my seat and said to me: your blessing card is well written, but it can't show your gratitude to me. If you want to thank me, then study hard. Studying hard is my gratitude! "So I listened to the teacher carefully and spoke positively. Finally, the teacher showed his satisfaction!This time I learned that studying hard is not only a thank you to the teacher, but also a gift to the teacher!5.有关教师节的英语作文范文What holiday is September 10th? It's teacher's day. It's a traditional holiday for teachers!Teacher, is an ordinary phrase, but it looks ordinary, but in my eyes it is a glorious post. She personally taught everyone who had just entered primary and secondary schools and didn't know anything. She taught everyone to behave civilized, talented and perfect children. During this period, how much sweat does the teacher have to spend! At the beginning, everyone was mischievous and did not understand the rules, but the teacher could patiently educate everyone. Now, everyone is more andmore intelligent and obedient. In order to better obtain the fruits of wisdom, the teacher prep a r e d r i c h a n d c o l o r f u l c l a s s r o o m t e a c h i n g f o r e v e r y o n e i n a d v a n c e t o f i n d o u t t h e i n c o r r e c t , c o r r e c t t h e m i s t a k e s a n d o m i s s i o n s , a n d t e l l y o u t h e a p p r o p r i a t e w a y s , s o t h a t y o u c o l l e c t e d t h o u s a n d s o f b a s k e t s o f w i s d o m f r u i t s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 9 " > / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 3 0 " > 0 0 T h e t e a c h e r i s l i k e a h a r d w o r k i n g n e w s p r o u t , s a y i n g t h a t h e c a r e s f o r e v e r y o n e n i g h t a n d n i g h t , s o t h a t e v e r y o n e c a n g e t t h e f l o w e r o f w i s d o m ; T h e t e a c h e r i s l i k e a c a n d l e , i g n i t i n g h i m s e l f a n d l i g h t i n g u p e v e r y o n e ; T h e t e a c h e r i s l i k e a p e n c i l . H e w r i t e s h i s p r o f e s s i o n a l s k i l l s o n t h e b l a c k b o a r d f o r e v e r y o n e t o l e a r n ; T h e t e a c h e r l o o k s l i k e / p > p b d s f i d = "1 3 1 " > / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 32 " > 0 0 S e p t e m b e r 1 0 th i s c o m i n g . H e r e , I w a n t t o w i s h C h i n e s e t e a c h e r Z h o u a h a p p y h o l i d a y ! I w a n t t o w i s h M r . Y u a n a h a p p y h o l i d a y ! I w o u l d l i k e t o w i s h a h a p p y h o l i d a y t o t e a c h e r s o f s c i e n c e r e s e a r c h ! I w a n t t o w i s h a l l t h e t e a c h e r s o f c l a s s 5 ( 2 ) a h a p p y h o l i d a y ! F i n a l l y , I w o u l d l i k e t o w i s h a l l t e a c h e r s o f X i n g z h i s c h o o l a h a p p y h o l i d a y ! H a p p y e ve r y d a y ! / p > p s t y l e = " b o r d e r - l ef t : 5 p x s o l i d #3 9 9 1 e 5 ; c o l o r : # 3 9 9 1 e 5 ; b a c k g r o u n d : # f 5 f 7 f 7 ; p a d d i n g - l e f t : 1 0 p x ; l i n e - h e i g h t : 3 5 p x ; m a r g i n - b o t t o m : 8 p x ; " b d s f i d = " 1 3 3 " >。

下面是整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!1.有关教师节的英语作文Today is the annual Teacher's day. The little girl tixin thought as she walked on her way to school: today is teacher's day. What should I give to the teacher?As she walked, she stopped, sat on the grass, holding her chin and meditating. Suddenly, she smelled the fragrance of flowers. She looked at the wild chrysanthemums next to her. She had an idea. "Yes." She picked off several bouquets of wild chrysanthemums, because the chrysanthemums made great contributions, and so did the teacher.She went to the door of the office and saw the teacher come to the school early in the morning to correct her homework. She thought: how hard the teacher is! So she ran to the corner, squatted and waited for more than half an hour.When the sun shone in front of the teacher's window, the teacher looked out of the window and was about to have class, so he turned to the bathroom to wash his face. As soon as tixin found out, she leaned her head out of the window, quietly stood up and gently inserted the bunch of light yellow wild chrysanthemums into the teacher's pen holder.The sun shines into the window. Everything in the office seems to be inlaid with a golden light. Glasses, ink and calendar seem to be brighter.The teacher came out of the bathroom and saw this bunch of flowers inserted in the pen holder. He felt very relieved. The wrinkles on his face seemed to be less and younger.2.