2024版The Olympic Games课件

举办奥运会是一个国家综合实力的 体现,有助于提高该国的国际地位 和影响力。
奥林匹克运动汇聚了来自世界各地的运动员和观众,促进了不同 文化之间的交流与融合。
奥林匹克运动强调尊重不同文化和宗教信仰,反对任何形式的歧 视和偏见。
奥林匹克运动在不断创新中发展,如增设城市运动会、推广女子运动项目、引入混 合性别比赛等。这些创新举措旨在使奥林匹克运动更加包容和多元化。
未来,奥林匹克运动将继续关注全球性问题,如环境保护、社会公正和可持续发展 等,并将这些理念融入运动会的筹办和举办过程中。同时,奥林匹克运动还将积极 探索与商业伙伴的合作模式,以实现共赢和可持续发展。
03 现代奥林匹克运 动会
1894年6月23日,当被尊称为“奥林 匹克之父”的法国教育家皮埃尔·德·顾 拜旦与12个国家的79名代表决定成立 国际奥委会、开创奥林匹克运动时,这 一壮举曾一度成为人们讽刺的对象。而 在百年之后的今天,奥运会已成为普天 同庆的节日,奥林匹克运动也吸引了 202个国家和地区的积极参与。
为了满足奥运会等大型体育赛事 的需求,主办城市往往需要进行 大规模的基础设施建设,包括体 育场馆、交通设施、酒店等,这 些设施的建设和运营能够进一步 推动经济发展。
随着奥林匹克运动的发展,体育器材和装备制造业也迎来了巨大 的发展机遇,包括运动器材、运动装备、运动鞋服等。
举办奥运会是一个国家综合实力的 体现,有助于提高该国的国际地位 和影响力。
奥林匹克运动汇聚了来自世界各地的运动员和观众,促进了不同 文化之间的交流与融合。
奥林匹克运动强调尊重不同文化和宗教信仰,反对任何形式的歧 视和偏见。
奥林匹克运动在不断创新中发展,如增设城市运动会、推广女子运动项目、引入混 合性别比赛等。这些创新举措旨在使奥林匹克运动更加包容和多元化。
未来,奥林匹克运动将继续关注全球性问题,如环境保护、社会公正和可持续发展 等,并将这些理念融入运动会的筹办和举办过程中。同时,奥林匹克运动还将积极 探索与商业伙伴的合作模式,以实现共赢和可持续发展。
03 现代奥林匹克运 动会
1894年6月23日,当被尊称为“奥林 匹克之父”的法国教育家皮埃尔·德·顾 拜旦与12个国家的79名代表决定成立 国际奥委会、开创奥林匹克运动时,这 一壮举曾一度成为人们讽刺的对象。而 在百年之后的今天,奥运会已成为普天 同庆的节日,奥林匹克运动也吸引了 202个国家和地区的积极参与。
为了满足奥运会等大型体育赛事 的需求,主办城市往往需要进行 大规模的基础设施建设,包括体 育场馆、交通设施、酒店等,这 些设施的建设和运营能够进一步 推动经济发展。
随着奥林匹克运动的发展,体育器材和装备制造业也迎来了巨大 的发展机遇,包括运动器材、运动装备、运动鞋服等。

Olympic Motto Faster,Higher,Stronger
• The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. --顾拜旦
• The Olympic spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and spirit of fair competition.
• The purpose of the Olympic Movement: through without any Discrimination, with the Olympic spirit - mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and spirit of fair competition in the sports activities to educate the youth, in order to contribute to the establishment of a peaceful and better world. "
The Olympic Events
Several of summer Olympic Games
• 1、First:April 6, 1896 venue:Greece • 2、Second:May 14, 1900 venue:Paris,France • 3、Fourth: April 27, 1908 venue: London, UK • 4、14th: July 29, 1948 venue: London, UK • 5、18th: October 10, 1964 venue: Tokyo, Japan • 6、23rd: July 28, 1984 venue: Los Angeles • 7、29th:August 8, venue: Beijinamic, modern, flexible
Olympic Motto Faster,Higher,Stronger
• The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. --顾拜旦
• The Olympic spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and spirit of fair competition.
• The purpose of the Olympic Movement: through without any Discrimination, with the Olympic spirit - mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and spirit of fair competition in the sports activities to educate the youth, in order to contribute to the establishment of a peaceful and better world. "
The Olympic Events
Several of summer Olympic Games
• 1、First:April 6, 1896 venue:Greece • 2、Second:May 14, 1900 venue:Paris,France • 3、Fourth: April 27, 1908 venue: London, UK • 4、14th: July 29, 1948 venue: London, UK • 5、18th: October 10, 1964 venue: Tokyo, Japan • 6、23rd: July 28, 1984 venue: Los Angeles • 7、29th:August 8, venue: Beijinamic, modern, flexible

