
英语国家概况考试重点复习1. p.5 英国全称和地理位置2. p.6 英国的国旗,国歌,国鸟3. p.7 美国的全称,国土,首都4. p.8 美国的国旗,国歌5. p.21 加拿大的位置,著名景点6. p.22 加拿大的天气,加拿大的经济特点(第二段3-5行)7. p.23 澳大利亚的地理位置,特点,首都和最大的城市8. p.24 澳大利亚的经济(第二段)9. p.26 新西兰的地理位置和首都,最大城市10. p.41 第一段,英国有记载的历史是什么时候开始的。
11. p.42 谁是英国海军之父,第四段12. p.43 大宪章是什么,其目的是什么,黑死病是什么,结果怎样,农民起义的意义,玫瑰之战是什么13. p.44 英国文艺复兴时期的杰出人物,英国什么时候成为世界工厂的。
14. p.45 英国的衰落是什么原因造成的15. p.49 黄金时期指的是什么时期16. p.53 Mount Rashmore上的四位雕刻人物分别是谁。
17. p.55 美洲大陆是谁发现的,英国殖民美国的时期,(整段)18. p.56 美国独立战争的导火索以及颁布独立宣言的时间,南北战争的目的及著名宣言是什么19. p.58 美国在两次世界大战开始时的态度是什么。
美国战后的经济情况20. p.87 英国的政治体制是什么,女王的工作是什么21. p.88 英国的公务员是什么人,英国的国会由什么组成22. p.89 英国的下议院议员23. p.90 权利法案是什么,三权分立是什么,国会是什么机构,由什么组成(整段)24. p.91 美国总统任期,美国总统大选在什么时候,美国的司法部门是什么部门25. p.94 英国的主要政党26. p.98 美国的主要政党27. p.103 加拿大的议会(整段)28. p.104 澳大利亚的议会组成及其功能,澳大利亚的政治体制是什么29. p.106 新西兰的议会有什么特点。

Chapter 1 Geography, People and Language
1. The full name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland . It is made up of many islands collectively known as the British Isles. Great Britain and Ireland are two main islands of the British Isles. 2. The River Thames (second longest and most important), originates in southwestern England -----North Sea. 3. Scotland ( Edinburgh ) important river:Clyde River kilts 4. Wales( Cardiff ). The Severn River is the longest river of Britain------flow through western England. 5. Northern Ireland (Belfast) Lough Neagh----the largest lake in the British Isles. 6. Climate: temperate, with warm summers, cool winters and plentiful precipitation(降雨量)
Middle English: William the Conqueror invaded and conquered and the Anglo-Saxons

UKUTIL11. The British Isles are made up of ______C_.A. three large islands and hundreds of small onesB. three large islands and dozens of small onesC. two large islands and hundreds of small onesD. two large islands and dozens of small ones2. Which of the following is NOT a political division on the island of Great Britain?----C----A. England.B. Scotland.C. Northern Ireland.D. Wales.3. Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the __B_____ and the North Sea in the east.A. eastB. southC. westD. north4. The Republic of Ireland was totally independent in the year __D_____.A. 1920B. 1945C. 1918D. 19495. The highest mountain in Britain, Ben Nevis, lies in __A____.A. the HighlandsB. the Southern UplandsC. the Central LowlandsD. the Lake District6. The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in ___B_______.A. 1921B. 1931C. 1945D. 19507. The mountain system the Pennines is often called the backbone of __A_____.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. Great BritainD. Ireland8. The regional capital of Northern Ireland is ____D___.A. GlasgowB. EdinburghC. CardiffD. Belfast9. Which of the following statements about the climate in Britain is NOT true?-----B-------A. Britain’s climate is of the maritime type.B. Winters in Britain are extremely cold.C. Summers in Britain are cool.D. Britain is warmer than Harbin in winter.UTIL21. The English people and the English language were born from the union of _____D___.A. the Angles and the SaxonsB. Romans and the Norman FrenchC. Danes or Vikings and the Norman FrenchD. Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons2. The first known settlers of Britain were __A_____.A. the IberiansB. the Beaker FolkC. the CeltsD. the Romans3. About 80,000 Scots speak Gaelic which is an ancient ___D______.A. Scottish languageB. English languageC. Irish languageD. Celtic language4. About three million people have migrated to Britain since World War II. They are mainly from the West Indies, India and ___D_______.A. IndonesiaB. SingaporeC. Hong KongD. Pakistan5. In Britain _______ of the population is urban and __A_____ is rural.A. 90% ; 10%B. 80% ; 20%C. 70% ; 30%D. 60% ; 40%6. The ancestors of the Welsh were the ancient ___A_______.A. CeltsB. RomansC. NormansD. Britons7. The average population density in Britain is ___A___ people per square kilometer.A. 250B. 370C. 800D. 5008. During the 5th century when the Roman Empire fell, the Germanic ____D_____ invaded and conquered Britain.A. Angles and CeltsB. Angles and PictsC. Angles and BrythonsD. Angles and Saxons9. The upper class in Britain consists of the following except ___D______.A. peerageB. gentryC. landownersD. professionals10. “Britishness”can be reflected in the following except __D_______.A. Union JackB. conservativenessC. the BeatlesD. Thanksgiving DayUTIL31. In 1066 Harold and his troops fought against William’s army on Senlac field near ___D_____.A. LondonB. NormandyC. StandfordD. Hastings2. The Plantagenet Dynasty was founded by ___B______.A. HenryB. Henry IIC. King JosephD. Count of Anjor3. English Reformation was carried out by __B_____ to change the religion in England from Catholicism to Protestantism.A. Edward VIB. Henry VIIIC.Mary ID. Elizabeth I4. King John was forced by the barons to sign the ___D____ which restricted the King’s power.A. Bill of RightsB. Petition of RightC. Provisions of OxfordD. Great Charter5. Simon de Montfort’s reform is considered to be the beginning of English _A______.A. parliamentB. cabinetC. constitutionD. liberty6. From 1649 to 1658 England was called a Commonwealth. It was ruled first by Oliver Cromwell as ___A____.A. Lord ProtectorB. Lieutenant GeneralC. Commander of the New Model ArmyD. President7. William of Orange started Constitutional Monarchy by accepting __A_____ in 1689.A. Bill of RightsB. Petition of RightC. Provisions of OxfordD. Great Charter8. The 1851 London Great Exposition was held in the Crystal Palace which was designed by Queen ____C___’s husband Albert.A. MaryB. Elizabeth IC. VictoriaD. Anne9. The British Prime Minister who led the British to defeat Nazi Germany is ___A____.A. ChurchillB. ChamberlainC. MacDonaldD. Macmillan UTIL41. The British constitution is made up of the following EXCEPT ____A_______.A. Commonwealth lawB. statute lawC. common lawD. ancient documents2. The House of Commons is elected by universal suffrage and has about ___A________ Members of Parliament.A. 650B. 660C. 670D. 6803. British Conservative Party was formerly called __B_____ Party in the 18th century.A. WhigB. ToryC. LiberalD. Nationalist4. The United Kingdom is governed in the name of ____D_______, by ___________.A. the King; the Prime MinisterB. the Queen; the Prime MinisterC. the Prime Minister; His or Her Majesty’s GovernmentD. the Sovereign; His or Her Majesty’s Government5. ___A_____ is the “supreme governor”of the Church of England.A. The monarchB. The Archbishop of YorkC. The Archbishop of CanterburyD. The Roman Pope6. In Britain the citizens aged ____B________ or over have the right to vote.A. 16B. 18C. 21D. 307. By tradition, the leader of the majority party is appointed ______A______ by the Sovereign inthe United Kingdom.A. Prime MinisterB. Member of ParliamentC. Lord of AppealD. Speaker of the House8. The Liberal Democratic Party is the combination of the Social Democratic Party and ______C_______.A. the Conservative PartyB. the Labour PartyC. the Liberal PartyD. the Green Party9. Parliament has the following functions EXCEPT ___C_________.A. making lawB. authorizing taxation and public expenditureC. declaring warD. examining the actions of the governmentUTIL51. All criminal trials are held in open court because the criminal law presumes the __C_____ of the accused until he has been proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.A. guiltB. impartialityC. InnocenceD. honesty2. In England, Wales, and Northern Island, people between the age of ___A______ and 70 whose names appear on the electoral register are liable for jury service and their names are chosen at random.A. 18B. 19C. 20D. 213. The jury consists of ordinary, independent citizens summoned by the court: 12 in England, Wales and Northern Island, and ___D________ in Scotland.A. 12B. 13C. 14D. 154. Whether the accused is guilty or innocent is decided by ___B______.A. the policemenB. the juryC. the judgeD. the sheriff5. The ultimate court of appeal in civil cases throughout the Scotland is ___A______.A. the Supreme Court of the United KingdomB. the Court of AppealC. the High Court of JusticiaryD. the House of Lords6. In England and Wales the highest judicial appointments are made by the Queen on the advice of __C______.A. the Lord ChancellorB. the Home SecretaryC. the Prime MinisterD. the Attorney General7. Criminal cases in England and Wales may NOT be tried in ___C_________.A. the Magistrates’CourtB. the Court of AppealC. the High CourtD. the Crown Court8. The three “lay”magistrates that make up a Magistrates’Court in Britain are known as ___A______.A. Justices of the PeaceB. stipendiary magistratesC. Justices of LawD. part-time magistrates9. The most serious criminal offences in Scotland are tried in _____C_____.A. the District CourtB. the Sheriff CourtC. the High Court of JusticiaryD. the Crown Court UTIL61. The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950s and 1960s was based on the theory of __B_____.A. Adam SmithB. John Maynard KeynesC. Margaret ThatcherD. Karl Marx2. Under Margaret Thatcher Britain experienced __B____.A. economic recessionB. economic expansionC. economic declineD. economic depression3. Which of the following is NOT true of Britain’s agriculture?-----D-------A. British farming is highly mechanized.B. Agriculture in Britain is intensive.C. British farming is very efficient.D. Britain’s agriculture can produce enough food for its people.4. In Britain less than ___A_____ of the population are farmers.A. 2%B. 4%C. 6%D. 10%5. In the ___C___ Britain became a net exporter of oil.A. 1960sB. 1970sC. 1980sD. 1990s6. To stimulate economic recovery, the Thatcher Government carried out all the following policies but __B____.A. privatizationB. interventionismC. deregulationD. market liberalization7. Britain is the _D___ largest trading nation in the world.A. thirdB. fourthC. fifthD. sixth8. British oil fields were discovered on the __D_____.A. English ChannelB. Irish SeaC. Norwegian SeaD. North Sea9. Which of the following is not included in the new industries in Britain?-----D----A. Microprocessors.B. Computers.C. Biotechnology.D. Motor vehicles. UTIL71. The National Health Service (NHS) was established in the United Kingdom in ___C______.A. 1946B. 1947C. 1948D. 19492.____B____ is directly responsible for the NHS.A. Local governmentB. Central governmentC. V oluntary organizationsD. Certain social boards3. In Britain, children up to the age of ____D__ can receive family allowances for children.A. 11B. 12C. 15D. 164. In Britain, pensions for the elderly, or retirement benefits, begin for women at the age of ___C_____.A. 50B. 55C. 60D. 655. In England the NHS is managed by the __B______.A. Department for Work and PensionsB. Department of HealthC. Social Security AgencyD. Social Services Department6. The National Health Service in Britain provides a full range of medical services for __C_____.A. employeesB. residents aged between 18-60C. every residentD. residents aged over 607. Social Security in the UK is the government’s most expensive program, costing __C___ of public funding.A. 20%B. 25%C. 30%D. 35%8. A family doctor in Britain is also known as a __C____.A. general doctorB. general pharmacistC. general practitionerD. family practitioner9. In 2001 people in marriage accounted for __B_____ of the adult population in Britain.A. 60%B. 55%C. 50%D. 45%10. Houses have traditionally been divided into following types EXCEPT __D____.A. detached houseB. semi-detached houseC. terraced houseD. attached house UTIL81.____B____ is the largest of the Free Churches.A. The BaptistsB. The Methodist ChurchC. The Roman Catholic ChurchD. The Church in Wales2. Established Churches in Britain are _____D______.A. Church of England and Church of WalesB. Church of Wales and Church of ScotlandC. the Anglican ChurchesD. Church of England and Church of Scotland3. The Free Churches do NOT include ___A______.A. the Church of EnglandB. the Methodist ChurchC. the Baptist ChurchD. the United Reformed Church4. The principal non-Christian communities in Britain are ___D____.A. the MoslemsB. the BuddhistsC. the HindusD. the Jews5. The Church of Scotland is a ___C_____ church.A. MethodistB. BaptistC. PresbyterianD. Catholic6. In Great Britain, the ____A_______ is uniquely related to the Crown.A. Church of EnglandB. Church of ScotlandC. Church of IrelandD. Church of Wales7. The members of ____D___ in Britain have also been known as dissenters or nonconformists.A. the Anglican ChurchB. the Church of EnglandC. the Roman Catholic ChurchD. the Free Churches8. The Church of England has two provinces. They are ___A_____.A. Canterbury and YorkB. London and YorkC. Durham and CanterburyD. London and Winchester UTIL91. There are some __C_____ universities in Britain, including the Open University.A. 70B. 80C. 90D. 1002. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from the _____A________ centuries.A. 12th and 13thB. 13th and 14thC. 14th and 15thD. 15th and 16th3. The usual age for transfer from primary to secondary schools is ____D_________ in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.A. 14B. 13C. 12D. 114. In Britain, private schools are often called ___D___.A. comprehensive schoolsB. grammar schoolsC. secondary modern schoolsD. independent schools5. In Britain, higher education is usually defined as advanced courses of a standard higher than ____B____ or equivalent.A. GCE O-LevelB. GCE A-LevelC. GCE AS-LevelD. GCSE6. In Britain, education at primary levels emphasizes the following EXCEPT ____D________.A. readingB. writingC. arithmeticD. science7. The following universities belong to “red-brick”universities EXCEPT ____D_____.A. University of LeedsB. University of LiverpoolC. University of ManchesterD. University of Glasgow8. The leading scientific society in Britain is ___D_____.A. the British Association for the Advancement of ScienceB. the Royal InstitutionC. the British AcademyD. the Royal SocietyUTIL101. The largest and the most important museum in Britain is _____A_______.A. the British MuseumB. the Victoria and Albert MuseumC. the Imperial War MuseumD. the National Gallery2. Britain’s most popular pastime is ____B________.A. reading newspaperB. watching TVC. playing footballD. horse racing3. The Times is a _____A_______ newspaper in Britain.A. quality dailyB. popular dailyC. quality SundayD. mid-market daily4. The Daily Mirror is a ____B_____ newspaper in Britain.A. quality dailyB. popular dailyC. popular SundayD. mid-market daily5. Football has its traditional home in ___A________.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. FranceD. Italy6. ______C_______ is the most typical English sports.A. FootballB. RugbyC. CricketD. Horse racing7. Of the following four sports, _____A________ has the longest history.A. cricketB. golfC. footballD. rugby8. The Beatles was a band formed by four boys from ____B_____.A. ManchesterB. LiverpoolC. LondonD. EdinburghUSAUTIL11. The United States of America is the ____D________ country in the world in size.A. largestB. second-largestC. third-largestD. fourth-largest2. ____B________ extend from the northern tip of Maine southwestern to Alabama.A. The Rocky MountainsB. The Appalachian HighlandsC. The Coast MountainsD. The Blue Mountains3. The climate of the United States is influenced by ____D________.A. the Atlantic and Pacific OceansB. the Gulf of MexicoC. the Great LakesD. All of the above4. What is the leading commercial crop of the south?-----B-----A. Cotton.B. Tobacco.C. Sugar cane.D. Rice.5. What Midwestern city is the automobile capital of the world?---B-----A. Chicago.B. Detroit.C. Milwaukee.D. Cleveland.6. One of the most important lakes in the United States is __A_______, which is the largest fresh water lake in the world.A. Lake SuperiorB. Lake MichiganC. Lake HuronD. Lake Ontario7. New England lies in ___C_______ of the United States.A. the northern partB. the southern partC. the northeastern partD. the southeastern part8. The southern part of the Pacific coast in California has a ____D_______ climate.A. subtropicalB. continental desertC. maritimeD. Mediterranean9. The smallest state in the United States is ____B_______.A. WashingtonB. Rhode IslandC. HawaiiD. Maryland10. In the United States, the largest city along the Pacific coast is ____A_______.A. Los AngelesB. San FranciscoC. SeattleD. PortlandUTIL21. The British established 13 colonies along __C_______.A. the west coast of North AmericaB. the west coast of South AmericaC. the east coast of North AmericaD. the east coast of South America2. In the early 1850s, with the westward movement, the slavery became a serious political issue endangering the unity of the country because ___A______.A. whether or not slavery would expand into the future states formed as a result of the westward movement would affect the balance of power in the SenateB. the South insisted that slavery should be allowed to spread into all new territoriesC. the North refused to let slavery spread into new territoriesD. the North wanted to put an end to slavery3. The Progressive Movement wanted to ___A_____ in order to stop big business control.A. initiate strict government regulationB. have the government fix pricesC. break up all the big businessesD. do away with rebates4. The 1920s in the United States has been described as a period of _____D_______ .A. cultural revivalB. loss of purposeC. development in science and technologyD. material success and spiritual frustration5. The serious economic crisis in the late 1920s and 1930s was first brought about by _____D________.A. bank failuresB. serious unemploymentC. farm foreclosuresD. the stock market crash6. The purpose of the New Deal measures was to ___A_______.A. save American democracy and the capitalist systemB. check the worsening of the economic situationC. help people tide over the difficultyD. increase American export7. On June 5, 1947, ___A_____ suggested that the U.S. should offer economic aid to Western Europe so as to protect the region from Soviet expansion.A. George MarshallB. Franklin D. RooseveltC. George KennanD. Harry Truman8. At the time of Cuban Missile Crisis, the President of the U.S. was _____C_______.A. TrumanB. EisenhowerC. KennedyD. Johnson9. New Frontier and Great Society were programs initiated by __C_____.A. President KennedyB. President JohnsonC. Presidents Kennedy and Johnson respectivelyD. Presidents Johnson and Kennedy respectively10. The conservatism during Reagan’s administration was known as _____B________.A. the New LeftB. the New RightC. the New FrontierD. the New Freedom UTIL31.The current situation of African-Americans presents ___C____.A. a favorable pictureB. a negative pictureC. a mixed pictureD. a positive picture2. Although discrimination has been legally abolished, ___D_____.A. discrimination in employment still existsB. discrimination in university admission still existsC. poverty rate of the blacks is the highest among all racial and ethnic groupsD. inequality and subtle discrimination still exist3. The Cuban-Americans mainly live in __A____.A. FloridaB. TexasC. LouisianaD. Alabama4. Some people say Asian-Americans owe their success to the Asian tradition of the following EXCEPT ___D_____.A. familyB. hard workC. educationD. discrimination5. Now about 80% to 90% of immigration to the United States is from ___A____.A. Asian and Hispanic countriesB. African countriesC. European countriesD. Central and South American countries6. The first immigrants in American history came from ______A____.A. England and the NetherlandsB. IrelandC. West GermanyD. East Europe7. Among the major Hispanic groups in the United States, the largest group is __B_____.A. the Puerto RicansB. the Mexican-AmericansC. the Cuban-AmericansD. the Central and South American immigrants8. Among the major Hispanic groups in the United States, ___B_____ have the highest social status.A. the ChicanosB. the Cuban-AmericansC. the Puerto-RicansD. the Latin American immigrants9. The Native Americans are ___A_______.A. the IndiansB. the whitesC. the blacksD. the HispanicsUTIL41. The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in ____D____.A. all kinds of casesB. cases involving foreign citizensC. cases involving a stateD. Both B and C2. Political parties are the basis of the American political system, ___D______.A. but there is no provision in the Constitution for political partiesB. and the Constitution has clear provisionC. but the founding fathers had strong apprehension of political partiesD. Both A and C3. The two major parties today have ___C___ differences in policy concentration.A. noB. littleC. someD. great4. The writers of the Constitution worked out the checks and balances in order to __A_____.A. prevent the government from misusing its powerB. prevent the government from being strongC. pacify those who opposed the ConstitutionD. meet the demands of small states5. The President of the United States is elected _D____.A. indirectly by the electorsB. by CongressC. directly by the votersD. None of the above.7. The U.S. President’s appointments have to be approved by ____B____.A. the House of RepresentativesB. the SenateC. the CabinetD. the Supreme Court8. The Supreme Court of the United States consists of one Chief Justice and _C_____ Associate Justices.A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 109. The two major political parties in the United States are __D_____.A. the Democratic Party and the Labor PartyB. the Federalist Party and the Democratic PartyC. the Federalist Party and the Republican PartyD. the Democratic Party and the Republican Party10. The U.S. Congress has the power to override the president’s veto by a _A____ majority.A. 2/3B. 3/4C. 3/5D. 4/5UTIL51. The United States ranks ___A_____ in the world in the total value of its economic production.A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. fourth2. The following are the factors that have contributed tothe development of the U.S. economy EXCEPT _____C_____.A. the vast space and resources of the landB. the ideals of freedom and economic opportunityC. English as its national languageD. hard work by the people3. What is America’s most important food crop?