有关教师节的英语作文Tomorrow is teacher's day. In the evening, I lie in bed and think, "what gift should I give to express my feelings on teacher's day tomorrow?" Suddenly, my eyes lit up - yes! Send a bunch of wild chrysanthemums!On September 10, I got out of bed early, put on my schoolbag and ran to the field of Houcun. Along the way, small trees waved to me, flowers nodded to me, birds sang for me, and my heart flew happily with me. To the wild, wow! Many, what beautiful wild flowers! 1 in yellow, blue, purple... How beautiful! How lovely! They kept nodding and smiling at me. I can't wait to start picking and picking, picking one after another. Then he picked and picked and picked out all the bad flowers. Then tie the remaining flowers into two bundles and quickly run back to school with them.When I got to school, I saw the window of the teacher's office open, so I quietly walked to the window. Look inside, ah! The teacher is not here! What a good chance! On the office desk, there are many office supplies in good order - a penholder, a calendar, a globe, a bottle of ink, the cover of the ink bottle is still open, and a pair of reading glasses in a textbook. Obviously, the teacher was still working just now. Seeing all this, the teacher's kind face, gray temples and wrinkled forehead appeared in my eyes; That kind instruction, warm encouragement and severe criticism lingered in my ears. Teacher, teacher, you are the gardener who cultivated us hard, you are the speedboat that took us to travel in the ocean of knowledge, you are the chalk that sacrificed yourself for others, you are the candle of selfless dedication, you are... In short, you are so great! Thinking of the most gorgeous chrysanthemum, I put it into the pen.Teacher, today is teacher's day on September 10. It's your holiday. Although I didn't buy any valuable gifts for you, I hope this bunch of wild chrysanthemums can eliminate your physical and mental fatigue and bring you warmth and joy. I also hope this bunch of wild chrysanthemums can convey my deep greetings to you: "teacher, you've worked hard.3.有关教师节的英语作文Today is a special day, the annual Teacher's day. On teacher's day, every student will give their teacher a precious gift on this day.Xiaohong is no exception. On the morning of teacher's day, Xiaohong picked a bunch of wild flowers from the hillside behind the school, and then came to the school happily.Xiao Hong comes to Mr. Wang's office and puts the flower tea in the teacher's pencil case. At this time, she saw Mr. Wang's Chinese book, glasses, wet pen and open pen water bottle.Xiao Hong saw the picture of Mr. Wang and thought that Mr. Wang was a very considerate, kind and kind teacher. He treats his classmates like his children and never favors any one.Xiao Hong saw the teacher's reading glasses and thought that Mr. Wang was only 40 years old. However, she had already brought the reading glasses because of her long-time homework and reading. She thought: if the teacher hadn't done it for us, he couldn't have brought presbyopic glasses. It was his hard work that earned the success of our students.The teacher is young and has white hair. Each white hair condenses the painstaking efforts of the teacher for us.Every time I think of this batch of homework, there are still traces of ink in the teacher's careful comments.At this time, Xiaohong heard Miss Wang's voice and leftquickly.4.有关教师节的英语作文The 25th teacher's Day is coming. Teacher, I don't have money to buy flowers or other gifts. So, what do I want to give you?Since I went to kindergarten, I met teachers and went to primary school. Only then did I gradually understand the meaning of "teacher", that is, to cultivate the flowers of the motherland and devote my youth to the people on the three foot podium! At the age of 5, I was sent to the first grade of primary school by my mother, who only knew a few Pinyin and numbers. From then on, I was brought into the palace of knowledge by my teacher and took me to roam among them. They offer silently and impart their knowledge to students without reservation. When I write here, I think of a poem by Li Shangyin, a poet of the Tang Dynasty: "when the spring silkworm dies, the silk ends, and the wax torch turns into ashes and tears begin to