
2013年初一下册英语期末考试题(带答案)考试时间80分钟,满分120分一、单项选择题(将正确答案填在下面面的表格内,每题1分共15分)题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 得分 1. -There is a great near my house .Let’s go there for dinner. �CGood idea. A. hop B. restaurant C. farm D. hospital 2. They live in a small house interesting garden.A. with anB. have anC. has anD. with a 3.Fred plays piano after supper every day. A. the; the B. /; the C. the ; / D. / ; / 4. --There is little milk in the fridge, ? -- No, we’d better buy some today. A . isn’t it B. is it C. isn’t there D. is there 5. --- . Could you tell me the way to the Park Street? --The Park Street ? Oh, go alone and turn left. You can’t miss it. A. All right B. Never mind C. Excuse me D. Thank you 6.They are from England . They are . A. Chinese B. Japanese C .American D. British 7. --- did you get to London last month? ---By plane.A .What B. When C . How D. Why 8.The music was . I think everyone liked it. A. noisy B. high C. lively D. lived 9. ---Would you like to go out to play football with me? --- ., but I should finish my homework first. A . Yes , I doB . I likeC . Of course not D. I’d love to 10.―Excuse me, is this Lucy’s book? ---No, this is . is over there. A .mine ; Hers B . my; Her C . my; HersD . mine ; Her 11.―How much meat do you want ?----- A .Sorry , there isn’t any . B. I can’t give you any C .Half a kilo, please D . Twelve yuan a kilo 12. of the two story books are very interesting , so I can’t decide which one to choose. A . All B . Any C . Either D . Both 13.---Where’s my music CD? I can’t see it! ---You’d better the CD carefully in your bedroom. A . look into B. look at C. look for D. look after 14.―Your brother doesn’t get up early , does he ? --- But he gets up late on weekends. A . Yes, he does . B . Yes, he doesn’t C . No, he doesn’t. D. No, he does 15.―Will your parents live in London?---- .They will live in Shanghai. A . No, they aren’t B .Yes , they are C .No, they won’t D. Yes, they will二、完型填空(10分) With your growth(成长),your clothes will become 1 and some books and toys will be not used any more .2 will you do with these old things? Don’t worry! Online shopping will3 you . Online shopping is becoming more and more popular now. We can buy4 Sell things through the Internet. There are many world online market places5 the Internet. People can bid(竞价) for the different goods online ,such as dolls ,6 , books and7 cars. If we want to buy or sell8 online ,we must become the member of one of them9 Let’s b uy and sell things online. Let’s 10 th e happiness of online shopp ing. ( )1 A big B beautiful C small D lovely ( )2 A What B How C Where D When ( )3 A helps B help C to help D helping ( )4 A but B so D also D or ( )5 A in B on C at D over ( )6 A cloth B clothes C dress D clothing ( )7 A used B use C useful D useless ( )8A anythingB everythingC nothingD something ( )9 A at lastB finally D at firstC first ( )10 A relax B enjoy C moveD wait三、阅读理解(30分) A One morning Mr. Green is driving around the country and looking for a small bookshop . When he sees an old man on the oth er side of the rode , he stops his car and says to the old man , “ Excuse me . I want to go to the Sun Bookshop . do you know the way?” “ Sure ,” the old man answers, “ I will show you the way.” He gets into Mr. Green’s car, and they drive about twelve miles. When they come to a small house, the old man says , “Stop here” Mr. Green stops and looks at the house . “But this isn’t the bookshop” He said to the old man. “Right,” the old man answers, “This is my house. And now I’ll show you the way to the bookshop. Turn around and go back nine miles. Then you’ll see the bookshop.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

