Cisco MDS光纤交换机诊断
CiscoMDS光纤交换机诊断Cisco MDS光纤交换机最常用排错命令转载请在文首保留原文出处:EMC中文支持论坛介绍本文给大家介绍Cisco MDS光纤交换机日常排错过程中最常使用的命令。
更多信息1.检查交换机端口Show interface [interface-range]查看指定端口运行状态,WWN信息,配置参数,收发包统计信息。
示范:MDS9222i-1# show interface fc1/1fc1/1 is trunking –端口fc1/1运行状态正常,是一个TE端口Hardware is Fibre Channel, SFP is short wave laser w/o OFC(SN) –端口、SFP硬件信息Port WWN is 20:01:00:05:73:ad:2a:00 –交换机端口WWNPeer port WWN is 20:01:00:05:73:ad:26:00 –对端WWNAdmin port mode is auto, trunk mode is on –端口模式配置是自适应,开启trunksnmp link state traps are enabled –启用snmp链路状态变更告警Port mode is TE –端口运行模式是TEPort vsan is 4 –端口vsan号Speed is 4 Gbps –端口运行速率Rate mode is dedicated –带宽模式是dedicatedTransmit B2B Credit is 250 –发送buffer是250Receive B2B Credit is 250 –接受buffer是250B2B State Change Number is 14 –b2b变更关联的SCR号是14Receive data field Size is 2112 –最大数据帧大小2112Beacon is turned off – Beacon功能关闭Belongs to port-channel 1 –端口属于port-channel 1Trunk vsans (admin allowed and active) (4) – trunk vsan是4Trunk vsans (up) (4)Trunk vsans (isolated) ()Trunk vsans (initializing) ()5 minutes input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec – 5分钟收包统计信息5 minutes output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec - 5分钟发包统计信息7468 frames input, 517940 bytes –总体收包统计信息,没有报错。
HDS CISCO MDS 光纤交换机产品手册
HDS-CISCO MDS9148光纤交换机产品手册版本v1.0日立数据系统(中国)有限公司文档控制更改记录审阅发布目录目录 (3)第1章CISCO MDS9148介绍 (4)第2章初始化光纤交换机 (7)第3章Fabric Manager (9)3.1、软件介绍 (9)3.2、软件安装 (12)第4章zone划分 (16)4.1、VSAN与Zone的概念 (16)4.2、zone配置过程 (19)4.3、命令列表 (29)第1章CISCO MDS9148介绍HDS-Cisco MDS 9148 48端口多层光纤阵列交换机拥有24个端口,支持16、8和4 Gbps 速率,在紧凑的1机架单元(1RU)机型中,以廉宜价格提供了灵活性、高可用性、安全性和易用性,实现了出色的价值。
HDS MDS 9148S能以8端口的增量,灵活地从8端口扩展到48端口,可满足部门存储局域网(SAN)交换机和企业SAN中边缘交换机的密度需求。
HDS MDS 9148S支持快速配置和任务向导,能够快速、简便地部署在任何规模的网络中。
它采用了HDS MDS 9000 SAN-OS软件,包括先进的存储网络特性和功能,与HDS MDS 9500系列多层导向器和HDS MDS 9200系列多层光纤阵列交换机兼容,在核心-边缘部署中提供了透明的端到端服务交付能力。
出色的灵活性和可扩展性HDS MDS 9148在紧凑的1RU机箱中,提供了多达48个自适应光纤通道端口,支持16、8、和4 Gbps速率,它为每个端口提供了16 Gbps专用带宽,能满足要求最严格的环境的性能和可扩展性需求。
HDS MDS 9148按需端口激活许可证为HDS MDS 9148提供了灵活性,允许用户以8端口的增量扩展。
思科光纤交换机基本指令show interface fc x/x transceiver details/link?url=zQ1lfBIy40JkgAxS9ONkbwVlLlsAq_3umIWd6O5mbObcQfcM3Ly 88PhZNq9fBUOq7FJy92eRp0oMmJc58Md8hNePQ0ZVXKpSAwPua6Cvlk_1、配置VSANVSAN的作用是隔离每一个交换机端口:switch2# conf tswitch2(config)# vsan databaseswitch2(config-vsan-db)# vsan 4000 name sw2switch2(config-vsan-db)# vsan 4000 interface fc1/1Traffic on fc1/1 may be impacted. Do you want to continue? (y/n) yswitch2(config-vsan-db)# vsan 4000 interface fc1/2Traffic on fc1/2 may be impacted. Do you want to continue? (y/n) yswitch2(config-vsan-db)# vsan 4000 interface fc1/72、创建ZONE并且添加ZONE成员。
witch2# conf tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.switch2(config)# zone name db2_3652_1 vsan 4000switch2(config-zone)# member interface fc1/1switch2(config-zone)# member interface fc1/2switch2(config-zone)# zone name db2_3652_2 vsan 4000switch2(config-zone)# member interface fc1/7switch2(config-zone)# member interface fc1/83、配置ZONESET包含2个ZONEswitch2(config-zone)# zoneset name db2_3652 vsan 4000switch2(config-zoneset)# member db2_3652_1switch2(config-zoneset)# member db2_3652_24、察看ZONE成员switch2# show zonezone name db2_3652_1 vsan 4000interface fc1/1 swwn 20:00:00:0d:ec:be:0d:40interface fc1/2 swwn 20:00:00:0d:ec:be:0d:40zone name db2_3652_2 vsan 4000interface fc1/7 swwn 20:00:00:0d:ec:be:0d:40interface fc1/8 swwn 20:00:00:0d:ec:be:0d:405、察看ZONESET成员switch2# show zonesetzoneset name db2_3652 vsan 4000zone name db2_3652_1 vsan 4000interface