----A-----A. Corn.B. Rice.C. Barley.D. Oat.4. Service industries account for more than ___D______ of the U.S. gross domestic product.A. a thirdB. halfC. two thirdsD. three fourth5. The westward expansion is a demonstration ofAmerican __A______.A. individualismB. patriotismC. liberalismD. expansionism6. Hamilton believed that the United States should pursue economic growth through the following EXCEPT ___D_____.A. shippingB. manufacturingC. bankingD. slavery7. With the arrival of the 20th century, the United States became increasingly urbanized, particularly in the ____A_____ cities.A. NortheastB. NorthwestC. SoutheastD. Southwest8. The American South is a center of the following traditional crops EXCEPT ___D______.A. tobaccoB. cornC. cottonD. wheat9. As the world’s leading maker of industrial goods, the U.S. now produces around ___B______ of the world’s industrial products.A. 20%B. 25%C. 30%D. 35%10. In the United States, the following areas tend to specialize in high-tech and computer industries EXCEPT ___B_____.A. NortheastB. MidwestC. NorthwestD. SouthwestUTIL61. The American social security system includes the following programs EXCEPT ___C______.A. OASDHIB. MedicareC. MedicaidD. Unemployment Compensation2. Americans may start receiving their pensions at the age of __C_______.A. 55B. 60C. 65D. 703. The main federal welfare programs in the USA consist of the following programs EXCEPT___D______.A. MedicaidB. AFDCC. Food StampsD. Medicare4. Which of the following belongs to the religious welfare organization?----C---A. NCH.B. CWLA.C. CCHD. D. Ford Foundation.5. Among private foundations, which has become increasingly prominent in private charity activity?---D-----A. Rockefeller Foundation.B. Ford Foundation.C. Buffett Foundation.D. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.6. Which of the following statement is NOT true about American health care services?----D----A. A sizable number of Americans still remain uninsured.B. The U.S. has top-quality medical facilities.C. Medicaid covers only about 40 percent of the poor nationwide.D. Compared with other developed countries, the United States spends less on health care.7. According to the healthcare reform proposed during the Obama administration, the government will require most Americans to have health insurance by ___D____.A. 2011B. 2012C. 2013D. 20148. Homes and houses give Americans the following sense EXCEPT ____D____.A. possessionB. material satisfactionC. personal identificationD. freedom UTIL7.1. There are currently ___D_____ district courts in the United States.A. 52B. 54C. 92D. 942. There are currently __B_____ courts of appeals in the United States.A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 133. ___C_______ argues cases for the government before the Supreme Court.A. Chief Justice of Supreme CourtB. Attorney GeneralC. Solicitor GeneralD. President of the United States4. District judgeships are filled by the President with the consent of ___C______.A. Chief Justice of Supreme CourtB. Attorney GeneralC. the SenateD. the House of Representatives5. Generally, the trial jury consists of ____B___ ordinary citizens.A. 1-6B. 6-12C. 12-23D. 23-306. Generally, the grand jury consists of ___C____ ordinary citizens.A. 1-6B. 6-12C. 12-23D. 23-307. The Supreme Court consists of a chief justice and ___B____ associate justicesA. 7B. 8C. 9D. 108. In the United States, people between the ages of __A_____ are the most inclined age group to commit crimes.A. 11-19B. 19-24C. 24-45D. 45-549. In some urban areas in the United States, murder is the main cause of death among non-White males between the ages of ____C____.A. 11-19B. 19-24C. 24-45D. 45-5410. As a rule, the implementation of state law is carried out by the police and detectives in the city, and by __D_____ in rural areas.A. sheriffsB. constablesC. magistratesD. both A and BUTIL81. To many Americans, education is important because _____D________.A. it contributes to the success of individualsB. it contributes to the strengthening of national strengthC. it prepares the young people for future developmentD. Both A and B 2. In the United States, public schools at the elementary and secondary level are _____D_________.A. freeB. compulsoryC. open to allD. Both A and C3. American schools fall into two categories, namely, _____A__________.A. public and private schoolsB. academic and vocational schoolsC. coeducation and single sex schoolsD. national and state-run schools4. In the United States, education policies are made by ______B________.A. the federal governmentB. the state board of educationC. local school districtD. board of trustees5. The governing board of school district is responsible for ______D_________.A. the hiring of teachers and staffB. the designing of a suitable curriculumC. the compiling and approving of budgetD. All of the above6. There is ______B_________ difference(s) in tuition rates between public and private institutions of higher learning in the U.S.A. noB. significantC. someD. not much7. The community college ______B_________.A. offers bachelor degreesB. offers associate degreesC. offers master degreesD. Both A and B8. Elementary and secondary education in the U.S. covers ___C____ years.A. 9B. 11C. 12D. 14。

英语国家概况复习要点Part One UKThe Country1.Different Names for Britain and its PartsName:England Britain Great Britain GB/G.B. British Isles British Empire The Commonwealth The United KingdomThe UKThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandParts:England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland2. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Geographically; the British Isles includes Great Britain; the whole of Ireland; and all the offshore islandsPolitically; the British Isles is made up of U.K. and Republic of Ireland.3. the highest mountain in Britain:Ben Nevis本尼维斯山the largest mountain range in Britain:the Grampians格兰扁山脉4.the longest river:The Severn River 塞文河The most important river in Britain and the second longest river: Thames泰晤士河5. the largest lake in Britain:Lough Neagh内伊湖 Northern Ireland6. Backbone of England:the Pennies奔宁山脉The people7.The first known settlers of Britain were the Iberians.人们所知的英国最早居民是伊比利来人..8.Basis of Modern English raceThe earlist people known in Britain were nomads游牧者from mainland Europein the Old Stone Age旧石器时代;followed by Neolithic新石器时代 Iberians伊比利亚人 and the Beaker Folk比克人in the Bronze Age青铜器时代9.the contributions made by Anglo-Saxons to the English state①.established 'Old English'②.laid the foundations of the English state③. divided the country into shires④. created the 'Witan' to advise the Kingthe basis of the Cabinet10.different invadersFirst invasion—In 55 BC; Julius CaesarSecond—Caesar's second raid in 54 BCThird and final—In 43 AD; Emperor Claudius; final and successful Roman invasion of Britain recordedLeft—In 410; Germanic barbarian attack Rome; forcing Roman troops to leave Britain; and thus ending its occupation of the island History9.Who is known as “ the father of the British navy” Sir Francis Drake10. The Norman Conquest and its consequencesThe Norman Conquest 1066-1071Fuse: Edward ruled for 24 years and died in January; 1066. Harold was chosen to be king. William; Duke of Normandy; heard the news of Harold’s coronation; he got very angry and claimed that he had the sole right to be king of England because Edward had promised the crown to him and that Harold had promised to help him become king of England. Duke William led army and landed on the coast. The two armies met at Hastings.Consequences:It increased the process of feudalism.William established a strong monarchy in England.He introduced new ideas in laws.It brought changes in the church.The French language came along with the Normans.11.When was the feudal system established in England 封建制度Under William; the feudal system was completely established. Medieval Britain 1066-148512. Who signed Great Charter King John 签署大宪章13. Great Charter time; contents; natureTime: Magna Carta 1215Contents:内容A. the king was not to exact payments from the feudal vassals withouttheir consent;B. the laws were not to be modified by the arbitrary action of the king;C. should the king attempt to free himself from law; the vassals had the right to force the king to obey it; by civil war or by otherwise.Nature: a feudal document14.The Hundred Years’ War①. Time: intermittently from 1337 to 1453②. Countries: France and Britain③. Factors: partly territorial and partly economicThe English kings wanted to get back the lost land in France.The economic interests of England and France clashed in Flanders.New national consciousness of England④. Fuse: French throne succession——Edward III claimed the French Crown. The French refused to recognize the claim.⑤.Three outstanding stages of the warA. At first the English were brilliantly successful.B. Henry V renewed the war in 1415 and he was recognized to the French throne in 1420.C. After Henry V’s death in 1422; the French; encouraged by Joan of Arc; their national heroine; drove the English out of France.⑥. Two decisive reasons for French to win:effective use of guns &“Joan of Arc”⑦.Significance:The war was very expensive and it cost the English great deal of death; wealth and property; thus the feudal rule was weakened in the war.⑧.Effects of the war: After this war; the ruling Normans began to:A. regard England as their home.B. regard themselves as belongings to the English nation.C. reestablish English language as their official language.D. make effort to try to develop their industryThe expulsion of the English from France is regarded as a blessing for both countries; the superior size and wealth of France would have hindered the development of separate English national identity; while French national identity was hindered so long as a foreign power occupied so much French territory.15.The War of Roses 1455--1485①. Rival groups:the House of Lancaster & the House of York②. The name of the war:The Lancastrians wore the badge of the red rose and the Yorkists wore the badge of the white rose; so the war got such a name.③. Nature of the war:feudal civil war; for power and wealth; for the possession of the Crown④.Reason:In the Hundred Years’ War; the loss was great. So the war-like nobles wanted to recoup for the loss; thus they all wanted to get power. The English nobles began to be divided and began to support different groups; in such a situation; the war broke out. At that time; the House of Lancaster was in power and Henry VI1422-1461 was the king and the House of York wanted to displace the House of Lancaster.⑤.Result:The Yorkist got complete victory; House of York 约克王朝1461-1485 but a third House; the House of Tudor got the power. Henry VII became the king. So a new important Dynasty began in English history.⑥. Consequence:Henry Tudor won descendant of Duke of Lancaster Although the Wars of the Roses were waged intermittently for 30 years; ordinary people were little affected. From these wars feudalism received its death blow. The great medieval nobility was much weakened and discredited. The king’s power now became supreme. This war shook off much of the feudal burden; so it paved way for the development of capitalism.16. The English Reformation①. ReasonsA. The church of the Middle Ages had not been only a religious body; but also a political and legal power as well. The greed and lazinessof the church hindered the social and political progress of England.B. Henry VIII had trouble in his divorce. He realized that foreign interference in England must be stopped.②. CourseA. By a special act by parliament ; Henry divorced and broke with the Pope.B. In 1534; Act of Supremacy: Henry became the head of the English Church.③.EffectsA.English Church became independent of Rome. The Roman Catholic church was international; the English Church was strictly national.B. The new landlords formed a new class--- a new nobility.C. Those who want to change any part of the faith were called Protestants.D. Henry’s trust in Parliament allowed the House of Commons to develop rapidly.④.NatureThe struggle between the English Church & Catholicism was essentially a struggle between the new “nobility” of money & bourgeoisie on the one hand and the remnants of feudalism on the other.⑤.People involvedA. Edward VI1547-1553: king after Henry Ⅷ’s deathB. “Bloody” Mary1553-1558:daughter of Catherine; reestablished Catholicism and burnt three hundred Protestants.C. Elizabeth I 1558-1603: Queen after Mary; restored Anglican Church.17. Renassaince in England is largely literary. Important repersentativesDistinguished Representatives:A. Sir Thomas More; the greatest English humanist; “Utopia”B.William Shakespeare1564-1616greatest dramatist ; 37 comedies; tragedies and historiesC. poetry----Spenser; Sidney; Shakespeare & DonneD. John Milton’s Paradise Lost; 1667E. English materialism---Francis Bacon1561-1626also a statesman& an essayist18.Civil War 1642-1649内战①.Background of the war战争的背景The absolutist rule of Charles I aroused the resistance of the people and the bourgeoisie; Charles took counteraction; the war broke out.②. Groups of the warA. Roundheads--supporters of Parliamentfree farmers; tradesmen; craftsmenB. Cavaliers/Royalists--King’s supportersCatholics; feudal lord <West & North of England>③.Consequence1649; Charles’ army was defeated; he was beheaded; in May 1649; England was declared a Commonwealth共和政府时期.In 1653; Cromwell was made Lord Protector护国公 for life and started his military dictatorship openly. The Commonwealth became the Protectorate摄政时期 and Parliament was dissolved. He became a “king”in all but name.19.The Glorious Revolution of 16881688年的光荣革命After thre e years’ struggle; the Whig and Tory leaders at last united against James II. Being afraid of another revolution; the leaders of the two parties planned a coup Detat. In June 1688; the leaders of Parliament invited William of Holland to come and take the throne. William landed with army and he was so welcomed that James II ran away to France. William and Mary were then crowned as joint rulers. This was known in history as The Glorious Revolution.20. Whigs and Tories辉格党和保守党The Roundheads—The Whigs—The Liberal PartyThe Cavaliers—The Tories—The Conservative Party21. The Industrial Revolution 1780-1830工业革命①.Definition 定义During the latter half of the eighteenth century; a rapid series of extensive changes began; especially in the field of manufacturing. There were so many new inventions that the whole series of changesis often described as the “Industrial Revolution”.②. Inventions发明A. In 1750s iron smelting was revolutionized.B. In 1769; the steam engine was created by James Watt.C. In 1785; the power loom the application of power to machineryD. The use of iron and coalE. In 1764; the Spinning Jenny was inventedG. In 1814; the first successful steam locomotive③. Consequences of the Industrial Revolution工业革命的后果A. The Industrial Revolution was not only a technological revolution but also a great social upheaval. It exerted a great influence on both British society and the world.B. The Industrial Revolution promoted the development of production. It began to produce large quantity of low- priced goods in a more efficient manner.C. New cities came into being; population increased; the home market was enlarged.D. British goods almost achieved a monopoly situation in the world market. It laid a foundation for the “ factory of the world”.E. A factory system was established. Workers were employed and managers became capitalists.F. Two conflicting classes were born .G.A series of important inventions in the textile industry markedthe beginning of Industrial Revolution: 工业革命Spinning Jenny 珍妮纺纱机Spinning mule 走锭细纱机Power loom 动力纺纱机Steam engine 蒸汽机H.Means of transportation交通方式canals were dug to ship goodsthe locomotive invented in 1814the first railway completed in 1825large merchant fleetI.By the middle of 19th century; the Industrial Revolution was accomplished in BritainJ.Its influence:Britain changed in many ways1dramatically increased industrial productivity2the process of urbanization3changes in class structure4The conflict between the capitalists and the proletarians—the most important political issue22. James Watt’s steam engine in 1765.Government and Politics23. constitutional monarchy; the head of state is a king or a queen.君主立宪制国家;国家的首脑是国王或女王..24.the monarch is supposed to reigns but not rule.To reign but not to rule: perform ceremonial duties; symbolic 25.three elements of parliament议会组成The Crown The House of Lords The House of Commons26.The main functions of Parliament议会的主要作用To legislateTo vote the taxation and expenditures of the governmentTo examine government policies and administrationTo debate major current political issues27.Where does the real power lie Cabinet内阁Cabinet:The major decision-making body in the government28.two parties in the UK政党The Labour Party: believe in the supervision of industry by the government; distribution of wealth and equal opportunity for everyoneThe Conservative Party: support private enterprise and minimal state regulation; accept the mixed economy; believe in a governing class with a natural right and special privilegesJudiciary司法29. There is no ministry of justice in the United Kingdom. Central responsibility lies with the Lord Chancellor the Home Secretary andthe Attorney General.30. The jury composed of 12 members. 陪审团有12个成员..31. Scotland Yard伦敦警察厅: headquarter of the Metropolitan PoliceEducation32.the compulsory education义务教育Primary and secondary education in the UK is compulsory. Children between 5 --16 years old are obliged to attend school.33.two education systemprivate schools 私立学校 public schools公学34. the oldest university:OxfordOthers35.The largest religious festival:Christmas36. The oldest newspaper:The Times37. most famous broadcasting company:the British Broadcasting Corporationthe BBCThe most desirable home: a detached house 最理想的家:独立式住宅Part Two USAThe country1. 50 states the largest; the smallest; the purchased ones50个州 Alaska—the largest 阿拉斯加州Rhode Island—the smallest 罗德岛州Texas—the largest on the mainland德克萨斯州Alaska—the purchased ones购买2. 13 colonies13个殖民地Between 1607 and 1733 the British established 13 colonies along the east coast of North AmericaDelaware 特拉华 Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚 New Jersey 新泽西Georgia 乔治亚 Connecticut康涅狄格 Massachusetts 麻萨诸塞Maryland 马里兰 South Carolina 南卡罗来纳New Hampshire 新罕布什尔 Virginia 弗吉尼亚 New York 纽约North Carolina 北卡罗来纳 Rhode Island 罗德岛3. 5 great lakes; the longest riverLake Michigan; Lake Superior; Lake Huron; Lake Erie; Lake Ontario the longest river:the Mississippi River密西西比河4.who discovered the new continentIn 1492; Christopher Columbus; found America; a new continent instead of India.History4.Independence war1775; 13 colonies began rebellion1776; proclamation of independence1777; victory at Saratoga; the turning point of American revolution1781; surrender of Britain1783; Treaty of Paris represented the formal acknowledgement of the US as an independent nationCauses:growing intense conflicts between the British government and the American people:The British government:•to bring the development of the colonies under control•to collect more taxes.•practiced unfair price policies•put into effect many taxes:The Stamp Act: 印花税法令an act passed by the British parliament in 1756 that raised revenue from the American colonies by a duty in the form of a stamp required on all newspapers and legal or commercialdocuments opposition by the colonies resulted in the repeal of the act in 1766the Townshend Acts唐森德条令All goods imported into the colonies must be taxed. They were appealed in 1770.The 13 colonies:•wanted more power to determine their own business•opposed the unfair treatment and all these policies.•The Boston Massacre波士顿大屠杀 1770•Some British solders fired at the people; killed four and wounded many. The event made the people indignant.•The Boston Tea Party波士顿倾茶事件•demonstration 1773 by citizens of Boston who disguised as Indians raided three British ships in Boston harbor and dumpedhundreds of chests of tea into the harbor organized as a protest against taxes on tea•an example of the conflicts between the British•government and the American people. 5.Continental congressThe First Continental Congress1774 第一次大陆会议•held in Philadelphia in September; 1774 before the war.•encouraged Americans to refuse to buy British goods.•Colonial militia units were organized and weapons and ammunition were collected and stored since then.Beginning of the War•The shots at Lexington started the Independence War on April 19; 1775.The Second Continental Congress 第二次大陆会议•held in Philadelphia in May; 1775 three weeks after the battles of Lexington and Concord.•The Congress founded a Continental Army and Navy under the command of George Washington; a Virginia militia commander. The Declaration of Independence July4; 1776 独立宣言• drafted by Thomas Jefferson• adopted by the Congress on July4; 1776• declared the independence of the 13 colonies6. Civil war内战1861-1865The Situation Before the War:Two economic systems in the North and the SouthNorth Capitalist EconomySouth PlantationThe Growth of the working classUncle Tom’s Cabinfree and slave states 1860Abraham Lincoln was elected president and opposed the expansion of slavery.Some southern states formed the Confederate States of America in 1861.a war to abolish slaveryUnion army Vs. Confederate armySurpasses all other wars for the tragedy and destructiveness.Effect: put an end to the salve system in AmericaAftermath of the war:In south: KKKKu Klux KlanIn north: building an enterprising way of lifeIn west: cowboy7.Great depression 1930’s经济危机The stock market crash in 1929Massive unemployment; factory and mill closings; and mortgage foreclosuresA breakdown of the nati on’s entire economy8.New DealFranklin D. Roosevelt: “New Deal” 罗斯福新政The aim was to save American democracy and the capitalist system The programs and policies to promote economic recovery and social reformAmerican Identity9.melting pot/ “a nation of immigrants”熔炉/“移民国家”Reasons:①.Country was settled; built; and developed by generations of immigrants②. America continues to take in more immigrants than any other country.