



展形式申办新 的学 术期 刊和 科普 杂 志 ,扩 大 学 术交 流 范 围 。加 强 现有 期 刊 杂 志 的发 展 和 提 .鼓
高 工作 ,积极 支 持期 刊杂 志健康 发 展 。
6 .在科 协 的领 导下 ,完 成 科 协 相 关 项 目,开 展 相 关 学 术 活 动 ;结合 国 家发 展 和建 设 需 求 , 创新 性 的开展 工作 ;加 强学 会 网站建 设 ,完 善与会 员 交流 的平 台 。
圆满结 束 。
学会 领 导 及 专 家 教 授 合 影
联 谊 会 大 厅

中 国 药理 通讯 2 1 第 二 十 七 卷 第 一 期 00年
的共 同努 力下 ,把 药理学 会 的工作 做 得更好 。
七 、中国药理学会 2 1 年工作重点 00
1 一 步加强 学会 建设 和 学会 改 革 ,积 极 发展 会 员 ,促 进 学会 发 展 ,把 学 会 建 设成 为 和谐 .进 的会员 之 家 ,促 进药 理学 事业 发展 。
中国药理 学会 2 1 00年新春联 谊会在京 圆满 召开
中国药理 学会 办公 室 穆鑫
中国药理 学会 2 1 0 0年新 春联 谊会 于 2 1 0 0年 1月 2 日在北 京 前 门建 国酒 店 隆 重 召 开 。会 议 4
邀 请 了有关 上 级部 门领 导 、外 地 常务 理事 、在 京及 近京学 会 理事 以及 学会 工作 骨干 共约 10余 名 7 代 表 参加会 议 。 中国药 理学会 理 事 长杜 冠 华 教 授 首 先代 表 学 会 致 辞 ,对 各 位 代 表 的 到来 表 示 热 烈欢 迎 。随后 中 国药理 学会 秘书 长张 永祥 教授 对学 会 20 09年 的 工作 进 行 了 总结 报 告 。会 议气 氛 热 烈 ,欢快 祥 和 ,与会 的学会 代 表 畅所 欲 言 ,互 相 增 进 了了解 。会 上 ,我 会 会 员 代 表还 为 大 家 表 演 了合 唱 、舞 蹈 、小 提琴独 奏 等精 彩 的文 艺节 目,2 1 学会 新 春 联 谊会 在 一 片 欢 歌笑 语 中 00年








1.中国药理学会第九届理事会第二次全体会议纪要 [J], 穆鑫
2.广东省蚕学会第九次会员代表大会暨第九届理事会第一次全体会议纪要 [J], 王先燕;邱国祥
3.江苏省外国文学学会第七届理事会第一次全体会议纪要 [J], 无
4.中国金属学会冶金技术经济学会第五届年会暨第二届理事会第一次会议纪要 [J],
5.全国化工高教学会第二届第三次全体理事会学术年会暨第三届第一次常务理事会会议纪要 [J],








1.中国畜牧兽医学会期刊编辑学分会召开第六届会员代表大会《中国乳业》杂志社社长冯艳秋当选为新一届理事会理事长 [J], 聂迎利
2.中设协新一届理事会诞生中国勘察设计协会第六届会员代表大会暨六届一次理事会议在京召开 [J],
3.贯彻落实科学发展观,积极推进保险理论研究,深入开展保险知识宣传上海市保险学会积极为上海保险市场又好又快发展作贡献——上海市保险学会召开第七届会员大会,选举产生新一届理事会,孙国栋当选名誉会长,张俊才任新一届理事会会长,潘涨潮任理事会秘书处秘书长 [J], 梁慧萱
电子商会新一届会长 [J], 黄雪怡;赵江涛
5.云南省水力发电工程学会第六次代表大会选举学会新一届理事会和学会六届一次理事会选举新一届常务理事会和学会领导人选举结果 [J],



步对来年的工作进行 了展望 。在此之后 ,来 自不 同高校或研究机构 ,不同学科 的四位学者进行
了精彩 的学术 报告 。报 告 中各位 学 者对 各 自的研 究 领 域 内 的专题 进 行 了细 致 深 入 的介 绍 ,而在 座的研 究 同行 也积极 参 与互 动 ,针 对报 告 中 的 问题 展 开 讨 论 并提 出合 理 的建 议 或 展望 。会 议 气 氛热烈 ,学术 报告 取得 了圆满成 功 。
天然产 物 的化合 物 ,其 发现 与改 造则 是 有 效 的 天然 药 物 研 发 的关 键 。孙 博 士 的介 绍 正 如其 标 题
所提示 的为创新 药物 的研发 提供 了新 的思路 。
最后 ,解放军总医院临床药理研究室副研究员蔡芸介绍 了治疗多药耐药鲍曼不动杆菌药物
研究 的最 新进 展 。鲍 曼不 动杆 菌 的多 药耐 药 在 今 年 的 临床 上 处 于不 断 恶 化 的趋 势 ,而 能 够对抗
会副理事长李学军教授等专家学者 出席会议。此外 ,来 自北京多所高校 和研究机构的青年科学
工 作者 也积 极参 与 了会议 。 会 议首 先 由北京 药理 学会 理 事长 李林 教授 介 绍北 京 药理 学 会在 2 1 的工 作 情况 ,总结 了 0 1年

年中学会组织的学术和实践活动以及活动 中取得的可喜成绩 。在此基础上 ,李林教授 也进一
在 上午 的学术 汇报 之后 ,会议 在 下 午 又进 行 了青 年论 文 报 告 会 和优 秀 论 文评 比活 动 。在 报
告 会上 ,3 位 来 自不 同高校和研 究 机构 的青年科 研 学者展 示 了各 自在不 同研 究领 域 的科研 成 果 。 8 多位专 家对 报告进 行评 价和 提 问 ,并从 中选 出 1 优秀 论 文 。虽 然 每位 报告 者 仅有 8分 钟 时 间 6份 介 绍 自己的工作 成果 ,但多 学 科 、多 方 面 、多样 性 是 这 个 报告 会 的特 点 ,在 座 的报 告 人 以及 听



