
⼈教版⾼⼆英语选修6Unit 2练习试题及答案(2) Ⅳ.阅读理解 Doyoustillrememberyourfavoritepoemfromhighschoolorsomeotherimportantperiodsinyourlife? Whyisitthatdecadeslateritstillstandsoutinyourmind? Probablythemainreasonisthatsomeaspectofthatpoemresonates (引起共鸣) withyou.Inthesameway,youtooasaschoolleadercantouchtheheartsofyourstaffandstudents. Poetryallowsustoexperiencestrongspiritualconnectionstothingsaroundusandtothepast.Thepowerthatpoetryh asdisplayedovertimeandacrossculturesactuallysatisfiesthis_common_needofthehumanheartandsoul. Asoneoftheoldestartforms,poetryhassuccessfullyconnectedvariousstrandsofhumanity (⼈性) fromonegenerationtoanother.Referringtopoetry,Hillyer makesasimpleyetmeaningfulstatement,“With this key mankind unlocked his heart.”Schoolleaderscanfindandmakeuseofthevalueofpoetryforthemselves,theirstudentsandtheirstaffmembers.B eyondthesimpleuseofpoetry,techniquesofpoetrysuchasmetaphors,repetitionsandimagerycanbeusedtotak eadvantageofthepoweroflanguagetotransformcommunication,createmeaningandacultureofcareandattentio n.Sinceschoolsaremainlyaboutpeopleandrelationships,schoolleaders,likepoets,arerequiredtoinspireand encouragethehumanheart.Theuseofpoetry—orevenofsometechniquesofpoetry—inschoolleadershipnotonlyhelpstoimprovecommunication,butalsoservestomeetthehumanneedforinspiratio n. 1.Whoisthepassagemainlyfor?A.Students.B.Schoolteachers.C.Schoolleaders.D.Poets. 2.Theunderlinedpart“this common need”inthesecondparagraphrefersto________. A.theneedtoreadpoetry B.theneedtobeinspired C.theneedtolearnaboutthepast D.theneedtobeconnectedwithotherpeople 3.Theuseofpoetryortechniquesofpoetryinschoolleadershipisinfacttomakeuseof________. A.thepoweroflanguage B.thepowerofschoolleaders C.people’spreferenceforpoetry D.people’sdesireforcommunication 4.Whatisthepurposeofthepassage? A.Toshowthereadersthatpoetryisreallypowerful. B.Toexplainhowpoetrycanbeusedinourdailylife. C.Totalkabouttheartofbeingaschoolleader. D.Toencourageusingthetransformationalpowerofpoetryinschoolleadership. concreteadj.具体的,实在的 ⽣义:adj.混凝⼟制的;n.混凝⼟ Hegavemeaconcreteexplanation. 他向我作了具体说明。
英语选修六unit2 练习(含答案)

用适当的短语完成句子1. This passage just didn't (讲得通)to me, no matter how I read it.2. I have to (熬夜)late to finish my paper which requires handing in tomorrow.3。
-Oh, doctor, I have a pain in my leg.--(别紧张)。
Let me have a look.4. If we continue to destroy and waste the natural resources like this, we will(用完)them sooner or later.5. The rescue team (由......构成) twenty doctors and twenty-five nurses.6. The movie directed by an outstanding director a schoolgirl (把。
变成)a superstar.7. Those officials are said to be not only talented but (受欢迎)local villagers.8. The whole meal was good and the wine (尤其)was excellent.make sense; stay up; Take it easy; run out of; is made up of; transformed, into; popular with; in particular翻译句子1. 他缺席这次重要会议的原因是他生病了。
(The reason why. . . )he was absent from this important meeting washe was ill.2. 我母亲支持我的出国计划,而父亲反对此计划。
外研版高中英语选修6 Module 2 单元测试题 含答案及部分解析

Module 2 单元测试题第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AShare your poems, get feedback (反馈) for your poetry, and enter poetry contests (竞赛). Choose from the following poetry contests that you can enter. Get feedback for every poem that you write including your contest entries.How It WorksAs a member, you will get feedback for everything you write. You can enter poetry contests with cash prizes. You will be ranked (分等级). Write and see how the feedback you receive influences your rank. Since the year 2000 we have been helping writers improve their writing skills.Poetry Contests in MayFriendship across culturesWrite a story about a friend that opened your world to another culture. Deadline: Today!Technology warsWrite a story on the topic provided in the announcement.Deadline: Today!Poetry Contests in JuneLyrics make the songPen your newest, and best, song lyric masterpieces and enter them into this contest.NO POETRY ALLOWED FOR THIS CONTEST!Must be song lyrics only.Deadline: June 1stUnexpected romanceWrite a story that brings two people together, two people who don't necessarily realize that they belong together but the audience is rooting for them. Write a story for a cash prize.Deadline: June 15thPoetry Contests in JulyNewbie writing contestFor our New Arrival “This Sentence Starts the Story” contest we challenge you to write a story that starts with this sentence: “Hell found me.” A poe try contest with a cash prize.Deadline: July 3rdShare your storyA memoir (回忆录) gives us the ability to write about our life. But you can write about life with the option (选择) to create and invent and to make sense of a life, or part of that life. Write a piece of your life! A cash prize to the winning entry. Deadline: July 10th21. What do we know about the contests in May?A. They are held yearly.B. They are topic-based.C. They offer no feedback.D. They are human-focused.22. Contestants of “Lyrics make the song” .A. can hand in poemsB. should write song lyricsC. have a chance to win a cash prizeD. must enter their works before July 3rd23. What type of writing is this text?A. A writing guide.B. A poetry review.C. An official report.D. An announcement.BI once saw a TV programme at college about a scientist who used “drift bottles (漂流瓶)” to mark ocean currents. It was a rather boring programme. I was more interested to read an article about someone who found a bottle on a beach with a message inside. Like the drift bottles, it had been thrown into the sea — but 21 years before. I decided to find out more about such bottles, and I started work on this intriguing (非常有趣的) research.An early message in a bottle was thrown into the sea by Christopher Columbus during a terrible storm. He wrote about his discovery of America and expected that his message would be sent to the Queen of Spain. He wanted the news to reach her, but he thought he might be drowned (淹死) in the storm. In fact, he survived but the bottle was never found.I would be excited to find a message in a bottle, but in the 16th century, it could be dangerous. In those days, the British Navy (海军) used messages in bottles to send information about the enemy. When Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ found out that a boatman had opened a bottle containing one of these secret messages, she created a new job, Uncorker of Ocean Bottles. I was amazed to learn that anyone else who opened a bottle could be sentenced to death. It seems very strange to us now.A long time ago, before dating websites existed to help people find partners, a sailor in Sweden put this message in a bottle —“To someone beautiful and far away.” It was found by a young woman in Sicily. She answered the message —“I am notbeautiful, but it seems a miracle (奇迹) I found your message.” They began to write letters to each other, and eventually got married.Nowadays it's easy to communicate with anyone anywhere in the world, but I think people will still go on throwing bottles with messages into the ocean and guessing where the winds and the waves will carry them. And how romantic it would be to find a bottle with a message inside!24. Why did the author do some research on bottles thrown into the sea?A. He had found a message in one.B. He had read an article about one.C. He had to do a project on them at college.D. He had watched a TV programme about them.25. Christopher Columbus put a message into a bottle to .A. study ocean currentsB. report his discoveryC. ask for rescueD. try his luck26. How did the author feel about the 16th century punishment for opening ocean bottles?A. Frightening.B. Amusing.C. Astonishing.D. Satisfying.27. Why did the young woman in Sicily reply to the Swedish sailor's message?A. She wanted to have a pen friend.B. She felt she fitted his description.C. She failed to access a dating website.D. She was impressed by the bottle's journey.CGene Wolfe is one of the most admired and respected American science fiction and fantasy writers. He is also a productive writer of outstanding short fiction, whichis collected in many volumes over the last forty years, most recently in The Best of Gene Wolfe.Although Wolfe is not as well-known to readers as he once was, he has been the receiver of great praise, including three World Fantasy Awards, two Nebulas, and eight Hugo Award nominations (提名). Sci-fi author Harlan Ellison has called him, “no less than one of the finest, most original writers in the world today”, and the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction names him “quite possibly the most important” writer in the field of science fiction.Born in 1931, New York, Gene Wolfe moved frequently as a child, but spent most of his growing-up years in Texas. Wolfe began writing fiction in 1956, selling his first story,The Dead Man, to Sir magazine in 1965. He produced a vast amount of short fiction during the 1960s and 1970s, many of which were published in Damon Knight's Orbit anthologies. In 1972 Wolfe's groundbreaking The Fifth Head of Cerberus appeared. The story of human conquest (征服) upon two distant planets, the book examines issues of identity, individuality, and the results of colonialism upon both the colonized and the colonizer. The novel was later listed in David Pringle's 1985 list of The 100 Best Novels in science fiction for the period1949―1984.Many of his novels, The Shadow of the Torturer included, rely on a diary or letter to tell his story. In addition, Wolfe's early interest in mystery novels shines through in his ability to drop cleverly hidden clues (线索) that allow the reader to grasp at the possible narrative behind the narrative.By 1984 Wolfe was able to retire and devote himself full-time to his writing. Yet despite (尽管) all this, and despite the continuing respect of his colleagues, his work has become somewhat unfamiliar. Wolfe's admirers hope this fact will be at least somewhat improved by his most recent offering, The Wizard Knight, which falls within the fantasy type that is currently popular.28. What is Harlan Ellison's attitude toward Gene Wolfe?A. Concerned.B. Sympathetic.C. Admiring.D. Regretful.29. What do we know about The Fifth Head of Cerberus?A. It was well received.B. It was Gene Wolfe's first novel.C. It was published in Sir magazine.D. It was co-authored by David Pringle.30. Which has great influence on Gene Wolfe's writing style?A. His understanding of life.B. His childhood experiences.C. His colleagues' suggestions.D. His love for mystery fiction.31. What can we infer about Gene Wolfe from the last paragraph?A. His work has become less popular.B. He became famous for The Wizard Knight.C. His fans were disappointed to some degree.D. He stopped fantasy writing after his retirement.DThe word or phrase that you use to open your email account may provide a key to your personality as well as to your correspondence (信件), according to a British psychologist. Helen Petrie, professor of human / computer interaction (交互作用) at City, University in London, analysed the responses of 1,200 Britons who participated in a survey funded (提供资金) by CentralNic, an Internet domain name company. The results were recently published on CentralNic's website.Petrie identifies three main password “types”. “Family oriented” respondents numbered nearly half of those surveyed. These people use their own name or nickname, the name of a child, partner, or pet or a birth date as their password. They tend to be occasional computer users and have strong family ties. “They choose passwords that symbolize people or events with emotional value,” says Pe trie. One third of respondents were “fans”, using the names of athletes, singers, movie stars,fictional characters, or sports teams. Petrie says fans are young and want to attach themselves to the lifestyle represented by a celebrity. Two of the most popular names were Madonna and Homer Simpson. The third main group of participants are “cryptics” because they pick confusing passwords or a random (随机的) string of letters, numbers, and symbols such as “Jxa+157”. Petrie says cryptics are the most security-conscious group. They tend to make the safest but least interesting choices.Passwords are revealing for two reasons. First, because they are invented on the spot. “Since you are focused on getting into a system, for example your email account, you're l ikely to write down something that comes quickly to mind,” says Petrie. “In this sense passwords take advantage of things that are just below the surface of consciousness. Also, to remember your password, you pick something that will stick in your mind. You may unconsciously choose something of particular emotional importance.”32. How did Petrie draw her conclusions?A. By observing participants' reactions.B. By interviewing 1,200 people.C. By studying survey results.D. By doing an experiment.33. What do we know about people whose passwords are “family oriented”?A. They probably have large families.B. They are likely to be animal lovers.C. They tend to be social and emotional.D. They are probably infrequent computer users.34. What does Petrie say a bout the “cryptic” group?A. They have strong safety awareness.B. They lack imagination and creativity.C. They change their passwords regularly.D. They can't think of an interesting password.35. Why can passwords reveal our personalities?A. We choose words we will easily remember.B. We are willing to invent something personal.C. We are likely to value important experiences.D. We pick up a password after careful consideration.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
人教版高中英语选修六习题:第二单元检测 Word版含答案