dry", which is a vivid portrayal of the teacher's life!Teacher, you are a candle burning silently, burning yourself and illuminating others. You are like a hardworking gardener. We are just like seedlings that have just broken the ground. You water and fertilize us every day to make us thrive and grow into towering trees. Thank you, teacher. Thank you for opening the door of the palace of knowledge. Thank you for helping me find the way forward when I encounter difficulties. Thank you My dear teacher, in your festival, although I don't have beautiful flowers for you, I will remember your teaching, study hard and repay you with excellent results. This is the gift I want to give you. I think this is also the best gift you want.On the 25th teacher's day, I wish all teachers in the world ahappy holiday!5.有关教师节的英语作文September 10 is teachers' day. Our class wants to give the teacher a surprise.Some of us send our own greeting cards, some send a flower, and some send a small water cup. I sent a bunch of flowers I made myself.I found ten pieces of colored cardboard, folded five flowers, cut a small hole under the flowers with a knife, rolled five sticks with the cardboard and inserted them into the small hole. Five lovely tulips are ready. I cut a love tree with cardboard and wrote in my heart: Happy Teacher's day, teacher! How I wish you could teach us until we go to coll e g e . / p > / d i v > s c r i p t b d s f i d = " 1 4 3 " > a ( " s h o w _ c o n t e n 1 " ) ; / s c r i p t > d i v s t y l e = " m a r g i n : 0 a u t o ; w i d t h : 1 0 0 % ; m a r g i n -b o t t o m : 1 0 p x ; m a r g i n - t o p : 1 5 p x ; " b d s f i d = " 14 4 " > s c r i p t s r c = " / / j s . / j s _ n e w / s h o w _ c o n t e n t _ v i p _ p r o . j s " b d s f i d = " 1 45 " > / s c r i p t > s t y l e b d s f i d = " 1 46 " > . v i p _ p r o { h e i g h t : 5 5 p x ; p a d d i n g : 0 5 p x 1 0 p x ; f l o a t : l e f t ; } . v i p _ p r o a { f o n t - s i z e : 1 6 p x ; l i n e - h e i g h t : 1 8 p x ; f o n t - w e i g h t : b o l d ; h e i g h t : 1 0 0 % ; d i s p l a y : - m s - f l e x b o x ; d i s p l a y : f l e x ; - m s - f l e x - p a c k : c e n t e r ; j u s t i f y - c o n t e n t : c e n t e r ; - m s - f l e x - a l i g n : c e n t e r ; a l i g n - i t e m s : c e n t e r ; c o l o r : # f f f f f f ; - w e b k i t - t r a n s i t i o n : a l l 0 . 3 s ; - o - t r a n s i t i o n : a l l 0 . 3 s ; t r a n s i t i o n : a l l 0 . 3 s ; t e x t - a l i g n : c e n t e r ; } . v i p _ d e s c { o v e r f l o w : h i d d e n ; h e i g h t : 1 0 0 % ; } . v i p _ p r o : h o v e r a { - w e b k i t - t r a n s f o r m : s c a l e ( 1 . 0 5 ) ; - m s - t r a n s f o r m : s c a l e ( 1 . 0 5 ) ; t r a n s f o r m : s c a l e ( 1 . 0 5 ) ; } .v i p _ p r o : n t h - c h i l d ( 1 n ) a { b a c k g r o u n d : # 2 6 6 2 d 0 ; b a c k g r o u n d : - w e b k i t - l i n e a r - g r a d i e n t ( 3 1 5 d e g , # 2 6 6 2 d 0 0 % , # 3 1 7 f e 8 5 0 % , # 3 5 a 5 e c 1 0 0 % ) ; b a c k g r o u n d : - o - l i n e a r - g r a d i e n t ( 3 1 5 d e g , # 2 6 6 2 d 0 0 % , # 3 1 7 f e 8 5 0 % , # 3 5 a 5 e c 1 0 0 % ) ; b a c k g r o u n d : l i n e a r - g r a d i e n t ( 1 3 5 d e g , # 2 6 6 2 d 0 0 % , # 3 1 7 f e 8 5 0 % , # 3 5 a 5 e c 1 0 0 % ) ; } . v i p _ p r o : n t h - c h i l d ( 2 n ) a { b a c k g r o u n d : l i n e a r - g r a d i e n t ( - 9 0 d e g , # d e a 9 6 5 , # e d c 3 6 9 ) ; } . v i p _ s p l i t { w i d t h : 4 8 % ; } v i p _ c s s { m a r g i n : 0 - 5 p x ; o v e r f l o w : h i d d e n ; } / s t y l e > d i v c l a s s = " v i p _ c s s " b d s f i d = " 1 4 7 " > d i v c l a s s = " v i p _ r o w v i p _ s p l i t v i p _ p r o " b d s f i d = " 1 4 8 " > d i v c l a s s = " v i p _ d e s c " b d s f i d = " 1 4 9 " >。