中国药 理学会 21 年新春联谊会 在京 圆满召开 01
中国药理 学会 办公 室 穆 鑫
中 国药理学 会 2 1 0 1年新 春联 谊会 于 2 1 年 1 1 01 月 6日在 北 京 金辇 酒 店 隆 重 召 开 。会 议 邀 请
了有关上级部门领导 、外地常务理事、在京及近京学会理事 以及学会工作骨干共约 20 0 余名代
药理学会 21 年学术年会筹备 隋况 。常务理事们发言踊跃 ,讨论热烈 ,大家就如何凝聚力量 、吸收更 01
1 O
顺 利 召开 ,来 自全省各 地 2 O余位 常务 理事参 加 了会 议 ,荣 誉理 事 老专 家 马传 庚 教 授 、刘 青 云教
授 、戴 俐 明教授 等应邀 参加 了会 议 。安 徽 省科 协 副 主席 王 海彦 、学会 部 部 长 魏 军 锋 和 副部 长 田 万 龙到会 祝 贺 ,安 徽 医科大 学党 委书记 李俊 教授会 议期 问发 来贺 电 ,并送 上新 春祝 福 。 安徽省药理学会理事长魏伟教授主持会议 ,本次会议 的主要议题有三个 :一是安徽省药理学会党 组织和党员深入开展创先争优活动 ;二是讨论安徽省药理学会 “ 十二五”发展规 划 ;三是讨论安徽省
21 年 l 月 1 00 1 6日,1 名国内优秀的青年药理学工作者获中国药理学会 S R I R青年药 2 E VE
理 学工作 者 奖 。
21 0 0年 1 2月 1 4日,我 会理 事 长杜 冠 华 教 授 ,副 理 事长 杨 宝 峰 院 士 、苏 定冯 教 授 获 得 “ 全 国优 秀科 技 工作者 ”称 号 ,其 中杨 宝峰 院士 还 获得 “ 十佳 全 国优 秀科 技工 作者 ”称 号 。
表 参加 会议 。中国药 理学 会理 事 长杜 冠 华 教 授 首 先 代 表 学 会致 辞 ,对 各 位 代 表 的 到来 表 示 热 烈 欢 迎 。随后 中 国药理 学会 秘 书长 张永祥 教授 对 学会 2 1 的工 作 进行 了总 结 报告 。会 议 气 氛 热 0 0年



制药公司、 阿斯特拉制药公司、 拜耳制药公司等国内外企业积极资助了第十五届世界药理学大会 。 此 外 ,4 2名理事 和广 东省药 理学 会也 以不 同方式 向大会 提供 了资助 。 20 年我会与健特药业有限公司合作完成了脑 白金和黄金血康两项临床研究: 05 脑 白金是市场上影响广泛的保健品, 对该产品的实际作用和安全性缺乏必要的科学研究, 为 了给社会提供科学的参考资料, 中国药理学会主持脑 白金的临床研究工作, 中国医设 立若 干 分会 ( 原专业 委 员会 ) 名称 为 中 国药 理学会 。其
XX X 分会。分会实行委员制 ,不另定章程。其主任委员、副主任委员和委员经 民主协商,推荐选 举产 生 。全 国各 省 、自治区 、直 辖市 等地 方药 理 学会称 各地 方药 理学 会 。各地 方药 理学会 名称 按 国家 民政机 构 的规定 冠名 并 自定章程 ,业务 上接 受本 会指 导 。
学和 相 关学科 工作 者 ,可 申请作 为本会 的 资深会 员 。经 常务 理事会 同意 ,并在一 次性 交纳 规定会 费后 ,成 为资深 会 员 ,发 给 资深 会 员证 ,并终 身保 持 ; 五 、凡在 药 理及相 关领 域学 术上 有较 高成就 的港 、澳 、台药 理学家 或相 关学 科科 学家 ,热心
中国药理学会章程 ( 修改稿 )
( 07 9月 1 20 年 4日中国药理学会八届六次常务理事会通过 )
第 一章 总 则
第一条 中国药理学会 ( 以下简称本会 )是中华人民共和 国民政部批准的社团法人 ,是中国
药理 学科技 工 作者 自愿 结成依法 登 记成 立 的、具有 公益 性 的全 国性社 会学 术 团体 。 会是 中 国科 本
支持本 会 工作 ,符合 本会会 员条 件 ,承认会 章者 可 申请 为本会会 员。



中国药理通讯 2 1 0 0年第二 十七 卷第 四期
行 的科普 图 书 、科普 电子 出版 物及音 像制 品 。
( 三) 以下项 目不得推 荐
1 .凡存 在知 识产权 以及 有关 完成 单 位 、完成 人 员 等方 面争 议 并 正处 于 诉讼 、仲裁 或 行政 裁
决 、行 政复议 程序 中 的 ,在争议 未解 决前不 推荐 。 2 .法律 、行 政法规 规定 必须 取得 有 关许 可 证 的 ,如动 植 物新 品种 、食 品 、药 品 、基 因工 程
中国药理通讯 2 1 0 0年第二十七卷第 四期
惊 悉宋 振玉 教授 不幸 逝世 ,杜 冠华 理 事 长 代 表 中 国药 理 学会 发去 唁 电 , 向宋教 授 的家 属 表
示 亲切 的慰 问 。
、 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

关于开展 2 1 年度 国家科技奖励项 目推荐工作 的通知 01
中国药理 学会 办公 室
1 .国家 自然科学奖候选人必须是代 表性论文或专著 的作者 ,提交 的论文或专著不超过 8 ,仅限 篇
国内立项的科学研究成果 ,应 于 20 年 2 2 08 月 8日以前在国内外公开发行 的刊物上发表或 出版 。
2 .国家技 术 发 明奖 项 目要 求 主要 技 术 发 明点 应 在 2 0 08年 2月 2 8日以前 已正 式应 用 ,需 提 供旁 证材 料 支持 ,不 得提 交未 授权 知识 产 权证 明材 料 。
科协网站 ( t :/ w w.at r.n ht / w cs og c)表彰奖励栏 目下载 2 1 年度国家科技奖励各奖种推荐 p . 01
书 ( r )及 填 写要求 等 。 wod版 2 .项 目简要 情况 表 ( 附件 1 0套 。 见 )2 3 .国家 科技 进 步奖科 普 类项 目还 需 附 4套科 普作 品 。