③. The most heterogeneous多种多样的 societiesInfluence:America exercising far greater influence on Europe than Europe on America.10.Indian Reservations印第安保留地Indians’struggle and sufferings:①. first driven out of their familiar land②. either wholly or partially destroyed③. lose their land to white invaders④. lose their peaceful family & community life⑤.“Indian Reservations”Today’s Indians:①. the poorest②. lower incomes③. the highest unemployment; school dropout; and suicide rates④. malnutrition & mental illness & short life expectancy⑤. call of pan-IndianismPolitical Institutions11.Checks and balances 分权制衡12.Congress国会The legislative branch of the federal government.Congress:Senate 参议院:2年选1/3;6年House of Representatives 众议院:2年全选;2年表格对比:Congress Members Be elected Terms of office represent Senators 100 1/3 every 2 years 6 years All of the people in a state & their interestsRepresentatives 435 every 2 years 2 years Population of “congressional districts”Congress makes all laws.Each state has two Senators; regardless of population; and; since there are 50 states; then there are 100 senators.13.General election大选Is elected every 4 years4-year term of officeNo more than 2 full terms allowedHe must convince Congressmen; the Representatives & theSenators.14.two parties两党the American political system is dominated by two political parties:the Democratic Party民主党donkeythe Republican Party共和党elephantThe Democratic Party is sometimes represented as a donkey; whilethe Republican Party is sometimes featured as an elephant.15.The Supreme Court is the highest court of the U.S and is the onlyorgan which has the power to interpret the Constitution最高法院唯一有权解释宪法Educationpulsory education义务教育Elementary初等 and secondary中等 education—the basis of publiceducation; free and compulsory; 12 gradesOne academic year—from September through JuneDifferent divisions of school systems:elementary school—one through eighthigh school—next four yearselementary school—one through sixjunior high school—seven through ninesenior high school—ten through twelveHigher education of the U.S began with the founding of Harvard College in 1636. 高等教育始于哈佛学院的建立The beginning of higher education—the founding of Harvard College in 163617.list some famous universites in America; are they public or private The oldest one isIvy League—including eight universities Brown; Columbia; Cornell; Dartmouth;Harvard; Pennsylvania; Princeton; and Yale MIT—Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院Harvard is the oldest one.Others18.the typical American festival isNew Year’s Day新年 Epiphany显现节;主显节Lent四旬斋 Candlemas Day圣烛节、土拨鼠日St. Valentine's Day情人节 Easter复活节 Thanksgiving Halloween万圣节 Washington's Birthday华盛顿诞辰日Lincoln's Birthday林肯纪念日 President's Day总统纪念日19.Independence Day 美国独立纪念日Independence Day is the most important patriotic holiday.The national day—the 4th of July On this day in 1776; the Continental Congress adopted The Declaration of Independence.4th July: The Fourth of July is a very important holiday in the U.S.We celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence by representatives of the thirteen American Colonies.On July 4; 1776; John Hancock; Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin; well-known patriots; declared the independence of the thirteen American colonies from Great Britain. This holiday is considered the `birthday of the United States of America.' It is the greatest non-religious holiday on the U.S. We celebrate this day with fireworks and parades.。

《英语国家概况》复习题及参考答案一Multiple choice ( 30’)( ) 1 As a result of the Black Death, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of ___ in England.A grainB farm toolsC housesD labor( ) 2 In the late 17th century, two of most famous literary works were Pilgrim’s Progress and _________ .A the Jew of MaltaB the School of ArcheryC Novum OrganumD Paradise Lost( ) 3. In 1836, a group of skilled workers and _____ formed the London Working Men’s Association.A householdersB tenantsC small shopkeepersD office workers( ) 4. In the Industrial Revolution, changes occurred earliest and quickest in the industry of ______.A. pottery B hardware C textiles D chemicals( ) 5. In Britain police officers are not allowed to join ________ or to go on strike.A a choirB a political partyC a trade unionD a club( ) 6 The Great Carter of 1215 is also known as _________.A People’s CharterB Magna CartaC King’s CharterD the Declaration of human rights( ) 7 Henry Ⅱwas the first king of the ________ dynasty.A MalcolmB PlantagenetC WindsorD Tudor( ) 8. __________ is the most typically English of sportsA CricketB GolfC TennisD Horse-racing( ) 9. By the Treaty of ______ of 1842, China ceded _______ to Britain.A Nanjing, Hong KongB Tianjing, Hong KongC Nanjing, MacauD Tianjing, Macau( ) 10. In _______, the name Great Britain came into being.A 1689B 1702C 1701D 1707( ) 11. The serious economic crisis in the late 1920s and the beginning of 1930s was first brought about by ___.A the farm failureB the bank failuresC the stock market crashD the high unemployment( ) 12.What are the problems that the U.S. economy has faced from time to time?A InflationB DepressionsC RecessionsD all of the above( ) 13.The real American literature began________.A after the war of IndependenceB after the Westward MovementC after the Civil WarD after the Civil Rights Movement( ) 14. In 1900, the United States ranked first in the production of ____ .A coalB electricityC oilD wheat( ) 15. In the United States, if the parents don’t send their children to school at certain age, ________ .A the state government will be responsible for itB they will educate the children themselvesC they can save a lot of moneyD they are breaking the law( ) 16. The U.S. and China established their diplomatic relations in _____.A 1974B 1972C 1978D 1979( ) 17 In his inaugural speech, ______ said that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”A Woodrow WilsonB Theodore RooseveltC Franklin D. RooseveltD George Washington( ) 18. One of the characteristics of the American people is _______ and it is said they are always ______.A liberty, debatingB aggressiveness, starting warsC mobility, on the moveD greediness, making money( ) 19. Hemingway’s most famous masterpiece was ______.A The Sun Also RisesB A Farewell to ArmsC For Whom the Bell TollsD Old Man and the Sea( ) 20. The system of higher education in the U. S. has three principle functions except ____-.A teachingB researchC public serviceD individual servicefollowing statements are T (true) or F (false) according to what you have learned. (10’)( ) 1 There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: Scotland, Wales and England.( ) 2 Under William’s rule, the freeman were at the bottom of the feudal system.( ) 3 The English Civil War is also called the Glorious Revolution.( ) 4 In U.K, a Parliament has a maximum duration of 4 years.( ) 5 Christmas Day, December 25th, celebrates the birth of Christ, and is the greatest of Christian festivals. ( ) 6 Chicago is known as the automobile capital of the world.( ) 7 Between 1850 and1880, many early Chinese immigrants to the United States worked in the mining industry, especially in the gold mines.( ) 8 The Pilgrims built a colony named Plymouth after they arrived in America.( ) 9. The longest war that the United States has fought is the Civil War.( ) 10. Higher education in the U.S consists of six types of institutions.三Fill in the following blanks: (10’)1 In 1066, England was conquered by the _____________ who were led by William the Conqueror.2 The greatest writer in the English language is ____________________ .3 In criminal trials in Britain, the issue of guilt or innocence is to be decided by the ________ while sentence is to be passed by the _______________ .4 The dominant broadcasting corporation in Britain is ____________, which is controlled by the state.5 The most famous leader of the American Civil Rights movement in the 1960s was ______________________.6 The U.S. system of government has two layers of rule. They are the ___________ government and the ______ government.7. The National Day of the United States is ______.8 Between 1946 and 1961, more than 63 million babies were born in the United States, who were known as the ______________ generation.四Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. (30’)1 What is the official name of Britain?2 What were the main causes of the Hundred Years’War?3 What are the primary sources of British law?4 How was the 1920s in the United States described by many historians?5 What is the meaning of the “Lost Generation”?6. What were the two guiding principles underlying America diplomatic activities in World War Two?7. What are the three periods as far as the evolution the British economy since the Second World War is concerned?8. What kind of economic system does the United States have?9. Why is education very important to Americans?10. What does the British Parliament consist of?五Explain each of the following terms in English. ( 10’)1 Thanksgiving Day2 the Civil Rights Act of 1964六Write between 100-120 words on EITHER of the following topics. ( 10’)1. What is Thatcherism and what are the major components of Thatcherism?2.In what sense was the War of 1812 important to the development of the United States?参考答案一 1 DDCCC 6 BBAAD 11 CDAAD 16 DCCDD二 1 TFFFT 6 FTTFT三 1 Norman 2 Shakespeare 3 jury judge 4 BBC 5 Martin Luther King6 Federal State7 4, July8 baby boom四1 The official name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nortain Ireland.2 Tthe main causes of the Hundred Years’ War were partly territorial and partly economic.3 The primary sources of British law are: (1) Statutes of Parliament; (2) common law; (3) equity law; (4) European Community law.4 The 1920s in the United States has been described by many historians as a period of material success and spiritual frustration or confusion and purposelessness.5 The “Lost Generation refers to those who are both physically and spiritu ally impotent.6 The first was to win the war; the second was to establish a postwar political structure in accord with American interests and to prevent the Soviet Union from over-expansion.7 (1) Steady development in the 50s and 60s;(2) Economic recession in the 70s;(3) Economic recovery in the 80s.8 The United state has a free-market economy with a dominant private sector.9. Because it contributes to developing the national strength and personal success.10 The British Parliament consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.五1 Thanksgiving Day is a typical American holiday. It is an annual day of thanks for the blessings people have enjoyed during the year. The theme of thanksgiving has been peace and plenty, health and happiness.2 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 It was signed into law by President Jonson in 1964. It outlawed discrimination not only in public housing, but also in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. 六1:The election of 1979 returned the Conservative Party to power and Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in Britain. Her policies are popularly referred to as Thatcherism. It included:(1) the return to private ownership of state-owned industries;(2) the use of monetarist polices to control inflation;(3) the weakening of trade union;(4) the strengthening of the role market forces in the economy;(5) an emphasis on law and order.2 The war, however, had great impact on the development of the United States.(1)The war made people realize the importance of a strong national government.(2)The war strengthened the feeling of national unity and patriotism.(3)For almost 10 years after the war, the Americans turned their attention to the development of the western part of the continent.(4)It made both Britain and Unites States realize that their disputes should be solve through negotiation..Please write any three of the 13 colonies the British established along the east coast of North America between 1607 and 1733.。

英语国家概况的复习资料英语国家概况考试题型如下:1.选择题(30 X 1’)2.填空题(20 X 1’)3.简答(10 X 2’)--必须回答完整的句子4.分析题(6 X 5’)-- 必须回答完整的句子总分100 分主要内容包括:一.U.S. Geography1.Full name of U.S..2.Number of States: 50 states.3.After President Jefferson brought the Louisiana territory from France there was a desire forterritorial expansion among many frontier men.4.The U.S. has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometers. The fourth largest countries.5.Taxas is the largest mainland state of the U.S.. Alaska is the largest state of the U.S..6.Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean.7.America’s movies are mostly made in Hollywood near the city of Los Angeles in southCalifornia.二.U.S. People1.The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the US is the Blacks (Afriican-Americans).2.The “first Americans” were the Indians.3.The Asian-Americans are the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in the United States.4.The first permanent settlement in North America wasesta blished in today’s V erginia in theyear of 1607.5.The “Three Faiths” in the U.S. refer to:ProtestanCatholicJewish6.The majority of the Catholics in the U.S. are descendants of immigrants from Ireland, Italyand Poland.7.American society is a stratified one in which power, wealth and pestige are unequallydistributed among the population.8.WASP stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.三.Economy1.Services sector (industry) of the economy employs the most American.2.U.S. Federal law prohibits emplyment discrimination on the basis of:RaceLanguageDisability3.The American economy is characterized by a high degree of monoply.4.Mid-west is the nation’s leading center of heavy industry in the United States.5.Microsoft is the largest software company now in the United States.6.Give examples of industries which are decling, and industries which sare fast developing inthe U.S..( P70倒数第一行到P71 第一段)四.Policy1.When was the United States Constitution drafted?In 17872.How long are terms for Senators?6 years.3.How long are terme for members of House of Representatives?2 years4.What are the terms of office for Supreme Court justices?Life.5.Which U.S. President said: “Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall notperish from the ea rth.”---- Abraham Lincoln6.The American Constitution is the oldest written constitution in the world.7.The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continented Congress on July 4,1776.8.The United States and the People’s Republic of China established diplomatic relations in1979.9.The president of the United States is the head of the executive branch.10.Presidential election is held every 4 years in November in the U.S.A..11.What are the two major political parties in the United States? And their symbols? (P59)One is the Democtatic Party. Symbol is donkey.The other one is the Republican Party. Symbol is elephant.12.What does “FBI” stand for?Federal Bureau of Investigation.13.Who were the two famous leaders assassinated in American History?They are J.F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln.14.Wat are some of the major powers of each of the three branches of the U.S. government? Howare the three branches supposed to check and balance each other? (这题没有统一答案,请大家参考书本P55-P58里面的内容自己组织。

《英语国家概况》期末复习提要《英语国家概况》期末复习提要内蒙古电大责任教师宋慧文“英语国家概况”是中央广播电视大学英语专业的必修科目之一.本课程是通过英语阅读主要英语国家社会,文化背景材料,扩大知识面的文化知识课.所选教材是《英语国家社会文化入门》.本书分上下两册.上册内容包括英国部分l2章,澳大利亚部分4章和新西兰部分2章.每章都附有词汇表(V ocabulary),注释(Notes),本课重点(FCPoints),练习(Exercises)以及思考题(QuestionsforThought).通过学习本课程,学生应了解这三个国家的社会文化概貌,掌握这些国家的有关地理,历史,政治,经济,社会生活和文化传统的基本知识.具体而言,学生首先应认真通读各章的课文,借助课后的词汇表和注释,力求理解课文的基本内容,如:历史事件,社会背景,有关人物和时间地点等等.为帮助学生理解,注释部分不仅解释了课文中的难点,而且提供了一些必要的背景知识.本课重点部分列出课文的主要线索.这些内容是考查重点,学生复习时应尤其注意.练习部分共有三种题型:名词解释,填空和多项选择,目的是帮助学生进一步加深对课文的理解,并提供一个通过自我检测了解所学知识掌握程度的机会.书后附有标准答案.思考题是为了引导学生灵活运用所学知识,培养综合分析的能力.思考题不在考试范围之内.考试试题共分4个部分,所有考题内容不超过本教科书课文的范围.第一部分是选择题,2O小题,每题1分,共2O分,要求学生根据问题从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出一个正确答案.例如:问:WhichgroupofpeopleinBritain CANNOTvoteingeneralelections?选项为:[A]membersoftheHouseof Commons[B]LordsintheHouseofLords[C]theUKcitizensabovetheageof18[D]citizensoftheIrishRepubliclivingintheUK这是上册英国部分第4章”Polities”的内容,从课文中我们知道,英国上议院的议员是不能参加大选的,所以正确的选项应为[B], 有关A,B,C,D的内容都可以在”polities”这一章中找到.第二部分是填空题.每个空格为一题,2O个小题,每题1.5分,共3O分.例如: Sincethediscoveryofoilandgasunder——,Britainhasgainedastrongposition intheoffshoreoilindustry.这是英国部分第5章”TheUK Economy”的内容,从课文中我们知道这是指英国北海的石油和天然气资源,所以正确答案应为”theNorthSea”.这一部分答题时除应注意内容的准确性外,还应注意拼写,大小写及定冠词,不定冠词等.如这题中的”the”就不能遗漏,否则会被扣分.第三部分是简答题.10个小题,每小题2分,共2O分.要求学生用一句话简答问题.例如:问题为:Howmanykindsofhorse—racingalethereinBritainandwhatalethey?这是英国部分第7章”SportsinBritain”的内容,在英国共有两种赛马比赛:平地赛马一8】一和障碍赛马.因为这一部分答题时要求用一句话回答,所以要用一句完整的句子,语法和拼写都要注意.这个问题的正确回答应该是: Therearetwokindsofhorse——racingin Britain:flatracingandsteeplechasing.这部分考题形式在教材练习中没有出现过,需要学生在学习过程中自己综合.但只要对课文重点内容熟悉,对其他练习熟悉,这部分考题也不难.第四部分是解释题,在8题中任选6题,每小题5分,共30分.要求学生用简洁的英语(不超过5句话)解释每个词语.这部分主要考查学生的综合概括表达能力,问题的主要点应该抓住,同时注意语法,用词等.例题目:CharlesDickens这是英国部分第6章”BritishLiterature’’中的内容.按要求,学生应把有关狄更斯的知识综合概括一下,分为几点来写:他是什么时代的人,在文学史上的地位,作品的特点,代表作等等,简单扼要地总结一下.因为评分时是按点给分的,所以回答要全面,同时也应注意语法结构.下面的答案可作参考: CharlesDickensisregardedaSoneofthe greatest19th—centuryEnglishwriters.(2分)Hisworksarecharactericedbyvividcomic characterizationandsocialcriticism.(2分)He wrotemanywell—knownnovels,including OliverTwist,A TaleofTwoCities,David Copperfield,tonalTlejustafew.(1分)《英语国家概况》模拟试题I,.Thereare20questionsinthispart. Eachquestionisfollowedbyfourchoices markedA,B,CandD.Choosethecorrect answertoeachofthequestionsandwrite youransweratthecorrespondingplaceonthe82一ANSWERSHEET.(20points)1.TheTowerofLondon.andhistorical sight,locatedinthecentreofLondon,WaS builtby.A.KingHaroldB.RobinHoodC.OliveCromwellD.WilliamtheConqueror2.1972WaStheworstyearofthe politicaltroublesinNorthemIrelandbecause ●._.,-._____.__-_●●●_一●A.13Catholicswereshotdeadbythe policeB.468peoplewerekilledinNorthem IrelandC.thegovemmentcarriedoutapolicy known aS”internment’’D.bloodykillingof468peoplefortified CatholieoppositiontotheBritishpresenceinNorthemIreland3.WhichofthefollowingisN0Ttrue abouttheBritishConstitution.*A.ItiSadocumentwhichlistsoutthe baSicprinciplesforgovemmentB.ItiSthefoundationofBritish governancetodayC.ConventionsandLawspassedby ParliamentarepartoftheConstitutionD.Thecoinmonlawsarepartofthe Constitution4.WhoiStheleaderoftheBritish Labourpartyatpresent?A.JohnMajorB.TonyBlairC.HaroldWilsonD.MargaretThatcher5.Whichofthefollowingstatements abouttheUKeconomyisN0Ttrue?A.BritainremainsoneoftheGroupof SevenlargeindustrialeconomiesB.Britainhasexperiencedarelative economicdeclinesince1945C.Therehasbeenaperiodofsteady decreasingoflivingstandardsD.Somesmallereconomieshave overtakentheUKintermsofoutputper capita6.WhichofthefollowingsportsWasnot inventedinBritain?A.FootballB.TennisC.ArcheryD.Cricket7.Whichofthefollowingistrueabout theGuyFawkes’Night?A.ItiscelebratedbyScottishpeoplein NovemberB.ItiscelebratedbyEnglishpeoplein NovemberC.ItiscelebratedbyScottishpeoplein AugustD.ItiscelebratedbyEnglishpeoplein August8.Whichofthefollowingschoolswouldadmitchildrenwithoutreferencetotheir academicabilitiesinBritain?prehensiveschoolsB.SecondaryschoolsC.IndependentschoolsD.Grammarschools9.Whichofthefollowingaboutclass systemintheUKisNoTtrue.9A.Peopleofdifferentclassestendtoread differentkindsofnewspaperB.CIass—divisionisonlydecidedby people’SincomeC.Th0ughsocialadvancementis possible,classaffectsaperson’slife—chancesD.Thewaypeoplespeakidentifies themselvestoparticularclass10.InBritain.thegreatmajorityof parentssendtheirchilderntoA.privateschoolsB.independentschoolsC.stateschoolsD.publicschools11.WhichofthefollowingisNOT characteristicofthehereditaryaristocracyin theUK?A.Thenobletitlescanbeinheritedby thechildrenB,Theyusuallyownhistorichousesin thecountryC.Theyaretherichestgroupofpeople intheUKD.Theseniormemberscanbelordsin theHouseofLords12.NowdaystheBritishforeignpolicyis largelyshapedbyitspraticipationinA.theCommonwealthB.theEuropeanEconomicCommunityC.theUnitedNations,theEuropean Union,UA T0,etcD.aEuropeanfederalgovernment13.WhichofthefollwingistheBritish oldestdailynewspaper?A.TheTelegraphB.TheNewsoftheWorldC.TheGuardianD.TheTimes14.WhichofthefollwoingisN0T consideredacharacteristicofLondon?A.TheculturalcentreB.ThebusinesscentreC.ThefinancialcentreD.Thesportscentre15.Whichofthefollowingstatements abouttheBritisParliamentiSNoTtrue?A.Parliamenthasnopowertochange 一83—thetermsoftheConstitutionB.Therearenolegalrestrainsupon ParliamentC.Parliamenthasthesupremepowerof passinglawsD.strictlyspeaking,theQueenispartof theParliament16.WhichofthefollowingcitiesisthecapitalofScotland?A.EdinburghB.GlasgowC.CardiffD.Manchester17.WhydidtheEnglishgovemment encouragepeoplefromScotlandandNorthem EnglandtoemigratetotheNorthofIrelandin the17thcentury?A.Theywanttoincreaseitscontrolover IrelandB.Theyhadtoomanypeopleanddidnot haveenoughspaceforthemC.Theyintendedtoexpandtheir investmentD.TheYbelievedthatIrelandWasthe bestplaceforthem18.Whichofthefollowingtwocountries areaheadofBritaininaerospaceindustry?A.TheU.S.andRussiaB.TheU.S.andGermanyC.FranceandRussiaD.GermanyandRussia19.WhichofthefollowingbooksiswrittenbyGeoffreyChaucer?A.BeowulfB.TheUsterCycleC.More tD’ArthurD.TheCanterburyTales20.Ⅵichofthefollowingistrulyasport oftheroyalfamily?A.CricketB.HorseracingC.GolfingD.Skiing1I.Theretitlealtogether15blanksinthe一84一followingsentences.Fillintheblanksandand writeyouransweratthecorrespondingplaces ontheANSWERSHEET.(30points) Britainconsistsof(21)——nations, including(22)——,(23)——,and(24) InBritain.theofficialheadofstateiS (25)——whiletherealcentreofpolitical lifeisin(26).Normally.aBritishgovemmentcanbein powerfor(27)——years,andthenishasto resighandholdageneralelection.In1979,theConservativePartyunder (28)——cameintopowerandcarriedouta programmeofprivatization.Since1945.theUKeconomyhas experienced(29)——declineratherthan (30)——decline. Sincethediscoveryofoilandgasunderthe(31)——,Britainvhasgainedastrong positionintheoffshoreoilindustry. InBritain,parentscanchoosebetween sendingtheirchildrento(32)——schoolsor (33)——schools. Parentsfromwealthiermiddleclassin Britainprefertosendtheirchildrento(34) schoolsS0astohavebetter(35)——●Ⅲ.Theretitle10questionsinthispart. Answereachofthe sentenceandwrite correspondingplaceSHEET.