
NUC029ZAN特色为宽电压工作范围2.5V ~ 5.5V,工作温度- 40℃~+85℃,操作频率达50MHz,具备64KB Flash和4KB SRAM。
内建22.1184 MHz高精度晶振。
NUC029ZAN 备有丰富的外设,如高达5通道PWM、5通道12位ADC、定时器、看门狗定时器、UART、SPI、I²C …等。
主要特色•运作特性- 工作电压: 2.5V~5.5V- 温度范围: -40°C~+85°C•内核- Arm®Cortex®-M0微控制器- 最高运行频率50MHz•内存- 64KB应用程序Flash- 内嵌4KB SRAM- 4KB ISP ROM- 支持ISP/ICP/IAP•脉宽调变(PWM)- 内建5位16位PWM产生器•模拟转数字转换器(ADC)- 提供5个频道- 12位分辨率- 可达760kSPS (每秒采样率)•通讯接口(Connectivity)- 1组SPI- 2组I²C- 2组UART•时钟控制- 外部4~24MHz高速晶振- 内部22.1184MHz- 10KHz低功耗振荡器内部框图昂科技术自主研发的AP8000万用型烧录器包含主机,底板,适配座三大部分。
NuEdu-SDK-NUC472 用户手册说明书

ARM Cortex™-M032-bit Microcontroller NuEdu-SDK-NUC472 User Manual for NuMicro™ NUC442/472 SeriesThe information described in this document is the exclusive intellectual property ofNuvoton Technology Corporation and shall not be reproduced without permission from Nuvoton.Nuvoton is providing this document only for reference purposes of NuMicro™ microcontroller based system design. Nuvoton assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.All data and specifications are subject to change without notice.For additional information or questions, please contact: Nuvoton Technology Corporation.Table of Contents1Overview (3)2NuEdu SDK Board Introduction (5)2.1Block Diagram (5)2.2Board Interpretation (7)2.3System Configuration (7)3Starting to Use NuEdu-SDK-NUC472 (9)3.1System Requirements (9)3.2Hardware Setup (9)3.3Starting to Use NuEdu-SDK-NUC472 on the Keil μVision® IDE (9)3.4Starting to Use NuEdu-SDK-NUC472 on the IAR Embedded Workbench (10)3.5Nu-Bridge Setup (10)3.6Downloading NuEdu-SDK-NUC472 BSP (11)4Pin Description (12)5NuEdu-EVB-NUC472 Schematics (14)5.1NUC472 MCU (14)5.2Nu-Link-Me (15)5.3Interface Connector (16)5.4Crystal (16)5.5Reset (17)5.6ICE Interface (17)5.7LED (18)5.8USB OTG Host/Device (18)5.9Ethernet (19)5.10Power Supply (19)5.11MCU External Connector (20)6NuEdu-Advance02Schematics (22)6.1Interface Connection (22)6.2SPI Flash (22)6.3RS-485 (23)6.4CAN (23)6.5SD Card Interface (24)6.624-bit Stereo Audio Codec (25)6.7TFT LCD (25)6.8Button (26)7Revision History (27)1 OverviewThe NuEdu-SDK-NUC472, which consists of NuEdu-EVB-NUC472 and NuEdu-Advance02, is a development tool for Cortex®-M4 based on Nuvoton NUC442/472 series micro controller. The NuEdu-SDK-NUC472 purposes to provide user a useful and powerful learning material for how to develop and verify the application program. Furthermore, user can change or add another module to develop specific function. shows the NuEdu-SDK-NUC472.The NuEdu-EVB-NUC472 includes two parts, the left portion NuEdu-EVB-NUC472 and the right portion Nu-Link-Me.The NuEdu-EVB-NUC472 uses the NUC472JI8AE as the target microcontroller with embedded Cortex®-M4 core with DSP extensions and a Floating Point Unit runs up to 84 MHz with 512 Kbytes embedded flash memories and 64 Kbytes embedded SRAM. It is also equipped with plenty of peripheral devices, such as Timers, Watchdog Timers, RTC, PDMA, EBI, UART, Smart Card interface, SD HOST, SPI, I2C, I2S, PWM Timer, GPIO, LIN, CAN, PS/2, 12-bit ADC, analog comparator, operational amplifier, temperature sensor, Low Voltage Reset Controller and Brown-out Detector. The NUC472JI8AE also provides Ethernet 10/100 MAC with MII and RMII interface, USB 2.0 full-speed Device/Host/OTG, USB 2.0 HS device and security functions such as tamper detection, symmetric cryptographic accelerator and secure Hash function accelerator.The NuEdu-EVB-NUC472 is similar to other development boards, by which user can develop and verify applications to emulate the real behavior.The Nu-Link-Me is a Debug Adaptor based on SWD (Serial Wire Debug) interface, user can connect your PC's USB port to your target system (via right side USB port) and allows you to program and debug embedded programs on the target hardware. The NuEdu-EVB-NUC472 also support user to use Arduino Kit for expansion.Figure 1-1 shows the NuEdu-SDK-NUC472.Figure 1-1 NuEdu-EVB-NUC472We also provide Nu-Bridge tool for user to connect serial communication interfaces from NuEdu-Advance02 to PC. Figure 1-2 shows the Nu-Bridge.Figure 1-2 Nu-BridgeThis user manual provides information about hardware features of NuEdu-SDK-NUC472 and users how to start using NuEdu-SDK-NUC472.2 NuEdu SDK Board Introduction2.1 Block DiagramFigure 2-1 shows specific function pins of the NuEdu-EVB- NUC472. First pin of each header is marked red rectangle.Figure 2-1 Specific function pins of the NuEdu-EVB-NUC472Figure 2-2 shows specific function pins of the NuEdu-Advance02. First pin of each header is marked red rectangle.Figure 2-2 Specific function pins of the NuEdu-Advance022.2 Board InterpretationThe NuEdu-EVB-NUC472 also supports Arduino development kits. User can replace NuEdu development kits (EX: NuEdu-Advance02) to Arduino development kits. It marks the function of every pin on the NuEdu-EVB-NUC472 front side, shown as Figure 2-3 yellow frame. It also marks the pin numbers which correspond to Arduino software, shown as Figure 2-3 blue frame. User can choose suitable development kits according to this information.Figure 2-3 Marks on the NuEdu-EVB-NUC472 front side2.3 System Configuration2.3.1 Power Settings●CON3: 5V_IN connector in NuEdu-EVB-NUC472●ICEJ1: USB port in Nu-Link-Me2.3.2 Debug Connectors●JP5: Connector in target board (NuEdu-EVB-NUC472) for connecting withNuvoton ICE adaptor (Nu-Link-Me)●ICEJP2: Connector in ICE adaptor (Nu-Link-Me) for connecting with a targetboard (e.g. NuEdu-EVB-NUC472)2.3.3 USB Connectors●CON2: Micro USB Connector in NuEdu-EVB-NUC472 for application use●ICEJ1: Mini USB Connector in Nu-Link-Me connected to a PC USB port.2.3.4 Ethernet Connectors●CON1: Ethernet Connector in NuEdu-EVB-NUC472 for application use2.3.5 Extended Connectors●JP1, JP2, JP3, and JP4: Show all chip pins in NuEdu-EVB-NUC472.2.3.6 Button●SW1: Reset button in NuEdu-EVB-NUC4722.3.7 Power Connectors●VCC: VCC connector in NuEdu-EVB-NUC472●GND: GND connector in NuEdu-EVB-NUC4723 Starting to Use NuEdu-SDK-NUC4723.1 System Requirements⏹Windows XP, Windows 7 OS⏹Keil RVMDK (version 4.50 or above) or IAR EWARM (version 6.5 or above)development environment⏹NuEduEvaluation Board3.2 Hardware Setup1. Use NuEdu-Advance02Plug NuEdu-Advance02 into NuEdu-EVB-NUC472, and connect from the right side USB port to your PC.2. NuEdu-EVB-NUC472Connect NuEdu-EVB-NUC472,from the right side USB port to your PC.3.3 Starting to Use NuEdu-SDK-NUC472 on the Keil μVision® IDE⏹Install Keil μVision® IDE SoftwarePlease connect to the Keil company website () to download the Keil μVision® IDE and install RVMDK。
Keil新唐科技(Nuvoton) NUC140VE3AN ARM MCU开发方案

