{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[26]~Sunshine on my shoulders~
![{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[26]~Sunshine on my shoulders~](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e6a1611852d380eb62946dd0.png)
听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词26 Sunshine on my shoulders当你听到这些经过岁月之流无情淘洗而依然闪光的优美旋律,我想你会为之陶醉!这将歌词进行简单注释,使大家能够深刻体会歌曲的丰富涵义!《Sunshine on My Shoulders》Artist:John DenverSunshine on My ShouldersSunshine on my shoulders makes me happy;Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry;Sunshine on the water looks so lovely;Sunshine almost always makes me high.If I had a day that I could give you,I'd give you a day just like today;If I had a song that I could sing for you,I'd sing a song to make you feel this way.If I had a tale that I could tell you,I'd tell a tale sure to make you smile;If I had a wish that I could wish for youI'd make a wish for sunshine all the while.Sunshine almost all the time makes me high.Sunshine almost always…歌词大意阳光照在我肩上使我幸福欢畅;阳光照在我眼里使我眼泪流淌;阳光照在水面上形成美丽风光;阳光几乎总能使我情绪高涨。

迷,而其代表人物Buddy Holly
(Crickets乐队的主力),在Don的 梦想,便是有一天用自己的Rock
And maybe they'd be happy for a while. 心中则是如神般的存在。此时,他的
记忆中,很久以前 那音乐曾让我那么快乐 要是我也有机会,我一定会使人们舞动 或许他们也能体会那份愉悦吧
Don Mclean(唐.马克林)
Don Mclean于1945年10月2日出生于美国纽约。60年代早 期Don在纽约州俱乐部中以灌制唱片开始了他的演艺生涯, 当时Don是一名游吟歌手。1970年他曾写了一首纪念梵高 的音乐献辞《Vincent》。Don的首次亮相专辑 TAPESTRY同年出版,但没能卖出去。艺术家联合会第二 年和他签约并制作了American Pie的第一个增加版(即 Extended Version),惊人地登上了英国排行榜第二,美国 第一的位置。这首歌的同名专辑也获得成功。Don也由此 被认为是最有天赋和最有商业价值的新生歌手。尽管开头 不错,Don的演艺生涯在70年代中期却陷入了困境,好在 他是一名具有强烈自我意识的歌手,1980年他凭借一曲 Crying重登排行榜。之后,他的再版旧专辑也引起轰动, 他个人也因此而进行大规模巡回演出。80年代以后,Don 转向乡村音乐发展,不过仍处于流行音乐的主流。1991年, 他那张已有20周岁的专辑 American Pie出乎意料的重返英 国排行榜前20位,这无疑又掀起了人们对他早先作品的兴 趣。
我已不记得 当读及那已然是寡妇的新娘时 我或曾掉泪? 但我清楚地记得内心深处的震颤 那天,那音乐死去
噩耗后悲伤过度,导致孩子流产了。 Don的对Rock and Roll的美好理想, 这时可以说被击了个粉碎。灾难当天, 在10年后被Don定义为音乐死去的一 天。
{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[11]~Take Me Home, Country Roads~
![{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[11]~Take Me Home, Country Roads~](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/46449014650e52ea5518980b.png)
the radio可能是汽车上的收音机可能是收音机里
reminds sb of sth:使人想起
例如: This song reminds me of my hometown too.这首歌也使我想起故乡。
Take Me Home, Country Roads
Almost heaven,West Virginia,
Blue Ridge Mountains,ShenandoahRiver.
Life is old there, older than the trees:
Younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze.
like a breeze:像微风一样
例如: Smile is like sunshine and like a breeze. It makes others happy.
Dark and dusty, painted on the sky,
Misty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye.
Country roads, take me home,
To the place I belong,
West Virginia, Mountain mamma,
=While I’m driving down the road I start to feel that I should have gone home a long time ago.