AToday we’ll talk about reading.When we read a text,our eyes move across a page in short,quick movements.We recognize words usually when our eyes still fixate (注视).Each time they fixate,we see a group of words.This is known as the recognition span (跨度) or the visual (视觉) span.The length of time for which the eyes stop varies from person to person.It also varies within any person according to his purpose in reading and his familiarity with the text.In addition,it can be affected by such factors as lighting and tiredness.Unfortunately,in the past,many reading improvement courses have concentrated too much on how our eyes move across the page.As a result of this misleading emphasis on the purely visual aspects of reading,many exercises have been designed to train the eyes to see more words at one fixation.For example,in some exercises,words are flashed onto a screen for a tenth of a second.One of the exercises has required students to fix their eyes on some central point,taking in the words on either side.Such word patterns are often formed in the shape of pyramids,so the reader takes in more and more words at each continuous fixation.All these exercises are very clever,but it’s one thing to improve a person’s ability to see words and quite another thing to improve his ability to read a text efficiently.Reading requires the ability to understand the relationship between words.Consequently,for these reasons,many experts have now begun to question the usefulness of eye training,especially since any approach which trains a person to read isolated (孤立的) words and phrases would seem unlikely to help him in reading a continuous text.1The time of the recognition span can be affected by the following factorsEXCEPT .A.lighting and tirednessB.the length of a group of wordsC.one’s purpose in readingD.one’s familiarity with the text答案:B解析:细节理解题。
选修6 unit 2 测试题

第二节 完型填空
• 36-40 BADDA 41-45 BCACB 46-50 DBCCD 51-55 AACBD
When I left home my mother told me the forest was dangerous and me against going too far , but the interesting things were 37 always ___ in the forest. • A deeper B happier C heavier D fewer • I was about to grab another one when I saw ____a beautiful hummingbird.
由于他的粗心, 很有可能发生事故
• It is likely (possible/ probable) that an accident will happen because of his carelessness. • An accident is likely to happen because of his carelessness. • .
第三部分 阅读理解
• 56-60 DCBDA • 66-70 CDCCA • 71-75 CDDBC 61-65 DCDAB
• 1 There was a professor named Elliot Coleman. • 2 Different from what I had expected, he told me what he liked about them. I was speechless. • 3 when I read aloud one of my poems , he would speak about it in a way that made me feel he was in touch with … • 4 Instead of speaking like Elliot Coleman, though, • the other student was listing the poem‟s deficiencies.