1. When will the event happen? The event will happen__o_n_S_a_t_u_rd_a_y__a_ft_e_rn_o_o_n__. 2. What's a"Blue Paint"run? A"Blue Paint"run is a fun run that__h_el_p_s_t_h_e_c_o_m__m_u_n_i_ty_. 3. Why is it called a "Blue Paint"run?
Try to catch the main ideas instead of trying to remember and translate each word you hear.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Adam is inviting Julie to a sports event. Listen to Conversation 2 and answer the questions
sports ?
电子竞技运动(e-sports)就是利用 高科技软硬件设备作为运动器械 进行的、人与人之间的智力对抗 运动。
电子竞技运动与网络游戏的最大 不同: 电子竞技运动从本质上来说是体 育,它是通过电脑硬件软件、网 络、鼠标、键盘等器械进行的人 和人之间的对抗。它有统一的竞
Listening, speaking & Invite a friend to a
The events of Olympic
• freestyle relay 自由泳接力 • Water polo 水球 • Diving 跳水 • triple jump 三级跳远 • Badminton 羽毛球 • men's singles 男子单打 • Baseball 棒球 • table Tennis 乒乓球Tennis 网球 • Volleyball 排球 • Gymnastics 艺术体操 • Shooting 射击
Try to catch the main ideas instead of trying to remember and translate each word you hear.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Adam is inviting Julie to a sports event. Listen to Conversation 2 and answer the questions
sports ?
电子竞技运动(e-sports)就是利用 高科技软硬件设备作为运动器械 进行的、人与人之间的智力对抗 运动。
电子竞技运动与网络游戏的最大 不同: 电子竞技运动从本质上来说是体 育,它是通过电脑硬件软件、网 络、鼠标、键盘等器械进行的人 和人之间的对抗。它有统一的竞
Listening, speaking & Invite a friend to a
The events of Olympic
• freestyle relay 自由泳接力 • Water polo 水球 • Diving 跳水 • triple jump 三级跳远 • Badminton 羽毛球 • men's singles 男子单打 • Baseball 棒球 • table Tennis 乒乓球Tennis 网球 • Volleyball 排球 • Gymnastics 艺术体操 • Shooting 射击
16初中英语奥运会说课课件The Olympic Games

• This passage is mainly about an _in__te_r_v_i_e_w_ given by Pausanias, a Greece _w_r_i_te_r___ to Li Yan, a __v_o_l_u_n_t_e_e_r__ to find out about the __m__o_d_e__rn___ Olympics.
countries could take part in the modern Olympics?
• A: Surprised B. Exited C. Proud D. Upset
• Q3: Why do so many countries want to host the Olympics?
• A. To make money. B. To make the country famous
• 设计意图: Ss are supposed to scan the text quickly
and finish this task in 3 mins to challenge their skills to get the main idea in a limited time.
Read the text carefully and choose the best answer:
shows to the opening ceremony
of the 2022 Olympic games,
what will you choose? Why?
• 设计意图:By discussing and showing their
opinions about naming the mascots or recommending the local arts, inspire students to inherit and develop our traditional culture as well as enhance the sense of national pride of being Chinese people.(7mins)
countries could take part in the modern Olympics?
• A: Surprised B. Exited C. Proud D. Upset
• Q3: Why do so many countries want to host the Olympics?
• A. To make money. B. To make the country famous
• 设计意图: Ss are supposed to scan the text quickly
and finish this task in 3 mins to challenge their skills to get the main idea in a limited time.
Read the text carefully and choose the best answer:
shows to the opening ceremony
of the 2022 Olympic games,
what will you choose? Why?
• 设计意图:By discussing and showing their
opinions about naming the mascots or recommending the local arts, inspire students to inherit and develop our traditional culture as well as enhance the sense of national pride of being Chinese people.(7mins)