{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[23]~Blowing in the Wind~
![{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[23]~Blowing in the Wind~](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4215a455804d2b160b4ec042.png)
{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[23]~Blowing in the Wind~当你听到这些经过岁月之流无情淘洗而依然闪光的优美旋律,我想你会为之陶醉!这将歌词进行简单注释,使大家能够深刻体会歌曲的丰富涵义!《Blowing in the Wind》Artist:Bob Dylan鲍勃•狄伦1941年5月24日出生于明尼苏达州的杜靳斯。
原名叫罗伯特•艾伦•齐默曼(Robert Allen Zimmerman),1961年1月后,狄伦开始致力于演唱事业,在纽约与CBS唱片公司签约。
Blowing in the Wind How many roads must a man walk downBefore they call him a man?How many seas must a white dove sailBefore she sleeps in the sand?How many times must the cannon-balls fly Before they 're forever banned?The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind The answer is blowin' in the wind.How many years must a mountain exist Before it is washed to the sea?How many years can some people exist Before they're allowed to be free?How many times can a man turn his head Pretend that he just doesn't see?The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind.The answer is blowin' in the windHow many times must a man look upBefore he can see the sky?How many ears must one man haveBefore he can hear people cry?How many deaths will it takeTill he knows that too many people have died? The answer, my friend, is blowin'in the wind The answer is blowin'in the wind.歌词大意一个人要走多少路才能真正称作是一个人?一只白鸽要翱翔多少海洋才能安息在沙滩上?炮弹要飞行多少次才能永远被禁止?我的朋友,答案在随风飘荡。
{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[28]~Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head~
![{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[28]~Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head~](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/da85b22e58fb770bf78a55d0.png)
{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[28]~Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head~当你听到这些经过岁月之流无情淘洗而依然闪光的优美旋律,我想你会为之陶醉!这将歌词进行简单注释,使大家能够深刻体会歌曲的丰富涵义!《Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head》Artist:Billy Joe ThomasBilly Joe Thomas 1942年8月7日出生于美国的Hugo, Oklahoma。
Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head Raindrops keep falling on my head,And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed,Nothing seems to fit.Those raindrops are falling on my head;They keep falling.So I just did me some talking to the sun,And I said I didn't like the wayhe got things done sleeping on the job.Those raindrops are falling on my head;They keep falling.But there's one thing I know----The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me.It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me.Raindrops keep falling on my head,But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red.Crying is not for me,'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining.Because I'm free, nothing's worrying me.It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me.Raindrops keep falling on my head,But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red.Crying is not for me,'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining, Because I'm free, nothing's worrying me.歌词大意雨点不断落在我头上雨点不断落在我头上,就像一个大个子躺在一张小床上,一切似乎都不对劲,雨点不断落在我头上,雨点不断落下来。
{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[22]~Your Cheatin' Heart~
![{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[22]~Your Cheatin' Heart~](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4f70c2e64afe04a1b071de42.png)
{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[22]~Your Cheatin' Heart~当你听到这些经过岁月之流无情淘洗而依然闪光的优美旋律,我想你会为之陶醉!这将歌词进行简单注释,使大家能够深刻体会歌曲的丰富涵义!《Your Cheatin' Heart》Artist:Hank WilliamsHank Williams ——当代乡村音乐之父。
Hank Williams 1923年9月17号生于阿拉巴马州的奥利弗山区。
如果说他受过音乐教育的话他是跟当地的一个在街上唱布鲁斯的Rufus Payne,人们也叫他Tee Tot。
从Tee Tot那里HankWilliams 学会了怎么弹吉他和唱布鲁斯,这些可能为Hank Williams 以后的创作听过了强烈的影响。
Your Cheatin' HeartYour cheatin’ heart will make you weep.You’ll cry and cry and try to sleep,but sleep won’t comethe whole night through,your cheatin’ heart will tell on you.When tears come down like falling rain,you’ll toss around and call my n ame.You’ll walk the floor the way I do.Your cheatin’ heart will tell on you.Your cheatin’ heart will pine someday,And crave the love you threw away.The time will come when you’ll be blue.Your cheatin’ heart will tell on you..::download1::..::download2::.本音乐资源来自互联网,仅供学习之用。
{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[11]~Take Me Home, Country Roads~
![{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[11]~Take Me Home, Country Roads~](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/46449014650e52ea5518980b.png)
To the place I belong,
West Virginia, Mountain mamma,
Take me home, country roads.
