




Today, I believe I can bring you a painful speech, the reason I say that is rich, the most important is this article is so scientific and technological , we need patience To learn.现在,我们先来看看这篇⽂章的题⽬——裂隙⽹络⼯程在⽔利劈裂中的应⽤。



Now, let's look at the title of this article ——Fracture network engineering for hydraulic fracturing。

At first glace,we can know that it talk About two concepts , fracture network engineering and hydraulic fracturing.In order to help you understand the article .I'll give you some concepts. thay are very necessary.第⼀个就是:裂隙⽹络⼯程,⼤家只需要理解,这是⼀个庞⼤的数值模拟系统,通过这个系统我们可以了解地下岩体的各种特性。




议论文要有三部分构成: 论点、论据和论证。
议论文的标题必须反映出议论的主题或作者的论点。所以, 常用以下几种形式的标题: 1)疑问句:这类标题本身就体现了争论的焦点。例如:Who Influence Young Children Most? Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? Can Money Buy Happiness? 2)陈述句:这类标题本身就是议论文的论点。例如:Parents Are Spoiling Their Children, Rock Music Is Rotting Our Kids’ Mind等。 3)名词短语:这类标题没体现出论点,而是只提供了引论的 主题。例如:Computer Games, Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports, My View on the Negative Effects of Some Advertisements等。 4)介词短语:这类标题通常由介词on, toward等引出议论的 话题。例如:On Reading, Toward a Good Teacher-Student Relationship等。
❖问题解决型议论文是遵循: 提出问题——分析问题——解决问题的基 本步骤进行的。审题时要弄清什么样的现 象,第二部分要给出具体原因,第三部分 给出相应对策。为了使文章有序,最好用 firstly, secondly, finally etc.的过渡词。
•采用句型: 描述问题 1) Although…has brought convenience to us, many people have begun to realize that it is the source of trouble as well. 2) In recent years, many cities/nations/people have been faced/troubled with the serious problem of… 3) With the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention. 4) Thanks to China’s reform and opening-up policy, the past two decades have witnessed great economic development and social transformation. 5)With the rapid development/improvement of economy, great changes have taken place in… 6)There is no denying the fact that… has become the most concern among people nowadays.



▪ An introduction usually includes the following elements:
▪ 1) Introduce the topic or problem with which the research essay is concerned.
▪ 2) Give a clear definition of the topic and of the related key terms.
▪ 1) How is your research carried out? ▪ 2) How are your data collected? ▪ 3) How are your results obtained?
▪ The significance is: knowing how the data are collected helps the readers evaluate the validity and reliability of your results and your conclusion.
Lecture 2 Writing an Academic Essay
▪ In most cases an academic essay is a kind of documented report from the writer’s first-hand acquisition, synthesis and interpretation of information, data and findings.
▪ A typical academic essay includes the following parts:


归纳法的例子为基础,从几个例子和现象中,归纳出某 种道理和看法。 演绎法以一个或多个看法为基础,从一般论断,演绎到不 同事例,再加以论述,最后再. 回到一般论断上来。 1
二、 议论文的写作步骤: 1. 引言(introduction).由于英语论文受时间,字数的 限制。因此,在引言段中作者就必须简单解释要讨论 的问题,并明白地亮出自己的观点,如提倡什么,支 援什么,反对什么。
Main body
第2段:Firstly,.. Secondly,…In addition/What’s
第3段: Every coin has two sides. The negative
aspects/disadvantages are also apparent/obvious.
To begin with…; To make matters worse…; Worse of
It is true that listening to the radio is quick and convenient. It is also true that we can listen to the radio while are doing something else. So we can save a lot of time. But radio programs have their own time schedule. You cannot get the information you need every time you turn on your radio.
议论文是通过议论或说理来表达作者见解和主张。作者对 某一问题持有一种看法,为了使读者同意自己的看法,提出 若干理由,企图说服他人



• As is well known, AIDS, one of the most dangerous epidemics, has been spreading and menacing people’s health and lives throughout the world. To this day, about 20 million people have already died of AIDS, 42 million have been infected with HIV, and millions more are infected every year. However, for many people only twenty types (classes) of clinical drugs are available. Moreover, though these drugs can inhibit the copy of HIV, there remains the problem of drug resistance, a key cause of failure for the treatment of HIV infection. Therefore, development of new drugs with new structures and new anti-HIV mechanisms has become a hot research topic (field) supported by many governme only have twenty kinds of clinical drugs to use. Though these drugs can inhibit the copy of HIV virus, drug resistance is a key cause of failure for treatment of HIV infection. • However, for many people only twenty types (classes) of clinical drugs are available. Moreover, though these drugs can inhibit the copy of HIV, there remains the problem of drug resistance, a key cause of failure for the treatment of HIV infection.