Keil新唐科技(Nuvoton) NUC140VE3AN ARM MCU开发方案新唐科技(Nuvoton)的NUC140VE3AN是带全速USB 2.0 和 CAN功能,内嵌Cortex™-M0内核,最高可运行至50MHz的MCU,集成了32K/64K/128K字节的Flash存储器,以及4K/8K/16K 字节SRAM,4K字节用于存储ISP引导代码的ROM,和4K字节的数据 Flash 存储器。
另外还有丰富的外设,如定时器,看门狗定时器,RTC,PDMA,UART,SPI, I2C,I2S,PWM 定时器,GPIO,LIN,CAN,PS/2,USB 2.0 FS 设备,12位ADC,模拟比较器,低电压复位控制和欠压检测功能,主要用在工业控制,数据通信,USB应用以及马达控制,汽车和消费类产品.Keil公司的MCBNUC1xx评估板能评估和测试基于ARM Cortex™-M0的Nuvoton NUC1xx系列处理器的特性和工作程序.本文介绍了NuMicro NUC140主要特征,方框图, MCBNUC1xx评估板主要特性,方框图和电路图.NuMicro™ NUC140 Connectivity Line 带全速USB 2.0 和CAN功能,内嵌Cortex™-M0内核,最高可运行至50 MHz,内建32K/64K/128K字节的Flash存储器,以及4K/8K/16K字节SRAM,4K字节用于存储ISP引导代码的ROM,和4K字节的数据 Flash 存储器。
另外还有丰富的外设,如定时器,看门狗定时器,RTC,PDMA,UART,SPI, I2C,I2S,PWM 定时器,GPIO,LIN,CAN,PS/2,USB 2.0 FS 设备,12位ADC,模拟比较器,低电压复位控制和欠压检测功能。
NuMicro™ NUC140主要特征:• 内核ARM® Cortex™-M0 内核最高运行 50 MHz– 一个 24-位系统定时器– 支持低功耗睡眠模式– 单周期32位硬件乘法器– 嵌套向量中断控制器(NVIC)用于控制32个中断源,每个中断源可设置为4个优先级– 支持串行线调试(SWD)带2个观察点/4个断点• 内建 LDO,宽电压工作范围 2.5 V 到 5.5 V• Flash 存储器– 32K/64K/128K 字节 Flash 用于存储程序代码– 4KB flash 用于存储ISP 引导代码– 支持在系统编程 (ISP)方式更新应用程序– 支持512 字节单页擦除– 在128K字节系统中可配置数据FLASH地址和大小,在32K字节和64K字节系统中固定为4K字节数据– 通过SWD/ICE接口,支持2 线 ICP升级方式– 支持外部编程器并行高速编程模式• SRAM 存储器– 4K/8K/16K 字节内建 SRAM– 支持 PDMA 模式• PDMA (Peripheral DMA)– 支持9通道 PDMA 用于SRAM和周边设备的自动数据传输• 时钟控制– 针对不同应用可灵活选择时钟– 内部22.1184 MHz 高速振荡器可用于系统运行在+25 ℃,VDD = 5.0 V时, 精度校正到±1 %在-40 ℃ ~ +85 ℃ 和 VDD = 2.5 V ~ 5.5 V范围内, 精度为± 3 %– 内部低功耗 10 KHz 低速振荡器用于看门狗及掉电模式唤醒等功能– 支持一组PLL, 高至 50 MHz, 用于高性能的系统运行– 外部 4~24 MHz 晶振输入用于 USB 和精准的定时操作– 外部 32.768 kHz 晶振输入用于 RTC 及低功耗模式操作• GPIO– 四种 I/O 模式:准双向模式推挽输出模式开漏输出模式高阻输入模式– TTL/Schmitt 触发输入可选– I/O 引脚可被配置为边沿/电平触发模式的中断源– 支持大电流驱动和灌入 I/O 模式• Timer– 支持4组32位定时器, 每个定时器有一个24位向上计数定时器和一个8位预分频计数器– 每个定时器有独立的时钟源– 提供 one-shot, periodic, toggle and continuous 计数操作模式– 支持事件计数功能– 支持输入捕捉功能• Watchdog Timer– 多路时钟源– 从 1.6ms 到26.0sec 有8个可选的定时溢出周期(取决于所选的时钟源)– WDT 可用作掉电模式/睡眠模式的唤醒– 看门狗定时溢出的中断/复位选择• RTC– 通过频率补偿寄存器(FCR) 支持软件频率补偿功能– 支持RTC计数(秒,分,小时) 及万年历功能(日,月,年)– 支持闹铃寄存器(秒,分,小时,日,月,年)– 可选择为12小时制或24小时– 闰年自动识别– 支持周期时间滴答中断,包括8个可选周期1/128, 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 和 1 秒– 支持唤醒功能• PWM/Capture– 内建四个16位PWM产生器,可输出8路PWM或4组互补配对PWM– 每个PWM产生器配有一个时钟源选择器,一个时钟分频器,一个8位时钟预分频和一个用于互补配对PWM的死区发生器– 8路16位捕捉定时器(共享PWM 定时器)提供8路输入的上升/下降沿的捕捉功能– 支持捕捉(Capture)中断• UART– 最多三组UART控制器– 支持流控 (TXD, RXD, CTS 和 RTS)– UART0 带 64-字节 FIFO 用于高速模式– UART1/2 (可选)带16-字节 FIFO 用于标准模式– 支持 IrDA (SIR) 和 LIN 功能– 支持 RS-485 9 位模式和方向控制– 可编程波特率发生器频率高至1/16系统时钟– 支持 PDMA 模式• SPI– 最高支持4组 SPI 控制器– 主机速率高至 32 MHz,从机高至 10 MHz (芯片工作在 5V 状态时)– 支持 SPI 主机/从机模式– 全双工同步串行数据传输– 可变数据长度(从1位到 32 位)传输模式可设置MSB 或LSB 在前的传输模式– 在时钟上升沿或下降沿接收还是发送是独立配置的– 当作为主机时2条从机片选线,作为从机时1条从机片选线– 支持 32-bit 传输模式下的字节睡眠模式– 支持PDMA 模式– 支持三线无从机选择信号的双向接口• I2C– 最多支持2组I2C 设备– 主机/从机模式– 主从机之间双向数据传输– 多主机总线支持(无中心主机)– 多主机间同时传输数据仲裁,避免总线上串行数据损坏– 总线采用串行同步时钟,可实现设备之间以不同的速率传输– 串行同步时钟可作为握手方式控制总线上数据暂停及恢复传送– 可编程的时钟适用于不同速率控制– I2C总线上支持多地址识别(4个从机地址带mask选项)• I2S– 外部音频 CODEC 接口– 可作主机也可作从机模式– 能处理8, 16,24 和 32 位word– 支持单声道和立体声的音频数据– 支持I2S 和最高有效位数据格式– 提供两组8字的FIFO数据缓存,一组用于发送,一组用于接收– 缓冲区超过可编程边界时,产生中断请求– 支持两组DMA请求,一组用于发送,另一组用于接收• CAN 2.0– 支持 CAN 2.0A 和 2.0B 协议– 位传输速率最高至1M bit/s– 32个报文对象– 每个报文对象有其自己的标识符掩码– 可编程的 FIFO 模式(链接报文对象)– 可屏蔽中断– 时间触发的CAN应用中禁用自动重传模式– 支持掉电模式唤醒功能• PS/2 设备控制器– 禁止 Host 通信和请求发送检测– 接收帧错误检测– 可编程的 1 到 16 字节的发送缓冲以减少CPU的负担– 数据据接收的双缓冲– 软件可控总线• USB 2.0 Full-Speed Device– 一组12Mbps的USB 2.0 FS 设备– 片内集成USB收发模块– 提供1组中断源,提供四个中断事件支持控制传输(Control),批量传输(Bulk In/Out),中断传输(Interrupt)及同步传输当总线上无信号达到3ms时,具有自动暂停的功能– 支持6组可编程端点(endpoints)– 512 字节内部 SRAM 作为 USB 的缓存区– 支持远程唤醒功能• 支持EBI(外部总线接口)(100-pin and 64-pin Package Only)可访问的空间: 8位模式为64KB 或16位模式为128KB– 支持8-位/16-位数据宽度– 在16位数据宽度模式下支持字节写入• ADC– 12位ADC,转换速率达 700K SPS– 最多8通道单端模式输入或4通道差分模式输入– 单一扫描模式/单周期扫描模式/连续扫描模式– 每个通道有独立的结果寄存器– 扫描使能通道– 阈电压侦测– 软件编程或外部管脚触发开始转换– 支持 PDMA 模式• 模拟比较器(Analog Comparator)– 2组模拟比较器模块– 负端电位可选择外部输入或内部频带间隙电压– 比较结果改变可作为中断触发条件– 支持掉电模式唤醒功能• 内建温度传感器,1℃ 分辨率• 欠压检测(Brown-Out detector)– 支持四级检测电压:4.5 V/3.8 V/2.7 V/2.2 V– 支持欠压中断和复位选择• 低压复位– 阈电压:2.0 V• 工作温度:-40℃~85℃• 封装:– 无铅封装(RoHS)LQFP 100-pin / 64-pin / 48-pinNuMicro™ NUC140 Connectivity Line选型指南图 1.NuMicro™ NUC140 框图NUC140VE3AN应用:Industrial ControlData CommunicationsUSB ApplicationsConsumer ProductsMotor ControlAutomotive图2. MCBNUC1xx评估板外形图The Keil MCBNUC1xx Evaluation Board enables you to create and test working programs based on the Nuvoton NUC1xx family of ARM Cortex™-M0 processor-based devices.MCBNUC1xx评估板主要特性:50MHz NUC140VE3AN ARM Cortex™-M0 processor-based MCU in 100-pin LQFPOn-Chip Memory: 128KB Flash & 16KB RAMUSB 2.0 Full Speed Device InterfaceUART, I2C, SPI and 76 GPIO via PCB headersPotentiometer for ADC Input8 LEDs and 3 push-buttonsPower via USB connectorDebug Interface Connectors10-pin Cortex debug (0.05 inch connector)20-pin ARM Standard JTAG (0.1 inch connector)MCBNUC1xx评估板技术指标: FeatureMCBNUC1xxBoardMCU VendorNuvotonMCUNUC140VE3ANXTAL12MHzARM ProcessorCortex-M0MCU Clock50MHzPrototyping AreaDimensions(inches)4.0 x 2.75Dimensions(mm)100 x 70MemoryOn-Chip RAM16KBOn-Chip FLASH128KBI/OPush Buttons4I/O Port LEDs8Analog Input(Potentiometer)Debug InterfaceJTAG InterfaceSWD Interface10-pin Cortex Connector20-pin JTAG ConnectorPowerConnectorUSBSupply5VDCCurrent(Typical)~ 15 mACurrent(Maximum)~ 20 mAThe hardware block diagram displays the input, configuration, power system, and User I/O on the board. This visual presentation helps you to understand the MCBNUC1xx board components.图 3. MCBNUC1xx评估板方框图图 4. MCBNUC1xx评估板电路图详情请见:/NuvotonMOSS/DownloadService/Member/DocumentsInfo.aspx?tp_GUID=DA00-NUC140SC. 1和/mcbnuc1xx/mcbnuc1xx-schematics.pdf。
新唐科技NuMicro NUC140 MCU开发方案