fc1/1 swwn 20:00:00:0d:ec:be:0d:40interface fc1/2 swwn 20:00:00:0d:ec:be:0d:40zone name db2_3652_2 vsan 4000interface fc1/7 swwn 20:00:00:0d:ec:be:0d:40interface fc1/8 swwn 20:00:00:0d:ec:be:0d:406、激活ZONESETswitch2# conf tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.switch2(config)# zoneset activate name db2_3652 vsan 4000Zoneset activation initiated. check zone status7、察看激活ZONE的switch2# show zone activezone name db2_3652_1 vsan 4000* fcid 0x810000 [interface fc1/1 swwn 20:00:00:0d:ec:be:0d:40]* fcid 0x810100 [interface fc1/2 swwn 20:00:00:0d:ec:be:0d:40]zone name db2_3652_2 vsan 4000* fcid 0x810200 [interface fc1/7 swwn 20:00:00:0d:ec:be:0d:40]* fcid 0x810300 [interface fc1/8 swwn 20:00:00:0d:ec:be:0d:40]conf t 进入conf模式show zone act 显示活跃的zone,注意记录zoneset名称和vsan名称zone name zone_name vsan xxx 新建zonemem interface fc x/x,fc x/x,fc x/x 加入端口exitzoneset name zoneset_name vsan xxx 编辑zonesetmem zone_name 加入zoneexitzoneset activate name zoneset_name vsan xxx 使zoneset生效copy running-config startup-config 保存配置。
博科SAN交换机故障诊断相关命令BROCADE SAN SWITCH CLI COMMANDS FOR TROUBLESHOOTING MINOR ISSUEShttps:///blog/2020/02/03/brocade-san-switch-cli-commands-for-troubleshooting-minor-issues/Listed below are few of the operational error codes/prompts:1. Alias/port went offline2. Bottlenecks3. Port error4. Hanging zones5. Rx Tx Voltage/Power IssueAlias/port went offlineThis error is recorded due to the following reasons:1. Reboot/ Shutdown of the host2. Faulty cable3. Issue in the HBA card.Thus, when ‘WWN/ Alias went offline’ is recorded, use the below mentioned commands to identify, when the port went offline and which port went offline.#fabriclog -s States the ports which went offline recently.#fabriclog -s |grep -E “Port Index |GMT” This command states the ports which went offline before. Note: This command will fail in case the FOS upgrade or Switch reboot activity was performed. As both the activities clear the fabriclog.In order to know the zoning details through the WWN of the device, use below mentioned command:#alishow |grep wwn -b2 This lists the alias.then use below command#zoneshow –alias Alias_Name This lists the zone name and component aliases.BottlenecksThere are many kinds of bottlenecks. But, the once prominent in SAN fabric are Latency bottleneck and congestion bottleneck.Latency bottleneck occurs when a slow drain device is connected to the port. Even initiator or target ports can report latency, no matter what kind of port it is, if a slow drain device is attached, there will be bottleneck in that port. ASlow drain devices, is a device which either has all or any one of the bellow mentioned issues:1. Unsupported firmware.2. Hardware issues.3. SFP which has a voltage or power issue.Whereas, Congestion bottleneck occurs due to high rate of data transfer in the port. In the next write-up we will discuss in detail, about the causes of a congestion bottleneck.The commands used to identify latency as well as congestion bottleneck are:#errdump#mapsdb –showIf there is latency or congestion bottleneck, it should to be fixed by logging a support case with Server/Storage hardware vendor.Port errorsThere are many kinds of port errors. Most of the time, its due to bottleneck issue/ physical layer issue. Bottleneck issue we have already addressed above. Physical layer issue is, either Cable issue or SFP issue.Below are the commands to identify the port errors:#porterrshow This will list all ports in error state.