Plant Terms
Lily of the valley (铃兰)
Carrot (胡萝卜)
In Chinese signifies “pure friendship”
of great nutritional value
In English
a symbol of "death“
has been considered to be " a reward or benefit that is very attractive but difficult to obtain
Ways on How to Translate Plant Terms
Literal translation method (include literal
translation, notation or interpretation)
Translation method of replacement
Then three basic ways of translation are put forward.
Key Words: plant terms, cultural connotation, comparative study, translation
1. Introduction 2. The Cause of Diverse Cultural Connotations of Words
Cultural Connotation of Plant Term


We-sentences appear in many leading journals
In this report, we define a mechanism for … and discover distinct roles for … We use … assays to … We demonstrate that … We
provide evidence that … (Science)
The majority of known … To identify the responsible genes, we mapped virulence in F1 progeny derived from crosses between type II and type III strains, which we17源自Ⅲ. It-sentence
“It-sentences” are often used in science writing, particularly by Chinese authors. However, most of the “it-sentences” are unnecessary.
1. History
1) It has begun publication since 1990(semiannual publication)
2) It has become a quarterly journal and indexed by EI compendex since 2019
3) It has become the cooperated with Elsevier since 2019(attracting foreign authors)



Prototypical TR MS 理论研究型论文的典型结构
• Abstract
• Introduction - Overall thesis statement, hypothesis that is to be proved in the article, the justification for the need to prove this, etc
我们对大数据越来越有兴趣。(Big Data)
我们对大数据越来越有兴趣。 1. We’re more and more interested in Big Data. 2. We have more and more interest in Big Data. 3. We are increasingly interested in Big Data. 4. There is growing interest in Big Data. 5. Big Data has attracted increasing interest. 6. Increasing interest has emerged in Big Data. 7. Growing interest has been directed to Big Data. 8. Increasing attention has been focused on Big Data.
• Empirical data (实验数据): No empirical data involved
• Disciplines: Literary Research, Mathematics, Philosophy, Theoretical Linguistics, etc.

英文论文答辩PPT模板(完美版) 1

英文论文答辩PPT模板(完美版) 1
Mixed methods research
This approach combines quantitative and qualitative methods to gain a more comprehensive understanding of research questions
Sample and Data Collection
Research results
Overview of Research Findings
01 The research question and its significance
02 The objectives and hypotheses of the study
A brief overview of the research methods and procedures
Techniques used to gather information from participants or observations, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, and documents
Sampling strategies
Ensure that all charts are clear, consistent, and easy to understand
Provide a brief caption or legend for each chart to explain its purpose and content clearly
Research Purpose and Significance
State the main purpose of your research and its significance in the field


• Outline
• I. There has been a heated debate on Wang Meng’s literary techniques, the point at issue being whether the author is flouting or enriching the Chinese way of novel writing by using the stream-of-consciousness technique.
• 1. 根据学位等级的不同,毕业论文可分为学士学位论文、硕士学位论文和博 士学位论文。这里所讨论的是本科生的毕业论文,即学士学位论文。
• 2. 根据专业的内容和性质的不同,毕业论文可分为两大类:社会科学类毕业 论文和自然科学类毕业论文。
• 3. 根据研究方法的不同,毕业论文可分为理论性论文、实验性论文、描述性 论文和设计性论文。后三种论文主要是理工科大学生可以选择的论文形式。 文科大学生一般写的是理论性论文。理论性论文具体又可分成两种:一种是 以纯粹的抽象理论为研究对象,其研究方法是严密的理论推导和数学运算, 有的也涉及实验与观测,用以验证论点的正确性。另一种是以对客观事物和 现象的调查、考察所得观测资料以及有关文献资料数据为研究对象,其研究 方法是对有关资料进行分析、综合、概括、抽象,通过归纳、演绎、类比, 提出某种新的理论和新的见解。
• 标题(及副标题):
• The Stream-of-consciousness Technique in Wang Meng’s The Butterfly
• (as seen through a comparison with Virginia Woolfs’s To the Lighthouse)