All my memories gather round her,
Miner's lady, stranger to blue water.
be a stranger to…:对…陌生的人;对…不懂的
例如: I am a stranger to art.我是个不懂艺术的人。
Blue water = blue oceans
Take me home, country roads.
I hear her voice in the morning hours,
She calls me.
The radio reminds me of my home Far away,
And driving down the road,
I get a feeling
= All my memories gather around her, who is a miner's lady, and also a stranger to blue water
=I keep thinking of my mother, who is a miner’s wife, and who has nefer seen an ocean before.

英文歌词解析篇一:{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[18]~Try to Remember~ {听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[18]~Try to Remember~篇二:{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[13]~Sing~{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[13]~Sing~参当你听到这些经过岁月之流的无情淘洗而依然闪光的优美的旋律,我想你会为之陶醉,陶醉于这深情隽永的曲调,并沉浸于这含义悠远的歌词中!!这里将英文歌词中的单词、短语、语法、句义进行简单注释,使大家能够深刻体会歌曲的丰富涵义!!今天听一首The Carpenters的歌曲在以前的贴子里已经对The Carpentersd有所介绍SingSing! Sing a song.Sing out loud.Sing out strong.Sing of good things, not bad,Sing of happy, not sad.Sing, sing a song.Make it simple to last your whole life long. Don’t worrythat it’s not good enoughFor anyone else to hear.Just sing, sing a song!la, la, la…Sing! Sing a song.Let the world sing along.Sing of love there could be.Sing for you and me.La, la, la…歌词大意唱吧,放声唱吧,大声地唱吧,用力地唱吧。
啦,啦,啦……歌词、句型分析1.sing out loud, sing out strong.= sing out loudly, sing out stronglyloud和strong分别应该是loudly和strongly。
{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[10]~Let It Be~
![{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[10]~Let It Be~](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/96c89a0de87101f69e319592.png)
“Let it be.”“Let it be.”
“Let ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱt be.”“Let it be.”
Whisper words of wisdom, “Let it be.”
“Let it be.”“Let it be.”
“Let it be.”“Let it be.”
《Let It Be》这首歌可以说是甲壳虫乐队解散前的最后绝唱,也是反映他们心声的代表作品,表达了乐队解散前其成员复杂的思想感情,在艺术特色上即结合了当时的社会状况,也表达出一定的宗教观念。
Let It Be
When I find myself in times of trouble,
Mother Mary comes to me,
1、Let it be.
=Let everything go as it is.
=Let everything happen.
=Never mind what happen.
2、When I find myself in times of trouble.
=When I find myself in times of adversity
Speaking words of wisdom, “Let it be.”
{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[30]~Diana~有HY奖励呀!!当你听到这些经过岁月之流无情淘洗而依然闪光的优美旋律,我想你会为之陶醉!这将歌词进行简单注释,使大家能够深刻体会歌曲的丰富涵义!《Diana》Artist:Paul AnkaPaul Anka1941年7月30日出生于加拿大Ontario的Ottawa。
Paul Anka是五十年代主要的少年偶像之一。
DianaI'm so young and you're so old.This, my darling, I've been told.I don't care just what they say,Cause forever I will pray.You and I will be as free asThe birds up in the trees.Oh, please stay by me, Diana! Thrills I get when you hold me close.Oh, my darling, you're the most.I love you but do you love me?Oh, Diana, can't you seeI love you with all my heart?And I hope we'll never part.Oh, please stay with me, Diana!Oh, my darling, oh, my lover!Tell me that there is no other.I love you with all my heartAh, oh, ah, oh, ah, oh, oh, oh, oh!Only you can take my heart;Only you can tear it apart. When you hold me in your loving arms, I can feel you giving all your charms.Hold me, darling, hold me tight! Squeeze me, baby, with all your might.Oh, please stay by me, Diana! Oh, please, Diana! Oh, please, Diana!Oh, please, Diana!歌词大意黛安娜我还年青你已老,人们这样对我说。