#porterrshow port_number#porterrorshow -i Port_Index Both these commands will list the errors in a particular port.In case an error is listed, before troubleshooting clear the status using below commands and observe it again.#statsclear#slotstatsclear#portstatsclear port_numberApart from this, there are other commands to display the current data transfer rate of a port or all ports, such as:#portperfshow#portperfshow port_numberHanging ZoneHanging zones are the purposeless zones residing in the zoning configuration. The zone in which all initiators or all targets are inactive are considered as hanging zone.There is no specific command to list out hanging zones in the fabric, we have to use SAN health to identify the hanging zone. To check if all the aliases of a zone are active or not use the command mentioned below:#zonevalidate “zonename”In the result of the above command, there will be have a ‘*’ mark at the end of each active alias in the zone.Rx Tx Voltage/Power IssueThe Rx & Tx Voltage and power of an SFP can be validated only if, there is connectivity in the SFP with its port in online state.The command below will display the voltage, power and all the details related to the SFP.#sfpshow port_number -f。
CISCO MDS9124光纤交换机安装配置手册版本 v1.0二零零九年七月神州数码(中国)技术中心文档控制更改记录审阅发布目录目录 (3)第1章介绍 (4)第2章初始化光纤交换机 (5)第3章 Fabric Manager (7)3.1、软件介绍 (7)3.2、软件安装 (10)第4章 zone划分 (14)4.1、 VSAN概念 (14)4.2、 zone配置过程 (17)4.3、命令列表 (27)第1章 CISCO MDS9124介绍Cisco® MDS 9124 24端口多层光纤阵列交换机拥有24个端口,支持4、2和1 Gbps 速率,在紧凑的1机架单元(1RU)机型中,以廉宜价格提供了灵活性、高可用性、安全性和易用性,实现了出色的价值。
Cisco MDS 9124能以8端口的增量,灵活地从8端口扩展到24端口,可满足部门存储局域网(SAN)交换机和企业SAN 中边缘交换机的密度需求。
Cisco MDS 9124支持快速配置和任务向导,能够快速、简便地部署在任何规模的网络中。
它采用了Cisco MDS 9000 SAN-OS 软件,包括先进的存储网络特性和功能,与Cisco MDS 9500系列多层导向器和Cisco MDS 9200系列多层光纤阵列交换机兼容,在核心-边缘部署中提供了透明的端到端服务交付能力。
端口介绍: 10/100-Mbps Ethernet 10/100-Mbps Ethernet management port + console port management port + console port 24 auto-sensing 4-Gbps FC 24 auto-sensing 4-Gbps FC ports in 4-port groups ports in 4-port groups 256MB compact flash, 256MB compact flash, 512MB SDRAM512MB SDRAMDual hot-swappable Dual hot-swappable power supplies power supplies 3 fixed fans + 1 fan per 3 fixed fans + 1 fan per power supply power supply第2章初始化光纤交换机MDS9124光纤交换机加电需要进行初始化设置,本身的Management Port没有默认的IP,需要初始化的时候设置,用串口线连接Console Port,具体的设置过程如下:--- Basic System Configuration Dialog ---This setup utility will guide you through the basicconfiguration of the system. Setup configures only enoughconnectivity for management of the system.Press Enter in case you want to skip any dialog. Use ctrl-c atanytime to skip away remaining dialogs.Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no):yEnter the password for "admin" : adminCreate another login account (yes/no) [n]: nConfigure SNMPv3 Management parameters (yes/no) [y]: ySNMPv3 user name [admin]: adminSNMPv3 user authentication password : admin123The same password will be used for SNMPv3 privacy as well.Configure read-only SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]:<Enter>Configure read-write SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]:<Enter>Enter the switch name: mds9124-1 (where NNN is your switch modeland X is your pod number; for example, mds9506-1)Continue with Out-of-band (mgmt0) management configuration?