Unit 2 Poems 测试题测试时间:40分钟共六大题满分:100分一:单词拼写(共8小题,每小题2分,满分20分)1.具体的adj.___________________2.灵活的;可弯曲的adj.________________________3.村舍;小屋n._________________4.无穷的;无止境的adj.________________________5.最后;终于adv._________________6.转化;转换v.______________________________7.适当的;正当的adj._________________ 8.赞助人;主办者n._______________________9.永远adv._______________________ 10.交换;交流;调换n.&v._____________________二:短语互译(共8小题,每小题2分,满分20分)1. 发出;放走;释放___________________2. 测试;实验____________________3. 尤其;特别_________________________4. 用完;用尽____________________5. 轻松;不紧张;从容_________________6. 由…组成______________________7. 不挂断电话;坚持;忍受_____________ 8. be likely to do sth._______________9. 与…相违背/矛盾_____________________ 10. 如果…就好了_________________三:单项选择题(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)1.—You needn’t take an umbrella. It isn’t going to rain.—Well, I don’t know. It _______ do.A.mightB. needC. wouldD. should2.If we _______ a table earlier, we wouldn’t be standing here in a queue.A. have bookedB. bookedC. bookD. had booked3. I took my driving license with me on holiday, _______ I wanted to hire a car.A. even ifB. in caseC. ever sinceD. if only4. Don’t turn off the computer before closing all programs ________ you could have problems.A. orB. andC. butD. so5. _______ private cars are brining us convenience, they may also cause more traffic accidents and pollution.A. IfB. AsC. WhileD. Since6. He gave the order that we ________ there on time.A. beB. areC. had beenD. will be7. _______ more careful, his ship would not have sunk.A. If the captain wereB. Had the captain beenC. Should the captain beD. If the captain would have been8. —I’m sorry I made a mistake!—________. Nobody is perfect.A. Take your timeB. You’re rightC. Whatever you sayD. Take it easy9. Four and _____ half hours of discussion took us up to midnight, and ______ break for cheese, chocolate and tea with sugar.A. a; aB. the; theC. 不填;theD. a; 不填10. But for your help, I couldn’t ___________.A. have succeededB. be successfulC. succeedD. have been success四:阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Unit 2 Poems 测试题测试时间:40分钟共六大题满分:100分一:单词拼写(共8小题,每小题2分,满分20分)1._________________________ 具体的adj. ______________________________________2.灵活的;可弯曲的adj. ______________3._________________________ 村舍;小屋n. ___________________________________4.无穷的;无止境的adj. _____________5.___________________________ 最后;终于adv. _______________________________6.转化;转换v. _________________________7.适当的;正当的adj. _______________ &赞助人;主办者n. _________________________9.___________________________ 永远adv. _____________________________________ ]0.交换;交流;调换n.&v. _____________ 二:短语互译(共8小题,每小题2分,满分20分)1.________________________________ 发出;放走;释放________________________ 3.________________________________ 尤其;特别______________________________ 5.轻松;不紧张;从容__________________ 7.不挂断电话;坚持;忍受______________ 9.________________________________ 与…相违背/矛盾_________________________2.___________________________ 测试;实验_____________________________ 4.__________________________ 用完;用尽_________________________ 6.__________________________ 由...组成__________________________ & be likely to do sth. ______________ 10._________________________ 如果…就好了_______________________三:单项选择题(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)1 ・一You needn't take an umbrella・ It isn't going to niin.一Well, I don't know. It ______ do.A・ might B. need C. would D. should2.If we ______ a table earlier, we wouldn^t be standing here in a queue.A.have bookedB. bookedC. bookD. had booked3・ I took my driving license with me on holiday, _____ I wanted to hire a car.A. even ifB. in case C・ ever since D・ if only4.Don,t turn off the computer before closing all programs ______ you could have problems.A. orB. andC. butD. so5._____ private cars are brining us convenience, they may also cause more traffic accidents and pollutio n.A. IfB. AsC. WhileD. Since6.He gave the order that we _______ there on time・A. beB. areC. had beenD. will be7._____ more careful, his ship would not have sunk・A. If the captain wereB. Had the captain beenC. Should the captain beD. If the captain would have been& — Fm sorry 1 made a mistake!——______ ・ Nobody is perfect.A. Take your timeB. Youre rightC. Whatever you sayD. Take it easy9.Four and ____ half hours of discussion took us up to midnight, and __________ break for cheese, chocolate and tea with sugar.A. a; aB. the; theC.不填;theD. a;不填10.But for your help, I couldn't __________ .A. have succeeded B・ be successful C. succeed D. have been success四:阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Module 2单元测试题第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A 、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AShare your poems, get feedback反(馈 ) for your poetry, and enter poetry contests (竞赛 ). Choose from the following poetry contests that you can enter. Get feedback for every poem that you write including your contest entries. How It WorksAs a member, you will get feedback for everything you write. You can enter poetry contests with cash prizes. You will be ranked 分(等级 ). Write and see how the feedback you receive influences your rank. Since the year 2000 we have been helping writers improve their writing skills.Poetry Contests in MayFriendship across culturesWrite a story about a friend that opened your world to another culture. Deadline: Today!Technology warsWrite a story on the topic provided in the announcement.Deadline: Today!Poetry Contests in JuneLyrics make the songPen your newest, and best, song lyric masterpieces and enter them intothis contest.NO POETRY ALLOWED FOR THIS CONTEST!Must be song lyrics only.Deadline: June 1stUnexpected romanceWrite a story that brings two people together, two people who don't necessarilyrealize that they belong together but the audience is rooting for them. Write a story fora cash prize.Deadline: June 15thPoetry Contests in JulyNewbie writing contestFor our New Arrival“ This Sentence Starts the Story” contest we challenge you to write a story that starts with this sentence:“ Hellyfoundcotestmewith.” A poetra cash prize.A memoir (回忆录) gives us the ability to write about our life. But you canwrite about life with the option (选择 ) to create and invent and to make sense of alife, or part of that life. Write a piece of your life! A cash prize to the winning entry.21.What do we know about the contests in May?A. They are held yearly.B. They are topic-based.C.They offer no feedback. D.They are human-focused.22.Contestants of“ Lyrics make the song.”23.What type of writing is this text?A. A writing guide.B. A poetry review.C.An official report. D.An announcement.BI once saw a TV programme at college about a scientist who used“ driftbottles (漂流瓶 ) ”to mark ocean currents. It was a rather boring programme. Iwas more interested to read an article about someone who found a bottle on abeach with a message inside. Like the drift bottles, it had been thrown into thesea— but 21 years before. I decided to find out more about such bottles, and Istarted work on this intriguing ( 非常有趣的 ) research.An early message in a bottle was thrown into the sea by Christopher Columbusduring a terrible storm. He wrote about his discovery of America and expected thathis message would be sent to the Queen of Spain. He wanted the news to reach her,but he thought he might be drowned 淹(死 ) in the storm. In fact, he survived but thebottle was never found.I would be excited to find a message in a bottle, but in the 16th century, it couldbe dangerous. In those days, the British Navy海(军 ) used messages in bottles tosend information about the enemy. When Queen ElizabethⅠ found out that aboatman had opened a bottle containing one of these secret messages, she createda new job, Uncorker of Ocean Bottles. I was amazed to learn that anyone else who opened a bottle could be sentenced to death. It seems very strange to us now.A long time ago, before dating websites existed to help people find partners, asailor in Sweden put this message in a bottle—“ To someone beautiful and far away. ” It was found by a young woman in Sicily. She answered the message—“ I am notbeautiful, but it seems a miracle 奇(迹 ) I found your message. They”began to write letters to each other, and eventually got married.Nowadays it's easy to communicate with anyone anywhere in the world, but I think people will still go on throwing bottles with messages into the ocean and guessing where the winds and the waves will carry them. And how romantic it would be to find a bottle with a message inside!24.Why did the author do some research on bottles thrown into the sea?A. He had found a message in one.B. He had read an article about one.C. He had to do a project on them at college.D. He had watched a TV programme about them.25.Christopher Columbus put a message into a bottle to .26.How did the author feel about the 16th century punishment for opening ocean bottles?A. Frightening.B. Amusing.C.Astonishing. D.Satisfying.27.Why did the young woman in Sicily reply to the Swedish sailor's message?A. She wanted to have a pen friend.B. She felt she fitted his description.C. She failed to access a dating website.D. She was impressed by the bottle's journey.CGene Wolfe is one of the most admired and respected American science fiction and fantasy writers. He is also a productive writer of outstanding short fiction, whichis collected in many volumes over the last forty years, most recently inThe Best ofGene Wolfe.Although Wolfe is not as well-known to readers as he once was, he has been thereceiver of great praise, including three World Fantasy Awards, two Nebulas, andeight Hugo Award nominations (提名 ). Sci-fi author Harlan Ellison has calledhim, “ no less than one of the finest, most original writers in the world today”the Encyclopedia of Science Fictionnames him “ quite possibly the most important”writer in the field of science fiction.Born in 1931, New York, Gene Wolfe moved frequently as a child, but spentmost of his growing-up years in Texas. Wolfe began writing fiction in 1956, sellinghis first story,The Dead Man, to Sir magazine in 1965. He produced a vast amount ofshort fiction during the 1960s and 1970s, many of which were published in DamonKnight's Orbit anthologies. In 1972 Wolfe's groundbreakingThe Fifth Head ofCerberus appeared. The story of human conquest(征服 ) upon two distant planets,the book examines issues of identity, individuality, and the results of colonialismupon both the colonized and the colonizer. The novel was later listed in DavidPringle's 1985 list of The 100 Best Novels in science fiction for the period1949― 1984.Many of his novels, The Shadow of the Torturerincluded, rely on a diary orletter to tell his story. In addition, Wolfe's early interest in mystery novels shinesthrough in his ability to drop cleverly hidden clues (线索 ) that allow the reader tograsp at the possible narrative behind the narrative.By 1984 Wolfe was able to retire and devote himself full-time to his writing. Yetdespite (尽管 ) all this, and despite the continuing respect of his colleagues, his workhas become somewhat unfamiliar. Wolfe's admirers hope this fact will be at leastsomewhat improved by his most recent offering,The Wizard Knight, which fallswithin the fantasy type that is currently popular.28. What is Harlan Ellison's attitude toward Gene Wolfe?A. Concerned.B. Sympathetic.C.Admiring.D.Regretful.29.What do we know aboutThe Fifth Head of Cerberus?A. It was well received.B. It was Gene Wolfe's first novel.30.Which has great influence on Gene Wolfe's writing style?A. His understanding of life.B. His childhood experiences.C. His colleagues' suggestions.D. His love for mystery fiction.31.What can we infer about Gene Wolfe from the last paragraph?A. His work has become less popular.B. He became famous forThe Wizard Knight.C.His fans were disappointed to some degree. D.He stopped fantasy writing after his retirement.The word or phrase that you use to open your email account may provide akey to your personality as well as to your correspondence信(件 ), according to aBritish psychologist. Helen Petrie, professor of human / computer interaction交(互作用) at City, University in London, analysed the responses of 1,200 Britons whoparticipated in a survey funded 提(供资金 ) by CentralNic, an Internet domainname company. The results were recently published on CentralNic's website.Petrie identifies three main password“ types” .“ Family oriented” respondenumbered nearly half of those surveyed. These people use their own name ornickname, the name of a child, partner, or pet or a birth date as their password. Theytend to be occasional computer users and have strong family ties.“ They choose passwords that symbolize people or events with emotional value,” says Petrie. Onethird of respondents were“ fans” , using the names of athletes, singers, movie stars,fictional characters, or sports teams. Petrie says fans are young and want to attachthemselves to the lifestyle represented by a celebrity. Two of the most popularnames were Madonna and Homer Simpson. The third main group of participants are“ cryptics ” because they pick confusing passwords or a random随机的 () string ofletters, numbers, and symbols such as“ Jxa+157 ” . Petrie says cryptics are the mostsecurity-conscious group. They tend to make the safest but least interesting choices.Passwords are revealing for two reasons. First, because they are invented on thespot. “ Since you are focused on getting into a system, for example your email account,you're likely to write down something that comes quickly to mind,” says Petrie.this sense passwords take advantage of things that are just below the surface of consciousness. Also, to remember your password, you pick something that willstick in your mind. You may unconsciously choose something of particularemotional importance. ”32.How did Petrie draw her conclusions?A. By observing participants' reactions.B.By interviewing 1,200 people.C. By studying survey results.D. By doing an experiment.33. What do we know about people whose passwords are“ family oriented”?A. They probably have large families.B. They are likely to be animal lovers.C. They tend to be social and emotional.D. They are probably infrequent computer users.34. What does Petrie say about the“ cryptic” group?A. They have strong safety awareness.B. They lack imagination and creativity.35.Why can passwords reveal our personalities?A. We choose words we will easily remember.B. We are willing to invent something personal.C. We are likely to value important experiences.D. We pick up a password after careful consideration.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