这篇关于2013七年级期末试卷英语练习及答案,是特地为⼤家整理的,希望对⼤家有所帮助!卷⼀(75分)听⼒部分(20分)A. 听句⼦,选择恰当的答语,每题读两遍(每⼩题1分,计10分)1.A.It’s interesting B.He’s in the library C.A doctor.2.A.Shelikes doing housework B.She is a teacherC.She likes teaching.3.A.He is very tall B. He is a student C.He is from America4.A.Yes I was B.Yes I did C.Yes I am5.A.I’m sorry to hear that. B.Thank you very muchC.You’re welcome.6.A. She is at home B.She is twelve C.she is fine7.A.It’s a hospital B.It’s next to the post office C.It’s one the street.8.A.I’d like a pizza,please B.Yes,do please C.What’s it9.A.It’s five yuan B.It’s large C.It’s very delicious10.A.Yes, you can B.Who are you? C.Yes speakingB听对话,选择所听问题的正确答案,每段念两遍(每⼩题1分,计5分)11.A.He is short with curly hair B. He is tall with curly hairC.He is tall without hair12.A.A cup of milk B.A cup of cof fee C.A cup of tea13. A.Soccer B. Tennis C. Basetball14.A.Under the desk B. Near the door C. Behind the door.15.A.Japanese B. Chinese C. EnglishC听短⽂,根据短⽂内容,选出⼀个正确答案回答所提的问题,短⽂读三遍。


2013年七年级下册英语期末试卷(有答案)putergames.Whenhefelthungry,heonlyatesomesnacks(零食).Nobody10forhim.Helivedwithhisfather.Buthisfatherwasn’toftenathome. WhocanhelpPeter?()1.A.beforeB.afterC.ifD.when()terC.earlyD.soon()3.A.reallyB.oftenC.neverD.always()4.A.dayB.classC.showD.time()5.A.agreewithB.waitforClookforD.listento()6.A.playedB.talkedC.foughtD.ate()7.A.teachersB.parentsC.friendsD.classmates()8.A.examsB.rulesC.lifeD.culture()9.A.wantedB.spentC.hopedD.worked()10.A.reportedB.cleanedC.washedD.cookedⅢ.阅读理解。
(15分)(A)Oneday,Mr.Smithwenttoadinnerparty.Hewaswearingveryoldclothes.Hecam eintotheroom.Butpeopleintheroomdidn’tlookathim.Theydidn’taskhimtosit atthetable.Hewasn’thappy.ButhesaidMr.Smithwenthomequicklyandputon(穿上)hisbestclothes.Hewentbacktotheparty.Everyoneintheroomstoodupandlookedathim.Theygavehimgoodfoodtoeat.Mr.Smithtookoffhiscoat,andputitonth efoodandsaid,“Eat,coat!”Theotherpeopleweresurprisedandasked,“Whatar eyoudoing?Whydoyoudothat?”Mr.Smithanswered,“Iamaskingmycoattoeat food.WhenIworeoldclothes,youdidn’tlookatme.Youdidn’taskmetositdown. NowIamwearingtheseniceclothes.Andyougivemegoodfood.NowIsee,yougi()A.abirthdaypartyB.adinnerpartyC.anEnglishpartyD.amovie()C.BecauseMr.Smithdidn’tsayhellotothemfirst.D.Becauseitwasnight,theydidn’()()A.高兴的B.不满的C.感到奇怪的D.生气的()C.Wecan’tjudge(判断D.Mr.Smithisstupid(愚蠢的).(B)OnedayaChinesestudentwenttostudyEnglishinEngland.HisfamilynameisSun .Itisthesameastheword“sun”.Englandisacountrywithbadweather.Itisoftencl oudyormisty,anditrainsnowandagain.Sothepeopletheredon’tgetmuchsuns hineinthewholeyear.WhentheChinesestudentwenttoLondon,atallEnglishpo licemanwithalargefaceopenedhispassporttoexamine(检查)it.Thepolicemanwasintere stedtofindtheChinesename“sun”inthepasspor t.HethoughtitwaspronouncedjustliketheEnglishword“sun”,TheChinesestudentwasgreatlysurprised.Butafteramomentthepolicemanbe gantosmile,“Mr.Sun,you’vebroughtsunshinetoEngland!Sowedon’twantyout根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。

2013年七年级下册期末考试英语试题及答案mander(指挥官)NieHaishengandZhangXiaoguang,andChina’ssecondfemaleastronaut,W angYaping,areexpectedtostayinspacefor15days. Theywillteachyoungpeopleaboutscienceanddotwospacedockings,between ShenzhouXandtheunmannedTiangong-1spacemodule,atechnicallydifficult procedurethatbringstwospaceshiptogetherinhigh-speedorbit(轨道). Thetripisourcountry’sfifthmannedspacemission,10yearsafterthecountry’sfi rstastronaut,YangLiwei,wentintospacein2003.54.Howlongwilltheystayinspace?A.AboutaweekB.AbouttwoweeksC.AboutamonthD.Abouttwomonths55.Whatwilltheydoinspace?Theywill__________.A.teachyoungpeopleaboutscienceB.takesomephotosC.dotwospacedockingsD.BothAandC56.What’sthemeaningoftheunderlinedphrase‘spacedockings’?A.太空实验B.太空对接C.太空垃圾D.