药理学发展简史学院(系) 中药系班级 11级药材班学号 11406016姓名王鹏指导老师于海食完成时间 2013年10月2日摘要:药理学(pharmacology)是研究药物和机体相互作用及其规律的一门学科。





































1.中国药学会2011年各奖项申报通知 [J],
2.评选中国药学会-施维雅青年药物化学奖和专项研究资助项目的通知 [J],
3.中国教育学会学校文化研究分会“‘十二五’学校文化建设研究”专项独立课题申报通知 [J],
知 [J],
5.中国药学会2011年各奖项申报通知 [J],


中国药理通讯 2 o o 7年第二 十四卷第一期
代 表 。关 于 会员 资格 ,有 效会 员 为 20 06年 以前 已经 缴纳会 费 的正 式会 员 和 20 07年 6月 以前 缴纳 会 费并 注册 的新 会员 。理事候 选 人 由各地 区选 举 产生 ,新 人会 的会 员不 能担 任 理事候 选 人 。 2 .会议 讨论 了理 事候 选人 产生 办 法 。会 议 决定 每 5 0名 会员 产 生 一名 理 事候 选 人 ,并 考 虑地 区分 布情 况 。 3 .会议认 为 在换 届选 举过 程 中要 发扬 民主 ,充 分 协 商 ,并 成 立 换 届 工作 小 组 。工 作 小组 由 林志 彬教 授 、张均 田教 授 、曾繁典 教授 、包 定元 教 授 、刘 昌孝 教授 、李 培 忠 教授 、库宝 善 教 授 7 人组 成 。领导 小 组要 在发扬 民主充 分协 商 的基 础上 提 出理事 长 和秘 书长候 选人 ,报 常务 理 事会通 过后 ,提交 理事 会 和会员 代 表大 会投 票选举 通 过 。 4 议对 下一 届学 会领 导 人选 进 行 了讨论 ,并 对学 会 领 导 候 选 人进 行 了提 名 投 票 ,每 位 参 .会 会 代 表推荐 3名候选 人 ,投 票结 果作 为换 届工 作小 组参 考依 据 。 5 议决 定 ,会 员缴纳 会 费 2 0 .会 0 7至 2 1 00年 四年会 费 一 次 缴纳 10元 人 民币 。6 0 0岁 以上 在 册会 员一 次缴 纳会 费 20元 人 民币 ,作 为终 身会员 ,不再 缴纳 会 费 。 0 6 .全 国会员 代 表大会 于 20 07年 1 0月底 或 1 初将 在 武 汉 召开 ,由武 汉 药理 学会 理 事 长华 1月 中科 技 大学武 汉 医学 院 陈建 国教授 负 责会议 筹 备工作 。 7 议还广 泛 讨论 了学 会 的工作 ,提 出了大 量建 设性 的建 议 。 .会 中 国药理学 会