(20points)36.WhatarecountriesoftheUK? questionsinonefull youranswerattheontheANSWER thefourconstituent37.Whichpartofthegovernmentinthe UKhasthepowertochangethetermsofthe Constitution?38.WhatarethetwobroadstylisticperiodsfortheBritishliteratureinthe20th century?39.Whichholidayisthebiggestandbest lovedBritishholiday?40.WhatdoesthenicknameOxbridge standfor?41.Whichtwoareasoftheworldhave suppliedthemajorityofBritishrecent immigrants?42.Whodecideonthegeneraldirection ofBritain’Sforeignpolicy?43.WhandidBritainiointheEuropean EconomicCommunity?44.WhichisthelargestcityinScotland?45.WhendopeopleinNorthernIreland CelebrateSt.PatrickDay?IV.Explaineachofthefollowing6outof8innomolethanfivesentences.Write youranswerattheappropriateplaceonthe -ANSWERSHEET.(3opoints)46.MargaretThatcher47.theBillofRightsof168948.theLabourPartyofBritain49.theBrontesisters50.theRoyalAscotprehensiveschoolsintheUK52.theAnglo—Saxons53.WilliamShakespeare参考答案I.Thereale20questionsinthispart. Eachquestioninfollowedbyfourchoices markedA-B-CandD.Chooesthecorrectansewertoeachofthequestionsandwrite youransweratthecorrespondingplaceonthe ANSWERSHEET.1.D2.A3.D4.D5.A6.B7.C8.B9.C1O.C11.C12.C13.D14.D15.A16.A17.A18.A19.D20.BⅡ.Therearealtogether15blandsinthe followingsentences.Fillintheblandsand writeyouransweratthecorrespondingplaces ontheANSWERSHEEI’.21.four22.Scotland23.walas24.NorthernIreland25.Queenfive26.theHouseofCommonsMargaret27.five28.Thatcher29.areative30.anabsolute31.NorthSea32.State33.Private34.privatecationllI.Thereare10questionsinthispart. AnswereachofthequestionsinonefIIllsentenceandwriteyouransweratthe correspondingplaceontheANSWER SHEEI’.36.Thefourconstituentcountriesofthe UK.TheyareEngland,Scotland,Wra1asand NorthernIreland.37.Parliamenthasthepowertochange thetermsoftheConstitution.38.Thetwobroadstylisticperiodsare ModernismandPostmodernism.39.Christmasisthebiggestandbest lovedBritishholiday.40.OxbridgestandsforOxford UniversityandCambridgeUniversity. 41.Thetwoare~1sareSouthAsiaand Caribbeancountries.42.ThePrimeMinisterandCabinet decideonthegeneraldirectionofBritain’S foreighpolicy.43.BritainjointheEurpeanEconomic Communityin1972.44.G1asgowisthelargestcityin一85—Scotland.45.PeopleinNorthernIrelandcelebrateSt.Patrick’sDayonMarch17.VI.Explaineachofthefollowing6outof8innomorethanfivesentences.Write youranswerattheappropriateplaceonthe ANSWERSHEI.46.MargaretThatchercalTleintopower asBritishfirstwomanPrimeMinisterin1979 whenherConservativepartywonthegeneral election.Sheadvocatedtheideaofsmal1 governmentandfree—marketeconomics. DuringhertermasthePrimeMinister,she carriedoutpoliciestoprivatizethenationalized industryandcuttaxrates.Asaresult,many businessesboomedbutemploymentrate increased.ShewaslaterreplacedbyJohn Majorin1990.47.In1688,KingJamesII’sdaughterMaryandherhusbandWilliamwereinvited bythepoliticiansandchurchauthoritiesto takethethrone,onconditionthattheywould respecttherightsofParliament.Afterthis GloriousRevolution,theBillofRightswas passedin1689toensurethattheKingnever beabletoignoreParliament.48.TheLaboutrPartyinoneofthetwo biggestpartiesintheUK.itisalsothenewest party,createdbythetradeunionmovementat theendofthe19thcentury.Itisasocialist party,believingthatasocietyshouldbe relativelyequalineconomicterms,andthat thegovernmentshouldredistributethewealth betweentherichandthepoor.Italsothinks thatthegovernmentshouldprovidearangeof publicservicesforallthepeople.49.TheBrontesistersarethedaughters一86一oftheviearofavillagechurchinY orkshireof England.Thoughtheywerepoor,theywereeducatedandrespectable.Theyalldiedyoung, butwererememberedlongaftertheirdeath fortheircontributiontoEnglish1iterature. Charlottewaswel1一knownforJaneEyreand EmilywasnotedforherWutheringHeights. Theyhadtousemalepseudonymsinorderto gettheirbookspublished.50.TheRoyalAscotisthebiggestsocial eventassociatedwithhorseracingintheUK. Peopledressupandgotoshowofftheir? fashionablechothesaswel1towatchtheraces. andplacetheirbets.Womenespeciallywear veryelaborateandexotichats.Thiseventgets muchattentionfromthemediaandthe public.prehensiveschoolsarethemost popularsecondaryschoolsinBritaintoday. Suchschoolsadmitchildrenwithoutreference totheiracademicabilitiesandprovideageneral education.Pupilscanstudyeverythingfrom academicsubjectslikeliteraturetomore practicalsubjectslikecooking.52.TheAnglo—Saxonsweretwogroups ofGermanicpeopleswhosettleddownin Englandfromthe5thcentury.Theywere regardedastheansestorsoftheEnglishand thefoundersofEngland.53.WiIliamShakespearewasanEnglish dramatistandpoetintheElizabethanage.He? isgenerallyregardesasthegreatestplaywright inEnglishliterature.Hisplaysfallintothree categories:tragediessuchasHamlet,comedies suchasMerchantofV eniceandhistorical playsLikeCharlesII.。

英语国家概况》期末复习题(含答案)(第I卷客观题共45 分)I.选择题(共30 分; 每题 1 分)U.K.1. The importance of the British monarchy can be seen in its effect on ___ . DA. passing the billsB. advising the governmentC. political partiesD. public attitude2. The policies of the Conservative Party in Great Britain are characterized by pragmatism and .DA. government interventionB. nationalization of enterprisesC. social reformD. a belief in individualism3. Oxford University is the oldest university in the English-speaking world.4. Cabinet members are chosen by __ in Britain. BA. the monarchB. the Prime MinisterC. the ArchbishopD. the Lord Chancellor5. English belongs to the Germanic group of Indo-European family of languages.6. The Severn River is the longest river in Britain.7. The following Christmas traditions are particularly British except ___ . AA. Trooping the ColorB. Queen 's Christmas messageC. Boxing DayD. Christmas pantomime8. Among Britain q'uasl ity press, the following newspapers are regarded as the “BigT hree withthe exception of TheObserver.9. In 2012, Britain had a population of about 63 million.10. The two main islands of the British Isles are Great Britain and Ireland.11. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once said that, “ Britain and the USnittaetde s willstand side by side ”.12. The Labor Party affected the British society greatly in that it __ . AA. set up the National Health ServicesB. improved public transportationC. abolished the old tax systemD. enhanced the economic development13. Margaret Thatcher go'v s ernment introduced the biggest changes in British economic policysince World War II.14. Charles Dickens is a representative of English Critical Realism at the turn of the 19 th century.15. The three principle features of the climate of Britain are the following EXCEPT ___ . CA. the frequent fog in winterB. the large number of rainy daysC. extreme coldness even in summerD. changeability all the year round16. Samuel Johnson 'dsic tionary was influential in establishing a standard form of spelling inEnglish.17. The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of Latin and Greek wordsto English.18. _ was not among the four self-governing dominions in the British Empire. CA. AustraliaB. CanadaC. IndiaD. the Union of South Africa19. Of the following sectors in Britain, service industry has experienced spectacular growthC. RepresentativeD. Senatorsince the end of World War II.20. Cambridge has more Nobel Prize winners than any other institution in Britain. 21. Writers of _____ literature are more concerned with imagination and feeling than withreason and intellect. C A. Renaissance B. Neo-ClassicalC. RomanticD. Victorian22. The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of ___ . CA. the House of ValoisB. the House of YorkC. the House of TudorD. the House of Lancaster23. Tourists from all over the world come to enjoy the beauty of Scottish scenery, to drink Scotchwhisky and to see Scotsmen wearing kilts .24. The ___ marked the establishment of feudalism in England. C A. Viking invasion B. signing of the Magna Carta C. Norman ConquestD. adoption of common law25. Commonwealth Day is an annual event celebrated on the second Monday in March each year. 26. Such big cities as Glasgow, Manchester, Sheffield and Newcastle are famous for the __ .DA. oil industryB. car industryC. shipping companiesD. coalfields27. During the 15 th and 16 th centuries an intellectual movement known as ____ swept Europe.___ was the greatest playwright of the world produced in this period in England. D A. Romance, Geoffrey Chaucer B. Christianity, George Bernard Shaw C. Italian literary influence, SonnetD. Renaissance, Shakespeare28. Aestheticism is the belief that artists have no obligation other than to strive for beauty--- “art forart 's sake ”. The most important representative of Aestheticism is _________ . B A. Thomas Hardy B. Oscar Wilde D. William Butler Yeats29. The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIII 'effso rt todivorce his wife .U.S.31. The U.S. lies in central North America, with Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, the Atlanticto its east and the Pacific to its west .32. “No taxation without representation w ”as the rallying slogan before the War of Independence . 33. The Constitution of the United States tries to give each branch enough power to balance theothers .34. The following except the right to get into people 's house a b re y g p u o a li r c a e nteed inthe Billof Rights.35. Of the following persons, the ____ can NOT make legislative proposal in the U.S. A A. Secretary of StateC. Virginia Woolf30. ___ is viewed as Romantic poetry A. “I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud C. “ Preface to Lyrical Ballads 's “ Declaration ofIndepCendence ” B. Don Juan D. Prometheus UnboundB. President36. Of the following subjects, politics and business education are NOT offered to elementary school students inthe U.S.37. Abraham Lincoln issued Emancipation Proclamation to grant freedom to all the slaves in the U.S.38. The terms for a Senator and a Representative in the U.S. are six and two years respectively.39. The National Day of the United States falls on July 4th.40. Washington Irving is regarded as “the father of American literature ”.41. Higher education in the United States began with the founding of Harvard University.42. The first shots of the American War of Independence were fired in Lexington.43. The symbol of the Democratic Party is a/an donkey, and a/an elephant represents the Republican Party.44. The eastern part of the United States consists of the highlands formed by the AppalachianRange and the western part consists of high plateaus and the Rocky Mountains.45. Alaska is the largest state in the whole United States and Texas is the largest state in the part of the U.S. thatis on the mainland.46. In the United States, the Bill of Rights guarantees citizens of the United States specific individual rights andfreedoms.47. The modern American economy progressed from ___ to ___ , and eventually, to ___ . BA. colonial economy, handcraft economy, industrial economyB. colonial economy, farming economy, industrial economyC. farming economy, handcraft economy, industrial economyD. handcraft economy, farming economy, industrial economy48. The Supreme Court in the United States is composed of nine justices.49. The characteristic of dominant American culture is ___ . BA. English-speaking, northern European, Protestant and upper-classB. English-speaking, western European, Protestant and middle-classC. English-speaking, northern European, Roman Catholic and middle-classD. English-speaking, western European, Roman Catholic and upper-class50. The following inventions took place during the “ secondi ndustrial revolution e”xc ept refrigerator.51. Of the following, __ is NOT a characteristic of Mark Twain 'Cs works.A. a realistic viewB. a sense of humorC. an idealistic viewD. colloquial speech52. The first successful English colony in North America was founded at Jamestown in Virginia.53. America produces a major p ortion of the world 's products in the following fields e o x il c. ept54. F. Scott Fitzgerald 's finest novel is _____ , and its theme is about D _ .A. Tales of the Jazz Age, the loss of oneselfB. TenderistheNight , loveC. TheBeautifulandtheDamned , the evil of human natureD. TheGreatGatsby, the American Dream55. Of the following books, ___ is NOT written by Ernest Hemingway. CA. A Farewell to ArmsB. ForWhomtheBellTollsC. TheSoundandtheFuryD. The Sun Also Rises56. The policy of the United States was __ at the beginning of the two world wars. CA. appeasementB. full involvementC. neutralityD. partial involvement 57. The first people on the American continent came from ___ as early as ___ thousand yearsago. C A. Asia, 2 B. Europe, 2 C. Asia, 20 D. Europe, 2058. The first National Bank of the United States was established with the urge of ___ . A A. Alexander Hamilton B. Andrew Jackson C. George Washington D. Thomas Jefferson59. Of the following universities, Massachusetts Institute of Technology has NOT cultivated any American Presidents yet. 60. Of the following writers, ___ is NOT a Nobel Prize winner. A A. Alice Walker B. Ernest Hemingway C. Eugene O ' Neil D. William Faulkner 61. The following except ___ are all powers of the U.S. President. B A. appointing federal judges when vacancies occur B. making lawsC. issuing executive ordersD. vetoing any bills passed by Congress62. Since 1959, the United States has been a country of 50 states.63. Chicago is the third largest city in the United States. It serves as the main connection between the easterncoast cities and the West.64. The distribution of the population in the U.S. is rather uneven. The most densely populatedAB. southeastern D. northwesternto tackle the economic depression in the 1930s B. new dealD. “ Great Society ” policyAustralia66. As an ideal place for investments, Australia' s foreign capital mainl J y a c p o a m n e a s n f d ro mthe United States .th67. January 26th, 1788 is the date celebrated as Australia Day. 68. _ is/are mainly responsible for education in Australia. B69. The first time that Australia developed a foreign policy independent of Britain was ___ . D A. after the establishment of the Commonwealth of Australia B. after World War IIC. during the Great Depression of the 1930sD. during the Pacific War in World War II70. Australia ' s economy depends largely on ______ . C A. agriculture B. manufacturing C. foreign tradeD. tourism71. The Howard government 'fosr eign policy was based on relations with four key countries, namely in Australia.BA. the U.S., Japan, Britain, ChinaB. the U.S., Japan, China, IndonesiaC. the U.S., Japan, Britain, IndonesiaD. the U.S., Britain, China, Indonesia 72. Australian system of teaching and school discipline put emphasis on the following exceptregion is the ___ part of the country. A. northeastern C. southwestern 65. President Roosevelt, in his attemptintroduced his famous ___ . B A. neutrality policy C. new monetarist policiesA. Federal government C. Territory assembliesB. State governments D. Municipal government__ . CA. learning by discovery and questioningB. self-disciplineC. outward disciplineD. encouraging student ' s interest in learning73. Canberra is Australia 's capital.74. In 2013, the population of Australia was about ___ million. AA. 22.9B. 33.9C. 40.9D. 5075. _ is renowned for its unique plant and animal species. It is estimated that there arearound 20,000 to 25,000 different plants native to the land. AA. AustraliaB. CanadaC. The United KingdomD. The United States76. Most anthropologists believe that the Aborigines in Australia migrated from ________ at least50,000 years ago. CA. east AsiaB. south AsiaC. southeast AsiaD. North Asia77. The Commonwealth of Australia was established in ___ . DA. 1847B. 1885C. 1900D. 190178. Australia is a leading supplier of ___ to international markets. DA. agricultural productsB. hi-tech productsC. industrial productsD. mineral resourcesCanada79. The Governor General holds the highest position in the Canadian parliamentary system.80. The ___ is the largest political party in Canada. AA. Liberal PartyB. Conservative PartyC. Canadian Labor CongressD. New Democratic Party Canada is the second largest country in the world.81. Toronto is the largest city in Canada and Ottawa is the capital city.82. _ recognized Quebec as a “ distinct soAciety ” .A. The Meech Lake AccordB. The Quebec ActC. The Constitutional ActD. The British North America Act83. The influence of __ has declined gradually in Parliament in today D ' s Canada.A. the Conservative PartyB. the Canadian Labor CongressC. the Cooperative Commonwealth FederationD. the New Democratic Party84. Kim Campbell was Canada ' s first woman Prime Minister.85. In Canada, the largest religious denomination is the Roman Catholic Church.86. If applicants meet the basic requirements for an immigrant to Canada, they need to do the following except .AA. applying for citizenshipB. taking a medical examC. paying an application feeD. paying a landing fee87. The Great Lakes on the border between Canada and the U.S. are the largest group of freshwater lakes in theworld.88. The name “ Canada ” is said to have derived from the Huron word“ Kanata ”, meaningC A. ocean B. north C. villageD. ice89. In 1497, the voyage led by an Italian captain discovered the eastern shores of Canada, which was claimed as Newfoundland .90. In the early ____ , both Britain and France founded permanent settlements in Canada. C A. 1400sC. 1600s91. After the famous Seven Yearsunder ____ control. B A. Britain, FrenchC. Spain, IndianB. 1500sD. 1700s' War, ____ lost all of its colonies, and the whole Canada cameB. France, British D. India, Spanish92. With the passage of the Statute of Westminster in 1931, Canada was recognized as an equalpartner of Britain.II. 读图题 (共 5分; 每题 1 分)III. 判断题 (共 10 分; 每题 1 分) U.K.1.The British history before 55 BC is basically undocumented. T2. The majority of the people in Britain are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons. T3. London is one of the three principal financial centers of the world. T4. People in different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country. F5. The Celtic people are the earliest known inhabitants of Britain. T6. In an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions, Queen Elizabeth I actually defended thefruit of the Religious Reformation. T7. The island of Great Britain is geographically divided into three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. T 8. The British monarchy has never been interrupted throughout the history. F 9.In reality, the British King or Queen is the source of all government powers. F10. Limited resources and high unemployment rate were persistent problems that prevented rapid economicdevelopment in Britain.F11. Hamlet depicts the hero ' s struggle with two opposing forces: moral integrity and the need toavenge his father ' s muTrder.12. The British economy experienced a relative decline during the postwar period. T13. Alexander Pope was a great English poet who also translated Homer Iliad . T ' s14. Blair made the Bank of England independent in order to separate politics and economic policy. T15. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge brought the Romantic Movement to its height in Britishliterature. FU.S.16. Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth Tuesday in November. F17. San Francisco is the second largest city after New York and the world famous Hollywood and Disneyland arelocated there. F18. Walt Whitman introduced great innovations to American literature, and he devised a poetic style, free verse. T19. The United States is the fifth most populous nation in the world, ranking behind China, India, Brazil and SouthAfrica. F20. During Clinton 'tesrm , the economy developed steadily, resulting in a lower rate of unemployment. T21. According to the American administration, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were responsible for theterrorist event on September 11, 2001. F22. The world economy has little to do with the growth and decline of the American foreign trade. F23. In the United States, certain presidential appointments must be approved by Congress. T24. New York is the commercial and financial center of the United States, and it is also one of the three principaleconomic centers in the world. T25. The Civil War not only put an end to slavery, but also decided that America was a single, indivisible nation. T26. The U.S. congress is the legislative branch of the federal government and it consists of two houses: the Houseof Commons and the House of Lords. F27. The eastern highlands formed by the Appalachians hold one third of the U.S. continental territory. F28. President Roosevelt ' s New Deal had little effect in dealinigth w the economic crisis in theearly 1930s. F29. Jonathan Edwards and Benjamin Franklin are two sources of American literary spirit. T30. The Democratic Party of the U.S. is conservative in terms of its ideology. F Australia31. The Australian Constitution can be changed either by government ' s will or by referendum.F32. Australia Day is on January 26th. T33. Since Australia has a vast cultivable area, it has become the world 'lesa ding exporter of agricultural products.F34. In World War I, all members of the Australian armed forces who served overseas were volunteers. T35. For Australian citizens over the age of 16, it is compulsory to vote at election time. FCanada36. Canada is the third largest country in the world in terms of territory. F37. Multilingualism and multiculturalism are characteristics of Canadian culture. T38. Laval University is the largest institution in Canada, while University of Toronto is the oldest one. F39. Quebec separated from Canada and established a French-speaking nation in the 1960s. F40. The Canadian government is responsible to the King or Queen of Britain. F1. D2. B3. A4. C5. E6. FGroup Three:British Literary PeriodsA. The Modern PeriodB. The Victorian PeriodC. The RenaissanceD. The Middle English PeriodE. The Romantic PeriodF. The Neo-Classical Period1. D2. C3. F4. E5. B6. A )II. 配对题(共20分; 每题 2 分)试卷上会出 2 组,每组 5 题。