人教版本高中英语选修六unit2检测试卷试题高中英语学习资料madeofjingetiejiUnit2Poems诗歌Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Agreatmanypeopleexpressedtheir 伤(心)whentheylearnedofthevictimsofthe Yushuearthquake.2.Wehadmanydifficultiesatfirst,but____________(最后)wesucceeded.3.Weshouldmakea____________灵(活的)planincaseofanyunexpectedchanges.4.Supportingsuchalargefamilyisaheavy____________负(担)forhim.5.Ithinkitisn’t____________(适合的)foryoutoattendthepartyinsuchacasualcoat.6.It’snotsurprisingthatyoungpeoplenowadaysfollownew____________模(式)ofliving. 7.NeverwillIforgettheideasandthoughtswe____________交(换)atcollege. 8.Youhavehelpedmesomuchthatnowordscan 传(达)mythanks.9.用translate的适合形式填空(1)Thedisabledladydecidedonacareerasa____________andhas____________hundredsof booksfromEnglishintoChinesesofar.(2)Her____________ofsomegreatworksispopularamongyoungpeople.10.用end的适合形式填空(1)—Howdidthestory____________?—Justlikemostromanticstories,ithadahappy____________. Theprincekilledthemonsterandsavedtheprincessinthe_____andtheylivedhappilyeverafter.(2)Ican ’tputupwithhis____________complaintsanymore.Ⅱ.单项填空1.Inonly30years,thecountryhasbeen________intoanadvancedindustrialpower.A.translated B.degraded C.declined D.transformed2.Isthisreason________youexplainedatthemeetingfornotarrivingontime?A.theone B./ C.why D.theonehow3.PremierWensaid, “Ionceagainemphasizeitisthatabsolutelyunacceptabletosacrificepeople's lifeandhealth________theeconomicdevelopmentinanycase. ”A.inthehopeof B.inreturnfor C.inthefaceof D.inexchangefor 4.Thelocalgovernmenthasbeenaccusedofnotresponding________totheneedsofthehomelessinthefloods-trickenarea.A.hopelesslyB.appropriatelyC.needlesslyD.constantly5.Therewassuchalongqueueforfriedchickena tKFCthatwe________gaveup.A.eventuallyB.unfortunatelyC.generouslyD.purposely6.Theirbrighteyesandsmilingfaces________theimpressionthattheywereveryexcited.A.determined B.conveyed C.shaped D.functioned7.—I'vebeenworkingonthisproblemforalongtime.ButIstillcan'tworkitout.—________.Youmightaswelldosomethingelsenow.A.Cheerup B.Takeiteasy C.Comeon D.Nevermind8.ItsuddenlyoccurredtoAnnethatmoneycouldn't________allthatBobhadsufferedinthepastfiveyears.A.makeupforB.lookuptoC.putupwithD.fitinwith9.I________youavaluablepresentforyourbirthday,butI________mon ey.A.wouldliketogive;ranoutofB.wouldliketohavegiven;ranoutofC.wouldliketogive;wasrunoutofD.wouldliketogive;r anout10.—Myfriendsareleavingtomorrowafternoon. —Iwouldratherthey______onanearlytrain.A.hadleft B.leave C.willleave D.left 11.Thereasonwhyheadaptedtothenewsituationsquicklyisthathehasa________attitude.A.changeable B.alternate C.movable D.flexible12.Ienjoyreadingallkindsofbooksinmysparetime,BernardShaw'splays________.A.incommonB.intotalC.inturnD.inparticular13.IwassoexcitedatthenewsthatIcouldhardly________myfeelings inwords.A.carryB.conveyC.surveyD.communicate14.Theteacherstressedagainthatthestudentsshouldnot________anyimportantdetailswhileretellingthestory.A.bringout B.letout C.leaveout D.makeout15.________weknoweachotherwell,wecangetalongfine.A.Nowthat B.Notuntil C.Before D.DuringⅢ.阅读理解QuittingcigaretteshadalwaysbeenpainfulforMicheleFenzl,a55-year-oldcomputeroperatorfromDenver.In35yearsofsmokingapackaday,nothingelsecouldmakeheratease.Untilearseeds.LastJune,heracupuncturist(针灸医生),KarenKurtak,startedattachingtinyblackseedsofaspecialplanttospecificpointsonherears,torelieveherdesiretwic eaweekwithneedles.ItishardtosaywhichaspectofherprogramhelpedMsFenzlstopsmoking,butshebelieved hersuccessbelongedtotheseedsshecalls .“lifesavers”Longpartoftraditional Chinesemedicine,“auriculartherapy,”asitiscalled,includesstimulatingkeypointsoftheoute rearwithseedsorneedlesasintraditionalacupuncture. EarseedshavelongbeenusedinAmericaforaddictiontreatment.Buttoday,withthegrowingdemandforalternativeways,thereh asbeenanincreaseinthepracticeofusingearseedsforhealthissuesfromanxietytopain. “Theyareusedforpeopleinsituationsoftrauma(外伤),”saidCynthiaNeipris,aprofessorofthePacificCollegeofChineseMedicine,whichtrainsstudentstouseearseeds.“An seedsarewornhome,it'sanaddedplusbecauseitinvolvesthepatientintheirownhealingprocess.”Itisnotknownpreciselyhowearseedsworknorhasenoughresearchbeendonetoprovewhichailments(小病)theyhelprelieve.But licensedacupuncturistsaswell asdoctorsfromworld-classhospitals recommendthem.Dr P.GraceHarrell,ananesthesiologistandanacupuncturistsaid,don't“Weknowexactlywhattheearseedsdo.WhatIdoknowisthatmore peoplearewearingthem.Ihavepatientscominginandaskingfortheseeds.”Dothewonderfulseedsdrawunwelcomeattention?“Noonehasevercommentedthem,”on saidLauraSoncrant,32,whowearstheseedsbecauseofherinsomnia(不眠症).Shesaidthatpressingonthemthroughoutthedayhasimprovedhersleeptothepointthatshecan'tlivewithoutthemnow.“Thereareeve nthosedayswhentheseedshavefallenoffandIwanttogototheacupuncturistjustforthem. ”16.Thepassageismainlyabout________.A.thenegativeeffectsofearseedsB.theuncertaintyofearseedsC.themodernusesofearseedsD.thewayofusingearseeds17.MicheleFenzlusesearseedsto________.A.helprelievetheailmentsfromsmokingB.reduceherdependenceonsmokingsomuchC.stimulatethekeypointsoftheouterearD.saveherlifefromsmoking18.Itcanbeinferredfromthepassagethat________.A.peoplehaven'tacceptedtheuseofearseedsB.earseedshavelongbeenusedforhealthissuesC.earseedscansavelife inanemergentsituationD.doctorsfromworld-classhospitalsthinkhighlyofearseeds19.Theunderlinedword“them”inthelastparagraphrefersto________.A.earseedsB.ailmentsC.allkindsofattentionD.acupuncture20.WhichofthefollowingstatementsisTRUEaccordingtothepassage?A.Peopleareworriedabouttheuseofearseeds.B.Earseedscanrelievepeople'sanxiety.C.Earseedsarenotusefulforpeoplewithinjuries.D.Thosewithearseedsliketobenoticed.Ⅳ.七选五Areyousufferingalotfromtestanxiety?Followthesetipstohelpyouovercomeit.__21__Prepareforthetestbydevelopinggoodstudyoutthemainpointsoftheinformationorfollowastudysheetfrom thethewho,what,when,where,whyandhowofanymainideas.Pickoutthekeywordsinthemainaveryshortdescriptionofeachpointnexttothekeywillnowhavetwosetsofstudynot es._22_Usethesecondtoreviewrightbeforethetest.Teachyourselflittlememorypeopleusemnemonic(助记符号)devicestorememberthereisalistofinformation,takethefirstletterofeachwordandmakeaninterestingsaying.__23__Somepeoplereadallthequestionsfirstandthenbeginstartwiththefirstquestionanddon'tlookattheskipa nyhardquestionsandcomebacktothemlater.Dosomerelaxationexerciseslikedeepanxietyisnormalgoingintoates t.24_Reviewthematerialonelasttimerightbeforeoftenrememberthingsthatwereadorthinkaboutrightbeforegoi ngtosleep.__25__Makesureyougotobedearlyenoughthenightbeforetheisverydifficulttorememberanythingwhenyouareover tired.A.Workoutaplanahead. B.Getagoodnight'ssleep.C.Payattentiontotheproperorderofansweringthequestions.D.Usethefirstdetailedsettostudythematerial.E.Learntodevelopastrategyfortakingthetest.F.Alwaysgetasmuchsleepaspossible.G.Breathingdeeplyhelpsyoucalmyourselfandconcentrateonthetest.Ⅳ.短文改错IamsadtohearofMr.Tianwilllosehisjobforever.HehadtaughtmethreeyearsbeforeIwastookoutofthemountains.Istillrememberhimcarryusonhisbackacrosstheriver.AndhehasbeenanonlyteacherintheschooleversinceIcouldremember.Yet,thegovernmentwantshetogohomenow.That'stosay,theydon'tallowhimtobeateacheranylonger.Why?That'sunfairofalltheteacherslikeMr.Tian.Citieshavemanygoodteachers,andfewwanttoworkinaremotemountainschool.Thegovernmenthasoncesentsometeachersthere,butnobodyofthemstayed.Whatwillhappentothe littlefriendsthereonceMr.Tianaway?IloveMr.Tian.Bestwishestohim!答案:I.拼写1.sorrow9.(1)translator;translated(2)translation 10.(1)end;ending;end(2)endlessII.1.答案与分析: D 在30年的里,个国家已成一个达的工国。