ORIGINALSeparation of Natural Food Pigments in Saponified and Un-Saponified Paprika Oleoresin by Ultra HighPerformance Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (UHPSFC)Terry A.Berger •Blair K.BergerReceived:21March 2013/Accepted:4April 2013ÓSpringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013Abstract The natural pigments in paprika were rapidly and efficiently separated by ultra high performance super-critical fluid chromatography.The separation of both un-saponified and saponified mixtures of paprika oleoresin were optimized,with run times of 10.6min.Three differ-ent C18columns,a cyano,silica and diol column,all 39100mm,with 1.8l m particles were compared.The best separation for the un-saponified sample was found with an SB-C18column,while the saponified samples were best separated on a bare silica,RX-Sil column.A SB-CN column allowed near optimum separation of both the un-saponified,and saponified samples,with similar run times.The best mobile phase was carbon dioxide (CO 2)modified with isopropyl alcohol (IPA),with a composition gradient.Fingerprints of several commercial pepper products indi-cated that one appeared to be colored with artificial dyes,while the color of a chili powder may have been enhanced with a paprika extract.Spectra,using CO 2with IPA as modifier,produced a single maximum at 453nm,which appears to represent up to a 30nm solvatochromic shift from the maxima in most organic solvents.Acetonitrile (ACN)as modifier produced spectra with two maxima and a similar solvatochromic shift.These results appear to be the first on saponified paprika oleoresin samples using SFC.It is also the first detailed report on the separation of un-saponified samples.The results are up to six times faster than comparable results by HPLC.It appears that SFC is a viable,superior alternative to HPLC for the analysis of this important commercial product,without using ACN,or chlorinated solvents.Keywords Ultra high performance supercritical fluid chromatography (UHPSFC)ÁSub-2l m particles ÁSolvatochromic shift ÁPaprika oleoresin ÁCapsanthin ÁNatural food dyesIntroductionThere is a genuine public concern over the use of artificial dyes in foods and beverages,which has led to the wide-spread switch to pigments from natural products and foods.Peppers contain carotenoids which are some of the most intensely colored pigments in nature.Paprika (Capsicum annuum L.)has been used for centuries to color foods,and for decades for the commercial extraction of large amounts of red pigments to be used in processed foods.Up until a decade ago,virtually all such extractions were performed using relatively non-polar organic solvents,such as hexane,acetone,or dichloromethane.The use of such solvents created an additional problem in the form of solvent resi-dues in the extract,which are strictly controlled.Many of the techniques used to remove the solvents damaged the color and degraded the product.Fortunately,starting a little over a decade ago,there was a major shift away from toxic and expensive organic solvents,toward the use of super-critical fluid extraction (SFE)using carbon dioxide (CO 2)as the extracting fluid [1–3].At the end of the extraction,the CO 2simply evaporates,leaving no toxic residues.After the extraction solvents are removed,a viscous,intensely red liquid or paste is left behind called paprika oleoresin.The majority of the color is due to two com-pounds:capsanthin and capsorubin,although a number of other colored components are present.The quality and value of paprika and paprika oleoresin depends on the intensity of the color,but also on other qualities.InT.A.Berger (&)ÁB.K.BergerSFC Solutions,Inc.,9435Downing St.,Englewood,FL 34224,USA e-mail:tabergersfc@ChromatographiaDOI 10.1007/s10337-013-2466-yaddition to the most desired colored pigments,significant amounts of b -carotene,and c -tocopherol,both anti-oxi-dants,are present,which tend to protect the pigments within the plant material,and are usually extracted with the pigments.Further,provitamin A is present in very high concentrations,compared to other natural sources.The presence of these compounds tends to increase the value of the product.Extraction changes the interactions between the desired compounds,and the other compounds that tend to protect them from degradation within the fruit.Proper storage becomes an issue.Both capsanthin and capsorubin contain two hydroxyl groups,one on each of the rings at the two ends of a long terpenoid central chain,as shown in Fig.1.As the fruits ripen,these hydroxyl groups form mono and di-esters with fatty acids,although some remain free.Capsanthin is present in the fruit both in its free form,and as mono-,and di-esters.Capsorubin is mainly present in ripe fruit as diesters [4,5].In one study [4],only 5.7%of all the capsanthin present was free,with 4mono-esters totaling 33.8%,and 5dies-ters totaling 60.5%.Free capsorubin represented only 6.7%of the total,while 10.2%was present as a mono-ester,and 83.1%was present as a di-ester.Capsanthin and its esters made up 78.0%of all the areas found at high wavelengths.Capsorubin,and its esters,only 2.8%.In the other study [5],44carotenoids were found.Only 6.8%of capsanthin was free with 4mono-esters and 5di-esters.After saponification,60±3%of the total area was capsanthin and 7.7%was capsorubin.Due to their non-polar nature,the esters are concentrated in fatty globules which appear to stabilize the pigments.Formation of these esters has no impact on the color of the pigments,but results in multiple chromatographic peaks for each compound.High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)has been the technique of choice [2,3,5–11]for determining the quality of paprika oleoresins.Many approaches use acetonitrile and/or dichloromethane as part of the mobile phase.It seems ironic,and a bit archaic,that extraction with organic solvents has been replaced with a much less toxic,greener alternative SFE,only to use those same toxic,polluting solvents to analyze the extracts by HPLC.With the raw extracts,chromatograms can be quite complex,sometimes with [70partially resolved maxima,with run times exceeding 75min.In order to simplify the chromatogram,and clarify the distribution of the key components,the oleoresins are sometimes saponified [11,12]to convert all the esters of the same compound,into the single free form.Saponification was shown to dramatically decrease sample complexity,and could produce HPLC run times below 20min.However,there are many warnings about sample degradation accompanying saponification.Supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC)is generally considered to be a replacement technology for HPLC,since it is considered to be three to five times faster,less expen-sive to operate,and is greener.There appear to be only two rather obscure references to the separation of paprika oleoresin by SFC;an application note by Hewlett Packard in 1983[13]and a single chromatogram in a paper dealing with coupled SFE/SFC [14],using similar conditions,with similar results.In neither case were the samples saponified.A number of broad,distorted peaks were poorly resolved in 16–26min,although a relatively smaller number (6–10)of major components appeared to be present.The purpose of the present work is to determine if SFC could replace non-aqueous reversed phase HPLC for the analysis of either un-saponified or saponified paprika ole-oresins,and eliminate the use of chlorinated solvents,or acetonitrile.This would require a substantial improvement in peak shapes,and resolution compared to the sparse previous work.Further,it was of interest to use columns with sub-2l m particles,to try to rapidly resolve such a complex natural productmatrix.Fig.1Structures of the two most common components in paprika oleoresin.Thesecompounds are most commonly present as mono-and di-esters with fatty acids substituted onto the –OH groups on the end ringsT.A.Berger,B.K.BergerExperimentalInstrumentationAn Agilent Technologies Model1260Hybrid HPLC/SFC system(Waldbronn,Germany)was used as the chromato-graph,but used exclusively here in the SFC mode.The system includes an SFC conversion module that expands the use of the HPLC into an ultra high performance SFC (UHPSFC).The system has an upper pressure capability of 600bar.The instrumentation was previously shown to have extremely low extra-column dispersion[15],and can truly be classified as an UHPSFC.System control was through‘‘modern’’ChemStation.The SFC conversion module contains a powerful con-denser that allows the use of the vapor phase of CO2.Low cost industrial or beverage grade CO2can be used since non-volatile contaminants remain in the pared to organic solvents,this CO2is extremely inexpensive.The Model1315C diode array detector(DAD)was capable of collecting80Hz data,and was used with a 3mm,2l L low dispersionflow cell.All the chromato-grams were collected with spectra.The slit was set to1nm. The bandwidth of each of the signals was set to2nm. Detection was at220,425,440,and470nm,without a reference.The mobile phase was preheated in the right hand heat exchanger of the thermal control compartment(TCC) before entering the column.The left hand heat exchanger (LHX)was used to control the temperature of the mobile phase to the temperature of theflow cell to avoid issues with changes in refractive index.A hand held meter with a thermocouple was used to monitor the cell temperature, and the LHX temperature was changed manually,although the DAD was set to control its internal temperature,and the actual cell temperature changed only very slightly.MaterialsThree different C18columns:SB-C18,Eclipse Plus-C18,and Eclipse XDB-C18,plus an SB-CN column,and an RX-Sil column,all39100,1.8l,all from Agilent Technologies, were evaluated.In addition,an Epic Diol HILIC column from ES Industries,West Berlin,New Jersey,with the same 39100mm,1.8l m format was evaluated.Acetonitrile(ACN),acetone,heptane,isopropyl alcohol (IPA),ethyl acetate(EtAc),methanol,and water,all Om-nisolve HPLC grade,were purchased from SECO,Aston, PA.Potassium hydroxide(KOH)pellets were obtained from EMD,Gibbstown,NJ,USA.Methanolic KOH(5%) was prepared by dissolving5g KOH in100mL methanol. Carbon dioxide was beverage grade,obtained from Terry Supply Co.,Sarasota,FL,USA.A sample labeled‘‘Capsanthin(paprika extract,vege-table oil solution)’’was purchased from TCI Americas, Portland OR,USA.A store brand,and a name brand paprika,a chili powder,and an Italian ground pepper product were purchased at local markets.The store brand paprika,the chili powder,and the Italian pepper,all listed silicon dioxide as an ingredient on their labels,one said to ‘‘aidflow’’.Preparing Paprika OleoresinsAn SFE instrument was not available.Consequently, extraction with an organic solvent was resorted to.The paprika samples,chili power sample,and the red Italian pepper product,were each extracted,with heptane:acetone. In addition,one of the paprika’s was also extracted with acetone,only.Two grams of each sample were placed in a20mL scintillation vial and10mL of acetone:heptane(50:50v/v) was added.The samples were sonicated for6min,then let stand for10min to settle particulates.The liquid was decanted off and an additional5mL of acetone:heptane was added,sonicated,and decanted with the same times. Most of the red coloration was removed but there was no attempt to be quantitative,or extract exhaustively,since this is a feasibility study about the chromatographic sepa-ration of the compounds present.The extracts from each sample were combined,and centrifuged at3,400rpm for10min to settle particulates. Care was taken to minimize exposure to light.Pooled extracts were dried down on large watch glasses,at room temperature with high airflow,until no noticeable change in volume occurred.All the samples produced very vis-cous,deep red liquids.These liquids were dissolved in ethyl acetate,transferred to amber2mL autosampler vials and analyzed as is.Some of the samples were also sub-jected to several methods of saponification.Sample SaponificationThe raw extracts contain the free forms,plus mono-,and di-esters of the colored components.In order to simplify the chromatograms,the esters were saponified to convert them to the free form.There are a number of different saponifi-cation procedures in the literature,using5–60%metha-nolic KOH.However,there are also many warnings about the instability of many of the compounds when excessive heat is used.Thus,there is a dichotomy between adequate saponification,and destruction of part of the sample.Thefirst method evaluated[2],consisting of overnight saponification with5%methanolic KOH,at room tem-perature,was dramatically unsuccessful.Separation of Natural Food Pigments in Paprika OleoresinIn an intermediate approach,a1g capsanthin sample in vegetable oil,was diluted with3mL heptane,then3mL 5%KOH in methanol,was added.The mixture was heated in a water bath at65°C with stirring for20min[11,12]. The samples were in a20mL scintillation vial,with a tightly closed screw cap.After cooling,3mL water was added to remove KOH.Three millilitre of ethyl acetate were added along with enough salt(NaCl)to insure the lower phase was saturated.This produce an intensely col-ored upper organic phase of mostly heptane/ethyl acetate, and a pale yellow but clear lower,mostly aqueous/metha-nol,phase.Unfortunately small amounts of many unsapo-nified components remained in subsequent chromatograms.Thefinal approach tried,involved the same initial steps but increased the heating to reflux the solvent at80–85°, inside the sealed vial,for a minimum of30min.After cooling,and the addition of water,salt,and ethyl acetate, the sample slowly separated into two phases.Small vari-ations in the volumes of the various solvents produced poorer results,sometimes with three phases with color distributed between two of the three phases.The upper, intensely colored phase was removed,and rewashed with an additional3ml of water,plus salt,then,part was transferred to a2mL amber autosampler vial for analysis. Such samples yielded the simplest chromatograms,but there were still a number of trace components,which might represent unsaponified esters.The salt had a major impact on the nature of the phases. Without the salt,an emulsion often formed on stirring,and the lower,mostly aqueous phase often had a much deeper orange color.The addition of salt broke the emulsion, created two distinct phases,and caused additional orange colored components to partition into the mixed organic phase.The acetone extract of paprika produced a three phase system when the water was added.Upper and lower phases contained little color,but spherical globules of intense red color were lying on the meniscus between the two main phases.With the addition of ethyl acetate and salt,the third