In a brief review of five years of history, Pierre de Coubertin, the Olympic spirit and that competitive spirit of pure differences. He believes that the pure competitive spirit can only bring the pleasure and delight players a sense of psychological own entertainment, the Olympic spirit will be brought to people a sense of beauty, sense of honor. This is the heart Coubertin advocates the spirit of the "Sports Song", he has enthusiastically sings praise, praise the sport is beautiful, art, justice, courage, honor, fun, vitality, progress and peace in disguise.
• Olympic motto "Faster! Higher! Stronger!" Not only refers to sports performance, it has a deeper meaning, it is hoped that the Olympic athletes have a higher realm, there are courage, the spirit of continued onslaught. There is also the "Sports is peace," "important thing is not victory, is to participate!" As the motto of it.

起 来 工 作 ” 。
A total of four kinds of emblem colors are pink, orange, blue and green, different colors of the emblem can be used according to the needs of different occasions. This design is the Olympics for the first time in the history of the Olympic and Paralympic Games "shared" with an emblem.
这两个吉祥物都只有一只眼睛,是经过1年半的创作 过程后正式确认的。伦敦奥运会组委会主席塞巴斯蒂 安·科表示,这两个吉祥物是为儿童创作的,他们将把儿 童和运动联系在一起,讲述让人们引为自豪的奥运会的 故事。温洛克和曼德维尔将帮助孩子们健康成长。
Engraved on the Olympic torch in London 8000 ring bear to pay tribute to the life achievements of the 8000 torch bearer of moral. Torch design into the torch bearer of the symbol, this is the first time in Olympic history, the human factor is added to the torch in that the London Olympic Games innovative
而 是 别
特 彩 的 是 用 新 年 界 轻 技 , 人 术 在 不 和 这 新 再 个 处 媒 世 于 体 网 络 武 装 , 态 们 状 人 止 , 静 上 界 世
A total of four kinds of emblem colors are pink, orange, blue and green, different colors of the emblem can be used according to the needs of different occasions. This design is the Olympics for the first time in the history of the Olympic and Paralympic Games "shared" with an emblem.
这两个吉祥物都只有一只眼睛,是经过1年半的创作 过程后正式确认的。伦敦奥运会组委会主席塞巴斯蒂 安·科表示,这两个吉祥物是为儿童创作的,他们将把儿 童和运动联系在一起,讲述让人们引为自豪的奥运会的 故事。温洛克和曼德维尔将帮助孩子们健康成长。
Engraved on the Olympic torch in London 8000 ring bear to pay tribute to the life achievements of the 8000 torch bearer of moral. Torch design into the torch bearer of the symbol, this is the first time in Olympic history, the human factor is added to the torch in that the London Olympic Games innovative
而 是 别
特 彩 的 是 用 新 年 界 轻 技 , 人 术 在 不 和 这 新 再 个 处 媒 世 于 体 网 络 武 装 , 态 们 状 人 止 , 静 上 界 世
the olympicgames 课件ppt

起源于公元前776年,于 公元393年消亡,共举办 了293届。
1894年,顾拜旦发起,于 1896年在希腊雅典举办了 第一届现代奥运会。
从第一届希腊雅典奥运会 至今,已经举办了32届夏 季奥运会和23届冬季奥运 会。
the olympicgames 课 件
• 奥林匹克运动简介 • 奥运会比赛项目 • 奥运会参赛资格 • 奥运会举办城市与国家 • 奥运会历史上的著名运动员 • 奥运会与文化交流
包括高山滑雪、越野滑 雪等。
两队各四人进行的比赛 。
资格赛项目根据各项目国际单项 组织的规定进行设置,通常包括
资格赛项目设置需满足一定标准 ,确保参赛运动员达到较高水平
资格赛项目数量和时间安排需根 据奥运会举办时间和规模进行调