1.庆祝教师节英语作⽂ September 10 is teachers' day, which belongs to teachers. In retrospect, how long did the teacher prepare carefully before each class. After class, the teacher asked us to read the text again and again, understand the meaning again and again, ask questions again and again, and answer again and again until we all understood it. Not afraid of a dry throat, he just wants to impart his full belly of knowledge to us without reservation. Teachers are like candles, burning themselves, but illuminating others. Shouldn't we repay them? The reward should not be superficial. Buying a bunch of flowers and sending a greeting card can only show your heart. What the teacher wants most should be an ideal test paper, a bold raise of hands, a satisfactory answer and a neat homework. And we should also study hard and live up to the expectations of our teachers. Thank you, teacher. You taught us knowledge and made us knowledgeable. You encouraged us and made us persevere on the road to success! Thank you, teacher!2.庆祝教师节英语作⽂ Early in the morning, the students arrived at school. The monitor led everyone to prepare a tea party in the classroom to celebrate Teachers' day. We hope to let our beloved teachers have an unforgettable Teacher's day. The blackboard in the classroom says "Happy Teacher's Day", and the students hang colorful balloons and ribbons in the classroom. The table is full of all kinds of delicious food. The classroom was filled with joy. The tea party finally began. The monitor invited our class teacher, Mr. Lu Liping, into the classroom. As soon as Miss Lu stepped into the classroom, the students applauded. Miss Lu was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth. The monitor delivered a speech on behalf of the students and gave us gifts. At this time, Miss Lu's eyes were red with emotion. Everyone had a happy Teacher's day in a warm atmosphere.3.庆祝教师节英语作⽂ Teacher's Day is coming. I want to buy some gifts for my teachers with my own money, but I don't have much money. I have to make a small card for my teachers to write my heart. Give it to my teachers in advance. The teachers are very happy one by one, and I am also very happy. When I got home, I asked my mother, "Mom, why do you celebrate Teachers' day now? Why not during the new year? If the new year is over, I will have a lot of money and buy a lot of gifts for teachers." my mother said: "Autumn is the harvest season. The teacher's students are like the fruits of autumn - peaches and plums all over the world. That's probably what I mean. I put teacher's day in autumn. The Spring Festival is meaningless. It's winter. The earth is desolate and there is no grass, let alone any fruit, okay?" I nodded as if my mother had a little truth. My mother said again: "Baby, as long as you study well, learning knowledge well is the teacher's gift." I remember my mother's words, I will study hard in the future and give the teacher the best gift.4.庆祝教师节英语作⽂ Today is the annual Teacher's day. Early in the morning, I went to school with my schoolbag on my back. On the street, I saw some businesses put out banners to celebrate Teachers' day. The students were buying teachers' Day gifts for their teachers. Approaching the school gate, I looked up and saw that the LCD screen of the school said: I wish all teachers a happy holiday! Next to the big students, small students are holding carefully selected gifts for the teacher. Some students send small gifts, while most students send carnations, emitting bursts of fragrance. When I got to the class, I saw the students cleaning up, and I joined their team. Just after cleaning the classroom, Mr. Yang came to the class. We took out our carefully prepared gifts to the teacher. The teacher said excitedly, "thank you, students." Although we have just started school for a week, teacher Yang comes to the classroom early every day to urge us to clean and read. In class, Mr. Yang's class is always lively and interesting. After class, she also recommended some good books to us. In order that we can thrive, the teacher has paid countless efforts and sweat for us. On the occasion of teacher's day, I would like to offer my most sincere wishes to teachers: Thank you, teacher! I wish you a happy holiday!。

有关教师节的英语作文五篇1.有关老师节的英语作文篇一September 10th is Teacher's Day. That morning, all the students in Class 6 decided to give the teacher a surprise.At noon, we all arrived in the classroom early. After some discussion, everyone unanimously recommended that Cai Luze, an excellent painter, draw on the blackboard. Yu Siqin, who can write art calligraphy, wrote a congratulatory message, "Teacher, you've worked hard!", and Yuan Yibo wrote a paragraph praising the teacher's kindness. They all took it seriously and we were all very satisfied with it. We just felt that the classroom was empty and the festive atmosphere was not strong enough. At this moment, Mao Jinyu saw some colorful ribbons decorated like window flowers in the classroom next door, and was very