(yes/no) [y]: yMgmt0 IP address : (Use the IP address of yourswitch from Table 1 in Appendix B of the lab reference guidecalled “Accessing the Remote Lab”. You can also derive the IPaddress of your switch by replacing X with your pod number, andY with 3 [if you are working on a MDS 9216) or 5 (if you areworking on the MDS 9506].)Mgmt0 IP netmask : with In-band (vsan1) management configuration?(yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Enable the ip routing capabilities? (yes/no) [y]: yConfigure static route? (yes/no) [y]: nConfigure the default network? (yes/no) [y]: nConfigure the default gateway? (yes/no) [y]: <Enter>IP address of the default gateway : X is your pod number)Configure the DNS IP address? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure the default domain name? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter> Enable the telnet service? (yes/no) [y]: <Enter>Enable the ssh service? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure the ntp server? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure default switchport interface state (shut/noshut) [shut]: <Enter>Configure default switchport trunk mode (on/off/auto) [on]: <Enter>Configure default zone policy (permit/deny) [deny]: <Enter> Enable full zoneset distribution (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>The following configuration will be applied:username admin password admin role network-adminsnmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 admin123 priv admin123switchname mds9214-1interface mgmt0ip address shutdownip default-gateway server enableno ssh server enablesystem default switchport shutdownsystem default switchport trunk mode onno zone default-zone permit vsan 1-4093no zoneset distribute full vsan 1-4093Would you like to edit the configuration? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter> Use this configuration and save it? (yes/no) [y]: <Enter>第3章Fabric Manager3.1、软件介绍简介Cisco® Fabric Manager是一种基于Web、易于使用的响应性应用,能够用集成式方法实现交换机和网络管理,从而简化存储局域网(SAN)中Cisco MDS 9000系列交换机的管理。
HDS-CISCO MDS9148光纤交换机产品手册
C 系列光纤交换机 - Cisco MDS san switch 中常用的命令
C 系列光纤交换机- Cisco MDS san switch 中常用的命令1. 通过以下命令可以查看接口信息:Cisco9124e# show interface brief-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interface Vsan Admin Admin Status SFP Oper Oper PortMode Trunk Mode Speed ChannelMode (Gbps)------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bay1 2 auto on up -- F 4 -- bay2 1 auto on extDisabled -- -- -- bay3 1 auto on down -- -- -- bay4 1 auto on extDisabled -- -- -- bay5 1 auto on extDisabled -- -- -- bay6 1 auto on extDisabled -- -- -- bay7 1 auto on extDisabled -- -- -- bay8 1 auto on extDisabled -- -- -- bay9 1 auto on extDisabled -- -- -- bay10 1 auto on extDisabled -- -- -- bay11 1 auto on down -- -- -- bay12 1 auto on extDisabled -- -- -- bay13 1 auto on extDisabled -- -- -- bay14 1 auto on extDisabled -- -- -- bay15 1 auto on extDisabled -- -- -- bay16 1 auto on extDisabled -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interface Vsan Admin Admin Status SFP Oper Oper PortMode Trunk Mode Speed ChannelMode (Gbps)------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ext1 2 auto on up swl FL 4 -- ext2 2 auto on up swl FL 4 -- ext3 1 auto on sfpAbsent -- -- -- ext4 1 auto on sfpAbsent -- -- -- ext5 1 auto on sfpAbsent -- -- -- ext6 1 auto on sfpAbsent -- -- -- ext7 1 auto on sfpAbsent -- -- -- ext8 1 auto on sfpAbsent -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interface Status Speed(Gbps)------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sup-fc0 up 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interface Status IP Address Speed MTU------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mgmt0 up 100 Mbps 15002. 