Unit 2 PoemsⅠ.阅读理解AIt was days or even weeks since I had been left on the island. My only companion was a dog called Philly which had survived the shipwreck. Memories of what happened were still fresh.The magnificence of the ship had given us all a false sense of security. As the first signs of the storm started, our captain announced it was nothing much, just another storm. Yet, he was wrong! The storm hit the ship so badly that large holes were made at the sides of the ship. As the freezing water started rushing in, our ship was consumed quickly by the dark water.My train of thought was disturbed by Philly licking my hand dearly. Are you hungry? I spoke my first words ever since the shipwreck occurred. Woof, woof! Barked Philly enthusiastically. At this moment, my stomach gave a loud growl, too. I could not remember when my last meal was, probably a ten-course dinner on the ship. As I had never fished before, I thought maybe I could try something simpler, like picking fruits. With Philly at my side, armed with a sharp branch, we walked into the forest on the island together. Suddenly I thought I heard noises. Could there be anyone else on this island? I wondered. As we were looking for fruit trees, we chanced upon one that bore yellow, juicy-looking fruit. Philly started barking---we had company. It was a dark-skinned woman, holding a sharp spear, dressed in fur and grass. I backed away from her, afraid that she would be aggressive. Then, I saw that she was trying to save us. Pointing her spear at the fruit tree, she shook her head strongly.I nodded at her to show I understood what she was saying. Signaling to us to follow her, she turned to walk along a small path that I had never noticed. At the end of the small path, there was a small village. Tears of joy filled my eyes.1. Why had the writer been left on the island?A. Because the captain had deserted him.B. Because he wanted to explore the island.C. Because his ship had crashed in the storm.D. Because his ship had broken down in the shallow water.2. What can we know about the dog Philly?A. He was friendly but aggressive.B. He was also a survival of the shipwreck.C. He was badly hurt in the shipwreck.D. He was left alone while the writer went for food.3. How did the writer deal with his hunger?A. He went fishing on the sea.B. He told Philly to find food for him.C. He got some food from his ship.D. He went into the forest to pick fruits.4. Why did the woman point her spear at the fruit tree?A. the fruits were not the best choice.B. the fruits were unfit for food.C. he was forbidden to pick the fruits.D. the fruit tree was dangerous.BEveryone knows that if a dog’s ears are up and its tail is wagging vigorously, it is definitely pleased to see you. but now scientists using a robot have found that the way dogs use their tails is more complicated than we thought, and that dogs which wag them to the left may be more friendly. The animal psychologists discovered that when real dogs approached a life-sized robot dog, they were less cautious about it when it was wagging its tail to the left, while if it was wagging its tail to the right, far fewer dogs approached it in a confident manner.In the first experiments, 56 percent of the animals approached the model without hesitation when the tail was wagged to the left, while only 21 percent did so in the other situation. When the researchers excluded(排除)owners from being present, the result were: 31 percent of the dogs approached continuously when the tail was wagging to the left, while only 18 percent did so when it was on the right.Animal psychologist Roger Mugford said it added to the growing evidence that dogs were even more complicated communicators than the animals more closely related to man such as monkeys. He said, “We know that dogs, in a sense, have languages, but it is more complicated because it is not just them wagging their tails, but also giving out chemical displays.”He adds, “The research confirms earlier studies suggesting that dogs, like humans, had a left-side preference. If you are going to present a signal to a dog, it is sensible to put it on your left-hand side because that is where dogs, unlike most other animals, tend to look. It is another example of the similarity between dogs and humans. They are a lot more human than we give them credit for.”5. What does it tell us if a dog wags its tail to the right?A. It was very energetic.B. It was in a good mood.C. It might be unfriendly.D. It must be confident.6. What can be inferred from the second paragraph?A. Few dogs approached the robot dog confidently.B. More dogs approached the robot without their owners present.C. Some dogs lacked confidence with their owners present.D. Dog owners may influence the behaviour of their dogs.7. What can we learn from animal psychologist’s experiments?A. Dogs can communicate more than human beings.B. Dogs have more complicated emotions than monkeys.C. Dogs’ tail-wagging conveys more information than previously believed.D. Dogs’ intelligence can be much higher than any other kind of animal.8. What do Roger Mugford’s words mean?A. The Left-side preference should be studied further.B. Dogs have more in common with humans than we think.C. No other animals show the left-side preference except dogs.D. Dogs have a more complicated language than we people do.Ⅱ.完形填空In a tiny room, Jenny was lying in bed waiting for an operation, nervous and worried. 1 , another patient was squeezed in. After a gentle greeting, they 2 the chatting. The 80-year-old newcomer was named Susan. Her son 3 ran a company as CEO and her daughter worked on a TV station as director. Since her children were too 4 to take care of Susan, she lived in an old people’s home. Susan was proud of her children who had wonderful 5 . Jenny really 6 Susan. Compared with Susan, Jenny was 7 but an ordinary country woman whose children were just ordinary workers.Soon, it was supper time, Jenny’s daughter cooked 8 dishes which were her favorite. Jenny invited Susan to share her supper, but she 9 .Susan was 10 her daughter when she received a call. 11 ,her children couldn’t come to visit her. Worse still, Susan had 12 the mealtime in the hospital. She lay in bed, 13 and silent. Jenny’s daughter offered to buy her some food but she had no appetite14 .The next day, Jenny and Susan would go through a series of regular medical checks before the operation. Jenny’s daughter 15 to her carefully while Susan was still alone. Out of sympathy, Jenny’s daughter offered to queue(排队) up, fill in different 16 and register for Susan. For several days in hospital, even during her 17 ,Susan’s children didn’t show up. Susan reallyenvied Jenny whose daughter looked after her all the time 18 she recovered and moved out of hospital.Care from the loved ones when ill can really make one happy and encouraged, especially for a(n) 19 parent. So while devoted to your career, don’t forget your role in your 20 .1. A. Respectably B. Unexpectedly C. Delightedly D. Patiently2. A. succeeded in B. turned into C. brought about D. participated in3. A. unnamedly B. successfully C. technically D. independently4. A. guilty B. rough C. unwilling D. busy5. A. improvements B. documents C. occupations D. conservations6. A. respected B. impressed C. envied D. aroused7. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything8. A. an amount of B. a great deal C. a great many D. a plenty of9. A. rejected B. paid C. misunderstood D. struggled10. A. disturbing B. praising C. expecting D. inviting11. A. Possibly B. Strangely C. Generally D. Unfortunately12. A. knew B. missed C. followed D. ignored13. A. disappointed B. anxious C. astonished D. nervous14. A. in fact B. at once C. at all D. in length15. A. obeyed B. examined C. attended D. protected16. A. forms B. gaps C. positions D. surveys17. A. checks B. recovery C. stay D. operation18. A. unless B. although C. until D. because19. A. ordinary B. loving C. careful D. aged20. A. family B. health C. friendship D. growth Ⅲ. 语法填空Several countries in Asia celebrate the Lunar New Year in their own way. But dragon and lion dances in Chinatowns all over the world have helped to make China’s New Year the most famous. These days growing 1 (number) of people who are not of Chinese origin are joining in. In Tokyo window cleaners dress up like the animals of the Chinese Shengxiao. America, Canada and New Zealandhave published memorial stamps for the year of the rooster. Last year New York City made the Lunar New Year 2 school holiday for the first time.The spread of the Spring Festival is 3 (part) due to recent immigration from China: 9.5 million Chinese people 4 (move) abroad since 1978, many of 5 are far richer than earlier waves of immigrants.Aware 6 China's growing economic and political influence, foreign leaders have noticed the occasion. Britain’s prime minister, Theresa May, has given a video address, a tradition 7 (start) in 2014 by her predecessor (前任) . This year’s World Economic Forum in Davos was held a week earlier than usual 8 (avoid) conflicting with China’s New Year.China hopes the festival will promote 9 (it) cultural “soft power”abroad. It may give the Chinese people 10 (satisfy) to see foreigners enjoy such festivities.Ⅳ. 短文改错Two years before, I traveled to Brazil and I rented for a car. Unfortunate, I had an accident and hit another car, and I needed to stay in a hospital for at least two week. I called my parents, so I did not tell them what had happened. I knew that they will be worried about myself because I was so farther away, and that my mother would not sleep if she knew. Therefore, I told them interested stories and how I was enjoying Brazil. As a result, nobody knew truth. I still think that it was the right thing to do.Ⅴ. 书面表达假定你是李华,你的美国网友Tom因身材瘦小经常受到同学们的欺凌(bully),这令他感到非常苦恼。
高中英语新课标选修6练习:Unit 2验收检测 含答案