新唐科技NuMicro NUC140 MCU开发方案新唐科技(Nuvoton)的NUC140VE3AN是带全速USB 2.0 和 CAN功能,内嵌Cortex™-M0内核,最高可运行至50MHz的MCU,集成了32K/64K/128K字节的Flash存储器,以及4K/8K/16K 字节SRAM,4K字节用于存储ISP引导代码的ROM,和4K字节的数据 Flash 存储器。
另外还有丰富的外设,如定时器,看门狗定时器,RTC,PDMA,UART,SPI, I2C,I2S,PWM 定时器,GPIO,LIN,CAN,PS/2,USB 2.0 FS 设备,12位ADC,模拟比较器,低电压复位控制和欠压检测功能,主要用在工业控制,数据通信,USB应用以及马达控制,汽车和消费类产品.本文介绍了NuMicro™ NUC140系列主要特征,选型指南和框图,以及NuTiny-SDK-NUC140开发板主要特性,电路图和CAN演示板应用示意图.NuMicro™ NUC140 Connectivity Line 带全速USB 2.0 和 CAN功能,内嵌Cortex™-M0内核,最高可运行至50 MHz,内建32K/64K/128K字节的Flash存储器,以及4K/8K/16K字节SRAM,4K字节用于存储ISP引导代码的ROM,和4K字节的数据 Flash 存储器。
另外还有丰富的外设,如定时器,看门狗定时器,RTC,PDMA,UART,SPI, I2C,I2S,PWM 定时器,GPIO,LIN,CAN,PS/2,USB 2.0 FS 设备,12位ADC,模拟比较器,低电压复位控制和欠压检测功能。
NuMicro™ NUC140主要特征:• 内核– ARM® Cortex™-M0 内核最高运行 50 MHz– 一个 24-位系统定时器– 支持低功耗睡眠模式– 单周期32位硬件乘法器– 嵌套向量中断控制器(NVIC)用于控制32个中断源,每个中断源可设置为4个优先级– 支持串行线调试(SWD)带2个观察点/4个断点• 内建 LDO,宽电压工作范围 2.5 V 到 5.5 V• Flash 存储器– 32K/64K/128K 字节 Flash 用于存储程序代码– 4KB flash 用于存储ISP引导代码– 支持在系统编程 (ISP)方式更新应用程序– 支持512 字节单页擦除– 在128K字节系统中可配置数据FLASH地址和大小,在32K字节和64K字节系统中固定为4K字节数据– 通过SWD/ICE接口,支持2 线 ICP升级方式– 支持外部编程器并行高速编程模式• SRAM 存储器– 4K/8K/16K 字节内建 SRAM– 支持 PDMA 模式• PDMA (Peripheral DMA)– 支持9通道 PDMA 用于SRAM和周边设备的自动数据传输• 时钟控制– 针对不同应用可灵活选择时钟– 内部 22.1184 MHz 高速振荡器可用于系统运行在+25 ℃,VDD = 5.0 V时, 精度校正到± 1 %在-40 ℃ ~ +85 ℃ 和 VDD = 2.5 V ~ 5.5 V 范围内, 精度为± 3 %– 内部低功耗 10 KHz 低速振荡器用于看门狗及掉电模式唤醒等功能– 支持一组PLL, 高至 50 MHz, 用于高性能的系统运行– 外部4~24 MHz 晶振输入用于 USB 和精准的定时操作– 外部 32.768 kHz 晶振输入用于RTC 及低功耗模式操作• GPIO– 四种 I/O 模式:准双向模式推挽输出模式开漏输出模式高阻输入模式– TTL/Schmitt 触发输入可选– I/O 引脚可被配置为边沿/电平触发模式的中断源– 支持大电流驱动和灌入 I/O 模式• Timer– 支持4组32位定时器, 每个定时器有一个24位向上计数定时器和一个8位预分频计数器– 每个定时器有独立的时钟源– 提供 one-shot, periodic, toggle and continuous 计数操作模式– 支持事件计数功能– 支持输入捕捉功能• Watchdog Timer– 多路时钟源– 从1.6ms 到26.0sec 有8个可选的定时溢出周期(取决于所选的时钟源)– WDT 可用作掉电模式/睡眠模式的唤醒– 看门狗定时溢出的中断/复位选择• RTC– 通过频率补偿寄存器(FCR) 支持软件频率补偿功能– 支持RTC计数(秒,分,小时) 及万年历功能(日,月,年)– 支持闹铃寄存器(秒,分,小时,日,月,年)– 可选择为12小时制或24小时– 闰年自动识别– 支持周期时间滴答中断,包括8个可选周期1/128, 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 和 1 秒– 支持唤醒功能• PWM/Capture– 内建四个16位PWM产生器,可输出8路PWM或4组互补配对PWM– 每个PWM产生器配有一个时钟源选择器,一个时钟分频器,一个8位时钟预分频和一个用于互补配对PWM的死区发生器– 8路16位捕捉定时器(共享PWM定时器)提供8路输入的上升/下降沿的捕捉功能– 支持捕捉(Capture)中断• UART– 最多三组UART控制器– 支持流控 (TXD, RXD, CTS 和 RTS)– UART0 带 64-字节 FIFO 用于高速模式– UART1/2 (可选)带16-字节 FIFO 用于标准模式– 支持 IrDA (SIR) 和 LIN 功能– 支持RS-485 9 位模式和方向控制– 可编程波特率发生器频率高至1/16系统时钟– 支持 PDMA 模式• SPI– 最高支持4组 SPI 控制器– 主机速率高至 32 MHz,从机高至 10 MHz (芯片工作在 5V 状态时)– 支持 SPI 主机/从机模式– 全双工同步串行数据传输– 可变数据长度(从1位到 32 位)传输模式可设置MSB 或LSB 在前的传输模式– 在时钟上升沿或下降沿接收还是发送是独立配置的– 当作为主机时2条从机片选线,作为从机时1条从机片选线– 支持 32-bit 传输模式下的字节睡眠模式– 支持 PDMA 模式– 支持三线无从机选择信号的双向接口• I2C– 最多支持2组 I2C 设备– 主机/从机模式– 主从机之间双向数据传输– 多主机总线支持(无中心主机)– 多主机间同时传输数据仲裁,避免总线上串行数据损坏– 总线采用串行同步时钟,可实现设备之间以不同的速率传输– 串行同步时钟可作为握手方式控制总线上数据暂停及恢复传送– 可编程的时钟适用于不同速率控制– I2C总线上支持多地址识别(4个从机地址带mask选项)• I2S– 外部音频 CODEC 接口– 可作主机也可作从机模式– 能处理8, 16,24 和 32 位word– 支持单声道和立体声的音频数据– 支持I2S 和最高有效位数据格式– 提供两组8字的FIFO数据缓存,一组用于发送,一组用于接收– 缓冲区超过可编程边界时,产生中断请求– 支持两组DMA请求,一组用于发送,另一组用于接收• CAN 2.0– 支持 CAN 2.0A 和 2.0B 协议– 位传输速率最高至1M bit/s– 32个报文对象– 每个报文对象有其自己的标识符掩码– 可编程的 FIFO 模式(链接报文对象)– 可屏蔽中断– 时间触发的CAN 应用中禁用自动重传模式– 支持掉电模式唤醒功能• PS/2 设备控制器– 禁止 Host 通信和请求发送检测– 接收帧错误检测– 可编程的 1 到 16 字节的发送缓冲以减少CPU的负担– 数据据接收的双缓冲– 软件可控总线• USB 2.0 Full-Speed Device– 一组12Mbps的USB 2.0 FS 设备– 片内集成USB 收发模块– 提供1组中断源,提供四个中断事件支持控制传输(Control),批量传输(Bulk In/Out),中断传输(Interrupt)及同步传输当总线上无信号达到3ms时,具有自动暂停的功能– 支持6组可编程端点(endpoints)– 512 字节内部 SRAM 作为 USB 的缓存区– 支持远程唤醒功能• 支持EBI(外部总线接口)(100-pin and 64-pin Package Only)– 可访问的空间: 8位模式为64KB 或16位模式为128KB– 支持8-位/16-位数据宽度– 在16位数据宽度模式下支持字节写入• ADC– 12位ADC,转换速率达 700K SPS– 最多8通道单端模式输入或4通道差分模式输入– 单一扫描模式/单周期扫描模式/连续扫描模式– 每个通道有独立的结果寄存器– 扫描使能通道– 阈电压侦测– 软件编程或外部管脚触发开始转换– 支持PDMA 模式• 模拟比较器(Analog Comparator)– 2组模拟比较器模块– 负端电位可选择外部输入或内部频带间隙电压– 比较结果改变可作为中断触发条件– 支持掉电模式唤醒功能• 内建温度传感器,1℃ 分辨率• 欠压检测(Brown-Out detector)– 支持四级检测电压:4.5 V/3.8 V/2.7 V/2.2 V– 支持欠压中断和复位选择• 低压复位– 阈电压:2.0 V• 工作温度:-40℃~85℃• 封装:– 无铅封装(RoHS)LQFP 100-pin / 64-pin /48-pinNuMicro™ NUC140 Connectivity Line选型指南图1.NuMicro™ NUC140 框图NUC140VE3AN应用:Industrial ControlData CommunicationsUSB ApplicationsConsumer ProductsMotor ControlAutomotiveNuTiny-SDK-NUC140 uses the NUC140VE3AN as the target microcontroller. Figure 2-1 is NuTiny-SDK-NUC140 for NUC140 series, the left portion is called NuTiny-EVB-NUC140 and the right portion is Debug Adaptor called Nu-Link-Me.NuTiny-EVB-NUC140 is similar to other development boards. Users can use it to develop and verify applications to emulate the real behavior. The on board chip covers NUC140 series features. The NuTiny-EVB-NUC140 can be a real system controller to design users’ target systems.Nu-Link-Me is a Debug Adaptor. The Nu-Link-Me Debug Adaptor connects your PC’s USB port to your target system (via Serial Wired Debug Port) and allows you to program and debug embedded programs on the target hardware. To use Nu-Link-Me Debug adaptor with IAR or Keil, please refer to “Nuvoton NuMicro™ IAR ICE driver user manual “or Nuvoton NuMicro™ Keil ICE driver user manual” in detail. These two documents will be stored in the local hard disk when the user installs each driver.图2.NuTiny-SDK-NUC140外形图图3.NuTiny-SDK-NUC140电路图(1)图4.NuTiny-SDK-NUC140电路图(2)NUC130/140 CAN演示板 A Controller-Area-Network (CAN)-Bus system enables device communication in harsh environments, found in industrial automation, military and automotive applications. As a multi-master system, each device (node) can obtain bus access through its unique priority code (address) and broadcasts messages to all bus participants simultaneously. The Nuvoton NuMicro Family NUC140/NUC130 series chips had offered the robustness of the CAN architecture which is licensed from Bosch.图5. NUC130/140 CAN演示板外形图NUC130/140 CAN演示板主要特性:Multi-Master : Every node can control motor speedHot pluggingOnly two wires to connect CAN BUSFar distance to transmit: 250m @250KbpsGood at Anti-EMIGood at extend system abilityHigh Reliability : CAN Bus has complete detect error methodNUC130/140 CAN演示板应用:CAN BUS monitorCar diagnostic systemElevator controlRemote monitor about the strain of bridgeDigital DashboardMotor ControlThis CAN-Bus demonstration kit simulates industrial and automotive control environments.A System Monitor Node (Node 0 ) This node can be connected to an external PC through a USB interface. The PC/laptop controls the speed rate and shows the real time speed on the screenA System Monitor Node (Node1) controls the motor speed up/down functionA System Monitor Node (Node2) controls the motor speed up/down functionA Motor Node (Node3) controls speed or start/stop of a stepper motor图 6.NUC130/140 CAN应用演示图详情请见:/hq/enu/ProductAndSales/ProductLines/IndustrialIC/ARMMicrocontroller/ARMCorte xTMM0/Documents/NuTiny-SDK-NUC140%20User%20Manual%20EN%20V1.0.pdf和/NuvotonMOSS/Community/ProductInfo.aspx?tp_GUID=30a48909-12ca-4e73-9422-d8e83463 8385。
Nuvoton NuMicro ICP Programmer 用户指南(新唐MO51系列DOWNLOAD工具)

Nuvoton NuMide
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2 Publication Release Date: Aug. 2011
Nuvoton NuMicro ICP Programmer User Guide
Table of Contents
1. 简介..........................................................
新唐科技 NuMicro M23 微控制器平台说明书