查看VSAN的情况:Cisco9124e# show fcdomain domain-listVSAN 1 Number of domains: 1Domain ID WWN--------- -----------------------0x64(100) 20:01:00:0d:ec:80:f6:c1 [Local] [Principal]VSAN 2 Number of domains: 1Domain ID WWN--------- -----------------------0x11(17) 20:02:00:0d:ec:80:f6:c1 [Local] [Principal]3. 查看zone的配置:Cisco9124e# show zone status vsan 1VSAN: 1 default-zone: deny distribute: active only Interop: default mode: basic merge-control: allowsession: nonehard-zoning: enabled broadcast: unsupportedDefault zone:qos: none broadcast: unsupported ronly: disabledFull Zoning Database :DB size: 4 bytesZonesets:0 Zones:0 Aliases: 0Active Zoning Database :Database Not AvailableStatus:Cisco9124e# show zone status vsan 2VSAN: 2 default-zone: permit distribute: active only Interop: default mode: basic merge-control: allowsession: nonehard-zoning: enabled broadcast: unsupportedDefault zone:qos: none broadcast: unsupported ronly: disabledFull Zoning Database :DB size: 4 bytesZonesets:0 Zones:0 Aliases: 0Active Zoning Database :Database Not Available Status:4. 配置zone:Cisco9124e# conf tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Cisco9124e(config)# zone name zone2 vsan 2Cisco9124e(config-zone)# member fwwn 20:10:00:0d:ec:80:f6:c0 Cisco9124e(config-zone)# member fwwn 20:0a:00:0d:ec:80:f6:c0 Cisco9124e(config-zone)# member fwwn 20:0e:00:0d:ec:80:f6:c0 Cisco9124e(config-zone)# exitCisco9124e(config)# zoneset name zoneset2 vsan 2Cisco9124e(config-zoneset)# member zone2Cisco9124e(config-zoneset)# exitCisco9124e(config)# zoneset activate name zoneset2 vsan 2 Zoneset activation initiated. check zone statusCisco9124e(config)# exitCisco9124e# show zoneset activezoneset name zoneset2 vsan 2zone name zone2 vsan 2* fcid 0x110200 [fwwn 20:10:00:0d:ec:80:f6:c0]* fcid 0x1100ef [fwwn 20:0a:00:0d:ec:80:f6:c0]* fcid 0x1101ef [fwwn 20:0e:00:0d:ec:80:f6:c0]zone name $default_zone$ vsan 2Cisco9124e#。
在Cisco MDS 9000系列多层光纤通道交换机中使用VSAN和分区
● 加强设备安全——通过在一个光纤通道交换架构中部署分区,设备访问将仅限于分区中的设备。这让用户可以根据对某 个特定的存储设备(对象)的访问权限隔离设备。对于那些需要访问同一个物理交换架构的多 OS 环境来说,这种一项 必需的要求。很多操作系统无法读取或者理解其他文件系统的区块设计或者文件系统。例如,如果某个基于 Windows 的 主机看到一个被一台AIX主机使用的磁盘,将无法识别该磁盘的文件结构,而且可能会将其视为一个受损的可用Windows 卷,并且必须修复。一旦 Windows 服务器向该磁盘写入它自己的“特征数据”,原来的 AIX 服务器也将无法识别该磁盘, 因而导致数据受损。这种情况正是人们设计分区服务的主要原因,也是分区如此重要的根本原因。Cisco MDS 9000 系 列产品提供了一种更加强大的分区功能,它的特点在于所有分区都是基于硬件的。每次安装一个分区配置时,无论分区 是基于端口的还是基于 WWW 的,配置实际上都会被下载到硬件,此外还会设置针对数据帧的、基于硬件的过滤控制,以 确保没有数据帧会传输到分区配置的允许范围之外。
交换架构分区(Zoning)是今天的光纤通道交换机产品的一项基本功能。分区可有效地限制连接到同一光纤通 道 SAN 的设备间的可见度和连接性。尽管分区能在交换架构中提供一种基本的安全功能,但是它并不能提 高交换架构的可扩展性和可用性。
为了提高交换架构的可扩展性和可用性,并进一步加强由交换架构分区提供的安全服务,思科在Cisco MDS 9000 系列多层控制器和光纤通道交换机中开发了一种名为虚拟 SAN(即 VSAN)的新技术。通过结合基于 硬件的分区,VSAN 可以为 SAN 设计人员提供一些有助于大幅度增强 SAN 部署的可扩展性、可用性、安全 性和管理的新型工具。VSAN让设计人员能在可扩展的公共物理基础设施上,创建完全隔离的交换架构拓扑, 其中每个交换架构都拥有自己的交换架构服务集。因为每个 VSAN 都拥有自己的分区服务,所以分区在每 个 VSAN 中都是独立配置的,对任何其他 VSAN 和分区服务没有任何影响。
MDS 9506思科光纤交换机配置管理使用手册