Unit 2验收检测(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.Where does this conversation most probably take place?A.In a restaurant.B.In a shop.C.In a vegetable market.2.What did the man do last night?A.He went to visit a friend.B.He went to say goodbye to his friend at the airport.C.He went to another city with his friend.3.What can we learn about the man from the conversation?A.He enjoys using emails.B.He often receives letters from his friends.C.He never writes letters to his friends.4.At what time does the next plane to London leave?A.10:00.B.11:00.C.12:00.5. What's the man's problem?A.He isn't feeling well.B.He is caught in bad weather.C.He has to change his travel plan for cold weather.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
人教版高中英语选修6 Unit2单元测试卷及答案【推荐下载】

人教版高中英语选修6 Unit2 单元测试卷及答案人教选修6Unit2单元测试卷第一卷(选择题共85分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1.—Willyoujoinusinthegame?—Thankyou,A.butwhynot?B.butI’drathernot.C.andIwon’tD.andI’lljoin.2.---CouldyouturntheTVdownalittlebit?---______.Isitdisturbingyou?A.Takeiteasy.B.I’msorry.C.NotabitD.Itdepends3.Jimdidverywell.He________twogoalsbeforehalf-time.A.hadscoredB.hadkickedC.scoredD.made4.Ifonlywe____thenthediseasewascurable.A.knewB.couldknowC.hadknownD.wouldhaveknown5.Ifyou_________myadvice,you________yourfailurenow.You_________y ourvictory.A.took...wouldn’tcryover...wouldcelebrateB.hadtaken...wouldn’thavecriedover...wouldhavecelebratedC.hadtaken...aren’tcryingover...arecelebratingD.hadtaken...wouldn’tbecryingover...wouldbecelebrating6.Ifthecat__________thesparrow,it________intothepond.A.hadn’tteased,wouldnothavefallenB.hasn’tteased,wouldnothavefallenC.hadn’tteased,didnotfallD.hadn’tteased,won’thavefallen7.Whatsurprisedmewasnotwhathesaidbut______hesaidit.A.thewayB.inthewaythatC.inthewayD.thewaywhich8.---Isthatthesmalltownyouoftenreferto?----Right,justtheone____youknowIusedtoworkforyears.A.thatB.whichC.whereD.what9.Fiveplayers________abasketballteam.A.madeupofBmakingupofCconsistsofDareconsisted 10.ManyEnglishpoems________Chinese______well. A.translatedinto;translateB.translatedinto;didn’ttranslateC.translatinginto;didn’ttranslateD.translatedfrom;didn’ttransl ate11.---Howmuchlongerdoyouthinkwecan________?----Tendays,maybe.I’mnotsure.A.holdonB.holdupC.holdontoD.holddown12.---DoyouthinkIcanwearsportsclothesforhiswedding? ---No,sportsclothesarenot______.AproperB.rightC.appropriateD.match13.---Whatonearthareyoudoinghere?---Can’tyouseeI’mtryingto____thegarage____arecreationroom.A,transform;fromB.transform;intoC.change;intoD.turn;into14.Ilikereadingpoems,becausepoemscan___certain____.A.convey;emotionB.convey;emotionsC.express;emotionsD.explain;emo tions15.Withmymoney______,Iwentbackhome.A.ranoutofB.ranoutC.runingoutofD.runningout第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-35各题所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

⼈教版⾼⼆英语选修6Unit2期末检测试题及答案 往往在英语考试即将到来之际,⼤家都准备好了复习⼯作了吗?让我们来做⼀套试题卷吧!接下来,店铺就和⼤家⼀起来做份⼈教版⾼⼆英语选修6Unit 2期末检测试题,希望对⼤家有帮助! ⼈教版⾼⼆英语选修6Unit 2期末检测试题 Ⅰ.⽤适当的介、副词填空 1.Byplaying________thewords________nurseryrhymes,childrenlearnaboutlanguage. 2.Wewouldhavewonifwehadn’trunout________energy.3.Anothersimpleform________poemthatstudentscaneasilywriteisthecinquain,apoemmadeup________fiv elines. 4.Withthese,studentscanconveyastrongpicture________justafewwords. 5.Weekin,week________. 6.ItisnotatraditionalformofEnglishpoetry,butisverypopular________Englishwriters. 7.DidyouknowthatEnglishspeakersalsoenjoyotherformsofAsianpoetry—TangpoemsfromChina________particular? 8.AlotofTangpoetryhasbeentranslated________English.9.________somanydifferentformsofpoetrytochoose________,studentsmayeventuallywanttowritepoemsoft heirown. 10.Neverlookingback,Transformed________stone. Ⅱ.佳句翻译与仿写 1.Andsaidthoughstrangetheyallweretrue. 翻译: ________________________________________________________________________ 仿写: (1)她尽管年轻,但已到过很多国家进⾏演出。

每段对话仅读一遍.1.What did the woman do all day?A.Played the piano. Practised singing。
Wrote some letters.2.What can we know about the woman?A.She has just bought a mobile phone。
B.She finds it pretty easy to use the mobile phone.C.She often forgets to turn on the mobile phone.3.Why won’t Sam go to the movie?A.Because class is n’t over。
.Because he doesn't want to。
.Because he is studying.4.Where did the woman go last weekend?A.The Culture Park。
B.The World Park. C.An amusement park.5.How will the two speakers go to London?A.By train。
B.By air. C.By car.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