太空站57.WhoisthefirstastronauttoenterspaceinChina?A.NieHaishengB.ZhangXiaoguangC.WangYapingD.YangLiweiCThesedays,manystudentslikeplaying3Dgames.Doyouknowwhat3Dgamesar elike?Inmost3Dgames,gameplayersneedtocontrol(控制)acharacter.Thecharactercanbearobotorasoldier(士兵).Gameplayersusuallyusethemousetomakethecharactermovearoundinhi sownworld.Gameplayerscanfindthingssuchasfoodandweapons(武器)tohelpthemgoonwiththegame.Thecharactercangostraight,sitdown,turnl eft,turnrightorpickupthingsinthegame.Some3Dgameshavemanylevels(等级).Thecharacterneedstofinishdifferentgoalsforeachlevel.Gameplayerscanp layagainsttheircomputers,andsometimestheycanplaywithotherplayersonlin e.It’sgreatfuntoplay3Dgames.Bu tplaying3Dgamesforlongisnotgoodforourst udy.58.Inmost3Dgames,gameplayersneedto_________.A.controlacharacterB.findarobotC.actasasoldierD.controlthecomputer59.Howdogameplayersmakethecharactermovearound?A.ByusingthekeyboardB.ByusingthemouseC.BytellingthedirectionsD.Bymovingthecomputer.60.Inthegame,thecharactercan_________.A.gostraightandsitdownB.turnleftandturnrightC.PickupthingsD.A,BandC61.WhichofthefollowingisNOTtrueaccordingtothepassage?A.Some3Dgameshavemanylevels.B.Thecharacterneedstofinishdifferentgoalsforeachlevel.C.Gameplayerscanonlyplayagainsttheircomputers.D.Gameplayerscangoonlineandplaywithotherplayerstogether.D62.Manycarswentintotheholebecausethedrivers________.A.weregoingtoofasttostopB.didnotseetheholeC.didnotknowtheholewasverydeepD.likeddrivingthroughwater63.Thefarmer________atnight.A.pulledcarsoutoftheholeintheroadB.filledtheholewithwaterughedatthedriversofthecarsD.workedonhisfarm64.Thefarmermademoneyfrom________.A.givingthingsB.sellingwaterC.pullingcarsoutoftheholeD.fillingtheholewithwater65.Whichisthebesttitle(标题)ofthepassage?A.HowtomakemoneyB.AhelpfulfarmerC.TodrivemorecarefullyD.Theholeintheroad第Ⅱ卷(非选择题60分)五、词汇运用:(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。

如有疑问,请联系网站底部工作人员,将第一时间为您解决问题!试卷内容预览:仁爱版七年级英语(下)期末考试题笔试部分(满分80分)一,单项选择(15分)( )1. ---where do you come from ---________a. yes i do.b. i’m a student.c. i come from canada.d. it’s very nice.( )2. ---how do you usually go to school ----________a. by a bus.b. on foot.c. on bike.d. with car( )3. --- ---the kitchen fan doesn’t work.a. what’s thatb. what’s the matterc. can i help youd. how are you( )4. mike was born a hot summer evening.a. atb. onc. ind. of( )5. ---excuse me. could you tell me the way to the hospital --__________a. you can’t miss it.b. i don’t know.c. no, i don’t know.d. i’m sorry, i’m new here myself. ( )6. the plane will leave at __________.a. a quarter to elevenb. eleven a quarterc. eleven past a quarterd. quarter( )7. ----what’s the matter with your leg ----i_________ yesterday.a. fell aboutb. fell downc. fell overd. broke down( )8. last saturday, we made the cards___________hand.a. of b about c. by d. with( )9. the local people were very_________ .a. friendb. friendlyc. fined. expensive( )10. ---happy new year!----_______a. it’s ok.b. the same to you!c. yes.d. happy birthday!( )11. he is sitting __________ the classroom.a. at the frontb. in the front ofc. in frontd. in front of( )12. it was very different__________ours.a. ofb. aboutc. fromd. for( )13. ----how was the weather yesterday ---it was__________ .a. sunb. rainc. snowd. cloudy( )14. ---is there a shop around here ----__________a. yes, it is .b. yes, that is .c. yes, there is.d. no, there is.( )15. go straight ahead and turn right__________the second turn.a. onb. inc. atd. of二,连词成句(5分)1. is computer he games playing__________________________________2. play at i the can guitar party the______________________3. season in is which the year the warmest________________________________4. point anything to foot mustn’t with your you________________________5. time hope you i all a have good__________________________三,句子排序组成对话(5分)a. sorry. i don’t know. you can go and ask the policeman.b. you can’t miss it.c. thank you anyway.d. excuse me, do you know the way to tian an men squaree. first. you need to take the bus and then you can change to the bus at xidan.f. excuse me. could you tell me the way to tian an men square 四,根据首字母,汉语意思提示完成句子(10分)1. do you often read books in the l ______is a waiter, he works in a r_____.3. i can d ______ ballet.4. mike and mary came to kangkang’s home to c ______ his birthday.5. i will go to hainan for my summer h______ .6. did you r ______ a chinese poem at the party7. my favorite s ______ is winter.8. what’s the w______ like today9. i am going to t ______ to some places of interest.10. in the spring f____ , chinese people make dumpling and perform lion and dragon dances.