9506光纤交换机配置管理使用手册1.初始化信息 (3)2.交换机基本配置 (4)2.1.配置交换机管理地址 (4)2.2.配置VSAN (4)2.3.配置ZONESET (4)2.4.配置ZONE (5)2.5.TRUNKING的配置 (5)3.常用检查命令 (5)4.常用配置命令 (6)4.1.删除创建的ZONE (6)4.2.清除配置 (6)4.3.设置配置口超时 (6)4.4.安装与清除license (6)4.5.显示指定License (6)4.6.显示全部Licenses (7)4.7.显示ID (7)4.8.命名交换机 (7)4.9.设置管理口 (7)4.10.禁止与使能Telnet 与ssh (8)4.11.下载配置文件 (8)4.12.保存配置 (8)4.13.创建与设置VSAN (8)4.14.分配VSAN成员 (9)4.15.删除VSAN (9)4.16.浏览VSAN设置 (9)4.17.设置FC端口 (11)4.18.设置Zone (11)4.19.设置Zone Sets (11)4.20.激活Zone Set (12)4.21.浏览Zone信息 (12)4.22.恢复管理员口令 (15)4.23.设置端口速率 (15)1.初始化信息在启动交换机后,会有类似如下的信息显示:---- System Admin Account Setup ----Enter the password for "admin": 输入admin管理员密码,系统设为P@ssw0rdConfirm the password for "admin": 再次输入admin管理员密码,P@ssw0rd ---- Basic System Configuration Dialog ----This setup utility will guide you through the basic configuration ofthe system. Setup configures only enough connectivity for managementof the system.Please register Cisco MDS 9000 Family devices promptly with yoursupplier. Failure to register may affect response times for initialservice calls. MDS devices must be registered to receive entitledsupport services.Press Enter at anytime to skip a dialog. Use ctrl-c at anytimeto skip the remaining dialogs.Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): noMDS Switchswitch login: adminPassword:TAC support: /tacCopyright (c) 2002-2005, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. The copyrights to certain works contained herein are owned by other third parties and are used and distributed under license. Some parts of this software are covered under the GNU Public License. A copy of the license is available at/licenses/gpl.html.switch#9506光纤交换机配置管理使用手册然后,可以按照类似以太网交换机配置的方法来配置交换机了。
无论是集线器还是交换机,无论是SC光纤端口还是RJ-45端口,每个端口都有一个LED 指示灯用于指示该端口是否处于工作状态,即连接至该端口的计算机或网络设备是否处于工作状态、连通性是否完好。
下面以Cisco Catalyst 2950/3550系列交换机为例,详细介绍一下各种LED指示灯的含义。
Catalyst 2950/3550系列交换机前面板LED指示灯标注如图5所示。
SYSTEM LED指示灯用于显示系统加电情况,各指示灯含义如下表1所示。
表1:System LED指示灯含义
表2:RPS LED指示灯含义
Cisco MDS 9000 系列高级服务模块 解决方案说明
!"#$%&& Cisco MDS 9000 VSAN 安全性
PortChannel iSCSI 和 FCIP
内置 Device Manager 和 Fabric Manager
显示存储设备的逻辑图,不但易于监控磁盘 I/O 配置,还能简化设备配置和管理
!"#$% VERITAS Storage Foundation for Networks 与 VERITAS SANPoint Control 集成在一起,进一步 简化了管理多厂商存储网络的复杂性。通过 SANPoint控制,公司可以看到整个存储基础设施,并 集中控制所有修改。通过创建全局存储视图,可以缩短维修、配置、修改和供应存储的时间。 SANPoint Control 能够大大降低执行日常存储管理任务的风险。
可以与 RAID 阵列一起使用,将数据映射到交换机中的多个 RAID 阵列上,进一步提高数据的可
RAID 1+0)
用性。另外,它还可以在没有硬件 RAID 阵列的条件下使用,这样既不需要购买昂贵的阵列,又
!"#$%& 利用 VERITAS Storage Foundation for Networks,管理员不但可以根据需要提供存储,还可以 继续访问应用及其相关数据。还能更新或升级基本存储——利用联机存储重排,数据能够无缝移 植到任何可用的基本存储。
Cisco MDS 9000
ciscoMDS9148配置步骤详细介绍1、初始化交换机Cisco9148 SAN交换机⾸次配置时,需要先做初始化设置,设置完成后才可以登录图形化界⾯。
Enter the password for "admin":Confirm the password for "admin":---- Basic System Configuration Dialog ----This setup utility will guide you through the basic configuration ofthe system. Setup configures only enough connectivity for managementof the system.Please register Cisco MDS 9000 Family devices promptly with yoursupplier. Failure to register may affect response times for initialservice calls. MDS devices must be registered to receive entitledsupport services.Press Enter at anytime to skip a dialog. Use ctrl-c at anytimeto skip the remaining dialogs.Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): yCreate another login account (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure read-only SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure read-write SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Enter the switch name : localhostContinue with Out-of-band (mgmt0) management configuration? (yes/no) [y]: <Enter>Mgmt0 IPv4 address : IPv4 netmask : the default gateway? (yes/no) [y]: nConfigure advanced IP options? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Enable the ssh service? (yes/no) [y]: nEnable the telnet service? (yes/no) [n]: yEnable the http-server? (yes/no) [y]: <Enter>Configure clock? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure timezone? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure summertime? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure the ntp server? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure default switchport interface state (shut/noshut) [shut]: <Enter>Configure default switchport trunk mode (on/off/auto) [on]: autoConfigure default switchport port mode F (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure default zone policy (permit/deny) [deny]: <Enter>Enable full zoneset distribution? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Configure default zone mode (basic/enhanced) [basic]: <Enter>The following configuration will be applied:password strength-checkswitchname localhostinterface mgmt0ip address shutdownno feature sshfeature telnetfeature http-serversystem default switchport shutdownsystem default switchport trunk mode autono system default zone default-zone permitno system default zone distribute fullno system default zone mode enhancedWould you like to edit the configuration? (yes/no) [n]: <Enter>Use this configuration and save it? (yes/no) [y]: <Enter>[########################################] 100%到此,设备初始化完成。
Cisco MDS 9100系列矩阵交换机 说明书
针对存储网络中对严格安全性的需要,Cisco MDS 9100 系列提供了一个扩展安全架构,可保护 当今企业网络中高度敏感的数据。Cisco MDS 9100 系列在端口级提供了智能分组检测,包括用 于分区、VSAN 和高级端口安全特性的硬件实施的 ACL 应用。
Cisco MDS 9100
!"#$308 !23 610017 (8628)86961000 (8628)86528999
!"#$%&'()*+,-./cn !"#$%&'()*+,-./0*1
© 2005
!"#$%&'()*+,-"./01Cisco, Cisco IOS, Cisco IOS
务,确保了可扩展性,并可随着您的 SAN 的扩展而提供一致服务。
!"#$—— Cisco MDS 9100 系列包括内置存储网络管理,所有特性通过命令行界面
(CLI)或思科矩阵管理器提供,思科矩阵管理器是一款集中管理工具,可简化多个Biblioteka 换机和矩阵的管理。●
!"#——在单一物理矩阵中,为由硬件支持的独立环境提供虚拟 SAN (VSAN)技术;
VSAN 通过在单一物理 SAN 矩阵或交换机中创建基于硬件的独立环境,实现了更高效的网络利用
率。每个 VSAN 都可作为一个正常的 SAN 区域,保持自己的矩阵服务,以提高可扩展性和永续
Cisco MDS 9124交换机配置手册北京众志和达信息技术有限公司2010年12月版本控制目录版本控制 (2)1 MDS 初始化配置 (4)1.1配置串口登录 (4)1.2 License 配置 (4)1.3配置管理地址 (6)1.4配置telnet登录 (6)1.5初始化端口类型 (7)1.6配置FC ID (8)2配置MDS Zone (10)2.1配置VSAN (10)2.2配置Domain IDs (11)2.4配置Zone (13)2.5创建设备别名 (14)2.3配置Zoneset (15)2.6激活Zoneset (16)2.7保存配置 (16)2.8实例演示 (17)3 MDS 维护 (18)3.1常用命令查询 (18)3.2使用默认zone (19)附件:配置NPV (20)Cisco MDS 9000系列交换机的管理和配置可以使用CLI和基于GUI的Cisco MDS 9000 Fabric Manager两种方式进行管理。
本文主要介绍了Cisco MDS 9124交换机在CLI方式下配置Zone的方法和步骤,该方法也同样适用于使用Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 4.1版本的其它9000系列交换机。
1 MDS 初始化配置1.1配置串口登录Cisco MDS 9000系列交换机在默认没有配置的情况下,只能通过串口进行参数设置如右图所示:初次启动并进入MDS 交换机之后,会出现“Would you liketo enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): yes”提示,这里表示是否需要启动向导模式配置该交换机,此处输入“NO”。
1.2 License 配置Cisco MDS 交换机不同于Brocade交换机之处为Cisco MDS 交换机可以单独为某个指定的端口配置license,暂时不使用的端口可以释放端口的license。
可能原因和建议措施:在Fabric中,交换机上未建⽴NTP(Network Time Protocol)。
建议在所有SAN和metaSAN的Fabric 中的交换机都建⽴NTP。
以下是交换机消息⽇志中⼀些常见的问题:系统消息⽇志不准确可能原因和建议措施:在极少数情况下,⽤TC(Track Change)功能追踪到的事件会上报错误的系统消息⽇志。
一Cisco Catalyst6500 CatOS, C4000 CatOS系列交换机注:Cisco Catalyst6500,C4500,C4000系列交换机分CatOS和NativeIOS两种版本,系统提示符类似于Catalyst6509> (enable) 、Catalyst4006> (enable)的为CatOS, 系统提示符类似于C6509# 、C4507R# 的为NativeIOS。
电源状态检测对于Cisco Catalyst6500, C4000系列交换机, 在enable模式下可以用以下命令检测电源状态:show systemshow environmentshow environment power例:show systemCatalyst6509> (enable) show systemPS1-Status PS2-Status---------- ----------ok okFan-Status Temp-Alarm Sys-Status Uptime d,h:m:s Logout---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ---------ok off ok 9,21:34:43 20 minPS1-Type PS2-Type-------------------- --------------------WS-CAC-1300W WS-CAC-1300WModem Baud Traffic Peak Peak-Time------- ----- ------- ---- -------------------------disable 9600 0% 5% Fri Jul 23 2004, 17:39:44PS1 Capacity: 1153.32 Watts (27.46 Amps 42V)PS2 Capacity: 1153.32 Watts (27.46 Amps 42V)PS Configuration : PS1 and PS2 in Redundant Configuration.System Name System Location System Contact CC------------------------ ------------------------ --Catalyst6509注:做红色标注的为检测时对于系统输出的关注点。