Unit2 Poems单元同步测试I 单项选择1. Without grammar little is _______; without vocabulary nothing is ________; vocabulary isthe foundation of learning a foreign languageA.explained; explainedB.conveyed; conveyedC.transported; transportedD.expressed;expressed1.---Why are you ________ that particular expression?---Because the song you are humming _______ me of a nursery rhyme that I learned twentyyears ago when I stayed in the kindergarten.A.taking on; calls backB.putting on; remindsC.wearing; remindsD.having;informs3. What a chain smoker says is often ______ what he does.On one hand, he says he wants to quitsmoking, on the other hand he continues to smoke on and on.A.contradictory toB.contrary withC.similar toD.against with4. I think we should develop a ________ of “flexible team work”, that is, we can work togetherwhen needed and we can work individually when ______.A.means; it doesn’tB.way; it is notC.system; we don’tD.pattern; it isn’t5. Our supply of food ________; if we don’t get some soon, we will be starving.A.is lackingB.is running outC. is being shortD.is taking out6. A habit, often unconscious pattern of behavior, is _______ through frequent repetitionA.acquiredB.made upC.consistedD.gained7. Whenever he looks at the picture in which there is a small cottage ______ the foot of amountain, two sparrows ______ the branches of a bare birch tree, he is filled with warmthbecause it reminds him _____ his first love in the countryside.A.on; on; ofB.at; in; withC.at; in; ofD.at; on; of8. The United States _______ 52 states while China ________32 provinces and autonomousregions.A.forms of; consists ofB.consists of; is made up ofC.is made up; consists ofD.is formed;is made up of9. ---Oh, doctor, I am coughing, sneezing and having a soar throat.I am afraid I am dying.just a bad cold.______ and you ---Look me have a look.Well, there is nothing serious.It’swill be well again in a couple of days.A.Take it easyB.Take a light heartC.Make yourself at homeD.Don’t worry about10. As students, we have many duties to perform, with improving our ability to learn _______.A.in specialB.in advanceC.in practiceD.in particular11. It usually takes many years for the ________ of a society from one system to another tocomplete.A.translationB.transformationC.transportationD.transplantation12. Thinking of the endless work await for her in the office, the girl _______going to work everymorning.A.dreadsB.horrifiesC.terrifiesD.frightens13. Modern technological revolution ______ the highest outcome with minimum energyconsumption, with consideration of _______ the least damage to the environment.A.aims to produce; makingB.aims at producing; doingC.aims producing; causingD.aims to produce; having14. The bride and bridegroom were _______ wedding gifts when all lights went out and the hallfell into completely darkness and the wedding ceremony had to _______.A.presenting; be put offB.exchanging; put offC.offering; be stoppedD.exchanging;stop15. More than 75 football teams from all over the world came to ______ for the World CupChampionship and the Chinese Football Team was going to ______ a new strategy to play.A.make out; try oute out; bring outC.try out; carry outD.take out; come out16. In 1963, he graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music, in which he ______ four firstscholarships in a row and then he made his way to Vienna Academy of Music, perfectinghis skills to play the violin.He _______ became the youngest, most talented violinist in the world at the age of 37.A.won; eventuallyB.got; eventuallyC.received; accidentallyD.gained;appropriately17. Educationists across China are experimenting and trying out new assessing systems _______to.assessing students’ performance in schoolA.suitableB.equalC.appropriateD.fit18. The Iranian government is accused of _______ some terror organizations in the Middle East.by the United States, who can’t not produce firm evidences to prove itA.sponsoringB.providingC.offeringD.supplying19. The good-for-nothing graduate’s mind _______ when he learned that he could not get thegraduation diploma because of his poor performance.A. turned emptyB.became hollowC.grew blindD.went blank20. The little girl _______her breath in a long sigh when she learned that none of her friends letout her plan torun away from her family with her boyfriend to her parentsA.send outB.make outC.let outD.bring out21. We finally managed to _______ the truth out of the librarian who admitted ______ somecollections of poems in the poetry section and _______them for money.A.tease; stealing; sellingB.bring; to steal; to sellC.cheat; stealing; soldD.dig; stolen;sold22. The pianist played the master piece _______, which _______ greatly affected his audience.A.in emotion; in turnB.with emotion; in returnC.in emotions; in returnD.withemotion; in turn23. ---Why do brides and bridegrooms like to present diamond rings or necklaces to ______ at awedding ceremony?----Diamond is believed to be the hardest stone in the world and they wish that their love would last as long as a diamond, ______ forever.A.each other; that isB.each other; which isC.one another; that is ; One another; whichis24. The gardener was _______ when he found his ________ flower withered, with its bladesdrooping because somebody had watered it with too much salty water.A.in deep sorrow; most favoriteB.sorry; most favoriteC.in deep sorrow; favoriteD.with deep sorrow; favorite25. Read the following questions carefully and ______ the ones you think are true according to thepassage you have read about the compass and ______ the ones that you think are false.A.tick; crossB.put a tick; put a crossC.tick; acrossD.tick; markII 完形填空My name is Jane Eyre and my parents died when I was a baby.For ten years I liveda__26___life with my aunt and cousins who treated me unfairly.My cousins teased me and myaunt never showed me any___27_.The only person who cared about me was the maid, Bessie.OneAfterday my cousin John 28me: “You s hould go and beg, not live with rich folks like us!” fighting with him I was locked in a room, where I ___29___ for hours crying.Things ___30___ the same until a tall gentleman called Mr Brockehurst came to visit.Myaunt told me that I was going to a school ___31___by the gentleman.“Train her to be useful andhumble,” said Aunt.Two days later I ___32___ my home.At first my ___33___ at Lowood School was easy.The food was bad and I was often cold butI made ___34___ and enjoyed studying.But after an illness killed several students, new owners___35___ the school and life improved.Six years later I ___36___ a teacher and was veryhappy.But eventually(最后) I felt that I should explore more of the world and found a job as aprivate teacher in a ___37_.Before I left Lowood, I was__38__by Bessie, who told me that seven years ago my fatherbrother had come ___39___ me but left again to go abroad.“He looked like quite a gentleman,” said Bessie.I wondered if he would ever look for me again.My new life ___40___ at Thornfield Hall, a large country house, ___41___ a little girl calledAdele.She was the adopted(被收养的) daughter of the owner of the house, Mr Rochester.He___42___stayed at Thornfield and ___43___my time was mainly spent with Adele and theservants.My life was quite happy now although there was something___44__about my newhome.Often I heard odd(奇怪的) sounds ___45___ from the top floor of the house.26.A.happy B.long C.sad fortable27.A.food B.love C.method D.schooling28.A.shouted at B.cried over C.found out D.talked with29.A.lived B.stayed C.studied D.beat30.A.appeared B.worked C.seemed D.remained31.A.built B.designed C.owned D.opened32.A.built B.reached C.left D.sold33.A.food B.life C.book D.study34.A.noise B.friends C.mistakes D.faces35.A.took over B.took up C.took off D.took away36.A.turned B.met C.became D.found37.A.school B.home C.library D.country38.A.taught B.visited C.brought D.required39.A.looking for B.looking after C.looking into D.looking at40.A.stopped B.continued C.started D.remained41.A.showing B.teaching C.searching D.wanting42.A.often B.hardly C.happily D.quietly43.A.yet B.so C.still D.though44.A.interesting B.good C.instructive D.strangee B.drop C.fall D.goIII 阅读理解第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Text 1W: When will the engineer arrive in Shanghai?M: Let me see. It's eight thirty; I think he will arrive in twenty minutes.1.When will the engineer get to Shanghai?A.At 8:10.B.At 8:30.C.At 8:50.答案:CText 2W: In the shop, I thought this shirt was blue, but out here in the sunlight I see it's black.M: Yes, the bright yellow light in the shop makes things look a little different.2.What color is the shirt?A.Blue. B.Black.C.Yellow.答案:BText 3W: I haven't had fast food for a long time. How much is a hamburgerand Coke now?M: They used to cost only 2 dollars,but now the price has doubled.3.How much is a hamburger and Coke now?A.$2. B.$2.5.C.$4.答案:CText 4M: I'm sorry, but I can't find the book you lent me.W: That's OK.M: I really feel bad about it. Let me buy you a new one.W: No. Don't be silly. I wouldn't dream of letting you do that.4.What's the man doing?A.Complaining. B.Apologizing.C.Explaining.答案:BText 5M: The taxi is waiting downstairs. Let's hurry.W: Wait a minute. I'll take some food with us. I don't like the meal served on the train.M: Oh, come on. We don't have much time left.5.Where are the speakers going?A.Train station. B.Bus stop.C.Airport.答案:A第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

Ⅰ.阅读理解AThere were many famous poets from different periods of time in Chinese history,and thousands of their poems are still read and appreciated today.To arouse people's interest in those classic Chinese poems and promote cultural heritage, China Central Television(CCTV)produced a TV show—Chinese Poetry Competition.The finale(终场)of the hit show's second season was shown on Feb.7this year.Wu Yishu,16,who studies at the High School Affiliated to Fudan University in Shanghai, came out on top.In an earlier episode(一集),Wu wowed the audience when performing in a section entitled“Feihualing”.The game's theme was“yue”,meaning“moon”or“month”in Chinese.She recited the lines from the Classic of Poetry,the earliest collection of poems in China:“In July,the crickets(蟋蟀)are in the field.In August,they are in the yard.In September they are at the door.In October,they enter and crawl under our beds.”“I really admire her knowledge of poems,”said Huang Zijin,16,a Senior2student from Ningbo High School in ZheJiang province.“The first time I saw her wearing traditional Han clothing on TV,I was very impressed by her classical looks.She fulfills all my fantasies for classic Chinese women's talents.What's more,she always appears so calm throughout the show,which is very unusual for her age.”As the old saying goes,“One who is filled with knowledge always behaves with elegance.”“Learning poems isn't about winning or losing.The power of poetry lies in shaping one's view of life and developing one's inner world,”said Li Bo,an expert guest at the Chinese Poetry Competition's second season.When it comes to teaching people about poetry,Li Dingguang,the show's academic advisor, suggested that teachers should explain more about the beauty of the poetry from both the aesthetic(审美的)and emotional sides,and guide the students to lose themselves in the poems' rhythmic(有节奏的)and rhyming lines.“Although the amount of ancient Chinese poetry in the textbooks of primary and secondary schools has increased,many students still learn them for exams,”Li Dingguang told .“Therefore,it's important to help students truly appreciate the artistry and fun of poetry.”语篇导读本文为夹叙夹议文。
人教英语选修6Unit 2 Poems(单元测试卷)(解析版)