UKUTIL11. The British Isles are made up of ______C_.A. three large islands and hundreds of small onesB. three large islands and dozens of small onesC. two large islands and hundreds of small onesD. two large islands and dozens of small ones2. Which of the following is NOT a political division on the island of Great Britain?----C----A. England.B. Scotland.C. Northern Ireland.D. Wales.3. Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the __B_____ and the North Sea in the east.A. eastB. southC. westD. north4. The Republic of Ireland was totally independent in the year __D_____.A. 1920B. 1945C. 1918D. 19495. The highest mountain in Britain, Ben Nevis, lies in __A____.A. the HighlandsB. the Southern UplandsC. the Central LowlandsD. the Lake District6. The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in ___B_______.A. 1921B. 1931C. 1945D. 19507. The mountain system the Pennines is often called the backbone of __A_____.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. Great BritainD. Ireland8. The regional capital of Northern Ireland is ____D___.A. GlasgowB. EdinburghC. CardiffD. Belfast9. Which of the following statements about the climate in Britain is NOT true?-----B-------A. Britain’s climate is of the maritime type.B. Winters in Britain are extremely cold.C. Summers in Britain are cool.D. Britain is warmer than Harbin in winter.UTIL21. The English people and the English language were born from the union of _____D___.A. the Angles and the SaxonsB. Romans and the Norman FrenchC. Danes or Vikings and the Norman FrenchD. Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons2. The first known settlers of Britain were __A_____.A. the IberiansB. the Beaker FolkC. the CeltsD. the Romans3. About 80,000 Scots speak Gaelic which is an ancient ___D______.A. Scottish languageB. English languageC. Irish languageD. Celtic language4. About three million people have migrated to Britain since World War II. They are mainly from the West Indies, India and ___D_______.A. IndonesiaB. SingaporeC. Hong KongD. Pakistan5. In Britain _______ of the population is urban and __A_____ is rural.A. 90% ; 10%B. 80% ; 20%C. 70% ; 30%D. 60% ; 40%6. The ancestors of the Welsh were the ancient ___A_______.A. CeltsB. RomansC. NormansD. Britons7. The average population density in Britain is ___A___ people per square kilometer.A. 250B. 370C. 800D. 5008. During the 5th century when the Roman Empire fell, the Germanic ____D_____ invaded and conquered Britain.A. Angles and CeltsB. Angles and PictsC. Angles and BrythonsD. Angles and Saxons9. The upper class in Britain consists of the following except ___D______.A. peerageB. gentryC. landownersD. professionals10. “Britishness”can be reflected in the following except __D_______.A. Union JackB. conservativenessC. the BeatlesD. Thanksgiving DayUTIL31. In 1066 Harold and his troops fought against William’s army on Senlac field near ___D_____.A. LondonB. NormandyC. StandfordD. Hastings2. The Plantagenet Dynasty was founded by ___B______.A. HenryB. Henry IIC. King JosephD. Count of Anjor3. English Reformation was carried out by __B_____ to change the religion in England from Catholicism to Protestantism.A. Edward VIB. Henry VIIIC.Mary ID. Elizabeth I4. King John was forced by the barons to sign the ___D____ which restricted the King’s power.A. Bill of RightsB. Petition of RightC. Provisions of OxfordD. Great Charter5. Simon de Montfort’s reform is considered to be the beginning of English _A______.A. parliamentB. cabinetC. constitutionD. liberty6. From 1649 to 1658 England was called a Commonwealth. It was ruled first by Oliver Cromwell as ___A____.A. Lord ProtectorB. Lieutenant GeneralC. Commander of the New Model ArmyD. President7. William of Orange started Constitutional Monarchy by accepting __A_____ in 1689.A. Bill of RightsB. Petition of RightC. Provisions of OxfordD. Great Charter8. The 1851 London Great Exposition was held in the Crystal Palace which was designed by Queen ____C___’s husband Albert.A. MaryB. Elizabeth IC. VictoriaD. Anne9. The British Prime Minister who led the British to defeat Nazi Germany is ___A____.A. ChurchillB. ChamberlainC. MacDonaldD. Macmillan UTIL41. The British constitution is made up of the following EXCEPT ____A_______.A. Commonwealth lawB. statute lawC. common lawD. ancient documents2. The House of Commons is elected by universal suffrage and has about ___A________ Members of Parliament.A. 650B. 660C. 670D. 6803. British Conservative Party was formerly called __B_____ Party in the 18th century.A. WhigB. ToryC. LiberalD. Nationalist4. The United Kingdom is governed in the name of ____D_______, by ___________.A. the King; the Prime MinisterB. the Queen; the Prime MinisterC. the Prime Minister; His or Her Majesty’s GovernmentD. the Sovereign; His or Her Majesty’s Government5. ___A_____ is the “supreme governor”of the Church of England.A. The monarchB. The Archbishop of YorkC. The Archbishop of CanterburyD. The Roman Pope6. In Britain the citizens aged ____B________ or over have the right to vote.A. 16B. 18C. 21D. 307. By tradition, the leader of the majority party is appointed ______A______ by the Sovereign inthe United Kingdom.A. Prime MinisterB. Member of ParliamentC. Lord of AppealD. Speaker of the House8. The Liberal Democratic Party is the combination of the Social Democratic Party and ______C_______.A. the Conservative PartyB. the Labour PartyC. the Liberal PartyD. the Green Party9. Parliament has the following functions EXCEPT ___C_________.A. making lawB. authorizing taxation and public expenditureC. declaring warD. examining the actions of the governmentUTIL51. All criminal trials are held in open court because the criminal law presumes the __C_____ of the accused until he has been proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.A. guiltB. impartialityC. InnocenceD. honesty2. In England, Wales, and Northern Island, people between the age of ___A______ and 70 whose names appear on the electoral register are liable for jury service and their names are chosen at random.A. 18B. 19C. 20D. 213. The jury consists of ordinary, independent citizens summoned by the court: 12 in England, Wales and Northern Island, and ___D________ in Scotland.A. 12B. 13C. 14D. 154. Whether the accused is guilty or innocent is decided by ___B______.A. the policemenB. the juryC. the judgeD. the sheriff5. The ultimate court of appeal in civil cases throughout the Scotland is ___A______.A. the Supreme Court of the United KingdomB. the Court of AppealC. the High Court of JusticiaryD. the House of Lords6. In England and Wales the highest judicial appointments are made by the Queen on the advice of __C______.A. the Lord ChancellorB. the Home SecretaryC. the Prime MinisterD. the Attorney General7. Criminal cases in England and Wales may NOT be tried in ___C_________.A. the Magistrates’CourtB. the Court of AppealC. the High CourtD. the Crown Court8. The three “lay”magistrates that make up a Magistrates’Court in Britain are known as ___A______.A. Justices of the PeaceB. stipendiary magistratesC. Justices of LawD. part-time magistrates9. The most serious criminal offences in Scotland are tried in _____C_____.A. the District CourtB. the Sheriff CourtC. the High Court of JusticiaryD. the Crown Court UTIL61. The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950s and 1960s was based on the theory of __B_____.A. Adam SmithB. John Maynard KeynesC. Margaret ThatcherD. Karl Marx2. Under Margaret Thatcher Britain experienced __B____.A. economic recessionB. economic expansionC. economic declineD. economic depression3. Which of the following is NOT true of Britain’s agriculture?-----D-------A. British farming is highly mechanized.B. Agriculture in Britain is intensive.C. British farming is very efficient.D. Britain’s agriculture can produce enough food for its people.4. In Britain less than ___A_____ of the population are farmers.A. 2%B. 4%C. 6%D. 10%5. In the ___C___ Britain became a net exporter of oil.A. 1960sB. 1970sC. 1980sD. 1990s6. To stimulate economic recovery, the Thatcher Government carried out all the following policies but __B____.A. privatizationB. interventionismC. deregulationD. market liberalization7. Britain is the _D___ largest trading nation in the world.A. thirdB. fourthC. fifthD. sixth8. British oil fields were discovered on the __D_____.A. English ChannelB. Irish SeaC. Norwegian SeaD. North Sea9. Which of the following is not included in the new industries in Britain?-----D----A. Microprocessors.B. Computers.C. Biotechnology.D. Motor vehicles. UTIL71. The National Health Service (NHS) was established in the United Kingdom in ___C______.A. 1946B. 1947C. 1948D. 19492.____B____ is directly responsible for the NHS.A. Local governmentB. Central governmentC. V oluntary organizationsD. Certain social boards3. In Britain, children up to the age of ____D__ can receive family allowances for children.A. 11B. 12C. 15D. 164. In Britain, pensions for the elderly, or retirement benefits, begin for women at the age of ___C_____.A. 50B. 55C. 60D. 655. In England the NHS is managed by the __B______.A. Department for Work and PensionsB. Department of HealthC. Social Security AgencyD. Social Services Department6. The National Health Service in Britain provides a full range of medical services for __C_____.A. employeesB. residents aged between 18-60C. every residentD. residents aged over 607. Social Security in the UK is the government’s most expensive program, costing __C___ of public funding.A. 20%B. 25%C. 30%D. 35%8. A family doctor in Britain is also known as a __C____.A. general doctorB. general pharmacistC. general practitionerD. family practitioner9. In 2001 people in marriage accounted for __B_____ of the adult population in Britain.A. 60%B. 55%C. 50%D. 45%10. Houses have traditionally been divided into following types EXCEPT __D____.A. detached houseB. semi-detached houseC. terraced houseD. attached house UTIL81.____B____ is the largest of the Free Churches.A. The BaptistsB. The Methodist ChurchC. The Roman Catholic ChurchD. The Church in Wales2. Established Churches in Britain are _____D______.A. Church of England and Church of WalesB. Church of Wales and Church of ScotlandC. the Anglican ChurchesD. Church of England and Church of Scotland3. The Free Churches do NOT include ___A______.A. the Church of EnglandB. the Methodist ChurchC. the Baptist ChurchD. the United Reformed Church4. The principal non-Christian communities in Britain are ___D____.A. the MoslemsB. the BuddhistsC. the HindusD. the Jews5. The Church of Scotland is a ___C_____ church.A. MethodistB. BaptistC. PresbyterianD. Catholic6. In Great Britain, the ____A_______ is uniquely related to the Crown.A. Church of EnglandB. Church of ScotlandC. Church of IrelandD. Church of Wales7. The members of ____D___ in Britain have also been known as dissenters or nonconformists.A. the Anglican ChurchB. the Church of EnglandC. the Roman Catholic ChurchD. the Free Churches8. The Church of England has two provinces. They are ___A_____.A. Canterbury and YorkB. London and YorkC. Durham and CanterburyD. London and Winchester UTIL91. There are some __C_____ universities in Britain, including the Open University.A. 70B. 80C. 90D. 1002. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from the _____A________ centuries.A. 12th and 13thB. 13th and 14thC. 14th and 15thD. 15th and 16th3. The usual age for transfer from primary to secondary schools is ____D_________ in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.A. 14B. 13C. 12D. 114. In Britain, private schools are often called ___D___.A. comprehensive schoolsB. grammar schoolsC. secondary modern schoolsD. independent schools5. In Britain, higher education is usually defined as advanced courses of a standard higher than ____B____ or equivalent.A. GCE O-LevelB. GCE A-LevelC. GCE AS-LevelD. GCSE6. In Britain, education at primary levels emphasizes the following EXCEPT ____D________.A. readingB. writingC. arithmeticD. science7. The following universities belong to “red-brick”universities EXCEPT ____D_____.A. University of LeedsB. University of LiverpoolC. University of ManchesterD. University of Glasgow8. The leading scientific society in Britain is ___D_____.A. the British Association for the Advancement of ScienceB. the Royal InstitutionC. the British AcademyD. the Royal SocietyUTIL101. The largest and the most important museum in Britain is _____A_______.A. the British MuseumB. the Victoria and Albert MuseumC. the Imperial War MuseumD. the National Gallery2. Britain’s most popular pastime is ____B________.A. reading newspaperB. watching TVC. playing footballD. horse racing3. The Times is a _____A_______ newspaper in Britain.A. quality dailyB. popular dailyC. quality SundayD. mid-market daily4. The Daily Mirror is a ____B_____ newspaper in Britain.A. quality dailyB. popular dailyC. popular SundayD. mid-market daily5. Football has its traditional home in ___A________.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. FranceD. Italy6. ______C_______ is the most typical English sports.A. FootballB. RugbyC. CricketD. Horse racing7. Of the following four sports, _____A________ has the longest history.A. cricketB. golfC. footballD. rugby8. The Beatles was a band formed by four boys from ____B_____.A. ManchesterB. LiverpoolC. LondonD. EdinburghUSAUTIL11. The United States of America is the ____D________ country in the world in size.A. largestB. second-largestC. third-largestD. fourth-largest2. ____B________ extend from the northern tip of Maine southwestern to Alabama.A. The Rocky MountainsB. The Appalachian HighlandsC. The Coast MountainsD. The Blue Mountains3. The climate of the United States is influenced by ____D________.A. the Atlantic and Pacific OceansB. the Gulf of MexicoC. the Great LakesD. All of the above4. What is the leading commercial crop of the south?-----B-----A. Cotton.B. Tobacco.C. Sugar cane.D. Rice.5. What Midwestern city is the automobile capital of the world?---B-----A. Chicago.B. Detroit.C. Milwaukee.D. Cleveland.6. One of the most important lakes in the United States is __A_______, which is the largest fresh water lake in the world.A. Lake SuperiorB. Lake MichiganC. Lake HuronD. Lake Ontario7. New England lies in ___C_______ of the United States.A. the northern partB. the southern partC. the northeastern partD. the southeastern part8. The southern part of the Pacific coast in California has a ____D_______ climate.A. subtropicalB. continental desertC. maritimeD. Mediterranean9. The smallest state in the United States is ____B_______.A. WashingtonB. Rhode IslandC. HawaiiD. Maryland10. In the United States, the largest city along the Pacific coast is ____A_______.A. Los AngelesB. San FranciscoC. SeattleD. PortlandUTIL21. The British established 13 colonies along __C_______.A. the west coast of North AmericaB. the west coast of South AmericaC. the east coast of North AmericaD. the east coast of South America2. In the early 1850s, with the westward movement, the slavery became a serious political issue endangering the unity of the country because ___A______.A. whether or not slavery would expand into the future states formed as a result of the westward movement would affect the balance of power in the SenateB. the South insisted that slavery should be allowed to spread into all new territoriesC. the North refused to let slavery spread into new territoriesD. the North wanted to put an end to slavery3. The Progressive Movement wanted to ___A_____ in order to stop big business control.A. initiate strict government regulationB. have the government fix pricesC. break up all the big businessesD. do away with rebates4. The 1920s in the United States has been described as a period of _____D_______ .A. cultural revivalB. loss of purposeC. development in science and technologyD. material success and spiritual frustration5. The serious economic crisis in the late 1920s and 1930s was first brought about by _____D________.A. bank failuresB. serious unemploymentC. farm foreclosuresD. the stock market crash6. The purpose of the New Deal measures was to ___A_______.A. save American democracy and the capitalist systemB. check the worsening of the economic situationC. help people tide over the difficultyD. increase American export7. On June 5, 1947, ___A_____ suggested that the U.S. should offer economic aid to Western Europe so as to protect the region from Soviet expansion.A. George MarshallB. Franklin D. RooseveltC. George KennanD. Harry Truman8. At the time of Cuban Missile Crisis, the President of the U.S. was _____C_______.A. TrumanB. EisenhowerC. KennedyD. Johnson9. New Frontier and Great Society were programs initiated by __C_____.A. President KennedyB. President JohnsonC. Presidents Kennedy and Johnson respectivelyD. Presidents Johnson and Kennedy respectively10. The conservatism during Reagan’s administration was known as _____B________.A. the New LeftB. the New RightC. the New FrontierD. the New Freedom UTIL31.The current situation of African-Americans presents ___C____.A. a favorable pictureB. a negative pictureC. a mixed pictureD. a positive picture2. Although discrimination has been legally abolished, ___D_____.A. discrimination in employment still existsB. discrimination in university admission still existsC. poverty rate of the blacks is the highest among all racial and ethnic groupsD. inequality and subtle discrimination still exist3. The Cuban-Americans mainly live in __A____.A. FloridaB. TexasC. LouisianaD. Alabama4. Some people say Asian-Americans owe their success to the Asian tradition of the following EXCEPT ___D_____.A. familyB. hard workC. educationD. discrimination5. Now about 80% to 90% of immigration to the United States is from ___A____.A. Asian and Hispanic countriesB. African countriesC. European countriesD. Central and South American countries6. The first immigrants in American history came from ______A____.A. England and the NetherlandsB. IrelandC. West GermanyD. East Europe7. Among the major Hispanic groups in the United States, the largest group is __B_____.A. the Puerto RicansB. the Mexican-AmericansC. the Cuban-AmericansD. the Central and South American immigrants8. Among the major Hispanic groups in the United States, ___B_____ have the highest social status.A. the ChicanosB. the Cuban-AmericansC. the Puerto-RicansD. the Latin American immigrants9. The Native Americans are ___A_______.A. the IndiansB. the whitesC. the blacksD. the HispanicsUTIL41. The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in ____D____.A. all kinds of casesB. cases involving foreign citizensC. cases involving a stateD. Both B and C2. Political parties are the basis of the American political system, ___D______.A. but there is no provision in the Constitution for political partiesB. and the Constitution has clear provisionC. but the founding fathers had strong apprehension of political partiesD. Both A and C3. The two major parties today have ___C___ differences in policy concentration.A. noB. littleC. someD. great4. The writers of the Constitution worked out the checks and balances in order to __A_____.A. prevent the government from misusing its powerB. prevent the government from being strongC. pacify those who opposed the ConstitutionD. meet the demands of small states5. The President of the United States is elected _D____.A. indirectly by the electorsB. by CongressC. directly by the votersD. None of the above.7. The U.S. President’s appointments have to be approved by ____B____.A. the House of RepresentativesB. the SenateC. the CabinetD. the Supreme Court8. The Supreme Court of the United States consists of one Chief Justice and _C_____ Associate Justices.A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 109. The two major political parties in the United States are __D_____.A. the Democratic Party and the Labor PartyB. the Federalist Party and the Democratic PartyC. the Federalist Party and the Republican PartyD. the Democratic Party and the Republican Party10. The U.S. Congress has the power to override the president’s veto by a _A____ majority.A. 2/3B. 3/4C. 3/5D. 4/5UTIL51. The United States ranks ___A_____ in the world in the total value of its economic production.A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. fourth2. The following are the factors that have contributed tothe development of the U.S. economy EXCEPT _____C_____.A. the vast space and resources of the landB. the ideals of freedom and economic opportunityC. English as its national languageD. hard work by the people3. What is America’s most important food crop?----A-----A. Corn.B. Rice.C. Barley.D. Oat.4. Service industries account for more than ___D______ of the U.S. gross domestic product.A. a thirdB. halfC. two thirdsD. three fourth5. The westward expansion is a demonstration ofAmerican __A______.A. individualismB. patriotismC. liberalismD. expansionism6. Hamilton believed that the United States should pursue economic growth through the following EXCEPT ___D_____.A. shippingB. manufacturingC. bankingD. slavery7. With the arrival of the 20th century, the United States became increasingly urbanized, particularly in the ____A_____ cities.A. NortheastB. NorthwestC. SoutheastD. Southwest8. The American South is a center of the following traditional crops EXCEPT ___D______.A. tobaccoB. cornC. cottonD. wheat9. As the world’s leading maker of industrial goods, the U.S. now produces around ___B______ of the world’s industrial products.A. 20%B. 25%C. 30%D. 35%10. In the United States, the following areas tend to specialize in high-tech and computer industries EXCEPT ___B_____.A. NortheastB. MidwestC. NorthwestD. SouthwestUTIL61. The American social security system includes the following programs EXCEPT ___C______.A. OASDHIB. MedicareC. MedicaidD. Unemployment Compensation2. Americans may start receiving their pensions at the age of __C_______.A. 55B. 60C. 65D. 703. The main federal welfare programs in the USA consist of the following programs EXCEPT___D______.A. MedicaidB. AFDCC. Food StampsD. Medicare4. Which of the following belongs to the religious welfare organization?