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1.连词按其构成分为:1)简单连词, 如: and, or, but, if, because ect.

2)关联连词, 如:both…and, not only…but also ect.

3)分词连词, 如: supposing, considering, provided ect.

短语连词, 如:as if, as long as, in order that ect.

2.连词按其性质分为1)并列连词, 如: and, or, but, for ect. 用来连接并列的单词、短语、从句或分句。

2)从属连词, 如: that, whether, when, although, because ect. 用来连接名词性从句或状语从句。



1.表示并列关系的连词有: and, both…and…, not only… but also…,neither…nor…和as well as等。

1) and: 和,并且



eg.①I enjoy basketball , football and table tennis. ②The weather becomes colder and colder.

③He didn’t go and she didn’t go either. 他没去,她也没去。


祁使句后连接and,有条件句作用,此时and=if you…,you'll…

eg.Go straight on, and you'll see the library.=If you go straight on, you will see the library.

2) both…and… : 既…也…,(两者)都…

A.Both A and B + 谓语(构成的词组作主语时,谓语动词用复数)。

eg.①Both Jim and Kate are from England. ② He both speaks and writes Spanish.

③ A man should have both courage and perseverance. 一个人即应有勇气也要有毅力。

④Both New York and London have traffic problems. 纽约和伦敦都存在交通问题。


eg.①You can't speak both German and English. ②Both my father and my mother aren't doctors.

3) neither…nor…:既不…也不…

** Neither A nor B + 谓语( 与B相一致, 即连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词即采取就近原则。)

eg.①Neither I nor he has seen the play before. ②She couldn’t speak the language, nor could she write it.

③She could neither speak the langauge nor write it. ④He moved steadily, looking neither left nor right.

⑤The weather is mild today; it is neither hot nor cold. 今天天气很温暖,不冷也不热。

4) not only…but also… :不但…而且…

Not only A but also B + 谓语( 与B 相一致, 即连接两个主语后的谓语动词也遵循就近原则。)

eg.①Not only the mother but also the children are ill. ②It was noy only unkind but also untrue.

5) as well as: 也; 还有

A.基本用法: 常可连接两个并列的成分。A as well as B + 谓语( 与A 相一致) +…. 。

eg.①Lily as well as Betty was in the room. ②It is important for you as well as for me.

③It is important for you as well as for me. 这对你和对我都很重要。

B.特殊用法: as well as + 动名词, 有时可译为“(不仅)而且”, “除了……还”。

eg.① Smoking is dangerous, as well as making you smell bad.


② As well as breaking his leg, he broke his arm. ③She sings as well as playing the piano.

2.表示转折关系的连词有:but, however, yet, still,while等.

1) but : conj. 而; 相反; 然而; 除……外;只有

A. 基本用法: 连接两个并列成分、并列分句。

eg.①Not you but I am to blame. ② They see the trees but not the forest.

③ Mary was a nice girl, but she had one shortcoming.

④ She pretended to be angry, but she was not.

⑤Someone borrowed my pen, but I don’t remember who. 有人借了我的钢笔,但我不记得是谁了。

B. 特殊用法: 用在某些否语后, 表示“只……”。

eg.① He eats nothing but hamburgers. ② She knows no one bu t you. ③No one but me saw her.

④I had no choice but to sign the contract. ⑤ You have nobody but yourself to blame.

2) however : adv. (连接副词)

(1) 但是; 不过eg.①He said that it was so; he was mistaken, however.

②Your composition is fairly good, however, there is still some room for improvement.

(2)不管……怎样(如何)eg.① They will never succeed, however much they try.

② However cold it is, she always goes swimming. ③ He wanted to take no risk, however small.

④ However carefully I explained, she still didn’t understand.

⑤He knew what he wanted; however he didn’t know how to get it.

(3) however: adv. (疑问副词)怎样eg. However did you know that? / However did you find it?

3) yet: conj. 但是; 却; 尽管; 然而

A.基本用法: 连接词、短语、并列句等。

eg.①It is strange yet true. ② They are the same, yet not the same.

③Tom got up early, yet he failed to catch the train. ④ I have failed, yet I shall try again.

⑤He said he was our friend, yet he wouldn’t help us. 他说他是我们的朋友,但却不肯帮助我们。

B.特殊用法: (1)and yet : 然而; 可是

eg. ①He’s pleasant enough, and yet I don’t like him.

② He has a good job, and yet he never seems to have any money.

(2) yet 可与although/though 连用eg. Although it was dark, yet he still went on his trip on foot. yet : adv. (1) 还(多用于否定句) eg. ①The moon had not yet risen. ②I haven’t enough time yet.

(2)已经(疑问句) eg.① Has he come yet?”“No, not yet.”② Did you eat yet?

(3)早晚;总有一天(与could; might; may ect.连用, 表示将来还可能发生某事)

eg.① He may come yet. ②The plan may yet succeed.③We may win yet.④She could yet surprise us all.

4) still : adv.仍然; 仍旧;还(连接副词)

eg.①He was very tired, still he kept on walking. ②He tried hard to look for it,still he couldn’t find it.

5) while : conj. 然而; 而(对比两件事物,意思接近whereas)

eg.①Jane is hard working ,while her sister is quite lazy. ②I like tea while she likes coffee.

③Some people waste food while others haven’t enough.

3.表示选择关系的并列连词有:or, either…or…,whether… or…等。

1) or: 或,否则

A:基本用法: or 表示"或" 的意思,使用于两者之中选择一个的时候。

(a)连接两个名词: eg.① Would you like coffee or tes?

②----Is your friend English or American? ----American. ③He doesn't like dumplings or noodles.

(b)连接两个形容词或数词:eg. ① Is it green or blue? ②There’s one or two things I’d like to know about.