• 多达 16 路 12 位 1 Msps ADC • 2 组模拟比较控制器 • 1 组 12 位 DAC • 1 组 OPA
• 3 组 USCI (UART, I2C, SPI) • 多达 24 路 PWM • PSIO (Programmable Serial I/O) 可产生任意波形 • USB 2.0 全速装置无需外挂晶振 • 实时时钟独立电源 (VBAT)
物联网安全 整合型安全方案
抗干扰 4.4 kV EFT,8 kV ESD
工规温度 丰富的开发平台 NuLink 系列 / NuTool 软件
多样开发环境 KEIL, IAR, NuEclipse
技术支持 在地服务
品牌 Nuvoton – 微控制器领导厂商
延伸性 8051 ➟M0 ➟M23 ➟M4 ➟Arm9 ➟A35
64 / 16
QFN32 (5 x 5 mm) Pitch 0.4 mm
LQFP48 (7 x 7 mm) Pitch 0.5 mm
• Arm® Cortex®-M23 内核 (不带 TrustZone)
• 运行速度可达 48 MHz
• 工作电压: 1.75 V ~ 5.5 V
NuMicro® 开发平台
| Photo by Jeffery Cheng
员工人数 资本额 成立日期 上市日期 董事长兼执行长 总部 主要股东 里程碑
全球超过 4,228 人 4,172 亿新台币 2008/7/1 2010/9/27 (TSE:4919) 苏源茂 台湾新竹科技园 华邦电子持有 51.21% 的股份 2020 完成并购日本松下半导体

2. 信号的频域分析
频域分析是采用傅立叶变换将时域信号X(t)变换为 频域信号X(f),从而帮助人们从另一个角度来了解 信号的特征;
信号的频域描述:应用傅里叶变换,对信号进行变 换(分解),以频率为独立变量,建立信号幅值、相 位与频率的关系;
特点:频域描述抽取信号内在的频率组成,信息 丰富,应用广泛。
2.利用NI USB-6009数据采集卡实现数据采集
主要技术指标: 8个模拟通道(14位、48 位kS/s采样速度); 2路14位模拟输出通道; 12个I/O通道; 1个32位计数器/定时器。
产品通过USB接口供电,不需要任何外接电源。它们均包括用于直接信号 连接可拆卸螺孔端子、用于支持外部设备以及传感器1个参考电压、低噪音高精 度的4层电路板,以及高达±35v的模拟输入过电压保护。
优点:形象、直观 缺点:不能明显揭示信号的内在结构
所谓“相关”是指变量之间的线性关系; 相关性是指信号的相似和关联程度,相关分析不
仅可用于确定性信号,也可用于随机信号的检测、 识别和提取等; 相关分析常用相关函数(自相关函数和互相关函 数)或相关系数来描述; 相关函数和功率谱(密度)是一对傅立叶变换。
前面板是VI的用户界面。创建VI时,通常应 先设计前面板,然后设计程序框图执行在前 面板上创建的输入、输出任务。
2. 程序框图
程序框图是图形化源代码的集合,图形化源 代码又称G代码或程序框图代码。
程序框图由接线 端、节点、连线 和结构等构成。
程序框图由接线端、节点、连线和结构等构 成:
① 频谱分析:包括幅值谱和相位谱、实部频谱和虚部频谱; ② 功率谱分析:包括自谱和互谱; ③ 频率响应函数分析:系统输出信号与输入信号频谱之比; ④ 相干函数分析:系统输入信号与输出信号之间谱的相关 程度。
安装制作工具Inno Setup及其在VC++工程中的应用

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Titan2 FPGA 开发平台 用户手册说明书

Titan2 FPGA开发平台用户手册P390核心板2 / 24芯驿电子科技(上海)有限公司文档版本控制目录文档版本控制 (2)目录 (3)(一) 简介 (4)(二) FPGA芯片 (5)(三) DDR4 (6)(四) QSPI Flash (11)(五) 时钟配置 (12)(六) LED灯 (14)(七) 电源 (15)(八) 结构图 (16)(九) 连接器管脚定义 (16)3 / 244 / 24芯驿电子科技(上海)有限公司(一) 简介P390(核心板型号,下同)核心板,FPGA 芯片是基于紫光同创FPGA Titan2的主芯片PG2T390HFFBG900设计。
核心板在FPGA 的HP 端口上连接了4片DDR4存储芯片组成64位的数据带宽,每片DDR4容量高达2GB 。
HP 端的内存带宽高达100Gb/s (1600M*64bit)。
另外核心板上也集成了1片128MBit 大小的QSPI FLASH ,用于启动存储配置和系统文件。
这款核心板的4个板对板连接器扩展出了276个IO ,其中BANK L1和BANK L2的92个IO 的电平可以通过更换核心板上的LDO 芯片来修改,满足用户不用电平接口的要求;另外核心板也扩展出了16对高速收发器接口。
对于需要大量IO 的用户,此核心板将是不错的选择。
而且IO 连接部分,FPGA芯片到接口之间走线做了等长和差分处理,并且核心板尺寸仅为80*60(mm ),对于二次开发来说,非常适合。
P390核心板正面图5 / 24(二) FPGA 芯片前面已经介绍过了,我们所使用的FPGA 型号为PG2T390HFFBG900,属于紫光同创公司Titan2系列的产品,速度等级为6,温度等级为工业级。
紫光同创 Titan2 FPGA 的芯片命名规则如下:图2-1-1为开发板所用的FPGA 芯片实物图。
图2-2-1 FPGA 芯片实物6 / 24芯驿电子科技(上海)有限公司Titan2 FPGA 电源有V CC , V CCA, V CC_DRM ,V CCB, V CCIO, V VCC_HP ,V HSSTAVCC 、V HSSTAVCCPLL 、V HSSTVCCA 。

NUC120 前期系列Cortex™-M032 位单片机1 概述NUC120 系列为32位单片机,内建ARM® Cortex™-M0内核,用于工业控制及相关需要丰富信号通讯界面的应用场合。
NUC120 Cortex™-M0内核系列最高可运行至50MHz外部时钟,具有32K/64K/128K字节内建Flash存储器,4K/8K/16K字节内建SRAM。
并内建有定时器,看门狗定时器,RTC,PDMA,UART,SPI/SSP,I2C, PWM 定时器, GPIO, USB 2.0等模块,12位ADC,模拟比较器,低电压检测和节电侦测功能。
2 特性2.1 NUC120 特性•内核–ARM® Cortex™-M0 内核最高运行50MHz.–一个 24-位系统定时器.–低功耗睡眠模式–单指令32位硬件乘法器–嵌套向量中断控制器NVIC 用于控制32个中断源,每个中断源可设置为4个优先级–支持串行线调试(SWD)及2个观察点/4个断点•宽电压工作范围由2.5V 至 5.5V存储器ROM• FLASH–32K/64K/128K 字节FLASH ROM 用于存储程序代码–4kB FLASH 用于存储ISP引导代码–支持 ISP/IAP 编程升级–512 字节一页FLASH擦除模式–在128K字节系统中可配置数据FLASH地址区域,在32K/64K字节系统中包含4K字节数据FLASH区域–在仿真界面下,支持2线ICP升级方式–支持外部编程器并行高速编程模式存储器• SRAM–4K/8K/16K 字节内建SRAM.–支持 PDMA 模式(外围 DMA)• PDMA–支持9通道 PDMA 用于SRAM和周边设备的自动数据传输.•时钟控制–针对不同应用可灵活选择时钟–内建22MHz 振荡器(精度可调整在 1%之内) 可用于系统运行,以及低功耗10KHz RC振荡器用于看门狗及睡眠模式唤醒等功能–支持一组PLL, 高至 50MHz, 用于更速的系统运行.–外部 12MHz 晶振输入用于USB及精准的时序运作–外部 32 kHz 晶振输入用于RTC及低功耗模式操作.• GPIO–四种I/O模式:准双向模式推挽输出模式开漏输出模式高阻输入模式–TTL/Schmitt 触发输入可选.–I/O 管脚可被定义为边沿/电平触发模式的中断源.–支持大电流驱动/灌入I/O•定时器–4 组带8 位预分频的24位定时器.–定时计数自动重载.•看门狗定时器–由配置位定义默认打开/关闭模式。

第4章A R M嵌入式开发流程和开发工具嵌入式系统的设计可以分成三个阶段:分析、设计和实现。
4.1 ARM嵌入式开发模式嵌入式系统与一般PC机在开发的硬件环境上的最大差异就是它分成两个平台,一个是宿主机(Host),一个是目标机(Target)。
宿主机的工作环境可以是Windows 98,Windows XP,Windows 2000以及RedHat等操作系统,具体选择何种操作系统是由所采用的仿真器和所开发的软件决定,在ARM的开发过程中对于不同的软件开发阶段所采用的调试手段是不同的,宿主机的操作系统需求也就不一样。
宿主机运行ADS 1.2集成开发环境,并通过在线仿真器(Multi-ICE)对目标处理器(Samsung公司的基于ARM920T核的S3C2410处理器)ARM处理器进行调试。
UC-7402 系列嵌入式计算机产品介绍说明书

Package Checklist
• UC-7402 computer • Wall mounting kit • DIN-Rail mounting kit • Ethernet cable: RJ45 to RJ45 cross-over cable, 100 cm • CBL-RJ45F9-150: 8-pin RJ45 to DB9 female console port cable, 150 cm • Universal power adaptor (including terminal block to power jack converter) • Document and Software CD • Quick Installation Guide (printed) • Warranty Card
Apache: Web server daemon, supporting PHP and XML openvpn: Virtual private network service manager iptables: Firewall service manager pppd: dial in/out over serial port daemon & PPPoE snmpd: snmpd agent daemon inetd: TCP server manager program Application Development Software: • Moxa Linux API Library for device control • Linux Tool Chain: Gcc, Glibc, GDB
Alert Tools: Built-in buzzer and RTC (real-time clock) Automatic Reboot Trigger: Built-in WDT (watchdog timer)
龙芯 1x 嵌入式集成开发环境 1.0 使用说明书