五,完型填空.(10分) 更多免费资源下载http:// 课件|教案|试卷|无需注册mr. green lives in a village. he has a big 1 and a strong dog. he has no work 2 in winter, so he goes to a city and 3 work there. when new year is coming, he 4 his home to see his wife and children. but something is wrong with his eyes. when he 5 his door, his dog comes out and bites(咬) him. his wife 6 to drive it away(驱赶).he goes to see the doctor. the doctor gives him some medicine(药). before he 7 , he tells him about his dog. the doctor 8 and says, “something is wrong with its eyes, too, i 9 .”when he gets home, he tells his wife about what the doctor said. the woman says. “i’m 10 it’s true. if a thief(小偷)comes in, it won’t see him and he’ll steal(偷) somet hing.”mr. green has to make the dog take his medicine.( ) b. family c. room d. floor( ) b. to do c. does d. doing( ) b. hopes c. finds d. begins( ) b. telephones c. returns to d. gets ready for( ) hits b. does c. looks d. knocks at( ) b. laughs c. jumps d. walk( ) asleep b. goes to bed c. leaves d. falls behind( ) b. laughs c. writes d. works( ) b. understand c. wish d. think( ) b. sorry c. angry d. happy六,阅读理解(20分)jimmy lived in the country, and he loved playing in a very shallow(浅的)river near his house;but then his father got a job in a big city, and he moved there with his family.their new house had a garden, but the garden was very small.jimmy wasn’t very happy.“is there a river near here “ he asked his mother on the first morning.his mother answered,” no, there isn’t, but there’s a beautiful park near here, jimmy, and there’s a pool in it. we’ll go there this afternoon.” then jimmy was happy.after lunch, jimmy and his mother went to the park, jimmy wanted to walk near the pool, but there was a sign in front of it. his mother read it to him:”warning: this pool is dangerous.(危险的)367 people have fallen into it.”jimmy looked into the pool carefully. then he sai d,”i can’t see them.”根据短文内容判断正(t)误(f)( )’s father worked in a big city.( ) breakfast, jimmy and his mother went to the park.( ) garden was very small.( )’s a pool in the country.( ) people have fallen into the pool.it was a saturday in may. when mrs. black opened the door and looked out, she smiled and said, “it’s a beautiful day.” she woke(叫醒)her small son up at eight thirty and said to him, “ get up, tod. let’s go to the zoo today. wash your hands and face, brush your teeth and eat your breakfast quickly. we are going tonew york by train.”tod was six years old. he was very happy now, because he liked going to the zoo very much, and he also liked going by train. he said, “i dreamed about(梦见) the zoo last night, mummy.”his mother was busy, but she stopped and smiled at her little son, “and what did you do in the zoo in your dream “ tod laughed(大笑)and answered, “you know, mummy! you were there in my dream, too.”( ) did mrs black say when she look out of the window _____ up, tod. let’s go to the zoo today. b. it’s a fine dayc. what did you do in your dreamd. what did you see there ( ) did tod live he lived in _____a. the zoob. chinac. englandd. the usa( ) was tod so happy because he _____.a. dreamed last nightb. he liked to go to the zooc. liked to go by traind. both b and c( ) is not true ____a. the story happened on a april morningb. the story happened in englandc. they went to the zoo by traind. mrs black woke up her son at night( ) time did tod get up ____:30 b. at8:30 c. after 8:30 d. between 8:30 and 9:30七,补全对话.