phase disappeared and the red color partitioned into the upper organic phase.Results and DiscussionChromatographic ApproachIn an early1980s application note,Gere[13]used1% ethanol premixed into CO2,and a4.69150mm,column packed with3l m Hypersil ODS to partially separate a paprika oleoresin.It was then felt that the long terpenoid chains of the various pigments would likely interact well with a long hydrocarbon chain of a non-polar phase,such as C18.The use of3l m particles was relatively new at the time.Gere also used very low concentrations of modifier.He dispensed specific volumes of modifier into a small(sev-eral liter)high pressure cylinder,which was then sealed, and CO2was added up to a desired weight.Thefluid was subsequently pumped as a singlefluid,precluding the use of composition gradients.It is now known that such an approach results in a continual change in modifier con-centration,since,in the cylinder,the vapor phase and liquid phase have different compositions[16].A further compli-cation arises,since it is not recommended to pump at compositions significantly below5%modifier,since doing so tends to createflow and composition noise,due to the very low frequency of the modifier pump.Column and instrument technology have changed dra-matically since the1980s.There is now a much greater emphasis on the use of even smaller sub-2l m particles, and a number of variations of silica supports are now available.For example,Agilent manufactures three dif-ferent kinds of C18stationary phases,on different silicas, each in1.8l m totally porous particles.To achieve a weaker mobile phase,it is now preferable to use a somewhat higher concentration of a weaker sol-vent,or even use a mixed modifier,such as10%IPA dissolved in heptane.For this work,it was decided to ini-tially use the less polar isopropyl alcohol as modifier, instead of the ethanol used by Gere.On Snyders P’solvent strength scale[17,18],ethanol is4.3while IPA is3.9(on a scale of0to&10).Several other modifiers were also evaluated.Un-Saponified Capsanthin in Vegetable OilAn un-saponified commercial sample,labeled‘‘capsanthin, paprika extract in vegetable oil’’,was used through-out method development.After a number of false starts,a gradient elution method was developed that could be used on all the columns tried.The results on an SB-C18,Eclipse Plus-C18,and an Eclipse XDB-C18column are presented in Fig.2.It was found that the use of very low modifier concentrations was not necessary,since the vast majority of sample components were significantly retained at5%IPA. In fact,a composition gradient to higher concentrations was desirable to shorten run times.The IPA concentration was held constant at5%for 0.6min,then increased to20%at6.6min,then held at 20%until10.6min.Flow rate was1.95mL min-1.The column pre-heater temperature and column outlet pressure were50°C and150bar respectively.The DAD was con-figured to continuously collect spectra with a slit width of 1nm,and afilter setting of[0.03min.Most of theT.A.Berger,B.K.Bergerchromatograms shown were collected at440nm with a 2nm bandwidth.The three1.8l m C18columns all produced similar,but not identical chromatograms,with many incompletely resolved maxima,with three larger peaks near the end of the chromatograms.All showed substantial improvements in resolution and peak shapes compared to earlier reports [13,14].Thirty or more maxima were observed.Retention decreased in the order:SB-C18,Eclipse Plus-C18,and Eclipse XDB-C18.All three columns produced signifi-cantly higher resolution in shorter times compared to the 3l m ODS column used by Gere.The chromatograms were fast,despite the complexity of the sample,due largely to the use of sub2l m particles. The column hold-up time was less than0.3min.Pressure drops were modest at200bar or less.All the components appear to have eluted from each of the three columns in less than8min.However,the patterns of small peaks between2–3and3–5min(Fig.2),differed significantly between the columns,and the signals seldom returned to the baseline,between major maxima.The pattern of the three larger peaks,near the end of the chromatograms closely resembled a pattern in chromato-grams in a reversed phase HPLC report[9],also collected on C18columns,but using mixtures of acetone,methanol and water as mobile phases,which required[70min run time.A shallower gradient,over a longer period,was used to attempt to near baseline resolve as many of the components as possible.This gradient consisted of an initial hold at5% for2min,followed by a gradient to12.5%IPA,at 22min,then hold to25min.The other conditions were the same: 1.95mL min-1,50°C,and150bar.Resolution improved somewhat,and at least ten more maxima could be discerned in the resulting chromatograms,as shown in Fig.3.The signals returned to near the baseline between the major peaks.Unfortunately,capsanthin,and capsorubin and their fatty acid mono-and di-esters have nearly iden-tical spectra[4].Without a mass spectrometer or NMR analysis or saponification they cannot be differentiated.Alternate ModifiersIt was of interest to determine if a change of modifier might change,or improve,resolution and selectivity.The SB-C18Separation of Natural Food Pigments in Paprika Oleoresinwas used as representative of C18columns and the IPA was replaced with ACN,EtAc,and acetone.The results, shown in Fig.4,indicate only subtle differences in selec-tivity,compared to IPA.Each is classified as a type VI solvent,whereas IPA is a type II solvent[17,18].More Polar ColumnsMore polar stationary phases were also evaluated to see if selectivity could be changed.The results from an SB-CN,a RX-Sil,and an Epic Diol HILIC column,each 39100mm,packed with1.8l m particles,were com-pared to the SB-C18column result,as shown in Fig.5.The same5–20%gradient,over10.6min,was used with IPA as modifier.Dramatic changes in selectivity were evident.The low polarity solutes,present in the un-saponified sam-ple,showed significantly less retention on all the more polar columns,compared to the SB-C18column.Both the RX-Sil and Epic Diol HILIC exhibited very little retention for the vast majority of the area under the peaks,although both indicated the presence of a large number of minor components.The SB-CN column,on the other hand,produced an intermediate chromatogram with the same time frame as the Eclipse XDB-C18column,but with a very different selectivity from any of the C18columns.The SB-CN column was further evaluated for the separation of the un-saponified sample by using several alternate modifiers: ACN,MeOH and EtAc.This time ACN and EtAc showed significantly different selectivity compared to the alcohols, as shown in Fig.6.Both resolved what appear to be clus-ters of related groups of small peaks that eluted both before and after the main components.It would be very interesting to speciate these peaks with an appropriate mass spec-trometer.A substantially higher concentration of ethyl acetate was required(30%)to remove the late eluters. Methanol was the strongest modifier and generated the least retention using the standard gradient.The SFC results,using unsaponified paprika oleoresin exhibit higher resolution in much shorter times compared to HPLC,while potentially avoiding the use of chlorinated solvents,or acetonitrile.Such results,combined with an appropriate mass spectrometer should allow speciation, without saponification.T.A.Berger,B.K.BergerSaponified Capsanthin in Vegetable OilSaponification is intended to simplify the chromatograms and make it easier to determine the commercial value ofthe product,at least by quantifying the capsanthin and capsorubin present.However,cleaving the esters,can result in sample degradation,and creates somewhat more polar compounds than the esters.This change in polarity of the solutes had significant implications for the choice of stationary phase.Unlike the results with the unsaponified sample,none of the C18columns yielded acceptable chromatograms of the saponified sample,by exhibiting minimal retention,and minimal separation of the components.The SB-C18col-umn was more retentive of the saponified components, compared to the other two C18columns.The more polar SB-CN,RX-Sil,and Epic Diol HILIC columns retained the saponified sample much more strongly,with better peak shapes and resolution.This behavior is opposite to the results with the un-saponified sample.The results with the SB-C18column using the sapon-ified sample were compared to SB-CN,RX-Sil,and the Epic Diol HILIC column,as shown in Fig.7.The chro-matograms of the saponified sample are much simpler, with one main peak,as desired.The main peak was nearly baseline resolved on both the RX-Sil and Diol columns,using the standard fast gradient.On all the more polar columns,the main peak tended to front significantly. This is the only peak in the chromatogram that signifi-cantly fronts.Spectra from the leading and trailing edges were virtually identical,but the peak purity feature of the DAD and ChemStation suggests this peak was impure. Resolution of this peak was never improved under any conditions tried.Spectra were not very helpful for purity determinations,since many of the peaks exhibited virtu-ally identical spectra.There are vague hints in the liter-ature that the impurity in the peak may be capsanthin epoxide.For clarity,the chromatograms of the saponified and unsaponified samples using RX Sil are compared in Fig.8. Virtually none of the larger peaks in the chromatogram of the saponified sample are evident in the unsaponified chromatogram.This suggests the main components had been almost completely esterified in the un-saponified sample,and that the saponification was a success.However, the largest peak in the saponified sample in Fig.8only represents roughly46%of the total area at470nm,and is apparently impure.This is inconsistent with the HPLC lit-erature,which suggests capsanthin and its esters should be present at60to78%[4,5].Separation of Natural Food Pigments in Paprika OleoresinTemperature EffectsIt has sometimes been suggested that modest changes in temperature might result in changes in selectivity.Changing temperature with a shallower gradient was used to try to maximize resolution of the saponified sample.A gradient method of5%IPA for2min,then15%at22min,with a hold to25min,1.95mL min-1,150bar was used,and the temperature was varied from40to60°C.While there wereminor changes in the separations,the over-all result was not much different,as shown in Fig.9.These chromatograms were collected with an inadequately saponified sample.Most of the small peaks before12–14min are un-saponified components and can be ignored.The region of interest is both just in front,and behind the major peak.Resolution is improved due to the shallower gradient and longer retention, but temperature had only a minor effect on selectivity.The main peak continued to front.Other ModifiersMethanol and acetonitrile were compared to IPA as modi-fiers,using the RX-Sil column and the standard fast gradi-ent.The results shown in Fig.10,indicate IPA gave the best results among the modifiers tried.Methanol was too strong. ACN was surprisingly weak,yielding a severely fronting main peak,and did not elute everything,even when the concentration was held at20%for16min.This is in contrast to the result with the unsaponified(less polar?) sample,where ACN produced less retention than IPA.Real SamplesThe SB-C18column,with the fast IPA gradient,were used to make rapidfingerprints of a number of other unsaponi-fied samples.Two commercial paprikas,a chili powder, and an Italian pepper product,purchased at a local market, were extracted using acetone\heptane,as described earlier, and dried down to viscous,deep red oleoresins,which were then taken up in ethyl acetate.The oleoresins accounted for approximately10%of the original samples,by weight.All but one of the chromatograms was nearly identical to the commercial capsanthin sample,as shown in Fig.11. However,the Italian pepper product appeared to exhibit an extremely simple chromatogram,with one very large peak, with an absorbance of1,200mAU,and a smaller secondary peak of&200mAU,as seen in the bottom chromatogram of Fig.11.On a much-expanded scale,a very faint,complex chromatogram emerged,with the largest peak less than 10mAU high,as shown in the top of Fig.12.This faint chromatogram is compared to a capsanthin chromatogram (bottom,Fig.12),and indicates that the compounds presentT.A.Berger,B.K.Bergerin the two samples are substantially different,as one might expect,since the peppers are different species.The major peaks are significantly shifted in time,and there are many minor peaks past7min,which are not present in the paprikaextracts.The visual color of this sample was also different from all the other samples in that there was no hint of the orange component present in the paprika oleoresins.It was speculated that the color of this sample had been significantly enhanced using one or two artificial dyes.The chili pepper result presents another interesting sit-uation in that one would not expect the profile of a spicy chili pepper to be the same as a paprika,since the two peppers involved are also different species.However,the chromatographic profile of this chili powder extract is vir-tually identical to the paprikas.This suggests that the color of this chili powder may have been enhanced with a paprika extract,although the label makes no mention of this.SpectraFew pure standards are available,due largely to their unstable nature.Clearly,the commercial‘‘capsanthin’’is a mixture of dozens of components.Consequently,capsan-thin and capsorubin are often identified by their UV–Vis spectra.Unfortunately,many of the carotenoids tend to undergo solvatochromic shifts,depending on the polarity of the solvent they are dissolved in.The shift in maxima with changes in solvent can apparently be dramatic.In an extreme example[19]it was reported that the maxima for lycopene shifted from444,470,502in petroleum ether,to 477,508,and548in carbon disulfide.There are apparently no references to the spectra of these compounds in CO2basedfluids.Several sources list the absorbance maxima of capsanthin and capsorubin in hexane,benzene,petroleum ether,and ethanol,as shown in Table1.References list from1to3maxima for both capsanthin and capsorubin.The absorbance maxima reported differ between references by as much as13nm, depending on the solvent.Spectra were collected from individual peaks in the chromatograms,using a slit width of1nm,and a band-width of2nm ing IPA as modifier the spectra recorded from the leading and trailing edge of the main peak in Fig.10,are presented in the top of Fig.13.The spectra appear to be virtually identical, although the peak purity algorithm built into theSeparation of Natural Food Pigments in Paprika Oleoresin。


