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SAT改革后的 social science 方面的文章有相当一部分是关于科技媒体与人类生活之间的关系的讨论,

可以给到我们很多启发和参考。今天摘选的这两篇文章可以作为科技媒体类议论文的sample essays 来


1、June 2016 SAT Real Test

This passage is adapted from Stephen Coleman, Scott Anthony, and David E. Morrison, “Public Trust in the News.”2009 by Stephen Coleman.

这篇亚太区阅读真题的开头段写得很 insightful,可以广泛适用于不同出国类考试题目的背景介绍或个人观点。我们先来看文章的开头段:

The news is a form of public knowledge. Unlike personal or private knowledge (such as the health of one’s friends and family; the conduct of a private hobby; a secret liaison), public knowledge increases in value as it is shared by more people. The date of an election and the claims of rival candidates; the causes and consequences of an environmental disaster; a debate about how to frame a particular law; the latest reports from a war zone – these are all examples of public knowledge that people are generally expected to know in order to be considered informed citizens. Thus, in contrast to personal or private knowledge, which is left to individuals to pursue or ignore, public knowledge is promoted even to those who might not think it matters to them. In short, the circulation of public knowledge, including the news, is generally regarded as a public good which cannot be solely demand-driven.

2、May 2016 SAT Real Test

This passage is adapted from John Bohannon, “Why You Shouldn’t Trust Internet Comments.”2003 by American Association for the Advancement of Science.


The “wisdom of crowds” has become a mantra of the Internet age. Need to choose a new vacuum cleaner? Check out the reviews on online merchant Amazon. But a new study suggests

that such online score don’t always reveal the best choice. A massive controlled experiment of Web users finds that such ratings are highly susceptible to irrational “herd behavior”– and that the herd can be manipulated.

这两篇作为“优秀的 sample essays”,有几个地方特别值得在议论文写作时借鉴,我们来细细品味一下:

①开头的背景句简短精致-The news is a form of public knowledge. / The “wisdom of crowds”has become a mantra of the Internet age.




长句有时也会 work against us. 短句有时更精致、有力,更能快速抓住读者的心。




“The date of an election and the claims of rival candidates; the causes and consequences of an environmental disaster; a debate about how to frame a particular law; the latest reports from a war zone – these are all examples of public knowledge that people are generally expected to know in order to be considered informed citizens.”

第二篇用自问自答的方式来举例,很能引起读者的共鸣(related to our common knowledge and daily encounters):

“Need to choose a new vacuum cleaner? Check out the reviews on online merchant Amazon.”而在写作中,很多同学可能没有注意到,在语法题中被反复考到的破折号其实在写作中也可以发挥大作


例子说明的共同观点,看起来还是挺 cool 的呢。