从对话后的方框中选出能完成对话的选项,有两项为多余选项(5分)a: tom! it’s eight o’clock. (1) b: ok. could you find my shoes for me. moma: here they are in the box under the desk. b: (2)a: it’s time for breakfast. there are three eggs and some milk on the table.b: sorry. mom. (3)could you put them in my school baga: why (4)b: i’m going to school,i’m late.a: (5)b: oh, it’s saturday .i don’t go to school on saturday.八,书面表达10分)以zhang huan’s birthday party 为题写一篇短文,不少于60个词.提示词:12th birthday card dance sing cake friend happy。

2012-2013学年第二学期期末试卷七年级英语考试方式:闭卷卷面分值: 100分考试时间: 120分钟一、单项选择( 15 分)( )1.He can play ________ chess.A. theB. aC. anD./( )2.I ________ at seven.A. go to the schoolB. go to a schoolC. go to schoolD. go school ( )3. We only have ________ shower.A. someB. anC. oneD. a( )4.it will take me half a year ________ the work.A. finishB. finishingC. to finishD. finishes( ) 5.He will arrive ________ Beijing this afternoon.A. atB. onC. inD. to( )6. ________ I smoke here?A. MustB. NeedC. CanD. Have to( )7.Are they ________ a bus ?A. waitB. waitingC. wait forD. waiting for( )8.It’s time ________ .A. for schoolB. go to schoolC. for go to schoolD. to go school( )9.He spent a lot of time ________ computer games.A. playsB. playingC. to playD. play( )10.Please come to my home ________ dinner, Steve.A. forB. withC. toD. have( )11.Three years ago, I ________ in the middle school.A. amB. wereC. wasD. have been( )12.It was cool and cloudy ________ .A. all the dayB. all daysC. all dayD. the all day( )13.There are many________ in our city.A.woman doctorsB.womans doctorsC.women doctorD.women doctors( ) 14.He enjoys ________ badminton.A.playingB.to playC.playsD.played( )15.He ________ much money on the new car.A.boughtB.spentC.paidD.took二、词汇考查:根据汉语提示或首字母写单词。

2013年七年级英语下学期期末试题(附答案及听力)出卷人一、听力(计20分)第一节 (计10分) 每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话后各有一个问题,请选择正确的答语:(听二遍)听第1至10段材料,回答第1至10题。
5. What does Xiao Xue want to do? A. To wash the cage. B. To feed the parrot. C. To do nothing.6. What is Mary doing now?A. Speaking English.B. Writing a letter to her friend.C. Practicing basketball. 7. How often does Amy take her dog fora walk? A. Once a day. B. Twice a day. C. Three times a day.8. Why are the workers having a rest? A. Because they are too dirty. B. Because it’s too late. C. Because they’re too tired.9. Which subject is Helen’s favorite? A. Geography. B Computer Studies. C . Maths. 10. Who is the shortest of the three students?A. Nike.B. Jim.C. Mike. 第二节(计10分)听下面3段对话和短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
11. What are they talking about? A. Films. B. Songs.C. Sports. 12. In which year was their football star born? A. In 1997. B. In 1970. C. In 1979. 听第2段材料,回答第13至15题。

2013七年级英语下册期末考试卷(三)笔试部分II. 知识运用(两部分,共25小题,计25分)A).单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
( )1.Do you know the girl long hair?A. inB. byC. withD. on( )2. We are all tired. Let’s stop a rest.A. haveB. to haveC. havingD. to having( )3. I like playing soccer and TV at weekends.A. seeB. watchC. seeingD. watching( )4. Would you like noodles?A. mutton and tomatosB. muttons and tomatoC. mutton and tomatoD. muttons and tomatoes( )5. We often sing English song before class.A. /B. aC. anD. the( )6. I have few . Would you go and buy some carrots and cabbages for me?A. eggsB. fruitC. meatD. vegetables( )7. The boy usually gets up early the morning. But he often gets up lateSunday morning.A. in; inB. in; onC. on; onD. on; in( )8. He asked me yesterday?A. what I didB. what I doC. what did I doD. what do I do( )9. English isn’t difficult us.A. asB. aboutC. forD. to( )10. Lucy her pen everywhere, but