很久以来,中国就有通过符号传 递祝福的传统。北京奥运会吉祥 物的每个娃娃都代表着一个美好 的祝愿,娃娃们带着北京的盛情, 将祝福带往世界各个角落
• Like the Five Olympic Rings from which they draw their color and inspiration,carrying a message of friendship and peace -and good wishes from China -- to children all over the world.Each of Fuwa has a rhyming two-syllable name -- a traditional way of expressing affection for children in China.When you put their names together -- Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni -- they say "Welcome to Beijing,"
Certainly,there are lots of Professional athletes in this game.look at the• Olympic Games is window,This is a maximum window, had been rubbed bright. Through it, those that see are worlds. Here, it is changing every day, here burgeoning thing is being replaced.It has put up platform for us , lets world know us; It has built bridge for us , lets us and world link up better. 奥林匹克比赛是窗口, 这是一个最大 窗口,是被摩擦的明亮的。 通过它, 看见的那些是世界。 这里,它每天改 变,这里发芽事被替换。它举起我们 的平台,告诉世界我们; 它修筑了我 们的桥梁,让我们和更好的世界链接。
• Like the Five Olympic Rings from which they draw their color and inspiration,carrying a message of friendship and peace -and good wishes from China -- to children all over the world.Each of Fuwa has a rhyming two-syllable name -- a traditional way of expressing affection for children in China.When you put their names together -- Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni -- they say "Welcome to Beijing,"
Certainly,there are lots of Professional athletes in this game.look at the• Olympic Games is window,This is a maximum window, had been rubbed bright. Through it, those that see are worlds. Here, it is changing every day, here burgeoning thing is being replaced.It has put up platform for us , lets world know us; It has built bridge for us , lets us and world link up better. 奥林匹克比赛是窗口, 这是一个最大 窗口,是被摩擦的明亮的。 通过它, 看见的那些是世界。 这里,它每天改 变,这里发芽事被替换。它举起我们 的平台,告诉世界我们; 它修筑了我 们的桥梁,让我们和更好的世界链接。

The Olympic Games begun at Olympia in Greece in 776 BC.
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
The Olympic flag
White, limitless, middle is five-colour Olympic rings logo.
Europe Asia
America Australia
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
Olympic Mascot
1976 1980 1984 004
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
Winter Olympic Games ------- Summer Olympic Games
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
The Chinese modern Olympic
• 从中国参加第8届奥运会的网球表演赛开始, 至l949年,中国运动员先后参加了第10、11和第 14届奥运会。
第11届柏林奥运会海报 第14届伦敦奥运会海报
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
The Olympic flag
White, limitless, middle is five-colour Olympic rings logo.
Europe Asia
America Australia
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
Olympic Mascot
1976 1980 1984 004
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
Winter Olympic Games ------- Summer Olympic Games
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
The Chinese modern Olympic
• 从中国参加第8届奥运会的网球表演赛开始, 至l949年,中国运动员先后参加了第10、11和第 14届奥运会。
第11届柏林奥运会海报 第14届伦敦奥运会海报
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益