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中 国 药 理通 讯 20 0 8年 第 二 十 五 卷 第 四期
过 程 ,摆脱 当 前普 遍 出现 的药 物 发 现 瓶 颈 问题 是 ,如 何 充分 利 用 我 国现 有 技 术 条 件 ,
提 出新颖和创造性 的药物 发现模 型和策略 ,提 高创新药物成功 率是我 国药物研究相 关科研人员、管理人 员、政府官员等急需考虑 的问题 。 本次沙龙 正是在此背景下 ,以 “ 药物发现一 新模式和新策略 ”为主题 ,紧紧 围绕 药物发现过程 中应用 的新技术 和新方法 ;药物 发现 新 的理念 ;国 内外针对药物研发
的政策管理体制等 内容进行研讨 。与会专家包括 旁听人员都积极踊跃发表 自己的认 识和观 点,特别是在药物发现过 程 中药物靶 点的定义和功能研究新技 术新方法 、药
物虚拟筛选 的新思路 、药物 发现 的多靶点研究新理念 、药物发现早期安全评 价 、中 药新药研究新 的突破 口等方面有多次新火花 的碰撞 及新思想 的产 生 。本期沙龙会场 气氛非常活跃 ,多次 出现 争抢 发言 ,提观 点、讲创 新 、质疑 、争辩 不断 ,所有与会 专家认为这样个性化 、辩论式 的交流方式 是国 内现 有学术交流活动 中少有 的,对 大 家启发很大,收益甚 多。
药 学 发 展 前 沿 论 坛 大 会 主 席 台
1 2
本 期 沙 龙 由中 国科 协 学 会 学 术 部 主 办 ,中 国药 理 学 会 承 办 。《 科技 日报 》 科 学 、《