envious. He immediately went to the snack bar with Liu Minqian to buy them. Unfortunately, the ribbon has already been sold out, and they only bought back two cans of spray glue and six balloons. So everyone started hanging the six colored balloons under the lampshade, and there were also some holiday decorations and decorations in the classroom. However, spraying glue can only be done when the teacher enters the classroom, and we don't know how the effect will be. We can't help but feel a bit excited and worried.Finally, when Teacher Shen entered the classroom. We first applauded warmly, and then Mao Jinyu and Gu Haoqi vigorously sprayed with glue cans in hand. In the classroom, there was a joyful "spray glue rain", and the students were so excited that you and I rushed to express holiday wishes to the teacher. Teacher Shen was very surprised by the sudden blessing. Seeingthe smile on her face, we all felt extremely happy.2.有关老师节的英语作文篇二Today, September 10th, we welcome the annual Teacher's Day.In the morning, the school held a grand flag raising ceremony, during which students addressed their respected teachers and expressed their gratitude.Class is over, and the first class is Chinese. When Teacher Guo walked onto the podium, the students rushed to the podium and brought their own flowers and blessings. Teacher Guo received so many flowers and looked very happy, holding a pile of colorful and beautiful flowers with a happy smile on his face.Teacher, I have a lot to say to you. Teacher, thank you for teaching us how to learn; Thank you, you have taught us a lot of truth; Teacher, thank you. It's you who led us towards the ocean of knowledge!What should we use to repay the teacher for teaching us so much? Of course, it's a bouquet of flowers, a blessing, and excellent performance and good grades on Teacher's Day.Teacher, thank you for teaching us so much. I must repay your hard work with excellent grades!3.有关老师节的英语作文篇三This year's Teacher's Day is the XX th Teacher's Day and the last Teacher's Day in my elementary school career. As in previous years, we carried out activities to celebrate Teacher's Day. I think this celebration of Teacher's Day wasvery successful and left a deep impression on people. In this activity, every student actively participated and cooperated.At the beginning of the activity, as soon as the teacher entered the classroom, all the students stood up, bowed to the teacher, and sent blessings to the teacher. Next is a wonderful performance by the students. Then, each student said a few heartfelt words to the teacher and presented a gift to the teacher. The Teacher's Day activity came to an end amidst laughter and laughter... In this Teacher's Day activity, what impressed me the most was that each student sincerely said a few words to the teacher. Although each student has only a few short words, our friendship with the teacher is so sincere, pure, and deep. Perhaps those brief words have been engraved in the teacher's mind, and perhaps our love for the teacher has flowed into his heart. But how can these words compare to the care and help that teachers usually give us? Yes, I can't. Because you have nurtured our confidence with your love, igniting the light of hope and ideals for us. Teacher, you are so great!You are really great! Perhaps we cannot repay you, no, we can. We will repay you with the most authentic grades - teacher! This may be a comfort for you. The term 'teacher' makes people feel so familiar and affectionate4.有关老师节的英语作文篇四Today is Teacher's Day. As soon as I arrived at the school gate in the morning, I saw many children holding flowers or various gifts in their hands, but my hands were empty. Today, I didn't prepare any gifts for the teacher on Teacher's Day, and I have been struggling in class. The teacher is lecturing on stage, and my mind has been thinking about whether to say "Happy Teacher's Day" to the teacher after class.The bell for the end of class finally rang, and I finally gathered the courage to run to the teacher's side. Originally, I wanted to say 'Happy Teacher's Day' to the teacher, but there was no gift for the teacher. Just like this, 'Teacher, I wish you a happy Teacher's Day', but I couldn't say it out. So I asked Teacher Zheng, "Today is Teacher's Day. Teacher, what gift would you like to receive. Teacher Zheng smiled and said to me, "As long as you are obedient and study hard, it is a gift for me. After listening to Teacher Zheng's words, my heart finally let go. Teacher, I will work harder, perform well, and repay your hard work with excellent grades.Teacher, you have worked hard. Happy Teacher's Day.5.