she didn’t it.A. look; findB. found; look forC. looked for; foundD. looked for; find( )11. Did you go to Beijing vacation last month?A. onB. atC. inD. to( )12. We love because is always friendly and helpful.A. she; sheB. her; sheC. her; herD. she; her( )13. My brother is very funny. He always makes us .A. laughB. laughingC. to laughD. laughs( )14. --- do you your English teacher? ---He’s a good teacher.A. How; thinkB. What; thinkC. What; think ofD. How; like( )15. of the boys wants to have a football.A. AllB. EachC. EveryD. SomeB)完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。

2012-2013学年度第二学期试卷说明:1. 考试时间为100分钟。
(5分)() 1. Where does Tina come from?A. B. C.()2. What is Paul’s favorite animal?A. B. C.()3. What does John want to be?A. B. C.()4. What’s the weather like in Canada?A. B. C.()5. What are the boys doing?A. B. C.二、听对话,根据所听对话的内容回答问题,在所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
()6. Who is doing homework now?A. DaveB. JimC. Ann听第二段对话,回答第7小题。
()7. What language does Jim’s pen pal speak?A. FrenchB. EnglishC. Japanese听第三段对话,回答第8小题。
()8. Where does David’s mother wo rk?A. In a bank.B. In a police station.C. In a factory.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。
()9. What is the man looking for?A .bank. B. A post office. C. A park.听第五段对话,回答第10小题。
()10. Why does Jack like giraffes?A.Clever.B. Smart.C. Friendly.三、听短文,根据所听短文的内容,在所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,完成下面信息记录表。
七年级英语第二学期期末测试(4)试卷二、单项填空(共15分,每题1分)15.一Is this David’s bag?—Sorry,this is my bag.__________ is over there.A.Mine B.Hers C.He D.His16.Look! The children _________ kites.A.fly B.are flying C.flew D.will fly17.We have a big library __________ a lot of books in our school.A.for B.about C.with D.of18.I am really looking forward to __________ on a trip to Hong Kong.A.going B.go C.goes D.went19.—How is the weather in Beijing?—Oh,it’s _________than that in your hometown.A.hot B.hotter C.hottest D.the hottest20.—How was the party last night?—Great! Everyone sang and danced ________.A.loudly B.exciting C.happily D.relaxed21.Could you help me _________ all these pieces of paper? My hands are too dirty.A.put on B.pick up C.look around D.go back22.My grandpa is from the northeast of China,so he likes living in a cooler _________.A.climate B.future C.coast D.pond23.She looks much _________ without her glasses!A.well B.good C.best D.better24.Who _________ more housework in your home yesterday,you or your parents?A.does B.do C.did D.will do25.—_________ is Beijing?一It has a history of more than 3000 years.A.How long B.How far C.How old D.How soon26.一Do you like Shakespeare?一Yes.He is one of __________ in the world.A.famous writer B.the most famous writers C.more famous writers D.the most famous writer27.—Have you got any plans for the dinner party?—Yeah.You know,I am interested in ________, So I ___________ by myself.A.cook;am going to cook B.cooker;cookC.cooking;am going to cook D.cooking;cooked28.—Dad,did you ride a bike to school when you _________ a boy?—No,my family was poor,so I usually _________ to school on foot.A.are,go B.were,go C.was,went D.were,went29.— Why not have a picnic at the weekend?—________________.A.Best wishes to you B.It doesn’t matterC.That’s a good idea D.Thanks for your help三、完形填空(共8分,每题1分)It was Jemima’s FIRST day at school.When she arrived,Jemima noticed all the other children were __30__ from her.The teacher was very nice and answered all her questions.But her mum looked __31__.She went out to the playground with Jemima,kissed her and then left.When Jemima came back to the classroom.her __32__ stopped what they were doing and looked at her.