中 国 药 理 通 讯 2 o 第 二十 六 卷 第一 期 0 9年
中 国药理学会九届 四次 常务理 事扩大会议暨新春联谊会 圆满召开
中 国药 理 通 讯 加0 9年 第 二十 六 卷 第 一 期
中 国药 理学 会 九 届 四 次常 务 理 事 扩 大会 议 暨新 春 联谊 会 于 2 0 0 9年 1月 1 1日在 北 京 宣 武 门商 务酒 店 举 行 。2 0 0 8年 已经 过 去 ,在 这不 平 凡 的一 年里 , 中 国药 理 学会 辑部 2 0 0 8年工作统计
编 辑 部 名称 l1 一2月 总册 数 中 国 临床 药 理 学 与 治疗 学 杂 志 医 药导 报 中 国药 理 学 通报 中 国药 理 学 与 毒 理学 杂 志 《 国药 理 学报 》 中 100 2 0 4 00 20 3 20 70 10O 5o 120 3 0 论 文
在 中国科协 的领导下 ,在各位常务理事 、理事和全体会员的共同努力下,中国药理
学会各方面工作都取得 良好进展 ,学会建设有 了显著的进步,学术交流水平进一步 提高 。 20 0 8年 已经过去 ,20 0 9年 已经 到来 ,新的一年我们面临着更艰 巨的任 务,
学 会 理 事 会将 团 结一 致 ,做好 各 项 工 作 。
总 篇数 3 0篇 0 7 0篇 8 4 2篇 1 8 0篇 18篇 8
中药药理与临床 中国药理学会通讯 总 计
10 0 2 0 100 6 0 17 0 440
2 2篇 5 14篇 7 28 16篇