----C---A. NCH.B. CWLA.C. CCHD. D. Ford Foundation.5. Among private foundations, which has become increasingly prominent in private charity activity?---D-----A. Rockefeller Foundation.B. Ford Foundation.C. Buffett Foundation.D. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.6. Which of the following statement is NOT true about American health care services?----D----A. A sizable number of Americans still remain uninsured.B. The U.S. has top-quality medical facilities.C. Medicaid covers only about 40 percent of the poor nationwide.D. Compared with other developed countries, the United States spends less on health care.7. According to the healthcare reform proposed during the Obama administration, the government will require most Americans to have health insurance by ___D____.A. 2011B. 2012C. 2013D. 20148. Homes and houses give Americans the following sense EXCEPT ____D____.A. possessionB. material satisfactionC. personal identificationD. freedom UTIL7.1. There are currently ___D_____ district courts in the United States.A. 52B. 54C. 92D. 942. There are currently __B_____ courts of appeals in the United States.A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 133. ___C_______ argues cases for the government before the Supreme Court.A. Chief Justice of Supreme CourtB. Attorney GeneralC. Solicitor GeneralD. President of the United States4. District judgeships are filled by the President with the consent of ___C______.A. Chief Justice of Supreme CourtB. Attorney GeneralC. the SenateD. the House of Representatives5. Generally, the trial jury consists of ____B___ ordinary citizens.A. 1-6B. 6-12C. 12-23D. 23-306. Generally, the grand jury consists of ___C____ ordinary citizens.A. 1-6B. 6-12C. 12-23D. 23-307. The Supreme Court consists of a chief justice and ___B____ associate justicesA. 7B. 8C. 9D. 108. In the United States, people between the ages of __A_____ are the most inclined age group to commit crimes.A. 11-19B. 19-24C. 24-45D. 45-549. In some urban areas in the United States, murder is the main cause of death among non-White males between the ages of ____C____.A. 11-19B. 19-24C. 24-45D. 45-5410. As a rule, the implementation of state law is carried out by the police and detectives in the city, and by __D_____ in rural areas.A. sheriffsB. constablesC. magistratesD. both A and BUTIL81. To many Americans, education is important because _____D________.A. it contributes to the success of individualsB. it contributes to the strengthening of national strengthC. it prepares the young people for future developmentD. Both A and B 2. In the United States, public schools at the elementary and secondary level are _____D_________.A. freeB. compulsoryC. open to allD. Both A and C3. American schools fall into two categories, namely, _____A__________.A. public and private schoolsB. academic and vocational schoolsC. coeducation and single sex schoolsD. national and state-run schools4. In the United States, education policies are made by ______B________.A. the federal governmentB. the state board of educationC. local school districtD. board of trustees5. The governing board of school district is responsible for ______D_________.A. the hiring of teachers and staffB. the designing of a suitable curriculumC. the compiling and approving of budgetD. All of the above6. There is ______B_________ difference(s) in tuition rates between public and private institutions of higher learning in the U.S.A. noB. significantC. someD. not much7. The community college ______B_________.A. offers bachelor degreesB. offers associate degreesC. offers master degreesD. Both A and B8. Elementary and secondary education in the U.S. covers ___C____ years.A. 9B. 11C. 12D. 14。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版英语国家概况复习整理一、单选题知识点:1.英国部分英国的主要岛屿:Great Britain and IrelandEdinburgh(爱丁堡)是苏格兰的首都英国有超过60 million的人口Northern Ireland是4个英国组成部分中最小的一个1/4 人口住在southeastern England英语属于Indo-European 语系中的Germanic(日耳曼语)基督教额引入为英国添加了第一笔 Latin and Greek色彩中世界英语被Norman influence强化塞缪尔.约翰逊的词典的意义是建立了Spelling的标准目前,将近a quarter的世界人口讲英文The Gremanic对罗马的进攻结束了罗马人占领英国在7世纪晚期,Roman Christianity(天主教会)处于英格兰的主导地位Westminster Abbey(威斯敏斯特教堂)建立在Edward the confessor(忏悔者爱德华)时期The Norman conquest 标志着Feudalism(封建制度)在英国的建立玫瑰花战争带来the House of Tudor的统治宗教改革(Religious Reformation)的直接原因是亨利三世国王divorce his wife英国革命在1642年爆发于Royalists and Parliamentarians(保皇党人和国会议员)之间Bill of Right(人权法案)在Glorious Revolution (光荣革命)后被通过19世纪中期英国的Industrial Revolution完成英国在20世纪初期面临着强烈的全球帝国统治挑战英国政府的三权分立:judiciary(司法),legislature(立法)及executive(行政),而不包括momarchy(君主) 英国君主的重要性体现在他在public attitude方面的影响British Cabinet(内阁)在Collective responsibility(集体负责制)的原则下工作英国Priry Council(枢密院)的主要责任是Give advice英国议会大选每5年举行一次Scotland拥有建立在罗马法律基础上的独特的法律系统英国议会的经营是two-party(两党的)模式保守党的政策是典型的Pragmatism(实用主义)和 a belief in individualism(个人主义的信仰)工会党(The Labor Prty)的影响是建立了全国健康服务体制(National Health Service)英国经济到1800s实现了全球统治在1946年,英国议会通过了两个重要法案,建立了福利规定1970s早期的The oil crisis(石油危机)恶化了本来已经不景气的英国经济布莱尔政府没有在reducing inequality方面获得成功英国开垦了74%的土地用于发展农业英国的渔业地区不包括The sea area between Britain and Ireland在英国,煤矿产业提供了1/4的能源英国汽车产业几乎全部是Foreign-owned(外企)英国文艺复兴时期最光辉的成就是drama(戏剧)"Preface to Lyrical Ballads"是浪漫诗的开篇之作Thomas Hardy 是19世纪批判现实主义的代表Waiting for Godot是Samuel Bekett 写的2.美国部分美国大陆上有48个statesAlaska是最大的州美国在 central North America ,加拿大在它的北面,墨西哥在南面,大西洋在它的东面,太平洋在它的西面美国最大的河流是Mississippi River哈佛、耶鲁和MIT等著名大学位于New EnglandNiagara Falls(尼亚加拉瀑布)位于美国-加拿大边境上阿拉斯加人口中没有the Blacks美国最大的少数民族是the Blacks1924年的移民法案限制美国的进一步移民,尤其是来自欧洲的美国文化主流的特点是:English-speaking,Western European,Protestant and Middle-class第一个北美殖民地建立在Jamestorn,VirginiaPilrim Fathers 是一群Paritans(清教徒),他们为了逃避在英国的迫害而来到美国7年战争发生在French and British之间"No taxation without represtation"是The people of 13 colonies的口号美国独立战争的第一枪在Lexingto (列克星顿)打响1775年5月,The second continenta congrsee 在Philadelphia举行林肯签发了Declaration of Independence承诺给予所以奴隶自由第二次世界大战开始时,美国是neutrality(中立的)政策Roosevelt(罗斯福)新政处理了大萧条的问题越南战争继续受Eisenhower,kennedy and johnson的影响美国的ore(矿石)只占世界很小部分现代美国经济经历了faming economy,handcraft economy,最终形成industrial economy第一家国家银行是在Alexander Hamilton时期建立的美国1/3粮食用于出口目前,美国出口占世界10%美国常规教育包括elementary,secondary and higher education美国高等教育开始于Harvard University 的建立MIT没有出过总统美国国庆节在July 4thWashington Irving 是美国文学之父Tony Morrison是第一个获得诺贝尔奖文学奖的非裔美国人二、名词解释:1. American Civil War(美国内战)American Civil War is a war that was fought in the US between 1861 and 1865 when 11 southern states rebelled against the federal government. The southern states were beaten, and as a result of the war, slaves became free.2.Melting pot and salad(大熔炉)The melting pot is an analogy for the way in which homogeneous societies develop, in which the ingredients in the pot (people of different cultures, races and religions) are combined so as to develop a multi-ethnic society. The term, which originates from the United States, is often used to describe societies experiencing large scale immigration from many different countries.3.American Constitution(美国宪法)American Constitution,which was drawn up in 1787 and came into effect in 1789,is the basic law of the land.For over two centuries,it has guided the development of government institution and has the basis for the nation,s political stability,economic growth and social progress.4.Cold War(冷战)In the spring of 1947 ,for the purpose of establishing the U.S.hegenmiony(霸权) in postwar world,President Truman declared the "Tueman Doctrine",aiming at expanding American sphere of influence.This marked the beginning of the Cold War period.the Cold War exerted great influence in Europe,and two Germanys were founded.Then,in April 1949,the U.S.allied with other Western countries,forming the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.While seeking to prevent Communist ideology from gaining further adherents(追随者) in Europe, the U.S.also responded to the challenges elsewhere.5.Thanksgiving(感恩节)Thanksgiving is a associated with the time when Europeans first came to the New World.In1620,the Mayflower arrived and brought about 150 Pilgrims.Life at the beginning was very hard and there was not enough food,so many of them died.During the following summer the Native Americans helped them and then they had a bountiful harvest.So they held a big celebration to thank God and the Native Americans.6.British Labor Party(英国工会党)British Labor Party known as a party of high taxation,was created by the growing trade union movement at the end of the 19th century.It quickly replaced the Liberal Party as one of the two largest political parties.The Labor government that come to power in 1945 had a major effort on British society. It set up the National Health Service.The party activities are largely funded by the trade unions.7.British Conservative Party(英国保守党)By and large, the Conservative Party is supported by those who have something to "conserve".Economically,the Conservative Party supports free enterprise and privatization of state-owned enterprise.It is against too much government intervention,especially nationalization.The Conservative Partyfavors reducing the influence of trade unions and minimizing expenditures on social welfare.Its policies are charactized by pragmatism and a belied in individualism.monwealth of Nations(联邦国家)The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association of independent sovereign statse,all of which acknowledge the British monarch as the head.The Commonwealth is not a political union of any sort,and its member states have full autonomy to manage their internal and external affairs.It is primarily an organization in which countries with diverse economic backgrounds have an opportunity for close and equal interaction after gaining independence.The major activities of the Commonwealth are designed to advocate democracy,human rights,and to promote economic cooperation and growth within its members.9.Critical Realism(批判现实主义)The Critical Realism of the 19th centry flourished in the 1840s and the early 1850s.The Critical Realism described the chief traits of the society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint.The greatest English realist was Charles Dickens.10.Standard English (标准英语)Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England.It is widely used in media and taught at school .It is preferred by the educated,middle-class people .It has developed and has been promoted as a model for correct British English .It is also the norm carried overseas.Today Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where English is thought and used.三、简答题:1.what is the full name of the UK?The full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2.why do tourists from all over the world like to go to Scotland?They like to enjoy the beautiful Scottish scenery ,to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsmen wearing kilts and playing bagpipes.3.How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and what are they ?The development of the English language can be divided into three periods : Old English ,Middle English and Modern English.4.Why did English become more important after the Black Death?The laboring and merchant classes grew in economic and social importance after the Black Death,so English also grew in importance compare to French.。

人物与历史文献USTea Act 茶税法The Treaty of Paris 巴黎公约1783年美英两国于巴黎签订的条约同样成为《巴黎条约》,该条约的签订代表着英国承认美国独立,停止敌对行为,但仅承认美国占领密西西比河以东的土地。
第二次大陆会议(The Second Continental Congress) 费城(Philadelphia)召开George Washington 乔治·华盛顿: commander in Continental Army«美利坚合众国宪法»(The Constitution of the United States),通称«美国联邦宪法»或«美国宪法»(U.S. Constitution)1787年宪法Thomas Jefferson托马斯·杰斐逊:The Declaration of Independence «独立宣言»Abraham Lincoln亚伯拉罕·林肯:the Emancipation Proclamation «解放黑人奴隶宣言»Homestead Act «宅地法»Franklin D. Roosevelt富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福: The New Deal罗斯福新政1933年富兰克林·罗斯福就任美国总统后所实行的一系列经济政策,其核心是三个R:救济(Relief)、复兴(Recovery)和改革(Reform),因此有时也被称为三R新政。
Agricultural Adjustment Act «农业调整法»National Industrial Recovery Act «全国工业复兴法»«社会保障法»马丁.路德.金恩(Martin Luther King)Civil Rights Movement 民权运动我有一个梦想(I Have a Dream)Harry Truman哈瑞.杜鲁门:杜鲁门主义The Truman Doctrine马歇尔计划(The Marshall Plan),也称为欧洲复兴计划European Recovery ProgramReagan里根: Star Wars Program 星球大战计划Irangate Scandal 伊朗门事件Nixon尼克松: Watergate Scandals 水门事件Bill Clinton 克林顿: Zippergate ScandalUK«大宪章»:Magna Carta / The Great Charter 1215年King John 国王约翰to impose legal limits on the King's personal power in raising money from his subjects «权力请愿书»: The Petition of Right 1628年Charles 查理一世第29页«权利法案» :Bill of Rights 第32页The treaty of Paris 1763年第32页概念搭配UK1、ConstitutionA constitution is a set of rules and conventions that lays down the powers and functions of state institutions and their relationship with each other.2、The cabinetThe major decision-making body in the government, is often associated with the office of the Prime Minister.3、Tribunal (法院,仲裁机构)A more informal and less expensive alternative to civil and criminal courts, which handles minor cases outside of the official court system.4、The Lord Chancellor(英国上议院的)大法官The Lord Chancellor is head of the judiciary (司法部,法院)in England and Wales.5、The social security systemIt is designed to secure a basic standard of living for people in financial need from the cradle to the grave.US1、Congress (国会)The legislative branch of the federal government ,is made up of the Senate and the House of Representative.2、The Supreme CourtConsists of a chief justice and eight associate justices.问答题英国部分Unit 3 P411. Who were the main foreign invaders of Britain at different times in British history? What contributions have they respectively made to the British culture, or what impacts have they had? 英国历史上不同时期主要的外国侵略者?及对英国的文化贡献或影响?P13(1)Julius Caesar 凯撒大帝(55BC) Hadrian’s Wall Words of Latin origins, Roman numbers, the solar calendar, Roman laws, and the census人口普查 ['sensəs] took root locally. Christianity spread(2)Germanic tribesmen 日耳曼人developed the Heptarchy, ['heptɑːkɪ]七王国;七头统治;七国连盟established Old English(3)Anglo-Saxon盎格鲁-撒克逊Christianity gained hold in Britain(4)Normans 诺曼人made Norman feudalism封建主义;封建制度['fjuːdəlɪz(ə)m]2. What was the social background for the Reformation to take place in England? What major achievements did the Elizabethan [i,lizə'bi:θən] 伊丽莎白一世时代的era ['ɪərə] witness?英格兰革新的社会背景?伊丽莎白一世见证的成就?P28In the Middle Ages, the Church had gained not only material importance, but also extensive power in politics and law. ﹙P28﹚Elizabeth: Putting to rest the religious issues;Reducing the power of the old nobility;Reaching farther than before through trade and adventure;Defeating Armada at sea Cultural and artistic movements (the English Renaissance) 3. How did the English Civil War break out? What were the consequences of the war?英国内战如何爆发?结果如何?P29The absolute rule of Charles I aroused the resistance of the people and the bourgeoisies. Charles took conteraction. He wanted to arrest Pym, Hampden and three other leaders of the Commons, but he failed to do so. So, he departed for the north, hoping to find supporters in the west and north districts. Thus the Civil War began. Consequences: The King Charles’s arm was defeated. Charles I was beheaded. In 1649, the House of Lords and the office of King were abolished and a Council of State was set to carry the executive work of the government, and England was declared a Commonwealth.Unit 4 P504. What are the characteristics of the British Constitution ?英国宪法的特点?P43(1)Constitutional monarchy ['mɒnəkɪ] 君主立宪制(2)Parliamentary sovereignty ['sɒvrɪntɪ] 议会至上(3)Representative democracy 代议民主(4)The rule of law ﹝P43﹞5. What are the functions of Parliament? How does the law-making process work?议会的功能是什么?法律制定工作是如何运行的?P44(1)To legislate立法(2)To vote the taxation 征税and expenditures [ɪk'spɛndɪtʃɚ] 支出of thegovernment(3)To examine government policies and administration 行政(4)To debate major political issues of the day (P45)6. What is meant by the “two-party system” in the UK today? How effective is such a system ?英国两党制在今天有何意义?这种制度如何起作用?P48The British party politics of government in the UK Parliament with power being held by either Conservative Party or Labour Party. The party which wins most MP seats in the House of Common becomes the goverment. The largest minority party becomes the official Opposition,with its own leader and "shadow cabinet".美国部分Unit 1 P1231.What are the characteristics of "Middle America", geographically, culturally, andpolitically?美国中部的地理、文化、政治特点?P115Geographically, the Middle America refers to the territory between the East Coast of the United States (particularly the northeast) and the West Coast. It has yielded some of America's greatest agricultural and mineral wealth,is the heart of America.Culturally, America is contrasted with the more culturally progressive urban areas of the country, particularly, those of the East and West Coasts. The conservative values considered typical of Middle America (often called "family values" in American politics) are often called "Middle American values".The idea of Middle America may exclude locations such as Chicago (the third largest city in the United States and one of the world's ten alpha cities) and very wealthy cities like Aspen, Colorado. The coastal regions of the southern United States are implicitly included.Politically, The phrase Middle American values is a political cliché; like family values, it refers to more traditional or conservative politics, although larger cities such as St. Louis, Missouri and Minneapolis, Minnesota, and major university towns such as Madison, Wisconsin, Columbia, Missouri and Lawrence, Kansas provide exceptions. Many of the political battleground states are situated in "Middle America".2.What makes the Northeast stand out as a unique cultural region?美国东北部独特的文化区域?P119the Northeast of America is densely populated and high urban, and it's the nation's economic and cultural center. Since this area was one of the two earliest settlements by British colonists, Americans tend to trace many of the nation's core values to theregion. One of the region's greatest strengths in its economic competition with other regions is its long tradition of support for education. Additionally, the region has also enjoyed a long history of booming tourism industry, both for its beautiful landscape and for its significant role in shaping the early part of American history.Unit 2 P1433.What do you think of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America?Were they great ?你怎么看待美国的开国元勋?他们获得哪些伟大的成就?America has produced such great men as George Washington,Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln. Undoubtedly, the Founding Fathers of the United States of America made great contributions to the US. All served in important positions in the early government of the United States. They also put forth a set of political ideas that became so deeply embedded in the national consciousness that they are often referred to as the "American Credo".4.What were the main reasons that made the United States the world's leadingindustrial power in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?19到20世纪美国位于世界工业霸权的地位的主要原因?P128A Yankee tradition of trade and commerce that provided both the skill and the capital required for industrial expansion; a commitment to private property and the profit system that gave the Rockefellers , the Morgans , and the Carnegies the incentive to build corporate empires ; an abundant and skilled labour supply ; political institutions ......P130第一段全部5. What were the chief causes of the Great Depression? Did the New Deal solve the problems brought about by the Depression? Why and why not?大萧条的主要原因?新政解决大萧条问题了吗?P132The chief causes can be found in the unbalanced economy both domestic and international of the twenties.The New Deal didn't solve the problem itself. The New Deal was a series economic programs to help alleviate the disastrous impact of the Great Depression. The programs focused on three aspects, including relief for the unemployed and poor, recovery of the economy to normal levels and reform the financial system to prevent a repeated depression.小测Part 1: True or False1. The United Kingdom consists of four political divisions —England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. F Northern Ireland英国由四个政治区组成:英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰P32. The longest river in Britain is the Thames. F the Severn英国最长的河流是赛文河P73. In the UK, most undergraduate (bachelor’s) degrees take three years to complete. T在英国,大多数本科(学士)学位需要三年才能完成P964. The English, the Scots, and the Welsh are Anglo-Saxons, but the Irish are Celts. F只有英格兰人才能可盎格鲁—萨克逊人only The English is Anglo-Saxons P135. Social class in the UK lays more emphasis on money and property. F英国的社会阶层更注重金钱和财产6. The name “England” derived from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who came to England in the 5th and 6th centuries. T“英国”的名字来自于盎格鲁,在第五和第六世纪中来到英国的日耳曼部落中的一个P137. The Bank of England is a commercial bank. F英国银行是一家国家中央银行the country’s central bank P678. The members of House of Lord are non-elected. T上议院的成员是非选举产生的P459. More than half of the full-time farms in the UK are devoted to livestock. T超过一半的英国全日制农场从事畜牧业P6510. The UK’s biggest-selling newspaper is The Times. F英国销量最大的报纸是太阳报The Sun P10411. The UK Parliament comprises two elements: the House of Lord and the House of Commons. F英国议会由三个部分组成:王权、上议院和下议院The Crown、the non-elected House of Lord and the elected House of Commons P4512. Social Security in U.K. is mainly supported by the government.F英国的社会保障主要是由纳税机构支持的。

• 6 How is the weather in Australia? Australia is a globally driest continent. During the summer season, the average temperature varies from 10% to 20%, which makes the nursing products worldwide famous. Dry but nut sultry makes its indoor temperture so cool enough that air-conditioners are less popular. Besides, snow storm is impossible. Other places have no record of snowing except some highland district. Australia does not have the climate condition of forming snow.