龙芯1x嵌入式集成开发环境 1.0使用说明书苏州市天晟软件科技有限公司2021年4月目 录1、简介 (5)1.1 主要特点 (6)1.2 目录结构 (6)1.3 文档约定 (7)1.3.1 文件扩展名 (7)1.3.2 指定文件名 (7)1.3.3 头文件 (7)1.4 项目开发过程 (7)2、初次使用 (8)2.1 语言设置 (8)2.2 工作区目录 (9)2.3 GNU 工具链 (9)3、用户界面 (12)3.1 菜单栏 (12)3.2 工具栏 (14)3.3 编辑面板 (14)3.3.1项目视图 (15)3.3.2 代码解析 (17)3.3.3 文本编辑器 (18)3.3.4 消息窗口 (19)3.4 调试面板 (20)3.4.1 断点列表 (21)3.4.2 CPU 寄存器 (21)3.4.3 观察值 (22)3.4.4 汇编代码 (22)3.4.5 函数调用回溯 (22)3.4.6 GDB 交互命令 (22)3.5 状态栏 (23)4、项目管理 (24)4.1 新建项目向导 (24)4.1.1 第一步项目基本信息 (24)4.1.2 第二步设置Mcu、工具链和操作系统 (25)4.1.3 第三步实时操作系统选项 (26)4.1.4 第四步确认并完成向导 (29)4.1.5 新建项目示例 (30)4.2 基本操作 (30)4.2.1 打开项目 (30)4.2.2 保存项目 (31)4.2.3 关闭项目 (31)4.2.4 项目另存为 (31)4.2.5 成批添加文件 (32)4.2.6 成批移除文件 (33)4.3 项目属性 (34)5、文档管理 (37)5.1 文件操作 (37)5.1.1 新建源代码文件 (37)5.1.2 新建头文件 (37)5.1.3 文件重命名 (38)5.1.4 文件移动 (38)5.1.5 文件删除 (39)5.2 文件夹操作 (39)5.2.1 新建文件夹 (39)5.2.2 重命名文件夹 (39)5.2.3 移动文件夹 (40)5.2.4 删除文件夹 (40)5.3 Drag & Drop (40)6、文本编辑器 (41)6.1 编辑器选项 (41)6.1.1 常用 (41)6.1.2 字体 (42)6.1.3 颜色 (42)6.1.4 代码解析 (43)6.1.5 符号补全 (43)6.1.6 自动保存 (44)6.2 基本操作 (44)6.2.1 编辑 (44)6.2.2 查找 (44)6.2.3 替换 (45)6.2.4 在文件中查找 (46)6.3 其它操作 (47)6.3.1 打开头文件/文件夹 (47)6.3.2 定位语句定义原型 (47)6.3.3 代码解析项跳转 (48)6.4 插入代码向导 (49)6.4.1 插入RTOS 任务代码 (49)6.4.2 插入SPI/I2C驱动代码 (50)6.5 信息提示 (52)7、项目编译 (53)7.1 编译选项 (53)7.1.1 MIPS & BSP Options (54)7.1.2 GNU C Compiler - C 编译器 (54)7.1.3 GNU Assembler - 汇编语言编译器 (58)7.1.4 GNU C++ Compiler - C++ 编译器 (58)7.1.5 GNU C Linker - C 链接器 (58)7.1.6 软浮点算术库 (60)7.2 开始编译 (61)7.2.1 编译成功 (61)7.2.2 编译失败 (62)7.3 项目清理 (62)8、项目调试 (63)8.1 调试选项 (63)8.1.1 主要项 (63)8.1.2 调试器 (64)8.1.3 启动项 (65)8.1.4 源代码 (66)8.2 调试断点 (66)8.2.1 在编辑器中设置断点 (66)8.2.2 断点列表 (67)8.3 开始调试 (67)8.3.1 代码下载 (67)8.3.2 单步运行 (68)8.3.3 连续运行 (69)8.3.4 停止调试 (69)8.3.5 观察值 (69)8.3.6 函数调用回溯 (70)9、实用工具 (71)9.1 NOR Flash 编程 (71)9.2 NAND Flash 编程 (72)9.3 硬件设计助手 (73)9.3.1 龙芯 1B 芯片 (74)9.3.2 龙芯 1C 芯片 (75)10、系统安装 (76)10.1 运行环境 (76)10.1.1 安装MSYS 1.0 (76)10.1.2 安装MSYS2 (76)10.2 安装LoongIDE (76)10.2.1 运行安装向导 (77)10.2.2 LxLink驱动 (77)10.3 GNU 工具链 (78)10.3.1 SDE Lite for MIPS工具链 (78)10.3.2 RTEMS GCC for MIPS工具链 (78)10.4 注意事项 (78)1、简介缩写LS1x DTK:Embedded DTK for LS1x 龙芯1x嵌入式开发工具LoongIDE: Embedded IDE for LS1x 龙芯1x嵌入式集成开发环境LS1x DTK用于龙芯1x芯片的嵌入式开发解决方案,包括创建、构建以及调试用户应用项目,完美支持龙芯1x芯片的工业级应用的开发。

软件仿真技术——软件仿真的优点 ★ 加快软件开发进度 ★ 降低硬件调试成本 ★ 降低学习入门门槛
★ CPLD/FPGA设计的仿真 ★ 系统设计的仿真
★ 单元模块设计的仿真
FPGA/CPLD仿真——Quartus II
单元模块仿真——RealView MDK
■ 能否帮工程师实现这种无缝转变? ■ 工程师所熟悉界面和接口的工具 ■ RealView MDK支持ARM7、ARM9和 ARM Cortex-M3,提供4/8/16处理器开 发常用的µVision3 IDE环境,简单易 用,可以帮助工程师很快地上手。
How to change into
4/8/16 -bit
中型软件项目,77.5%可完成,25.5%不能如期完成 大型软件项目,13.5%可完成,61.8%被取消 嵌入式开发,需要软、硬件工程师紧密配合协同工作
如何加快开发周期? 能否脱离硬件,先进行软件调试?
基于Cortex-M3的产品: Luminary Micro公司 的Stellaris系列 ST公司的STM32系列 ……
Which one should I choose?
MULTI MPLAB Xilinx Platform Studio IAR EWARM Dynamic C VisualDSP++ Nios II IDE
中型项目 大型项目

路径 ‒ M031_Series_BSP_CMSIS_Vx.xxxxx
‒ SampleCode ‒ Template ‒ Keil
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In-circuit Programming (ICP) In-system Programming (ISP) PC control and stand-alone ICP/ISP Automated Programmer header External storage for stand alone ICP/ISP: SD Card, SPI Flash, USB Disk
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软件开发工具 –
PinConfigure/ PinView
NUvoton NUC029xAN_xAE 系列技术参考手册说明书