{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[21]~The Last Waltz~当你听到这些经过岁月之流无情淘洗而依然闪光的优美旋律,我想你会为之陶醉!这将歌词进行简单注释,使大家能够深刻体会歌曲的丰富涵义!《The Last Waltz》Artist:Engelbert Humperdinck1936年5月2日,英格柏汉普汀克(Engelbert Humperdinck)出生于印度的马德拉斯﹙Madras﹚省,15岁的阿诺乔治首次接触了流行音乐,并且产生了兴趣,于是利用余暇学习萨克斯风的吹奏长达六年。
22岁他从陆军退伍,自己取了个艺名盖瑞多赛﹙Gerry Dorsey﹚,开始以此名号闯荡江湖。
1967年,他以一首《Release Me》单曲唱片在伦敦上市,隔日立刻将披头四的《Penny Lane》挤下榜来成为流行排行榜第一名,并且气势如虹连贯六周榜首。
紧接着,《There goes my everything》与《The Last Waltz》均获得佳绩,其中《The Last Waltz》更蝉连七周冠军,一上市便成为金唱片。
The Last WaltzI wonder should I go or should I stayThe band had only one more song to play And then I saw you out the corner of my eyeA little girl alone and so shyI had the last waltz with youTwo lonely people togetherI fell in love with youThe last waltz should last foreverBut the love we had was going strongThrough the good and bad we got along And then the flame of love died in your eye My heart was broke in two when you said goodbyeI had the last waltz with youTwo lonely people togetherI fell in love with youThe last waltz should last foreverIt's all over nowNothing left to sayJust my tears and the orchestra playing La la la la la la la la la la,La la la la la la la la la la.歌词大意我不知该走还是该留;乐队只剩下一首歌要演奏。
{听经典英文歌曲--解析歌词}[24]~Cotton Field~ 当你听到这些经过岁月之流无情淘洗而依然闪光的优美旋律,我想你会为之陶醉! 这将歌词进行简单注释,使大家能够深刻体会歌曲的丰富涵义!《Cotton Field》 《Cotton Field》是一首美国传统的乡村民谣,也是农夫们的乡村生活和在田间劳作时感受的真实写照。
因此,《Cotton Field》这首古老民歌就是在这样的劳动背景下产生的。
Cotton FieldWhen I was a little bitty baby,My mama would rock me in the cradle,In them old cotton field back home.It was down in Louisiana,Just about a mile from Texarkana,In them old cotton field back home.And when them cotton ball get rotten,You can't pick very much cotton,In them old cotton field back home.歌词大意当我还是个小婴孩时,妈妈常把我放在摇蓝里摇着我,在家乡那片老棉花田里。
歌词、句型分析1.When I was a little bitty baby,my mamawould rock me in the cradle in them old cottonfield back home. = When I was still an infant,my mum would rock me to sleep in my cradle on the farm back in myhometown. 当我还是一个小婴孩时,妈妈在家乡那片老棉花田里常把我放在摇蓝里哄我睡觉。
look atmeI'm happy
don'tworry, be happyﻫIgiveyou myphone number
when yourworried, callme
don'tworry,be happy
ain'tgot no cash, ain't gotnostyle
don't worry be happy
don't worrybe happy
somebodycame and tookyour bed
the landlord sayyourrent islateﻫhemayhave tolitigateﻫdon't worrybe happy
Gal n. Informal (名词)【非正式用语】ﻫ 女孩(=girl), 少女ﻫ 女孩儿,姑娘

【导语】《Green Sleeves》这⾸歌明显属于传统民歌形式,具有典型的地⽅特⾊和风格趣味,反映出⼀个民族对待爱情的体现和态度。
《Green Sleeves》这⾸歌曲就像我国⼀些民歌如《渔光曲》和《四季歌》那样旋律优美柔绵、曲调轻婉隽永,表现出地⽅民族的⽣活情趣及爱憎喜恶,同时也有着《花⼉为什么这样红》⼀样⽕热炽烈的少数民族的热情。