Supporting Paragraphs (Body) Paragraphs
Firstly, ... Secondly, ...
SS Moreover, ...
SS Finally, . . .
However, ... In addition, …
Furthermore, ...
Topic sentence:________________
Wherever you go in our school, you see
green lawns and trees and beautiful
flowers. Dotted among these trees and
flowers are many buildings of different
时间先后: first, then, later, in the end, eventually,
since then, after a while
转折关系:but, however, on the contrary, nevertheless 因果关系:because, since, as, thanks to, owing to, as
(三) 适当利用短语取代单词

1. Suddenly I had a good idea.
• (换作短语:Suddenly I me up with a good


在我结束讲话之前,我想再说一遍,我们来贵国作客是 多么的愉快和荣幸。对于我们抵达贵国后你们为我们所做 的一切,我们深表感谢。

On behalf of all my colleagues present here,
I wish to thank you for the incomparable
我愿借此机会,谨代表我所有的同事们,对你们热情 的迎接和款待表示感谢。

The past five days in China have been truly pleasant and enjoyable and most memorable.
I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners for their sincere cooperation and support in concluding these agreements.
and in my own name, For our Group and myself, 主体结构:I' d like to express / extend my
heartfelt thanks to you /warm gratitude hearty gratefulness /sincere thanks to you and through you to Mr. Smith
hospitality for which the Chinese people are
justly famous throughout the world. I particularly
want to pay tribute, not only to those who


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2.4 Data analysis(数据分析)
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Listening and Speaking(听说 )
The Key Word (关键词)



English argumentative essay analysis PowerPoint co
• Overview of argumentative essays • The argumentative methods of argumentative
essays • The logical reasoning of argumentative essays
It involves identifying commonalities and
differences between two or more situations or objects
Analogical reasoning is used to support arguments by drawing parallels between different domains or situations
The argumentative methods of
argumentative essays
Example demonstration
Use specific examples to support the argument
In English argumentative essays, authors often use examples to support their viewpoints. These examples can come from real life, research data, historical events, etc., and use specific and vivid examples to illustrate the rationality of arguments and enhance persuasiveness.



Use proper grammar and Ensurpe uthnatcytouurasetnitoennces
are grammatically correct and use appropriate punctuation marks to clarify your meaning.
How to maintain clear and concise language
Use persuasive phrases
Use phrases that are designed to persuade your reader. For example, you can use phrases like "it is evident that," "it is clear that," or "there is no doubt that" to strengthen your argument.
Argumentative essay,又称议论性文章,是一种阐述观点、论证论题的写作形式。 其主要目的是通过逻辑推理和事实证据来支持或反驳某一观点,从而说服读者。
Argumentative essays在学术和日常生活中都非常重要。在学术领域,它们是 评估学生批判性思维和表达能力的重要方式。在日常生活中,良好的议论文写作 能力有助于我们清晰地表达观点,说服他人,以及解决问题。
supporting your overall argument.
The arguments of argumentative essays
How to use facts and data as evidence
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Difficult sentence:
美国最高院在潜在的夸大该问题的同时,提 出一相关论点:“集团不能构成犯罪”已不能适 用于现状,基于这一条款豁免集团的所有刑罚, 实际上将会使有效控制集团犯罪、纠正对该条款 滥用的唯一方法失效。
Thank you!
姓名:武慧 学院:法学院 学号:15121770
Байду номын сангаас
Introduction I. Corporate criminal liability II. Corporate decision making III.Character evidence IV.Character evidence as applied to corporations Conclusion
Difficult sentence:
While potentially overstating the problem, the U.S. Supreme Court made a relevant point when it said that "to give corporations immunity from all punishment because of the old and exploded doctrine that a corporation cannot commit a crime would virtually take away the only means of effectually controlling the subject matter and correcting the abuses aimed at."
Main idea:
In the last few years, corporations have been accused of crimes ranging from environmental pollution on an unprecedented scale, to manslaughter, to largescale antitrust violations. Many of these accused companies had previously committed similar acts or even the exact same offense. Unfortunately, the rules of evidence in the federal system and in virtually every state system prohibit the use of this information in a prosecution for such crimes. This Article shows why evidence concerning the character of a corporation should be allowed in criminal.
Criminal corporate character
姓名:武慧 学院:法学院 学号:15121770
Author: Robert E. Wagner: Assistant Professor, Baruch College Zicklin School of Business Department of Law;M.B.A., University of Chicago Booth School of Business; J.D., Cornell Law School.