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本文给大家介绍Cisco MDS光纤交换机日常排错过程中最常使用的命令。内容主要包括交换机运行状态检查、交换机硬件状态、微码配置、端口运行状态和配置、flogi和plogi数据库信息,以及部分命令输出结果的详细解释。
Oper Speed –运行速率
Port Channel – port channel号码
MDS9222i-1# show interface brief
Interface Status IP Address Speed MTU
Hardware is Fibre Channel, SFP is short wave laser w/o OFC (SN) –端口、SFP硬件信息
Port WWN is 20:01:00:05:73:ad:2a:00 – 交换机端口WWN
Peer port WWN is 20:01:00:05:73:ad:26:00 –对端WWN
fcping类似于以太网的ping命令,可以使用fcping fcid检测交换机到指定端口的链路通信状态,并且可以得到链路延时信息。
MDS9222i-1# fcping fcid 0x7500ef vsan 1 count 4 – fcping执行4次,对象是0x7500ef,vsan 1
Admin port mode is auto, trunk mode is on –端口模式配置是自适应,开启trunk
snmp link state traps are enabled – 启用snmp链路状态变更告警
Port mode is TE –端口运行模式是TE
fc1/4 4094 FX on down swl -- --
fc1/5 1 FX on notConnected swl -- --
fc1/6 1 FX on init swl -- --
Interface Vsan Admin Admin Status SFP Oper Oper Port
Mode Trunk Mode Speed Channel
Show interface [interface-range]
MDS9222i-1# show interface fc1/1
fc1/1 is trunking – 端口fc1/1运行状态正常,是一个TE端口
Receive B2B Credit is 250 –接受buffer是250
B2B State Change Number is 14 – b2b变更关联的SCR号是14
Receive data field Size is 2112 – 最大数据帧大小2112
Beacon is turned off – Beacon功能关闭
28 bytes from 0x7500ef time = 1283 usec
28 bytes from 0x7500ef time = 1256 usec
fc1/16 1 FX on notConnected swl -- --
fc1/17 1 FX on notConnected swl -- --
fc1/18 1 FX on notConnected swl -- --
Interface Status Speed
0 CRC, 0 unknown class
0 too long, 0 too short
9141 frames output, 380372 bytes –总体发包统计,存在丢包现象。
3210 discards, 0 errors
330 input OLS, 240 LRR, 36 NOS, 57 loop inits –Primitive帧统计信息
340 output OLS, 271 LRR, 156 NOS, 19 loop inits
250 receive B2B credit remaining –b2b buffer信息
5 minutes output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec - 5分钟发包统计信息
7468 frames input, 517940 bytes – 总体收包统计信息,没有报错。
0 discards, 0 errors
vsan2 up -- 1 Gbps 1500
vsan3 up -- 1 Gbps 1500
fc1/10 4094 FX on inactive swl -- --
fc1/11 1 FX on notConnected swl -- --
fc1/12 1 FX on sfpAbsent -- -- --
sup-fc0 up 1
Belongs to port-channel 1 – 端口属于port-channel 1
Trunk vsans (admin allowed and active) (4) – trunk vsan是4
Trunk vsans (up) (4)
Port vsan is 4 – 端口vsan号
Speed is 4 Gbps –端口运行速率
Rate mode is dedicated –带宽模式是dedicated
Transmit B2B Credit is 250 –发送buffer是250
Trunk vsans (isolated) ()
Trunk vsans (initializing) ()
5 minutes input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec – 5分钟收包统计信息
Mode (Gbps)
2. 检查交换机所有端口运行状态
show interface brief
Interface – 端口名称
Vsan – 端口vsan号
Admin Mode – 端口配置模式
Admin Trunk mode –端口是否配置trunk
StatusLeabharlann –端口状态 SFP Mode –sfp模块信息
250 transmit B2B credit remaining
235 low priority transmit B2B credit remaining
Interface last changed at Fri Sep 7 10:59:02 2012 –端口状态最后一次变更时间。
fc1/1 4 auto on trunking swl TE 4 1
fc1/2 1 FX on notConnected swl -- --
fc1/3 1 FX on up swl F 4 --
vsan1 up -- 1 Gbps 1500
fc1/13 1 FX on notConnected swl -- --
fc1/14 1 FX on notConnected swl -- --
fc1/15 1 FX on notConnected swl -- --
fc1/7 4 auto on trunking swl TE 4 1
fc1/8 1 FX on notConnected swl -- --
fc1/9 1 FX on notConnected swl -- --