高二英语人教选修六Unit 2单元检测注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
ASuppose you’re in a rush, felling tired, not paying attention to your screen, and you send an email that could get you in trouble.Realization will probably set in seconds after you’ve clicked “send”. You freeze in horrors and burn with shame. What to do? Here are four common email accidents, and how to recover.Clicking “send” too soonDon’t waste your time trying to find out if the receivers has read it yet. Write another email as swiftly as you can and send it with a brief explaining that this is the correct version and the previous version should be ignored. Writing the wrong timeThe sooner you notice, the better. Respond quickly and briefly, apologizing for your mistake. Keep the tone measured: don’t handle it too lightly, as people can be offered, esp ecially if your error suggests a misunderstanding of their culture(i.e. incorrect ordering of Chinese names).Clicking “reply all” unintentionallyYou accidentally reveal(透露)to entire company what menu choices you would prefer at the staff Christmas dinner, or what holiday you’d like to take. In this instance, the best solution is to send a quick, light-hearted apology to explain your awkwardness. But it can quickly rise to something worse, when everyone starts hitting “reply all” to join in a long and unpleasant conversation. In this instance, step away from your keyboard to allow everyone tocalm down.Sending an offensive message to its subjectThe most awkward email mistake is usually committed in anger. You write an unkind message about someone, intendi ng to send it to a friend, but accidentally send it to the person you’re discussing. In that case, ask to speak in person as soon as possible and say sorry. Explain your frustrations calmly and sensibly—see it as an opportunity toclear up any difficulties you may have with this person.1. After realising an email accident, you are likely to feel _______.A. curiousB. tiredC. awfulD. funny【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。
人教版高中英语选修6课后习题 第二单元测评卷 (2)

1.Where does the conversation take place?A.In a shop.B.In a restaurant.C.In a hotel.2.What makes the woman so happy?A.Her own looks.B.Her exam result.C.Her parents’ visit.3.What does the woman prefer?A.Fish and vegetables.B.Meat and fish.C.Fruit and vegetables.4.What does the woman want to do?A.She wants to buy a yellow skirt.B.She wants to get a refund.C.She wants to make an exchange.5.Why can’t the man go to the market?A.He has some work to do.B.He needs to give a report now.C.His boss is coming to see him.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
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Unit 2 Poems 测试题测试时间:40分钟共六大题满分:100分一:单词拼写(共8小题,每小题2分,满分20分)1.具体的adj.___________________2.灵活的;可弯曲的adj.________________________3.村舍;小屋n._________________4.无穷的;无止境的adj.________________________5.最后;终于adv._________________6.转化;转换v.______________________________7.适当的;正当的adj._________________ 8.赞助人;主办者n._______________________9.永远adv._______________________ 10.交换;交流;调换n.&v._____________________二:短语互译(共8小题,每小题2分,满分20分)1. 发出;放走;释放___________________2. 测试;实验____________________3. 尤其;特别_________________________4. 用完;用尽____________________5. 轻松;不紧张;从容_________________6. 由…组成______________________7. 不挂断电话;坚持;忍受_____________ 8. be likely to do sth._______________9. 与…相违背/矛盾_____________________ 10. 如果…就好了_________________三:单项选择题(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)1.—You needn’t take an umbrella. It isn’t going to rain.—Well, I don’t know. It _______ do.A.mightB. needC. wouldD. should2.If we _______ a table earlier, we wouldn’t be standing here in a queue.A. have bookedB. bookedC. bookD. had booked3. I took my driving license with me on holiday, _______ I wanted to hire a car.A. even ifB. in caseC. ever sinceD. if only4. Don’t turn off the computer before closing all programs ________ you could have problems.A. orB. andC. butD. so5. _______ private cars are brining us convenience, they may also cause more traffic accidents and pollution.A. IfB. AsC. WhileD. Since6. He gave the order that we ________ there on time.A. beB. areC. had beenD. will be7. _______ more careful, his ship would not have sunk.A. If the captain wereB. Had the captain beenC. Should the captain beD. If the captain would have been8. —I’m sorry I made a mistake!—________. Nobody is perfect.A. Take your timeB. You’re rightC. Whatever you sayD. Take it easy 9. Four and _____ half hours of discussion took us up to midnight, and ______ break for cheese, chocolate and tea with sugar.A. a; aB. the; theC. 不填;theD. a; 不填10. But for your help, I couldn’t ___________.A. have succeededB. be successfulC. succeedD. have been success四:阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)Rivera: Hi, Mrs. Wang. It’s Mrs. Rivera --- your neighbor1._______the apartment downstairs. Lang: Oh, hello.Rivera:I’m sorry to complain, 2.___________I wonder if you could ask your kids to make3.____________ (little) noise.Lang: Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize. Is it their music? I know they love loud music. I 4.___________ (ask) them to turn 5.__________ down.Rivera: No, it is not their music. It’s their 6.__________ (foot). They seem to jump around a lot, andI keep 7.____________ (hear) this strange sound. It’s kind of a … thumping noise.Lang:Oh, sorry. I know8.___________ that is. It is my daughter, Celine. She’s just started ballet lessons, and I guess she’s practicing.Rivera: Oh, I see. Well, maybe 9.___________ she practiced in the afternoon instead of so early in the morning…Lang: OK. I’ll ask her to do that. I’m so sorry she 10.___________(disturb) you.五:短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)Dear sir,Last year I buy a refrigerator in your store on Chang An road. We all like shape of the refrigerator. And recently I find something is wrong with it. It begins to make noise when it turned on. At first it is low but gradually it become louder and louder. To make the matter worse, it even stops working sometimes. We all feel disappointing. I am writing you to ask for help. Would you please send a people to repair it? I will at home this weekend. Please call me before you come to here. My telephone number is 6606.5531. Thanks you very much.Customer,Li Ming六:阅读理解(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)Since we are social beings, the quality of our lives depends in large measure on our interpersonal relationships. One strength of the human conditions is our possibility to give and receive support from one another under stressful(有压力的) conditions. Social support makes up of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties. Those of us with strong support systems appear better able to deal with major life changes and daily problems. People with strong social ties live longer and have better health than those without such ties. Studies over types of illnesses, from depression to heart disease, show that the presence of social support helps people defend themselves against illness, and the absence of such support makes poor health more likely.Social support cushions stress in a number of ways. First, friends, relatives and co-workers may let us know that they value us. Our self-respect is strengthened when we feel accepted by others in spite of our faults and difficulties. Second, other people often provide us with informational support. They help us to define and understand our problems and find solutions to them. Third, we typically find social companionship supportive. Taking part in free-time activities with others helps us to meet our social needs while at the same time distracting(转移注意力) us from our worries and troubles. Finally, other people may give us instrumental support — money aid, material resources, and needed services — that reduces stress by helping us resolve and deal with our problems.1. Interpersonal relationships are important because they can _______.A. make people live more easilyB. smooth away daily problemsC. deal with life changesD. cure types of illnesses2. The researches show that people's physical and mental health _______.A. lies in the social medical care systems which support themB. has much to do with the amount of support they get from othersC. depends on their ability to deal with daily worries and troublesD. is related to their courage for dealing with major life changes3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “cushions” ?A. takes place ofB. makes up ofC. lessens the effect ofD. gets rid of4. Helping a sick neighbor with some repair work in spare time is an example of _______.A. instrumental supportB. informational supportC. social companionshipD. the strengthening of self-respect5. What is the subject discussed in the text?A. Interpersonal relationships.B. Kinds of social support.C. Ways to deal with stress.D. Effects of stressful conditions. 答案:三:1-5 ADBAC 6-10 ABDAA四:1. from / in 2. but 3. less 4. will ask 5. it6. feet7. hearing8. what9. if 10. disturbed五:Dear sir,Last year I buy a refrigerator in your store on Chang An road. We all like∧shape of the bought therefrigerator. And recently I find something is wrong with it. It begins to make noise when itBut∧turned on. At first it is low but gradually it become louder and louder. To make the matteris(或去it) becomesworse, it even stops working sometimes. We all feel disappointing. I am writing you to askdisappointedfor help. Would you please send a people to repair it? I will ∧at home this weekend.Pleaseman/ person be/staycall me before you come to here. My telephone number is 6606.5531. Thanks you veryThankmuch.Customer,Li Ming六:【答案与解释】现代社会中的人们各方面的压力很大,所以融洽的人际关系显得很重要。