ARM® Cortex®-M032-位控制器NuMicro®家族NUC029xAN_xAE 系列技术参考手册The information described in this document is the exclusive intellectual property ofNuvoton Technology Corporation and shall not be reproduced without permission from Nuvoton. Nuvoton is providing this document only for reference purposes of NuMicro microcontroller based system design. Nuvoton assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.All data and specifications are subject to change without notice.For additional information or questions, please contact: Nuvoton Technology Corporation.目录图集 (9)表集 (14)1概述 (15)2特性 (16)3缩写 (20)4编号信息列表与管脚定义 (21)4.1NuMicro® NUC029xAN_xAE 系列选型指南 (21)4.2管脚配置 (23)4.2.1NuMicro® NUC029xAN_xAE 管脚图 (23)4.3管脚描述 (27)4.3.1NuMicro® NUC029xAN_xAE 管脚描述 (27)5功能描述 (35)5.1ARM® Cortex®-M0 内核 (35)系统管理器 (37)概述 (37)5.2.2系统复位 (37)5.2.3系统电源分布 (38)5.2.4系统存储器映射 (39)5.2.5系统存储器映射表 (42)5.2.6NUC029xAN系统管理器控制寄存器映射 (44)5.2.7NUC029FAE系统管理器控制寄存器映射 (73)5.2.8系统定时器(SysTick) (99)5.2.9NUC029xAN系统定时器控制寄存器映射 (99)5.2.10NUC029FAE系统定时器控制寄存器映射 (103)5.2.11嵌套向量中断控制器(NVIC) (107)5.2.12NUC029xAN NVIC 控制寄存器映射 (112)NUC029FAE NVIC 控制寄存器映射 (150)系统控制块(SCB) (184)NUC029xAN系统控制块寄存器映射 (184)系统控制块寄存器映射 (192)5.3NuMicro® NUC029xAN时钟控制器 (200)5.3.1概述 (200)5.3.2系统时钟和 SysTick 时钟 (203)掉电模式时钟 (204)分频器输出 (205)5.3.5寄存器映射 (206)5.3.6寄存器描述 (207)5.4NuMicro®NUC029FAE时钟控制器 (227)概述 (227)5.4.1系统时钟和 SysTick 时钟 (228)时钟源选择 (229)5.4.4模块时钟源选择 (229)掉电模式时钟 (231)寄存器映射 (232)5.4.7寄存器描述 (233)5.5内存控制器 (FMC) (246)5.5.1概述 (246)5.5.2特性 (246)5.5.3NUC029xAN FMC框图 (247)5.5.4NUC029FAE FMC框图 (248)5.5.5FMC组织结构 (249)5.5.6数据Flash (251)用户配置区 (253)启动选择 (258)5.5.9应用内编程 (260)5.5.10系统内编程 (ISP) (261)5.5.11寄存器控制过程 (261)5.5.12通过向量重新映射多启动 (264)5.5.13寄存器映射(NUC029xAN) (266)5.5.14寄存器描述(NUC029xAN) (267)5.5.15寄存器映射( NUC029FAE) (276)5.5.16寄存器描述( NUC029FAE) (277)5.6外部总线接口(EBI) (NUC029LAN/NUC029NAN) (285)5.6.1概述 (285)5.6.2特性 (285)5.6.3EBI 框图 (286)基本配置 (287)功能描述 (287)5.6.6寄存器映射 (292)5.6.7寄存器描述 (293)5.7通用 I/O (GPIO) (298)概述 (298)5.7.1特性 (298)基本配置 (299)5.7.4功能描述 (299)5.7.5GPIO 中断和唤醒功能 (300)5.7.6寄存器映射 (NUC029xAN) (301)5.7.7寄存器描述 (NUC029xAN) (303)5.7.8寄存器描述 (NUC029FAE) (316)5.7.9寄存器描述 (NUC029FAE) (319)5.8定时器控制器 (TIMER) (334)5.8.1概述 (334)5.8.2特性 (334)5.8.3框图 (335)5.8.4基本配置 (336)5.8.5功能描述 (337)5.8.6寄存器映射 (NUC029xAN) (342)5.8.7寄存器描述 (NUC029xAN) (344)5.8.8寄存器映射 (NUC029FAE) (354)5.8.9寄存器描述 (NUC029FAE) (355)PWM 发生器和捕捉定时器 (PWM) (NUC029xAN) (365)概述 (365)5.9.2特性 (365)5.9.3框图 (367)5.9.4基本配置 (371)5.9.5功能描述 (371)5.9.6寄存器映射 (384)5.9.7寄存器描述 (386)5.10增强型PWM 发生器(NUC029FAE) (414)5.10.1概述 (414)特性 (414)方框图 (416)5.10.4基本配置 (417)5.10.5功能描述 (418)5.10.6PWM 电机控制中断架构 (428)5.10.7PWM 计数器配置过程 (429)5.10.8PWM计数器停止过程 (430)5.10.9寄存器映射 (431)5.10.10寄存器描述 (433)5.11看门狗定时器(WDT) (469)概述 (469)特性 (469)5.11.3框图 (470)5.11.4基本配置 (470)5.11.5功能描述 (471)5.11.6寄存器表 (473)寄存器表 (474)窗口式看门狗定时器 (WWDT) (NUC029xAN) (477)概述 (477)特性 (477)5.12.3框图 (478)5.12.4基本配置 (478)5.12.5功能描述 (478)5.12.6寄存器表 (481)5.12.7寄存器描述 (482)5.13U ART 接口控制器 (UART) (487)5.13.1概述 (487)5.13.2特性 (487)5.13.3框图 (488)5.13.4基本配置 (490)5.13.5功能描述 (491)5.13.6NUC029xAN 寄存器映射 (502)NUC029xAN 寄存器描述 (503) 寄存器映射 (525)NUC029FAE 寄存器描述 (526) 串行接口控制器 (I2C) (546)5.14.1概述 (546)特性 (546)基本配置 (547)5.14.4功能描述 (547)I2C 协议 (548) 协议寄存器 (551)操作模式 (555)寄存器映射 (563)5.14.9NUC029xAN 寄存器描述 (564)5.14.10NUC029FAE 寄存器映射 (574)5.14.11NUC029FAE寄存器描述 (575)5.15串行外设接口 (SPI) (586)概述 (586)特性 (586)方框图 (587)基本配置 (587)5.15.5功能描述 (587)5.15.6时序图 (595)5.15.7编程示例 (596)5.15.8NUC029xAN寄存器映射 (599)5.15.9NUC029xAN寄存器描述 (600)5.15.10NUC029FAE寄存器映射 (614)5.15.11NUC029FAE寄存器描述 (615)5.16模数转换器(ADC) (629)5.16.1概述 (629)特性 (629)方框图 (630)5.16.4NUC029FAE方框图 (631)5.16.5基本配置 (631)5.16.6功能描述 (632)5.16.7NUC029xAN寄存器映射 (640)NUC029xAN寄存器描述 (641)寄存器映射 (651)5.16.10NUC029FAE寄存器描述 (652)5.17模拟比较器 (ACMP) (663)5.17.1概述 (663)5.17.2特性 (663)NUC029xAN方框图 (664)方框图 (666)5.17.5基本配置 (667)功能描述 (667)比较器参考电压(CRV) (NUC029FAE) (668)5.17.8NUC029xAN寄存器映射 (670)5.17.9NUC029xAN寄存器描述 (671)5.17.10NUC029FAE寄存器映射 (677)5.17.11NUC029FAE寄存器描述 (678)5.18硬件除法器 (HDIV) (NUC029xAN) (684)5.18.1概述 (684)5.18.2特性 (684)5.18.3基本配置 (685)5.18.4功能描述 (685)5.18.5寄存器描述 (686)寄存器描述 (687)5.18.66电气特性 (692)7封装尺寸 (693)7.148-pin LQFP (7x7x1.4 mm) (693)7.248-pin QFN (7x7x0.8 mm) (694)7.333-pin QFN (5x5x0.8 mm) (695)33-pin QFN (4x4x0.8 mm) (696)7.420-pin TSSOP (6.5x4.4x1.2 mm) (697)7.58修正历史 (698)图集图 4-1NuMicro® NUC029 命名规则 (22)图 4-2 NuMicro® NUC029LAN LQFP 48-pin 图 (23)图 4-3 NuMicro® NUC029NAN QFN 48-pin 图 (24)图 4-4 NuMicro® NUC029ZAN/NUC029TAN QFN 33-pin 图 (25)图 4-5 NuMicro® NUC029FAE TSSOP 20-pin 图 (26)图 5-1 功能控制框图 (35)图 5-2 NuMicro® NUC029xAN系列电源分布图 (38)图 5-3 NuMicro® NUC029FAE系列电源分布图 (39)图 5-4 NuMicro® NUC029xAN系统存储器映射 (42)图 5-5 NuMicro® NUC029FAE系统存储器映射 (43)图 5-6 NuMicro® NUC029xAN时钟发生器框图 (200)图 5-7 NuMicro® NUC029xAN时钟源控制器概图(1/2) (201)图 5-8 NuMicro® NUC029xAN 时钟源控制器概图(2/2) (202)图 5-9 NuMicro® NUC029xAN系统时钟框图 (203)图 5-10 NuMicro® NUC029xAN SysTick 时钟控制框图 (203)图 5-11 NuMicro® NUC029xAN分频器的时钟源 (205)图 5-12 NuMicro® NUC029xAN分频器框图 (205)图 