吉林省集安益盛药业股份有限公司 吉林省集安市文化东路 1—2 号 7 O
尹笠 佥
北京市海淀区太平路 2 号东门 7
李 海静 董 方霆 周 涛
10 3 0 85
黑龙 江省
北京市海淀区复兴路 2 号 8
杨新 波 刘 明 闫娟娟 周 小江 胡 园
14 0 5 02
山西省太原市坞城路 9 号 2
刘 晓节
北 京市
1 00 5 0 0
0 00 0 5 0
北京市东单三条 5 号
孙 兰 一
丁 新侃
1 01 0 00
05 0 0 00
刘庆山 庞宗 然 裴 凌鹏 覃 筱燕 王 惠萍
王慧 晔 于婉 婷 刘世杰 郭旭 辉
王朝晖 段云霞 方
马芹 芹 李雪丽 郑玲玲 张 嫂

王 白 槐 岩
104 0 04
李 静雅 白永 飞 胡华刚
北 京大 学人 民医 院
刘 晓芳 肖 璇
北京市西城 区西直门南大街 1 号 1
顾 健 张春 燕
衣 丽娜
10 0 0 05
10 8 00 4
北 京市 宣 武 区先 农 坛街 1 号 吕 扬 朱海 波 贾少 博 李新 娅 杨 柳 范 宝妍 徐瑞 明 顾 林娟 李 瑾
清华大学医学院 北京市海淀区
张 路 王 钊
连泽 勤 冀呈 雪
张建 军 刘 丽丽
康瑞 霞 黄 倩



本次常务理事会还特别邀请 了各专业委员会主任委员和学会主办的学术期刊编 辑部主任参加 ,目的是为 了共 同商讨学会工作计划 ,促进我学会 2 0 0 9年 的工作。
20 0 8年 ,中 国药 理 学会 的 工作 主 要 有 以下 方面 :

加强学会 改革 ,健全学会规章制度 ,促进学会发展
是 经 过 激 烈 竞 争 、严 格 评 审 后 , 中 国科 协 批 准 立 项 的 试 点 性 项 目, 通 过 该 项 目的支
持 ,我学会 网站 的 内容 不断丰富 ,网站功 能显著增 加 ,符合开展 网上学术交流 的要

中 国药 理 通 讯 2 0 第 二 十 五卷 第 四期 o 8年
影响力 。 20 0 8年 ,一 批 留学 回 国 人 员 和药 理 学 科 研 教 学 骨 干 加 入 药 理 学 会 ,使 我 会 注 册
会员人数达到历史最 高水平 ,实 际缴纳会费会员 4 3 人 。 11
二 、 深刻领会 科协工作精神 ,加 强学会 改革
长 期 以来 ,科 协 对 我 会 的 发 展 极 为 关 注 , 为我 会 发 展 给 予 了极 大 的 支 持 。我 会
在 申请 中国科协项 目时,我会会 员张莉 、理事张天泰和学会办公室人员为 申请
这些项 目付 出了辛勤的努力 。通过科协项 目的实施 ,有效推动 了我会 的工作和学会
的改革 ,提高 了学会 的学术交流水平 。
三、 创新学术交流形式,提高学术交流效果
与地 方 政 府 合作 ,推 动 地 方 经 济 发 展 。
中 国药 理 通 讯 2 0 年 第 二十 五 卷 第 四 期 08
在 一 年 的学 会 工 作 中 , 学会 常 务 理 事 、理 事 和 会 员 对 学 会 的发系列建 设性 建议 。收集 到的建 议如适时举行全 国性 学





1.第十三届中国科协年会·专题论坛 [J],
2.第十三届中国科协年会生物医药博士论坛 [J],
3.第二十三届中国科协年会学会创新发展论坛在京开幕 [J],
4.构建开放信任合作网络加快建设国际科技共同体第二十三届中国科协年会世界科技社团发展与治理论坛在京举办 [J], 周烨
5.第二十三届中国科协年会学会创新发展论坛在京开幕 [J], 付晓

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