England remains the full responsibility of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, which is centralized in London. England, Scotland and Wales have separate national governing bodies for many sports, meaning that they can compete individually in international sporting competitions. Northern Ireland has a separate governing body for association football but forms single all-Ireland sporting bodies with the Republic of Ireland for most sports. The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are dependencies of the United Kingdom but not part of the UK or of the European Union. Collectively, the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are known in UK law as the British Islands. Similarly, the British overseas territories, remnants of the British Empire scattered around the globe, are not constitutionally considered to be part of the UK itself. Formerly, all of Ireland was a country of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland is the sovereign state formed from the portion of Ireland that seceded from the United Kingdom in 1922. Although part of the geographical British Isles, the Republic of Ireland is no longer a part of the UK.

True or False1. The United Kingdom and Northern Island is located in northern Europe.2. The United Kingdom consists of four political divisions----England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.3. England is one of the two large islands in the British Isles.4. The British Isles are made up of three large island and hundreds of small ones.5. Wales lies on the east coast of the island of Great Britain.7. In Scotland, rugged mountains, green valleys, and deep, blue lakes provide some of the most beautiful scenery in Europe.8. Britain?s longest river is the Thames.9. The largest lake in Britain is the Lough Neagh in northwest England.11. The English, the Scots, and the Welsh are Anglo-Saxons, but the Irish are Celts.14. Compared with the rest of the world, the UK has a smaller percentage of older people and a higher percentage of younger people.16. Scottish Gaelic is the official language in Scotland.18. English people all strive to free themselves of regional or local accents in order to sound like educated English-speaking people.19. Social class in the UK lays more emphasis on money and property.21. The successful Roman invasion took place in 43 AD, headed by the Emperor Julius Caesar. 23. The Magna Carta set out the rules which were to form the basis for the Parliament which operates in England today.24. The Black Death ravaged England, carrying off three fourths of the population.27. Queen Mary was a follower of the Church of England and was determined to take England once again a Protestant country.34. A general election may be called by the government at any time but must be within four years of the previous one.35. The House of Lords is the second chamber where changes in law can be made.36. The party which wins the second largest munber of seats in the House of Lords becomes theofficial Opposition.38. The Speaker is a member who is acceptable to all shades of opinion in the House of Lords.39. The two major parties in Britain today are the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democratic Party.40. Ministers in Britain cannot be elected Members of Parliament at the same time.43. In Scotland, all appeals are heard by three or more judges of the High Court of Justiciary. 45. London’s Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control of the Lord Chancellor.47. The House of Lords is the court of last resort for most instances of UK law.48. The Lord chancellor is the highest court officer in Britain.52. John Maynard Keynes was an influential American economist.53. A strong opponent of the policies of the Labor Party, Margaret Thatcher worked to increase government control over the British economy.55. The area between London and South Wales is often referred to as Britain?s “Silicon Glen”.56. Britain imports chiefly manufactured products and exports mostly raw materials.58. The value of Britain?s exports of goods usual ly exceeds the value of its imports.59. Today, the City of London is the center of London where government departments are located.60. The trade union movement in Britain has become stronger these years because of changes in the structure of employment.65. General Practitioners receive fees based on the number of individuals who register with them as patients.66. The nuclear family accounts for a majority of households and has increased in recent years.67. In Northern Ireland, the needs of those in difficulty are met by local authorities, who draw upon funds provided by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).68. Eye tests and dental treatments in NHS hospitals are freeof charge.69. Personal social services refer to the provision of financial support for the people in difficulty.70. Most British people now live in detached houses.71. In the UK, more than half of the Christians attend worship on regular basis.72. Christian was first introduced into Britain by St. Augustine in the 6th century of the church of England.74. The supreme Governor of the Church of England is the Archbishop of Canterbury.75. Canterbury Cathedral is used for the Coronation of all British Monarchs.77. The Church of Scotland is the established church in Scotland and is subject to state control.78. The Baptist Union of Great Britain is the largest of the free churches in Britain.80. Since the United Kingdom guarantees its citizens religious freedom without interference from the states or the community .religion in Britain is separated from politics.83. Thanks to the 1988 Education Reform Act ,the UK has since provide universal and free state primary and secondary education.84. The Secretary of State for Education is responsible for public spending on schools.85. The Department of Education and Science is primarily responsible for public spending on schools.86. In the UK, public schools are public-funded.87. Universities and higher education colleges in the UK enjoy academic freedom, appoint their own degrees, decide which students to admit and are financially self-reliant.91. People in the UK spend about most of the free time in the pub.92. The Royal National Theatre often performs in Stratford-upon-Avon,Shakespeare's birthplace.93. With the emergence of the Beatles,the Rolling Stones,and the Who,British popularmusic Jed the world from the early 1980s.95. The UK's biggest-selling newspaper is The Times.97. The national sport of the UK is rugby.98. Cricket is popular in all the four home nations.101. The United States stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Pacific Ocean In the east.103. The Appalachian region is both complicated and varied,containing not only some of the highest mountains in North America,but also a vast expanse of intermontane basins, plateaus,and isolated ranges.104. Western Washington and Oregon receive plenty of rain and Central California is noticeably drier in winter.106. Washington D.C.is located in the Southern States Region and is also part of a state. 110. Hawaii has the largest land area of all the states,and Alaska has one of the smallest land areas.114. When many thousands of Southerners saw the victory of Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 election as not simply a political defeat but also a threat to all southern institutions and the southern way off life,they decided to secede from the Confederacy.115. The Progressive Movement was a well—organized,unified movement,demanding government regulation of economy and social condition.117. The Stock Market collapse occurred in 1928 in the United States.118. The Truman Doctrine referred to military and economic aid to Greece and Turkey.119. Nixon was the second president in American history 10 resign from the highest office of the nation.120. The black-white racial chasm in post-Civil—Rights-Movement America was highlighted by the savage beating of Martin Luther King by white police officers in 1992.121. In the United States,the major source of population growth is the rising birth rate.122. In the United States,African Americans remain the largest minority group.124. Hispanics have a low school dropout rate.125. Many of the Chicanos are farmers.128. The first Asians to arrive in the United States in significant numbers were the Japanese.129. Today,American Indians are only allowed to live on reservations.131. The Constitution of the United States , after its ratification,has never been revised.132. According to the Constitution, the federal government is responsible, for addressing questions that affect the nation as a whole as well as individual stares.134. The government is divided into four branches: the legislative ,the presidency,the bureaucracy and the judiciary.136. Candidates for the presidency can only be chosen by political parties.137. The president has great executive but no legislative power138. Congressmen serve a term of six years while senatorsserve a term of two years.139. The Democrats are thought of as associated with business, Anglo-Americans, and the rich.140. The number of Senators from each state is based upon its population.Multiple Choices1. The British Isles are made up of .A. three large islands and hundreds of small onesB. three large islands and dozens of small onesC. two large islands and hundreds of small onesD. two large islands and dozens of small ones2. Which of the following is NOT a political division on the island of Great Britain?A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. Northern IrelandD. Wales3. Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the and the North Sea in the east.A. eastB. southC. westD. north4. The Republic of Ireland became independent in the year .A. 1920B. 1945C. 1918D. 19495. The highest mountain in Britain, Ben Nevis, lies in .A. the HighlandsB. the Southern UplandsC. the Central LowlandsD. the Lake District6. The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in .A. 1921B. 1931C. 1945D. 19507. All the following are natural zones in Scotland, except .A. Highlands in the northB. the Central lowlandsC. the Eastern lowlandsD. the Southern uplands8. The mountain system the Pennines is often called the backbone of .A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. Great BritainD. Ireland9. The regional capital of Northern Ireland is .A. GlasgowB. EdinburghC. CardiffD. Belfast10. Which of the following statements about the climate in Britain is NOT true?A. Britain?s climate is of the maritime typeB. Winters in Britain are extremely coldC. Summers in Britain are coolD. Britain is warmer than Harbin in winter11. The English people and the English language were born from the union of .A. the Angles and the SaxonsB. Germanic conquerors and the Norman FrenchC. Danes or Vikings and the Norman FrenchD. Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons12. The first known settlers of Britain were .A. the IberiansB. the Beaker FolkC. the CeltsD. the Romans13. About 80,000 Scots speak Gaelic which is an ancient .A. Scottish languageB. English languageC. Irish languageD. Celtic language14. About three million people have migrated to Britain since World War II. They are mainly from the West Indies, India and .A. IndonesiaB. SingaporeC. Hong Kong, ChinaD. Pakistan15. In Britain of the population is urban and is rural.A. 90%; 10%B. 80%; 20%C. 70%; 30%D. 60%; 40%16. The ancestors of the Welsh were the ancient .A. CeltsB. RomansC. NormansD. Britons17. The average population density in Britain is people per square kilometer.A. 205B. 370C. 800D. 50018. During the fifth century when the Roman Empire fell, the Germanic invaded and conquered Britain.A. Angles and CeltsB. Angles and PictsC. Angles and BrythonsD. Angles and Saxons19. The upper class in Britain consists of all the following except .A. peerageB. gentryC. landownersD. professionals20. “Britishness” can be reflected in all the following except.A. Union JackB. ConservativenessC. the BeatlesD. football21. In 1066 Harold and his troops fought against William?s army on Senlac field near.A. LondonB. NormandyC. StandfordD. Hastings22. The Plantagenet dynasty was founded byA. HenryB. Henry IIC. King JosephD. Count of Anjor23. English Reformation was carried out by to change the religion in England from Catholicism to Protestantism.A. Edward VIB. Henry VIIIC. Mary ID. Elizabeth I24. King John was forced by the barons to sign the which restricted king?s power.A. Bill of RightsB. Petition of RightC. Provisions of OxfordD. Great Charter25. Simon de Montfort?s reform is considered to be the beginning of English.A. parliamentB. cabinetC. constitutionD. Liberty26. From 1649 to 1658 England was called a Commonwealth. It was ruled first by Oliver Cromwell as .A. Lord ProtectorB. Lieutenant GeneralC. Commander of the New Model ArmyD. President27. William of Orange started Constitutional Monarchy by accepting in 1689.A. Bill of RightsB. Petition of RightC. Provisions of OxfordD. Great Charter28. It was during the reign of that the name Great Britain came into being in 1707.A. ElizabethB. Henry VIIIC. CharlesD. Anne29. The 1851 London Great Exposition was held in the Crystal Palace which was designed by Queen …s husband Albert.A. MaryB. Elizabeth IC. VictoriaD. Anne30. The British Prime Minister who led the British to defeat Nazi Germany is .A. ChurchillB. ChamberlainC. MacdonaldD. Macmillan31. The British constitution is made up of the following EXCEPT .A. Commonwealth lawB. statute lawC. common lawD. European Community Law32. The House of Commons is elected by universal suffrage and has Members of Parliament.A. 650B. 651C. 659D. 66033. British Conservative Party was formerly called Party in the 18th century.A. WhigB. ToryC. LiberalD. Nationalist34. The United Kingdom is governed in the name of , by .A. the King; His Majesty?s GovernmentB. the Queen; Her Majesty?s GovernmentC. the Sovereign; Prime MinisterD. the Sovereign; His or Her Majesty?s Government35. is the “supreme governor” of the Church of England.A. The monarchB. The Archbishop of YorkC. The Archbishop of CanterburyD. The Roman Pope36. In Britain the citizens aged or over have the right to vote.A. 16B. 18C. 21D. 3037. The House of Common is headed by .A. the Prime MinisterB. the SpeakerC. the Lord ChencellorD. the Monarch38. By tradition, the leader of the majority party is appointed by the Sovereign in the United Kingdom.A. Prime MinisterB. Member of ParliamentC. Lord of AppealD. Speaker of the House39. The Liveral Democratic Party is the combination of the Social Democratic Party and .A. the Conservative PartyB. the Labor PartyC. the Liveral PartyD. the Green Party40. Parliament has the following functions EXCETPA. make lawB. authorizing taxation and public expenditureC. declare war and making peaceD. examining the actions of the government41. All criminal trials are held in open court because the criminal law presumes the of the accused until he has been proven guilty beyonbd reasonable doubt.A. guiltB. impartialityC. innocenceD. honesty42. In England, Wales, and Northern Island, people between the ageof and 70 whose names appear on the electoral register are liable for jury service and their names are chosen at random.A. 18B. 19C. 20D. 2143. The jury consists of ordinary, independent citizens summoned by the court: 12 in England, Wales and Northern Island, and in Scotland.A. 12B. 13C. 14D. 1544. Whether the accused is guilty or innocent is decided byA.the policemenB. t he juryC. t he judgeD.the sheriff45. The ultimate court of appeal in civil cases throughout the Scotland isA. t he Supreme Court of the United KingdomB. t he Court of AppealC. the High Court of JusticiaryD. the House of Lords46. In England and Wales the highest judicial appointnents are nade by the Queen on the advice of .A. the Lord ChancellorB. the Home SecretaryC. the Prime MinisterD. the Attorney General47. Criminal cases in England and Wales may NOT be tried in .A. the Magistrates? CourtB. the Court of AppealC. the High CourtD. the Crown Court48. In Scotland, are primarily civil law courts.A. Magis trates? CourtsB. County CourtsC. Crown CourtsD. District Courts49. The three “lay” magistrates that make up a Magistrates? Court in Britain are known as .A. justices of the peaceB. stipendiary magistratesC. justices of lawD. part-time magistrates50. The most serious criminal offences in Scotland are tried in .A. the District CourtB. the Sheriff CourtC. the High Court of JusticiaryD. the Crown Court51. The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950s and 1960s was based on the theory of .A. Adam SmithB. John Maynard KeynesC. Margaret ThatcherD. Karl Marx52. Under Margaret Thatcher Britain experiencedA. economic recessionB. economic expansionC. economic declineD. economic depression53. Which of the following is NOT true of Britain?s agriculture?A. British farming is highly mechanized.B. Agriculture in Britain is intensive.C. British farming is very efficient.D. Britain?s agriculture can produce enough fo od for its people.54. In Britain less than of the population are farmers.A. 2%B. 4%C. 6%D. 10%55. In the Britain became a net exporter of oil.A. 1960sB. 1970sC. 1980sD. 1990s56. The following financial institutions have their headquarters in LondonEXCEPT .A. LIoyds TSBB. BarclaysC. Royal Bank of ScotlandD. HSBC57. To stimulate economic recovery, the Thatcher Government carried out all the following policies butA. privatizationB. interventionismC. deregulationD. market liberalization58. Britain is the largest trading nation in the world.A. thirdB. fourthC. fifthD. sixth59. British oil fields were discovered on theA. English ChannelB. Irish SeaC. Norwegian SeaD. North Sea60. Which of the following is NOT included in the new industries in Britain?A. microprocessorsB. computersC. biotechnologyD. motor vehicles61. The National Health Service was established in the United Kingdom in .A. 1946B. 1947C. 1948D. 194961. is directly responsible for the NHS.A. Local governmentB. Central governmentC. V oluntary organizationsD. Certain social boards62. In Britain, children up to the age of can receive family allowances for children.A. 11B. 12C. 15D. 1663. In Britain, pensions for the elderly, or retirement benefits, begin for women at the age of .A. 50B. 55C. 60D. 6564. In England the NHS is managed by the .A. Department for Work and PensionsB. Department of HealthC. Social Security AgencyD. Social Services Department65. The National Health Service in Britain provides a full range of medical servicesfor .A. employeesB. residents aged between 18—60C. every residentD. residents aged over 6066. Social Security in the UK is the government?s most expensive program, costing approximately of public funding.A. 20%B. 25%C. 30%D. 35%67. A family doctor in Britain is also known as a .A. general doctorB. general pharmacistC. general practitionerD. family practitioner68. In 2001 people in marriage accounted for of the adult population in Britain.A. 60 %B. 55%C. 50%D. 45%69. Houses in Britain have traditionally been divided into the following types EXCEPT .A. detached houseB. semi-detached houseC. terraced houseD. attached house70 is NOT among the Anglican Church.A. The Church of EnglandB. The Episcopal Church ScotlandC.The Baptists D. The Church of Scotland71 is the largest of the Free Churches.A.The Baptists Union B. The Methodist ChurchB. T he Roman Catholic Church D. The Church in Wales72 Established Churches in Britain are .A. the Church of England and the Church of WalesB. t he Church of Wales and the Church of ScotlandC. t he Anglican ChurchesD. the Church of England and the Church of Scotland73 The Free Churches do NOT includeA. the Church of EnglandB. the Methodist ChurchC the BaptistsD . the United Reformed Church74 The principal non- Christian communities in Britain areA. the MoslemsB. the Methodist ChurchC . the Hindus D. the Jews75 The Church of Scotland is a church.A. MethodistB. BaptistC. PresbyterianD. Catholic76 In Great Britain, the is uniquely related to the Crown.A. the Church of England B .the Church of ScotlandC. the Church of IrelandD. the Church of Wales77 The members of in uniquely to the Crown.A . the Anglican Church B. the Church of ScotlandC. the Roman Catholic Church D . the Free Church of Wales80 The Church of England has two provinces .They are .A. Canterbury and York B .London and Yorkc. Durham and Canterbury D. London and Winchester81 There are universities , including the Open University