有关老师节的英语作文篇五What is the most unique Teacher's Day gift you give to your teacher? Let me share my Teacher's Day gift with everyone below!The creativity of this gift actually came by chance. On weekends, Qiqi and Xiaojia come to my house to play. Qiqi saw a beautiful piece of paper on my desk and said, "Let me teach you how to fold a thousand paper cranes!" About sixty of them were folded, and we almost thought of an idea at the same time: on Teacher's Day, we will send one hundred thousand paper cranes to Teacher Luo and one hundred thousand paper cranes to Teacher Lin, to give them a surprise! With this idea, we each prepared to fold a thousand paper cranes at home. On September 6th, we gathered at Xiaojia's house with Thousand Paper Cranes. We thread the Thousand Paper Crane with thin white thread, hang it with a flower, and make it into a lantern shape and a wind bell shape, respectively. Looking at the work completed by the three of us, we smiled knowingly.On Teacher's Day, I, Wu Kejia, and Luo Qi arrived in the classroom early as scheduled, preparing to give an accident to the teacher and classmates. During self-study in the morning, students competed to give flowers to Teacher Luo. Only when the classmates have finished sending all the flowers can we three make a brilliant appearance. We walked onto the podium and gave Feng Ling, made of a thousand paper cranes, to Teacher Luo. Together, we wished him a happy holiday! "Teacher Luo laughed uncontrollably and said," It's really beautiful! Thank you. The first class is math. Teacher Lin arrived, and our three swordsmen once again made a shining appearance. We gave the lantern made of a thousand paper cranes to Teacher Lin and also sent a blessing: "Wishing Teacher Lin a happy holiday. Teacher Lin also smiled. Throughout the entire class, Teacher Lin was smiling. You know, Teacher Lin used to be very serious and never gave a class with a smile! Seeing the happy smiles of the teachers, our hearts were filled with joy.This is the most unique Teacher's Day gift I think, because every paper crane is filled with our love and gratitude for our teachers. I believe teachers can definitely feel our hearts.I hope all teachers around the world have a happy Teacher's Day.。

教师节英语日记范文五篇1.教师节英语日记范文篇一Today is September 10th, which is a memorable holiday because it is Teacher’s Day.Teacher’s Day is a holiday for teachers. On September 10th every year, we give teachers some small gifts, such as greeting cards, small green plants, and so on.You see, as soon as the teacher stepped into the classroom door, the students eagerly rushed to give gifts. Some of them sent greeting cards, which were very exquisite. The colorful appearance also had some beautiful patterns and words inside, which were deeply moving; Some send flowers, whose colorful fragrance is refreshing to the heart; Some students also send fruits, yogurt, hand cream, and so on. The 56 cans of yogurt are sent out in a bag, with original flavors, apple flavors, and other different flavors; What about fruits? It looks very fresh and makes people salivate.On Teacher’s Day, when the teacher gave a lectureto the students, they listened very attentively and actively raised their hands to speak. No one was making any small moves because everyone knew that this was the gift that the teachers most wanted to receive.Today is a memorable holiday, and it is Teacher’s Day.2.教师节英语日记范文篇二Today is the annual Teacher’s Day. Some people compare teachers to hardworking gardeners who take good care of us, so that we can grow and thrive. Some people say that teachers are our mentors on the journey of learning, leading us to the other shore of success. Some people say that teachers are like machines that never stop working. But I have to say that the teacher is like a candle. The phrase “Spring silkworms die before the silk is exhausted, and wax torches turn into ashes before tears dry” is most appropriate for teachers. The teacher silently imparts knowledge to us and takes us to explore the ocean of knowledge.Every time after school, the teacher doesn’t have much time to rest well and has to work hard to grade our homework. Every check mark