“Why are you on wheels(轮子)?”aboy asked.That noon,Jemima ate her lunch by herself in the toilet.Everybody thought she was strange.After she got home,she told her mum she didn’t want to go to school any more.But there was __33__ she could do.Jemima fell asleep with tears.The next morning Jemima arrived at the school early.She waited in the toilet again until class started because she didn’t want to see anyone.__34__ her way to class,there was no one about.__35__ up ahead she could see someone lying on the ground.When she got closer,she found the boy was in pain(疼痛)and twisted(扭曲)his ankle.“Go away!”shouted the boy.“You can’t help me.You can’t even walk!”Jemima wanted to __36__ the boy,but she knew she had to help.She moved closer.“Here,get in,”she said.The boy stopped for a short time,and then did it“Why did you help me?”the boy asked.“I was rude(粗鲁的)to you.”“I know how __37__ feels,”said Jemima.“Not being able to(can not) walk.”30.A.clear B.special C.like D.different31.A friendly B.worried C.strict D.comfortable32.A roommates B.teachers C.classmates D.friends33 。

( ) 1.ABC( ) 2.ABC( ) 3.( ) 4ABC( ) 5.A B C 第二节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答语。
( ) 6. A. Sorry. B. I‟m happy. C. Thank you. ( ) 7. A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am. ( ) 8. A. On Monday.B. It‟s six.C. It‟s at school. ( ) 9. A. That sounds good. B. I am here. C. Do you want to go? ( ) 10. A. I‟m fine.B. I‟m OK.C. I‟m thirteen.第三节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听对话,选择正确答案。
( ) 11. What can we know about the girl from the conversation?A. She doesn‟t like history.B. She doesn‟t like Friday.C. History is her favorite subject.( ) 12. How much are the bag and the hat?A. 80 yuan.B. 50 yuan.C. 130 yuan. ( ) 13. What kind of movies does Anna like? A. Comedies. B. Thrillers. C. Action movies. ( ) 14. Can the girl join the club?A. Yes, she can.B. No, she can‟t.C. She can‟t dance. ( ) 15. What does Michael do before he goes to bed?A. I don‟t know.B. He does his homework.C.He watches TV .第四节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听短文,选择正确答案。

2013年初一下册英语期末测试卷(有答案鲁教版五四制) eB.does;liveC.do;comeD.are;live()9.There_______asmallparkandsomefoodshopsacrossfromtheschool.A.isB.areC.hasD.have()10.---What________animalsdoyoulike?---Ilikedogs,too.A.theotherB.otherC.othersD.another()11.Weplaygames________Sundaymorning.A.onB.inC.atD.for()12.---Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike?---I______beefandtomatonoodles.A.likeB.wouldlikeC.liketoD.would()13.---What_______doyouwant?---Givemethesmallone,please.A.kindB.colorC.sizeD.big()14.He’dliketobuytwo______,two_______andhalfakiloof______.A.tomato;potato;beefB.tomatos;potatoes;beefC.tomatoes;potatoes;beefsD.tomatoes;potatoes;beef()15.Iwanttobean______.A.waiterB.actorC.shopassistantD.nurse()16.Marylikes_____,butshedoesn’tlike_____now.A.sing;singingB.sings;singingC.singing;tosingD.singing;singing()17.Jimis13yearsold.birthdayisMay3rd.A.MyB.HerC.HisD.Your()18.—What’sinmybackpack?Abook?—Yes,Englishbook.A.aB.anC./D.the()19.DoesyourfatherwantTVthisevening?A.watchB.towatchC.watchingD.watches()20.—WhendoesBettyplaytennis? —SheplaystennissevenSaturdaymorningA.In;atB.on;onC.at;inD.at;on二、完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案,将字母写在题前括号内。
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2013年初一下册英语期末考试题(带答案)e1andsomebooksandtoyswillbenotusedanymore.2willyoudowiththeseoldt hings?Don’tworry!Onlineshoppingwill3you.Onlineshoppingisbecomingmor eandmorepopularnow.Wecanbuy4SellthingsthroughtheInternet.Thereare manyworldonlinemarketplaces5theInternet.Peoplecanbid(竞价)forthedifferentgoodsonline,suchasdolls,6,booksand7 cars.Ifwewanttobuyorsell8online,wemustbecomethememberofoneofthem 9Let’sbuyandsellthingsonline.Let’s10thehappinessofonlineshopping.