5-13 NuMicro® NUC029FAE 时钟发生器框图 (227)图 5-14 NuMicro® NUC029FAE 系统时钟框图 (228)图 5-15 NuMicro® NUC029FAE SysTick 时钟控制框图 (228)图 5-16 NuMicro® NUC029FAE AHB HCLK时钟源选择 (229)图 5-17 NuMicro® NUC029FAE PCLK外设时钟源选择 (230)图 5-18 NUC029xAN Flash存储器控制器框图 (247)图 5-19NUC029FAE Flash存储器控制器框图 (248)图 5-20 Flash 存储器组织结构(NUC029xAN) (250)图 5-21 Flash存储器组织结构(NUC029FAE) (251)图 5-22 Flash 存储器结构(NUC029xAN) (252)图 5-23 Flash 存储器结构(NUC029FAE) (253)图5-24上电后启动选择 (BS) (259)图5-25 从APROM和LDROM启动时程序的执行范围 (259)图 5-26 IAP功能使能时可执行地址范围 (261)图 5-27 CBS[0] = 1时通过BS位改变启动选项范例流程 (262)图 5-28 ISP 流程范例 (263)图5-29 通过向量重新映射多引导 (265)图 5-30 EBI框图 (286)图 5-31 16位EBI数据宽度与16位器件连接 (287)图 5-32 8位EBI数据宽度与8位设备连接 (288)图 5-33 16位数据宽度的EBI时序控制波形 (289)图 5-34 8位数据宽度EBI时序控制波形 (290)图 5-35 插入空闲周期的EBI时序控制波形 (291)图 5-36 推挽输出 (299)图 5-37 开漏输出 (300)图 5-38 准双向 I/O模式 (300)图 5-39 定时器控制器框图 (NUC029xAN) (335)图 5-40 定时器控制器时钟源 (NUC029xAN) (335)图 5-41 定时器控制器框图 (NUC029FAE) (336)图 5-42 定时器控制器时钟源 (NUC029FAE) (336)图 5-43 连续计数模式 (338)图 5-44 Inter-Timer 触发捕获时序图 (341)图 5-45 PWM 发生器0 时钟源控制 (367)图 5-46 PWM 发生器0 结构框图 (367)图 5-47 PWM 发生器2 时钟源控制 (368)图 5-48 PWM 发生器2 结构框图 (368)图 5-49 PWM 发生器4 时钟源控制 (369)图 5-50 PWM 发生器4 结构框图 (369)图 5-51 PWM 发生器6 时钟源控制 (370)图 5-52 PWM 发生器6 结构框图 (370)图 5-53 定时器内部比较器输出 (372)图 5-54 PWM 定时器操作时序 (372)图 5-55 PWM 周期中断发生时序图 (372)图 5-56 中心对齐输出波形 (373)图 5-57 PWM 中心对齐中断发生时序图 (374)图 5-58 PWM 双缓存图解 (375)图 5-59 PWM 控制器输出占空比 (375)图 5-60 死区发生器操作的PWM对输出 (376)图 5-61 中心对齐模式下PWM 触发 ADC 标志 (PWMxTF) 时序图 (377)图 5-62 边沿对齐时PWM 触发ADC标志 (PWMxTF) 时序图 (378)图 5-63 中心对齐模式下PWM 触发ADC 开始转换 (379)图 5-64 捕捉操作时序 (380)图 5-65 PWM A组 PWM定时器中断结构图 (381)图 5-66 PWM B组 PWM定时器中断结构图 (381)图 5-67 PWM方框图 (416)图 5-68 PWM 发生器 0 架构框图 (416)图 5-69 PWM发生器2架构框图 (417)图 5-70 PWM 发生器 4架构框图 (417)图 5-71边沿对齐模式PWM (419)图 5-72 PWM边沿对齐时序图 (419)图 5-73边沿对齐流程图 (420)图 5-74 PWM-Timer内部比较器工作原理 (421)图 5-75 PWM-Timer工作时序 (421)图 5-76中心对齐模式 (422)图 5-77中心对齐模式时序图 (423)图 5-78 PWM中心对齐模式波形图 (423)图 5-79中心对齐模式流程图(INT_TYPE = 0) (424)图 5-80 PWM 双缓存图解 (425)图 5-81 PWM 控制器输出占空比 (426)图 5-82 死区时间示意图 (427)图 5-83上升沿死区PWM极性控制初始化状态 (428)图 5-84电机控制PWM中断架构 (429)图 5-85看门狗定时器时钟框图 (470)图 5-86看门狗定时器模块图 (470)图 5-87看门狗定时器定时溢出间隔和复位周期时序图 (472)图 5-88 窗口看门狗定时器时钟控制 (478)图 5-89 窗口看门狗定时器框图 (478)图 5-90窗口看门狗定时器复位和重载 (480)图 5-91 NUC029xAN UART 时钟控制框图 (488)图 5-92 NUC029FAE UART 时钟控制框图 (488)图 5-93 UART 控制器框图 (489)图 5-94 自动流控模块框图 (490)图 5-95 UART CTS 自动流控功能使能 (495)图 5-96 UART RTS自动流控功能使能 (495)图 5-97 UART RTS 软件控制流程 (496)图 5-98 IrDA 控制模块框图 (496)图 5-99 IrDA TX/RX 时序框图 (497)图 5-100 RS-485 自动方向模式下的 RTS 驱动电平 (499)图 5-101 软件控制下的RS-485 RTS 驱动电平 (499)图 5-102 RS-485 帧结构 (500)图 5-103 LIN的帧结构图 (500)图 5-104 I2C 总线时序 (547)图 5-105 I2C 协议 (548)图 5-106 起始和停止条件 (549)图 5-107 I2C 总线上的位传输 (549)图 5-108 I2C 总线上的应答信号 (550)图 5-109 主机传送数据到从机 (550)图 5-110 主机读取从机数据 (550)图 5-111 主机写时二级缓存传输时序 (551)图 5-112 从机读时二级缓存传输时序 (551)图 5-113 I2C 数据移动方向 (552)图 5-114 I2C 超时计数器框图 (554)图 5-115 根据当前 I2C 状态码来控制 I2C 总线 (555)图 5-116 主机发送模式控制流程 (556)图 5-117 主机接收模式控制流程 (557)图 5-118 从机模式控制流程 (558)图 5-119 GC 模式 (560)图 5-120 随机读取 EEPROM (561)图 5-121 随机读取 EEPROM 的协议 (562)图 5-122 SPI 方框图 (587)图 5-123 SPI 主机模式应用方框图 (588)图 5-124 SPI 从机模式应用方框图 (588)图 5-125 一次传输32位 (589)图 5-126 字节重排序 (591)图 5-127 字节休眠时序波形 (591)图 5-128 FIFO 模式框图 (593)图 5-129 SPI主机模式时序 (595)图 5-130 SPI主机模式时序 (SPICLK相位相反) (595)图 5-131 SPI从机模式时序 (596)图 5-132 SPI 从机模式时序(SPICLK相位相反) (596)图 5-133 A/D 转换器方框图(NUC029xAN) (630)图 5-134 A/D 转换器方框图(NUC029FAE) (631)图 5-135 ADC外设时钟控制(NUC029xAN) (632)图 5-136 ADC外设时钟控制(NUC029FAE) (633)图 5-137 单次模式转换时序图(NUC029xAN) (634)图 5-138 单次模式转换时序图(NUC029FAE) (634)图 5-139 使能通道单次周期扫描模式时序图 (636)图 5-140 使能通道连续扫描模式时序图 (637)图 5-141 A/D转换结果监控逻辑框图(NUC029xAN) (638)图 5-142 A/D转换结果监控逻辑框图(NUC029FAE) (639)图 5-143 A/D 控制器中断 (639)图 5-144 ADC单端输入采样结果映射图 (642)图 5-145 ADC差分输入换换结果映射图 (642)图 5-146 ADC单端输入转换结果映射图 (653)图 5-147 模拟比较器0/1方框图(NUC029xAN) (664)图 5-148 模拟比较器2/3方框图(NUC029xAN) (665)图 5-149 模拟比较器方框图(NUC029FAE) (666)图 5-150 模拟比较器控制器中断源(NUC029xAN) (667)图 5-151 模拟比较器控制器中断源(NUC029FAE) (668)图 5-152 比较器迟滞功能 (668)图 5-153 比较器参考电压方框图 (669)图 5-154 硬件除法器操作流程 (685)表集表 1-1 NuMicro® NUC029 系列差异列表 (15)表 3-1 缩写表 (20)表 4-1 NuMicro® NUC029xAN_xAE 系列选型指南 (21)表 5-1 NuMicro® NUC029xAN片上控制器地址空间分配 (41)表 5-2 NuMicro® NUC029FAE 片上控制器地址空间分配 (41)表 5-3 异常模型 (108)表 5-4 NuMicro® NUC029xAN 系统中断映射向量表 (109)表 5-5 NuMicro® NUC029FAE 系统中断映射向量表 (110)表 5-6向量表格式 (111)表 5-7掉电模式控制表 (209)表 5-8 NuMicro® NUC029FAE 外设时钟源选择表 (231)表 5-9 掉电模式控制 (234)表 5-10 Flash存储器地址映射 NUC029xAN (249)表 5-11 Flash存储器地址映射 NUC029FAE (249)表 5-12 数据Flash表(NUC029FAE) (252)表5-13启动选项 (260)表 5-14 ISP Command List ISP 命令列表 (264)表5-15 EBI 时序表 (289)表 5-16 输入捕捉模式操作流程 (340)表 5-17看门狗定时器定时溢出间隔周期选择 (472)表 5-18 窗口看门狗定时器预分频值选择 (479)表 5-19 WINCMP 设置限制 (480)表 5-20 UART 控制器波特率公式表 (491)表 5-21 UART 波特率参数和寄存器设置表 (492)表 5-22 UART 控制器中断源和标志列表 (493)表 5-23 UART 线控制的字长度和停止位长度的设置 (494)表 5-24 UART 线控制校验位的设置 (494)表 5-25 I2C 状态码描述 (553)1 概述NuMicro®NUC029xAN_xAE 系列是以ARM®Cortex®-M0为内核的32位微控制器,适用于工业控制以及需要多种通信接口、高集成度、高性能、低成本的应用。
丝芯实验室 Flex SDK 软件开发套件说明书