and red cross in the homework book embodies the teacher’s sweat. When wehave difficult problems that we don’t understand, the teacher always patiently explains them to us. They put their heart and blood into it, they are willing to serve as a ladder of people, and what are their lifelong goals in poverty? In order to cultivate more high-quality talents for the country, teachers are an inconspicuous candle, silently dedicated at critical moments. They sacrificed their precious youth, burned themselves, and illuminated others. They selflessly contribute to society and cultivate batches of pillar talents for the country.Teachers are selfless and should receive all praise.3.教师节英语日记范文篇三Today is Teacher’s Day. As soon as I arrived in class, I hurriedly packed it up because I wanted to give the greeting card I wrote to the teacher. With excitement, I gave the card to Teacher Guo. Because the other teachers haven’t come yet, I can’t deliver any other letters. Not long after, Teacher Wang arrived, and I happily gave the greeting card to Teacher Wang.I am really excited today because it is the teacher’s holiday. They are happy, and of course I am also happy.However, there is still one letter that hasn’t been delivered, which is Teacher Liu’s letter, haha! Tang Weihan also came to deliver the letter. Tang Weihan said, “Teacher Liu must be in her office. Let’s go and find it together.”We went to Teacher Liu’s office together, and it happened that Teacher Liu was inside, so we gave her the letter.All three letters have been delivered, it’s really smooth! I returned to the classroom happily, filled with joy in my heart, because the teacher taught us and took care of us. I hope the teacher is happy and safe.4.教师节英语日记范文篇四Today is Teacher’s Day, my first Teacher’s Day as a primary school student, and I am very happy. Because I can also send teacher greeting cards like those big brothers and sisters. When I was in kindergarten, on Teacher’s Day, I saw my older brothers and sisters selecting exquisite greeting cards for teachers at the stationery store. At that time, I envied them.I also want to buy, but I don’t have that much money on me. I also want to express my respect and love for the teacher. Moreover, my mother said that when I grow older, I will write my own greeting cards to make sense.Yesterday, I happily asked my mother to take me to the stationery store. I carefully selected three greeting cards that I thought were the most beautiful, and when I got home, I excitedly opened them. My mother told me the format, and I carefully started writing them myself. This is my first time writing, and I still wrote with a signing pen. My mother said, I chose to write with a signing pen, but if I make a mistake, I can’t erase it. But I really want to give it a try again. I want to write a blessing for the teacher. I became particularly careful, afraid that I might accidentally write too much, or that I might not write neatly. After finishing, my hands would sweat. Although I didn’t write very well, it was still good. Both nervous and excited. Then I carefully dried it and put it into an envelope, and my mother decorated the beautiful flowers I picked on the envelope.I think it’s too beautiful. I hope the teacher likes it. When I gave the greeting card to the teacher this morning, the teacher said to me, “Thank you. I feel very happy.5.教师节英语日记范文篇五September 10th is the annual Teacher’s Day, butI didn’t send greeting cards or flowers to my former teacher Chen. I really hope that Teacher Chen can teach us now. When Teacher Chen used to teach me, I always wandered off and didn’t take classes seriously, but now I regret it.On that day, every time I saw someone holding either flowers or greeting cards, I came to school empty-handed. My desk mate also brought two hands full of flowers. My desk mate was a teacher who had taught him before. When there was only one flower left to give to Teacher Chen, I followed him. I dare not go in because I have nothing to give to Teacher Chen. I only looked at the office door and could see my desk mate Li Junfeng giving flowers to Teacher Chen. Teacher Chen’s face turned pale, and there were also several white hairs on his head. Teacher Chen picked up the flower sent by Li Junfeng and kindly said “Ah” to him. Li Junfeng said, “Teacher, you have worked hard. The teacher let out another sigh.When Teacher Chen taught me before, I didn’t listen in class, and the teacher often said in the evaluation manual that she liked me and wanted me to study hard. She must have been disappointed not to seeme come today. My eyes blurred when I thought of this.。