()1AbigBbeautifulCsmallDlovely()2AWhatBHowCWhereDWhen()3AhelpsBhelpCtohelpDhelping()4AbutBsoDalsoDor()5AinBonCatDover()6AclothBclothesCdressDclothing()7AusedBuseCusefulDuseless()8AanythingBeverythingCnothingDsomething()9AatlastBfinallyDatfirstCfirst()10ArelaxBenjoyCmoveDwait三、阅读理解(30分)AOnemorningMr.Greenisdrivingaroundthecountryandlookingforasmallbooks hop.Whenheseesanoldmanontheothersideoftherode,hestopshiscarandsay stotheoldman,“Excuseme.IwanttogototheSunBookshop.doyouknowthewa y?”“Sure,”theoldmananswers,“Iwillshowyoutheway.”HegetsintoMr.Green’scar, andtheydriveabouttwelvemiles.Whentheycometoasmallhouse,theoldmans ays,“Stophere”Mr.Greenstopsandlooksatthehouse.“Butthisisn’tthebooksho p”Hesaidtotheoldman.“Right,”theoldmananswers,“Thisismyhouse.Andnow I’llshowyouthewaytothebookshop.Turnaroundandgobackninemiles.Thenyo u’llseetheb ookshop.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。
()1.Mr.Greenaskstheoldman AtogetonhiscarBthewaytothebookshopCthewaytohishomeDforbooks ()2.Howdoestheoldmangethome? ABybusBBycarCOnfootDBybike()3.HowmanymilesdoesMr.Greendrivetothebookshop?A12B30C21D9()4.Howfarisitfromtheoldman’sh ousetothebookshop?It’saboutmiles.()5Whichisnotright?AMr.Greendoesn’tknowthewaytothebookshop.BTheoldmanknowstheway.CTheoldmanisnotkind.DMr.Greenknowstheoldmanwell.B JohnwenttospendhissummerholidayinChinawithhisparentslastyear.theyvisi tedalotoffamouscitieslikeBeijing,GuangzhouandShanghai.InBeijinghevisite dtheGreatWall,Tian’anmenSquareandthePalaceMuseum.Theyalsowenttoth ezoosandtheparks.Theweatherwasfineandcool.Theyhadagoodtimeinthezo osandtheparks.Theyalsotooklotsofphotosthere.InGuangzhou,theyvisitedso memuseums.Theywereveryinterestingbutkindofcrowded.InShanghaitheyw enttothebeachandhadgreatfunplayinginthewater.It’sveryinterestingtovisitChinaandIlearntalotaboutChinesehistory.”Johnsaid,“IlikeChinaverymuch.”()1.WhichcitydidJohngotoduringhissummerholidayinChina? ADalianBTianjinCChangchunDShanghai()2.InBeijingtheyvisited AtheGreatWallBsomezoosCsomeparksDallofthem()3WhatdoesJohnthinkofhistriptoChina? AVeryinterestingBVerytiringCVeryboringDToobad.()4.Whichofthefollowingsentencesistrue? AJohnspenthissummerholidayinChinathisyear.BTheywenttosomesupermarketsinGuangzhou. CTheweatherwascloudyandwindywhentheywereinBeijing. DInShanghaitheywenttothebeachandhadgreatfunthere.()5.Thepassagetellsus. AJohnvisitedChinawithhisparentslastsummerholiday. BhowJohnspenthislastsummerholiday. CJohnvisitedsomezoosandparksinBeijing. DJohnlikedhistriptoChinaverymuchCInmanyEnglishhomes,peopleeatfourmealsaday:breakfast,lunch,afternoont eaanddinner.Peoplehavebreakfastatanytimefromseventonineinthemorning .Theyeatporridge,eggsorbread.Englishpeopledrinkteaorcoffeeatbreakfast.L unchcomesatoneo’clock.Afternoonteaisfromfourtofiveintheafternoonandd innerisabouthalfpastseven.Firsttheyhavesoup,thentheyhavemeatorfishwit hvegetables.Afterthattheyeatsomeotherthings,likebananas,applesororang es.ButnotallEnglishpeopleeatlikethat.Someofthemhavetheirdinnerinthemi ddleoftheday.Theirmealsarebreakfast,dinner,afternoonteaandsupperandall thesemealsareverysimple.()1.ManyEnglishpeoplehavemealsaday. AtwoBthreeCfourDthreeorfour()2.Peoplemayhavefortheirbreakfast.AteaandeggsBporridge,eggs,bread,teaorcoffee CteaandcoffeeDbreadandeggs()3.PeoplehavelunchatAanytimeBnineCfiveDone()4.Peopledon’thavefortheirdinner. AporridgeBbananasandapplesCsoupandmeatDmeatandfish ()5.InsomeEnglishhomesdinnerscancomeAatoneo’clockBatanytim eCatnoonDintheevening四、词汇(10分)A根据首字母或汉语提示不全单词。
oshewasoneofthegreatest(write)7.Mymother(marry)myfatherin1997.8.They(enjoy)themselveslastSunday.9.I(notvisit)myunclelastSaturday.10.She(become)ateacherattheageof24.五、句型转换(10分)1.Didyourideabiketoschool?(改为同义句) Didyougotoschool.?2.Alittlegirlcriedintheparkthismorning.(对划线部分提问) alittlegirlintheparkthismorning?3.Shewasanoldteacher.(改为复数句)old.4.ThelasttimeIwastherewasin1972.(对划线部分提问) thelasttimeyouwerethere?5.Shewenttoseeherunclelastweek.(改为一般疑问句) shetoseeherunclelastweek?六、根据汉语提示完成句子(10分)1.三亚是中国南部沿海的一座城市。