Proprietary Flex SDK GAGecko SDK Suite 4.1June 8, 2022 ArrayThe Proprietary Flex SDK is a complete software development suite for proprietary wire-less applications.Per its namesake, Flex offers two implementation options.The first uses Silicon Labs RAIL (Radio Abstraction Interface Layer), an intuitive and eas-ily-customizable radio interface layer designed to support both proprietary and standards-based wireless protocols.The second uses Silicon Labs Connect, an IEEE 802.15.4-based networking stack de-signed for customizable broad-based proprietary wireless networking solutions that re-quire low power consumption and operates in either the sub-GHz or 2.4 GHz frequencybands. The solution is targeted towards simple network topologies.The Flex SDK is supplied with extensive documentation and sample applications. All ex-amples are provided in source code within the Flex SDK sample applications.These release notes cover SDK version(s): GA released June 8, 2022Compatibility and Use NoticesFor information aboutsecurity updates and notices, see the Security chapter of the Gecko Platform Release notes installed with this SDK or on the TECH DOCS tab on https:///developers/flex-sdk-connect-networking-stack. Silicon Labs also strongly recommends that you subscribe to Security Advisories for up-to-date information. For instructions, or if you are new to the Silicon Labs Flex SDK, see Using This Release.Compatible Compilers:IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM (IAR-EWARM) version 9.20.4•Using wine to build with the IarBuild.exe command line utility or IAR Embedded Workbench GUI on macOS or Linux could result in incorrect files being used due to collisions in wine’s hashing algorithm for generating short file names.•Customers on macOS or Linux are advised not to build with IAR outside of Simplicity Studio. Customers who do should carefully verify that the correct files are being used.GCC (The GNU Compiler Collection) version 10.3-2021.10, provided with Simplicity Studio.Contents Contents1Connect Applications (1)1.1New Items (1)1.2Improvements (1)1.3Fixed Issues (1)1.4Known Issues in the Current Release (1)1.5Deprecated Items (1)1.6Removed Items (1)2Connect Stack (2)2.1New Items (2)2.2Improvements (2)2.3Fixed Issues (2)2.4Known Issues in the Current Release (2)2.5Deprecated Items (2)2.6Removed Items (2)3RAIL Applications (3)3.1New Items (3)3.2Improvements (3)3.3Fixed Issues (3)3.4Known Issues in the Current Release (3)3.5Deprecated Items (3)3.6Removed Items (3)4RAIL Library (4)4.1New Items (4)4.2Improvements (4)4.3Fixed Issues (4)4.4Known Issues in the Current Release (5)4.5Deprecated Items (5)4.6Removed Items (5)5Using This Release (6)5.1Installation and Use (6)5.2Security Information (6)5.3Support (7)Connect Applications 1 Connect Applications1.1 New ItemsAdded in release•PSA Crypto API usage•Major update of Connect - SoC ECDH Key Exchange1.2 ImprovementsNone1.3 Fixed IssuesNone1.4 Known Issues in the Current ReleaseIssues in bold were added since the previous release. If you have missed a release, recent release notes are available on the TECH DOCS tab on https:///developers/flex-sdk-connect-networking-stack.652925 EFR32XG21 is not supported for “Flex (Connect) - SoC LightExample DMP” and “Flex (Connect) - SoC Switch Example”1.5 Deprecated ItemsNone1.6 Removed ItemsNoneConnect Stack 2 Connect Stack2.1 New ItemsAdded in release•All of the crypto operations are now made through ARM PSA Crypo API, enabling the storage of the network security key in the Secure Vault.•Added a new API emberSetPsaSecurityKey() that indicates which PSA Crypto key handler has to be used by the stack. It is the application’s responsibility to create the key. The old emberSetSecurityKey()no longer designates the key used by the network. It can be used to erase an old key from its previous location in NVM.•Added a new API emberRemovePsaSecurityKey()that cancels the effects of emberSetPsaSecurityKey(). It does not erase the key. It is the application’s responsibility to destroy the key.2.2 ImprovementsNone2.3 Fixed IssuesFixed in release Fixed an error the was causing Connect Application Framework IPC to write to the address 0.2.4 Known Issues in the Current ReleaseIssues in bold were added since the previous release. If you have missed a release, recent release notes are available on the TECH DOCS tab on https:///developers/gecko-software-development-kit.When running the RAIL Multiprotocol Library (used forexample when running DMP Connect+BLE), IR Calibrationis not performed because of a known issue in the RAILMultiprotocol Library. As result, there is an RX sensitivityloss in the order of 3 or 4 dBm.501561 In the Legacy HAL component,the PA configuration is hard-coded regardless of the user or board settings. Until this is changed to properly pull from the configuration header, the file ember-phy.c in the user's project will need to be modified by hand to reflect the desired PA mode, voltage, and ramp time.711804 Connecting multiple devices simultaneously may fail with a timeout error.2.5 Deprecated ItemsNone2.6 Removed ItemsNoneRAIL Applications 3 RAIL Applications3.1 New ItemsAdded in release•EFR32xG24 support•FGM230S support•RAIL Bluetooth DMP - SoC Range Test BLE and IEEE802.15.4 demos for some XGM210 boards3.2 ImprovementsNone3.3 Fixed IssuesNone3.4 Known Issues in the Current ReleaseNone3.5 Deprecated ItemsNone3.6 Removed ItemsNone4 RAIL Library4.1 New ItemsAdded in release•The RAIL channel of a received packet is now available in the packet's RAIL_RxPacketDetails_t::channel field. This can be of value when scanning or hopping across multiple channels while letting packets accumulate in the receive FIFO for later processing.•Added the RAIL_ConfigPaAutoEntry API to allow for easier configuration of PA auto mode operation in RAIL.•Added the RAIL_SetRssiDetectThreshold API to allow the user to detect when the RSSI is at or above a configurable threshold.Once configured, the RAIL_EVENT_DETECT_RSSI_THRESHOLD event can be used to detect when this happens.•Added support for the MGM240L022RNF module.•Added support for the FGM230SA27HGN and FGM230SBHGN modules.•Added the RAIL_GetChannelAlt API. This function returns the channel the radio is currently using. If using DMP and run on the inactive protocol it returns the channel that will be used when next switching to that protocol. When using channel hopping, mode switch, and other features that change channels dynamically this may be different than what is returned by RAIL_GetChannel, as this function will track what channel the radio is actually on at that moment and not what it started on.4.2 ImprovementsChanged in release•The "RAIL Utility, PTI" component will now validate that the correct set of pins are in use for the desired PTI mode.•RAIL will now error if attempting to start a CSMA or LBT transmit while a scheduled RX is still in progress or vice versa.•Added PA curves for BGM240P and MGM240P modules.•Restricted the SL_RAIL_UTIL_PA_RAMP_TIME_US to 10us on some EFR32 modules to match the certification conditions.4.3 Fixed IssuesFixed in release Fixed an issue with the Bluetooth LE coded PHY on EFR32xG21 where a packet received with a corrupt coding indicator would result in an invalid start-of-packet timestamp.759793 Fixed an issue with Bluetooth LE long-range reception on EFR32xG21 that corrupted packet data and tripped RAIL_ASSERT_FAILED_UNEXPECTED_STATE_RX_FIFO.772769 Fixed an issue when running IR Calibration on the EFR32xG23 using RAIL_CalibrateIrAlt where we could compute an invalid IRCAL value for certain PHYs and chips.777427 Fixed support for using the signal identifier CCA modes simultaneously with a user-enabled signal identifier trigger event.819644 Fixed an issue with frame-type decoding PHYs running at more than 500 kbps on EFR32xG22 and later.825083 Fixed an issue on EFR32xG23 and EFR32xG24 where PTI could merge multiple receive packets into the same transaction when interrupt latency is significant.829499 Fixed an issue where RAIL_GetRadioStateDetail would not report the correct state information when frame detection was disabled or during an LBT operation.830214 Ensure that the RAIL_RadioConfigChangedCallback_t is called for all RAIL handles in a dynamic multiprotocol application where multiple handles use the same underlying PHY configuration.835299 Fixed an issue with dynamic handling of whitening and FCS in FSK when onlyRAIL_IEEE802154_E_OPTION_GB868 was enabled.844600 Fixed an issue of not being able to receive packets during a RAIL_ScheduleRx configured with a zero relative start time when Power Manager sleep is enabled and configured with an EM2 or lower energy requirement.4.4 Known Issues in the Current ReleaseIssues in bold were added since the previous release.Using direct mode (or IQ) functionality on EFR32xG23requires a specifically set radio configuration that is notyet supported by the radio configurator. For theserequirements, reach out to technical support who couldprovide that configuration based on your specification 641705 Infinite receive operations where the frame's fixed lengthis set to 0 are not working correctly on the EFR32xG23series chips.732659 On EFR32xG23:•Wi-SUN FSK mode 1a exhibits a PER floor with fre-quency offsets around ± 8 to 10 KHz• Wi-SUN FSK mode 1b exhibits a PER floor with fre-quency offsets around ± 18 to 20 KHz819544 Rx duty cycle mode does not work reliably on theEFR32xG24 platform.818707 BLE CTE timings are sometimes slightly off when usingthe EFR32xG24 with a 38.4MHz crystal.4.5 Deprecated ItemsNone4.6 Removed ItemsNone5 Using This ReleaseThis release contains the following•Radio Abstraction Interface Layer (RAIL) stack library•Connect Stack Library•RAIL and Connect Sample Applications•RAIL and Connect Components and Application FrameworkThis SDK depends on Gecko Platform. The Gecko Platform code provides functionality that supports protocol plugins and APIs in the form of drivers and other lower layer features that interact directly with Silicon Labs chips and modules. Gecko Platform components include EMLIB, EMDRV, RAIL Library, NVM3, and mbedTLS. Gecko Platform release notes are available through Simplicity Studio’s Documentation tab.For more information about the Flex SDK v3.x see UG103.13: RAIL Fundamentals and UG103.12: Silicon Labs Connect Fundamentals. If you are a first time user, see QSG168: Proprietary Flex SDK v3.x Quick Start Guide.5.1 Installation and UseThe Proprietary Flex SDK is provided as part of the Gecko SDK (GSDK), the suite of Silicon Labs SDKs. To quickly get started with the GSDK, install Simplicity Studio 5, which will set up your development environment and walk you through GSDK installation. Simplicity Studio 5 includes everything needed for IoT product development with Silicon Labs devices, including a resource and project launcher, software configuration tools, full IDE with GNU toolchain, and analysis tools. Installation instructions are provided in the online Simplicity Studio 5 User’s Guide.Alternatively, Gecko SDK may be installed manually by downloading or cloning the latest from GitHub. See https:///Sili-conLabs/gecko_sdk for more information.Simplicity Studio installs the GSDK by default in:•(Windows): C:\Users\<NAME>\SimplicityStudio\SDKs\gecko_sdk•(MacOS): /Users/<NAME>/SimplicityStudio/SDKs/gecko_sdkDocumentation specific to the SDK version is installed with the SDK. Additional information can often be found in the knowledge base articles (KBAs). API references and other information about this and earlier releases is available on https:///.5.2 Security InformationSecure Vault IntegrationWhen deployed to Secure Vault High devices, sensitive keys are protected using the Secure Vault Key Management functionality. The following table shows the protected keys and their storage protection characteristics.Thread Master Key Exportable Must be exportable to form the TLVsPSKc Exportable Must be exportable to form the TLVsKey Encryption Key Exportable Must be exportable to form the TLVsMLE Key Non-ExportableTemporary MLE Key Non-ExportableMAC Previous Key Non-ExportableMAC Current Key Non-ExportableMAC Next Key Non-ExportableWrapped keys that are marked as “Non-Exportable” can be used but cannot be viewed or shared at runtime.Wrapped keys that are marked as “Exportable” can be used or shared at runtime but remain encrypted while stored in flash.For more information on Secure Vault Key Management functionality, see AN1271: Secure Key Storage.Security AdvisoriesTo subscribe to Security Advisories, log in to the Silicon Labs customer portal, then select Account Home. Click HOME to go to the portal home page and then click the Manage Notifications tile. Make sure that ‘Software/Security Advisory Notices & Product Change Notices (PCNs)’ is checked, and that you are subscribed at minimum for your platform and protocol. Click Save to save any changes.5.3 SupportDevelopment Kit customers are eligible for training and technical support. Use the Silicon Labs Flex web page to obtain information about all Silicon Labs Thread products and services, and to sign up for product support.You can contact Silicon Laboratories support at /support.Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USAIoT Portfolio/IoTSW/HW/simplicityQuality /qualitySupport & Community/communityDisclaimerSilicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software imple-menters using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and “Typical” parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Without prior notification, Silicon Labs may update product firmware during the manufacturing process for security or reliability reasons. Such changes will not alter the specifications or the performance of the product. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the infor -mation supplied in this document. This document does not imply or expressly grant any license to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any FDA Class III devices, applications for which FDA premarket approval is required or Life Support Systems without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A “Life Support System” is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons. Silicon Labs disclaims all express and implied warranties and shall not be responsible or liable for any injuries or damages related to use of a Silicon Labs product in such unauthorized applications. Note: This content may contain offensive terminology that is now obsolete. Silicon Labs is replacing these terms with inclusive language wherever possible. For more information, visit /about-us/inclusive-lexicon-projectTrademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.®, Silicon Laboratories ®, Silicon Labs ®, SiLabs ® and the Silicon Labs logo ®, Bluegiga ®, Bluegiga Logo ®, EFM ®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember ®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, “the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers”, Redpine Signals ®, WiSeConnect , n-Link, ThreadArch ®, EZLink ®, EZRadio ®, EZRadioPRO ®, Gecko ®, Gecko OS, Gecko OS Studio, Precision32®, Simplicity Studio ®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo ®, USBXpress ® , Zentri, the Zentri logo and Zentri DMS, Z-Wave ®, and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.。
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Including Header file
(1)Include adapter board header file to Main procedure =>NuEdu-Basic01.h
(2)All function header files in adapter board header file =>NuEdu-Basic01_LED.h =>NuEdu-Basic01_Buzzer.h
USB Device Arduino Connection DC5V Adapter
Nu-Link-Me NuMicro Ext Pin
Reset Key
NuEdu-EVB-NUC240 with Module
Timer ADC
Different Kinds of Combinations
Pin Definition (1/3)
NU1.1 NU1.2 NU1.3
NU3.1 NU3.2 NU3.3
PC.15 PC.14 PE.15 PE.14
NuMicro Tool Installation and Practice
• • • • • • Disc Content Introduction Software Installation NuEdu-SDK-NUC240 Introduction Run 1st NuEdu sample NuMicro Product Flow Chart Tools
ADC_MEASURE ADC_IN 7-Segment_A 7-Segment_B 7-Segment_C 7-Segment_D 7-Segment_E 7-Segment_F
I2C_SCL I2C_SDA LED_1 LED_2 LED_3 LED_4 LED_5 Button_2
N U 2
N U 4
Pin Definition (2/3)
NU5.1 NU5.2 NU5.3 NU5.4 NU5.5 NU5.6 NU5.7 NU5.8 NU6.1 NU6.2 NU6.3 NU6.4 NU6.5 NU6.6 NU6.7 NU6.8 NU6.9 NU6.10
NuEdu-SDK-NUC240 Education / Development Kit
• • • • • NuEdu-SDK board? Feature Hardware Settings Sample Code for NuEdu Supported Function List
Sample Code Naming Rule
Naming Rule: Smpl_board name_function =>Smpl_Basic01_StartKit
Support various adapter board in the future
EX: Advance, Wi-Fi, Sensor…
Header File Naming Rule:
NuEdu-board name_function
Supported Function List
Supported Function List
• • • • • • • • • • • • • SPI Flash Access I2C EEPROM Access ADC and Comparator PWM DAC to ADC PWM and Capture Buzzer CIR TX and RX Button LED TM0 Output and TM1 Capture Interrupt input 7 Segment PWM LED
Disc Content Introduction
Software Installation
Double Click “autorun.exe”
Step 1. Install the Keil uVision4
1. Keil RVMDK EV Version 2. Install Keil RVMDK EV Version
N U 5
N U 7
N U 6
Pin Definition (3/3)
NU8.1 NU8.3 NU8.5 NU8.7 NU8.9 NU8.11 NU8.13 NU8.15 NU8.17 NU8.19 NU8.21 NU8.23 NU8.25 NU8.27 NU8.29 NU8.31 NU8.33 NU8.35
BoxLeabharlann What’s Inside in NuEdu-SDK-NUC240 ?
(1)NuEdu-EVB-NUC240 (2)NuEdu-Basic01
(4)Connector and USB Line
• • • • An Evaluation or development kit for NUC230/240 Series Support Keil RVMDK, IAR EWARM development environment Support on-line ICP(In-Circuit Programming) Pin-compatible with Arduino
NU7.1 NU7.3 NU7.5 NU7.7 NU7.2 NU7.4 NU7.6 NU7.8
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
ADC (0~7)
14 15
UART (1~2)
PWM (0~5)
PWM (6~7)
N U 3
NU3.5 NU3.6 NU3.7 NU3.8 NU4.1 NU4.2 NU4.3 NU4.4 NU4.5 NU4.6 NU4.7 NU4.8
78 76 74 72
70 68 66
42 41 40
64 62
60 58 56 54
52 50 48
Pin Assignment
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 80 79 77 75 73 71 69 67 65 63 61 59 57 55 53 51 49 47 45
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Other Arduino Kits
Compatible with Any Other Arduino Kits
Sample Code for NuEdu
Advantage for BSP 3.00
NUC230_240 SeriesBSP_CMSIS_V3.00.001 • Unify API name • Lower barrier for engineer • Rich applications inside