教师节将到,祝您节日快乐,心想事成!下面是小编整理的关于教师节习俗的英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望能帮助到大家,谢谢!教师节习俗英语作文1A Present for Teachers' DayToday is September 10. It is Teachers'Day. Xiao Hua has been ill in bed for more than a week. Her teacher comes to her home to give her lessons after school every day. In order to show their respect, Xiao Hua and her mother decide to give the teacher a present.They make a big red flower. When the teacher arrives, Xiao Hua presents the flower to the teacher. She fastens it to the breast of her teacher' s jacket, and says "Happy Teachers' Day" to her. The teacher expresses her thanks and sets down to give her lessons. Xiao Hua's mother pours a glass of water for the teacher and puts a lamp on the table.教师节习俗英语作文2It is Teachers’Day on September 10th every year. Teachers are the greatest people in the world, I think, because they teach us how to write and read. The most important is that they teach us how to be a real man. They are also kind to everybody and they don’t want anyone to fall behind others. They always get on very well with their students, and they are our best friends. When students are in trouble, the y can help them in time.’ I will be a teacher when I grow up.Teachers’ Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks. I thankthem for helping me when I am in trouble, and I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man.Of course they are very friendly to everyone. They always get on very well with their students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. They love us very much and we love them,too.教师节习俗英语作文3Teacher's DayThe Teacher's Day will come soon.At first,I want to extend my greeting and best wishes to my dear teachers.I still remember the year when I failed the collage entrance exmination.Iwas feeling lost,and no idea about what my life is going to be.My teachet came to me,and she said she understand how I felt inside now.She also told me it's very common that students who are like me will go though a hard time. She told me that failure was a part of life, which was not the end but a new beginning. And she encouraged me to go back to the school to start a new. I was convinced in the end and decided to give another try.Now I've graduated from collage and got a very good job.I know all my success owns to my kind teacher. I'll work harder and never give up again.教师节习俗英语作文4Teachers Day, September 10th, is a national teachers festival in China. It is celebrated since 1985. It expresses respects to the labors and contributions of teachers to the Chinese society. The goal of Teachers Day is to form a social climate in which teachers are respected and knowledge is valued. The date of Teachers Day is set at the beginning of the school year in order to arouse teachers and students enthusiasm for their work, and give a goodstart to teaching and learning. On teachers Day, students usually send greeting cards with good wishes to their teachers to show their respect. In Taiwan Province, Teachers Day is celebrated on September 28 annually. Choosing this day is to celebrate the birth of Confucius for his great contribution to Chinese culture. In some other countries, Teachers Day is also celebrated. In the United States, this is on the first Tuesday in May. In India, Teachers Day is celebrated on September 5. In Vietnam, it is celebrated on November 20.教师节习俗英语作文5National Teacher Day is always the Tuesday of the first full week of May. And it is always for our students to give our special thanks to our lovely teacher.I still remember last year when I was feeling lost,down and out,I had no idea about my life,my love,my study even doubt why I was here in the world.So then came so much wine and smoke,I was tired,physical and mental.I even wanted to end my life just jumping from the top of our building.Then my teacher came to me, she said she knew what I was afraid of, she also told me that‘s very common like many young people of my age. She told me to call her anytime I need her help.I did so ,we often chat miracle and made some phone call.I just can‘t remember when come the mirical.I have found myself now!Another teacher‘s day,to all the t eachers,to our parents.。