Green SleevesAlas, my love, you do me wrong,To cast me off discourteously.For I have loved you oh, so long,Delighting in your company.Green sleeves was all my joy,Green sleeves was my delight.Green sleeves was my heart of gold,And who but my lady,Green sleeves.If you intend to be this way,It does the more enrapture me.And even so I still remainA lover in captivity.Green sleeves was all my joy,Green sleeves was my delight.Green sleeves was my heart of gold,And who but my lady,Green sleeves.Mm Mm...Green sleeves now farewell adieu,God I pray will prosper thee,For I am still thy lover true,Come once again and love me.歌词⼤意绿袖⼦啊,我的爱⼈,你错待了我,抛弃了我你⽆义⼜⽆情,我已经爱上你,啊,这么久,有你陪伴多⾼兴。
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Now do you believe in rock and roll Can music save your mortal soul And can you teach me how to dance real slow Well I know that youre in love with him cause I saw you dancing in the gym
.《American Pie》
A long long time ago
I can still remember How that music used to make me smile And I knew if I had my chance That I could make those people dance And maybe they’d be happy for a while But February made me shiver
记忆中,很久以前 那音乐曾让我那么快乐 要是我也有机会,我一定会使人们舞动
时光回到1959年,作者Don McLean还只是一个15岁的小孩。早 期的Rock and Roll音乐令Don无限痴 迷,而其代表人物Buddy Holly (Crickets乐队的主力),在Don的 心中则是如神般的存在。此时,他的
Singing thisll be the day that I die
Thisll be the day that I die
Did you write the book of love
And do you have faith in God above
If the Bible tells you so
Don Mclean(唐.马克林)
Don Mclean于1945年10月2日出生于美国纽约。60年代早 期Don在纽约州俱乐部中以灌制唱片开始了他的演艺生涯, 当时Don是一名游吟歌手。1970年他曾写了一首纪念梵高 的音乐献辞《Vincent》。Don的首次亮相专辑TAPESTRY 同年出版,但没能卖出去。艺术家联合会第二年和他签约 并制作了American Pie的第一个增加版(即Extended Version),惊人地登上了英国排行榜第二,美国第一的位 置。这首歌的同名专辑也获得成功。Don也由此被认为是 最有天赋和最有商业价值的新生歌手。尽管开头不错, Don的演艺生涯在70年代中期却陷入了困境,好在他是一 名具有强烈自我意识的歌手,1980年他凭借一曲Crying重 登排行榜。之后,他的再版旧专辑也引起轰动,他个人也 因此而进行大规模巡回演出。80年代以后,Don转向乡村 音乐发展,不过仍处于流行音乐的主流。1991年,他那张 已有20周岁的专辑 American Pie出乎意料的重返英国排行 榜前20位,这无疑又掀起了人们对他早先作品的兴趣。
But I knew I was out of luck
So Bye bye Miss American Pie
The day the music died
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
And them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye
梦想,便是有一天用自己的Rock Music为人们带来欢乐,而Holly不仅 是榜样,更是精神的源泉。
But February made me shiver With every paper I'd deliver Bad news on the doorstep I couldn't take one more step 二月,我打着寒颤
A long long time ago I can still remember how that music used to make me smile And I knew if I had my chance That I could make those people dance And maybe they'd be happy for a while.
With every paper I’d deliver Bad news on the doorstep I couldnt take one more step I cant remember if I cried When I read about his widowed bride But something touched me deep inside
You both kicked off your shoes Man I dig those rhythm and blues I was a lonely teenage broncin buck With a pink ion and a pickup truck
The day the music died
少年的Don,还只是纽约近郊的一个 小送报员。1959年2月4日,他在自己
当年民谣女歌手洛里·利伯曼被朋友骗去听Don McLean的演唱会,一听之下大有感触,随手写了一 首诗《Killing me softly with his blues》,后来词曲 作者Norman Gimbel和Charles Fox就将其改编成歌, 利伯曼自己演唱。当时很红的另一位女歌手 Roberta Flack 碰巧在飞机上听到这歌,下飞机后立马找到作 者要求录制这歌,结果一个月里登上BILLBOARD的 冠军,接下来又收录在一张专辑里,获得当年 GRAMMY年度最佳女流行歌手、最佳专辑、最佳歌 曲奖。 这首歌被许多歌手演唱过,是曲很经典的老 歌。