in Britain.A .70 B. 80 C.90 D.10082 The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from the centuries.A. 12th and 13thB. 13th and 14thC .14th and 15thD .15th and 16th83 The usual age for transfer from primary schools is in England ,Wales and Northern Ireland .A .14B .13C .12 D.1184 are independent schools in Britain.A. Comprehensive schoolsB. Grammar schoolsC . Secondary modern schools D. Public schools85 Secondary education in is basically selective.A .EnglandB . ScotlandC .WalesD . Northern Ireland86 Harrow School is .A .grammar schoolB .secondary modern schoolC . public schoolD . comprehensive school87 .In Britain, higher education is usually defined as advanced courses of a standard higher than .A. GCE O-LevelB.GCE A-LevelC. GCE ?AS? LeverD.GCSF88 In Britain, education at primary levels emphasizes all the following EXCEPT .A. readingB. writingC. arithmeticD. science89 The following universities belong to “red-brick”universities EXCEPT.A. University of LeedsB. University of LiverpoolC. University of ManchesterD. University of Glasgow90 The leading scientific society in Britain is .A. the British Association for the Advancement of ScienceB. the Royal InstitutionC. the British AcademyD. the Royal Society91 The largest and the most important museum in Britain is .A.the British Museum B. the Victoria and Albert MuseumC. the Imperial War MuseumD. the National Gallery92 Britain?s most popular pastime is.A.reading newspaper B.watching TVC.playing football D.horse racing94 The Times is a newspaper in Britain.A.quality daily B.popular dailyC.quality Sunday D.mid.market daily95 The Daily Mirror is a newspaper in BritainA quality daily B.popular dailyC.popular Sunday D.mid.market daily96 is the most read Sunday newspaper in Britain.A.The Mail on Sunday B.Sunday MirrorC. The News of the World D.The Observer97 Football has its traditional home in .A.England B.ScotlandC.France D.Italy98 is the most typical English sport.A.Football B.RugbyC.Cricket D.Horse racing99 Of the following four sports,has the longest historyA. cricketB. golfC. footballD. rugby100 The Beatles was a band formed by four boys from .A. Manchester B . LiverpoolC. London D.Edinburgh101 The BBC is financed principally by .A. the GovernmentB. an annual television license feeC. advertising/commercialsD. both B and C102 The United States of America is the country in the world.A.1argest B.second-largest C.third-largest D.fourth-largest103 extend from the northern tip of Maine southwestwards to Alabama.A.The Rocky Mountains B.The Appalachian HighlandsC.The Coast Mountains D.The Blue Mountains104 The climate of the United States is influenced by .A.the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans B.the Gulf of MexicoC.the Great Lakes D.All of the above105 What is the leading commercial crop of the South?A.Cotton.B.T obacco.C.Sugar cane. D.Rice106 Which Midwestern city is the automobile capital of theworld?A.Chicago.B.Detroit.C.Milwaukee.D.Cleveland107 One of the most important lakes in the United States is ,which is the largest fresh water lake in the world.A.Lake Superior B.Lake Michigan C.Lake Huron D.Lake Ontario108 New England lies in of the United States.A.the northern part B.the southern partC.the northeastern part D.the southeastern part109 The southern part of the Pacific coast in California has a climate.A.subtropical B.continental desert C.maritime D.Mediterranean110 The smallest state in the United States is .A.Washington B.Rhode Island C.Hawaii D.Maryland111 In the United States,the largest city along the Pacific coast is .A.Los Angeles B.San Francisco C.Seattle D.Portland112 The British established 13 colonies along .A. the west coast of North America B.the west coast of South AmericaC.the east coast of North America D.the east coast of South America113 In the early 18S0s,with the westward movement, the slavery became a serious political issue endangering the unity of the country because .A.whether the future states formed as a result of the westward movement should be free from slavery would affect the balance of power in the SenateB.the south insisted that slavery should be allowed tospread Into all new territoriesC .the north refused let slavery spread into new territoriesD .the north wanted to put an end to slavery114 The Progressive Movement wanted t0 in order to stop big business controlA.initiate strict government regulation B.have the government fix pricesC.break up all the big businesses D.do away with rebates 115 The 1920s in the United States has been described as a period of .A.cultural revival B.loss of purposeC.development in science and technologyD.material success and spiritual frustration116 The serious economic crisis in the late 1920s and 1930s was first brought about by .A.bank failures B.serious unemploymentC.farm foreclosures D.the stock market crash117 The purpose of the New Deal measures was toA.save American democracy and the capitalist systemB.check the worsening of the economic situationC.help people overcome the difficultyD.increase American export118 On June 5,1947, suggested that the U.S.should offer economic aidWestern Europe so as to protect the region from Soviet expansion.A.George Marshall B.Franklin D. RooseveltC.George Kennan D.Harry Truman119 At the time of Cuban Missile Crisis,the President of the U.S.was .A.Truman B.Eisenhower C.Kennedy D.Johnson120 New Frontier and War on Poverty were programs initiated by .A.President KennedyB.President JohnsonC.Presidents Kennedy and Johnson respectivelyD.Presidents Johnson and Kennedy respectively121 The conservatism during the Reagan administration was known as .A.the New Left B.the New RightC.the New Frontier D.the New Freedom122 The current situation of African-Americans presents .A.a favorable picture B.a negative pictureC.a mixed picture D. an encouraging picture123 Although legal,official discrimination has been abolished, .A.discrimination in employment still existsB.discrimination in university admission still existsC.poverty rate of the blacks is the highest among aD.inequality and subtle discrimination still exist124 Cuban—Americans mainly live in .A.Florida B.Texas C.Louisiana D.Alabama125 Some people say Asian-Americans owe their success to the Asian tradition of the following EXCEPT .A.family B.hard workC.education D.avoidance of discrimination126 Now about 80%to 90%of immigration to th6 United States is from .A.Asian and Latin American countries B.African countries C.European countries D. Central and South American。

英语国家概况期末考试题型及复习要点I.Fill in the blanks。
(20 points,1 point for each)II.Multiple choice questions。
(20 points,1 point for each)III.True or False。
(10 points,1 point for each)IV.Explain the following terms:(25 points,5 points for each)V.Answer the questions。
(25 points, 5 points for each)填空、选择和判断正误部分:关注所学英美国家内容中的重点史实和重要知识要点。
名词解释部分:1.British CommonwealthAlso known as the Commonwealth of Nations.a)It is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain.b)It was established in 1931, replacing the former British Empire。
c)Member nations are joined together economically and have certain trading arrangements。
d)Today there are about 50 member countries within the Commonwealth2. Lake PoetsThe Lake Poets are a group of English poets who all lived in the Lake District of England and were inspired by it to create romantic works at the turn of the 19th century。

《英语国家概况》复习题及参考答案一Multiple choice ( 30’)( ) 1 As a result of the Black Death, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of ___ in England.A grainB farm toolsC housesD labor( ) 2 In the late 17th century, two of most famous literary works were Pilgrim’s Progress and _________ .A the Jew of MaltaB the School of ArcheryC Novum OrganumD Paradise Lost( ) 3. In 1836, a group of skilled workers and _____ formed the London Working Men’s Association.A householdersB tenantsC small shopkeepersD office workers( ) 4. In the Industrial Revolution, changes occurred earliest and quickest in the industry of ______.A. pottery B hardware C textiles D chemicals( ) 5. In Britain police officers are not allowed to join ________ or to go on strike.A a choirB a political partyC a trade unionD a club( ) 6 The Great Carter of 1215 is also known as _________.A People’s CharterB Magna CartaC King’s CharterD the Declaration of human rights( ) 7 Henry Ⅱwas the first king of the ________ dynasty.A MalcolmB PlantagenetC WindsorD Tudor( ) 8. __________ is the most typically English of sportsA CricketB GolfC TennisD Horse-racing( ) 9. By the Treaty of ______ of 1842, China ceded _______ to Britain.A Nanjing, Hong KongB Tianjing, Hong KongC Nanjing, MacauD Tianjing, Macau( ) 10. In _______, the name Great Britain came into being.A 1689B 1702C 1701D 1707( ) 11. The serious economic crisis in the late 1920s and the beginning of 1930s was first brought about by ___.A the farm failureB the bank failuresC the stock market crashD the high unemployment( ) 12.What are the problems that the U.S. economy has faced from time to time?A InflationB DepressionsC RecessionsD all of the above( ) 13.The real American literature began________.A after the war of IndependenceB after the Westward MovementC after the Civil WarD after the Civil Rights Movement( ) 14. In 1900, the United States ranked first in the production of ____ .A coalB electricityC oilD wheat( ) 15. In the United States, if the parents don’t send their children to school at certain age, ________ .A the state government will be responsible for itB they will educate the children themselvesC they can save a lot of moneyD they are breaking the law( ) 16. The U.S. and China established their diplomatic relations in _____.A 1974B 1972C 1978D 1979( ) 17 In his inaugural speech, ______ said that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”A Woodrow WilsonB Theodore RooseveltC Franklin D. RooseveltD George Washington( ) 18. One of the characteristics of the American people is _______ and it is said they are always ______.A liberty, debatingB aggressiveness, starting warsC mobility, on the moveD greediness, making money( ) 19. Hemingway’s most famous masterpiece was ______.A The Sun Also RisesB A Farewell to ArmsC For Whom the Bell TollsD Old Man and the Sea( ) 20. The system of higher education in the U. S. has three principle functions except ____-.A teachingB researchC public serviceD individual servicefollowing statements are T (true) or F (false) according to what you have learned. (10’)( ) 1 There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: Scotland, Wales and England.( ) 2 Under William’s rule, the freeman were at the bottom of the feudal system.( ) 3 The English Civil War is also called the Glorious Revolution.( ) 4 In U.K, a Parliament has a maximum duration of 4 years.( ) 5 Christmas Day, December 25th, celebrates the birth of Christ, and is the greatest of Christian festivals. ( ) 6 Chicago is known as the automobile capital of the world.( ) 7 Between 1850 and1880, many early Chinese immigrants to the United States worked in the mining industry, especially in the gold mines.( ) 8 The Pilgrims built a colony named Plymouth after they arrived in America.( ) 9. The longest war that the United States has fought is the Civil War.( ) 10. Higher education in the U.S consists of six types of institutions.三Fill in the following blanks: (10’)1 In 1066, England was conquered by the _____________ who were led by William the Conqueror.2 The greatest writer in the English language is ____________________ .3 In criminal trials in Britain, the issue of guilt or innocence is to be decided by the ________ while sentence is to be passed by the _______________ .4 The dominant broadcasting corporation in Britain is ____________, which is controlled by the state.5 The most famous leader of the American Civil Rights movement in the 1960s was ______________________.6 The U.S. system of government has two layers of rule. They are the ___________ government and the ______ government.7. The National Day of the United States is ______.8 Between 1946 and 1961, more than 63 million babies were born in the United States, who were known as the ______________ generation.四Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. (30’)1 What is the official name of Britain?2 What were the main causes of the Hundred Years’War?3 What are the primary sources of British law?4 How was the 1920s in the United States described by many historians?5 What is the meaning of the “Lost Generation”?6. What were the two guiding principles underlying America diplomatic activities in World War Two?7. What are the three periods as far as the evolution the British economy since the Second World War is concerned?8. What kind of economic system does the United States have?9. Why is education very important to Americans?10. What does the British Parliament consist of?五Explain each of the following terms in English. ( 10’)1 Thanksgiving Day2 the Civil Rights Act of 1964六Write between 100-120 words on EITHER of the following topics. ( 10’)1. What is Thatcherism and what are the major components of Thatcherism?2.In what sense was the War of 1812 important to the development of the United States?参考答案一 1 DDCCC 6 BBAAD 11 CDAAD 16 DCCDD二 1 TFFFT 6 FTTFT三 1 Norman 2 Shakespeare 3 jury judge 4 BBC 5 Martin Luther King6 Federal State7 4, July8 baby boom四1 The official name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nortain Ireland.2 Tthe main causes of the Hundred Years’ War were partly territorial and partly economic.3 The primary sources of British law are: (1) Statutes of Parliament; (2) common law; (3) equity law; (4) European Community law.4 The 1920s in the United States has been described by many historians as a period of material success and spiritual frustration or confusion and purposelessness.5 The “Lost Generation refers to those who are both physically and spiritu ally impotent.6 The first was to win the war; the second was to establish a postwar political structure in accord with American interests and to prevent the Soviet Union from over-expansion.7 (1) Steady development in the 50s and 60s;(2) Economic recession in the 70s;(3) Economic recovery in the 80s.8 The United state has a free-market economy with a dominant private sector.9. Because it contributes to developing the national strength and personal success.10 The British Parliament consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.五1 Thanksgiving Day is a typical American holiday. It is an annual day of thanks for the blessings people have enjoyed during the year. The theme of thanksgiving has been peace and plenty, health and happiness.2 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 It was signed into law by President Jonson in 1964. It outlawed discrimination not only in public housing, but also in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. 六1:The election of 1979 returned the Conservative Party to power and Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in Britain. Her policies are popularly referred to as Thatcherism. It included:(1) the return to private ownership of state-owned industries;(2) the use of monetarist polices to control inflation;(3) the weakening of trade union;(4) the strengthening of the role market forces in the economy;(5) an emphasis on law and order.2 The war, however, had great impact on the development of the United States.(1)The war made people realize the importance of a strong national government.(2)The war strengthened the feeling of national unity and patriotism.(3)For almost 10 years after the war, the Americans turned their attention to the development of the western part of the continent.(4)It made both Britain and Unites States realize that their disputes should be solve through negotiation..Please write any three of the 13 colonies the British established along the east coast of North America between 1607 and 1733.。


1. 我会重新考虑我的结论。
2. 你的行为违背了你宣称的道德准则。
3. 互相尊重的精神是我们今天文化合作的基础。
4. 我们对史密斯先生非常出色而又发人深省的演说表示感谢。
5. 1945年以来,广泛应用的很多技术—特别是电视和电脑—向我们展现了一个更加光明的未来。
6. Twenty dollars a week doesn’t go far. Expenses had been greater than she had calculated.(英译汉)11.51. 你们两个一步也不许走。
Do n’t either of you go a step.2. 科技股因为微软公司大幅盈利而有所回升。
Tech stocks rallied due to Microsoft's strong earnings.3. 演艺事业突然一落千丈,他便借酒浇愁。
His acting career took a nosedive and he turned to drink for solace.4. 日本公司为满足市场需求而增加生产等离子平板电视。
Japanese companies ramped up their output of LCD flat screen televisions.5. 显然,对于那些因妻子的生理问题不能生育的夫妇来说,“试管”婴儿是一种补救办法。
Obviously, the “test-tube” baby is a help to couples who can’t have children because of physical problems in the woman.6. Della finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag. (英译汉)德娜哭过之后,在脸颊上扑了些粉。
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【摘要】@@ 一、 There are 20questions in this part. Each question is followed by four choices marked A. B. C and D. choose the correct answers to each of the questions and write down your answer.
1.《英语国家概况》期末复习提要 [J], 宋惠文
2.新目标英语八年级(下)期末复习题 [J],
3.新目标英语七年级(下)期末复习题 [J],
4.新目标英语七年级(上)期末综合复习题 [J],
5.新目标英语七年级(上)期末综合复习题 [J],
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英语国家概况Chapter 1 Land and People
I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分
1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England.地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。
2.Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
3.The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔
4.Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales.大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。
(1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the
largest, most populous section.英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是
(2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。
(3) Wales is in the west of Great Britain. Capital: Cardiff威尔士位于大不列颠的西部。
(4) Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. Capital:
5.The Commonwealth (of nations) is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. It
was founded in 1931, and has 50 member countries until 1991.英联邦是曾为英国殖民地的、但现已独立国家所构成的自由
II. Geographical Features 英国的地理特征
1.Geographical position of Britain: 英国的地理位置:Britain is an island country surrounded by the sea. It lies in the North
Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe. It is separated
from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south
and the North Sea in the east. 英国是一个岛国。
2.The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands; and the
east and southeast are mostly lowlands.英国的西部和北部主要是高地,东部和东南部主要是低地。
III. Rivers and Lakes 河流与湖泊Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Britain (1,343m).本尼维斯山为英国最高峰,海拔1,343米。
Severn River is the longest river in Britain (338km).塞文河是英国最长的河流。
Thames River is the second longest and most important river in Britain. (336km).泰晤士河是英国第二大河,
Lough Neagh is the largest lake in Britain which is located in Northern Ireland. (396 square kilometres).讷湖(内伊湖)是英国最大的湖,位于北爱尔兰。
River Clyde is the most important
river in Scotland.克莱德河是苏格兰最重要的河流。
Snowdonia is the highest mountain in Wales.(1,085m)斯诺多尼亚是威尔士的最高点,海拔1,085米。
IV. Climate 气候
1. Britain's favorable climate 英国有利的气候条件:Britain has
a maritime climate-winters are not too cold and summers are not too hot. It has a steady reliable rainfall throughout
the whole year. The temperature varies within a small range. 英国属于海洋性气候:冬季不过于寒冷,夏季不过于炎热。
2.The factors influence the climate in Britain:影响英国气候的因素:
1)The surrounding waters tend to balance the seasonal differences by heating up the land in winter and cooling it
off in summer;环绕四周的海水。
2)The prevailing south-west winds or the Westerlies blow
over the country all the year round bringing warm and wet
air in winter and keeping the temperatures moderate;一年四季盛行的西南风和西风在冬季从大西洋带来温暖、潮湿的空气,使气温适宜;
3)The North Atlantic Drift passes the western coast of the
British Isles and warms them.北大西洋暖流经不列颠群岛西海岸,使气候变暖。
3.Rainfall 降雨量:Britain has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. The average annual rainfall in Britain is over 1,000mm. There is a water surplus in the north
and west, and a water deficit in the south and east.英国全年降雨量稳定,平均降雨量超过1000毫米。
V. The People 人口
1.population distribution 人口分布:Britain has a population
of about 57 millions and it is very unevenly distributed. 90%
of the population is urban and only 10% is rural. The population of Britain is made up mainly of the English (81.5%), the Scottish (9.6%), the Welsh (1.9%), the Irish (2.4%), the Northern Irish (1.8%) and other peoples (2.8%).
英国人口组成为:英格兰人(81.5%),苏格兰人(9.6%),威尔士人( 1.9%),爱尔兰人、北爱尔兰人和其他民族。