Information about Guangzhou Asian Games
• Guangzhou Asian Games "Five Rams Statue," as the main outline of the design patterns of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. In addition to 28 Olympic Games, the Asian Games there are 14 non-official Olympic events
The History Of Asian Games
★Far East Games ★It’s initiated in 1911 by Philippine Sports Association ★Every 2 years ★ Philippine China Japan
Five sporty goats
A Xiang, A He, Байду номын сангаас Ru, A Yi and Le Yangyang
Dynamic Asia, spark the world
China beats Korea to win Women's Volleyball gold
It was China's 199th gold in Guangzhou, 16 more than the previous best tally of 183 set by China in the 1990 Beijing Asian Games.
All the gold were hung on wang zhizhi's neck
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The Olympic Games
The Olympic Games is an international sporting events organized by the
International Olympic Committee, the project contains a variety of sports, held every four years. The Olympic Games
London 2012 Olympic Games
• The thirtieth of 2012 Summer Olympics held in London. English slogan "Embrace the four winds friends".This is the 3rd London to host the Summer Olympic Games. London is so far held the Summer Olympics the largest number of cities.
A symbol of Dynamic, modern, flexible
London Olympic Games emblem
The slogan is "Inspire a generation"
London Olympics masБайду номын сангаасot
Olympic Motto Faster,Higher,Stronger
• The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. --顾拜旦
• The Olympic spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and spirit of fair competition.
• The purpose of the Olympic Movement: through without any Discrimination, with the Olympic spirit - mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and spirit of fair competition in the sports activities to educate the youth, in order to contribute to the establishment of a peaceful and better world. "
The Olympic Events
Several of summer Olympic Games
• 1、First:April 6, 1896 venue:Greece • 2、Second:May 14, 1900 venue:Paris,France • 3、Fourth: April 27, 1908 venue: London, UK • 4、14th: July 29, 1948 venue: London, UK • 5、18th: October 10, 1964 venue: Tokyo, Japan • 6、23rd: July 28, 1984 venue: Los Angeles • 7、29th:August 8,2008 venue: Beijing,China
Olympic Games logo
• Colored Olympic ring logo symbolizes the unity of five continents. The Olympic movement has a series of unique and distinctive symbolic signs, such as the Olympic flag, motto, the Olympic flag, anthem, etc.. Has a rich cultural meaning of these signs, vividly embodies the Olympic ideals, values and cultural connotations.
originated in ancient Greece, held in Olympia named.Olympic Games has become a symbol of peace and friendship.
The type of the Olympic Games
• 1、The modern Olympic movement • 2、Games for the Disabled • 3、Winter Olympics • 4、Special Olympics • 5、Deaflympics • 6、Youth Olympic Games
The Olympic Games is an international sporting events organized by the
International Olympic Committee, the project contains a variety of sports, held every four years. The Olympic Games
London 2012 Olympic Games
• The thirtieth of 2012 Summer Olympics held in London. English slogan "Embrace the four winds friends".This is the 3rd London to host the Summer Olympic Games. London is so far held the Summer Olympics the largest number of cities.
A symbol of Dynamic, modern, flexible
London Olympic Games emblem
The slogan is "Inspire a generation"
London Olympics masБайду номын сангаасot
Olympic Motto Faster,Higher,Stronger
• The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. --顾拜旦
• The Olympic spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and spirit of fair competition.
• The purpose of the Olympic Movement: through without any Discrimination, with the Olympic spirit - mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and spirit of fair competition in the sports activities to educate the youth, in order to contribute to the establishment of a peaceful and better world. "
The Olympic Events
Several of summer Olympic Games
• 1、First:April 6, 1896 venue:Greece • 2、Second:May 14, 1900 venue:Paris,France • 3、Fourth: April 27, 1908 venue: London, UK • 4、14th: July 29, 1948 venue: London, UK • 5、18th: October 10, 1964 venue: Tokyo, Japan • 6、23rd: July 28, 1984 venue: Los Angeles • 7、29th:August 8,2008 venue: Beijing,China
Olympic Games logo
• Colored Olympic ring logo symbolizes the unity of five continents. The Olympic movement has a series of unique and distinctive symbolic signs, such as the Olympic flag, motto, the Olympic flag, anthem, etc.. Has a rich cultural meaning of these signs, vividly embodies the Olympic ideals, values and cultural connotations.
originated in ancient Greece, held in Olympia named.Olympic Games has become a symbol of peace and friendship.
The type of the Olympic Games
• 1、The modern Olympic movement • 2、Games for the Disabled • 3、Winter Olympics • 4、Special Olympics • 5、Deaflympics • 6、Youth Olympic Games